Henry VIII: May 1534, 26-31

Pages 277-294

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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May 1534, 26–31

26 May. 712. John, (fn. 1) Prior of Plympton, to Cromwell.
R. O. Please to accept the annuity I offered you, and our good will. Plympton, 26 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
26 May. 713. Sir Brian Tuke to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his letters dated yesterday, communicating the King's pleasure that he should pay Mr. Duglas all the money due to him, which he says is 500 marks. Knows he means the earl of Angus's money, but has had no general warrant hitherto to pay any sum yearly,—only special warrants for the time. Understands from his clerk Alan Hawte that the King wishes the Earl to be allowed 500 marks by way of reward out of the money he had received from Tuke since 1 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.; 1,000 marks a year from 31 July 21 to 31 July 24 Hen. VIII.; and from that date 1,000l. a year till further orders. Has therefore ordered him to be paid 500 marks tonight or tomorrow. Hawte says he is to have a warrant for this, but he is still more anxious to know the certainty of Cromwell's mind, for if he understand it correctly, there were 500 marks due to Angus on the 1 Feb. last. Havering, Tuesday in Whitsun week, 1534.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
26 May. 714. Sir Brian Tuke to Lord Darcy.
R. O. I have received your letters of yesterday with the copy of the King's letters of privy seal to your lordship, delivered one month past, by which I find you propose to make your appearance on Thursday next. If so it will be taken, but I had rather you had either paid the money or appeared before now in holiday time. You also write you are sued by Mr. Attorney at the King's suit, and have appeared by counsel. If you have matter to plead, well; if not, Mr. Attorney must proceed, but such delays put me to blame. You ought rather to have made suit to the King during the long time I spared the suit, for I have heard you have good grounds to sue for the remission. For God's sake, as the King is now near, slack it no longer, that it may appear I do my duty in calling on you. Havering, Tuesday in Whitsun week, 1534.
Glad to hear of lord Huse's amendment.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
26 May. 715. Lord Darcy.
R. O. Appearance put in by lord Darcy before Sir Brian Tuke on a p*** seal directed to him for payment of 662l. 14s. 6d. to the King. Day given to make answer till Crastino Johannis. Dated 26 May, 26 Hen. VIII.
26 May. 716. Sir Will. Gascoigne to Cromwell
R. O. I thank you for your great cheer when I was last with you. Sir John Hayes, priest, took upon him to conjure to raise spirits to get treasure, saying he had the King's placard to do so, and you were his singular good master, and that he had helped you to a ring that you had lost, which the King gave you to deliver to the Queen. On this pretence he induced many to give him money to buy instruments to work with to the amount of four or five marks. One of these persons divulged it to me; on which I sent for the priest, who confessed he was about such things, and denied having the King's placard, but said that John Eston, serjeant-at-arms, had a placard, and that he occupied this science with him. He admitted the recovery of the ring, and said that 14 years ago he was steward of the household to baron Carsun, who had a similar placard, “and there he and John Casteldyn, an outlandish man, occupied this science.” He confessed at one time that he got great treasure, and afterwards denied it, and that a shepherd found treasure in the fields, but he would say no more. I sent for his books and his instruments, and on the morrow my lords Bray and Mordaunt, and all the justices of the peace, met at Bedford, when I brought him before them with another priest, his confederate. The justices caused them to write their confession, but it was little to the purpose, and so they are committed to gaol during the King's pleasure. Cardyngton, 26 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
26 May. 717. Leonard Smith and Sir William Kyngston to [Lord Lisle].
R. O. Whereas by your commandment Mr. Aylmer, I and others sold certain woods to Mr. Button within the park of Painswick, for which he paid us ready money, yet the wood is still standing, and Button can make no sale thereof, because your tenants are threatened that if they buy any of your wood from him they will lose their holdings after your decease, if that happen in Mr. Dudley's time. Thus the gentleman is likely to lose all his money unless your ordship have regard to your honor in this matter, and will cause all men to be loath to meddle with any like matter of yours. Mr. Kyngston therefore advised me to write this letter to you in his name and mine, for he wished the sale to take effect according to your letters. I beg you therefore to write to Motley, your bailiff there, according to the tenor of a letter hereinclosed, else I and others who sold the wood will be in danger. London, 26 May. Signed.
P. 1.
718. [Lord Lisle] to Sir Wm. Kingston.
R. O. I am sorry that any inconvenience should cause writing to be spared so long between us who have been so long familiar. I assure you there is no cause on my side, whatever you may have heard, otherwise I could neither have eaten nor slept quietly until I had written to you. Let this, however, be forgotten, and let us hear from each other after the old manner. I understand you desire a warrant for the discharge of 400 trees out of Painswick park. Please send me a draft devised by your learned counsel, and I will sign it.
Draft, p. 1. Add.
26 May. 719. Rafe Sadleyer to Lord Lisle.
R. O. My master has written to you to be good lord to my friend Mr. Pole, the bearer. I ask you to give him the next vacant room fit for a gentleman and an honest man. You cannot prefer a more meet and honest man. Richmond, 26 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
27 May. 720. Harry Carbott, Priest, to Cromwell.
R. O. Master Hyghman, (fn. 2) of Paul's, is dead. He had a benefice called Waltamstow, in the gift of the King, by Crychyrche in London, and another in the gift of the abbess of Barkyng called Horndon. Desires to have one or other of them. They are of small value, the most 10l. de claro. St. Bartholomew's beside London, 27 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Master Cromwell. Endd.
27 May. 721. Act of Apparel.
Harl. MS. 442. f. 122. B. M. Soc. Ant. 70. Proclamation that the servants of the King, Queen and Princess may wear such apparel as they now have till All Saints' next, notwithstanding the Act of 24 Hen. VIII. c. 13. Richmond, 27 May 26 Hen. VIII.
Later copy, pp. 2.
28 May. 722. Dr. Thomas Bagard to [Cromwell].
R. O. Implores his compassion. Is grieved that Cromwell, to whom he is so much bound, should entertain such an opinion of him. The dean of Arches reports that Cromwell said that he did not tender the King's pleasure,—that he went from London “ye wist not how,”—that he was “a very bearer of Hubberden and other such brabbling preachers in this diocese,”—and that he had commanded the dean of Bristol not to pray either for the King or Queen. Denies these imputations. Has done his utmost to further the King's matter. Reminds Cromwell that he came to him about my lord of Canterbury's injunctions to be executed in the diocese of Worcester, and asked whether he should go or no. Cromwell consented and delivered him a letter to carry to my lord abbot of Halesowen, which he delivered and had certified Cromwell of its delivery divers times since. Never supported Hubberden or thought him worthy to preach, knowing his lewd behaviour in his preaching in times past. Declared his mind thereupon to Mr. Marshall, a gentleman learned in the temporal law, “and much waiting upon your mastership.” Never consented to Hubberden's preaching at Bristol, or knew of it till he had done it, for Bagard was then at London, and was very angry at it when he came home. Told the dean of Bristol so. Says the same of Mr. Powell's preaching as of Hubberden's. Neither shall preach in this diocese if he can let them, or any other the King thinks not meet. Explains what he supposes to be the origin of the rumor that he had forbidden the dean of Bristol to pray for the King and Queen. Shortly after he came from London it was reported that my lady Princess was not to be called so any longer, and being consulted by some of the rural deans whether to pray for her by name as formerly, he hesitated and rather advised them not to do so, especially considering my lord of Canterbury's injunction that parsons should say nothing that can touch the King's succession. His advice, however, was misheard and misreported. There are two or three doting deans here who have misheard him in other things. Hopes Cromwell will not hereafter have occasion to mistrust him in matters belonging to his office, (fn. 3) especially in looking straitly upon preachers. Worcester, 28 May. Signed.
Large paper, pp. 2.
28 May. 723. John [Ely] Abbot of Bruton to Lady Lisle.
R. O. You and my lord shall have my prayers during my life, whatever has been reported of me. If it please your husband that I may come to speak with him, I trust I shall declare something that will not displease your ladyship. I doubt not you have already weighed the character of those who have made reports of me. My father of Bradstock (fn. 4) sends his commendations. 28 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
28 May. 724. The Abbots of Fountains and Byland to Cromwell.
R. O. We have received your letters by the hands of the late abbot of Rievaulx, (fn. 5) and called before us at Ripou the now abbot of Rievaulx (fn. 6) and the late abbot, the abbot of Kirstall acting as assessor, and we have agreed that the late abbot shall have a pension of 44l. from Rievaulx under the convent seal. Although a larger sum of money was offered formerly to the late abbot he is contented to receive the sum named. When the writings were concluded, the present abbot of Rievaulx made and still makes some delay. At our monasteries of Fountains and Byland, 28 May. Signed: Wylliam (fn. 7) thabbot of Fontanys: John (fn. 8) thabbot of Byland.
P. 1. Add.: Right worshipful.
28 May. 725. Robberies at Bristol.
R. O. Examination taken before Will. Shipman, mayor of Bristol, David Broke and Thos. White in Bristol, 28 May 26 Hen. VIII., concerning felonies alleged against John Holland, prisoner in Newgate.
1. Will. Appowell and . . . . . of Bristol, say that at Lady day last in the afternoon, the mayor and sheriffs being present at a sermon in the White Friars' Church in Bristol, at the end of the sermon came Hugh Clerke, “white tawer,” of the said town, complaining that John Holland had picked his purse during sermon time of 4s. 8d. and 17d. of silver. The sheriffs caused Holland to be searched, and found the said white money lying together, and then conveyed him to Newgate, the King's gaol in Bristol. Towards night divers of Holland's neighbors who had missed things urged the sheriff to have his house searched, when there were found stolen goods belonging to John Haithwaye, John Torre and Thos. Sperkyn of the Worsiter, and of others.
2. Thos. Hennyng, baker, and Margaret his wife, deposed to having lost a gown and other articles which were found in Holland's house. Since his committal they asked him why he took the said gown, when he promised to make them amends, saying he trusted his friends would not let him lie there.
3. Thos. Blake, had some mantles stolen before Candlemas, some of which he believes were found in Holland's house. He has since demanded them of Holland, who said that if he were at liberty he would content him.
4. Margery Robyns says that Joan Tewe, deceased, wife of Ric. Tewe, had her house robbed about Candlemas last, when her husband was absent in St. Lucars beyond sea, and some of the articles were found in Holland's house.
Pp. 2. Large paper.
29 May. 726. Chapuys to Charles V.
Vienna Archives. On Saturday, Whitsuneve, I was informed by the Queen that the Bishops and others sent to her by the King to make her swear to the statute passed against her and the Princess, among other rude and harsh words which they used, had expressly threatened her with the penalties contained in the said statute, telling her it involved death. Thus they hoped to stagger her; but she remained all the more firm, replying among other things that if there was any one who had come to do such execution let him come forward, and she wished for nothing more except that if she was to die, it should be in public and not in a chamber or other secret place. I was also informed that certain maids who had likewise refused the oath had been shut up in a chamber, and that her confessor, physician and apothecary were forbidden to leave the house, and four other servants were put in prison. To remedy this as far as I could, I went by the command of the Queen immediately to Richmond where the King was, whom I warned beforehand by one of my servants that I was coming. He was astonished at my sudden arrival without having sent to demand audience, and I think he was not well pleased. Nevertheless he ordered, late as the hour was, that the Duke should attend me to dinner. After which the Duke in presence of the Marquis, Treasurer, Comptroller, Rochford, the bishop of Ely and captain of the guard, began to say that the King had been astonished as aforesaid at my coming, which was contrary to custom, especially as your majesty had forbidden his ambassador to take part in your feasts and triumphs without being invited, or to enter the Court until either he was summoned or he had spoken to Granvelle. The King therefore wondered if I had written [to your Majesty] that I could not obtain an audience when I asked for it, the Duke adding that he also had occasion to complain of me for his part, that I had suspected him sometimes of getting an audience that I wished for deferred. I told him, as to the first, that I knew nothing of it, and that your majesty would not have made that order without reasonable cause, at which the King should not be displeased. As to the second, having repeated all that passed before I wrote my last letter to the King, I acknowledged that an audience never has been refused me when I asked for it precisely and not alternatively, as I did when it was delayed. With this he was perfectly satisfied, and so also was the King, as he informed me afterwards. After these complaints the Duke intimated to me that if the matters for which I had come were private and not of importance, the King did not wish to be troubled with them, as his Council would settle them, but if they were important, he would hear me. I answered that I thought them of very great importance, and I had no doubt he would take the trouble to hear me; nevertheless knowing their virtue and good disposition to preserve the amity, and that by their dexterity they could insinuate it more graciously to the King than myself, I would explain it to them. I then did so as courteously as I could, exhorting them for many reasons to obtain a remedy, on which they retired to a corner of the room to consult together before making report to the King. Shortly afterwards the King, who was in a hurry to go hunting, sent to ask for them, and when they had remained some time with him they returned with the answer that the King, as he had several times told me, had no superior, colleague or controller in this realm or elsewhere, who could interfere with his laws, which all his subjects and the inhabitants of his kingdom were bound to obey; and as to the recent measures above referred to, it was no use talking about them till some of his commissioners had returned, and when he had heard all, he would make answer to me both upon those matters and about the licence I had asked to visit the Queen, which she desires so much, as she has sent to me to say. The Duke and the others also told me that the King was quite satisfied with my answer to the complaints made to me by the said Duke, and that they also thought I should have occasion to be satisfied with the answer the King would give me when he had heard the report of his commissioners, but till then nothing could be settled or discussed; and for this reason, the King, thinking it unnecessary to give me audience, had gone to the chase.
In the end I spoke to them about a ship of St. Sebastian that was taken last year by some Englishmen, and showed them the letter you had written to me thereupon, setting forth the injustice of the case, which they promised should be remedied according to justice.
Although since Whitsunday some of the above-mentioned commissioners have returned to Court and I have solicited an answer, there has been no chance yet of getting it, and yesterday Cromwell sent to beg me to have patience till Monday next, when I should have one without fail. Everybody fears some ill turn will be done to the Queen, seeing the rudeness and strange treatment to which she is daily subjected, both in deeds and in words, especially as the concubine has said she will not cease until she has got rid of her, and since, according to certain prophecies, one queen of England is to be burned, she wishes it to be Katharine to avoid the lot falling upon herself; and many suspect, as people say at Court that great things will be seen very soon, that it is something aimed against the Queen. Very lately the Chancellor, speaking in anger to three or four of the principal foreign merchants, told them that if they were to be trusted, all the foreigners in this kingdom would be treated as they deserved, and that they would cut off (que lon racourciroit) very great ones, which the said merchants interpreted to mean the Queen. These things are monstrous and difficult to believe, yet the obstinacy of the King and the malice of this cursed woman ought to make one doubt everything.
On the third day of Pentecost Cromwell wrote from the Court to the French ambassador that the Landgrave had defeated 6,000 soldiers of the king of the Romans. That same day the said Ambassador sent to the king of France his maitre d'hotel in diligence, I know not whether to solicit the sending of money to the Landgrave or some other designs. Next day the Ambassador visited Cromwell at his lodging, as it is thought, to congratulate him on the said news and form new projects, especially as with the said Ambassador were the Wayvode's man and Gregory de Casal, whose brother is ambassador at Rome for the said Wayvode: and it is said the King means to send the said Gregory as his ambassador to Venice, and his other brother, who is now there, to reside with the said Wayvode.
Two days ago I received your letter of 29th ult. with the documents therein mentioned, which I shall use as commanded. I have not yet sent those addressed to the Queen, hoping to be the bearer myself, and to tell her what I think expedient about the other matters. And if I can find an opportunity, which will be very difficult, I shall not fail to send letters to the persons sent by your majesty to Scotland and Ireland. One of those whom the King has sent to Saxony boasts of having done very good service to the King his master, but I cannot discover particulars. He has brought the copy of a counterfeit letter from the king of the Romans to the Turk full of great threats, to suggest that this has been the cause of the Turk's invasion. They are expecting every day the persons who are to come here from France to settle the affair of the interviews, and if they be agreed to, to arrange the time, the place, and form. I kiss your feet and hands 100,000 times for the pension you have given me on the archbishopric of Toledo. London, 29 May 1534.
P.S.—I have just been informed that the seigneur de la Guiche, who was here three years ago, had arrived quite alone, although those here reported that two or three men of great influence were to accompany him.
Received 16 June, at Salamanca, the day of the Emperor's entry.
Fr., pp. 6. From a modern copy.
29 May. 727. G. Earl of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
R. O. My poor daughter, wife to lord Dacre, hearing that he is in the King's displeasure and has been committed to the Tower, is going to make pursuit for him to the King. “She hath not been accustomed or brought up in any such affairs or uncomfortable business, but after the homely fashion of the country.” I beg you, therefore, to advise her. Sheffield Castle, 29 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
29 May. 728. The Charter House, London.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 491. Certificate by Roland Lee, bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, and Thos. Bedyll, clk., that they have received oaths of fealty from the following monks and servants of the Charter House, London, 29 May 26 Hen. VIII., viz., from John Howghton, prior; John Whetham, Edmund Sterne, John Enys, Will. Wayt, Humph. Middylmore, “procurator,” monks; and dom. John Heth, dom. Will. Barker, John Beddyll, Will. Rodon, Hen. Clarke, Nic. Horlyston, Nic. Robartes, Chr. More, servants and dwellers within the precincts of the house. And that the said bishop Lee and Sir Thos. Kytson received on the 6th June oaths from the following additional monks and servants, viz., (1.) Priests: Will. Brooke, Barth. Burgoyne, Jas. Walwerke, Ric. Bere, Geo. Bekerey, Hen. Hawte, Will. Exmewe, Thos. Jonson, John Darley, John Fox, Sebastian Nudygate, John Rochestre, Everard Dyckby, John Bulleyne, Oliver Batemanson, Nic. Rawlyns, Rob. Raby, Andrew Boorde, Thos. Salter. (2.) “Professi et non Sacerdotes”: John Nycholson, Maurice Channey, (fn. 9) John Davy. (3.) “Converi”: Will. Grenewoode, Thos. Scryven, Rob. Billingesley, Rob. Salte, Thos. Clogger, John Bykerton, Thos. Owen, Rob. Pynchebeck, Walter Pierson, John Scoffyn, Thos. Redyng, Will. Horne, and Rob. Cardyn. Signed by bishop Lee and Bedyll.
729. The Charterhouse.
R. O. Gift by Robt. Cardon to the prior and convent of the Charterhouse, London, of money owed to him by Ric. Maddoke, David Playner, Wm. Huntely, Geffrey Brown, and Hen. Ladbroke, to be spent in mending the altar cloths, the buildings at “our cell,” alms, and the use of the house. Signed.
P. 1.
730. A. Bord to the Prior of Hinton.
R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 308. Desires earnestly their prayers. If he knew the prior of London would be good to him, would see him sooner. Cannot endure the “rugorosyte” of their religion. “If I might be suffered to do what I might without interruption, I can tell what I had to do, for my heart is ever with you.”
Hol., p. 1. Add.
29 May. 731. S. Vaughan to Cromwell.
R. O. The County Palentine, who was come into these parts, has desired ships of the Queen to be conveyed into Denmark. This day he leaves for Zealand to take shipping. He has great hope to be king there by aid of the Emperor. There is no mention here of war with France. Brussels, 29 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
29 May. 732. Stephen Vaughan to [Cromwell]
Galba, B. X. 68. B. M. As I wrote by another letter today, the Countie Palentyne, when at the Court, asked for ships to convey him to Denmark, which were granted, and he has today left for Seland, where the ships are. With the first fair wind he will sail.
The 27th inst., a post came from the Emperor with such “easy newes” from the army as hath made them somewhat sad. The Queen was always accustomed on the Sunday before Whitsunday, when the people of Brussels keep their Umegang day, to go to the town house to see the procession, and dine there, but because of this news, she came not abroad. The news is kept secret; if it had been good, it would have been out before the letters were half read.
There is no provision here for wa[r] against France. Money and corn both lack, so that I think they can do nothing this year, and scarcely next, because of the great drought and probable dearness of corn.
My servant has just come from England with your letter telling me that the King desires me to take leave of the Queen and his other friends and return to England, which I will gladly do with humble thanks. Brussels, 29 May.
Hol., pp. 2.
30 May. 733. Dame Elizabeth Whettyll to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I thank you for your letters, and am glad to hear of your welfare and all yours. “I thanke your ladychep for the gret payne yow toke in festyng of my gestes at the Franckferyte. I trouste no my honorabell yeres comes in that I had soche a lady to fornes my rome. Wheras you tretyn me fordar,” I must make haste home for the great danger I stand in, but there is a saying that threatened men live long. I think long till I see you. If I were at Calais again I would no more be a suitor. Good Mrs. Staynings is still a suitor, with a great belly; I have pity to see her now. Mr. Cromwell has assigned her to the King's attorney for writings that should be made, and he drives her off so that she makes as much suit now as she did. She trusts to be dispatched this term. For lack of a good pen and a good writer, I fear you will have much work to read this my hand.
I would be glad to hear how Mrs. Anne (fn. 10) does in France. Recommend me to your daughters. My two maids desire to be recommended to you and the gentlewomen. 30 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
734. Elizabeth Stayninges to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Thanks lady Lisle for remembering her and her husband in her trouble. Mr. Cromwell has daily promised that she should have her husband discharged out of prison, for the King has three times commanded him by mouth to deliver money for his deliverance. Asks her to write to thank master Norres for the pains he has taken in suing to the King for this money. Has found him their spe*** good master. Cromwell has appointed sundry days to have had her *** ad at liberty, and answers that he lacks but time to make an end. When the time shall come, God knows. To remember lady Lisle's goodness comforts her when she is not merry, for she is bound to none of her kin, in her trouble, but to her ladyship. Lady Whettell was with her in the Cownter, and has sent divers times to know when her husband will be discharged. It is too long to write how unkindly her cousin Arundell has dealt with her husband. He daily troubles their tenants, and reported to Mr. Cromwell and others the worst he could, and more than truth. Asks lady Lisle to write to any lady she knows at Court who is familiar with the Queen, that she may resort to her sometimes. Fears that trouble is not yet at an end. Cannot remain here long, “for I am in the taking that I was in the last year, and if it had pleased God, He might a sent it your ladyship, the which would a been more gladder than I am.” Her husband desires to be humbly commended to lord and lady Lisle. “Your poor niece.”
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
30 May. 735. Cardinal Farnese to Charles V.
Add. MS. 28,586, f. 261. B. M. Is glad to hear by the Emperor's letters and from the count of Cifontes that his conduct in the affair of the queen of England has pleased his majesty. Rome, 30 May 1534.
Ital., pp. 2, modern copy.
31 May. 736. Henry Gee, Mayor of Chester, to Cromwell.
R. O. Received his letters by Cusake and Fynglas to prepare shipping for them. Prepared a vessel for them of 20 tons, for which he spent 4l. Begs to be recompensed. Chester, 31 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
31 May. 737. Lubeck.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 539. Commission given by the town of Lubeck to Otho Adam Pacæus, LL.D., Gerhard Odinberg (fn. 11) and John [ab Elpergo] (fn. 12), in reply to a proposition made to them by Henry VIII.'s ambassador, Dr. Thomas Leghius (fn. 13) (Leigh), to offer the King their confession of faith and treat for an offensive league against the Pope. They are also to treat of the affairs of the German merchants. Lubeck, 31 May 1534.
Lat. Vellum, mutilated.
31 May. 738. Sir Thomas Audeley, Chancellor, to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Sent a commission to Sir John Dauncy and John Hales, baron of the Exchequer, and Chr. Hales, Attorney General, to examine in a dispute between Hen. Lacy and Thos. Prowde concerning certain lands in Marke and Oye. The said commissioners have made their award. But as, nevertheless, a new commission has been issued from the Chancery, to you and others within the town of Calais, for examination of the same matter, I have sent you the certificates made by the previous commissioners, for your better instruction. London, 31 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
[31 May.] 739. John Johnson alias Anthony to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Commendations to his lordship and my lady. As you desired, I have spoken to my lord (fn. 14) to be good lord to me and write to your lordship for the preferment of Rob. Clayre to 6d. a day. My lord has granted my request, and you will receive his letter by the said Robert, to whom I beg you to continue good lord. Will keep his promise to my lady to give her 20 nobles for Lisle's goodness to him. Written in the Isle of Thanet, Trinity Sunday. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
31 May. 740. The Earl of Ossory.
R. O. St. P. II. 194. Indenture, dated 31 May 26 Hen. VIII., between the King and Peter Butler, earl of Ossory, at his departure from the King. The Earl promises that himself, his son and their heirs shall be true subjects. The King grants him the governance of the counties of Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford, Ossory and Ormond. The Earl promises to assist Skeffington, appointed deputy in place of the earl of Kildare. He shall not maintain, without the Deputy's assent, any Irish lord and captain as Macmorgho, O'More, O'Chonour, or O'Karraile. He shall assist the King's judges everywhere above the water of Barrow and provide gaols in Kilkenny, Waterford, Tipperary, &c. He shall do his best to get possession of Dungarvan Castle and to reduce the earl of Desmond. He shall resist the bishop of Rome's usurped jurisdiction. Those Irish or English who shall be brought to good conformity by means of the Earl shall be favorably entertained by the Deputy.
Copy, pp. 5.
Lamb. MS. 611, p. 22. 2. Another copy.
741. Complaint against the Earl of Ossory.
R. O. Petition to the king by John Gryffen, yeoman of the Guard. Was granted the office of customer of Drogheda by patent 9 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII., but the earl of Ostre (Ossory), when Deputy, deprived him of the office and gave it to one of his servants. Has been many times in Ireland to get what is due to him, and the last time the said Earl promised, before Sir Wm. Skevington, then Deputy, to pay him before he left Dublin, or to have left Coly and his son to settle with him; but he did not keep his word. Begs that, now the Earl is here, he may be commanded to pay, and that Harry Jonys, yeoman usher to the Queen, may be joined with him in the patent.
P. 1. Endd.
31 May. 742. James V. to —.
Royal MS. 18, B. VI. 35 b. B. M. “Jacobus Dei gratia Rex Scotorum Senatui co . . . . . salutem. Agit apud vos, viri consulti[ssimi,] . . . . . da Johannes Lytill, vir Scotus, quod ea . . . . . jus ullum hostiliter ab Anglis est direpta . . . . . vestro senatu suam repetens navem Joannes m . . . . . quibus justam suam actionem commendare . . . . . suadet, tum ipsa causæ æquitas, tum vestri hon . . . . . Quamobrem petimus tametsi ad hoc quod e . . . . . non indigere vos intelligimus, ut non . . . . . nostri in hac causa rationem ineatis, quam si ea . . . . . tuna apud nos inciderit haberi cupitis; quod si faci[tis crit] nobis gratissimum.” Stirling, ult. Maii anno trigesimo q[uarto].
Copy, mutilated.
31 May. 743. John Tregonwell to Cromwell.
R. O. Whereas you have publicly announced among my friends that the King has granted me the mastership of the rolls in reversion after Dr. Taylor, allow me to state that it will be soon vacant on Taylor's resignation. Let me request your favor in this matter, as any disappointment will greatly redound to my dishonor after what you have said. London, 31 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
744. [Lord Darcy.]
R. O. Lady Day and Easter rents, a° 1534.
“In this purse is of the money that mine auditor brought the 14th day of April anno prædicto of my farms, 21l. 18s.d. Taken out to put in my purse, 28 April, to pay for a loaf of sugar and 1lb. of cinnamon, 27s.d. For a tun of French wine and for surgery stuff bought by Chauntrell, 6l. 2s. 2d. To Mr. Cowper, 5 May 26 Hen. VIII., for half year's rent of the vine garden at Westminster, 53s. 4d. To pay Basset for working at Westminster and “coottyng” the hedges at the garden, 4s. 3d. Put in my purse, 10 May, for works at Mortlake, 20s. Paid the clerk, 11 May, for the use of the house, 40s. Taken out, 15 May, to lend the bailly of Kingston, 40s., &c.
Pp. 2. The heading in Darcy's hand.
[May.] 745. Sir Thos. More to Margaret Roper.
More's Eng. Works, 1,431. Prefatory Note by Editor of More's English Works.—Within a while after Sir Thos. More was in prison in the Tower, his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Roper, wrote and sent unto him a letter, wherein she seemed somewhat to labor to persuade him to take the oath (though she nothing so thought), to win thereby credence with Mr. Thomas Cromwell, that she might the rather get liberty to have free resort unto her father (which she only had for the most time of his imprisonment), unto which letter her father wrote an answer, the copy whereof here followeth:—
The terrible things he hears about himself are not so grievous to him as her letter trying to persuade him to the thing-wherein of pure necessity, for respect unto his own soul, he has often given her precise answer before. To the points of her letter can make no answer, having sundry times told her that he will disclose to no one the matters which move his conscience. Desires her to leave off such labor and be content with her former answers. A greater grief than the fear of his own death is that he hears that her husband, herself, his wife, and other children and friends are in danger of harm. Can only commit all to God, whom he prays to incline the King's heart to favor them all, and himself no better than his faithful heart to his Highness deserves. If the King could see his true mind as God knows it, it would soon assuage his high displeasure. Can never show it in this world but that the King may be persuaded to believe the contrary, and must put all in the hands of Him for fear of whose displeasure he suffers this trouble, out of which he prays God to bring him, when His will shall be, into the endless bliss of Heaven, and meanwhile to give him and her grace, in their agonies and troubles, to resort prostrate unto the remembrance of the Saviour's bitter agony.
[May.] 746. Margaret Roper to Sir Thos. More.
More's Eng. Works, 1,432. Prefatory Note by Editor.—To this last letter Mrs. Margaret Roper wrote an answer and sent it to Sir Thos. More, her father, the copy whereof here followeth:—
It is no little comfort, since she cannot talk with him by such means as she would, to delight herself in this bitter time of his absence by often writing to him and reading his most fruitful and delectable letter, the faithful messenger of his virtuous and ghostly mind. Doubts not that God holds His holy hand over him, and will preserve him, both body and soul, now when he has abjected all earthly consolations and resigned himself to His holy protection. Their comfort since his departure has been their experience of his past life and godly conversation, wholesome counsel and virtuous example, and a surety of a great increase thereof.
Prays that God will help them to follow what they praise in him. “Your own most loving obedient daughter and bedeswoman, Margaret Roper, which desireth above all worldly things to be in John a Woods's (fn. 15) stead, to do you some service. But we live in hope that we shall shortly receive you again. I pray God heartily we may, if it be His holy will.
747. More to all his Friends.
More's Eng. Works, 1,432. Prefatory Note by Editor.—Within a while after Sir Thos. More had been in prison in the Tower, his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Roper, obtained licence of the King that she might resort unto her father in the Tower, which she did. And thereupon he wrote with a coal a letter to all his friends, whereof the copy followeth:—
Being in prison, and not knowing what need he may have or what necessity he may be in, begs the*** all that if Margaret Roper, who alone has the King's licence to resort to him, desires anything of them that he may happen to need, they will regard it as if he asked it personally. Begs them to pray for him, and he will pray for them.
748. Sir Thomas More.
More's Eng. Works, 1,432. Two short ballettes which Sir Thomas More made for his pastime while he was prisoner in the Tower of London, entitled “Lewys, the lost Lover,” and “Davy, the Dycer,” beginning “Fy, (fn. 16) flatering fortune, loke thou never so fayre,” and “Long was I, lady Lucke, your serving man.”
749. The Bishop (Stewart) of Aberdeen to [Cromwell].
Calig. B. III. 278. B. M. St. P. IV. 668. Begs him to remember their conversation about James' marriage, and to promote it now that the Scotch ambassadors are in France for the purpose. The King may understand his master's good mind to him by many ways. Begs him to keep secret from all but the King “the persuasion of meeting.” “Our writings are endit, therefore necessar is that we meet this Tuesday and complete all things as efferis;” after which we may come to the King and common about taking leave.
Apologises for his evil hand, as he will use no secretary in these matters.
Hol., p. 1.
750. Henry VIII. to [the Archbishop of Canterbury].
R. O. Notwithstanding the repeated councils summoned by the King to promote unity in religion, there, swarmeth abroad a number of indiscreet persons, with neither learning nor judgment, who nevertheless are authorised to preach and blow abroad their folly. Considering the pains we have taken to avoid this, and the commands we have given to you, “whom, besides your profession, we repute a personage addict to honesty, and to the observation of our precepts,” we expect you, and the rest of our ministers whom we have chosen to instruct the people, to have special regard to the election of preachers, and to call in the licences of those who are incompetent, so that our people may be fed with wholesome food, neither savoring the corruption of the bishop of Rome nor led into doubt by novelties.
Draft, in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 6.
Ends: “Whom we have not only put in trust, but also command to foresee and provide remedy for such inconveniences as might ensue in that behalf.”
751. [Cranmer] to Latimer.
Harl. MS. 6,148, f. 41. B. M. Cranmer's Letters, 296. Last April, Cranmer and the bishops of his province caused an inhibition to be had for preaching within their dioceses, to prevent the malignity of divers preachers who intended to hinder the King's just cause of matrimony and deprave the acts of Parliament, and thus preached sedition rather than edification. It was therefore concluded that no bishop or bishop's officer should license any to preach without special injunction declared to them that they should not preach anything prejudicial to the King's matrimony, whereby the King's issue might come into doubt among the vulgar people, or reprehend in their sermons any ordinances or statutes made or hereafter to be ordained by Parliament.
As he has licensed at Latimer's request divers in his province to whom he could not give such injunctions without their intolerable charges, desires Latimer to do so to all who are or shall be licensed to preach at his instance. Wishes him to be right circumspect that the injunctions may be well observed, or else to return the licence of any whom he doubts.
Headed: To master Latymer, parson of Weste Kynton, in Wiltshire.
From Cranmer's Letter Book.
752. [Cranmer] to the Duchess of Norfolk.
Harl. MS. 6,148, f. 44 b. B. M. Cranmer's Letters, 294. Asks her to cause some of her friends about the King to promote the suit of her servant and Cranmer's ally, Thos. Cade, who has obtained an office at Calais of 6d. a day, which he wishes to hold by deputy. Has been lately so importunate to the King for matters concerning himself that he is unapt to sue in this behalf.
Headed: To, &c, the duchess of Norfolk.
From Cranmer's Letter Book.
753. [Cranmer to —.]
Harl. MS. 6,148, f. 40 b. B. M. Cranmer's Letters, 299. Asks him to favor the prior of the Charterhouse in the isle of Axholme in his suit.
From Cranmer's Letter Book.
754. Examination of Henry Kylbie.
R. O. 1. Never till his communication with the hostler of the White Horse at Cambridge heard anyone speak against the King's marriage, “neither yet with it, other than God give them joy of it.” 2. Has been Mr. Pachett's servant six years; 3, before which he dwelled with master Brokesby of Leicestershire, now deceased, four years. 4. Never heard any but strangers speak of the King and the bishop of Rome. Some as he rode to London said that we should no more sue to Rome, that there should be a Pope within this realm, and that this Act should save much money within the same. 5. Never heard his master Pachet speak of such matters, for he kept much at home. 6. On Saturday 2 May he came with master Pachet from London to Cambridge homewards towards Leicester, and on the Monday evening after, whilst he was dressing his master's horse, he fell into communication with the hostler of the White Horse, who told him that there was no pope, but a bishop of Rome; to which he replied that there was a pope, and that whoever held the contrary were strong heretics. “Then the hosteler answered that the King's grace helde of his parte. This examyned saide that then was both he an heritique and the King an other, and said also that this busines had never been if the Kinge had not maryed Anne Bullen; and therewithall they multiplyed wordes and wexed so whotte in theire communication that the one called the other knave, and so fell to gither by the cares, so that this examyned brake the hosteler's hed with a fagotte styke.”
Pp. 2. Endd.
755. Philip Wharton to Cromwell.
R. O. “The confession of Sir Ric. Morse, priest, prisoner in the Counter in Bread Street, and of Margery Cressy, prisoner at the Gatehouse at Westminster, and of the sinister and crafty demeanor and sayings of one John Cannady, goldfiner, Roger Horton, and other goldsmiths, by reason whereof, as I am informed, the King's grace is entitled to certain forfeits.”
Complains that he cannot get back a bowl which he found at a goldsmith's stall in Cheapside on 4 May instant, though he delivered to the beadle of the goldsmiths on 27 March, the day after he was robbed, 3s. 4d. and a bill of particulars. How often it has been bought and sold since by sundry goldsmiths and by Sir Ric. Morse, he explains at considerable length. The said Margery was a receiver. Mentions among other things that the priest desired Cressy and his wife, Jane Cok his mistress, and an hostler and his wife, who kept one of his bastards to dine with him at the Maidenhead in Coleman Street, where Margery ***raised a cup that stood before them and offered to sell some plate she had at home, to which the priest replied that he had parishioners who would gladly buy plate. Mr. Kytson is mentioned as sheriff.
Pp. 3. Add. at the head: Of the Council.
ii. On the fourth page, in another hand, is written the confession of Margery Cressy in reference to the above matter, with memoranda of the names of persons implicated.
756. W. H. (?) to the Confessor of Syon.
R. O. On Saturday night Mr. Legge your chaplain was sent to the Tower, by commandment of Mr. Secretary Cromwell. He desired Mr. Secretary's servant that brought him to the Tower to inform me or my wife that we might send you word. He has only 3s. 4d. in his purse to buy meat and drink. Being there it will be very costly to him. Wherefore this Mr. Secretary's servant desired me to let you know in what case he is, and he trusted he should have comfort from you or my lady. His money will soon be spent, and if he lacks friends, he will have neither meat, drink nor bread.
My wife bought him a mattress and bolster, and sent them to him with a pair of sheets and a coarse covering, “for that he should have no bed but of the boards.” I hope he will soon be restored.
I desire you to recommend me to lady Dorothy.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
757. Enriques de Toar to [Cromwell].
R. O. Two years since certain Spanish envoys were here, at whose request I received licence from you of taking a house to pursue my calling at Huaseminstell (? Westminster). Here I was twice robbed to the amount of 100 gold crowns (poadera). Being reduced to poverty, I took another house in which I dwelled with my wife and son, laboring at my work and giving work at the same time to certain Englishmen. It is now eight days of the month of May since one Bartholomew, an Englishman, and his companion entered my house and took away all the work that I had done myself, and other which I had commanded to be done, saying, I had no right to ply my trade. I told them to do me no wrong, and showed them my licence, but they would not look at it, but took away my goods. I beg they may be convented before you to give an account of their conduct, and if they have no right, as I think they have none, let them be condemned to make restitution and suffer such punishment as you shall think proper.
Hol., Lat., p. 1.
758. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
R. O. These are the names I wish to have in the commission as well for my discharge as for the confidence I have in them. I shall therefore beg your favor for them that I may be despatched as soon as possible, as I lie here at no small charge. Mr. Bedyll will render our business this day at the Charterhouse, where our diligence cannot help, nor reason nor policy, which with all circumspection we have used.
Resolve with Mr. Bedyll of the journey to Sion, that I may know by this bearer.
Hol., p. 1. Headed with the following list: The names to be had in the commission. Master Pakyngton, master Holte, master Morton of the law; Sir John Gyfforde, Sir Ph. Draycott, knts.; Edw. Lytleton, esq.; Mr. Ric. Strete, archdeacon of Derby. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
759. Roland Lee, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
R. O. Please speak with this bearer, who has brought the second answer from the bishop of Chichester. By his information I find no little dissimulation which is not to be forgotten. In remuneration of the same, it would be well if he called in his own person here ad præstandum sacramentum, like other bishops. Thanks this honest priest for his pains. Towards Sion this morning.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
760. Sir Will. Fitzwilliam to Cromwell.
R. O. This day I with other commissioners for sewers met at the town of Guildford. We have appointed that 10 of the commission shall view the river down to the Thames, and make a report within 14 days. As I hear from the bearer that you cannot be at Byfleet on Monday night, let me know if you can be at Kingston upon Tuesday. Guildford Manor, Saturday night.
P.S. in his own hand: “There is no man now in hour qwavrtar that ressons agaynst it, bot hevere man with it that has hoder lerneng or descressyhon.” Signed.
P. 1. Add.: One of the King's Council and master of his Grace's jewels. Endd.: In a° xxvj° R.H. viij. (fn. 17)
761. Grants in May 1534.
May. Grants. 1. Sir Arthur Darcy. Annuity of 12l. out of the manor of Castell Eton, and certain lands, &c. in Castell Eton and Merston (Wilts), and out of the manor of Barngroves in Stanes, late of Wm. Zouche, deceased, during the minority of Frances Zouche, d. and h. of the said Wm.; with the wardship and marriage of the said Frances. Del. Westm., 1 May 26 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 1, m. 8. (undated on roll).
2. Sir Ralph Borough. Wardship and marriage of Peter Fawkenour, son and heir of Thomas Fawkenour or Faukenour, deceased, in the King's hands by the voidance of the see of Winchester [sic, “Winton,” but qu. Worcester?] Del. Westm., 1 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
3. Ralph Sadleyre. Grant, in reversion, of the office of notary or prothonotary of Chancery now held by master Wm. Throgymerton, LL.D. Del. Westm., 2 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
4. Robert Aldryche, S.T.P. Grant of the canonry and prebend in the collegiate church of St. Mary and St. George in Windsor Castle, void by the death of Richard Sydnour. Greenwich, 28 April 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
5. Anthony Saunders, yeoman of the guard. Fee of the Crown, 6d. a day, vice Gilbert Gras, deceased. Del. Westm., 3 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
6. Sir Thomas Clifford, captain of Barwik. Grant of a prize ship which belonged to John Litel, a Scotchman, and was taken in the Humber 19 Nov. 1532 by a ship called the John of Barwik, under the command of Laurence Hamerton, which the King had fitted out to repel the aggressions of the Scots.—S.B. Del. Westm., 4 May 26 Hen. VIII. In French.
7. Town of Barnardescastell.—Commission to Sir Thos. Tempest, Ralph Evers, Robt. Bowes and Christopher Lassell, to make inquisition p.m. on the lands and heir of Anthony Menvell. Westm., 5 May.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 32d.
8. Edw. Cornewales, a sewer of the Chamber. To be keeper of the lantern at “le Lantern gate” in Calais, vice Edw. Thwaytes or Thwates, attainted of misprision. Greenwich, 28 April 26 Hen. VIII. Del. West4m., 5 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
9. Arnold Lubery, alias Arnold Fosaunt, native of Cleves, born subject of the Emperor. Denization. Westm., 5 May.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 43.
10. Bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield. Restitution of temporalities on the election of Rowland Lee, LL.D., cancon and prebendary of Lichfield, as bishop. Greenwich, 21 April 25 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 6 May, 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8. Rym. XIV. 528.
ii. The archbp. of Canterbury to Hen. VIII., certifying that he had confirmed the election and consecrated the new bishop at Croydon on Sunday, 19 April 1534. Croydon, 20 April.
11. George Cornewall, of London, alias of Benyngton, Herts, son and heir of Sir Richard Cornewall. Pardon for the murder of John Ode, alias Woode or Wodde, serjeant of the mace in the city of London. Greenwich, 28 April 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
12. Anth. Brakenbury, a gentleman usher of the Chamber. Lease (by advice of Sir John Daunce and John Hales) of the mill of Percebrigge, now in tenure of Thos. Robynson; a cottage and certain lands there, late in the tenure of Robt. Stevenson, and now in that of Geo. Warcop; another cottage with lands there, late in the tenure of Robt. Stevenson, and now of Wm. Patenson; a close called Bolomynge and another called Cotegarth, in tenure of Geo. Warcop; parcel of the manor of Percebrigge, in the honor of Barnard Castell, parcel of the lands in the bishopric of Durham, assigned by Parliament for the pay of the garrison of Berwick; also a close called Cotegarth, in the lordship of Gaynford, in the tenure of Geo. Warcops another called Milne Holme, in the tenure of divers tenants there; another called Cheritre Garth, with five acres of land, in the tenure of John Betson, elk.; another called Berset, in the tenure of Ric. Burrell, and a tenement with lands in the tenure of Hugh Clerke, parcel of the manor of Gaynford, in the lordship of Barnard Castell aforesaid; with reservations; for the term of 21 years, at certain stated annual rents. Del. Westm., 7 May 26 Hen.VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
13. Sir Thos. Clifford, captain of Berwick, and Sir Geo. Lawson, treasurer of the same. Lease of the fishery of the King's water of the Tweed for 21 years from the expiration in Mich. 1542 of a former lease granted to Wm. Laughton and 12 others. Del. Westm., 7 May 26 Hen.VIII.—S.B.
14. Patrick Fynglas. To be Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, with the fees enjoyed by Sir Bartholomew Dillon and Patrick Bermynghem, out of the issues of the portsof Dublin and Drogheda. Del. Westm., 8 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
15. Nich. Poyntz. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir Anth. Poyntz, deceased, s. and h. of Sir Robert Poyntz and of Joan Guldeford, late wifeof the said Sir Anth. Greenwich, 4 May, 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 May—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
16. Humph. Bassett, of London, serving-man, alias “swordeplayer,” alias yeoman, alias cock. Pardon of all felonies, &c. before the 3rd April last. Greenwich, 2 May 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
17. Thos. Ogle, one of the riders of the King's horses. Reversion of the office of keeper of Fulbroke park, which was granted by patent 12 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII. to Wm. Corpson, one of the yeomen of the Guard, with the usual fees out of the issues of the manor of Fulbroke. Greenwich, 2 May 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
18. Robert Litton. Livery of lands as s. and h. of William Litton, deceased; also to Sir Andrew Wyndesor, William Litton, George Wyndesor, Sir Philip Bothe and William Nanfant, as trustees. Greenwich, 1 May, 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
19. John Lyngfeld, alias Huntley, prior of St. James, Tanryge, Surrey, Winchester dioc. Licence to accept the parish church of Oxsted, to which he has been presented by Katherine Burgh, widow, and to hold the same or any other benefice along with his said priory, the resources of the priory not being adequate to meet the necessary expenses and hospitality. Del. Westm., 10 May 26 Hen.VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
20. Thomas Wentworth. Wardship and marriage of Isabella Whiteley, daughter and heir of Percival Whiteley, deceased. Greenwich, 26 April 26 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 13 May—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
21. Thos. Spore of Rotherfeld, Oxon., yeoman. Pardon for the manslaughter of Thos. Croxforde, of Stonour, Oxon., in the honor of Walyngford. The incidents are recorded in an inquisition taken 27 April 24 Hen. VIII., at Crowmershe, Oxon. Westm., 13 May.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9.
22. Abbey of Tewkesbury. Assent to the election of John Wiche, late prior, as abbot. Greenwich, 27 April 26 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 15 May.—P.S.
ii. Petition of the convent attached, dated 6 May.
23. Cheshire: Commission to Sir Thos. Fulleshurst, Ric. Halsall (or Hassall) and Will. Clayton, to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heirs of Ralph Lacestre of Tofte and Laurence Merbur[y]. Westm., 15 May.
ii. Commission to the same, on the lands and heir of Edw. Bekynsale and Thos. Warde of Norbery. Westm., 15 May.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 32d.
24. Wm. bishop of Aberdeyn, ambassador from the king of Scots. Passport to return to Scotland with 50 persons of his train, &c. Greenwich, 18 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.H.
25. John abbot of Bukfast, Devon. Grant of the rectory of Churstowe to him and his successors, on condition that they keep a perpetual vicarage, with one priest there, and contribute the usual sum to the poor of the parish.—S.B. Del. Westm., 18 May 26 Hen. VIII.
26. Anth. Kyngeston, unus depositorum nostrorum ad mensam. To be keeper of the New park of Thornbury, otherwise called the Holme park, late of Edward duke of Buckingham, an office lately held by Thos. Bennett, late yeoman of the guard, with 4d. a day. Greenwich, 26 April 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
27. Emerius Tukfeld, chaplain. Presentation to the parish church of Bromeley, Rochester dioc., void by the forfeiture of John Adison, S.T.P. Del. Westm., 18 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. Monastery of Thurgarton. Restitution of temporalities, on the election of Thomas Dethyk as prior, confirmed by William Clyff, LL.D., vicar-general of Edward archbishop of York. Del. Westm., 19 May 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
ii. Confirmation of the election by Edward abp. of York, signified to Thomas Dethike, by Wm. Clyff, archdeacon of Cleveland, the Archbishop's vicar-general. 30 April 1534. Attached to P.S.
29. Royston Priory. Conge d'elire on the death of Rob. White, last prior. Greenwich, 14 May 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 May.—P.S. Dated 9 May, on pat. p. 2, m. 7.
ii. Deed of John Manytre, sub-prior and president, constituting Ric. Britten, John Wells and Alex. Stookes, canons, his proctors, to announce to the King the death of the prior, on the 2nd April 1534, and to obtain the conge d'elire. 4 April. Attached to P.S.
30. Wm. Blakenall. Lease of 16 1/2 acres of meadow, called North Mede, late in tenure of Rob. Baker, 7 acres of arable land, with herbage and pannage within 1 acre of underwood, called Dawson Croftis, and also within 50 acres of wood and pasture, and within 24 acres of meadow called lex Sayes, lately held by Morgan Johnes, in the manor of Waynested, Essex, parcel of the lands purchased by Henry VII. of Sir Ralph Hastynges; with reservations, for 21 years, at 9l. 10s. rent and 2s. increase; on surrender of a similar lease granted 19 July 9 Hen.VIII. to Nich. Rawson, deceased, who demised it to Oliver Manfeld, and he in turn to Charles duke of Suffolk, who granted it to the said Wm. Blakenall. Del. Westm., 19 May 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
31. David Marten. To be comptroller of the King's works in England; in reversion after Geo. Lovekyn, who holds the office by patent 24 March 20 Hen. VIII.; with fees for himself and a clerk under him, and a livery. Del. Westm., 20 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 3.
32. Hugh Norres, yeoman of the Guard. To be clerk of the creeks and passages to the town of Brystowe; with 10 marks a year. Greenwich, 15 May 26 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 1.
33. Thomas Cob, John Hale, and Stephen Cob, yeomen. Grant of the next presentation to the parish church of High Ongar alias High Hunger, Essex, London dioc. Greenwich, 15 April 25 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May 26 Hen. VIII.—Writ for P.S. Signed by Thomas Cromwell and add. to the earl of Wiltshire. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
34. Hen. duke of Richmond and Somerset. Grant of three fairs, at Burne, in Lincolnshire. On the eve and day of St. Matthew (Matthias) Apostle, 23 and 24 Feb., the eve and day of the Name of Jesus, viz., 6 and 7 Aug.; and the eve and day of St. Edward King and Confessor, 12 and 13 Oct. Richmond, 20 May 26 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 21 May.—P.S.
35. John Graynfeld. Reversion of the place of a serjeant-at-arms, now held by John Eston, by patent 20 June 14 Hen. VIII.; with 12d. a day. Del. Westm., 22 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 3.
36. John Baptist Semensa. Licence to export “Charseis” or other woollen cloths, tin, lead, hides, &c., from the ports of London and Southampton, to the value of 20l. T., 23 May.—S.B. Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25.
37. Anthony Bonvisy, merchant of Luke (Lucca). Licence to pass beyond sea with five servants, six horses, and 100 “crownes of the sonne.” Richmond, 24 May 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
38. Thos. Cranemer, archbp. of Canterbury, Sir John Markeham, John Hercy, John Meryng, Edm. Moiyneux, Wm. Meryng, Nich. Denman and John Clayton, elk. Mortmain licence to alienate lands to the annual value of 45s. 8d., in exchange for others, to John Olyver, elk., prebendary of Overhall in Norwell, Notts. Also to alienate lands to the annual value of 2s. 4d., in exchange for others, to Rie. Marten, vicar of the vicarage belonging to the prebend of Overhall, and his successors for ever. Also to alienate lands, &c. to the annual value of 2s. 6d., in exchange for others, to Ric. Alvey, elk., vicar of the parish church of Norwell aforesaid, of the vicarage belonging to the third prebend of Norwell. Also to alienate land, &c. to the annual value of 5s., in exchange for others, to Wm. Inkersell, elk., priest of Norwell chantry in Southwest, Notts. Also to alienate to Thos. Burton, elk., prebendary of the prebend of Palice Hall in Norwell, and to Ric. Thomyow, prebendary of the said third prebend in Norwell, and their successors, and to all and single the said prebendaries, vicars and priests of the said chantry and their successors for ever, and to their tenants from the 13 Aug. next, common of pasture for the cattle in a close, called Swyne close, in Norwell aforesaid, containing 40 acres of land.—S.B., endd.: Richmond, 18 May 26 Hen.VIII. P.S. of same date, del. [Westm. ?] 25 May. Pat. p. 2, m. 17 [enrolment dated Westm., 5 May].
39. Thomas Broke. Lease of all lands, &c. in Calais, late in tenure of Edward Thwaytes, attainted 16 Jan. last; viz., one acre of land and a windmill upon it, in the lordship of Marke, a windmill at Calkewell, in the county of Guisnes, and 16 acres of land at Mydelway; for 41 years, at stated rents. Richmond, 20 May 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 May.—Pat. p. 2, m. 14.
40. John Ruckewood. To be purveyor of timber, for the fortification and repairs of Calais and Guynes, with 10 marks a year. Del. Westm., 25 May 26 Hen.VIII.—S.B.
41. Monastery of Wilton, Salisbury dioc, Restitution of temporalities, on the election of Cecilia Bodenham, late prioress of Kyngton, as abbess. Fealty to be taken by Thos. Benet, elk. Richmond, 20 May 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
ii. Significavit of the election of Cecilia Bodenham, late prioress of Kynton, by Thos. Benet, vicar general of Laurence bp. of Salisbury. 1 June 1534. Attached to P.S.
42. John Appowell, of Henley-upon Thames, Oxon., weaver. Pardon for abetting John Done alias Dole alias Downe, who, Tuesday 11 Nov. 24 Hen. VIII., stole from the house of Thos. Chief at Henley a black gown and a piece of wollen cloth belonging to Thos. Ardrenne, in the custody of the said Thos. Chief. Greenwich, 17 April 25 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 28 May “anno subscr.”—P.S. Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3.


  • 1. John Howe.
  • 2. Thomas Hickman, vicar of Walthamstow and of Horndon super Montem, ob. 1534. Newcourt.
  • 3. He was chancellor of Worcester.
  • 4. William Snow, prior of Bradstock, Wilts, afterwards first dean of Bristol.
  • 5. Edward Kirkeby.
  • 6. Ric. Blyton?
  • 7. William Thurske.
  • 8. John Ledes or Alanbrigg.
  • 9. Or Chancæus, author of “Commentariolus de vitæ ratione et martyrio octodecim Cartusianorum.”
  • 10. Anne Basset.
  • 11. Not Adinberg, as in Rymer.
  • 12. Name lost by mutilation since Rymer's day.
  • 13. Not Loghius, as in Rymer.
  • 14. The prior of Christchurch, Canterbury.
  • 15. This John a Wood was his own servant that was suffered to be with him in prison, to be his servant there.—Note by Editor of More's English Works.
  • 16. Printed “Ey.”
  • 17. From the style of the address this letter is probably earlier; but if the endorsement is correct, it cannot be before May 1534.