Pages 583-595
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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May 1525
11 May. Cleop. F. VI. 325. B. M. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 3. |
This day, at ten, met, two miles on this side of Bury, with a goodly company of 4,000 people. The inhabitants of Lavenham and Brante Ely came in their shirts, and kneeled for mercy, saying they were the King's subjects, and had only committed this offence for lack of work. We aggravated their offence, declaring it to be high treason; finally, we selected four of the principal offenders, and let the rest depart. We charged them at their departing to warn the other towns to be with us tomorrow at 7, or to be held as rebels, and we hope by tomorrow to make an end. As to your instructions, if it be meant that these people should pay no more than they would of their own good will, we think that Norfolk and Suffolk, where the moiety has been paid, will consider themselves aggrieved. We consider it desirable that a small rate should be paid throughout the realm. Not only this shire and Essex, but the towns and the scholars of Cambridge, had all combined, to the number of 20,000. We think that letters of thanks should be sent to the gentlemen of all the shires. Lavenham, 11 May. | |
Cott. App. XLVIII. 5. B. M. |
Thanks them for the pains they have taken in reducing the rebellion at Lavenham. Thinks severe measures should be used, as the offenders refused to submit until an armed force was sent against them. The Lords will hear further from the King's temporal counsel. | |
Draft in Wolsey's own hand; mutilated; p. 1. | |
11 May. Vesp. F. XIII. 85. B. M. |
In accordance with the King's command, met with the other gentlemen of Essex named in the bill enclosed, who have been very diligent in these matters. Have resorted to the confines of Essex and Suffolk with their household servants and other strength, having also a convenient number of others at their beck to repress the malefactors, if necessary. Having been ascertained by the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk that the offenders have submitted, have discharged the people. Henyngham, Thursday, 11 May. Signed. | |
Add. in modern hand: "To my lord Legate's grace." | |
11 May. Vit. B. VII. 119. B. M. Ellis, 2 Ser. I. 324. |
1326. RUSSELL to [WOLSEY]. |
* * * (one line lost) "Bourbon and the Viceroy hath ben at Pis[chiketone, where] the Frenche king is, for the sending forthe of th ... and also to inlarge the prince of Orrenge, Mr. St. ... de Pry, and the bisshop of Althevine, for the space of ... monnethes," to make arrangement for their ransoms; and [the Viceroy] would likewise give liberty to St. Pol, Rochepott, Dalbeny, and others. The King said he would write to his mother, and be guided by her, but he could not assure them of her consent. Dalbeny and R[ochepott] are gone to France to purchase their deliverance. Nothing has yet been done about sending the King to Naples, for though they were with him about it ... days, the Viceroy sometimes advised keeping him still at Pischiketone, sometimes sending him to Milan, and sometimes to Naples. Bourbon was evil contented at this, and came away. | |
The King is allowed too much liberty, for so many messengers go between him and his mother that he knows of everything in France, and gives his advice as well as if he were present. The prisoners are allowed to go home after paying their ransoms. Has spoken about this to the Viceroy, who says he cannot help it, and those who have taken them must deliver them to have money. Bourbon has also spoken about it several times, and is displeased at it, and also because the Viceroy does not treat him well, "saying that he doth not use suche pacien[ce] ..." They marvel much that they have had no word from Wolsey since the battle, and they fear that the King will not follow the French enterprise, because the time is so far spent. The Emperor has sent to Bourbon three or four times since the battle. He would have gone to Spain for his marriage, but he wishes to perform his promises to the King and Emperor. He stays here at great expence, for his house costs him 100 cr. a day. Milan, 11 May. Signed. | |
Pp. 2, mutilated. | |
12 May. R. O. |
1327. SUBSIDY. |
Contributions to the subsidy from the Purification, 16 Hen. VIII., to 12 May next ensuing, by the under-mentioned places:— | |
... 343l. 9s. 10d. ... 1,387l. 16s. 11d. Middx., 48l. 16s. 5d. "Cant.," 729l. 4s. 8d. Suffolk, 1,077l. 5s. 6d. Linc., 1,901l. 13s. 7d. "Kant.," 388l. 12s. 8d. Anglia, sc., the King's household, &c., 1,038l. 19d. Northt., 907l. 9s. 4d. Norfolk, 1,674l. 9s. 6d. ... 92l. 22d. ..., 235l. 13d. Essex, 677l. 17s. 4d. Bath, 43l. 2s. 4d. Cornwall, 603l. 6s. 8d. Leic., 459l. 16s. 5d. Sussex, 1,027l. 9s. 11d. Dorset, 929l. 19s. 10d. Surrey, 438l. 15s. 1d. Somerset, 590l. 19d. Town of Northampton, 76l. 16s. 6d. City of Lincoln, 123l. 4s. 8d. Huntingdon, 415l. 18s. 6d. Norwich, 100l. Notts, 50l. Exeter, 300l. 10s. Bristol, 410l. 15s. 11d. Oxfordshire, 178l. 8s. 4d. Yorkshire, 100l. 7s. 2d. Devon, 1,720l. Town of Oxford, 79l. 14s. 6d. ..., 90l. 18s. 10d. Rutland, 59l. 7s. 4d.—Sum total, 19,059l. 16s. 5d. | |
Pp. 2, very much mutilated. | |
12 May. Calig. B. I. 203. B. M. |
Had written to Henry for the expedition of Mellorz (Melrose), which has been done at his request. Begs him to urge Henry to write again to the Pope that "ne nothar be sped in the contrar, for and it be it vyl dysavantache me a thowsand pownd." Desires him to cause a Lombard to "lowse se mykyl as comyz to ye same of monny for my pensyon vij. or acht hundreth dwkatyz." Trusts not to be denied, "and I sal be worth far my part a far grettar profet." 12 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal." | |
12 May. R. O. |
Information comes continually that the confederacy of the evil-disposed persons of this town has extended to many places in this county, Essex, and Cambridgeshire, and the town and university of Cambridge, while other countries are looking out for a stir that they may do the same. Now is a convenient time to prevent its being renewed. | |
Will remain till they have an answer from him to the letter sent by Humfrey. Whether Wolsey wishes practices to be made for the moiety with such as have not granted, or a general practice for such sum as they will grant of their benevolence and loving mind, ask him to defer it until they have shown the King and him more of what they have seen and heard. Will not leave while there is chance of new business, but will so arrange that, if it should happen, their servants and the King's shall be ready to withstand it, and they will return with all speed. Think they never saw the time so needful for the King to call his Council to determine what should be done. Ask him not to send for one without the other. Lavenham, 12 May, at noon. | |
Since writing, divers offenders have come to submit themselves, and this afternoon many more will come from Sudbury, Melford, and other places. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate. | |
12 May. R. O. |
Has delivered the King's letters to the religious fathers in Bucks, Beds, and Hunts, who all allege much poverty, though willing to satisfy the King to the best of their power. They will pay a good portion in hand if allowed some respite as to the remainder. Has sent the letters to the religious places of Lincolnshire by his chancellor, and the fathers are to meet him at Spalding, where, as Wolsey desired him, he will try and get the prior to resign. Forbears calling the clergy till he knows Wolsey's pleasure. | |
The year passes fast, and the longer delay the more difficult it will be to get money, for divers landlords can get no rents of their farmers. The prior of Caldwell's letter is 100l., "and mine instructions but 20l. A very poor place." Is he to call the students stipendiaries of the university? Heard last night that a priest of his diocese, coming through St. Neot's, indiscreetly spread a rumor of a rising in Norfolk and Suffolk. "Such rumors in these parts, where so late was lightness of the commonalty used, doth not well." Bukden, 12 May. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: "To my lord Legate." | |
12 May. R. O. Rym. XIV. 36. |
Expected no less cordial letters of congratulation from his Majesty than those he has received on the news of the great victory, which promises to put an end to his misfortunes. Has never relied more on anyone than on the King, and has great hopes now that the remaining forces of the enemy will be completely crushed. Hopes the King will not forget his services, and how his state has suffered for the preservation of all Italy. Milan, 12 May 1525. Signed. | |
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
12 May. Cleop. F. VI. 341. B. M. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 7. |
1332. WARHAM to [WOLSEY]. |
I have received your letters, and such as were directed to Sir Thos. Boleyn, Sir Hen. Guldeford, and to me, jointly. According to your wishes, I will forbear touching the spiritualty until I see what end shall come of the grant of the temporalty; this seems to me very expedient. I thank you for moving the King to reduce the sum appointed to me one-half. I hope he will think no unkindness in that behalf, for I would rather sell all the goods I had. | |
From the moderation concerning the temporalty, your Grace appears a very good mediator with the King for the commons, and they are more bound to you than they have wit to consider. The indiscreet multitude is easily moved to ill by every light tale. I think your advice that four, six, or eight together of the better sort should be practised with for this grant, is good. It will be hard to persuade them, however, now. One cause is the fear of the multitude, who persecute all who comply. The Commissioners in Kent are very unpopular, and are accused of being the occasion of all troubles to the commons by "their light granting;" whereas, if they had insisted upon the poverty of the people, the King would not have enforced this matter. And, secondly, as the people are obstinately resolved not to pay, it will be hard to persuade the few, and they will not think themselves kindly treated. At my late being at Canterbury I made arrangements for keeping watch on unlawful assemblies. It would be good if substantial men now attending at Westminster Hall were commanded to return to their counties. I thank your Grace for your kindness to me, in the commons, and you shall always find me the most assured friend and diligent servant you have. Otford, 12 May. | |
13 May. R. O. St. P. VI. 440. |
Wrote on the 9th. The Lutherans increase in number and evil deeds. A band of them has plundered the abbeys of Burgundy. Have been entertained by John de la Sawte, who is going to England. Squire Button, otherwise Courtbaron, and De Castyrs proffer their services to the King. Malines, 13 May 1525. Signed. | |
P.S.—Fitzwilliam wishes to come home. | |
Add. | |
13 May. Vit. B. VII. 133. B. M. |
1334. FRA NICOLAS to [WOLSEY]. |
Thanks him for the benefits he has conferred upon him, and for the good opinion which the King has of him, which he knows is due to Wolsey. | |
Expresses his great desire to serve him, of which Clerk also writes. Rome, 13 May 1525. Signed. | |
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated. | |
14 May. R. O. |
Thanks him for his favorable report of him to the King, who has, in consequence thereof, created him a Knight of the Garter. Wolsey has appointed the lord Privy Seal, lord Chief Baron, and master Broke to examine into the wastes said to be done by him in Wolmer Forest and Wardlam lordship, but the Privy Seal is away on the King's business. Asks, therefore, that his Council may attend on the others in the matter. Downeley, 14 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. | |
14 May. Vit. B. VII. 120. B. M. |
1336. CLERK to [WOLSEY]. |
Has received his letters of 22 April. At his first audience declared that the King would in no wise pass over this occasion; that both he and the Emperor were determined to invade France to recover their rights and remove the present King and his succession, as the best way to obtain the long desired peace; for which it seemed that God had shown such signs that they could not neglect them, without displeasing Him; that they desired his Holiness to assist in this holy p[urpose], and thus set rest and peace in Christendom, which every one thinks to be his duty; that this way must be taken, for if Francis were restored, were he never so well plumed, he would never rest till he had recovered all. Nothing is therefore more necessary than this i[nva]sion; and both princes trust that his Holiness will help, for the sake of the common weal, and because the rights of both princes in France depend thereupon, and they have been at all times ready to assist the Pope; that if he did so, the King would be steadfast to him in all his needs, but if he did not help, or did anything to hinder them, he must beware of irritating their subjects, who are ready to take any occasion against the Holy See. Showed him how lately ruin was imminent, for if the French had been successful, they would have taken Naples, and the ruin of the world, which would doubtless have followed, would have been im[pu]ted only to his Holiness; that all this was said merely from the zeal, love and servitude which Wolsey bears to him, and not for any particular affection. | |
The Pope took all this in very good part, saying that Wolsey did well to remind him, and that, for fear of these evils, he had bound himself to the King and the Emperor, according to the articles already sent, leaving all other practices,—to which if he had hearkened, he would perhaps have profited more at the present time, but he hoped that everything would be for the best, and that God would finally provide. Here he made "halte an exclamation" upon the Imperialists, saying that they treated him cruelly, and that although they have had and will have 200,000 ducats since the victory, they still keep their troops in the territories of Parma, Pleasance and Bononye, and pay nothing, so that the worth of 200,000 or 300,000 ducats is already destroyed there; if he had hearkened to other practices, he might have hoped for some amendment, and any way nothing worse could have happened; that the Venetians were wiser, for they kept themselves aloof; that their lands, being nearer Milan, were untouched, and they would pay only a reasonable sum, although the Imperialists had far more cause of complaint against them, for he has never broken any articles, and has done nothing with the French king except through fear, and even then nothing contrary to treaty. As to the contribution to the invasion of France, he said there was no reason to require any such thing from him, for his duty is to be a common father of Christian princes, and not to enter any league ad offensionem alicujus, but remain indifferent; that thus he will be more ready to entreat both parties, which he will be always ready to do, as much to the benefit of the King and Emperor as possible; that he has been in this mind ever since he was Pope, and he trusts that the King and Wolsey will be contented with his continuing so; that the Imperialists required nothing of him for the invasion of France, but that they would have from him 200,000 ducats, for what cause he did not know; that, even if he ought to contribute to the invasion, he could not do so, for the see was quite exhausted by the wars in pope Leo's time. | |
Could get no other answer from him about the contribution. He always rests upon what he has paid already, and says it is too much for nothing. Asked him to what use he had ... should pay this money. He said they know best; and he supposes, for the maintenance of the army and the payment of the troops in Italy. Asked if he would pay the remainder, with the condition that it should be used for the invasion of France. He said he should be loth to have it known that he had paid any money with such intent, for [the] chances that might ensue; that he had promised the money simply, and thought they would be content to have it on condition. They are receiving large sums from the Pope, the Venetians, and other powers, but no one can tell what they will do. They pay none of the soldiers. Most of them are unpaid six or seven months, and some eight months. Their wages still run on, 100,000 ducats a month, and more. As they are living in fat countries, where they fare well and spend nothing, they forbear their payment; but they will never remove to France or elsewhere till they are wholly paid. It is thought that at the end of this month 600,000 or 700,000 ducats will scarcely pay what is due. The marquis of Pescara and other generals have been in such danger from the soldiers, that they will never set forward till they see assured provision made for future payment. The army is now so scattered that it is about 200 miles from one end to the other. Does not think any great feat can be done this year, for the time passes, and there is [no] talk among the captains of setting forwards; and it will be very hard to procure money to pay the arrears, and provide for the future. | |
Asked the Pope for some better answer to the King's request, showing him that the King had always been ready to defend and help him, and he now naturally looked for his assistance. He asked Clerk to make a memorandum in writing of the demand, and he would give a reasonable answer. Did so the next day, and hopes the Pope will send Wolsey an answer, for he could get no other from him. Has also spoken to the Emperor's agents about the Pope's contribution, and they say they have had from him more than they could desire with reason, and that none of the Italian powers will contribute one penny to the invasion of France; that this money is to maintain the Emperor's army and pay their arrears, for which they will not have sufficient. Believes this to be true, for the captains make good cheer with it, and never think of converting any great part to any better use, which will doubtless at length cause much trouble, for the soldiers will be paid, and, if there is no other means, will spoil and sack the cities and towns, of which the Pope's are in most danger. | |
Now that this courier is leaving, has been again with the Pope, to try and fish out something worth writing. He has heard from his agents in Lombardy that the Viceroy, Bourbon, and the other captains have had many interviews with the French [king] about peace, and that it seemed likely that matters were near at a point. They conjectured that the Imperialists had released M[emo]rancye, and the French, Don Hugo, the Emperor's admiral, about whose deliverances much intercession had been made, but they never could be obtained till now; that Francis, who since his captivity had always looked on Bourbon disdainfully, now talked and dallied with him familiarly; that the Venetians, who have hitherto "made stykyng to agre with the Emperor," as well for paying money as for the reconsolidation of the league broken by them, have now obtained an answer from the Viceroy that he will not meddle with them, but will attend to what is most to his master's profit. This breaking with the Venetians, or leaving their matters not redressed, is here taken for a sign that these men have some other intelligence with France than to make war against it. The Pope told Clerk that these were only conjectures, and he could never believe that those in Italy either could or would conclude anything without consulting the King. He said that their messengers had passage into France, and so to Spain and back to Italy at their pleasure. Asked if he had heard any of the particular conditions of this peace. He said he had no certainty, but his agents had smelled out that Francis offered Burgoigne and a large sum for his ransom, to take the Emperor's sister [in marriage] and make her a large jointure in France, besides the confirmation of Naples, Milan, and what the Emperor now holds; he offers Bourbon his sister, lately wife to Mons. Delanson (d'Alençon), saying it was God's will to take Delanson [to] his mercy, only for this cause, for Bourbon would never have thought himself sure of the French king, without a bond like this marriage of his sister, whom the King says he loves above all women next his mother; with her he would have the duchy or county of Barye, and all her possessions by the death of her last husband. The Pope thinks Bourbon is right well content with this, as he has cause. | |
As to the king of England, the Pope had not heard of Francis offering him any great portions, but only large sums of money, but these were only talkings, and he was sure nothing would be concluded without the King's consent. All the Imperialists, especially the Viceroy and Beaurayn, persuaded the Emperor to accept these conditions with Francis, the Marquis of Pescara and Don Hugo alone dissuading them. He thought this report of peace was spread to make the Venetians the more afraid, and to make them "to solfe sumwhatt a highar notte;" for if the Emperor makes peace with France, leaving the matters of Venice unredressed, he might handle them afterwards as he pleased, which they perceive, and will agree to any conditions rather than abide a like hazard. He heard that if peace was not shortly concluded, the Viceroy would take the French king to Naples by sea fro[m] ... where they were preparing an army sufficient for that purpose; and that there was a little dissension between the Viceroy and the other captains, that he ought to see the army in Lombardy paid before he departs, and not go away with the French king and all the treasure, leaving the other captains amongst swords and pikes. | |
Asked the Pope what he thought of the intended invasion of France. He said the King's invasion would, doubtless, take effect, if the Spanish or Italian army concurred therewith; but the year passed fast on, and there seemed yet no preparation either in Spain or here, and it would be hard for the Emperor to provide the money, considering the business in Almain, and he therefore doubted of the Emperor's concurrence. Told him that the King did not doubt thereof; but, even if it failed, he had made such provision that some notable act must follow his invasion. He said he had heard from the French agents here that they expected the King's force would be too great to resist, and they should therefore fortify what towns they could, abandoning such as could not be fortified, and thus make shift for three or four months, believing that the expence and the time of the year would prevent the invading army from staying longer, "and if they did, they shold doo it c ... for in the wynter they shold doo no good." If the King should take one or two of their cities, they would bear it patiently, being sure that, from the cost and the unseasonable time, he would give it up at last, and the loss of a town or two, which the King could not long keep, would be nothing compared to the treasure he would spend; he did not doubt that the King and Wolsey had foreseen this, and would act accordingly. | |
He seemed to dissuade the King from attempting "the whole," without effectual concurrence of the Emperor, and said that it would be better for Wolsey to move the King to some meaner way. His Holiness spoke this as if fearing that Wolsey would take it in bad part, and think he was inclined to the French. Told him that both the King and Wolsey trusted in him, and would be advised by him. | |
He said that this continuance of war is to the utter subversion of Christ's faith, and spoke of the innovations and rebellions of the commons of Almayne. He said that all Germany was ruined, as it had revolted at the same time from its chiefs and the faith of Peter; that the King of Pollon had made peace with the Great Master of Pruce, who is a man of the Church for the defence of the Faith against the Tartars and Turks, like the Great Master of Rhodes, and has great revenues wherewith the Church in the name of his religion is endowed. He will now be made duke and ... lord under the obedience and lay fee of the said king of Pollonye, and marry his d[augh]ter, being his kinswoman in secundo consanguinitat[is gradu], thus committing three great errors without the Pope's knowledge: first, leaving his religion and his vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity; second, submitting the lands of the Church to temporal fee; third, marrying his kinswoman. This, the Pope says, is greatly to be abhorred for the evil example it will set to Christendom, and it seems to show that the said King approves some of Luther's damnable opinions; and he concluded that if the wars continued, we should see a new world shortly. He therefore exhorted Wolsey to move the King to take some mean way, and not to be extreme, and he would mediate to the best of his power; that he had sent his nephew the cardinal of Salviate as legate to no country in particular, but with this title, ad principes ultramontanos pro pace; that he was young and lusty, and being now in Lombardy would go from the French king and the Emperor's council to the French council, the Emperor and the King, as was necessary. | |
Did not think it well at this time to declare any further the secret matters in Wolsey's letters. Both the Imperialists and the French keep their matters very secret from the Pope, and neither make him privy to their practices, at which he is not contented, and will look twice before he delivers the Imperialists any more money. If none had been paid, they might have had to wait for it till they showed more friendship. When Clerk sees the Pope to [have] some credence, and to be a fit person for mediating, will make some overture to him, but, his Holiness "hangyng thus in the ayer," he thinks it best not to do so yet. | |
Has written already about the money. Cannot make more than 18,000 cr. here, so that 7,000 cr. of what was returned by the merchants strangers cannot be received here, for they say they have exchanged it into England, and cannot repay it without great loss. Can get no other answer from them, although they promised the contrary a while ago. Wrote to Pace at Venice to pay them 20,000 cr., but he answers that he can get no more than 15,000 cr., as money is scarce. The Emperor's agents, who have been very importunate both here and at Venice, cannot say but that they have done all that they could. Will send in his next letter the letters of exchange of the 7,000 cr. in the merchants' hands and not r[epaid]. The money given by the Turchoployar to Russell, as far as he knows, is only xlv ... cr. of the sun and odd money, though it seems that Wolsey counts on its being 50,000 cr. of the sun. They say that 40,000 cr. of the sun only were sent, which is equal to 50,000 single cr. States again the sums given to the merchants, Fermar, &c., the total being 44,000 cr., 2,000 cr. odd (330 cr. as he thinks) remaining in Russell's hands. Of the 23,000 cr. given to the merchants, 10,000 cr. of the sun have been recovered and paid to the Imperialists, and 2,000 cr. of what Clerk took. | |
Will send the letters for the 7,000 cr. which cannot be recovered, by his his next letter, as he has no leisure to find them now. Rome, 14 May. Signed. | |
Pp. 26, mutilated. | |
14 May. Nero, B. VII. 75. B. M. |
1337. PACE to WOLSEY. (fn. 1) |
Wrote last of the dissension between the Signory and the Imperialists. Since then the Viceroy of Naples has sent very unpleasant articles. The controversy is now upon the payment of 120,000 ducats, and they have sent the supervisor of their camp to the Viceroy to obtain a diminution of the sum, and confirm the old amity; so that there is good likelihood of peace between the Emperor and them. Has paid to the Emperor's ambassador 10,000 cr. of the sun, as will appear by his acquittance given to the merchant, and directed to Sir Henry Wyatt. Asks for licence to return home, as he has nothing to do for the King, and staying here is more expensive than he can afford. Venice, [14] (fn. 2) May. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd. | |
16 May. R. O. |
Wrote to Magnus in Scotland to desire the Council not to aid the King's enemies of Tyndale within Scotland. Magnus promises to do so, and says abstinence has been taken for 15 days. On the last day of truce, our deputies, fearing an attack from the Scots, called upon the gentlemen of the country, who refused to rise, apparently thinking us unfit to rule them. Advise that some noblemen be sent down in their place. Desire to know if they shall take further abstinence;—also, if the order they have taken for Tyndale shall continue, viz., they have left Sir Ralph Fenwic and 100 men at Tercett Hall, at Chipchace a gentleman with 50 men, and at Heslesyde another with 50. Since these garrisons were laid there has been no disturbance of Tyndale men or of Scots. If they do not hear from Wolsey, will discharge them on Saturday, 27 May. The Armystrangs of Liddersdaill and the thieves of Ewysdaill consort with the Tynedale rebels, and may make a disturbance when the garrison is discharged. Segisfelde, 16 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal." | |
16 May. R. O. |
1339. RUSSELL to [WOLSEY]. |
The Viceroy departs from Pisqueton on the 17th to bring the French king to Genoa and thence to Naples. Francis says "the Emperor will lose him, because the country there is so hot, and upon the sea, which is, as it is said, contrary to his complexion." Certain Swiss have sent to Bourbon, saying there never was such an opportunity for the King and Emperor to gain the Swiss. By Russell's advice, the Duke sends two gentlemen to ascertain their dispositions. Wishes the King and Wolsey would write to Bourbon to give him charge of 400 or 500 horse. Has no doubt he could levy so many, and more, with the aid of Mr. William Penezon. Has asked Bourbon to give Penezon charge of 1,000 foot. He is in great credit here, and could levy 5,000 or 6,000 as quickly as any gentleman in the country. Would like also 100 horse for David de la Roche, the King's servant, who is here with him. Would be ashamed to be here in the wars and do nothing. The count St. Pol escaped from the castle of Pavia on the 15th to the Venetian territory. Bourbon thinks it long since he has heard from England. He is sorry to see a fair time wasted; for they of Bourbonnois say they will live and die with him, and victual his army for a year if he come. Has taken out of the 1,100 crowns which remained in his hands at Rome the amounts of his diets and charges coming out of Provence. Writes to the King for leave to serve with horsemen. If any contribution of money be made here for the King, he should send a commissary to prevent deceit. Milan, 16 May. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add.: "[To my] lord [Cardinal's] grace." | |
16 May. Vit. B. VII. 134. B. M. |
1340. THE SAME to [HENRY VIII.] |
To the same effect. Same date. Signature pasted on. | |
Pp. 2, mutilated. | |
Vit. B. VII. 100. B. M. |
Has heard from the dukes of Milan and Bourbon and the marquis of Pescara about the practices of the Viceroy. The French king's mother has sent several secretaries to him; his own sister, who is married in France, has come to him, and he has sent into France many of those who were taken prisoners. He has often urged Pescara to remain with the army, which, as the army had not been paid, the Marquis refused until the Viceroy started for Naples, and orders came from the Emperor that the King should be placed either in the castle of Milan or the new castle at Naples. Meanwhile the Viceroy's major domo came from Spain, and he then ordered the galleys to be victualled for three months, as they had been victualled only for one month. He sent his servant Peralta. "in Ga[lliam]," with letters of safe-conduct for some person to return with him under the pretext of endeavoring to recover Spanish prisoners. He told the papal Ambassador that the Queen had sent More[t] to the King, but he would not admit him, lest he should tell him about the Neapolitan expedition. | |
Peralta has returned from France with Memorancy, who brought letters for the Viceroy. When he had read them, he gave them to the King, who was much delighted, and thanked and embraced him, after which they remained together for five hours in the inner chamber. They then set sail for Portus Finus, not more than 15 miles from Genoa. Moret and Peralta returned to Marseilles to keep back the French fleet. It is thought they are going to Spain, and that the Viceroy does not wish it to be mentioned, lest it should cause suspicion among those Powers whom he wishes to deceive. Bourbon and the Marquis are certain that the Viceroy is doing this without the Emperor's orders; but the writer thinks that Memorancy and the major domo brought a commission. There are many causes for the disagreement between the Viceroy and the duke of Milan, chiefly because the latter has not yet obtained the investiture, for the Viceroy demands a million of gold, and that they should take the duchy and provide him an honorable living. Endeavors by secret means to increase this hatred, and says that the King would be offended at any ill treatment of the Duke, for he loves him, and has spent much money for his restoration. | |
The Pope's ambassador says his master will send some one to Spain to know the Emperor's will in these matters. If Francis goes into Spain, it is thought that the Emperor will not cross into France, for he could not easily trust him with the Spaniards. Bourbon has pressed the Viceroy to deliver to him the count of St. Paul, but he has refused, and has treated with the Spanish soldiers for his escape. | |
News has come that six French galleys had arrived at Genoa, and that the Viceroy, who had already left the port, returned and manned them with Spanish soldiers. Writes continually to Clerk and Pace, but has had no letters yet from them. Last night letters came from the Emperor to Bourbon, with an account of his reasons for sending Pinarola (Penalosa) to the King's majesty. Told him it would be very difficult for the King to support the war, and give the Emperor what he asks; besides, 300,000 ducats are due to the army. Saw the said letter. The Emperor leaves the French expedition to Bourbon and the Viceroy, and writes about Italy, committing matters to their judgment, as if he knew nothing about it. 800,000 ducats will be required for the army at once, besides a further sum when in France. The abbot of Najara, sent by the Viceroy, sends word that he had intended to go to Naples, but on account of the weather will go instead to Spain, for which he set sail yesterday. These Lords wish the King to send and ask the Emperor if these things are done by his will or not, and for what reason, for they seem opposed to their common interests, and as if the Emperor wishes, by putting off, to agree with the French king, omitting Henry, for if they are done without his knowledge ... | |
Lat., pp. 4, imperfect. In Vannes' hand. | |
16 May. Calig. B. II. 49. B. M. |
1342. SCOTLAND. |
i. Magnus to Queen Margaret. | |
Has received two letters for her, one from the King, the other from Wolsey, and a copy of a letter to James V. from his uncle. The King is pleased with her proceedings. Is sorry she is away when so many lords are assembled. They desire a prorogation of peace 40 days longer. Has written for that purpose. Does not expect to succeed. Thinks she should write to the Lords, and exhort them to a peace, and not to look so much to France, which at this time can neither help itself nor them. Edinburgh, 16 May. | |
Copy by Magnus's clerk, headed by himself; pp. 2. | |
Ib. 50. | ii. Queen Margaret to the Council. |
"Copy of the queen of Scots' letter written to the lords of the Council, assigned with her own hand." To the effect desired by Magnus. | |
Heading in Magnus's hand, p. 1. | |
Ib. 51. | iii. Queen Margaret to Magnus. |
Has written to the Lords as desired, as he will see by the copy she sends inclosed. Begs him to remember what she told him at her parting. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To Master Mangnuz." | |
17 May. R. O. |
Have received the King's letters, dated Windsor, the 14th instant, and will notify to the people his charitable and gracious mind. Wolsey suggests in his letter, dated Westminster, 15th instant, that the offenders should be inquired of, and their offence found by verdict, as the judges considered that it was but riot and unlawful assembly. This was always their own intention; but the King's and Wolsey's letters said that judges would be sent hither to sit upon oyre determiner, and asked for information to the judges of what might be laid to their charge. Could not write sufficiently plainly, and fresh reports were daily coming from other shires; wished, therefore, to come and speak with the King and Cardinal, and return to do what they thought best. | |
Before the first submission, caused Thos. Germayne and John Spryng, whom they sent to induce them to submit, to tell them that they would afterwards be indicted. Always told them they offended the King in high treason, and never made it a less offence. Never meant them to be indicted for less than riot and unlawful assembly, "and, with God's grace, so shall be tomorrow." Lavenham, 17 May. Signed. | |
P.1. Add.: To my lord Legate. | |
18 May. Galba, B. v. 378. B. M. |
1344. DE HESDIN to WOLSEY. |
Has long wished to see him, but, for reasons of which the bearer will inform him, has omitted to do so. Will be ruled by his advice. Believes that the King and Wolsey will not forsake him in his misfortunes, considering that they have proceeded from his zeal for England, nor give any credence to his enemies. Never was a man of his consequence treated with so much rudeness, without any reason being stated. It is a dangerous thing in any country when self-will overbears honor and justice. The gentleman who is with him, and has done him so much honor, has declined to go to court since this occurrence. Begs that Wolsey will pay no attention to the reports of his enemies, backed by Madame, for they are all false. Huy, 18 May. | |
Hol., Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Very badly written and obscure. Add. at ƒ. 380* * b (?): "Mons. le Legat." | |
19 May. R. O. |
1345. THO. BENET to WOLSEY. |
In accordance with the King's commission, has endeavored to induce the abbots, priors and clergy of the diocese of Salisbury to contribute to an amicable grant to the King. None will consent to the whole. Many of the abbots and priors will consent to part, but none of the clergy will. Has summoned some of them to appear before him in the week before Whitsuntide. Asks his pleasure, as they are determined to pay nothing. Salisbury, 19 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. | |
20 May. Galba, B. VIII. 166. B. M. |
Wrote last, on the 13th, by John de la Sawte. Fitzwilliam received this morning Wolsey's letter, dated the 17th inst., commanding him to take leave of my Lady, and go to Guisnes. Rode to the Court at four this afternoon, and spoke with her, when Fitzwilliam took his leave; but in the evening, when they were about to depart, my Lady received a letter from the Archduke at Innsbruck, which she read to them, approving of the answer made by her to the demands of the English ambassadors, and stating that the French king is still at Pitchgitton, and that the league, offensive and defensive, is concluded between the Pope, the Emperor, the King, and the Archduke. | |
The messenger who brought the letter says the league of Swave has defeated the Lutherans, who had won the duchy of Wirtemberg, destroyed abbeys and castles, and done other horrible acts. Five or six [thousand] of them were slain, and the duchy recovered again to the Archduke. In Cologne all the spiritualty is compelled to bear scot and lot, keep watch and ward, and pay the maltolte like temporal men, and is restrained in many liberties. The duke of Lorraine has assembled a large army, of which 2,000 horse and 6,000 foot are supported by France, and was so near the Lutherans on the 15th that they must have fought by this time. The Duke has desired my Lady to give orders to abstain from war upon the frontier of Luxembourg until the battle is fought, engaging that the French will do the same. Another company of them has been overthrown in the county of Burgundy. Fitzwilliam will leave for Guisnes tomorrow. Malines, 20 May 1525. Signed. | |
Pp. 2, mutilated. Add. Endd. | |
20 May. | 1347. SIR JOHN VERNEY. |
His will, 20 May 1525. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 613. | |
20 May. R. O. |
Lease by Rob. Shorton, prebendary of Frydaythorp, in York cathedral, to the mayor and commonalty of York, of the manor of Tanghall and lands belonging to his prebend within a mile of York, for 23l. per annum, to be laid on the altar of St. Stephen's chapel in the cathedral of York. Dated 20 May 17 Hen. VIII. | |
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections by Cromwell; 6 leaves, of which 2 are written on both sides. | |
R. O. | 2. An earlier draft of the same, formed by corrections of an old lease (which seems to have been dated 18 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.), granted to the same corporation by Jas. Fyztjames, prebendary of Holywell, of the manor of Finsbury, messuages, &c. in Grubstrete, Midd., and in the par. of St. Giles, in the suburbs of London, with other rights, for a rent of 50 marks, payable at the Guildhall; the lessor reserving to himself 20s. out of certain tenements in the par. of St. Martin, Ludgate, and the portion of bread which he has from his prebend. |
Pp. 8, in Wriothesley's hand; the corrections are in Cromwell's. |