Henry VIII: November 1534, 16-20

Pages 539-545

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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November 1534, 16–20

16 Nov. 1432. Jewels.
Royal MS. 7 F. XIV. f. 124. B. M. Clothes and jewels delivered to Thos. Alford (Alvard), 16 Nov. 26 Hen. VIII.
A purple damask gown, with gold fringe, with 130 diamonds set in golden buttons, and 131 flowers of gold and pearls on the guard of the gown. A silver doublet with 36 great balasses. A doublet of purple silver tinsel mailed, with gold buttons, diamonds and pearls. A purple velvet doublet, with 54 rubies and gold buttons and points. A crimson velvet doublet with emeralds. Four black velvet bonnets garnished with precious stones and gold points. Singed : Thomas Alvard.
P. 1. Endd.
16 Nov. 1433. King's College, Oxford, to Cromwell.
R. O. As you directed your letters to the warden of Canterbury College in Oxford, to pay an old annual rent of 40s. due to this college, we have on the 11th delivered him your letters, and he has promised to appear before you accordingly. He has no excuse for withholding it. We beg credence for this bearer, Mr. Canner. King Henry VIII.'s College, Oxford, 16 Nov.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
16 Nov. 1434. Sir Will. Penizon to Lord Lisle.
R. O. In behalf of the bearer, the signor di Saravallo, one of the esquires of this king (Francis), who is going to England from the Admiral. Requests Lisle to expedite his passage, as he does not know English. I write no news, as you will have heard all from the Admiral, except that heretics are being burned here. One was burned the day before yesterday, and today another ; and tomorrow or shortly there will be others. There are said to be 200 in prison. Paris, 16 Nov. 1534.
Hol., Ital., p. 1. Add. Endd.: Syr William Pennyson, the xvith of Novembre 1534.
16 Nov. 1435. Sir Adam Otterborne.
See Grants in November, No. 19.
1436. [Cromwell's] Remembrances.
R. O. For the assigning of the letter into Scotland. “To know whether the King will to (fn. 1) the bishop of Aburdyn.” To show the bill of the plate and gold that the Admiral shall have. To show the King that Mons. Langeye desires much to speak with him to show him of the matters of Almayn. To show the King that beside the president (fn. 2) and the master of Requests, there is one which is called the treasurer of Brytayn, (fn. 3) who is highly in the Admiral's estimation, and to know whether the King will give him a gift. A letter to be devised and sent to Sir John Wallop.
In Cromwell's hand, p. 1. Endd.: Remembrances.
Titus, B. I. 413. B. M. 2. “ A remembrance of matters to be done.”
The gift to be given by the King to the Admiral. The livery for my lady Princess's household. Letters to be written to the Scotch king, the bishop of Aberdeen, Sir John Wallop, Sir Wm. Skevyngton and other the King's Council in Ireland. To know the value of the last gift given to the Admiral at Calais. Whether the King will have other presents given. To know the King's pleasure for lord Bray, Sir Rowland and the packer of London. To remember the bill of the oaths in the upper house, and the judges for feoffments, uses and primer seisins. To know the King's pleasure when the Lubikes shall repair to him. A letter sent to my lord of Canterbury from Oxford.
P. 1. Endd. as above.
17 Nov. 1437. Chapuys to Charles V.
Vienna Archives. Nine days ago the Admiral arrived at Dover, but he did not enter this city till yesterday. The cause of his long delay upon the road was that his train, consisting of 350 horses, could not cross so soon, and to give leisure to those here to make the necessary preparations for his reception, about which the King has shown himself very solicitous. Among other things, the King has caused a number of beautiful ladies to come to the Court, and has proclaimed by sound of the trumpet that no one should dare to do the least outrage or speak any injurious word of any of the said Admiral's company, even if lawful occasion were given, seeing that he came for the honor and profit of all the realm. He has also proclaimed that on the coming of the said Admiral to Court, no gentleman beneath the degree of lord should pass further than the lower hall (la basse salle), to give place to the nobility who come with the Admiral. Many murmur at these prohibitions; others mock at them, because they only show and increase the hatred this nation bears to the French.
Immediately after my last despatch, I was informed that the secretary of the French ambassador, when I wrote that he went to France at the intercession of this king, and that Cromwell had furnished money for his passage, was sent to urge the coming of the said Admiral, to whom the King wished to communicate, as he said some things which he would not like to say to any other. I do not yet know if, as I wrote to your majesty, there was any proposal of marriage to induce Francis to send the said Admiral and suspend the negotiation with Nassau. Many think the coming of the said Admiral was intended for the reputation of this king with his people, especially the gentry, who began to distrust the king of France for continuing to adhere to the Church and refusing the interview, and because Nassau came to him. It is also probable that one of the principal matters of which Henry wished to speak was to persuade the king of France to throw off his allegiance to the Church, knowing that otherwise their friendship will not be lasting; and it must have seemed to him that he could not have a better opportunity than when he sent to request the coming of the said Admiral, for the Pope was almost regarded as dead, and a schism was fully expected after his death. Moreover, the French cardinals who might have dissuaded the King from this intention had gone to Rome, and at that very time the King boasted at a full table that he would make such a reformation that in the end he should be eternally remembered in all Christendom.
I have just heard that this morning the King has been declared by act of parliament supreme head of the English Church, and that as such the tributes and moneys that the English used to pay to the Holy See are to go to him. They have also ratified all that was ordained at the last parliament against the Holy See, taking away all the conditions and suspensions which were then made.
Cromwell has been so busy, especially about the coming of the Admiral, that we have had no opportunity yet of conferring about the treatment of the Queen and Princess, as had been agreed. I see no improvement in it, especially in that of the Princess, in whose case the hope given of better treatment has been of short duration. She has relapsed into some slight illness, from which she would have recovered but for the importunity and rudeness of her gouvernante, the aunt of the Concubine, to induce her to renounce her title of princess. Moreover, the duke of Norfolk has placed in a tower a young lady who was the person who did her most service, and whom she most trusted, accusing her of having called her mistress, princess; and among other things of which the Duke inquired very curiously, he wished to know who had informed me when I waited for the said Princess by the river side to see her pass.
There is no news from Ireland, but that Kildare is master of the country, and that every day he does injury to those who take the King's part, and that some succour has entered Dublin, but some say it will be all the worse for the inhabitants of the town, from the great scarcity of provisions. London, 18 Nov. 1534.
Fr., pp. 4. From a modern copy.
17 Nov. 1438. Cromwell to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Is compelled to write to him both in discharge of his duty to the King, and as one in whose interests he is deeply concerned. Hopes he will take it in good part. He must remember the charge which he has, which only rests on good behaviour. He will acknowledge that no man ought to have that charge “which would bring himself to such necessity that he should be constrained to put all things to sale,” thus neglecting the King's honor, and contemning all friendships in giving place to a little lucre. He should not bind himself at any man's request to promise what he cannot perform, or by his excess of living make himself so needy as “to have more estimation of money than regard to the tale it bringeth.” Has often recommended a surveyor whom the King's majesty would have served of four men, according to his grant. Writes this not for him alone, but for others, and for the bearer, who has Lisle's bond, “which your honor shall be to perform.” Desires he will express his friendship to Cromwell by his honorable proceedings and helping such as the King wishes to have preferred. From the Nete, 17 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. by Lisle.
17 Nov. 1439. Christopher Lord Conyers to Cromwell.
R. O. I send by Thomas Cleseby 40l. for a half-year's farm of Rudby, and 50 marks of arrears. As I am much troubled with the gout, I beg you will obtain the King's leave for my absence from parliament. Horneby, 17 Nov.
I send your fee of 6l. 13s. 4d. for this year, and beseech you to command the dean of King's College in Oxford to discharge me of the subsidy for Rudby. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
17 Nov. 1440. Sir John Dudley to Cromwell.
R. O. On receipt of your letters directed to Mr. Will. Oxsonbridge of Rye, for the apprehension of a priest who was reported to have used certain words in a sermon against the King, we sent for two of the most honest folks of the parish to examine the matter. They state that the priest never spoke anything derogatory of the King, and we conclude that his accuser “did hit upon a pretensed matter,” as I will show you on Saturday next. Hawlden, 17 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
18 [Nov.] 1441. [Lord Lisle] to Cromwell.
R. O. I have this 18th day received yours of 31st Oct., which was opened before it came to hand, wondering that Ric. Hunt, who professes to be an old servant of the King's, should in his old days be put from his room for any light cause. What service he has done is notorious. No one loves him here. He has caused great losses to some and dissension among others. A few years ago he caused two men to come out of England and forswear themselves in his behalf; for which they both, like perjured persons, wore papers and stood openly on the scaffold, and were then banished the town, and he would have been treated in the same way but for Mr. Crompton's letters. These few days past he willingly forswore himself before the under-marshal for the value of 10s., although admonished by witnesses standing by him, who swore the contrary. Not content with this, he desired the spiritual law, and when the commissary gave him 20 days' respite to bring his proofs he stole away without licence.
Draft, p. 1. Endd.: Copy of Mr. Cromwell's letter touching Hunt.
18 Nov. 1442. Robert Earl of Sussex to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends by his auditor 6l. 13s. 4d., as Cromwell's yearly fee due last Michaelmas. Is sorry his power is no better to recompense his gentleness. Reminds Cromwell that when last with him in the Council Chamber at Westminster, he told him the King would favor his suit for the lord Stewardship after the earl of Shrewsbury. Hopes he has remembered the bill which he took to be signed. Wodeham Wauter, 18 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
18 Nov. 1443. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
R. O. I beg you to remember my letters for the repairs at Ludlow, and encourage Mr. Englefield by your good words to return shortly after Christmas. I hear that ill reports have been made to you of Dr. Ellis. I beg you will hear him, as he is young, and no tree grows to be an oak at the first day. The scarceness of grain arises daily and causes more robberies. We shall have on Monday a gaol delivery. Packington and Vernon are here. Ludlow, 18the Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
18 Nov. 1444. Thomas (fn. 4) Prior of Marton, to Cromwell.
R. O. I received your letter dated the Rolls, 20 Nov. (sic), by which I perceive that the treasurer of York hath informed you of the suit he made to me and my brethren for a farmhold belonging to us for his servant Chr. Mownforthe, which I refused him. It was, in fact, let by my predecessor to Will. Pekett, long a servant of our house, for 21 years. At my entering he took a lease for 15 years, of which three are expired. He is dead, and the widow, 60 years old, remains in the farm, as I told Mr. Treasurer. What I may do I shall be ready to accomplish. Give credence to Thos. Barton, who has certain matters to communicate to you. Marton, 18 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
18 Nov. 1445. Thomas Vachell to Cromwell.
R. O. According to my duty, I have been at Oxford to receive a verdict for the King of such lands and tenements as are decayed, enclosed or turned to pasture in the said county ; and I send it to you with my brother before it is certified. John Crocker, one of the jury, to whom you directed your letter, is so sick that he could not be present ; but on the receipt of your letter he caused others of the jury to view and oversee such places as they were informed of, for the King. He sent your letter to them, by which they have been induced to make a presentment, or they would have presented nothing to the King, so great labor was made to the contrary. Reading, 18 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
18 Nov. 1446. Margery Horsman to Cromwell.
R. O. You have heretofore written in favor of my cousin Martin Hastingis, to the prior of Dereham, Norf., for the farm of the parsonage of Holcome, who died before he could make any grant. As the new prior is now in London, I beg you will so handle him as he may make the said lease before he gets out of your hands. Windsor, 18 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
19 Nov. 1447. Thomas Abbot of Garadon to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for the great kindness you have showed myself and also in the preferment of the abbot of Bytlesden. I received your letters 16 Nov. for preferment of your servant John Sharpe to the farm of the grange of Dyxley. I and my brethren beg that we may, by your favor, have the use of the said grange for maintenance of hospitality as part of the demesnes of our abbey, for we have no other parsonage nor tithe corn except what we get by ploughing it, and certain ground near the abbey. Garadon, 19 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
20 Nov. 1448. Cromwell to Lady Lisle.
O. Contradicts the report that he is displeased with her. Knows no cause why it should so be. If she continues to act as he hears that she does, and as he doubts not she will do, she will always find him as ready to do her pleasure as any friend she has. London, 20 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
20 Nov. 1449. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
R. O. Whereas in your visitation the poor prior of Lempster, through the provocation of his abbot, was enjoined to keep the cloister as a conventual monk of small reputation, I advertise you that the said prior is of as good reputation as the abbot of Reading, and as a proof of this the abbot had intended to resign in behalf of the prior if the statute of abatement of pensions had not passed. I beg, therefore, that he may have your lawful favor, and be at liberty as other heads of religious houses are. Ludlow, 20 Nov. Signed.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
20 Nov. 1450. Robert Abbot of Lylleshull to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letter in favor of John Fysher for the farm of Wyldmor Grange. I had already received a letter from the King for the same, for his servant Thomas Glover ; and we have agreed that he shall have one part of it, and we and our tenants and residue, as it is near our house and necessary for us ; for without it we cannot maintain hospitality. Lylleshull, 20 Nov.
Hol., p.. 1. Add.: Secretary.
20 Nov. 1451. Hugh (fn. 5) Abbot of Reading to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have set your young gentleman (fn. 6) with Wm. Edmonds, my understeward, that he may be well seen to by a woman for his dressing, as he is too young to shift for himself. He is the most towardly child in learning that I have known. As your lordship offers to send me wine or herring, I beg to have four tuns of red and claret, for which your lordship shall be paid, and also one barrel of herring for my own eating, how dear soever they be. Reading, 20 Nov.
I beg you to be good lord to William Payn, who has been my servant four years. He can shoot and hunt well, and keep hounds. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
20 Nov. 1452. Hugh (fn. 7) Abbot of Reading to Lady Lisle.
R. O. The young gentleman her son (fn. 8) is in good health, and proves a very towardly child both in learning and other things. Being young, has set him with his understeward Will. Edmunds, who has an honest wife to see to him. As my lord asks if he require any wine or herring, has written to request four tuns of red or claret, for which he will see him contented. Reading, 20 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
1453. Alex. Aylmer to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Thanks her for her letter, and for remembering him to my lord of Norfolk. Master James is in good health. My lord of Redyng makes much of him, “and pleythe hym to his learning, bothe to Laten and Frenche.” He shall lack no shirts not hose. My lord of Redyng begs my lord and her not to mistrust him about the keeping of Mr. James. He is as tender of him as if he were the King's son. Kyngston Lyle, “the 4th day of this mone.”
Hol., p. 1. Add.
20 Nov. 1454. Robes.
Royal MS. 7 C. XVI. f. 58. B. M. Receipt by John Parker, yeoman of the Robes, for 14 great balasses, to be set on the sleeves of a crimson velvet gown. 20 Nov. 26 Hen. VIII. Signed.


  • 1. Sic.
  • 2. Poyet.
  • 3. Palamedes.
  • 4. Thos. Godson or Yodson.
  • 5. Hugh Cook alias Faringdon.
  • 6. James Basset, son of lady Lisle by her former husband.
  • 7. This date is struck out.
  • 8. 26 Hen. VIII. c. 11. (?).