Henry VIII: February 1534, 1-10

Pages 61-68

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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February 1534, 1–10

1 Feb. 149. Sir Thos. More to Cromwell.
Eng. Works, 1422. His cousin, Wm. Rastal, tells him that he has heard from Cromwell that it is reported that More has written an answer to the book of articles lately put forth by the King's Council, and has given it to Rastal to print. Though he denied it, he is doubtful whether Cromwell quite believed him. Denies that any man has had any book of his to print since the book of the Council came forth. The last book of his that Rastal printed was the book against an unknown heretic, who sent over a work named “The Supper of Our Lord,” against the blessed sacrament of the altar. The printer, unawares to More, dated it 1534, by which it seemed to be printed since the Feast of the Circumcision, but it was really made and printed, and many of them gone, before Christmas. Did not see the mistake in the date till more than three weeks after. This was the last book his cousin had of his. Has never made any such book, and never thought to do so. Read the book once, and never more, and from once reading has not enough knowledge to make an answer, though the matter and book concerned the simplest man in the town, and were of the simplest man's making. In many things touched in the book, knows not the law; and in some, knows not the fact. Would not, therefore, be so childish, or so play the proud, arrogant fool, as to presume to answer it. The matter pertaining to the King, and the book professing openly to be made by the King's Council with his licence, trusts Cromwell will both think and say that it were very unlikely that he should make an answer thereto. Will always truly say his mind and discharge his conscience as becomes a poor, honest, true man, wherever he is commanded by the King. Yet, surely, if a book came out in the name of the King or Council, to the making of which he would not have given advice, he knows it is his duty to bear more honour to his prince and more reverence to his Council than either to answer such a book or advise anyone else to do so. If any man reports such a thing, asks Cromwell to help to bring them together, “and then never take me for honest after, but if ye find his honesty somewhat impaired in the matter.” Chelchithe, the vigil of the Purification of Our Blessed Lady.
Headed: A letter written, &c., 1 Feb. 1533. after the computation of the Church of England, 25 Hen. VIII.
l Feb. 150. Clement VII. to James Melvil, rector of St. Catherine's, in the region of St. Angelo, Rome.
Vatican Registers. Brief appointing him Apostolic preacher, and authorising him to confer upon ten bastards in Scotland the power of taking orders and holding one benefice, to give dispensations for marriages and to confer degrees. Rome, 1 Feb., 1534.
Lat., from a modern copy, pp. 3.
3 Feb. 151. Westminster.
Hatfield MS. Grant (fn. 1) to the inhabitants of Westminster of the waste water from the Palace conduit. Westm., 3 Feb., 25 Hen. VIII.
Copy. p. 1.
4 Feb. 152. Chapuys to Charles V.
Vienna Archives. These people are continually plotting and printing against the Holy See, as your majesty has already seen by what I sent, and will see by what I now send.
The latter tends, beside the entire destruction of the authority of the See, to other evils, such as the marriage of priests and giving benefices to laymen. The King attempts this in order to gain over part of the nobility and make them support his intention of demolishing some benefices and taking the whole of their revenues, and of taking the temporalities of others.
Still it would not be of much importance if it was only intended to revile the Pope and the authority of the Holy See, for the people know that thes writings proceed from malice and revenge, and do not put much faith them, but are rather irritated; but the worst is that preachers inculcate the same things under the shadow of charity and devotion. All will be ruined unless an antidote is applied before the poison is rooted.
As the King's present conduct is contrary to the book formerly written in his name, he has printed a translation of a letter from Luther, saying that the book did not proceed from his own will, but that he was seduced into writing it by the cardinal of York and other prelates.
I have not been able to gain as much information as I could wish about the earl of Desmond. I am told that he is powerful, and can put 15,000 or 20,000 men in the field, and that he has more opportunity of injuring the English than any other. He is allied with the carl of Quildra (Kildare) and others. His uncle married the daughter or sister of king Edward. He is courageous and of good sense.
The ambassadors to Germany will start today. Each of them has a multitude of letters. The one who is going to Lubeck has at least 40 with the King's great seal. I do know to whom they are addressed, nor any particulars of their charge. I have informed the queen of Hungary of their departure, and the way they will go. A better means of detaining them might be found than when the French detained Don Innigo, as they are going to stir up your subjects against Gol and your majesty. London, 4 Feb. 1534.
Fr., pp. 3. From a modern copy.
4 Feb. 153. Margaret Marchioness of Dorset to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for your kindness shown to me in my business, and to my son the Marquis now at court. Whenever you shall see in him any large playing or great usual swearing, or any other demeanor unmeet for him to use, which I fear me shall be very often, I pray you for his father's sake to rebuke him, and if he has any grace, he will be grateful to you when he grows older. I send you by my son Medeley a little gilt pot which the King gave me, and 10l. therein; and if my ability were greater, as many think it is, I would be more liberal. You are now the only comfort I have about the King. “My lord of Suffolk hath lately sent to me to bear with him part of the charges, as well of my son Marquis being in the court, as of my lady his wife (fn. 2) being in the country; or else she and her train to be with us.” As shortly as I can I will make you privy of the value of my lord's lands, and you will see that little remains for the payment of his great debts and the finding of me and my children. And that is the reason why, in the arrangement made with me by you and other of the King's Council, that I did stick so much to be discharged for the finding of my son the Marquis. When my lord of Suffolk made suit to the King for the marriage of my son, it pleased him to refer therein to my “condyscente” in that behalf. I wrote to my lord of Suffolk that since it was his pleasure to match my son into honorable blood, if he would see me discharged of my bond for support of my son during his minority, I would consent. On this he sent me a letter, of which I enclose a copy; which my counsel tells me is no less binding than is my bond to the King. Though my lord of Suffolk bears these charges, according to his promise, for three or four years, yet when he comes of age the charge of him, his wife and all their train will fall upon me, and then they will be much greater. Still that no one may judge me an unnatural mother, I will help his advancement more than any other of my children, though my lord of Suffolk never pressed me therein. There is no place so meet for him as the court, and his doing well there will be a help to my other children. If my lord of Suffolk makes any application to the King in this matter, I beg you will inform him of my lord of Suffolk's letter and my importunate charges. The bearer will inform you what answer I have made to Suffolk. From Sir Richard Clement's Mote in Kent, 4 Feb. Signed.
Pp. 1. Add.: Of the King's Council.
2. Charles Duke of Suffolk to [Margaret Marchioness of Dorset].
R. O. I understand by your servant Antony, the bearer, that upon my promise made to you “to find my lord your son” and discharge you thereof, you are much disquieted at being bound to find him by the Council, and think me unkind that I have not discharged you. I fully intend to keep my promise, and that you shall be discharged; and if my daughter die before their marriage, “then I to dispose and sell him to my pleasure.” Next term, when the King and I shall be thoroughly at a point, I will request the King to discharge you, and when the time comes, considering my charges, you shall show yourself a loving mother to your son and augment his estate. Southwark, 28 July [1533].
Copy, pp. 2.
4 Feb. 154. Henry Knight to Sir Will Paulet.
R. O. Gives an account of the waste in the forest of Westbere, which he visited on Monday last with Mr. Coke. Desires a warrant to be proclaimed in the market this next Saturday. There have been delivered to Mr. Wrysle's deputies 20 principal oaks by the King's warrant, which makes a great blemish, and 20 more delivered to John Cok for building the lodge. The oaks delivered to Wrysle for his building in Mycheldever were felled by his deputy Ric. Ryve of Hydebarton at his pleasure, and sold to the men of Hunton at 3s. 4d. a piece. They were worth 6s. 3d. Winchester, 4 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Sir Will. Poulet, comptroller of the King's household. Endd.
4 Feb. 155. Thomas Phillip.
R. O. Foxe, V. App. No. ii. Articles and interrogatories objected against Thos. Phillype, of the parish of St. Michael's in the Querne, London, by Richard Foxford, vicargeneral of John bishop of London; with the answer made by Phillype, 4 Feb.
The articles are 12 in number, accusing him of heresy with regard to the sacrament of the altar, purgatory, pilgrimages, fasts, holidays, prayers to saints, papal pardons, &c.; all which he denies. He only admits having possessed for 20 years “the New Testament of the old translation,” taken, as he says, out of St. Jerome's translation, and having read it divers times.
Pp. 2, large paper.
R. O. 2. Petition to the Commons in Parliament by Thomas Phillip, citizen of London, who has been three years a prisoner in the Tower through the unrighteous dealing of John bishop of London. The Bishop caused him to be attached before Christmas was three years, by authority of a statute of Henry. II. against heretics, and ministered to him certain articles which the Bishop affirmed to be notorious, though he could not prove one of them to be true; but as Phillip refused to abjure and confess himself a heretic, the Bishop excommunicated him, and has since untruly surmised against him that he has been “a preacher, a teacher, a schoolkeeper, now at Salisbury, then at Burford, now here then there, but in truth he wotteth not where; and a reader of damnable lectures, now to these persons and eftsoons to other persons, but surely he wotteth not to whom.” At the time of his attachment he was so free from such imputations “that all the people before the said Bishop, shouting in judgment as with one voice, openly witnessed his good name and fame, to the great reproof and shame of the said Bishop if he had not shamed to be ashamed.” Has always challenged an examination of his conduct, but the Bishop has only insisted that he should abjure. Petitioner appealed from the Bishop to the King, from whom alone the Bishop could have any authority to attach the King's subjects. Begs the Commons to intercede for him to the Lord Chancellor and others of the Council, that he may have a writ of corpus cum causa.
Large paper, pp. 2.
4 Feb. 156. Duke of Richmond to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Thanks for the kindness of lord and lady Lisle when he was last at Calais. Reminds him of his promise to advance the bearer Jas. Bellingeham, gentleman, Lisle's servant, to the next vacant place in the retinue. London, 4 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy at Calais. Endd. Sealed.
4 Feb. 157. John Bourchier Lord Berners.
Chron. of Calais, 164, from Collins' Baronies by Writ Will of lord Berners, 3 March 1532 (i.e. 1533 n.s.)
To be buried in the church of St. Mary in Calais, within the chancel. Leaves to Francis Hastings and Jane his wife “my great tenement I dwell in in Calais.” Fras. Hastings and Rob. Rolf are executors. “I make lord Edmund Howard, my brother, overseer of the same my present testament,” with a legacy of a silver-gilt cup. Sealed and subscribed in presence of the said lord Edmund and Sir Edw. Ringesley, high marshal of Calais, Sir Edw. Brindelyolyn, parish priest of Our Lady's church aforesaid.
Proved by Hastings, 4 Feb. 1533.
[7] Feb. 158. The Bishop of Norwich.
R. O. Suit against the bishop of Norwich by the King's attorney, on which the Court granted a præmunire. The subject of the suit was the infringement of the customs of Thetford by the Bishop, who had cited the mayor before him. The Bishop lost the case. Hilary, 25 Hen. VIII.
Fr., p. 1. Later copy. Endd.
2. William Hewett, of Thetford.
R. O. A petition to Cromwell, councillor to Henry VIII. Was cited three years past to appear before the bishop of Norwich “that now is,” to answer to various charges of heresy, and narrowly escaped abjuration. Was compelled to give an obligation of 100l. to the King's use, with the condition that he should not communicate with the nuns of Thetford within their mansion for a term of seven years. “About two years before that” he had been also cited for having in his possession the “Supplication of Beggars,” and vexed in a manner Cromwell never heard of for such a trifle, to the loss of his good name, so that whereas gentlemen had formerly employed him in keeping their courts, they withdrew their favor, and now that it is reported Hewett has brought the Bishop in a præmunire, he is like to be undone for ever. Hopes that Cromwell, or some other nobleman at his instance, will take him for his servant in livery or otherwise, and requests that he will get him discharged of the said obligation.
P. 1. Endd.: A bill of complaint to my master by William Tewet (sic) of Tetford.
7 Feb. 159. Sir E. Seymour to Lord Lisle.
R. O. You promised in your letter to me that your counsel should have taken end with me for the lands that were Sir John Dudly's before the feast of All Saints last, when it would appear that you had sufficient matter to discharge me of 60l. a year of the said lands, which of right I ought to have. Your counsel have failed to do so, and cannot prevent my having the said 60l., and I am not bound in conscience to pay you above 80l. a year; but, for friendship's sake, I am content to refer the matter to two judges, of whom you shall name one and I the other. From the court, 7 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
160. [Lord Lisle] to Sir Edw. Seymour.
R. O. In your letter of 7 Feb. you write that you have good right to 60l. a year of the lands lately bargained between us, and redeemed by me upon the full repayment of the money. I do not know that your right is good, but my counsel have advertised me that my right in those lands is good enough, and as good as it was any time during my lady my wife's life. If my title were not so good, your behaviour is little to your worship after all my friendliness. I remember no commission given to me by Smyth, except to go through with you with the advice of my counsel. If your meaning is, according to your writing, to eschew all variance, no man loves quiet better than I, and I will comply with your request to have the matter decided by two judges, one to be named by Mr. Densell and Mr. Warren, my counsel, and the other by you.
P. 1. Endd. The copy of a letter devised by my lord's counsel to send to Mr. Seymour.
7 Feb. 161. Nic. Caldwall to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I delivered your letter to Mr. Brian, which he received gladly, but he thinks the matter to lie so highly upon my lord's honour that he is loth to move the King in it. He broke the matter to Mr. Kingston, who would not advise him to do so. He promised to write to your ladyship, but he has had so much business that as yet I could not come by it. I see he has no mind to speak of it. I showed him that, to avoid all difficulties, it would be best to sue out a new patent for my lord, and to join some one with him, who might be Mr. Bassett, your eldest son. He made me but a faint answer, but I think he will follow any instructions you send. London, 7 Feb. 1533.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
8 Feb. 162. Katharine of Aragon to Charles V.
Huth Library Catalogue, v. 1692. Lately wrote her opinion upon the articles which the King's ambassador presented to the Emperor. The ambassador here has since shown her other articles sent by the Pope to the Emperor, to which she replied. Considering that neither the daily increasing offence to God here, her own complaints, nor the Emperor's power, induce the Pope to do her justice, was almost determined not to trouble the Emperor any more, but to intrust the declaration of her right to God, and take this as a remedy for her troubles and the consolation of her life. Thought, however, that this would be tempting God, especially as the King's sin produces other sins every hour, as appears from the recent attempt against the authority of the Holy See. Thinks, therefore, she ought to repeat her importunities, for she thinks only of saving her soul and of informing the Emperor. Would not, for anything in the world, have failed to inform the Pope, the Emperor and all persons capable of remedying the evils which are before her eyes. Having done what she could, her conscience is consoled. The remedy is for the Pope to determine the case. Begs the Emperor to take action in the matter, to which he is obliged for God's service and the tranquillity of Christendom. All other considerations, even that of herself and her daughter, ought to be put aside, unless it were to do an act of mercy by delivering them from the imprisonment they endure, like the most miserable creatures in the world. There is no need to tell the Emperor of their sufferings, in the treatment of their lives, and the surprises and insults daily put upon them by the Council, for they are well known. Could not endure them if they did not consider them as suffered for God's sake. Thinking that their purgatory is in this world, is doing what she can in defence of their rights, and will not fail while living, as otherwise she would imperil her soul. Hopes her daughter will do likewise. Further news he will hear from the ambassador, but she does not think he will be able to tell him all the mischief taking place here.
Begs the Emperor to press on the case, for a day lost now is more than a year hitherto, as she wrote in her last letter.
The ambassador has just sent to say that it is not advisable to send any one to this parliament, and that he has sent a special messenger to beg the Pope for a definitive sentence. Agrees as to the first point, for unless the person sent brought the determination and end of the cause, it would do little good as matters stand. Thanks the Emperor for the person he has sent, for besides the good she expects from his coming, it is necessary that the Emperor should show himself differently to what he has done, were it only to satisfy this kingdom, which thinks the case has come to this pass from his not having shown himself as he ought to have done. Thinks herself that he might have done more, as he had such a good opportunity of getting the Pope to do justice (aryendo abydo tan buena dyspusycyon para que su sanctydad yzyesc justycya), by which the whole would be finished. As to this, each one's conscience shall be his judge. Begs him to have more affection for her and her daughter. “Bucdon” (Buckden), 8 Feb.
Sp. Add. Endd.: viij de Ebrero, 1534.
8 Feb. 163. [Cranmer to the Rector of Petworth.]
Harl. MS. 6148, f. 42. B.M. C's Letters, 278. Requests him to renew the lease of his parsonage of Petworth to John Bowers with all the present covenants. Lameth, 8 Feb.
P. 1. From Cranmer's letter book.
8 Feb. 164. [Cranmer] to—.
Harl. MS. 6148, f. 42. B.M. C's Letters, 278. Some of his parishioners have appealed to Cranmer to settle a controversy concerning tithes. Desires him to stay his suit in law till Cranmer is in those parts and can hear the due examination thereof. Lameheth, 8 Feb.
P. 1. From Cranmer's Letter Book.
8 Feb. 165. Antonio Bonvisi to Cromwell.
R. O. Robert Hoghin has come, who sends 2 doz. partridges, &c., and will be with you tomorrow on his business. London, 8 Feb. 1534. Signed.
Ital., p. 1. Add.: Signor M. Thomaso Cromwell.
9 Feb. 166. [Ghinucci] (fn. 3) to [Andre]a Ghinucci.
Vit. B. xiv. 124 B. M. “Salve per m . . . e poi che alli . . . circa le cose. . . . hora per darmi el . . . nse . . . spatio di tempo non stare ad replica . . . circa alla causa del re parendomi . . . d'importantia e come per la sopradecta . . . ti replio che qua questi imperiali non . . . di solecitar e agitano per contradicta e . . . sentia del Capizucha la causa, e . . . al Simonetta qualdebbi attendere con . . . cura e diligentia alla expeditione . . . non so altro di novo se non che intend . . . loco, che non si fara niente fino [al qua]resima parmi tu lo dica al re, o . . . Cramuel, come meglio ti parera.
Pensavo per la venuta del vescovo di . . . vere tue lettere il che poi non e stato . . . mi son maravigliato, e pregotiche . . . che cosa delle cose mie e . . . di Roma alli ix. di Feb . . .
Hol., mutilated. Add.: [Al m]io carissimo nepote [Andre]a Ghinucci, in Londra.
9 Feb. 167. Thomas Legh to [Cromwell].
Galba, B. x. 44. B. M. I have received your letter touching the King's pleasure in the request of the “Bremers,” which I suppose will have helped the King's matter and have done them little good. The alderman to[ld] me none of the “Stedes” might sue or put in execution any grant for their private utility, yet the King's gentleness herein may appear, wherefore if you send it me I shall use it accordingly.
The Emperor has commanded the clergy of Zealand, Brabant, Ho[lland] and other parts to pay to h[im] “dimedietatem annui census sive proventus, ordine [Mendi]cantium tantum excepto, allegans expeditionem in Turcas, quo totus [c]lerus ad . . . episcopum . . . p sed idem . . . sit episcopus.” He has forbidden hunting in Brabant and the neighbourhood, for he and the Empress intend to come thither after Easter. There have been no letters from Florence these six weeks. I beg you to remember the warrant for my diets, and to read the written book I gave you. You will find something to apply to some good purpose and intent. Desires to be recommended to my lord elect, (fn. 4) Mr. Attorney, and other friends. “Sic Deus tua secundet, teque in ævum conservet a melanuris, quibus nigræsunt caudæ.” Anwarpe, 9 Feb.
Hol., pp. 2.
10 Feb. 168. Sir John Gaynesford to Cromwell.
Whereas I showed you of the murder committed upon my land, and sent you a book of the same, at the last gaol delivery at Croydon at Midsummer last the parties suspected were indicted at the suit of the wife of the murdered man. They will now be tried at the gaol delivery. If you will speak for the widow to Mr. Engelfeld and Mr. Attorney to look closely to the truth, justice will be ministered. Crowhurst, 10 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Of the King's Council.
10 Feb. 169. Richard Pexall, the old Abbot of Leicester, to Cromwell.
R. O. I beseech your favor for Sir Thomas Deydyk, late my canon, for his good qualities. I had intended to have resigned my office to him as the ablest man in the house; and whereas the house of Thurgarton is now void, I pray you to help him to the prior's place. Leicester monastery, 10 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Councillor. Endd. by Wriothesley: Letters to my master.
10 Feb. 170. John Palmer.
R. O. Warrant signed by the King to the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer to make assignment to John Palmer, whom the King has appointed sheriff of Surrey and Sussex for the ensuing year, of 40l., in consideration of the losses he shall sustain in that office.
Endd. by Wriothesley: “Apud Westm., x. die Febr. Ao r. R.H. Oct. xxvto.”


  • 1. The document purports to be a patent granted by writ of privy seal, but no corresponding writ or enrolment has been found.
  • 2. Frances, the duke of Suffolk's daughter, whom the young Marquis soon after married.
  • 3. “Modern marginal note, “Hu. And,” which is evidently a misreading of the signature, “Hie. And. Cameræ.”
  • 4. Roland Lee, bp. elect of Coventry and Lichfield.