Index: J

Pages 3360-3363

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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Jackson, John, g. 1610 (15), p. 869, g. 2065 (28), g. 2291 (28), 1530, g. 4445 (10), g. 6490 (23).
-, -, Nic., p. 867, p. 869.
-, -, Peter, p. 238.
-, -, Ralph, p. 869.
-, -, Ranulph, alias Mount Argule, herald, g. 1538 (11).
-, -, Thos., p. 867.
-, -, Sir Wm., 2560.
-, -, See Jakson.

Jackson, a Border family, 3421.

Jacob, Hugh, App. 87.

Jacob, the Jew, 6194, 6445, 6499.

Jacobus, 4690.

Jacobaccio, Christopher, cardinal, 1242.

Jacobson, Arch. See Hoyer.
-, -, _, 4399.

Jacomo, Messer, 2278.

Jacques, Jean, 18.

Jaffrasons, the, 4336 (2).

Jager, Walter, 691.

Jaijeza, 4774.
-, -, Ban of, 2056.

Jakes, Robt., p. 237.

Jakman, Hen., 5117.

Jakson, _, App. 1.

Jakson, Peter, 6043 (2 ii.)
-, -, Rob., 3795, 4421.

James, Sir, a priest, 1518.

James, a falconer, 2241.

James, Hugh, p. 710.
-, -, (Jamys,) Ralph, 6022.
-, -, Robt., p. 3048.
-, -, Walter, 5103.
-, -, Wm., 266.

James I., king of Scotland, 5718.

James IV., king of Scotland, 342, 396, 489, 1028, 1445, 1878, p. 2556.

James V., king of Scotland, 5, 12, 33–4, 43, 53, 55, 135, 199, 203, 216, 223 (3), 231–2, 236, 260, 275–76, 289–91, 316, 342, 364, 370–1, 381–2, 396, 405, 407, 447, 452–3, 473–4, 485, 491–2, 498, 506, 515, 517, 520, 524–6, 528–32, 585, 539, 549, 551, 556, 560–2, 567, 571, 574, 576, p. 255, 584, 600, 602–3, 615, 629–30, 636–7, 651, 656–8, 662–6, 670, 672–4, 685 a, 687, 699, 701, 703, 707–10, 713–15, 726, 728–9, 733, 742–3, 746, 762, 764, 767–8, 784, 792, 797, 800, 803, 805, 811–12, 814, 817, 830, 834–6, 845–6, 848, 851–61, 863, 865–70, 874–6, 878–9, 887–90, 897, 899, 901, 904, 907, 916–19, 935, 939, 943–4, 981, p.437, 1004, 1008, 1010, 1012, 1014, 1023, 1026, 1028–31, 1033–4, 1041, 1043, 1056, 1088, 1094–6, 1104, 1110, 1114, 1116, 1129, 1168, 1170–1, 1182–3, 1188, 1191, 1204, 1212, 1220–2, 1224–5, 1245, 1249, 1255, 1259, 1273, p. 572, 1342, 1355–6, 1359–62, 1372–4, pp. 613–4, 1894, 1896, p. 634, 1446 i. ii., 1449, 1462–3, 1483, p. 685, 1528, 1545, 1552, 1554, 1590, 1597, 1600, 1616, 1636–7, 1638 (1, 2), 1644, 1659, 1663 (5), 1665, 1668, 1673, 1725, 1734, 1739, 1784, 1810, 1844, 1846, 1848–9, 1862, 1870, 1877–8, 1910, 1968, 1971, 1974, 2019, 2031, 2071–2, 2080, 2126–7, 2292 i. ii., 2299, 2326, 2335, 2392, 2413–4, 2425–6, 2442, 2449, 2452, 2483, 2487, 2500, 2539, 2569, 2575, 2592, 2594, p. 1175, 2678, 2714, 2767, 2777, 2781, 2783, 2787, 2876, 2878, i. ii. iii., 2885, 2937, 2955–6, 2964, 2992–3, 3004, 3017, 3019, 3088, p. 1412, 3129, 3230, 3245, 3248–9, 3252, p. 1501, 3344, 3347–8, 3359, 3370, 3394, 3407, 3545–6, 3582, 3608, 3612–13, 3617, 3654, 3695–6, 3757, 3773, 3775, 3778, 3791, 3793–5, 3803, 3805, 3844, 3856, 3868, 4084, 4091, 4101–2, 4105, p. 1820, 4148, 4178, 4186, 4205, g. 4231 (23), 4253, 4323, 4333, 4349, 4397, 4409, 4411–12, 4421, 4505–6, 4551, 4622, 4671, 4674, 4700, 4701, 4709, 4715–20, 4727–8, 4747, 4760, 4764, 4812, 4817–19, 4829–30, 4859–60, 4867, 4874, 4882, 4892–3, 4913, 4923–5, 4940–1, 4951–2, 4964, 4986–7, 4992, 4995, 4999, 5004–5, 5044–5, 5070, 5233, 5253–4, 5256–8, 5289, 5452, 5501 (2), 5531, 5645, 5679, p. 2517, 5706, 5717–18, 5727, 5735, 6051, 6063, 6077, 6593, 6675, 6712, 6741, 6779, App. 62, 77, 97, 204, 239.
-, -, -, letters from, 33, 78, 560, 664, 708–9, 742, 845–6, 848, 851–2, 855–60, 865–8, 875, 888, 890, 907, 918–19, 1008, 1012, 1014, 1023, 1094–6, 1183, 1355–6, 1361, 1374, 1590, 1616, 1644, 1844, 2071–2, 2126–7, 2335, 2425–6, 2714, 2767, 2781, 2783, 2787, 2955–6, 2964, 3017, 3248–9, 3347–8, 3359, 3582, 3608, 3612–13, 3617, 3654, 3695–6, 3773, 3775, 3778, 3791, 3793–4, 3805, 3868, 4084, 4101–2, 4115–6, 4148, 4178, 4205, 4397, 4411–12, 4506, 4551, 4671, 4715, 4817, 4829, 4860, 4867, 4874, 4913, 4964, 4987, 5005, 5233, 5253–4, 5531, 5706, 5717, 5736, 6051, 6077, 6712, 6741, 6779.
-, -, -, letters to, 524, 630, 666, 784, 874, 887, 1636, 1638 (2), 1877, 2878, 3019, 3407, 4622, 4951, 4992, 5727, 6063, App. 204.
-, -, -, his sig., 1105, 4505.

Jamyssons, the, 4336 (3).

James-feld at the Spoute, Midd., g. 3991 (16).

Jancosch, Affi, 2550.

Janehalghe, 2449.

Janes. See Genoa.

Janissaries, the, 2270, 2380, 2589.

Jankyn, James, g. 612 (18).

Janlyse, _, 1485.

Janua. See Genoa.

Janua, Marcus, 6619, 6624, 6696.

Janyns, Wm., p. 235.

Janynges Woode, Herts, 4318 (2).

Jaques, St., card. of, 5197. Query Jacobaccio?

Jaquin, Jean. See Vaulx, sieur de.

Jarmayn, Thos., 244.
-, -, Mr., 1951.
-, -, See Jermyn.

Jasse, Will. (Parre ?), his sig., 1727.

Javarin, bp. of, 2464, 2589.

Jaycza, 2301.

Jaye, John, p. 236, gr. 3540 (9).
-, -, Thos., 1962 (2, 3, 5).

Jean. See Genoa.

Jedburgh (Jedworth), 4134.
-, -, letter dated at, 5706.
-, -, abbey, 531, 2335.
-, -, -, letters dated at, 531, 2335.
-, -, abbot of, 490, 1912.
-, -, John, abbot of, 4830.
-, -, -, his sig., 540, 561.
-, -, an Observant friar of, 364.

Jedworth Forest, 3421.

Jeechi, Hampo, son of Thos., 2589.

Jeffern, John, p. 867.

Jeffrey, Thos., App. 99.
-, -, Wm., p. 989 iii.
-, -, See Gyffre.

Jefson, Wm., g. 2673 (2).

Jekett or Jekyll, Mr., parson of Holte, p. 149.
-, -, Wm., p. 149, 1082, 1540, 3379.

Jely, John, App. 1.

Jelys, John, 6043 (2 ii.)

Jenkyn, Humfrey ap Howell ap. p. 868.
-, -, James ap, p. 867, p. 869, g. 5748 (4, 5, 9). See Jankyn.
-, -, John, g. 2927 (25), 6750.
-, -, Wm., g., 6709 (19).

Jenkyns manor, Berkyng, g. 464 (23).

Jennet, Thos., 3379.

Jenney or Jenye, Christ., g. 137 (23), p. 83, p. 236 bis, p. 238, 1857, g. 2002 (11), 2375 (4), 5330, 5666, 6043 (2 ii.), 6126.
-, -, Francis, g. 1533 (12).
-, -, John, 1857.

Jenoit, _, 3180.

Jenons. See Jenyns.

Jenour, George, 6516 (8).
-, -, John, g. 137 (1, 12), g. 1136 (13), 1288, 1316, g. 1533 (11, 12), g. 2927 (11), g. 3213 (28), g. 3991 (3, 12), g. 4445 (20), g. 5248 (28), g. 5110 (20), g. 6490 (28).
-, -, -, letters from, 1288, 1316.
-, -, -, his son, 1288.
-, -, Robt, g. 2673 (2), g. 5110 (20).

Jenye. See Jenney.

Jenyngs, John, 2216, g. 3991 (5).

Jenyn, David ap. g. 6751 (22).
-, -, Thos., g. 137 (18), 955 (1), g. 1610 (22).

Jenyns, Anne, 1082.
-, -, John, p. 84, p. 85, 2322, g. 2599 (18), 3739, g. 4993 (7).
-, -, Nic., g. 390 (30), 1082, p. 868.
-, -, Thos., g. 1610 (14).
-, -, Wm., 293, p. 869, g. 5510 (16), g. 6363 (16).

Jepson, Brian, g. 6248 (12).

Jerbrand. See Gerebrande.

Jermayne, of Salisbury, p. 1700.

Jermeyn, Mr., 4777.

Jermy, Thos., 4012.

Jermyn, _, 3538 ii.

Jermyn (Germayne), Th., g. 546 (6), p. 238, g. 961 (20), 1343, 1533 (12), 1795, g. 2002 (11) 2132 (3), 2375 (4), 3656, 4914, g. 5243 (26), g. 6072 (9), 6126, 6138, 6598, 6663, 6721.
-, -, See also Jarmayn.

Jernegan, alias Jerningham, 5076.

Jernyngham, Hen., p. 871, g. 4687 (6).

Jerningham (or Jernegan), John, p. 238, g. 961 (20), p. 868, g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (26).
-, -, Sir John, his sig., 4016.

Jerningham, Sir Rich., 26, 27, 30–2, 146, 173, 175, 186, 195, p. 85, 233, 262, 345, 356, 394, 458, 605, 615, 619–20, 645, 648, 653, 684, 749, 751, 764, 780, 871, 985, g. 1049 (16), 1160, g. 1230 (28), g. 1298 (26), 1320, 1414, 1864, p. 873, g. 2599 (16), g. 2761 (19), p. 1332, 3216, App. 4 note, 87.
-, -, -, letters from, 27, 30–2, 69, 121, 146, 619–20, 653, 751, 764.
-, -, -, letters to, 26, 61, 186.

Jerningham, Sir Robert, 418, 1580, 1612, 1687, 2088, 3420, 3490, 3499, 3505, 3511, 3524–5, 3532–3, 3548–9, 3557, 3560, 3571, 3627, 3632–3, p. 1637, 3650, 3652, 3657, 3680–1, 3687, 3789–90, 3853, 3875, 3890–3, 3934–5, 3948, 4003, 4063, 4095, 4194, 4207–8, 4215, 4601, App. 156.
-, -, -, letters from, 3490, 3499, 3505, 3511, 3524–5, 3532–3, 3560, 3571, 3627, 3632–3, 3650, 3652, 3657, 3680–1, 3687, 3789–90, 3853, 3875, 3890–3, 3934–5, 3948, 4095, 4207–8.

Jerningham, _, 2560.
-, -, Mrs., p. 1332.

Jerome, St., Erasmus' edition of, 2128.

Jerome, _, "doctor of phisike," 4040.

Jerome, James, 3308.

Jerrard, Jas., 3725.

Jersey, g. 612 (22), 1435, g. 3747 (10), 6467.
-, -, letter dated at, 1435.
-, -, governor of, g. 1676 (19).

Jerusalem, Order of St. John of. See St. John.
-, -, prior of. See Weston, Will.: Docwra, Sir T.

Jervaux (Gervaux), Rob. abbot of, 3822.

Jeserhall, Linc., 1500 note.

Jesse, Peter, watergang at Calais named, p. 2231.

Jevan, Bleth ap, g. 3747 (3).

Jevan, David ap Llewellyn ap, p. 873.
-, -, Hoell ap, g. 3747 (3).

Jevan, Jas. ap, p. 3048.
-, -, Roderic ap, p. 3047.

Jevan ap Robert, John Wyn ap Meredd ap, g. 6187 (30).

Jewel House, the King's, 695.

Jewels, 13 (2), 1907, 3746, 5114, 6349, 6789–90. See also Fleur de Lis.
-, -, the King's, g. 6418 (8).

Jews, the 6105, 6140, 6149, 6161, 6170, 6463, 6479.

Jhon, castle of, between Modena and Bologna, 2999.

Joanna, Queen of Spain, mother of Charles V., 4853, p. 2589.

Joannini, Dom., 2237.

Joacquin, Jehan, See Vaulx, sieur de.

Joan, wife of Ferdinand [II.] of Sicily (Naples), p. 2812.

Joborne, John, prior of Shene, 6264, 6711.

Johannes Damascenus, 624.

Johanson, Wm., 6429.

John, captain in the French service, 3336.

John, king of England, 4039, 5726.

John, king of France, 1735, p. 858.

John, king of Hungary. See Scepuse.

John III., king of Portugal, 1421, 6501, 6514, 6533, App. 214.

John, Sir, parson of Hakforde, p. 149, p. 153.

John, Edm. ap. g. 5336 (14).
-, -, Ric. ap., p. 3047.

John, Ewden, 266.

John, Thos., g. 5624 (8).

Johns, Edw., letter from, 5533

Johns, Lewis, p. 2701.

Johns, Robt., p. 870, g. 2002 (27), 2431.

Johns, Sir Robt., p. 83, p. 234, g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (11).

John ap Mad, Ric. ap. 6703.

Johnes, Thos., p. 3047.
-, -, Wm., g. 3008 (9).

Johnson, _, 4218.
-, -, Adrian, 167.
-, -, And., 85, 136 (2).
-, -, Anthony, p. 1532.
-, -, Cornelius, p. 868, p. 869, 2123.
-, -, Christopher, g. 1945 (30).
-, -, Dorothy, g. 1377 (6).
-, -, Sir Gerald, p. 598.
-, -, Henry, 386, g. 2362 (6).
-, -, Jacob, 167.
-, -, John, p. 84, 281, g. 2447 (21), g. 6363 (6), g. 6490 (27), 6598.

Johnson, Martin, g. 6600 (19).
-, -, Meur., 6043 (2 ii.)
-, -, Peter, 1577, g. 3471 (12).
-, -, Ralph, g. 1377 (6, 8), g. 2002 (27).
-, -, Ric., 386.
-, -, Sir Robt., g. 137 (8).
-, -, Robert, p. 3047.
-, -, Thos., 132, g. 6751 (1).
-, -, Wm., 2882, 2978, 6075.
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 1530.

Johnston, laird of, 1029, 4134, 4701, 4727.

Johnstone (Junston), David, 665.
-, -, William, p. 120.

Joiner. See Joynour.

Joly, John, 393.

Jonne, of Barnett, 1227.

Jones, a Border family, 4336 (3).

Jones, Alex., g. 2673 (22).

Jones, Sir Edw., clk., 6075.

Jones, Edward, p. 794, 6311.

Jones, Edw., archdeacon of Carmarthen, p. 2701.
-, -, Sir Rob., p. 873.

Jones als. Johnson, Thos., g. 2362 (1).

Jones, Thos., 976, p. 868, g. 4993 (10).

Jonson, Alice, 4545 ii.

Jonson, John, 4038.

Jonson, Ric., 4029 (2), 4545 ii.

Jonson, Thos., g. 1533 (12).

Jonez, Morgan, g. 297 (14).

Jons, Thos., p. 868.

Jonynges, Dionisia, g. 5510 (14).

Jonys, Robt., 655.

Jonys, Sir Robt., 614, 976, 1082, 2528.

Jonys, the Robert, ship called, App. 239.

Jonson, Wm., p. 236.

Jordan, Thos., p. 988 (2), p. 989 iii.

Jordayn, Isabel, 4197, 4227, 4549, 4967.

Jordayn, Wm., g. 5748 (12).

Jorden, Wm., g. 1466 (26).

Joreval, abbot of. See Gervaux.

Jorum, Bleth ap Atha ap, g. 3747 (3).

Joskyn, John, g. 4313 (5).

Josselyn, Gabriel, App. 87.
-, -, John, p. 82, p. 236, g. 1136 (2), g. 1945 (29).
-, -, Thos., g. 3324 (3).
-, -, Wm., p. 1530.

Jouglet, Jean. See Maretz, lord of.

Jowsye, Roger, 4336.

Joyce, John, 2217 (2).
-, -, Martin de, g. 6301 (2).
-, -, Robt. 2217 (2).

Joye, Hen., p. 3047.

Joynor, Mr., 1386.

Joynour, Joiner, or Joyner, Geo., g. 1385 (und.), p. 988, p. 989, g. 2927 (12).
-, -, John, p. 2733.
-, -, Rob., 5117 (1 ii.)

Joys, Henry, 4331.

Jubbes, Thos., g. 137 (18), p. 236, g. 895 (20), g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (26), 6043 (2 ii.), g. 6490 (20).

Judd, And., 2217 (2x.)
-, -, John, 2217 (2 x.), 6025.
-, -, Mr., 3216.
-, -, Mrs., p. 1863.

Julian, Magnifico. See Medicis, Julian de.

Juliers, 6364.

Juliers, Mons. de, 747.

Julius II., pope, 355, p. 524, 1430, 4251, 4909, p. 2157, 4979–80, 5179, 5211 ii., 5230, 5302, 5376, 5387, 5441 (2, 3), 5447, p. 2412, 5474, 5572, 5615 (2), 5621, 5768 (2 ii.), 5773 (3), 5791, 6103, 6111, 6189, 6362, 6416, 6557, 6655, App. 211, 262, 267.

Jurdayn. See Jordayn.

Jurden, Wm., g. 6418 (23).

Jurie, Thos., p. 3047.

Justes, Robt., App. 87.

Justice, the Lord Chief, 6510, 6575, 6588. See Fitzjames, John.
-, -, -, letter to, 6575.

Justice, Thos., p. 3048.

Justinian, Sebastian, 1730.

Justinopolitanus, Peter, App. 265 (15).

Justus, friend of Erasmus, 3129.

Juytland, John, 777.

Jynner, Dr., 4545.