Pages 431-443
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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January 1525
1 Jan. R. O |
The King her son has given the abbey of North Berwick to Dame Isobel Hume when it falls vacant by the death or resignation of Dame Alison Hume, now prioress, and has written to the Pope about it. Asks the King to give the bearer a safe-conduct, and to write to the Pope for the said promotion, mentioning expressly that the King has taken the authority into his own hands by advice of the three Estates, and has deprived Albany of all government, and desiring the Pope not to allow any promotions to have expedition in the court of Rome without the King's recommendation. Edinburgh, 1 Jan. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd. | |
1 Jan. R. O. |
On the same subject. Begs Wolsey will get the King to write to the Pope to the same effect, and grant a passport to this present [bearer] to pass and repass in England "to make finance with his bankers" in London, "for lousing and hamebringin of the said bulls." Desires also that Henry will write in the bearer's behalf to his ambassador at Rome, and give him a passport through the Emperor's lands. Edinburgh, 1 Jan. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. To my lord Cardinal. | |
1 Jan. Calig. B. I. 76. B. M. St. P. IV. 283. |
983. ANGUS to MAGNUS. |
Received his letter (fn. 1) this Saturday, 31 Dec., regarding the arrival of Albany's two galleys. Will keep his promises to England. Wonders that he does not tell him the king of England's mind or the Queen's, or the king of England's promise to him that if the Queen would not follow his counsel he would take Angus's part against her. Melrose, 1 Jan. Signed. | |
Add.: "To my lord Inbassator to ye kynges grace of Ingland." | |
1 Jan. Galba, B. VIII. 99. B. M. |
The posts between Calais and the court of Madame the Regent were always well paid in the time of Henry's late treasurer _ (fn. 2); but since the Sieur de Sandres has been treasurer, though they have served very well, and though Wolsey has ordered them to he paid, for which purpose Tassis sent to him a man of his own, he has, during 22 months, paid them only two months of their due. Cannot continue them at his own expence. Malines, 1 Jan. 1524. Signed. | |
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: Au Roy. | |
1 Jan. Galba, B. VIII. 100. B. M. |
Has long solicited the payment of the posts in the service of England between Calais and here. The English ambassadors have done the same, and Tassis has been informed by Jerningham and Knight that Wolsey has given orders to the treasurer at Calais to pay them. Nevertheless, the treasurer, after being for a long time in England, and after, on his return, Tassis had sent a man to him, only paid two months' wages out of 22, and said he would pay nothing more. In this dear time the posts have great difficulty in supporting themselves. Has been all his life in the service of the King and his father in journeys to Germany, Rome, and other places, for 25 or 30 years, and still sends all the letters from Milan to Rome and England. Malines, 1 Jan. 1524. Signed. | |
Fr., pp. 2. | |
2 Jan. R. O. |
Testify their pleasure at the promotion of Campeggio to the see of Salisbury. Rome, 2 Jan. 1525. | |
Lat., p. 1. Sealed with three seals. Add. Endd. | |
2 Jan. R. O. |
987. THE SAME to WOLSEY. |
On the same subject. Rome, 2 Jan. 1525. | |
Lat., p. 1. Sealed with three seals. Add. Endd. The addresses of these two letters are transposed. | |
4 Jan. Rym. XIV. 30. |
988. SCOTLAND. |
Truce taken, 4 Jan. 1524, between Robert bishop of Dunkell, Gilbert earl of Cassils, and Alexander abbot of Kampiskynnel, on the one part, and Thomas duke of Norfolk and Thomas lord Dacre on the other. | |
4 Jan. R. O. |
Wolsey's commission to Sir Wm. Gascoigne, Wm. Burbank, LL.D., and Thomas Cromwell, gent., to survey the monasteries of Tykford, Raveneston, Poghley, Medmenham, Wallingford, and Fynchingbroke, and their possessions, about to be converted to the uses of Cardinal's College, Oxford. Westminster, 4 Jan. 1524. | |
Lat., parchment. Broken seal in a tin case. | |
R. O. | 990. WOLSEY'S COLLEGE. |
Grant by Wolsey to John Higden, dean of his college at Oxford, of the site and circuit of Thoby, Blakamore, Stanesgate, Tiptree, &c.; and appointment of Thos. Crumwell and John Smyth as attorneys for the same. | |
Draft, Lat., pp. 2, large paper. Corrected by Ric. Broke, who has added this note: "Master Cromwell.—As the letters patents be made, so this charter would be made, &c. Upon Monday I will be at Westminster in the morning to adjourn the term, and there I shall await upon you.—Your own, Ric. Broke." | |
R. O. | 2. Draft foundation charter of Cardinal's College, Oxford, with observations. Imperfect at the beginning. |
R. O. | 3. Another draft. |
R. O. | 4. Confirmation of the same by Henry VIII. |
R. O. | 991. TYPTRE. |
A description of the demesne lands of the manor of Typtre; with names of the tenants. | |
Pp. 6. | |
5 Jan. Salodeti Epist. Pont. xcvi. |
Regrets that his efforts have proved ineffectual. Had strongly dissuaded Francis from making an attack upon Naples, but, seeing how powerless the Pope was, he has sent the duke of Albany to attack it. The Pope in his weakness has been compelled to make terms with him. Has received letters from the archbishop of Capua that the Emperor was inclined to peace. Intends to observe faithfully his alliance with England. Begs Wolsey to promote a general peace. Sends John de Cassalis, and recalls the archbishop of Capua. Rome, 5 Jan. 1525. | |
5 Jan. R. O. St. P. VI. 384. |
Desires credence for John Casalis, whom he is sending to the King, as well as for Melchior [Langus], now nuncio there. Rome, 5 Jan. 1525. 2 pont. | |
Lat., vellum. Add. Endd. | |
R. O. | 994. CLEMENT VII. |
As the Pope's desire for peace has not only had no good effect, but the war in Italy is greater than before, the French king besieging Pavia, and sending another army to attack Naples, his Holiness must do one of two things; either take up arms, which he will not and cannot do, or give some security to the French king, so far as he can do it without injuring either party or giving up his part as common father. To avert danger that may arise from the passage of the French army through his states, he has entered into a treaty with Francis, by which each of them promises not to molest the other, but he does not intend to give up his ancient love and paternal affection for the Emperor and the king of England. By the said amity each will promote the safety of the other, and guard his person and his dignity as his own; the French king shall not attempt to recover Parma and Placentia, but shall allow the Pope to possess them quietly; if he recovers Milan he shall receive for his own use salt from the apostolic chamber, as before the war in the time of Leo; he shall not disturb the Florentine republic, but forgive the injuries they have done him at the instigation of others; neither party shall give protection to vassals of the other, and the King will assist the Pope against his rebels; the abuses against the liberty of the Church in France shall be removed, and cardinals and others hold benefices there freely, and the same in the duchy of Milan, if he recover it; the King shall not injure the marquis of Mantua, but favor him in the possession of what he now holds; and he will aid the expedition against the Turks in person, and contribute to the defence of Hungary according to the Pope's decision. The Emperor, the king of England, the archduke of Austria, the Venetians, and the other princes whom the Pope is urging to peace, are invited to join this amity. An honorable place is left for them, and also for the republics of Italy. If the Pope, the Emperor, and the kings of France and England join, each will be surety for the other. | |
Lat., pp. 2. Headed: "Copia." | |
5 Jan. Vit. B. v. 8. B. M. |
Thanks him for his kindness when he was with Wolsey, and for his gift. Has delivered his token to the King, and thanked him for his favor to Wolsey's goodly purpose concerning his college, "which ye too[k for one] of the most highest recompense that he could do unto you for [such] service your Grace hath done unto him." Showed him how [glad] Wolsey was "that his Highness did so rejoice [in your] said foundation and college, for which ye have made him and the [Queen partici]pants of such suffrages as should there be done,—delivering unto hy[s Grace a] book of the same." Spoke also of the good that it would do by bringing youth up to virtue, and promoting the faith and the King's honor. The King says more good will come of it than any man can imagine,—as, no doubt, he will tell Wolsey when he comes to him on Monday next. | |
Mentioned Wolsey's proposal for making a secret search in several places at once, and that Wolsey would be at the Cross with the clergy, and have a notable clerk to preach against Luther and those who brought Lutheran books into England; after which proclamation should be made for all who possessed copies to bring them in by a certain day, on which sentence of excommunication should be fulminated against all who disobeyed, and those convicted compelled to abjure or condemned to the flames. Besides which Wolsey would bind the merchants and stationers under recognizances never to import them. The King approved the plan, especially as to the recognizances, which many would fear more than excommunication, and thought my lord of Rochester would be most meet to make the sermon. "His highness is as good and gracious in this quarrel of God [as could be] thought, wished or desired, and for the furtherance of this goodly ... as fervent in this cause of Christ his church, and maintenance of [the same,] as ever a noble prince was." | |
Told him what a great name he had made for himself throughout Christendom by his notable work against Luther, which this suppression of Luther's adherents would increase. Begs that Wolsey will encourage him in this matter when he sees him. "The world is marvellously bent against [the faith], and it is the King's grace and you that must remedy the [same]." "The King and all the court reporteth the noble house y[our Grace] hath kept this Christmas, and of the notable cheer ye have [made to] nobles and servants." | |
After dinner today went with the Lords into the Queen's chamber. The King approached with the Queen towards where he stood, and said to her, "Madam, my lord of Lincoln can show you of my lord Cardinal's college at Oxenford, and what learning there is and shall be, and what learned men in the same." Explained to her accordingly Wolsey's project after the King left, and showed that literature would be so encouraged that men would resort to England from all parts of Christendom for learning and virtue, "and how the students shuld be lymytt by the readars to the same," what provision should be made for the exposition of the Bible, and how Wolsey had made her a participant of the prayers of the college; for which she gave Wolsey great thanks, and was marvellously glad. Eltham, Eve of Epiphany. | |
Hol., pp. 4, mutilated. | |
5 Jan. Vit. B. VII. 4. B. M. Captivité, 43. |
996. BOURBON to HENRY VIII. (fn. 3) |
* * *"... ain je croy[s] ... amplement ... nostre retraicte de Provence ... en la duche de Milan que avons trouve assez m ... toutesfoys on y a'faict se quil a este possible pour l[a] salvation dicelle." Have determined to hold Alixan[drie], Cosme, Cremone, Lodes and Pavye. The last was well stored, as it was thought the French would besiege it; which they have done, and they are losing men and reputation there daily. Has been to the Archduke, and found him well disposed. He sends 2,000 lanceknights and 300 horse at his own expence, besides a band of Almains whom Bourbon has with him. Hears from one of his servants that the French say he has made a disgraceful retreat from Provence. Stayed there three months and eight days, waiting for a battle, and did not retreat willingly. Believes he knows this from the ambassador. Desires as much as ever to serve him, "jespere avecques * * * a cognoistre a ... ny ... crainte de luy, car au plaisir de Dieu nous mectr[ons nos gens] si pres les ungs des aultres que a grand peine nou[s les] demesterons sans batailhe." Will show that he has no fear. If any man of his own quality charges him with retreating from fear, will answer him with his body. Those who pursued him gained little, and they will do less now. There could not be a better time for the King to invade France than now, as the King and all the captains are here. | |
Has declared his intention more fully to the ambassadors. Trent, 5 Jan. Signed. | |
Fr., pp. 3, mutilated. Add. | |
5 Jan. R. O. |
Writes to the King about his affairs and the Emperor's. The King and Wolsey know that Francis is here with his principal captains, that his kingdom is unprovided, and it is impossible for him to draw back his army, owing to the heavy snow on the mountains, and the strength of Bourbon's band. Henry will never have a better opportunity of invading France. Trent, 5 Jan. Signed: "Le plus que tout vostre bon cousin et houbeissant filz, Charles." | |
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A, &c., Mons. le Legat. Endd. | |
5 Jan. R. O. |
998. CHR. MORYS to WOLSEY. |
Has made searches in the Isle of Thanet with Wingfield and Crippys, and found a puncheon of mace, a hogshead of cloves, five hogsheads of oil, &c., damaged. The poor people, with the children, have gathered the pepper, which the bearer will show. Has seen 500 of them so employed, in which they save not their drink. Has put the wet spices to dry, and taken an indenture upon the Portuguese factor. The complaint made by the Portuguese to the King is not true; as, when the ship ran aground, they cut down her masts and took out her cargo. What floated to sea was carried off by a great fleet of the French that was in the Downs. Sandwich, 5 Jan. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: "To my lord Legate's grace." Endd. | |
6 Jan. R. O. |
Asks a safe-conduct for Pierre Gedoin, a messenger sent by the chancellor of Alençon to prepare a lodging for him at Calais and a passage to England. Boulogne, 6 Jan. Signed. | |
P.S.—Sends the safe-conduct he desires for the merchant of the staple. | |
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le Debitis de Callais. | |
7 Jan. R. O. |
This Saturday, 7 Jan., received a letter from the capt. of Boulogne, asking for a safe-conduct for the chancellor of Alençon's servant to come hither, and prepare lodgings and passage for his master, which Berners has sent. Encloses Du Bies' letter. Asks how the Chancellor shall be received. Calais, 7 Jan., 12 noon. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lorde Cardinalles good grase. | |
7 Jan. Rym. Fœd. XIV. 32. |
Suppression of St. Fridiswide's, Oxford, Linc. dioc., and other monasteries. Commission to Jo. Aleyn, clk., Jo. Skewse, and Jo. Seyntclere, for the conversion of the above house into a secular college, and appropriation of its revenues to the use of the same, considering that the funds for the support of teachers are becoming daily less sufficient, and in danger of being extinguished; also for translation of the inmates to other houses. 7 Jan. | |
Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10d. | |
7 Jan. R. O. |
1002. [CLERK] to WOLSEY. |
Wrote in his last that the Emperor's army and the troops sent by the French king to Naples under Albany were very near, and likely to fight if the French king had not sent fresh succors. The Imperialists refuse to fight except upon a certainty of victory, so that it will be long enough before they find such a chance. When the succors came to Albany our army returned to Lodi, 10 miles from Pavia, where they are nearer the French king, and can annoy him more. Albany then sent back the troops which had joined him, and went on to Naples, passing through Luke, where he had "a flees" of 20,000 ducats not to molest the city, and is now in the territory of the Florentines. | |
On new year's day received Wolsey's letters of the 8th Dec. Has declared their contents to the Pope, to make him steadfast to the King and Emperor, showing him that Wolsey knew no reason why his Holiness might not openly take their part for any advantage the common enemy had gained. The Pope answered that God knew the good mind he bare to the King and the Emperor, and how contrary it was to all his purposes that the French king should succeed in Italy; but that Clerk knew well the success of the latter, and the total ruin of the Emperor's affairs in Milan. He thought Clerk had not kept Wolsey fully informed of the truth; and said that, since the French king came last into Italy, there never was any likelihood that the Imperialists would do well, considering their evil demeanor and their want;—that this would have been seen before if Pavia had not held out so long;—that the Venetians will do nothing for the Emperor;—that the Imperialists here have lately offered to give up the towns they still hold in Milan in deposito to the Pope;—that the French king sees himself to be at such a "fordell," and the Emperor's army at such an "afterdell," that he will make no conditions till they have totally left Milan;—that there is some one from the French king in England with whom Wolsey is practising;—that neither he nor the Emperor care for the wars in Italy, and that no news had come from the latter for four months, until the tidings just received from the Archbishop;—that the French king is so strong here that no one dares meet him;—that he has arrived on the borders of the Florentines, and demanded 60,000 ducats of them;—that they had sent three couriers to the Pope that night, asking him to provide a remedy, for they could not resist;—and that while every one was thus negligently inclined to peace, he could not be expected to enter the war, or to contribute to it, either privily or openly. It would be thought great folly if, now that the enemy was at his doors, he did not assure those "pieces" that he was bound to keep safe;—not that he would enter any league contrary to his amity with the King and Emperor, but only that the French king should promise not to disturb him, and he would promise not to hinder any of his enterprises. | |
Clerk answered that he had always written to Wolsey what he thought most true, and that he followed the Pope's opinion more than any other man's, as most likely to say the truth; and that Wolsey's letters were dated 8 Dec., at which time he had received only Clerk's of the 19 Nov., when the Emperor's affairs were proceeding well, but could not continue so without great help, which Wolsey wished the Pope to supply. To his question whether it would be wise of him to enter the wars, Clerk answered that every one thought the French king had long ago promised not to meddle with him or the Florentines, and that he would not have allowed the French king to come so far if he had not secured himself. To this he said that he could not have assured himself, unless he had assured Francis in like manner, which he will not acknowledge having done before now. Reminded him that at his election, and since, he had told Clerk and other agents of the King that he would profess neutrality, not to forsake the King and Emperor, but to mediate for a peace,—and if that could not be attained that the would join them, though he suffered all manner of extremities for doing so; and that the King, trusting in this promise, tolerated his neutrality, contrary to all reason, when the Pope might have taken their part with safety, as the French king could not have resisted them all. Everything, however, has happened contrary; the enemy has been emboldened by the Pope's neutrality, and the King and Emperor, whose last hope was in his Holiness, are excluded from this new convention. Besought him to consider that the commonalties, thinking he had deceived their princes, might attempt something in odium sanctitatis suæ; which the princes could not easily restrain, and that all the Christian princes were on their side, and none but the Pope with the French king. | |
At this the Pope asked Clerk what he would have him do. He could give no aid to the allies, and must either take this way with the French king, or allow himself and his friends to be destroyed to the profit of none but the enemy. He added that he would send some one to Wolsey to explain his purpose. | |
Advised him, if he would make such a bargain with the French king, not to give himself a prey to him more than necessary, but to confine the terms of this convention de non offendendo et impediendo Gallum to Milan, the obtaining of which was all Francis professed to aim at, so as to give other princes some hope of help from his Holiness if France should invade or be invaded elsewhere. This would be profitable to the Pope, and would keep the French king in fear of him. After two or three replications, when he perceived what Clerk meant, the Pope "myslyked not the motion never a dell," and said the thing might be ordered after that manner. Doubts not it would be, if the matter was still untouched, which no one thinks it is, though the Pope "will not be aknowen therof in no wise." | |
Gave him the King's letters of recommendation for the Scotch matters, with those from the Scotch king. He is pleased at the concord between the princes, and in writing of briefs and disposing of benefices will do what is best to maintain it. Albany, by the favor he has here from the French king, could do the king of Scots much wrong, but for the favor and respect shown him for the sake of the King's highness. The Duke says that the right of conferring benefices, &c. belongs to him, for the King has "entered" before his age, contrary to law and the decrees of the Parliament. The card. of Ancona, protector of Scotland, has hitherto taken the Duke's part in asking for the expedition of benefices at his nomination, and in soliciting briefs for the relaxation of the bishops; but Clerk told him that as protector he should not defend a declared rebel, and threatened to find means to remove him from his office. On this he gave as his excuse that he did not know the King had the peaceable rule of the kingdom, but that now he had heard it by his letters he would act as a protector, saying, "Quicunque est rex ipse erit dominus meus" and the Pope has undertaken that he shall do so. According to the Pope's advice, entertained him with fair words and offers on the part of the King, Wolsey, and the king of Scots, as he is of great authority and reputation, and likely to do good service to the King and Wolsey. Doubts not he will be their steadfast friend. | |
Russell has gone to Naples to buy horses, and will probably return in a week and go towards England. Thinks he will have to take home with him the rest of the King's money, or "make it into Flanders," as they can find no exchange here to the purpose. The Pope is sending the Prothonotary de Casalis, master Gregory's brother, to justify his amity with the French king. Asks Wolsey to entertain him well, as Clerk has frequently found him prone to do his Grace service. The Pope sent for Clerk, and told him he had received letters from Spain from the Archbishop, who had returned to Lyons, saying that the Emperor had recovered from his quartan, and was content to make peace, leaving the duchy of Milan to one of the French king's younger sons, who is to marry his niece, daughter of the late queen of Portugal; and that no preparations are being made for war. He also said he knew that the Viceroy was practising a truce privily through a page of the French king's chamber, who had been taken prisoner. He would, therefore, tarry no longer; for the Emperor, who was far off, might have leisure to counsel with his friends, but he had his enemies at his door, and so must either fight or agree. The former he could not do, as there is no hope of the Emperor, who for three months has not sent men, money or letter, though he knew his army in Italy was distressed, and his agents here have entered into privy practices without informing his Holiness; he could, therefore, conclude this amity with the French king, and no one could blame him for assuring his own without prejudicing others. After repeated inquiries about the form of the amity, the Pope showed him a bill with certain articles abbreviated, of which he promised to send Wolsey a copy by the Prothonotary. Thinks it is a league defensive, for there is first, quod alter alterius personam et dignitatem tueatur; which words, Clerk told him, "were very large and pregnant, for the dignity of a king consists in many things," and he must be careful not to bind himself unawares to something inconvenient. There is another article, quod recuperato ducatu Mediolanensi per regem Galliæ, et peracta pace inter principes, papa tenetur ad defensionem, with other articles for the assurance of his "pieces" and those of his friends. Told him that it was said that the coming of the French towards Naples was only to give him an excuse for entering into this amity without delay; to which he replied that men might say what they chose, his Holiness knew the truth. | |
Believes this amity is already stipulated this 7th day of Jan. It is thought the Florentines and Venetians and "other mean power of Italy" will soon enter it, for a place is left for the King, Emperor, and others, as usual. The Pope, doubtless, thinks it better to have the Emperor at Naples, and Francis at Milan, than that one of them should have both. The Spaniards, though they did not hold both in quietness, yet dealt with his Holiness as they pleased, and showed what they would have done if they had had better success. The Emperor's affairs in Italy have been ruined by the pride and presumption of his ministers. The Pope expects by this means to establish peace in Italy, for those who enter the league will be bound to defend the French king in Milan; and Clerk thinks he intends to make a similar arrangement with the Emperor for Naples, so that neither party may have any hope of obtaining what they covet. If after this he procures peace in other countries, he will have done a great act; but "this see apostolic hath ever feared too much friendship and concord between princes," and has gained by dissensions. Thinks, however, that the danger time served, he is as studious of his own particular as any man can be living, without any great respect or regard to any frynd, and therfor the King's highness (?) thorow your Gracis high wisdom in handling your matters must use him accordingly. (fn. 4) | |
Now this amity is concluded between Francis and the Pope it is thought that Albany will return. If not, the Emperor's troops at Lodi will follow him unless they make some appointment with the French king, which the Pope thinks they will do. Hears they have prepared ships at Jeane, and if the wind serves they may come in time, "so that the salvegarde of the realm of Naples, if they conclude no truce, hangeth in the sky." If the French arrive first, actum est, which the Pope would repent as much as anything that ever happened, but he makes no provision, as though no help was needed, or the realm could help itself. | |
The Pope asked if the King would be content if the Prothonotary were sent to the French king, and through France; for if he were, he would see many things by the way to tell Wolsey of, and he would speak with the archbishop of Capua, who, it is supposed, would not be allowed to write by any one else. Said he thought Wolsey would not object to his doing so. Has told him "that the accustomyd maner of Fraunce is to throst as many (savyng your honor) lyes and untrewe talys for the advauncement of ther own affayres in the erys of lyke messangiers as they be able to carry," and that he should hear all, and believe but few. Rome, 7 Jan. | |
Pp. 14. Headed and endd. in Clerk's hand: Copie of a letter sent unto your Grace by the prothonotary Casali. Endd.: Rome, 7 Jan. | |
Vit. B. VII. 7. B. M. |
2. Original of the preceding, signed by Clerk. |
Pp. 14, mutilated. | |
8 Jan. R. O. |
Asks him for licence to export from England three or four shiploads of corn to victual seven or eight ships of war, as there is a great scarcity here, and that the bearer may take another shipload to Waterford in Ireland. Berghes-sur-le-Zoom, 8 Jan. 1524. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Add. | |
9 Jan. Calig. B. II. 83. B. M. St. P. IV. 284. |
1004. MAGNUS to WOLSEY. |
Since his last letter of the 27th, has not been able to learn news of the Frenchmen who have continued all Christmas with the archbishop of St. Andrew's. Soon after their arrival at Dunbar they took a ship of Flanders laden with Scotchmen's goods, and coming under safe-conduct, seized the bishop of Dunkeld's bulls, and delayed coming to the King and Queen. Sharp letters were sent them to make delivery of the ship and bulls, or appear before the Council, but they did not come till the 5th, Twelfth even, and, as the Queen was ill, had no audience till the 7th. Davy Beton came after his visit to the archbishop of St. Andrew's, and presented to the King and Queen two letters from the French king, dated Avignon, 15 Sept. Sends copies of them and of Francis's instructions, "whereby the whole return of the said Mr. Davy Beton's business in France doth appear unless he have brought any other privy messages to any the lords as yet not known nor perceived." The Queen would not allow Magnus to be present at the audience given to Groselles. They brought letters to the Queen, and had articles, which she promises to show to Magnus. She promises to remain steadfast to Henry, though she says the French king has offered her son his younger daughter in marriage with a large pension, has sent her 5,000 crowns (not 30,000 as she said before), and promised her a great county in France. But as yet the money is not delivered, and these matters are mere words. She says Albany consents to her having authority, but desires her to keep a good part to France, and that Groselles intercedes with her for the archbishop of St. Andrew's, which makes her more suspicious of the latter than she was before. The Archbishop told Groselles that Magnus had put him in hope of Henry's getting him made cardinal, which Groselles said Francis could do better than any other. The bishop of Dunkeld's bulls are not yet delivered, but Groselles promises they shall be. | |
Sends copies of the letters he wrote to the archbishop of St. Andrew's and Angus as mentioned in his last. The Archbishop wishes him to remove the Queen's suspicions of him. She has several times sent for him to Council, but he says he would be in danger of his life from the earl of Murray and others. The bishop of Aberdeen remains also at St. Andrew's, saying he is so unwell he cannot come out of doors. The Archbishop is noted as a great dissembler, and the Frenchmen being with him so long is very suspicious; yet he professes to be even more anxious for the weal of both realms than when Radclyff was here. He has kept a great and solemn Christmas, at which many lords were with him, but neither Angus, Lennox, nor Argyle. Is informed, however, that some of their councillors were with him. It is believed that if Albany have the giving of benefices during James's minority, the King cannot depend on the Archbishop. He wrote to Magnus lately that the abbacy of Melrose, about which James and Margaret had written to Henry, was made sure for a kinsman of his. Understands, however, that the Archbishop obtained a resignation of the said abbacy long before. Angus complains of Magnus not giving him information of the King's mind. He has had meetings with various persons, of which he has told Magnus nothing. Believes, however, he will not go over to the French. | |
Was lately asked by Sir Jas. Hamilton if the King would object to a divorce between Margaret and Angus. Replied that he could not say, as he had never heard the subject discussed. Hears from the Controller that the Queen could be reconciled with Angus if he would allow a divorce, but understands that even in that case she would not consent to his reconciliation with Arran. Arran is dissatisfied at Murray and the French party coming into favor through Henry Steward. He said to Magnus that, sooner than James should fall in danger of Frenchmen, he would go with him into England. The realm is so divided, it is hard to say whom trust. There is no justice, but continual murders, theft and robbery. | |
Two things require special attention: 1. If the Queen is to continue in authority, good councillors must be got for her. As it is, she would not be tolerated but for Henry. 2. The King should write to Arran, thanking him for his devotion to England. He seems steadfast, though, for old acquaintance, he is familiar with the Frenchmen. He says the French are urgent that the King should be ruled by the three estates,—a lesson they learned at St. Andrew's. Advises that the Earl should have a reward. Dan Carre, of Sesforth, and Mark Carre, are also favorable to England. If God send peace, they intend to visit the King; and if war be between England and France, Dan Carre is willing to serve Henry with a good band of men. Edinburgh, 9 Jan. Signed. | |
Add. | |
10 Jan. Add. MS. 4,622, f. 62. B. M. |
Henry's many benefits induce him in his present necessity to ask for assistance. The war by which he has been distressed for the last six months has exhausted his revenues for the next two years, and has so distressed his subjects that he can hope for no further subsidy from them, and every one sees plainly that the enemy will have an almost certain victory. Trusts that the King will be as kind as he has always been. "In mandatis dedi egregio D. Augustino Scarpinello." ... | |
Lat., imperfect, p. 1. Modern copy. | |
10 Jan. R. O. |
Although he must have heard from Rome of the critical state of affairs in Italy, cannot but communicate with Wolsey on the late unexpected occurrences, and desires credence for his ambassador Augustine Scarpinello. Cremona, 10 Jan. 1525. Signed. | |
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
Add. MS. 4,622, f. 69. B. M. |
2. Modern copy. |
Pp. 2. | |
10 Jan. R. O. |
1007. DACRE to WOLSEY. |
This day two of the queen of Scots' servants arrived with a letter, which he transmits, with a copy of his answer. Gave them a safe-conduct, in consequence of the importance of the communication. Nawarde, 10 Jan. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. | |
11 Jan. Add. MS. 15,387, f. 155. B. M. Theiner, 538. |
1008. JAMES V. to CLEMENT VII. |
Has nominated Robert Schawe, of Paisley, to the diocese of Murray, vacant by the death of _ Hepburne, and John Hamilton, of Kylwynnyng, natural son of Jas. earl of Arran, to the abbey of Paisley. Asks the Pope's confirmation of the appointments. Edinburgh, 3 Jan. 1524. | |
Lat. | |
11 Jan. R. O. St. P. VII. 47. |
1009. LETTERS From the DATARY. (fn. 5) |
"Substantia Reverendissimi Dom. Datarii super his quæ Sanctissimi Domini nostri nomine die 11 Januarii scripsit." | |
The Pope has recalled the archbishop of Capua because the king of France was not willing that he should go to England, nor open to him his intentions respecting the peace. He sends the prothonotary Casalis to declare his innocence of the declaration made by the king of France, which is simply a security of non-offence on both sides without any prejudice to the king of England or the Emperor, and the Florentines are included in it. With these exceptions the Pope remains in his usual neutrality. His reasons for this course are the danger from the Turk,—his defencelessness against the Emperor, from whom he has received no letters these three months,—the power of the French in Italy,—the tumults in the city of Sienna where Renzi is powerful,—the danger of losing Naples, which is destitute; and though the French have sent the duke of Albany there, perhaps when the Duke sees his opportunity he will not retire. The Viceroy is ill disposed to the Pope, and, under the colour of dismissing a chamberlain and a secretary, French captives, to obtain their ransoms, discussed with them the subject of a union with the French king, saying that they had better agree together than have recourse to the Pope, and that the Emperor did not care much for the dukedom of Milan, or whether it fell into the hands of the duke Oliensis; nor did the king of England, who would not lend in its defence 50,000 ducats. Why, then, should not the Pope consult his own security? To tempt the Pope to declare himself against France, the Viceroy offered him the dukedom of Bari with 20,000 ducats for his nephew, and the dukedom of Ferrara at the end of the Milanese war for his nephew on his marriage with a sister of the Emperor; which he refused. He even offered to put the investiture of Milan in the Pope's hands; but his Holiness thanked him, regretting internally that he should be thought more likely to be swayed by his own interest than by regard for the Emperor. All these are proofs of the Pope's firmness. | |
11 Jan. Vit. B. VII. 15. B. M. |
1010. CLERK to WOLSEY. |
The Prothonotary was despatched on the 7th. Sends a copy of the letter he wrote on that day. Albany continues his journey toward N[aples], but has not moved much since Clerk wrote. As his force is small, the Ursyni are trying to raise horse and foot hereabouts, which the Pope will not allow. It is thought it is merely done to draw the [Emperor's] army from Milan to preserve Naples. The Emperor's army has [moved] from Lodi to Cassano, and intend to take and fortify the castle [of] Marignana, which is about equally distant from Pavia, Lodi, and Milan, and very suitable for annoying the French,—for it is thought they might retake Milan unless the King diminish his army at Pavia, more than he would dare to do. Their number is 6,000 Spaniards, 8,000 Almains, and 4,000 Italians, besides those in Pavia, who are said to be 5,000 Almains besides the citizens. They have 800 spears and a good many light horse, who, well paid and captained, might do any great act. They doubtless would, if they had money and "stoma[ch to] adventure," for the French camp has less money and less order. "They passe us nothing butt in confusion ... son of the ... Venetia[ns] ... take example of the Pope's Holynes, and move not." His Holiness will not acknowlege that he is the cause of their doing so, and says he has told them not to take example of him, as they are bound by treaty, and he is not. He has sent a loving brief in answer to the king of Scots' letters, which will show him that his causes are furthered for his uncle's sake. This brief was sent unawares with other briefs by Casali. Will try to help the next suit James has here. Letters to the Pope today state that Albany is at Pontgybons in the territory of Senys. The Ursynys began to collect forces to join him, having received a commission from Francis, and the Colonysis in like manner began to raise men to defend Naples, where their family have rents of 80,000 ducats. The Pope has, however, stopped both parties * * * ... "[la]nds of the Chur[che] ... thought that the Emperors campe whiche ... departyd owt of Lody towards a place cally[d] ... between Pavia and Mylan," would have taken Milan, or done some other great feat. Hear today that they went no further than Cassano, and spoiled nearly 300 footmen, and then returned to Lodye, where they say they will wait for 4,000 or 5,000 more lanceknights, and then offer battle, which no man thinks they will risk. No news from the Emperor except what came through the Archbishop. Ro[me], 11 Jan. Signed. | |
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. | |
11 Jan. Rym. XIV. 33. |
i. Hants and Wilts.—Writ to the Escheator for restitution of temporalities, on the nomination by the Pope of Laurence [Campeggio] cardinal priest, of the title of St. Anastasia, as bishop. | |
ii. Similar writs for Somers. and Dorset, Lincolnshire, Oxon. and Berks, Sussex, (fn. 6) Gloucester, and the marches of Wales, and London. | |
Mandate to the tenants of the bishopric. Westm., 11 Jan. | |
Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. | |
13 Jan. Vit. B. VI. (II.) [App. XXIX.] B. M. |
1012. JAMES V. to CLEMENT VII. |
Thanks him for the promotion of Gavin [Dunbar], his tutor, to the see of Glasgow, with exemption from the primacy and legatine authority of St. Andrew's. Begs him to leave untouched these privileges, granted by desire of the duke of Albany, and not to allow Jas. archbp. of St. Andrew's to infringe them. Asks credence for the bearers, John Duntan (Duncan) and John Thruton. Edinburgh, Id. Jan. 1524. | |
Lat., copy, p. 1, mutilated. Endd. by Clerk: Literæ Regis Scotiæ contra Archiep. S. Andreæ. | |
14 Jan. R. O. |
Received this Saturday a letter from the captain of Boulogne, saying that the chancellor of Alençon, who is now at Boulogne, will be here tomorrow. Wrote yesterday what order they had taken with him; but he thinks Wolsey will receive this letter as soon as the other, for neither ship nor boat can pass, owing to the contrary winds. Thinks he will be in great haste to cross, and they have no occasion for retarding his passage till they know the King's pleasure further. Calais, 14 Jan. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lorde Cardinalles grase. | |
14 Jan. | 1014. JAMES V. to HENRY VIII. |
The letter printed under this date in St. P. IV. 290, belongs to the year 1528. |