Henry VIII: June 1530, 1-15

Pages 2883-2902

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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June 1530

R. O. 6419. _ to _
In answer to yours of the 30 May, being about to start in a day or two, I shall make you answer by mouth. I will only say that if his Holiness is dissatisfied, "che si havessino a rivedere qte cose da tanti secoli determinare," he ought not to have committed the cause into England; and if he is further displeased at their taking such counsels here, he ought not to revoke the cause to Rome, having done which, it will be great impiety (impietà) to forbid the King to consult doctors and advocates. But I would not like your Lordship to talk of this with any other than myself.
Ital., p. 1, mutilated.
1 June.
R. O.
The King has granted the Lord Chamberlain 100 marks yearly out of the lordship of Fernham, as keeper of the castle, and he desires Cromwell to make him out a patent, and to send him a form of a letter how the King should write to Wolsey for his consent, and for his sign and seal; and to tell him whether Wolsey or the chancellor of Winchester has the seal. Sends a letter to be forwarded to Wolsey, not that there is much in it, but he does not wish Wolsey to think he has forgotten him. After you left the King, "his Grace had very good communication of you." Hampton Court, 1 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Master Cromwell.
1 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 102. B. M.
Has received his letter of the 22nd ult. by Rodrigo Nigno. Is glad his services in the matter of the queen of England have given satisfaction. Has done what he did for the service of God and for the Holy See, but knew that it would be also for the service of the Emperor. As he has already notified to the Pope the request made to him on the part of the king of England, does not see what else he can do in the matter, without instructions from the Emperor. Venice, 1 June 1530.
Sp., pp. 2, modern copy.
2 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 103. B. M.
Received on the 27th ult. the Emperor's letters of the 22nd, with others for the Doge and the bishop of Chieti. Has since expressed to the Signory, the Emperor's thanks for what they have done in the matter of the queen of England, saying that they had acted like Christians and Catholics, and requesting them to persevere. The Doge replied that they had seen with what good will they had made answer to the prothonotary Caracciolo, and to me, when we spoke about it, and that long before we arrived they had been requested to do something on behalf of the king of England; that I had also seen how persistent the English ambassador had been with them that day. On which they had great discussions, [the ambassador] expressing great regret for what they had done about the doctors of Padua, and urging them to comply with the King's request, which we might be sure that they would never do.
Describes a ceremony on Ascension Day (qu. Wedding of the Adriatic ?), when the English ambassador was near him, and the Doge and the whole Signory went upon the water. Had some conversation with him about the Queen's matter, when he made excuses for himself and his brother, saying how they disapproved of what the King was doing, and how well satisfied your Majesty was with them, and how they had fallen into disgrace for telling the King what they thought of his cause. I said they had acted like good servants to tell him his error, and how he sinned against the whole of Christendom. We then came to speak of the lawyers, to whom he had spoken at Padua, Verona, and Vicenza, and he could not conceal the great doubt he had about the business.
I told him that as he had no doubt the affair was so bad that it could not be worse, he ought to ask the bishop of London and the Auditor, and this other ambassador lately come from the Emperor's court, what their opinion was after they had heard from him what he had found in these doctors to whom he had spoken. He told me that his brother had done so much with the Auditor as to persuade him that judges should be appointed, and the cause be brought before a tribunal, where the arguments between the King and the Queen might be heard. I replied, "You ought to say between the King and Mother Church, for this is what all Christendom must feel, and take up the cause as their own against the King; that this affair of the Queen must be settled with the King; that she is the daughter of queen Isabel, and the Emperor's aunt; and that the King will think well before he executes his design, as the Queen is so important a member of his kingdom; for that would be to forsake such a person as the queen of England,—and for what, except to marry as he pleased? And hereupon we touched upon other similar things, I telling him what good servants they were who undeceived him, and how bad those who forbore to do so. He admitted that I was right; and God knows what he and his brother have done in this; and your Majesty knows it also, and that all the mischief is done by the Auditor of the Chamber, and others who are with him in Bologna. What that is, I know not; but your Majesty may believe that every day they find themselves more embarrassed in this odious business.
Gave the Emperor's letter to the bishop of Chieti, and sends his answer. Wrote on the 25th all that had passed with the bishop of Vaison, and sent a copy of the conclusions desired by the king of England. Has nothing more to add on this subject. * * * Venice, 2 June, 1530.
Sp., pp. 10, modern copy from Simancas.
2 June.
Vit. B. XIII. 80 b. B. M.
"Rde in Christo pater." Gave your letters yesterday to Leonicus, who thanks you, but does not know any one at Rome whom he could ask to send you a horse; and does not think he could obtain your request from the auditor of the Chamber, as he knows him neither by face nor by fame. He asks Stokesley to procure a horse to be sent to Croke by the Bishop. Wishes him to obtain as soon as possible the letters to the friars, for in a fortnight the "Automana" are celebrated at Padua, where there will be a great concourse of friars. Urges him to obtain a letter from the bishop of Worcester before that day, as, if there is the slightest pretext of leave from the Pope, they will all be for us. Simonetus says that he will fight for us openly; that after the names had been subscribed, he had changed the word posse into debere, lest, if the conclusion were known at Rome, it might injure him or his friends. But this would be no detriment to the cause, for when leave had been obtained for all, debere could again be changed to posse; and when it was asserted that this marriage is prohibited by natural and divine law, it would necessarily follow that they must affirm that a marriage of this kind cannot be dispensed with. You have then the conclusion you wished. You have Simonetus' letters, asking you to trust what I write.
Come hither speedily, if you do not want to frustrate our attempts. Will hear from Simonetus of hindrances scarcely credible. Does not dare to write of them, lest Simonetus might be injured by its being known, especially now that his friends are engaged before the Pope in a question of 3,000 ducats.
The bishop of Vaison said that he would hinder the King's cause much more than he had hitherto done. These matters, however, are secrets between me and Simonetus. I do not wish you to have anything to do with him except about the subscriptions. It is reported here that the Pope and Emperor have agreed that the former shall in no way allow the King to be separated from his Queen, and the latter will not allow a General Council during Clement's life. "O libido! O iniquitas! O tyrannis!" You must see how necessary now will be friends like Simonetus, Thomas, and father Francis Georgius. The young Italian forgot to relate how often the auditor's servant persuaded him to induce Croke to return to England, for he could not endure the heat of Italy. "Vides ergo quam illi regis [causam] velint promoveri qui neminem patiuntur æquo animo ei fideliter [servire.] Quid responderit sibi senatus multis mendaciis ad te" * * * The same person told Croke that he and his nephew had heard from an influential senator that the Prothonotary had put everything into confusion in the Senate about this matter; and that when he said to the bishop of Vaison (taking De Cassalis' word for it) that he believed the Pope allowed every one to speak freely, the Bishop replied that he was surprised, for the De Cassali had often told him that they were sorry that the King had commenced this cause, and that they had always opposed it.
Begs him, if he loves the King, not to put off coming hither. He can come secretly if he wishes. Will pay his expences for a time if he will lodge with him. His house, though not as magnificent as De Cassalis', is more elegant and more suitable for transacting the King's affairs. If he goes thither, none of our friends will go to see him, for they have all been offended by Cassale, and they fear that he is a spy of the Pope. Will rejoice to have him as a guest, and will take him to a beautiful church, and to gardens and porticos where any one can come to him freely without suspicion. Sent yesterday by a courier letters to the King, with a copy of the conclusion and the subscriptions, "quas mihi Simonet ... mentionem de omnibus quæ vel D. tuæ dederam mittenda vel apud eandem reliqueram, facta." Sends him a copy of Ghinucci's recent letter, and will show him, when he comes, what untruths it contains. Asks for a reply by the first messenger. If he were not waiting for him, would have been at Verona or elsewhere on the King's business. Venice, 2 June.
Draft, pp. 2, Lat., hol., mutilated.
Vit. B. XIII. 81.
B. M.
6424. [CROKE to _.]
Sends the letters of Simonetus open, as he sent them open to the writer's house. Sends also the letters of Leonicus, who does not sleep in the King's cause. Was told by the Prothonotary yesterday that he thought the bishop of Vaison had not complained to the Senate, but to certain senators. Told him he wondered that he had not expostulated with the bishop of Vaison for his insult to the King, for the Bishop was here on the day he came. He replied that Croke had written, that he said the Bishop had complained to the Senate. "Vides ergo ut huic queamus c ... fidereque. Illud addo collocutum eum cum quibusdam secreto sed illos nec posse n[ec velle] determinare, (inconsulto senatu toto) responsum. An non vides igitur ut ... iste in literis ad te. Idem quam cito venit domum fratri Thomæ Omnibono ... exhibuisse nonnullas ipsius subscriptiones. Vides ergo ut iste ista trac ... a senatu habere non possum, obsecro te ut diem præscribas quo hu[c venias] ne contingat me abesse." * * *
Lat., p. 1, hol., draft.
Vit. B. XIII. 82.
B. M.
2. "Conclusio Simoneti."
We, having consulted the undermentioned masters and doctors of theology, think that it is not lawful for a Christian to marry his deceased brother's wife, nor, having married her, to keep her, even if [the brother] died without children; for such a marriage is prohibited by Divine law, is contrary to reason and morals, and neither ought to be nor can be dispensed with.
Lat., p. 1. In Croke's hand.
Vit. B. XIII.
81 b. B. M.
6425. [CROKE to HENRY VIII.]
Encloses a copy of a letter of my lord of Worcester. Asks the King to note the confession of the feigned names which he sent to Croke; and his denial that he ever wrote concerning John Francis Marinus, which is contrary to letters of his, which the King already has. He calls him only by the name of a general, but Croke, in the letters to which his are an answer, called him by all three names; so that that excuse is of no use. Concerning his other denial, he wrote on 16 April. "Quod vero Paulo dederim literas regias huic deferendas, quod inquis facere non debueram, et eo magis faciam." Dares not write all that he perceives in handling the King's causes. Begs the King not to allow the Venetian ambassador or other Italians to see his letters, for fear of danger to Croke and the King's other solicitors here, and for fear of hindrance to his causes. If the King will dissemble his displeasure for a time, doubts not to compass his matters shortly.
Father Francis told him that when the bishop of Vaison burnt the names which he had got for the King, and threatened him, he said to the Bishop that De Cassalis avouched to him that the Pope was content that every man should freely and liberally speak his thoughts. To which the Bishop replied with indignation that he wondered that the De Cassalis should say this, for they had often said to him that they were grieved that the King should have entered on this matter, and they had always opposed it. If licence can be obtained everything is the King's. The ambassador says the Senate will never give answer, and Croke is sure they will not without other letters from the King. Is credibly informed that this is owing to the ambassador. "I sent your Highness by my lord [of] London, the xxvij. of May, letters, and with the copy of letters ... very letters of my lord of Worcester's, and other for ... such advice as I have written unto your Highness ... [mo]st high causes here."
Draft, hol., p. 1.
R. O.
Records of the Reformation, I. 415.
Sends a list of the Italian doctors who have subscribed to the King's cause.
With John Francis Marinus, provincial of the Friars Minors, 19;—with Francis Georgius, 22, who, with 9 already sent to the King, and 30 burnt at Vicentia, concluded absolutely that the Pope could not dispense;—and 3 who concluded that the cause of the King's dispensation was not sufficient;—with Thomas Omnibonus, 32;—being in all 87, without counting those burnt or the instrument of Padua.
Hol., pp. 4, Lat. Add. Endd.
2 June. R. O. Records of the Reformation, I. 320. 6427. THOMAS OMNIBONUS to HENRY VIII.
Relying on the strength of truth, promises to support the King's cause. Has done what he could to obtain the commendation and approval of others, as the signatures which he has shown to D. Richard (Croke) will testify. Will send him hereafter new signatures of approved men. The prothonotary John Casale asked him in the King's name for the conclusion he had written, and which he then gave to his brother Paul. Hears now that the Prothonotary has sent it to the Pope, and fears that some harm may happen to him in consequence.
Wishes to know whether the King has received it or not. Will not send the writings which prove his conclusion, until he has corrected them. Venice, 2 June 1530.
Lat., hol., p. 1. Add.
2. Copy of the above.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
Vit. B. XIII. 82.
B. M.
6428. _ to _.
Went, by desire of the ambassadors of the king of England, to the Pope, and asked in his name for his Holiness's permission for Italian theologians to determine by discussion, and writings, whether it is lawful, and whether the Pope can grant a dispensation for the marriage of a man with his deceased brother's wife, there being no children, to raise up seed for his brother. To this demand the Pope answered that he would allow every one to speak and write what they thought about this question.
Thinks it advisable to inform you of this, that, relying on the testimony of my letters, you and others may be encouraged to search for the truth in this most difficult question, and may express your opinion in words or writings without fear.
Desires these letters to be sent to Francis Crucinus, John Francis Mari[nus], Francis Georgius, Thomas Omnibonus, and Simon Ardeus alias S[imonetus].
Lat., copy, p. 1. In Croke's hand.
3 June.
R. O.
Excuses himself for not writing; for, what with his continuance at Brussels and at Mechlin in a cause belonging to the Merchants Adventurers, he has been much wearied. I desired my brother, William Johanson, to inform you that I could not find in all Antwerp more than two Cronica Cronicarum cum figuris, and those very dear. I have lately heard from my brother "that ye think long for your book, and, lacking money to buy the same, you would send me some. This argueth that I would not lay out so much for you; but I say unto you, from the bottom of my heart, if you desired my coat you should have it, and also my cloak. Money I lack none to do my friend good. Less lack I for him whom above all friends I esteem." Now you shall receive it by Henry Susshe, skinner, who has promised to carry it at his saddlebow. I am sorry I cannot come before the Synxson Mart. Our governors will not allow it, although Richard Gresham wrote to them that my Lord Chancellor wished me to repair to London. Barrughe, 3 June.
P.S.—Commend me to your mother. Your man Avery desires to be commended. He is always with me.
Hol., p. 1.
3 June.
R. O.
Receipt by John Withers, receiver general of St. Paul's, from Sir Henry Wyett, farmer of Barons besides Mortelacke, Middx., of 24l. 10s. for a year and a half's rent. 3 June 22 Hen. VIII.
Also received by same from same, 25l., for 50 qrs. of wheat.
P. 1. In Withers' hand. Endd. by Wyat.
3 June.
R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 156.
Has received his letters by Thos. Rawlyns, and will answer them by his servant Rafe Sadleyr. Wolsey is much bound to the gentleman the bearer for his good report. He and such other have done Wolsey much good, and deserve thanks. London, 3 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
4 June.
R. O.
The Chamberlain tells him Crumwell has sent him all he wanted, and he now wishes him to write to the Cardinal about his purpose. Windsor, 4 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Master Cromewell.
4 June.
R. O. St. P. VII. 239.
After my last letter I was twice with the Pope to obtain some remedy against the breve which the Pope had made, and of which I sent you a copy. His Holiness answered that cardinal S. Quatuor affirms that the brief is valid, notwithstanding the objections that are made to it, and that he was ready to maintain it. I could get nothing more from his Holiness. As to any remedy for the acts of the bishop of Vaison at Venice, and leave for the King's ambassador to procure three opinions in the King's cause, his Holiness said that he did not think it right that universities and individuals should prescribe the law to him, and determine his authority; and he complained of what had been secretly done on our side in this matter. After much urging he said that our request was already provided for in his brief, by which all men are enjoined to say what they think according to their conscience. I urged that many were apprehensive of speaking, for fear of displeasing him; and requested him to write to his nuncio at Venice that he should take no offence if the persons to be nominated by our ambassador should freely express their opinions. He said he could write to the nuncio to do what was fitting, and would gratify the King's representatives in every way consistent with his honor. Write and let me know what is to be done. Rome, 4 June 1530. Sealed.
Lat., p. 1. Copy in Stokesley's hand. Headed: "Exemplum epistolæ Wigorn. episcopi ad me." Endd.: To the King's Highness.
4 June.
Vit. B. XIII. 76 b. B. M.
6434. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
Has received his letters dated Rome, 21 May and 1 June, saying that Croke is dearer to him than he could have hoped to deserve. Is pleased at his acceptance of his kindness to Remigius. Had no previous knowledge of what he writes about friar Francis. If he had known it, would have informed Ghinucci. Hopes that Francis' arrival will much assist the cause, if he can speak freely. Has destroyed Ghinucci's letters, and therefore cannot assert that he wrote about John Francis what he denies, but knows that when he wrote he had Ghinucci's letters and his own before him. Is glad that he can prove his innocence about the catalogue of fictitious names. Does not know why he consults Croke about the Prothonotary's letter concerning money, as he can himself decide about it, and Croke neither ought nor dares to interfere about the disposition of the King's money in Ghinucci's possession. Wonders at his doing it, for the Prothonotary said to Croke and to the ambassadors that Ghinucci had written to him to ask Croke for money to pay the doctors, when Croke needs much more than Ghinucci had sent, for he has obtained 70 signatures beside those obtained by Francis, some of which he has given to Stokesley, and the rest he will send.
Ghinucci writes that he has paid part of the 2,000 ducats without order from the King. To show that the King has ordered it, sends a copy of the letters which Vannes says he wrote by the King's order. Has already spent almost 500 gold pieces, and asks him to provide him with more money. Has sent the account to the King, and again asked him not to forget Ghinucci's kindness to Croke, "sed thesaurario ut tibi ... antur omnia mandat." Venice, 4 June.
Lat., draft, hol., p. 1, mutilated.
4 June.
R. O.
Thanks him for his trouble about the letter and patent, which he has received by Cromwell's servant, the bearer. Returns it engrossed, and asks him to send it to the Cardinal, and solicit the patent. Windsor, 4 June.
Since writing, hears that his letter cannot be signed so soon. Does not wish to detain the bearer, but will send it as soon as possible. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my loving friend Mr. Cromwell.
6 June.
R. O.
Have received your letters by your servant Rawlyns. Much business has grown on the confirmation of your patents, "for that they passed not the chapter seal according to the mind of the parties." All things are now well stayed, "unless it be my lord of Norfolk's patent, which was confirmed with words contrary to his mind, and without my knowledge." I have explained to him that a new patent would be sent to you to sign and seal. Do it freely, with as gentle letters as you can, as it will do you much good. Your manors, &c. are in good order. Before Michaelmas I shall spend 200l. in reparations. The more you content the King and Norfolk, the better speed you will have. Since it is the King's pleasure to have you "absent from that diocese," you must thank him for his goodness to it, "and also to stablish you with so good and so wise a convent" as you have of the convent of Winchester. I have no doubt of fulfilling your wishes touching your servant Rawlyns. I shall always be ready to lend you the 100l. I promised, and would have sent them by Cromwell or Thomas Rawlyns, if they had been going to you. Appoint Cromwell to receive it, or some one else, that it may be laid out at your pleasure. London, 6 June.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To the most reverend father in God and my singular good lord, my Lord Cardinal.
7 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 125. B. M.
6437. MAI to CHARLES V.
Along with the Emperor's letter of the 22nd May, and afterwards with a letter of the Comendador Major de Leon of the 29th, received copies of what Rodrigo Niño had written from Venice upon the affair of the queen of England. What has since happened in the business is that the same ambassadors have sent to Bologna both Dr. Benet who came from the Emperor, and the bishop of London, whom they ordered to return into France, and there, with the aid of Raphael Casal, who is a Bolognese, have been endeavoring to obtain the votes of the lawyers. The Pope, being forewarned, has ordered his legate and governor to counteract them; and they have managed so that the English have been able to obtain only two or three votes. Has given notice to the Pope that the English intend to make a similar effort at Perosa, and he has taken measures accordingly. Has, however, written to Don Lope de Soria at Sienna to obtain all the opinions he can there, or at least that of Philip Decio, who lectures there, and is the greatest man of all Italy. Has sent a copy of the case to the president in Castile, that the lawyers may take more time to study it. Sends another copy to the Emperor. Has had some conversations with the advocate and proctors of the Emperor and Queen. At last commenced the cause, which has proceeded for two terms by contumacy (por contradictas que llaman aca, lo que en España se dice por rebeldia), no one appearing for the King; and so we shall proceed, although we have little time, it being the eve of the holidays.
On this account I besought the Pope the other day to give a signatura that the cause might proceed, notwithstanding the holidays. He said he wondered that the Queen and we had not seen fit to do anything extraordinary in this matter. I said neither your Majesty nor the Queen desired any special favors.
Hears that the English ambassadors enter today; and the Pope has told me that he understands from them the King will be content to promise not to attempt anything there, provided the Pope and we are willing not to proceed here on our side. I said this proposal had already been discussed several times at Bologna, and that I would not cease to demand justice unless I had orders from your Majesty. The auditor of the Chamber thinks these ambassadors have come to get the matter settled (a que se viesse esto) since your Majesty would not have it done at Bologna; and he believes the king of England would be content to agree with us about the persons who shall give judgment on it; but to this I shall by no means consent without orders from your Majesty.
The Pope has told me more plainly what I wrote to your Majesty that he knew very well, namely, that owing to the death of a lady to whom the duke of Norfolk had married, or intended to marry, his son, they have treated to marry the same son to the princess of Wales; for which reason Boleyn has lost much hope of the marriage of Mrs. Anne with the King; and the King has spent much money in buying goods and lands for the support of the lady. This is thought to be evidence that he begins to give up hope of his suit, because, if he meant to make her queen, she would have no need of these things. Rome, 7 June 1530.
Sp., pp. 5, modern copy from Simancas.
8 June.
R. O.
On Monday last I was at your three weeks' court, held in the Clynk. Have given orders to the tenants, and intend to survey the place and the implements, of which the prior of St. Mary's, Overy, has an inventory. Have taken surety of Wm. Chaundeler, who occupies as your bailiff, and ordered him to let me know your pleasure. He is called very strait in his room, and says he is my lord of Suffolk's servant. On my return from Hampshire I purpose to see your manor of Assher. Certain gentlemen of Surrey made great labor to you to prefer a young man to be abbot of Chertsey; I beg your Grace will be careful in the election. Wednesday in Whitsun week.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my Lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
8 June.
R. T. 137. R. O.
Has received his letters by Jean Berthelemy, councillor of the parliament of Toulouse, about the dispute between him and De Bevres touching the lordship of Crevecueur. Has discussed the matter with him, and given him an answer which he hopes will satisfy Francis. Windsor, 8 June 1530.
Fr., p. 1, modern copy.
8 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 112. B. M.
Copy made, 8 June 1530, by Francis Bouret, canon of Tournon, almoner of the French king, and secretary of the cardinal de Tournon, and John de Larrandoette, curé of St. Martin de Bomint, Dax dioc., notaries apostolic, of an instrument made by them on 3 June 1530, 6 Clement VII., in the old castle at Bayonne, stating that on that day Sir Francis Brian informed Loys de Flandres, lord of Praet, councillor and chamberlain, and William des Barres, lord of Recin, secretary of Charles V., his ambassadors, that, in accordance with the treaty of Cambray of 5 Aug. last, the King had commissioned the cardinal de Tournon, Anne de Montmorency, great master and marshal of France, and the bishop of Bayonne, to deliver the obligations and jewels to the Emperor, by letters patent dated London, 19 Feb. 1529, 21 Hen. VIII. He therefore offered to deliver the obligations and the fleur de lys on the delivery of the dauphin of Viennois and the duke of Orleans; but the Emperor's ambassadors objected to an obligation for 32,000 florins given by the late emperor Maximilian, 3 July 1512, as no mention had previously been made of it, and desired time to consult the Emperor or the Archduchess. The English ambassador then offered to deliver the letters of general quittance on the delivery of the French princes, as his master desired their freedom and the observance of the treaty, but without prejudice to his right to the said obligation of 32,000 fl.
Present:—Antony de Bourg, LL.D., lieutenant civil of Paris, and president of the Queen Mother's council, Philip Vaucher, greffier de Dole, the Queen's secretary, John de le Sauch, secretary of the Emperor and the Archduchess, William Preudhomme, general of the King's finances, and Gilbert Bayart, secretary of his finances, general of Brittany.
Fr., pp. 10, modern copy from French archives formerly at Simancas.
8 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 138. B. M.
The Pope has made the bishop of Tarbes a cardinal. Hears that the king of England is getting the colleges and the divines in France to declare that the Pope could not dispense in the marriage of the Queen, and that, having obtained the declaration of the canonists and divines, including some in Italy as well as his own, he wishes to effect the divorce without waiting for any other declaration from the Pope. Has told the Pope such an intrigue is diabolical, and more against his Holiness than against any one, because it will indirectly create a practice of having councils against the force of truth; and it was not to be suffered that divines or canonists as a college should determine that which belonged solely to the Court of Rome to declare. I accordingly urged him strongly to do two things: first, to proceed with the cause diligently, that a declaration from his Holiness might stop these informal opinions; secondly, that he should prohibit the colleges under censures from declaring any opinion upon the subject, without intimating it to his Holiness. Rome, 8 June 1530.
Sp., pp. 6, modern copy from Simancas.
8 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 140. B. M.
6442. MAI to CHARLES V.
Headed: "A su Magt de M. Mai, viij. de Junio de DXXX."
After he had written the other three letters which go with this, a Spanish friar arrived from England with letters from the ambassador, and told me that he had promised there to discuss the matter of the King's divorce in the general chapter of the Dominicans, which is to be held here. I told this to the cardinal of Osma, that he might know those friars. It appeared to the Pope, to Musetula, and to me that it was [well] to create a disturbance among those friars, and the English would do the contrary, and thus the play would be equal. This your Majesty did not think advisable at Bologna, so I have requested his Holiness that he should carefully and without scandal obtain the opinion of those friars here before they go,—at all events, of those who appear to him most judicious,—that he might make use of their opinions afterwards.
Yesterday the bishop of Vaison arrived, who was with your Majesty for the Pope. I saw him in the palace, and thanked him before the Pope for the good service he had done at Venice to his Holiness and your Majesty. Has already written that the Pope had told him he had good hopes of the matter of England, in consequence of the new marriage which was treated for the Princess. Yesterday he showed me an extract of a letter from France, stating that the king of England had sent a man to thank la camara de las Scripturas at Paris for the hope they have given him of obtaining documents there touching a similar case, which a king of France and of England did with consent of the Pope, and also for soliciting the votes of the doctors of Paris, as a college, saying that this is with the consent of your Majesty. And he said that he has almost all their votes individually, and that the matter has already been decided for him in a college of the canonists, and that they are still getting the opinions of divines in his favor; and another university of France, called, I believe, Anges, has written that they have found an old book written by a contemporary of St. Dominic, in favor of the King; and that a Carmelate friar, Jacobo de Lodi, who had gone upon some business into Scotland, has returned thither, and is advocating the king of England's cause, while another, Mons. de Giles, solicits it on the part of the French king. This friar says that the king of England told him in secret something which it would have been well for the Pope if he had regarded more, for it is worth a million of gold, and he would not say what it was, and that the king of England only waited the judgment of the universities to justify himself here at Rome, and to carry out his purpose. The letter was from Alberto de Carpi to the Pope, but his Holiness desired that it might be secret. I said the man was always more hot than he ought to be, but that it might be well to act upon it as if it were true, and that unless the Pope forbade the universities giving any opinion no king would have any need of the Holy See, but would obtain from two or three universities an opinion in favor of anything he wished to do.
Sp., pp. 3, modern copy from Simancas.
9 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 143. B. M.
This morning congratulated the cardinal of Tarbes on his promotion. Took occasion, however, to tell him that he understood the French king was endeavoring to obtain votes in favor of the king of England from the university of Paris, which he could not have believed, as we had agreed together to tell each other openly everything material to the preservation of the amity, and it was little to the credit of the French king that Mons. de Langeais should solicit votes in his name. He said he did not believe it, but would write about it * * * Rome, 9 June 1530.
Sp., pp. 3, modern copy from Simancas.
9 June.
R. O. St. P. VII. 238.
The King will learn by the letters of the bishop of London what has been done with the jurists and theologians of Bologna, &c. He will also see that I found it necessary to go to Rome with a view to his business, and I shall leave tomorrow. I wish the King had placed the business in my hands whilst the Pope and the Emperor were here, for then it might have been managed with much less trouble, nor would the Imperialists have obtained any number of the Dominicans. I have written fully to Guron. I have the signatures of the theologians of Bologna, and before I leave will obtain the approbation of the college, with the college seal. Bologna, 9 June 1530. Signed.
Lat. Add. Endd. by Wyat.
9 June.
Vit. B. XIII. 87. B. M.
"I assure you they were and ever shall be unto me a great dis ... considering my pains and diligence taken with such effect as iiij. ... ye vj. afore me brought to no like compass." Did not send the letter of which Stokesley writes at first, for lack of money and a trusty messenger, but left it with him, because he heard that Perusa was on the way to Rome, and he thought that no one could deliver it more effectually than one of the men who was sent for that cause. If Stokesley does not care to be troubled with hearing of Croke's troubles in the King's cause, but will wink at them for the pleasure of other men, who fear that, by his fidelity and Croke's diligence, their negligence and infidelity will be espied, begs him to return the letter without displeasure, for he is sure that he will lose some honor that else he might have.
If he thought that all the bills and writings which he has obtained for his Grace would be no more available than this letter, would burn them all for shame and sorrow. Even if the writings and papers were nought, yet he would be worthy to be excused, as he has followed Stokesley's and other men's instructions. If he has not done well, he has done better than any other who has had the handling of those matters before him. Is glad to labor and jeopard his life to serve his Prince truly, and to be called a "brabeller" for opening the traitorous dealing of his familiar adversaries. Would never have meddled in this matter, which was sore against his will, if it had not been for his love and trust in Stokesley's learning and goodness. Is not content to meddle any more, but will make all the suit he can to the King to return home, for he is loth to displease Stokesley or any other of the ambassadors by showing what he could not conceal without being untrue to his Prince. Offers to be hanged, drawn, and quartered if the Cassali ever do the King any good, and do not injure him and his causes in every possible way, and beguile Stokesley and the other ambassadors. Jacobus and other Jews who came lately from Bologna report the Pope's displeasure, and that Helyas, w[hose] opinion so many subscribed gladly and without stop, cannot now get one to subscribe, "and scantly ... [so] that if ye come not hither betimes by his good ... [we may] hap lose both father Francis a[nd oth]er * * * and fellowship, than the King's profit and pleasure in this high and good cause, set light of my information, not of such handling and dealing of them that are bound to further his causes, nor by no means trust them whom ye see thus deal." Neither for Stokesley's nor any other's command, will trust them more than he needs.
When Stokesley comes he shall know what he would never have believed, and what he will be sorry to know. Never was noble prince so disappointed of his purpose, and delayed by "faytours;" and because his ambassador partly winks at and partly cloaks it, matters are likely to miscarry which else would do marvellously well. Will then have to bear the burden, by reason of Stokesley's and others misreports of his labors. Thinks it best to depart betimes with little displeasure than to tarry for more; for more he is sure of, if, like a true man to God and his prince, he plainly utters the untruth of these Italians, and Stokesley is displeased with him for doing so.
"By the provocation of them that care not what they spend the King and do him good," Paduanus, of whom the Prothonotary writes, has subscribed Francis' work, which the King now has. Those with whom Stokesley spoke at Bologna he is sure of as a flea in his purse. Hopes their reasoning with him was not to espy his reasons, and show them to the Pope. Is trying to get a sight of a book against the King by Felix, an Augustine friar, formerly a Jew. The Emperor's favorers in Padua and Venice are Aleander, the bishop of Chieti, and as many as our ambassador can gain. Has answered everything else in his last letter. If Stokesley goes to Casale, none of the King's friends will come to him, and he cannot go there privately. Asks him to come to his house, which, though not so big as the ambassador's, is pleasant and commodious. Venice, 9 June.
Draft, hol., p. 2, mutilated.
9 June.
Vit. B. XIII. 86. B. M.
Received late tonight his two letters dated the 28th and the 29th. It will be hard to find in Venice more to favor our cause than we have already found, though he has not slept or been slothful. Does not approve of his advice to cause those who dare not subscribe openly to give their subscriptions to their friends, for it is not to be supposed that their friends, who perhaps will "collude" us, will do anything against them. besides, many will pretend to be on our side, as many have already done, in order to learn our arguments. Your Lordship's hope to force them by shame at least not to be against us will be frustrate, either because they will lack shame, or because they will be sure that their friends will do nothing to shame them. As yet no such slack dealing is needed. In other places, where the ambassadors have not interfered, there is no earthly stop, as Croke will show him when he comes.
Thanks him for the assurance of his favor, and doubts not that he has largely deserved it, if there were nothing else than his good heart and diligence in coming here to serve the King, trusting only to Stokesley's conscience and learning, as nakedly as any man might come, without any instructions in words or writing. As to leaving good Mr. Cranmer behind to solicit Stokesley to be good lord to him (though then there was great need of it, for he perceived that, by the procuring of Dr. Benet and others, Stokesley seemed displeased with him for showing the untrue dealings and crafty lets which Cassale worked in the King's matter), would rather he knew from other men what Cassale has done at Verona, at Vicenza, and in the Senate. The slanderous reports of the King's cause made to Crucinus caused him to surcease of his good mind to the King, "the which ... father Francis is won again, as by the copy of his letter ... appear. As concerning all your exhortations in you," * * *
Hol., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
10 June.
R. O.
Has delivered his letters to Master Mores [and] Master Hennygh. Has had no answer yet, except that Hennygh said, "Would to God that your Grace would content yourself with that you have, and there is no doubt but that the King will be good and gracious to your Grace." It is said that Wolsey makes much more building there than he does, because he has men from London; and though we deny it, we cannot be believed. It is also much spoken of, that Wolsey takes Master Donington as his steward, who is not beloved in that country. Smythe made answer that "he never had staff in his hand." It is also objected that Wolsey has taken away an office he had granted to Master Edwards. Master Stobes says that he has no money for Wolsey, as he told Master Cromwell. He is now at Kingston, and on coming to London will provide a piece of bodkin or cloth of gold. Master Estton says Wolsey will get no wine from him this year, and Master Amadas that he has no plate for him. Perceives that he will deliver none unless Wolsey send him old plate. "And also as sone as here yes anny shepes off Hwol (ships of Hull) yowre Grace shal have qwales." Sends other news. Every man speaks much honor of Wolsey here, "in ordering of yourself among the gentleman in that country." Has made Wolsey's recommendations to those he named, and to many others, who heartily ask after him, as Master Treasurer, Master Controller, and Master Secretary. Most of the gentlemen in court came to him to know how Wolsey did, and were glad to hear of his behavior. Master Alward is at Ipswich, but he made answer for Wolsey's chapel books to Master Cromwell. "And as for mo bokes, we cannot get of Mayster Stobes. He sath that he yes in a premynary (præmunire), and cannot tel how he shal do. The Kynges hygnes thath gywen to Mayster Secretary, Hanword, terem off hys lyffe." The King is at Windsor. Cannot tell how long he will be there. London, 10 June.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
10 June.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 392.
Sentence of the university of Bourges against marriage with a brother's widow. Bourges, 10 June 1530.
Lat., vellum.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 393.
2. Sentence of the university of Bologna to the same effect. Bologna, 10 June 1530.
Lat., vellum.
12 June.
Le Grand, III. 458.
6449. _ to FRANCIS I.
According to what I have already written to you, I have deferred till today to present your letters to the dean and doctors of theology of this university, always hoping that meanwhile you would obtain possession of the children, and that afterwards we might more surely satisfy the king of England without fear of irritating the Emperor by so doing, or causing any delay in the delivery of the children. I should have been glad if I could have dissembled further, without creating more distrust in the king of England's men, which might have been done, if we had more good men in this faculty. But I almost fear I have dissembled too much already; for if, on the one hand, we must avoid irritating the Emperor, on the other, it may be feared that the king of England, irritated by long dissimulation, will either cause Bryant to withdraw without doing anything, or find means to attain his object with the consent of the Emperor, and that on the approach of a third party Herod and Pilate will be made friends. A consideration of these dangers has induced me to present your letters. There were present, the bishop of Senlis, abbots of Premontré, Chailly, Missy, St. Martin, Laon, Vendosme, Foucambault, and others, with several deans, archdeacons, &c., all assembled by your commandment. In their presence I declared how the king of England, finding a great scruple of conscience about having married his brother's widow, which he conceived, for reasons which would be explained to them by his ambassadors, to be clearly unlawful, nevertheless desired to have their opinion upon the matter, not in the way of judgment, which they might be afraid to give, but only in form of counsel and doctrine (par forme de conseil et doctrinalement). For this reason he would have asked Francis to obtain their opinions for him, had it not been that the ambassadors of the Emperor, who was also now the ally of France, would have shown them that the queen of England was his aunt, and he would feel himself affronted if she were repudiated without reason. And for this cause they would have urged you not to allow any wrong to be done to her by the learned men of your kingdom. Seeing, therefore, that you could not refuse the request of two such allies for such counsel of learned men as you yourself would take, believing that both parties only desired to act according to reason (fn. 1) and conscience, you had convoked the faculty in such number as never was seen before, enjoining them, after commending themselves to God, and celebrating a mass of the Holy Spirit, to examine and discuss the articles proposed to them, all favor or fear set aside, and deliver their determination to such as you should appoint to receive it.
Beda followed me, saying that the faculty were aware of the desire of Francis to satisfy the king of England. To which, fearing that he would say too much, and that several Spaniards, Italians and Flemings, who belonged to the faculty, might take occasion to impute partiality in behalf of England, I replied, that undoubtedly the friendship between you and Henry was such that you could not refuse to undertake for him anything that you justly might; but in the matter in question, neither he could ask you, nor you him, to grant anything that was not just, the Emperor being likewise your ally, but only an impartial judgment. After this, I departed to leave them free to conclude.
Those who first deliberated were of opinion that your request was so reasonable that it could not be refused, even to the poorest person. Others thought that the faculty being subject to the Pope, from whom they have so many privileges, and as it was a matter that concerned his power, they ought not to discuss it without sending to him to know his intention, or at least to you, to know if you were aware of this opinion. Others agreeing with this, thought that while their letters should be conveyed to you, they should nevertheless begin to discuss the matter before the answer came, and when it did come, if you agreed with their remonstrances, they might suspend their deliberation. There were others, who neither approved the first nor third opinion, but adhered to the second, adding that the Pope had forbidden the matter to be discussed, and had already twice admonished the king of England. Other persons of authority replied to this,—1st, that their privileges depended on you as well as the Pope, and that they were in your kingdom; 2ndly, that it was an imputation on the Pope's honor to say that he had prohibited consolation being given to the wounded conscience of a Christian, and that such a prohibition ought not to be obeyed; 3rdly, that it was monstrous to use, in that company, such language of a Prince allied to the King their master, who had hitherto shown his zeal for Christianity, and for the union and peace of the Church. While the beadle was collecting the names and opinions, one of our masters rose up, plucked the roll out of his hands, and tore it up; on which they all rose tumultuously, saying that enough had been done, and that the majority were of opinion not to consult without writing to you and the Pope.
Thus the assembly dissolved. The English ambassadors, who were walking in a gallery and witnessed the scene, retired to their lodgings greatly dissatisfied. They complained to me that the result had been planned by Beda and his accomplices, and that I refused to believe them when they told me so. They began writing of the matter to the King their master, and to the earl of Wiltshire. Fearing that their report might occasion trouble hereafter, I went to speak with the president, who called to him Beda, Barthelemy, Tabaty, and other authors of this discord, and after a good deal of remonstrance got them to promise that they would meet next morning, and at least conclude according to the third opinion, viz., to begin deliberating until your answer should come. This done, I returned to the English ambassadors, and persuaded them to defer writing, for God's sake.
This morning the faculty re-assembled, and concluded as above, appointing Monday next to commence their deliberations, and that the conclusion to be taken by them shall be sent, closed and sealed, to your hands, to deliver to whom you think good. The English ambassadors do not yet appear entirely satisfied. They told me roundly that they knew quite well, all that is concluded is merely to feed the King and them with words, and to keep their beaks in the water, on pretence that the matter will be discussed, though they know that no conclusion will be come to. They have some reason for saying so, for there are persons who publicly boast that the decision will be annulled in a year. If you wish to preserve the friendship of England you had better write to Dominique le Mercier, the present dean of the faculty, a man willing to obey you, that he shorten the matter without giving heed to useless and impertinent allegations. As I have been taken to task about the matter of Beda, I may state that Beda really did hold conversations to that effect with a doctor, who remonstrated with him on his intended opposition to your will. On which he replied that he knew what he was doing, and did it for your service, which the doctor might report to whomsoever he pleased. This I thought dangerous, and reported to the president, who summoned Beda before him in the church of Notre Dame, showed his powers and the danger he might occasion to you, and made him swear expressly, not only not to prevent your letters being obeyed, but to do his utmost, as if for his own life, to get the thing passed without scandal. This promise I did not at first trust, inasmuch as he had begun this plot in violation of a former promise. But as I saw the president was disposed to trust him, I did not wish to write to you again about it, or to let the ambassadors write to my lord of Wiltshire. Mons. de Senlis is anxious to be with you to tell you about the conduct of this faculty, and ask you to reform it, which is very necessary; and they are of opinion that when you have recovered the children, you should make such demonstration "de ceux qui vous ont mis en cest accessoire," that others may be more wise. Paris, 9 June.
P.S.—I have kept this letter for want of a messenger. The said ambassadors have shown me letters of yours of the 27th ult., according to which the said president had intended to be yesterday at the Congregation, and present your letters to the faculty, but he has not been able to do so from illness. I have presented them by his command. While I was with our said masters the English ambassadors arrived; one of whom, in speaking of this matter, was heard to say that we should not esteem them such novices as to abuse them on pretence of treating the matter, and conclude nothing, and that they intended to proceed in such fashion that Francis should know that, all amity set apart, he had declared himself the friend of a prince who was not ungrateful, and who would not refuse him that which could not be refused in conscience to any person in the world. Thus you will see they suspect that the opposition of the doctors is with your consent. It might be advisable to write a word to the earl of Wiltshire, for fear he prejudice his master too much, and perhaps also to De Vaux. Paris, 12 June.
13 June.
R. O. St. P. VII. 239.
On Monday a letter came to me from the bishop of Worcester, dated Rome, Whitsun even, of which I send a copy. I have also received from him the brief of which I wrote last. You may now see what favor is to be expected from the Pope, and his sincerity in wishing you to believe that by his brief he was willing every man should write in your cause according to his conscience; for he evidently means the reverse. He was plainly irritated by your words respecting Florence, which he more regards than ever he did any victory in his life; and when the bishop of Vasona showed him the success of your agents there, he devised these inhibitions.
The courier who arrived here on the first Saturday of May, and passed to Rome, crossed from England to Flanders for fear of being searched. Antonio de Vivaldis despatched him. The prince of Orange goes to lay siege to Pisa. The Emperor's chancellor is dead of apoplexy; the marquis of Montferrat, by a fall from his horse; and his sister is his heir, whom the marquis of Mantua abandoned at the Emperor's request. Bologna, 13 June.
I have the determination of the theologians at this university under their common seal.
Hol. Endd.
14 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 149. B. M.
"Affairs of the abbot of Farfa.
"England is so much bent on obtaining the divorce, that it will make common cause with France to oppose the interests of the Emperor in Italy.
"No date. No signature.
"Endorsed by the Secretary of State, Idiaquez:—Copy of a letter of the Cardinal Colonna to Micer Mai. Italian copy enclosed in a letter of Micer Mai to the Emperor, dated 14 June 1530. P. 1."
English abstract of a MS. at Simancas.
14 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 145. B. M.
6452. MAI to CHARLES V.
Wrote on the 7th what had been done about the affair of the queen of England. It is becoming more and more important, for the English ambassadors are using every effort, and have not only said at Bologna what I wrote to your Majesty, that the Pope would lose the obedience of that kingdom, but that if he did not comply with their wishes the King would lend the Florentines 100,000 ducats. Have nevertheless pursued their plea of contumacy against the King, and now we are to draw up articles (agora se ha de articular); but these lawyers are much confused, and I too, at not being able to procure anything in England, and not possessing either the originals or authentic copies. (Marginal note by Cobos:—Because the original brief is here, which is too important to be sent abroad, "siendo menester se abtornara (?) con el Cardenal y que se embiara.")
I have demanded two things of the Pope:—First, to give us a brief forbidding the university of Paris or any other to write in this matter collegialmente, as they are not well informed, not having heard the parties. (Marginal note:—Let them labor to get this brief for Paris.) Secondly, a brief to enable us to proceed in the cause, notwithstanding the holidays of the first week of July, which is a thing commonly given in causes of importance. Yesterday Dr. Benet was at the palace to kiss the Pope's foot. The bishop of London remains at Bologna, we know not why; it is said, to recover from some illness, though we never heard he was ill. When I heard Benet had left, I visited the palace, and found the Pope much disturbed. He showed me a Latin letter from the king of England, making great complaints of the Pope, that he did not answer his expectations; for the Pope had expressed his willingness to give audience to the bishop of London in this matter, y que se lo havia embiado a Bolonna, and would not listen to him,—which was not acting judicially; and that if his Holiness continued to delay the matter till September, Henry promised him that nothing new should be done there, and that he would wait and endure anything sooner than complain of his Holiness, que despues no podria dexar dello aunque forçado.
The Pope says he never asked to hear the bishop of London until the latter importuned him at Bologna, when he told him que no tenia porque si havia de subir su juicio; also he denies having promised to prorogue the cause till September unless he had obtained a surety that the king of England would not do anything new on his part, because England and the Emperor, being nearer each other than to him, might have arranged it among themselves, and he never promised more. I replied in jest, that now I should see if he would give me the brief for proceeding during the holidays. I was very suspicious of this delay till September, which is two or three times alluded to in the letter, fearing that it would encourage them to new devices.
Arguments used to the Pope against delay. They say it is the duke of Norfolk's daughter-in-law who is dead, and that Boleyn desires to marry his (the Duke's) son to Mistress Anne,—which may be believed as being good for all parties; first, for her, as she cannot marry the King, that she should marry the greatest lord in the realm; and secondly, to the King, as he cannot marry her. This is the third version of the story; I hope the true one at last. Yesterday the auditor of the Chamber and Benet asked brother Felice de Prato to write for the King, and he refused, neither would he show them what he had written on our behalf. Rome, 14 June 1530.
Further remarks of Cobos on the above letter, generally approving of Mai's conduct, and urging him to insist on the commission to proceed during the holidays, and to get the Pope to excommunicate the King if he proceed on the opinions of the universities.
Sp., pp. 8, modern copy from Simancas.
15 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 153. B. M.
6453. MAI to CHARLES V.
P.S. to a letter of 14 June. (fn. 2)
Since writing yesterday, the proctors of the queen of England applied for process of contumacy against the king of England, which the judge not only refused to admit, but recalled those which we had already made, saying that the Pope had commanded him not to proceed in the cause without first giving him a reason, because he was not satisfied as to the principle,—an excuse evidently meant to put the matter over the holidays.
Today, in chapel, at the vespers of Corpus Christi, I told Dr. Benet that I had to proceed in this cause, and wished to intimate it to him that if he had a mandate he should present it in judgment, and if not, I should be discharged of having done what was right. (fn. 3) He acknowledged my courtesy, and said he had no power, because the King, thinking that the cause would not proceed till September, had sent him no instructions. This looks like a ruse to excuse the Pope for not granting the commission we desire. He said further that he hoped the cause would come to a good end, and that the Pope had already told him that I would do nothing for 20 days, and it would be best to be liberal in a matter in which one could not excuse oneself, for nothing would be gained by one or two terms, que haria en contradictas; which would only irritate the King, "y que si ay el supiera lo que supo en Boloña donde le alcançaron los poderes e instructiones de su Rey que el lo impetrara de V. M. y que si supiera que era llegado el embaxador que ha de venir por su rey a V.M. que se lo hoviera escripto con esto correo, y que esto es servicio de la Reyna."
I told him that your Majesty had given frequent orders to prorogue, and I, for my part, had done the same without consulting you or the Queen, and that now I would not dare to do so.
(fn. 4) Has received letters today from Don Lope de Soria, who says that he has spoken with Philip Decio, a great professor at Sienna, to whom I had written to ask his vote on our behalf, and that he has excused himself because the English have already given him money; nevertheless, hearing what Don Lope told him, he would consider the matter well. And so I have written to him again, to see if we could do what my host at Bologna did, that, great man as he is and well read, he may undeceive them (fn. 5) * * * Rome, Eve of Corpus Christi, 15 June 1530.
Sp., pp. 4, modern copy.
14 June.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 163. B. M.
Thanks the Emperor for his letter, dated Inspruck, 7 May. Hopes he will always endeavor to preserve Christendom from error. Will do what the Emperor has commanded. Has instructed Francis Bonvalot to take measures to prevent this faculty from deciding, knowing that the most of the doctors were suborned, and had signed to the invalidity of the marriage. I notified the same thing to Madame (Margaret). Had no remedy, notwithstanding the diligence of the Imperial ambassadors, for the King has expressly commanded by two letters that the question be there determined. The utmost violence and disorder have prevailed in the Council. Many of those who favor the Queen are either dying or dare not speak, or absent themselves. It is three days since they began to deliberate. I beg your Majesty immediately to get the Pope to dissolve this Council under censures, annulling all that has been done, and depriving those who favored the King of England of all their benefices. Has sent a messenger to the Queen and to Madame informing them of everything. Has been told that the king of England has been twice admonished to do his duty to the Queen, and has appealed. If a third admonition has been conveyed to him, we will shorten these disputes, especially if I have a copy of it. Of the eighty doctors here there are not more than ten whose life and learning give any weight to their opinion, for all the world knows the rogueries and lying they have practised on me these three months. Paris, 15 June 1530.
Sp., pp. 4, modern copy from French archives formerly at Simancas.
15 June.
[Cal. E. I. 107.] B. M.
* * * "... Monser Darlosel (?) whom we ... [despatched in the] after noon the same day, to thentent we might [make known] unto your Lordship what had been doon here in [the King's] cawse sithe the date of our last letters sent unto [the said] King. It may therfore like your Lordeship to v[nderstand] ... Monday, whereas upon Satursdaye last it was ... ed and concludyd in the hole facultee that v ... y folow, &c.
[Whic]he things to remove, we thinke it shall mocho conf[er if that the] Frenche king shall styll [press] and contynually call upon th[e faculty by] letters [commanding them to resecat (fn. 6) ] conceaved unde[r such a] sorte as we signified unto your Lordship in our last pa[cket] ... a to resecate all delayes, and with all of what imp[ediments] ... they be, and with all acceleration determyne their opyn[ion] ... accordyngly. Item, furthermore it may like your [Lordship to] onderstande that whereas in your last letters we remytted [your Lo]rdeship to Mounsr. Laungeys letters, sent to the Frenche [kyng for] the farther declaration of the malicyous meanes here [used and] contryved for the hindering of the Kinges cawse, we br ... sith that tyme that Mounsr. Langey did not send th[e same letters] unto the Frenche king whiche he shewed us, but se[nt others] wherein he left owte all the tumulte and busynes ... e in the facultee, and certified the King but of light [matters, the] trouthe whereof we shall at more leasore declare un[to your Lorde]ship; albeit he sheweth us that in these letters wh[iche he se]ndithe now, he hathe depaynted unto the Kyng all the malicious sayings and doings of our adversarys a[ttor]ney and [his faut]oris; who, exhorting of the hole facultee not [to vot]e pro parte negativa, said that he trusted that th[ere were] left many yet, qui non flexcrunt genua S[imulacro Ba]al, signifieing that the King our master and the Frenche [king w]er as the idole of Baal, and all that folowed their de[sires com]mytted ydolatire, sacrifieng to Baal, and they that wo[uld] not obey their desires were veri adoratores Dei. If [Mons.] Langey hathe so doon or not, your Lordeship may know by [other] letters. And thus we commyt your Lordeship to the tuytion of the bl[essed God]. At Parys, the XVth day of June."
Mutilated. Endd. on the next leaf: ... my lorde of Wiltshire, [th]e XVth day of June.
R. O. 6456. OLIVER BROWNE, Priest, to LORD [LISLE].
Compliments to his Lordship and my Lady. Has spoken with Sir John Russell, who has got the King to promise that Lisle's bill about the parks shall be signed this week. In the other matter, the King says "he can make your Lordship no grant or he be dead, and then ye shall have afore any man." No news but that "24 doctors of both universities shall seite (?) of a matter within the abbey of Westminster, but what it is I cannot certify your Lordship." My lord of Wiltshire will be home on Saturday. Cannot hear how he has sped. Dr. Standeley has got the King's bill signed for collation of my benefice of Banwell, "by whose comfort I cannot tell." Trusts to make it little avail him.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my most honorable and singular good Lord, deliver this at Subberton.
15 June.
Tit. B. I. 364. B. M.
6457. WELLEFED to his Uncle CROMWELL.
Sends an account of his expences from the Feast of the Annunciation to that of John the Baptist. [The sheet containing the account is lost.] 15 June, "ex ædicula S. Nicholai."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To his right worshipful master, Master Crumwell."


  • 1. Here the editor has a marginal note, stating that it appears by the letters of La Pommeraye, who was then at Brussels with the queen of Hungary, that great complaint was made there that the Emperor's ambassadors were not allowed to assemble the university of Louvain in behalf of Katharine.
  • 2. Not the letter immediately preceding, but another, of which a copy will be found at f.157. The body of this letter contains nothing about English affairs.
  • 3. Here occurs a marginal note, apparently by the Emperor: "Que le ha parecido mal y lo ha sentido y asy se ha dicho allegado."
  • 4. Marginal note, that he will do well.
  • 5. "por ver si podriamos hazer lo que hizo mi huesped de Boloña que tambien es grande hombre y despues de bien estudiado los desengaño."
  • 6. Struck out.