Henry VIII: July 1529, 22-31

Pages 2585-2598

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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July 1529

22 July.
R. O.
i. Revenues of the late monastery of Wallingford, 20 Hen. VIII.
ii. Ditto of Lesnes and Pray, with a receipt dated 22 July 21 Hen. VIII
iii. Ditto of Sandwell, and other places.
Pp. 12.
Payments by Thos. Crumwell in the business of my Lord's college, from Mich. 19 to 20 Hen. VIII., including rewards to Mr. Croke, Mr. Burton, and others; to Stephen Vaughan, for writing the evidences; to the Chief Justice, and Mr. Shelley, his clerk.
Pp. 12.
1. Memoranda of omissions and errors in the evidences of the lands granted to the colleges.
Pp. 10.
R. O. 2. Memoranda of omissions to be supplied in the evidences of various manors.
Pp. 15, partly in Wriothesley's hand and partly in Cromwell's.
22 July.
MS. 5499, p. 141. Bibl. Nat.
Nothing important has happened since he wrote on the 12th. Does not know how the marriage proceeds, but on Monday matters were almost as the King wishes, and the judges were deliberating about giving the sentence the Monday following. Now things are altered, and those who desired a divorce are extremely troubled, finding Campeggio not so favorable as they expected. Thinks he is inclined to remit the cognizance of the matter to the Pope en brief ampliatif, or else the news they have received here of the Pope's illness has changed their purpose. Campeggio must have expected to have his part in the cake by doing what would be acceptable to the Emperor, especially when the latter should have arrived in Italy, where it is expected he will soon be. At all events, the matter is in such a state no one can tell how it stands. We are longing very much for news from Cambray. Dare not go to court till he hear some. The bearer will tell you about the anxiety felt here to know about the matter of Scotland, especially about Albany. It is certain that if Wolsey had the power to give sentence alone, he would sooner do it than break off; but I know from sufficiently good authority that whatever he pretends the purport of the said commission to be, it is quite otherwise. "Je ne scay au vray ce qu'il en est." Dated in the margin, at the head: London, 22 July 1529 (?)
Fr., from a transcript, pp. 2.
MS. 5,499.
Bibl. Nat.
5790. FRANCIS I.
Instructions to John du Bellay, bishop of Bayonne, ambassador to the king of England, to treat of a defensive league between France and England, including the king of Scotland.
After presenting his letters, he shall declare his credence, and thank Henry for his efforts for the recovery of the French king's children, for which Francis awaits an opportunity of showing his gratitude. Notwithstanding the close amity already existing between them, Francis would be glad, without altering previous treaties, to make a league with his good brother for the dominions which they possess at present. He has accordingly commissioned Du Bellay to negociate with Henry thereupon, on the basis of the last defensive league made at ... the ... end of ... 15 ... between the two Kings, which Francis is willing on his part to augment, without excepting any one, of whatever quality or condition; and if the said two Princes have since made any treaties with other powers derogatory to the said league, they shall abandon them. Francis is content that the aid which either King shall give to the other shall be of 6,000 foot, kept at his own cost for so long as the war shall last, provided the King who asks such aid shall have armed at least 12,000 foot. If Henry object to the league being made in these general terms, and wishes some special engagement about the matter of his marriage, Francis consents to a clause that if, in consequence of Henry's suit for a divorce, he be attacked by any potentate, Francis will defend his countries in the manner above mentioned. Also, if Francis be attacked on the plea that the treaties of Madrid and Cambray have not been entirely observed, Henry shall be bound to defend him in the same manner. If the overtures of the king of England be agreeable to the above, Du Bellay may come to terms; but if Henry wish to bind Francis further, or to do less on his part, he must write for further instructions. If it be proposed that each power should provide a fleet as well as an army, Francis is quite willing to agree; and either Prince, on being asked, shall furnish a third part.
As to Scotland, he should represent that the king of Scotland is Henry's nephew, and that he ought to take means to prevent his forming an alliance with Henry's enemies, for which reason it would be very desirable to make a defensive league with him, and that Francis would endeavor to promote his marriage with the duchess of Urbino. This league ought to be pure and simple, without any restriction, otherwise it would not be accepted; and if Henry say that he cannot do it, on account of the marauders on the Scotch border, Du Bellay shall reply that if the two Princes once have a good understanding together, they can easily suppress these marauders, each party disavowing the enemies of the other. If Du Bellay perceive that the king of England consents to this treaty with France and Scotland, he shall make one with him apart, leaving a place for the king of Scotland as principal contrahent, with a clause requiring him to declare himself within a certain time.
Fr., from a transcript, pp. 7.
23 July.
R. O.
Proceedings of the Legatine Court, containing depositions of witnesses, &c.
Begins with the words, ... "decreverunt eidem procuratori Regis copias omnium et singulorum gestorum et exhibitorum illo die et tribus sessionibus proximo præcedentibus dandas fore, præsentibus tunc memoratis domino abbate Westmon., et Thoma Arundell, armigero, et aliis multis in copiosa multitudine congregatis, die vero supradicto Veneris, videlicet 16o die mensis Julii, &c."
Admission, on the petition of John Hughes, of Wm. Falk, notary, John Taverner, and John Clamport, citizens of London, as evidence on the 2nd article. Depose to the existence of certain writings touching this cause. Adjourned till the Monday following. Agreed, on the motion of the same Hughes, touching certain evidences in the possession of Garter, that John abbot of Westminster, Wm. Burbank, archdeacon of Carlisle, and _ Hygons, canon of Sarum, shall report upon the same. Richard Sampson, the King's proctor, to be present at the search.
Monday, 19 July.—Proceedings touching the breve of pope Julius. Process exhibited by Sampson Michell, canon of Chichester, of Geoffrey Wharton, official of the bishop of London, with the subscription of Rob. Johnson, notary, containing the depositions of Agnes duchess of Norfolk, and Mary countess of Essex, as in No. 5778. preceding.
Note at ƒ. 209:—"Desunt hic acta et depositiones testium examinatorum per Fra[n]klyn et Tailor."
Depositions of the abbot of Westminster, Burbank, and others, of searches made in the Exchequer at Westminster, 14 July 1529; present Ric. Warner, sub-chamberlain, and Ric. Longman, doorkeeper. Also, in the Orphan's Chamber at Guildhall, made by Th. Wryethesley, King-at-arms, and Th. Tong, Norroy. In a great register of the latter the following words were found:—"The year of our Lord God 1502, the 2nd day of April, in the castle of Luddelow, deceased the prince Arthur, first-begotten son of our sovereign lord king Henry the VIIth, the 17th year of his reign; immediately after whose decease Sir Richard Pole, his chamberlain, wrote and sent letters to the King's council to Greenwich, where his Grace and the Queen lay, and certified them of the Prince's departing; which discreetly sent for the King's ghostly father, to whom they showed this heavy and sorrowful tidings, and desired him, in his best manner, to show it to the King's highness; which, in the morning, the Tuesday next following, somewhat before the time accustomed, knocked at the King's chamber door. And when the King understood that it was his confessor, he commanded to let him in; which confessor, after due salutation, began to say, `Si bona de manu Dei suscipimus, mala autem quare non sustineamus ?'—and so showed his Grace that his dearest son was departed to God."
In another ancient book of calendars (calendarum)—"This day was born the lord Herre, 1481" (sic), on 28 June; and in another—"Nativitas R. H. VIII., 28o die Junii 1491, Greenwich." Marriage of prince Arthur and Katharine at St. Paul's, 24 Nov. 1501.
In the Council Chamber they found a printed book of the names of the bailiffs, mayors, and sheriffs of the city of London, with this passage:—"This year (17 Hen. VII.) was sent unto England the king of Spain's third daughter, named Katharine, to be married to the prince Arthur; and she landed at Plymouth the 8th day of October, and [was] received into London in the most royal wise the 12th day of November, then Friday, and the Sunday following married at St. Paul's Church; and an halpace made of timber from the west door to the quire door, of 12 foot broad and 4 foot of height, and in the midst of the same married; and the feast holden in the Bishop's palace. And from London Bridge to Paul's in divers streets were made royal and costly pageants. And at the west door of Paul's was made a costly pageant, running wine, red, white, and claret, all the day of the marriage. And at the same triumph the King made 57 knights. And the Tuesday after, all the court removed to Westminster by water, and the marriage, (fn. 1) with all the crafts with them, in barge[s], with trumpets, shawms, and tabrets, in their best manner. And there the King held royal jousts, tourneys, and banquets six days after, and then removed to Richmond, &c."
Examination of Fox, bishop of Winchester, by Ric. Wolman, archdeacon of Sudbury, on the 5th and 6th of April 1527, in the Bishop's chamber in the castle of Wolvesaye, in the city of Winchester, in the presence of Andrew Smith, notary. Says he is 79 years old; and it is now 41 years since he knew Henry VII. Knew prince Arthur, who was born in the priory of St. Swithin's, Winchester, and baptised in the monastery;—he being secretary to Henry VII., and present. Says he baptised Henry VIII. in the Church of the Observants at Greenwich. Remembers the entry of queen Katharine into London, and met her in St. George's Fields, and conducted her into London. Does not remember anything of the matrimonial contract between her and Arthur. Was present at the solemnization at St. Paul's. Thinks the contract was passed some time before. Thinks the Prince was of sufficient age for marriage, but cannot remember how old he was. Says they cohabited in the palace of the bishop of London, near St. Paul's, for about 14 days, and after that resided in Wales, to the Prince's death. After his death, negotiations took place for a marriage between Katharine and Henry, at which he was present, and had many conferences with Dr. De Peohebla, Spanish ambassador. Is not certain whether Henry VII. proposed the marriage. Thinks it was done by De Peohebla,—how long after the death of Arthur, cannot say. Does not recollect whether any writings took place. Says that frequent deliberations took place between the King's councillors, of whom he was one, in reference to the impediment. Thinks there was a contract between the two. Does not know the express age of the Prince. Is certain that a bull was obtained from the Pope, which was then thought sufficient for contracting the marriage and removing the impediment. Believes that various bulls were obtained, two of which remain in England, and one or two in Spain, all of the same tenor. On a copy of the bull being read to him, stating that Henry desired the marriage, and yet at the time of the bull he was a minor, believes the suggestion was a true one, so far as the peace of the two kingdoms was concerned; but whether the King desired the marriage at the time of the bull, says he does not know what the King's mind was. Says the bull was obtained by the ambassadors of the two kingdoms, and chiefly by Adrian cardinal St. Chrysogon. Does not suppose that the consent of Henry was asked about the bull, as he was then a minor. He cannot speak of his own knowledge, but he thinks that Henry desired the marriage, and that he loved Katharine for her excellent qualities. Does not remember that Henry, when he arrived at the age of puberty, expressly consented to or dissented from the marriage between himself and Katharine. He thinks, however, that a protestation was made, "quod dictus invictissimus princeps, non obstantibus prioribus sponsalibus inter ipsum et dictam clarissimam Catherinam factis, nec quibuscunque verbis aut douariis in ea parte intervenientibus, nec quod insimul in eadem domo et familia illustrissimi Henrici VIImi, patris ipsius invictissimi Henrici octavi, in minore ejus ætate cohabitassent, tunc ad annos pubertatis perveniens, non intendebat obligari ad observationem hujusmodi sponsalium in minore ejus ætate contractorum, quam quod posset pro suo arbitrio accipere quamcunque vellet aliam sibi in uxorem." Thinks this protest is still to be found with Master Ryden, clerk of the Council. Does not remember that Henry VII. ever interdicted the Prince, after this protest, from showing signs of love to Katharine. Thinks the protest was made by command of Henry VII. Believes it was made before Ryden, the notary; and that either he, or Thomas Ruthall, or West, now bishop of Ely, drew it up, in the presence of the earl of Surrey, Dr. Peohebla, and princess Katharine, at Durham Place, in the suburbs of London. Does not remember that any public instrument was made of the protest. If so, it was delivered to Henry VII. Does not think any new dispensation was gained. Says he had many conferences with Henry VII. after the death f prince Arthur, and that his intention always was that Henry should marry Katharine; but the solemnization was put off on account of the disputes between the King and the king of Spain touching the re-demanding of the dote. Says he did not know that Henry VII. ever wished to marry the mother of the present Emperor (Joan), but he intended to marry Margaret duchess of Savoy. Asked if Henry VII. communicated to him any designs of other marriages for the Prince, after his protest, and whether he wished him to marry the sister of the king of Spain: says he never heard of such a wish. Refers him to the laws how far the bull must be deemed sufficient.
On the Bishop's declining to subscribe his deposition on account of his blindness, and none of his counsellors being allowed to be present, the said Ric. Wolman said he was instructed to sign it, if necessary, in the Bishop's name. Whereupon, out of deference to the King's command, he signed it.
Attestation by Augustine Spinola, cardinal and papal chamberlain, 27 Jan. 1529, 6 Clem. VII., of the breve granted by Julius II., 6 July 1504. (fn. 2)
Copy of the breve of Julius II. to Henry VII., 22 Feb. 1505.
Oath of Wriothesley. (fn. 3)
Sittings on Wednesday, 21 July.—Protest of Henry prince of Wales. (fn. 4)
Sittings on Friday, 23 July.—Prorogation by Campeggio of the court to the 1st of October.
"Liber continens depositiones testium, et processum habitum coram Legatis.—Ricardus Watkyns, prothonotarius regius."
Lat., pp. 134, imperfect at the commencement. Endd.
814 Dd. XIII. 26.
Camb. MS.
2. Record of the proceedings at twelve sessions of the Papal Commissioners in the matter of the divorce of Catharine of Arragon.
24 July.
R. O.
Has finished the survey of Rumbrugh, for the temporalities, and has begun to see to the spiritualities in Cambridgeshire. Is now busy with Bromehill lands, and has gone to Ipswich for books for the survey. My Lord's college at Ipswich is going on prosperously, "and much of it above the ground, which is very curious work." Mr. Subdean takes the oversight of it, since the Dean's departure for London. He has stone and all necessaries, and they are working day and night. More has been done the last three weeks than for some time before. Ipswich, 24 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c. Mr. Thos. Crumwell. Endd.
26 July.
R. O.
Desires him to admit lord Conyers to the stewardship of Swadale, which was granted to him by the late Abbot, but which Wolsey hears the present Abbot intends to bestow elsewhere. Westminster, 26 July. Not signed.
P. 1. Add.
26 July.
R. O. St. P. IV. 567.
Is directed by Wolsey's credence, sent by Carlisle Herald, to keep still in his house the lady Margaret, daughter of Angus, taking good heed to be sure of her, but giving her as much liberty as before. Has done so even before the commandment came, fearing she would be stolen into Scotland. Angus, when he first brought her, offered to pay both for her and her gentle- woman; when he told him that as Wolsey was her godfather, and the Earl had no convenient place for her, he would do his best for her till he knew Wolsey's pleasure. Has informed Angus of Wolsey's command that he should keep her; and he was much pleased. Has had her, her gentlewoman and a man servant, for three months, without cost to my Lord. Berwick, 26 July.
Hol. Add. Endd.
26 July.
R. O.
When Jas. Fitzgerot, Kildare's brother, murdered Rob. Talbot and rebelled against the King, Ormond pursued him out of the woods and mountains, killed many of his servants, and compelled the Irishmen who succoured him to put in pledges to give him no more aid. Driven to extremity, he took refuge in the county of Kildare, where he lay robbing and taking prisoners the King's subjects going to markets. Among others he took prisoner the bearer, Ric. Snowdon, of Coventry, merchant, riding to the market of the Naas, and kept him till he paid a ransom. Now that the said James is yielded to the King's commissioners, Snowdon has applied to them for redress, and also to Kildare, but without effect. "I have taken such castles and garrisons as the said James had, and have my wards in the same at my cost." Dublin, 26 July.
Has just been informed that Jas. Fitzgerot was preparing suddenly to have crossed the sea before the commissioners in the hope of obtaining his pardon. It would be a very bad example if he should have it lightly. He should be made to confess who caused him to commit the murder. Ormond's son James will explain further at his coming with the commissioners. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
26 July.
MS. 5,499, p. 182, Bibl. Nat.
Has delayed sending news of the negotiations at Cambray till he heard what resolution was taken, that he might send a gentleman to narrate the whole to the king of England; but finding the negotiations had been protracted, although he hopes a conclusion will soon be come to, has despatched this post to inform Du Bellay that he is daily expecting news of the certainty of the business. On its conclusion will immediately despatch Langeais, whom before this negotiation he had ordered to come occasionally (ordinairement) from Madame to himself. Bryan arrived here yesterday, by whom he has been glad to learn of the King's good health, and the state of his affair.
As he has informed me that he has spoken of some letter to the seigneur De Tarbes, I have commanded the latter, besides the express commission which he has of me, not to omit a single thing which shall be in my power that may be of any service.
You are aware of the misfortune that has overtaken my cousin St. Pôl in Italy for want of succours from the confederates. Although his capture is of no small importance, there has been no other loss of men; but the whole army has withdrawn in safety to the Venetian camp at Cassay, where they await reinforcements, which I am sending, of lanceknights from France, with a good body of horse, which I hope to follow in person, "y passant l'Empereur avec tel equipage que j'espere sera contraire au plaisir de Dieu nous demeurera."
I have sent the viscount of Turaine, who was coming to Lyons as my lieutenant general, to take order in all things, which he has already begun to do, trusting to the good aid the King, my brother, will give me. I have news from Rome of the invasion of Hungary by the Turk, and of some conquests made by the Turks in Naples, where they have not only come before the gates of the city, but even to Ostia and Vuytaherbe, which is a great presumption that he intends to make some mighty effort this year that Christendom will not easily sustain. La Fere, 26 July 1529.
Fr., pp. 3. From a transcript.
27 July.
R. O. St. P. VII. 193.
Their letters, dated Rome, 9 July, arrived on the 22nd. The letters addressed to Campeggio were delivered to him. The King thanks them for their efforts made to prevent the avocation of the cause. As to their advice that the cause should be prosecuted in England without delay, such discrepancy and contrariety of opinions have ensued here that the cause will be long delayed. In a week the process will have to cease, and two months' vacation ensue. Other counsels, therefore, are necessary, and it is important to act as if the avocation was granted. Campeggio writes with me to urge the Pope, if it must be granted, to qualify it; for if the King be cited to appear in person or by proxy, and his prerogative be interfered with, none of his subjects will tolerate it; of if he appears in Italy, it will be at the head of a formidable army. If, however, the avocation is merely intended to close my hands without preventing the King from taking any other remedy, it may be allowed to pass. A citation of the King to Rome, or threat of excommunication, is no more tolerable than the whole loss of the King's dignity. If, therefore, the Pope has granted any such avocation, it must be revoked. If it arrive here before such revocation, no mention of it shall be made, not even to the King. You are not to consume the time, but apply to this matter.
The bishop of Worcester alleges that the brief in the Emperor's hands is evidently false, on the ground of the date, a nativitate Christi, which Campeggio asserts is reckoned a primo die Januarii. You are to sift this matter to the bottom, and consult with cardinal Ravenna upon it. As Worcester is now upon his way to Rome, Vannes is to return, and Bennet on Worcester's arrival. They are to remonstrate with the Pope on his unkindness, and on the breach of his promise that the cause should be tried in partibus and not avoked. They must urge him, therefore, to study how he can oblige the King, who is fully persuaded that his marriage is not good, and they shall urge that his desire to please the Emperor at all hazards will alienate this realm from the Holy See. Westm., 27 July. Signed.
28 July.
Vit. B. XI. 208* *. B. M.
Thanks him for his letters. However matters turn out, the King and Wolsey are pleased with his services. Will always be his friend. Goes to the Court for the first time today to enter upon his duties as secretary. Expects Vannes to bring the remainder of the bulls. Greenwich, July 28.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Begins: "Mi Petre."
28 July.
P. S.
5799. HOLY CROSS, WHERWELL, Winc. dioc.
Congé d'élire to the prioress or president of the said monastery, vice Avelena Cowdrey, last abbess. 19 July 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 July.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
Assent to the election of Thos. Butler as abbot. Westm., 28 July.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1.
Cal. D. XI. 15.
B. M.
* * *" ... lovyng pro ... And by cause I nowe by m[y letters have made] answer to such poyntes [wherein the King's grace soli]sytyth to knowe my poore oppynyon and ... made prevye thereunto, I do therefore forbere to mel ... [an]y farther wryttyng, praying the Kyng an[d] ... [to take] my poore fantesys in agreable parte for Mr ... e the French King hath solicited hym to th ... Ile wisdom for us to looke to our matters what s[oever is] seyd on the seyd French kynges part. And if there be non [more] aide in the treaty of Cambray for us then I do see yet, I [cannot] perceive but, the Emperor beyng enemy to the Kyng, the French kyng ... of mervelous assistens, must be the same, nor it is nat to [be doubted] that liberatis [filiis] et omnibus aliis conditionibus prius completis, he will ... enemy to th'Emperor for us. I pray you wey well [your] instructions, and pondyr the effect and mind of the [in]deyter (?), and writ ... supplying the lacks by your wisdom, for ye can pyk ou[t better than any one else my] entent and meanyng. I pray God the same may [be] acceptable. And thus, Mr. Tuke, most heartily fare ye well."
Draft in Wolsey's hand; p. 1, badly mutilated.
30 July.
Titus, B. I. 286. B. M.
On coming today to the King, found with him lord Rochford and Mr. Stephens. The former had told the King that my lord of Worcester's letters to Nicholas Rustico had been deciphered last night, which was not so, but the King said nothing about it. Gave him the letter from Mr. Secretary and Sir Fras. Brian, which contained nothing but Brian's arrival at the French court, the declaration of his charge to the King, and the good answer he received; viz., that the King said that the money the Emperor should have of him would be spent in a year, and meanwhile he would fortify his frontiers, so that if the Emperor made war on the King for the divorce, he should be the better able to resist him. The King, lord Rochford and Mr. Stephens, liked this well. As to Albany's coming, the French king showed himself contented therewith, and that he would write to pensioners of his in Scotland to dissuade the alliance with the Emperor on pain of losing their pensions; that he had taken a Scot sent from Hungary to the king of Scots; that he would advise with the lady Regent at her return, and answer accordingly. Reckons the peace to be concluded, as the French king supposes the Emperor will spend the said money in a year, and that he will give them answer at my Lady's return. Thinks if the French pensions in Scotland are granted on condition of the holders doing what the King wishes, they are better given than taken away. In this letter was a reference to what Mr. Secretary had written secretly in a former letter, touching the matrimony, "trusting it were surely come to the King's hands." After this delivered the extract of cyphers from Worcester's letters, which was well accepted, "with good lawghyng at themperor's galies furnyshed with sheperds, and not able to be set forthe withoute they shulde be drawen at the taile of Andrewe Doria's galies." After presenting Campeggio's pollicitation, which was well liked, showed the whole discourse of everything, as Wolsey ordered him. Was better heard than Campeggio believed, especially in the point that he had no intelligence with the Queen; but there was not much said to it. Went on to say what Wolsey had done with the ambassadors of Venice and Ferrara. As to the quinqueremes and 50 galleys of the Venetians, Mr. Stephens said they had galleys enough, but no men to row them, and that their land army is not as great as is said. However, the King thinks they will hold their own. The King also heard the Venetian ambas- sador's news, that the Turk is probably in Hungary; and the King believes that Venice will take his side against the Emperor if need be. He then suddenly went away into an inner chamber, and Tuke had no time to ask him when he would see the Venetian ambassador, nor with whom of the Queen's folks Campeggio should speak, nor about his own books. Will find out tonight or tomorrow. Greenwich, 30 July, towards evening.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate.
30 July.
Add. MS. 28,578, f. 410. B. M.
Wrote by the Comptroller all about the King and Cardinal. Has since written of the Queen's affair, and how the King had taken counsel of his servants, and she herself had refused [the jurisdiction of] the Legates and appealed. I have despatched a courier to Rome with power to your ambassadors there, which I hope will be of use. Sends a minute of what has since taken place in the matter. The Queen is much vexed, for she has taken all the medicine prescribed for her, and finds the remedy deferred. Her husband is more irritated than before, "con estos auctos," but she has firm hope that with your Majesty's aid the Pope will not delay justice longer. The Queen has written to me that she perceives that all the King's anger at his ill success will be visited on Wolsey. I am here on account of my oath not to leave Brabant until the English ambassadors are in France. I await every day this news that I may take my way to Italy. London, 30 July 1529.
Sp., modern copy, pp. 4. One passage in the original is in cipher.
30 July.
R. O.
Has furnished Stephen Gardiner and Peter Vannes with 3,000 gold ducats, to be repaid with interest to Antonio Bonvisi at London, or to Lucca (Luke), the writer's nephew. Venice, 30 July 1529. Signed.
Ital., p. 1. Add.
Restitution of temporalities on the election of Thos. Boteler as abbot, whose fealty is to be taken by Roland Lee, clk., LL.D. Westm., 30 July.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1.
Thanks More for his continued friendliness. Is more bound to him than to any man. "I beseech you for your accustomed goodness to continue until such time that I may once tread under foot this horrible monster, poverty, which hitherto hath been so homely with me that she hath made me ashamed of myself, and many a hundred times to forbear to do my duty to you because I was loth to come to your house with empty hand." Is informed by Sir William à Parr that the King asked the opinion of More and Dr. Stevyns whether the duke of Richmond should learn Greek and Latin,—in which they both approved Palsgrave's opinion. Has asked the opinions of Horman, Gonnell, Ryghtwyse, and others, and has read Quintiliane, Maphes Vegius, Otho Moguntinus, Baptista Guarinus, and especially Erasmus, who all agree in that. Thinks some would in no wise he should be learned; which were a pity, for no man, rich or poor, had ever better wit; and though every day more people call upon him "to bring his mind from learning, some to hear a cry at a hare, some to kill a buck with his bow, sometime with greyhounds, and sometime with buck-hounds, and that it is not lefull to depart till he hath taken the saye(?), some to see a flight with a hawk, some to ride a horse, which yet he is not greatly cumbered with, because of his youth, besides many other devices found within the house when he cannot go abroad." Trusts, however, with More's favor, to bring him to that learning of which he will approve. If any learned person come hither, whose report More may wish to have, hopes he will confirm the King in his purpose to make him love learning. Never suffers him to continue at any time till he is wearied, but tries always to make his studies pleasant, "in so much that many times his officers wot not whether I learn him or play with him." Has already, however, taught him the principles of grammar, both in Greek and Latin, and made him read the First Eclogue of Virgil, "and two of the first scenes of Adelphorum, which he can pronounce right prettily; but I find Quintilian and Erasmus true, for the barbarous tongue of him that taught him his matins is and hath been a great hindrance to me." Is determined to do his best for his pupil's age, "and albeit that some here which be high shaven murmur against it, and, after putting of many perils, let not to say that learning is a great hindrance to and displeasure to a nobleman, I hear them with Ulixes' ears." Hopes More will tell another tale to the King and my lord Cardinal. Beseeches God to send him long life; "and when your daughters disputed in philosophy afore the King's grace, I would it had been my fortune to be present."
Draft in Palsgrave's hand, pp. 2.
ii. The Same to Henry VIII.
Thanks the King for the consideration he has shown of his great charges, far above the value of his living, and his intention to amend it; of which Palsgrave has been informed by the letters of Sir John Nevill. Is determined to do his utmost to advance the duke of Richmond in learning. Is glad the King approves of his mode of instruction, and commits it entirely to Palsgrave's discretion. Thinks himself very fortunate to have the training of so excellent a young prince. Never knew his match in towardness. Promises "that according to [my] saying to you in the gallery at Hampton Court, I do my uttermost best to cause him to love learning, and to be merry at it; insomuch that without any manner fear or compulsion he hath already a great furtherance in the principles grammatical both of Greek and Latin." Has done his diligence to make him two books, "which, according to your Grace's pleasure showed unto me at Bridewell, he shall have very perfectly; for undoubted, not only Quintilianus, but also Mapheus Vegius, Otho Moguntinus, Baptista Guarinus, Erasmus, and universally all that have written de Institutione puerorum, be of the same opinion." Has also read him the First Eclogue of Virgil, and two scenes of the Adelphi, which he pronounces very well for his age. To bring this to pass was a matter of no small difficulty, as he who first taught him to read was no clerk, and did not know the true pronunciation of Latin; so that he fears it will be twelve months yet before he can cure him of his errors in saying the service. "And whereas he is something inclined to lisp, I trust now at the changing of his teeth to amend that default, but much might have been done thereunto at the beginning." As for the painter about whom Dr. Taite, the Duke's almoner, motioned the King, understands that the King intends otherwise to occupy him. Will instruct the bearer to make search to provide the Duke of a sufficient person. Hopes the King will allow him to ask some of the Privy Chamber till the matter may take effect. It is a great furtherance in learning to know the names of things by their pictures, and the want of a painter "causeth both him and me to stay."
Draft, in Palsgrave's hand, pp. 2.
Thanks her for her favorable letter. Had hoped, as he informed her Ladyship since coming to these parts, that when the King and my lord Cardinal understood the pains he had taken with my lord of Richmond and his great advance in learning, they would have enabled him to live suitably to the place in which they have put him. Told her also how he had been left free at the beginning by the counsel of Sir Ric. Wingfield, and that he feared he should not be able to abide if her Ladyship were not good to him.
Has suffered greatly since coming to Yorkshire, both from poverty and calumny. Six sundry articles have been contrived against him, in some of which her Ladyship was as guilty as he. It is but a sorry promotion, having foregone, in less than a twelvemonth, half what he has had in all his life, and got more trouble to defend his poor honesty than ever honest man had. Is determined, however, not "to be a knowyn thereof to no creature" but her Ladyship, but to persevere. Would not have mentioned it even to her, but that she might "substantially provide that the especial gifts of grace which God hath given unto my lord of Richmond's grace, far above that which you yourself could think, be not by malicious and evil-disposed persons corrupted." "But, Madam, to be plain with you, on my conscience my lord of Richmond is of as good a nature, as much inclined to all manner virtuous and honorable inclinations, as any babes living. Now is my room undoubted great about him; for the King's grace said unto me, in the presence of Master Parre and Master Paage, `I deliver,' quod he, `unto you three, my worldly jewel; you twain to have the guiding of his body, and thou, Palsgrave, to bring him up in virtue and learning.'" If, therefore, there be not faith and honesty in him, the King is much deceived in him, and the child's morals are in danger; but if others contrive matters against him in his presence, as though he were guilty, "the babes shall begin to despise me or ever he know me." Begs her to come hither, and inquire the truth for herself. All these despites arise from his poverty. Need not remind her how many bishops would be glad to grant her advowsons. Has fallen into a sore tertian fever.
Draft in Palsgrave's hand, pp. 3.
"Instructions for Sir William Stevynson what he shall do for me, John Palsgrave, with the French queen's grace, and the duke of Suffolk her espouse."
1. That all he has to live by, to pay his debts, and support his mother, is little more than 50l. for Aldirton, "and Holbroke be but 20l., Kayston 18l., my prebend in Polles 4l., and my wages 20 marks; and was indebted 92l." Has resigned Aschefordeby, "and received afore the hand Holbroke, and all my wages to apparell me, and to bear my charges in my journey." 2. Master Humphrey Wyngfield told him himself he would give but 20l. for Holbroke, "where as I have already and shall have above 53l. of Sir John Maxwell," and could have had more but that Master Humphrey has the advowson. 3. If he resigned Aldirton and Holbroke for no more than 50l., would be in great danger to fall all at once, or be obliged to resign Kayston; for if he had to wait a year for promotion from the King or my lord Cardinal, it would be another year before he got any profit of the benefice. 4. Stevynson must endeavor to borrow for him from the Duke 40 marks, or at least 30l., on security of Aldyrton and Holdbroke. 5. If he cannot, must tell them he will be glad to resign all he has at their command, but when he cannot live otherwise he must come home again. (This article is crossed out.) 6. Will be content to resign Holbroke the next promotion he receives. 7. Is to tell the Queen he would be sorry to forsake the things he has in Suffolk, and beg her to remember his suit for the benefice of Kawston, in Norfolk. 8. In the last resource, must show his extreme poverty, and absolute need of help. (This article scored out.) Signed: Palsgrave.
Further instructions to resort to my lord Cardinal for a letter, even if Suffolk lend him some money; and how to deal with Master Humphrey Wyngfield, especially if he will not comply with the requests of Wolsey and Suffolk:—to make no end with Sir John unless he give an acquittance for dilapidations, pay down 20l., and find surety for the rest, to be paid to Palsgrave's mother in London at Easter. Will bear all charges to the Bishop, "if he will not seek the whole country for one that will give most," &c. Signed: Jo. Palsgrave.
Hol., pp. 4.
Draft "obligation," by which John Palsgrave, M.A., undertakes to pay to Thos. Cromwell, of London, 7l. 6s. 8d., on his procuring a papal bull under lead, called an union, for uniting the parish church of Alderton, Norwich dioc., to the prebend of Portpole, in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, before next Ascension Day.
P. 1.—On the dorse are some memoranda; viz., that Pursar had been twice to speak with "you;" that "you" had been inquired for by Mr. Ughtredd's servant, from Mr. Aleyn's and my lord George's servant, &c.
Wolsey desires Cromwell to come hither tonight with all the writings and books of both colleges, Oxford and Ipswich. Capon has just sent him word thereof. Kyngston, between 4 and 5 o'clock, Saturday.
Has sent for laces and caps for the writings, but he hopes Crumwell has provided, as he said he would. When both come they can take the best.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Master Thos. Crumwell.
R. O. 5811. W. CAPON to CROMWELL.
My lord's Grace wishes to have the "ereccion" of the college at Ipswich by 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Sends two letters signed by my Lord; one for the "arogose," the other to the town of Depe.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Thos. Cromwell. Endd.
Desires him to seek out the registers of Mr. Tonneys, and all other registers, and the bulls of my Lord's legacy, that they may be shown tonight to the King's attorney. Desires an answer by the bearer.
Hol., p. 1.
Never had in his custody the registers of Mr. Tunyes, or any other concerning preventions. Will do all he can to find them. Wishes him to meet him tomorrow at the Black Friars between 7 and 8 o'clock. Will tell him of the communication between the Lords and others.
Hol., p. 1. Written on the back of the preceding letter.
Le Glay,
Négotiations, II. 734.
5814. CHARLES V. (fn. 5)
Remonstrances to the Pope on behalf of the Emperor, justifying himself from the contraventions of the treaties of Madrid and Cambray imputed to him by Francis I.
* * *
Charles desires to remain at peace, but is informed that Francis intends to practise in Germany and elsewhere against himself and his brother the king of Hungary. "On dye qu'il persuade et baille occasion par indécis moyens au différend qu'est du mariage d'entre le roy d'Angleterre et la Royne."
July./GRANTS. 5815. GRANTS in JULY 1529.
3. Wm. Boleyn, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Egillistlyse, Durham dioc. Bridewell, 1 July 21 Hen. VIII. Teste 3 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
4. Edw. Butt, clk. Presentation to the prebend in the parish church of Osmonderley, York dioc. Teste at Westm., 4 July anno 21.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
4. Ric. Hyll, serjeant of the Cellar. Grant of six tenements, called Charletons lands, in Bucklersbury, in the parish of St. Mary of Colchurch, London, lately belonging to Sir Ric. Charleton, attainted. Windsor, 1 June 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
5. Sir Wm. Skevyngton of Skevyngton, Leic., master of the ordnance in England, Calais, Berwick, and elsewhere, Wm. Huxley, grocer, of London, and Geoffrey Huvys, keeper of the ordnance. Pardon. Del. Westm., 5 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
6. Sir Nicholas Carewe, master of the King's horse. Confirmation of an indented deed of Sir John Daunce and Robt. Blagge, whereby they leased to Nich. Carewe and Elizabeth his wife certain lands, &c., and 5s. rent, in Walyngton, Carsalton, Bedyngton, Woddemershorne, Woddecote, and Micham, Essex. Del. Westm., 6 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
6. Ric. Legh. Reversion of the hospital of St. John the Baptist, Barnard's Castle, with 9 marks a year, granted to John Smyth by patent 15 Oct. 21 Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 6 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
6. John Sakvile of Wytheham, Suss., late sheriff of Surrey and Sussex. Pardon. Brydewell, 1 July 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
6. Charles duke of Suffolk. Constat and exemplification, at the request of the said Duke, of patent 3 May 4 Hen. VIII., granting to Sir Charles Brandon the office of ranger of New Forest, Hants. Westm., 6 July.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24.
7. Ralph Care alias Carrew, yeoman, of Wrenford, Northumb. Pardon for murder of John Wright alias Myller, of Glyndell, Northumb. York Place, 7 Feb. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 35.
7. Firmin du Boz, of Picardy. Licence to import 400 tuns of Toulouse woad. Del. Westm., 7 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
8. Sir Geo. Throkmarton. Custody of the manors of Hynwyke and Pabenham, Beds, and Francdysche, Northt., and of all lands, &c. in Harold, Beds, late of Thos. Tyringham, deceased, during the minority of Robt. s. and h. of the said Thos.; with ward ship of the said Robt. Westm., 8 July.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9.
8. Moylers Faye of Rathhangan. Pardon for offences committed in England and Ireland against the King. Del. Westm., 8 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
8. Wm. Burdon. Presentation to the parish church of Bekyngham, Linc. dioc., vice Simon Yatis. Del. Westm., 8 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
8. Nich. Lawe, clk. Presentation to the canonry of Fychys, in the collegiate church of St. Andrew, Bishop's Aukelond, in the bishopric of Durham. Del. Westm., 8 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
9. John Turney. Licence to marry Cecilia, widow of Wm. Ingelby. Del. Westm., 9 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
12. Sir Wm. Gascoygne, John Elmys, Nich. Harding, Robt. Latymer, Thos. Heyron, John Crosse, and John Duke. Pardon for having acquired, without licence, to themselves and the heirs of the said John Crosse, of Elizabeth Cornwayles, widow, and Sir John Cornewayles, and Mary his wife, the moiety of the manor of Stratheden. Westm., 12 July.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27.
12. Owin Watson. Licence to alienate the manor of Penkerych, Staff., to Thos. Moneux, clk., Wm. Conyngesby, John Pakyngton, Nich. Willoughby, Henry Whyte, John Croke, Thos. Moreton, Humph. Bolland, Thos. Robyns, Nich. Tayler, Robt. Alford, Wm. Saye, Humph. Monoux, Ric. Vaughan, David Griffith, Ric. Monoux, and Thos. Weston, clk., to hold to them and their heirs for ever, to the use of George Monoux, and Anne his wife, in survivorship, and after their deaths to the use of the heirs of the said George for ever. Westm., 12 July.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12.
12. George Monoux. Licence to alienate the manor of Penkerich, Staff., to Edward Lytleton, John Pakyngton, Nic. Willoughby, Humph. Monoux, Thos. Morton, Christ. Wescote, Henry Whyte, Humph. Bowland, Thos. Robyns, Nich. Taylour, and William Say, their heirs and assigns, for ever, to the use of Thos. Monoux, kinsman of the said George, and son of John Monoux of Bukton, Norf., and his heirs, for ever. Westm., 12 July. (fn. 6)Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18.
13. Sir Wm. Ascue. Inspeximus and confirmation of patent, 1 Aug. 37 Hen. III., granting to Hormann de Areti a market and fair at his manor of Stalyngburg, Linc. Westm., 13 July.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27.
13. Thos. Stanley, lord Montegle. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Edw. Stanley, lord Montegle; of which lands Ranulph Poole, clk., Thos. Gerard, Wm. Molyneux, and Laurence Starky, were trustees at the time of the said Edward's death. Del. Westm., 13 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 22.
13. William Cockis, grocer, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Greenwich, 25 April 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 July.—P.S.
16. John Thurland, draper, of Beverley, Yorksh. Lease, in consideration of a fine of 100s. paid to John Bulkelay, receiver of Holderness, of two closes called Wranglond and Cowlond, in the manor of Brustwyk, Yorksh., for 21 years, at the annual rents of 80s. for Wranglond and 66s. 8d. for Cowlond. Del. Westm., 16 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
16. George Zouche. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir John Zouche. Del. Westm., 16 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 1.
16. Sir John Villers of Brokysby, Leic., John Lytherlonde of Brokysby, chaplain, Ric. Wormyngeham of Woodhouse, Leic., John Walker of Brokysby, Wm. Villers of Brokysby, Wm. Nobull of Brokysby. Pardon. Del. Westm., 16 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7.
17. Ric. Wolman, LL.D., John Oliver, LL.D., John Savage and Jas. Clif, clks. Next presentation to the prebend of Yerton, in the collegiate church of St. Mary Magdalene, Brugnorth. Del. Westm., 17 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
20. John Dewysbury, cordwainer, native of Dewysbury, in the duchy of Cleve, Germany. Denization for himself and the children of his body. Westm., 20 July.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25.
21. Walter Cockys of Hackney, Midd. Pardon. Del. Westm., 21 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
21. Wm. Thynne, head clerk of the Kitchen. To be customer of wools, hides, and fleeces in the port of London, vice Wm. Uvedall. Del. Westm., 21 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
22. John Snyg, mercer, of Bristol. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Bridewell, 22 July 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 July.—P.S.
24. Roger Wigston. Lease of the site of the manor of Lighterne, parcel of Warwick's lands, Warw., with reservations for 21 years; at an annual rent of 11l. 6s. 8d., and 13s. 4d. increase. Del. Westm., 24 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 5.
24. John Underhill, clk. Presentation to the parsonage of Horpole, Linc. dioc., void by resignation of Robt. Gostewike. Del. Westm., 24 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
26. Bryan Hygden, dean of York, Wm. Frankeleyn, archdeacon and chancellor of Durham, Sir Wm. Bulmere, Sir Wm. Parre, Sir Godfrey Fuljambe, Sir Wm. Evres, and Sir Thos. Tempest, councillors to the duke of Richmond and Somerset. Warrant to cancel all recognizances entered into before them in 17 Hen VIII. by any person in the county of York. Westm., 26 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
27. Geo. Bulleyn, squire of the body. To be governor of the hospital of St. Mary of Bethlem, near Bishopesgate, London. Del. Westm., 27 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
28. Margaret Sprigonell, spinster, of Ryhell, York. Pardon. Del. Westm., 28 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 5.
28. Thos. Bullayne, viscount Rocheforde, king's councillor, Chr. Hall, attorney-at-law, Jas. Peckham and John Mascall, of Parva Charte, Kent. First presentation to the rectory of All Hallows ad Fenum, alias "the More," London. Del. Westm., 28 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 3.
29. Simon Forniers. To be "le gonneston maker," in reversion after Ric. Scorer. Del. Westm., 29 July 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.


  • 1. Sic.
  • 2. Partly printed by Herbert.
  • 3. Referred to by Herbert.
  • 4. In Herbert.
  • 5. This paper is dated by Le Glay in February 1530, but the date is certainly erroneous.
  • 6. This entry on the Patent Roll is cancelled, with the marginal note "Vacat quia aliter postea."