Index: F

Pages 3306-3323

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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F ..., a friar, 6644.

F ..., duke of, 4733.

F ..., Rob., 5102 (5).

Fa (?), Geo., 6054.

Faa or Faye, Melour or Moylers, 5392, g. 5815 (8).

Faber, Jacobus, 1802–3.

Faber, Philip. See Smith.

Fabry (Fabre), Dr., 2903, 3012–13, 3067.

Fabyan, Mr., 5330 ii.

Facombe, Hants, 1913 (1).

Faceby-cum-Carleton, Yorkshire, p. 703 note.

Faenza, 3030.

Faier, Rob., portcullis pursuivant, p. 869.
-, -, or Fayre, Rob., of Bumstede, 4218, 4254 (3), 4545 ii.

Faireforth, Th., 293.

Fairesley, Staff., 1913 (1), 202, p. 985.

Fairfax, Fairefax, Farfax, Farefax, Fayrefax, or Ferfaxe, _, 3216, 6748 (5).
-, -, Sir Nich., 3380 (7), 3822, g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Rob., g. 5336 (12).
-, -, Th., serjeant at law, p. 237, 1285, g. 1533 (11), g. 1610 (11), 2402, 3380, g. 5083 (10, 11), g. 5248 (28), 6382, g. 6490 (14, 20 Y.), 6510, 6515–16 (1), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, -, his sig., 2450, 2768.
-, -, Wm., g. 1610 (11), g. 5083 (11).
-, -, Sir Wm., 3379.

Fairford (Feyrford), deanery of, 971.

Fairstede or Fayrested, Essex, 1833, 5076.
-, -, Joan, 4545 ii.

Fakenappultre or Fakenapletre, g. 1377 (12), g. 6301 (16).

Fakenham, Suff., 1833, 2167 (3), 4229 (1), 5076.
-, -, Great, Suff., g. 297 (28).

Falborne, Essex, 4473, 5076.

Falconare or Falkener. See Faulconer.

Falke, W., 5774 (8), p. 2587.

Falkenham, Falcenham, or Faltenham, Suff., 5076, 5932 (2), 6516 (15).

Falkland, in Scotland, 1027 (2), 1545.

Faller, Berks, g. 2599 (23).

Falley, Hants, 2808.

Falsham, lord Hamo de, g. 2362 (4).
-, -, Nich. de, g. 2362 (4).

Faltan, M. de, 5483.

Faltenham, 5076, 6061, 6330

Falwesley, Northt., 3587 (5).

Fambrigge, South, ch., Essex, g. 6418 (4.)

Fanarius, Fr., 6499.

Fane, Fayne, or Vane, Hen., p. 83, g. 464 (2), p. 235, g. 1298 (12), 1459, 1795, 1939 (8), g, 2002 (11), p. 990, 4174 (1–4), g. 5083 (2).
-, -, -, letter to, 1459.
-, -, Ric., 4174 (1–4), 4914, g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Th., p. 989.

Fange, Essex, 612.

Fanhope, Heref., g. 6751 (24).

Fantoni, Alberto, letter to, 4517.

Farar. See Farrour.

Farely, Marg., g. 2673 (7).
-, -, Th., g. 2673 (7).

Farely. See also Ferley.

Farewell or Farwell, priory of, 2193 (3), 2969, 3390.

Farewell, Gregory, rector of Rotherhithe, 5125.
-, -, John, rector of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, 5125.
-, -, John, rector of Camberwell, 5125.

Farfa, abbot of, 2853, 2859, 2898, 3476, 3949, 4498, 4663, 5157, 5261, 5315, 5344, 5352, 5478, p. 2463, 5640, 5676, 5841, 6451, 6477, 6483, 6499, 6527, 6617.
-, -, -, his brothers, 6483.

Farfax. See Fairfax.

Faringdon, 6489. See under Farringdon.

Farington als. Tyler, Ric., g. 6072 (10). See under Farringdon.

Farleton, 2347.

Farley. See Ferley.

Farlham, 1855.

Farlhame or Farlem, Humph., 1855, 2110.

Farman, Barnard, g. 6301 (10).

Farman or Forman, Dr. Rob. (Thomas, according to Newcourt), parson of Honey Lane, 4004, 4017, 4030, 4175, App. 197. See Forman, Thomas.

Farmer. See Fermour.

Farnamdene, Hants, 1913 (2).

Farnburgh, g. 2132 (11), g. 4993 (12).

Farndon, Notts, p. 1699.
-, -, vicar of, p. 1699.

Farnese, A., card., 3405, 3493, 3504, 3637, 3693, 5139–40, 5213, 5225, 5230, 5235, 5273, 5841, 6069, 6158, 6362, App. 253.
-, -, -, letter from, 3156.
-, -, -, secretary of, 6483.
-, -, Galeazzo, 3758.

Farnfeld, Notts, p. 1699.

Farnham, Surr., g. 6072 (13), 6181–2, g. 6803 (1).
-, -, lordship and castle of, 6420.
-, -, -, keeper of, 6460, g. 6751 (3).

Farnt, Suss., 1913 (2).

Farnyhurst, in Tevidale, laird of. See Kerr, Andrew.

Faroe islands, g. 5243 (20).

Farringdon (Faryngton), Berks, 1913 (1).

Faringdon, Chas., g. 1136 (1).

Farrington, Mr., 2935.

Farington, Hen., g. 4993 (16), 6043 (2) i.

Farror or Ferrar, Jas., App. 252 i.-iv.

Farthing, 2217 (2) v.

Faryngdon or Faryngton. See Farringdon.

Farysley, the "Tolleboth" at, 6124.

Fashon, _, 5930.

Fashyn, Nich., 1939 (8).

Fassett, Edw., 1939 (8).

Fastenninis, Dr. Jas. de, 6633.

Fastolf, Geo., 2024 vi.

Faulconberg, 475, 480, 484, 781.
-, -, Anth. de Ligne, count, letter from, 4172. See Ligne.

Faulconer, Fawconer, or Falkener, &c., David, 651, 804, 943, 3613, 3654, 3803, 4923, 5289, p. 2556, p. 2559.
-, -, John, p. 84, p. 238, 1058.

Faulquemont, 5829 (12).

Fauntes, Kent, 1913 (2), 4001 (1–3).

Faustus, Victor, librarian of St. Mark's, Venice, 6140, 6149, 6156, 6173–4, 6232, 6236.

Faux, Ric., g. 1796 (12). See also Vaux.

Faven', M. Antonii, App. 265 (4).

Faventia, bp. of, 6633.

Fawke, Wm., 1204.

Fawkenham, 2024.

Fawley, Marches of Scotland, 278.
-, -, (Fauley), Hants, g. 5510 (14).

Fawnton Wood, 4318 (2).

Fawstane, 3975.

Faxley. See Flaxley.

Faye. See Faa.

Fayence, in Provence, 519, 552 ii.
-, -, letter dated at, 519.

Fayette, Anth. de la, captain of Boulogne, 17, 57, 1275.

Fayne, Hen., p. 83. See Fane.

Faytor, Johannes, Queen's proctor in divorce, 5768.

Feaguenat (?), Mr., 1472.

Fecamp (Feckham), in Normandy, 1387, 2925.

Feccham, Staff., 1913 (1).

Feckenham, Kent, 842.
-, -, Worc., g. 1466 (2), g. 2132 (und.)

Federston, Mr., 1519.
-, -, Dr., 2331 (2).
-, -, See Fetherston.

Feisque (?) count de, App. 232.

Felchestow and Filchestow. See Felixstow.

Feld, Mrs., 3563.
-, -, Ri., g. 6751 (11).
-, -, Rob., 6283.

Felderland Court, near Sandwich, 367.

Feldyng, John, 1939 (8).
-, -, or Fyldyng, Pet., p. 83, p. 237, g. 5083 (6).
-, -, Wm., g. 137 (12), p. 236, 819, g. 961 (20), 1795, 2672, g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20 War.)

Felgrave, Bucks, 1913 (1).

Felix, an Augustinian Spanish friar, 6445, 6581, App. 261.

Felix, count, 17, 4112, 4147.
-, -, or Felex, John, g. 1466 (22), g. 2599 (4).

Felixstow, Filstowe, Felchestow, or Fylstone, Suff., mon. of St. Peter's, 3537 (1), 4229 (1, 7, 9), 4259 (1), 4673, 4755, 5075–7, 5136, 5144–5, 5186, 5280, 5353 (1), 5398, 5405, 5409, 5458, 5985, 6061, g. 6301 (3), 6330, 6516 (15).
-, -, prior of, p. 2699.

Fell, Wm., g. 3869 (3).

Fellsted, 6128.

Felmingham, Norf., 5096.

Felmingham, _, App. 237.

Feltham, 2450.
-, -, Middx., 756, 969 (4).

Felton, Northumb., 2370, 3501, 3552, 3631, 3795, g. 5336 (7).
-, -, vicar of, 2370, 2402.
-, -, letter dated at, 1019.

Feltre, bishop of, (brother to Campeggio,) 4857, 5535, 5604, 5762, 5769, 5841.

Feltro, Donatus de, 6237.

Feltwell, 5076.

Fen country, England, App. 158.

Fendelowe, wars of, App. 69.

Feneux. See Fyneux.

Fenlow, _, 1801.

Fennel, Sim., p. 989.

Fenne Oterye, Devon, g. 1136 (16).

Fenrother, Rob., p. 233, 3739.

Fenthrutter, Wm., g. 3324 (3).

Fenton, 131, 1855.

Fenton, Ant., 4442 (5).
-, -, Th., 3544.

Fenewik, 5085.

Fenwik, Geo., of Fenewik, 5085.

Fenewike, John, of Wallington, 5085.

Fenwick, Sir Ralph, 10, 25, 28, 133, 218–20, 278–9, 346, 427, 482, 1338, 1482, 1517 ii., 3380 (7), 3629 (3), 3816 (1), 4133, 4203, 4747, 4914, 5055, 5085, g. 5510 (21).
-, -, -, letter to, 427.
-, -, Ralph, 3581.
-, -, Rog., 5510 (20).
-, -, Sir Rog., 1460.
-, -, Th., 4133.

Fenwicks, the, 2402, 3421, 3552.

Fenyas, the John, ship, App. p. 3108.

Fenys or Fynes, _, 3005.
-, -, Edw., p. 234, 2672, 3581, g. 6248 (24).
-, -, Eliz., p. 341.
-, -, Giles, g. 6751 (9).
-, -, John, 6647.
-, -, Ric., g. 2362 (6), g. 6248 (24).
-, -, Th., 6647.
-, -, Sir Thos., g. 961 (22).
-, -, -, See Dacre, lord.

Feramosca, Cæsar, 2731, 2827, 2848, 2853, 2890, 2895, 2910, 2912–13, 2919–20, 2931, 2962, 2982, 3001, 3011, 3016 note, 3039, 3046, p. 1406, 4233.

Ferborne, 2474.

Ferboter, Th., g. 3213 (5).

Fercolym, Ireland, p. 1078.

Ferdinand, king of Arragon, 24, 188, 1735, 3052, p. 1635, p. 2128, 5376 (3), p. 2556, 6655.
-, -, secretaries of, 6655.

Ferdinand and Isabella, of Spain, 5773 (3).

Ferdinand or Fernando, Don, brother of Charles V., archduke of Austria, king of the Romans, Bohemia, and of Hungary, 14, 17, 228, 336–8, 401–2, 410, 457–8, 622, 659, 671, 678, 680, 779, p. 354, 824–6, 872, 912, 924, 937, 994, 996, 1036–7, 1064, 1084, p. 476, 1123, 1127, 1130, 1158, 1163, 1175, 1236, 1251, 1257, 1264, 1346, 1357, 1370, 1378, p. 615, 1379, 1409 (2), 1410, 1415, 1419, 1430, 1452–3, 1480, 1495, 1504, 1557, 1558–9, 1561, 1575, 1632, 1735 (2), 1794 (2), 1937, 1946, 2050–1, 2056, 211 ii., 2195, 2241, 2285, 2290, 2368, 2388–9, 2409, 2469, 2478, 2481, 2496–7, 2508, 2524 ii., 2530, 2554, 2566, 2569, 2588, 2591, 2601, 2637–8, 2651, 2663, 2665, 2668, 2674, 2689, 2705–6, 2709, 2711, 2718, 2719, 2723, 2765–6, 2782 ii., 2795–8, 2809, 2823, 2850, 2914, 2919, 2923–24, 2932–3, 2959, 2961, 2987, 3012, 3054, 3067–8, 3075, 3095–6, p. 1407, 3126–7, 3130, 3140, 3147, 3171, 3207, 3238–9, 3243, 3255–6, 3355, 3371, 3413, 3441, 3453–4, 3488, 3497, 3513, 3561, 3594–5, 3599, 3701, 3799, 3800, 3871, 3885, 3899, p. 1743, 3927, 4024, 4026, 4112, 4223, 4498, 4639, 4774, 4797, 4836, 4949, 4961, 4977, 5012, 5018, 5050, 5163, 5165, 5209, 5230, 5240, 5270, 5292, 5352, 5394, 5425, 5440, 5473, 5483, 5499, 5514, 5544, 5554, 5591, 5604, 5636, 5690, 5718, 5723, 5767, 5814, 5833, 5845, 5852, 5858, 5909, 5961, 6020, 6050, 6074, 6101, 6142, 6480, p. 3023, 6744, 6752, 6773, App. 10, 70, 124, 127, 130, 143–4, 146, 154, 229.
-, -, -, letters from, 228, 401–2, 824–5, 1084, 1127, 1130, 2469, 2765, 2766, 3054, 3095, 3127, 3371, 5012.
-, -, -, letters to, 1123, 1453, 2050–1, 6142.
-, -, -, his son, p. 1619.
-, -, -, his chamberlain, 2765.
-, -, -, his wife Anne, 1987, 2056, 3068, 3595, 6142.
-, -, -, his amb. to the Turk, 5240, 5461.
-, -, -, -, to the Emperor, 5240.
-, -, -, -, at Rome, 5591.

Ferdinand [II.] of Sicily (Naples), p. 2812, 6282.
-, -, his wife Joan, p. 2812.

Ferdinand, physician to Q. Katharine. See Victoria.

Ferdinandus. See Fernandez.

Fereby, Linc., g. 4313 (22).
-, -, North, priory of, 2001 iii.

Fereman, Rob., 2748.

Ferentz, Unsorg, 2550 ii.

Ferleigh, prior of, p. 2700.

Ferley, Hants, g. 5510 (14).
-, -, Suss., g. 1610 (22).
-, -, vicar and vicarage of, App. 7.

Ferley, Rob., p. 152.

Ferley. See also Farely.

Ferlii, 1387.

Ferlton, 799.

Ferman, Hen., g. 2927 (26).
-, -, See Farman.

Fermar. See Fermor.

Ferme or Fermo, count John, 838–9, 2364.

Fermer. See Fermor.

Fermo, Ludovico de, 2891.

Fermour or Farmor, &c., _, 2244.
-, -, Adam, letter from, App. 246.
-, -, Hen., p. 236, g. 1533 (12).
-, -, John, g. 2218 (12).
-, -, Ric., 939, 942, 952, pp. 477–8, 1086, 1131, 1245, p. 590, 4065, 4809, 6006 (2), 6748 (4).
-, -, Rob. 2710.
-, -, Wm., g. 137 (12), p. 82, p. 234, g. 1049 (24), g. 2002 (11), g. 4313 (15), g. 6490 (20 Oxf.), 6516 (1), 6748 (15).
-, -, See Farmer.

Fernandez (Ferdinandus), Gonsalvo, the Emperor's chaplain, 3052, 5322 (1, 5), 5323, p. 2385, 5469, 5501 (1, 2), 5619–20, 5671, 5756.
-, -, -, letter from, 5501.

Fernando, Dr. See Victoria.
-, -, Roderick, 3408, 4769–70.

Fernby, John, p. 3065.

Ferne, Wm., 1577 (12).

Fernehill, Warw., g. 2132 (und.)

Fernes castle, Ireland, p. 1078.

Fernyhirst or Farnyhirst, laird of. See Kerr, Andrew.

Ferollis, the, Irish family, 4688.

Ferrar, Humph., g. 6301 (26).

Ferrara, 14, 626, 840, 1131, 2273 (2), 2297, 2931, 2982, 2999, 3011, 3016, 3023, 3045, 3206, 3493, 3497, 3561, 3584, 3701, 3783, 3900, 4776, 5035, 5613, 6244, 6375, 6491, 6502, 6593, 6624, 6641, 6656, 6669–71, 6689, 6694, 6696, 6700, 6714, 6727, 6785, App. 143, 147, 149, 177, 217.
-, -, letters dated at, 2886, 3016, 3578, 3624, 6568, 6636, 6639, 6641, 6644.
-, -, city of, 3599.
-, -, treaty of, App. 144.
-, -, dukedom of, 1009.

Ferrara, university of, 6636, 6641, 6643, 6669.
-, -, -, Salviati, bp. and chancellor of the, 6639, 6641, 6644.

Ferrara, Alphonso da Este, duke of, 840, 937, 939, 1036, 1072, 1131, 1164, 1197, 1242, 1245, 1283, 1643 ii., 1659, 1666, 1722, 1771, 1781, 1791, 1815, 1824, 1868, 1955, 1957, 2115, 2183, 2249, 2273 (1), 2317, 2352, 2403, 2422, 2478, 2481, 2486, 2596 ii., 2670, 2671, 2685, 2699, 2716, 2721, 2723, 2728, 2737, 2762–3, 2764 iii., 2780, 2782 ii., 2818, 2820, 2827, 2860, 2870, 2875, 2886, 2890, 2898, 2918–19, 2921, 2928, 2934, 2971, 2982, 2999, 3011, 3016, 3045–6, p. 1370, 3071, 3168, 3244, 3431, 3443 (1), 3497–8, 3504, 3511, 3517, 3524, 3548, 3560–1, 3571, 3573, 3578, 3584–5, 3598–9, 3600, 3618, 3635, p. 1635, p. 1637, 3657, 3661–2, 3680, 3683, 3701, 3709, 3715, 3799, 3828–9, 3832, 3873, 3900, p. 1743, 3956–7, 4090, 4161, 4168, 4171, 4255, 4447, 4781, 4857, 4897, 4909, 4920, 5235, 5050, 5201, 5207, 5270, 5302, 5421, 5524, 5640, 5651, 5769, 5865, 5887, 5921, 5946, 5961, 6018, 6065, 6075, 6089, 6101, 6142, 6155, 6245, 6268, 6290, 6310, 6626, 6656, 6694, 6696, 6700, 6758, App. 121, 124, 130, 143–7, 149, 178, 212, 226, 264.
-, -, -, letters from, 2886, 3016, 3578, 3618, App. 121.
-, -, -, his eldest son Hercules, 2671, 2860, 2870, 2875, 3016, p. 1370, 3548, 3561, 4293, 4836, 5035, 5042, App. 121, 199, 206, 225.
-, -, -, his captain-general, 2737.
-, -, -, secretary of, 5769.
-, -, -, amb. of, 5802, 5821, 5963 (2) i. ii., App. 121.
-, -, -, his factor, 6656, 6728.

Ferrara, Sigismund da, 4381.

Ferrare, Jas., g. 6751 (24).

Ferraris, _, Albany's servant, 1451, 1457.
-, -, Barnard de, g. 4993 (12).

Ferrat, 1175.

Ferre, 748.

Ferrer, Randolph, g. 6418 (7).

Ferrers or Ferys, of Groby, lord, g. 464 (22), p. 3065.
-, -, Dorothy, 6013.
-, -, Edw., 1568, g. 6600 (11).
-, -, Sir Edw., g. 137 (12), p. 236, 819, g. 961 (20), 1276, g. 2065 (12), 4476, 4488, g. 5243 (28), 6043 (2) i., g. 6490 (20 War.), 6516 (1).
-, -, Hen., g. 1136 (11).
-, -, Ferres or Ferreys, Humph., pp. 2356, p. 985, g. 4594 (2).
-, -, Sir John, 6013.
-, -, Ric., p. 151.

Ferrers of Charteley, Walt. Devereux lord, K.G., g. 137 (1, 12), 293, g. 390 (2), 394, g. 1136 (11), 1577 (2) ii. iii. (4, 12), g. 1610 (11, 22), 1872, 1887, 1940 (2), 1941, g. 2002 (6, 11), 2151 (2), 2200–1, 2331 (2), 4238, g. 4313 (5), 4470, g. 5083 (4, 6), g. 5243 (26), 5345, 5682, 5686, 5693, g. 6709 (7).
-, -, -, steward of household of Princess Mary, 2200.
-, -, -, letters from, 1872, 1887, 2201 5682, 5693.
-, -, -, letter to, 4238.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1577 (4, 12).
-, -, -, his son, 394, 1577 (2).
-, -, -, his nephew, 1887, 2201.

Ferres and Ferreys. See Ferrers.

Ferring, Suss., g. 4231 (6).

Ferrofinus, Hieronymus, 3618, 3624.

Ferror, _, 6748 (3).
-, -, Rob., 655.

Ferrour, Jas., 6683, 6708.
-, -, Th., g. 3869 (16).

Ferture, Ireland, p. 1078.

Ferye, Rob., 2746.

Fesaunt, Arnold, g. 6542 (15).

Fessheborne. See Fishbourn.

Fetherston, Mr., 1577 (2) iv.
-, -, Ric., p. 2701.
-, -, See Federston.

Featherstonehaugh, John, 2321 (2).
-, -, Roman, 2321 (2).

Fetipas, John, 5508 (1).

Fetiplace or Feteplace, Edw., (treasurer to the d. of Suffolk,) 4573, g. 6490 (Oxf.), g. 6751 (24), p. 3066, p. 3068, App. 103.
-, -, -, letters from, 5285, App. 103.
-, -, Ph., p. 235, 3587 (1), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, Sir Th., p. 235, g. 2599 (12).
-, -, Wm., g. 1136 (18), g. 2002 (6), 3587 (1).

Feversham, Kent, 293, 459, 1081, g. 1533 (4), g. 2132 (26), p. 990, g. 6248 (11, 26).
-, -, letter dated at, 3231.
-, -, mayor and wardens of, App. 89.
-, -, St. Saviour's, John abbot of, 3192, p. 2696.

Feyfylde. See Fifield.

Feynke or Fynke, Meile or Mehell, 85, 167.

Feyrford. See Fairford.

Feyttylton. See Fittleton.

Fiddelldene, Wilts, 3665 (3).

Fiddington, Glouc., g. 6600 (20).

Fide, (Fydo,) John, g. 4445 (28).

Field of Cloth of Gold, 633.

Fiennes or Fynes, 380.

Fiennes or Fyenys, Jaques de Luxemburg, lord, 324, 330, 334, 480, 484, 591, 940, 1495, 1832, 1987, 3594, 4008–9, 5208, 5419, 5473, 5483, 5723, 5829 (10), 6753, App. 166.

Fieramosca, Cæsar. See Feramosca.

Fife, 1029, 1637.
-, -, (Fith), carldom of, 715.

Fifield (Feyfylde), Wilts, 3665 (3).

Figueroa, Figorole or Figurolle, commendador, 826, 1287, p. 2609, 5887.

Filborough (Fylberough), Kent, App. 273

Filehestow. See Fylstow, Kent.

Filippino, count, 2716.

Filius, Peter, g. 297 (und.), App. 18.

Fillok, Wm., g. 2362 (6).

Filoll or Fylowe, Jasper, 1939 (8), p. 2692.
-, -, or Fyloll, Sir Wm., g. 137 (8), g. 2002 (11).

Filmer. See Fylmer.

Filstowe. See Felixstow.

Filwood, Glouc., 1431 (7), g. 1466 (8).
-, -, Soms., g. 5624 (1).

Finario, John de, App. 261.

Finche or Fynche, _, 4449.
-, -, Dr., (Wolsey's physician,) 2331 (2), 4520.
-, -, And., g. 5624 (1).
-, -, Edw., p. 2699, 6488.
-, -, Hen., p. 235.
-, -, Hugh, 989.
-, -, Isabella, g. 5624 (1).
-, -, Rob., 1137 (18).
-, -, Vincent, 391, g. 546 (6), p. 233.
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 82, g. 297 (18), p. 233, g. 961 (22), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (2), g. 5243 (28), App. 7.

Fincham (Fyncham), _, 1288, 3005.
-, -, John, pp. 236–7, g. 4313 (11), g. 5510 (20).

Finchecombe, App. 98.

Finchingfield (Fynchenfeld), 4850.

Finchley, 969 (4), 1299, 4442 (5).

Fineti, And., App. 265 (10).

Finneshede, prior of, p. 2698.

Finglas. See Fynglas.

Fiorenzuola or Florenzole, 939, 2249, 2782 ii., 2786.

Fiossyng, 167.

Firmanus, N. Gaddo, card., letter from, 3163.

Fische, _, 4396.
-, -, Henry, g. 5243 (4).

Fish (Fyshe), Mr., 4030.

Fishbourn (Fessheborne), g. 1533 (12).

Fisher, (Fissher, &c.), _, 2088, App. p. 3108.
-, -, Dr., solicitor to Hen. VII., 5465.
-, -, Anth., g. 3324 (14).
-, -, Eliz., g. 6542 (4).
-, -, Isabel, g. 2839 (29).
-, -, Jas., g. 4687 (5).
-, -, John, minister of the King's chapel, 1939 (10), p. 3047.

Fisher, John, bishop of Rochester, 435, g. 464 (2), 614, 623, 793, 842, 995, g. 1049 (16), 1142, 1144, g. 2002 (11), 2082, 2396, 2530, 3140, 3147–8, 3281–2, 3234, 3246, 3820, 4685, ? 4692, p. 2082 note, 4875, 4899, g. 5083 (11), 5236 (2), 5728–30, 5732, 5734, 5741, 5751, 5768, 5827, p. 2690 note, 6199, 6201, 6488, 6596, p. 3022, 6738, 6757, p. 3068, App. 211.
-, -, -, letters from, 2396, 3148, 3232.
-, -, -, letters to, 623, 793, ? 4692, 5236 (2).
-, -, -, his hand, 5729; and seal, 5751.
-, -, -, his works, 1868, 6596, 6738, 6757, p. 3068.

Fisher, John, g. 5978 (22).
-, -, John Hunt als., 952.
-, -, Martin, 293, g. 5624 (5).
-, -, Mich., g. 137 (14), p. 237, g. 1610 (11), g. 6490 (20 Bed. C.)
-, -, Sir Mich., g. 5510 (und.), g. 6135 (16), 6721, g. 6751 (24 Beds.), g. 6803 (6).
-, -, Ric., 1939 (8), 4274, g. 6542 (4).
-, -, Rob., g. 1676 (1, und.), 1939 (9), g. 2839 (12), p. 2691.
-, -, Rog., g. 4896 (5), g. 6187 (28).
-, -, Will., sen. and jun., 459.

Fisherton Anger, Wilts, g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 6072 (13), g. 6490 (20, 28).
-, -, ch. of St. Mary and St. Peter de Millon, of the Order of Friars Preachers, g. 6072 (13).

Fishwike, Ric., 954.

Fiskerton, Notts, p. 1699.

Fisse, prioress of, 692.

Fittleton (Feyttylton), Wilts, 3665 (3).

Fitton, Edw., 6721.

Fitz, Sim., g. 137 (1, 12, 14), p. 237, g. 1136 (11, 12), g. 1533 (11), g. 1610 (11), g. 2002 (12), g. 5510 (und.), g. 6135 (16), g. 6751 (24 Beds.)

Fitzalan. See Arundel.

Fitz David (Vitz David), Agnes, p. 3047.

Fitzgarrett. See Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald (Fitzgarralde), Elys or Alice, daughter of the earl of Kildare, 4688, 5392.

Fitzgerald, Gerald. See Kildare, earl of.

Fitzgerald or Fitzgarret, Gerald, son of Sir John, letter from, 3817.
-, -, Jas., brother of the earl of Kildare, 558 iv., 4302, 5795.
-, -, Sir John, of Desmond, p. 1078, 3817, 3953.
-, -, -, letters from, 3817, 3953.
-, -, Ric., 5392.
-, -, Sir Thos., brother of the earl of Kildare, 558 iv., 4263, 4265, g. 6135 (26).
-, -, Warin, (temp. K. John), g. 6418 (27).

Fitzherbert or Fitzharbard, _, 3538 ii.
-, -, Sir Anth., justice of the Common Pleas, g. 86 (80), g. 137 (10), p. 83, g. 297 (und.), 346, 413, g. 464 (17), p. 235, 558 v., g. 787 (29), g. 961 (12), g. 1136 (11), 1223, g. 1533 (11, 13), g. 1610 (11), 1618 (2), g. 1945 (6), g. 2002 (3, 11, 12), g. 2065 (12), 2348, 2854, g. 3324 (1), 3383, 3552, g. 3869 (29), 3926, g. 3991 (13), 4132, g. 4445 (20), g. 4896 (6), 5024 (1), g. 5083 (10, 11), g. 5243 (28), 5318, 5331, g. 5510 (21), 5666, g. 5748 (18), 5954, 6075, g. 6248 (25), g. 6301 (16), 6382, g. 6490 (20 Derb., Staff. 28), g. 6542 (12), 6586 (3), 6588, g. 6709 (15), g. 6803 (8).
-, -, -, letter from, 1223.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6075.
-, -, Humph., g. 137 (12), p. 83, g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (4).
-, -, John, g. 137 (12), p. 234, g. 1610 (11), g. 6490 (20 Derb.), g. 6803 (8).
-, -, Mary, 2739.

Fitzhew, _, p. 152.

Fitzhugh, Th., g. 137 (1, 12), p. 237, g. 1136 (11), g. 1533 (11), g. 2002 (11), g. 2927 (12), g. 3213 (28), g. 3869 (29), g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 5510 (und.), g. 6135 (16), g. 6490 (28), g. 6751 (24 Beds.)

Fitzjames, _, p. 2697.

Fitz James, Sir, a follower of Garret, 3963.
-, -, Alf., 366, g. 4687 (8), p. 3048.
-, -, James, 1348, p. 2698.
-, -, John, jun., g. 137 (12, 18), p. 84, p. 236, g. 895 (20), g. 2002 (11), 3119, 3469, g. 5083 (12), g. 5243 (26), g. 6490 (20 Ilc.)

Fitzjames, Sir John, chief baron of the Exchequer (1522–6), chief justice of the King's Bench (1526–38), g. 137 (1, 8, 18), p. 84, 413, g. 464 (17), g. 546 (4, 11), g. 787 (29), g. 895 (12, 20), g. 1049 (12), 1082, g. 1136 (12), g. 1298 (und.), g. 1533 (11), 1673, 1939 (9), g. 1945 (6), g. 2002 (3, 6, 11), 2348, g. 2839 (29), p. 1331, 3150, g. 3213 (28), 3380 (6), g. 3991 (3), g. 4445 (20), 4591, 5024 (1), g. 5083 (1), g. 5243 (26, 28), 5293, 5331, g. 5510 (und.), 5787, 6043 (1), 6075, 6313, 6490 (20 Dor., Ilc., Fish.), 6510, 6555, 6575, 6586 (3), 6588 6679, 6688, g. 6751 (24), g. 6803 (4, 12 D.), App. 242.
-, -, -, letters to, 6555, 6575.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6075.
-, -, -, his clk., 5787.
-, -, Nich., g. 787 (31), g. 2927 (15), g. 6751 (19).

Fitzjames, Rich., bishop of London (1506–22), 3119 (1), 4029 (1).
-, -, -, executors of, pp. 2764–5.

Fitz Jeffery, John, p. 237.

Fitzlewes, John, 366.

Fitzlewes, Ric. See Thorndon, lord.
-, -, Sir Ric., p. 82, 366, p. 236, g. 1136 (2) g. 2002 (11), 2385, 4452.

Fitzmaurice, Th., 2404 (3), 4302.

Fitzpayne, _, g. 3213 (18).

Fitz Piers, Jas., 3698.

Fitzrichard, Sim, 955.
-, -, Sir Sim., p. 237.

Fitzroy, Hen., natural son of Hen. VIII, 1371, 5341; created duke of Richmond, 1431, 6083. See Richmond.

Fitz Thomas (Vitz Thomas), Eliz., p. 3047.
-, -, Juliana, p. 3047.

Fitzwalter, Eliz., w. of Robt. viscount, 1906, g. 3540 (19).

Fitzwalter, Robert Radcliff, lord (1509–25), viscount Fitzwalter (1525–9), earl of Sussex (1529–42), g. 137 (18, 23), g. 390 (6), 614, g. 961 (20), 969 (6), 1073, 1082, 1097, g. 1136 (2), 1261, 1292, 1321, 1431 (8), 1434, g. 2002 (11), g. 2761 (6), 3119 (1), 3318 (11), g. 3540 (19), g. 3622 (12), 4192, p. 2145, g. 5083 (12), g. 5243 (26), 5508 (2), 5774 (9), 6012, 6043 (1), 6075, 6083–4, App. 67, p. 3108.
-, -, -, his creation as earl of Sussex, 6083–4.
-, -, -, letters from, 1321, 4413.
-, -, -, his sig., p. 154.
-, -, Wm., 558 ii.

Fitzwaren, John Bourghchier, lord, g. 137 (8, 18), p. 83, g. 895 (20), g. 1136 (16), g. 1533 (12), g. 2002 (6, 11), p. 1332, 4142, 4199, g. 5083 (12), g. 5243 (26), g. 5510 (und.), 6513, g. 6803 (4, 12 D.), App. p. 3108.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.
-, -, -, s. and h. of, p. 154.

Fitzwilliam, _, App. p. 3107.
-, -, Anne, g. 1230 (23).
-, -, Dorothy, g. 1230 (23).
-, -, (Phewilliam,) Geo., p. 238, 3581, 4914, p. 2228 note.
-, -, John, 558 ii., g. 1230 (23).
-, -, Ric., 2474.
-, -, Th., 2474.
-, -, Wm., 1166, g. 1230 (23), 2474, g. 6490 (23).
-, -, Sir Wm., jun., treasurer of the Household (1526–37), chanc. of duchy of Lancaster (1530), 30, g. 137 (8), p. 83, p. 85, g. 297 (14), 309–10, 323–5, 330, 334–5, 380, 384, 414–15, 418, 461, 468, 470, 475, 479–80, 484, 493, 509, p. 238, 564, 569, 575, 591–2, 616, 619–20, 734, 740, 749, 781, 794, 920, 926, 940, 966, 976, g. 1049 (16), 1082 (2), 1117, g. 1136 (17), g. 1230 (23), 1261–2, 1269, 1275, 1301 (1, 2), 1307–8, 1312, 1320, 1322, 1333, 1346, 1350, g. 1377 (10), 1378, p. 611, 1577, 1580, 1612, 1617, 1704–5 (1, 2), 1715, 1721, 1724, 1752, 1758, 1780, 1815, 1823–4, 1837, 1850, 1880, 1901–3, 1916, 1939 (4), 1999, g. 2002 (11), 2060, g. 2132 (6 und.), 2151 (2), 2323, 2326, 2343–4, 2349, 2356, g. 2362 (22), 2368, 2407, 2541, 2546, 2597, 2611, 2724–5, 2727–8, 2740, 2751, 2772, 2790, 2799–800, 2829, p. 1332, 2974, 2981, 3073, 3080, g. 3087 (und.), 3105, g. 3142 (29), 3318, g. 3324 (3), 3354, 3360, g. 3540 (16), 3619, 3748, 3812, 3936, 3993, 4299, 4332, 4367, 4440, 4476, 4675, 4712, 4766, 4796, g. 4993 (7), 5028, 5031, 5053, g. 5083 (11), g. 5243 (29), 5247 (1, 2), g. 5510 (26), 5535, 5541, 5547, 5562, 5579, 5582, 5597–8, 5610, 5645–8, 5675, 5679, 5696, 5701, 5704, 5719, 5741, 5747, 5752, 5771, 5817, 5895, g. 5906 (5), 6025–6, 6030, 6041, 6043 (2) i., g. 6072 (18), 6075, 6085, 6181–2, 6214, 6215 (1–4), g. 6248 (20), 6263, 6377, 6447, g. 6490 (20 Guld.), 6513, 6516 (1, 15), 6598 (2), 6666, 6708, g. 6709 (29), 6748 (5), g. 6751 (24 Berks, Cornw.), p. 3054 note, 6794, g. 6803 (4, 6, 8, 12 Ess., Yorksh.), App. p. 3109, 105, 158, 166.
-, -, -, letters from, 309–10, 323–5, 330, 334–5, 380, 384, 414–15, 418, 468, 470, 475, 479–80, 484, 509, 564, 569, 575, 591–2, 616, 619, 620, 734, 740, 749, 781, 796, 920, 926, 940, 1269, 1275, 1307–8, 1312, 1320, 1322, 1333, 1346, 1612, 1715, 1724, 1758, 1823–4, 1837, 1850, 1880, 2060, 2323, 2326, 2343–4, 2349, 2368, 2407, 2728, 2772, 2790, 3073, 3318, 3354, 3812, 3936, 3993, 4299, 4367, 4675, 4712, 4766, 5562, 5597–8, 5646–7, 5696, 5895.
-, -, -, letters to, 1902, 5645.
-, -, -, dangerously ill, 1823.
-, -, -, his wife, 1939 (4), 2323.
-, -, -, his property, 2474.
-, -, -, hand of, 1601, 6075, 6513.
-, -, -, instructions to, 1301.
-, -, -, his clerk, hand of, 5895.

Fitzwilliam, Sir Will., sen., p. 83, g. 895 (26), g. 961 (12, 14), 1082, g. 1136 (2), g. 2002 (11), 3587 (2), 3712, 4121, g. 4993 (7), g. 5083 (2, 12, 16), 5508 (2), g. 6490 (20 Linc.), 6516 (1), 6708, g. 6803 (12 E.), App. 67.
-, -, -, letter from, 4121.
-, -, -, sig. of, 3712, 6708.

Fitzwilliam, Sir William, sheriff of Northamptonshire, 4914.
-, -, -, of Mylton, Northt., g. 6709 (29)

Fl ..., John, 789.

Flacket, Hen., g. 1945 (26).

Flamake or Flammok, John, p. 236, 1939 (8), g. 6072 (11).

Flamburgh, Yorkshire, 1115, g. 4993 (24).

Flammank, Barth., g. 3991 (8).

Flammocke, And., 1939 (11), 2006.

Flammok. See Flamake.

Flamoke, Gilb., p. 2692,

Flamstede rectory, Linc. dioc., g. 3991 (20).
-, -, Herts, incumbent of, g. 6418 (10), g. 6709 (27).

Flanders, 30, 61, 68, 83 (3), 109, p. 85, 276, 316, 463, 465, 483, p. 214, 578, 607, 631, 647, 734, 749, 821, 836, 846–8, 860, g. 895 (und.), 917, 920, 934, 956, p. 437, 1017, g. 1049 (11), 1054, 1064, 1083, 1160, 1167, 1224, 1243, 1249–50, 1261, 1290, g. 1298 (at end), 1301 (1), 1371, 1378, p. 613, 1383, 1486, 1498, 1508, 1525, 1561, 1590, 1629, 1709, 1726, 1737, 1761, 1784, 1799, 1837, 1868, 1901, 1928, 1963, 1986, 2005, 2051, 2068, 2096, 2159, 2183, 2228, 2260, 2262, 2264, 2274, 2282, 2290, 2305, 2352, 2369, 2371, 2416, 2443, 2536, 2548, 2596 ii., 2635, 2638, 2688, 2814 (5), 2815 (2), 2829, 2834, p. 1320, 2986, 3001, 3091, 3105, 3112, 3152 (2). 3180, 3186 (6), 3197, 3207, 3209, 3247, 3271–2, 3278, 3289, 3340, 3355, 3408, 3411, 3449, 3455, 3466 (2), 3569, 3582, 3594, p. 1619, g. 3622 (8), 3649, 3675, 3746, 3760, 3782, 3870, 3887, 3930, 3932, 3940–1, 3946, 3951, 3982, 4011, 4044, 4049, 4071, 4080, 4157, 4212, 4244, 4292, 4311, 4340, 4344, 4369, 4386, 4389, 4404, 4510, 4662 (4), 4769, 4770, 4832, 4875, 4909, 4926, 4928, 4942, 4985, 4988, 5041, 5044–5, 5058 (1), 5139, 5153–4 ii., 5167, 5171, 5197, 5216, 5231, 5289, 5328, 5398, 5403, g. 5406 (20), p. 2384, 5451, 5462, 5471, p. 2410, 5482, 5494, 5501 (2), 5535, 5537, 5562, 5629–30, 5681, 5688, 5702, 5713, 5736, 5756, 5763–5, p. 2603, 5827, 5866, 5942, 5977, 6007, 6050, 6057, 6142, g. 6248 (7), 6408, 6450, g. 6490 (1), 6501, 6551, 6618, 6633, 6737, p. 3069, App. 46, 127, 143, 158, 160, 165–6, 169, 180, 186, 199, 200, 232, 239.
-, -, the Council of, 109–10, 5002 (2), 5260.
-, -, -, president of, 1215, 1250, 1709, 1734, 1775.
-, -, the audiencer of, 109–10, 751, 1307, 1504, 1657, 1687, 3313, 4069, 4391, 5208, 5461. See also Blioul, Laurence du.
-, -, master of the posts in, 566.
-, -, the Estates of, 949, 2005, 4286.
-, -, ships of, 1001, 1029.
-, -, the resort of, 1208 ii.; and sovereignty of, 1525, 1735 (2), 1891, 1963, 2834.
-, -, chancellor of, 1371.
-, -, vice-chancellor of, 3509.
-, -, lords of, 1737.
-, -, commonalty of, 2730.
-, -, ambassadors of. 4176, 4491, pp. 3104, 3108.
-, -, treasurer of, 3313, 5461.
-, -, admiral of, 1076–7.
-, -, receiver general of, 3313.
-, -, in treaties, 4376–8.
-, -, advocate procureur and councillor of, 4899.
-, -, disputers or councillors of, 5016, 5038.
-, -, treaty with, (temp. Hen. VII.,) 5829 (8).
-, -, John of. See Croke, Ric., Dr.

Flandre,Louis de, sieur de Praet, 1213, 6440. See Praet.

Flankelen, Th., p. 988.

Flaunden, Herts, 4220, 4472.

Flavell, Th., App. 1.

Flaxley, mon. of, 4096.
-, -, (Faxley), William, abbot of, p. 2701.

Flaxmore, John, g. 390 (7).

Fle ..., _, 169.

Flecher, Fran., 1577.
-, -, Marg., 2808.
-, -, Walt., 2808.

Flechers, the, Border family, 4336 (2).

Fleete, _, 3005.
-, -, See Flete.

Flegge, Cecilia, g. 6490 (28).
-, -, Rob., 5436.

Flegh, friar, 4725.

Fleming or Flemyng, Eliza, g. 5748 (2).
-, -, Eliz., 2076.
-, -, Fran., 691.
-, -, Geo., 558.
-, -, Gerald, 558.
-, -, Jas., 558.
-, -, Jas., baron of Slane, 558, 2076, g. 5748 (2).
-, -, Joan, p. 3047.
-, -, John, 293, p. 235, 955 (3), 6544, p. 3048.
-, -, -, accounts of, 5331.
-, -, John lord, 529, 561, 670, 762, 783.
-, -, -, sig. of, 561, 670, 762.
-, -, -, his son, 670, 672.
-, -, Ric., p. 988.
-, -, Wm., p. 234, 558, p. 2692.

Flemings, the, 141, 324, 631, 766, 817, 870 ii., 1435, 1508, 1784, 2057, 3597, 3882, 3897, 3951, 3976, 4066, 4162, 4330, 4340, 4344, 4389, 4391, p. 2105, 4909, 4942, 5016, 5053, 5133, 5177, 5209, 5231, 5255, 5433, 5452, 5501, 5839, 6362, p. 2896, App. 127, 139, 152, 154, 164, 179, 185, 190, 199, 219.

Flemish prisoner, a, 89.
-, -, ships, 1119, 1387, 1435, 3621, 3956, 3992, 3993, 3994, 4009, 4800.
-, -, money, 2702, App. 55.
-, -, clerk, Tuke's, 5018.

Flemyng. See Fleming.

Flers, 6375.

Flesmonger, Wm., p. 2700.

Fletcher, Jas., g. 2362.
-, -, John, p. 85, g. 3087 (und.), 5778, p. 2691.

Fletcher, Ric., g. 4231 (und.)
-, -, Ursula, g. 4231 (und.)
-, -, Wm., 2450.

Flete, master, p. 3068.
-, -, See Fleet.

Fletwyke, Beds, 1309.

Fleur de lis, a jewel named the, pawned by Maximilian to Hen. VII., 5824, 5830, 5853, 5879, 5881, 5891, 5945, 5957, 5982, 6002, 6177 (4), 6199, 6215, 6227–8 (3), 6231 (3), 6234, 6265, 6269, 6440, 6526.

Fleury, Le Jehan, (a ship,) App. 13.

Flint, 3139, 5288.
-, -, officers of, 1941, 2253, g. 2673 (3). g. 3087 (und.), g. 6363 (13).

Flint, Oliver, 4912.

Flintham, Notts, 2748, 3462, 3819 (1).

Flisco, count of, 5470–1, p. 2413, 6375.

Flitcham, Norwich diocese, prior of St. Marv ad Fontes, 5129, p. 2699.

Flitwick. See Fletwyke.

Flixecourt, 6375.

Flodden, the field of, 1445.

Flode, Hew, sig. of, 4552.

Flooke, John, letter from, 3999.

Florence (Firenze), g. 297 (16), 566, 717, 853, 924, 939, 942, 1197, g. 1533 (11), 2008, 2112, 2140, 2149, 2263, 2296, 2615, 2680, 2685, 2699, 2704 ii., 2716, 2723, 2731, 2779, 2828, 2842, 2847, 2856, 2886–7, 2891, 2908, 2910, 2912, 2919–21, 2931, 2934, 2940, 2945, 2971, 2999, 3003, 3011, 3030, 3042, 3046, 3064–5, 3071–2, 3077 ii. iii., 3078, 3090, 3101, 3110, 3113, 3116, 3122, 3132, 3206, 3430, 3584, 3608, 3635, 3661, 3672, 3709, 3714, 3749, 3783–4, 3810, 3855, 3857, 3869, 3875, 3945, 4007, 4063, 4251, 4642, 4679, 4836, 4929, g. 4993 (23), 5016, 5113 (2), 5151, 5157, 5206, 5213, 5225, 5230, 5325, 5344, 5359, 5478, 5496, 5546, 5676, 5779–81, 5847–8, 5887, 5959, 5963, 5975, 6142, 6175, 6244, 6310, 6318, 6350, 6415, 6450, 6480, 6499, 6511, 6527, 6593, 6604, 6633, App. 108, 144, 147, 177, 219, 245 (1).
-, -, letters dated at, 3672–3, 5151, 5154.
-, -, letter to the Republic of, 6774.
-, -, gonfalonier of, 3598.
-, -, merchants of, g. 3008 (1), 3014 (2), g. 4231 (und.), 4699, 5350, 5633, 6774, App. 143, 229.
-, -, learned man of, 3171.
-, -, lords of, 3078, 3672.
-, -, siege of, 6527.
-, -, amb. of, in England, 4358, 4773, 4879.
-, -, -, at Rome, 2855, 3497.
-, -, -, in France, 3329, 3708, 4515, 4723, 5295.
-, -, -, -, letter to, 3329.
-, -, amb. of, with the Emperor, 5921.
-, -, -, -, letter to, 680.
-, -, -, at Venice, 4836.

Florenge, M. de, 773, 1364, 1401, 1437, 1889, 1987.

Florens, Mr., App. 84.

Florentine captain, 4642.
-, -, sculptor, 5743.
-, -, friar, 6702.

Florentine, Nich., p. 1395.

Florentines, the, 14, 42, 88, 276, 789, 994, 1002, 1009, 1018, 1036, 1072, 1083, p. 478, 1131, 1165, 1236, 1242, 1245, 1249, 1255, 1283, g. 1298 (und.), 1301 (1), 1835, 2016, 2039, 2254, 2271 ii., 2422, 2670, 2671, 2679, 2704 ii., 2716 ii., 2731, 2780, 2782 ii., 2833, 2891, 2912, 2913, 2917, 2919, 2921, 2930, 2931, 2940, 2954, 3001, 3039, 3046, 3077 i., 3078, 3099, 3152 (2), 3201, 3206, 3244, 3268, 3278, 3380 (6), 3412 (1, 2), 3413, 3415, 3431, 3444 (1, 2), 3453, 3455, 3498, 3573, 3578, p. 1619, 3672, 3715, 3758, 3770, 3799, 3829, 3832, 3873, 4063, 4086, 4090, 4168, 4171, 4390, 4447, 4642, 4679, 4784, 4792, 4833, 4836, 4871, 4905, 4909, 4920, 5041, 5050, 5053, 5182, 5201, 5207, 5261, 5270, 5295, 5380, 5478, 5482, 5486, 5541, 5591, 5640, 5651, 5676, 5708, 5725, 5735, 5743, 5779, 5841, 5848, 5865, 5913, 5946, 5961 (2) i. iii., 6007, 6065, 6106, 6189, 6245, 6255, 6318, 6452, 6476, 6483, 6495, 6499, 6526, 6559, 6571, 6618, App. 108, 143–4, 147, 149, 199, 225, 253.

Florentines, capt.-general of the, 4836, 5042, 6476.
-, -, master courier of the, 5609.

Florenzole. See Florenzuola.

Flores Historiarum, 5773 (9).

Florian, D., Campeggio's sect., 4380, 4857–8, 5595, 5636, 5681, 5769, 6639, 6641 i., 6644.

Flower or Floure, Ric., p. 237, g. 4993 (7), 5508 (2).
-, -, Rog., g. 4993 (7), 5508 (2).
-, -, Th, g. 4313 (14).

Floyd, John, 1082 (2).

Fluce, Rob, 5968, App. 88–9, 91.

Flushing, 167, 5395.

Flyngaunt, Th., p. 236.

Flynton, Geo., p. 2691.

Focars, the. See Fucars.

Foch, Jas., App. 87.

Fodryngey, Rob., g. 6490 (29).

Fogge, John, g. 4687 (8).
-, -, Sir John, p. 235, g. 1533 (1), g. 2002 (11), g. 3324 (14), g. 5083 (2).

Foglieta, 2685.

Fogo, Rob., 742.

Foix, marshal de, 774.

Foix, Odet de. See Lautrec.

Fole ..., _, papal amb. at Venice, 1107.

Foligno, in Italy, 5315.
-, -, letter dated at, 3553.

Foljambe, Fulgeham, Fulyambe, or Folyame, Sir Godfrey, g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 234, 819, 1512, 1540, 1596, g. 1610 (11), 1793, 2069, 2081, 2450, 2521, 2538 (7), 2729, 2768, 2979, 3033, 3069, g. 3213 (5), 3383, 3477, 3552, p. 1699, 4876, g. 5083 (10, 11, 28), 5418, 5508 (1), g. 5815 (26), 6382, g. 6490 (20 Derb.), g. 6803 (8).
-, -, -, sig. of, 1512, 1540, 1596, 1793, 2450, 2521, 2729, 2768, 2979, 3033, 3069, 3383, 3552, 5418.
-, -, Rog., p. 234, 5508 (1).

Folkestone, 398, 459, p. 2691, App. 89, 91.
-, -, Rob., prior of, p. 2696.

Folketon ch., York dioc., 2360.

Folkingham, 1503.

Folkyrs, the. See Fucars.

Folvyle, Ralph, g. 612 (28).

Folly, _, (a carter,) p. 3063.

Foly, Nich., 2538 (7).

Folyame. See Foljambe.

Folyatt, Fran., p. 234.
-, -, Rob., 1939 (8).

Fonsperg. See Frendsberg.

Fontainebleau, 3591, 4464, 4515, 4553, 4642, 4845, 4868, 4904, 4908, 4928, 6769.
-, -, letters dated at, 4325, 4329, 4491, 4499, 4500, 4502, 4523, 4565, 4611–12, 4617, 4630, 4643, 4866, 5380, App. 181–2, 193–4, 209–10, 225.

Fontaines, sieur de, 5914.

Fontaneus, a fictitious name, representing the King's case in the divorce, 6481.

Fontarabia, 27, 121, 124, 134 (2), 146, 186–7, 194–5, 196, 203–6, 229, 300, 307, 370, 735, 950, 1378, p. 613, 1559, 1938 ii., 2032, 2115, 2986, 3897, 4400, 4564, 4658, 4832, 5298–9 (1), 5327, 5347, 5379, 5536, 6244.
-, -, captain or governor of, 4564, 4637.
-, -, water of, 4948.

Footman, Th., p. 794.

Forbes, lord, 4531.

Forcet, Edw., p. 238.

Ford (or Furde), Northumb., 117, 123, 131, 144, 220, 231, 279, 683.
-, -, Winchester dioc., 971.

Ford, Devon, abbey of, letters dated at, 6001 (1, 2).
-, -, abbot of, p. 239, 1228, pp. 2697–8.
-, -, Thos. abbot of, letters from, 6001 (1, 2).

Forde, Suss., g. 297 (und.)

Ford or Forde, Erasmus, p. 84, p. 234.
-, -, John, 345, g. 895 (26), g. 1377 (1, 5), g. 3398 (16), g. 3991 (12), g. 4687 (16), 5102 (5), 5508 (1), g. 6135 (6).
-, -, Nich., g. 5748 (23).
-, -, Ric., 3500, g. 4993 (24), 5508 (1), App. 98.
-, -, Rob., sen., p. 238.
-, -, Wm., 1577 (12).

Fordham (Fordeham), 2024, 5076.

Fordham, Camb., 367.
-, -, prior of, p. 2699.

Fordham (Fordam), Essex, 1833 (3), 4001 (2), 4473.

Fordham, Wm., p. 3048.

Fordington (Fordyngton), vicar of, g. 2362 (6),

Fordwich, 459, App. 91.

Foreland, North, 1387.

Forest, the, in dioc. of Hereford, 971.

Forest or Forrest, _, p. 341.
-, -, _, servant of Wolsey and of the King, 4005, 4710, p. 2768, 5936, App. 238.
-, -, _, servant to the duke of Richmond, 4476.
-, -, Edw., 1852, 1939 (8), g. 2540 (30).
-, -, John de la, 3356 (5).
-, -, als. Watys, John, g. 6072 (16).
-, -, Miles, 107, g. 1466 (21), 3227, g. 4313 (22), 4809, p. 2767.
-, -, Ralph, 2217 (3).

Forestar, Florence, 4033.

Forester, Geo., 3793.

Forests this side Trent, warden and ch. justice of, 6794.

Forhay, Hayn, g. 2132 (8).

Forli, 2615, 3038, 3476, 3598.

Foreman, Edw., g. 390 (12), p. 238, g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (16), 6792.
-, -, John, freemason of York, 6748 (15).
-, -, -, precentor of Glasgow, 78.
-, -, Rob. See Farman.
-, -, Th. (Robert ?), p. 1762 note.
-, -, Wm., 5109.

Formello, 1102.

Forneres or Forniers, Sim., g. 3540 (24), g. 5815 (29).

Fornesse, Rob., 737.

Fornsecs (?), p. 1410.

Fornset, Norf., 6132.

Fornuovo, 6375.

Foro Julio, 6407, 6416 (3).

Forrest. See Forest.

Forsett, Edw., p. 83, g. 390 (12), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (16.)

Forstall, Oxon, 1913 (1).

Forster, Geo. See Foster.
-, -, Humph, g. 1736 (2), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, Matt., g. 137 (11).
-, -, Nich., 952.
-, -, Ric., g. 213 (3), p. 84. See also Foster.
-, -, Rob., p. 236, 4914, g. 6072 (9), 6721. See also Foster.
-, -, Tho., g. 297 (28), p. 234, 3729.
-, -, Sir Tho., 94, 409. See also Foster.
-, -, -, letter to, 94.
-, -, Wm., g. 1736 (12).

Forsters or Fosters, the, Border family, 4336 (2).

Fortescue, _, p. 341. See also Foscu.
-, -, Sir Adrian, 4127, 4199, g. 6490 (20 Oxf.), 6516 (7).
-, -, -, accounts of, 3480, 3500, App. 98.
-, -, Barth., p. 233, g. 2002 (6), g. 5510 (und.), g. 6803 (4).
-, -, Edw., p. 341.
-, -, Hen., p. 233.
-, -, John, p. 233, 1939 (8), g. 2291 (26), 6792.
-, -, Nich., p. 233.
-, -, Rob., p. 233.
-, -, Tho., p. 233.

Forth, Frith of, Scotland, 4115.

Fortundi, capt., 6065.

Foscu, _, 6124.

Fossa, John de la, 6250, 6282, 6287, 6316, 6327.

Fosse near York, water and fishery of, g. 213 (3).

Foster, Adam, p. 234.
-, -, Sir And., p. 234.
-, -, Florans, 4133.
-, -, or Foyster, Geo., g. 1945 (28).
-, -, (Forster), Sir Geo., p. 235, g. 1136 (18), g. 2002 (6), 3587 (1), 4199, g. 6751 (24).
-, -, Gerard, g. 5336 (10), 5508 (1).
-, -, John, 4134 (2), 5336 (10), g. 5624 (18), 5508 (1), p. 2692, p. 3048.
-, -, Matt., 3631.
-, -, Ric., 244, 1939 (9), g. 2002 (11), 3639, g. 4445 (4), 5243 (26). See also Forster.
-, -, Rob., p. 235, g. 3213 (26), g. 4313 (4). See also Forster.
-, -, Tho., g. 1298 (1), 3098 (2), p. 1395, p. 1396.
-, -, Sir Th., g. 3087 (1). See also Forster.

Foston, Leic., 3380 (2).

Fotheringhay (Fodrynghey) castle, 6121.

Fotheringhame, Alex. and Chas., 407.

Foucambault, abbot of, p. 2896.

Fougères. See Foulgers.

Fouldon, 5076.

Fouleshurste, Edw., g. 1230 (23).
-, -, Ralph, g. 1230 (23).
-, -, Rob., g. 1230 (23).
-, -, Th., 1230 (23).

Foulez, Jehan, letter from, 3180.

Foulgers, France, abbot of, g. 3540 (29).

Foulseft, John, g. 5406 (5).

Fountains, abbot of, 5445, App. 85.
-, -, Marmaduke, abbot of, g. 1610 (11).

Fourhous, Pat., 3793.
-, -, Wm., 3793.

Fournes. See Furness.

Fowey, g. 6038 (8).

Fowke, John, p. 235.

Fowle, Hen., p. 989.
-, -, Jas., p. 989.
-, -, John, p. 989, g. 5748 (4).
-, -, Th., g. 6490 (29), p. 3047.
-, -, See Fowll.

Fowler, _, 5398, App. p. 3109.
-, -, Sir _, 3727.
-, -, John, p.237, g. 961 (12), g. 2002 (11), 5102 (5), g. 6490 (20 Leic.)
-, -, Rob., pp. 84–5, 577, 1939 (9), 2356, 2546, 2888, 2911, 3809, 4726, 5074, 5332, 5433, 5603, 5632, 5724, 5752, 5947, 6271, App. 111.
-, -, -, letter from, 3809.
-, -, -, letter to, App. 111.
-, -, -, sig. of, 5947.
-, -, Th., 1953, 2356, 4988, g. 6490 (3).

Fowlers, Sir Ric., 3742.

Fowll, John, g. 1533 (26).

Fox or Foxe, _, p. 85, 6004.
-, -, -, his wife, p. 85.
-, -, Alex., 6206.
-, -, Chr., 3380 (7).
-, -, Edm., letter from, 4479.
-, -, -, his wife, 4479.

Fox, Dr. Edw., provost of King's Coll., Camb., g. 3869 (3), 3900–3, 3908–13, p. 1740, 3918–21, 3925, 3932–3, 3938, 3954–6, 3977, 4003, 4007, 4015, 4076–8, 4090, 4099, 4103, 4118–20, 4126, 4167, 4171, 4210, 4216–17, 4245–6, 4251, 4290, 4355, 4479, 4562, 4765, 4857–8, 4879, 5695 (5), 6004, 6022 ii. iii. viii., 6088, 6104, 6107–8, 6140, 6149, 6159, 6162, 6165, 6174, 6192–3, 6209, 6218, 6232, 6235, 6242, 6250–1, 6303, 6308, 6316–17, 6328, 6377, 6403, 6406–7, 6409, 6481, 6505, 6512, 6523, App. 149, 201.
-, -, -, letters from, 3925, 3932–3, 3954–6, 4003, 4007, 4076–8, 4090, 4103, 4118–20, 4251, 4290, 6162, 6308.
-, -, -, letters to, 3913, 4479, 6104, 6235, 6328, 6406, 6481.
-, -, -, sig. and seal of, 6022 ii. iii. viii.
-, -, -, his servant Percival, 6644.

Fox, Hen., 3838.
-, -, Jas., g. 3869 (29), g. 3991 (13), g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (28), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, John, g. 464 (at end), g. 5510 (16), p. 2697 note, App. 89.
-, -, Ric. (of Bristol), 5372.
-, -, Sir Ric. (curate of Bumstede), 4218, 4254 (2, 3), 4545 i., 4850.

Fox, Ric., bp. of Winchester, 4, 10, g. 137 (8, 18), g. 297 (18), p. 153, 518, g. 895 (12, 20), g. 961 (22), 964, 969, (5), 1049 (12, 16), g. 1298 (und.), g. 2002 (6, 11), g. 2065 (19), 2082, 2407, g. 3213 (18), 3233, 3334, 3583, 3623, 3748, 3815, 3848, 4080, 4149, p. 1841, 4199, 4200, 4732, 4824, 4864, 5432, 5749, p. 2560, 5768, 5774 (6), 6075, 6544, 6748 (15.)
-, -, -, letters from, 4, 518, 3583, 3623, 3815, 4149, 4200.
-, -, -, his chancellor, 3815.

Fox, Wm., p. 2692.

Foxherth, Essex, 3665 (1).

Foxley, Norf., 1309.

Foxley, Laur., 366.

Foxton, 4275.
-, -, Leic., 1913, 2167 (1), p. 987.
-, -, vicar of, p. 987.

Fragueham, Sir John, p. 3104.

Framingham, Anne, 737.
-, -, Sir Jas., 737.

Framlingham, 373, 3649.

Frammesden, Suff., g. 297 (28), g. 3540 (24), g. 6751 (11).

Frampton, Linc., p. 673 note.

Frampton, Jas., g. 137 (8).
-, -, Rob., 3678.

Franc, Jehan, 5157.

Francdysche, Northt., g. 5815 (8).

France, 5, 7, 8, 24, 26, 30, 38, 43, 52–3, 57, 61–4, 68–9, 81, 108–10, 116, 118, 133–4 (2), 137a–9, 141, 155, 170, 178, 187–8, 199, 200, 209, 214, 219, 250, 253, 258, 260, 262, 267, 275–6, 281, 289–93, 295(2), 296, g. 297 (und.), 305–6, 315, 319–20, 343, 345, 347, 351–2, 358, 360, 363–5, 370–2, 374–6, 379–80, 382, 389, 394–7, 406–8, 410, 416, 418, 420–22, 424–6, 433, 444–6, 456, 458, g. 464 (1), 468, 473–4, 483, 489, 495, 498 (2), 502–4, 510–11, 524, 543, g. 546 (16), 551, 565, 567, 574, 578–9, 583, 589, 592, 600, 604, 607, 609, 615, 623, 631, 638, 644, 648, 652–3 (3), 656, 662, 665–6, 670 ii., 671–2, 674–5, 678, 680, 684, 690, 701, 707, 720, 727, 733, 754, 761–2, 764, 767–8, 775, 779–80, 789, pp. 354–5, 794, 806, 816–17, 835, 841, 843–4, 865, 889, 910, 913, 917–18, 923, 935, 939, 943, 947, 949, 951, 956, 994, 996–7, 1017, 1021, 1023, 1026, 1029, 1040, 1046, 1053, 1056, 1061 ii., 1071, 1078, p. 476, 1093, 1107–8, 1123, 1128–9, 1131, g. 1136 (13), 1159, 1168–70, 1175–7, 1197, 1212, 1220, 1224, 1232–3, 1235, 1237–8, 1243, 1245, 1249, 1255–7, 1260, 1266, 1282–3, 1287, 1289, g. 1298 (at end), 1301 (1), 1303, 1307–8, 1312, 1320, 1322, 1326, 1336, 1346, 1351, 1357, 1363–5, 1367, 1370–2, 1378, p. 612, 1390, 1396, 1398, 1400–1, 1405, 1409 (2), 1410, 1413, 1418, 1421–2, 1430, 1443, 1445–6, 1452, 1461–4, 1467, 1472, 1474, 1480, 1483, 1485–8, 1491–3, 1495, 1504, 1520–3, 1525, 1532, 1541–2, 1552, 1555, 1557–9, 1564, 1569–71, 1574–5, 1578, 1585–6, 1589, 1595, 1602 (4), 1604–6, 1609, 1617, 1623–5, 1628, 1630, 1632–5, 1638, 1643 ii., 1647–8, 1655–7, 1665, 1669, 1696, 1701–2, 1704, 1706, 1709, 1711, 1715, 1719, 1723, 1725–6, 1730, 1733, 1735 (2), 1737–8, 1748–9, 1752, 1758–9, 1761, 1770–1, 1784, p. 797, 1798–9, 1801–2, 1814–15, 1817, 1819, 1824–5, 1830, 1832, 1837–9, 1867–8, 1871, 1878 (2), 1879–80, 1902, 1905, 1931, 1937, 1958–9, 1972, 1986–7, 2031 i., 2036, 2041, 2047, 2068, 2080, 2099, 2100, 2106 (1, 2), 2111 ii., 2116, 2133, 2140, 2144, 2155, 2160, 2163, 2173–4, 2182, 2185, 2199, 2202, 2215, 2225–28, 2232–3, 2237, 2245–7, 2259–64, 2273 (2), 2275, 2278–80, 2289, 2292, 2296, 2300, 2302, 2305, 2312, 2320, 2349, 2352, 2364, 2371, 2382, 2388, 2409–11, 2451, p. 1102, p. 1104, 2473, 2485, 2490, 2497, 2500, 2503, 2510, 2512, 2536, 2539, 2548, 2551, 2566, 2583, 2591, 2596 ii., 2604, 2624, 2632–3, 2638, 2640, 2651, 2658, 2671, 2679, 2681, 2687, 2700, 2704 ii., 2705, 2707, 2709 (2), 2715–16, 2719, 2723, 2731, 2744, 2763, 2771, 2773, 2782 ii., 2793, 2804–5, 2809, 2813, 2818–19, 2827–8 (2), 2834, 2847, 2852–3, 2856, 2859, 2863–4, 2871, 2878, 2889, 2892, 2900, 2910, 2912–13, 2919–20, 2929–30, 2943, p. 1320, 2950, 2971, 2974, 2981 (2), 2986, 3001, 3010, 3015, 3028, 3039, 3045, 3062, 3065, 3070–1, 3075, 3077 iii., 3088, 3101, 3105, 3143, 3147, 3152 (1, 2), 3167 (1), 3186 (2, 3, 6), 3206, 3209, 3229, 3231, 3243–5, 3247, 3255, 3261, 3265, 3268, 3270, 3272, 3284, 3286, 3290–1, 3296, 3306, 3310–13, 3329–30, 3332, 3341–2, 3355, 3362, 3366, 3368, 3374, 3376, 3387, 3392, 3396, 3402, 3412, 3415–16, 3429–30, 3434, 3436 (2), 3449, 3451 (2), 3464, 3476, 3497–8, 3501, 3513–14, 3527, 3531, 3543, 3547, 3561, 3569, 3573, 3585, 3594–6, p. 1619, 3625, 3682, 3691, 3701, 3705, 3743, 3753, 3770, 3783, 3787, 3792, 3803, 3818, 3832, 3844, 3855, 3873, 3889, 3898, 3900, 3907, 3913, p.1743, 3924, 3928, 3940–1, 3947, 3951, 3982, 3996, 4046, 4050 (3), 4064, 4089, 4112, 4147, 4164, 4186, 4212, 4244, 4255, 4288, 4292, 4326, 4340–1, 4360, 4369, 4376, 4389, 4392, 4409, 4440, g. 4445, (5), 4464, 4479, 4493, 4505, 4510–11, 4520, 4540, p. 1991, 4579, 4625, 4636, 4639, 4642, 4649, 4651, 4656 (2), 4658, 4662 (3), 4669–700, 4714, 4723, 4750, 4752, 4760, 4786, 4813, 4832, 4836, 4845, 4851, 4865, 4871, 4879, 4882, 4892, 4909, 4915, 4920, 4924, 4926, 4928, 4941–2, 4945–7, 4954, 4956, 4977, 5013–14, 5016, 5018, 5044–5, 5050, 5053–4, 5081, 5133, 5155, 5163, 5171, 5177, 5192, 5231, 5240, 5255, 5277, 5289, 5292, 5307, 5351–2, 5379, 5386–7, 5395, 5403, 5419, 5423, 5438, 5467–9, 5473, 5483, 5493–4, 5499, 5501, (1), 5502, 5509, 5523–4, 5536, 5554, 5569–70, 5572, 5584, 5596, 5599, 5601, 5604, 5606, 5630, 5633, 5636, 5640–1, 5654–5, 5687, 5689, 5709, 5733, p.2556, 5750, 5780, 5790, 5796, 5803, p. 2603, 5829 (12), 5839, 5858, 5862, 5869, 5883–5, 5890–1, 5895, 5904, 5914, 5918, 6065, 6065, 6069, 6073, 6075–6, 6142, 6205, 6245, 6255, 6290, 6293, 6364, 6437, 6442, p. 2896, 6451, 6467, 6491, 6597, 6606, 6675, 6690, 6697, p. 3023, 6717, 6733, 6738, 6747, 6753, 6769, App. 4, 32, 34, 39, 45, 77, 119–21, 128, 143, 150, 154, 158, 160, 163, 177, 186, 206, 212, 216, 222, 225, 231–2, 253.
-, -, admiral of. See Bonnivet (1518–25): Brion, Ph. Chabot, lord of (1526–41).
-, -, -, lieut. of the, 5207.
-, -, almoner of, 6440.
-, -, ambassadors of, to England, 57, 1421, 1508, 1555, 1633, 1862, 1902, 2445, 2455, 2790, 2809, 2896, 2974, 2980, 2988, 3010, 3152, 3529, 3734, 3837, 3959, 3993, 4066, 4176, 4280, 4332, 4340–1, 4361, 4366, 4404, 4518, 4564, 4800, 5031, 5273, 5596, 5885, 5894, 5925, 6073, 6393, App. 45, 56, 87, 120. See also Brinon: Grammont: Langeais: Montmorency: Turenne: Vaux.
-, -, -, letter from, 2974.
-, -, -, letters to, 2896, 3558, 3845, App. 56, 120.
-, -, -, to the Emperor, 1380, 1485, 1556, 1709, 1963, 2456, 2470, 2698, 2828 (1, 2), 2831–3, 2864, 2871–2, 2986, 3051, 3143, 3225, 3271, 3284, 3286, 3320–2, 3374, 3387, 3412, 3429, 3443, 3484, 3513–4, 3518, 3541 (4), 3586, 3597, 3781, 3826, 3870, 3877, 3916, 3966, 4109, 4947, 5423, 5473, App. 153, 159, 160.
-, -, -, -, letter from, 3597.
-, -, -, at Florence, 5151.
-, -, -, in Hungary, 3255.
-, -, -, to the Pope, 2183, 2921, 2958, 3024, 3949, p. 1838, 4929, 5179, 5250, 5428, 5529, 5676.
-, -, -, to Scotland, 71, 1665, 4860, 4867.
-, -, -, with the Swiss, 3189.
-, -, -, at Venice, 2352, 2671, 3078, 4255, 4482, 4655, 5538.

France, ambassadors to, from England, 1819, 4035, 5546–7, 5911, 6022 ii, iii. v. vi., 6268, App. 144, 149.
-, -, -, from the Emperor, 3916, 3959, 4109, 5473.
-, -, -, from the Pope, 346, 1102, 2232, 2235, 2259, 2898, 5984, 5991–2, 6369, 6476, 6521, 6537, 6661, 6717, 6719.
-, -, -, from Scotland, 665, 766, 935, 943, App. 77.
-, -, -, from Venice, 3442.
-, -, chamberlain of, 1895, 4949.
-, -, -, sect. of, 5530.
-, -, chancellor of. See Prat, Anthony du.
-, -, Church, the, in, 994.
-, -, clergy of, 3436 (2).
-, -, colleges and divines in, 6441.
-, -, convocation of cardinals in, 3311.
-, -, council of, 2254.
-, -, crown of, 30, 1175, 1212, 1963.
-, -, daughter of, 356, 407.
-, -, dauphin of. See Francis, son of Francis I.
-, -, dauphiness of (the princess Mary), 1802.
-, -, Estates, the three, of, 2013, p. 1413.
-, -, general of the finances of, 6440.
-, -, grand escuyer of, 773, 826, 3549.
-, -, grand maistre reformateur des eaux et forests de, p. 1403.
-, -, grand seneschal of, 5185.
-, -, -, letter to, 3211.
-, -, great master of. See Savoy, René, bastard of (1519–25): Montmorenci, Anne de (1525–58).
-, -, great seal of, 1398.
-, -, herald of, 4109.
-, -, invasion of, 7, 26, 61, 63–4, 68, 174, 187–8, 214, 293, 296, 343, 351–3, 358, 363, 365, 376, 379, 410, 458, p. 214, 644, 648, 662, 841, 1198, 1212, 1232, 1235, 1260–1, 1264.
-, -, king of, a, 6442.
-, -, legate in, 2962, 3369, 5546.
-, -, lieut.-genl. of, in Picardy, 3012.
-, -, lords of, 68, 1365, 1629, 4632, 5419.
-, -, money due from, 6271.
-, -, navy of. See French fleet.
-, -, news from, 1401.
-, -, Observants (friars) of, provincial of the, 109.
-, -, papality or patriarchate of, 3263.
-, -, parliaments of, 1806.
-, -, peers of, p. 1319.
-, -, Wolsey's pensions from, 110.
-, -, people of, 5073.
-, -, first president of, 4142, 4176, App. 179.
-, -, -, letter to, App. 179.
-, -, -, See also Viste, A. le.
-, -, queen of, p. 2102.
-, -, -, See Claude: Eleanor.
-, -, treasurers of, 1733, 1831, 2929, 3042, 6057.
-, -, in treaties, 2726, 4376, 4378, 6215 (1–5), 6228 (1–3), App. 59, 115.
-, -, Wolsey's journey to, App. 150.

France. See also French.

Francesco, messenger of Campeggio, 5584.

Francford, preceptory of, 3141.

Franche Comté, 315.

Francho, Hieronymo, 5833.

Francis, monk of Peterboro', 4047, 4056, 4279.

Francis, a friend of Taylor, at court, 1988, 2256, 2410, 3554.
-, -, -, letter to, 1938.
-, -, Wolsey's physician, 2397, 3399.
-, -, -, letters to, 2438, 2439, 2440.
-, -, See Fraunces.

Francis I., king of France, 8, 14, 17, 24, 26, 43, 52, 53, 61, 63, 68–9, 71, 88, 91 (2), 95–6, 108–9, 113, 121, 124, 134 (2), 135, 155, 159, 169, 170, 178, 180, 185–6, 196–7, 200, 219, 229, 250, 253, 260, 262, 268, 271–3, 274 (2), 276, 285, 289–92, 300, 307, 315, 317, 318, 325, 335, 346–7, 355–6, 358, 370–2, 375, 382, 389, 394, 407, 410, 418, 420–2, 440–2, 458, 463, 466, 470–1, 473–4, 483, 498 (2), 503, 510–11, 519, 525, 542, 565, 568, 578, 583, 586, 589, 595, 604–6, 615–16, 622, 624, 631, 648, 652, 653 (3), 662, 665–6, 669, 670 ii., 671–2, 674–5, 678, 680, 684, 698, 706, 720, 724, 727, 732–3, 751–3, 760, p. 333 note, 763, 773–4, 776, 779–80, 789–90, 794–5, 804, 815–16, 826–7, 837–41, 843, 848, 853, 865, 871–3, 880, 882–3, 910–13, 917–18, 922, 924, 926–7, 932, 934–5, 937, 939–40, 949, 992, 994, 997, 1002, 1004, 1009, 1015, 1017–18, 1026, 1029, 1036, 1040, 1046, 1053–4, 1061 ii., 1063–6, 1072, 1074–5, 1078, 1080, 1083, pp. 476–8, 1093, 1098, 1102, 1108–9, 1111, 1113, 1120–1, 1123–4, 1126–7, 1130, 1152–3, 1158–60, 1164, 1167, 1169–70, 1175, 1177–8, 1182, 1189, 1190, 1193, 1197, 1203, 1208 ii., 1212–13, 1219, 1229, 1231–2, 1235, 1238, 1240, 1242–3, 1249, 1251, 1259, 1266, 1273–4, 1282–3, 1287, 1290, 1301, 1303, 1307, 1320, 1322, 1326, 1336, 1339, 1341–2, 1346, 1351, 1352 (2), 1357, 1364–5, 1370–1, 1375–6, 1378, 1379–80, 1382–3, 1387, 1392, 1405–7, 1410, 1414–15, 1418–19, 1421, 1423, 1425–6, 1439–44, 1452–3, 1456, 1461–4, 1474–6, 1479, 1483–6, 1491, 1494, 1504, 1520–1, 1525–6, 1528, 1532, 1534, 1536–7, 1555, 1557–8, 1563, 1569, 1573, 1578, 1589, 1595, 1602, 1606, 1624–9, 1633 ii., 1635, 1655 (4, 5), 1659, 1663 (7, 8), 1669, 1689, 1692–4, 1696–7, 1702, 1705, 1709, 1711, 1719, 1722–3, 1734, 1735 (2), 1737, 1758–9, 1761, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1770, 1783, 1786, 1788–9, 1797–9, 1801, 1806, 1811–12, 1815, 1819, 1824, 1830, 1835, 1837, 1842, 1850, 1865, 1867–8, 1871, 1875, 1878 (2), 1879–80, 1883, 1885–6, 1889, 1891 (6, 7), 1894–5, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1905, 1909, 1914, 1916, 1920–4, 1928–9, 1932–4, 1938 ii., 1946, 1950, 1955–7, 1959, 1963, 1967, 1969, 1972, 1975–6, 1981–2, 1986–7, 1999, 2008, 2012–13, 2016, 2025, 2029–30, 2032–4, 2037–9, 2041–2, 2044, 2047, 2051, 2055, 2058, 2061, 2064, 2066, 2068, 2075, 2078–9, 2087, 2089, 2091–5, 2098–9, 2100, 2103–4, 2106 (1), 2111 ii., 2112, 2115–17, 2133, 2135–6, 2140, 2142–3, 2147–8, 2154–6, 2160, 2163, 2166, 2172–3, 2182–3, 2185–7, 2194, 2197–9, 2202, 2205–7, 2200, 2213, 2215, 2221, 2224, 2227–8, 2230, 2233–7, 2243, 2245–6, 2251, 2254, 2257, 2259–60, 2263, 2265, 2267, 2269, 2271 ii., 2273 (2), 2274–5, 2282, 2288–90, 2292, 2296–7, 2300, 2305, 2309, 2314–15, 2317, 2320, 2325, 2332–3, 2342, 2350–2, 2369, 2382–3, 2388, 2393, 2399, 2403, p. 1077, 2410–11, 2416–17, 2422, 2443, 2451, 2455–6, 2462, 2465, pp. 1102–4, 2473, 2477–82, 2485–6, 2490, 2495, 2499, 2500, 2503, 2509–11, 2532, 2589, 2542, 2544–5, 2549, 2551–2, 2556–8, 2563, 2566, 2573, 2580–1, 2583, 2587, 2591, 2596 ii., 2600, 2602, 2604–6, 2624, 2629, 2631, 2638, 2640, 2642, 2651, 2655, 2657, 2663, 2670, 2679, 2681, 2685, 2687, 2699, 2700, 2703, 2704 ii., 2705, 2707, 2711 (2), 2715–16, 2719, 2723–8, 2732–3, 2737, 2742, 2744, 2771–4, 2778, 2782, 2785–6, 2790–1, 2793, 2796 ii., 2804–5, 2809–10, 2812, 2816, 2827, 2828 (2), 2829, 2832–4, 2840, 2841, 2842, 2850, 2851, 2852, 2858, 2859, 2864, 2870, 2878, 2891, 2892, 2894, 2895, 2896, 2897, 2898, 2899, 2902, 2907, 2908, 2910, 2912, 2913, 2915, 2917, 2919, 2920, 2928, 2929, 2934, 2940, 2942, p. 1319, p. 1320, 2950, 2952, 2954, 2957, 2974, 2980–2, 2985, 2988, 2998, 3001–2, 3003 i. ii., 3009–10, 3012–13, 3016 note, 3025, 3028, 3040–2, 3045, 3047–8, 3051, 3055 ii., 3059, 3062–3, 3065, 3070, 3077 i. iii., 3080, 3088, 3090–1, 3099, 3105, 3108, 3112, 3136, 3138, 3143–5, 3151–2, 3159, 3167 (2), 3168–73, 3177, 3185, 3186 (1, 6, 7), 3188–9, 3191, 3193–4, 3201, 3206–7, 3211, 3214–15, 3217, 3225, 3231, 3238–9, 3244, 3247, 3252–3, 3263, 3265, 3268, 3270–2, 3274, 3278–82, 3284 (1, 2), 3285–7, 3289–91, 3293–3300, 3306, 3309–11, 3313–15, 3317, 3319, 3321, 3328–30, 3333, 3337 (1), 3339–40, 3342–3, 3350, 3352–3, 3356, 3361–6, 3368–9, 3372–4, 3381–2, 3386–7, 3391–2, 3400, 3405, 3409, 3411, 3412 (1, 2, 3), 3414–18, 3422, 3427–31, 3435, 3437, 3439, 3441–2, 3443 (1, 2), 3444 (1, 2), 3449–51, 3453–6, 3466 (2), 3483–5, 3497, 3502–5, 3508–9, 3513–14, 3516, 3518, 3522, 3541 (1–4), 3547–9, 3557–8, 3565 (1, 2), 3570, 3574–5, 3585, 3591–2, 3594–5, 3597, 3599, 3600, 3602, 3609, 3619, 3625–6, 3635, p. 1636, 3655, 3661, 3662, 3667–8, 3673–4, 3680, 3684, 3691, 3692 i. ii., 3701, 3711, 3718, 3757–8, 3765–6, 3767 (1, 2, 3), 3768, 3770, 3773, 3781, 3783, 3790–1, 3799, 3800–3, 3805, 3808, 3810, 3812, 3816 (1), 3818, 3824, 3827 (2), 3828–33, 3837, 3840–1, 3844–5, 3855, 3857, 3859, 3870–3, 3876, 3879–82, 3888–9, 3895, 3898, 3900, 3904, 3906, pp. 1741–3, 3916, 3925, 3928, 3930, 3939–41, 3945, 3947–8, 3951, 3954–7, 3959, 3965–6, 3976–80, 3982, 3985–7, 3995–6, 4006, 4019, 4034, 4046, 4050 (1, 2, 3), 4052–3, 4059, 4061–5, 4087, 4091, 4108–11, p. 1819, 4128, 4137–8, 4142, 4147, 4154–6, 4158, 4165, 4168, 4171, 4180, 4186, 4195–6, 4206, 4210, 4212–13, 4217, 4224, 4250, 4255–6, 4285, 4292–3, 4311–12, 4325, 4329, 4337–8, 4340, 4361–2, 4366, 4372, 4374–5, 4385–6, 4389, 4392, 4400, 4409, 4415 (1, 2), 4426, 4430, 4446–8, 4451, 4464, 4487, 4494, 4499, 4500, 4502, 4515–16, 4523, 4540, 4542, 4563–7, 4579–80, 4590, 4612, 4617, 4626, 4630, 4686–7, 4641–2, 4644, 4649, 4655, 4656 (2), 4672, 4679, 4681, 4684, 4700, 4713, 4721, 4723, 4724, 4733, 4736, 4738, 4744, 4746, 4750–2, 4760, 4775–6, 4784, 4802, 4813 (2), 4833, 4836, 4845, 4854, 4857, 4865–6, 4868, 4871, 4897–900, 4903–4, 4908–10, 4915, 4918, 4920, 4928–9, 4942, 4945, 4947–8, 4955–6, 4966, 4976–8, 4985, 4988, 4991, 4994, 4996, 5001–2, 5004, 5007–8, 5013–14, 5016, 5018, 5023, 5027–8, 5031, 5036, 5038–9, 5041–2, 5044, 5050–1, 5053, 5054, 5058, 5062, 5081, 5133, 5139–40, 5148–51, 5157, 5163–6, 5171, 5179, 5182–3, 5185, 5192–3, 5197, 5199, 5200–9, 5211–12, 5230–1, 5240, 5244–6, 5249–51, 5255–8, 5260–1, 5270–4, 5292, 5302, 5314, 5325, 5328, 5340, 5344, 5359, 5361–2, 5367–71, 5375, 5385–7, 5390, 5393, 5412, 5416, 5421, 5423, 5428–9, 5441 (1), 5448–52, 5454–5, 5461, 5468–71, 5473, 5476, 5482, 5499, 5501 (1), 5502, 5512–15, 5523–4, 5531, 5535–6, 5540, 5543, 5547, 5554, 5559, 5562, 5572, 5578, 5579, 5581–4, 5587, 5595, 5597, 5599, 5610, 5621, 5628–9, 5633, 5635–6, 5640, 5645–9, 5651, 5655, 5669, 5675–6, 5679, 5681, 5687–9, 5696, 5701–2, 5704, 5712–13, 5719–20, 5723, 5725, 5727, 5733, 5735, 5741–2, 5744 (5), 5747, 5749–50, 5753, 5771, 5773 (1), 5779, 5790, 5796, 5801–2, 5814, 5822, 5824, 5829 (12), 5830, 5832–3, 5836, 5839–41, 5845, 5853, 5861–3, 5865, 5871, 5874–5, 5879–85, 5887, 5890–1, 5893, 5896, g. 5906 (13), 5911–15, 5926, 5935, 5942–3, 5945–6, 5949, 5955–7, 5959, 5982–4, 5991, 5996–7, 6002–3, 6007–9, 6011, 6018, 6020, 6026–7, 6040–2, 6049–50, 6053–4, 6057, 6065, 6066, 6073, 6675, 6096, 6109, 6111, 6140, 6147, 6155 (1–3), 6169, 6175, 6177 (1, 4), 6192, 6208, 6215, 6227–8, 6231, 6235, 6244–5, 6254–5, 6257, 6268, 6273, 6290, 6293, 6297, 6307, 6321, 6323, 6332, 6358, 6369–70, 6375, 6383, 6387, 6389, 6393–4, 6404, 6408, 6411, 6439–40, 6443, 6449, 6455, 6458–9, 6464, 6476, 6499, 6508–9, 6521, 6526–7, 6535, 6553 (1, 2), 6563–5, 6573, 6592–4, 6606, 6633, 6665, 6667–8, 6675, 6685, 6693, 6696–7, 6700, p. 3021, 6710 (1, 2), 6719–20, 6729, 6732–3, 6737–8, 6743, 6752, 6755–6, 6759, 6769, 6774–5, App. 15, 32, 34, 71, 74–5, 80–1, 95, 104–8, 110, 115, 117–118, 120–31, 135–49, 152–3, 156–71, 173, 178–83, 185–90, 193–6, 198–200, 203, 206, 209–10, 212, 216, 218–19, 221, 223–6, 231–2, 234, 239–40.
-, -, -, letters from, 169, 196, 197, 774, 1120, 1229, 1375 i. ii., 2034, 2074, 2104, 2147, 2206, 2207, 2224, 2234, 2495, 2549, 2580, 2581, 2655, 2698, 2791, 2793, 2800, 2840, 2892, 2895, 3108, 3159, 3171, 3193, 3194, 3298, 3299, 3306, 3314, 3315, 3372, 3386, 3415, 3417, 3418, 3558, 3570, 3718, 3800, 3831, 3833, 3845, 3871, 3880, 3881, 3976, 3977, 3978, 3980, 4006, 4046, 4059, 4108, 4138, 4250, 4329, 4499, 4500, 4502, 4523, 4565, 4567, 4630, 4724, 4784, 4866, 4996, 5027, 5193, 5199, 5200, 5201–2, 5204–6, 5244–6, 5340, 5362, 5368–9, 5371, 5412, 5540, 5559, 5688–9, 5727, 5747, 5796, 5956, 6358, 6370, 6459, 6729, App. 110, 116, 120, 136, 152, 181–2, 225.
-, -, -, letters to, 91, 318, 918, 1441, 1626, 1924, 2037, 2198, 2422, 2638, 2724, 2773, 3013, 3214, 3238, 3300, p. 1535 note, 3391, 3442, 3483, 3516, 3599, 3684, 3692 ii., 3757, 3791, 3803, 3855, 3857, 3859, 4224, 4311, 4487, 5157, 5249, 5702, 5720, 5741, 5845, 5911, 5982, 5997, 6002, 6227, 6254, 6273, 6290, 6307, 6323, 6439, 6449, 6665 (1), 6732, App. 74, 104–5, 122, 125–6, 128, 130, 137, 140, 144, 147–8, 158, 186, 198, 203, 212, 223.
-, -, -, his sig., 3416, 3626.
-, -, -, his favorite, Hely, 3368.
-, -, -, chief captain of, 2723.
-, -, -, his child, 'the little Katillion," 5185.
-, -, -, his master of the Household, 3684, 4579.
-, -, -, installation of, as K. G., 3841.
-, -, -, his defiance of the Emperor, 4108, 4109, 4111, 4563, 4723.
-, -, -, his sons, p. 438.
-, -, -, his two eldest sons, hostages with the Emperor, 262, 2111 ii., 2140, 2246, 2254, 2260, 2274, 2282, 2416, 2470, p. 1103, p. 1104, 2687, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2723, 2828 (2), 2829, 2873, 2914, 3001, 3003, 3042, 3045, 3048, 3051, 3059, 3062, 3080–1, 3088, 3105, 3143, 3291, 3337, 3415–16, 3429–31, 3443, 3454, 3466 (2), 3504–5, 3513–14, 3826–27, 3837, 3845, 3870, 3889, 3897, 3959, 3966, 3982, 4002, 4036, 4109, 4266, 4270, 4871, 4909, 5450, 5547, 5577, 5583, 5610, 5671, 5675, 5687, p. 2517, 5701, 5790, 5830, 5832, 5839, 5881, 5891–2, 5896, 6065, 6147, 6164, 6227–8, 6231, 6244, 6290, 6293, 6307, 6358, 6389, 6393, 6411, 6440, 6449, 6464, 6508–9, 6592–3, 6633, 6710 (2), 6774, App. 81–2, 105, 136, 141, 153, 158, 162, 164, 170, 209, 212, 223.
-, -, -, -, their schoolmaster, 3514.
-, -, -, his daughters, 8, 121, 185, 260, 262, 276, 1004, 1029, 1462, 2292, 2416, 2539, p. 1619, 5044, 6637.
-, -, -, his native place, p. 860.
-, -, -, instructions, propositions, or commissions of, 3009, 3059, 3293, 3449, 3451, 3455, 4050 (1, 2, 3), 4617, 5790, 5853, 5957, 6177, 6553, App. 75, 169.
-, -, -, portrait of, 3356.
-, -, -, seals of, 3356, 4415 (1).
-, -, -, instruments of, 6054.
-, -, -, in treaties, &c., 669, 2066, 2100, 3080, 4376 (1, 2), 4385, 4386, 4415 (1, 2), 4566, 6775.
-, -, -, chamberlain of. See Riucon.
-, -, -, his mother. See Louisa of Savoy.
-, -, -, arms of, p. 2769.
-, -, -, gent. of his privy chamber, 4003.
-, -, -, report of his death, 1806.

Francis, the dauphin, son of Francis I., 475, p. 354, 1169, 1249, 1255, 1283, 1364, 1378, p. 615, 1380, 1401, 1421, 1439, 1462–3, 1486, 1559, 1694, 1710, 1723, 1735 (2), 1767, 1799, 1802, 1830, 1868, 1875, 1891, 1938 ii., 1950, 1963, 1999, 2005, 2025, 2032, 2099, 2470, p. 1104, 2651, 2883, 3009, 3045, 3051, p. 1398, 3105, 3151, 3186 (7), 3285, 3322, 3366, 3412 (2), 3413, 3430–1, 3443 (2), 3444 (1, 2), 3450, 3455, 3522, p. 1605, p. 1619, 3870, 4110, 4312, 4448, 5178, 5749, p. 2559, 6307, 6440, 6527, 6597, App. 153, 158, 162, 164, 166.
-, -, -, letter from, 6597.
-, -, -, See also Francis I., sons of.
-, -, -, his brother. See Orleans, Henry, duke of.

Francis, father, or friar Francis George, 6149, 6156, 6159, 6165, p. 2756, 6173–4, 6192–4, 6197, 6207, 6209, 6229, 6232, 6235–7, 6239, 6242, 6250–1, 6266, 6280–2, 6287–8, 6300, 6310, 6316, 6326, 6339, 6352–4, 6372, p. 2863, 6388, 6403, 6406–7, 6413–4, 6416 (3), 6423, 6425–6, 6428, 6434, 6445–6, 6463, 6465, 6470, 6472, 6491 (4), 6500, 6543, 6567, 6581, 6613, 6620, 6624, 6633, 6637, 6669–71, 6694, 6696, 6702, 6713–14, 6785–6, App. 265 (19).
-, -, -, letters from, 6207, 6465, 6472.
-, -, -, letter to, 6388, 6620.
-, -, -, his nephew, 6156, 6165, 6235–6, 6251, 6266, 6280, 6287. See Dominic, of Treviso.

Francis, the courier, p. 3023.

Francis, Wm., 3544.

Franciscan general at Venice, 6334.

Franciscans or Observant Friars, 6149.
-, -, general of the. See Quignones, Francis.

Francisco, Mr., and his son, 414.

Francisque, French messenger to St. Pol, App. 209.

Franck, John, 5102 (5).
-, -, See Franke.

Franckefeld, 4455.

Francolino, 6375, 6785.

Frangepani, count Chris. de, 2795.
-, -, Fr. de, abp. of Colocz and Bath, 4223.

Frank, Sussex (?), 2710.

Frankam, Geoff., p. 237.

Franke, Hen., 167.
-, -, Mrs., p. 3066.
-, -, Th., 612, g. 1136 (12).

Frankeleyn or Franklin, _, p. 2587.
-, -, Elinere, 6381.
-, -, Oliver, 100 i. ii. iii., 3730.
-, -, Ro., p. 3047.

Frankes als. Warleffrankes, g. 5406 (22).

Frankfort, 941, 2492, 3132, 4693, 4810.
-, -, letter dated at, 6304.
-, -, fair at, 4810, 5402.
-, -, the secretary of, 6304.

Frankham park, 2710.

Franklin, Wm., archdeacon and chancellor of Durham, 107, 151, 157, 163, 171, 893, 1207, 1239, 1289, g. 1610 (11), 1690, 2052, 2193 (2), 2216, 2322, 2450, 2678, 3244, 3478, 3796, 3836, 4892, 4901, 5052, g. 5083 (10), 5085, 5111 (4), g. 5243 (28), 5431, 5613 (1–3), g. 5815 (26), 6382, 6585–6 (2).
-, -, -, letters from, 151, 163, 171, 893, 1223, 1239, 1289, 1690, 2069, 3478, 3836, 4901, 5111 (4), 5431.
-, -, -, letters to, 157, 1207.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1512, 1596, 1727, 1779, 1793, 2608, 2729.
-, -, -, his sister, 1207.
-, -, -, his brother, 5431.

Franklin. See Frankeleyn.

Franks, John, p. 3068.

Frankys, Fran. de, g. 3869 (22).

Franne, Rog. La, g. 2839 (2).

Frannoye, Mons. de, lieut. of, 414, 564.

Fransperg. See Fraunsberg: Fronsperg.

Fratyng, Essex, 1833–4 (2), 2024, 5076.

Frauncys, Geo., g. 6038 (8).

Fraunces, _, p. 2767.
-, -, John, 5968, App. 89, 91.
-, -, Nic., p. 236.
-, -, Ric., g. 2132 (30).

Frauncoise, Philip, 3278. See Philip.

Fraunsberg, Sir Geo. de, 1632, 3599.

Fraxino, J. de, sig. of, App. 266 (1) iii. iv.

Frebody, John, g. 6709 (24).

Frechevile, Frechewell, or Frechevyle, Ankerus, g. 5243 (17).
-, -, Eliz., g. 5510 (14).
-, -, Nich., g. 3087 (11), g. 4231 (11), g. 5510 (14).
-, -, Pet., g. 5243 (17), g. 5510 (14).

Frederic, duke of Holstein, king of Denmark and Norway, 68, 243, 742, 748, 1525, 2548, 2914, 3034, 3803, 4146, 6155, 6364.
-, -, -, letters from, 3034, 3803, 4146.
-, -, -, letter to, 742.
-, -, -, sister of, 2914.

Frederic III., emperor, 3068.

Frederic, Sieur, 773–4. See also Baige.

Freeman or Freman, _, p. 794, p. 796, 6794.
-, -, John, 327, 4310, 4331.
-, -, Th., 327, App. 17 (1, 2).
-, -, Wm., 393.

Freer, _, 4004, 4017.
-, -, Wm., 3806.

Freeston. See Freston.

Fregosi, the, 3497.

Fregoso, _, bp., 760.
-, -, _, gov. of Genoa, 203–4.
-, -, Cæsar, 3400, 5708.

Frejus, 3352.

Frelove, Ro., 6744.

Fremyngham, _, 1939 (11).
-, -, Ro., g. 137 (11).

Fremyngton vicarage, Devon, 4225.

French, the, 16, 18, 27, 42, 68, 73, 88, 116, 121, 134 (2), 187, 206, 236, 249, 250, 262, 270, 305, 310, 319, 320, 324–5, 335, 340, 355, 357–8, 370, 376, 382, 384, 392, 394, 408, 410, 414, 418, 420, 440–1, 463, 466, 468, 471, 475, 479–80, 483–4, 510–11, 519, 542–3, 564, 566–9, 578, 604, 606–7, 610, 616, 631, 660, 673, 678, 732, 734, 740, 749, 751, 776, 781, 783, 817, 826, 830, 837–9, 853, 872, 883, 909, 913, 916, 920, 936, 945, 994, 996, 1015–16, 1018, 1045, 1053, 1065, 1072, 1078, p. 475, pp. 477–9, 1086, 1093, 1098–9, 1109, 1122, 1124, 1126, 1131–2, 1139, 1175, 1177, 1189, 1193, 1232, 1235, 1237, 1241, 1257, 1260, 1283, 1296, 1308, 1322, 1326, 1336, 1346, 1378, 1380, 1387, 1396, 1406–7, 1409, 1414, 1421, 1440, 1443, 1452, 1463, 1474, 1480, 1483, 1485, 1487–8, 1491, 1493, 1495, 1504, 1555, 1557–8, 1563, 1579, 1589, 1600, 1624–5, 1628, 1633, 1643, 1648, 1655, 1657, 1687, 1709–10, 1723, 1734, 1737, 1748, 1789, 1799, 1801, 1811, 1815, 1819, 1824, 1835, 1837, 1875, 1879, 1885, 1895, 1900–2, 1938, 1967, 1987, 1999, 2039–40, 2051, 2099, 2148, 2160, 2165, 2187, 2199, 2202, 2228, 2233, 2235, 2237, 2245, 2246, 2260, 2262, 2264, 2273, 2278, 2281, 2289, 2364, 2369, 2454, 2456, 2509, 2544, 2596, 2632, 2651, 2670, 2685, 2687, 2688, 2727, 2731, 2785, 2827, 2831, 2832, 2853, 2856, 2858, 2870, 2872–3, 2912, 2219, 2931 ii., 2962, 2971, 2974, 2982, 2986, 2988, 2998, 3003, 3024, 3030, 3050–1, 3065, 3077 (1), 3099, 3101 p. 1408, 3132, 3144, 3152, 3271–72, 3284, 3286, 3291, 3327, 3336, 3355, 3381, 3400, 3405, 3411, 3443, 3464, 3514, 3595, 3713, 3764, 3771, 3773, 3782, 3824, 3826, 3889, 3924 (4), 3946–7, 3951, 3966, 3994, 3996, 4071, 4080, 4107, 4147, 4162, 4168, 4171, 4222, 4224, 4232, 4285, 4332, 4341, 4351, 4404, 4482, 4484, 4498, 4564, 4612, 4656, 4663, 4712, 4802, 4825, 4833, 4852, 4908–9, 4918, 4920, 4947, 4956, 5000, 5009, 5013, 5051, 5067, 5073, 5134, 5137, 5153, 5251, 5255, 5315, 5325, 5344, 5478, 5483, 5495, 5567, 5599, 5614, 5640, 5671, 5681, 5690, 5698, 5708, 5713, 5767, 5779, 5881, 5885, 6026, 6199, 6227, App. 41, 71, 221, 234.
-, -, affairs, 4705.
-, -, agents, 4977, 5014, p. 2201.
-, -, amb. in England, 6733.
-, -, army, 2484, 2940, 3077 iii., 3173, 3431, 3443, 4036, 4679, 4777, 4991, 5767, App. 34, 158.
-, -, camp, 4723.
-, -, cardinals, new, 5991, 6667.
-, -, commissioners, 3080 (1).
-, -, cordeliers, 109, 110, 1053.
-, -, council, 1637, 2165, 5822, 5824, 5830.
-, -, courier, 4947.
-, -, court, 2187, 2320, 2386, 2929, 2986, 3012, 4120, 4341, 4390, 4649, 4978, 5014, 5035, 5197, 5535, 5599, 5628, 5670, 5802, 6073, 6096, 6374, 6383, 6522, 6705.
-, -, -, letter dated at the, 2929.
-, -, debt, 6040.
-, -, fleet or navy, 998, 1341, 2465, 2471 2481, 2699, 2716, 2919, 3329, 3709, 3828, 4066, 4222, 4871, 5633.
-, -, -, officers of the, letter to the, 347.
-, -, -, capt. general of the, App. 181.
-, -, galleys, 2289, 4498.
-, -, men-at-arms, 3511.
-, -, men-of-war, 5017.
-, -, merchandise, 4025.
-, -, ministers, p, 2515.
-, -, payments, App. 55.
-, -, pensions, 1559, 3619, 5802.
-, -, princes, 1986, 3081, 3186 (3), 3541, (4), 3897, 3959, 3982, 3985, 4112, 5482, 6440.
-, -, princess, p. 1405.
-, -, regent. See Louise of Savoy.
-, -, secretary, 1928, 3682. See Bayard.
-, -, ships, 525, 1435, 1508, 3630, 4193, 5000 (2), App. 7, 91.
-, -, troops, 2512, 2685, 3023.

Frencloid, seneschal of, 1941.

Frende, (Frynd), _, letter to, 6384.
-, -, John, 3738, g. 5406 (22).

Frendsberg, Geo., 786. 1123, 2285, 2630, 2903.

Frescobaldi, Francis, letters from, 5974–5.
-, -, (Friscobald,) Leo, 1939 (9).

Frere, Wm., 3198.

Frese, Edm., g. 3324 (26).

Freshmer, John, g. 4231 (12).
-, -, Thos., g. 4231 (12).

Fresoloni or Fresselonni, 2853, 2896, 2921, p. 1406.

Freston, Suff., 1833–4 (2), 2024, 2167, p. 988, 2844, 4229, 4424, 5076, 6047, 6516 (15), p. 3065.
-, -, Ric., 1939 (11), 3884.

Frevyle, John, g. 137 (15), p. 237.
-, -, Robt., g. 137 (15).
-, -, Rose, g. 137 (15), 1316.
-, -, Wm., g. 137 (15).

Friburg (Fribroke), 1425.

Frierne Barnet, 969 (4), 1299.

Fryar, Mr., 2785

Frier, Mr., 4074.
-, -, John, letter from, 4741.
-, -, Peter, 293.
-, -, Wm., g. 1533 (12).

Friesland, 24.
-, -, governor of, 1320, 4286, 5171.
-, -, margrave of, 4638.

Frikynden, 4310.

Friscobald. See Frescobald.

Frythe, John, g. 5406 (14).

Frisells, the, 4336 (3).

Frisius, Zachary, 626.

Frith, Sir, 4074.

Fritwell, Northt., 1468.

Frobenius, 828, 941, 1840.

Frobisher, Francis, g. 4231 (und.)

Frocetor, Thos., 3678.

Frodesham, deanery of, 971.

Froggesashe, Hereford, g. 464 (23).

Frogmorton, John, 10, 1939, App. p. 3108. See Throgmorton.

Frome, deanery of, Hereford dioc., 971.
-, -, deanery of Bath, dioc., 971.

Fronsperg. See Frendsberg.

Frosinone, 2853, 2855, 2857, 2870.

Froste, Walt., p. 82, p. 236, g. 1136 (2), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (12), g. 5336 (11).
-, -, Wm., p. 235, g. 589 (12), g. 1298, (und.), g. 2002 (11).

Frothringham, Linc., g. 4231 (und.)

Frowcetour, Edw., deacon of Hereford, g. 1610(11), g. 3540 (15), g. 5083 (4), 6488.

Frowyk, Hen., g. 137 (12), 366, 545, p. 233, p. 237, g. 895 (26), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (16), 5102 (5), 5439.
-, -, Sir. Tho., 545.

Froyton, g. 2132 (8), 3304, g. 4313 (26).

Frutewell, Oxon., g. 6418 (24).

Frynd. See Frende.

Frysby, Thos., prior of Launde, 3331, g. 4687 (1).
-, -, -, canon of Launde, letter from, 6164.

Fryse. See Friesland.

Frysmare, John, g. 3622 (12).

Fryston, Sussex, 1913 (2).

Fucars, Fulkers, Folkyrs, or Focars, the, bankers, 17, 1083, 1154, 1237, 2652, 2798, 3239, p. 1620.
-, -, (Fuckeros) Augusten, 2550.

Fular, Anth., 5096.

Fulborne, Kent, g. 546 (15).

Fulbrig, Ric., 692.

Fulbroke, Bucks, g. 3142 (18).

Fulburne, bailly of, App. 99.

Fulden, monks of, 2013.

Fulford (Phuford), John, g. 5510 (und.)
-, -, Ph., g. 137 (18 bis), p. 84, p. 236, g. 895 (20), g. 2002 (6 bis), g. 5243 (26), g. 5748 (12), g. 6248 (5), g. 6490 (20 Somers.)
-, -, Sir Philip, g. 6803 (4).
-, -, Robt., g. 5243 (28).

Fulgeham or Fulgian. See Foljambe.

Fulham, Midd, 969 (4).

Fulk, Humph., 1577.

Fulkers. See Fucars.

Fulignio. See Foligno.

Fuller, Hen., 6652.
-, -, Hugh, 6473.
-, -, John, 1939 (10), 4057, g. 4134 (3).
-, -, Rob., 2341, 3192, 3862, 4107.
-, -, -, letters from, 2341, 3862.

Fullerton, Wm., 43, 76.

Fulmer, John, 136.

Fulshurst, Thos., 4914.

Fulston, Wilts, p. 1700.

Fulthorp, Chr., p. 236.

Fulton, App. 237.

Fulvetby or Fulveby, John, g. 390 (12), p. 238, g. 2002 (11).

Fulwell, John, 1962 (2).
-, -, -, his sig., 1962.

Fulwoode, John, g. 137 (15), g. 5510 (und.)
-, -, Rob., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 236, g. 895 (12), g. 961 (20).

Fulwode, Notts, g. 546 (12).

Funfkirchen, p. 925, 2463, 2602.
-, -, bp. of, 2464, 2589.

Furde. See Ford.

Furlok, 6043 (2).

Furness, 4476.
-, -, letter dated at, 4522.

Furness (Fournes), abbot of, 235, 2130.
-, -, -, letter from, 4522.

Furste, John, 2168.

Furstenberg, count Wm de, 17.

Fydo, Jno., g. 4445 (28).

Fyennes, lord. See Fiennes.

Fylk, John, p. 990.

Fylmer, Thos., 2217 (2).

Fylowe, Jas., 1939 (8).

Fylmour, Yorks., 388 (4).

Fylstow, Kent, 4295.

Fynch Hill, 2217 (2).

Fyncham. See Fincham.

Fynche. See Finch.

Fynchingbroke, 989.

Fyncley (or Fymley ?), g. 137 (23).

Fyndern, Wm., g. 2673 (4), g. 3087 (und.)

Fyneley, in York, g. 1676 (14).

Fynez. See Fiennes.

Fynes, Tho. See Dacre.

Fynes. See Fenys.

Fyne, _, 3005.

Fyneux (Feneux), Sir John, chief justice of the King's Bench (1509–25), 72, g. 137 (1, 8, 12), g. 297 (18), g. 464 (2), 737, g. 787 (29), g. 895 (26), g. 961 (22), g. 1049 (16), 1082, g. 1136 (2, 11), 1518, g. 1533 (11), g. 2002 (11), 3741, App. 67.
-, -, lady, 72, 3741.
-, -, Wm., g. 464 (2), g. 2002 (11).

Fynglas, Pat., chief baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, 22, 4263–4.
-, -, -, his sig., 4263.

Fynke, Mehell. See Feynke.

Fynnart, 1110, App. 97.

Fynne, Ric., 459.

Fypps, Tho., g. 390 (11).

Fyrdyll, Devon, g. 2673 (18).

Fysshe, Guy, p. 236.
-, -, _, 4030.

Fyztjames. See Fitzjames.