Henry VIII: January 1529, 26-31

Pages 2297-2313

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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January 1529

26 Jan.
R. O. St. P. VII. 148.
Since my last from Florence of the 9th, I have heard that the Pope was very sick. Remembering your letters and the money, I determined to leave them with Vannes at Orvyett, and go with Penyson to Rome. When we came to Orvyett, heard the Pope was not dead; so we rode to Vytarba, till we came to Ronsylyon, where I delivered to cardinal Farnese your letter. We dined with him, and think he is your friend. He offered us horses to Rome, and on the way we were met by certain horsemen sent by Master Gregory (Casale). He is a marvellous good servant to your Grace. If you would reward his brother, who is your ambassador at Venice, with some abbey, it would redound to your honor. We have been here twelve days, and cannot speak with the Pope. If he had died there would have been a mischievous business. If he die Master Gregory has made incredible efforts for us to have a Pope in our favor.
The flattering friar cardinal St. _ (fn. 1) makes the Pope believe the Emperor will come this summer, and restore him Civita Vecchia and Ostia. I am told that the Emperor is endeavoring to obtain from the Pope the cross (crusade), which will amount to 150,000 ducats. The French ambassador told Salviati that this would lead to war, and he replied that the Pope must needs yield, for the recovery of these places, and for the famine here, which cannot be helped, except from the Emperor's countries. The Pope is and will be good Imperial, "wherefore I wotner whether it be best to have him live or die, for a worse than this is, I ween, for all our matters, cannot be found."
We have searched all the registers, and can find no brief. We have written to the cardinal (Wolsey) about it. Before we speak with the Pope, which will not be before 12 days, we shall do the best we can in your cause, both for the charge we brought with us, and what Tadeus brought since. There has been a great to do about making cardinals. Gives an account of the dispute about the making of cardinal Doria. Speaks highly of the cardinal of Mantua (Gonzaga), who is very fond of hunting. Report of the death of Andrea Doria. This is the third letter I have sent. It is reported here that Campeggio is thoroughly Imperial, and for your matter there could not have been a worse one sent. Vannes is very diligent. Rome, 26 Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd.
* This letter is more than usually illiterate.
26 J[an.]
Cal. E. II. (120.) B. M.
Has received another letter from the lady Margaret about the Spaniard suspected to have slain a man at Antwerp, who took refuge in the lordship of Marke. Cannot see how he can be delivered up without breach of the franchise, but has put him in safe keeping. He has done no treason against the Emperor. When he first entered the franchise (before Sands' arrival), my lord Deputy sent for him, with assurance that he should be restored at any [place he] would desire. Calais, 26 J[an.]
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: To my lord [Leg]ate is good grace.
26 Jan.
R. O.
The spy has returned, but has not brought the news which he heard from the knight porter, of the banishment of De Bies. Thinks his authority is as great as ever. On Saturday last, he was at Arde, with Italian and other artificers, drawing their "platte formes" for the building and fortifying thereof.
The spy brings word that the "arbanoys" and horsemen at Rew are returned, and are now two leagues beyond Abville. Hears today by letter from my lord Deputy, that his (the writer's) father died on the 19th. "Wherefore, now, I submit myself only to your Lordship's goodness."
Sends the bearer to buy necessaries. All lord Sandys' retinue is merry, except Parkeman, who died lately.
The house is in good order. Guisnes, 26 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., my lord Chamberlain to the King's Majesty, and captain of Guisnes, &c. Endd.: John Sandes to my lord Sandes.
Cal. D. X. 404.
B. M.
"[Please it your Grace to] understand that ... unto you wherefore these sha[ll be to advertise you that Mons.] de Bryan and the captain ... m1 footmen as the French report ... eferre a ... pyle ... Tor ... yesterday ... Pyle ... yn unto them incontynently ... [Burgo]nyons ... the same before ... and ... eyn pa ... with their cattle and household stuff ... theirs ... yl ... before the same for that ... of the most principal sh ... taken in the ... company of Frenchmen went to And ... and because that ... was adverti[sed] ... now ... were assembled ... eyn archers on hors[eback] ... to ... as they could of the ... read in the ... I there spake with Mons. le count de ... before mentioned Pyle ... e Count, the Count * * *... the head with a ... the head brake of vi ... ynge of the said weapon's head ... [marve]lously sharp, the said John Sandes ... neck, which is both deep and long h ... all recover, and to return to the Count ... er again, he said to the archer that th ... [th]at day was but a jape to that he intended ... the said archer, after that he had knowledge ... rme would lodge, which was at Arde as w ... returned to me, weening verily that the am ... ne passed into Flanders as far as Doo[rdrecht] w ... next day betimes, I sent ... certain archers ... whereof one rode straight to the French camp w[here he fou]nd that all was trussed, and the army turning tow[ards th]eym again in right poor order, for all the footm[en] were but in manner rascal, wherefore all the ordy ... aynyd in horsemen, which were to the number by es[timation] ... [w]ell horsed and armed. Nevertheless, as I hear say, ... Burgundians followed them, and took of the footmen ... [p]resoners, therefore what the French meet to ... forme is not yet known, nevertheless w[hatever] ... I shall not be slack in avis[ing your Grace thereof]" * * *
Hol., mutilated. The writing faded.
26 Jan.
R. O.
Since I arrived here on the 17th, I have only written once to England, in consequence of a pressure of business. Letters had come from the duke of Urbino to the Signory, announcing for certain the death of the Pope. I immediately wrote of it to Wolsey, but was deceived. No news came from Rome, except what I received yesterday from Messer Paulo (Casale), of whose letter I send you a copy. Pray excuse me to Wolsey and Campeggio. Venice. 26 Jan. 1529.
Ital .. copy, p. 1. Add.: Al magnifico M. Vincentio Casale quanto fratello hon. &c. In Londra. Endd.
R. O. 2. A Latin translation of the preceding.
P. 1.
26 Jan.
R. O.
Although I wrote that the duke of Urbino had notified the Pope's death, the Pope was still alive, although given over for dead. Excuses himself for giving false intelligence. Venice, 26 Jan. 1529. Signed and sealed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
26 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 29*. B. M.
... "ra che non habbia tempo di scrivere, nondimeno voglio a ricordare a V. S. ... le son servitore, et salutarla da parte di tutta la brigata nostra di ... sa et allei me raccommando per infinite volte. Di Venezia, alli 26 di Gennaio 1529. D. V. S. servitore, Francisco Catulo, &c."
The end of a letter. Address mutilated.
26 Jan.
R. O.
A poetical appeal to be delivered from prison and the persecution of Dr. Lindon. The writer protests his innocence, addresses Wolsey as "genitor" (evidently as the founder of Cardinal's College), and speaks of the encouragement he has always given to studious youth. Subscribed: "Tuus, semperque erit ut potens est, Humfridus Neuallus capt' in Lincol. Oxoniæ Pathmo, 1529, 26 Jan."
Lat., p. 1. Begins:
"Dum tempus tulerit, dextram nunc tende cadenti,
Eripitoque lupi dentibus eque manu."
"Ipse pater mundi, Wolseus omnivalens."
27 Jan.
R. O.
Has received his letters by Vannes. Will be diligent in the King and Wolsey's causes. Is sorry that Bryan and Vannes should have come at such a time, and that the King's cause should have to be discussed amid so many troubles. Gardiner will learn from Vincent (Casale) his distress. Is grieved that Peter (Vannes) has brought him no money. If greater regard is not had to his expences, no Englishman coming to Rome will find him at his house, but that he has moved to the nearest hospital. Has relied on the great promises of the Cardinal. Rome, 27 Jan. 1529. Signed and sealed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
27 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 33. B. M.
Brian and Vannes arrived at Rome on the 25th. Should have advised them not to come if he had known the Pope's danger, but he has now escaped death. They could not have arrived at a worse time, for Casale has been in great confusion in consequence of the danger which has threatened the city. It has narrowly escaped being plundered by the people, in consequence of the scarcity of bread. As he has not been able to receive the ambassadors as they deserve, will try to assist them as much as possible in their business, though nothing can be done now in consequence of the Pope's sickness. Writes of the King's business in their common letter. The Pope is bent on making peace. In the last instruction sent to Dr. Kny[ght], Wolsey suggests that the Pope and himself should meet at Nice, and that the Emperor and the king of France should both come to their frontiers. Advised Brian and Vannes to ask Salviati to suggest this to the Pope, and told Salviati that this was better than going to Spain. Thinks the Pope's proposition of going to Narbonne is the best. Both his Holiness and Salviati think that if a peace is made the Queen can be induced to enter the religious state.
The Pope escaped death by a miracle, and is still suffering from fever. Had good hopes, if he had died, of serving the King and Wolsey. The prince of Orange has returned to Aquila, whither 800 foot have been sent by the general of Abruzzo from Perugia. The count of Aquila will defend the city against the Prince, who has no artillery. The snow is so deep that it will be difficult even to pitch a camp.
Lat., pp. 3. Headed: "Exliteris D. Gregorii Casalii, ad D. Vin[centium], die 27 Januarii, Romæ datis."
27 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 45. B. M.
Has received the King's and Wolsey's letters from the ambassadors. Writes also to the King. Will do all he can for them, but the Pope is so favorable that there is no need of his assistance. His Holiness is growing stronger daily, but cannot yet attend to business. Rome, 27 Jan. 1529. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. The address pasted on.
27 Jan.
Egerton MS. 1,998, f. 1. B. M.
Since his return from Italy the cardinal of York has been urging him to procure some professor of oratory from Italy, thinking that from his long sojourn there, and his acquaintance with learned men, he would be able to persuade some one. He has commenced a most magnificent work. The place is grand in itself, but much more so by the multitude of teachers and taught. Two hundred will be supplied with food and clothing. No class of learning is excluded, and each has its own rewards.
Wolsey has spoken to Pole particularly about Amasæus, and has authorised him to offer him 500 ducats a year, travelling expences, and benefices for his sons, if he has any destined for the Church. The quietness of a retreat here would be profitable both to himself and others, and he can assure him of Wolsey's kindness and munificence; but he knows his fear of change, and remembers his refusal of Matteo Giberti's offers. The disturbances at Rome (rerum urbanarum), and in the whole of Italy, which shortly followed, showed his foresight. Amasæus may think him not a fair adviser, as he is pleading the cause of his country, which he wishes to see profited by his instructions, but he also considers Amasæus's interest. He would be better off than he has ever been. Advises him to write to Wolsey whether he accepts or refuses. London, 6 kal. Feb.
Lat., hol., pp. 3. Add.: Doctissimo viro D. Romulo Amasæo, Bononiæ.
27 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 30. B. M.
The cardinal S. Quatuor tells him that the Cardinals will not expedite the bulls for the bishopric of Winchester for a less sum than 13,000 ducats. Both he and Sir Gregory have urged Wolsey's deserts, and the Cardinal advises that the matter should be deferred until the Pope can again propose it in a consistory. Several of the Cardinals and of the Pope's household are Imperialists. Does not know how the money will be provided; for the persons at Venice, to whom Vivaldi sent letters of exchange for 8,000 ducats, are bankrupt. Has written to Venice to know if the letters are of any value. As to the other 2,000 ducats, payable at Florence, although the merchants have agents here, they refuse to take less than 63 pence for each ducat, though 60 pence is the common charge here. Asks Wolsey to arrange about the price. Jacobo Salviati has been sent by the Pope to tell them that his illness prevents his attending to any business. The Pope is pleased at Wolsey's readiness to meet him in Spain for the settlement of public affairs, and will attend to this as soon as he recovers. He will not, however, go without Wolsey. Salviati says that Narbonne is the place which the Pope thinks most convenient, and that if the Imperial army comes hither again his Holiness would flee secretly, for he would not declare for the Emperor or any other, but treat every one alike. Showed him the evils that would ensue to the Church by the coming of the Emperor to Italy; to which he assented. Said it would be better for the Emperor to be detained on the frontier. He said that though there was hope of peace, the kings of England and France should strengthen their forces, as the Emperor's intentions were still doubtful.
He said, as from himself, that in making peace, even if it were procured by the Emperor, the King's wishes would be satisfied. Said he knew the Pope could do it if he would act in a straightforward manner.
Sir Gregory Casale has the greatest influence with the Cardinals and the Pope, is prudent and diligent, and omits nothing that he thinks will please the King and Wolsey. They could never find a better servant. He is obliged to live as the King's ambassador, and his diets are not paid, so that he will soon be compelled by poverty to retire. Asks pardon for his boldness in saying this.
All the Cardinals here consider Wolsey as the support of the Church. The cardinal Farnese and the cardinal of Mantua praise his manner of life. Will soon send Wolsey his epitaph. Brian behaves most prudently, and is beloved by all. Rome, 27 Jan. 1529.
Hol., Lat., mutilated.
Vit. B. XI. 44*.
B. M.
5226. [VANNES, &c. to WOLSEY.]
Have obtained from the cardinal S. Quatuor a minute of the bull of union, which is now being drawn up. The Cardinal is vexed at the substitution of the words "less or more than 12 monasteries" for "less than 12 monasteries," as mentioned in the first instructions. As to the bull for the erection of cathedrals, the Cardinal has drawn up an information which will be laid before the consistory. The Cardinal desires to know why Wolsey wishes the removal of the clause "de consensu quorum interest," which appears in the first instructions, and also why Wolsey has not sent former bulls for the erection of monasteries into eathedrals.
Wolsey must not be surprised at these bulls being delayed, as it is owing to the Pope's illness.
The money for the bishopric must be provided, as the Venetian merchants are bankrupt.
Lat., p. 1. Vannes' hand.
28 Jan.
R. O.
5227. PETER VANNES to GARDINER in London.
Has written to Wolsey. Begs he will use his influence to induce Wolsey to take in good part what he has said of Gregory (Casale). Unless his necessities are supplied, he will be compelled to abscond. Tell Dom. de Welbeke that Gregory has sent him the bull; and if he wishes to express his gratitude, he is to give it to Vincent (Casale). Tell Martial that I will attend to his message by Clayburgh at the first opportunity. Thank Knevet for his kind letters. The cardinal of Mantua desires his remembrance. My compliments to the bishop of Carlisle. Rome, 28 Jan. 1529.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
28 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 46. B. M.
Desires him to tell Wolsey that he has obtained the following terms from ten cardinals for the expedition of his bulls: that they will comply with his wishes if he will give up the bishopric of Durham, the tax of which, 10,000 ducats, will come to them, and also the tax of the other bishopric which becomes vacant by this exchange, and if he will pay 6,000 ducats. The see of Canterbury will also soon be vacant, from which they will receive the same amount. Said that unless they made this concession to Wolsey he would not give up Durham. They promised to obtain his request. Advises Wolsey to write and say that he does not wish them to expedite the bulls, as a yearly revenue of 2,000 ducats is not worth the expence, for the bishopric of Winchester does not exceed Durham by more than that.
He should still provide the money, for there is not much to be hoped for from these cardinals.
At a congregation held today the cardinal St. Quatuor exhibited the form of the bulls for the cathedrals. Many of the cardinals are contented that every thing should be done in England, and the bishops elected there, but that the birretum and the rochet should be conferred here. The Pope has slept well, and is without fever. News came today that 800 foot from Perugia have entered Aquila, which they will easily defend against the prince of Orange. Has kept this letter till the 29th. The Pope is again suffering from tertian fever, and Casale does not feel sure of his safety. Cardinal de Monte has shown him an article, which he has found, of a previous licence to create bishops in England.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated. Headed: Ex literis D. Gregorii [ad D. Vincentium], die 28 Jan., Romædatis.
28 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 34*. B. M.
5229. PAUL CASALE to _.
The Pope has recovered after being twice in danger of death, but still suffers from fever, so that no business can be transacted. The last few days have been spent in frustrating the practices of the cardinal St. Angelo, in anticipation of the Pope's death. There has been great confusion in the city, and the people are thinking of removing their property and families.
Lat., p. 1. Headed: "Ex literis D. Pauli Casale, die 28 Januarii, Romædatis."
28 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 35. B. M.
When they arrived at Florence they heard rumors of the Pope's illness, which were confirmed as they proceeded; so that many people wondered at their continuing their journey. Were received at Ronciglione by the card. Franese, and gave him the King's and Wolsey's letters. He expressed his willingness to serve the King and Wolsey. He is a man of sixty years of age, and of great influence and prudence. Heard from him that the Pope's life was despaired of, and that the physicians suspected poison. His death was reported, and the roads were infested by robbers; so that the journey to Rome would have been very dangerous. Persuaded the Cardinal that he ought to go to Rome, and support the See Apostolic, and they thought that they could travel in greater safety in his company. Meantime false news of the Pope's death was brought by a Spanish courier, and they heard also "fa[ctiones] interim Romæ cœptas, cardinalem Columnam ... ab Urbe abesse, generalem Capuanumque nihil ... ac dolo in tanta occasione moliri." The Cardinal, therefore, determined to go to Rome, and took them with him to his castle. Were met at six miles from Rome by Sir Gregory's brother with fresh horses. He told them that Sir Gregory was doing all he could to frustrate the plans of the General, and that the cardinal of Mantua had gained many Cardinals to his party, and was opposing the General. Were met on their entry into the city by Sir Gregory and the brother of the bishop of Worcester, and went to Sir Gregory's house. The Pope was not yet considered out of danger, and the city was in confusion. Found Sir Gregory "ferme labore confectum quo ex Pontificis obitu, Pontifex aliquis, v ... Rma D. nobis ex sententia succederet, vo[ti]que compotes futuros nos sperabamus, si vis abesset." Discussion was commenced amongst the Cardinals whether, if, after the Pope's death, the Spaniards approached from Naples, they should retire to a safe place, and should disregard the bull fixing the election at the place where the Pope dies. While this was being discussed the Pope recovered. Jacobo Salviati sent to congratulate them on their arrival, and to offer his assistance; and soon after Sanga, the Pope's [secretary], also came, who told them that it was impossible to see the Pope till he was recovered, and he did not think they could do anything till they had seen him. Do all they can to gain the influence of the Cardinals. The chief of those who favor the King are cardinals St. Quatuor, Farnese, Cesis and Mantua. Has asked St. Quatuor to procure the expediting of the bulls, and has given him copies. "De bulla autem erigendi ... cathedrales, &c., hæc proponatur oportet in [consistorio] quod fiet in proximo."
Have told Jacobo Salviati, who now never leaves the Pope, how much aid Wolsey expects from his influence, and that they were instructed to make use of his advice; that their charge was threefold, the negotiation of a peace by means of the Pope, the restoration of the See Apostolic, and the King's private matter. He answered that peace was expected from the arrival of the General; but he had brought no universal commission, but merely to treat for restoration of the hostages, Ostia and Civita Vecchia. He certainly offered that the state of Italy should be settled as the Pope wished; but his Holiness refused, from his desire for the general quiet of Christendom, and because he is arranging for his journey to Spain. Praised his Holiness's conduct, saying that this was the right way to obtain a general peace, if he would prefer the public good to his private interests; and they were commissioned to say that Wolsey would meet the Pope at Nice, Avignon or Marseilles. Salviati said he was rejoiced at this, and nothing would please the Pope more than for Wolsey to be his colleague; and he desired them to inform Wolsey that the Pope would not refuse this condition, and wished to fix on some safe place. Said that the Pope must beware of falling again into the hands of the Imperialists. He answered that his Holiness would never go unless he had the fleet of Doria and the French king at his disposal. Asked what the Pope would do if he saw that [the king of England] and the king of France would grant all that was necessary for peace, and the only obstacle was the Emperor's ambition; whether he thought the Pope would adhere to the two Kings. He said he thought the Pope would do everything to compel the Emperor to make peace. Desired him to encourage the Pope in this purpose, and to assure him that the Kings would protect him. He said the Pope did not need advice on this point, for his intention was to trust no more to the Imperial army.
Sir Gregory is sure that no news will be more welcome to the Pope than to know that Wolsey approves of his plan of going to Nice, and will meet him there; for he hopes by his assistance to remove all the obstacles to peace.
As to the King's affair, all expeditions of that kind are kept in the secret registers, which are now in the custody of the card. St. Quatuor, but in the time of pope Julius were kept by Sigismund, the secretary. They are divided into two volumes,—bulls and briefs. "In bullarum registro, ut v. Rma D. [per litteras] D. Gregorii jampridem cognovisse debet, ipse [vidit] exemplar bullæ dispensationis." Now, by Sir Gregory's aid, they have found another register of briefs of the first, second and third years of pope Julius, and they have examined both volumes of the bulls and briefs at their lodging. Found nothing but two briefs and the dispensation for the King's marriage, copies of which they send. Found nothing else among the letters or books of Sigismund, "nisi non ... quæ fuligini apud filium remansisse dicuntur, ad [quem] misimus quendam ejus consanguineum," who promised to bring everything that had been found concerning the marriage. Heard that James de Castimberg, a colleague of [Sigismun]d, had certain writings, which at his death came into the hands of the archbishop of Capua, who, they fear, has forged something from them; for when they told Salviati, who had heard about this brief from Campeggio, that it was manifestly false, he said the Imperialists asserted that they had the authentic brief, and had found the registers and everything else necessary. Said they did not believe it, as there was nothing of the kind in the registers which they had searched.
Can do nothing, but they have got a cousin of Sigismund's son to claim the writings from the Archbishop; but it will be difficult, as the Archbishop is cunning, and is very urgent about this matter. Have asked card. St. Quatuor whether, if the Imperialists produce the authentic brief, they can render it of no avail by means of the treaty between Ferdinand and Henry VII. He said he thought such a treaty would be of no use, unless the Pope had assented to it. Have, therefore, drawn up certain articles by the advice of Jacobo Cortesio and Sir Gregory, and have sent them to Bologna for the opinion of Carlo Ruina, who is considered the best lawyer in Italy. Will also obtain the opinion of the card. of Ancona when he arrives.
There are no advocates whom they can retain, except young men, and those of little reputation. The Pope retains as his counsel Caposucca and Simonetta, the auditors of the Rota, and has given them benefices. Have been told by several Cardinals that the Imperial ambassador urges the Pope to give a commission to summon the cause hither; but Sir Gregory opposes him, showing the dishonor it would be to Campeggio, the King and Wolsey, and saying that the King has granted everything to the Queen that she could wish. Can, however, write nothing more until they have seen the Pope, and they know not when that will be.
Camillo Pardo Ursino and the count of Aquila have taken that town, and have sent to ask aid from the French ambassador, who will not grant it. 3,000 ducats have been sent from Florence, but the treasurer on the way has enlisted 1,000 foot. Hopes the money has not been wasted, for enlisting soldiers is not a treasurer's business. The Viceroy is marching to recover Aquila. Two days ago another Imperial ambassador, named Mayo, arrived here, with power, as it is said, to restore Ostia and Civita Vecchia. This will be an advantage to the Imperialists, for the Pope would be obliged to leave Rome if these cities were detained longer.
The bishop of Verona will not come hither. Has sent him the King's and Wolsey's letters.
"Habemus utrasque instructiones in promptu, e ... quas 20 Dec. V. Rma D. misit, prior[ibus] accommodavimus, eamque partem transtuli, ut leg ... quam subducta virgula, V. Rma prescrips ..."
Will do all they can for the promotion of the bishop of Worcester. Are keeping the King's letters to Venice about the restitution of Cervia until the Pope can see them; so that, if he die, the King can either take the same course or not, as he thinks best.
The cardinal of Mantua desires to be commended to Wolsey. Rome, 28 Jan. 1528. Signed.
P.S.—Casale writes about the [Emperor's] intended coming to Italy, which was not thought to be certain; but now a letter has arrived from cardinal Salviati to his father, speaking of it as certain, and the papal nuncio in Spain confirms it. Casale says that long ago the Pope wrote to the Emperor that he had determined to go thither to make peace, and he asked for the galleys of Doria for a protection; and if the Emperor refused or delayed this, there would be no doubt of his coming. It is said that he will bring 10,000 foot and almost all his nobility. Casale, in order to discover the Pope's mind from Salviati, said to him that the French king should prepare for a war in Spain, and send his troops to the frontier while a fleet was prepared by both England and France. The Emperor's journey would thus be prevented, and irreparable injury inflicted on him. Salviati said the Pope would approve of this; for if the Emperor came to Italy he would soon be master of everything, as the country is in great want, and he would get supplies from Sardinia, Sicily and Naples. A nobleman has been conveyed to Naples by the nephew of Andrea Doria, to arrange with the prince of Orange and Doria for the Emperor's journey, as it is supposed.
Lat., Vannes' hand, pp. 19. Add. Endd.
28 Jan.
Le Grand, III. 289.
While returning just now to the Legate, I received the despatch of La Chapelle, who has remained hurt by a fall on this side of Dovor. He has sent me, in cipher, that which you had charged him to tell me about the propos of La Hargerie; but to this I shall make no answer at present, except that I expect Wolsey will, as to the contribution, send me back to the terms borne by Thade, until Mons. Du Warty brings something else; but I must tell you that Wolsey has sent for me, though I had such a bad cold, to tell me the news from Flanders, for which I have referred Madame to you, not to trouble her with my bad hand. First, he said he meant to use the same sincerity towards Madame which she heretofore has used towards him, letting her know everything from which suspicion might arise, not among themselves, who were too well assured of each other, but among others, that all might know the stability of their friendship. He then produced a long letter sent from Flanders, in which it was mentioned that the Eleu Bayard had been twice with Madame Margaret, and signified to her the great desire of my Lady to arrange a good peace between Francis and the Emperor, even without comprehending England or any of the allies; and that Bayard, having had communication with the said Lady, Mons. d'Ostrade had returned to Madame, and had again gone to lady Margaret with a full commission, and made an appointment, which the lady Margaret had afterwards sent by William de Barres to have confirmed by the Emperor. In another passage, it was stated that Madame de Pinoy (so in the letter), returning lately from France, had told the lady Margaret that Francis was certainly making an arrangement with the Emperor, and promised her that the king of England would soon be made to change his purpose. On which my Lady said to a gentleman present, Do not I tell you that of anything the French do, "il n'en fault faire fondement ? " This letter was written in English, and Wolsey repeated to me its substance in Latin. I looked at it closely; it certainly contained passages to the above effect; and when it came to these last words, it was in the original "ne vous dis je pas, Monsieur l'ambassadeur," so that I presume she was speaking to the English ambassador, for these were the only words of the letter in French. Wolsey, however, denied that the letter came from him; still I believe it did, but I think he does not wish me to hold the said ambassador in suspicion. He said, moreover, that the writer got his information about l'Eleu Bayard from divers and good authorities, which all agreed. I made the best answer I could, attributing the suspicions to the Flemings, who are trying both in France and England to dissolve this indissoluble tie, as Wolsey knows better than any other. I said I knew myself that they would have made use of an opportunity, of which I would have informed him a month ago, if I thought the thing would have gone so far; for about the end of the fair at Antwerp I had had a letter from the said Bayard, complaining that he had not found, as he expected, one Croquet, merchant, of Paris, to recover from him 10,000 livres; and hearing that he had crossed the sea, he wished I would make inquiry and get him arrested. About this I named to Wolsey some merchants of this town, who could give evidence. I had caused inquiry to be made at the time, without letting them know the cause. In brief, I satisfied Wolsey so far that he declared the matter was as fully justified as could be, and that he had undertaken, on pain of his head, to show the King that it was an invention of the enemy, but still desired me to inform Madame of it.
Excuses himself for not writing a longer letter, as his cold is so bad he has been 20 times obliged to rest. London, 28 Jan.
P.S.—I also told him that I had been informed by a Fleming, whom I named to him that William de Barres had left to go in disguise through France, and that I expected he would either be taken in his passage, or that if he passed by safe-conduct, it would be to arrange the prolongation of the truce, which Margaret cannot do without the Emperor; which truce, I think, you should seek in order to satisfy the English.
Fr. Add.
28 Jan.
R. O.
Has received his letters, dated Richmond, 15 Jan., and has accordingly delivered to the Spaniards their ship and goods, which were in the custody of Englishmen.
Sends a book of his costs about the ships, amounting to 108l. 2s. 4d., which the owners refuse to repay. 19l. 12s. of the Spaniards' money has come into his hands. The ships' goods could not be saved without a great company of boats and mariners; and it was agreed both by the Spaniards and the French before him, the mayor of Rye, and others, that the ships should be kept by Englishmen till the matter was determined, and that those who were to have them should pay the expences. Would not have meddled without this. Asks to be repaid the remainder. The Spaniards sent for him to his house to come to their rescue, and he has been 15 days at Rye. Hopes Wolsey will see that he has no loss. Wolsey writes that he does not seem to have followed exactly his former letters, but he has done so as much as he could. Wolsey also writes that he has been partial in this matter, and has given cause of complaint for the Spaniards against the King's subjects, so that they have demanded letters of reprisal and marque from the lady Margaret against the English, but he is sure that no one can prove this accusation. Halden, 28 Jan. Signed and sealed.
Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
28 Jan.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 285.
Confirmation by James V. of the indenture for the truce of 12th December, made by Wm. Scot, Adam Ottirburn, and Andrew Ker, on the one side, and Tho. Magnus, Anth. Ughtred and Tho. Tempest, on the other. Edinburgh, 28 Jan. 1528. Seal.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 286. 2. Confirmation by the same of the treaty of Berwick. Edinburgh, 28 Jan. 1528.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 286. 3. Commission by the same to George Ker to give and receive letters confirmatory of the same. Edinburgh, 28 Jan. 1528. Seal.
29 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 47. B. M.
Wrote last on the 23rd, and has received his of the 21st. Will do all that Wolsey desires when the English ambassadors return. Sends letters from Rome, by which Wolsey will see that the news about Aquila is confirmed, and that, owing to the ill behavior of the Colonnese soldiers, the inhabitants opened the gates to the troops of Camillo Pardo Ursini. In Lombardy, St. Pôl is said to have ... thousand foot, and 1,000 others under ... Gonzaga and D. Caynini, who intend to take Casetum, and prevent the 1,800 foot at Arquato from joining those at Milan. The Pope caught cold on the 5th, from resting under a tree, which increased to a fever. Leeches were applied on the 21st. Received this news by a special messenger sent by his mother. His death would be the ruin of the See Apostolic and of Italy. Hippolito de Medici and a nephew of Andrew de Auria have been created cardinals, and also the cardinal S. Crucis, although he was declared a cardinal when in Spain. He has put off his journey to Naples on account of the Pope's illness. The prince of Orange writes to the Pope that he has a commission to restore the cardinals and the castles. The messenger says they are already liberated, and on their way to [Ro]me. Paris, 29 Jan. 1529. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated. Endd. at ƒ. 53 b.
30 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 50. B. M.
The difficulty about the bull for erecting abbeys into cathedrals arises from this, that most of the Cardinals think it will detract from the honor of the See of Rome if bishops are created except at Rome, or receive their investiture from any one but the Pope. Told them the reasons for Wolsey's request. Cardinal Farnese said that the King's dignity and Wolsey's merits gave weight to their requests. Some, however, still cling to the former opinion, and desire Wolsey to relinquish it. Cardinals SS. Quatuor, Farnese, of Mantua, and De Monte have some hope of obtaining it, for the last has found something to refute the reasons of the Cardinals. They all agree that the first annata must be paid, and cardinal S. Quatuor says that Wolsey granted it in his letter. Send a copy of the clause referred to. If it has to be paid Wolsey must provide money, for there is no trust put in promises here. "Cardinalis S. Quatuor ait annatæ summam futuram te[rtiam] partem illius portionis quæ episcopo assig[netur]."
Are trying to obtain a deduction from the 1,200 ducats for the expedition of the see of Winchester, in which they are opposed by the Neapolitans and Imperialists, who are eager for money. Have made them the offers mentioned in the last letters. Advises Wolsey to write, making a final offer of 5,000 or 6,000 ducats. Reminds him that they want money in consequence of the bankruptcy of the merchants. Rome, 30 Jan. M.D.[XXVIII.] Signed.
Lat., pp. 5, mutilated.
Vit. B. XI. 49. B. M. ii. The clause in Wolsey's letter referred to in the preceding.
"Quod vero unum vereri possent, ne re hic diffinita annata Sedi Apostolicæ non caveretur, meam fidem facio, maximis id securitatibus providendum ut nullum inde Sedi Apostolicæ detrimentum generetur, id quod vos meo nomine promittere volo, ac quibuscunque cautionibus polliceri."
30 Jan.
Turner's L. of Fisher. II. 303.
1. Decree of the University of Cambridge for the anniversary of Fisher. Cambridge, 30 Jan. 1528.
Ib. 2. Letter of compliments to the Bishop. From the Scnate, prid. [cal. Feb.]
31 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 47*. B. M.
Arrived here on Saturday morning at 7 o'clock. Found Mr. Secretary and Benet waiting for him. Will proceed towards Rome tomorrow. The news of the Pope's sickness, which he wrote from Paris, is confirmed. It is thought he is rather better, for there are no tidings to the contrary, "w[hich it] is to be thought shall soon be spread abroad; howbeit, forasmuch as your Grace, in instructions now given to Master Brian a[nd to] Master Peter, noteth the prophecy of Angelus to ... pope, there chances in this time of the world so m[any] things vaticiniis prædicta, that these tidings do much [har]me, considering that of one writing de calamitatibus p[apæ] subjungitur, Papa cito moritur, which if it should ch[ance, as] God forbid it should, the commission given to your Grace [and to] my lord Campegius, morte pontificis concedentis, were [wholly] extinct and annihilate, unless the same were "in illius ... cepta exequi et perpetuata, which may be done solo decre[to] citacionis," as Dr. Wolman and Dr. Bel can show. This event may not happen, but he knows how displeased the King would be if what has been obtained should be rendered useless. Lyons, 31 Jan.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
31 Jan.
Cal. E. I. 95. B. M.
5238. _ to _.
Will learn the news of the Pope's death from the letters of the Grand Master. As the news is important they have despatched the courier. Begs he may be sent back again. He is to get Wolsey and Campegius to write to the College not to proceed to an election before the French cardinals have arrived, and get them to preserve neutrality, by which the peace of Christendom may be secured. If they consent to write, is to despatch their letters with all diligence. Despatches from Italy.—Need not write at greater length, as he will learn the news from Douarty, who will start tomorrow. "Ce Pl ... de Pie," 31 Jan. Signature burnt off.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 2.
R. O.
Mich. term, 20 Hen. VIII.—Complaint of Sir John Husey against Richard Bank, for having, on 1 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII., forcibly broken into and entered the close of the said Sir John at Enfeld, Middx., and done damage to him to the extent of 10l.
"Ca. r. Sabbati prox. Octab. Hillarii; pleg. de pros., Johannes Luntley, Thomas Mercer."
In Banks's hand, p. 1.
Gal. B. IX. 146. B. M. 5240. [J. HACKETT to BRIAN TUKE.]
Wrote last on Jan. 28. Has since received a letter from him, dated 25 Jan., with instructions. Thanks him for the trouble he has taken about his arrears, of which Mr. Bowyer has received 100l., in Hacket's name, in part payment. Hopes the rest has been paid either to him or to Legh.
The bishop of Brix, the Emperor's bastard uncle, and Gerard Mullart, the Emperor's ambassadors, left this place on the 6th, with about thirty-six horses, for Hamburg. Two days before they left a herald came from the king of Sweden with the ratification of the peace concluded with the Emperor, which is both offensive and defensive. The herald declared to "the queen Regent" that, if Lubeck and Hamburg will not agree to the Emperor's mind at this diet of Estland, the king of Sweden has all his ships ready to assist the Emperor's army. He said also that the French king and the king of England are urging the Lutheran princes, as well as Lubeck and Hamburg, not to yield to the Emperor's "cupitious" desires. "The queen Regent" answered that one of the burgomasters of Hamburg was with her with credence, by which she doubts not that they will agree with the Emperor and the king of Sweden, without asking counsel of England or France; and if they did not, they would repent it. The herald said they could not choose but repent it, and that his master had confiscated all goods belonging to Lubeck and Hamburgh merchants in his realm, and will continue to do so.
Hears that he is not of so great power as his herald makes brags. Mons. de Lassow is despatched with the Regent's letters to the Emperor. Another gentleman of the Emperor, Mons. de Garsbek, is waiting for news from the diet of Hamburg, which he will convey to the Emperor. Cannot perceive that the people here wish to begin a war with their neighbors. It were not meet for them to do so unless they were compelled, for they lack money.
Hears from Spain that Mr. Cornelis Schiperius, who was don Fernando's ambassador with the Turk, and was sent a while ago by Fernando to the Emperor, through these countries, is now of late _.
Pp. 4, hol., imperfect.
R. O. 5241. LORD DARCY.
"For a trew answer of their bill of Rothwell, putt in termino Hillarii ao xxo R. H. viij."
A list of the tenants of Rothwell.
Pp. 4, in Darcy's hand.
Er. Ep. p. 1143. 5242. ERASMUS to PETER BISHOP OF CRACOW.
Gives an account of the reasons which induced him to transfer the dedication to his edition of Seneca from Thomas Ruthal bishop of Durham to another name, and of the cooling of the Bishop's friendship towards him when in England. Basle,—Jan. 1529.
Jan./GRANTS. 5243. GRANTS in JANUARY 1529.
2. Edw. Smetyng alias. Smytting, merchant of Haunce. Protection from arrest, &c. Greenw., 23 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.Del. 2 Jan.—P.S.
3. Brian Tuke. Grant, in tail male, of the reversion of the manors of Thorpe and Thorpehall and Sarstell, Essex, with advowsons, &c. late belonging to Edw. duke of Buckingham, attainted, and afterwards granted in tail male to Sir Rob. Wingfield; to hold to the said Brian, &c. on the death, without heir male of his body, of the said Robert.Del. Westm., 3 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 37.
4. Hen. Fysche, tailor, native of Opyke, in the county of Flanders. Denization. Westm., 4 Jan.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
4. Jas. Pytman, cordwainer, native of Gueldres, in the duchy of Gelderland. Denization. Westm., 4 Jan.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
8. Geo. Cely, gent. usher of the Chamber. Licence to export 200 tuns of double beer.Del. Westm., 8 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
8. The dean and canons of St. George's college, Windsor, proprietaries of the house or hospital of St. Anthony, London. Protection for their land and property in-Calais, Hammes and Guysnes, and the marches thereof. Westm., 29 April 20 Hen. VIII.Del. Westm., 8 Jan.—S.B.
12. Tho. Garton, page of the Wardrobe. To be the King's arras-maker, with 6d. a day. Greenw., 29 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.Del. Westm., 12 Jan.—P.S.
17. Jerome West, one of the pages of the Chamber. Custody of the manor of Stekeley, Derb., lately held by Ankerus Frechevyle, of the gift of Peter Frechevyle; to hold during the minority of Peter, kinsman and heir of the said Peter. Hampton Court, 17 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
17. Franc. Woodlyke, native of Brabant. Denization.Del. Westm., 17 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
20. Ric. Crokes, of London, goldsmith, alias. Nottingham pursuivant to the duke of Richmond. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Hundesdon, 23 June 20 Hen. VIII. Teste H.C. [Hampton Court], 20 Jan.—P.S.
20. John Mustyng, late servant to the countess of Richmond and Derby. To be chief arras-maker to the King, with 10l. annually, vice Cornelius van Strete. Hampton Court, 9 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.Del. Westm., 20 Jan.—P.S.
20. Wm. Wolofer, of Byston, Norf., mariner, native of Farrey [Ferroe islands], in the dominions of the king of Denmark. Denization. Westm. 20 Jan.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11.
21. Tho. Curwen. To be one of the foresters or keepers of Gawtresse forest, Yorks., with 4d. a day, vice Edw. Woodes. Greenw., 23 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.Del. Westm., 21 Jan.—S.B.
25. John Roydon, native of Saxony, licentiate in medicine. Denization.Del. Westm., 25 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
26. Commissions of the Peace.
Hants: Tho. card. of York, Wm. abp. of Canterbury, J. bp. of Bath and Wells, T. bp. of Bangor, T. duke of Norfolk, Arth. viscount Lysle, Wm. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, Hen. lord Mountegewe, John Tuchet lord Audley, Wm. lord Sandes, Sir John Fitzjames, Wm. Shelley, Sir Wm. Paulett, Sir Tho. Lysle, Sir Ric. Sandys, Sir Jas. Worsley, Sir Wm. Gifford, Sir Geo. Puttenham, Sir Rob. Wallop, Ric. Lyster, Wm. Frost, Ralph Pexsall, Jas. Bettys, Wm. Dysney, Ric. Palshide, Steph. Coope, Rob. Bulkeley, Nic. Tichebourne, Hen. White, Tho. Haydok, Edm. Mervyn, Wm. Hawles and John Wyntreshull. Westm., 26 Jan.
Suffolk: Tho. card. of York, R. bp. of Norwich, N. bp. of Ely, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Chas. duke of Suffolk, Rob. viscount Fitzwater, Rob. lord Curson, J. abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Rob. Drury, Sir Arthur Hopton, Sir Anth. Wyngfeld, Sir Wm. Clopton, Sir Tho. Tyrell of Gipping, Sir Tho. Tay, Sir Humph. Wyngfeld, Tho. Lucas, John Jernegan, Lionel Talmage, Tho. Barnardeston, John Sulyard, Tho. Jermyn, Tho. Russhe, John Hennyngham, John Harvy of Oulton, Edm. Lee, Rob. Raynold, jun., Clement Higham and Wm. Drury. As above.
Somerset.: Tho. card. of York, J. bp. of Bath and Wells, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Hen. marq. of Exeter, W. bp. of Majorensis, (fn. 2) Hen. lord Montague, John Tuchett lord Audley, John Bourchier lord Fitzwaren, Edw. lord Stourton, Hen. lord Daubeney, Sir John Fitzjames, Wm. Shelley, Sir Wm. Paulet, Sir Wm. Stourton, Sir Nich. Wadham, Sir Edw. Gorge, John Stowell, Tho. Clerke, John Horsey, John Brytt, Baldwin Malett, John Fitzjames, jun., Phil. Phuford, Tho. Jubbes, Wm. Vowell, Roger York, Jas. Hadley, John Cave, John Porter and Wm. Portman. As above.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
Salop: Tho. card. of York, J. bp. of Exeter, G. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bp. of Hereford, T. bp. of Bangor, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Wm. earl of Arundel, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Walt. Devereux lord Ferrers, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Sir John Porte, Wm. Rudhale, Jas. Denton, clk., Sir Edw. Croftes, Sir Wm. Morgan, John Russell, John Salter, Geo. Bromeley, John Leighton, John Blount, Ric. Horde, Arth. Newton, Tho. Kakyn, Ric. Foster, Ric. Selman, Tho. Newport and Wm. Chorleton. Westm., 26 Jan.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d.
26. Simon Dixon, draper, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfeld. Teste 26 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
27. Anth. Knyvet, gent. usher of the Privy Chamber, and Rob. Acres, yeoman of the Guard. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of bailiff and keeper of Barkeswell park, Warw., with the herbage and pannage thereof, vice Sir Wm. Compton.Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B.—Vacated on surrender, 9 Nov. 37 Hen. VIII., in order that another patent might be made to the said Rob. and John Hygford.—Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
28. Gaol Delivery.
Bedford castle: At Elnestowe,—Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Tho. Fitzhugh and Wm. Wyat.
Aylesbury gaol: The same.
Cambridge castle: The same.
Huntyngdon castle: The same.
Norwich castle: The same.
Bury St. Edmunds gaol: The same.
Ipswich gaol: The same.
Colchester castle: At Stratforde Longthorne, Essex,—Sir John More, Tho. Inglefeld and Ric. Lyndesell.
Guildford castle: The same.
Lewes castle: The same.
Canterbury castle: The same.
Oxford castle: Sir John Porte, Wm. Rudhale and Tho. Brudenell.
Gloucester castle: The same.
Worcester castle: The same.
Hereford castle: The same.
Shrewsbury castle: The same.
Stafford gaol: The same.
York castle: Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Ric. Lister and Jas. Fox.
York city gaol: The same.
Winchester castle: Sir John Fitzjames, Wm. Shelley and Rob. Dacre.
Fyssherton Anger gaol: The same.
Ilchester gaol: The same.
Dorchester gaol: The same.
Exeter castle: The same.
Launceston castle: The same.
Northampton castle: Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Rob. Norwich and John Jenour.
Okeham gaol: The same.
Lincoln gaol: The same.
Lincoln (city) gaol: The same.
Nottingham gaol: The same.
Nottingham (town) gaol: The same.
Derby gaol: The same.
Leicester (town) gaol: The same.
Leicester gaol: The same.
Coventry gaol: The same.
Warwick (county) gaol: The same.
Westm., 28 Jan.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20d.
28. Commissions of the Peace.
Wilts: Tho. card. of York, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Hen. lord Montague, Edw. lord Stourton, John Tuchet lord Audley, Sir John Fitzjames, Wm. Shelley, Ric. abbot of Malmesbury, Sir Wm. Paulet, Sir Edw. Darell, Sir John Bourgchier, Sir John Seymour, Sir Hen. Long, Sir Wm. Stourton, Sir Edw. Baynton, Sir John Essex, Sir Edm. Tame, Sir John Brugges, Sir Anth. Hungerford, Sir Edw. Seymour, Ric. Lyster, Walt. Hungerford, Tho. Benett, clk., Ric. Hilley, clk., Tho. Elyott, Rob. Baynard, Anth. Stilman, Tho. Yorke, Wm. Ludlowe, Tho. Aprice, Barth. Hussey, John Bonham, Chas. Bulkeley, Rob. Wye and Jas. Lowder. Westm., 28 Jan.
Warwickshire: Tho. card. of York, G. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Tho. marq. of Dorset, Wm. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in England, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, _ (fn. 3) abbot of Kyllyngworth, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Rob. Norwich, Sir Geo. Throkmarton, Sir Edw. Ferrers, Sir Edw. Grey, Sir John Willoughby, Roger Wigston, Wm. Feldyng, John Smyth, Edw. Conwey, Tho. Trye, Reginald Dygby, Tho. Ardern, Simon Mountford, Rob. Fulwood, Tho. Slade, Ric. Verney, John Waldyff, Wm. Willyngton, Tho. Holt, Baldwin Porter and Ric. Willes. As above.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5d.
Sussex: Tho. card. of York, W. abp. of Canterbury, R. bp. of Chichester, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Wm. earl of Arundel, Hen. earl of Northumberland, Arth. visc. Lisle, Tho. visc. Rocheford, Hen. lord Montague, Geo. Nevell lord Burgevenny, Tho. West lord De la Warr, Tho. Fynes lord Dacre, Sir John More, Tho. Inglefeld, Wm. Shelley, Sir Tho. Nevell, Sir Edw. Oxenbrigge, Dav. Owen, Sir And. Wyndesore, Sir John Gage, Sir Edw. Nevell, Sir Alex. Culpeper, Sir Wm. Fynche, Sir Wm. Pelham, Sir Hen. Owen, Sir John Dawtrey, Sir Ric. Shirley, Sir Edw. Bray, Sir Roger Copley, Sir Wm. Goryng, John Halys, Ric. Lyster, Geoff. Poole, Hen. Darell, Ric. Covert, Ric. Devenysshe, Tho. Thetcher, Wm. Scardevile, Ric. Sakevile, John Palmer, John Stanney, Tho. Shirley, Wm. Waller, Wm. Staple and John Parker, jun. Westm., 28 Jan.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
York, East Riding: Tho. card. of York, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Hen. earl of Northumberland, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Tho. earl of Rutland, Tho. lord Darcy, Ric. Nevell lord Latymer, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Ric. Lyster, attorney general, Tho. Magnus, clk., Brian Higden, clk., dean of York, Sir Wm. Parre, Sir Wm. Percye, Sir Wm. Bulmer, Sir Godfrey Fuljambe, Sir Tho. Tempest, Sir Wm. Eures, Wm. Holgill, clk., Wm. Frankeleyn, clk., Sir Ralph Eure, Sir Rob. Constable, Sir Rob. Aske, Sir Wm. Gascoign of Cardyngton, Sir Ralph Ellerker, jun., Sir Peter Vavasour, Sir Marmaduke Constable, Sir Wm. Constable of Hatfeld, Tho. Fairfax, serjeant-at-law, Wm. Tate, clk., Walt. Luke, Rob. Bowes, Wm. Eleson, Ric. Smetheley, Rob. Creyke of Beverley, Wm. Babthorp, Christ. Thyrkill, sen., John Talbot and Wm. Thwaytes. As above.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d.
28. Rob. Davell, D.D. Presentation to the hospital of the Virgin Mary, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, commonly called "the West Spitle," Durham dioc, vice John Bride, clk.Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
28. Wm. Griffith, late of Southwark, yeoman. Pardon. Beaulieu, 26 Aug. 19 Hen. VIII.Del. Westm., 28 Jan.—P.S.
28. John bp. of Bath and Wells. Inspeximus and confirmation of charter, 7 June 19 Edw. I., being a grant to Rob. bp. of Bath and Wells, and his successors, of a market and fair at their manor of Lideard, Somers. Westm. 28 Jan.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15.
29. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Household, and Sir Anth. Browne. To be keepers of the great park of Windsor, vice Sir Wm. Compton.Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B.


  • 1. Blank in MS.
  • 2. Majorensis or Majonensis, the bishopric of Anthedon, in Palestine. Pegge has the name "W. Gilbert episcopus Majorensis," 1516–26.
  • 3. Blank in orig.