Notes and Errata

Pages 3533-3538

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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Notes and Errata

68. Page 27, 1. 7, after "if" insert "Francis."
86 (14). John Barnard. The date of delivery is 24 Jan., not 14 Jan.
107, 1. 4, for "Heyham" read "Hexham."
126. The date of this document, though clearly written "the xxviij of February" in the Harl. MS., is given as the "last of February" (which would be the 29th in this year) in the two R. O. copies.
137 (11). In grant to Wm. Thynne, for "Rye, Essex," read "Rye, Sussex."
137 (12). In com. of the peace for Worc., for "E." bp. of Coventry, read "G." bp. of Coventry.
137 (18). In the commission for Cornwall, for "John Arundel lord de la Hern" read "Sir John Arundel de la Hern."
180. In heading, for "[BOISSI]" read "[The BASTARD OF SAVOY.]"
183, 1. 10. The comma after "College" should be a full stop, and the full stop after "London" a comma.
199, 1. 15, for "Bourbon's" read "Barbon's."
243. The spy's confession here referred to is erroneously catalogued in Vol. III., No. 2769, as of the year 1523. Compare No. 269.
277. This letter appears to belong to the year 1523. Starkey was appointed sheriff of Lancashire on the 18th April 14 Hen. VIII. See his appointment in the register of the duchy of Lancaster, temp. Hen. VIII. f. 62 b.
429. Dele the foot note.
448. This letter appears to be of the year 1522. See Vol. III., No. 2345.
464 (1). In grant to J. Kempe, for "Northelinham" read "Northelmham."
494, for "Draguegnau" read "Draguegnan."
546 (23). John Hove. This grant is repeated in a S.B., dated 29 June 1526, which has been omitted in the Calendar.
631, p. 280, 1. 3, for "to sent him" read "sent him to."
631, 1508, and 4450. For "SIR WM. SANDYS" read "WM. LORD SANDYS."
662, p. 292, 1. 18 from top, for archbishop "of" Berwick read archbishop "to" Berwick.
664, for "Robert Creighton" read "James Creighton."
671. Date to letter "15 Sept." should be "18 Sept." as in margin.
685, p. 305. As this is a duplicate No., it is referred to in the Index as 685 a.
702. This is the schedule in 602 (ii.), which having got displaced in the volume Calig. B. I. since the State Papers were printed, is mentioned in the foot note as no longer attached to the document in which it was enclosed.
857 and 860 are duplicates of the same letter.
907. Should be of the year 1526.
921. This entry belongs to the year 1525.
950, 1. 2, for "Ampuzca" read "Quipuzca."
1030, 1. 5, for "Brauxholm" read "Branxholm."
1044. It appears by No. 1831, that Wolsey was at Richmond on the 21 Dec. 1525. This letter may therefore belong to January 1526.
1049. 28 Jan. Grants on French Roll to the duke of Norfolk, and to Will. Nudegate and Francis Sydney. The roll on which these grants are entered is docketed as of the years 17–21 Hen. VIII.; but memb. 1, on which the entries in question occur, is endorsed as of the 16th year,—perhaps erroneously, as another entry on that memb. (see No. 1465, for the Abbey of St. Hubert in Ardaine) is certainly of the 17th year.
1057, for "ANGUS to DACRE," read "SIR CHR. DACRE to ANGUS."
1078, for "Vit. B. VII. 28." in margin, read "R. O."
1136 (2), in commission for Essex, for "Tho. Tyrell lord Hern" read "Sir Tho. Tyrell of Hern."
1136 (12), 1. 11, for "R[y]ntabyn" read "Seyntabyn."
1136 (12), for "John Arundel lord de la Hern" read "Sir John Arundel de la Hern."
1226. 31 March 1525. A letter to the King to the same effect in R. O., easually omitted from the Calendar, is printed in Rymer under the year 1526.
1235. "Skelton." So in Ellis, but "Shelton" in orig.
1243. At end supply word "over."
1263. The date "19 April" should be "12 April," as in margin.
1323. Add at the end "Signed."
1332. Add at the end "Signed."
1397. Supply "R. O." in margin.
1433, head line, for "VESEY" read "VESCY."
1533 (6). In grant to Ric. Petit, add "S.B."
1610 (11, York, N. Riding), for "Hen. Scrop lord Bolton" read "Hen. lord Scrop of Bolton."
1644. Omit this entry. The Vatican Transcript, from which the document is printed in the State Papers, is very inaccurate; among other things, in the date of the year; and an abstract of the letter has been given from Theiner under its true date in No. 664.
1676 (20), 1. 3, for "Chelmysmore" read "Chelysmore."
1679. This document should have been placed in the year 1524.
1727. "Joseph Uvedale" misprinted in Howard's letters for "John."
1755. This document has already been noticed in the year 1519, (see Vol. III. No. 572,) Which, however, would seem to be an error. The letter is printed in Wilkins' Concilia, III. 659.
1761, 1. 3. For "exclusionis" we ought evidently to read "conclusionis." The error, however, is in the original cipher.
1767, 1. 5, after "seemed" insert "to."
1770. The signature of this letter, which the transcriber could not read, is "Noblet." See Gayangos' Calendar, 467.
1885. In margin, for "Vit. B. VII. 125." read "Vit. B. VII. 215."
1913, I. 11, for "Shevyngton" read "Sherington." The name is written "Shevyngton" on the Patent Roll, but the correct form is given in the Privy Seal.
1940 (2 ii.) "Jo. Denton" for an error in the original MS., read "Jas. Denton."
p. 874, 1. 12, for "Appully" read "Appulby."
p. 877 note, for "earl of Northumberland" read "earl of Leicester."
2001. This document belongs to the year 1525.
2002 (8). Ric. Dodyngton. This grant has been misplaced, and belongs to the 15th year. See 8 Feb. 1524.
2002 (11), p. 901, 1. 7. Dele "(Ipswich)."
2002 (11), p. 901 (Staffordshire). "John Denton, dean of Lichfield," is an error in the Patent Roll. His Christian name was James.
2008, 1. 5, for "[Ducis]" read "[Marchionis]."
2024, 1. 39, for "Woddham Martyn" read "Woddham Martymer."
2029. "R. O." omitted.
2063, p. 928, 1. 2 from top. After "Ale" read "and Beer;" and for "Beer" read "Malt."
2096. This document belongs to the year 1527. See No. 3040, of which it appears to be a decipher. There is no authority for the marginal date.
2159, p. 968, II. 24, 25, for "the Lady St. John's" read "the Lord of St. John's."
2201. Dele. See No. 1887.
2218 (5), for "Ralph Browne" read "Geoffrey Browne."
2291 (17), for "Lanthorn" read "Lanthorne."
2291 (28). Ric. Stokke. Dele. See Jan. following.
2292 ii. Instructions to Patrick Sinclair in accordance with these annotations of Wolsey, are in a MS. in the possession of Sir Alex. Mallet.
2322, 1. 7, from top, after "Dalby" insert the word "late."
2323. This letter is probably of the year 1528.
2325, 1. 18. Insert "not" before "inclined."
2335. To "Henry VIII." affix†.
2336. Add "R. O." in margin; and for "23 July" read "28 July." Misprinted in Rymer.
2362 (26). Rob. Byngeley. Add P.S. at the end of this entry.
2412. Add to this entry:—
"P.S.b. 2. Petition for the above by Wolsey, certifying the new abbot's confirmation. Westm., 20 _ 1526, 18 Hen. VIII."
2507. This letter is of the year 1519. See Vol. III. No. 423.
2540, for "(23)" read "(20)."
2540, at end. Date of Del. should be 8 Oct. See No. 2555.
2556, at end. Dele "Fr."
2566, p. 1140, 1. 1, for "Rovarius" read "Rorarius."
p. 1158. In the second foot note, after "order" insert "dated 23 Oct. 1526."
2008. This letter belongs to the year 1525.
2629, 1. 17 from bottom of page, for "through" read "though."
2652, for "P. 1" read "Pp. 3."
2697, 1. 5, for "Urges him" read "Urges them."
2701. For "Lawrens Gyllys, chaunceler" read "Lawrens Gyllys, chaundeler."
2704, 1. 10, for "no" read "do."
2711 (2). Although this paper is of the year 1526, the marginal annotations are of some years' later date.
2729. This letter belongs to the year 1525.
2882. Insert in margin "P.S. b."
2921, p. 1307, 1. 1, for "(sic)" read "[si]."
2926, 1. 2, for "Hertfordshire" read "Herefordshire." It is "Herfordshire" in the MS.
2942. This document is in Du Bellay's hand.
3027. Add "P.S. b." in margin.
3040. Add at the end, "Cipher."
3051, p. 1370, 1. 24, for "kinsman" read "kinswoman."
3104. "Sir Thomas Wyat" is an error for "Sir Henry Wyat," as shown by the text of the document.
3105, p. 1412, line 26, for "sent" read "send."
3182. Insert "P. S. b." in margin.
3213 (16). In grant to Tho. marquis of Dorset, &c., add reference:—"Pat. p. 1, m. 2."
3225, top line, for "21st June" read "1st July."
3246. In marginal reference, for "B. M." read "R. O."
3258, 1. 8, before "which" insert "a stone cross."
3432, for "Antynary" read. "Antyvary."
3479, for "MARG. ZOUCHE" read "MARY ZOUCHE."
3540 (18). In grant to Hogeson, for "(Chichester)" read "(Cirencester.)"
3540 (19), p. 1595, 1. 14, for "lord Lovell" read "Thos. Lovell."
3557. The writer of this letter must have been Sir Anthony Browne. It is in his clerk's hand.
3558, 1. 13, the sieur "de Soyms." This seems to be a misreading for "Poyntz" of Le Grand.
3585, 1. 5, for "Emperor" read "Empress."
3609. This document is misplaced. The date in the margin ought to have been "11 Nov." as at the end.
3617. This document appears to belong to the year 1526. See App. 77.
3619. Insert "R. T., 137," before "R. O." in margin.
3631. The date of this letter must be 22 Feb. 1528, or just after. See No. 3967.
3643 (2), for "Copy" read "Two copies (with slight verbal differences in some places)."
3686, 3. In margin, for "Tib. C. x." read "Tit. C. x."
3738, last line, for "surveyor" read "assayor."
3772. This letter is of the year 1517. See Vol. II. No. 2716.
3823, 1. 1, for "Deaodara" read "Deardara."
p. 1704 , margin, 1. 3, for "818" read "318."
3886. "R. O." omitted in margin.
3947, p. 1755, 1. 18, for "S. Baptista" read "J. Baptista."
3974. This is misplaced. See No. 6246.
4012. In date, for "Hexon" read "Hoxon."
4049. This letter is in Du Bellay's hand.
4069. In margin, for "R. O." read "B.M."
4091, 1. 12, before "Dunbar" insert "the dean of."
4095. Jerningham to Wolsey, of same date and effect in R. O., casually omitted.
4156. The true date of this letter is 12 Sept. 1428. See foot note to letter of that date, No. 4723.
4204. This may have been written in March. See No. 4093.
4225, 1. 2, for "village" read "vicarage."
4232. Insert "R. O." in margin.
4299. The marginal date should be "27 May," as the 27th was Wednesday. The date in the endorsement seems to be the day on which the letter was received.
4313 (11). In grant to Rob. Brown, 1. 3, for "18 Hen. VIII." read "8 Hen. VIII."
4313 (15). John Scott. "S.B. und." to be added.
4391, p. 1924, 1. 38, for "made" read "sent."
4392, 5064. There is another letter of Mary to the Grand Master, in behalf of Anthoine du Val, in the French Archives, Bibl. Nat. 3015, f. 20, dated Norwich, 15 Jan.
4424, 1. 15, for "Chetmundeston" read "Chelmundeston."
4456, 1. 22, for "should having" read "should have."
4550. There is a letter to the same effect from Clement VII. to Charles V., of which there is a copy at Simaneas, and an English abstract in Add. MS. 28,577, f. 240.
4687 (6), 1. 4. for "Kynyton" read "Kyngton."
4700, 1. 1, for "four petitions presented" read "an answer made."
4841, 1. 2. "John" bp. of Ely is an error in the original MS. The bp.'s name was Nicholas.
4842. A more accurate abstract of this document from a modern copy is found under the 9 Jan. 1529. The former entry is probably too early.
4855, 1. 7, for "Henry" read "Geoffrey."
4865, 1. 8, par. 2, for "bp. of Winchester" read "bp. of Worcester."
4878. In date of letter (p. 2110, 1. 3 from bottom), for "16 Oct." read "26 Oct."
4896 (19). Barnard Tunbroke. This document is enrolled in the 21st year.
4933. This must be earlier than 1528, as Hugh Inge was succeeded in the abpric. of Dublin in August of that year. Probably it is of the year 1527.
4947. This document belongs to the year 1527.
4954. This should be in the year 1527.
5031, last line on p. 2183, for "Winchester" read "Winchelsea."
5049, 1. 3. Dele "[Tuke.]"
5052, for "P. 1" at the end, read "Pp. 2."
5083 (10), p. 2216, 1. 3 from bottom. Tho. "duke" of Rutland, instead of "earl;" but the title is "dux" on the roll.
5094, p. 2220, foot note, for "8th Oct." read "18th Oct."
5100. Insert at end, before "Endd.", "Pp. 3."
5102. "R.O." omitted in margin to 1st article.
5188, last line. Dele "In Vannes' hand."
p. 2291, 1. 11 from the bottom, for "U[bin]" read "U[rbin]."
5220, 1. 2, for "Dr. Lindon" read "Dr. London."
5240. This letter should be omitted, being certainly later than 1530.
5426. The date of this document is in the original 5 April 1529 "ante Pascha," which means 1530 in the ordinary computation.
5605. This seems really to be a letter of Sanga to Salviati, though Salviati's signature is appended to it in the Lettere di Principi. Compare 5546, and the text of that letter in the work referred to.
5605. Cardinal Salviati was at this time in France. Query whether the date or the signature of the letter is wrong?
5685, for "Barnard's Castle" read "Baynard's Castle."
5743. In date, for "Ult. Jan." read "Ult. Jun."
5748 (12). In grant to Th. Marshalle, for "Swaffham, Bulbek, Kent," read "Swaffham Bulbek, Camb."
5757. This letter is clearly later than No. 6219.
5760. This letter is printed in Raynaldi.
5785. A letter to the King to the same effect is in Raynaldi.
5791 (1). At the bottom of the entry on p. 2589, after "Endd." add "by Tunstal."
5815 (6), 1. 8, for "Essex" read "Surrey."
5815 (16). Sir John Villiers, &c. After "Pardon" add "for having acquired," &c., as in g. 5748 (3).
5827, penultimate line, "archduke of Capua." So in MS.
5886. Omit foot note.
5953, p. 2656, 1. 2 from bottom, for "Greenwich" read "Graft[on]." The misreading is in Ellis, the name being in the MS. partly mutilated and partly very faint.
5959, for "Bp. of Coma" read "Bp. of Como."
5978 (14), for "marches of Wales" read "marches of Calais."
6013. This document should have been placed in the year 1530.
6026, p. 2683, 1. 19 from bottom, for "to Greenwich" read "from Greenwich."
6069. The original MS. of this is now in B. M., in Add. MS. 29,597.
6072 (22). Sir Geo. Darsey. The charter confirmed, stated to be of Edward IV. in the document, is certainly of Edward III.
6093. This entry should have been "12 Feb. 1529."
6097. "John archbp. of Armagh." So the name stands on the roll, but the Christian name should have been "George."
6119 (2), for "Winchester" read "Winchelsea."
6135 (22), for "Bassyngborne, Kent," read "Bassyngborne, Cambridge."
6170. This letter should have been placed under its proper date, 27 Dec. 1529.
6172, for "James Lacye" read "John Lacye."
6187 (30). In grant to John Wyn ap Meredd', for "Ewydyr" read "Gwydyr." The error is in the Patent Roll.
6242, 1. 3 from bottom of text, for "Cherbourg" read "la Charitè."
6303 ii. Insert "R. O." above the reference to Wilkins.
6363 (20), p. 2857, 1. 3, for "Southampton" read "Hants."
6385. This letter is printed by Strype (Cranmer, ii. 694) as addressed to Warham, which is probably correct.
6387, last line, for "die Maii" read "die xv. Maii."
6389. In the margin, for "5114" read "25,114."
6402, 11. 7, 8. "Ric. Dooke, archdeacon of Wiltshire." So in Wilkins, but, according to Le Neve, he was archdeacon of Salisbury, and Edward Fynche was archdeacon of Wiltshire.
6418 (8). The grant to John Wylliams should be as follows:—"To be clerk of the King's jewels, with 20 marks a year, after the death or surrender of Thomas Wyat, esquire of the Royal Body, son and heir of [Sir] Henry Wyat, who holds the office by patent 21 Oct. 16 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 6 April 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 May.—P.S."
6418 (10). In grant to Ric. Knaxton, for "Henderson" read "Hundesdon," and alter the comma after Hamys into a full stop.
6418 (24). In grant to Eliz. Brocke, for "Canterbury" read "Cambridge."
6433, 1. 6 from bottom of page, for "could" read "would."
6448 (2). There is a copy of this in paper in R. O., mutilated.
6473, 1. 13. Dele "(Osith's)."
6490 (23), p. 2920, 1. 40, first col., for "Essex" read "Sussex."
6496, for "p. 1" read "pp. 2."
6525. This document belongs to the year 1529.
6547. The name "Sir John Boleyn" is undoubtedly an error in Howard, and ought to be "Sir James." See 6515 and 6516.
6598, 1. 3 from bottom, for "Sir Edw. Gage" read "Sir Edw. Gorge."
6600 (1), for "Nottingham" read "Notts."
6600 (17). In date of del. for "17 June" read "17 Aug."
6600 (18). In "Mandate to Wm. lord Mountjoy," after date, add "P.S."
6604. Add: "R.O. 2. Another draft."
6748 (11), 1. 2, for "17 March 20 Hen. VIII." read "20 March 17 Hen. VIII."
6751 (11). In grant to Hen. Byrde, for "forest of Walridge, Hants," read "forest of Wabridge (Hunts.)"
6781. The original of this document is in R. O., pp. 3, as well as the modern copy.
App. 227, for "Pp. 3" read "Pp. 4."
Under Alessandria insert g. 4445 (5).
" Amadas, Rob., for App. 245 read App. 243.
For Aston Roivant read Aston Rowant, and add reference under it to p. 3068.
Under Auckland, Bishop's, add letter dated at, App. 191.
" Barbezieulx, sieur de, insert App. 181, 192, 209.
" Beaurain and Rœux, add "See also Rœux."
For Beton, David (p. 3222, top of col. 2), read Beton, James.
Under Blioul, Laurence du, add his sig., 1652.
" Boleyn, Sir Thomas, add "See also Rochford, Thos. viscount, and Wiltshire and Ormond, earl of."
" Boleyn, Sir Thomas, his wife Eliz., add "See also Rochford, lady."
" Bonnivet, Wm. Gouffier lord of, insert 88, 773–4, 1072, 1131. The last No., 6200, refers to his brother Francis, who became lord of Bonnivet on his decease in 1525.
Insert Borgo, Nich. del, g. 6187 (25).
Under Brinon, John, add "See also Rouen, president of."
" Brion, Philip Chabot, sieur de, insert these Nos.:—1641, 2103, 2115, 2606, 2651, 2728, 2771, 2848, 2981, 2985, 3171, 3443 (1), 3495, 3873, 4065, 5866, 5911–13, 5931, 5942, 6092, 6458, 6526, App. 59.
" Bristol, St. Augustine's, abbot of, insert 4096 iii.
" Brixen, bp. of, omit 5240.
" Browne, "Ralph," 2218 (5), read "Geoffrey," error in text.
Insert Burjo, baron del, nuncio sent to England, 6700.
Under Calais, treasurer of, insert 2611, App. 87.
" Cambridge, St. Nicholas Hostell, add letter dated at, 6457.
" Cavendish, Ric., for g. 287 (und.) read g. 297 (und.)
" Cavendish, Wm., for 269 (4) read 969 (4).
Insert Cecil (Syssel), Edmund, p. 235.
Under Chabot, Ph., add "See Brion."
" Ealing (Yelling) insert 969 (4).
Under Egerton Hill, for App. 244, read App. 252.
" Fitzwilliam, Sir Wm., jun., insert 4403–4.
" Gardiner, Dr. Steph., insert 3360.
" Ghinucci, Peter de, insert 5765.
Under Higdon, John, insert 4135, 4862.
" Imola, insert 3800, 3853.
" Luzars, for Luzerch read Lusarche.
Insert McWylyn, _, g. 2002 (12).
Under Pershore, abbey and abbot of, add 2458.