Pages 2400-2414
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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April 1529
11 April. Cal. D. XI. (IV. 35.) B. M. |
5453. SANDS and others to [HENRY VIII.] |
* * * "... n French d ... alite betwixt a contr ... eduard, comprised in 4 p[ackets] ... county of Ardre, being subje[ct] ... King; also by our said letter [we advertised your] highness that we being togethers in [the lordship] of Sandgate, where we received the ... we devised a letter to be sent from [me your] chamberlain to the captain of Boulogne [in such] form as we advertised your Grace by our [last] letter. Also we wrote that with diligence [we] would advertise your Highness of such ans[wer as] the said captain of Boulogne should m[ake to us], which your Grace shall receive closed in ... comprised in a letter of the said captain ... directed unto me your said chamberlain." The Captain's letter is in answer to the above-mentioned letter written at Sandgate on the 8th inst., and to another dated the 3rd, which contained only thanks for a "schevere[au]" which he sent Sands, and a matter between Sands and the men of Odyngham, who are under his auct[ority]. The answer concerning the ... neutrality seems to us much like a hose ... both legs. Guisnes, 11 April 1529. | |
Sands' signature mutilated, and a trace of another. P. 1, mutilated. | |
Cal. D. XI. 77. B. M. | 5454. OUDART DU BIES to SANDS. |
* * * "deux lettres ... du treich (d'Utrecht ?) pour degre p ... cre adverty sy le Roy a accorde ... subgectz de l'empereur comme lon vo ... mande ce quy en est ... ar les sec ... du viiime Apvril me faites savoyr qu ... chevreau que vous ay envoye. | |
"Mons. le Chambelan, mon bon voisin [et parfaict amy, je ne] scay et n'entends point que le Roy ayt acco[rde] ... neutralite pour ses subgectz et ceulz de l'empereur e ... quen aves oy aucunes parolles tant de cela comme d ... autres chozes, a quoy ne adjoustes aincore cr[eance.] | |
"Mays est vray, quant dernierement je fus en cour[t, que je] suppliay au Roy quil eust en sa bonne recommand[ation] ses subgectz quil a au conte de Guisnes lequel le ... permys et accorde, ayant reguard quilz navoient au[cunes] fortes places et avoient perdu le tout de leurs bi[ens,] quilz prendroyent sauveguardes, tout ainssy ... comme ilz avoyent faict et vesquy des le temps des ... precedentes guerres et non point en neutralite ... quy ne importe aucunement aux deux Roix ... mays plustost ce porroyt estre a leurs avantage ... comme le vous diraye bien de bouche plusaplain [si] nous parlions paremsamble, et ou aucune choze ... leur importeroit, la perpetuelle amytie dentre e[ux] est sy ferme et tant confederee que bien tost et ... facillement telle permission de sauveguarde, ne ... auroit lieu, et quant au faict de la ... rs ... t ... * * * esteles pr ... rt je ay este et suys ... ployer a vous faire plaisir ... en delibere, de faire en tout ... sera en ma poissance my, employ ... Mons. le Chambelan, mon bon vois[in et parfaict] amy, je prie Dieu vous donner bonne vye." Signed. | |
Pp. 2, mutilated. Add.: [Mons.] le Chambelan [d'Angle]terre, cappitaine [de G]uisnes, mon bon [vo]isin et parfaict amy. | |
Cal. D. X. 396. B. M. | 5455. The DEPUTY OF [CALAIS ?] to the SENESCHAL OF [BOULOGNE ?] |
"[M]onsieur le Seneschal my go[od] ... [kin]ges my masters counsell here ... good grace. Advertising you that ... upon your soldiers which come daily w[ithin the pale] and there behave themselves more like thieves [than soldiers] ... you that of late I received letters from the K[ing by which] he hath advertised me that by his agents being ... and likewise by his agents with the lady Regen[te] ... [his] Majesty doubteth not but that they have already ... the evil and disorders which have been done ... by the men of war on both sides. Also he hath ... that he doubteth not but such commandment hath been [given by the] King your master and the said lady Regente to the ... under them that they shall not suffer that the ... peace between the King my master and them be viol[ated] ... And because I think surely that ye have true ... said minds, and that according to the same ye have ... to such as be under you, I assure you if any of your [men] ... under the Emperor are hereafter found within the Kings my [master's ground] so misusing of themselves as they have done of late, if th[ey are] apprehended doubtless they shall be executed accordi[ng to their] demerits. Like admonition I have given to all the ... captains confronting with the said palles. Fu[rther I ask that] ye will ordain that restitution may be made to [a resident] of this town named Matthias Clay of North ... the which five or six days passed coming to this tow[n was] taken within the said palles, and put to ransom by ... the which to my thinking seem rather thieves th[an soldiers by] the premises, although they call themselves sol[diers of your] master under your charge as it appeareth by a save[ conduct] made unto the said Matthias the which with ... s I sent unto you herewith. Praying ... in deed like as ye would * * *" | |
Copy. Mutilated. | |
Cal. D. X. 396. b. B. M. | ii. [The Seneschal of Boulogne to the Deputy of Calais.] |
"... my good neighbour ... you and messieurs of the Co[uncil] ... nd I commend me heartily to your go[od mastership. And whereas, Mons. le] Debitis, ye write unto me that daily y[ou are troubled with] soldiers which go within your palles in such ... you rather theft and robbery than oth[er, this is to ad]vise you, Mons. le Debitis, that I have not k[nown that any o]f my men have done wrong to any of the King your [master's subjects]; and if ye know any such, advertise ye me ther[eof, and I will] so well punish him that ye shall have cause to ... assuring you that I would in nowise in the world ... to come against or to break the good peace and perpet[ual alliance] between the two kings our masters, but well empl[oy myself] to entertain and observe the same with all my powers a[s you] know I have so done always. And touching the sa ... to me, if ye find any of my men within your palles, if [ye take] them ye shall cause them to be executed. I have ... heretofore that I never heard saye but that ... [if] any man shall meet with his enemy out of the tow[n] ... neuter but he may warrye against him, and take h[im] or kill him. Wherefore I esteem you so wise ... that ye will do them no wrong, and as I say un ... make any enterprise upon the King's your master's subjects ... thereof and I shall do good justice. As touch[ing the person] whereof ye write unto me I am glad of the names ... sent unto me for to punish such as have taken him ... be gone thither without my licence, and as their cap[tain I make] him quit of such ransom as he hath promised [unto them]. I think they were rather gone thither for to steal [because] that they did not advertise me thereof. | |
"... received the fair oranges which my ... to me. I can not thank you ne * * *" | |
Translation. Mutilated. | |
11 April. R. O. |
Intended to have been at London before this. If it had not been for his letter from Norwich, would have hoped to have seen him before he left Norfolk. Asks him to find out the Cardinal's pleasure touching the matter that Cromwell sued for him. Wishes to know for certain; for if it will come to pass, he will provide himself accordingly; if not, he will provide for himself and his household here. Would be loth to come to London unless he should obtain it. Asks credence for the bearer, and wishes to know Cromwell's mind as soon as possible. Aschvelthrope, 11 April. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my welbelovyde Mr. Crowmwell. Endd. | |
11 April. Vesp. C. IV. 307. B. M. |
Received his letter, and wrote from Valladolid, telling him that the sentence was that the ship and French goods should remain as prize, but the Spanya[rds] to be returned, thereby proving Alonso de Syvylla to be French, as he is by his marriage and long dwelling there. A day was appointed to confirm the sentence of the safe-conduct; which done, he hopes Mr. Honynges will send him with the first. Left the ambassadors 21 days ago within 25 leagues of Calatayud, where the Emperor was to meet them. Was sent by them to him in post. Men and horses are being provided here for the war and for the voyage to Italy. | |
For lack of rain wheat has risen more than a ducat the hanyke (hanega). Are disfavored in all their causes at this court. St. Lucas, 11 April 1529. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "Unto his speschall good Mr. Thomas Cromwell, off my lord Carnalls cowynsell. London." Endd. | |
12 April. R. O. |
About the 9 March, soon after his return from London, and before the arrival of Mr. Crumwell and Mr. Smyth, Wolsey's auditor, Capon went to the monastery of Felixstow, and there kept a court, and caused Wolsey's tenants "to be returned to your Grace's college here in Gipswiche," which they did with good will. Made an inventory of certain household utensils of little value. Sent Wolsey's subdean to Bromehill and Rumburgh to take a view of things remaining there, but he only found a portion of lead at Bromehill. Crumwell and Smyth have surveyed the lands of St. Peter's, Felixstow, Bromehill and Rumburgh, and made books and rentals thereof. "They have a very excellent cast in surveying of lands; insomuch they will not lose one penny belonging thereunto." About the 11 April my lord of Norfolk repaired to your college, and viewed your buildings, having a great company with him. He was at first very rough with me, having been informed that I had spoiled the house of Felixstow, and conveyed away the lead and stone; but when he ascertained it was untrue, he was very kind to us, and promised us all the furtherance he could give. | |
Wishes Mr. Herytage were sent to Ipswich to help Mr. Subdean in surveying the works. Hitherto they have gone well forward. Ric. Lee, the master mason, has taken great pains, and they have begun to set freestone. One of our singing men is dead, also Mr. Mowlder; so the choir is in decay; but Mr. Lenthall has sent us one who sings very well. The school is so well attended with children it must be enlarged. The schoolmaster and usher take great pains. It has been found the stone at Harwich does not last, and we have determined that rag-stone should be got from Kent, which will not cost more than 17d. or 18d. the ton. There is plenty of timber ready hewn and squared. Mr. Testwood, one of the choristers, trains the children admirably. Gipswich, 12 April. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
13 April. R. O. |
Wishes to learn French, and when in London asked Mr. Palsgrave for one of his books, which he refused. Requests Crumwell to get one for him, as Palsgrave will not refuse him. Hears he has told Pynson to sell them only to those he names, lest his profit as a teacher should be diminished. Would esteem one no less than a jewel, and will send Crumwell something of greater value in return. "My brother, William Pratt," will send it over at all times. Recommends to him Wm. Clay, who is coming to England this side Whitsuntide. Left London on the Tuesday, and was here the following Saturday. Antwerp, 13 April. | |
Remembers that Palsgrave gave Crumwell one of his books, and asks him to send that. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., Mr. Crumwell in London. | |
13 April. R. O. |
Thank him for the pains he has taken on their behalf. John Reede, who at first refused to do what my Lord commanded him, has since done all my Lord's monitions. Desire him to inform my Lord of this, and to get the monitions exemplified under the King's broad seal, that it may remain as a memory for their successors. Boston, 13 April 1529. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Mr. Cromwell, dwelling beside the Augustine Friars, London. Endd. | |
13 April. Galba, B. IX. 148. B. M. |
5461. J. HACKET to WOLSEY. |
On the 29th M[arch] received his letter, dated 20th inst., with the King's and his to lady Margaret. As Wm. Cley has taken the freedom of Antwerp, and Hacket doubted of his subtle casts of disobedience, delivered them himself to my Lady, and declared to her the substance and effect of the King's and Wolsey's [credence]; to which she made an amiable answer. First, as to the King's letters, she asked him to take patience till after the holy da[ys], as some of her Council were absent; she was right glad to receive Wolsey's letters, and to hear what he had done for the publication of the truce, for which she intends to write him a letter of thanks. This was on March 30. On the 6th inst., she assembled her Council to give him an answer to the King's letters, which is, that they do not find by the articles of the intercourse that they are bound to de[liver] the persons mentioned, and that she cannot break the "prew[ileges]" of the towns, which she is sworn to keep. In reply, showed them three articles of the intercourse made the year 1505, which they caused to be read, and took three days to consider. | |
Meantime went to Antwerp to do his "exsplot" upon Wm. Cley. Encloses the copies of the "exsplot," and of the three articles, which he showed to the Council. At Antwerp, on the 7th, was arrested at Harman's suit, for his expences in prison, as, for lack of particular declaration of his crimes, he had been acquitted. | |
Appeared before the Lords on the 8th, and said that he was ready to answer any charges against him as John Hacket, but as ambassador would answer to none but my Lady and the Privy Council. Harman's procurer said he was arrested as ambassador, for causing Harman's imprisonment, and desired the Justice to condemn him to pay all costs and damages. Replied that he was not bound to answer to their laws. After long consultation the Lords declared him free from arrest, on condition that he or his procurer should appear again when summoned. On returning to Court, told my Lady and the Council how he had been treated. They were highly displeased, and summoned the "amant" and lords of Antwerp to appear at Brussels; which they did on the 12th. They were highly reviled and rebuked; condemned to revoke the arrest, and ask pardon of Hacket. When they did so, said the offence was not to him but to his master. Came before the Council today about 4 o'clock, for his answer to the articles of the intercourse, which they declared had never been ratified in these countries, and those which had been ratified are not so largely to our advantage as we pretend; my Lady and the Council cannot interfere with the privileges of the country, as Wolsey will see by her enclosed letters to the King and himself; but they say that if the King has any particular charge against his subjects who take the freedom of these countries, or against the Emperor's subjects, justice shall be administered, but they cannot deliver up any person. Does not think it necessary that the King should keep an ambassador here; but if Wolsey thinks it is, wishes he might come over for a day or two to tell him what is too long to write. Has been rebated by Wyat or Tuke of 50l. of the advance money that he thought Wolsey had consented to give him when he received his patent. Has spent in the last three years in the King's service 200l. Flemish of his own money, besides small sums of ready money, and what he laid out for a life annuity to assure his wife's dowry, by whose death he has lost 140l. a year. Without some increase of pay, is not able to live with honor. Is bound in the King's behalf to the Margrave of Antwerp for the costs of Sir Richard Akyrston. He would have been let out the 8th day of his imprisonment, if Hacket had not promised to pay his costs. The Margrave and "Scowtech" grumble that they are so much troubled about the King's affairs, and not rewarded accordingly. "Doubtless sometimes it were better to give an apple than to eat twain." | |
My Lady is well inclined to keep love and amity, but dare do nothing without the Council. Mons. de Palermo, Chans[ellor] and president of the Privy Council, is also well inclined, but dares do nothing by himself. | |
Hogstrat, the Treasurer and the Audiencer are the chief governors, and whatever two of them conclude, My Lady and the Council follow. Wherefore, for the good will which Hacket knows they bear to the King and Wolsey, does not marvel that they understand the laws and intercourses according to their own malicious minds, which they can colour with fair flattering and frustrate words, as Wolsey may perceive by their answer to the King's letters. | |
After his exploit done upon Wm. Clay at Antwerp, a learned man of law, a friend of his, asked him, if the Emperor sent an officer to London with his broad seal to demand some subject of his, whether the Mayor of London and the King's officers would allow it. Said he thought so, and that if he were the Emperor's rebel, the King would have him conveyed out of his realm. | |
A little before Easter, received a letter from the Lord Chamberlain at Guisnes, in favour of certain English wool belonging to Sir Thos. Cheyne, arrested by the tollener of Gravelines. Has done his best for him. Since then it has been determined to confiscate all English wools coming hither unstapled at Calais, except that from Newcastle. | |
Was sent for to the privy chamber about 9 o'clock this morning. My lord of Palermo, knowing that Hacket was not satisfied with their answer about the intercourse, desired him to tell the King that if he would declare the acts that Harman or any other of his subjects had committed against him, justice should be done, and the causes kept secret; as to the intercourse, she will maintain the same to the best of her power. In this manner they think to pay us with feathers when the flesh is fled away. If there are any more articles to our advantage, Wolsey had better send them. There is no news from Spires but that the Spiritual Electors and those who take their part wish to see the heresies in Dutchland reformed; while the duke of Sassen (Saxony), the Elector, the Landgrave of Essen (Hesse), the towns of Ausbourg, Norembergh, Strasbourg, and others, will not change their opinions,—calling themselves Evangelists, and our Christian people Papalists. Hears that they would rather ask aid from the Turks than revoke their errors. | |
Don Fernando's ambassador lately at Constantinople desired the Turk to give up the towns and castles which he holds in Hungary. The Turk answered that he had made alliance with the Waywode, and Don Fernando would do well to give up what he holds of his in Hungary. The ambassador said also that there are ambassadors with the Turk from the French king, the Venetians and the Waywode, who have all made an alliance with the Turk; and if the Turk comes into Christendom this year, it will be by their instructions. | |
For this reason Don Fernando wishes the diet at Spires to constrain the French king to make peace with the Emperor. Harman Ryng is at Spires, and on his return will inform Wolsey of everything. | |
The Emperor's secretary, Maximilian, who came lately from Spires, says that on the first day Don Fernando sent twice to ask the duke of Sassen to come with him to mass. To which the Duke answered that he had no devotion to the Church, and would hear no mass, for the Evangel was his church and his mass. Brussels, 13 April 1529. | |
Hol., pp. 11. The passage in cipher, deciphered by Tuke. Add. Endd. | |
R. O. | 5462. JOHN WEST, Observant Friar, to WOLSEY. |
Requests him to appoint a day when he may speak with him on the following topics:— | |
1. Touching Ric. Harman, now out of prison under sureties. Unless Wolsey can get other particular declarations of treason laid against him, he is likely to be set at liberty altogether in three weeks, and will do more mischief than ever. 2. Touching William Roye, who has been in England with his mother at Westminster. 3. What we have done with John Scotte, the printer of the books. 4. To show Wolsey where Will. Tyndalle, otherwise called Will. Hutchyns, and Jerome Barllow are. 5. How they are to be taken. 6. That West and Mr. John Crane may be despatched; for in their absence "they that have loitered in the town of Antwerp, with other places, go now abroad, and doth seducte many moo of their affinity." 7. Mr. John Crane, who has lain here so long, "is at an exigent for money," and likely to lose his service with the merchants beyond sea. If Wolsey will help him with a benefice he will spend it in the taking of these heretics. 8. Herman Ryncke's servant and son remain here to know Wolsey's pleasure what shall be done with the books. | |
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.: Certain articles of Friar West, concerning certain Englishmen, being Lutherans, in Flanders and Almain. | |
R. O. | 5463. FRIAR JOHN WEST to WOLSEY. |
Asks that he may speak with him secretly before he sees brother Alysander Barkley, who has called Wolsey a tyrant and other opprobrious and blasphemous words. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Sealed. Endd. | |
14 April. R. O. |
Citation to Donatus, abbot of the monastery of St. Mary's, and de Lege Dei, in the diocese of Leighlin, and to John Denygin, canon of the same, to appear before ..., apparitor of the papal deputy, Bernard McGilpatric, clerk of the diocese of Ossory, and ... Cuylcire, 14 April 1529. | |
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Addressed, in a different hand, to Wolsey, and headed: A copy of a provision from Rome with Eng[land, the] which, with other like, hath destroyed our Church, &c. | |
15 April. Vit. B. XII. 132. B. M. |
Has received his letter, dated Westminster, ... April. While ambassador at Rome for the King's father, he and the Spanish ambassador received instructions to go jointly to the Pope and declare the death of prince Arthur, and to ask for a dispensation for the marriage of prince Henry with the princess Katharine. When the Pope assented, both ambassadors asked for separate bulls for their sovereigns. Was shortly after despatched to England by the Pope, and the prosecution of the bull was committed to Dr. Fisher, the King's solicitor. On his arrival in England, told the King at Langley what had been done up to the time of his departure, but afterwards meddled no more in the matter. Left all the writings and instructions with Fisher, to whom the Pope promised to give favorable audience in all the King's causes, which were great and marvellous. Aldingbourne, 15 April. | |
Peter Carmelianus was in his time the keeper of the King's original letters, and was accustomed to keep all the replies of the Pope, and of others writing in Latin. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add. and endd. at ƒ. 145* b. | |
18 April. R. O. |
Wrote on the 11th, enclosing a letter to Sandys from the captain of Boulogne. Had an inquest impanelled to inquire into certain articles, which we delivered to them by virtue of our commission. We have communicated with the under-treasurers and surveyors of works at Guisnes and Calais. Though on Maundy Thursday we advised the Legate of our proceedings in advancing the fortifications, point by point, and of the want of money, we have no money to pay the men's wages, nor yet for the purveyance of timber. We advertise you that although large sums of money have been spent by you on the fortifications here, in consequence of the universal decay and want of timely repair, little effect has been produced. It were a great pity and loss if the work should now stand still; and we are desirous to know your pleasure. We are all so much pressed here by dearth of victuals that one cannot help the other. Calais, 18 April 1529. Signed. | |
Pp. 3. Add. Endd. | |
18 April. R. O. |
Wrote on the 16th, with a packet by Thomas Tychett, sent from the King's ambassadors in France. Sends a letter from the Lord Chamberlain and himself, about the fortifications here and at Guisnes, and their want of money. They will be much distressed unless the King compel the staplers to make payment. Begs his letters may be forwarded to the King, and to know whether they shall continue the fortifications. A sea breach has chanced since Easter, and had overthrown the wall of Bray, but for a new head of chalk and borax. Calais, 18 April 1529. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add. and sealed. Endd. | |
19 April. Add. MS. 28,578, f. 160. B. M. |
Has received his three letters of the 16 Jan., 4 Feb., and 5 March. Thanks him for his diligence. As to the matter of the queen of England, a protestation has been made to him on her behalf by a chaplain of hers. She has also written to him herself, and the English ambassadors have made urgent request that the brief of dispensation should be sent to her. Mendoza will see his reply, by the documents which have been made thereupon. Justice requires that the case should be decided in Rome. The ambassadors were much dissatisfied with his answer, and said that it would irritate the King much more. The Emperor replied that it was necessary to preserve the Queen's rights, and without just cause he ought not to send the brief. At last they desired to see it, and it was shown to them, and a copy given to them, signed and corrected by the original; so that they might see the Emperor will leave no means untried to preserve the amity. We also talked of sending a person expressly to the King, to persuade him by gentle words to desist from his demand, and that if you could come away the said person should reside there as our ambassador, as suggested in your last letter. We also mentioned to the ambassadors the mode proposed by you for your return, on the bishop of Winchester taking his leave, with which we were content, provided sufficient measures were taken for your security. Of this you will hear further, and of the person whom we intend to send through France, with a safe-conduct from the French king. Was sorry for Mendoza's illness, and hopes his return will restore him to health. Believes the English ambassadors wish to follow the court, but will take care to send them with good words to Valladolid, where they shall be well treated, till he has news of Mendoza. They have spoken to us of revoking the truce, and many times have importuned us for an answer. We have replied that we shall always be glad to remain in truce or in peace with the King their master, and with every one, although we are not satisfied with the truce with France. They said they had no commission to speak of peace, or of a particular truce, and always insisted on the renewal of the said truce, for which they desired us to send a power. We answered that we referred that matter to Madame our aunt, to do what seemed most expedient, and, if necessary, she should have any further powers that might be requisite. Saragossa, 19 April 1529. | |
Sp., pp. 5, modern copy from the archives of Simancas. | |
19 April. Vesp. C. IV. 296. B. M. |
5469. LEE to [WOLSEY]. |
Sends this letter, containing his judgment about the brief, apart. The considerations might have been of more value if he had seen the bull or bulls, or had been otherwise instructed. Advises Wolsey to cause Gonsalvo Fernandes, the Emperor's chaplain, and nephew to Dr. de Puebla, with whom they now confess this brief was found, [to be examined] whether indeed it was found, how it was kept, and whether any special letters made mention of it. Thinks that from his confession Wolsey may discover that it is a thing cassat, though Lee thinks it might be known without any confession. The dean of the Chapel knows Fernandez well, and Antony Vivalde can tell where he may be found. He said he went thither to recover debts. He should once have been sent to Wolsey, with commission from the archbishop of Toledo and the bishop of Palencia for redemption of their pensions; and, perhaps, now he may make suit to have the room of John Almain to levy Wolsey's pensions. He is honest but poor, and has always been useful to the ambassadors, and taken pains in Wolsey's causes, both in Mr. Dean's time and in Lee's. Thinks he and his brother have delivered all their uncle's papers to the Emperor, but yet they can tell whether any letter mentions this brief. Ghinucci and Lee would have spoken to him, but he was gone before they came to the court, and his brother is not here. | |
Asks Wolsey to consider his long stay here, and his heavy expences, which will be still greater at Barcelona; and also to send word what he is to do if the Emperor goes to Italy. | |
The Polish ambassador was on his way towards France with a safeconduct from the French king, but has returned to go with the Emperor into Italy. Saragossa, 19 April 1529. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Cipher, deciphered by Tuke. | |
20 April. R. O. St. P. VII. 158. |
5470. LEE to HENRY VIII. |
Wrote on the 5th, showing that the Emperor had caused protestation to be made that he would do what he could to secure justice for the Queen, protesting against the cause being heard in England; and of our offence at certain propositions, wherein we could not prevail; further, that on the next audience he had told us that these protestations should be submitted in writing, and the original brief be submitted to us. | |
Since then we have seen the Chancellor and Pernot, but twice they made frivolous excuses. We saw the brief, and read it twice, and noted what we considered suspicious. The Emperor still remains firm to his protestations to have the cause tried in Rome, and refuses to send the brief to England. | |
The Emperor is glad to join with the King for a truce, but not with the French king, of whose practices he showed us. We found his answer more cold and hollow than we looked for, and his countenance not so good as before. Have written on the 5th our suspicions of the breve. I am much moved by reasons contained in my lord Cardinal's letter, which are given at length, arranged under 12 heads, partly suggested by his conversation with Master Abel. Cannot believe that if such a breve had been procured in the days of De Puebla, so wise a king as Henry VII. would have allowed it to pass out of his hands. Those considerations, and certain defects suggested by Worcester, are condemnatory of the brief. The French king's going to Navarre is openly spoken of. The reason of the Emperor's going to Barcelona is to obtain great sums of money, which is without owners. The duke of Orleans is reported to be sick. Do not hear of any preparations of a navy at Barcelona. Abel told us that the Emperor said he would deliver the brief to the Pope with his own hands. This does not promise fair for justice at Rome. His presence there with a host would bring the highest head under his girdle. The Emperor has ordered us to return to Valladolid, saying that Barcelona is infected with sickness. The revolt of Genoa is expected, and suspicion is felt of Andrew de Auria. The count of Flisco has come thence as ambassador to the Emperor. Hears from Pernott that the Imperial ambassador is about to leave England, and that on his return Ghinucci will leave Spain. Asks licence to return. A great many Spaniards of the host of Italy have arrived at Valencia and other places, in consequence of the scarcity of wheat in Italy. Mine host says that they are more in number than the Emperor will take with him. Saragossa, 20 April. | |
Hol. Add. Endd. Partly in cipher. | |
R. O. | 2. Decipher of the above in Derby's hand. |
Vesp. C. IV. 325. B. M | 3. "Part of the King's letter touching considerations of suspicions against the brief," being an extract from the preceding letter. |
Pp. 4. Cipher, deciphered. | |
20 April. Vesp. C. IV. 309. B. M. |
5471. GHINUCCI and LEE to WOLSEY. |
Were at the court on 6 April, and asked his Majesty to order the notary to show them the instrument of what was said at their audience at Saragossa, before it was signed, lest he might through ignorance have put in something prejudicial. Besought him also to consult with his Council, whether the brief could be sent into England, for it would much please the King, and as it is in the register at Rome there would be no danger even if the original were lost; would do anything the Emperor wished for the assurance of its conveyance. Urged again the comprehension of the French king in the truce, for they doubted whether the King could honorably take truce without him. He answered that he had already commanded the instrument to be shown them, and everything that might offend the King's honor to be left out; they might cancel what they thought fit, except what was inserted for conservation of the Queen's justice. He would consider about sending the brief into England. As to the truce, he supposed it would be made for eight months, to be dissolved at two months' notice, and he had ordained nothing concerning it. Suggested that he should send sufficient commission to his ambassador in England, or the lady Margaret's. He said he would write to Don Inachus, that he should write to the Lady Margaret, who had authority. Urged him to give a commission either to the person whom he sends into England, or to my lady Margaret's ambassador. He somewhat complained of the French king for spreading reports that he would attack Navarre, and would make war with money in Italy. Said that he should not for this omit to send the commission, for they could not think that the King would countenance the French king in making any voluntary war for his own interest, and not for the end of peace. At last he spoke as if he would send the commission, and desired the truce to endure. | |
He was in all things more tractable than the first day. Speaking of Italy, he seemed to say that the French king would make war there, with Italians, but he did not wish to fight against them, only against the French. But it was spoken so between the teeth that they could not well understand him, as their minds were occupied about the brief and the truce. He also said that the French king had entered new practices, but to no purpose. On 10 April, having heard that the Emperor would leave on Tuesday, asked him for leave to despatch Curson; besought him to consider their proposals to him, and to give the promised order to the notary; and, recollecting what he had said about the French king proposing new practices, but in vain, said they could not doubt that whenever the King might hope to promote universal peace that he would do so, for there was nothing he desired more, and his Majesty can well perceive by the King's deeds that he does not forget his old affection for him. Said also that it might do good, and no harm, for them to see the original, without notaries and ceremonies, that they might advertise the King and Wolsey of the qualities thereof. The Emperor answered that he intended to leave on Tuesday or Wednesday, and gave them hope of a resolution before that time. He excused the delay in sending Pernott and the notary, as the Chancellor, having news of the death of a kinsman in Italy, could not attend to business; Pernott should show them on the morrow the original brief, and the instrument of protestation, so that they might cancel what they thought proper, saving the substance; he would give them an answer about the French king's practices after consideration. Met Pernott at the Chancellor's on 11 April, and showed him certain points which seemed to touch the King's conscience and honor, about which they had some altercation. The Imperialists said the divorce could not stand with God's law nor man's law, and spoke against the commission given at Rome, saying that such had never been heard of, and that England is no convenient place to have the truth tried, which was the Emperor's reason for making protestations before the Pope, and in England. Said they only wished the instrument to be corrected to avoid offences which might hinder the renewal of the old amity, which the Imperialists had said they much desired. They need not repeat the word divorce so often; for a doubt has arisen about the validity of the matrimony, and if it is proved valid, no divorce is meant; "being otherwise there needeth none, for that that is not, cannot be dissolved." They said that the Queen's party took it for good. Answered that as to the trial of the validity, the King and Queen could be but one part, for it is a matter of conscience which touches them both. As to the commission, said they thought the Pope would give none but what was allowable, and there was no cause to doubt of England; it was an injury and dishonor to the King to suppose that he would not allow justice to be done in his realm; it would not be well taken if the English said likewise of the Emperor; it was unreasonable to lay default generally, where they could allege none particularly; the King would allow the Queen to have counsel of her own choice from what country she pleased; although it was said that those who came from Flanders were not allowed to tarry, the Queen's chaplain here can testify that they left only because there was no process made as yet, and there was nothing for them to do; she has, at her own choice, the best prelates in England, both divines and lawyers, as her counsel; there could be no suspicion of the judges, being persons who regard honor and conscience; and Campeggio, above all other cardinals at Rome, is devoted to the Emperor, and is renowned for inflexible uprightness and learning. To this they could allege no particular default, except that the doctors from Flanders were not allowed to tarry; and the commission from Rome, which they much reproved. Answered these points as before. As to Campeggio, they spoke of him as leaning to the King's part, saying that he had a bishopric in England, but nothing from the Emperor. Replied that he had some things under the Emperor in Almayn, and he is well known to be the Emperor's. They said that he had been asked to do more than the rescript warranted, and that he had refused. Said they could not think that he could be moved to do anything "exorbitate" from justice. To their frequent mention of the protestation at Rome and the necessity of determining the case there, answered that the Pope is judge, and will do what seems fit to him, and the King will refuse nothing reasonable and just. After they left, Pernott sent them the copy of the instrument, extending only to what they spoke on 3 April, which, with the protestation, he asked them to put in. They sent also a copy of the brief, collated by a notary, with a message that Pernott would bring the original on the morrow; on which day, 12 April, he sent one of the Emperor's secretaries to say that he could not do so, on account of business. On the 13th were summoned by the Chancellor to his house. He asked them if they had cancelled what offended them in the instrument. Said it would be too long to mention particularly all that they thought should be omitted, but that they were offended generally with all words by which it was supposed that the King sought divorce de facto et non de jure, meaning that he has no good ground to do so, but only will;—the contrary whereof they declared to be true. These words they thought should be left out, as likely to cause provocation. Said also that they were informed by those on the Queen's part that the King was moved in conscience to try the validity of the marriage in consequence of doubts proposed to and not sought by him. Their answer was much wandering from the purpose, about the discussion of April 11, the commission sent from Rome, the Emperor's protestation and Pernott's proposition. The Chancellor seemed to say that the instrument with the protestations in substance was already sent. | |
Said that they only moved the reform of the proposition from their desire to prevent any offence, and to repair rather than hinder the old amity. Could only advise them, and they must do as they thought best. He answered that the Emperor and his ministers desired nothing more than the repair of the old amity, and all should be amended as the English ambassadors would have it. Pernott then produced the brief. Lee read it, and the bishop of Worcester looked diligently upon it. Asked to be allowed to collate their copy with it; which they granted. Called in two of their servants and Curson, which Pernott thought too many. Accordingly sent out two, retaining the Bishop's servant, with whom Lee collated the copy, finding it correct, and made another, fearing that the Imperialists would not give it them;—which, however, they did, and it is more serviceable than the copy made by Lee, as it was collated by their notary. | |
The Chancellor ten said that they had seen the validity of the brief, and that he thought the Holy Ghost, foreseeing what might follow, had preserved it; for it had been in the hands of one who was not in the court, a cousin of the person who had the handling of both marriages of the Queen; and they had many more letters and instruments of his concerning the marriage. Said it was perhaps Dr. de Puebla; which he acknowledged. Asked if any letters had been found touching the brief. He said they had many letters, but could not say that they had any touching the brief. Asked this often, but they would not confess that they had any such; and the Chancellor said that the brief was enough. Think they can have none. | |
Asked Pernott if he knew the Emperor's mind touching Curson's despatch. [He said] the Emperor would speak with them before his departure. | |
On 14 April, Pernott sent another of the secretaries, who was formerly agent for the duke of Bourbon, who, under colour of ascertaining what they wished altered in the instrument, tried to persuade them to be content with it without any omissions. | |
Answered that their mind was known already, and that if they wished the discontinuance of the amity they would let pass words that might offend; they did this without commission, only by way of counsel, against the sore that may grow thereof, adding that they perceived from the Chancellor's words that the instruments had been already sent. He said, "I think they be." Told him that then he was losing his labour, and making them do the same. He answered that he thought the instruments were already made to be sent with these words, not avowing that they were sent, adding that without the offensive words they would be naked, for the words were only narrativa. Replied, it were better that the instruments should be naked than that such words should be therein, and if they were narrativa they should report the truth, and not the contrary. Why, saith he, what is not true ? Answered, all words supposing the King to proceed de facto et non de jure; which implies that he offends God's and man's laws, that he acts against his conscience, that he attempts this thing against the Queen and Princess without cause, "and that he doth the thing, which you suppose in his default, may be much dangerous to the realm of England;" all these things are not only against the King's honor, but are not true. Asked why they should prejudice the Pope and the two Cardinals deputed to hear the cause; supposed they must be yet in doubt what to pronounce, but the Imperialists have already pronounced that the King is acting against God's and man's law and conscience; it is a new thing that one who seeks salutem et tranquillitatem conscientiæ as the King does, should be noted to offend his conscience; it is no less strange that the King, who submits to the decision of the Pope and the See Apostolic, should be reported to act against God's law and man's; they adjure the King by the sacrament, as though he purposed breaking the bond thereof,—which is not so,—and therefore as they, quorum interest cognoscere de causa, yet doubt the decision, so they ought to doubt and not to pronounce; the Emperor, seeing they were moved by reason, ordered such words to be struck out. But, saith he, the Emperor and his council think the marriage to be good and lawful, and therefore these words were put in by Pernot; for if the marriage was not good, the Queen has been all this time in the place of a concubine. Answered, that although the Emperor and his council think the marriage good, it is not necessarily so; and he well knew that bona fides, as long as it endured, saved the Queen a concubinatu; and they doubted not but that after this doubt had entered the King's mind, from that time non attigit eam. In one place of the proposition it is said that the King moved vana formidine. Answered to this, that the King, beside his own judgment, had great learned counsel, both in law and divinity, who would soon deliver him from this fear, if it were utterly vain; and if the judges declare it so, doubt not but that the King will depose it; if they declare the contrary, this proposition will be vain, and not the King's fear; these words can serve nothing for conservation of the Queen's justice, but may otherwise do hurt, and can do no good. Then he said that with their good words, the matter would be well enough taken, and they might lenire rem. Answered, that their gloss would little prevail, when the matter came to the hands of those who could better interpret it; and that they would in vain draw forward if the Imperialists draw back, and would not be able to amend what they would fully mar. At this point left them, saying they might do as they thought best. | |
The points which the Bishop marked in the brief while the almoner read were these:—Before their going thither, he told the almoner and his servant to enter the date carefully, which they find to be 26 Dec. 1503, 1 pont. Julii, which seemingly makes the brief false and suspect. The brief was written on parchment, with the subscription in a different hand, which Lee also noted. It was not written in the usual hand, and the letters did not seem to be Italian. Lee considered the hand to be that of a learner, for there were divers unusual abbreviations. The first line ended, "negotiorum et." "Et" was written thus, &. In the beginning of a line about the end, the word "dispensamus" seemed to be rased in two places. This Lee also perceived. The date began about the end of a line, which contained only "datum Romæ apud S. Petrum;" and the next verse began, "sub annulo Piscatoris," going on to "primo." The brief seemed new enough, considering the date. The wax rose in the middle, as though something were underneath, but not so in the circumference, "and there appeared a little warredd enough." Ghinucci, on hearing the date, repeated "quingentesimo tertio," and marvelling said the time was long past. Lee marked the following:—"Artherus" for "Arthurus," "Charmmo[rum]" for "Charmo[rum]," "p[er]p[er]rea" written thus, "consumavit" with one m, "dispensamus" rased, and "sp" written after the fashion of a colligature in divers places. | |
On the 16th went to the Emperor for resolution. He said first he thought Pernott had answered them. Said that he had not;—meaning that they had not the resolution of all their propositions. He said forthwith that he could not send the brief to England, for he would seem to consent to the jurisdiction, but he would gladly send it and all things to Rome, though he seemed to mean if the case were determined there. He will be glad to have truce with the King, but made a difficulty about comprehending Francis, although he said that the truce still continued. He told them that Francis was making new business, meaning probably in Navarre. He seemed to imply that some manner might be found, and gave them to hope that the lady Margaret should have a new commission. The same day the secretary came again from the Chancellor and Pernott, demanding an answer to what was said on April 3, and signifying that they would not alter the offensive words in Pernott's proposition, of which the ambassadors must make the best they could; the Emperor would send a person to make excuse by word of mouth. Deliberated about their answer, and sent to Pernott, asking him to come to them, as they did not wish to give the answer in writing lest he should insert it in the instrument. The Emperor goes to Barcelona on Monday next. He has sent wheat hence, at which the people complain. More wheat, it is said, will be sent from Malaga, as they have had rain there. See no likelihood of the Emperor's going, for no galleys are being prepared. All wonder at his intention of going to Barcelona, for there is great scarcity and sickness there. Some say the cause of his going is to get into his possession certain old treasure called depositum tabulæ, which has been deposited for safety by foreign and Spanish merchants, and by some of the Italian cities, who feared tyrants,—the owners whereof are out of knowledge, time out of mind. The Frenchman's coming into Navarre is openly spoken of. The duke of Orleans is reported to be very sick. The count of Flisco has arrived from Genoa at Barcelona, where he will remain till the Emperor goes thither. Beaurain's brother, the Emperor's master of the horse, died last night. As they see no hope that the Emperor will send the brief into England, but there is some of his sending it to the Pope if the cause be heard at Rome, intend to induce the Pope's man, who will come with the rescripts, to try whether he can obtain of the Emperor to send the brief to England, and, if that cannot be, to take or give occasion to speak of sending it to Rome, and if he can obtain this, to present no rescripts. Without reasonable cause, we think best not to provoke the Emperor, lest he should refuse to send it to Rome. If the messenger can obtain neither, then he will present both rescripts. Do not know what to do if the Emperor says he will send it to Rome if the case is heard there, until they know the King's pleasure. | |
The Chancellor and Pernot said they had intercepted letters from the King's officials, showing that he did not intend to go the way of justice. | |
The Emperor has now left for Barcelona. On the day of his departure Pernott told them that the King and Wolsey were content to allow don Ynachus to return, in consequence of his illness, and that the bishop of Worcester is to return to England, and Lee to remain; that the Emperor wished them to return to Valladolid instead of following him to Barcelona, which is infect; that when don Ynachus arrives, Lee shall know the Emperor's pleasure; and he asked them to procure a safe-conduct from the French king for don Ynachus, as he fears the sea. Do not know why the Emperor does not wish them to follow him, unless it is that he does not wish them to know how unprovided he is at Barcelona for the voyage to Italy. Have provided for secret news thence, a man whom no one can suspect. Saragossa, 20 April 1529. Signed. | |
Lee's hand. Pp. 13. Cipher, with interlined decipher. Add. Endd. | |
20 April. Vesp. C. IV. 317. B. M. |
5472. LEE to WOLSEY. |
Since they came hither, two monitories have come from Rome, for the archbishop of Toledo and the bishop of Palencia to pay their pensions to Wolsey. Will not use them till they hear from Wolsey. The bishop of Palencia, whom Lee has twice asked to pay, answered that he is countermanded, and that he is in communication with Wolsey for its redemption, through the bishop of Burgos, to whom Wolsey has declared that although he will not commune of any redemption until he sees the world more quiet, he will forbear to demand the payment. Wishes to know his pleasure. Does not know if his proctors have given a full account of the money he has received for Wolsey, because he believes that packets, containing bills of the bishop of Worcester and Sir Francis Poyntz for 400 and 200 ducats had from Lee, have miscarried. | |
Sent the former bill last July 16, and the other addressed to Tuke, by Silvester Darius. Can get another bill from the Bishop, but Poyntz is dead. Can declare it on oath; but if that will not do, will pay it out of his own purse. Saragossa, 20 April 1529. | |
After they were sent back to Valladolid, caused the monitory to be presented to the bishop of Palencia, and will do the like with the one for the archbishop of Toledo. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
20 April. Galba, B. IX. 154. B. M. |
5473. JOHN HACKET to [TUKE]. |
Wrote on the 13th, and sent a mass of other letters to Wolsey. Of those gentlemen who have lately come out of Spain from the Emperor, Mons. de Montfort has the charge of taking up 15,000 footmen, Mess. de Verra and Dowttre of taking up 500 men-at-arms, which they reckon here to be 2,500 hor[ses] and M. de Moscoren the steward, and the Comptroller of the expences of the Household, have some charge touching their offices. | |
They brought many letters to my Lady, who has summoned all the lords to hear them. There are already here, the cardinal [of] Luke, "who in word and in deed bears the standard of all the nobles and gentlemen, say what he will, and also his words must be heard, but he continues not long in co ..." Berghes is here, and must follow Hoghestrat's opinion ... the ... Lord Fiennes also stands by Hoghestrat. As for the governor of Bresse (fn. 1) (?),Mons. de Beures and Mons. de Reux, with the marquis of Arscot, and most of the others, they are more inclined to the cardinal of Luke's opinion than Hoghestrat's. The difference is not so great but that they all agree before leaving the Council; and my Lady is always the chief. Dined on Friday with Hoghestrat. Asked him, what news from Spain? He said that the Emperor was going to Italy with the greatest fleet that had been seen for many a day, and that he doubted not that all his business there would go after his desire. Hears from M. de Mouskeren, steward of the Emperor's Household, that Lallemand is accused of high treason, and is imprisoned at Valladolid. His office is executed by Pernot, who was ambassador in France, and Perny, Lallemand's chief clerk, who is said to have been more expert in the secret than his master. When he last wrote to Wolsey, there was as small a court as he has seen for three years, but now it is as large as he has ever seen. Does not know whether they will consent to the Emperor's demand for men, as they have already granted 300,000 fl. | |
There is news through Dutchland, that the Turk is sore sick, and that he has lost a great battle against the Sofi. They think he will not dy[scend] this year into Hungary. If so, Don Fernando will come towards Bourgoigne, and the men raised here will assist him in some other part of France. Mons. de Montfort says that the Emperor has ordered Don Inygo de Mendoza to stay for a while in England, and he did not wish to lose the King's friendship. | |
Hears also that the president of Paris has been sent to the Emperor to confirm Rossynboix's secret charge. My Lady sends letters to Lassaux, who is with the French King. Has written to Wolsey that, without some comfort, he cannot much longer follow this court. Brussels, 20 April 1529. | |
Hol., pp. 4. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Mutilated. |