Pages 1885-1898
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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May 1528
21 May. R. O. St. P. II. 132. |
Has received his letters of the 13th, and is sorry for the misadventure of the lord Deputy (Vice-Deputy). On hearing of it, sent for O'Keroll, O'More, Mac Gylpatrik and O'Meaghere, and treated with them for delivery of the lord Deputy and the withdrawal of their aid from O'Konour, if he refuse. Had great difficulty in preventing O'Keroll and O'More from taking open part with O'Konour, as he and the earl of Kildare's servants have made them large offers. Has induced them to propose a parley between Ossory and O'Konour this day week; and if the latter will not be content with reason, they will take Ossory's part, and defend the King's subjects against O'Konour. Has promised to give O'Keroll the value of 40l., beside what the Deputy or King will give him. Can ill spare this sum, considering his charges in England, and the slow receipt from Kildare's officers. Is also bound to reward O'More, and to defend him against the earl of Kildare in his right; if he has no right to the land which he believes Kildare keeps without good title, to induce Kildare to give him right; and, if he will not, to take O'More's part. Has forgiven M'Gylpatrike injuries and wrongs to the value of 400 marks. | |
Has made no agreement with the baron of Donboyn, as he has written to Inge, and does not intend it. Asks for advice. 21 May. | |
Asks for the commission about the clipped money, of which his son James spoke. The signature is not Ossory's own. | |
Add. Endd. | |
22 May. Galba, B. 9. 121*. B. M. |
Thanks him for the pains he has taken for a peace, and for his proposal for an abstinence of war. Complains that the truce is coming to nothing, in consequence of the new articles daily proposed by the French; which he might easily dispose of otherwise, as the king of France has perfect confidence in him. These proposals are greatly to the disadvantage of the Emperor, and she cannot accept them without ruining herself. Begs him to reject these impertinent demands, or, at least, not to comprehend Messire Charles de Gheldres, and to make other corrections which her commissioners will explain. Malines, 22 May '28. | |
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add. | |
22 May. Galba, B. IX. 120. B. M. |
Wrote last on the 8th by Thos. Leigh, and before that on April xx ... Wrote another letter by Lassaux, who arrived here the 19th inst., about 5 p.m., and presented the letters and articles which he had brought to my Lady. | |
De Barrys has sent a post in haste, with a new article, not previously mentioned, but which has been more pondered than any of the first. Fears Lassaux will not bring as good an answer when he next comes. If he brings a better answer, fears it will be dissimulation. The Diet of the States was finished on the 20th. It was concluded to resist the duke of Gueldres. Brabant con[sents] to pay the Emperor 5,200 footmen and 1,200 horse; Holland and Seland, 5,000 foot and 400 h[orse]. Holland gives, besides, 12,000 gulden for the expences of the Emperor's artillery. My lord of B ... will be chief captain toward Geldyrland, and it is said that he and the governor of Fryesland have 16,000 foot and 2,000 horse. | |
The states of Flanders have made musters of 40,000 foot. In all quarters they know at the sounding of the clock when to meet, and lack but 4,000 or 5,000 Almayns, whom they can have at 20 days' warning. The States intended to appoint as many ships as would carry 5,000 or 6,000 men, but now, thinking that there will be no war with England, they consider 16 or 20 ships enough. If there were war with England, there are 10,000 mariners who would be glad to rig out ships at their own cost. | |
Is daily soliciting the relaxation of English ships that "the unthrifty braggarts of war" daily take between here and England, saying that they are Frenchmen's goods. However, all English ships, when known, are set at liberty. Has told my Lady that this is not sufficient, while English subjects are taken both within and without the King's jurisdiction, seeing that we have no war with them. She said she was sorry for it, and has caused a "mandment" to be published in the Emperor's name that his subjects shall not trouble the English by sea or land. Thinks Wolsey might write to my Lady in favor of the English. Machlyng, 22 May 1528. | |
Has received no letter from Tuke since 16 April. John de Lassaux is meetly well disposed to do well. Cannot reproach him for being, like a true servant, more favorable to his master than to any other. | |
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd. | |
22 May. R. O. |
Received his letter yesterday, Ascension Day, about 4 p.m. Has accordingly attached John Andrew, of Cranbrooke, clothier, and sends him by his servants. Has advised him to tell Wolsey the whole truth. Hallden, 22 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd. | |
23 May. Vit. B. x. 95. B. M. Pocock, I. 163. |
Both the King and himself were much pleased at the Pope choosing him as Legate. While eagerly expecting him, received letters from Gregory Casale and Gardiner, saying that his journey was delayed by the gout, by his duties as legate at Rome, and by the difficulty of procuring horses and servants. Writes to press him to make haste. Gardiner will supply him with money. Advises him to come with a few attendants, and let the others follow. He will find horses, mules, money, and all he wants, ready for him in France. Will cross the sea to conduct him to England. Hopes that now his gout is not bad enough to prevent his journey. The Pope will, without delay, appoint a vice-legate at Rome. Would not urge haste, but that both the King and Council think it necessary for him to be Wolsey's colleague. Promises him ample recompence. Fears the King may think that the Pope wishes to gratify the Emperor by offending him, and that what has been reported of Campeggio is true. If he values the King's favor, if he is grateful for benefits, if he thinks Wolsey can ever be of service to him, if he wishes the authority of the Church to be undiminished, he must start on his journey at once, for it cannot be delayed longer without irreparable harm. | |
Lat., draft by Vannes, pp. 4. Endd.: Missæ fuerunt hæ literæ die 23 Maii per certum ... a Domino ... um, etc. | |
23 May. R. O. St. P. VII. 68. |
4289. WOLSEY to SIR G. CASALE. |
Has already given him copious instructions. Is greatly distressed at his letter of 4 May, at hearing of the delay in the coming of Campeggio, and at not finding his information of the goodwill of the Pope and the Cardinals confirmed by the result. Either you do not write the truth, or we and you are equally deceived; for I cannot but believe that if you had used ordinary diligence, this matter would have been expedited long ago. Urges him to exertion. If Campeggio is ill, ask for the bishop of Ancona, or any other one who is fit. Is confident that Campeggio will anxiously serve the King, for he knows what reward is awaiting him. Desires he will hasten his coming, and expedite the commission in the form prescribed, as if it were as his own salvation. If Casale and the others do not succeed, the King will not believe that his cause is faithfully pressed, or that Casale and the others possess any influence with the Pope. London, 23 May 1528. Signed. | |
Lat., in Vannes' hand. Add. Endd. | |
Vit. B. x. 94. B. M. |
2. Draft in Vannes' hand. |
Pp. 2. | |
Harl. MS. 419, f. 110 b. B. M. Pocock, I. 156. |
4290. [FOXE to GARDINER.] |
His packet of letters, dated the 4th, was brought to Tuke on the 19th, and distributed by him. His account of "the great difficulties pretended, and contrived delays, and thereunto great uncertainties, both of my lord Cardinal Campeggio's favor and inclination to the furtherance of the King's purpose, and also of his coming hither," is taken so displeasantly that the hope before entertained of a speedy expedition of the cause is now almost extinguished. Wolsey suspects the Pope defers Campeggio's coming until he sees which army is victorious. Wrote by Barlowe how well the Pope's gratitude and Gardiner's labor were taken by the King and Wolsey. These last letters seem to make them more inclined to desert the Pope, as being ungrateful and unworthy. To Gardiner's request, in the Pope's behalf, to find means to prevent the descent of the Almayns, they answer openly, "Shall we impoverish ourselves and our subjects, and fight with our friends, for his sake, who, neither considering our private honor nor conscience, nor the weal of the realm, nor yet our manifold benefits to him, when asked only for spiritual grace and favour, which he is bound to give even to an enemy, by craft and with the visage of amity caused his learned men to pretend ignorance and doubt of the justness of the cause; refused the commission decretal, or anything else that might conduce to its furtherance, and after marvellous importunity would only grant such a commission as he might revoke at pleasure, leaving such appellations and other delays that he seemed only to intend to cast us into the briars and shackles of law, and to keep us always under his yoke? Now he refuses to allow Campeggio to execute the commission he has given him, and delays his coming by imagined excuses." Interprets this talk as showing high displeasure, which nothing will take away but a manifest declaration without tergiversation or colour. Fears they impute tacitly some blame to Gardiner for want of diligence in soliciting the Pope. The suits of his friends for his quick return are useless. They say that he must accompany the Legate until he is past the mountains, and, if he never comes, Gardiner is never to return. | |
Urges him to use all his powers to persuade the Pope to grant the commission decretal, and to hasten the coming of Campeggio, or, in default of him, to entrust the cause to the card. of Ancona. "Denique per sacra piaque omnia te obtestor ut quacumque ratione has suspicionis et diffidentiæ nebulas istorum animis tuo sole solicitaque prudentia discutias, quæ nostram interim omnem offuscant obtenebrantque lætitiam, omnemque quam de exanclatis laboribus nostris laudem gloriamque ceu præmii vice expectaveramus, prorsus adimunt. Sic ut sæpissime a meo reditu optarim etiam atque etiam rursum"_ * * * | |
Copy, imperfect, pp. 3. From Gardiner's letter book. | |
23 May. R. O. |
Dr. Melton, (fn. 1) chancellor of the church of York, is taken with a palsy, and not likely to live. | |
Asks him to confer his parsonage of Clanworthe, of 10l. or 20 mks., on Mr. Tetworthe, "doctor of Sevylle," who is substantially learned and approved by the Dean and Wolsey's other officers, and does diligent service to your Grace and my master. "From your Grace's church of York," 23 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c. my lord Legate, &c. Endd. | |
24 May. Le Grand, III. 99. |
Has little to add to what he wrote on the 19th, except what Morette will relate, who has met with a good reception. If you had told me at first, as Morette promised, what you proposed to do for the contribution, there would have been no need of so many excuses, but they would have mended the bargain. Still, as things are, you will not find them so bad. You had better write to Wolsey, thanking him for his great services in preserving a good understanding with his master, and begging him not to take ill any hasty expression, either in former letters, or in the conversations held with the bishop of Bath; and that Francis and Madame have full confidence in him. I am sure this would do good. He says he has been informed by the bishop of Bath that Francis told him he would allow Silvester to go, and, if he found the Emperor inclined to peace, would take counsel with England upon any difficulty that might occur. This was quite to his mind, all the more as he acknowledges it is not so pressing a matter to determine of the extremity of the said articles as it was when the question being of making war in Flanders an immediate resolution was necessary. He intended that Morette especially should mention this matter to Francis; but he did it in general terms, without limiting himself by a promise, which he might be called upon afterwards to fulfil. I believe firmly what he wished Francis to be told was with a view to justify the King his brother, that he knows well the said King desires nothing but peace and quietness, and wishes Francis had the same will. He desired us to show the King the decipher of the Emperor's letters to the lady Margaret, and to read to him very distinctly the article which speaks of the divorce, and of the mutiny of the people; which we have not failed to do. The King frowned not a little at it, and abused the Emperor somewhat (et qu'il ayt ung peu parlé à l'Empereur). | |
The Legate was very sorry that you had said in France that in England they could not keep their people in control; and as by my letters it looked as if this information came from me, I have had some little strokes of the whip for it; but I requested that my lord of Bath should be beaten as well as myself, for he said it quite openly. However, all that is passed. In all our conversation he continually comes back to this, that it is wrong for us to ground ourselves upon the matter of this salt, and that they were very bad merchants to buy a little salt so dear, which has only cost them the contribution of the past year. He declares he made this proposal to the Council of the King his master, that he might be able to conduct matters to your advantage and the Emperor's injury; and he swears he would sooner have lost 10,000 crowns than that the King his master should be informed of these terms, and still less of the others, viz., that if they do not keep their promise you will not keep the treaty of peace. | |
Has had many alarms during the last fifteen days, of which he writes little. Must now give a word of warning. Whatever you get from them, it would be well to treat as a kindness, and not as a right. This will best advance your aims;—letting bygones be bygones. We do not yet send the resolution about the contribution. We are discussing (nous susmes sus) the terms of 74,000 livres a month for five months, beginning in June in case the truce be published immediately. I think we shall have great difficulty in getting further. Until Morette comes, do not make much talk about it, so that there may remain something for him to say, and that you may be more sure of matters. London, 24 May. | |
French. | |
24 May. R. O. St. P. VII. 69. |
4293. CLERK and TAYLER to WOLSEY. |
Since Morette's departure nothing has occurred, except confirmation of the conflict by sea near Naples, in a letter from Lautrec. St. Pol, who was to have been captain-general of the army in Lombardy, had not the Venetians opposed it, was to be despatched this day or tomorrow. The duke of Urbino is to be in equal authority with him. It is said that Pavia has been surrendered to the Imperialists by the treason of a Venetian captain. The duke of Ferrara's son has come to marry Madame Rénée. He was met by the Great Master and others. The King received him in his chamber; my Lady on her bed, for she is much troubled by the gout. Poissy, 24 May. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
24 May. R. O. |
4294. CLERK to WOLSEY. |
Master Dean (Wynter) has been with him today, intending to have seen the Great Master, who, however, was too much occupied, and does not seem over well pleased with the difficulties lately made by us in our affairs. Though it is good he should see him sometimes, will advise him not to go till the cloud be past. "Surely your Grace will like Master Dean very well now." He has grown much in body and mind, and gives himself well to learning. He is three fingers taller than when Wolsey saw him last, "and beginneth to grow in breadth to a very good and a comely man's stature and fashion. He departeth this day or tomorrow again to Paris. This little recreation and taking of the air shall do him much good." Poissy, 24 May. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good Grace." Endd. | |
24 May. R. O. |
4295. PETLEY and CRUMWELL. |
Lease by William Petley, of Halsted, Kent, to Thomas Crumwell, of London, of the manor of Fylstow and other land called Andrewes, in the parish of Shoreham, Kent. Dated 24 May 20 Hen. VIII. | |
Corrected draft, pp. 4. | |
26 May. R. O. |
Last Sunday night his brother Sir Edward wrote to Wolsey of the evil purpose of certain ill disposed people, of whom he has taken some. He sent three of them that night to Sir Henry, to be committed to Maidstone gaol. Examined them on the following Monday. Forwards the examination; of which he has also sent a copy to Sir Edward that he may apprehend those they have accused. Thinks they would communicate more if they were examined before Wolsey. The beginner of this business remains still with his brother. Has delivered these three to the sheriff. Hopes little pity will be shown them, for an example to the shire. The neighbourhood is in good quiet. Leeds Castle, 26 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd. | |
26 May. P. S. |
Ratification of a bull of Clement VII., dated the day before the ides of May (14th) 1528, empowering Thos. cardinal of York to suppress the priory of St. Peter, Ipswich; to transfer the canons to other places; to convert the priory into a college, and to unite thereto the parish churches of St. Peter, St. Nicholas, St. Clement, St. Mary Reoye, in Ipswich, and of Woersted and Cretinghame, Norw. dioc. Greenwich, 23 May 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 May. | |
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 35. | |
R. O. | 2. Original patent of the above. |
Great seal attached. Endd. | |
27 May. R. O. St. P. IV. 495. |
4298. ANGUS to SIR CHR. DACRE. |
For the repressing of trespassers on the borders, the King "has thocht maist ganand" (fn. 2) that an army be raised by the 22 June next, and proposes to pass in his own person, as he now writes to his uncle. He advises Dacre and the other officers on the English borders to assemble the King's subjects by that day "to se, cerse and be sickir" that no such malefactors, nor their wives, children nor goods, be received in England. Writes to Sir Christopher, knowing that my lord his nephew is absent at court. Edinburgh, 27 May 1528. Signed. | |
Add.: Sir Christopher Dacre, wardane of the West Marchis under his nephew. Endd. | |
28 May. R. O. |
Has declared what Wolsey commanded him to the King, who liked it right well, and would add nothing to it, except that he thought Wolsey should send for the mayor and sheriffs of London, and other substantial men, and warn them to have a vigilant eye to the premises, considering that the message was sent to London, and answer made to it thence. He commends Wolsey's discreet instructions to the solicitor for the examination of the offenders, especially in that point which he thinks the chiefest to be regarded. | |
He has ordered Fitzwilliam to see his guard and his ship ordered as Wolsey devised. After leaving Wolsey, Fitzwilliam sent one of his servants to tell the Secretary the King required him at Court with all the clerks of the signet. As Fitzwilliam had to wait the writing of the minute of the letter, he arrived before him; and the King, knowing nothing of Fitzwilliam's message, and having already signed and sent to Wolsey the letters Wolsey had sent by Hennage, told him to return to London. Found, therefore, neither the secretary, nor any of the clerks of the signet, except old Henry Conwey. | |
As the letters are of importance, has set Conwey, the clerks of the Greencloth and the kitchen, and others, to work at them all night, and trusts most of them will be finished tomorrow. Finds some difficulty in getting the King to sign them all, but will take care that he signs those to the lords and most substantial knights. "The rest may pass well enough by the print." Greenwich, Wednesday night. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.: "A D'no Fitw'llmo, die 28 Maii." | |
29 May. R. O. |
Coming this morning from Tunbridge, where he has been for this week to put those parts in good order, received the King's letters concerning the disposition of some in the shire towards an insurrection, and that the judges will sit at Rochester on Thursday in Whitsun week to examine the matter. Will keep an eye to the quietness of the country, and have his servants and friends ready to repress disturbances and assist the judges at Rochester, as the King wishes. Has diligently inquired, and finds the country as quiet as can be desired. Has put those parts of Kent, and the part of Sussex which he rules, in readiness to execute the King's orders; as his brother the bearer, sheriff of Sussex, (fn. 3) will show. Hever, Friday before Whitsunday. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.: My lord of Rocheford the last of May. | |
29 May. R. O. |
His brother Sir Edward, and the gentlemen commissioned by Wolsey to be at Leeds this Friday afternoon, are now here. Since his brother wrote to Wolsey, he thinks no more persons are guilty. On Wednesday night he apprehended all that can be suspected, except three, who have escaped; so he thinks the band is broken. His brother thinks the sessions of Oyer and Terminer might have been appointed at Cranbrook, instead of Rochester. Leeds Castle, 29 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd. | |
30 May. R. O. |
The messenger has been prevented by contrary winds from crossing till today. Meanwhile have received the enclosed, which we send that you may see "what conjectures be had, the proof whereof resteth much in Chayr Ro O'Chonor, which your Grace gave wages unto in Thomas Bathe's house of Drogheda." He is now likely to be at variance with his brother O'Chonor, and hopes to occupy his room. If any such thing be done as appears in the letters, those who advised it should be punished. Believe it must have been without their master's consent. Things will never be well unless the King provide for good order to be taken between these two Earls if they are both to remain here; for their variance has brought the land into great danger. Jas. Glas, now bishop of Kilalo in O'Brene's country, came lately from his diocese, "showing us that O'Breen, called Chonor, son to the last O'Breen, having to wife the earl of Decimon's sister, came lately over the water of Synon (Shannon?) to confeder and knit the said Earl and his kinsmen together with divers other Irishmen of that coasts, and, as he reporteth, Cormach Og; and, moreover, told us that the said O'Breen would have been on the earl of Ossory for the saught of his brother before this time, were not that he thought it should hurt the earl of Kildare. We think O'Nele much likeminded." Still we fear the land will be ruined unless the Earl come home. Have spoken with Thos. Fitzmorice, "which abideth upon your land, by the setting of the earl of Kildare." He is quite willing to depart from it, if Sir Walter Delahide, the Earl's general receiver and surveyor, will take that discharge; which Jas. Fizgarrett thinks he will not do without orders. Recommend Chr. Delahide for the second judgeship of the Common Pleas here, now vacant. Dublin, 30 May. | |
P.S.—Have just received the enclosed letter from Sir Walter Delahide. | |
Signed: H. Dublin.—P. B. Justice. | |
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
31 May. Theiner, p. 561. |
Seconds the letters of the king of Scotland in behalf of Alexander Douglas, promoted to Moray on the death of Robert, the last bishop. Greenwich, 31 May 1528. | |
Lat. | |
31 May. Theiner, p. 561. |
Thinks it almost an insult that the Pope should recommend to him the Order of St. John, as he has always been zealous in its behalf, and will not fail to assist in restoring it to its ancient splendour. Has talked on the subject with the Great Master, as the Pope will learn from the bearer. Greenwich, 31 May 1528. | |
Lat. | |
31 May. R. O. |
My lord of Richmond and all his train are in good health, but six persons have died lately in the lordship of Pomfret, and many young children are sick of the pokkes. The Council have therefore determined to remove him to Ledeston, three miles hence. Those that died were first attacked with a great cold, next with a fervent heat and sweating, when they became delirious. Urges Wolsey to send down a physician, for there is none in all these parts. Pountefrete Castle, 31 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd. | |
31 May. R. O. |
Since the departure of the King's solicitor, have examined the commission of Oyer and Terminer, which they now send to be amended, as there are nine persons nominated, and only eight authorized. Beg that it be returned with all speed to Rochester, where they mean to be one day before the judges come. Leeds Castle, 31 May. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd.: "From Maister Gulford and Maister Hutton, (fn. 4) the last day of May." | |
31 May. R. O. Rym. XIV. 243. |
1. Bull of Clement (VII.) to cardinal Wolsey, for the suppression of the Benedictine monastery of Pré (de Prato), Linc. dioc., on the ground that the nuns do not keep good discipline, and the union of it and the parish church of Teneby to the monastery of St. Alban's, now held by Wolsey. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. | |
Lat., vellum, mutilated. | |
R. O. Rym. XIV. 244. |
2. Bull of Clement VII. to cardinal Wolsey. Faculty for redeeming the first-fruits of the diocese of Norwich. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. Rym. XIV. 246. |
3. Bull for transferring Snape and Dodenesch from Wolsey's college in Oxford to his college at Ipswich. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. Rym. XIV. 247. |
4. Bull for transferring Snape, Dodenesch, Wykys, Horkesley, and Typtre, to Wolsey's college at Ipswich. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. Rym. XIV. 249. |
5. Bull for alienating the moveable goods of the monastery of St. Alban's, held by Wolsey in commendam. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. Rym. XIV. 250. |
6. Bull for uniting the prebend of Wetwange, York, to Wolsey's college at Oxford. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. Rym. XIV. 251. |
7. Bull for Cardinal's college in Oxford to retain the revenues from the farms, &c. of the suppressed monasteries, obtained before application for the Papal letters. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. Rym. XIV. 252. |
8. Bull of exemption for Cardinal's college, Oxford. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. |
Lat., vellum. Two originals, one of which has lost the seal. Endd. by the scribe: "Registrata in Cama Ap'lica de mandato Car. S. Quatuor. B. Motta." | |
Rym. XIV. 257. R. O. |
9. Bull of exemption for Cardinal's college, Ipswich. Orvieto, 31 May 1528. |
Lat., vellum. | |
R. O. | 10. Inspeximus of the bull of Clement VII. (§ 1.) |
Pp. 10, large paper. | |
R. O. | 11. Fragment of an inspeximus. |
R. O. | 12. Bull confirming the annexation of Snape and Dodnesh, with their appropriations, to Cardinal's college at Ipswich. |
Draft, Lat., pp. 12, paper. | |
R. O. | 13. Bull of Clement VII. for exchanges. Orvieto, 1528, prid. kl. Junii. |
Draft, paper roll, Lat. | |
R. O. | 14. Clement VII. to Wolsey. |
Copy of § 2. | |
31 May. R. O. |
A large roll of confirmations of patents belonging to the same, commencing 3 April 1524, and ending 31 May 1528. | |
Imperfect, vellum. | |
R. O. | 4309. THOS. LUCAS to WOLSEY. |
The lieutenant of the Tower desired Sir Roger Townsend, Wigeston and me to examine three persons of Bury, sent by Sir Rob. Drury without any examination of them by him. Having heard of the matter in the country, Sir Roger and I examined them on Friday before Whitsunday. I send their confessions, and also those taken by Sir Rob. Drury, who, I find, was commanded by Norfolk to send them up. There is a great discrepancy between them. Desires to be excused for not coming himself on account of the plague in the city. | |
P.S.—It is said baron Elys is deceased. If so, begs to be had in remembrance therein, or else joined with Sir Thos. Nevill, as Wolsey himself suggested. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
May. R. O. |
4310. SEDITION in KENT. |
Depositions touching certain seditious proceedings at Goutehurst and Cranbrook. | |
i. Of [Robert] Banks, cutler of Goutherste. The "said" Robt. ... came to his house to learn cutlery about ... the said Nicholas told him that he had spoken to John Bigg, a clothmaker of Gouteherst, to know what the men of London intended to do, seeing they could have no course for their cloths. On Sunday, 10 May, Robert Bailye said to him, "We, with other good fellows, will rise for the Cardi[nal] ... [My]lner said unto him the same day, When we have the Cardinal we may no[t] slay him, for if we do the land shall be interdicted; therefore if we take him we will bring him to the sea side, and there will put him in [a] boat, in the which shall be bored four great holes, and the holes shall be stopped with pins, and so the boat and he shall be conveyed, with folks being in another boat, into the sea, and when it is there the pins shall be pulled out, and so sink him." Next Tuesday they went to Nicholas Love's house, and after a secret consultation Robert Banks, Nicholas Love and Robert Mylner went to a place between Gouteherste and Mr. Culpeper's, called Kichingfele, where they were overtaken by John Ungley, where it was proposed to procure as many as they could of their affinity. On Sunday before St. Dunstan's Day, 17 May, one Wrigg, of Cranbrook, fuller, said to Thos. Hyklyn, fiddler, in the churchyard of Gouteherste, that there were to the number of 50 persons in Cranbrook ready to rise, and there would be more. On St. Dunstan's Day they sent William Warre to Cranbrook, where he met with Robert Myln[er], who then spoke to John Freman and Hoge Owin, "a birler of clothes," to be of their company; and they said they would be at Gouteherst next Sunday, and ascertain what number they should have out of Cranbrook to join them. Will. Warre said his uncle, Rob. Warre, clothmaker of Cranebroke, would help them, and that there would be 100 at Frikynden ready to be of their company. | |
On Ascension Day, 21 May, Nich. Love and 12 others (names given) met at Will. Gastroft's, and proposed to go to Sir Alex. Culpeper's house at Bedgebery, and have his harness, and take him with them by force; then to Sir Edw. Guldeford's and Master Darell's of Scotneye, and do the same. Rob. Mylner told them that Jo. Freman of Cranbrook did say that when Robert of Ridsdale made a proclamation he used a cry which was thus: "Who made this cry? Robert à Rydsdale, Jack Straw and I." In his journey he left the gentlemen and justices of the peace behind him, who beheaded him on his return; but if he had taken the gentlemen with him and beheaded them, he might have ruled all at his will. | |
John Armistrong, laborer of Gouteherst, said he durst be one of the half hundred to take all the ordnance at the Block-house at Rye. | |
ii. Of John Ungely, husbandman of Gouteherste. On Tuesday s'ennight, before St. Dunstan's Day, i.e. 12 May, he came to William Gastroft's house in Gouteherste, and there first heard of the purpose of Nicholas Love, who there said to him, "Thou seest we be in much poverty. If I can get company to get corn of the rich men, wilt thou be one of them to help to get it?" To which Ungeley said, "Yes, if the company was sufficient." He afterwards overtook Love and others at Kechingfelde, when Love wished to send him to Mr. Oliver's, a shoemaker at Cranbrook. On Thursday, 21 May, Ascension Day, deponent, coming out of the church gate at Gouteherste, met Peter Tailour, a smith, and went with him to drink at Gastroft's, where they found eleven others, &c. Signed: Henry Guldeford—John Crowmer. | |
Pp. 3, badly mutilated and imperfect. | |
Cal. D. X. 252. B. M. |
4311. _ to FRANCIS I. |
"... vous avez este ave ... a guerre que Messieurs voz ... nte Lygue ont fait a lamp[ereur?] ... par toute ceste frontiere ledit amp[ereur?] ... les marchans Francoys et Angloys ... et a depesche deux brigantins, l'ung ... en Flandres et pour avertir son frere d ... | |
"Sire, vous scavez de combien vous t ... Bayonne, qui est aussi mal garnie de [toutes choses necessaires] pour la conservacion d'icelle que ville de fro[ntiere] ... comme par cy davant vous l'ay fait entend[re] ... consceil, davantaige tous les ramp[arts] ... fonduz et la moytie d'ung pain de mur ... chasteau neuf par terre. Il est deu aux ... vous a pleu ordonner pour la garde d'icel[le] ... Haultbourdin adactz neuf mois et noz pa ... passer. La plus part des pompes et paignons ... faim a cause de la grave famine qui est ... escriptz a present bien au long a Mons. l ... pour vous avertir du tout vostre bon plaisir ser ... entendu son dire faire donner ycy tielle pre ... le requiert de peur que inconveniant n['arrive]. | |
"Sire, je prie a nostre Seigneur vous don[ner bonne vie] et longue. De nostre ville de Bayonne ce ..." | |
Mutilated. Add.: Au Roy. | |
Calig. E. I. 43. B. M. |
4312. [TAYLER to TUKE.] |
"... s in the schedule of these new offers now [made unto] us by the French king; mention is made that the ... my lady Margaret (of Navarre) should desire that the cities should [be] first delivered in all these eight ways by us proponed;" which has convinced them that these ways are the proposal of my Lord without th[e Empe]ror's knowledge. The Chancellor is willing that the English propositions be transmitted to Spain, but they will nowise assent to them "if we do [not] bring the money to the full sum of 1,200,0[00 cr.], the iij. degree newly offered." Could send for Ichyngham well enough, and doubts not he would come, but they put off all that they can till they hear from Lotreke. "For this cause my Lady ... somewhat, as I imagine, the more sicklier;" and the French king has gone out of the way, 20 leagues from Paris. "They reckon as ... that the Emperor will deceive them if he might, a[nd] ... that he may do so if he will as long as ... have the Dolphyn in his hand, what caution p ... renunciation so ever he shall make. This thing is ... imbibitum, that all the reasons and persuasions that ... be made cannot bring the fear hereof out of th ... And as touching this reason u ... that making promises with renun[ciation] ... devised but that the Emperor will ... They here be nothing moved wy ... say what and the Emperor in deed s ... what a scornful point should we be th ... be plain with you as I do take it. Th ... that they have deceived the Emperor all ready ... leastwise the Emperor reckoneth that they so ... they say plainly that the Emperor might ... them after the revocation of the army ... playde me on, why may I not play the ... for haste I have not so perfectly expressed th ... letter unto my Lord's grace, therefore ye may ... unto him if ye think it expedient. I ... mislike that the Chancellor is content that all the overtures be sent ..." | |
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated. | |
May./GRANTS. | 4313. GRANTS in MAY 1528. |
1. Rob. Grene, one of the King's footmen. Annuity of 6l. 13s. 4d. out of the issues of the lordship of Denbigh. Richmond, 10 April 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 May 20 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 12. | |
3. The Provost and College of St. Mary, Eton, near Windsor. Mortmain licence to acquire lands, &c. to the annual value of 40l. Del. Westm., 8 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 33. | |
4. Thos. the prior, and the exempt Cluniac monastery of SS. Peter and Paul, Mountagu. Licence to appropriate the parish church of the Blessed Virgin, Margaret, (fn. 5) Tyntenhull, Bath and Wells dioc., on condition that a perpetual vicarage of one secular priest be established there, at the discretion of the ordinary of the place. Del. Westm., 4 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10. | |
4. Robert Foster. Pardon for having accidentally shot with an arrow his brother Thomas, at Brikhill Magna, Bucks, in the close of Thomas Paradise. Westm., 4 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13. | |
5. Robt. Acton, gentleman usher of the Chamber, and Margerie his wife. Grant, in tail male, of certain land called "Le Wastes," in the manor of Walsal, parcel of the manor of Stafford, late of the duke of Buckingham's lands. Del. Westm., 5 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
5. Walter Devereux, K.G., lord Ferrers and Cherteley. Grant, in tail male, of the English manor of Pentkelly, S. Wales, part of Buckingham's lands, on surrender of patent 24 Nov. 16 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Sir John Rageland. Westm., 5 May.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18. | |
5. Elias Hilton, servant of queen Katharine. Grant of the site of a tenement, now decayed, in Gravesend, Kent, between the lower street and the Thames, and a wharf adjoining, which appear by an inquisition before John Joskyn, escheator temp. Hen. VI., to have belonged to Richard Walshe, shipman, who was outlawed at the county court holden at Rochester, 29 Nov. 30 Hen. VI., for high-treason. Del. Westm., 5 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18. | |
5. Ric. Croke. To be Notingham pursuivant-at-arms, attending upon the duke of Richmond and Somerset, vice Wm. Hasyng, who is promoted. Greenwich, 30 April 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 May.—P.S. | |
5. Wm. Hayes of London. Release of all sums for which he was held accountable before 1 Jan. 7 Hen. VIII., as executor of Jo. Hayes of Tiverton, Devon, s. and h. of Jo. Hayes, receiver (temp. Edw. IV., Ric. III., and Hen. VII.) of Salisbury and Spencer lands.—Westm., 5 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21. | |
6. William Uvedale. Grant of a messuage and the whole land in Est Purbek, Dorset, late of Richard Unwyn alias Onewyn, forfeited to the Crown, and extending between Kyngesdoune and Warhamswey, leased 16 Oct. 6 Rich. Il. to Philip Wallewyn, for 10 years; to hold to the said William, &c. at the annual rent of 2d.; on surrender of patent 2 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII., granting him (John Uvedale of London and Richard Philippe of Pole, Dorset, being his bail,) the custody of the same, at the annual rent of 27s. 8d., and 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 6 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 14. | |
6. William Crane, master of the boys of the King's chapel, lately appointed to furnish the King's ships called le Caryke alias le Kateryn Forteleza and le Nicholas Rede, and the King's three galleys called le Rose, le Henry and le Kateryn. Release of the 800l. received by him from the King by the hands of Sir John Daunce, to be spent on the furnishing of the said ships, and in wages for the workmen, &c. Del. Westm., 6 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 29. | |
6. John Hutton, Guisnes pursuivant at arms. To be Blewmantle pursuivant at arms. Richmond, 24 April 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 May 20 Hen. VIII.—P.S. | |
8. Llewellin Vaughan ap Morgan ap David Game. To be chancellor and receiver of the lordships of Brechon and Haia, and chancellor and receiver of the lordships of Cantrecelly, Penkelly, and Alexandreston, S. Wales, forfeited by Buckingham. (Hugh Mervyn having held at pleasure the offices of chancellor and receiver of the lordship of Brechon by patent 28 April 14 Hen. VIII.); with fees of 6l. 13s. 4d. a year as chancellor and receiver of Brechon and Haia, and 3l. 6s. 8d. a year as chancellor and receiver of Cantrecelly, &c. Del. Westm., 8 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 22. | |
8. Jo. Davy, groom of the Chamber. Wardship of Hen. Blount, an idiot, s. and h. of Thos. Blount of London, ironmonger. This grant to be cancelled if the lands, &c. (which are situated at Great Marlow, Bucks) exceed the annual value of 5 marks. Richmond, 23 April 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 20. | |
8. Richard Archer. Livery of lands as s. and h. of John Archer, jun., and grandson and h. of John Archer, sen. Westm., 8 May.—S.B. (which is undated). Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. | |
8. Lucy Morton, widow. Custody of the possessions in Winterborne alias Kyngeston Winterborne, Mynster, Hampreston, Kyngston, Lacy-Gillingham, Horssyngton, and Milton-upon-[F]lower, Dorset, and Mere, Wilts, lately belonging to John Morton, of St. Andrew's, Milborne, deceased, or any other, to the use of the said John Morton, during the minority of Thomas Morton, s. and h. of the said John. Del. Westm., 8 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 29. | |
9. Richard Stapull, of Alyngton, Kent. Pardon for the death of Robert Poll, of Lynton, weaver. Del. Westm., 9 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 29. | |
9. John Lovell. To be surveyor and keeper of the orchard in the manor of Richmond, Surrey, with 2d. a day from two years previous to this date, from which time he has performed the office. Del. Westm., 9 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 10. | |
11. Thomas Aleyn and John Willyams. Reversion, in survivorship, of the offices of bailiff of the lordship of Hanley, and keeper of Blakeamore park, now held by Thomas Beston, by patent 7 Oct. 6 Hen. VIII., granting them to him and John Pate, page of the wardrobe of Beds. Del. Westm., 11 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20. | |
11. Methwold, Norf. Inspeximus and confirmation of a patent of 4 Hen. VII., granting a market and fair to the inhabitants. Westm., 11 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. | |
11. John Parker, yeoman of the mail ["valect' de le n'r male"]. Reversion of the office of bowbearer in the forest of Gawltres, York, and collector of "le tachment money" there, which offices were granted by patent 1 April 14 Hen. VIII. to George Lawson;—with 4d. a day as bowbearer, and 40s. a year as collector. Richmond, 16 April 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 May 20 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 20. | |
11. Anthony Twaytes and Edmund Clere. Licence to alienate land, &c. in Thresk, Yorks., to Sir John Nevyll, William Nevill, Thomas Nevill, Marmaduke Nevill, John Dawny, Richard Norton, Christopher Wandesford, and Robert Lunda. Westm., 11 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. | |
11. Robert Brown and John Plumsted. Lease of all lands leased for 21 years to John Butts by patent 1 Aug. 18 Hen. VIII., parcel of the manor of Wormegey, Norf., and of the lands of the late viscount Beaumont, viz., lands called "le Holmes" and Baddesfennes, late in the tenure of John Lassheborne; others of John Fyncham, others of the priory of Pentney, and of the prioress of Blakeburgh; and also lands leased for 21 years to the said John Butts by patent 8 March 9 Hen. VIII.; to hold to the said Robert and John, to the use of the tenants of the lordship of Wormegay, for 21 years from Mich. 1538, or as soon as the premises shall revert to the King by surrender or otherwise; at the same annual rent of 9l. for the parcels contained in the patent 1 Aug. 8 Hen. VIII., and for those mentioned in the patent 8 March 9 Hen. VIII., the annual rent of 53s. 4d., and 53s. 4d. of renewed rent. Westm., 11 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. | |
12. Robert Dolben, jun. Lease of lands late in the tenure of William Dolben, Robert Dolbyn, John Knowesley, John Walker, John Burchinshawe (parcel of the park of Sigroit, in the commote of Keymerght, lordship of Denbigh); also land late in the tenure of Robert Wynnewey, parcel of Llewenny park, in the commote of Issalet in the said lordship; with reservations, for the term of 21 years, at the annual rent of 23s. 8d., and 3s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 12 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 12. | |
12. William Lord Sandys, late treasurer of Calais, the King's chamberlain. Release of all debts and penalties incurred in the said office of treasurer, under statute 3 Edw. IV. Del. Westm., 12 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 29. | |
13. Edward Litelton. Wardship of Walter, kinsman and heir of Roger Horton, deceased, who held of the King in chief, as of the honor of Tutbury, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster. Westm., 13 May.—S.B., undated. Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7. | |
13. Edward Lytelton. Wardship of John, s. and h. of John Cotes. Del. Westm., 13 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9. | |
13. Griffith Smith of Lancarvan, Glamorgan. Pardon for the murder of Alex. Seyntjohn. Del. Westm., 13 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26. | |
14. Roger Ratclyff, gentleman, usher of the Privy Chamber, Philip Wogan, Thomas Westby and Thomas Horsley, clks. Advowson of the canonry and prebend of Sheptonunder-Wichwoode, Oxon., being a prebend and canonry in Salisbury cathedral, on the first voidance. Del. Westm., 14 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18. | |
14. John Mylys. Pardon for having killed, in self-defence, Richard Shepard of Leominster, Heref., as appears by the record of Thomas Philyp, coroner. Westm., 14 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6. | |
14. Thos. Elyot. Wardship of Erasmus, s. and h. of Reginald Pyme, with custody of the manor of Cannyngton and a third part of the manor of Exton and Hawkerege. Del. Westm., 14 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 6. | |
14. Thos. Alen and Alice Maston, widow of [William] Maston. Annuity of 30l. Del. Westm., 14 May.—S.B. | |
14. Henry Smyth and Thos. Flower. To be clerk and surveyor, in survivorship, of the King's works in England, with the usual fees; on surrender of patent 11 June 1 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Henry Smythalone. Greenwich, 2 May 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 18. Vacated on surrender by the said Thomas, the survivor, 1 Oct. 24 Hen. VIII. | |
15. John Coole, M.A. Presentation to the parish church of Towen Meryoneth, with the chapels of Taleyllye, Pennalle, and Llanvyhangell, Bangor dioc., vice William Tofte, deceased. Greenwich, 12 May 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 May.—S.B. | |
15. John Scott. To be third baron of the Exchequer. Westm., 15 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13. | |
15. William Fermor. Pardon for accidentally killing James Kyng with a knife in the house of William Straton, at Stapelherst (Kent). Westm., 15 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. | |
16. Jo. Dowfeld or Duffild of London, mercer. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfeld. Del. Westm., 16 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
18. Jo. More, salter, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfeld. Greenwich, 6 May 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 May.—P.S. | |
20. Griffith or Geoff. Yonge, of Kingsclere, Hants, alias of Ellesmore, marches of Wales, and Rob. his son. Pardon for the murder of Th. Batemanson, alias Glover, at Kingsclere. Eltham, 25 March 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May 20 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 36. (fn. 6) | |
20. Thos. Barrowe, late of Cristleton, Cheshire. Pardon. Greenwich, 28 April 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May 20 Hen. VIII.—P.S. | |
22. Rob. Rauson or Rawlinson, of Henleyupon-Thames, dyer. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Greenwich, 10 May 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 May.—P.S. | |
22. Rob. Oxynfeld. Warrant to Sir Anthony Ughtred, vice-captain of Berwick, and Geo. Lawson, treasurer, to admit Oxynfeld to the office of gunner in the old retinue to which he has been appointed. Westm., 22 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
22. Miles Forest and Cuthbert Thursby. To be keeper of Wolles Park, adjoining Bernard Castle, in survivorship; which office was granted to Thomas Thurby, yeoman of the Crown. Westm., 22 May.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. | |
22. Sir Andrew Billesby. Wardship of Andrew, s. and h. of John Asserdby. Del. Westm., 22 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 8. | |
22. Sir Robert Turwytt, squire of the Body. Custody of all lands and tenements in Fereby, Linc., and Adlyngflete, York, late of Thomas Kyddall, during the minority of William Kyddall, his son and heir. Del. Westm., 22 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 37. | |
28. Humphrey Bowland, gentleman of the Exchequer. Lease of the lordships of Stourton and Kynvere, Staff., now held by Edward lord Dudley by patent 4 June 15 Hen. VIII., to hold to the said Humphrey from Mich. A.D. 1543, on the expiration of the said lease, for the term of 21 years, at the annual rent of 20l., and 40d. of increase. Del. Westm., 28 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 14. | |
28. Hugh Pole. Lease of land in Peepling and Froyton, co. Guysnes, marches of Calais, now in the tenure of the heirs of lady Muyssys, for the term of 21 years, at the annual rent of 8d. an acre, 33s. 4d. in all. Del. Westm., 28 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 29. | |
29. Thos. Billingis, of Bachaeger, commote of Rotl. [Rhuddlan], co. Flint. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robert Wingfeld. Del. Westm., 29 May 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. |