Pages 3209-3244
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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B., C., letter signed, 6802.
B-, my lord of, chief capt. (of the Empr.) towards Gueldreland, 4286.
B-, John, 655.
B- mp, Rog., g. 213 (2).
Baairde, _, 3948.
Babe, Th., 558.
Baberham, letter dated, 1385.
Babham, Ric., 1939 (9), g. 3471 (25).
Babington, _, 5516.
-, -, Anth., g. 137 (12), p. 84, g. 390 (2), p. 234, 819, g. 1610 (11), 2538 (7), 3581, g. 6490 (20 Derb. Nott.), g. 6803 (8).
-, -, Sir Anth., 6043 (2) ii.
-, -, Sir John, knight of Rhodes, 1082, 4322, 4697, App. p. 3109. N.B. The statement in No. 4697 that he had become prior of Kilmainham appears to have been a mistake.
-, -, Wm., g. 390 (30).
Babthorp, Wm., g. 1610 (11), g. 5083 (10), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (14, 20 Y.), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, -, sig. of, 2450.
Babu, treasurer, letter to, 1193.
Baccia, in Hungary, 2380 (2).
-, -, abp, of, 2380 (2).
Bachaeger, Flint, g. 4313 (29).
Bachecroft, Ric., g. 5510 (20).
Bacheworth, 4220.
Bachygk, Paul, 2021.
Backer. See Baker.
Bacon, _, 4702.
-, -, Th., p. 238.
-, -, Wm., p. 238.
Baculum Christi, the great relic of Ireland, 5392.
Badajos, 1972.
-, - (Pacensis), bp. and bpric. of, 15, 173, 261, 458, 580, 1133, 2987, 3041 (4).
Badcocke. See Batcock.
Baddesfennes, lands called, g. 4313 (11).
Baddisworth, Yorks., 5117 (5, 6).
Baden, margrave of, 6304.
Badewe, Great, g. 961 (5).
Badewe, lord Hugh de, (temp. Edw. III.), g. 961 (5).
Badgenore, Berks, 1913 (1).
Badger, Rog., 4442 (5).
Badham, Walt., 1939 (8), 1941.
Badley, 4424, 5076.
Badlingham, 367.
Badpaike, g. 4445 (10).
Bagarde, Th., 2379, g. 5906 (29).
Bage, John, 3379.
Bagg, Jas., 6683, 6708, App. 252 iii.
Baggelake, East, in lo. Langbridy, Dors., g. 5748 (9).
Baggnall, 1227.
Baggot. See Bagot.
Baghe, Th., g. 2132 (und.)
Baglions, the, p. 524.
Baglioni, Braccio de, 5722.
-, -, Gentile, 3123.
-, -, signor Malatesta, 2298, 2364, 2465, 5352, 5478, 5591, 5640, 5676, 5708, 5722, 5735, 5767, 5779, 5781, 5841, 6476.
-, - (Baleono), D. Orazio, 2782 ii., 2786, 3116.
Bagnasco, John Petro de, g. 6803 (6).
Bagot, or Baggot, Hen., p. 2692.
Bagot, Sir Lewis, p. 235.
-, -, Th., p. 237.
Bagshaw, Nich., pp. 3066–7.
"Bagshotes Baylies" or Surrey, g. 2132 (und.), g. 3087 (und.)
Baige, Sieur Frederic de, 773. See also Frederic.
Baignes, in France, 1938 ii.
Bailey, Baly, or Bayly, _, servant of, App. 99 (1).
-, -, _, (of Dover), App. 87, 89.
-, -, John, 3670, 3723.
-, -, Marg., 681, 3462.
-, -, Ric., 4331.
-, -, Sir Ric., 4316.
-, -, Rob., 4310, g. 6709 (15).
-, -, Wm., p. 233, 681, g. 787 (29).
-, -, Sir Wm., 1680, g. 5083 (3), 5109.
-, -, -, his sig., 4997.
Baily, the Peter, ship named, 4782.
Baylye, Sir, canon of Oxford, 4074.
Bailiff, John le, 3679.
Bainbridge. See Baynbridge.
Bainham, Cornw., g. 3991 (12).
Bainham. See Baynham.
Bair-sur-Seine. See Bar-sur-Seine.
Bajocensis. See Bayeux, bishop of.
Bakber, Dors., g. 4594 (20).
Bake, John, 386.
Bakedale, 2167 (1), 4278.
Baker, _, App. p. 3068, App. 89.
-, -, _, manciple of the dean of C.C. Oxford, p. 3067.
-, -, _, recorder of London, 6510.
-, -, Mrs., 1577 (13), 3748.
-, -, Edm., g. 86 (23), g. 6248 (17).
-, -, John, 293, g. 390 (3, 7), g. 464 (2), 1577 (12), g. 2002 (11), 2560, 2639, 2758, g. 5083 (2), 5102 (2), 5108, g. 5336 (11), g. 5510 (17), g. 5978 (14), p. 2691, p. 2700, 6121, 6516, 6598 (1).
-, -, or Backer, Sir John, 125, 141, 1939 (9), 2963.
-, -, Bakere, Mich., g. 2218 (4).
-, -, (Bakers,) Ric., g. 137 (5), g. 3747 (4).
-, -, Rog., 4228.
-, -, Th., p. 237, 3678, 5439, g. 5748 (15).
-, -, Wm., p. 238, 5102 (2), p. 3047.
-, -, -, his sig., 4552.
Bakere. See Baker.
Bakers, 2749–50.
Balam, Th., p. 3047.
Balanzon, Mons. de, 2719.
Balaskelaye or St. Michaels, Ireland, 5620.
Balderton, Notts, 3819 (2).
Baldiswell, John, g. 4231 (und.), g. 6490 (1).
Baldon, Oxon, 1913 (1).
Baldry, Th., p. 233, p. 238, g. 1136 (14).
Baldwar, Ric., p. 3047.
Baldwin Baldwen, Baldewyn, or Bawdewyn:
-, -, Frances, 2109 (3, 4).
-, -, Francis, 2109, 4354, 5948 (1, 2), 6005, 6137.
-, -, John, g. 137 (4), p. 152, p. 235, g. 1136 (4), g. 1337 (16), 5666, p. 2692, g. 6363 (13), g. 6490 (20 Ayl.), 6516 (1), g. 6751 (24 Bucks, 28).
-, -, Wm., 1577 (12).
Baldwin. See also Bawdewyn.
Bale, _, p. 3064.
Baledon, Rob., 1939 (8).
Baleono, Oratio. See Baglione.
Balevat, Jo., 3032.
Baleys, _, alderman, his servant, p. 2942 note.
Balgony, 540.
Balibek, _, 2190.
Balibragan, 558.
Balions, the. See Baglione.
Balkesley, Martin, 890.
Ball or Balle, Rauffe, 1857.
-, -, Th., g. 213 (24), g. 1230 (24), g. 3142 (28).
Ballam, Alex., p. 237.
Ballard, Wm., 2814 (5).
Ballebogan, Ireland, letter dated at, 4264.
Ballentyne, John, 4701.
Ballycallan, 2610.
Balm mart, 4662 (7).
Balneo, St. Peter in, 3077.
Balner, Lawrence, p. 233.
Balsall, Cov. and Lich. dioc., chapel of Temple Grafton, 6127.
Balstaks, p. 153.
Balthasar, 4049, 4123, 6151, p. 3067.
Baltholt, Ri., g. 6751 (2).
Balwery, laird of. See Scott, Sir William.
Baly. See Bailey.
Balydon, Essex, 3665 (1).
Balynet, John, 5330 ii.
Balynykill, Ireland, 558.
Bambergensis, 4639.
Bamborne, Wm., 4958.
Bamborough (Baumburgh), 1460, 1764, 2527, 3612, 4146.
Bamburghshire, 278, 2729.
Bamghramgh ?, Herman, g. 6187 (24).
Bampfeld or Bamfyld, Edw., g. 5748 (3), g. 5815 (16). See Errata.
-, -, Th., letter from, 4141.
-, -, See Bannyfyld and Baunfyld.
Bamsi, D., 2464.
Banaster, Banestre, or Banister, _, 1939 (11).
-, -, lady, 4678.
-, -, Anne, 6117.
-, -, -, her husband, 6117.
-, -, Edw., 1939 (8).
-, -, Humph., 1939 (8), App. 155.
-, -, Marg., 2970.
-, -, Nich., g. 3087 (und.)
Bangall, Th., 512.
Bangley park, 6124.
Bangor ch., Cov. and Lich. dioc., g. 3213 (22).
Bangor, chapter of, p. 2701.
-, -, diocese of, 5533, p. 2701.
-, -, clergy of, 5533.
-, -, archdeacon of, p. 2701.
-, -, dean of, p. 2701.
Bangor, Th. bp. of, 211, g. 895 (12), 1228, g. 1298 (und.), g. 2002 (11), 4927, g. 5243 (26), 5373, 5533, 5726, 6488.
-, -, -, letters from, 211, 5726.
Banham, 5076.
Banissis, dean of Antwerp, 6152.
Bank, Banke, Banks, or Bankes:
-, -, Jas., 712.
-, -, John, p. 151, g. 787 (18), g. 4687 (26), g. 6248 (16).
-, -, Rich., executor of lord Monteagle, 13 (2), 221, 227, 235, 277, g. 297 (und.), 634, 689, 799, 880, 958 (1, 4), 2347, 2526, 2935, 2989–90, 3724, 4350, 4570, 5105 (1–4), 5239, 5330 iii., App. 109.
-, -, -, letters from, 227, 235, 4350, 4570.
-, -, -, his hand, 5105 (3), 5239.
-, -, -, his sig. and seal, 13 (2), 221, 1608 App. 109.
-, -, Rob., 4310, 4331.
Bankhowse, 5508 (1).
Bannfyld, Soms., g. 6248 (24).
Bannfyld, Edw., g. 6248 (24).
Banquet, 2159, 3969.
Bansii, Johannes, 3488.
Banwell, Soms., g. 5510 (14).
Banwell (Bath and Wells dioc.), ch. of St. Andrew, 6456, g. 6600 (17, 18).
Banwell, Th., p. 234, App. 1.
Banyard, _, 3005.
Bapaume or Bapausmes, 285, 310, 1257.
-, -, castle, captaincy of, 4112.
Baptist, John Nosett alias, g. 3991 (10).
Baptista, _, servant of Greg. Casalis, 7, 4380, 4401.
-, -, John, 5330 ii.
Bar-sur-Seine, 1735 (2), 1891, 3443.
Barantine, Barenttine, or Barington, Sir Wm., g. 137 (12), p. 234, g. 1049 (24), 1795, g. 2002 (11), 2427, 4199, 6043 (2) i., 6116, g. 6490 (20 Oxf.), 6516 (1), App. p. 3108.
-, -, -, letter from, 6116.
Barba, Barnardine de la, 262, 720, 776.
Barbançon (Brabanson), Loys de Lignes, seigneur de, 109, 224, 4009, 5483.
Barbarossa or Barborosus, _, 2531, 2586, 6496.
Barbary, 1418, 2638.
Barber or Barbour, Chr., 590, 594.
-, -, John, 6652, p. 3047, App. 87.
Barberus, Laurentius, letter from, 2361.
Barbezieux (Barbazeus), in Angoulesme, 1938 ii.
-, -, letter dated at, 2009.
Barbezieulx, sieur de, App. 225.
Barbon, John de, Albany's secretary, 3, 9, 12, 21, 53, 55, 59, 60, 65, 73–4–5, 90–1–2 (1, 2), 95–6, 98, 104, 108, 118, 133–4 (2), 138–9, 159, 164, 199 (misprinted "Bourbon"), 200, 219, 225, 231 (2), 242 (2), 247, 251 (2), 254 (2), 257 (2), 258, (2), 259, 267, 300, 307, 346, 935.
-, -, -, letters from, 55, 65.
-, -, -, letters to, 60, 104, 137 a.
-, -, -, his hand, 138 (2).
-, -, -, his brother, 118, 144, 159, 231 (2).
Barbor (Barbour), _, master mason, 5077.
-, -, _, Tuke's servant, 3865.
-, -, Wm., 1939 (10).
Barbour, the George, a ship, App. 87.
-, -, Th., App. 87, 91.
Barbor or Barbour. See Barber.
Barcelona, 395, 458, 578, 632, 671, 675, 1407, 1430, 1439, 1479, 1494, 1520, 1528, 1536, 1702, 1709, 1735, 1957, 1972, 2273, 2602, 2662, 2950, 2986, 3982, 4777, 5001, 5306–7, 5311–12, 5395–6, 5425, 5469–70, p. 2413, 5478, 5484, 5486, 5512, 5524, 5551, 5554, 5619–20, 5659, 5670, p. 2515, 5723, 5756, 5765, 5779, 5980, 6660, 6704.
-, -, treaty dated at, 5737.
-, -, nuncio at, 1535.
Barchanetz, _, 2464.
Barcher, Ant. See Barker.
Barckley, Alex., 4810.
Bardara, Pet., g. 1298 (at end).
Barde. See Bardi.
Barden, Kent, 1913 (2).
Barden park, Leic., g. 1377 (28).
Barden, Th., p. 83.
Bardeney, Wm. abbot of, p. 2698.
-, -, -, letter from, 3694.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.
Bardesey, 973.
Bardesley, John abbot of, pp. 2700–1.
Bardewell, Wm., g. 1533 (12).
Bardi or Barde:
-, -, Fran. de, 5350, 6499, 6748 (4), 6774.
-, -, -, his sig., 4699.
-, -, John, g. 1136 (13).
-, -, John Fran. de, his sig., 4699.
-, -, John Fran. Reiner de, his sig., 5350.
-, -, Misotto de Barn ... de, 1282.
-, -, Pet. Fran. de, 1282, 3014 (2), 3240, g. 4231 (und.), 6604, 6748 (13), App. 229.
-, -, Reynerio de, his sig., 4699.
Bardolf, lord. See Beaumont, viscount.
Barefote, Rob., 3014.
Barendon, 2734.
Barentine, Sir Wm. See Barantyne.
Bareth, Wm., letter from, 1768.
Barett, John, g. 895 (26), g. 1136 (2), g. 2002 (11).
-, - See Barret.
Barfold or Barfolte, 2024, 4229 (11).
Barham. See Bereham and Berham.
Barham Down, 4805.
Bari, 780.
-, -, duchy of, 934, 1009.
-, -, abbot of, 3207.
Bari, archbishop of, 61, 69, 186, 195, 1929, 1972, 2022–3, 2040, 5619, 6049.
-, -, -, letter from, 6049.
-, -, -, secretary of, 69.
Bari, duke of, 1516, 1879, 1905, 2111 ii., 2705, pp. 1413–14, p. 1550, 3939, 4440, 5887, App. 124, 127, 129.
-, -, Anth., duke of, 6364.
Baryngton, John, g. 297 (21).
-, -, Sir Nich., g. 297 (21).
Barington, Sir Wm. See Barantyne.
Barkeley. See Barkley.
Barker, _, 966.
-, - (Barcher), Ant., 481.
-, -, Chr., 1939 (9).
-, -, Edm., g. 464 (25).
-, -, Pet., 167.
-, -, Ric., 2379.
-, -, Rob., 1939 (8).
-, -, Wm., 3536 (3), 5973.
Barkeswell, 4583, g. 4687 (6), g. 5083 (4), g. 5243 (27).
Barking, g. 464 (23).
-, -, mon. of St. Mary's, abbess of, 3834, 3847, g. 3869 (17), 4772.
Barkley, Barkeley, _ 3721.
-, -, Alysander, 5463.
-, -, Jas., 19.
-, -, John, g. 6363 (und.)
-, -, Mistress, 799.
-, - See Berkley.
Barkston, 969 (2).
Barkwey, Herts, g. 5624 (20).
Barlaan, _ De, 6237.
Barlee or Barley, Dorothy, 3834, 3847, g. 3869 (17)
-, -, Hen., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 237, g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (4, 12), g. 6038 (22), 6043 (2) i.
-, -, Rob., 2277.
-, -, Wm., g. 3869 (17), g. 4594 (14), g. 6363 (5).
-, - (Barley), _, young, 6411.
Barles, Wm., g. 5510 (5).
Barletta, in Italy, 4086, 4833, 4836, 4905, 4996, 5157, 5204, 5344, 5348, 5544, 5633.
Barley. See Barlee.
Barling, Matt. abbot of, p. 2699.
Barling, Rob., 1577 (12).
Barlowe, Geo., g. 6542 (3).
-, -, Jerome, 4810, 5462, 5667.
-, -, Joan, g. 6542 (3).
-, -, John, 3726.
-, -, Rob., p. 234.
-, -, Rog., 2814 (5).
-, -, William, afterwards bishop of Chichester, 3749, 3784, 3787, 4249, p. 1874, 4290, 4379, 4647, 6147, App. 197.
Barlycroft, Beds., g. 6751 (28).
Barmor, co. Durham, 131, g. 2132 (20).
Barmys, Sir Harry, App. p. 3105.
Barnabe (Barnaby), Hen., 2710.
-, -, John, p. 234.
-, -, Th., g. 464 (1), 949, g. 1298 (at end).
-, - See Barneby.
Barnabo or Barnarbe, marquis, captain, 203–4.
Barnard, And., g. 4896 (18).
-, -, Eleanor, 4220, 4472.
-, -, Hugh, p. 3065.
-, -, John, g. 86 (14), 1939 (8).
-, -, Ph., p. 238, 1939 (8), 4229 (10).
Barnardine or Bernardino, the Pope's chamberlain, 305, 395, 505, 511.
Barnardine, _, 6004.
-, -, friar or Fra. See Bernardin.
Barnardeston or Barnerdeston, Th., 961 (20), g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (26), g. 6490 (20 Ips.)
Barnard (Barney or Berney) Castle, Durham, g. 297 (14), 657, 672, g. 2132 (20), g. 2540 (30), 2745, g. 3087 (und.), g. 3540 (16), g. 4313 (22), g. 5336 (3).
-, -, chantry in castle of, g. 6600 (11).
-, -, hosp. of St. John the Baptist, g. 5815 (6).
-, -, letter dated at, 658.
Barnarston Hall, Essex, 4473.
Barnby, Notte, 3819 (2).
Barneby, prebendary of, York dioc., 970.
Barneby, Ric. de, g. 6072 (24).
Barneparke, 3719.
Barners. See Barnes.
Barnes, Kent, 4001 (1–3).
-, -, (Barons), Surr., 4088, 6430, 6726.
Barnes, Dr. See Barons.
-, - Geo., p. 3047.
-, - Barnnys or Barney, John, p. 236, 1939 (8).
-, -, or Barners, Wm., 390 (2), g. 5336 (23).
Barnet, p. 795, 4318 (2), 5965.
-, -, letters dated at, 1572, 5844, 5850–1, 6211.
-, - See Bernet.
-, -, Jonne of, Cornelyse wife, 1227.
Barnewell, 4351, g. 4993 (4).
-, -, my lord of, 5876.
Barney, John. See Barnes.
Barney or Berney Castle. See Barnard Castle.
Baronylez? Mons. de, 5597.
Barnstaple (Barnastapol, Barstaple), 293, p. 233, g. 1136 (1), g. 2291 (26), p. 2692, g. 6709 (10).
-, -, castle, g. 137 (22), g. 2132 (27), g. 4687 (16).
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, 971, p. 2699.
Barnwall, Chr., 558.
Baro. See Barrow.
Baroburgh, 5076.
Baron, lord chief, 1335, p. 1794, 6476.
Baron, _, a captain of galleys, 2058.
Baron (or Barons), Pet., p. 236 (Essex), g. 1136 (2), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (12), g. 5510 (und.), g. 6135 (16), g. 6751 (24, Beds, 28), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Ric., g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (4).
-, -, Sim., g. 213 (1).
Barons. See Barnes.
Barons, Robert, an Augustine friar, 4218.
Barow. See Bergheu op Zoom.
Barow, Augustine. See Beroo.
Barowe, Magna and Parva, g. 6301 (12).
Barowe, river, Ireland, 3937.
-, -, Linc., g. 6072 (24).
Barowe, Ric., p. 234.
Barrow (Baro), John à, 167, 581 (2), p. 1699.
-, -, Thos., g. 2362 (6), g. 4313 (20).
Barr, Magna and Parva, Staff., 1913.
Barre Island, S. Wales, g. 2002 (27).
Barre, _, App. 221.
Barre, _, la, 5016.
Barre, _, le, provost and bailiff of Paris, 5597.
-, - Jacques de la, provost of Clermont, &c., 6503.
Barren, Geo., g. 5624 (14).
Barres, Wm. de, sec. of Margaret of Savoy, 1400, 1582, 1632, 1647, 1699, 1734, 1780, 1789, 1839, 2492, 3927, 4147, 4153, 4163, 4256, 4286, 4337, 4341, 4376–7, 4385, 4391, 4395, 4559, 4565, 4636, 4650–1, 4668, 4725, 5018, 5081, 5163, 5164–5, 5201, 5207–8, 5231, 5438, 5499, 5514, 5537, 5547, 5554, 5562, 5566, 5583–4, 5599, 5601, 5957, 6020, 6321, 6440, 6526, 6668, 6753, App. 164, 181, 232.
-, -, -, letters from, 4337, 4636, 5081, 6020.
-, -, -, sig. and seal of, 4376–7, 4385, 4668.
Barret, Baret, or Barrett, _, pp. 151, 153.
-, -, John, 639.
-, -, Ric., g. 390 (9).
-, -, Th., 6516 (15).
-, -, -, his clerk, p. 153.
-, -, Wm., 1939 (8).
Barrey, David, 244.
Barrington (Barrenton), quarries at, 6023, 6748 (8).
Barro. See Berghes.
Barrodon, Rutland, g. 5510 (26).
Barroiz, _ la, 542.
Barrowe, Edm., g. 1466 (27).
Barrowe. See Baro.
Barry, lord, (Irish lord,) p. 1078.
Barrye, Dr., residentiary of Southwell, 3334.
Barstenberg, John, 2958.
Bartelett, John, 6134.
Bartelisden, Essex, g. 612 (1).
Bartells, Adrian, 167.
Barthelemy, _, (French theologian,) p. 2897, 6562.
Barthelet, Th., the King's printer. See Bertholet.
Barthelmewe, John, 1577 (12), 1939 (8).
Bartholomei, D. Johanni, App. 266 (1), vi.
Bartholomew, _, a Greek scribe, p. 2863.
Bartholomew, _, 3316, 6786.
Bartholomeus, a Grey friar of Venice, 6633, 6670.
Barthorp, Yorksh., 2193(2), 4229(4), 6516(15).
Bartlett, Th., 2623, 2695.
Bartlot, _, physician, 4520.
Barton, 281, p. 154, 1942 (4), 2138 (4), 5076.
-, - or Barton Regis, near Bristol, g. 6542 (16).
-, -, Camb., deanery of, 4351.
-, -, Notts, 3475.
Barton on Humber, g. 1377 (12), g. 1466 (28), g. 6301 (22).
Barton, Over. See Barton, Rob.
Barton, _, servt. of Mr. Townley, p. 3065.
Barton, And., 6043 (2) i.
Barton, And., the Scotch captain, p. 2559.
-, -, Eliz., 4806.
-, -, Ric., 5239.
-, -, (or Berton), Rob. or Hob, of Over Barton, controller of Scotland, 685 a, 766, 797, 817, 870 ii., 1029, 1056, 1545, 1592, 1784, 3612, 3803, 4101, App. 97.
-, -, -, letter to, 1027 (2).
-, -, Th., p. 237, 1942 (1, 3).
-, -, Walt., p. 83, p. 235, 3587 (1).
-, -, Wm., 282.
-, -, -, servant of Norfolk, 1408.
Bartram, Benet, 4677.
Barvegius, capt., 4372.
Bartylmewe, Wm., 1939 (9).
Barwick, John, 2083.
Barwike, Alf., p. 233.
-, - See Berwyk.
Barwys, Ric., g. 6803 (6).
Baryngton. See Barington.
Basagnyer, John, g. 1298 (at end).
Basberd, John, p. 83.
Baschurche, Th., clk., p. 83, g. 1377 (18).
Basconia, 552.
Basden, Ric., 6186 (2).
Basford, Edw., 4912.
-, -, Ric., g. 6301 (2).
Basforde, _, 955 (2).
Basfort, _, 384.
Basforth, Notts, g. 1945 (29).
Basil, of Neocæsarea, works of, 6140, 6149, 6153, 6156, 6173–4, 6192,–4, 6229, 6232, 6235–6, 6266, 6300, 6310, 6354, p. 2863, 6644, 6656, App. 264.
Basing or Basyng, Rog., g. 1136 (13), 1237, 1303, 1421–2, 1485, 1655, g. 2132 (18), 2746, 3251, 3254, 5082, 5516 (2).
-, -, -, accounts of, 3722, 5082.
-, -, -, letter from, 4141.
-, -, Wm., p. 2697.
Basingstoke, Hants, 367, p. 794, g. 546 (11) 2527, 3734 (4), 3806, 5100.
-, -, deanery of, 971.
Basingwerke, Nich. abbot of, p. 2701.
Baskervilde or Baskerville, Jas., p. 234, g. 1610 (11), g. 5083 (4), g. 6490 (20 Heref.)
-, -, Th., p. 234, 2672, 3581, g. 5083 (4).
Baskett, _, 5746.
-, -, Th., 4442 (1), g. 4594 (20).
Basle, 3871, 3873, 3898.
-, -, letters dated at, 618, 622,–6, 628, 635, 941, 1547, 1619, 1685, p. 780 note, 1840–1, 1869, 2121, 2128–9, 2319, 2358, 2437, 2983–4, 3129, 3137, 3345, 3377, 3384–5, 3397, 3944, 3983, 4000, 4317, 4686, 4692, 5242, 5412.
Basle, Rob., p. 3108.
Basques, p. 1619.
Bassanus, Lazarus Bonamicus, 6568.
Basse, _, M. A., 4040.
-, -, Th., 5439.
Basset, 2167 (1).
Basset or Bassett, Dorothy, g. 5748 (5).
-, -, Giles, p. 238.
-, -, Greg., g. 5748 (5).
-, -, John, g. 5610 (und.), 6043 (2) ii., pp. 2691–2, g. 6248 (22).
-, -, Sir John, g. 137 (18), p. 233, 819, 2672, g. 3008 (23), g. 5510 (und.)
-, -, Sir Ric., p. 235, g. 895 (23).
-, -, Wm., p. 235, 819, 1795, g. 2002 (11), 3581, 4914, p. 3067.
Bassetlaw, 3544.
Bassingebourne, Camb., 367, g. 6135 (22).
Bassyngbourn, John, p. 237.
Bastard, the, (? of Savoy,) p. 3070.
Bastenall, John, g. 3540 (18).
Bastie, Mons. de la, App. 140.
Bastyll, La, 27.
Bastill de Clarence, 27.
Basyng, p. 796.
Basyng, Rog. See Basing.
Batcock or Badcock, Th., 4911, 4948, 5002, 5062, 5283, 5619–20, 5756, g. 6709 (28).
-, -, -, letter from, 4878.
Bate, Batty, or Baty, John, g. 6301 (2).
-, -, Ralph, p. 236, 881, g. 1610 (11), g. 5083 (10, 11).
-, -, Rob., 1939 (9), 4029 (2), 4175 (3), 4545 ii.
-, -, Rose, 4545 ii.
-, -, Wm., g. 2002 (12).
Batell. See Battle.
Bateman, Wm., p. 150.
Batemanson als. Glover, Th., g. 4313 (20).
Batenore, John, 6043 (2) ii., p. 2691.
Batersby als. Baterysbyhall, York, g. 6301 (1).
Batersby, Nich., g. 6301 (1, 25).
-, -, Ric., g. 6301 (1).
Bath, p. 237, 969 (2), 1327, 3866, p. 2252, 6043 (2) ii., p. 2692.
-, -, Th. prior of, p. 2697.
-, -, St. John's, prior of, p. 2697.
-, - See Bathe.
Bath and Wells, bishop of. See Clerk.
-, -, bpric. or dioc. of, 971, p. 2557, p. 2697.
-, -, chapter of, p. 2697.
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, 971, p. 2698.
-, -, dean and deanery of, 971, p. 2697.
-, -, Ro. bp. of (temp. Edw. I.), g. 5243 (28).
Bathanus or Batthyany, D. Franciscus, 2795, 3239.
Bathe or Bath, Th., 4302, 4459.
-, -, Wm., 4635, 4799, 5349.
-, -, -, letter from, 4635.
Bathori, Andrea, brother of Naderspan, 3488.
-, - or Batther, D. Stephanus Palatinus, 2795, 3239, 3488.
Batisford, Suss., g. 6751 (9).
Batt, Agnes, p. 3047.
Battersea, Surr., 6261, 6484, 6571.
Battis, _, servant of Wolsey, 6747 (5).
Battle, abbot of, g. 2002 (11), 5934, 5986.
-, -, John abbot of, p. 2701.
Battry, Wm., 2553.
Batty or Baty, Ralph. See Bate.
Batyn, Humph., p. 233.
Bauch, 2733.
Baudesey, 5076.
Bauer, John, 4834.
Baumburgh. See Bamborough.
Baunfyld, John, g. 4993 (16).
Baury, Mons. de, 2719.
Bavaria, _ of, 3873.
-, -, (Bavier, Bywier,) duke of, 1419, 2638, 3899, 4564.
-, -, dukes of, 1575, 2919, 3239, 4639.
-, -, Fred. duke of, 1811.
Bavaria, Lewis duke of, 1811, 2961.
-, -, Wm. duke of, 2961.
Bawburgh, Th., 655.
Bawcask, _, 673.
Bawcaskye, Wm., 651.
Bawdayn, John, g. 213 (1).
Bawde, Pet., g. 4896 (10), g. 6038 (10).
Bawden, _, p. 3068.
Bawdewyn, _, Flemish clk. to Tuke, 4518, 5018.
Bawdwyn, Bawdwynes, Kent, 1913 (2), 2939, 4001 (1–3), 5115.
Bawne river, Ireland, g. 2002 (12).
Bawne, Ranulph, g. 6072 (6).
Bawsey by Gaywood, Norf., 2375 (1).
Baxonia, Transylvania, 2056.
Baxster or Baxter, Edw., 281.
-, -, -, letter from, 5169.
-, -, Sim., g. 213 (7).
-, -, Th., 955 (1).
Bayard or Bayart, _, captain, 305, 320, 356, 370, 389.
-, -, Gilb., (called L'Esleu,) sieur de Neufville, Sec. of Finances to Francis I. and general of Brittany, 2099, 2828 (2), 2832, 2871, 2883, 2929, 2981, 2988, p. 1398, 3366, 3518, 3717, 3826, 3857, 4564, 5053, 5067, 5081, 5164, 5208, 5231, 5537, 5547, 5579, 5583, 5599, 5675, 5688, 5723, 6440, App. 124, 130–1, 136, 141, 144, 226.
Bayard, Ro., 4199.
Baydon, John, 5089.
Bayeux (Bajocensis), Lewis Canossa, bp. of, 565, 609, 1169, 1193, 1231, 1456, 1467, 1474, 1487, 1522–3, 1525, 1666, 1686, 1748, 1879, 1905, 2245, 2912, 2998, 3091, 5036.
-, -, -, letters from, 565, 609, 1169, 1193, 1231, 1467.
-, -, -, letters to, 1474, 1487, 1522–3, 1666, 1686, 2998, 3091.
Bayfell, Sir Ric., 4030.
Bayghen, letter dated at, 4503.
Bayham. See Begham.
Bayleigh, 5330 ii.
Bayly. See Bailey.
Baymont, Linc., g. 6301 (22).
Bayn, _, 6176.
Baynard or Beynard, John, 6748 (5).
-, -, Ric., g. 297 (1), 1939 (9).
-, -, Rob., p. 233, g. 1049 (12), g. 2002 (6), g. 5243 (28), 6516 (1), 6721.
-, -, Wm., 3379.
Baynbrig, Yorksh., p. 673 note.
Baynebrigg, _, 3552.
Baynbridge, Chr. abp. of York, (1508–14), 5749.
-, -, Edm., g. 3540 (16).
-, -, Guy, g. 3540 (16).
-, -, Rog., 1939 (8).
-, -, Wm., p. 150.
Bayne, _, 6247 ii., 6367.
Baynes, John, g. 6248 (26).
Baynham, Bainham, Benham, Beynham, _, 1082, 3154 (2).
-, -, Alex., p. 84.
-, -, Sir Alex., g. 390 (2), p. 238.
-, -, Sir Chr., g. 390 (2), g. 1610 (11), 4199, g. 5083 (6).
-, -, Geo., g. 3991 (10).
-, -, John, g. 5624 (6).
-, -, Mrs., 3158.
-, -, Ric., 459, p. 236, p. 3048.
-, -, Rob., g. 390 (10), g. 6490 (20 Lew.)
-, -, Wm., 85, g. 4594 (14), g. 5624 (6).
Baynton or Beynton, 2138 (4).
Baynton, Edw., p. 83, g. 297 (und).
-, -, (Baytton), Sir Edw., 122, g. 464 (2), p. 233 (Wilts), g. 1049 (12), 1906, g. 2002 (6), g. 2599 (12 bis), 4199, 4476, 4488, g. 5243 (28), 6043 (2), g. 6363 (und.), 6516 (1), 6598 (2), 6679.
Bayoer. See Seepuse, John.
Bayonne, 8, 27, 30, 69, 209, 262, 356, 395, 1643 ii., 1925, 1938 ii., 1946, 1950, 1963, 1981–2, 1987, 1999, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2025, 2068, 2089, 2143, 2925, 3151–2 (2), 3181, 3244, 3857, 3870, 3897, 3916, 3982, 4063, 4311, 4361, 4515, 4564, 4580, 4842, 4853, 4865, 4928, 5041, 5154, 5155, 5243, 5379, p. 2385, 5670, 5756, 6164, 6458, 6464, App. 162, 175, 186–7.
-, -, letters dated at, 2029, 2032–3, 3531, 3940, 4909, 4911.
-, -, captain or governor of, 3152 (2), 5002.
-, -, old castle at, 6440.
-, -, bishop of. See Bellay.
Bayons, Linc., g. 6301 (22).
Bayse, Wm., 3537 (11).
Be ..., Alex., capt. genl. of the D. of Milan, 1109.
Beache, Wm., g. 6751 (15).
Beacheworth, Herts, 4472.
Beaconsfield, Bekenfeld, Bucks, g. 612 (18), p. 988.
Bekynsfyld ch., Linc. dioc., g. 1377 (27).
Beagrase. See Biagrassa.
Beale, Rob., 738.
-, -, Wm., g. 6600 (4). See also Beele and Bele.
Beamond. See Beaumont.
Beamondeles, 3719.
Beare forest, Hants, g. 4993 (10).
Beattes, _, reader in C.C. Oxford, pp. 3064–6, 3068.
Beatts. See Betts.
Beau, _ le, valet of Francis I., App. 189.
Beauchamp, Joan, g. 6248 (1).
-, -, John, g. 6248 (1).
-, -, Lord, chantry of, in St. Paul's, g. 6496 (29).
Beauchamp, Marg., g. 5336 (21).
-, -, Ric., g. 2132 (11).
-, -, Sir Ric., late lord, g. 4993 (12) g. 5336 (21).
Beauchief, Suss., 2250 (4).
-, -, (de Bello Capite), Derb., John abbot of, p. 2700.
Beaudley. See Bewdley.
Beaufilz, Jehan, 1021.
Beaufo, Joan, 5336 (7).
-, -, John, 5336 (7), g. 6751 (8).
Beaugency (Boyancy), 2542.
-, -, letter dated at, 2549.
Beaughienville, _, p. 814 note.
Beaugrace, 124, 3524, 3532–3.
Beaujeu, dame de, sister of Charles VIII. of France, 1367.
Beaulieu, Beaulie, or Newhall, Essex, g. 390 (8), g. 787 (12), 1264, p. 1424 note, g. 4896 (14), g. 4993 (15), 5248. See also Newhall.
-, -, Jasper, the gardener at, 5738.
-, -, John Rede, keeper of the great garden at, 5738.
-, -, letters dated at, 3302, 3304, 3318, 3335, 3354, 3360, 3612.
Beaulieu, Hants, g. 3213 (2).
-, -, abbey of, 2528.
-, -, abbot of, p. 2697.
-, - (Beawley), abbot of, 4199.
-, -, prior of, p. 2699.
-, -, sanctuary of, 4562.
Beawlye, Ric., 4134 (2).
Beaumaris (Bewnares), 973, g. 1538 (8), 1941, g. 3087 (und.)
Beaumont, Beaumond or Beaumonde, manor, 4220.
-, -, park, g. 137 (11), g. 1377 (28), g. 1466 (26).
-, -, Herts, 4472, g. 6542 (11).
-, -, Linc., 503.
Beaumont (Beaumont), _, 2191.
-, -, count. See Montmorency.
-, -, François de, 3897.
-, -, Hen., p. 233.
-, -, Ric., 1939 (8).
-, -, Rob., g. 1049 (25), 3613.
-, -, Tho., p. 237.
Beaumont, Wm. viscount, lord Bardolf and Folkingham, g. 1298 (12), g. 1377 (12), g. 1466 (28), g. 1945 (29), g. 3213 (28), g. 4313 (11).
-, -, house of, 27.
Beaurain and Rœux, Adrian de Croy, lord of, 30, 36, 38, 50, 63, 88, 102, 113, 206, 305, 340, 356, 370, 420, 422,–5, 441, 456, 483, 503, p. 215, 555, 583, 589, 606, 617, 653, 761, 779, 780, 795–6, 882, 1038–9, 1213, 1256–7, 1274, 1280, 1282–3, 1287, 1290, 1307, 1322,
p. 589, 1364 ii., p. 611, 1379–80, 1405, 1413, 1418, 1421, 1425, 1549, 2988, 3940, 4340, 4389, 5192, App. 158, 199.
-, -, -, letters from, 113, 206, 305, 423,–5, 555, 617, 1038–9, 1256, 1280.
-, -, -, sig. of, 761.
-, -, his brother, (master of the Emperor's horse), p. 2413.
Beauvais, p. 356.
Beauvale (Bevall), mon., 5191.
Becci, 1387.
Beccles, Bekylls, Suff., g. 297 (28), p. 238, g. 4231 (6), 5076.
Becham, Th., 244. See Bekham.
Bechamwell, Norf., 367.
Becheham, North, 6124.
Bechyng, Edw., g. 3087 (und.)
Beck. See Bek or Beke.
Beckenham (Beknam), Kent, g. 3087 (und.), g. 5624 (1).
Becket (Beket, Bekett, Bekquyt), Geoff., p. 84.
-, -, Gilb., p. 236.
-, -, Pet., letter to, 915.
-, -, Rog., 1941.
Beckingham (Bekyngham), Linc., g. 213 (2), g. 5336 (21), g. 5815 (8).
Beckingham, John, g. 5406 (27), 5508 (1).
-, -, Mary, g. 5406 (27).
-, -, Th., g. 3622 (12), 5508 (1).
Beckley (Bekeley, &c.), Oxon, 1499 (25), 6023, g. 6418 (13), 6748 (8).
Beckwith (Becwyth), Ambrose, g. 5336 (8).
-, -, Ant., 4029 (1).
-, -, Leonard, 3380 (7), g. 5336 (8).
-, -, Mother, 4029 (1), 4218.
-, -, Wm., 4029 (1), 4218.
Beda, Dr. (French theologian), 6109, 6147, 6449, 6458–9, 6562–3, 6565.
Bedall, in Richmondshire, App. 6.
Beddington, Surr., g. 5815 (6), 6069.
Beddon. See Bedon.
Bedell (Bedill or Bedyll), Eliz., g. 6490 (29).
-, -, Geo., 4242.
-, -, Hugh, g. 2362 (6).
-, -, Ric., 4896 (10), g. 6072 (22).
-, -, Th., (Warham's secty.,) 3397, 4620, App. 254.
-, -, Wm., p. 234.
Bedford, p. 237, 1309, p. 2691, g. 6490 (28).
-, - castle, g. 1136 (11), g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20, 28).
-, -, mayor's wife at, 6489.
Bedford, co. of, 58, g. 137 (14), pp. 83–5, 487, p. 237, 819, 969 (8), 972, 1330, g. 1610 (11), 1795, 1939 (8), 2067, 2318, 2672, g. 3008 (30), 3581, 3847, 3866, 4135, 4143, 4318, 4914, 5117 (1), 5124, g. 5336 (8), g. 5510 (und.), 5857, 5993, g. 6135 (16), 6489, g. 6654 (27 bis), g. 6751 (24), p. 3108. App. 241.
Bedford, co. of, escheator of, 4840.
-, -, sheriff of, 5857, g. 6072 (9), 6721.
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, pp. 2698–9.
Bedford, Jasper duke of, (temp. Hen. VII.,) g. 464 (16), g. 2065 (12), g. 6072 (30), g. 6248 (30), g. 6418 (6).
Bedford, John (Russell) earl of, (temp. Edw. VI.) g. 6751 (12).
Bedford, _, 3798, 4354 (2).
-, -, Th., 6137.
Bedgebery or Beggebury, Kent, g. 1533 (1), 4310.
Bedhampton, Hants, p. 673 note.
Bodill. See Bedell.
Bedingfeld, Suff., 1833, 1834 (2), 2167 (3), 4229 (1), 5076.
Bedingfelde or Bedyngfeld, Edm., p. 236.
-, -, Sir Edm., g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Ph., 6598.
-, -, Th., p. 82.
-, -, Sir Th., p. 236.
Bedlowe, Beds, priory, 3737.
Bedlowe, Chr., 558 i.
-, -, Ph., 558 i.
-, -, Sir Walt., 558 i.
-, -, Wm., 558 i.
Bedlowstown, Ireland, 558 i.
Bedminster, Bedmystre, Soms., 750, 850, 3999, 4017.
Bednell, John, 1460.
Bedon, Berks, g. 2132 (und.)
Bedon, John, g. 464 (27), 2746.
Bedwale, Wm., g. 2362 (6).
Bedwell, p. 795.
Bedwin, prebendary of, 2054.
Bedwyn, John, 293.
Beele, Dr., his mother, 4029 (1).
-, - See Beale, Bele, and Bell.
Beer, Ric., 1050.
Beerhaven, Ireland, 5501.
Beesley, Glouc., g. 3991 (23).
Beeston, 1576.
Beeston, Adam, 3507, 5772 (2).
Beggars, proclamation against, 6485.
Begham or Beigham, 650, 697, 1845, 1913 (2), 1964, 2167 (4), 3190, 4001 (1–3), 5330 vii., 6516 (12).
-, -, mon. of St. Mary, 1137 (2), 1252, 1397 (2–4), 1913 (2), 2538 (3), 3537 (1–3), 3538 ii. iii., 3961, 4001 (2), 4229 (4), 6516 (15), p. 3064.
-, -, letters dated at, 2365, App. 57.
-, -, abbot of, p. 2701.
Beglerbeg. See Beliarbey.
Bek or Beke, Jas., letter from, 5976.
-, -, Rog., 1939 (9).
-, -, Th., g. 6751 (24).
Bekensall, Bekynsale, _, 5446.
-, -, Geo., 1939 (8).
Bekensall (Bekynsaw), John, 5946.
-, -, -, his brother, 5946.
-, -, Rob., g. 1945 (23).
Beket, &c. See Becket.
Bekham, Edm., 1939 (10).
Bekhey, 2527, 5331.
Bekingham. See Beckenham and Beckingham.
Beekynhawe, 6740.
Bekynsale or Bekynsaw. See Bekensall.
Bekley. See Beekley.
Belchamp Otton, Essex, 3665 (1).
-, -, St. Paul, Essex, 3665 (1).
-, -, William, Essex, 3665 (1).
Belcheforth, Linc., 293.
Bele, Th., g. 390 (26), p. 235.
-, -, Sir Th., 3380 (1).
-, -, Wm., g. 3622 (4). See also Beale.
Beley, Worc., g. 1533 (6).
Belford, Northumb., 281, g. 1676 (23).
Belgers. See Belzers.
Belgioioso, Lodovico, 5659.
Belgium, 1734, 2628, 5514.
Belgrade, 1017, 1061, 1957, 2021, 2050 ii. 2056, 2301, 2306, 2373, 2588, 2602, 2798, 2850, 2959, 3068, 3239, 3827 (2), 4019, 6065, App. 101.
Beliarbey (Beglarbeg) Bassa, 2301, 5544.
Belinzona, 358.
Belknap, _, 2507, App. pp. 3105–6.
-, -, Sir Edw., 1276, 1713, g. 2132 (und.), g. 2218 (22), 4583, g. 5083 (4), g. 6135 (11), g. 6542 (4).
Bell, Edw., 3396.
-, -, Fr., 923.
-, -, Hen., p. 235.
-, -, John, LL.D., archdeacon of Gloucester, afterwards bishop of Worcester, 1962 (3–5), 2073 (1–2), 3140, pp. 1872–4, 4488, 4497, 4507, 4546, 4702–3, 4799, 5237, 5518, 5694 (1–2), 5768, p. 2700, 6308, 6402, p. 3048, App. 254.
-, -, -, letters from, 4488, 4703, 6308.
-, -, John, M.P. for Leominster (Lempster), p. 2692.
-, -, John, g. 1377 (27), 1577 (12), 2374, 4501.
-, -, -, (of Bowesbank,) 1517 ii.
-, -, -, (of Clowes,) 1517 ii.
-, -, Peter, 293.
-, -, Th., 3380 (4).
-, -, Sir Th., 3380 (5).
-, -, Wm., g. 5748 (21).
Bellamera, Egidius, 6734 ii.
Bellamsgutte, Suss., g. 6751 (9).
Bellasco, Dom, Martin de, capt. genl. in Navarre, 3982.
Bellasses or Bellasis. See Bellysis.
Bellay, John du, bishop of Bayonne, 2481, 2847–8, 2896, 3288, 3449, 3468, 3558, 3567, 3577, 3668, 3691, 3757, 3781, 3783, 3799, 3800–1, 3823, 3830–3, 3837, 3839–40, 3859, 3871–3, 3882, 3888, p. 1743, 3956, 3976, 3985, 3994, 4050 (1–3), 4087, 4147, 4157,–61, 4180, 4196, 4206, 4250, 4292, 4361–3, 4375–6 (1, 2), 4385, 4387, 4391, 4409, 4440, 4490–1, 4499, 4500, 4502, 4523, 4542, 4565, 4578, 4590, 4617, 4624, 4642, 4644, 4668, 4724, 4784–5, 4851, 4865, 4879, 4898–9, 4915, 4942, 4954, 4961, 5007, 5028, 5053–4, 5058 (1, 2), 5063, 5133, 5163, 5193, 5199, 5200,–3, 5205–7, 5209–10, 5231, 5244,–6, 5274, 5296, 5314, 5325, 5351, 5359, 5361, 5369, 5482, 5513, 5515, 5536–7, 5540–1, 5579, 5581–2, 5584, 5599, 5610, 5644, 5679, 5688, 5701–2, 5741–2, 5754, 5789–90, 5796, 5829 (11), 5839, 5852–3, 5861–2, 5871, 5910–15, 5925, 5931, 5935, 5942, 5945, 5955–7, 5982–3, 6002–3, 6007, 6011, 6018–19, p. 2683, 6027, 6030, 6041, 6096, 6109, 6147, 6169, 6208, 6227, 6231 (1), 6255, 6257–8, 6265, 6269, 6321, 6332, 6389, 6393, 6440, 6458, 6522, 6526, 6553 (1, 2), 6562–5, 6571, 6597, 6603, 6610, 6675, 6720, App. 122–31, 135–6, 139–49, 152–4, 156, 158–61, 164–8, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 180, 185–90, 192–6, 198–200, 202–3, 206, 209–10, 212–13, 215–17, 219–21, 223–26, 231–2.
-, -, -, letters from, 3668, 3691, 3757, 3783, 3930, 3951, 3994, 4087, 4123, 4159,–61, 4206, 4292, 4362, 4391, 4440, 4542, 4649, 4851, 4865, 4879, 4899, 4915, 4942, 4954, 5028, 5053–4, 5063, 5133, 5163, 5209–10, 5231, 5274, 5513, 5537, 5541, 5581–2, 5610, 5644, 5679, 5701–2, 5741–2, 5754, 5789, 5839, 5852, 5862, 5871, 5910,–12, 5914, 5935, 5942, 5945, 5982–3, 6002–3, 6011, 6018–19, 6030, 6041, 6096, 6109, 6169, 6255, 6258, 6269, 6332, 6458, 6562, 6565, App. 123–30, 135, 140, 142–4, 146,–9, 153–4, 156, 158, 165–6, 168, 175, 177, 179–80, 185–7, 190, 192, 196, 198–200, 202–3, 206, 212–13, 215–17, 219–21, 223–4.
-, -, -, letters to, 2847–8, 3558, 3567, 3800, 3831–2, 3871–2, 3882, 3976, 4250, 4491, 4500, 4502, 4523, 4565, 4578, 4724, 4784, 4996, 5193, 5199, 5200,–3, 5205–6, 5244–6, 5579, 5688, 5796, 5913, 5931, 5955–6, 6027, App. 131, 135, 139, 141, 145, 152, 159, 161, 171, 181–2, 188–9, 193–5, 209–10, 225–6.
-, -, -, sig. and seal of, 4376 (2), 4668.
-, -, -, commissions, &c., to, 4050, 4617, 5050 (2), 5207, 5790, 5829 (11), 5853, 5957.
-, -, -, his brother. See Langey.
Bellay, card. du, his brother, 2711 (2).
Bellay, Martin du, letter to, 5541.
-, -, Wm. du. See Langey.
Belle, near Guisnes, 384, 591.
Bellejoyeuse, Louis de, 2782, 2786, 3483.
-, -, -, conte, 786.
Bellendorpe or Bellonder, Helbert, 1962 (3, 4).
Bellesys. See Bellysis.
Belleville, _, 789.
Bellew, Pat., 2076.
Bellieure, Barth, 1787.
Bellingham, Northumb., 328, 346, 409, 427, 482, 1429.
Bellingham, Edw., 1939 (11), g. 3540 (21).
-, -, John, g. 3540 (21).
-, -, Ralph, p. 233.
-, -, Ric., p. 233, 3581, 4914.
-, -, Sir Rob., g. 1610 (11).
-, -, Wm. of, 530.
Bellnys, Rob., post of Calais, 57.
Bellous, Rob., 293.
Bellun, elect of, 4920. See Casale, John.
Bellysis, Bellasis, Bellasses, Bellosis, or Bellocesse:
-, -, Ric., 1207, 5111 (3), 6516 (1), 6586 (1).
-, -, -, letters from, 1207, 3227, 4201, 4416, 4634.
-, -, Dr. _, letters to, 4114, 4678, 4869, 6315.
-, -, -, his brother, 4114, 6315.
Belson, _, (of Bryll,) p. 3067.
-, -, Wm., 1138 (2), p. 3067.
Belstede, 5076.
-, -, Magna, 4424.
-, -, Parva, 4424.
Belteley, Staff., App. 245 (2).
Belton, Linc., g. 4896 (21).
Belton, Sir Ric., parson, 5660.
Beltran, Dominic, 5003 (2), 5489 (2).
-, -, Dr., 6655.
Belvoir, Leic., letter dated at, 5262.
-, - (Belvero), Th. abbot of, p. 2698.
Belwode, Eliz., g. 1377 (17).
-, -, Franc., p. 238, g. 1377 (17).
-, -, Marg., g. 1377 (17).
Belzars, the, 17, 2492, 2530, 6501.
Bembo, Peter card., 6236, 6403.
-, -, -, letters from, 54, 938, 1587–8, 1607.
Bemerton (Bymmerton), 4442 (5).
Bempston hundred, 6124.
Bempton, York, g. 1676 (14).
Benal park, keeper of, 1857.
Benam. See Binham.
Benbow, _, pp. 3065–6.
Bencare or Beniare, Rob., 4442 (1), 5020.
Benchekyn, Ralph de, 4442 (5).
Bendeloos, Chr., 5330 vi.
Bendham, prior of, 5746.
Bendyth, land called, g. 5624 (1).
Benedict, a Florentine sculptor, 5743 ii.
-, -, letter from, 5743.
-, - (Benedyk), the Trumpet, 324.
Benedictine. See Black Monks.
Benefylde, Mr., (of Suffolk,) 4778. See Benyngfeld.
Benefices, plurality of, 5600.
Benedon (Benynden), Kent, g. 297 (und.), g. 3213 (3).
Benescherys, App. 98.
Benet, Bennet or Bennett, _, p. 794.
-, -, Alex., g. 137 (8).
-, -, Constantio, g. 6187 (25).
-, -, John, g. 2132 (und.), 2217 (2) iii., 6513.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.
-, -, Mrs., 952.
Benet, Th., (LL.D., Wolsey's chaplain and auditor,) 513, p. 235, 1049 (12), 1067, 1150, 1291, 1345, 1962 (4, 5), g 2002 (6), 2394, 2696, 3216, 3277, 3743, 3886, 4197–8, p. 1872, 4528, 4788, 4949, g. 5243 (28), 5660, 6136, 6748 (14).
-, -, -, letters from, 1067, 1150, 1291, 1345, 3743, 3886, 4197–8, 4528, 4788, 5660.
-, -, -, canon of Buckenham, 5411.
Benet, Wm., LL.D. (ambassador,) 1790, 2073 (1, 2), 3140, g. 3991 (28), 4047, 4056, 4143, 4978, 5023, 5053, 5066, 5074, g. 5083 (12), 5149–50, 5178–9, 5182, 5237, 5291, 5382, 5385, 5574–7, 5581, 5584, 5628, 5649, 5676, 5707, 5721, 5735, 5759, 5761–2, 5769, 5779–80, 5797, 5866, 5963, 5988, 6069, 6074, 6105, p. 2728, 6155 (1–3), 6157–8, p. 2756, 6190, 6205, 6319, 6324, 6387, 6398, 6437, 6446, 6452, 6462, 6539, 6550, 6567, 6633, 6637, 6667, 6670, 6680–1, 6705, 6735, 6760, 6769, App. 222.
-, -, -, letters from, 1790, 4047, 5066, 5149–50, 5178, 5182, 5291, 5721, 5725, 5735, 5761–2, 5779–80, 5963, 6074, 6319, 6462, 6705.
-, -, -, letters to, 5179, 5707, 5797, 5988, 6567, 6667, 6680, 6735, 6760, 6769.
-, -, -, instructions or commission to, 5575, 5577, 6155.
Benet, Wm., p. 3048.
-, -, -, (mayor of Exeter,) g. 2673 (8).
-, -, -, (servant to Princess Mary,) 1577 (12).
Benets, the, (Border family,) 4336 (3).
Benevento, 4086.
Benevolence, 6130.
Benflete, Essex, 1913 (2).
-, -, Suff., 4473.
Benhale, Suff., 4473, 5076.
Benham, Berks, 1913 (1).
-, - See Baynham.
Beniar. See Bencare.
Bennolt, Th. See Clarencieux.
Benolt, John, g. 1298 (20).
Bensart, Maturyn, 3743.
Bensington, Oxon., 4471.
Benson, John, g. 1230 (27).
-, -, Ric., g. 297 (18), 1698.
-, -, Wm., g. 390 (14).
Bent, Edw., p. 235.
Bentall, Wm., p. 234.
Bentby, 2024.
Bentivola, 6375, 6785.
Bentivoli, prothonotary, 3405.
Bentivollis or Bentivogli, the, p. 524, 2797.
Bentley, 5076.
-, -, Suff., 1833.
Bentley, _, 3227, 5111 (4).
-, -, John, g. 1610 (11), 2052, 6382.
-, -, -, letter from, 1289.
-, -, Wm., g. 297 (und.), g. 464 (1), g. 1610 (11), g. 6803 (6).
Benton, John, 6121.
Benveldmarsh, near Evershot, 6683.
Benyfeld, 1227.
Benynden. See Benendon.
Benyngfeld, Sir Edm., g. 2002 (11).
-, -, Sir Th., g. 6490 (20 Norw.)
-, - See Benefylde.
Benyngton, Surr., g. 3991 (26).
Benysson, _, 2720. See Penison.
Ber, Messer, 1139.
Berbeyney, _, French capt., commander of galleys, 4401.
Berches, Master, 2981 (2).
Berde. See Bird.
Berdeshcy, Yorksh., 367.
Berdon park, Leic., g. 3213 (28).
Bere forest. See Beare.
Bere, _, p. 990.
-, -, Agnes, p. 341.
-, -, John, 2743, g. 3991 (12), p. 3047.
-, -, Ric., 1244.
-, -, -, letter to, 626.
Bereford, g. 4687 (6).
Bereham, 6124.
-, -, Kent, g. 3622 (24).
Bereman, And., p. 235.
Beremann, Fran., 622.
Berewyke, John de, (temp. Edw. I.), g. 2362 (11).
Berfords in Dounton, Wilts, 367.
Berg (Montensis), duchy of, 6364.
Bergamasque, 196, 370.
Bergamo, 270, 276, 2273 (2), 2465, 2624 ii., 2640, 2657, 2786, 3077 iii., 4372, 4380, 6149, 6193.
Beges, Cyprian, dean of the lawyers of Padua, 6694.
Berges, Felix, a friar, 6403, 6407, 6581 (1–3), 6669–70.
Berghen op Zoom (or sur le Zoom), Berghes, or Barow, port in N. Brabant, 281, 2485, 2492, 2649, 2721, 2778, 2797, 2903–4, 3262, 3675, 4071, 4432, 5172, 5483.
-, -, letters dated at, 1003, 3132, 5034, 6196, 6429.
-, -, mart at, 4638.
-, -, drossard of, 2903, 3132.
-, -, St. Winnocq, letter dated at, 4233.
Berghes (Island of), 748.
Berghes, John lord, 109–10, 114, 224, 250, 769, 1307, 1320, 1370, 1400, 1488, 1495, 1504, 1656, 1737, 1806, 1819, 2099, 2160, 2649, 2797, 3529, 3594–5, 4009, 4071–2, 4147, 4369, 4431–2, 4650, 5402, 5473, 5483, 5690, 5723, p. 2602, 5829 (10), 6753.
-, -, -, letters from, 769, 1656, 4071–2, 4432.
-, -, -, his son and heir, 1488, 1582, 1819.
Bergholt, Suff., 1833, 3625.
Berham, 4424, 5076.
Berigny, lord de, App. 59.
Berkeley (Barkley), 4442 (5).
Berkeley, Mauricelord, 400, g. 1136 (10), 2356, g. 4687 (6), called Sir, g. 5624 (1), g. 6490 (23), App. (Bartlett,) pp. 3105,–7, 3109.
-, -, Tho. lord, g. 390 (2), p. 238, p. 284, g. 1136 (10), g. 1610 (11), p. 1331, p. 1332, 4199, g. 5083 (6), 5684, 6044, 6513.
-, -, -, letter from, 4085.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.
-, -, Wm., p. 235, p. 238.
-, -, Sir Wm., 2672, 3581, 4199.
Berkeley's or Barkely's lands, g. 1377 (17), g. 4124 (23), 4442 (1), g. 6301 (21).
-, - See Barkley.
Berkhamstead, 4220, 4472.
Berking. See Barking.
Berkshire, 58, p. 83,–5, p. 235, 819, 833, 969 (2, 8), 972, 1011, g. 1136 (18), 1680 ii., 1695, 1795, 1939 (8), g. 2002 (6), 2125, 2525, 2672, 3190, 3537 (1), 3581, 3587 (1), 3734 (2, 3), 3866, 4058, 4135, 4191, 4914, 5124, 5432 ii., g. 5748 (21), 6043 (2) i., g. 6490 (20), 6516 (1, 2, 5), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, 971, g. 2699.
-, -, sheriff of, g. 6072 (9), 6721. See Oxon and Berks.
Berkyng. See Barking.
Berliche, John prior of, p. 2697.
Berlington, Burlington. See Bridlington.
Bermewood, 281.
Bermondsey, Mon. of St. Saviour's, abbot of, g. 1736 (24).
-, -, Rob. abbot of, 1049 (16), g. 2002 (11).
-, -, Rob. Shuldham, abbot of, 1621 (2).
-, -, Rob. Warton, abbot of, g. 1621 (2), 1680.
-, -, Ric. abbot of, g. 5083 (11).
Bermowe, N. Wales, 973.
Bermyngham or Brymmyingham, _, 558.
-, -, Pat., letters from, 3952, 4265, 4302.
-, -, -, his sig., 558 vi., 4263, 4933, 5392.
-, - See Birmingham.
Bernabo, friar, librarian of S.S. John and Paul, Venice, p. 2863.
Bernard, _, escheator for Northamptonshire, 5849.
Bernardin, Frère, the French sea captain, 1901, 3754, 3783, App. 225.
Bernardin, Frere, (a ship,) App. 13.
Bernardino. See Barnardine.
Bernardus, Mappheus, 6491 (1), 6501.
Berne, 8, 1425, 1937, 3898?
Bernerd, Nich., p. 235.
Bernerd Castle. See Barnard Castle.
Berners, John, 366.
Berners, John Bourgchier, lord, 70, g. 86 (23 plur. 28), 89, g. 137 (8, 18), 293, g. 297 (14, 15, 16, 18, und.), 323, g. 390 (6, 11, 26), 414, 418, 428, 457, 479, g. 546 (14, 15), 564, g. 612 (13), g. 787 (18 bis, 21), g. 895 (5, 15), g. 961 (5), 999, 1000, 1013, 1018, g. 1049 (16), 1119, 1128, g. 1136 (5, 13), 1167, g. 1230 (4, 24), g. 1298 (11, 13, 16, und. 30), 1363, g. 1377 (5, 6, 9, 18, 22, 27), g. 1466 (20, 22), 1473, g. 1533 (4, 7, 11, 26), 1535, g. 1610 (22), 1664, 1673, 1731, g. 1736 (12), g. 1860 (15, 27), 1922, 1939 (9), g. 1945 (8 plur. 26 bis), g. 2002 (1, 11, 12, 13, 17, 27), 2006, 2047, g. 2065 (17, 28), 2085, 2088, g. 2132 (und. plur. 26), g. 2218 (14), g. 2291 (4, 6, 26, 28), g. 2362 (3, 8, 11, 26), g. 2447 (13, 17, 27), 2519, g. 2540, (26, 29, und.), 2550, 2597, g. 2599 (1, 4 bis, 5), g. 2673 (3), g. 3087 (und.), g. 3142 (19), 3209, g. 3540 (19), 3811, g. 3991 (15), 4192, 4442 (6), 4601, g. 5083 (11), 5456, g. 5624 (10), 5885, 6044, g. 6187 (12), 6216, 6513, 6792.
-, -, -, letters from, 89, 428, 457, 1000, 1013, 1119, 1128, 1167, 1363, 1473, 1535, 1664, 1922, 2006, 2047, 3209, 5456.
-, -, -, letters to, 999, 2088.
-, - -, sig. of, g. 3087 (und.), p. 2234, p. 2236, 6513.
Berners, Wm., 366, p. 153.
Bernes, Suff., 4424.
Bernet, a benefice, App. 233.
Bernewell, Th., p. 153.
Berney, John, p. 84, g. 1533 (12).
-, -, Mrs., 5117 (1).
-, -, Ralph, p. 83, g. 1533 (12).
Bernston Hall, 2024.
Berntoun, 1545.
Beroo (Barow), Augustin, doctor of Bologna, 6624, 6633.
Berreton or Beryton, John, p. 234, 665, g. 5083 (4), g. 6490 (20 Heref.)
-, - See Brereton.
Berry, duchess of. See Alençon.
Berry. See Bury.
Berrune, Jacques de, sieur de Samblancay, letter from, 1733.
Berthelemy, Jean, 6439.
Berthereau, l'Esleu, 5942.
-, -, -, letter to, App. 220.
Bertholet (Barthelet), Th., the King's printer, g. 6248 (22), 6485, 6487. See also Bartlett.
Berton, 5076.
-, -, Bendysh, 5076.
-, -, Over, 5706.
Berton or Bertoun, Alex., 4178.
-, -, Hob à. See Barton.
-, -, John, 869.
-, -, Rob. See Barton, Hob à.
Bertton. See Burton.
Beruny, Fernando de, 2652.
Berwick-on-Tweed, 85 (2), 94, 97, g. 137 (11, 13), 144, 167, 188, 236, 278, 281, g. 297 (14), 409, 488, 550, 576, 582, 600, 613, 615, 629, 636, 651, 658, 662, 668, 670 ii., 673–4, 687, g. 693 (26), 733, 739, 743, 754, 766–7, 797–8, 805–6, 808, 812, 818, 821,–3, 830,–2, 903, 975, g. 1298 (und.), 1460, 1462, 1637, 1706, 1725, 1756, 1764, 1779, 1808, 1809, 1813, 1821–2, 1843, 1847, 1862 ii. iii., 1878, 1893, 1897–8, 1910–11 ii., 1915, 1939 (9), 1968, 1974, 1978–9, 2004, 201, 2019–20, 2031 ii. (2), 2035, 2052, 2070, 2080, 2216, 2402, 2435, 2441, 2527, g. 2599 (18), 2608, 2729, 2788, 2801, g. 2927 (14), 2977, 2994, 2995, 3004, 3036, 3396, 3501, 3552, 3762, 3777, 3797, 4133, 4178, 4671, 4913, 4922, 4926, 4940, 4942, 4963, 4964, 4969, 4971, 4973, 4997, 5006, 5059, 5111 (3), 5253, 5706, 5718, p. 2558, 5850, p. 2691, g. 6248 (11), 6305, g. 6418 (4), g. 6751 (9).
-, -, letters dated at, 230, 629, 1821–2, 1893, 1897–8, 1910–11 ii., 1915, 1968 (1, 2) iii., 2004, 2031 ii. (2), 2035, 2080, 2214, 2777, 4711, 4924–5, 4951,–3, 4986, 4994–5, 5004, 5044–5, 5071, 5289, 5794, App. 83.
-, -, treaty or truce of, 2019, 5233 (2), 5026, 5029 (1–3), 5030.
-, -, diet at, 4892, 4922, 4951–2.
-, -, captain or governor of, 2080, 2441, 3396, 4892, 5844, 6078. See Ughtredd, Sir Th.
-, -, treasurer, chamberlain, and customer of, T. lord Darcy, p. 2554.
-, -, captains of, 1460, 5850.
-, -, deputy vice-captain, marshal, and underwarden of, 831–2, 903, 2801, g. 3087 (1), g. 4313 (22), g. 5336 (20), g. 5624 (13), g. 6135 (30). See Forster, Sir Th.: Strangwisshe, Th.: Clifford, Sir Th.: Musgrave, Sir Wm.
-, -, constable of. See Tyler, Th.
-, -, master of the ordnance at. See Candishe: Lawson, G.: Skevington, Sir Wm.
-, -, chief carpenter at, and other offices in, 4862. See Lawson, G.
-, -, men of, 4416.
-, -, porter of, 1808, 2035, 6586 (2). App. 239.
-, -, treasurer of, g. 2132 (und.), 2216, g. 5748 (21), g. 6418 (4).
-, -, port of, g. 1466 (15), g. 2132 (und.)
-, -, garrison of, 1939 (9), 2801, App. 96.
-, -, mayor and council of, letter from, 2214.
-, -, prioress of, 981–2.
Berwick (Berwike), 3354.
-, -, Lady St. John's waters at, 2159.
-, - in Elmet, ch., York dioc., g. 2927 (25).
-, - St. James, Wilts, p. 1699.
Berwyk, Alvard, p. 2691.
-, -, John, 2277, g. 4231 (7), g. 5510 (15), p. 2692.
-, - See Berewyk.
Berwood, near Oxford, 5973.
Bery, John a, 72.
-, - See Bury.
Beryn, Sir John, p. 235.
Beryton. See Berreton.
Berzeri, Barth., 2466.
Berzosa, Libros de, 6772.
Besançon, 17, 124, 155.
-, -, letters dated at, 17, 124, 155.
-, -, Francis, treasurer of, letter to, 6090.
-, -, rectors and governors of, 17.
-, -, diocese of, g. 961 (24).
Besenant, g. 1676 (4).
Besine (?), card., 3114.
Beskwoode, Notts, g. 546 (12), g. 895 (23).
Besnier, _ 6562.
Besser, John, 85.
Bessey, 6375.
Best, _, 655.
-, -, John, 4029 (1).
-, - or Beste, Ric., g. 2839 (12).
-, -, Rob., 1939 (9), g. 2761 (1), 4029 (2), 4175 (1–3).
-, - als. Gelstone, Rob., 293.
Beston, Adam, 5330 ii.
-, -, Ric., p. 237.
-, -, Th., g. 4313 (11).
Betak, Pat., 558.
Bete, Joan, p. 3047.
Betfild alias Bidfyld, John, g. 1298 (13).
Bethelorth (Beddgelert), prior of, p. 2701.
Bethune (Bettwne), 330, 712, 1963.
Betica, 2570.
Bethlenffalwa, 3239.
Beton, David, 253, 382, 766, 935, 943, 1004.
-, -, -, letter to, 665.
-, -, Jas. abp. of St. Andrew's, primate and chancellor of Scotland, 33, 55, 96, 370, 396, 473–4, 486, 498 (2), 506, 514, 517, 520, 523, 525–6, 529, 533–4–5 (1, 2), 540, 549–50, 556–7, 571, 576, 578, 582, 600 i. ii., 602, 613, 615, 637, 641, 656, 665, 668, 670 i. ii, 672,–4, 687, 701, 715, 727, 733, 750, 754, 762, 766–7–8, 783–4, 797–8, 800, 803, 805–6, 813, 817, 823, 830–1, 835–6, 844, 854, 889, 900, 907, 916, 932–3, 935, 939, 943–4, 947, 1004, 1012, 1026 (2), 1027 (2), 1028 (2), 1029–30, 1033–4–5 i. ii., 1041–2, 1056, 1058, 1103–4, 1113–14 (1, 2), 1170–1, 1188, p. 525, 1220–1, 1224, 1245–6, 1259, 1273, 1361–2, 1372, 1396 (1), 1438, 1463, 1505, 1538–9, 1545, 1552–3, 1564, 1593, 1616, 1637, 1639 ii., 1665, 1681–2, 1706, 1725–6, 1821, 1846, 1862, 1878 (1, 2), 1908, 1910–11 ii., 1912 i., 1968 (2), 1974, 1979–80, 2003 ii., 2004, 2035, 2045, 2080, 2084, 2103, 2158, 2199, 2414, 2425, 2430, 2539, 2885, 2992, 3370, 4186, 4457, 4531, 4994, 5006, 5044, 5289, 6375, App. 77.
-, -, -, letters from, 514, 529, 798, 830, 844, 933, 947, 1033–4–5 i., 1042, 1171, 1188, p. 525, 1220–1, 1362, 1538–9, 1553, 1681–2, 1846, 1912 i., 1979, 2045, 2430, 5006.
-, -, -, letters to, 370, 396, 486, 498, 520, 526, 533, 550, 556, 641, 932, 944, 1028 (2), 1706.
-, -, -, sig. of, 540, 561, 1726, 1878 (2).
-, -, -, nephew of, 935, 1463.
-, -, -, agent of, at Rome, App. 125.
Betoun, John, 1545.
Betts, Bets, or Beatts, _, (canon of Card. Col., Oxford,) 3963, 4074, 6666, 6750.
-, -, Hen., p. 84.
-, - (or Bettys), Jas., p. 84 bis, p. 235, g. 895 (12), 1020, g. 1298 (und.), g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (26).
-, -, (Jas. ?), customer at Southampton, letter to, 5933.
-, -, Th., p. 236.
Bettelsdayn, 132.
Betterscote, 2024.
Bettishorne, Hants, 4442 (5), 4443.
Bettwne. See Bethune.
Betylcombe, Wm., p. 2692.
Beukes, the, Border family, 4336.
Bevall. See Beauvale.
Bevenden, Kent, g. 3087 (und.)
Beverley, Yorksh., g. 1610 (11), g. 1676 (14), 1942 (1, 3, 4), 2001, 3380 (1, 8, 11), 4547, 5107, g. 5336 (8), g, 5815 (16), 6345, 6748 (12, 15, 17), 6803 (12), App. 272.
-, -, letter dated at, 4525.
-, -, provost and provostry of, 967, 1942 (1), 2001, 2054, 6529.
-, -, -, under-receiver of the, 5364.
-, -, prebendaries of St. James', St. Katharine's, St. Mary's. St. Michael's, St. Peter's, and St. Stephen's, 2001, 2054.
-, -, chamberlain of, 967.
-, -, commander of, 1805.
-, -, chancellor of, 5364.
-, -, St. John's, 2001.
-, -, church of, g. 6418 (21).
Beverley, John, p. 237.
-, -, Th., g. 1610 (11).
-, -, Wm., 3727.
Bevres, (Beures, Bewyrs,) Adolf de Bourgoigne, seigneur de, 109–10, 158, 224, 324, 553, 880, 940, 1003, 1060, 1076, 1092, 1119, 1128, 1213, 1215, 1237, 1240, 1248, 1256, 1301 (2), 1371, 1379, 1408, 1612, 1709, 1734, 1737, 1775, 2492, 2903, 3594–5, 4112, 4147, 5041, 5473, 5483, 5690, 5723, 6439, 6753, App. 23–7, 29, 30, 32, 35, 41–2.
-, -, -, letters from, 1003, App. 23–27, 29, 32, 35, 42.
-, -, lady, 1612.
Bevys, Geo., g. 6490 (28).
Bewcastle or Bowcastle, 2374.
-, -, captain or constable of, 2, 1763, 3747 (6), 4134 (1).
-, - Dale, 726, 893, 1223, 1289, 1855, 3404 (3), 3477, 4186.
Bewcher, Ric., p. 2691.
Bewcross, 2001.
Bewdley or Beaudley, p. 862, 1953, 2739, 4238, g. 4687 (20).
-, -, letters dated at, 2926, 4096.
-, -, sanctuary at, 2331, 4005, 4562.
Bewgye, _, a Burgundian, 27.
Bewike, Edw., 3795.
-, - (Bewycke), Th., g. 2540 (23).
Bewley (Bowley), Ireland, 558.
Bewmond. See Beaumont.
Bewnares, N. Wales. See Beaumaris.
Bewshere, Ric., g. 464 (27).
Bexley, Kent, 72.
Beylby, John, p. 237.
Beynam or Beynham. See Bayneham.
Beynard. See Baynard.
Beynton. See Bainton.
Beysby, 2527.
Beysley, Reynold, 1411.
-, - See Bisley.
Biagrassa, 389, 776, 1122, 3493, 5614, 5645.
Biawoir, Ric., g. 6709 (17).
Bible, the, 1802, 2648, 3132, 4260, pp. 3065–6.
-, -, -, Greek commentary on, p. 2863.
-, -, Luther's, 40.
Bicagnes, Jan le. See Abirago.
Bicester (Burcester), g. 1860 (14), 2407 (2).
-, - mon., prior of, 4187.
-, -, -, Rob. Brice, prior of, 3083, 4840.
-, -, W. prior of, p. 2698.
Bickering (Bykryng) manor, 5870.
Biddenden (Byddenden), letters dated at, 2623, 2695.
Biddestone (Buddesdon), Wilts, g. 6038 (2).
Bies, Oudart du, capt. or seneschal of Boulogne, 380, 384, 415, 418, 428, 468, 470, 564, 591, 794, 999, 1000, 1013, 1508, 1578–9, 2006, 2730, 2997, 3171, 3269, 3279, 3938, 4026, 4330, 4384, 4661, 5013, 5053, 5197, 5215, 5342, 5453,–5, 5466, 5537, 5585, 5597, 6227, App. 166.
-, -, -, letters from, 2997, 4384, 5454, 5455 ii.
-, -, -, letter to, 5455 i.
Bigge or Bygge, John, 1138 (2), 1939 (8), g. 2132 (und.), g. 3087 (und.), 4310.
-, - -, Ro., p. 3047.
Bigges or Bygges, _, 4690.
-, -, Edw., 1577 (2) iii.
-, -, Th., p. 2699.
Byggynes, Derby, g. 546 (21).
Biggleswade, g. 3213 (26).
Bigoodes, Essex, g. 5510 (20).
Bigot. See Bygod.
Bykenaker, prior of, p. 2697.
Bijschow, Ph., 2241.
Bilboa (Bilbow), 2601, 2864, p. 1320, 3040, 3130, 3152 (1), 3181, 3648, 4568, 4658, 4911, 5267, p. 2385, 5856.
-, -, merchants of, 1555, 5126.
Bildeford, Ric., g. 1533 (6).
Bileigh als. Malden, John abbot of, pp. 2697–8.
Billam, 2474.
Billesby, And., 5508.
-, -, Sir And., g. 390 (12), p. 238, g. 2002 (11), g. 4313 (22), g. 5083 (16), g. 6072 (9).
-, -, John, 366.
Billesdon, And., p. 82.
Billing Magna, Northt., p. 673 note, 4001 (2, 3).
Billingburgh, Linc., p. 673 note.
Billingis, Th., g. 4313 (29).
Billingshurst, Suss., g. 4896 (12), 5108.
Billington, John, 293.
Billisden, abbot of, p. 987, p. 2698.
Billowe, Notts, g. 546 (12).
Bylney [Thos.], preacher, 4029 (2), 4396.
Bilsby, And., 1939 (8).
Bilsington, 4117.
-, -, St. Mary, Kent, prior of, 4557, 4707.
-, -, John, prior of, p. 2697.
Bilstone, Suff., 1833–4 (2), 5076.
Bilton, prebendary of, York dioc., 970.
Binasco (Bisnasque), in Lombardy, 774, 776, 1099, 2294, 2786, 3483.
Byndon, Th. abbot of, p. 2700.
Bingen (Byng), near Mayence, 2711.
Bingham, Notts, 643, 3819.
Bingham (Byngham), _, 5746.
-, -, Edw., g. 1298 (und.)
-, -, Marg., g. 1298 (und.)
-, -, Sir Ric., g. 1298 (und.)
-, -, Th., 3544.
Bingley (Byngleye), Rob., g. 2362 (26).
Binham, Bynham, or Benam, prior of, 183, 1386, p. 2699.
Binsey, Oxon, 1468, 1695, p. 3065, p. 3068.
Birbrouke, benefice at, 2752.
Birchington, g. 2218 (17), App. 89, 91.
Birchynsha or Byrchenshawe, John, 160, g. 390 (14), g. 4313 (12).
-, -, Maurice, 1989 ii., g. 3747 (3), g. 3991 (20).
Bird or Byrde, _, 1385, 3962 ii.
-, -, Dr., 3380 (8).
-, -, Hen., 6127, g. 6751 (11).
-, -, John, p. 150, p. 237, 1194, p. 2692.
-, - (Berde), Marg., 3500.
-, -, Pet., p. 237.
-, -, Th., 1939 (10).
-, -, -, letters from, 4690, 4843.
-, -, Wm., g. 693 (14), 3613.
Byrdhight, 4318 (2).
Birdsall, Ric., g. 6248 (20), g. 6709 (15).
Bird's Nest, 2191, 3719.
Birianus, Nic., App. 265 (16). See also Brianus.
Birkenhead, John prior of, p. 2700.
Birkys, Th., g. 546 (11).
Birklonde, Notts, g. 546 (12).
Byrkshawes, 6063.
Birling or Burllyng, 3734 (4), 4356, g. 6363 (1).
-, - ch., g. 6363 (1).
Birmingham. See Aston Bremytham.
-, -, lordship of, 5024 (2).
Birmingham (Byrmyngham), Edw., 3838.
Birte or Byrte, 6652.
-, -, John, p. 236, g. 2927 (15).
-, -, Ric., g. 2002 (27).
-, -, Rob., g. 6363 (22).
-, -, Wm., g. 2002 (5).
Byrteby, 2474.
Birton. See Burton.
Bisbrooke (Bysbroke), Rutland, 1913 (1), 2167 (1), p. 987, 4275.
-, -, rectory, 1194.
-, -, vicar of, p. 987.
Biscay, 1296, 1378, p. 615, 2638, 2914, 3152 (1), 3319, 3857, 3870, 3982, 4677, 4851, 5002, 5062, 5277, 5493, 5756.
-, -, justice of, 5279.
-, -, gallcon of, 5840.
Biscayans, 1866, 5279, 5756.
Biscayan ship, 1435, 3648.
Bisham (Byssham), Burstelesham, 5965.
-, -, Ric. prior of, p. 2700.
Bishampton, 1618 (2).
Bishop (Busshopp, &c.), John, g. 4231.
-, -, Ro., p. 990, 4175 (2).
-, -, Th., g., 3540 (21).
-, -, Wm., p. 238.
Bishop Auckland. See Auckland.
Bishopburton. See Burton.
Bishop Monckton. See Monkton.
Bishoprics, erection of, 5607–8.
Bishopsbourne (Bysshoppesburne). Kent, g. 297 (und.)
Bishopsden, Wilts, g. 6038 (2).
Bishop's Hatfield. See Hatfield.
Bishop's Lynn. See Lynn.
Bishopstoke, Hants, rectory of, 6748 (16).
Bisley or Bysseley, Winc. dioc., ch. of, g. 6751 (24).
Bisley, Thos., Blewmantell pursuivant, g. 3991 (12), 5130.
Bisley, Wm., 3678.
Bissy (Bisse), Mons. de, marechal de logis to the Emperor, 17, 63.
Bissatour. See Bicester.
Bissemede, Nich. prior of, p. 2699.
Bitboroughe, Kent, 4173.
Bitebere, Th., 5439.
Bithesey, Rob., g. 5336 (12).
Bitlesden, abbot of, p. 2698.
Bitton, Glouc., g. 1298 (13).
Bitturscote, p. 985.
Bituricensis (i.e. abp. of Bourges). See Tournon, Francis de.
Blacadir, Adam, 861.
Blackaller. See Blakaller.
Blackborough. See Blakeburgh.
Blackden, John, g. 6248 (5).
Blacke. See Blage.
Blackebourne, Ro., p. 3047.
Black Friars, General of the Order of, 1521.
Blackgrave, Bucks, 4471.
Blackheath, 614.
Black Man, the, 3605.
Black Monks or Benedictine Order, in England, pp. 2555, 2558.
-, -, president of, 3678.
-, -, letter from the, 953.
Blackmore, Blakemore, 650, 697, 990, 1834 (2), 2024 ii., 2167 (3), 2311, 5117 (1), 5304, 5354 (1), 6315.
-, -, letters dated at, 3448, 3460, 3489.
-, -, mon. of St. Laurence, 1137 (3), 1833, 1964, 2024 v., 3537 (1, 4), 3538 ii. iii., 4229 (1, 9), 4473, 5076, 5286, 5304–5.
-, -, prior of, 2024 iv., p. 2697.
-, - park, g. 4313 (11).
Blakemore, John, 1138 (2), 2538 (9).
Blacknall, Rob., g. 1377 (9).
Blackwall, 5082.
Blackwater, p. 794.
Blacqueter, Mons. de, 670 ii.
Blagden or Blakden, Cuthbert, 136, g. 3471 (25).
Blage or Blagge, John, 2702, 3379.
Blake or Blacke, John, g. 2540, 2550.
-, -, Sir Ric., 2028 (5, 6).
-, -, -, his sig., 2028 (6).
-, -, Rob., g. 86 (27).
Blagrave, Rob., g. 390 (7), g. 1945 (26).
Blak, _, of London, 3543.
Blakaller, John, g. 2673 (8), g. 6038 (13), p. 2692.
Blakamore, Hen., p. 3068.
Blakden, Wm., g. 464 (7), g. 3142 (16), g. 4594 (11, 14).
Blake park, Wales, 1941, g. 2673 (8).
Blake, John, 2459, App. 7. See Blagge.
-, -, Ric., 167, g. 3622 (19).
-, -, Th., p. 83.
Blakeborne, deanery of, 971.
Blakeburgh, prioress of, g. 4313 (11).
Blakell, 4835 vi. vii.
Blakemantill, Wm., 3380 (1).
Blakemor or Blakamore. See Blackmore.
Blakeney (Blakney), Norf., 974 (2), 1590, 4016, 5101.
Blakeney, John, g. 2927 (1).
-, -, Wm., g. 6751 (19).
Blakenham, 4424, 5076.
Blakett, John, 2217 (3).
Blakford, Soms., g. 1533 (12).
Blakman, _, (of Shoreham,) 5146.
Blaksall, Suff., 4473, 5076.
Blaktoft, Lanc., g. 2132 (und.)
Blakwell, g. 6135 (26).
Blanchland, abbot of, p. 3048.
Blanche Rose. See Pole, Ric. de la.
Blanche Tache (Blanchetake), ford of, in Picardy, 1249, 1261.
Bland, _, 963.
-, -, Rowland, 4829.
-, -, -, his brother, 4829.
Blandford, 5100.
Blanerhasset. See Blenerhasset.
Blanesford, Rob., (temp. Hen. V.,) g. 86 (30).
Blaye, in France, 1938 ii.
Bleangate, Kent, App. 273.
Blechingley, g. 1533 (12), p. 2691.
Blechington, Oxon, g. 1610 (26).
Blechley, Bucks, 1309.
Bleew, Laur. See Blioul.
Blekerie, Giles de la, (provost of Tongres, vicar general of the cardinal of Liege), 4938, 4943–4.
Blencrayke, g. 6072 (11).
Blenerhasset (or Blanerhasset), John, p. 237, g. 5510 (und.)
-, -, Th., 4134 (2).
-, -, or Blenerhay, Sir Th., g. 1298 (7), g. 5624 (10), g. 6187 (12).
Blenkinsop, Northumb., 313.
Blenkinsop or Blenkensop, Geo., 4134 (2), 4186.
-, -, John, 313, 5085.
-, -, Th., 4495, 6043 (2) i.
Blerton, Jas. earl of, (Scotch lord,) 1110.
Blery, in France, 1999.
Blesby, Notts, p. 1699.
Blesby (Blesbie), _, (old), 5408.
-, -, Wm., p. 238.
Blesedon. See Mowse.
Blewbery, Berks, prebend of, 2538 (6), 3961, g. 4231 und., 4364, 5714, 6516 (15).
Bliborow or Blytheburgh, monastery of 4259 (1).
-, -, prior of, p. 2699.
Blight. See Blythe.
Blioul (Bleew), Laurence du, audiencer to Chas. V. in Flanders, 109, 1287, 1687, 1969.
-, -, -, letter to, 1287.
-, -, - See also Flanders, audiencer of.
Blisland or Bliston ch., Exeter dioc., g. 5624 (8).
Blissed, Th., 4029 (1).
Bliston. See Blisland.
Blockeley (Blokley), 327.
-, -, deanery of, 971.
Blodylawes, 278.
Blois, (Blaise, Blese, or Blaye,) 17, 57, 134 (2), 159, 200, 372, 666, 790, 1802, 1929, 1938 ii., 1950, 1999, 2006, 2025, 2350, 2386, 2520, 2524 ii., 4196, 4845, 5185, 5375, 5385, 5450, App. 232.
-, -, letters dated at, 196–7, 229, 1982, 2393, 4185, 5448, 5482, 6255, 6257–8, 6265, 6269, 6717, 6729, 6733.
-, -, count of. See Ponthievre, count of.
Bloix, _, 1130.
Blongate, Edw., p. 3047.
Blonnescourte, Oxon, g. 2132 (und.)
Blosius, _, his sig., 1766.
Blount, Blont, or Blunt, _, p. 3068.
-, -, _, the younger, 1939 (11).
-, -, Chas., son of W. lord Mountjoy, 5929.
-, -, Edw., 1953.
-, -, Eliz., g. 2002 (10), p. 2558.
-, -, Hen., g. 4231 (13), g. 4313 (8).
-, -, Sir Humph., g. 2002 (10).
-, -, John, p. 235, 819, 1941, g. 2002 (10, 11), p. 989, 2672, g. 5243 (26).
-, -, -, of Grendon, 1795.
-, -, Sir John, 6721.
-, -, Pet., p. 84, p. 234, g. 2002 (16).
-, -, Ric., g. 3991 (6).
-, -, Rob., 1939 (8).
-, -, Th., p. 84, p. 234, g. 4313 (8).
-, -, Sir Th., g. 2002 (10).
-, -, Walt., p. 235, g. 1136 (5), g. 2002 (11).
-, -, Wm., p. 1699.
-, -, - See Mountjoy, lord.
Blowr or Blower, Th., 5109.
-, -, Wm., p. 235, g. 1049 (20).
Blue Mantle or Blewmantell, pursuivant, 1939 (9), 2981, 3050–2, 3099, 3144, 3152, g. 4313 (6), g. 4801 (1).
-, - See Bisley, Thos.: Hutton, John: Nerbonne, John.
Bluet, Nich., g. 137 (7).
-, -, Ric., g. 137 (18).
-, -, Rog., g. 137 (7).
Blundell, Geo., 1156, 3579.
Blunt. See Blount.
Bluntwalls or Blunteswalles, Essex, 1833, 1834 (2), 2024, g. 6803 (24).
Blyke, John, g. 2002 (23).
-, -, Pet., g. 2002 (23).
Blynde, Wm., g. 6301 (3).
Blyston, Bucks, 1913 (1).
Blythe, Geoff., 4975, p. 2700 note. See Coventry and Lichfield, bp. of.
-, - (Blight), John, jun., p. 2700.
-, -, -, sen., p. 2700.
-, -, Th., p. 985.
Blythesnoke, 236.
Blythman, _, register of Durham, 4877.
Blythynge, Suff., g. 3747 (3).
Bobyngworth, Essex, 1833, g. 6803 (24).
Bochardgayttfeld, Cumb., 4835 vi.
Bocher, _, 4850.
-, -, Edm., p. 83.
-, -, Joan, 4254 (3).
-, -, John, g. 1049 (12).
-, -, Nich., 1227.
-, -, Ric., p. 989.
-, -, Th., 6683.
-, -, Wm., p. 988, 4254 (1).
Bochetel, _, greffier, App. 194.
Bocheti, Jacobus, 6189.
Bocking, 4218.
Boclesham. See Bucklesham.
Bodelegh, John, p. 83.
Bodell, John, p. 989.
Boden, John, 1939 (9).
Bodenham, Th., p. 84, g. 787 und., 819, g. 1377 (16), g. 1610 (11), 1795, g. 5083 (4), g. 6490 (20 Heref.)
Bodesham or Boddyshnen (Bottisham), Camb., 1913 (2), 2217 (2) v. 4001 (2, 3), 6516 (15).
Bodet, Maistre Jehan, 57.
Bodington, p. 3064.
-, -, Bucks, 1913 (1), p. 986.
-, -, parson of, p. 986.
-, -, Northt., 4001 (2).
-, -, rector of, 4001 (3).
Bodington, Wm., g. 2540 (29).
Bodman, Th., g. 6600 (8, 14).
Bodmin, 237, p. 2692.
Bodnam, John, 6171.
-, -, Th. à, p. 234.
Bodon, Wm., g. 2540 (29).
Bodrigan, Sir Hen., g. 3991 (8).
Bodrugan, Cornw., g. 3008 (23).
Bodwell, lord. See Bothwell.
Bodwin, p. 2692.
Bodye, Wm., 5772.
Bodyston, 1965.
Bogarde, Joan, g. 4594 (20).
Bohain, in Picardy near Hainault, 24.
Bohemia, 40, 946, 1286, 1717, 2050, 2190, 2409, 2463, 2530, 2601, 2795, 2798, 2959–61, 3207, 3488, 3595, 3899, 4024, 5544, 5633, 5767, p. 2690 note.
Bohemia, king of, 2241, 2711, 2718, 2797, 2903, 2932–3, 4223, 5133. See Ferdinand.
-, -, princess of, 2463.
-, -, under chamberlain of, his son, 2464.
Bohemians, 2464, 2508, 2589, 2637, 2651, 3239, 3927, 4863.
Bois-le-duc (Bolduke), 343, 1400, 1413, 1495, 1504, 1541, 1549, 1561, 1582, 1687, 1699, 1709, 1721–2, 2706.
-, -, letters dated at, 343, 1549, 1561, 1687, 1699.
Boisrigault, _, 169.
Bokelysham. See Bucklesham.
Bokenham, 5076.
Bokyngton, Berks, 1913 (1).
Bolam, Devon, g. 2673 (18).
Boland. See Bowland.
Bold, Tucher, g. 6135 (23).
Bolduke. See Bois le duc.
Bole, 3544.
Boleyn, Bullen, or Bulleyn:
-, -, _, young, 1939 (14).
-, -, Alice, p. 1670 note.
Boleyn, Anne, 1, 3218,–21, 3325–6, p. 1637 note, p. 1741, 3990, 4005, 4081, p. 1853 note, 4251, 4335, 4360, 4383, 4391, 4403, 4408,–10, 4440, 4477, 4480, 4537–9, 4542, 4597, 4648–9, 4742, 4894, p. 2120 note, 5016, 5063, 5152 note, 5210, 5366, 5393, 5422, 5519, 5679, 6011, 6019, p. 2683, 6041, 6076 (plur.), 6114, 6199, 6408, 6411, 6437, 6452, 6514, 6635, 6661, 6669, 6738, 6757, 6772, 6774, 6780 ii., App. 99, 197, 206, 256.
-, -, -, letters from, 1, 4360, 4480, 5366, 5422, App. 197.
-, -, -, letters to, 3218–21, 3325–6, 3990, 4383, 4403, 4410, 4477, 4537, 4539, 4597, 4648, 4742, 4894.
Boleyn, Anne, ship called, 2751.
Boleyn, Sir Geo., son of Sir Thomas, g. 546 (2), 4403, 4779, g. 4993 (15), 5248, g. 5815 (27), 5912, 5942, 5945, 5983, 5996, 6026, 6073, 6115, 6147, 6245, 6513, 6539.
-, -, -, his sig., 6513.
-, -, -, letter from, 6539.
Boleyn, Sir Jas., g. 137 (23), p. 236, g. 2002 (11), 6043 (2) i., g. 6490 (20 Norw.), 6515–16 (1), 6547 (see Errata), 6598.
-, -, Jane, 3748.
-, -, Marg., 3937, 5097, 6658 (1, 2).
Boleyn, Mary, sister of Anne, p. 1853 note, p. 1932, 4410.
-, -, -, ship called, 6138 (3).
Boleyn, Sir Thomas, 1, 136–7 (23), g. 297 (und.), g. 464 (2), pp. 235–6, g. 895, (25), 960, g. 961 (22), 1198, 1234,
1266–7, g. 1298 und., 1305–6, 1332, 1431 (8), 1939 (4, 6), 3080, 4440, 4442 (1), 4537, 4542, 4648, 5816, 6408, 6437, 6452, App. p. 3104, 197.
-, -, -, created viscount Rochford, 1431 (8), 3124, 3619, g. 5815 (28), App. 99 (1–3).
-, -, -, made earl of Wiltshire, 6083, 6085.
-, -, -, keeper of the Privy Seal, 6163–4.
-, -, -, letters from, 1305–6.
-, -, -, letters to, 1, 1266.
-, -, -, his wife, Eliz., mother of Anne Boleyn, 1939 (4), 4005, p. 2683, App. 99, 206.
-, -, -, his mother, App. 99 (2).
-, -, -, his servant, Sir Harry, App. 99.
-, -, -, accounts of, App. 9 (1–3).
Boleyn, Wm., 2752, g. 5815 (3), p. 2697, g. 6072 (24), App. 99.
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 1670 note.
Boliasco, 6375.
Bollam, Ralph, p. 3048.
Bolland. See Bowland.
Bolle, Wm., 6006 (1).
Bolles, Oxon, 1468, 1695, p. 3069.
Bolles or Bollys, _, 1939 (11).
-, -, John, g. 137 (12), pp. 237–8, g. 2002 (11), p. 1331, 4914, g. 5083 (4), g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Nich., App. 16.
-, -, Ric., 1939 (8).
-, -, Rob., 5330 vi.
Boll Shipton, 6748 (8).
Bollesover, Notts and Derby, 390 (2, 27), g. 2065 (12).
Bolney, Edw., p. 235.
Bologna (Bononia, or Bollayn la Grace), 815, 853, 1017, p. 524, 1282, 1336, 1791, 2249, 2403, 2417, 2478, 2509, 2671, 2680, 2685, 2699, 2716, 2762, 2797, 2820, 2842, 2853, 2886 ii., 2934, 2940, 2971, 2981, 2999, 3011, 3030, 3042, 3045, 3060, 3071–2, 3090, 3206, 3266, 3329, 3353, 3476, 3601, 3650, 3652, 3683, 3701, 3749, 3758, 3810, 3821, 3918, 4379, 4883, 4886, 4900, 4918, 5038, 5073, 5151–2, 5194, 5224, p. 2305, 5348, 5387, 5502, 5538, 5959, 5961, 5963, 5991, 6007–8, 6026, 6069, 6104–7, 6165, 6170, 6194, 6240–1, 6250–1, 6255, 6266, 6273, 6285, 6307, 6309–10, 6317, 6319, 6328, 6375, 6379, 6392, 6405, 6408, 6414, 6422, 6437, 6442, 6445, 6452–3, 6462, 6499 ii., 6502, 6521, 6559, 6567–8, 6581, 6593, 6633–4, 6637–8 6641, 6644, 6669, 6671, 6694, 6700, 6715, 6727, 6738, 6758–9, 6785–6, App. 260.
-, -, letters dated at, 1506, 1575, 1777, 2780, 3680–1, 3687, 3768–9, 3789–90, 4956, 4960, 5653, 6049, 6056, 6065–6, 6089, 6092, 6105, 6143, 6145, 6152, 6159–61, 6178, 6188, 6195, 6205, 6209, 6233 (1–4), 6242, 6244–5, 6256, 6268, 6284, 6290–1, 6293, 6318, 6333–4, 6366, 6406–7, 6409, 6444, 6450, 6540, 6607 (1, 2), 6608, 6611–13, 6619, 6622–24, 6734.
-, -, instruments dated at, 6081, 6087, 6101 (1–4), 6448 (2).
-, -, territory of, 3030.
-, -, the siege of, 3038.
-, -, the Pope's lieutenant at, 3023.
-, -, mon. of St. Francis, 6087 (2).
-, -, see of, 3038.
-, -, governor of, 6408, 6609, 6611, 6613, 6619, 6622, 6624, 6637, 6639, 6770.
-, -, -, letter to, 5532.
-, -, minister of the Franciscan province of, 6366.
-, -, divines, lawyers, and university of, 6444, 6448 (2), 6450, 6479, 6592, 6609, 6611, 6613, 6614 (1, 2), 6622, 6633, 6643, App. 260, 265.
-, -, vicar of, 6637.
Bolognese, the, 3206, 6362, 6437.
Bolokard, Ric., g. 3991 (13).
Bolrayet, Th., p. 238.
Bolstrode. See Bulstrode.
Bolt, _, 87.
-, -, Rob., 955 (3), g. 2065 (28), 2553.
Bolte, Wm., p. 83.
Bolton, g. 297 (21), 881, 903.
-, -, parsonage of, 967.
-, -, Lanc., benefice of, 958 (2).
-, -, Westmoreland, 4421.
-, - Fells, g. 297 (21).
Bolton, _, p. 150.
-, -, Hen., lord Scrope of, g. 1610 (11). See Scrope.
-, -, Oliver, 1941.
-, -, Wm., 1599.
Boman, John, g. 5748 (28). See Bowman.
Bombarderio, Fran., 1507.
Bome, 325, 330, 480, 484.
Bonare, Edm., g. 3869 (22).
Boncle, 768.
-, -, letter dated at, 792.
Bond or Bonde, John, p. 234, 6043 (2) ii., p. 2691, App. 1.
-, -, Ri., p. 3047.
-, -, Th., p. 235.
-, -, Wm., p. 236, g. 4993 (7), p. 2692.
-, -, -, mayor of Northampton, g. 5748 (28).
Bondbye, laird of, 2678.
Bondeno, 3701.
Bondet, Madame, 2064.
-, - See Boudet.
Bone, Rob., g. 1860 (11).
Boner, Dr., Edm., 2958, 5867, 5881 ii, 5882, 5884, 5890–1, 5894, 5923, 5928, 5964, 6203, 6328, 6346, 6411.
-, -, -, instructions to, 5882, 5891.
-, -, -, letter to, 6411.
-, -, Th., g. 5336 (8).
Bonethan, Edm., g. 5510 (21).
Bonevice. See Bonvyse.
Bongham, Wm., 4357.
Bonham, _, 4129, 6110.
-, -, John, p. 233, g. 1049 (12), g. 2002 (6), g. 5243 (28), 6038, g. 6490 (20 Fys.)
-, -, Th., p. 83, p. 236 (plur.), g. 1136 (2), 1795, 2000, g. 2002 (11), 2672, 4484 (1, 2), g. 5510 (20), 6043 (2) i., g. 6490 (20 Col.), 6516 (1), 6598, g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Wm., 1939 (8), p. 1699.
Boniface IX., pope, g. 546 (19).
Boniforte or Bonyfortis, _, 5396, 5484.
Bonnivet, Wm. Gouffier lord of, admiral of France, 124, 169, 180, 196–7, 229, 276, 305, 320, 356–7–8, 370, 372, 376, 389, 410, 466, 519, 1578, 6020.
-, -, -, letters to, 169, 196–7.
Bononia. See Bologna.
Bonvalot, Fran., 6454, 6573.
Bonvice, Bonvisi, or Bonvixi, _, 4877, 5018, 6110, App. 84.
-, -, Anth., 418, 428, 1282, 1865, 2102–3, 2567, 4107, 4237, 4807, 4960, 4982, 4984, 5428, 5496, 5743, 5804, 5946, 6512, 6669, 6696, 6714, 6786.
-, -, -, letter from, 4984.
-, -, Laur., g. 2065 (9, 28), 2171, 2212, 2528, g. 3008 (9), 5960, 6302, App. 245 (1, 2).
-, -, -, letter from, 6302.
-, -, Nich., 5496.
Bonyfortis. See Boniforte.
Bonyngton, Ralph, p. 234.
Bonzaninis, Alex. de, App. 265 (12).
Book, the King's, 40, 1868.
Books, 39, 1707, 1868, p. 860, 1962, 2089, 2181, 2188, 2222, 2240, 2272, 2333, 2570, 2582, 2607, 2649, 2652, 2721, 2752, 2797, 2903, 2986, 2999, 3054, 3233–4, 3759, 3960, 3962, 3968, 4004, 4028, 4029 (1, 2, 3), 4030, 4038, 4073–4, 4218, 4260, 4282, 4314, 4328, 4396, 4407, 4861 (2), 5604, 6004, 6047 (2, 3), 6140, 6145, 6149–50, 6153, 6156, 6165, p. 2756, 6173–4, 6188, 6192–4, 6197, 6205, 6232, 6235,–9, 6266, 6346, 6375, 6401–2, 6411, 6429, 6487, 6637, 6644, 6656, 6689, 6694, 6696, 6713–14, 6727–8, 6738, 6757, 6788, App. 236.
-, - See also Bembo: Erasmus: Luther: Vives, letters from, &c.: Bible: Tyndale.
Boolhill, Wirksworth, Derb., 4912.
Boonley, John, App. 1.
Boothe. See Bothe.
Bordaiziere (Burdeziers), 5579.
-, -, letters dated at, 5579, 5644.
Bordaiziere, Mons. de la, App. 129.
Bordeaux (Burdigala), g. 1298 und., 1525, 1531, 1602 (3), 1655 (4), 1701 ii., 1770, 1783, 1803, 1938 ii., 2009, 2018, 2033, 2064, 2075, 2079–80, 2087, 2091–2–3, 2142, g. 2362 (4, 26), 2635, 2746, 2915, p. 1320, 3053 i., g. 3540 (28), 3707, 3722, 3870, 4400, 4404, 4564, 5016, 5082, 5109, 5501, App. 186.
-, -, letters dated at, 1802–3, 2075, 2080, 2087, 2091–2–3, 2100 (1, 3–6), 2104, 2115, 6458–9.
-, -, parliament of, 2064, App. 75.
-, -, president of, 3826, p. 1991, App. 112.
-, -, captain of (?), 3858.
-, -, bishop of (Mons. de Boddeaulx), 5472.
Bordeaux, Francis de, p. 652 note.
Border correspondence, 2003, 4014.
-, -, customs, 1427.
Borders, the, 43, 131, 132, 142, 161, 165, 191, 212, 216, 218, 220, 278, 279, 346, 383 ii., 396, 432, 448, 474, 498 (2), 506, 516, 525, 528, 549, 571, 656, 658, 662, 687, 705, 707, 943, 1019, 1026, 1029, 1220, 1221, 1224, 1249, 1255, 1259, 1273, 1372, 1445, 1706, 1725, 1809, 1821, 1849, 1862 iii., 1878 (1), 1910, 1980, 2004, 2031 (ii. 2), 2035, 2216, 2292, 2299, 2401, 2402, 2608, 2625, 2729, 2964, 2992, 2993, 2994, 3358, 3383, 3404, 3501, 3545, 3612, 3631, 3706, 3795, 3816, 3852, 4093, 4101, 4116, 4132, 4134 (1), 4151, 4349, 4397, 4411, 4412, 4420, 4421, 4457, 4541, 4622, 4709, 4715, 4747, 4764, 4781, 4830, 4851, 4882, 4892, 4925, 4941, 4951, 4986, 5045, 5253–4, 5289, 5706, 5717, 5886, 6071, 6077, 6305, App. 204.
-, -, accounts for the, and officers of, 2216, 5085.
-, -, warden of, 43.
-, -, East, 705, 5706, 5717.
-, -, West, 3370.
Bordesley, 4096, p. 3048.
Boreford, g. 6072 (24).
Boreham, Essex, 1833, 6516 (15), g. 6803 (24).
-, -, Sussex, 1913 (2), p. 989, g. 6490 (23) see Errata, 6516 (8).
Boreman, Thomasina, g. 297 (1).
Boreston in Halwill, Devon, g. 4445 (10).
Borgo. See Burgo.
Borgorato, 6375.
Borlace, Walt., g. 1533 (11), g. 4445 (23). See Burlace.
Borley, Essex, 3665 (1).
-, - See Burlay.
Bormeth, Ireland, 558.
Borne, Joan, p. 988.
-, -, Nich., p. 990.
-, - See Bourne and Burne.
Bornebrige, 4778.
Borneford, John, g. 2002 (23).
Bornehall. See Bournehall.
Bornemyza, John, 3239.
Borodon, 132.
Borowe, Borough, Borrow, or Burgh, _, 3216.
Borough, _, marshal of Wolsey's household, p. 3048.
-, - (Borowes), Jas., g. 6542 (14).
Borough, (Borowes, Burgh, &c.), John monk of Peterboro, afterwards abbot, 4047, 4081, 4092, 4097, ? 4121, 4143, 4279, 4463, p. 2698. See also Peterborough, abbot of.
-, -, -, letter from, 4279.
-, -, Ric., g. 213 (3).
-, -, Rob., 248, p. 237.
Borough. See also Burgh.
Boroughbridge, Yorksh., g. 5336 (27), App. 8.
Borscull, Kent, 842.
Borstall, Bucks, 1468, 2167 (2), p. 3069.
Borthwick, W. lord, his sig., 540, 561.
Borton, Hen., p. 234.
Bos, Adrian, 6793.
Boschetto, Rob., 2278.
Bosco in Italy, 389, 3350, 3442.
Boscombe or Boscum, Wilts, 3665 (3), 4843.
Bosconvey, Cornw., g. 3991 (8).
Bosconwell, Cornw., g. 3991 (8).
Bosey, John, g. 297 (1).
Bosio or Bosyus, Ant., 2271, 5196.
-, -, letter from, 2271 ii.
Bosius, F. Thomas, his sig., 4322.
Boskere, Cornw., g. 2132 (20).
Bosnia, bishop of, 2380, 2589.
-, -, prefect of, 3488.
-, -, kings of, 4774.
-, -, (Bossina), Bassa of, 2056.
Bosom, Agnes, g. 6301 (10).
-, -, Alice, g. 6301 (10).
-, -, Marg., g. 6301 (10).
-, -, Sir Ric., g. 6301 (10).
Bosquet (Boschetus), count, 305, 2249.
Bossa or Buzza, Bernardine, g. 3991 (9).
Bosse, Adrian, 85, 167.
Bossu, _ de, 1583, 1986.
Bosswell, Jo., 4145.
-, -, -, letter from, 4129 ii.
Boston, Linc., 974 (2), p. 673 note, g. 2218 (25), 5101, 6748 (15).
-, -, -, letters dated at, 5080, 5141, 5437, 5460.
-, -, -, guild of Our Lady at, 970, 5080, 5141, 5437, 5460.
-, -, -, -, letter from, 5460.
-, -, -, -, alderman of, letters from, 5080, 5141.
-, -, St. Botolph, 2760.
Boston, _, 4047, 4056.
-, -, Dr., 6247 ii.
-, -, Jas., g. 2132 (30).
Boswell, Edm., g. 961 (20).
-, -, Miles, p. 1331.
Bosyus. See Bosio.
Boteler. See Butler.
Bothwell or Bottarell, _, 6747 (5).
-, -, Wm., 366.
Boterye, (Botre, Butry, &c.), Th., 3380 (1).
-, -, Wm., 366, 955 (3), 965, 1309, 1577, g. 2065 (28), 3064, 3098 (2), 3154, 3380 (6), 3929, 5020, 6006 (1), g. 6542 (7), 6750, App. 257.
Botevant. See Buttevant.
Botfeld, Sir John, 4142.
Both, Th., g. 2599 (23).
Bothamsell, 3544.
Bothe, Davy, p. 794.
-, -, Geo., 4914.
-, -, John, p. 234, g. 5624 (14).
Bothe, John, archdeadon of Hereford, p. 2701.
-, -, or Boothe, Sir Ph., p. 238, 4229 (11), 4706, 4778, App. p. 3108.
Bothvile or Bothwel, Fran., 288, 4671, 4963, 5059.
-, -, -, his sig., 561.
-, -, Ric., 288.
Bothwell, countess of, 2003 ii.
-, - (Bodwell), Pat. Hepburn 3rd earl, 3404 (2, 3), 3914, 4531, 4709, 4727, 4781, 5253, 6305.
-, -, -, lord of Liddersdaile and lieut. of Lothian, 5289.
-, -, young earl of, 935, 1978, 2017.
Bothwinsell, Steph., g. 3087 und.
Botley, Hants, g. 5510 (14).
Botolf. See Botulphe.
Botre. See Boterye.
Bottisham. See Bodesham.
Bottler. See Butler.
Bottley, Th., g. 3213 (4).
Botton in Grendon, Staff., g. 1736 (20).
Botton. See Bouton.
Bottry. See Boterye.
Botulphe or Botolff, John, 545.
-, -, -, his sig., 4016.
Bouchet, Jo., 1938 ii.
Bouclau. See Buclau.
Boudet, Jean, 2981 (2).
-, - See Bondet.
Bougainville, _, 781, 794.
Bouger, _, App. 252 i.
Bough, Ric., p. 236.
Bougham, John, p. 238.
Boughlyn, g. 1676 (4).
Boughton, Kent, App. 273.
Boughton or Bowton, Edw., 2758, 6117–18, 6748 (9, 11).
-, -, -, letters from, 6117–18.
-, -, Wm., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 236, g. 895 (22), g. 961 (20).
-, - See Bowghton, and Boveton.
Bouland. See Bowland.
Boullot, _, (a Scotchman ?), 670 ii.
Boulogne-sur-Mer, 57, 83 (3), 155, 187, 253, 325, 330, 380, 384, 414, 418, 458, 468, 479, 509, 564, 591, 734, 749, 920, 940, 1013, 1093, 1167, 1235, 1249, 1275, 1308, 1365, 1400, 1472, 1495, 1504, 1579, 1724, 1735 (2), 1802, 2006, 2057, 2342, 2675, 2728, 2778, 2899, p. 1319, 2997, 3028, 3055 ii., p. 1397–8, 3171, p. 1484, 3306, 3366, 3441, 3554, 3567, 3800, 3835, 3870, 3894, 4162, 4193, 4330, 4344, 4493, 4656, 4750, 5013, 5053, 5343, 5494, 5597, 6050, 6375, App. 4, p. 3107, 107, 156, 161.
-, -, letters dated at, 1472, 2057, 2342, 2997, 3289, 3441, 3580, 3820, 4339, 4384, 4661, 5537.
-, -, captain and seneschal of. See Bies, Oudart du.
-, -, county of, 1208 ii.
-, -, mayor of, 4661.
-, -, courier of, App. 123.
Boulognese, six, at Dover, 2057.
Boulonnais, 418, 479.
Bourbon, duchy of, 441, 775, 3143.
Bourbon, Charles duke of, 8, 17, 24, 26–7, 30, 36–8, 50–1, 61, 63–4, 68, 88, 93, 101–2, 113, 121, 124, 134 (2), 152, 155, 170, 174, 186, 188, 195, 203–4–5–6, 209, 262, 270, 276, 296, 305, 320, 340, 351–2, 356–8, 361, 363, 365, 370–2, 374–6, 379, 392, 410–11, 416, 420–26, 430, 433, 438–445, 449–50, 454–56, 458, 463, 466, 471, 474, 483, 494–5, 498 (2), 502–3–4–5, 510–11, 519, 543, 552 ii., 553, 555, 564–5, 567, 570, 578–9–80, 589, 595, 604–5–6–7–8–9, 615–16, 632, 638, 648, 651–2–3 (3), 660, 662, 671, 675, 680, 684, 711, 718–19–20, 724, 732, 749, 751, 753, 760–1, 775–6, 778–9–80, 786, 789, p. 354, p. 355, 794–5–6, 815–16, 839, 841, 872–3, 910–11–12, 934, 996–7, 1015, 1017, 1036–7 ii., 1046, 1053–4, 1064, 1072, 1074, 1078, 1083, 1086, 1099, 1107, 1109, 1122, 1127, 1130–1, 1167, 1172–3, 1175–6, 1184, 1200, 1212–13, 1233, 1237, 1240, 1250, 1257, 1283, 1287, 1301 (1), 1322, 1326, pp. 588–9, 1339, 1357, 1364 ii., 1365, 1378–80, 1401, 1406, 1410, 1413, 1418, 1421, 1439, 1440, 1442–4, 1452, 1464, 1475–6, 1479, 1484, 1486, 1418, 1494, 1498, 1520, 1525, 1528, 1532, 1534, 1558, 1563, 1624, 1628, 1643 ii., 1655 (4), 1702, 1709, 1723, 1735 (2), 1748–9, 1797, 1799, 1801, 1811, 1815, 1824, 1875, 1891, 1900, 1928, 1938 ii., 1946, 1957, 1963, 1972, 1999, 2012, 2053, 2055, 2058, 2069, 2103, 2213, 2237, 2243, 2245, 2275, 2290, 2294, 2296, 2302, 2313, 2316, 2339, 2342, 2352, 2357, 2363–4, 2376, 2388, 2393, 2416, 2456, 2470, p. 1104, 2472, 2486, 2569, 2590, 2601, 2629, 2640, 2651, 2679, 2703–4 i., 2705, 2707, 2716 ii., 2723, 2737, 2768–4 ii. iii., 2785–6, 2820, 2827–8, 2831, 2834, 2842, 2851, 2857, 2871, 2875, 2879, 2886, 2891, 2899, 2908, 2914, 2919, 2940, 2942, 2945, p. 1319, 2951, 2982, 2988, 2999, 3009, 3011, 3024, 3028, 3030, 3038, 3040, 3042, 3045–6, 3048, 3051, 3060, 3065–6, 3071–2, 3077 i. ii., 3078, 3088, 3090, 3099, 3101, 3105, 3110, 3114–15–16, 3130, 3132, 3136, 3143–4, 3151–2 (2), 3181, 3191, 3201, 3207, 3245, 3270, 3285–6, 3295, 3309, 3412 (3), 3429, 3431, 3443, (1, 2), 4511, 5471, p. 2411, 5980, 6637, App. 4, App. 75, 108.
-, -, -, letters from, 36–7–8, 50, 51, 63, 101–2, 203–5, 423–4, 444–5, 504, 595, 675, 718–19, 778, 996–7, 1172–3, 1475–6.
-, -, -, letters to, 93, 505, 632.
-, -, -, instructions by, 761, 779.
-, -, -, agent for, p. 2411.
-, -, -, his solicitor, 2472.
-, -, -, his servant, 26, 30, 433.
-, -, -, an ancient gentleman of, 155.
-, -, -, his maltre d'hotel, 1127.
-, -, -, his son, 6637.
Bourbon, Francis de, earl of St. Pol., sig. and seal of, 1671 (3). See Pol.
-, -, Louis card. of, 1525, 1531, 1667, 1901, 2068, 4733, 4868, 5201, 6362.
-, -, -, letters from, 3296, 3434, 5249.
-, -, -, sig. and seal of, 1667.
Bourbonnais, 510, 552, 605, 6637.
Bourbourch or Bourbourg, in Flanders, 269, 286, 4112, 4233.
Bourchier, Florence, g. 1136 (8).
-, -, Humph., 5102 (2).
-, -, Jas., 5102 (2).
-, - (Bourgchier), John. See Berners, lord.
-, -, - See Fitzwaren, lord.
-, -, Sir John, g. 1049 (12), g. 1136 (8), 1795, 2672, 3665 (3), g. 5243 (28), g. 6038 (2).
-, -, -, sig. of, 3665 (3).
-, - (Burchier), Sir Th., g. 1298 (und.)
Bourdaizier. See Bordaiziere.
Bourdfield, p. 990.
Bourdeaux. See Bordeaux.
Bourebrokes als. Bulbrokes, p. 989.
Bourege. See Pepyngbury Parva.
Bourege, Rob., 2217 (2) i.
Bourely, 5205.
Bouret or Boureti, Fran., 2166 (2), 3356 (5), 6440.
Bourg, Ant. de, LL.D., 6440.
Bourgchier. See Bourchier.
Bourge. See Burgo.
Bourges, p. 354, 1302.
-, -, instrument dated at, 6448 (1).
-, -, university of, 6448 (1), App. 260.
Burges, abp. of. See Tournon, Francis de.
Bourgoigne, Adolf de. See Bevres.
-, -, Charles de. See Burgundy, Charles of.
Bourne, 2217 (2. i.)
-, -, Camb. deanery of, 4351.
-, - (Burne), Linc., g. 1230 (1), p. 673, note 6489.
Bourne, Linc., abbot of, p. 2698.
-, -, Suss., 1913 (2), 2340.
Bourne, Wm., g. 4993 (16), p. 2691.
-, - See Borne and Burne.
Bournehall, Suff., 4424, 4575, 5280.
Boursigault, _, 229.
Bousfel, Hen., notary, 4029 (3).
Bouston, 891.
-, - in Holdernes, 5320 (2).
Bouton, squire. See Courtbaron.
Bouvry, Mons. de, App. 161.
Boveton, Edw., g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (2). See Boughton.
Boviarton, Glamorgan, g. 6072 (30).
Bovytracy, Devon, g. 1136 (1), p. 673.
Bowbelle, Nich., 244.
Bowcastle. See Bewcastle.
Bowclam, lord, (Scotch,) (Buccleuh or Buchan ?), 43.
Bowdon, John, g. 6072 (24).
Bowells, Essex, 1833, 1834 (2), 5076, 5304.
Bower, Ric., 1939 (10).
Bower Hall, 4850.
Bowes. See Bowis.
Bowes, _, 5085, 5111 (3).
-, - (Bowys), _, ward of Wolsey, 5111 (2).
-, -, Eliz., g. 1533 (7).
-, -, Geo., 1196, 6583, 6585–6 (1–3).
-, -, Joan, g. 1533 (7).
-, -, John, g. 1533 (7).
-, -, Marg., g. 1533 (7).
-, -, Martin, g. 6600 (18), 6648–9.
-, -, Sir Ralph, 1196, 6585 (1–3).
-, -, Ric., g. 1533 (7).
-, - or Bowis, Rob., 1596, g. 1610 (11, Cumb., York, W.R., York, N.R., Westm., Northumb.), 2081, 2402, 2521, 2979, 2993, 3069, 3383, 3501, 3610, 3629 (2), 3689, 3795–6, 3816, 4042, 4747, 4855, g. 5083 (10, 11), g. 5243 (28), g. 6363 (29), 6382, g. 6490 (14, 20 Y.), g. 6803 (6, 12, Y. as above).
-, -, -, letters from, 2081, 2521, 4855.
-, -, -, his sig., 2979, 2993, 3069, 3383, 3501, 3610, 4042.
-, -, Th., g. 1533 (7).
-, -, -, his sig., 2768.
Bowesbank, 1517 ii.
Bowet, _, archbishop, 1411.
Bowgas, Marg., 4029 (2), 4545 ii.
-, -, Th., 4029, 4175 (3).
-, -, -, sig. of, 4242.
Bowght Hill, 3975.
Bowghton, John, 4029 (3).
Bowis, Yorks., p. 673, g. 6751 (26).
Bowland, _, 1763.
Bowlande, Boland, Bolland, or Bouland, Humph., p. 153, 3463, g. 4313 (28), g. 5815 (12).
-, -, Rog., g. 3747 (4).
Bowles, John, g. 6751 (28).
-, -, Walt., p. 3048.
Bowley, 5533.
Bowman, Wm., 1939 (8), g. 3622 (12), g. 4231 (12).
Bowreman, _, (Sir J. Russell's brother,) 6361.
Bowreshelys in Riddesdale, laird of, 3795.
Bowrwell or Bourwell, Linc., 3380 (2, 4, 6).
Bowsar, John, the younger, 4554.
Bowser, Ric., p. 238.
-, - See Bowzer.
Bowton. See Boughton.
Bowyer, _, 880, 5240.
-, -, John, g. 6072 (12).
-, -, Rob., g. 3540 (24), p. 2691
-, -, Th., g. 2291 (28).
Bowzer, _, p 154.
Box, John, g. 2362 (4).
Boxford, 3625.
Boxgrave, Th. prior of, p. 2701.
Boxley, Kent, g. 5978 (22).
-, -, the Rood of, 299.
-, -, St. Mary, abbot and convent of, 299, g. 5978 (22).
-, -, John abbot of, pp. 2697, 3048.
Boxley, Walter, p. 2697.
Boxsted, Essex, 1833, 1834 (2), 4001 (2), 4029 (2), 4218, 4545 ii., 5076.
Boyce, _, App. 89.
Boyer, _, p. 339.
Boyfelde, Eliz., 6211.
Boyland, Th., g. 6072 (25).
Boyle, Pet., g. 2362 (6).
Boynton, Sir Hen., p. 236, 819, 3822.
Boyon, sieur de, 3443 (1).
Boys, John, p. 235, g. 787 (31), g. 3540 (24), p. 2691.
Boyvyle, Hugh, g. 297 (und.), 1939 (8), App. 18.
Boyvyll, Ric., 293.
Boyze, Jas., 5508 (2).
-, -, Walt., 5508 (2).
Boz, Firmin du, g. 5624 (12), g. 5815 (7).
Bozer, D., 2853.
Bozna. See Bosnia.
Bozoli, duke, Frederico de, 319, 466, 1064, 2465, 2934, 3078, 3122–3, 3701, 3758.
-, -, nephews of, 1064.
Br ...., Rob., 655.
Brabanson. See Barbançon.
Brabant, 167, g. 546 (23), g. 1298 (at end), 1301 (1), 1495, 1504, 1561, 1619, 1737, 1789, 1806, g. 1860 (16), 2005, 2174, 2628, 2893, 2903, 3092, p. 1412, 4244, 4286, 4662 (2), g. 4993 (16), 5171, g. 5243 (17), 5690, 5723, 5803, g. 6248 (7), 8364, g. 6418 (14).
-, -, lords of, 1737, 1789.
-, -, towns of, 1789.
Brabant, chancellor of, 2649, 2677, 4650.
-, -, margrave of, 2677.
Brabazon, Wm., servant of Cromwell, p. 985, 4229 (9), 4275, 4278, 5024, 5330 i., 5399, 5405, 5507, 5772, 5792, 5835, 5849, 5944, 6033, 6099, 6217, 6221, 6223, 6541.
-, -, - letters from, 4275, 4278, 5399, 5507, 5792, 5835, 5849, 5944, 6217, 6221.
-, -, -, letter to, 6099.
Brabhand, Hugh, 293.
Brabon, _, 339.
Bracciano, Brasciano, or Brazano, 3476, 3573, 5841, 6483.
Bracebrigge, John, g. 2218 (15).
-, -, Sim., g. 2218 (15).
-, -, Th., g. 2218 (15).
Brachanthuayte, 2110.
Brackestede or Bracksted. See Braxted.
Brackley, Northt., g. 1466 (28).
Bradburne, John, g. 1533 (26).
Bradbury, lady, 1518.
-, - or Bradebury, Wm., p. 236, g. 1136 (2), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (12), g. 6490 (20 Col.), g. 6803 (12).
Bradecrofte, Rutland, g. 6490 (28).
Bradestone, 4554, App. 98.
Bradestone, Ralph, 513.
-, - See Bradsone.
Bradfeld, Essex, 1833, 1834 (2), 2024, 5076.
Bradford, 4452.
-, -, Wilts, g. 693 (14), g. 1533 (12).
-, -, Yorks., g. 137 (5).
Bradford, Geoff., g. 297 (14).
-, - or Bradforth, Walt., p. 237, g. 1610 (11), g. 2927 (6), g. 3142 (18), g. 5083 (10), g. 6363 (und.)
Bradley, 955 (2).
-, -, Leic., Our Lady of, 952.
-, -, prior of, p. 2698.
-, - ch., Coventry and Lichfield dioc., g. 4896 (15).
Bradley, Geo., 1577 (12).
-, -, John, 136 (2), 1291, 1424, g. 2673 (12), 4029 (2), 4175, 4218.
-, -, -, wife of, 4545 ii.
-, -, Marm., 5445.
Bradman, Ambrose, 1939 (9).
-, -, John, p. 236.
Bradmedowe, Th., App. 1.
Bradmere, John, p. 233.
Bradnestoke. See Bradstock.
Bradpole, Dors., 1073.
Bradscha, Laur., 5508 (1).
-, -, Nich., 5508 (1).
Bradshau, Wm., 5411.
Bradshaw, Ralph, 2130.
-, -, Th., 955 (1) 5293 (1, 2).
Bradstock or Bradnestoke, _, prior of, 970, 2026, 2125.
-, -, Wm. prior of, p. 2700.
Bradstone, Ant., pp. 84, 238.
Bradwall, Th., 6277, 6386.
Bradwell, 2560, 2217 (1, 2, 3), 4278.
-, -, letter dated at, 3149.
-, -, Our Lady of, 2217.
-, -, Bucks, 1913 (1), 2167 (1), 4001 (2, 3).
-, -, priory of, 536, 650, 697, 3190, 3537 (1, 5), 4001 (2), 6033, 6516 (15), p. 3064.
-, -, John Assheby, prior of, 5835.
-, - by the Sea, Essex, g. 4231 (23).
Bradwell, John, 472.
-, -, Rob., 1939 (9).
Bradwey, John, g. 6803 (11).
Bragadino, Lorenzo, 1164.
Bragberie, letter dated at, 4562.
Bragden, John, g. 2761 (15).
Bragenham or Bragnam, Bucks, 1309, g. 3213 (4).
Braham, Suff., 1833, 2024, 5076.
Braham, Hen., p. 988.
Brailleford, Hen., App. 1.
Braintree. See Branktree.
Braithwaite, in Middleham, Yorks., g. 464 (7).
Brake, Pet., 5102 (2).
Braken, Th., p. 237, p. 2691.
Bramber (Brambre), p. 2692.
Brambyltigh, in Hakyngton, Kent, 72.
Bramcote, Notts, g. 1136 (1).
Brame, Ric., g. 6418 (8).
Bramfeld-wood, 4318 (2).
Bramford (Branford), 4424, 5076.
Bramley, Geo., letter to, App. 207.
-, -, Wm., g. 4124 (2).
Brampton, Derb., g. 5510 (14).
-, -, Hunts., 1309, g. 5336 (10).
Brampton, John, g. 297 (28), p. 236.
Bramshott, Anth., 6384.
Bramston ch., London dioc., g. 4687 (10).
Branbroke, marquis of, two brethren of the, 2961.
Brandenburg, marquis of, 1442, 1488, 1582, 2674, 4639.
-, -, -, his brother, 2709.
-, -, Albert, marquis of, 2303, 4797, 5767.
-, -, -, great master of Prussia, 5767.
-, -, -, letter from, 4797.
-, -, marquis Casimirus of, 1861, 3255–56.
-, -, Albert of, elector of Mentz. See Mayence.
Brandesburton, parsonage of, 5364, App. 272.
Brandisby, _, 1142.
Brandling, Rob., App. 17 (2), 75.
-, -, -, letter from, App. 76.
Brandlyn, John, 448.
Brandon, 5076.
Brandon, captain, 2910.
-, -, Sir Chas. See Suffolk, duke of.
-, -, Lord H. (earl of Lincoln), 6083.
-, -, Marg. Mortymer, alias, 5859, p. 2620 note.
Brandon, Ric., 5738.
-, -, Sir Rob., p. 236, 877.
Branford See Bramford.
Branesford, _, 5870.
Branktree, 4029 (1).
Brauncepath or Branspath, 658.
-, -, letter dated at, App. 33.
-, -, ch. of, App. 33.
Branne, _, 266.
Brannyngham, Joyse, 5439.
Bransby, _, 3380 (8).
Branston and Broke, g. 137 (11).
Brante Ely, 1323.
Branxholme, 1030, 4701, 6274.
Branxton, 117, 131, 144, 1445, 5085.
Brasciano. See Bracciano.
Brasonia in Hungary, 2027.
Brasse, Th., 167.
Brasser, Hen., 5102 (5).
Brasted, Kent, 2747, 4173.
Bratis, John, Fran. de, App. 265 (7).
Braton, John, g. 1136 (1).
Brattill, _, 5330 ii.
Braughing, Herts, 3213 (26), 3734 (5).
Braxstede, Rob., 4545 ii.
Braxted (Bracksted), Essex, 1183, 5076.
-, -, Magna, p. 988.
Bray, Berks, 413.
Bray, Edm., g. 5083 (11), 6044.
-, -, -, lord, g. 6135 (16), g. 6751 (24 Beds, Bucks).
-, -, Sir Edm., g. 137 (14), p. 154, p. 234, p. 237, 4199, g. 4231 (und.), g. 5510 (und.)
-, - (or Brey), Sir Edw., p. 233, g. 961 (22), g. 1610 (11), g. 2002 (11), 3277, 4914, g. 5243 (28), 6516 (1), p. 2691, g. 6490 (20 Lew.), 6598 (2),
-, - (Braye), John, 266.
-, -, Sir Rog., g. 6301 (16).
Braybroke, parson of, p. 987.
Brayfeld, Bucks, 137 (1), 1309.
Brayles (Braylee), Warw., g. 4687 (6, 26), g. 6248 (16).
Brayllont, Wm., g. 390 (9).
Brayn, Rob., 5508 (2).
Brayne, Ph., 3733.
-, -, Th., 1939 (8).
Braynus, writer in the divorce cause, 6713.
Braynton, John, g. 1610 (11).
Brayston, Derby, g. 5336 (28).
Braythewayte. See Braithwaite.
Braythmore fishery, g. 5510 (26).
Brayton, John a, p. 234.
Brazano. See Bracciano.
Breame, Ric., 1939 (11).
Breamore (Brimire), abbot of, p. 2698.
-, -, prior of, p. 2700.
Brechin, Scotland, 715.
-, -, (Brighen,) bp. of, 4531.
Brecknock or Brechon, S. Wales, g. 464 (20), g. 1533 (24), g. 4313 (8).
-, -, the King's tenants of, 4856, 5098.
-, -, archdeacon of, p. 2701.
-, -, prior of, p. 2701.
-, -, bailly of, 5098.
-, - Mere, g. 5336 (14).
Breda or Bredaw, 1400, 1413.
-, -, letters dated at, 1400, 1489–90, 1495–6–7, 1504, 1734, 2497–8.
-, -, senor de, 6049.
Bredam and Lowreghan, D ..., Charles of Burgundy, lord of, 5012, 5176, 5690, 5723. See also Burgundy.
Bredan, Mons. de, p. 2517.
Brede, John, 2880.
Bredilhaugh, Edm., 6132.
Bredon, prior of, p. 2698.
Bredon stone, App. 91.
Breear, John, 2217 (2), vi. (2).
Breer, alias de Rounces, John, g. 961 (24).
Bregebury, Kent, g. 2132 (und.)
Bregilles, _, great esquire to Marg. of Savoy, 1287, 1320, 1322, 1375 i. ii. iv.
Brehon laws, pp. 1076–7.
Breke, John, 2880.
Brekenall, _, 5108.
Brekenrig, John, g. 390 (24).
Bremen, Chr. abp. of, letter from, 3752.
Bremham, Wilts, g. 297 (und.)
Bremyll, 2548.
Brenche, Wilts, p. 1699.
Brenchesley, Kent, 1913 (2), 2167 (4) p. 989, p. 991, 4001 (1, 2, 3), 6058.
Brendelen. See Brandling.
Brene. See O'Brene.
Brengewood, g. 1049 (12).
Brennyng, John, p. 2692.
Brensett in Romney marsh, parish priest of 4501.
Brent, Dr., 243, 2752.
-, -, John, g. 137 (18), p. 84, g. 297 (28), p. 236, g. 1377 (28), g. 3869 (27).
-, -, Matilda, g. 3869 (27).
-, -, Wm., p. 235, g. 1377 (28), g. 3869 (27).
Brentbroughton, Linc., 2757.
Brentford, 1083, 1154, p. 797.
-, -, Braynford Brygg. chapel of All Angels beside, 6264.
Brentius, _, 2607.
Brentkingesthorp, Leic., g. 4124 (3.)
Brentwood, 6489.
Brenzonus, D. Augustinus, 6251.
Brereley or Brerley, 634, 799.
Brereton, Edw., g. 2599 (13).
-, -, Eliz., g. 6600 (2).
-, -, or Brewreton, John, p. 234, g. 1610 (15), 1939 (9), g. 2839 (12), 4442 (5), g. 6600 (4).
-, -, Sir Ph., 1941.
Brereton, Ralph, 1200, 1577 (12), 2431, g. 6542 (14), App. 235 (1, 2), 243.
-, -, -, letters, from, 2431, App. 235 (1).
-, -, Sir Ralph, p. 84, 3024, g. 6490 (11), App. 235 (2).
-, -, Th., 1939 (8).
-, -, Urian, Irian, Hyrian, Erian, or Yrion, p. 863, g. 2839 (19), g. 3008 (18), g. 3622 (8), g. 4124 (18), 4477.
-, -, Wm., groom of the Privy Chamber, g. 213 (23), 979 (2), p. 863, 2431, g. 2673 (12), g. 3087 (26), g. 3142 (80), 3205, 3469, g. 3622 (15), 5190, g. 5906 (20), 6489, g. 6490 (11, 23,) g. 6600 (2), 6688, App. 235 (1,2).
-, -, -, letters to, 979 (2), 2431, 3205, App. 235 (1).
-, -, -, account of, with sig., 6489.
-, -, Sir Wm., g. 1230 (23), 6792.
Brerewod, Th., LL.D., p. 2699, g. 6751 (29).
Bresart, the Christopher, ship, 691.
Brescia (Brixia), 1064, 1748, 2489, 2624 ii., 2640, 2716 ii., 3497, 6657, App. 265.
-, -, letter dated at, 760.
-, -, podesta of, 1164.
-, - (Brisia), Peter de, g. 2599 (13). See also Carmelianus.
Bresell, cloth called, p. 3067.
Bresighellum, 3030.
Breslau, (Bresslle,) in Silesia, 2530, 4949.
-, -, letters dated at, 3095–6, 3126.
Bresse, governor of, p. 1619, 4714, 4725, 5039, 5473, 5483.
-, -, -, sec. to the, 5208.
Brest, 789.
Brestwike. See Brustwick.
Breswod. See Briswood.
Bretagne. See Brittany.
Bretagne, the sieur de, 3443 (1).
-, -, Regné de, letters from, 152, 270, 443, 449, 494–5.
Brete, Dr., p. 153.
-, - See Britt.
Breteuil, 4750, 5597, 5942, 6375, App. 203.
-, -, letter dated at, 3328.
Breton, Dr., p. 153.
-, -, Jehan, 3455.
-, -, Gaspar le, 3982.
-, -, Wm., p. 988.
Bretons, the, 81, 2404 (3), 5372, 5501 (1).
Breton ship, 2006, 3621, 6466–7, App. 118–14, 269.
Brett or Brytt, John, g. 2673 (24), g. 6490 (20 Dor., Ilc.), 6683, g. 6803 (12), App. 252 i.
-, -, -, his sig., 6683.
-, -, Sim., g. 6542 (8).
Brette, Edw., g. 3540 (18).
Bretton, John, 4042.
Breves and bulls, dates of, 6148, 6167.
Brewan, _, p. 341.
-, - See Bruen.
Brewer (Bruer), Master, 1315.
-, -, John, 403, g. 5906 (20).
Brewerne. See Bruern.
Brewester, Th., p. 987.
Breworth, Sir Th., 5122.
Brewreton. See Brereton.
Brewson, Lewis, g. 2839 (2).
Brewster, Hen., g. 2065 (28).
-, -, Wm., 4545 ii.
Brewton, letter dated at, 4934. See Bruton.
Brewyn, Agnes, g. 6072 (13).
-, -, John, g. 6072 (13).
Brexius, deanery of, Cov. and Lichfield dioc., 971.
Brey. See Bray.
Bri ..., master, one of the Emperor's high Council, 5493.
Brian or Bryan, _, 335, 1857, 5821, App. p. 3108.
-, -, _, customer of Yarmouth, 4016.
Brian, Sir Fran., p. 237, 1020, g. 1136 (4), g. 1377 (16), g. 1610 (11), 1939 (4, 6, 8), 1941, g. 2002 (11), 2837, p. 1331, 3216, 3559, 4229 (4), g. 4231 (und.), 4422, 4440, 4583, 4656, 4661, 4667, 4705, 4723–4, 4736, 4760, 4767, 4794 (3), 4805, 4820, 4851, 4914, 4976–7–8, 4988, g. 4993 (28), 5007–8, 5013–14, 5023, 5027, 5035, 5042, 5049–50, 5061, 5063, 5073, g. 5083 (4), 5148, 5150–1–2, 5163, 5178–9, 5183, 5187, 5213, 5221–2, 5225, 5230, 5237, 5269, 5294, 5314–15, 5370–1, 5375, 5393, 5395, 5427–8–9, g. 5510 (und.), 5519, 5523, 5535, p. 2463, 5575–6, 5604, 5606, 5616, 5628, 5635, 5637, 5648, 5653, 5700, 5711–12, 5742, 5796, 5802, 5829 (11), 5847, 5865, 5885, 5912–13, 5926, 5960, 5996–7, 6002–3, 6007–9, 6022 i. v. vi., 6060, 6073, g. 6135 (13, 16), 6216, 6227, 6231 (1), 6234, 6255, 6257–8, 6265, 6269, g. 6301 (16), 6306–7, 6316, 6327–8, 6440, 6461, g. 6490 (20), 6509, 6516 (6), 6526, 6603, 6616, 6665 (1–3). 6706, 6733, p. 3048, g. 6751 (24 Beds, Bucks), 6769, App. 196, 199, 202, 206, 218–19, 222–3, 226.
-, -, -, letters from, 3559, 4656, 4661, 4723, 4805, 5008, 5013, 5042, 5073, 5151–2, 5213, 5230, 5315, 5370, 5481, 5519, 6007, 6009, 6060, 6526, 6706, 6733, 6769.
-, -, -, letters to, 5050, 5178, 5183, 5314, 5371, 5375, 5427–8–9, 5523, 5576, 6618.
-, -, -, instructions to, 4656 (2), 4977, 5014.
-, -, -, commission to, 5829 (11).
-, -, -, his hand, 6022 i. v. vi.
Brian, John, p. 233.
-, -, Ric., g. 3142 (15), p. 2692.
Brian, Sir Th., 6792.
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 985.
Brian's or Brien's lands, 3119, 3380 (2).
Briand or Bryant, _, p. 797, 3691, 5942, p. 2896.
Brianus, Dr., (vicar to the chanc. of the University of Padua,) 6694. See also Birianus.
Brice, John, 5296.
-, -, Nich., g. 137 (12).
-, -, Ric., g. 464 (27).
-, -, Rob., (abbot of Notley,) 4840, 5520.
Brickhill (Brikhill), Magna, 1309, g. 4313 (4), 4472.
-, - Parva, g. 2002 (20), g. 3087 (und.)
Bride, John, g. 5243 (28).
-, - See Brydde.
Bridesthorne, g. 2218 (12).
Bridewell. See London.
Bridge or Brige, Rowland, 954, g. 5624 (10), g. 5815 (22).
Bridgeham, Norf., 367.
Bridgeman, Sir John, p. 151.
-, - See Brigeman.
Bridges, Edm., 1939 (11).
-, -, Hen., p. 83, p. 2692, 6516 (1).
-, - See Brigges and Brydgis.
Bridgford, East, Notts, 3819 (1).
Bridgnorth, Salop, g. 5510 (5), 5970, p. 2692.
-, -, warden of, 5870 i.
-, -, Grey Friars of, 5870, App. 52.
-, -, chap. of St. Mary Magdalene of, g. 4896 (5), g. 6187 (28), g. 6363 (5).
-, -, prebend of Yerton in, g. 5815 (17).
-, -, prebend of Erthunton in, g. 5906 (29).
-, -, the Angel, 5870.
-, -, the Maidenhead, 5870.
-, -, four Orders of Friars, 5870.
-, -, White Friars of, 5870.
Bridgwater, Soms., p. 236, g. 1230 (4), 4141, p. 2692, 6163, g. 6803 (27).
-, -, St. John's hosp., master of, p. 2697.
-, - (Bruggewater), deanery of, 971.
Bridkirke, Ralph, 3380 (7).
Bridlington (Berlington), 2001, 5101.
-, -, priory of, 2001.
-, -, prior of, 2768.
Bridport (Burporte), Dors., g. 1945 (29), 6043 (1, 2) ii.
-, -, deanery of, 971.
Brie or Brye, 3567.
-, -, abbey in, 6003.
Brienne, Chas. de Luxembourg, count of, 1472, 1531, 1677 ((2), 3169, 3171, 3288, 3306, 4391, 5216, App. 156.
-, -, -, letter to, 3012.
-, -, -, letters from, 4233, 4241.
-, -, conte de Roussy, _, 1365.
Brierly, York, g. 1298 (und.)
Brierly, (Brygantine, Bryganden,) _, 1250, 6176.
Brigandyne, Rob., p. 84, 1714 (3).
Brige. See Bridge.
Brigeman, John, p. 233.
Brigge, near Weymouth, Dors., 2476.
Brigges, _, 2095.
-, -, Hen., g. 1136 (18), 1939 (8), 2002 (6), 3587 (1).
-, -, Sir John, p. 238, g. 895 (26), g. 2002 (11 M.), 2749, g. 5083 (6, 16), 6043 (2) i.
-, - See Bridges.
Brigham ch., Cumb., vicar of, g. 297 (14).
Brigham (Brygham), Cecilie, 2835.
-, -, Wm., 3613.
Brighen, Scotland. See Brechin.
Bright, Sim., 1082 (2).
-, - (Bryghte), Th., App. 252 iv.
Bright Hampton, Worc., g. 3991 (6).
Brightling (Britlyng), Suss., 191 (23), p. 988.
Brightwalden, Berks, 1913 (1).
Brightwell, Oxon, 1913 (1), 4471, 6516 (4).
Brigmeston, Wilts, 3665 (3).
Brignoles, 552 ii.
Brikelse, Brykesey, 281, 5101.
Brikhill. See Brickhill.
Brill, Bucks, 1468, 2167 (2), pp. 3064, 3066–7, 3069.
-, -, curate of, p. 3066.
Brimstede, Norf., 367.
Brindisi, 680, 4833.
Brindisi (Brundusium), 711.
-, -, bp. of, 6159.
-, -, Peter de, App. 265 (9).
Bringewood, Wales, 1941.
Brinkburn or Bringbourne, Northld., g. 3213 (21).
-, -, canon of, 2402, 4336.
Brinon, John, sieur de Vilaines d'Humières et de Antolio, president of Rouen and chancellor of Alençon, 271, 335, 999, 1001, 1013, 1018, 1063, 1132, 1160, 1229, 1237, 1249, 1287, 1322, 1357, 1365, 1378, p. 615, 1398, 1421, 1516, 1525, 1531, 1537, 1555, 1557, 1569–70 (2, 3), 1573–4, 1578–9, 1582, 1595, 1600, 1602, 1609, 1617, 1669, 1694, 1696, 1701 ii., 1711, 1729, 1738–9, 1770, 1783, 1788, 1799, 1818, 1886, 1905, 1929, 1982, 2036, 2041, 2057, 2104, 2148, 2163, 2198, 2320, 2545, 2567, 2645, 2848, p. 1398, 3315, 3342, 3449, 3466 (2), 3495, 3837, 3873, 5862, 5891, App. 56, 122.
-, -, -, letters from, 1160, 1525, 1531, 1578–9, 1617, 1729, 1738–9, 2057, 2567, 2645, 2848, 3837.
-, -, -, letters to, 1516, 1537, 1573, 1609, 1669, 1694, 1770, 1783, 1788, 1818, 1886, 1929, 1982, 2104.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1600, 1602.
-, -, -, instructions to, 3466 (2).
Briona, 389.
Briouse, camp at, letter dated from, 305.
Brisac, 1175.
Brion, Philip Chabot sieur de, Admiral of France (1526–41), 1288, p. 611, 5789, 5885, 5911, 5913, 5931, 6244, App. 219, 221.
-, -, -, letters to, 5789, 6244, App. 221.
Briseyus, Louis, earl of Maulevrier, seal of, 1677 (1).
Brisgau, 6589.
Brisley, Rob., 1577 (12).
Brisse, John, 6227.
Bristilton, 6138 (2).
Bristol, g. 86 (14, 23–4), 293, g. 297 (20), 317, g. 390 (11), g. 464 (27), p. 236, g. 787 (14), 969 (2, 8), 1327, 1577 (1), g. 1945 (8), 2468, g. 2599 (2), g. 2761 (1), 2814 (5 note), g. 3087 (und.), g. 3324 (12), 3607, g. 3747 (23), 3866, 3999, 4017, 4043, p. 2252, 5372, g. 5624 (1), g. 5815 (22), g. 5978 (1), p. 2691, 6124, 6138 (1), 6163, g. 6490 (29), g. 6554 (1).
-, -, letters dated at, 3305, 4695.
-, -, charter to, g. 5978 (20).
-, -, deanery of, 971.
-, -, mayor, &c. of, 2468, g. 2599 (2). g. 3869 (22), 5316, 5372, g. 5978 (20), g. 6038 (13), g. 6709 (10).
-, -, staple of, g. 3540 (9).
-, -, Court of Admiralty of, g. 3869 (22).
-, -, All Saints, vicar of, 3999.
-, -, Mon. of St. Augustines, abbot of, g. 1796 (und.), 1816 (2), 1828 (2).
-, -, -, Wm., abbot of, pp. 2697, 2700.
-, -, abbacy of, 4934.
-, -, St. Mary Redclyff, g. 5978 (20).
Bristow or Bristowe, John, g. 6803 (6).
-, -, Mother, 4029 (1).
-, -, Ph., 3678.
-, - (Bristoo), Rob., 4134 (2).
-, -, Walt., 3678.
-, -, Wm., 3678.
Briswood, _, 281, 414, 577, 749, 920, 2755, App. pp. 3107, 3109.
-, -, Wm., p. 85, 334, 2356, p. 2225, 5247 (1, 2).
-, -, -, his sig., 4321.
Britford (co. Wilts) 1533 (12)
Brito, 5501 (2).
Britt or Brytt, John, g. 137 (8, 18), g. 895 (20), g. 2002 (11 D.), g. 5083 (12), g. 5243 (26).
-, -, Rob., g. 1136 (16).
Brittany, 26, 195, 398, 1212, 1255, 1387, 1435, 2111 ii., 2443, 2465, g. 3540 (28), 3543, 3956, 3976, 4389, g. 4445 (5), 4566, 4677, 4948, App. 161.
-, -, general of, 6440.
-, -, treasurer of, 6265.
-, -, ports of, 3982.
-, -, president of, 3105.
-, -, navy and ships of, 3940, App. 7, 13.
-, -, admiral of. See Chabot, Ph.
Brittewell, Suff., g. 2002 (6).
Brixia. See Brescia.
Brixen, bp. of, 1370, 1480, 5240.
Brixiano, 4883.
Brixston Deverell, benefice of, 5660.
Brobury, Beds, 1309.
Brocket, John, 3581.
-, -, Nic., p. 3047.
-, - See Brokett.
Brockheusen, Eric count de Hoiaud, letter from, 2958.
Brockley, 6516 (15).
Brocton, Edw., 952.
Brodbanke, Chr., g. 464 (27).
Broddes, John, 2217 (2) vii.
Broderybbe, Steph., p. 3068.
Brodericus, Steph. or Silvester, 1061, 2089, 2098, 3239.
Broghton Solney. See Broughton Solney.
Brokborowe, Beds. See Brokeborow.
Broke, prior of, 2698.
-, -, parson and ch. of, 6361.
Broke, Rob. Willoughby, lord. See Willoughby de Broke.
Broke or Brook, _, 882, 1335, 1518, 2344, g. 6490 (3), App. p. 3109.
-, -, Alice, p. 3047.
-, -, Dav., 3119 (2).
-, -, Brooke, Edw., 366.
-, -, or Brocke, Eliz., g. 6418 (24).
-, -, Geo. See Cobham, lord.
-, -, Hen., 6460 (3).
-, -, Jas., 6319.
-, -, John, g. 6542 (5).
-, -, -, (Wallop's messenger,) 2375 (3), 2668, 3255, 4210.
-, -, -, (of London,) clothier, g. 3991 (16).
-, -, -, (of Dover,) App. 89, 91.
-, -, Ralph, 2088, 5102 (2).
-, -, Ric., 459, 700, 990, 3049, 4331, 4453.
-, -, -, sig. of, 700.
-, -, Sir Ric., Judge of the Common Pleas, and afterwards Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 72, g. 137 (1, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 23), 366, 388 (7), g. 390 (6), p. 234, g. 787 (29), g. 895 (26), g. 961 (18, 20), g. 1049 (16), 1082, g. 1136 (4, 11), 1156, g. 1298 (und.), g. 1377 (16), g. 1533 (11), g. 1610 (11 B. H.), g. 1945 (6, 28), g. 2002 (11 M., Norf., Sur., Suf.), 2385, 2926, g. 2927 (12), g. 3213 (18, 28), g. 3869 (29), 4417, 4442 (1, 6), g. 4445 (20), 4669, g. 4896 (23), g. 5083 (4, 11, 16), g. 5243 (26, 28), g. 5336 (11), g. 5510 (und.), 6263, g. 6363 (20), App. 133.
-, -, -, letters from, 1156, 4417.
-, -, -, letter to, (as Chief Baron of the Exchequer,) 2926.
-, -, -, his brother, 4331.
Broke, Rob., g. 4993 (7).
-, -, Sir Rob., 2318.
-, -, Th., g. 2599 (2), g. 3540 (9). See Cobham, lord.
-, -, Wm., g. 6418 (24).
Brokeborow, Beds, 1309, g. 3213 (4), g. 4124 (14), g. 6654 (27).
Brokeley or West Greenwich, Kent, 1931 (2), p. 989.
Brokeman, Hen., 3259.
Broker, John, g. 5510 (und.)
Brokes, 4424, 5076.
Brokesby, Th., g. 5748 (28), p. 2691, g. 6490 (20 Leic.), 6516 (1).
-, -, Wm., p. 237.
Brokesley, Wm., g. 2218 (15).
Brokeston, _, widow, p. 990.
-, -, Laur., p. 990.
Broket or Brokett, _, goldsmith, 5275.
-, -, Edw., g. 3324 (6), g. 6490 (20 Hert.)
-, -, - See also Droket.
-, -, John, p. 83, g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (4), g. 6072 (9), g. 6490 (20 Hert.), 6516 (1), 6598, 6721.
-, -, Rob., g. 464 (25).
-, -, Wm., g. 464 (25), 2595, 3738.
-, - See Brocket.
Brokham, Ric., 3500, App. 98.
Broking, John, g. 6072 (11).
Brokylsbee, Rob., g. 2927 (8).
Brokynton, 6748 (8).
Brokys, John, 1939 (8).
Brom ..., Edw., 957.
Brome, Hen., 2527.
-, -, John, g. 137 (12), p. 234, g. 1049 (24), 2672, 4914, g. 6072 (9), 6721.
-, -, Th., App. 91.
Bromefeld or Bromfeld, 1854, 1941, g. 2599 (1, 5, 8), g. 2673 (6, 12, 17), g. 2761, (1), g. 3142 (29), g. 3622 (15), g. 4594 (22), 5288 (1, 2), g. 5406 (12), g. 5906 (20).
-, -, Essex, 1833–4 (2).
-, -, lo., marches of Wales, g, 5510 (26), g. 6418 (20).
-, -, "the theand of," 383 ii.
-, -, prior of, p. 2701.
Bromefeld, Ric., g. 2002 (27).
Bromehall, Bromehill, or Bromhall, priory, 686, 3537 (1), 4229 (1, 9, 10), 4259 (1), 4755, 5075 (12,) 5076, 5186, 5398, 5409, 5458, 5792, 6330, 6516 (15).
Bromestedle, 1834 (2).
Bromhed, Th., 3544.
Bromholme, Norf., prior of, 4399, p. 2699.
Bromley, Kent, 842.
-, -, Middx., g. 5336 (11).
Bromley or Bromeley, _, pp. 988–9, 2331 (2), 3094, 4238.
Bromley, _, of the Princess's household, 4470.
-, -, Geo., g. 137 (12), g. 390 (2), p. 234, g. 787 (und.), g. 1610 (11 G.), 1691, 1940 (2), g. 2002 (6, 11), 3874, 4096, 4140, g. 5083 (4, 6), g. 5243 (26), g. 6490, (20 Shr., Worc.)
-, -, -, his sig., 3874, 4096, 4140.
-, -, Ralph, App. 17 (1), ii.
-, -, Th., 1941.
-, -, Wm., 6598 (2).
Brommore, Wm., prior of, p. 2697.
Bromston, John, 2754.
Bromwich, 1913 (1), 2167 (1), p. 987.
-, -, West, p. 988.
Bromwicham, 1688.
Bromyarde, John, p. 151.
Bromyare, prior of, p. 2697.
Bronde alias Brownde, Edw., 293.
Brondon, Essex, 3665 (1).
Brondwod, 6128.
Brook. See Broke.
Brookesby (Brokysby), Leic., g. 5815 (16).
Broonwell, John, 3795.
Brosjard, Abbess of the Minories in, 5556–7.
Brosses, sieur de, 3386, 3634, 3636, 3667–8, 3673, 3691, 3754, 3757, 3783, 3799, 3800, 3812, 3859, p. 1743, App. 131, 135, 140, 142,–4, 147.
-, -, -, letters from, 3757, App. 140, 144.
-, -, -, letter to, 3800.
Brothe, John, p. 988.
Brotherwike, Geo., 103.
Brouage, in France, 6755.
Brough, Edw., g. 6248 (20).
-, -, Th. lord, g. 6248 (20).
Broughton, Hants, 367, g. 1533 (12).
-, -, Linc., 367.
-, -, Worc., g. 3991 (6).
-, -, (Browton,) Yorks., 4442 (5).
Broughton Solney, 3819 (1).
Broughton, _, 3216, 4452, 4456, 4556.
-, -, _, the heir of, p. 986.
-, -, _, daughters and heirs of, 4710.
-, -, _, sisters of, 4452, 4456, 4584.
-, -, _, son of, (Sir John Russell,) 4436–7.
-, -, Anne, g. 5624 (10), g. 6187 (12).
-, -, John, g. 5624 (10), g. 6072 (21), g. 6187 (12), 6748 (15).
-, -, Kath., g. 5624 (10), g. 6072 (21), g. 6187 (12).
Brounwynde, _, 2431.
Browcton, Hunts, g. 6135 (13).
Browen alias Thrumbyll, Jas., 4231 (23).
Brown, Broun, or Browne, _, 4005, 4477, 4573, p. 3065, p. 3068, App. 99 (1).
-, -, _, counsel of my lord of Lincoln 692.
Brown, _, the King's painter, pp. 1395–6.
-, -, Alice, g. 6490 (23).
-, -, Anne, 736, 5859, p. 2620 note.
-, -, Anth., 1939 (8).
-, -, Sir Anth., g. 1298 (1), 1718, 1906, p. 863, 1939 (4, 6), g. 2132 (und.), g. 2218 (17), g. 2599 (23), p. 1331, g. 3087 (und.), 3124, g. 3142 (24), 3171, 3185, 3225, 3244, 3247, g. 3324 (3), 3328, 3368, 3437, 3456, 3466 (1), 3472, 3484, 3502, 3508, 3514, 3522–3, 3547–8–9, 3557, 3565 (1, 2), g. 3991 (8), g. 4896 (2), g. 4993 (28), 5393, 5508 (1), 6094, g. 6363 (28), g. 6490 (23), App. p. 3108.
-, -, -, letters from, 3225, 3328, 3368, 3437, 3456, 3472, 3484, 3502, 3547–8–9, 3557.
-, -, -, letter to, 3247.
-, -, -, his wife Alice, 3991 (8).
-, -, Chr., g. 1533 (12).
-, -, Clement, 2627, 2669.
-, -, -, letters from, 2623, 2695.
-, -, -, letter to, 2619.
-, -, Edw., g. 3622 (4), 5102 (2).
-, -, Etheldred, g. 6709 (1).
-, -, Eustace, g. 6363 (6).
-, -, Fran., g. 213 (2), p. 83, p. 237, 819, g. 2362 (6), g. 5083 (2, 16), g. 6490 (20 Linc., Oke.), 6516 (1), 6721.
-, -, Geo., g. 297 (29), 5102 (2).
-, -, Hen., 281, g. 4993 (28).
-, -, Humph., sergt. at law, p. 236, g. 1136 (2), g. 2002 (11), 3926, 4442 (1, 3, 5), g. 5083 (12), g. 5336 (11), g. 5510 (20), g. 6490 (20 Col.), g. 6709 (1), g. 6803 (6, 12 E. Y.) App. p. 3108.
-, -, Jas., p. 3065.
-, -, Joan, g. 2362 (12).
-, -, John, g. 137 (11), p. 82, p. 233, 965, 976, g. 1136 (2), g. 1736 (10), 1939 (8), g. 2002 (11), p. 1391, 3469, 3564, 3581, 5102 (21), g. 5336 (14), g. 6600 (12), g. 6709 (1), App. p. 3109.
-, -, Laur., 966, g. 6072 (12).
-, -, lady Lucy, 6216, g. 6363 (28).
-, -, Sir Matt., g. 137 (8), p. 234, g. 1049 (16), g. 2002 (11), g. 2362 (12), g. 5083 (11), g. 6363 (1, 28), g. 6490 (20 Gul.), App. p. 3108.
-, -, Oliver, priest, letter from, 6456.
-, -, Orume, 2553.
-, -, Ralph, g. 2218 (5).
-, -, -, sig. of, 2214.
-, -, Ric., p. 238, g. 1377 (20), 1577 (12), 1939 (10), p. 2224, g. 5624 (10).
-, -, Rob., pp. 83, 4, g. 390 (2), 459, p. 238, 736, 3819 (2), p. 1699, g. 4313 (11), 5083 (2), 6329, 6748 (15), App. p. 3106.
-, -, -, letter from, 6329.
-, -, -, letter to, 4252.
-, -, -, his sig., p. 1699.
Brown, Th., 4519, p. 985, g. 5510 (17).
-, -, Walt., p. 233.
-, -, Wm., 132, g. 546 (15), p. 236, g. 961 (20), 1082 (2), g. 1230 (3), 4254 (3), 4440, 4545 ii., 4581, 5275, g. 5510 (17), 6654 (27).
Brownes, the, (Border family), 4336 (2).
Brownstocking, a close called, g. 4896 (28)
Browneham, Ric., 266.
Brownyng, John, 3961.
-, -, Wm., p. 234.
Browton. See Broughton.
Broye, M. de la, 6410 ii.
Broyes, _, 3456.
Broyon. See Brion.
Bruce, Eliz., p. 3047.
-, - See Bruse.
Brucia. See Abruzzo.
Brucia, viceroy de, 5295.
Brudenell, _, lord, p. 83, 4796.
-, -, Rob., 1298, 1795, 3587 (5), 4442 (6).
-, -, -, his sig., 1218.
-, -, Rob., jun., g. 137 (12), g. 546 (11), g. 1136 (12), g. 1533 (11), g. 2002 (12), 3587 (2), g. 5083 (2, 6).
-, -, Sir Rob., Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, g. 137 (1, 4, 12, 14, 23), g. 213 (2), p. 84, 346, g. 390 (6), p. 238, g. 787 (29), g. 961 (12), 1082, g. 1136 (4, 11), 1309, g. 1377 (16), g. 1533 (11), g. 1610 (11), g. 1945 (6, 8), g. 2002 (11), 2318, g. 2927 (12), 3150, g. 3213 (28), 3587 (2), g. 3869 (29), g. 4445 (20), g. 4993 (7), g. 5083 (11, 20), g. 5243 (26, 28), g. 5510 (und.), g. 5748 (18, 28), 6043 (1), g. 6135 (16), g. 6363 (6), g. 6490 (20 Ayl., Leic. G., North. C., Oke. C., 28.)
-, -, Th., g. 961 (12), g. 2002 (11, 12), g. 2927 (12), 3587 (2, 5), g. 3991 (3), g. 4445 (20), g. 5083 (11), g. 5243 (28).
-, -, -, sen., g. 3213 (28), g. 6490 (20).
Bruel Castle, 2718.
Bruen, Th., 819.
Bruer. See Brewer.
Bruern (Bruera), Oxford, house of, 6141.
-, -, John, abbot of, p. 2698.
-, -, -, letter from, 5373.
Bruerton, Ric., p. 234.
-, -, Wm., g. 1736 (10).
-, - See Brereton.
Bruges, 109, p. 150, 419, 481, 1377 (8), 1689, 2250 (1), 2904, g. 3540 (24), 3594, (Brydgys) 5334, p. 2516, 5718, p. 2609, p. 2767, 6256, 6748 (5), App. 94.
-, -, satin of, p. 150, 3759, p. 2768.
-, -, lords of, 2300.
-, -, letters dated at, 419, 481, 1689, 2200, 3261.
-, -, Hen., p. 235, g. 6072 (9), 6721.
Brudges, Brugges, or Brugge, Sir Giles, g. 1377 (18).
-, -, Isabella, g. 1377 (18).
-, -, Sir John, p. 233, g. 1377 (18), g. 5243 (28), g. 6248 (11), 6516 (1).
Bruggs, Sir John, of Coberley, g. 3991 (23).
Brugh-in-le-Marshe. See Burgh.
Brugham, Suss. See Burgham.
Brughe, Wm., 3380 (8).
Brumham-wood, 4318.
Brun, Dom., 3512.
Brundusium. See Brindisi.
Brune or Bruyn, Th., p. 235, 1795, 2672.
Brunellus, _, 6481.
Brunswick, duke of, 1400, 3488, 4147, 4368–9, 4381, 4639, 4642, 4644.
-, -, dukes of, 1806.
-, -, Eric or Henry duke of, 1632, 2051, 4024.
-, -, -, letter from, 4240.
Bruse (Brusy), Hugh, g. 1136 (16).
-, -, Matt., p. 237.
-, - See Bruce.
Bruses manor, 4442 (6).
Brusse. See Abruzzo.
Brussels, 1247–8, 1332, 1400, 1437, 1577 (1), 1647, 1737, 1839, 2005, 2055, 2904, 3959, 3966, 5493, 5500–1 (1), 5829 (8), 6279, 6285, 6429, p. 2896 note.
-, -, instrument dated at, 4378 (2).
-, -, letters dated at, 24, 574, 645–6, 648, 653, 871, 1079, 1092, 1148–9, 1154–5, 1158, 1163, 1215–17, 1369–70, 1789, 1806, 1811, 1819, 1832, 2590–91, 2628, 2642–3, 2658–9, 5292, 5461, 5473, 5499, 5548–9, 5554–5, 5566–8, 5599, 5654, 5665, 5683, 5687, 5691, 6032.
-, -, ch. of St. Godule in, 1163.
-, -, Chancery at, 6754.
Brussels ticks for beds, p. 2766.
-, -, cloth, p. 2766.
Brustonhaugh. See Bursawes.
Brustwick or Brestwike, in Holderness, Yorks., 3125, g. 3142 (17), g. 3213 (8)
Brusy, closes called Wranglond and Cowlond in, g. 5815 (16).
Brusy. See Bruse.
Bruton, Wm., prior of, p. 2697. See also Brewton.
Bruton, Sir Edw., p. 1331.
Bruyne, Count de, 734.
Bryne, _ de. See Brion.
Bryan. See Brian.
Brychan. See Brechin.
Brydde, Edw., 3587 (2).
Brydesthorne. See Bridesthorne.
Brydgis, John, p. 2691.
-, -, or Brigges, Ric., p. 2692, 6751 (24).
Brydgys. See Bruges.
Brydone, Th., 403.
Bryertonne. See Brereton.
Bryges, Th., 5386 (6).
Bryggys, John, p. 235.
Bryganden or Brygantine. See Brigandyne.
Brygham. See Brigham.
Bryket, John, g. 6072 (24).
Brykked, _, 2109.
Brykman, Fr., 4693.
Bryll. See Brill.
Brynchisley. See Brenchesley.
Brymmyngham. See Bermingham.
Bryne, Rog., g. 6803 (29).
Brynkborne. See Brinkburn.
Brynklowe, Dorothy, g. 6248 (11).
-, -, John, g. 6248 (11).
Brynstok, g. 2761 (15).
Bryon. See Brion or Brinon.
Brysakke, 872.
Brysby, Edw., letter from, 5876.
Brytlings, p. 989.
Brytt. See Brett.
Buccleuch (Bawclw), or Boclough, lord, 651, 656–7–8, 739, 854, 1438, 1968 (2), 2678, 4531, 4674, 4709, 4718–19, 4728 (2) ii., 4781, 4925.
Buchan? (Bowclam), lord, 43.
Buckbrook, Nich., 4740.
Buckden, Bukden, Buckeden, or Bugden, 4418.
-, -, letters dated at, 1330, 1412, 4514, 4527.
Buckeberd, Wm., p. 3047.
-, - (Buckberd), _, 4632.
Buckeley. See Bukley.
Buckenham, (Buknam,) Norf., g. 3087 (und.)
-, -, canon of, 5411.
Buckestede. See Buxted.
Buckfast, Devon, g. 6135 (22).
-, -, abbot and convent of, 3733, g. 6135 (22).
-, -, John abbot of, p. 2699.
Buckholt, g. 895 (25).
Buckingham, 2407 (2), 5965, p. 2691.
-, -, borough of, g. 2002 (20), g. 3087 (und.)
-, -, archdeacon of, p. 2698. See Tayler, John.
-, -, archdeaconry of, p. 2698.
Buckingham Herald, 4235.
Buckingham, Edw. Stafford duke of, g. 137 (1, 20), g. 297 (13 und.), 1985, 2085, 2576, g. 2927 (26), 3447, 4470, 6123, 6738.
-, -, -, lands of, g. 137 (1, 20), 256, g. 297 (und.), g. 464 (18, 20, 27), g. 546 (5, 15), 850, g. 895 (24), g. 1533 (24), g. 2002 (1, 20), g. 2218 (2), g. 2362 (10, 12), g. 2761 (15), g. 3087 (5, und.), 2125, g. 3142 (17), g. 3213 (8, 18), g. 4124 (27), 4215, g. 4313 (5), g. 4445 (15, 16), g. 4993 (4), g. 5243 (3), 5668, g. 6072 (9), g. 6490 (23).
-, -, -, offices, &c. of, g. 297 (13), g. 390 (27), g. 787 (6), g. 1610 (5),
g. 1945 (30), 3082, g. 3398 (14), g. 4316 (8), g. 4896 (15), g. 6363 (6).
-, -, -, informers against, 1985.
-, -, -, his chaplain, 4040.
-, -, -, his brother. See Wiltshire, Hen. earl of.
-, -, -, his son. See Stafford, Hen. lord.
-, - duchess of, 1906, 3447, 3748.
-, -, duchy of, g. 4993 (4).
Bucks, co., g. 137 (4), pp. 83–5, 487, p. 235, 819, 833, 969 (8), 972, g. 1136 (4), 1330, g. 1377 (16), 1795, 1939 (8), g. 2065 (18), 2067, 2318, 2525, 2672, g. 3008 (30), 3029, 3190, 3537 (1), 3581, 3734 (6), 3847, 3866, 4135, 4143, 4220, 4697, 4914, 5117 (1), 5124, g. 5336 (8), 5432 ii., 5993, 6516 (1. 2), g. 6654 (27), g. 6751 (24), App. 241.
-, -, escheator of, 4840, 5117 (1).
-, -, sheriff of. See Bedfordshire.
Buckland, p. 990.
-, - (Bucklond), Berks, 4471.
-, -, Herts, g. 5624 (20).
-, - (Bukland), Kent, g. 6248 (11).
-, - in Overton Burton, Bucks, g. 5510 (28).
-, - (Bucklond), my lord of, p. 339.
-, - (Buckland), John, g. 3324 (12).
-, - (Buclande), Ric., g. 5336 (12).
Buklance, Buclans, or Bouclans, sieur de. See Alemand, John L'.
Bucklesham, Boclesham, or Bokelysham, 4424, 5076.
Buckley, Arth., p. 2701.
Buckmaster or Bukmaster, John, g. 3087 (18).
-, -, Wm., Dr., vice-chancellor of Cambridge, 4885 (3), 6176.
-, -, -, letters from, 4869, 6325.
Buckton, in Elameshire, 2608.
Buckley or Bukeley, Ric., g. 3747 (31), 5533.
-, -, Rob., g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Roland, g. 3747 (3).
-, -, Th., p. 235.
Buda, in Hungary, 1506, 1957–8, 2021, 2380 (2), 2409, 2463–4, 2466, 2496, 2550, 2588–9, 2601, 2706, 2959, 3255, 3561, 3605, 3701, 5767, 5961.
-, -, letters dated at, 946, 1068–9, 1286, 2048–9–50, 2056, 2268, 2380 (2), 2381, 3238, 3371.
-, - See also Ovon.
Budæus, Wm., App, 147.
Budbroke or Hampton-on-the-Hill, g. 4896(6).
Budde, Wm., 5330 i.
Buddesdon. See Biddestone.
Budgegood, Anth., 5330 i.
Buer, Pet. See Peterson.
Buers, _, 1386.
Buffton, _, p. 3066.
Bugbie or Bugby, 1913, p. 987.
Bugby, John, g. 6301 (8). See also Bukby.
Bugden. See Buckden.
Bugeix (Bourges), abp. of See Tournon, Fr. de.
Bugenhagus, John, 4861 (2).
Bughlawton, Cheshire, App. 245 (2).
Buildewas, Steph. abbot of, p. 2700.
-, -, abbey of, 4096.
Builth, marches of Wales, g. 1610 (22), g. 1736 (1), 1941, g. 2002 (12).
Bukberd. See Buckeberd.
Bukby, John, g. 6803 (21). See also Bugby.
-, -, John de, g. 3869 (24).
Bukden. See Buckden.
Buketon, Ralph, g. 4124.
-, -, Wm., 2835.
Bukland. See Buckland.
Bukmaster. See Buckmaster.
Buknam. See Buckenham.
Buksale, Suff., g. 1136 (17).
Bulford, Wilts, 3665 (3).
Bulkeley, Cheshire, g. 6709 (29).
Bulkeley (or Boulkley), _, 3216, p. 1700 note.
-, -, Chas., g. 1049 (12), g. 2002 (6), 3665 (3), g. 5243 (28), 6121, g. 6490 (20 Fys.)
-, -, -, sig. of, 3665 (3).
-, -, John, p. 236, g. 1049 (12), g. 3213 (8), g. 5815 (16), g. 6542 (12).
-, -, Ric., 5288.
-, -, Rob., p. 235, g. 895 (12), g. 2002 (11), 4914, g. 5243 (26), 6721.
-, -, Rowland, 211.
-, -, Th., 1577 (12).
Bull. See also Bolle.
Bull, Gerard, 1962 (3).
-, - (Bulle), Nich., 2595, 3738.
-, -, Perys, 1939 (8).
Bulla (or Bully), Wm., p. 2767, 6747 (5), App. 11.
Bullen. See Boleyn.
Buller, Alex., p. 236.
-, -, Rob., g. 6038 (13).
Bulley, _, wife of, 4029 (1).
Bulleyn, Anthony de, 5516 (2).
Bulleyn. See also Boleyn.
Bullington, Ric. prior of, p. 2698.
Bullock, _, his servant, 4144.
-, -, Hen., 234 (2).
-, -, Ric., 5973.
-, -, Th., p. 235, 3587 (1).
Bullokestowne, Suss., 1845 iv., 1913 (2).
Bulls, 5226, 5228, 5276 5608, 5638–9, 5649, 5921, 6615.
-, - required, 5607.
Bully. See Bulla.
Bulmer, Sir John, 97, 117, 123, 131, 144, p. 236, 2216, 4889–90, g. 5083 (11), 5091.
-, -, -, letter from, 117.
-, -, -, letters to, 97, 123.
-, -, -, hand of, 131.
Bulmer, Ralph, g. 297 (14).
-, -, Wm., 1939 (8).
Bulmer, Sir Wm., 9, 28, 97, 144, 151, 171, 201, 212, 216, 219–20, 253, 275, 278, 364, 409, 447–8, 452, 488, 497 ii., p. 236, 701, 726, 893, 1239, 1289, 1338, 1512, 1540, 1596, g. 1610 (11), 1793, 1808–9, 2081, 2216, 2450, 2521, 2861, 2994, 3033, 3069, 3383, 3478, 3501, 3552, 3610, 3822, 4474, 4889, 4890, 4901, g. 5083 (10, 11), g. 5243 (28), p. 2557, g. 5815 (26), 6382, g. 6490 (14, 20 York.), 6516 (1), 6585–6 (1–3), g. 6803 (6, 12).
-, -, -, letters from, 171, 212, 364, 409, 447, 452, 1289, 1338, 1808, 2081, 2861, 3383, 3610, 4889–90, 6585.
-, -, -, letters to, 201, 3478, 4474.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1512, 1540, 1793, 2450, 2521, 3033, 3069, 3501, 3552.
-, -, -, his sons, 4890.
-, -, Sir Wm., sen., 1196, g. 3087 (und.)
-, -, -, jun., 2994, 4889.
Bulney, Ralph, 1939 (8).
Bulstone, Soms., 4536 ii.
Bulstrode, Geo., p. 235.
-, - (Bolstrode), John, 1939 (8).
-, -, Walt., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 234, g. 1049 (24), g. 2002 (11), 2310.
-, -, Wm., g. 137 (4), p. 83, p. 235, g. 1136 (4).
-, -, Sir Wm., g. 2132 (16).
Bulverhithe, Suss., 2250 (4).
Bumpstead, Essex, 4586.
Bumpstead, Steeple, or Bumpsteed at Tower or ad Turrim, 4218, 4254, 4545, 4850.
-, -, parish priests of, 4218, 4545.
-, -, curate of, 4254 (2).
-, -, churchwarden of, 4254 (3).
Bunbury, St. Boniface's Coll., warden of, 3307.
Bungay, Suff., 5076.
Buntingford, Herts, 1540.
Buntyng, John, p. 2691.
-, -, Steph., g. 3398 (14), g. 3471 (12).
Buonaparte's Account of the Siege of Rome, 3115.
Burbage, Wilts, g. 2927 (10).
Burbank, Wm., LL.D., archdeacon of Carlisle, 628, 989, 1137 (2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17), 1252, g. 1298 (und.), 1728, 3399, 3536 (1), 5095, 5626, p. 2552, 5774 (8), 5783, p. 2587, 6222 (1, 2).
-, -, -, his seal, 1137 (4, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17).
Burbon, John de. See Barbon.
Burborowz, 243.
Burbridge, _, letter to, 6319.
Burbrooke ch., Linc. dioc., g. 6600 (19).
Burcetur or Burcestre. See Bicester.
Burcote, Northt., g. 4231 (und.)
Burdet, Sir John, p. 236.
Burdet, Th., g. 1610 (8).
Burdett, Wm., g. 6803 (6).
Burdeziers. See Bordaiziere.
Burdon, Wm., g. 3213 (21), g. 5336 (21), g. 5815 (8).
Burdoyse. See Bordeaux.
Burdy, John, g. 464 (27).
Bure. See Buren.
Burella, count de, 1165, 4844.
Buren (Bure, Bures, &c.), Florys d'Egmont, count of, lord of Iselstein, 7, 8, 24, 30, 109–10, 224, 268, 324, 343, 648, 653 (2), 684, 780, 1302, 1307–8, 1320, 1322, 1370–1, 1400, 1495, 1504, 1549, 1819, 1987, 3060, 3445–6, 3594–5, 3603, 3870, 4008–9, 4026, 4036–7, 4080, 4147, 4637, 4650, p. 2193, 5473 (note), 5483, 5690, 5723, 6753.
-, -, letters from, 343, 648, 3445, 3603, 4036–7.
Bures, Essex, 1833 (3), 4850.
-, -, Suff., 4473.
Bures, Anne, g. 5906 (9), g. 6072 (10).
-, -, Bridget, g. 5906 (9), g. 6072 (10).
-, -, Hen., 2844, g. 5906 (9), g. 6072 (10).
-, -, Joan, g. 5906 (9), g. 6072 (10).
-, -, Mary, g. 5906 (9), g. 6072 (10).
Burford, g. 2132 (und.), 2734, 6023, 6748 (8).
-, -, Bureford, deanery of, 971.
-, -, baron of. See Cornewall, Sir T.
-, - of the Wold, 5962.
Burg. See Burgo.
Burgavenny. See Abergavenny.
Burges or Burgis, _, 3334, 6482, p. 3066.
-, -, Arnold, p. 1700.
Burgeyn, Chr., g. 6490 (20 Camb. C.)
-, -, Wm., g. 6490 (1).
Burgh, Cornw., g. 3008 (23).
-, - (Brugh) in the Marsh, g. 5510 (20).
-, - upon the Sands, Cumb., 4835 iii.
Burgh, Anne, g. 5336 (22).
-, -, Anth., g. 1298 (13), g. 2599 (5).
-, -, Sir Chr., 3043.
-, -, Edw. s. of Th. lord, g. 6803 (19).
-, -, Sir Edw., g. 5336 (22).
-, -, Eliz., g. 5336 (22).
-, -, als. Borough, Hen., p. 3048, 6800 ii., g. 6803 (10).
-, -, -, letter from, 6800 ii.
-, -, -, letter to, 6800.
-, -, Kath., g. 6803 (10).
-, -, Theobald de, 5501–2.
-, -, Tho., g. 5336 (22), p. 2692, 6044.
-, -, -, sig. of, 2214.
-, -, Th. lord, 6513, g. 6803 (19).
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.
-, -, Sir Tho., sen., p. 238, g. 5336 (22).
-, -, -, jun., g. 213 (15), g. 390 (12), p. 238, 819, g. 5083 (16), g. 5336 (22).
-, -, Burghe, Wm., 970, g. 1298 (20).
Burgh. See also Borow.
Burgham, Brugham, Suss., 1913 (2).
Burghitt, Wm., LL.D., 954.
Burghley, Wm. Cecil lord (temp. Eliz.), handwriting of, 2220, 3969, 4042, 5101, p. 2575 note.
Burghmerche, Kent, g. 2447 (80).
Burght, 6375 (3).
Burgi ... Valeriano, p. 2756.
Burgis. See Burges.
"Burgo, in radice maximi Montis Tendis," letter dated at, 454.
-, - (Burgo or Bourge), Andrea de, count, 1504, 2190, 3599, 3605, 4368, 4372, 5440, 5529, 5591, 5827, 6101.
-, -, (Burg, Burjo, or Borgho), Antonio baron de, 6521, 6550, 6661, 6675, 6700.
-, -, -, letters from, 2048, 2301, 2306, 2380 (2), 6618.
-, -, -, letter to, 1958.
Burgo, Nic. de. See Nicholas, Friar.
Burgo, Saint, ..., 939.
-, -, San Donnino, 2715, 2762, 2763 ii., 2921.
Burgo Ratto, 1098.
Burgos, 146, 578, 1378, p. 613, 1972, 2051, 2873, 2883, p. 1618, 3897, 3982, 4637, 4909, 4947, 4962, p. 2513, 6738.
-, -, letters dated at, 173–4, 176, 194–5, 233, 261–2, 349–50, 356–7, 395, 458, 3512–13–14–15, 3518–19, 3522–3, 3585, 3596, 3648, 3690, 3876, 3879, 3896, 3916, 5067.
-, -, bp. of. See Mendoza, Inigo de.
-, -, bpric. of, 2682, 2987, 3092.
-, -, merchants of, 3052.
-, -, treaty of, 4802, 4909.
-, -, Pedro de, 2363.
Burgoyn, Chr., p. 237, g. 6803 (6).
-, - (or Burgen), John, p. 237, 2000, 5117 (1).
-, -, -, sig. of, 4434 (1).
Burgoyne, Gummin de, als. Colin the Frenchman, g. 3540 (14).
-, - See Burgundy.
Burgundian cross, the, App. 156.
Burgundians, 7, 8, 26, 27, 61, 187, 188, 324, 330, 334, 380, 395, 414, 456, 463, 468, 479, 480, 578, 591, 920, 1365, 2057, 2099, 2895, 2966, 3364, 3547, 3897, 4395, 4493, 4580, 5216, 5278, 5584, 5675.
Burgundy, 7, 305, 315, 419, 470, 480, 510, 542, 570, 623, 761, 779, p. 355, 872, 1017, 1175, 1208 ii., 1283, 1333, p. 589, 1346, 1371, 1379, 1382, 1400, 1464, 1520, 1532, 1586, 1589, 1624, 1628, 1643, 1655, 1657, 1696, 1792, 1734, 1735 (2), 1767, 1780, 1789, 1799, 1801, 1811–12, 1815, 1868, 1875, 1891, 1946, 1950, 1957, 1963, 1972, 1986–7, 2005, 2013, 2039, 2091, 2094, 2098, 2115, 2143, 2155, 2173, 2185–6, 2397, 2416, 2485, 2510, 2638, 2651, p. 1199, 2707, 2721, 2723, 2834, 2848, 2929, p. 1319, 2988, 3001, 3009, p. 1368, p. 1370, 3152, p. 1410, p. 1484, 3274, 3284 ii., 3285–6, 3412 (3), p. 1551, 3430–1, 3455, 3871, 8898, 3958, 3959, 3966, 4026, 4036, 4112, 4341, 4662 (3), 4714, p. 2106, 5139, 5423, 5473, 5483, 5499, 5882, 5887, 6364, App. 32, 75.
Burgundy, Chas. duke of, 1283, 1785 (2), 1891.
Burgundy, Charles of, lord of Bredam and Louregham, 401, 5012, 5176. See also Bredam.
-, -, -, letter from, 659.
-, -, Phil. duke of, 3262, 4378 (2).
-, -, marshal of, 1987.
-, -, gov. and lieut. general of, 3495.
-, -, a former archduke of, 5718.
-, -, house of, p. 1320, 4494, 5741, 6026, 6364, App. 192.
-, -, seal of, 2987.
Burgyn, Rob., 964 (4).
Buriton, Hants, g. 5510 (14).
Burke, Theodore, 1352 (2).
Burlace, Edw., 960, 5109.
-, - See Borlace.
Burlay, 1259.
-, - See Borley.
Burlaye, Rob., 4134 (2).
Burleigh, lord. See Burghley.
Burleth, Anth., g. 2447 (13).
Burleton, Joan, g. 137 (19).
-, -, Wm., g. 137 (19).
Burlew, Rutland, g. 2673 (17).
Burley, in the New Forest, Hants, g. 4687 (28), g. 5510 (14).
-, -, Rutland, g. 4993 (7).
Burley, _, p. 2768.
-, -, John, 4331, g. 6418 (21).
Burllyng. See Birling.
Burlowe, Jeromè, 4693.
Burman, _, p. 153.
Burnand, Geo., 293.
Burne. See Bourne.
Burne, Jo., 5102 (2).
Burnebroghton, parsonage of, 967.
Burnell, Dr. John, almoner and treasurer of the Chamber to Princess Mary, 2331 (2), 3842.
-, -, -, his sig., 2926.
-, -, Pet., 1577 (4), g. 1610 (11), 1940 (2), g. 2002, p. 901, 3874, 4140.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1577 (4), 3874, 4140.
-, -, Walt., g. 2002 (6).
Burnes, the, Border family, 4336 (3).
-, - country in Ireland, p. 1077.
Burnett, Avery, 1939 (10).
-, -, Rob., g. 3869 (27).
Buron, camp at, 370.
Burre, my lord of. See Buren.
Burrell, John, 5085.
-, -, -, sig. of, 2214.
Burrow, Rob., 348.
Bursawes alias Burstonhaugh, Suff., 1833–4 (2), 5932 (1).
Burscough (Burslough), J. prior of, 3579.
-, -, Rob., prior of, p. 2700.
Bursell, Ric. p. 235.
Burstall, Suff., 4424, 5076, 5280.
Bursted Magna, 2024.
-, - Parva, 2024.
-, - See Belsted.
Burstelesham. See Bisham.
Burston, 4318.
-, -, Wm., g. 4993 (18).
Burstonhaugh. See Bursawes.
Burstowe or Brustowe, Suss., g. 1610 (22).
Burt, John, g. 2002 (6).
Burth, _, letter to, 2523.
Burtholme, Th., 2374.
-, -, Wm., 2374.
Burton, 712, 3544.
-, -, Berks, g. 3622 (12), g. 5406 (27).
-, - Bishop, parsonage of, 5320 (1–3), 5400, 6682.
-, - Overton, Berks, g. 5510 (28).
-, -, Bucks, g. 2002 (20), g. 3087 (und.)
-, - on Trent, Staff., g, 297 (21).
-, -, -, mon. of St. Mary and Modwin, g. 5336 (28), g. 5906 (7).
-, -, -, abbot of, g. 5336 (28), g. 5906 (7).
-, -, -, Wm., abbot of, p. 2700.
Burton, St. Lazars, Leic., master of, p. 154, 756, 1989 ii., 3049, 6035 (2).
-, -, Th. Ratlyff, master of, p. 2698.
-, -, Westmorland, g. 2599 (18).
Burton, Byrton, or Birton, _, 965, 4135, 5117 (1), 5787, p. 3065.
-, -, -, letter to, 4074.
-, -, Dr., vice-chancellor of Cambridge, 2752 vi.
-, -, Dav., g. 2132 (und.), g. 3087 (5).
-, -, John, LL.D., prior of St. Frideswide's, Oxford, afterwards abbot of Osney, 302, 833, 1137.
-, -, Ric., p. 239, g. 961 (12), g. 2002 (11), 3587 (2, 11).
-, -, Rob., 248, 1577 (12), 3510.
-, -, Sim., g. 1610 (15), g. 1736 (23), 1939 (9), g. 4445 (17).
-, -, Bertton, or Byrton, Th., pp. 237–8, g. 787 (16), 4545 ii., App. 272.
-, -, -, letter to, 3961.
-, -, Wm., 1816 (2), 1828 (2).
Burtonfelde, York, g. 1676 (14).
Burwaye in Brittany, g. 1537 (11).
Burwell, Wm., 1349.
Burweyes, Nich., App. 1.
Burwike, dean of, 1942 (1).
Bury or Bery, Hants, 2808, g. 3142 (1).
Bury, _, 1577.
-, -, Anth., p. 2692.
Bury, John, 1577 (1, 2, 8, 12), g. 5624 (4).
-, -, -, sig. of, 1577 (8).
-, -, Th., 1939 (10).
-, - See Bery.
Bury St. Edmunds, 737, g. 1136 (11), 1323, g. 2362 (6), g. 3869 (27), 4012 (1, 2), 4030, 4125, 4309, g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), p. 2557, g. 6490 (28).
-, -, Northgate St. in, 4012 (2).
-, -, under steward of the franchise of, 4012 (1).
-, -, sedition at, 4012, 4125.
-, -, abbot of, 3703, 4012 (2), 6043, App. p. 3108.
-, -, John abbot of, g. 390 (6), 513, g. 961 (20), g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (26), p. 2699, 6513.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.
-, -, Martin abbot of, 6488–9.
-, -, monks of, 3962 ii., 4125.
Bury (? Berri), France, letter dated at, 5413.
Busacuchia, Nich., 3432.
Busby, Yorksh., p. 673 note.
Busby, Rob., 4442 (5).
Bushley, Worc., g. 4445 (22, 28), g. 4687 (12).
Busse, _, 2365.
-, -, Wm., p. 988.
Busshe or Busshy, g. 3869 (23).
-, -, Edm., p. 237, 1939 (8), g. 5083 (2).
-, -, Edw., 1309, 6121.
-, -, John, g. 5083 (2), App. 79.
-, -, Sir Miles, p. 237, 1309, App. 79.
-, -, Wm., 136, 558 vi., g. 4896 (19).
Busshell, Rog., p. 237.
Bussheton, Wilts, 3665 (3).
Busshop. See Bishop.
Bussy, sieur de, p. 354.
-, -, John. See Bushy.
Buste, Rob., g. 3991 (12).
Bustede, Wm., g. 3398 (18).
Buston, Over and Nether, 4336.
Butcher, Agnes, p. 986.
Bute, lordship of, 715.
Butheler, Barth., 5003 (2).
Butler, Butteler, Boteller, or Bottler, _, 3156, 6748 (5).
-, -, Edm., 2404 (3).
-, -, Sir Jas., 3699.
Butler, lord James, son of Piers earl of Ormond, 81 (1), 1279, 2433, 3698–9, 3700, 3937, 3952–3, 3973, 4283–4, 4422, 4510, 4541, 4562, 4748, 4799, 4847, 5084, 5097, 5349, 5795.
-, -, -, letters from, 3698–9, 3700, 4283, 4748, 4847.
-, -, -, letter to, 1279.
Butler, John, 1577 (12), 5855, g. 6542 (23).
-, -, John, LL.D., sometimes called Sir John, abbot of Vale Royal, 62, p. 237, g. 1377 (5), 4394, 4407, 4761, 4861.
Butler, Sir John, 6043 (2) i.
-, -, Maurice, 976, 1941, g. 4124 (15).
-, -, Morey, 1939 (9).
-, -, Ph., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 237, 819, 1795, g. 2002 (11), 2672, g. 5083 (4).
-, -, Sir Ph., g. 6490 (20 Herts), 6516 (1), 6721, g. 6751 (28).
-, -, Sir Pierce, 3728, 3937.
-, -, -, as Earl of Ormond and Ossory. See Ormond.
-, -, Ric., 2217 (2).
-, -, Th., 2970, 3698, 5170, 5800, 5805, g. 6248 (20).
-, -, Sir Th., 3937.
-, -, Th., Earl of Ormond. See Ormond.
-, -, Lord Th., 5501–2.
-, -, Wm., 1137 (3), 1939 (8), p. 1332, g. 4594 (20), g. 5748 (9).
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 233.
Butlers, the, p. 1076, 3937, 4459, 5097.
Butlerage, 2528, 2746, 2925, 6079.
Butley, letter dated at, 5158.
-, -, Austin, prior of, g. 3991 (17), 4778, 5330 ii.
-, -, Th., prior of, p. 2699.
-, -, prior and çellarer of, App. 230.
-, -, subprior and canons of, letter from, 5158.
Butry. See Boterye.
Butt, Edw., g. 5815 (4).
-, -, John, g. 4313 (11),
-, -, Th., g. 4231 (und.)
Buttell, Ric., 6010.
Buttercramp, 2527, 4822.
Buttes, Eliz., g. 6135 (10).
-, -, John, g. 6135 (10).
-, -, Wm., M.D., p. 151, g. 546 (15), 1292, 1577 (5), 4277, 4409, 4476, g. 6072 (10) 6151, 6325, 6666.
Buttevant, Bruggewant, deanery of 971.
-, - (Botevant), prebendary of, York dioc., 970.
Buttishide, Anth., g. 546 (8).
-, -, Rog., g. 546 (8).
Button, Wm., p. 2692.
Button, esquire. See Courtbaron.
Buxlowe, Suff., 1833.
Buxted, (Buckestede), 4455 (1).
Buxton (Buckton), Norf., g. 5815 (12).
Buzaynce, baron. See Chabot, Ph.
Bwre. See Buren.
Bycester. See Bicester.
Byckeling, 5186.
Bycley, Mr., 2753. See Bykeley.
Byddenden. See Biddenden.
Bydewyll, John, p. 233.
Byere, App. 120.
Byerflit, in the Low Countries, captain of, 4369.
Byfeelde alias Fyfelde, John, g. 6135 (17).
Byfeld, 2217 (4).
Byflete, Surr., g. 3324 (3).
Bygge. See Bigge.
Bygod (or Bigot), _, 3216.
Bygod, Fran., g. 6135 (21).
-, -, -, letter to, 3146.
-, -, Hen., g. 6135 (21).
-, -, John, g. 6135 (21).
-, -, Lewis, p. 83.
-, -, Pet., g. 6135 (21).
-, -, Sir Ralph, g. 6135 (21).
-, -, -, his sons, 6587.
-, - See Bigot.
Bykeley, John, p. 2692. See Bycley.
Bykersdyk in Messen, fishery of, g. 213 (15).
Bykford, John, p. 235.
Byknall, John, g. 1377 (13).
Byland, Old, York, g. 464 (11).
-, -, abbot of, 5445.
Bylbrough, Notts, g. 1136 (1.)
Bylegh, near Maldon, Essex, abbot of, 4772.
Bylemore O'Russhing, co. Tipperary, 2610.
Byllingburgh, Linc., p. 673 note.
Byllton, John, 132.
Byllyngford, _, p. 236.
Byllynghurste, Suss., 1913 (2).
Bylsedon, John, 1204.
Bynderton, Suss., 1913 (2).
Byndmyrehill, 482.
Byne, Mich., 5102 (5), 5439.
-, -, Ralph, p. 234.
Bynes, Sim. de, 5609, 5699.
Bynsey, 2024.
Byon, Girard, App. 239.
Byram, 1942 (1).
Byrche, _, 1906.
-, -, John, p. 154.
-, -, Th., 1939 (8).
-, -, Wm., 1939 (8).
-, - or Byrte, Wm., 293.
Byrchenshawe. See Birchynsha.
Byrchman, Fran., 828.
Byrcom alias Birkson, John, g. 5083 (15).
Byrde. See Bird.
Byre, _, 6678.
-, -, Mich., his sig., 100 iii.
Byrne. See Burnes country.
Byron or Beron, Sir John, p. 84, g. 2002 (11), g. 2065 (12), 3581, p. 1699, g. 4231 (1), g. 4801 (20), 6043 (2) i., g. 6248 (25), g. 6490 (20 Nott.), 6515–16 (1).
-, -, -, his sig., 3819 (1).
Byrte. See Birte and Byrche.
Byrteby, 2474.
Byrton. See Burton.
Bysbroke. See Bisbrooke.
Byston, Norf., g. 5243 (20).
Byston, Ranulph, p. 235.
Bytterstone, Staff., 1913 (1).
Bywell, 165, 2527.
Bywier, duke of. See Bavaria.