Henry VIII: January 1528, 26-31

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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January 1528

26 Jan.
R. O.
Are in great want of money, which Brian Tuke will not deliver without a warrant. Dr. Burnell, now deceased, who was treasurer of the Princess's chamber, would ere this time have been in London for this and other matters, had his health allowed. Request them to move my lord Cardinal in the matter, and for repairs for the castle of Wigmore, which is very ruinous. Ludlow, 26 Jan. Signed: Jo. Exon.—Ja. Denton—E. Croft—John Salter—R. Sneyde.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Sir John Porte, knight, one of the King's justices, and Master Russell, secretary unto the Princess.
Endd.: Letters from the Princess Council to Mr. Port.
26 Jan.
R. O.
Begs him to remember the great decay and poverty of York, which is not like to continue as a city unless relieved of the 100l. demanded by my lord of Rutland. This done, it may amend again, especially if by Wolsey's favor the shipping of wools may continue, for clothmaking here is sore decayed, as the merchants of the staple at Calais buy no cloth of this country. York, 26 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Legate. Endd.: "The dean of York, xxvjta Januarii 1527."
27 Jan.
Léonard, II. 329. Le Grand, III. 27.
3844. CHARLES V.
Answer made to Clarence (Clarencieux) king-at-arms (27 Jan.)
In answer to what you, Clarencieux, have declared by word of mouth to the Emperor in the name of the king of England, as, after receiving a verbal answer from his Majesty, you have at his request delivered a writing signed with your name, desiring a more particular answer, his Majesty has ordered this reply to be made to you in writing.
1. The Emperor has hitherto regarded the king of England as a true mediator and common friend of himself and Francis, and therefore the most fitting minister to treat of a universal peace. The King and Wolsey themselves have acknowledged, after several discussions, that France was the first aggressor; and, in virtue of the treaty of London, Henry declared war against Francis; so that he ought to blame Francis, rather than the Emperor, as the cause of all the ills which have ensued by that war, both at Rhodes, in Hungary, in Germany, and at Rome. For all the world knows that it was not owing to his Majesty that provision was not made against the Turks, and that what has occurred at Rome has been without his consent; and that he has never been disinclined to an honorable peace, and has given up much of his right to satisfy the king of England. He even for Henry's sake abandoned much that the king of France of his own accord offered to the viceroy of Naples, and accepted conditions which he would not have done for any other Prince. Francis, on the other hand, cannot be said to have done anything for the sake of the king of England, except cut down by his means the offers he had already made to the Viceroy.
2. As to the deliverance of the Pope, his Majesty has already replied to you by mouth that he was free, and he has certain news that he left Rome without hindrance on 16 Dec. As to what was done against his Holiness his Majesty has written in his own justification to the king of England, desiring his counsel what should be done for the good of Christendom, and has had no answer. The king of England ought to know that the Emperor would not be unfaithful to the charge which God has given him for the protection of the Holy See, any more than the king of England.
3. The Emperor has never denied his debt, or refused to pay it. If payment has been delayed it has been because the English ambassadors, up to the point of the rupture, were treating to pay themselves from the monies of France, and after the rupture, which was only for lack of power, they demanded full payment in ready money, not only of the money lent, but of the indemnity for four years and four months at the rate of 133,305 crowns a year, and 500,000 crowns more as the penalty for the non-fulfilment of the marriage of the princess [Mary]. The Emperor made them answer that as to the money lent, seeing that they had not with them the original obligations or the jewels pledged for part payment, his Majesty, holding himself condemned (en soy en tenant pour condemné), offered to repay all the sums lent within the term given by law to those condemned, provided a suitable place were chosen for both parties where the payment should be made, and the king of England would send thither some one with sufficient power to give acquittance, and restore the pledges with the original obligations.
As to the demands of the indemnity and penalty, the ambassadors were told that as their commission only empowered them to demand debts in general, his Majesty did not think they would persist in such demands, and if they did he would send to the king of England to show him reasons why they should be forborne. And as the said reasons were not then delivered in writing to the ambassadors, although some of them were declared to them by mouth, his Majesty has ordered them to be stated here in writing, in order that if the King lay claim to the said indemnity and penalty, all the world may see that he has no just right to them. For as to the indemnity there were five strong reasons for refusing it, even if the ambassadors had had special powers to demand it. (1.) The obligation is grounded upon the retention of the pensions and monies which were due by Francis to the king of England solely by virtue of treaties and obligations, and these were not shown. (2.) The grounds for the said indemnity are not true, because the obligation was made in England before the Emperor passed into Spain, and the same day that the treaty of Windsor was made, so that it could not be for aid given to his Majesty in his passage to Spain, when he had not yet passed, nor yet for the passage from Calais to Dovor, for as to that it was settled by the treaty of Windsor that his Majesty should be bound to give equal aid to the King, when he wished to pass from England to France. Also as to the statement that it was for declaring himself enemy to the French king, the French king had already withheld payment of the said pensions for a whole year. And if he say that he took up arms by virtue of the treaty of Windsor, he cannot have lost anything, because the declaration was not to be made by virtue of that treaty till the end of May 1524. If he found his claim upon the declaration made before, which cannot have been a month before the treaty of Windsor, one of two things must be confessed;—either that the said declaration was made in virtue of the treaty of London against France;—in which case the obligation of that treaty being reciprocal it cannot be said that there was just cause to bind the Emperor to the indemnity;—or that the said declaration was made, as is more likely, because the French king had failed in the payment of what he owed, which in any case was not owing to the Emperor. (3.) If Wolsey, who was the real author of the said indemnity, will confess the truth, he will remember that he told his Majesty, in presence of his Council, on the part of the king of England, that he should never pay anything of the said indemnity, and that it was only done to satisfy the King's subjects, and make them think that the King suffered no loss. (4.) The French king has, by the treaty of Madrid, sworn that the king of England should be paid all his arrears, and taken upon him the burden of the said indemnity, which his ambassadors have accepted in his name, expressly agreeing that the treaty in this point should remain in force. (5.) Even if the obligation be valid, the King, by demanding for four years and four months what is only due for three years, may lawfully be denied the whole.
As to the penalty demanded by the ambassadors, there are three strong and evident reasons to show that it is not due. (1.) According to both civil and canon law, penal stipulations to circumscribe the liberty of contracting marriage are null and void. (2.) Even if it were not, the obligation cannot be founded on the treaty of Windsor, without the King proving that he has fulfilled the whole of that treaty himself, which he cannot do. (3.) The Emperor, before his marriage, desired the King to send his daughter to Spain to satisfy his subjects, or else to consent that he should marry elsewhere, and Henry preferred to send power to his ambassadors to consent to another marriage, under certain conditions. Besides, the king of England had not fulfilled the treaty himself, but had contravened it in various ways; for it was discovered, by letters intercepted at sea, that he was treating for the marriage of his daughter with the Scotch king, his nephew, long before the Emperor's marriage with the Empress; and if the penalty was in force the King himself would have incurred it. The king of England, besides, in violation of the treaty of Windsor, had entertained for one year at his court one John Joachim, who treated secretly on the part of France, and he afterwards received publicly the president of Rouen; and when the Emperor's ambassador wrote the truth of what he had seen and heard he was threatened, maltreated, his letters to the Emperor taken and opened by the King's ministers. Worse still, since the taking of the king of France, the King being required, according to the said treaty, to make arrangements with the Emperor for a joint peace, and to send power to his ambassadors, and state his claims, would not listen to the proposal, thinking to make his advantage otherwise, which was the cause of all the troubles which have since followed. And all this was done before the Emperor married, or treated with the King of France; and the Emperor has borne with it all, rather than break with England.
4. The charges against the Emperor of disrespect to the Holy See, and breach of faith towards England, might be retorted upon others, but it does not seem fitting for princes to bandy words together; nor has the King any ground to accuse him for refusing the last terms offered to him, for it appears that Henry had determined to defy him without awaiting an answer whether the Emperor accepted them or not. If he had given him an opportunity, he would have found that his Majesty placed more confidence in the sole word of the king of England than in all other sureties, and that he would have complied with all the terms offered, except only that of the revocation of his army, and of the attempts made since the treaty of Madrid; that the same ambassadors had consented to the communications of Palencia (fn. 1) according to the second article of the said treaty, which defined the things to be done before the restitution of the children; and as to the security to be left, they wish to defer it till the deliverance of his children, which was not reasonable. (fn. 2)
So that it is evident, whatever answer the Emperor might have given, their object was not peace, but greater war; for the writing delivered on the part of the French king was dated 11 November, and the said kings-of-arms remained in this city all the time of the communications of the said ambassadors, which were only meant to lull his Majesty to sleep, in the hope of peace, while they were arming on the other side.
5. His Majesty has already answered your threat of compelling him by force of arms, so virtuously by word of mouth, that no other answer can be made. Henry ought to keep faith, not only with Francis but with all others. His Majesty has also replied sufficiently to the declaration of war, and hopes Henry will not give him greater occasion for it than he has given to Henry. For if it be true, as is said both in England and France, that the King intends to separate from the Queen and marry another (which his Majesty cannot believe, seeing that he (Charles) has in his hands the dispensations, which he is ready to show, and which are so ample that they allow no subterfuge without impugning the power of the Pope), the Emperor would have a better cause to declare war against England than England against him. Such conduct would show by how little faith, honor or conscience Henry was guided, and would make intelligible enough his object in giving his daughter to his Majesty in marriage, if he tried to make her a bastard; although, as above said, he cannot believe Henry would commit such a scandal, except it were upon false information from the cardinal of York, who, because the Emperor would not employ his Italian army to make him Pope by force, as he had requested the Emperor to do by letters of his own, and by others which he had obtained from the King his master, has often boasted that he would involve the Emperor's affairs in such trouble as had not been seen these hundred years, and that the Emperor should repent it even if England went to ruin. No doubt, if Henry suffer himself to be led by the Cardinal, he will raise a storm which he will not be able afterwards to allay. But the Emperor commits his cause to God.
6. As to the last point,—the withdrawal of the merchants,—his Majesty replies as he has done to the last article put in by France, and adds that he knew that orders were given in England long ago, in expectation of this rupture, against conveying merchandise into his Majesty's dominions. So that it would not be just, one side only being warned to withdraw their goods; and on this point a convention ought to be made reciprocal on both sides.
Calig. D. X.
114. B. M.
* * * "allye des en ... Roy son bon frere, de la part du ...
"Et premierement ... Apres avoir presente les lettres de ... roy d'Angleterre, son bon frere, amy et perp[etuel allye avec ses]tres cordialles et affectueuses recommanda[tions] ... lesleu Empereur sans avoir regard aux grand[es offres] qui faictes luy ont este pour la delivrance de[s enfans] de France, oultre passans la rancon de troys ... et sans tenir compte des honnestes et bons remo[nstrances qui] luy ont este de la part dudit sieur roy d'Angleterre, auqu[el il est] tant tenu et oblige, s'est du tout prepare a la guerre [malgre] toutes lesdites offres, tellement que les ambassadeurs de[s deux Roys] ont este contrainctz de prendre congie.
"Et avant que le prandre (pour plus eulx mectre en ... moyen d'amolir la durete dudit Empereur, en passant ... offres finalles, luy ont offert de bailler et fournir ... somme de huit cens mille escuz, et par le moyen du ... seullement la personne de monseigneur le Daulphin ... mons. d'Orleans tint et demourast hostage, jusqu ... entier accomplissement des choses promises. E ... retraicte de l'armee, restitution de Gennes et ... tient, a laquelle offre a este respondu [de la part] dudit Empereur quil la reffusa * * * ... ays oy parler ... ambassadeurs en la presencc de son ... par sa lettre et responce baillee par es[cript] ... se alleguer, sinon quil ne luy en souvenoit p ... ne voulut ledit Empereur accepter ledit offre ... ambassadeurs furent contraincts de venir a lyntimacion ... laquelle fut faicte audit Empereur, par les deux her[aults, cest]assavoir Cler[encieux] de la part dudit sieur roy d'Angleterro [et Gu]yenne de la part du Roy.
"Respondant auxquelles intimations furent par ledit Empere[ur] ... et proferees, et depuis baillees par escript par son ordon[nance] ... plusieurs paroles diffamatoires, injurieuses, malsonnans ... des-honnestes, sugilans l'honneur et haultesse de l'un et de l'autre ... Roys, sans oublier Mons. le legat d'Angleterre, duquel a este ... dit que l'on ne feist oncques de prelat, ne beaucoup moindre ... et voyant le Roy treschrestien l'ingratitude et mauvaise invenc[ion de] ceulx qui ont controuve lesdites salles et deshonnestes parolles ... mesmement touchant l'honneur dudit sieur Roy son bon frere et p[erpetuel] allye et de mondit sieur le Legat son grant et parfaict amy, il se[n est] merveilleusement ressenty et fort esmeu, et non sans bonne et [juste] cause, ne faisant aucune doubte que ledit sieur roy d'Angleterre p[ar sa] gr]ande vertu et magnanimite et mondit sieur le Legat par sa preud[ence et fo]rtitude, ne sen ressentiront moings et tascheront par ... que par convices et injurieuses parolles donn ... grant erreur quil a faict" * * *
27 Jan.
R. O.
Thank him for the pains he has often taken "for the preferment and maintaining of your poor city of York, whereby we trust now that it shall be and continue a city."
Ask to be allowed to conclude with the earl of Rutland by writing of the certainty that they shall pay to him yearly from the fee-farm of the city. Desire his favor touching the grant for shipping wool and fell. York, under the seal of office of the mayoralty, 27 Jan.
P. 1. Add.: To the lord Legate's grace. Endd.
27 Jan. 3847. ST. MARY, BERKYNG.
Writ to the escheator of Essex for restitution of the temporalities of the Benedictine monastery of St. Mary, Berkyng, on the election of Dorothy Barley as abbess, whose fealty was to be taken by Geoffrey Wharton, clk.
Similar writs for London, Beds, Bucks, Midd., and Surrey. Westm., 27 Jan.
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6.
Constat and exemplification, at the request of Richard Foxe bishop of Winchester, of patent 16 Nov. 6 Edw. IV., exonerating William bishop of Winchester, and his successors, from all escapes of felons committed to their custody as ordinaries of the place. Westm., 28 Jan.
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
28 Jan.
.Cal. B. VII. 112. B. M.
Monday the 21st, (fn. 3) Will. Charlton, late of Shotlyngton, and others, entered the bishopric near Woolsbyngham, took the parson of Moegleswike; were pursued, especially by Edw. Horsley, your Grace's bailiff of Hexham. As the waters of the Tyne were swollen they were driven to Aidembrigge (Heydon bridge), which was barred against them. They were then pursued by a tenant of his, Thos. Erryngton, with a slot hound, assisted by one Will. Charlton with other Tynedale men. Charlton of Shotlington was slain by Erryngton; Jas. Noble, slain; Roger Armstrong and Archibald Dodde, taken prisoners. Charlton's body was hanged in chains on a gallows near Hexham; Noble, at Heydon bridge.
At Alnwick, Monday the 27th, Armstrong and Dodde were attainted and hung; and it got noised that if the rebels are not delivered by Angus, Northumberland would invade Nederdale. Willm. and Humph. Lisle and Will. Shaftowe surrendered on Sunday the 26th, as he came back from the parish church at Alnwick, and submitted to the King's mercy. Has written to the King of the same. Alnwick, 28 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good grace." Endd.: "Therle of Northumberland, 28 January 1527."
28 Jan.
R. O. St. P. IV. 486.
Since he wrote last, a fray was made, 21 Jan., by Edw. Horslay, my lord Legate's servant, and Thos. Eryngton, the Earl's servant, on Will. Charleton alias William of Shotelyngton, the head rebel of all the outlaws, and on Harry Noble, Archd. Dood and Roger Armestrang, who had robbed men in the bishopric of Durham. In their return Charleton and Noble were slain, and the other two taken. The latter were condemned by the Earl at a warden court, 27 Jan., and hanged in chains at Newcastle and Alnwick, where they had most offended; also Will. Charleton at Hexsam, and Harry Noble at Heydon Bridge, where the conflict took place. The rebels being thus disheartened, Will. and Humph. Lisle, and 15 others, met the Earl on Sunday last, as he was coming from mass, in their shirts, with halters about their necks, and submitted unconditionally. Committed them to prison at Alnwick. Alnwick, 28 Jan.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.: Therle of Northumberland, the 28th of January 1527.
Cal. B. VII. 113.
B. M.
2. Copy of the above, with slight verbal alterations, enclosed in No. 3849. Signed. P. 1.
28 Jan.
R. O.
Sends news of Italy, received from Dr. Knight, which was communicated by Melchior, the Pope's chamberlain. There seems to be good towardness in the affairs there. At the Starred Chamber, 28 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the King's most noble grace, Defender of the Faith.
28 Jan.
Harl. MS. 4637 C. f. 86 b. B. M.
3852. The BORDERS.
Copy of an indenture passed between the English and Scotch commissioners, 28 Jan. 1528, referring to keeping order in Liddesdale.
Pp. 3. Copy in a Scotch hand.
29 Jan.
Vit. B. X. 42 (fn. 4). B. M.
This morning* Lautrec sent signor Pawle Chemyno (Trivulzio) and count Guydo Darangon (Rangone) to know the Pope's pleasure about entering the League. He has good cause to do so, for Lautrec has put into his hands Ymole and Rymole. Lautrec tells him that the fleet has attacked Sardinia, and taken much victuals and money, and will go thence to Sicily and Naples. Lautrec is making great speed in his journey, in consequence of the King's and Wolsey's letters. He intends to enter into the kingdom of Naples in ten days. Rymola, 29* Jan. Signed.
P. 1.
29 Jan.
R. O.
3854. ITALY.
Supposes he has heard that our fleet has landed at Sardaigne. Wishing to besiege a town, they were attacked by the son of the viceroy of Sardaigne, with 5,000 or 6,000 foot, and 1,000 or 1,200 horse, but they defeated him with great loss. They then took the town, finding there much corn and other provisions. They are now proceeding to another town, where there are 300 or 400 Spaniards returning with plunder from Rome.
Fr., p. 1.
29 Jan.
Vit. B. X. 40. B. M.
Wrote last from Riminy on the 22nd inst., that he had sent Paule Camille Trevolx and count Guido Rangon to the Pope, to urge him to declare himself. Has not yet heard from them. Thinks his Holiness becomes daily more disposed to join the League. He has twice advised Lautrec of the means of destroying a band of the enemy, consisting of 3,000 Italians, with the help of the marquis of Saluces, all whose officers he has ordered to obey Lautrec, and provide him with victuals when he passes with the army. He has also sent a Roman nobleman, named Piere Paule Crefontio (Crescentio) to reside with him, and has commenced a practice with the counts of Montorio for delivering Aquila and Abruzzo to him. Has promised in the King's name, to one of the counts, 50 men-at-arms, to the other, 100 light horse, and 100 cr. a month, if peace is made, and they are obliged to leave their country. Hears that the Pope has appointed seven or eight persons to send continual news of the movements of the enemy.
The lansquenets at Rome have mutinied, and will not leave the city until they are paid both the sum promised by the Pope and their wages, which amount to 101,000 cr. The marquis de Guasto went to Naples for money, but Lautrec has not heard that he has brought any. He is much displeased that the prince of Orange is appointed captain, and Alarcon likewise. The marquis of Saluces informs him that Conradin, one of the chief captains of the lansquenets, told the prince of Orange expressly that if he was not paid in four days he would depart, and would find another master who would pay him. He had already offered the Marquis to come with three or four ensigns. If the lansquenets do leave the Imperialists, they will not have enough men to garrison more than one town. Sent for the ambassadors of Venice and Florence, and told them this news, showing them that it would result in complete victory; but money must be promptly supplied, that the lansquenets might be suddenly gained over, for the enemy would do all they could to content them. It was impossible to send to France for it, so they must furnish 80,000 cr., the amount of wages demanded. They promised to write urgently to the Signories, and they hoped for a good answer. Sent back la Perye to the Marquis, bidding him tell the captain that he and his men would be as well treated as any one in the camp. Hopes that his example will bring the remainder. It will then be easy to take the kingdom of Naples.
The Marquis writes also that he has heard that Andreas Doria has taken a carrack with ten or eleven Spanish captains, and property worth more than 150,000 cr. One Spaniard, the marquis of Retaldo, he has set free, as he had a safe-conduct from the Pope. Ancona, 29 Jan.
Fr., pp. 4. Endd.: Copie de la lettre de Mons. de Lautrec au Roy, du xxix. Jan., apportée par Mons. Ducroc.
30 Jan.
Cal. B. V. 69. B. M.
Commission from Henry VIII. to Henry earl of Northumberland to make an abstinence of war with James V. of Scotland. Westminster, 30 Jan.
P. 1, copy.
31 Jan.
Cal. D. X. 310. B. M.
3857. [_ to FRANCIS I.]
* **
"...[Esp]aigne que Mons. de Tarbe a despech[e] ... grande garde et dangier enquoy se trouv[e] ... [N]avarre ceulx qui en pourtent, vray est q ... e et fiance que je pourroye avoir du s ... baille enseignes telles du dit De Tarbe qui ... les avoir sceu d'autre que de luy.
"Sire, ledit De Tarbe m'a mande vous advertir [en toute] diligence que le vingt ungiesme de la moys J ... congie de l'Empereur pour lendemain s'en venir dev[ers vous et] ensemble Messieurs de Calvimont (fn. 5) et esleu Bayart ... ce mesme ceoir ledit Empereur les fist arrester e ... lougis, et lendemain a dix heurs devers le m ... [par] vostre roy d'armes et celluy d'Angleterre fut denunc[ee la] guerre audit Empereur de par vous, Sire, ledit roy d'Ang[leterre,] et la Saincte Ligue, et troys heures apres ledit [Empereur] fit prendre voz ambassadeurs et ceulx de Veni[se] ... de Florence, et les fit conduyre et menner a ung [chasteau] nomme Posa, estant neuf lieues de Burgues, en ... tous leurs gens par trente archiers et soixante ... lancequenetz de sa garde, la ou ilz sont a present ... prisonniers et ledit ambassadeur d'Angleterre ar ... en son lougis, et incontinent apres ladite de[nunciation] faicte ledit Empereur a mande venir devers l[uy le] connestable d'Espaigne et autres princes ...
"Sire, j'ay aussi ceste heure presente rece[u les lettres du] tresorier de Navarre par lesquelz v[ous] * * * ... ces d'Ipusco et de Biscaye de eulx ... nes pour faire ce que leur sera commande, E ... [Mo]ns. de Sainct Bonnet m'a escript lesditz de ... prendre quatre navires chargez de bledz ... Bayonne au devant du hambre du dit Bayonne ... assemblee des gens que l'on faict en Espaigne ... sire avez cydevant este adverti, l'on garde tel ... passaiges en Ypusco et Navarre, qu'il n'y a personne ... puisse passer ni reppasser sans grand dengier d ... personnes qui est a mon advis apparence d'affaire en ... frontiere, laquelle est despourveue de toutes chou[ses necessaires] pour la deffence d'icelle comme pourrez, Sire, s'il v[ous plaist,] plus a plain entendre par le roy et royne de N[avarre] ... et le besoing qu'il est que vous commandez y es ... pourveu en maniere que inconvenient n'en advieingne, c[ar il] seroit a craindre si la provision estoit differe[e] ...
"Sire, il vous plaira me commander si je permec[trai] que vos subjectz de pardeça se mectent en devoir de pre ... par moyen des biens des Espaigneulx comme lesdits Espaig[neulx le] font sur voz subgectz." Sorde, 31 Jan.
31 Jan.
Cal. D. X. 353. B. M.
3858. WOLSEY to DE HUPPY, Captain of Bordeaux (?)
* * * "fai ... len ... yad ... ompens ... furent ... [e]n la riviere de Bourd[eau]x pour la ... qui pour lors estoit en sa subgection lesquelles il ... il s'en va presentement de pardela pour les y mectre ... parquoy je vous prie trescordiallement que en ce ... de vostre aide pour amour de moy le vueillez avoir d ... luy monstrant tousjours vostre faveur accoustumee co ... esperance, et vous m'obligerez de tant p ... a fa ... vostres le semblable." Westm., 31 Jan. ... Signed.
Mutilated. Add.
R. O. 3859. [WOLSEY to FRANCIS I.]
Mons. de Brosso, the bearer, will report to him what has been practised with Mons. de Bayonne and himself since his arrival here, and the good disposition of the writer to his Majesty's affairs.
Fr., p. 1. Draft.
31 Jan.
R. O.
Gives his whole mind to such sciences and feats of learning as he is informed stand with Henry's pleasure. Requests a harness for his exercise in arms, according to his learning in Julius Cæsar, in which he hopes to prosper as well as he has done in other learnings, of which he trusts Magnus, director of his council, can make creditable report. Pontefrete Castle, 31 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
31 Jan.
R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 117.
Has written to the King for a harness to exercise himself in arms, "according to my erudition in the Commentaries of Cæsar." Hopes Wolsey will back his request. Pontefract, 31 Jan. Signed: Your full humble godson, H. Rychemond.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Unto my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.: From the duke of Richmond, ultima Januarii 1527.
31 Jan.
R. O.
3862. FULLER v. MUNDY.
Seven papers relating to the suit in Chancery of Thos. Fuller, of London, mercer, against Sir John Mundy, alderman, of London, with Wolsey's decree thereon, 31 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.
Among the witnesses are Rowland Philips, D.D., prebendary of St. Paul's, of the age of 60, sworn 24 May 19 Hen. VIII., and Will. Goodriche, D.D., parson of St. Martin, Otewyche, of the age of 52, sworn 27 May; whose arbitration had been accepted in 16 Hen. VIII.
31 Jan.
R. O.
Two papers of memoranda of the sale of cloths by Richard Grasam (Gresham) to the Hochstetters, dated 31 Dec. 1527 and 31 Jan. 1527.
R. O. 2. Fragment of one of Hochstetter's petitions (?)
Lat., pp. 2.
R. O. 3864. _ to _.
We have, according to your desire, informed the Cardinal "of the deceits of your wools." He commands them to appear before him and the Council at Westminster, with such persons as they think necessary, with instructions as to the detection of these malpractices.
P. 1.
Cal. D. X. 135. B. M.
" * * * to you and ... rys of this town by which though ... choose which ye sent, mostly your servant Barbour ... commodity to send these by your said servant ... of many times past be homely to pain you, not a[lone] ... of these my letters, but also with executing of my ... is to make mine humble recommendations unto m[y lord Legate's] Grace, and further more to show that in most h[umble wise] I beseech his Grace to have this town and the soowd[iers of the] same remembered in such things as I and the Counc[il thereof] have avised his Grace by writing," and as Dr. Steven Gardiner has spoken of to Wolsey. They touch most deeply the weal and safety of the town, for hunger often forceth the wolf to leap out of the wood. The town is likely to be in great want of [victual], and the lack of payment to the soldiers has created such poverty that what is brought into the market is still unbought, "for lack of mo[ney] ... the constables and vintners of the retinue hye[re] ... the King's council here, in the council ... lamentable manner, besought me ... * * * ... as no deputy of this town manny ... yd more sharply on the retinue nor cawsy[d] ... their duties than I have done and do, which acordy ... easily with delay of payment, for money lacking [it is] dangerous to force men to keep all their points ... and good obeisance; nevertheless this day being before ... before is said, I both exhorted and put them in the best co[mfort that] I could." Told them to give their companies the like comfort, for he was sure Wolsey would take such a way with the staplers or otherwise, that the retinue should be paid what was due to them on Oct. 6, and what will be due on April 6, and all future payments at the proper times. They seemed to be satisfied, and said that if this was not done shortly, they did not know how to pacify their companies, who are without money or pledges. Many have sold or laid [in pawn their be]ddys, on which they lay, and now lie upon the ... * * * better man than I count myself, yet there cow[d nothing] please me better, the King's highness being cont[ent therewith], than to wit my successor, whosoever it shall be ... haven hitherward, for surely peaceable poverty ... more meet for mine age and appetite than an ... overweighed with unthankful business." Calais, ... Jan. 1527.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add. Endd.
R. O. 3866. The SUBSIDY.
Estimate of the fourth payment of the subsidy, Hilary term 19 Hen. VIII.
The King's chamber, 63l. 16s. 4d. The King's household, 71l. 16s. 8d. The Cardinal's household, 64l. 16s. 8d. Bedfordshire, 31l. 16s. 8d. Buckinghamshire, 72l. 2s. 8d. Bristol, 174l. 10s. Cambridgeshire, 40l. 12s. Huntingdonshire, 116l. 7s. 8d. Cornwall, 73l. 16s. 8d. Devonshire, 423l. 6s. 8d. Exeter, 120l. 6s. 8d. Yorkshire, 49l. 13s. 4d. Essex, 466l. 13s. 8d. Colchester, 29l. 13s. 4d. Hertfordshire, 90l. 3s. 4d. Gloucester, 52l. 1s. 8d. Gloucestershire, 116l. 10s. Hereford, 36l. Herefordshire, 8l. 6s. 8d. Rochester, 12l. Kent, 542l. 13s. Canterbury, 37l. 16s. 8d. Lincoln, 33l. Lincolnshire, 333l. 8s. 8d. London, 1,928l. 9s. 8d. Middlesex, 157l. 12s. 8d. Northampton, 10l. Northamptonshire, 147l. 19s. 4d. Nottinghamshire, 66s. 8d. Derbyshire, 11l. 13s. 4d. Norwich, 281l. 15s. 4d. Norfolk, 338l. 10s. 4d. Suffolk, 617l. 5s. 8d. Oxfordshire, 147l. 10s. 6d. New Windsor, 18l. 10s. Berkshire, 257l. 17s. 8d. Rutland, 19l. Shropshire, nil. Staffordshire, 13l. Bath, 15l. 7s. 4d. Somerset, 215l. 3s. 4d. Dorset, 292l. 3s. 8d. Southwark, 68l. 7s. Surrey, 195l. 6s. 4d. Sussex, 231l. 2s. Chichester, 13l. Isle of Wight, 15l. Winchester, 10l. 10s. Portsmouth, 11l. 10s. Southamptonshire, 224l. 5s. 8d. Coventry, 68l. 6s. 8d. Warwick, 44l. 14s. Leicester, 7l. 10s. Leicestershire, 62l. 7s. Wiltshire, 663l. 9s. 4d. New Salisbury, 124l. 12s. Worcester, 19l. 2s. Worcestershire, 20l. 10s.
Lat. Endd.
R. O. 2. "Money whiche by estymacion maye be levyed by the last daye of Novembre."
London and the staple, arrearage of the loan, 1,000l. Subsidy to be advanced, 1,000l. Arrearage of the loan of the clergy, 1,000l.; of the temporality, 3,000l. Loan of persons not assessed, 2,000l. Strangers' goods, 1,000l. King's revenues, 3,000l. Customs and profres, 500l. King's debts, 2,000l. Anticipation of the temporal subsidy to be practised by Commissioners, 20,000l.; of the spiritual subsidy, 10,000l.
P. 1.
R. O. 3867. The MINT.
1. "Th'answer or veredyct to th'artycles that we ben sworn to consernyng the mynt maysters." (1.) "That the crown of the sonne, being of the just weight, is better than his value by 2d. sterling," as they had proved by two assays. (2.) That the crown of the sun is better than "the crown of doble roose," by 15d. per oz. (3.) That in the "moltyng" of 1 lb. weight of old coined sterling silver 2d. is sufficient for the waste, and for 1 lb. of gold _ (sum omitted). (4.) That whereas the masters of the Mint give 25l. for 1 lb. weight of crowns of the sun, or 100 crowns of the double rose, which is 25l. current, and in a pound weight of the same is 25l. 2s. 6d., it is found that there is fine gold in the pound weight of crowns of the sun to the value of 25l. 8s., for which they pay 100 crowns of the double rose, which lacketh 2s. 6d. in the pound weight; that the masters of the Mint give no more than 41s. 3d. per oz., which is for the pound weight 24l. 15s.; "so the merchant shall have for the pound weight 24l. 12s., and of every pound weight 25l. 2s. 6d., which is 100 crowns of the double rose;" so that the masters gain 10s. 6d. per pound weight, besides ½ oz. silver and ½ oz. copper found in every 12 oz. (5.) That the "King's subjects been greatly endomaged by occasion that the Mint masters have the handling of the beam at their own pleasures, without comptrolment or oversight of any indifferent sworn person." (6.) "That they occupy men's money in their own shops at their pleasures, and to their singular lucres," making men wait for their money; "for some men say that they have tarried two or three months." (7.) "That they keep not the sheer indyfferently neither of gold nor of silver," making some coins lighter and some heavier, &c. They will not give true value for foreign gold, and refuse controlment, notwithstanding your Grace's commandment.
Pp. 5. Endd. in a modern hand: "Copied for Mr. Newton, 1701."
R. O. 2. "The answer made by Robert Amadas and Ralph Rowlett, being officers and deputies, under my lord Mountjoy, of the King's mint within the Tower of London, to certain articles declared in a book by Hewgh Walche, Thomas Crispe and Thomas Annsham;" sc., (1) denying that a verdict was given by Sir Jo. Moundy, kt., and others, the 15th day of Hilary term 19 Hen. VIII.; (2) or that they made such profit as alleged from "the crowne of the sonne," the average fineness being 22 ¼ carats, "which amounteth 41s. 8 ½d., the which stonds us after the rate that we give for them 42s. 1d. the oz.;" (3) or on "the crownne of the dowbbill Roosse" (it being alleged that they made 22 ½d. profit in every pound weight of crown gold); (4) or that irregularities occur for lack of a good comptroller, there being an "aunsyant honest man, deputy to Sir Henry Wyatt, which hath continued over and above this 30 years;" (5) or that my lord Legate appointed their accusers to have 28l. 12s. 2d. for their costs for making trials against them; (6) or that a lb. weight of silver could be melted for 2 ½d., the accusers themselves having failed on two occasions, and involved them in a loss of 8l., which my lord Cardinal caused the accused to make good to Sir Henry Wyatt; (7) and asserting that they were losers by the coinage of the lewis (22 ½ carats fine) and the golden gildyn (18 ¼ carats), and made no such profit as alleged on the "egyll," the "myddill Carrolls," the "Phyllippos gildons" or the "smalle Carollus."
Pp. 3.
R. O. 3868. [JAMES V.] to HENRY VIII.
Asks for safe-conducts for [one] year for Jas. Ramsay and John Cowane, burgesses of Edinburgh, to trade in England.
P. 1, mutilated. Add.
Jan./GRANTS. 3869, GRANTS in JANUARY 1528.
3. Edw. Foxe, clk. Presentation to the rectory of Combemarten, Exeter dioc., vice Wm. Fell, S.T.P., deceased. Del. Westm., 3 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
3. Roger Enghelberd, a native of Wesel, duchy of Clive. Denization. Westm., 3 Jan.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
4. Sir Mathew Cradok, late general receiver in Glamorgan and Morgannok, S. Wales, and Sir Edw. Grevyle of Melcot, Warw., Sir Hugh Vaughan of Westminster, and Sir Rice Maunsell late of Glamorgan, N. Wales. Release of their recognizance of 1,000 marks entered into at Westminster before the barons of the Exchequer, 23 June 7 Hen. VIII. Westm., 4 Jan.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7.
10. Owen Henshman. Annuity of 5l. for the performance of divine service in Montgomery castle, out of the issues of the lordships of Montgomery, Kery and Kydowen, as enjoyed by Ryce Malegwyn, dec. Del. Westm., 11 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
12. Francis Capone, gold drawer of London, a native of Florence. Denization. Westm., 12 Jan.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
16. Wm. Moraunt, page for the Mouth in the Cellar. To be usher of the Chamber at Westminster, with 10l. a year out of the duchy of Cornwall, and the same fees as enjoyed by Thomas Ferrour, deceased. Del. Westm., 16 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
16. Tho. Goslyng, of Suthwerk, Surrey, vintner. Pardon for having killed Tho. Garland. Hampton Court, 6 Dec. Del. Westm., 16 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
17. Wm. Barlee, chaplain. To have the pension which the abbess of Barking gives to a clerk of the King's nomination until he be promoted to a competent benefice. Greenwich, 31—19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan.—P.S.
17. Tho. Westby, B.D. Presentation to the parish church of Debden, London dioc., void by death. Del. Westm., 17 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
18. Shermen and fullers of London. Grant to unite them as one body, called the guild of the Assumption of St. Mary the Virgin of Clothworkers. Greenwich, 7 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
19. Tho. Eton, of Rotherhithe, Surrey. Pardon for stealing cattle of John Kene and Rob. Kyrwyn of Wansworth, and John Dissher of Clapham, Surrey. Del. Westm., 19 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
22. Commission to Wm. Claybroke, clk., Rouland Lee, clk., and Edm. Bonare, clk., to hear and decide upon a petition presented to the King by Tho. Gyttyns, citizen of London, who, by authority of the mayor and burgesses of Bristol, arrested "the Trinity of Mountrygo," a ship belonging to Francis de Frankys, a Genoese, and summoned him to appear before the court of Admiralty of Bristol, for which Gyttyns was sentenced by the lieutenants of the lord High Admiral to pay the value of the ship. Westm., 22 Jan.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12d.
24. John Bukby, officer of the Pantry. To have a corrody in the monastery of Deule Encrees (Dieulacres), Staff. Del. Westm., 24 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
23. Wm. Hoddesdon, of Edgeware, Middx. Pardon for the theft of a knife (cultrum) and an iron "share," value 2s., and of an angel noble (7s. 6d.) and 20d., on the 17 and 25 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII., the property of Wm. Pollyn of Busshy. Del. Westm., 23 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
25. Jo. Clifford of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Jan.—P.S.
27. Rob. Wakerley, of Bury, Suff. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Jan.—P.S.
27. Jas. Thompson of London, grocer. Protection. Hampton Court, 8 Dec. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Jan.—P.S.
27. Rob. Burnett, late of Smarden, Kent. Pardon for the theft of 4 ells of medely kersey, value 5s. 4d.; 1 ½ ell of white kersey, value 2s.; 5 girdles, value 13s.; a shirt (camisia), value 2s.; and 70s. in money; the property of John Stone. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.7mdash;S.B.
27. Wm. Brent, son and heir of John Brent, dec., and of Matilda his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Walter Pauncefote, dec., "the said John having been a tenant of the duchy of Lancaster." Livery of the lands of the said John or Isabella Willoughby, late wife of the said Walter Pauncefote. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
27. Sir Hugh Vaughan. Constat and exemplification, at his request, of the enrolment (in consequence of the loss of the original,) of pat. 18 Nov. 15 Hen. VII., granting to John Carre, his heirs and assigns for ever, certain tenements in London and Southwark, forfeited by Sir Ric. Charleton. Westm., 27 Jan.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
29. Sir John Walop. Annuity of 50 mks. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
29. Commissions of Gaol Delivery.
Home Circuit: Sir John More, Tho. Inglefeld, Ric. Lyndesell.
York Castle: Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Ric. Lyster, James Fox.
Norfolk Circuit: Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Tho. Fitzhugh, Wm. Wyatt.
Westm., 29 Jan.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1d.
29. Ric. Phelypps, late collector of customs in the port of Poole, Dors. Pardon. Also pardon to Wm. Molyns of Sandhull, Southt., Jo. Wytcombe and Jno. Denyn of Lucton, Soms. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
29. Sir Nich. Carewe. Annuity of 50 marks. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
29. John Wastelyn. To be chief gunner of the castle of Carlisle, with 8d. a day for himself, and 4d. a day for a servant. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
[.] Sir Mathew Cradok, late receiver general of Glamorgan and Morgannok, and Sir Edw. Grevill of Melcote, Warw., Sir Hugh Vaughan and Sir Rice Mauncell. Pardon and release. Westm., [ ] Jan. (?) 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.


  • 1. Blank in Le Grand.
  • 2. "Et pour laisser ung garde-derriere ils la vouloient differer depuis la delivrance de ses enfans, que n'estoit chose raisonnable."
  • 3. An error for "20th."
  • 4. The date seems originally to have been written "xxij." and afterwards corrected "xxix."
  • 5. See Brown's Ven. Calend., IV. p. 118.