Henry VIII: October 1530, 1-15

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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October 1530

Add. MS. 28, 581, f. 199. B. M. 6655. THE DIVORCE.
"Memorial de algunas cartas que se habian de escribir a differentes personas sobre el matrimonio de la reyna de Inglaterra."
The points (apuntamientos) to be written to Micer Mai are as follows: 1. That in the original agreement of the king of England (Henry VII.) with the King Catholic about the marriage of Henry with Katharine, are two or three passages declaring that the marriage with Arthur was consummated, although this is not affirmed in the dispensation. Sends by the first courier a copy of the brief of pope Julius to the king of England upon the dispensation for the second marriage.
The documents which it is now important to produce in the Queen's behalf, and send to Rome, are as follows: 1. The agreement for the second marriage, confirmed by the Kings Catholic, 24 Sept. 1503, ("paso ante Almazan,") at Saragossa. 2. A treaty of the Kings Catholic for peace, and the first marriage, anno '99, with an instruction apart (secretaries Hernan d'Alvarez and Colonna)—at Valencia.
The documents to be presented by virtue of the compulsoriales are the following: 1. The second capitulation between the Kings Catholic and Henry VII. upon the marriage of Henry. 2. The power given by the Kings Catholic to Hernan Duque to demand the 100,000 cr. from the king of England, and to let him (her ?) come to Spain to the Queen con su familia. To search for letters of the ambassador in which he wrote that [the King] does not wish to let her [return], nor to restore her property; and letters of the King himself upon the same subject.
A letter signed by Henry VIII. acknowledging the receipt of 500,000 cr. for the dower of the second marriage, sealed. A bond given by certain Genoese to pay Henry VIII. 45,000 cr. of the same dower. A copy of another letter, signed by a notary, of the payment of 100,000 cr. of the first marriage. An account of the expenditure of 200,000 cr. of the first marriage. This Doctor Beltran took to get authenticated by the notaries. A letter of the King Catholic to the said Doctor ought to be presented, because he says in it that he will have a greater war than against the Turk. The letter of Henry VIII. after his marriage, stating that he was well satisfied, and of his coronation anno 1509. Two letters from Henry VII. respiting payment of the dowry, in which he says that he has forborne to accept some other proposal of marriage, with more money. Also the letter written by the king of England to pope Alexander upon the dispensation for the second marriage, dated 28 Nov. 1504.
There ought also to be presented the letter which Dr. Beltran has, signed by the King Catholic, which he delivered to the archbishop of Toledo.
Sp., pp. 4, modern copy from the archives at Simancas.
1 Oct.
R. O. Records of the Reformation, I. 443.
After his last letters from Ferrara, Augustin de Philibertis came to Ferrara, sent by the Prothonotary to friar Francis de Cremona, with letters of credence, but containing nothing else, which Croke saw. He lodged with Vincentius, his cousin, who came to Croke, and told him that Augustine had books and letters for him from the Prothonotary. Sent his servant for them, but Augustine said he had none for Croke, but only for Francis de Cremona, to whom he had delivered them. Asked Francis to be allowed to see them; but he also replied that he had none, and added that he did not wish to cause hatred between Croke and others; that he thought he had heard from Augustine that this hindrance came from the Imperial ambassador at Venice, who, perhaps, wrote to the Duke's factor to tell him what had been done at Venice, and bid him beware that the like was not done at Ferrara. Augustine afterwards came to Croke's inn to see him. Hopes he does not wish to hinder the cause at Cremona, Mantua, Milan, and Pavia; which places, he says, the Prothonotary has committed to him. He advised Croke, and said he had also advised the Prothonotary, "that for making of bruit by the let of his person, that neither of us should come into any of the said places." He said that he already had made a consultation in favor of the King's cause; that he had no books from the Prothonotary, but the bare case; and he complained he had had no money from him. Bade him not doubt that the Prothonotary would reward him well. He said also that Curta, of Padua, would not now counsel in the King's cause without 100 angelots. "The said Curtius" first promised to counsel for 50 cr., and afterwards not for less than 100; now he will not for less than 150.
This is the diligence of Cassalis, who, Croke hears, has entreated friar Thomas Omnibonus and Doctor Hannibal to say that they were retained by him. Sends a copy of a letter of Parisius, given him by Dr. Hannibal, who is to be one of the Rota at Roma. He is retained by the Prothonotary; and the "let" at the college of Padua, of which he is one of the chief, comes through him. The Prothonotary today denied that Philibertis had advised him not to go to Mantua, &c. Fears the matter will be spoiled there before he goes. Could not get the Prothonotary to give him a letter of credence to any one in any of these places. Will go thither, and also to Padua, to see what he can do. Venice, 1 Oct.
"Rationes contra Wickelyffistas, the end and beginning lacking. Rationes Nicolai.—Perceval's hand.
"Authoritates pro parte nostra.—Responsio Chrysostomi de Cassalls ad librum contra rationes suas. Epistola Gregorii. Epistola Innocentii. Epistola Basilii. Marci Rhaphaelis opus. Crucini opus,—tota videlicet prima pars cum inscriptione ista. Opus fratris Omniboni cum sex subscriptionibus. Omnia hæc, partly of Nicolas, Sir Gregory's servant's hand, partly of Francis', the Prothonotary's servant's hand."
Pp. 3, hol. Add. Endd.
R. O. 2. Copy of the same by Croke. P. 1.
Vit. B. XIII.
120. B. M.
3. Draft of the same by Croke.
1 Oct.
R. O.
Notarial copy of an attestation by Franciscus Catulus, clerk, of Brescia, of an extract from an old book of papal registers, in the possession of Dr. Thomas de Ploveteciis, Pysaurensis, touching the validity of a marriage with a deceased brother's wife. In the house of John Baptist Casale at Venice. Saturday, 1 Oct. 1530.
Lat., vellum, defaced.
1 Oct.
P. S.
Livery of lands in Ireland as daughters and heirs of Thomas earl of Ormond, deceased. Hampton Court, 24 Sept. 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Chelsea, 1 Oct.
Pat. 22 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8.
R. O. 2. Original patent of the preceding.
2 Oct.
Vit. B. XIII. 87 b. B. M.
6659. [_ to _.]
As the beast, whom his correspondent knows, takes no account of his duty, nor of his own nor the King's honor, having no fear of deceiving or imposing on any one, I suggest that, for revenge, you should write to me, begging for the remainder of the money, mentioning my promises and your deserts, which were the chief cause of gaining friends for the King at Padua, and of the Paduan instrument, which the King highly values. You must also praise Simonetus, saying that Ambrose would have done nothing without him; and, without abuse of the Bishop, bewail his shabbiness. I will attest everything to the King from the relations of others. You must write to me two letters; one copy I will show to the man himself, and thus compel him to perform his promises, not without interest. If he does not do so soon, will take care that the King reads the other letter. The consequences will be more than perhaps you hoped. You may be sure that I will do what I can, either by myself or through friends. Venice, 2 Oct.
Lat. In Croke's hand.
2 Oct.
Add. MS. 28, 579, f. 76. B. M.
In behalf of a doctor of law, a subject of the Emperor, native of Barcelona, who came to England with card. Campeggio. He was more than thirty years an officer in the Rota of Rome, and lost everything when the Spaniards entered the city. Windsor, 2 Oct.
Sp., pp. 2.
2 Oct.
Add. MS. 28, 581, f. 204. B. M.
6661. MAI to CHARLES V.
Wrote on the 15th Sept., and sent a copy of the memorial which he gave, on the part of Messer Andrea and himself, to the Pope, as proctors for the queen of England. Noted in the margin the answer which was given to the three articles, for execution of which two letters are despatched from hence, one to the nuncio in France, to obtain possession of the book, and the other to the nuncio in England, to inform himself on two points, viz., touching the subornation and threats used for obtaining the seals in England, and whether the Queen had been known by her first husband. Advises the Emperor to write him a letter commending his devotion to himself, and recommending to him the Queen's interests. As to the other four articles, for which, as he wrote, he and Ancona and St. Quatuor waited in the Pope's presence, has written in the margin of the copy now sent, that which has been agreed about each, viz., that the universities which pronounced against the Queen should be written to to give a reason for what they have done,—that they should be lawfully convoked, and every one called upon to justify his vote, on whichever side it was given, and that no university should give an opinion in this matter without being informed from here. Has been promised a brief that the King and the lady he loves should separate, but they wish it to be notified to the King's ambassadors. The English ambassadors have presented to the Pope a very disgraceful letter from the kingdom, of which I have obtained a copy very secretly. An answer, they say, will be made from here, such as it merits. More than a month ago, the English ambassadors pressed the Pope to tell them that which he is to declare (lo que ha de declarar), which I believe he has hitherto refused, as the English complain of him. They have since asked for a delay of 15 days after entering the holidays, which the Pope has refused to grant without my consent; and although I have often refused, they have called me, with Ancona, to try and persuade me to it. Gives an account of the conference. The English insist on two reasons why the Pope should dissolve this marriage without legal process;—first, in order, as set forth in the letter, that the kingdom may not be without an heir male; and, secondly, on account of the protest which they say the King made, by virtue of which he considers himself not bound before God, and that he is in mortal sin, from which the Pope ought to release him. This course has been advised by Decio. Arguments against it.
Mentions that this year one of the Jews at Rome has been obliged to take the widow of his brother, who had died without children,—a thing which is not only not prohibited, but actually enjoined by their law. Complains of not having sufficient instructions either from Castile or England.
The English press for the cardinal's hat for the auditor of the Chamber. The Pope complicates the matter, saying that he has commissioned his nuncio, the baron Del Burgo, to write if the king of England require it of him; which he will not only do, but send another ambassador for the very purpose. Fears the Pope will comply in this case as in that of Tarbes. The English and French both complain that Scalenga took from them all their letters at Aste. Believes it is not true. The king of England has written to Gregory Casal that it has been said he has not used due diligence,—which the King does not believe,—and he commits the matter to his care, with great thanks. Casal is on the alert (algo vivo), and has written a long and discreet letter in answer. * * * Rome, 2 Oct. 1530.
Sp., pp. 9, modern copy from the archives at Simancas.
2 Oct.
Add. MS. 28, 581, f. 215. B. M.
6662. MAI to the EMPRESS.
The English divorce cause has been prosecuted since the holidays ended. The Pope and others have importuned me to prorogue it for some days, but this I have persistently refused, having been deceived by them three or four times already, and having no order from the Emperor, &c. Expects documents touching the cause, which the Emperor informs him he has requested the Empress to forward to Rome. * * * Rome, 2 Oct. 1530.
Sp., pp. 3, modern copy from the archives at Simancas.
4 Oct.
R. O.
6663. W. CAPON to WOLSEY.
Since my last we have had commandment from the King, by my lord of Norfolk, to dissolve the college. On the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, I paid the singing men and the choristers, with all their necessary apparel, as I trust shall stand with your honor. The subdean then repaired to court, to learn the King's pleasure what order should be taken for the college, and who should remain. He was told by my lord of Norfolk that the King's pleasure was that I, the subdean, schoolmaster, usher, and six grammar children should remain until we had further knowledge of the King's pleasure, and give an account of such receipts of the revenues of the college as were due at the Annunciation of Our Lady last past. On 19 Sept. the commission sat at Woodbridge, in Suffolk, to find offices on all our lands, &c., Sir Philip Tylney, Humphrey Wingfyld, Thomas Rushe, and Thomas Jermyn, and gave verdict that by reason of the præmunire committed by your Grace, as they allege, all our lands were forfeited to the King. My payments for the college exceed the receipts by 100l., by which I was compelled to pawn my plate. After this, I left Ipswich two days before Michaelmas, and so came to Jesus College. I intend to be at London at the beginning of term, and to learn the King's pleasure as to the College. Cambridge, 4 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
4 Oct.
R. O.
Inquisition taken at Aylesbury, Bucks, 4 Oct. 22 Hen. VIII., on the lands held by Wolsey on the 28 Aug. or 2 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII.
Lat., copy, pp. 11, large paper.
5 Oct.
Fr. Archives.
Credence for Sir Francis Bryan, now sent to be resident with Francis, in place of John Wellysbourn, gentleman of the Chamber, who has leave to return. Hampton Court, 5 Oct. 1530.
Fr. From a transcript.
Ib. 2. The same to Montmorency.
To the same effect. Hampton Court, 5 Oct. 1530.
Fr. From a transcript.
R. T. 137.
R. O.
3. The same to the cardinal of Sens, chancellor of France.
To the same effect. Hampton Court, 5 Oct. 1530.
Fr., modern copy, p. 1.
7 Oct.
R. O.
On the 4th I wrote to you of all the news I had respecting your colleges. On the 6th Mr. Beatts and I were with the Chancellor (More) at Chelsea, and delivered him your letters. "He entertained us very gentilly, but supersedeas we could not obtain, for he said the King's council had sent him word to the contrary." He advised us to make labor with the King. Accordingly we returned to Hampton Court, where I delivered your letters to Mr. Norris and Dr. Butts. I learned that the Council have determined that the site of your college shall be found by office. On the 7th I delivered your letters to the King, which he kept. Those of the college he delivered to Mr. Fitzwilliam. As it was very late and dark, I did not think fit to break the matter till next day. I sent Mr. Dean to come up with all speed to bring up the letters of the university, urging the King to mercy, and also to bring the patent for Mr. Norris. I trust he will help in this great need. If not, he only slenderly does his duty. I fear no supersedeas will be granted, and the college will be taken from your Grace, to its no little hindrance. As touching the land and impropriations, they will escheat to the King. I exhort your Grace to patience.
"Pone metum, perfer, si sint contraria fata,
Cum tibi sit clipeus præsidiumque Deus."
Kingston, 7 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
7 Oct.
R. O. St. P. VII. 261.
Received, 30 Sept., their joint and several letters, dated Rome, the 17th, showing that their efforts with the Pope in the King's behalf had been fruitless. Wishes they had not refrained from alleging the custom of England that no one should be compelled to go to law out of the kingdom. This is a privilege, grounded on solid reasons, which their hired advocates at Rome will not admit; but the Pope cannot well call it in question, else it may be inquired in turn why the bishop of the Roman Church should have supremacy over all other churches, or why he should thus treat a King who acknowledges no superior on earth. Why should Henry be compelled to try a cause at Rome, which concerns not only his own conscience but the succession to his kingdom? The only answer that can be returned is, that princes have sometimes allowed it in the past, but Henry believes very few have done so; and that is no argument for the future. At Rome the case may be viewed differently; but the King, who is supreme in his own kingdom, can interdict to all inferiors the power of appeal. They must, therefore, put these considerations strongly before the Pope, and continue to press him for an answer to the King's demands; for he and Francis act together, and ask only what is just. As the Pope has acknowledged our marriage to be prohibited by Divine law, his first care, as God's vicar, ought to be to vindicate that law.
The university of Padua has come to a determination that the things of God are not committed to the Pope, but only matters of human jurisdiction; and it is most extraordinary that when the Pope acknowledges that Divine law warrants the King in departing from his marriage, he should still delay the remedy. It is not possible that the Queen could obtain as many opinions in her favor as the King has, without appealing to the Lutherans; nor can the Emperor's influence or the Pope's favor counterpoise the opinions given.
If none of these arguments have any effect, you shall request the Pope not to proceed in the matter at Rome before the end of January; but this you must do in your own name, not in ours, suggesting what he himself proposed, and what you also think expedient, viz., that both sides should abstain meanwhile from proceeding either at Rome or in England, so that in the interval the privileges both of the King and of the Pope may be examined. If the Pope, however, make a difficulty about granting this without a similar assurance on Henry's part, they may give it in Henry's name.
After you have obtained the prorogation of our cause, you shall present our letters and those of the French king, not failing to inculcate on the Pope that our marriage is prohibited both by Divine and by natural law; which two laws, in our case, you must by no means allow to be disjoined. We wonder, though you have been so diligent in other things, you have not taken counsel hitherto with learned men what we should do in the last resort, in declining the Pope's judgment, or what we should allege or propose to stave it off. See what you can do now to this effect. We wonder also that you accepted so short a time, viz., to the middle of this month, to have an answer from us whether we wished the cause further prorogued, with a promise on the King's part not to proceed in England; but what is done cannot be corrected.
You are to thank Decius Senensis for his opinion, which, so far as it concerns our cause, is very satisfactory; but what he adds as to the interpretation of Divine right by the canonists was foreign to his undertaking (res a professione aliena); for Divine law does not receive its interpretation from the canons, but gives it to them. You must mention this to Decius, and get him to give you his opinion without the latter part. You must keep the French cardinals friendly. We send letters for cardinal Trani, which you shall deliver. Hampton Court, 7 Oct. 1530. Signed at the head.
Lat. Add. Endd.
7 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,581, f. 219. B. M.
Has not seen Mons. de Noi[r]carme, but if he do, will endeavor to accomplish the Emperor's commands.
Since he wrote some days ago, the King has given order that all the acts done in our faculty, "gelos llevasen; y puesto que ... por hazerlo secreto fue avisado y quiso Dios que alle en correger todo el caso que de otra suerte iba todo perdido ally estaba la contension en favor del rey de Inglaterra, el numero de doctores que favorescen a la Reina, mi opposicion, la apelacion con el nombre de los que apelaron, todo signado de nuestro bedel, avise en la hora al embaxador para que travajase de aver la escriptura o otro tanto autorizado, porque asi lo avia prometido a Mons. Duprat y Guillem de Barres, pero hasta agora ne se a hecho nada como mi escrive el embaxador." (fn. 1)
Gives an account of a conference he had with the president of the Parliament upon the case. * * * Paris, 7 Oct. 1530.
Sp., pp. 5, modern copy from the archives of Simancas.
8 Oct.
Vit. B. XIII. 121. B. M.
6669. [CROKE] to CRANMER.
Has spoken with Pandulphus Cinami, who says that [the letter of] bank for 40 ducats for Christopher Kingston has been returned to Antony Bonvice, as Kingston is dead. If Cranmer is executor, he must get a declaration to that effect, and appoint a proxy to receive the money. Hears that the books are worth much money. But for Cassalis and the friar whom he sent, would have had a determination from the lawyers at Ferrara for money, "the which also ... thank be to my lord of London, to the loss of 72 seals of [doctors of] the law unto the King."
The Bishop commanded friar Ambrose, to whom Croke had committed the correction of the instrument, to return it to Cassalis, and he made Cassalis privy to what Croke had compassed at Ferrara, caused a friar to be sent thither to pick away Croke's thanks, or else to enlessen ... and injure the King's cause. Besides he would not give a halfpenny to [doctors] and friars gained by Croke, whose subscriptions Cranmer copied when he went to Rome; nor would he leave money with Croke for them. He told [the] Cassalis that Croke had complained of them, and exhorted them they should [set forth the King's cause all] they could, saying, ne hic nebulo ansam habeat c[onquerendi] adversum vos.
Begs him to procure some promotion or some ... for ... Thomas and good friar Francis, who is sore sick at Rome, and also for Simonetus. These three are daily assailed with foul means by the Emperor's ambassador, who tells them they shall have other reward than a few crowns, and layeth for ex[ample] ... and Berges, to whom the Emperor has given a promotion of more than 600 cr. Can do no more, if men see no fruit of their labors. Asks him to inform my lord ... or the King, else all will be lost. "Leonicus got us Simonetus a ... Ambrosins, and hath promised so highly that ye would wonder ... ye see nothing at all performed his promise; that men g ... of us all in a manner for his sake. The halting horse ... ever since stand at * * * letters unto the King, I bought and caused certain books of Greek to be [writ]ten out for him." Paid for a chariot to carry his gear, for his men's meat and drink from Ferrara to Bologna, and many times for his boat, and this is the thanks he gives. Asks Cranmer what he says of him to the King. The last time he wrote to Cranmer, sent a letter to the King, with a copy of the instrument of Ferrara, and of other letters to the King and Cranmer. Desires him to ask my lord of Wiltshire and lady Boleyn to move the King to send him money and the authority of an ambassador; which, if he had, he could have recovered the instrument. Offers to be hanged, drawn and quartered, if, with this power, he does not quickly bring the King's purpose to pass in Italy. Does not ask for it from ambition, but to avoid the hindrance which Cassalis causes by lessening his credence. If he has not this power, wishes that Cassalis was ordered to meddle with no man without his consent.
Raphael, not friar Francis' man, but the canon of Padua, has written against the King. Had his counsel, and returned it by Stokesley's order, though he had said that if he had it again, he would write against the King. Stokesley has conspired with Cassalis that he may live with him for nothing. He has ordered the friars whom Croke retained to deal with Cassalis and not with him. There was offered to him today, 8 Oct., Raphael's counsel for the King and for the Emperor, in which he says that he composed the counsel for the King merely as an exercise of ingenuity.
Stokesley keeps a letter which Croke wrote to Raphael, and sent for him to see, doubtless to prove that he wrote against the King, because Croke kept his counsel, but the comparison of the dates of the letter and of the book sent to the King will destroy that argument, the book being printed before the letter was written. No doubt this was Cassalis' reason for wanting to get the book.
Hol., draft, pp. 2, mutilated.
Vit. B. XIII.
122 b. B. M.
Two curtains were missing when Stokesley's pack and bedstaves were brought to Harwell's.
Is surprised, for neither Croke nor any of his people had opened them. Wonders that he told Ambrose not to give the confirmation of the instrument to Croke but to Cassalis. He reports how Stokesley dealt with friar Francis, that he owes money to the cobbler for cobbling his shoes, that he has caused friar Bartholomew to ascribe all the pains he has taken for the King to Cassalis' solicitation only, and not Stokesley's, without whose reasoning and authorities given in writing his work would have been very slender. Has been in hand with the friar to amend that by writing a letter to the King. Save Pagninus, the King has had hitherto no friar who has written like him. Friar Thomas's other work is almost finished. Hears that Stokesley has informed Sir Andrew de Cassalis and Previdellus of what Croke showed him secretly at Rhegio, and exhorted them to play the men, and set forth the King's cause all that they could, saying ne hic nebulo habeat ansam conquerendi de nobis apud regem. Has not deserved such words, "yet tu indignus es qui hœc dicas." Trusts that he will at last see cause for loving him, and hating those for whose cause he has thus treated him. Leonicus will not have the horse, and complains both of Croke and Stokesley. He intends to utter his displeasure in a work, which he will "eder" in the name either of Mr. Pol or my lord of Durham. Will try to pacify him. The Imperial ambassador daily tries to win Simonetus [and] Thomazo from the King, sparing neither threats nor promises. Father Francis is sick at Rome, and has no comfort. The Emperor has promoted Felix Berges and another to benefices of above 600 cr., and told divers of the King's friends that if they would take the Queen's part their reward would be more than a few crowns. Men are weary of our promises, and look fast upon the Emperor's deeds. Unless the King rewards these three and Leonicus, all will swerve. Has no money for them, and dares not promise any. Is ashamed of not having performed his promises. Friar Bartholomew had only three crowns for his work and journey to Padua. Begs him to move the King to do somewhat. The Prothonotary says that Raphael has written sore against the King. Received a letter today, which he would have sent if Simon had been with him, saying that Ambrose has procured ... and will procure as much for the Queen as for us. But Simon, hearing of ... of the said money, retained that letter and the money, and w ... another, in the which I made him promise if he dy ... largely." The horse is utterly marred, and is at Padua, and ... to Leonicus, the sight of which made him much more ang[ry] ... and he thought himself mocked by us. Hopes Stokesley will see that Croke suffers no loss. There is [none will give a] ducat for the horse, which goes only on three legs. [Sends] a letter from Ambrose, who told Croke's servant that he would complain of Stokesley to the King, "and writeth ... episcopus imposuit illi ut tantum solum ageret in causa regis quantum illi comm ... cum quo in camera fuerat secreto collocutus." Complains of Stokesley's dealing thus with him. Has never hindered him in word or deed. Knows now, though too late, of all his sayings and doings. Stokesley has put him out of credence, so that he can do no good. Knows now why Stokesley kept his letters. Sent Pallavicinus to Ferrara, and [made] Cassalis privy to what Croke has long before obtained. He has done the King more harm than he thinks. "My letters sent to Mr. Benet, ye neither did well nor justly fo[r] ... the only occasion, why I wrote the letter and ye were the man that ... ye had written nothing of Dionysius to Doctor Benet and the n ... the letter was your only device in likewise as ye made me to ... things to the King of the Senate and Cassalis, which I would ... upon your cre- dence have written. And ye do all that ye can to p[ut me out] of credence, and to advance them which shall never do ye good." Venice.
Hol., draft, pp 2, mutilated.
Vit. B. XIII.
124 b. B. M.
6671. [CROKE to CRANMER.]
Sends subscriptions received today from friar Thomas. Save two there is none worth a button, but they be omnigatherum. The hand is the friar's own. Wishes him to find out whether the King has any more subscriptions in the same hand, given him by Stokesley or Cassalis; for then he may be sure that Stokesley has ordered the friars whom Croke has engaged to work for him and Cassalis, and not for Croke. If Stokesley offers any counsel of Marquardus with subscriptions to the King, it is plain that he has done the same with friar Francis' cousin, Dominicus. Asks him, if this is so, to exhibit to the King the copy of Leonicus' letter. Will send all his successes to the King through him. By Stokesley's practising with Cassalis, they have lost the determination of Ferrara, and are likely to lose all the doctors in Milan, Cremona, Pavia, Mantua and Thaurino. Have lost almost all the friars. Raphael's book is printed in derision of the King; and what has happened at Bologna, Cranmer knows. Sends Stokesley's letter sealed. He must keep it four days and more after the King has his letters.
Hol., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
Vit. B. XIII.
125. B. M.
6672. [CROKE to HENRY VIII.]
The Emperor has not [a better] solicitor for the Queen in Italy than Raphael Comensis. He has printed his work for the King with that for [the Queen], so that with greater derision to the King's cause, he might declare his affection for the Emperor. He says in express words that the book for the King was written tantummodo ob exercitationem ingenii, and that the work for the Q[ueen contains] his true opinion. This work the Imperialists blow and brag abroad, so that every man's mouth here is [full of it], to the great illusion and hindrance of the King's cause, "forasmuch as by the example all the friars that I before had atta[ined] with convenient reward after their pains taken so surely had retained in a ... swerve and some plainly practised like collusion with the Emperor's ambassad[ors with] your Highness, and some, as I am credibly enfor[med],_" (fn. 2)
Hol., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
.. Oct.
Vit. B. XIII. 112 b. B. M.
6673. [CROKE to _.]
"Excellentissime et clarissime domine."
Begs him to continue his writings for the King's cause. Doubts not that the ambassador Casale will freely pay him the promised reward. If not, Croke will pay it, if he will give him a writing promising his counsel.
As to what the Imperial ambassador wrote and said to him, no orders should be considered as the Emperor's unless worthy of the justice of so great a prince. If he will send him word what money he has received, and what Casale promised, will take care that it is paid him before he leaves. Wishes one of his counsels to be sent to the King. "Hactenus audio vestræ dominationi ... mia tum aureos condonatos." ... Oct.
"Quid etiam de collegio sperare possit princeps meus ... intelligere."
Lat., hol., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
.. Oct.
Vit. B. XIII. 118 b. B. M.
6674. [CROKE to _.]
"Excellentissime domine." Hears that he has taken up the King's cause, and doubts not that all the professors of Padua will defer to his judgment, and follow him.
Asks if anything has yet been decreed, that when he goes into England he may inform the King what may be expected from his support. Assures him that he will receive from the King's liberality much more than the reward promised by the ambassador De Cassalis. Venice, Oct.
Lat., hol., draft, p, 1.
10 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,581, f. 222. B. M.
6675. MAI to CHARLES V.
* * *
The Pope told him that Tarbes was leaving him, that the duke of Albany was coming, and that Tarbes had told him he believed Albany would treat for a marriage of his Holiness's niece with the son of the king of Scotland (sic), and that he would leave that of France, but the Pope should not conclude anything without having his letters, since he was ambassador for the king of France.
* * * The English have got a prorogation of the cause on the ground that the Dean is ill; which is quite true. Has complained to the Pope, however. Is told the Pope has occupied the Rota with a question about the affair of Luther.
Hears that the bishop of Bayonne has returned from England to France. Understands that the king of England requires the Pope once more to commit the cause to the archbishop of Canterbury or the English clergy; and in this he is supported by the French king. De Tarbes, however, has explained to the Pope, after much prevarication (en fin de muchos rodeos), that the letter written by the French king was only granted in consequence of great importunity. * * *
The Pope has informed me that when his nuncio, the baron Del Burgo, arrived at Dover (Dobla), he found it had been ordered that no one should enter or leave the kingdom without a licence, and accordingly returned. The duke of Albany, it is said, will embark at Turin, and come by the river to Ravenna. Regrets this, as he will pass through the heart of Italy. * * * Had some conversation with Tarbes before he left, on the king of England's cause, in which Tarbes recommended a delay of half or a whole year, as the matter was owing to an amour of the King, which would pass away, while the Queen's case was one of justice, which would always continue. Delay is quite the French policy, as they expect thereby to become judges of the English, as the English have formerly been of them. * * * Rome, 10 Oct. 1530.
ii. Enclosure in the preceding.
* * * Mentioned in writing to the Emperor that the English were endeavoring to get the cause committed to the archbishop of Canterbury. Has learnt, however, that what they seek is, that in case the King marry, the Pope will not proceed against him. In reason the Pope ought not to listen to them; but since he has done so, I have urged him as strongly as possible to answer them rightly. This he has promised to do today. The cause increases every day. Nevertheless I have insisted on the new inhibition, and they have promised to give it me.
Sp., pp. 22, modern copy from the archives at Simancas.
10 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,581, f. 236. B. M.
List of eight opinions sent to Rome by the courier of the 10th Oct., on the affair of the queen of England.
Sp., p. 1, modern copy from the archives at Simancas.
10 Oct.
R. O.
Has begun a guild in honor of Our Lady and St. John Evangelist in the parish church of Skipton in Craven, with ordinances, of which he desires Wolsey's confirmation as ordinary. Skipton in Craven, 10 Oct. 22 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. in Hennege's (?) hand: "From my lord Steuard, Northethomberland and Comberland."
11 Oct.
R. O.
Cannot prefer her husband to the ferme of their parsonage of Helpston, as Cromwell has asked, because their master and themselves have promised their favor to Mr. Byre. Christ's College, Cambridge, 11 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mistress Cecyll. Endd.: Sir John Wyat.
11 Oct.
R. O.
On the 10th I attended my lord of Norfolk, according to his commandment, at Hampton Court. He told me the King had granted no supersedeas; and bade me, for confirmation, go to Mr. Secretary, with whom I had been the night before at Hanworth. He also bade me visit the Lord Chief Justice. My lord of Wiltshire, who at first affirmed that the King had granted a supersedeas, denied it in the presence of my lord of Norfolk. However, on the 11th I got a supersedeas sealed in the Chancery, and allowed by the King's council. I sent it to the commissioners at Oxford. The Chancellor is very good in this matter, entertained me very lovingly, and showed me that Master Stephens is specially good to the college. I beg you will thank them both. I hope to obtain Mr. Baynton by promise of a fee, and so consequently my lord of Norfolk; "for that is the chief way, after the counsel of Mr. Butts, the which, with Mr. Chambre, most humbly recommend them to your Grace, and say that they will do what they may." I look for Mr. Dean and Mr. Carter continually. My Lord Chancellor fears that the King will in conclusion have your Grace's college, for all the supersedeas; but he added, that Mr. Secretary (Gardiner) was active for its continuance, and thought the King could not make it less than you intended. I trust it shall continue, as we shall now be impartially heard by the Chief Justice, Mr. Norwyge, and Mr. Attorney. My lords of Norfolk and Wiltshire said the King wished them to be hearers of the matter. I delivered your letters to Cromwell. Parliament, it is said, will be prorogued till after Christmas. From the Cheker in Stronde, 11 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord's Grace. Endd.
11 Oct.
Vit. B. XIII. 102 b. B. M.
6680. [CROKE] to BENET.
Received a letter from the bishop of London, dated Lyons, 24 Sept., telling Croke, a great deal too late, that the King wished him to send to Benet and the bishop of Worcester a copy of all counsels in his possession. Has none, as he gave all the originals to the Bishop when he left. A man is now going to Rome, who has written an excellent consultation, as the Bishop thinks, in favor of the King's cause. Benet can judge of his learning in the law, but Croke knows that he yields to no Italian in faith, diligence, and affection for the King. Doubts not Benet will like his manners. He will give Benet a copy of his counsel which the King has. Hopes Benet will show him friendship for the King's sake. Prays him to alter his evil opinion of his (Croke's) manners, wit, and learning, which he has not deserved. Venice, 11 Sept. (fn. 4) 1530.
Hol., draft, p. 1.
11 Oct.
Vit. B. XIII. 111. B. M.
6681. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
Received his letters, with the briefs, on 10 Oct. The bishop of London writes to bid him send the copies of the counsels in his possession to Ghinucci and Benet (D. Benedictus), but he gave the originals to Stokesley when he left. Hanibal Grysonius is going to Rome, and will give to Ghinucci his counsel in favor of the King, of which Stokesley approves. Venice, 11 Oct. 1530.
Lat., hol., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
12 Oct.
R. O.
Can get no recompense from Mr. Donyngton for the parsonage of Bishop's Burton, "which was my lord's Grace commandment, and your writing." Begs credence for the bearer. Can do no good in the matter for Reybstone with my lord Abbot. He will shortly be with Cromwell. Would gladly be with Cromwell, "but if it please my lord's Grace, (I do wit not) but I may do his Grace profitable service here, as this bearer can show you." York, 12 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his right worshipful and in especial good friend, Mr. Thomas Crumwel, at London.
14 Oct.
R. O.
The confession of Thos. Snow alias Bocher, late of Axmyster, made 14 Oct. 22 Hen. VIII., before lord Daubeney, Sir Nich. Wadam, Sir Thos. Trenchard, Wm. Hody, and John Brytt, justices of the peace, to the effect that he and Jas. Bagg had received money of Jas. Ferrour to conceal a robbery of which John Chase the younger had complained two years ago.
ii. Deposition of Richard Doche, of Abbot Tollar, Dorset, husbandman, before the same justices, against John Perkyns and Rob. Polglasse, who robbed him at the head of Benveld-marsh, near Evershowte; after which Sir Giles Strangways having asked what rumor there was in the country upon his servants, Doch told him, "A lewd rule and trim." Sir Giles then bade him hold his peace, and he should have his money again; which was paid to him by Humphrey, Sir Giles's servant. Signed by the justices.
Pp. 2.
14 Oct.
Vit. B. XIII. 122. B. M.
6684. [CROKE to RAPHAEL.]
"Reverende pater." Hears, because Croke did not return [his counsel in] time, that he has written for the Emperor, saying his former writing for the King was merely an exercise. Reminds him that he told him, before he went to Verona, "prioris et fratrum [impulsu pro] Cæsare destinasse vos scribere." Did not refuse to return his writing, but wished to keep it, as he had not copied it all. Warns him to say that he has written unwillingly, lest the King should think he has deceived him, "et ita a pontifice exig[at ut] contraria scribatis." It is plain that he has written against his conscience. The King will easily pardon his fear. Has written to the King of his defence of his cause before the prior and brethren. Promises to send any letters for him to the King, and to keep everything secret. 14 Oct.
Lat., draft, hol., p. 1, mutilated.
15 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,581, f. 255. B. M.
6685. MAI to CHARLES V.
* * *
Tarbes is going every day, but is not gone yet. Believes it is owing to the affair of England. Before yesterday the Pope undeceived him in the three points they had proposed; viz., 1, that the cause should be committed to the archbishop of Canterbury; 2, or to him and his clergy; 3, or that, if the King should do anything of fact, the Pope should not fulminate censures against him. The same night the cardinal of Ravenna came to me to inform me of it. He is in truth a good servant of your Majesty. Tarbes made a long reply in the matter. He has since taken another article, that the cause be deferred, and that the king of France be referred to in it. Mai replied by a demand of justice from the Pope, saying that the French king might interpose in due time. Had a conversation today with De Tarbes, while he was waiting to enter the Pope's chamber, when he warned Mai of the danger of the course he was pursuing, and the desirability of delay, with precautions that the king of England do not act for himself. Made answer that it was not owing to the Emperor or the Queen that there had not been six or seven delays, and that he could not consent to it without express orders. Will press for the new inhibition, but fears that it will not be granted. * * * Rome, 15 Oct. 1530.
Sp., pp. 7, modern copy from the archives at Simancas.
15 Oct.
Harl. MS. 36. f. 43. B. M.
Grant of Don Alonso Perez de Guzman, duke of Medina Sidonia, to the English merchants trading at his town of San Lucar de Barrameda, in accordance with their petition. 1. He grants them a piece of ground near the river, and his storehouse, to build a church of St. George. 2. They complain that the customers of Seville, Cadiz, and Gerez (Xerez ?) misuse them for landing goods at San Lucar, demand customs from them, and arrest them; the Duke promises to bear the cost of any suits instituted for this cause, and to procure the restitution of sequestered goods. 3. Will command the customers to take only the duties specified in the previous privileges of English merchants; will have all doubts cleared up, and give a table and ordinances in writing. 4. Will command the judges to proceed instantly to execution in cases of debts by obligations or contracts with Spaniards; the Englishmen complaining that they lose many debts by the long delays in justice. 5. Promises that no wines or other merchandize with which the English ships are laden shall be "embargued" by the Duke's rent gatherers for the debts of the Spanish owners, if the English merchants will demand from the persons from whom they receive the wine, bills from the rent gatherers, stating that they owe the Duke nothing. 6. Permits them to lade their merchandize in any barks of the town they please, without being bound to tarry for the first bark of the row. 7. Permits the hosts of the English merchants, during their absence, to buy and sell for them, without being taxed as brokers, unless they charge brokerage. 8. Takes the English under his protection, so that they shall not be killed nor molested, nor their goods taken nor sequestered "by markes nor countermarkes, nor for imbargementes," nor for any debts. This protection is to be proclaimed. 9. Englishmen may carry weapons by day or night. Any excess shall be tried by the justices of the town and the governor and council. 10. The house of the governor and eight others appointed by him shall not be compelled to take any guests but Englishmen. 11. Civil causes touching Englishmen shall be tried by their governor and council. In criminal cases the justices may not imprison without informing the governor and council. 12. They may lade and unlade their merchandize from before the Friary of St. Dominic to the Alacaseria. 13. They may store in cellars any wines left over after lading their ships.
This order is to be kept, under penalty of depriving of offices, and payment of 10,000 maravedis, and is to be proclaimed. Seville, 14 March 1517.
Notarial attestation by John de Illiseas, notary public, that Richard Cooper, governor, and the council of the English nation, appeared before Diego de Duenias, ordinary justice, at St. Lucar de Barrameda, 15 Oct. 1530, and demanded the fulfilment of this privilege, which the judge ordered to be publicly proclaimed that day and the next by Christopher of Yeares (Xeres ?) and Alonso de Talavera, criers of the council of Tamela.
Modern copy in English, pp. 26.
Vesp. C. VII. 61. B. M. 2. Modern copy of a fragment of the same.
Pp. 2.


  • 1. "And although ... to do it in secret, I was advised and it pleased God that I corrected the whole case, which in the other event would have been entirely lost, there was the contention in favor of the king of England, the number of doctors who favored the Queen, my opposition, the appeal, with the number of those who appealed, all signed by our beadle, I advised immediately the ambassador that he should labour to obtain the escriptura or another equal authority, because I had thus promised it to Mons. Duprat and Guillaume des Barres, but to the present hour nothing has been done, as the ambassador wrote to me." The passage is exceedingly obscure, especially from the want of punctuation in the original.
  • 2. Not mutilated at the end. The draft ends in the middle of a line as above.
  • 3. Rector of Cley-juxta-Mare, Norf. (See vol. III. no. 1451.) He was rector as early as 1524, but for how long, does not appear. (See Blomefield, IX. 380.)
  • 4. Apparently an error for October.