Henry VIII: April 1530, 1-15

Pages 2832-2847

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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April 1530

1 April
R. O.
When last with you at Yorkes Place, you told me that the piece of cloth of gold you had from Dominico Lomelyn was uncut, and you wished him to take it back again, but that the cloth of gold I provided for you was cut, and I should be paid for it. These were sent to you for the matter of the wools, which might have been sped days ago, if you had pleased. Now the King will none of it, and the matter has cost me and Dominico 1,000l., and, on my part, 400l., beside the cloth of gold, which is worth 108l., being 19 yds. at 5l. 13s. 4d. I shall be content if you will pay me 100l. for it; "and, because every man is mortal, I beseech your Grace that it will please you to make an especialty thereof, payable at such time as your Grace shall seem convenient, to content me in one payment or mo." I would have visited you, but have been ill with the gout for three months. Send, therefore, Mr. Robt. Cressy, to whom I beseech you to make and deliver the said bond. It will be a great charity, as I am old and in debt. London, 1 April 1530. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the most reverent father in God, &c., my lord Cardinal, legate also de latere, and archbishop of York.
4 April.
Fiddes' Coll. p. 183.
Three letters of Henry VIII. to the university of Oxford, desiring their opinion touching his divorce.
In the first, he commands them, setting aside all untrue and sinister information, to apply themselves to the mere truth, giving credence to the bishop of Lincoln.
In the second, he complains that a great part of the youth of the university, not regarding their duty to their Sovereign, wilfully stick upon their opinion, to have a great number of regents and non-regents associated with the doctors and others, for the determination of this question. "If the youth of the university will play masteries, as they begin to do, we doubt not that they shall well perceive that non est bonum irritare crabrones."
In the third, he complains of their delay, comparing their conduct with that of the university of Cambridge, which had eight days ago sent him a favorable answer. He sends them Mr. Edw. Fox with these letters, to remind them of their duty.
All undated.
Wilkins' Conc. IV. 726. ii. Decree of the university of Oxford against the lawfulness of the King's marriage; attested by John Cottisford, commissary, 4 April 1530.
4 April.
R. O.
Has arrived at Frankfurt. Hopes to hear from his Lordship by Reygnard Wolf, bookseller, of St. Paul's Churchyard, London, who will be here in two days.
Hears that the Emperor will have from certain princes and cities in Almayne 7,000 horsemen, some say 10,000; viz., 1,000 from the Palsgrave's land, 1,000 from Cologne, and 50 from the margrave of Baden. Has just heard from two substantial merchants of Cologne that that city will muster 3,000 horse and 5,000 foot for the Emperor. Will write more at large by Reygnard Wolfe. The secretary of Frankfurt, a learned doctor of the law, has told him that he has received letters saying that the Emperor was going towards Rome, but, hearing of certain treasons prepared by the Pope against him, has returned again to Naples. Frankfurt, the morrow after Passion Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
4 April.
R. O.
While my lord of Arrante, who is now dead, lay sick, he sent twice or thrice for the King, and bade him agree with Angus, for he was the only Lord true to him, and what his enemies told the King was false. Angus has gone to the King, and delivered Temptaland to him, which he has garrisoned. George of Duglas lies at Barwek, and waits to see how the King and Angus agree. Lord Bodwell and the Carrys are like to make great strife about Ancrom. There is also variance between Danne Carre, of Grenehed, and Danne Carre, of Graden, about purchasing land and "steeds" lying on the Borders. Will send further news when he gets it. Morpeth, 4 April. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
4 April.
MS. Bibl. Nat. 3,019, f. 32.
Is glad to learn from De Vaulx, and his nephew, Sir Francis Bryan, Montmorency's continued efforts in behalf of the king of England, for which he cannot sufficiently thank him. Greenwich, 4 April.
Fr. From a transcript.
4 April.
Le Grand, III. 412.
6307. DE VAUX to FRANCIS I. (fn. 1)
The King has informed me that by letters of the earl of Wiltshire of the 18th and 19th ult. the Emperor is more than ever determined on the defence of the Queen his aunt. In conversation the Earl could not get him to yield a point, he declaring that the Pope alone ought to be judge of the cause. On which, at the second or third conference, the Earl took his leave, and will remain at Bologna to justify himself to the Pope, awaiting the expected writings from the King, which will be sent as soon as they are ready, especially those of Paris. Suggests that if payment of Wolsey's pension be demanded by virtue of his surrender (transporto o cession), it may be resisted. The King is much pleased at the promotion of Mons. De Bourges to the cardinalate, and says he and Francis will be able to accomplish many things, and withstand the designs of the Emperor, when they have a good part of the Cardinals. For this reason he proposes to urge the Pope to make for him two cardinals, viz., the auditor of the Chamber and the prothonotary Casal. Complains of the negligence of the posts of Picardy. Briant continually writes to the King of the great attention shown him by the Grand Master, for which the King expresses his thanks to Francis, saying he does not know whether Briant be more of an Englishman or a Frenchman.
The duke of Richmond is here,—a most handsome, urbane, and learned young gentleman, very dear to the King on account of his figure (forma), discretion, and good manners. He has been summoned by the King from York, where he has been living nearly five years. He is certainly a wonderful lad for his age. He commends himself most humbly to your Majesty, saying he wishes to be a good Frenchman, and to make himself the servant of the Dauphin. The More, 11 April 1530.
The King is writing to Briant, in order that the restitution of the Princes may not be delayed on account of the obligation of 22,000 fl.; that if the Emperor's agents make any difficulty, Briant is to retain the obligation he was to deliver to them, and take an obligation of Francis that he will pay the sum within a convenient period, if within six or eight months the Emperor do not make it appear, either that he is not indebted to that amount, or that, being so, he has paid it. The King says he is so displeased with the Emperor's haughtiness that he has a great mind to recal his ambassador; which, he adds, he is the more induced to do, as he believes it would lead the Emperor to withdraw his, for he is little satisfied with the Imperial ambassador here. He also says if his ambassador with the Pope do not report a good conclusion he intends to settle the matter within his realm by the advice of his Council and Parliament, so as not to have recourse to the Pope, whom he regards as simoniacal and ignorant, and consequently no good father. And he thinks that if he thus refuse to recognize the court of Rome, other kingdoms will do the same. He thinks the difficulties started by the Emperor's agents are only to delay the restitution of the Princes.
Has at length obtained from Wolsey the two quittances for May and December 1528. Will endeavor to obtain the third for May 1529. 4 April 1530.
5 April.
R. O. St. P. I. 377.
Have deferred answering his last letters until they had some certain matter to write. Have today obtained the consent of all the university, that the decision of the doctors and bachelors who were chosen to decide the King's cause should be taken as the determination of the whole university. After the election was finished according to the instrument sent today by Foxe to Mr. Secretary, and after three public disputations in the divinity schools, which they thought a very honorable cause of deferring the act, yesterday Bell and Foxe, with Dr. Coxe and the warden of All Souls, called before them the regents, and told them that the King's indignation at their ungoodly behavior would be mitigated if they would submit to the order devised by the doctors, although in spite of them it must take effect.
Divers of them answered very frowardly; but, on dividing them, 27 were found on our side, and only 22 on the other. This morning, called together the King's friends, and determined to call a convocation in the afternoon; at which, calling apart the faculties of divinity, canon law, civil law, and physic, and then the bachelors of divinity and non-regents, found them all conformable, except 8 or 10, so that the only impediment was in the regents. After consulting with the presidents of the colleges how to attain their good will, called the company of every house together to give their voices in a secret scrutiny, and obtained 37 votes to 25. Immediately caused the com- missary to make a decree according to the form enclosed. Tomorrow, will call all the judges together, and after a mass, which the bishop of Lincoln will celebrate, will proceed to the determination, which must be read in convocation, and eight persons chosen to correct it before sealing. Doubts not that it will be sealed in the said convocation, or else the next day. Will then repair to the King, unless otherwise ordered. Oxford, 5 April. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add. and Endd.
ii. Copy of the decree made by John Cottisforde, commissary of the university. 4 April.
Lat, draft, p. 1.
5 April.
R. O.
I have not hitherto written to you, as I received no directions, but I have advertised my brother and the ambassadors at Bologna what I was about. I have also written to the duke of Norfolk and to Guron. Yesterday I received your letters for these signors. When I and Croke think it opportune I will deliver them. I shall proceed in your business with greater freedom; and if I have occasion to send fuller information, I will write to Norfolk and to Guron. Venice, 5 April 1530. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
5 April.
R. O. St. P. VII. 232.
Received his letters, dated 10 March, and conferred upon the contents with Croke, suggesting that he should communicate to me what he thought of the King's cause. It was well done to write to brother Francis, whom I have asked to undertake the King's defence. He will write to the King, and I hope he will be instrumental in inducing others to write on the subject. I will visit the Paduan doctors; and I can do so more freely, as I have the King's commands, and the promise of money from the bishop of Worcester. My brother, Sir Gregory, writes that the bishop of Worcester desires that the letter of Basil be procured, which I have said is in Aleander's possession, and cannot be obtained. I will try what can be done. We shall have many on our side, and two Jews, to one of whom Croke has already spoken, and the other is my great friend, who translated for the Pope-and the bishop of Verona certain parts of the Old Testament from Hebrew into Latin. I write to Guro.
After the Emperor left Bologna, the Pope suddenly took his departure. They say he is gone to Rome to collect money for a war against Florence. The duke of Ferrara, at the instigation of the Emperor, has arranged matters with the Pope, and leaves Modena in the hands of the Emperor. He has followed the latter to Mantua. It is rumored that the Turk is raising forces. Venice, 5 April 1530. Signed.
Add. Endd.
5 April.
Add. MS. 19,398, f. 41. B. M.
Has obtained from my lord Souch and Arundel's other coparceners in the manor of Sharshelverton, in the parish of Stepleberton, and the ferme of Darneton, Oxon, the grant of a lease of their parts to his servant Edw. Joones, and asks Arundel to do the same. The manor cannot be well occupied by more than one tenant, without great unquietness. Chelchith, 5 April. Signed: Tho. More K., Chauncellour.
P. 1. Add.
5 April.
Lanz, I. 380.
The increase of the Lutherans in Germany may hinder his plan of going thither to hold a diet. Exportation of horses from the Emperor's countries difficult to interfere with. Will arrange for the pay of his ambassador in England, notwithstanding the charges on the Emperor's finances here. The Emperor's sovereignty is not respected in Artois, notwithstanding the treaties of Madrid and Cambray. Is glad of Charles's good will to assist the queen of England. Will make use of the brief sent by the Emperor about her business. Malines, 5 April '29, avant Pasques.
6 April.
R. O.
6313. RIC. STRETE, Priest, to DR. LEE.
I received on 4 April a letter from ... [and] from my good master Cromwell, touching ... in Caukewood. The prior of Calwich is dead. Rauf Longforth, who is founder, claims the right of presentation; but we cannot find any such claim in the register. There is but one canon now there; and Dr. Poole and I think that the ordinary ought not to lose his accustomed provision. Longforth has sent to London a canon of Derlegh, with money, to urge his claims. Mr. Justice Fitz[james] says his son Longforth doeth this against his will. Various persons are recommended. Consult with Mr. Cromwell what is to be done. Lich' (Lichfield), 6 April.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated. Add.: To the right worshipful [M]r. Dr. Lee, chaplain to [the] King his grace, in Pater[noster] Row, London.
6 April.
Add. MS. 6,297, f. 147. B. M.
6314. THOMAS BENOLT, Clarencieux.
Warrant to Sir Thomas More, chancellor, to make a patent for Thomas Benolt, Clarencieux King at arms, to hold a visitation and give arms, within his province, from the Trent southwards. Windsor, 6 April 21 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 3.
7 April.
R. O.
Wishes to take one of the farmholds of Dr. Bellasis' late brother, about Newburghe, or Blakamore, during the nonage of his son. Is kinsman by the mother's side to his brother's children, and the deceased promised him such a farm in compensation for the injury he had done him about the gentlewoman, and "in laboring your prebend at Hoveden from me." Should like to speak with him about these matters, and "concerning communication betwixt my lord of Durham and me afore Easter." Shakkelwell, 7 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
7 April.
Vit. B. XIII. 67 b. B. M.
6316. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
Has received two letters from him, stating that he had sent letters by Paul Cassale, who has not delivered them to Croke, but to his brother, April 4. The latter opened the parcel, and gave Francis a copy of the King's letters to him, before he gave the letters to Croke for Francis. Cassale has thus found out what Francis wrote for the King. He had always told him that he would do nothing without the Pope's leave. Fears Cassale has thus discovered other things which may injure Croke and the King. In answer to his question, whether it is true that the Prothonotary wrote that Croke said a learned German had promised to write for the King, neither knows nor cares what the Cassali write or say. Cares for this, that Ghinucci has sent the most secret matters, and those which specially concern the King. Croke's greatest friend seems as it were to doubt whether he wrote from suspicion or knowledge, which he could not do if all that he wrote has come to the King. If Ghinucci thinks anything ought to be kept back, wishes him to send it to Fox in England, or to Croke at Venice. Fox thanks Ghinucci for his dispensation, and promises to do anything for him with the King or any other. He complains that there is a rumor of its purport throughout the whole court. Knows that neither Ghinucci nor himself spread it, but has never spoken a word about it to any one, except to Ghinucci and Gregory Cassale. Fox warned Croke not to interfere between Ghinucci and the Cassali. This was unnecessary, for, except in the King's cause, which is entrusted to him alone, he has written nothing. "Sed neque scribetur unquam in ea si quid erroris offendam, et tibi (cui unice et fidet et favet rex) et regi ipsi, si opus fuerit, posthabito omni etiam vitæ periculo, communicare non dubitabo ... mo ad literas tuas illas, inquam, quas tu tanta humanitate [et mod]estia, tantus, inquam, pontifex, ad tam pusillum sacerdotem [et nullius] momenti homuncionem scripseras, quas hercle ... tempero quia lachrimer tantum amicum" * * *
From what happened at the trial to which Croke was obliged to summon De la Fossa before he could get his money, thought Ghinucci distrusted him, and ordered De la Fossa to pay no more money without giving him warning. Ghinucci had written to Croke that he must be contented with 25 gold pieces a week, and De la Fossa had shown a letter from Ghinucci's brother giving the same order.
But to return to Ghinucci's letter. He says that he has provided for Croke without commission; but the King told Croke that Ghinucci would supply him; and Stephen promised the King that he would send him letters of bank. Brian [Tuke] wrote that he had sent letters for 2,000 ducats before Ghinucci had paid him any money. Sends a copy of Brian's letters. If there is any mistake, asks him to write him a letter about it which he can send on to the King. Brian's letter will show him that those people speak falsely who think that Croke lives in Ghinucci's house, and that diets are not assigned to him. Wonders that Brian wrote to Ghinucci that the King only allowed Brian 59l. for posts, when he writes to [Croke] that the King had willingly granted all the money he asked for posts, which was more than 67l. Promises to serve Ghinucci's cause with the King. Has written to the King to complain of the want of money, through the perfidy of the merchants, not through Ghinucci's fault. Forwarded letters of his, complaining of the same thing, and showing his fidelity in the King's affairs. "Scribam proximo nuncio tibi ad regem" * * * Six weeks and three days passed between the first and second receipts of money from Ghinucci. Now asks for all the money which the King wishes to be paid him beforehand, and, in addition, 200 gold pieces of the 2,000 of which Brian writes. Will want them greatly, unless Brian thinks men can be engaged for nothing, and that Croke and his servants can live without food or clothing. Is glad to hear that Ghinucci's brother is recovering his health. Will write in his behalf to the King, and asks him to send the draft of a letter.
Advises him to procure some of the theologians of Sienna for the King, and to write on behalf of his cause to the minister of the Order of Conventuals, John Francis Marino, to whom Croke will forward the letter. Venice, 7 April.
Lat., pp. 3, draft, mutilated.
7 April.
Vit. XIII. 69. B. M.
6317. [CROKE] to TUKE.
Thanks him for his kindness. Understands from his and Fox's letters that the King has allowed the bill for his post money, which is about LXV ..., and also the post money from Venice to Bologna, but Ghinucci writes that their letters to him say that it is only 59l., by which he will lose much. Hopes the King will not abate his diet of 13s. 4d. by allowance of the post money, for he can scarcely execute his charge therewith. Marvels that when the King willed them to allow him for three months beforehand, they write that if the money he had from Ghinucci was for his posts or diets, he must receive less. Paid his posts with the money he had from the King out of England, and what he had from Ghinucci was for his diets, and was scarcely sufficient for his expences. Besides, he paid more than 200 cr. of it for the King's affairs, of which he will send an account in his next letter. Loses by the ducats which he had from Tuke almost 16l. If he has not enough for meat and drink, cannot serve the King. If the merchants and the Bishop had not disappointed him, the King's affairs would have been in a different case, and many obstacles would have been avoided. Has not been able to buy any clothes, and so he sits here in leather ... er like a courier. Asks him to repay 450 cr. of the [sun], which he has had from the Bishop by bankers. Venice, 7 April.
Hol., draft, mutilated.
7 April.
R. O.
"Intellexi quæ sit mens Majestatis vestræ [tam] circa conducendos tot quot fieri possit jurisperitos et theologos [e]t modum in hoc servandum quem super eo super quo Majestas vestra [vul]t eos scribere; de omnibusque statim reddidi certiorem Crocum, quem spero omnem conatum interpositurum ut Mti vestræ satisfiat. Idem spero facturum D. Paulum Casalium qui Venetias propterea se contulit et etiam D. Prothonotarium ejus fratrem. Ego etiam conabor in omnibus pro viribus satisfacere Mti vestræ, licet quoad generales et provinciales parum sperem, propterea quod verear non facile eos qui habent magistratus a Pontifice pendentes trahi posse ad disceptandum de ejus potestate. Faciam etiam diligentiam quam potero circa brevia, conferendo etiam me personaliter ad aliqua loca ubi aliquod ex eis, si in rerum natura sint, reperiri posse credendum est. Quoad processum in causa fiet etiam diligentia ut sciamus si adversarii (fn. 2) in Romana curia procedent, speroque quod non poterunt id facere quin nos sciamus. Sed nescio quomodo si procedere voluerint impedire poterimus. Satis cuperem intelligere mentem Mtis vestræ quod eo casu facturi simus. Non memini scripsisse me unquam ad Mtem vestram de conducendo theologo aliquo qui sit Senis, sed bene de jurisperito qui postea pro Mte vestra, ut scripsi, conductus est, (fn. 3) jam ordinatum est Andreæ ut curet eum scribere. Super his quæ Mtas vestra signif[icat] velle per tales scribi, idque ex Urbe, cum ad eam pervenero solicitabo. [Non] etiam memini scripsisse me de rebus Turcæ, saltem in eum sensum quem litteræ Maj. vestræ præsupponunt, sed bene recordor in illum sensum scripsisse quoad res Florentinas. Fuit autem mens me[a] tunc significare Mti vestræ quod multi putabant Imperatorem circa expeditionem Floren. non serio agere ut Papa desiderium suum consequeretur, et quod credebatur Papam bene omnia perpendere, sed consulto dissimulare ne cum Imperatore ad rupturam deveniret. Hoc autem nunc apertius dictiur, præsertim postquam Imperator ex exercitu ad se vocavit tria milia peditum ultra quamplures alios qui paulatim ex castris, ex seipsis, ut dicebatur discesserant. De his quæ Venetiis Crocus in libris pro Maj. vestra invenit nihil scribo ad Maj. vestram quia ex literis ipsius Croci conjicio eum ad Maj. vestram super hoc scripsisse et etiam scripturas plures misisse.
"Mortuus est hic D. Carolus Ruinus qui principalior doctor erat hujus universitatis qui erat pro parte Maj. vestræ conductus. In ejus locum accepimus quendam alium doctorem ab illo nutritum quem speramus aliquid boni scripturum, propterea quod dictus Carolus ejus opera tanquam manuali uli solebat, et creditur aliquid cum eo communicasse de his quæ scribere intendebat in causa Maj. vestræ. Sunt etiam conducti alii duo ex principalioribus ita ut speremus horum medio totam universitatem nos habituros, quoniam vix aliqui[s] superest alicujus auctoritatis qui ab aliquo istorum non dependeat. Bononiæ, vij. Aprilis, MD.XXX."
Hol., chiefly cipher, deciphered. Add. Sealed.
7 April.
R. O.
Wrote that he had obtained the Pope's signature to Burbrige's supplication, but it was lost between the Datary and him that registers the supplications. Has written to the Datary for it twenty times, offering as large a fee as he could desire, and asking him, if it was lost, to write to Mr. Alexander at Rome, to deliver to Burbrige that which was signed by the Pope, before his Holiness left for Bononye.
Can get no answer but that the supplication shall be found again. Had no copy, and could not therefore get it signed before he left the Pope, and sends the enclosed letter to Jacobo Salviati, asking him to get it done. Wishes to see Burbrige before he goes to England. If he goes by Almain, it would not be much out of his way to go by the Emperor's court, where he will be sure to find Benet. Will provide for him there, and send Jas. Broke with him into England.
Has written to his uncle to pay him the 100 ducats. He will find the Emperor's court either at Isbroke or Ostbrooge (Augsburg). Thinks they will leave this week for Trent, where the Emperor will spend Easter. Asks him to get a pair of caps like Mr. Stephyns, but a little more compass in the crown. Has had no leisure to write since my lord of Wiltshire came to Bonony, for he accompanied him to Reggio, and then came hither. Mantua, 7 April 1530.
Hol., pp. 3.
8 April.
Wood's Annals of O., II. 43.
Opinion of the university of Oxford, that it is forbidden by divine and natural law for a Christian to marry his deceased brother's wife. Oxford, 8 April 1530.
9 April.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 384. B. M.
Some time ago William des Barres sent you a letter of mine relating what had been done in the faculty of theology here, in order that your Majesty might see to the interest of the queen of England your aunt. I sent also the copy of a conclusion, signed by 15 doctors, in favor of the Queen, attested by two notaries, because the original had been taken from me for legal purposes, and not without favor of the King (Francis). I also urged you to procure a brief from his Holiness, commanding these doctors, within six days after its receipt, to meet together, and declare each upon his conscience his own conclusion, sealed with the seal of the faculty. I also thought it well that the King should write to these doctors to the same effect, to avoid scandal, and I wrote the same thing to the Queen and to Madame Margaret, with the same notarial copies. The king of England is making such efforts to procure the divorce as are enough to set the world on fire. Mons. de Langes, who is thought a learned man, brother of the bishop of Bayonne, has got the signatures removed on the pretence "que hazen lo que deben de hazer allegar 10 doctores otras vezes 12, o como pueden entre tanto aparejase el comer despues de comido da la conclusion en favor del dicho rey," viz., that the Pope had no power to dispense. Influenced by shame, fear, bribery, and cajolery, thirty have signed this proposition, including some who had signed in favor of the Queen. Suggests that the Pope should be got to send a man hither who fears God, to inquire into the case and punish the offenders. They tell me the university of Pavia publishes that the Queen is content to have a place appointed for her in the kingdom, and to live as a widow, with an allowance for her board; and that if the Pope will not grant a divorce, the King will, like a man who has been denied justice, appoint judges in his own kingdom to settle the matter. Such are the falsehoods by which they have gained the greater part of the residents in this university. Paris, 9 April 1530.
Sp., pp. 6, modern copy.
9 April.
Add. MS. 15,387, f. 225. B. M. Theiner, p. 591.
Recommends for the cardinalate the prothonotary Casalius and the bishop of Worcester, his ambassadors; but if the Pope cannot be induced to confer this favor on both, specially requests it for the bishop of Worcester. At the More, 9 April 1530.
Lat., modern copy.
[9] April.
MS. Bibl. Nat. 2,980, f. 20.
Suggests to Francis that as the Emperor has just got the Pope to create three cardinals, while only one has been made at his request, he should cause his Holiness to make at least two in his favor. Recommends De Vaulx for one. Windsor,—April 1530.
Fr. From a transcript.
10 April.
Theiner, p. 591.
Have received your letter, dated 26 March, in which you beg that, whilst the cause is in suspense, we take no further steps; and you propose, in the event of our compliance, to defer it till September and later, as our ambassadors have informed us. We admit that ostensibly you have professed great kindness, but in deed we are not wholly satisfied. As of late, when we sent you Dr. Stokesley, elect of London, to explain matters as you desired, you refused to hear him; and we know not why, except it was to remain in ignorance of the merits of our cause, and waste the time. True friendship abhors deceit, and the greater our regard for your Holiness the more freedom we have in expressing our regret. We will hope better things for the future. If your Holiness is resolved to put off our cause till September, and no attempts be made on the other side, nothing shall be done by us. Whatever security you will give us we will give the same; and if you should assure your promise by a brief, we will take no steps in the interim, although we experience the pain of suspense. The elect of London, Worcester, Benet, and Gregory, our ambassadors, will explain further. Windsor, 10 April 1530.
11 April.
Lamb's Camb. Docts. 23.
6325. WILLIAM BUCKMASTER to DR. EDMUNDS, Vicar of Alborne.
"Dominica secunda" in the afternoon came to Wyndsore, and to part of Mr. Latymer's sermon, after which I spoke with Mr. Secretary and Mr. Proveste.
After evensong, delivered our letters in the chamber of presence, all the court beholding. The King and Mr. Secretary read them, but not the letters of determination, though I delivered them with a proposition. His Highness thanked me and lauded our wisdom, and good conveyance in the matter and great quietness. He told me also what he had in his hands for our university, as Mr. Secretary had showed us. "So he departed. But by and by he greatly praised Mr. Latymer's sermon; and, in so praising, said on this wise: 'This displeaseth greatly Mr. Vice-chancellor yonder.' 'Yon same,' said he unto the duke of Norfolk, 'is Mr. Vice-chancellor of Cambridge;'—and so pointed unto me." After the King's departure, the Duke came and welcomed me, saying that the King would speak with me next day. "And here is the first act."
Waited next day till dinner time. At last Dr. Butts brought me a reward,—20 nobles for me, and 5 marks for the younger proctor with me,—saying I should take that for a resolute answer, and might leave the court when I would. Told Mr. Proveste of our answer, who said I should speak with the King after dinner for all that, and brought me to a privy place to wait. At one o'clock the King entered. It was in a gallery, and there were only Mr. Secretary, Mr. Provest, Mr. Latymer, Mr. Proctor, and I. The King talked with us till 5 o'clock. He was scarce contented with Mr. Secretary and Mr. Provest that it was not also determined, An papa possit dispensare, &c. Confirmed what they had already said, that it would never have been so obtained. He then said he would have it determined after Easter; of which we counselled a while. I pray you therefore study, for this our business is not yet at an end, An papa possit dispensare cum jure divino, &c. Had other talk, too long to recite. The King departed, "casting a little holy water of the court," and I shortly took leave of Mr. Secretary and Mr. Provest, with whom I did not drink, nor yet was bidden. On the morrow I departed, thinking more than I said, and being glad that I was out of the court, where, as I both heard and perceived, many men did wonder on me. "And here shall be an end for this time of this fable." All the world cries out on Cambridge for this act, and especially on me, but I must bear it as well as I may. I have lost a benefice by it, which Mr. Throkmeter has often promised me; but now that it has fallen vacant, his mind is turned from me.
Begs Dr. Edmondes to remember him if he goes to the court after Easter.
Since you left Cambridge, parson Dakers, of St. Nicholas Hostell, hurt Christopher, Mr. Secretary's servant; but when I proceeded to enquire into it, he refused me for his judge, saying that I was familiar with Mr. Secretary and Dr. Thirleby. Would not admit his recusation nor appeal, and committed him to ward, but he escaped from the beadle, "and that night there was such a jetting in Cambridge as ye never heard of, with such boyng and crying, even against our college, that all Cambridge might perceive it was in despite of me." The elder proctor would have inhibited me, and prosecuted the appeal, but I would not suffer him. It is made a country matter, and greatly labored, but yet it is approved by the university that no person can refuse the Vice-chancellor's jurisdiction. Mr. Latymer preacheth still, quod æmuli ejus graviter ferunt.
I hear that Oxford has elected certain persons to determine the King's question, and that Mr. Proveste was there in great jeopardy.
Cambridge, in crastino Dominicæ Palmarum. The King desired me to send you word of his pleasure in the said question.
11 April.
Vit. B. XIII. 70. B. M.
6326. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
Asks for money, as the King has told Croke that he would supply him. Does not know how he will recover from the King what he has given to others; but whatever is given to Croke for the King's business cannot be refused. There is no need for him to risk his money with any one but Croke. Will not go away until everything is finished. Matters are going on well, and he perceives that some persons are displeased at it, although they ought to be grateful. Fears that one person may endanger his life. If this happens, the King ought to consider none but Ghinucci responsible, to whom alone Croke has revealed the arts of those who hinder the King's cause under pretence of friendship. Thought that his disagreement with Ghinucci was ended, so that the slight suspicion caused by his departure would not have caused the Bishop to plot against him with the others. If Ghinucci is not his sincere friend, he is not Croke's helper, but a spy upon the King's secrets. Blames him for writing of him contemptuously to father Francis, when his return to Vienna was certain. Deserves to have one offence pardoned, as he has praised his diligence and faith so highly to the King that he could not now accuse him. Asks him why he was so displeased at his departure, and what he could fear, if he had a good conscience. Will explain matters. "Primum omnium, certum erat me statim ad acceptas a te et ... literas respondisse, certum erat meas ad utrumque tibi an ... discessu redditas. Et tamen miratur Stoxleius in ... responsivas non dedisse" * * * The Count (comes) remains with us a few days and returns; but eight days after, Croke hears nothing from Ghinucci. At last receives letters signifying the order for keeping back the money, very different to what the merchant had said. There was nothing about supplying him, or about the matters on which Croke had consulted him, so that he might feel himself destitute, and be driven to consult the ambassadors. This was the cause of his journey; and he would certainly have departed, if a certain influential senator had not told him that two letters had come from the Venetian ambassador in England, desiring them, in the King's name, to commit the cause to be discussed by the theologians of Venice and Padua, and promising to send two doctors to assist. Matters being thus, Ghinucci has thrown him into great danger; but he forgives him, begging that he will not treat him so again, and that he will extinguish the hatred that he has created against Croke, on the King's account, who cannot do without his assistance here. Cannot help fearing the treachery of those whom Ghinucci either hates or else has spoken falsely of. He must not be surprised at Croke's fear, for he is a stranger here, and has no one to protect him but Ghinucci, who has now ceased to do so. Has one consolation, that the King will hold him responsible. Promises not to act, speak, or write against him, if he will cease from such conduct, and promote the King's cause. Prays that this may be the end of their mutual suspicions. * * * "tam tecum quam cum aliis dissimulare ut nullum possis habere cer[tius] meæ in te constantissimæ amicitiæ symbolum quam quod cæsus exca ... et libere jurgem." Advises Ghinucci to procure the appointment of friar Thomas Omnibonus as general of his Order, which would greatly further the King's cause. He would then, doubtless, procure all the Dominicans, except those few who, as he hears, have already pronounced against the King at Rome. Asks for more certain information about this, and how many friends Ghinucci has procured at Rome. Asks for 400 cr. more, for 200 diets which the King wishes to be paid beforehand, and another 200 for his business. Venice, 11 April.
Could not obtain from De Cassalis information of the time when he would deliver the King's letters to the Senate. Urged him to deliver them on Wednesday. He postponed it till Thursday, then to Friday, and finally delivered them on Saturday.
As the King has written nothing about Croke to the Senate, and as he cannot show to the Senate his letters from the King without endangering his friends, he does not know how to obtain the answer which the King wants. Intends to go this Easter, that is on Wednesday, to see the bishop of Verona, and give him Ghinucci's letters.
Lat., draft, pp. 3.
11 April.
Vit. B. XIII. 72. B. M.
6327. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
De Cassalis gave him yesterday the letters "quas tu ad me rem ... miseras, sed nullo signo obsignatas." Could not induce him to deliver the King's letters before Saturday, or in public, or to commend him to the Senate, as ambassador from the King. He showed Croke Ghinucci's Italian letters, which relieved him from great fear, seeing that Ghinucci wrote to others to express his vexation and fear at Croke's departure. Feared that he would put Croke in great danger, merely from undeserved suspicion. His fear was increased because Ghinucci gave the King's letters to Paul de Cassalis to be carried to his brother, and by him given to Croke. By this means De Cassalis obtained a copy of all the King's letters, and suspects that the King distrusts him, and therefore envies Croke.
"Sed et archana nostra fere omnia ex adversar[iis] regis ad Franciscum noscens metuere nos coegit ne is magni alicujus mali ex hoc nobis author esset et tibi ejus culpa computaretur," as Ghinucci, contrary to the King's orders, sent him the royal letters, knowing that he would open the packet. Wonders the more at this, as Ghinucci at other times was at enmity with him. Would be silent about this, if he wished to be revenged on Ghinucci for his conduct, but he will bear anything rather than injure the King's cause. Writes openly, and hopes that this will be the last day of their suspicions. Is not ungrateful, nor as prone to revenge an offence as to expostulate. Can be either mild or bitter with enemies, but a friend's kindness is everlasting. The jewels which Ghinucci's brother gave him are still before his eyes. Has not forgotten the dispensation, which Ghinucci obtained for him gratis, nor the letters he wrote to the King commending him. As Ghinucci asks others about his departure, will tell him the truth, that he was compelled to it by Ghinucci's slowness and negligence; for when Croke had consulted him about many important matters, he promised to reply after the arrival of the Count (Comitis), but yet did not write to Croke for 10 days after the Count had left, and sent no money, except what Croke wrung from De la Fossa by law. "Addo quod scripseras mirari Stoxleium me ... literas nihil respondisse cum statim ab acceptis discedere" * * * Received no warning of this from Ghinucci, and did not think that he ought to wait longer when deprived of all help and advice. Had nothing to live on, and knew not where to get anything, and had executed successfully his instructions. Does not see that his going was an injury to Ghinucci; and would have gone, if he had not met a senator, who told him the Venetian ambassador in England had written to the Senate to say that the King was sending two doctors to discuss his cause, and asked that the theologians of Padua and Venice might be allowed to express their opinions.
Asks him not to write to those whose friendship he has obtained from the King, so as to make them suspect him. Requests him to send the remaining 200 cr. which the King assigned for his diets, and 200 of the 2,000 cr. which Brian provides. Will let him know what he writes to the King. 11 April.
Hol., draft, pp. 2, Lat., mutilated.
Vit. B. XIII. 73. B. M. 6328. [CROKE] to FOX.
Thanks him for the pains he has taken for him. Never spoke a word [about Fox's] dispensation, except to the Bishop and Gregory de Cassalis, who, as appeared by his letters sent from Bologna by the Bishop, doubtless disclosed all Croke's and Fox's secrets to Carrew, Boner, and-others, like a light dissembler, pretending to help, but really doing all the hindrance he could. There was no need for Fox to warn him not to interfere between Gregory and the Bishop. Will not meddle with any of them, except for the furtherance of the King's causes. When he found any obstacle in them, wrote to the Bishop for advice, according to his instructions. There is great labour here by the Emperor's friends to cause the Sena[te] to refuse the King's petition, or to put him off till the Emperor has left Mantua. Notwithstanding, the King has many a heart in Venice, in no town more, but they marvellously fear the Emperor. Spent on the post to Bologna 67l. 11s. 2d. beside the posts to Venice from Bologna. If the King allows his bill, as Fox and Brian write that he has, the money which he has had from the Bishop must be for his diets, which, at a mark a day, is scarcely enough for bare meat and drink. Here everything is dear, and men must be entertained to know their minds. By conversation at dinner he recovered for the King those who were alienated, "and d ... the care whereof was so great that I neither [had any] leisurè nor was able to buy me or my ... anything for our body sauf only" * * * Tuke says that if the money Croke had from the Bishop was either for posts or diets, he must now have less. Asks whether, when he had spent all his money in posts, it is not reasonable that he should have money for meat and drink. Assures him that he is so hungerly handled that he cannot do the King the service that he might. Before the Emperor's coming, if he and the Bishop had not wanted money, the King had had all Italy on his side in this cause. Has not received his full diets for times past, as he has laid out 200 cr. of the Bishop's money on the King's business, and has borrowed money from Hervell, without whose help he could not have served the King. The King desires him to have 20s. a day for three months beforehand, but he has no more than 300 cr. Asks him to consider the nature of Italians, who will neither give nor do without money; his necessity, as he has nothing of his own; the vicinity of the Emperor and the great enemies of the King's cause; and to intercede with the King for more money for his own meat and drink and the King's affairs, the niggard handling of which has lost them many, and will lose more, unless remedy is found. Doubts not that he would gain many more if the Emperor were gone. All the learned and good men with whom I have spoken favor our part.
Hol., draft, pp. 2.
I have received your letter desiring that I should see your manor of Southwell repaired against your coming. I have got ready faggots for the kitchen, bakehouse, and brewhouse, and have ordered the mason to work the doors of your gallery, according to your pleasure. I have also sent one of the King's glaziers to glaze your lodgings, gallery, &c., and caused locks to be made for the servants' doors and houses. As for casting of your gallery with lime and hair, according to the direction of Mr. Holgill, your surveyor, there are no workmen here that can work in that matter. As for covering the houses above head, and dressing the walls where necessary, it shall be done. As for your command that I should help my lord of Welbeke to provide corn for bread and drink for your household, I have no experience in that matter. Your servant, Mr. Constable, can show you that it has pleased God to visit me with sickness ever since Christmas, so that I cannot stand, and I do not expect to live. Therefore, I trust you will accept this excuse, as I should have been glad to have served you to the uttermost, had I been in health. Signed (very feebly): Robert Broun.
Pp. 2. Add.
11 April.
R. O.
6330. WM. CAPON to WOLSEY.
On leaving Wolsey, went to Ipswich, caused God's service to be maintained in the college, and paid all the wages, which, with other expences since his last account, amount to 104l., which he has borrowed on his plate. The rents are hard to be levied, for the tenants say they know not who are to be their landlords. The monastery of Bromehill has lately been sequestered from them by the King's commandment, so that nothing will be received either from Bromehill or Wykes till the King's pleasure is known. Has no profit from Cheshunt, Sayscourt and Mountjoy. My lord of Norfolk has Felixstowe, Faltynham, and the New Marsh. The bishop of Norwich has sequestered St. Matthew's and the oblations of Our Lady's chapel.
Does not see how the present company can be maintained, for the revenues are not above 300l. a year. Asks whether they shall break up the choir, or retain only sufficient for Our Lady's mass and one anthem every night, till they know further of the King's pleasure. Are put to great trouble and charge for the rents resolute and pensions of vicarages of the monasteries lately in the hands of the dean of Wolsey's college in Oxford, viz., Wykes, Dodnash, Tiptree and Snape; for the dean never paid the resolutions and pensions, so they are all laid to their charge, and are so great that they cannot pay them. Asks him to order the said dean to pay them, or else to allow Capon to call the dean before my lord Chancellor.
His servant shall attend on Wolsey to know his pleasure. From your Grace's college in Ipswich, 11 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
12 April.
P. S.
6331. For WILLIAM REPPYS, S.T.P., a Monk in the Cathedral of Holy Trinity, Norwich.
Assent to his election as abbot of the monastery of St. Benet, Hulme, Norw. dioc., vice John Salcote, resigned. Windsor Castle, 10 April 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 April.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27.
13 April.
Le Grand, III. 427.
6332. DU BELLAY to _.
The affair of the divorce had been quite despatched at Paris, as it had already been at Orleans, by the means employed by my brother, which were such that Francis satisfied the one party without spoiling anything with the other. People are dissatisfied with what he has done "contre ce que son labeur et dispence requeroit;" but as he will have to bear the blame of every bribe (loyer) I expect he will not forget himself so far as to meddle with it any more (plus se y amuser), and I hope it will be known that he does not serve two masters. For though in benefits he is less bound to the one than I think he would be, he is nevertheless so much bound already that he would be too wicked to communicate his service to the other. Of two or three despatches to Liset, nothing has come to my knowledge, so that I cannot tell you the present state of affairs. For the rest I shall be continually with the King and Madame at their orders. Lusignan, 13 April.
13 April.
Vit. B. XIII. 75. B. M.
Does not feel sure enough of the bearer to answer Croke's letter. Will do so in a day or two.
Has spoken to Sir Gregory about writing to the general of the Friars Minors, for the King wishes more of them to act separately. Advises that the assistance of the Prothonotary should be used, because, as he is the King's ambassador there, it will be an insult to act without him, and it might be doubted that they had received such orders from the King, as it would seem probable that he would manage his business through his ambassadors. Bologna, 13 April 1530.
Lat., p. 1. Copy by Croke.
13 April.
R. O.
As the King wishes to engage, besides other men of learning, the generals of the religious Orders, to write in his defence, we beg the prothonotary Casal to inform you of the Franciscan general at Venice, to be applied to for this purpose. Bologna, 13 April 1530. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
Vit. B. XIII. 75. B. M. 2. Copy by Croke. Mutilated.
13 April.
R. O.
Writes to tell him what he has heard concerning the Cardinal's departure towards the North.
It has been reported in the court that he rode in such sumptuous fashion that some men thought he was of as good courage as in times past, and that there was no impediment but lack of authority. Certain people came to him, some for debt, and some for restitution of things wrongfully taken by him; to which he answered that the King had all his goods, and he could neither pay nor restore. Thinks it would be wisdom for him to have himself "in godde a vatte vatte vordeys passeys hyme" (in good await what words pass him), and specially in the afore-mentioned case. Hopes to see Cromwell these Easter holidays. Windsor Castle, "thys teneber Venseday."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c. Master Cromwell.
R. O. 6336. GAGE and CROMWELL.
1. Assignment by Sir John Gage, the King's chamberlain, to Thomas Cromwell, of the manors of Sutton at Hone and Temple Dartford, Kent, for the residue of certain terms of years granted by the prior of St. John's. Dated [6 July] (fn. 4) 21 Hen. VIII.
Draft, pp. 11.
R. O. 2. A bill acknowledging the receipt of 500 marks by Sir John Gage, from Thomas Cromwell, as purchase money of the above manors.
Draft, pp. 3, with some writing on the back of each page, and a fragment of a draft by Cromwell about the dispute between Leder and Reynolds.
R. O. 3. An assignment similar to § 1. by Thomas Cromwell to Sir Brian Tuke. Dated—March 21 Hen. VIII.
Draft, pp. 5.
14 April.
MSS. Simancas. Duke of Manchester's "Court and Society," I. 165.
Thanks him for his letters and for his zeal in commending her cause to the Pope. Trusts everything to God, who, she hopes, will remedy the evils in this kingdom and Christendom, though the business seems to have no end. Fears that his vicar on earth does not wish to remedy them. The heretics here think the Head and Protector of the Church will give the Church a great fall. Can do no more, as she has written to his Holiness, than tell him the truth, and show him the evils which are imminent. If these means fail, will complain to God, because there is neither faith nor charity in his ministers on earth. Has seen a copy of the Pope's brief, and shown it to learned persons, who say that she requires a stronger medicine to cure her wound, and that remedy is the sentence. Anything else will bring anger and little profit for a few days only. 14 April. Signed.
15 April.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 389. B. M.
Mention the propositions of the English ambassador to the Signory, to have the affair of the King's marriage examined by the lawyers of the university of Padua. Have not thought fit to urge the Signory to prevent it, lest the king of England should say that the Emperor tried to stop discussion. The English ambassador resident with the Emperor, and he who has gone to be with the Pope, have written to the bp. of Quieta (Chieti), who is in retreat here (que esta aqui muy retrahido) leading a holy life; to whom they send an Englishman to inform him of the whole of this business, and of the causes which move the King to put his bad design in execution. on which they desire that he will send his opinion. The Bishop, although the Emperor knows what he is, acted in this matter like a reasonable man, declaring that the King had no case, even without asking what had to be said for the Queen.
To make his answer the more effective, he sent to Rodrigo Niño for information before the prothonotary came, and I have informed him of the reasons alleged on your Majesty's side, and of all that the bishop of Burgos has told me about it. Venice, 15 April 1530.
Spanish, pp. 3, modern copy. The original is endorsed: A su mt, protonotario Caracciolo y Rodrigo Niño, embaxadores en Venecia, a xv. de Abril, x, xx. del mismo, 1530. Respondidas en Inspruch a vij. de Mayo 1530.


  • 1. The Editor says that the beginning of this letter appears to be lost.
  • 2. adverterii in the cipher.
  • 3. "est"; rei, according to the original cipher.
  • 4. This date is left blank in the draft, but appears by § 3.