Henry VIII: November 1533, 11-20

Pages 562-578

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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November 1533, 11-20

11 Nov.
R. O.
1412. Wm. Webbe, John Stone, Robt. Sowthe, and Thos. Chaffyn to Sir Edw. Baynton.
Enclose a letter written by Thos. Browne, Black Friar of Fisherton, now in gaol for misdemeanor, to Sir Wm. Smythe, priest of St. Thomas, in Salisbury, chaplain to widow Joan Persse, which letter was brought by Smith to the writers. Browne's offence appears, from his examination sent up on Saturday by Chr. Kenyngalle, servant to my lord of Rochford. The priest is in safe keeping, but the writers never knew him but of good demeanour. He is but a soul priest with 10 marks a year, singing for her friends. Salisbury, 11 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Sir Edw. Baynton, chamberlain to the Queen's grace.
11 Nov.
R. O.
1413. Cromwell to Lord Lisle.
Has received his letters showing what contention has arisen, owing to a lewd fellow, about a stroke given him by Sir Chr. Garnysshe, the knight porter. The Council here, seeing that the stroke was given only for correction, and with no intent to break any ordinance of the town, see no cause why Sir Christopher should be molested about it. London, 11 Nov.
I thank your Lordship for your great cheer made to my servant [Will]yam Johnson, and to this gentleman stranger, for whom I write to you at this time. Signed.
P. 1. Sealed. Add. Endd.
11 Nov.
R. O.
1414. Leonard Smyth to Lady Lisle.
Sends by Mr. Kyrton, the bearer, her frontlet, which will cost 70s. Is bound for it, as lady Lisle wished. He cannot make a standing collar for a partlett without the measure for her neck. My Lord's counsel have debated with Mr. Seymour and his counsel. It is thought by the law that the best for my Lord is very naughty, as he has already written to lord Lisle ; and that, for the saving of lord Lisle's right in the 56l. a year, these lands were clearly left out of the recoveries, "and that lands in feoffment at time of my Lady's death, and yet are." Mr. Seymour has searched all things circumspectly with the craftiest counsel. Some order must be taken. Unless lord Lisle and he agree, he will without question take the advantage of the law. Mr. Marven is sorry that he was made of counsel so late. Perceives that he will himself sustain little honesty by it. If lord Lisle parts with the land for money, it will be said hereafter to be Smith's deed. If he encourage lord Lisle to attempt the law, and he has the worst of it, they will think his advice very slender. Is therefore in great doubt. London, 11 Nov.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. : At Calais.
11 Nov. 1415. Jean De Dinteville, Bailiff of Troyes, French ambassador.
See Grants in November, No. 10.
11 Nov. 1416. The Count Palatine's Secretary.
See Grants in November, No. 11.

R. O.
1417. Cromwell's Memoranda.
Things wherein we will speak with the King's highness.
First, touching the falsehood of the Freer Ryche.
Item, of the confession of Freer Resbye.
Item, what money shall be sent to Mr. Patte.
Item, for Mr. Pate's passport, and to know for how many horses.
"Item, to remember the cup that Master Hawkyns hath in the last end of Mr. Pate's letter."
12 Nov. 1418. Ric. Pates, Ambassador to the Emperor.
See Grants in November, No. 12.
12 Nov.
Vienna Archives.
1419. Chapuys to Charles V.
I have not ceased since my last to importune Cromwell to know this King's resolution about the strange treatment he had proposed for the Princess his daughter, according to what I wrote to your Majesty in my last ; but I have been put off from day to day without an answer, Cromwell excusing himself not so much by his own business as by that of the King. Nevertheless I think he has no occasion, except that the King is writing for news of what shall be determined at Marseilles ; of which, as the Queen has informed me, my remonstrances have been the cause, otherwise the King, at the urgent solicitation of the Lady, would have hurried on to the execution of his purpose, which perhaps he may abandon, if the Pope keeps firm.
The count Palatine's servant, of whom I wrote, is his secretary, and told me at dinner three days ago that your Majesty, when you were in Germany, had provided his son with a benefice. Before coming here he visited the court of the queen of Hungary in Flanders, and I cannot find that he had any other charge than what I wrote, viz., to obtain dogs and horses. The King has given him two hackneys and half-a-dozen dogs. I did not dare at that time to put many questions to him on account of the company present, hoping that he would come back and see me as he promised ; but either his business, or the suspicions of the Council, have prevented him. He has denied on oath that his master meant to marry in France, &c. He is to leave tomorrow for Paris to see his son ; and, for all the good cheer I have made him, has been sorry to be detained so long here on matters so unimportant. This, I think, has been done on purpose to make people believe that they have great intelligence with Germany. For the same reason they have entertained a young Polish gentleman who came here with letters from the queen regent of Flanders to the King, and who has been kept 25 days. Their dealings with him give me some cause for suspicion, especially his frequent visits to Cromwell.
The King has forbidden all printers to print any book respecting the entry of the Pope into Marseilles, and the obedience shown him by the king of France, as being contrary to the statutes and the statement put out by this King that the king of France would adhere to his party, and pass laws more prejudicial to the papal authority than he himself had passed. He has lately imprisoned a nun (fn. 1) who had always lived till this time as a good, simple, and saintly woman, and had many revelations. The cause of her imprisonment is that she had had a revelation that in a short time this King would not only lose his kingdom, but that he should be damned, and she had seen the place and seat prepared for him in Hell. Many have been taken up on suspicion of having encouraged her to such prophecies to stir up the people to rebellion. It seems as if God inspires the Queen on all occasions to conduct herself well, and avoid all inconveniences and suspicions ; for the Nun had been very urgent at divers times to speak with her and console her in her great affliction, but the Queen would never see her. Yet the Council do not desist from making continual inquiry whether the Queen has had any communication with her. She has no fear for herself, as she never had any, but she fears for the marquis and marchioness of Exeter, and the good bishop of Rochester, who have been very familiar with her.
The new French ambassador de Cattillon has arrived. The King has asked the old Ambassador to stop till the news comes from Marseilles, as they think that he may report that the ceremonies were not so good. London, 12 Nov. 1533.
Hol., Fr., pp. 3. From a modern copy.
12 Nov.
R. O. St. P. VII. 523.
1420. Vannes to Cromwell.
It is needless to write about the Pope's departure, as he will learn all the news from the letters of others. Managed the affair of Bedyll with great difficulty, under lead, but not for so long a time as he expected ; but it happened that just as all were commanded to go on board, the apostolical notary who had the business, not knowing where to find me, packed it up with his baggage, and it could not therefore be had till he got to Rome. Sends commendations to Lygh. Marseilles, 12 Nov. 1533.
Hol., Lat. Add.
12 Nov.
R. O.
1421. Sir William Eure to Cromwell.
The captain of Berwick has discharged Eure's servant, who lay in Scotland, according to Cromwell's letters. Is greatly bound to Cromwell, and offers his services. When he was discharged of the rooms he had of the King, a decree was made by the Lord Chancellor and Norfolk that the earl of Northumberland should pay him the money due for his fees as lieutenant and deputy of the East and Middle Marches. He has not done so, and the sum due is more than 80l. Begs Cromwell's help, and desires credence for the bearer. Wytton, 12 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : The right honorable Master Thos. Cromwell. Endd.
12 Nov.
R. O.
1422. Thomas Prior Of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Cromwell.
Thanks him for his kindness, which has been "sith my first acquaintance with you." Thanks him for being suffered to remain at home, and not come to London, as he hears from John Antony. It would have been much pain to him, as he is somewhat aged and disposed to palsy, and possibly would never have returned. "Such things as I could call to my mind concerning the matter of the nun Elizabeth Barton, according to your mind and pleasure, I have caused them to be put in writing, which I do now send unto you." "Also I do thank you for one of my brethren which I do now send unto you, which ye were content he should 'a tarried at home if he would, and put such things in writing as he knoweth of the said Nun's matter." He showed me and John Antony he could put nothing in writing which would be acceptable to Cromwell, and therefore he is sent up. Begs Cromwell will be good to him, and send him home again, if he sees no cause for detaining him. Canterbury, Wednesday, 12 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. : Councillor. Sealed.
12 Nov.
R. O.
1423. The Prior Of Dunstable.
Depositions of Roger Tolye and Ric. Typlad, on the 12th November 25 Hen. VIII., in answer to interrogatories by Rob. Daldron touching a right of way claimed by the prior of Dunstable over certain lands of the prioress of—in Chawton.
Large paper, pp. 2.
ii. Costs sustained by Rob. Daldern in Easter, Trinity, and Michaelmas 25 Hen. VIII., owing to "the wrongful vexation of Gervys, (fn. 2) prior of Dunstable," with his claim for damages.
Large paper, p. 1.

Vit. B. XIV. 54. B. M.
1424. [Henry VIII. to Bonner.]
"Trusty and right well[beloved]. ... provocations ... against us at ... available form ... the law and ... and interest ... [ (fn. 3) unto the Pope] ... our dearest broth[er] ... protestation quod qu ... accessus, ye do therefore ... [unto the Pope's own person being (fn. 4) ] ... we have sent also now unto our D. H (?) ... commission authorizing you by the same to exe[cute] ... accordingly. Wherein nevertheless we will and [command you] to attempre and order all your doings accordi[ng to such advice] and counsel as the said Bishop (fn. 5) and his said colle[agues] shall give u[nto you in this] behalf, which we will ye shall follow as well f ... [of the said commission or abstaining from doing the (fn. 4) ] ... the circumstances of the doing of the same. Ye ..."
Draft, mutilated.
13 Nov.
Vit. B. XIV. 77. B. M. Burnet, VI. 56.
1425. [Bonner to Henry VIII.]
Since my last letters on the 4th inst. by Thadeus the courier, I was commanded by my lord of Winchester and the other ambassadors to intimate, if possible, to the Pope in person your appeal to the General Council. Repaired with Mr. Penyston to the Pope's palace on the 7th, and succeeded after some resistance in getting access to the chamber, where he stood between two cardinals, De Medicis and Lorraine, ready apparelled with his stole towards the Consistory. The Pope, whose sight is marvellous (fn. 6) quick, eyed me several times, and I got the Datary to inform him that I wished to speak with him. His Holiness then dismissed the Cardinals ; and, letting his vesture fall, called me to a window, where, after reverence, I showed him I was commanded to intimate your appeal, for which you had reasonable causes, but desired to proceed as a good and Catholic prince. I then drew out the said writing, excusing myself by my allegiance as he had been kind to me in times past. "The Pope, having this for a breakfast, only pulled down his head to his shoulders, after the Italian fashion," and said, as he was going to Consistory, he could not wait to hear or see the writings, but desired me to come in the afternoon. Did so accordingly with Mr. Penyston, whom I intended to use as a witness ; but as audience was appointed for many, among others for the ambassador of Milan, we waited an hour and a half. At last found his Holiness alone with Godsadyn of Bononie. The Pope, seeing that I brought one along with me, looked much upon him ; all the more, I think, because in the morning I spoke with him alone, although Penyston was in the chamber. To colour my intent, I told him that Penyston was the gentleman who had brought me your commission to intimate the appeal. The Pope, fearing that I desired a witness, said he must have his Datary and others, and thereupon called his Datary, Symonetta, and Capisucca.
Meanwhile his Holiness, leaning in the window towards the west side, turned to me, and asked how my lord of Winchester did, and also of Mr. Brian, as if he did not know that he was here. He seemed to lament the death of Dr. Benett, and complained of the way your Highness used him. To which I replied by wondering that, after the kindness you had showed his Holiness in time past, he had refused to admit your excusator, and pronounced sentence against you. This led to a conversation about the Pope's having revoked the cause contrary to his promise, and having refused afterwards to let it be examined in any place to which your Highness could come or send a proctor. I also complained of his retaining the cause so long in his hands without judgment. The Pope said he would not have revoked the cause, but that the Queen had given an oath that she had no hope of justice in England, and his promise to your Highness was qualified. As to the delay, it was owing to yourself, who would not send a proxy. In the end I exhibited to him the commission you sent me under your private seal (the other sent by Francis the courier not having then arrived), which his Holiness delivered to the Datary to read. On hearing the words gravaminibus et injuriis nobis ab eodem sanctissimo patre illatis et comminatis, he "began to look up after a new sort, and said, O, questo e multo vero! (this is much true), meaning that was not true indeed." In fact he showed himself much offended at many passages, and when he came to the words, ad sacrosanctum concilium generale proxime jam futurum legitime et in loco congruenti celebrandum, he fell into a marvellous great choler, which he showed both in words and manner, saying, "Why, did not the King (meaning your Majesty), when I wrote to my Nuncio this year past to speak unto him for this General Council, give no answer unto my said Nuncio, but referred him for answer therein to the French king ; at what time he might perceive by my doing (he said) that I was very well disposed and much spake for it. The thing so standing, now to speak of a General Council, O good Lord! But well! his commission and all other his writings cannot but be welcome unto me." These last words methought he spoke, willing to hide his choler, and make me believe that these doings did not affect him, though I saw many evidences to the contrary ;—among others, one which is here taken for infallible with those that know the Pope's conditions, viz., "that he was continually folding up and unwinding of his handkerchief, which he never doth but when he is tickled to the very heart with great choler ;" and though he was loth to leave this subject of the General Council to ease his stomach, at last he commanded the Datary to read on. At the clauses, Si oporteat reverendis patribus, and post * * * he again chafed greatly, finally saying, Questo e bien fatto (This is but well done). The clauses protestundo, and nos ad ea juris et facti remedia, he caused the Datary to read again ; and, not a little chafing with himself, asked what I had more. I then, repeating my protestation, exhibited your Highness's "provocation," which he delivered to the Datary to read. In this also he found himself much grieved, noting in the beginning, first the words archiepiscopo Eboracensi, and afterwards citra tamen revocationem quorumcumque procuratorum ; at which he made good pause, suspecting, I presume, that there were proctors made who might appear in your name if you had been so content. At the words quod non est nostrœ intentionis, he exclaimed with great vehemence, that though you professed great respect for the Church you had no respect for him. Scarcely a single clause pleased him, nor would he accept any of my explanations. While the Datary was reading the provocation Symonetta came in ; and at the words sed deinde publico judicio, the Pope startling and saying that the public judgment of the Church was never had, Symonetta said he supposed they spoke of that archbishop who made that good process while the cause depended before his Holiness in the Consistory. "Ah," said the Pope, "a worshipful process and judgment!"
Then one of his chamber came to tell him that the French king came to speak with him ; on which he made great haste to meet him, and they met at the door, "the French king making very low curtesy, putting off his bonnet, and keeping it off till he came to a table in the Pope's chamber." Although I suspect the French king knew well what was in hand, by one Nicholas, his secretary, and also of the Pope's Privy Chamber, his Grace asked what his Holiness did. The Pope said, "These English gentlemen have come to intimate certain appeals." On this the vo entered into a private conversation. The French king's back was against me, and I did not understand what he said. At the end the Pope said to him, "This is of your goodness." Proceeding further, and laughing merrily, they talked for three-quarters of an hour, it being then 6 p.m., and the French king took his leave. The Pope went with him to the chamber door, and, though Francis objected, brought him to the door of the second chamber, where with great ceremonies they parted. On returning to his chamber the Pope called me, and the Datary read the rest of the provocation, interrupted many times by the Pope with comments, to ease his own mind, especially touching the King's late marriage with the present Queen, and the process made by the archbishop of Canterbury. I then intimated the two appeals made by the King before my lord of Winchester. During the reading of them cardinal De Medicis came in, and stood bare-headed, apparently wondering that the Pope was so much moved. The Pope said it was a matter of so much weight that he must consult the Cardinals in Consistory. I desired to have the documents again, to make intimation to the Cardinals. His Holiness at first refused, but, on my insisting, said I should have an answer to my petition, as well as to the appeal, after he had consulted the Cardinals. I then left, about 8 o'clock, having remained more than three hours, and reported what I had done to my lord of Winchester and the other ambassadors. Next day, Saturday, there was Consistory, but extraordinary, chiefly for the declaration of the new Cardinals, the bishop of Liegers, (fn. 7) the bishop of Langres, the Great Master's nephew, and the duke of Albany's brother. On Sunday, the 9th, I went with Penyston to the palace, and spoke to the Datary, who said the Consistory would be next day, after which the Pope would give me an answer. I also got Carol de Blanchis, one of the Pope's chamberlains, to make the same inquiry of his Holiness, and received the same answer. Went with Penyston, on Monday, the 10th, to the ordinary Consistory, waited till every one was ordered out but the Cardinals, and was told to come in the afternoon for an answer. Returned in the afternoon. Waited two hours in the chamber next the Pope while he was blessing beads, and giving his foot to be kissed, and was called in when there were none present but Salviati and the Datary. At my coming he said, Domine Doctor, quid vultis? I said I looked for the promised answer. He said he had always wished to do you justice, and as to your appeal to the General Council, there was a constitution of Pope Pius against such appeals, and he therefore rejected it as frivolous. The Council itself he would do his best to promote, as he had done in times past, though your Highness had not answered him then, but remitted his Nuncio to the French king. He added that the king of England had no authority to call a General Council, for that belonged to himself. He refused to return the documents, saying he would keep them safely, and that I might have as many copies as I pleased from the bishop of Winchester and those before whom they were made. Going with the Datary to his chamber, I saw that the answer was already written ; but it was not so full as the Pope had made by mouth, and not signed by the Datary, as usual. I desired him to make it perfect, and he asked me to come for it next morning. Next morning I followed him to the Pope's chamber, when he delivered to me the same document, with these words added, Et hœc ad prœsens, salvo jure latius et particularius, si videbimus, respondendi, and signed it, keeping a copy for himself. With this I repaired to the other ambassadors.
Fears the Pope, on his return to Rome, will do much displeasure. Sends the answer delivered by the Datary. Notwithstanding Henry's directions in his letter dated Chobham, 10 Aug., that he should always follow the Pope, thinks the King would not wish him to pursue the enterprise further, and, as the Pope left for Rome on the 12th, has taken his journey towards Lyons on the 13th, en route for England. Cannot express the anxiety he had till this intimation was made. Refers to Mr. Brian, the bearer. Marseilles, 13 Nov. 1533.
Hol. ; now badly mutilated, but printed by Burnet before the mutilation.
Add. 29,547. f. 3 b. B. M. 2. Modern copy, made before the Fire.

Fonds Français, M. 23,515. Le Grand, III. 571.
1426. Francis I. and Clement VII.
Memoire des points que M. du Bellay, evesque de Paris, aura a toucher au Roy d'Angleterre, pour imputer aux Ministres d'Augleterre la rupture de la Negociation poursuivie par François I. vers le Pape, pour le Roy d'Angleterre.
He shall tell [the king of England] the King's determination about starting from Marseilles, and about sending the bishop of Paris to him to tell him all that he had concluded with the Pope, not only in what concerns the king of England, but all that they had treated of at their meetings. He expected the king of England to be well contented with him for passing over his own affairs for his : but when on the point of despatching the bishop of Paris, he heard from his ambassadors in England that, so far from his good brother seeing the obligation under which he thought he had placed him, he openly complained, as if Francis had done less than their friendship required in his affair with the Pope. This is so different from the gratitude he expected that Francis almost forgot to send the bishop of Paris with the charge already given him, not being able to endure that one whom he considered as himself, and with whom he thought he had settled the perpetual foundation of an indissoluble friendship, should fall into ever so little suspicion. Has, however, determined to send him that he may inform the King at length of some points which perhaps have not been particularly declared to him, and ignorance of which may have caused him to fall into this error, and because he told Brian when he took his leave that he should despatch the Bishop.
The Bishop must remind him that he was in the beginning one of the principal movers in the affair of the duke of Orleans when there was a question of the Scotch king marrying the Pope's niece. Though, perhaps, it was not the fixed intention at first of either to carry the thing through, they agreed at Calais that it should be proceeded with without dissimulation, especially if the Pope would come to France (mesmement la ou S. S. voudroit venir de par deça). Thus the matter was so far concluded, that the French king could do nothing but finish it, unless he wished to be esteemed faithless. Any one who wished to make him withdraw now would hold his faith and honor very cheap. Would be always ready to expose anything that only concerns life, for his friends, and especially for those who are imprinted in his heart by friendship, like the King. He must also be reminded how much the French king hoped to do for him by causing the Pope to come hither, and how important Henry thought it ; the trouble and expence he has incurred in carrying out the resolution taken at Calais, on which was founded the despatch of the French cardinals, of which Henry was the principal author.
It must not be forgotten that since the arrival of the Cardinals matters improved so much that the king of England showed himself grateful, while waiting that something better might be done. The Pope promised to take no new steps in his case, if Henry would act similarly. His Holiness has kept this promise, but Henry has made such important innovations that no one could expect Francis to be able to prevent the Pope retaliating as he has done. And it will be well here to refer to the wrong which Henry has done to Francis. The Bishop may also tell the King that no one could understand his affairs worse than he and his servants do. If they had been managed as seemed good to the two Kings at Calais, or if the King had allowed that to be redressed which was afterwards spoiled, the Pope would have lost the means he still has of gratifying the Emperor in the King's affair, and would have been obliged to gratify the King, and consequently put himself in direct opposition to the Emperor. Now, however little desire he has of remaining bound to the Emperor, the king of England has given him the means, so that now the Pope will have good occasion to vindicate himself to the Emperor as having done nothing to gratify the King, and it may be said has himself given his Holiness an excuse, of which he would have been slow to avail himself otherwise.
The Bishop must also remind the king of England that he was at first minded to be present at the interview, but, not finding it convenient, said he would send some one to take his place, and to be as a second self ; that is, the duke of Norfolk, the reason for whose return should be got at. Also it must not be omitted that when Norfolk and the King's other servants thought it impossible to remedy the sentence given at Rome, it was shown them that it could still be done, if some one with sufficient power was at the interview. Norfolk was so pressed to advise the king of England of this, that neither the King nor his Council doubted that it would be done. The manner in which Francis took the matter up deserved some cooperation on the part of those whom it touched so near. The bishop of Winchester, who was sent on Norfolk's arrival in England, said he had come to do all that Francis ordered him, but he brought with him nothing that was necessary for doing anything. Nevertheless, Francis, thinking more of his friendship for Henry than of the evident errors committed, practised so far with the Pope as to cause him to consent to do everything that could be devised for the satisfaction of Henry. In this matter he used so much sincerity and patience that he would not enter into any negotiation with the Pope about their common affairs until this was settled. There was so much delay that a new power could easily have been sent from England ; and the bishop of Winchester said that he had asked for one, but after long waiting there was neither power nor will, nor anything to help Francis in executing his good wishes. Few princes or persons of lower estate would not be at last tired of seeing so little value put on their labour, but Francis could not on this account allow Henry's affair to be broken off for the want of good servants. He continued his practices more actively than ever, and had got to a point which the Bishop can explain. When going to the Pope one evening he found that the English agents had signified to him their appeal, and intimated the Council, which, not without cause, put him in the greatest despair and anger. The King also is annoyed to find a week's work undone by Henry's agents in an hour. It is not only strange conduct, but insulting, that they should defy a guest of his, which they confess they would not have dared to do if his Holiness were elsewhere. If it had not been for this defiance, and the anger they put the Pope in, it was settled that he would come to some determination which would in great part have contented the king of England. As to this point, the Spanish doctor must not be forgotten.
The Bishop may declare how sorry the King is to see his friend's affairs so managed, and the loss it has been to himself ; for since the rupture he has not liked to press for the delivery of Leghorn, Parma, and Placentia, which were offered to him, so that, from respect to his friend and to his word, he has, as it were, taken a girl with no portion for his second son, which he has willingly borne, and thinks it strange that he receives only discontent and complaint. The Bishop must not forget to speak of the danger that the Pope should think the conduct of the English agents was by Francis's consent, for they were not there to treat with the Pope, but to do what Francis commanded them. He must say also to the King that he must not suppose that Francis has so little judgment as not to see, from the talk he had with the ambassadors at Marseilles, that Henry did not wish anything to be done about his affair with the Pope. When he charged them with it, they assented and smiled ; but, for all this, he did not cool in his good will, as some friends might have done ; for it is very hard to bear, to do all one can for a friend, and get neither liking nor thanks, but, on the contrary, disgust and suspicion. The Bishop may here say to Henry, as if of himself, that if he wishes to keep the friendship of the most powerful King and best friend in Christendom, he must not behave in this strange and suspicious way. Similarly he has never ceased to complain of the negotiations between Francis and the king of Scots, though Francis's sole object has been to divert him from alliance with the Emperor, and prevent him from doing anything disadvantageous to the King.
The Bishop must not omit to mention the offer which the Pope made, to cause the duchy of Milan to be put into his hands, if he would leave the Emperor and his Holiness to deal with the king of England ; to which he replied, that he would never abandon him, whoever attacked him, and tried to induce the Pope to forget what had passed, and arrange the affair so as to content both.
After all this, and hearing what the king of England has to say, he must try to reconcile the King with the Pope and the Apostolic See, offering to make a defensive league between the three. If he will do nothing of this kind, the Bishop may intimate to him that Francis will be ready to aid him, if war is declared against him, in consequence of the marriage and the censures, if he will do the like according to the treaties. According to what Beauvais told Henry, Francis intends to proceed with the marriage of the king of Scotland, so as to gain an enemy who might give him trouble, and proposes an interview with the king of England for next spring, at which James would be present, and a defensive league might be concluded between the three Sovereigns. He requests Henry to send some other than the bishop of Winchester, whom he has found not possessed of good will, and he does not think he intends the good of either.

Ar. MS. 151, f. 192. B. M.
1427. Gardiner [and others] to [Henry VIII.]
"— then needeth, but if my brother thinketh it expedient for him to have the Pope for him, as he told me himself he did, he may not think that the Pope, holding his peace at a sentence given by the archbishop of Canterbury, will confess himself therein no Pope, and be made such a fool as he will apply to lose his preeminence and authority by entreaty." As to the marriage [Francis continued], I had found means to stop that ; but as to the Archbishop's sentence, I was never made privy thereunto, and I was sorry when I heard of it. Assure my brother that till that sentence is annulled he will never obtain the Pope ; but for defence of his jurisdiction, the Pope will call the help of the Emperor and all Christendom. "And yet," said he, "if you had brought a proxy as was devised, to acknowledge the Pope's jurisdiction, it would have been well." "That proxy," quoth I, the bishop of Winchester, "is not so necessary." "No!" quoth he, "ye will have me do for you, and when I and my Council devise after what way we may do, ye regard us not therein, but of yourself do think (i.e. thing) clearly contrary ; and as fast as I study to win the Pope, ye study to lose him, and of such effect as in your intimation now made, yet to the worst purpose that could be devised, which, if I had known before, ye should never have done it." "I went," quoth he, "to the Pope to take a conclusion in your matters, and when I came there I found one making the intimation ; which, when the Pope had told me of what sort it was, I was greatly ashamed," quoth he, "that I knew so little in it. And the Pope whom I had handled before, and brought to so good point that I could not, for shame, desire any more." "Ye see," quoth he, "the effect of all your desires. They refuse that should receive. The king of England will not that I shall meddle in it." I, the bishop of Winton, desired the French king first to remember that, whatsoever it be that is done, we told him of it before, and with his consent have done it. "Ye told me of it," quoth he, "but I understood not so far as I do now." "Ye require," quod he, "a General Council, and that the Emperor desireth, and I go about to bring the Pope from the Emperor, and you to drive him to him. And can my brother call a Council alone?" quoth he. "Ye have clearly marred all." And, wringing his hands, wished that, rather than a great deal of money, he had never meddled in that matter. "I desired," quoth he, "to have a proxy sent, and that was not only left behind, but also, in lieu of that, an intimation sent." "Sir," quoth I, the Bishop, "there is more foundation made upon this proxy than needeth." "Why so?" quoth the French king ; "was it not ever meant so first," quoth he, "my brother should save —"
Copy, pp. 2, imperfect. Endd. : Winton l'res.
13 Nov.
R. O.
1428. Lawson to Cromwell.
Master Wyntar has written to Thos. Barton for the payment of his money due at this audit, as appears by his accounts with Mr. Fuller, the auditor. Requests him to make the exchange for Mr. Wyntar, and Lawson will bring him the money shortly after Christmas. The sum is less than 100l. York, 13 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.

R. O.
1429. Richard Conquest to Cromwell.
His living has been taken from him by the King, and he is like to be famished, as he has been put in ward these 12 days, having no money to buy meat. Mrs. Warden (fn. 8) has trusted me for 45 weeks' commons, but will trust no longer. Would be glad to be at the yeoman's commons. Is there by Cromwell's commandment. "If the King have great pleasure to my lands, I will show you my mind, if it please you to send one of your servants to Mrs. Warden."
P.S.—Take a short redress for me, or else I am like to be destroyed. "If I so be, I will put it betwixt God and you at the Day of Judgment, and a many as consent to it."
Hol., p. 1. Add. : Of the Council.
15 Nov.
Vesp. C. XIII. 257. B. M.
1430. William Pepwell to Cromwell.
Sends a small barrel of sodden wine by Wm. Caplen, master of the Voluntyn Spert. When last in England told the King and Cromwell of the imprisonment of Matthew Lambart and Robt. Dothyerne. They are now at liberty upon sureties. A judge has been sent from the Emperor's court at the cost of those who may be found guilty, and a sentence is passed that Richard Cowper was more guilty than any other. Supposes that the sentence, drawn up in English and Spanish by a "scryvan publyco," will be presented to Cromwell. There is news here that the Pope is in Marseilles, and the French king with him. Some say the second son of France will marry a near kinsman of the Pope's. The Emperor is at Saragossa, and will wait till he knows what passes between the Pope and the French king. Some say he will go and see his mother in High Castile. Will send news as he has opportunity. Englishmen have been well treated, and their ships quietly laden. Sends a copy of a sentence which is said to have been given by the Pope. Copied it himself from a copy sent from the Emperor's court. Sends a hogshead of "soden" for the King, according to his Highness's command, and certain "anymes blanco." Has written to his brother to see that it be delivered. St. Lucar de Barameda, 15 Nov.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. : To, &c. Master Cromel, of the King's Privy Council.
15 Nov.
R. O.
1431. Anthoine Du Val to [Lord Lisle?].
I understand some report has been made to you of Mrs. Peronnelle, who was to have brought you some young boars (marquasin), that she had found them dead. I assure you it is not the case, but that they were strangled by the dogs, and I have eaten of their liver. Tournehen. 15 Nov. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. : A Monseigneur.
15 Nov.
R. O.
1432. Jenne De Saveuzes (Madame De Riou) to Lord Lisle.
Your daughter, (fn. 9) whom you were pleased to send me, arrived on Thursday night. I cannot express my thanks for the confidence you show in me. I will treat her like my own daughter. As to the remuneration of which you wrote, Mons. de Ryou and I desire no other remuneration than your friendship. The young lady is one who can be easily taught. The young lady who brought her can report what apparel she requires, and so will John Semet (Smith?) ; but let him return (mais quy s'en retourne). I send no commendations from Mons. de Ryou, because he is not here, but thank you in his behalf for the dogs you have sent. Pont de Remy, 15 Nov. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
16 Nov.
R. O.
1433. John Abbot Of Hyde, Elect of Bangor, to Lady Lisle.
I have received several letters, but not answered them, as the messengers have not returned. There is no news worth writing. I am elect bp. of Bangor, with the abbey of Hyde in commendam. Mr. Dr. Lye is elect bp. of Chester. The Pope and French king are met at Marseilles. Our holy Nun of Kent has confessed her treason against God and the King, —that is, not only a traitress, but a heretic. She and her accomplices are like to suffer death. I will send for Mr. George at my return to Winchester. Commendations to lord Lisle. Southwark, St. Edmund's Day, the Bishop. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
16 Nov.
Béthune MS. 8,527, f. 52.
1434. Suffolk to Montmorency.
Credence for the bearer, a confidential servant sent on private affairs of importance, in which Montmorency's assistance is confidently relied on. Southwark, near London, 16 Nov. 1533. Countersigned : Saint Martin.
17 Nov.
MS. Dupuy, V. 33, f. 19.
1435. Castillon to the Bishop Of Paris.
The bailly of Troyes leaves tomorrow to return to France, by whom I will write more at length. I only mention here that the king of England begins to cool much in his friendship towards Francis, seeing he has proceeded so coldly with the Pope, considering the alliance that has so long subsisted between them. Moreover, he is determined to withdraw both himself and his country from the obedience of the Pope, and cause the Word of God to be preached everywhere, fully believing that Our Lord will aid his right. This is a bad example for other princes, but most of the lords are already much inclined to it. London, 17 Nov.
Hol. From a copy lent by Mr. Friedmann.
17 Nov.
R. O.
1436. [Lord Lisle] to [Sir] Anthony Windsor.
I have received your letters with the foot of my account signed by my auditor. As to the difference between Sir Edw. Seymour and me, I gave my instructions to my servant, Leonard Smythe, at his departing, and I enclose the last letter received from him. My whole trust is in Mr. Marvin and Mr. Densill, and in your good information, in following my said causes. I mean to keep possession of the 56l. a year as long as the law will bear it, and as much more as my friends and I can make. Let me know, after consulting with my counsel, what the law will bear, and keep this letter close, for I rather suspect Smythe, whose brother married Sir Edw. Seymour's sister. I wonder Sir Edw. now claims the 56l. more than the 80l. remaining of the 140l. he demanded, for I have as much right to the one as the other. As to his offer of 500l. to release the whole 140l., I have lived too long to make so simple a merchandise. Enquire of my auditor the bills and particulars of the 139l. 13s. 7½d. he puts as paid before my coming over, for I cannot remember a great part of it ; and deliver to Rob. Fouler the 44l. 12s. 8d. remaining of my audit, with the odd money, desiring him to write hither to his brother, Thomas Fouler, to pay it to me. I have written to Mr. Mervyn and Mr. Dinsell. Calais, 17 Nov. 1533.
Keep my patent of Claringdon, delivered to you by my Lord Chief Baron, till I send you more of my mind. You may also retain Mr. Chomley if Mr. Semer has not got him.
Draft, pp. 2. Begins : Master Windsor.
17 Nov.
R. O.
1437. John [Capon], Elect of Bangor, to Lord Lisle.
Had written in favor of his kinsman Richard Capon, stockfishmonger of London, to whom Rob. Candler, a gunner of Calais, is indebted. At my house in Southwark, 17 Nov.
Has written to lady Lisle. Signed : John abbot of Hyde, elect of Bangor.
P. 1. Add.
17 Nov.
Add. MS. 27,447, f. 75. B. M.
1438. Eleanor Lady Rutland to Sir Wm. Paston.
Has heard that the Holy Woman of Kent has been examined by the Council, "whiche is on of the most abhomynableste matiers that ever I herde of in my lif ; as shalbe publisshed openly to all people within thies thre of (or) foure dayes at the furthest."
Has not yet heard of the coming home of my lord of Winchester. Tomorrow my lord William goes beyond sea. Hallywell, 17 Nov. Asks for his and her mother's daily blessing. Signed.
P.S. by the earl of Rutland.—Recommends himself, and will shortly send more news.
P. 1. Add. : To my very good father, Sir Wm. Paston. Endd.
17 Nov.
R. O.
1439. Thomas Prior Of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Cromwell.
Has received his letter, dated London, 12 Nov., by Brian Talbot, and, according to his request and the writer's former letters, has promised to continue him as keeper of the park. For his goods that were seized he shall have as much favor as he himself desires. Canterbury, 17 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Councillor.

R. O.
1440. W. Knyghte to Cromwell.
At my late being at Court I was desirous to have opened my mind to you, and you would have come to my house if the time had served. Not knowing when you will be at leisure I thought it expedient to write, and the more so because at my late being at Court the lords of Norfolk and Suffolk promised to stick by me, and said it was well for me to open the matter to you, as they knew that you favored me. As archdeacon of Richmond, I have had, like all my predecessors, episcopal jurisdiction ; but my Lord (the Archbishop) that now is, deals very uncharitably with me. Immediately after he entered my diocese, he called my official before me, and handled him unjustly. Because he refused to obey him, he cursed my official, who is now absolved in the Court of Arches. I have to prosecute my appeal, and, what with sending to Rome for a rescript, it will be a great chargé. The Archbishop seeks to annul my jurisdiction. If you would get me a letter signed, of which I send you the minute by my servant Cuthbert, I should be your perpetual bedesman. Westm., Friday morning.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. : Of the Council.
18 ? Nov.
R. O.
1441. Edw. Lee, Archbishop of York, to Cromwell.
I thank you for your mediation for me to the King, of which my cousin Baynton has written. I desire your help again. I have received an injunction from the Lord Chancellor, forbidding me to interrupt the archdeacon of Richmond in his jurisdiction on pain of 1,000l. The matter between me and the Archdeacon is no part of jurisdiction, and, if it were, neither custom nor composition can discharge me from examining those for whose ability I must answer, and for whom the canons punish me if I order (ordain) any unable. I pray you, put to your hand again and help, for the advancement of good order, which only I intend. The Archdeacon is not content to send for a delegate to Rome, but would set my lord of Canterbury and me together, and now brings me into the Chancery. It is likely he has little trust in his cause, who seeks so many ways to promote it. I am only defendant, and whenever he shall have his matter before a judge who can skill of it, and is indifferent, I trust he will win nothing at length. I pray that the injunction may be discharged. I doubt not the Chancellor will soon do it at your request. Cawod, "xvviijth of November 1533."
If the Archdeacon will put his matters to arbiters, I will be content to do the same.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
19 Nov.
Add. MS. 28,586, f. 65. B. M.
1442. The Captain Of Marrano to Lopez De Soria.
The captain-general in Croatia, named Kechovitz, has taken two of Gritti's traitors (duos ex proditoribus Gritti), who said that Gritti had entered into a new treaty with the kings of England and France in the name of the Turk, to the detriment of the Emperor, the king [of the Romans], and all Christendom, and that he intended to invade Croatia, Sclavonia, and Hungary with Turkish troops paid by the French king. He is also endeavouring to raise sedition in Germany, by means of the dukes of Bavaria and Wirtemberg and the count of Hesse.
Lat., pp. 2, modern copy. Headed : Ex literis capitanei Marrani, datis 19 Nov. 1533.
19 Nov.
R. O.
1443. Anthoine Brusset to Lord Lisle.
I beg you will arrest a Spaniard who calls himself Ylayre, or St. Ylayre, who has a red nose covered with pimples, like a leper, the accomplice of another Spaniard in slaying my lieutenant on the march of this town. Gravelines, 19 Nov. 1533.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
20 Nov. 1444. Athelney Abbey.
See Grants in November, No. 20.
20 Nov.
Vienna Archives.
1445. Chapuys to Charles V.
States briefly the substance of his letters to the Emperor up to this date.
Cromwell has shown himself well disposed to your subjects, which is very important, as he rules everything. This morning I sent to the Queen to advertise her of what you had written to me touching the proceedings of the Pope in your affair, begging she would agree to them ; for she would not be prejudiced by them, and would the better convince the King. In the event of his not accepting it, there could be no greater good for her and the Princess.
After my message to the Queen, it seemed to me wise, to avoid losing time, to let the English know with what good affection you have proceeded in this matter, and the desire I have to please them. I have sent to Cromwell to advertise him of the charge I have received from you, and that I supposed that the Pope had promoted this arrangement at the request of the King, and that you had commanded me to learn the wishes of the Queen, as she is specially touched by it. And, if the King and Council would frankly accept this arrangement, I would use my endeavours to persuade the Queen to accept it. Before he would allow my man to speak to him, thinking he had come for an answer touching the affairs of the Princess, Cromwell told him he had spoken with the King, who would be glad to speak to me on Sunday next. After he had heard my man, he praised marvellously the goodwill of your Majesty, and the good offices I had continually done ; and he excused himself from giving me advice touching my charge, as no one could manage it better than myself. And though he had informed the King of it, it would be better debated between the King and myself, and the King would take it in better part ; meanwhile he would prepare the matter. My man could not perceive by these words whether he had any hope that the King would acquiesce in the said arrangement, and he made no reply to the remark that the King ought to be well informed how that the Pope had solicited your Majesty upon this.
The King has assembled the principal judges, and many prelates and nobles, who have been employed three days, from morning to night, to consult on the crimes and superstitions of the Nun and her adherents ; and at the end of this long consultation, which the world imagines is for a more important matter, the Chancellor, at a public audience, where were people from almost all the counties of this kingdom, made an oration how that all the people of this kingdom were greatly obliged to God, who by His divine goodness had brought to light the damnable abuses and great wickedness of the said Nun and of her accomplices, whom for the most part he would not name, who had wickedly conspired against God and religion, and indirectly against the King, whom he lauded to the skies as a prince without a peer. He praised also the general devotion to the King of the whole realm, who knew him to be rightly divorced from the Queen, whom he called Princess Dowager, and that the most lawful marriage he had made with this lady was not for his own gratification, but to procure a lawful successor in the kingdom ; and that they must not treat as of any account whatever a certain invalid sentence said to have been given by the Pope against the King ; because his Holiness had been induced to pass it by improper means, and especially by the diabolic plot of the said Nun, who had written to him a thousand false persuasions ... which she authorised in a spirit of prophecy and divine revelation in case he did not give sentence.
Up to this point no one dared to say a word, or make the smallest sign of pleasure or displeasure. But on the Chancellor proceeding to say that the Nun and her accomplices in her detestable malice, desiring to incite the people to rebellion, had spread abroad and written that she had a divine revelation that the King would soon be shamefully driven from his kingdom by his own subjects, some of them began to murmur, and cry that she merited the fire. The said Nun, who was present, had so much resolution that she showed not the least fear or astonishment, clearly and openly alleging that what the Chancellor said was true. At the end he declared that the late archbishop of Canterbury and many other great personages were mixed up in these affairs, and many were still alive, who were infected, whom the world would know hereafter. Many believe that those who have the said Nun in hand will make her accuse many unjustly in order to take vengeance on the Queen's party, and get money from them, which is the thing he thinks most of in the world. The said Nun has been almost entirely under the keepership of Cromwell or his people, and is continually treated as a stupid (?) lady (grosse dame), which strongly confirms the above-named suspicion. The chief business still remains ; for the King insists "a plus non pouvoir," that the said accomplices of the Nun be declared heretics for having given faith to her, and also be guilty of high treason for not having revealed what concerned the King ; consequently their goods should be confiscated. To which the judges during the last three days will not agree, as being without any appearance of reason, even as to the last, since the Nun a year ago had told the King of it in person. It is to be feared, however, that they will do that which the King desires, as they did when they condemned the Cardinal for having received his legateship.
Five days ago the King's Council by letters patent commanded the clerks of the Queen's chamber to give up the keys of it, wherein are many title deeds and documents respecting her demesnes and dowry. It is in the great house of Westminster, near the others, where the King has similar documents. To obtain these keys Cromwell two days ago summoned the Queen's chancellor and her receiver, swearing to them by his loyalty that although it was so stated in the patents he did not know why the King demanded the keys, and he would learn the reason ; and so he would see that no harm was done to the Queen. And he said he had used all the devices possible to draw from the Nun whether the Queen had had any intelligence with her, but he could find none, and he praised her greatly for not allowing the Nun to speak with her. He said further that God must have given her her sense and wit.
A despatch has arrived from Marseilles from the King's ambassador, which does not appear to have brought pleasant news, to judge by faces. The brother of the duke of Norfolk was despatched, as some think, to France ; but, as far as I learn, only to represent the King as godfather to Madame d'Alençon. The ambassador of France takes his leave, whether satisfied or not I cannot tell. London, 20 Nov. 1533.
Hol., Fr., pp. 6. From a modern copy.


  • 1. Elizabeth Barton.
  • 2. Gervays Markham.
  • 3. These words interlined.
  • 4. This line is struck out.
  • 5. Winchester.
  • 6. "Marvellous," misread "incredulous" by Burnet.
  • 7. The name is mis-read, even in Pocock's Burnet, as Beziers, though the editor correctly states that the person intended was the bishop of Lisieux, John de Veneur.
  • 8. The warden of the Fleet's wife. Conquest was imprisoned about All Saints, as appears by his letter a year later.
  • 9. Anne Basset.