Henry VIII: November 1527, 1-15

Pages 1596-1610

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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November 1527

1 Nov.
R. T. 137.
R. O.
Commission, under the Great Seal, to Jerome bishop of Worcester, and Edw. Lee, D. D., the King's almoner, as ambassadors to Francis I., to arrange with the Emperor touching the withdrawal by Francis of his army in Italy, and the delivery of Genoa and Asti into the hands of the Emperor in terms of the treaty, with power to bind Henry to see it carried out, and to receive hostages (if given) on either side for its fulfilment. London, 1 Nov. 1527, 19 Hen. VIII.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
R. T. 137.
R. O.
2. Commission to the same to arrange with Charles V. for the transference to Henry VIII. of the sums due to him by Francis out of the 2,000,000 g. cr. of the sun offered by the latter as one of the conditions of peace; the Emperor's debts to Henry to be deducted. London, 1 Nov. 1527, 19 Hen. VIII.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
R. T. 137.
R. O.
3. Commission to the same to arrange with Charles V. for redelivery of his securities for the money due by him to Henry VIII. on the transference of the debt to Francis. London, 1 Nov. 1527, 19 Hen. VIII.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
4. Commission to the same to arrange, in conjunction with the French ambassador, a peace with the Emperor and the revocation of his armies from Italy, the surrender of certain places there, the payment of a ransom for the French princes, the King's indemnity, and the renewal of peace and mercantile intercourse with the Emperor's subjects.
Draft, Lat., pp. 8.
R. O. 5. Commission to the same to treat with the French ambassadors for the recall of the army in Italy, and the delivery of Genoa and Asti to the Emperor.
Corrected draft, Lat., pp. 10.
2 Nov. 3542. A. [DU PRAT] CARD. OF SENS, Chancellor of France, to WOLSEY.
[Calig. E. I.
II. ?] I. 199.
B. M.
On receiving his letter went to the King, and asked him for licence for Wolsey to export 200 bushels of wheat for his household, which he has granted, free of duty, though corn is much dearer since Wolsey left France. Thanks Wolsey for having made use of him in the matter. Paris, 2 Nov. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: R., &c., Thomæ Card. Eboracensi, in Anglia legato. Endd.: 1527, 2 Nov.
2 Nov.
Calig. E. III.
B. M.
3543. CHR. COO to WOLSEY.
* * * "[card]inal and chancellor at his ..... And after the sight of your said letters ..... secretary to the King to have his letters ..... Vendosme in the speedy despatch of your Gra[ce] ..... commanding me to attend and go with his ..... [to] the court for the pursuit of the same; at w[hich time] Mons. Vendosme was not come. The King's [promise] was I should give attendance till the coming [of] Mons. de Vendosme, and that then his Grace sh[ould give] him such a commandment and speak so unto him a[t his] coming that notwithstanding his Grace's special ..... and defence made of late your Grace's letters should take effect." Has given attendance on the Chancellor every day since then. "This present f[irst] day of November" was called before De Holle "cou[ncillor ?], at this town of Paris, in the King's lodging, which was in Mons. the Villeroy's house," and was told by the Chancellor, in presence of Vendosme, the seneschal of Normandy, and others, that notwithstanding the scarcity in Picardy and elsewhere in France, "which * * * and request of restraint and deffe[nce] ..... parts, yet, nevertheless, the King his master p[romised] for the great love, favor, and amity towards your [Grace] that ye should not only have now the provision of ..... muytz according to your letters, but also have at your pleasure more out of his realm, 600 or 700 mewy[ts] freely, without paying custom or toll." He hopes Wolsey will be content, "considering the great necessity and clamor of the i[nhabitants] and governors," that the restraint remain valid against all others having [no] licence. "And as [to] the attache of 200 muytts I have taken the sa[me of] Mons. de Vendosme, the which I shall make d..... of lading with all diligence."
Wolsey should write to the Council if he will accept the grant in this form, and to have 300 in Picardy, 200 in Normandy and 300 in Britanny. If so, he will provide for his whole [household] and the ..... made to Anthony Vyvolld and others, while the poor men will thank him for so relieving them from the covetousness of strangers. The clamor for the restraint arose from some of Vyvolde's men sent by the city of London, "a[s] the Chamberlain's son, John Garyway and Blak of Lo[ndon]," who have so bruited that the measure of St. Walery's is raised from 30 to 50 sols Tournois, and the people expect it to rise to 60.
At all his meetings with the Council the Cardinal and De Vendosme have expressed the greatest anxiety to satisfy Wolsey. Is informed that it will be impossible to get more wheat out of France except by means of Wolsey, the country is so sore against it. Will delay making further suit till he hear from Wolsey. Paris, [2] Nov.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 5. Add. at ƒ. 67: To my lord Legate. Endd.: From Coo, the second of November.
Nottinghamshire, Bassetlaw Wapentake.
Northcley "..... names foloyng hathe corne within the parishe of Stretton (Sturton) ..... and veyude by Wylliam Clyffton, constable, [and Wyllia]m Styrton and Thos. Morland, sworne men." ..... 30 q. pease. ..... 20 q. pease, 5 q. barley ..... 20 q. pease, 5 q. barley. ..... 5 q. pease. ..... 5 q. pease. ..... 8 q. pease. ..... 40 q. pease, 20 q. barley. ..... 7 q. pease. .... Fenton, 7 q. pease, 3 q. barley. Wm. Etton, 5 q. pease. Edw. Hurdren, 20 q. pease, 5 q. barley, 5 q. ..... Thos. Fenton, 5 q. wheat, 5 q. rye. Geo. Lassells, 10 q. pease.
Burton.—Henry Draper, constable, Thos. Byngham and John Nettyllshyp, sworn men. The parish tithe that the prior of Worsope may sell, 20 q. pease and barley. Thos. Byngham, 4 q. pease. John Nettyllshyp, 4 q. pease and barley. John Spenser, 7 q. pease, 1 q. barley. Chr. Morland, 4 q. pease and barley. Hen. Draper, 4 q. barley.
Boylle (Bole).—Hugh Nettyllshype, constable, Thos. Bromhed and Robt. Oxfurth, sworn men. Robt. Rothwod has corn to his seed and to find his house and to bring to the markets, and to help his neighbours which have no seed to sow and to find their houses, 13 q. pease, 6 q. barley. Bryan Thornton, 9 q. pease and barley. Hugh Nettyllshype, 7 q. pease. John Hobson, 6 q. barley, 8 q. pease. Robt. Oxfurth, 3 q. pease. Wm. Francis, 6 q. pease. Robt. Chambur, 7 q. pease. Thos. Bromhed, 2 q. pease.
Claworthe (Clayworth).—"Thys ys the byll made by the constable and the sworne men of the overplus of corne," 9 names. South Whetlay, 10 names. Wallkringham, 9 names. Clarburhe, 13 names. Grynglay, 15 names. Everton, 4 names. Bekyngham, 7 names. Northe Whetlay, 15 names. Southe Leverton, 12 names. Sawnby, 7 names. Mysterton, 5 names. Haytton, 4 names. Northe Leverton, 4 names. Hablestoppe (Applesthorpe), 2 names. Myssyn (Misson), 5 names.
Total, 1,310 q. in Northcley. (fn. 1)
In Southcley there are in gross sum 1,614 q. of all grains.
Ordsall, 7 names, 136 q. Harwode, 2 names, 11 q. Elkesley and Bothamsell, 1 name, 6 q. Scroby-cum-Ransbyll, 1 name, 6 q. Babworth, 4 names, 13 q. Sterop and Aulcotts, 3 names, 6 q. Scorby and Torwode, 4 names, 5 q. Blithe, 7 names, 110 q. Norton Cokney, 3 names, 12 q. Allerton, 1 name, 1 q. Carlton Lyndryck, 10 names, 16 q. Sutton-super-Lounde, 4 names, 54 q. Worshope, 6 names, 54 q. Madersey, 3 names, 13 q. Ragnell, 1 name, 2 q. Warsop, 12 names, 65 q. Walesby, 3 names, 5 q. Westretforth, 10 names, 86 q.
Total, 3,215 q. Signed by Wm. Warener, Geo. Wastnes and Alex. Nevyll, commissioners.
A paper roll.
2 Nov.
R. O.
St. P. IV. 483.
Hopes the King will have patience. His newphew has not yet been able to apprehend Sir Will. Lisle and his son, though he has made proclamations on the Scotch Borders, as the duke of Richmond has done on the English. Edinburgh, 2 Nov. 1527. Signed.
2 Nov.
Cal. B. VII.
B. M.
3546. ANGUS to WOLSEY.
Congratulates him on his arrival in England. Henry has written to James V. for the apprehension of Sir Will. Lisle and his associates. With all the efforts he has made Angus has not succeeded in that behalf. Edinburgh, 2 Nov. 1527. Signed: "Ard Chancellar."
P. 1. Add.: "To my lord Cardinalis grace of Zork." Endd.
2 Nov.
R. O.
St. P. VII. 12.
According to his last letters has been with the French king, who, on being informed of the coming of the ambassadors with the order, was not a little joyful, and said that he never received anything with better goodwill; that for the most part he would not fail but wear it, and that he was assured the Burgundians were as displeased therewith as any people could be; that it would discourage all his enemies to maintain war against him, and that the whole realm of France were for ever bound to Henry. He could not express all his gratitude, nor can the writer do justice to the manner in which he spoke. Paris, All Souls' day. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
2 Nov.
Cal. E. III. 68.
B. M.
Same as the above, with addition of the following paragraphs:—"[Last ni]ght late arryved here Monsr. Catillion's elder brother [come] out of Italy, and brought me a letter from Sir Robt. Jernyngham [addressed] to your Grace, the which I send herewith. Newes out of thes[e parts] know I noon, but I entend to be with the King tomorow, and [if I hear] of any, I wol therof certifie your Grace as shortly as I may."
The secretary of Venice, who dined today with y ..... told him that the duke of Ferrara is now on the side of the English and French kings, and has pro[mised] Lautrec to send his son and heir to the French king, and that his said son will marry Madame Reyny. Does not give much credit to it. The King has come hither to levy money from his commons. Encloses a packet of letters to Wolsey sent by the Legate. Paris, All Souls' day. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
3 Nov.
R. O.
Has received two packets of letters: one from Master Almoner and Master Poyntz in Spain, sent to Brian Tuke, in which he is informed are contained letters to the King and Wolsey; the other from count Carpi to Wolsey. Has not yet heard of the coming of the King's ambassadors, nor whether they have arrived on this side the sea. My Lady, the King's mother, expected they would have been here before this, and two of the French king's order have gone to meet them. The one is Monsieur le Drues, the other the Grand Esquire. Paris, 3 Nov.
P.S.—Has just received letters from Sir Rob. Jerningham to the King and Wolsey, which he forwards. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
3 Nov.
R. O.
3550. ITALY.
News related by one who left the castle of St. Angelo on the 3rd November.
The Pope had made an agreement with the Imperialists, and they had sent to Don Hugo for a ratification, which was expected in six days. The Pope is to give the lanceknights 35,000 ducats for one payment, and the same sum after they leave the city. He is to give the Spaniards 40,000 ducats, which are to be raised in Rome, and 240,000 ducats a month for four months; 50,000 ducats to the lanceknights for three months. The benefices of the kingdom of Naples are to be sold for 600,000 ducats, which sum is to be divided between the Pope and the Emperor; out of the Emperor's half the Pope is to be reimbursed the 40,000 ducats a month which he pays the Spaniards. The Imperialists wished to have carried off the cardinals Campeggio, Triulzi, and Pisa because they would not agree to this treaty. The Pope is not to favor the confederates, or to interfere in the affairs of Milan. They demanded a tenth with a crusade in Spain, and the creation of four cardinals, who offered 100,000 ducats, but the Pope refused. Certain forces were to leave the city that day on the way to Viterbo, to fight our army. The Pope had made a secret protest that all he had done was under compulsion, in order to obtain his liberty.
Lat., p. 1. Endd.: Nova ex Italia et præsertim de rebus Florentinis, in mense Novembris 1527.
3 Nov.
R. O.
Commends the bearer, Sir Richard Tempest, who has been with the Duke at the Feast of All Saints, and has always done him good service in these parts. Pomfret, 3 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
3 Nov.
Cott. App.
XXIX. 2.
B. M.
Their last letters informed him of the affairs in the North; how Sir Wm. Lisle, his son Humfrey, Shafto, and their adherents, are assisted in Scotland, to the great damage of Northumberland; that, by advice of justice Fitzherbert and Mr. Lister, Sir Wm. Lisle and others are indicted of treason, and proclaimed traitors on the Marches; that the country has been forbidden to assist them, and has been ordered to be ready, according to the statute of Winchester, to rise and repress them. Notwithstanding this, the outlaws, who number nearly 100, and include some of the Fenwikes, Ogilles, and Shaftoos, continually rob and spoil in Northumberland, and have lately come to Hexham and taken 24 prisoners, the king's tenants. Have ordered Sir Wm. Eure to leave Harbottell and lie at Felton, a lordship of Lisle's, whither he often repairs, and have promised him 4d. above their wages for 30 of his servants and 30 soldiers from Berwick, but he refuses to do so without orders from the King or Wolsey. He is vice-warden and lieutenant of the Middle Marches, sheriff of Northumberland, and keeper of Tynedale and Riddisdale, but he does not consider himself able to put good rule in the country; none of the gentlemen will do anything for him, for he does not trust them, and they bear no favor to him. The duke of Richmond has written often to the king of Scots and to the earl of Angus for the apprehension of Lisle, according to the treaty. Have always had pleasant answers, but nothing has been done. They are assisted in Scotland, and the Scotch daily ride with them to do harm in England. Do not see what can be done, except by the power of some nobleman lying continually in Northumberland, if the Scots would cease their help. Are in perplexity, and wish to know what to do.
There is great dearth of grain, and many poor people are likely to starve. Wheat is 24s. a quarter, and more likely to rise than fall. Nicholas Rudd, of Apulby, who was ordered by Wolsey to abide by their decision in his matter with Baynebrigg, has not appeared, and three attachments have been sent out, but to no effect. Believe he has gone to London. Ask Wolsey, if Rudd comes before him, to order him so that it shall not seem that the duke of Richmond's commands are disobeyed in Westmoreland. Pontefract, 3 Nov. Signed: Brian Higdon—T. Magnus—W. Bulmer—T. Tempest—Godfrey Foljambe—Jo. Uvedale.
Pp. 3. Add.: To my lord [Leg]atis good grace. Endd.
4 Nov.
R. O.
St. P. VII. 13.
Went to Parma, as he heard that the Pope was delivered. Found Gambara there, who informed him that the general of the Observants had written to the Pope, holding out expectations of delivery. Gambara had sent to Rome for a safe-conduct, purposing to take me with him. He advised my going to Orvieti. Has arrived at Fulignio, but the Prothonotary has not yet arrived. No man can enter Rome without a safe-conduct, still less speak with the Pope in private in St. Angelo. Cannot, therefore, speak to him of your secret; but when the Pope is free, he will, doubtless, do all that he may; and it is not probable that he will be kept long in restraint. Has written to Wolsey. Fulignio, 4 Nov.
Hol. Add. Endd.
4 Nov.
R. O.
We wrote to you this night of our arrival at Amyas. Is in great discomfort hearing nothing of his horses, "neither Master Francis nother Master Garter, the which we left at Dover." Has been obliged to get horses and carriage for his stuff which he brought to Boulogne. Lord Lisle lent him one horse, and Master Carew a mule, else he must have ridden in post in ill order. Are waiting at Amiens till we hear from you what to do. Amiens, 4 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate.
5 Nov. 3555. For ST. MARY'S, WINCHESTER.
Inspeximus and confirmation to convent, of pat. 4 Oct. 4 Edw. IV., granting the convent custody of the abbey during voidances; also of pat. 12 May 16 Edw. IV., being a grant of liberties; also of pat. 18 Feb. 11 Rich. II., inspecting and confirming charter, 12 June 21 Edw. I. Westm., 5 Nov.
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1.
6 Nov.
R. O.
There has arrived in this haven a pinnace of Deva in the province of Guipuscoa, John de Racabara, master, which has taken two French herring boats before Dieppe, by virtue of a letter of marque. Have seen the copy of a letter of marque, seemingly authentic, written in Spanish, and signed by a notary; also a certificate by the mayor of Southampton, under the town seal, that he had seen it. Have detained the pinnace here till the King's pleasure be known. The master is going to see the Emperor's ambassador in England, with his letter of marque. Calais, 6 Nov. 1527. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
P.S. on a separate paper by Sir Rob. Wingfield.—Begs to know the King's pleasure about the said pinnace as soon as possible, for there are 28 persons in her, who will spend much in little while. Calais, 6 Nov. 1527.
6 Nov.
R. O.
3557. _ to WOLSEY.
This morning received letters from Sir Robt. Jerningham, directed to the King and Wolsey, which he encloses.
The same day the bishop of Seintes told him that news had come that the Pope is now at large in Rome, and has given the Spaniards 50,000 cr., besides two or three strong towns. Will be at the Court tomorrow to know the truth, if the King does not go hunting. Received also today a letter from lord Lysle and Sir Nic. Carew, dated Amyens, 4th inst., saying that they "demur there" till they hear from Wolsey. Francis is inclined to make them good cheer. Paris, 6 Nov.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
7 Nov.
Le Grand, III.
Will follow the resolution which you have communicated, taken by the king of England touching the ceremony on his acceptance of the Order of France, and that which Francis himself should follow on taking that of the Garter. The English ambassadors shall be received as the merits of his perpetual ally demand, and so that they will return well satisfied. Has heard from Villandry all that has been done about Spain, and is doubly bound to the King and Wolsey. Knowing that they wish those matters to be executed without delay, which were concluded in your presence, I send this courier, in great haste, with letters just received from my ambassadors in Spain, that you may communicate their contents to the King and Wolsey before your departure, requesting them to write to the English ambassadors to adhere strictly to their instructions, without listening to overtures or proposals on the part of the Emperor; and if the sieur De Soyms was named in the powers sent by the Legate, and matters cannot be expedited without him, to write to him to return, and settle the matter with the others; for I am informed they are trying every means to delay the execution of those matters by new proposals; so you must get letters, addressed to the bishop of Worcester and the other English ambassador, to that effect. Is so much pleased with what has been done in England, that he intends sending a gentleman thither to express his gratitude. Paris, 7 Nov.
Fr. Add.: A mon cousin le Grand Maître et Messieurs de Bayonne et de Humyeres, mes conseillers et ambassadeurs en Angleterre.
7 Nov.
R. O.
Thanks him for his good cheer when the writer and his company were with him. My Lord's pleasure is that he shall send up the Scot in his keeping with some sure man, "honestly to handle him by the way unto the King's highness," with the enclosed letter. Lincoln, 7 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
8 Nov.
R. O.
Yesterday two gentlemen came to the camp, sent by Wolsey towards Mr. Secretary. Lautrec gave them a safe-conduct. "At which time semblably arrived here this post, who now unto your Grace is returned, whereof the same Monsieur Lautrec greatly marvelleth." Lautrec is putting off time in this journey to Rome. Wolsey should write to him to stir him up. Encloses a copy of the demands of the duke of Ferrara, given him this day by Lautrec. 8 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate.
9 Nov.
R. O.
3561. ITALY.
"Ex literis Dom. Gregorii die viiij. Novembris ex Ferraria."
Nothing is yet concluded with the Duke, who says that he is willing to join the League;—but at the greatest advantage and least possible expence to himself, for he only offers 1,500 foot, 50 lances, and 100 light horse. So, as he is not much to be depended upon, Lautrec has been warned to mind what he is about. The Duke's demands are very great. He asks that a Duchess, a niece of the Pope's, who has a great estate in France, be given to his son in marriage. He acknowledges that he has received great offers, and wishes now to make use of an occasion in which his help may be needed, and he thinks it is enough for the League if he desert the Emperor. Has sent to suggest to Lautrec how he may destroy the Duke. Believes God will punish the man. News from Buda. No battle as yet between Ferdinand and the Waywode. Andrea Doria had arrived at Leghorn with the Venetian galleys. He had come for 1,500 foot that were there. Renzi had arrived at Genoa. There is a rumor that the Imperialists had withdrawn into the towns about Rome, and had told the Pope he might return into his palace, but this is not believed.
Lat., in Vannes' hand, pp. 2. Endd.: From Ferrara from Sir Gregory Casalis, the 9th Nov.
9 Nov.
Vit. B. IX. 168.
B. M.
Although the Pope is very grateful to Wolsey for his services, it is necessary for him to be somewhat particular about what he grants Wolsey, as people are apt to claim for themselves such privileges as are granted to persons of extraordinary deserts. This is the cause that the bulls for the College have not been already expedited according to the desire of the bishop of Worcester, Gregory Casale, and himself. The Pope said he thought that the bulls would satisfy Wolsey, as they were. But on receiving Wolsey's letters of Sept. 30 and Oct. 18, saying that it was necessary that the clause "de fundatorum consensu" should be removed, and also letters on the same subject from the bishop of Worcester and Casale, went again to the Pope, and obtained a promise that they should be re-copied, with the omission of the objectionable clause. The King's late gift of 25,000 ducats made him more inclined to grant this. His Holiness knows the King and Wolsey will consider the dignity of the See Apostolic, which has been outraged by an unheard-of crime, and that they will assist in punishing the perpetrators, who, so far from expressing penitence, threaten worse things, and say that they acted by the Emperor's orders. Are daily expecting the Spanish fleet. Ten thousand Germans, leaving the Turks behind them, are coming into Italy. Rome, 9 Nov. 1526. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. and endd. at ƒ. 202.
9 Nov.
R. O.
3563. REVELS.
Wages and payments to men working day and night (holidays and sometimes Sunday being deducted) for repairing and painting, &c. of the two arches, a portal, a fountain, and an arbor in the Revelling Chamber within the tilt-yard at Greenwich, from the 12th Oct. to 9th Nov. 19 Hen. VIII. Among the items, are:—for 2 great bowls turned for the fountain; 5 great pieces of turned timber for the same; 3 great pillars turned for the arbor; 4 great candlesticks for the portal; great ball for the same fountain; 6 other turned pieces for the arbor; 2 candlesticks for the same; 9 great knopps for the pillars standing on both sides of the arches; 192 lb. of lead of glazier knots to make pipes for the conduit; 66 lb. old lead for leaves, pomegranets, flower de lucis, &c.; a great long iron standing in the middle of the fountain, &c.; 4 doz. of rushes to straw the Banquet Chamber and Revelling House, for raising of the dust there, at 18d. the doz.; 4 doz. curtain rings, 4d.; 4 bells, 4d.; a whole piece of cord to draw the curtains, 14d.; 8 long canes to put out the lights, 8d.; ½ pint of aquavitæ; 6 poles for the pageant, at 3d. each; 6 lb. of Sandwich line for the same poles, 18d.; 1,000 small hooks for the arches, at 3d. the hund.; 19 pieces of green buckram to cover the two arches, the fountain, and the portal, 5s. apiece; for different colors, pencils, &c.; 42 gallons of sweet waters for the conduit to run with, 5s. per gall.; 17 great stone pots covered with wycars to put in the sweet waters, 13s. 6d.; ½ lb. of sweet powders to put amongst the King's napery, 6s. 8d.; parfumes to put under the pageant, 6s. 8d.; 4 yds. of red sarsanet to hang on length on the sides of the daunsing lights, 13s. 4d.; 4 hundred and a quarter of fine gold spent upon the said sarsanet hanging on the sides of the said lights, and upon the King's badges, 22s. 8d.; 1,700 little long leaves cast in lead, of which 15 is nailed round about every platter, weighing altogether 29 lb., at 3d. per lb.; 14 yds. of sendall of divers colors to make the coats and caps for the images of the daunsing lights, 5s. 10d.; 17 shields with the King's badges that are set in every middle pin of the 17 branches, at 3d. the piece; for making and turning 108 platters of wood made for the bolts of the said branches, 8s. 10d.; for wages working upon the red sarsanet for the daunsing light, 22s.; paid the tailor for making of coats and caps for the images of the said daunsing lights, 4s.; 106 plates, made after the crown fashion, to set within the platters of the lights, at 3d. each; 2 quire of paper royal, at 4d. per quire; 7 reams of brown, at 12d. the ream; in reward to Tho. Wever, for keeping of the book of the workmen, and receiving of the stuff for 4 weeks, 20s. To John Medelton, for overseeing of the workmen and keeping of the stuff in the gallery within the tilt-yard, 20s. Paid to Rob. Hoggen, master cook with the King's grace, for the hire of a house for the joiners, by the space of 5 weeks, at 2s. the week; to Mistress Feld, of London, widow, for a house in Greenwich of her taken by the year; for John Demanyauns, Italian graver, and his company, 56s. 8d. In Guildford's hand, "whereof resevyd off Sir Henry Guldeford, 80l.; restythe dew by the Kynges hynesse, 58l. 8s. 4d.; by me, Henry Guldeford." Necessaries of the King's store, &c., delivered to George Lovekyn, for Frenchmen joiners, for garnishing a portal and fountain made in the Revelling Chamber, &c.
Book, pp. 26.
10 Nov.
R. O.
3564. REVELS.
Revels held 10 Nov. 19 Hen. VIII.
"A place of plesyer" was made, for which Ric. Gibson made the following provision.
Received from John Browne, the King's painter, 36 pair of scissors, at 18d. the dozen; 12 reams of paper, at 2s. 4d.; 2 quires of paper royal, at 8d.; 98 lb. of verdigris, at 9d.; 12 lb. of white lead, at 2d.; 12 lb. of red lead, at 1½d.; 4 lb. of bristles, at 6d.; 102 lb. orsade, at 16d.; 5 lb. packthread, at 6d.; 1 lb. great black thread, 8d.; 12 lb. of Spanish white, 8d.; 12 lb. of ground black, 8d.; 130 lb. of glue, at 2½d.; 8 lb. of "goumbe arrobeke," at 6d.; 4 doz. earthen dishes, at 4d. a doz.; 2¼ gals. of pink, at 16d.; 6 doz. silver paper, at 2s. a doz.; 2 reams of brown paper, at 1s.; 12 leaves of gold paper, 2s. 8d.; ½ oz. of saffron, 8d.; 1 lb. of vermillion, 16d.; 1 lb. of "rosyt" (rosin ?), 6d.; 1 qr. and 4 oz. of senaper lake, 6s. 8d.; sap green, 10d.; 4 pair of great shears, at 10d.; 6 doz. of gold foil, 2s.; 4 doz. of birds, 4s. 4d.; 1 lb. yellow ochre, 1d.; 6 doz. of senaper paper, 6s.; 2,000 fine gold, at 51s. the 1,000=21l. 6s. 0½d. All which was used for trees, bushes, branches, roses, rosemary, hawthorn, mulberries, panes of gold, "flosynge of stars," &c. The work was begun Friday, 11 Oct., and finished 10 Nov.
The following expences were incurred by Gibson.
44 qrs. of coals, at 5½d.; half a hundred faggots, 20d.; hen eggs for binding colors, 22d.; "splebars" and small hoops for trees, 7d.; 35 lb. of cotton candles, at 1¼d.; a pottle of wheat flour for paste, 4d.; 5 bundles of ashen poles for rails and stairs, 19d.; 4 lb. of dry flory to make "gryens," at 3s.; nails, tacks, and "spikyns," 18s. 1½d.; 2 lb. pitch, 2d.; mallets and pownsing blocks, 16d. To the smith at Temple Bar, for 5 irons for hawthorn leaves, at 4s. To the smith of Bland Chapleton (Whitechapel), 3 irons for mulberry leaves, 10s. Hinges for the stair, 2s. To Robt. Cokys, of Plomsted, for birch and maple boughs, 5s. 4d. To the cooper of the Princes wardrobe, 12 great ash hoops, 10s.; 22 timber ledges, at 2d.; board and timber for translating the stair, 20d.; a piece of Sandwich cord, 4d.; lath, 6d.; 10 candlesticks, 6d.; fennel tufts, 3d.; 12 yds. of green frieze, at 9d., for the floor of the arbour; 13 gals. vinegar, at 4d., for tempering greens; 2 lbs. of clarycord wire, at 12d., for binding leaves, &c.; carriage between London and Greenwich, and a barge with 5 oars to carry the painter's work to Greenwich, 16s.; carriage to and fro the water, 5s. Received from Wm. Locke, the King's servant, and the Company of Mercers, 11 yds. of satin for branches; 2 oz. of red ribbon, at 16d. For cleansing the merchant's place where the pleasures were wrought, 10d. Wages from Oct. 11 to Nov. 11: 6 laborers 5d., 3 carpenters 8d., 36 painters 6d., 8d., and 12d. a day. Total, 49l. 2s. 5¼d.; of which received from Sir H. Guildeford, 20l.
Signed by Guldeford and Gibson.
For the garments for the revel, there were used the garments made for the revel at Greenwich, 6 May.
Received from Wm. Locke and the Company of Mercers, 2 yds. 3½ q. purple tinsel satin, for 8 garments for the King and lords; 4¾ yds. crimson tinsel satin for the repair of ladies' garments, by John Skout, the Queen's tailor; 46¾ yds. black velvet for 16 bonnets for the King, lords, princes, and ladies, for 14 pair of buskins, and for guarding the King's cloak; 14 yds. fine black satin, for a mantle for the King; 28¼ yds. of yellow sarsnet, for 6 girdles for the men-at-arms, 6 for the black maskelers, and 6 for the great maske, 2 coats for the "drombyll sclades," and 6 girdles for the first maske, 2¼ yds. black sarsanet for 3 maskeling hoods, 3 pieces black buckram used for linings, and for the foot of the "drabler" set to the cloth of gold.
Received from John Parker, yeoman of the robes, 11½ yds. 1 nail, cloth of gold, and the remains of ladies' garments at Arde, used for the King's, the lords', and the ladies' garments.
60 oz. of round gold of damask, Venice wt., at 5s., used on "8 vesyers for berds towskyd, withe uppar lyppis flossyd;" 21 oz. flat gold of damask, at 6s., used by the tailor's wife in Bowe Lane and her maidens, for piping 8 cauls for the Princess and the ladies; 40 oz. of round silver of damask, at 4s. 8d., used for 6 beards for visors and "for iij. heris" (3 heads of hair); 8 great cauls of Venice gold, at 16s., bought of Elizabeth Phelype for the Princess and the ladies; 8 fillets of "korsyd" gold of damask, at 3s.; 3 doz. and a gross "spendabyll" points, 8s.; 16 cases for ladies' gowns, 4s. To Chr. Melonar, 36 white ostrich feathers, at 20d.; of which 3 were used in each of the bonnets of the King, the lord Grand Master, the duke of Suffolk, and the marquis of Exeter, and two for Mr. Nevell, Mr. Paghe, Mr. Carry, and Mr. Norres. For making 16 bonnets for the King, lords, Princess, and ladies, 53s. 4d.; for making 8 rich coats of purple tinsel satin and cloth of gold, with cut work of cloth of tissue, called "catarfoylls," 53s. 4d.; for making a black satin cloak for the King, double-ribbed with black velvet, 6s. 8d.; for weaving 99 oz. of gold and silver into "corrsynge," of which the beards were made, 33s.; for making 14 beards, 8 gold and 6 silver, 14s.; 21 oz. of gold damask for piping the ladies' cauls, 14s.; "for the hyar of herris" (hair-wigs) for ladis in noumar vj., price the pesse xijd." To John Skut, for making the ladies' apparel by alteration, 20s.
"The Kyngis plesyer was that at the sayd revells by clarks in the Latyn tonge shold be playd in hys hy presence a play, whereof insuythe the namys.—First, an oratur in aperell of gold; a poyed in aperell of cloth of gold. Relygeun, Ecclesia, Veritas, like iij. novessis in garments of sylke, and vayells of lawne and sypers. Erryssy, Fallse Interpretacion, Corrupcio Scriptoris, lyke laydys of Beeme inpereld in garments of sylke of dyvers collors. The herrytyke Lewtar (Luther) lyke a party frer, in rosset damaske and blake taffata. Lewtars wife lyke a frowe of Spyers in Almayn, in red sylke. Petar, Poull, and Jamys, in iij. abetts of whyghte sarsenet, and iij. red mantylls and heris of sylvar of damaske and pelleuns of skarlet; and a cardenall in hys aparell; ij. sargents in ryche aparell. The Dolfyn and his brother, in cottes of velvet inbraudrid with gold, and capis of satyn bownd withe velvett; a messyngar in tynsell satyn; vj. men in gownys of gren sarsenet; vj. wemen in gownys of cremsyn sarsenet war in ryche cloth of gold and fethers and armyd; iij. Almayns in aparell all cut and sclyt of sylke. Lady Pees, in ladys aparell all whyght and ryche; and lady Quyetnes and dame Tranquylyte, rychely beseyn in ladis aparell;" for which 48 persons the following articles were provided.
Received from Wm. Locke, 36¾ yds. of white sarsenet, spent in a train mantle for lady Peace, habits for Peter, Paul, and James, the Cardinal's sleeves and gussets, the apparel of 3 Almains, and wide Spanish sleeves for Quietness and Tranquillity; 22¾ yds. yellow sarsenet, for a pair of sleeves for the orator, the apparel of False Interpretation, and 36 girdles, garters, and bands for shoes; 13¾ yds. black sarsenet, for the habit and veil of Religion, and half a habit for Luther; 5 yds. of black velvet for guarding the 2 princes' cloaks, and for their bonnets, and for a stomacher and frontlet for Luther's wife; 35¾ yds. of crimson sarsenet, for 5 gowns with wide sleeves for ladies, 3 mantles for the Apostles, 3 coats for the Almains, and a veil for Veritas; 19 yds. of black satin for coats, with Spanish capes for the two Princes; 22½ yds. of green sarsenet for 5 long gowns with capes; 18 pieces of sypers, for the attire of Veritas, Ecclesia, Religio, Heresy, False Interpretation, Corruptio Scriptoris, Luther's wife, and ladies Peace, Tranquillity, and Quietness; 12 "plyght" of lawn, for the attire of Veritas, Religio, Ecclesia, &c.; 7 pieces of black buckram, for 12 mantles for the commoners, and 8 womens' gowns. Bought, 3 pair of red and white kersey hose, lined with yellow guards, at 3s. 8d.; 8 cauls of Venice gold, at 10s., for Quietness, Tranquillity, and 6 other women; 3 gross of points, at 2s. 8d., for the childrens' hose and doublets; 8 pieces of narrow riband, at 8d., for hair laces. From John Northerope, haberdasher in the Old Change, 4 scarlet "pelleons," for the Apostles and the Cardinal, 2s. each. Hire of a "serkelet" (circlet) and a rich paste, with the attire thereto, 4s. For making the apparel, 54s. 8d.; 3 q. coals, at 6d.; "beer, ale, and bread for 38 children, the master, the usher, and the masters that ate and drank," 3s. 2d. Mr. Ryghtwos, master of St. Paul's School, asks to be allowed for doublets, hose, and shoes for the children who were poor mens' sons, and for fire in times of learning the play, 45s. 6d. For 6 boats for the master of Paul's and the children, 6s.
Total, 62l. 19s. 2d.
Signed by Guldeford and Gibson.
List of the stuff received from Locke.
Pp. 39.
10 Nov.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 232.
3565. FRANCIS I.
1. Letters patent acknowledging the receipt of the Order of the Garter from viscount Lisle, Dr. Taylor, Sir Nicholas Carew, Sir Anthony Browne, and Thomas Wriothesley, Garter King-at-arms; and promising to observe the statutes of the Order. Paris, 10 Nov. 1527. Signed.
Fr. Great seal remaining.
Add. MS.
5,712, f. 29.
B. M.
2. Draft of the certificate by Francis I. that he has received from Arthur Plantagenet viscount Lisle, Knight of the Garter, John Taylor, LL.D., archdeacon of Buckingham, vice-chancellor of England, Nic. Carew, chief esquire of the king of England, Ant. Browne, knight, and Thos. Wriothesley, Garter King-at-arms, ambassadors from the king of England, this Sunday, 10 Nov., the Order of St. George, called the Garter, with the garter, mantle, habit, collar, and other vestments belonging thereto; that he has sworn the oath prescribed by the statutes, as modified according to agreement between the two Kings,—that is, to wear the image of St. George, the collar and garter, once a year. If on St. George's day he happens to be in a place where he cannot hear matins, or if he has no leisure to do so, he may cause them to be said in his presence by a priest. If he has any important business on that day he need only wear the habit of the Order during divine service, and then take it off without waiting till after dinner and supper, but in that case he promises to wear it on another solemn day in the year. Paris, 10 Nov. 1527.
Fr., p. 1, corrected by Henry VIII.
10 Nov.
Add. MS.
B. M.
Statutes of the Order of the Garter reformed by Henry VIII.
Vellum, Fr., pp. 52. With an illuminated frontispiece, with shields containing the cross of St. George and the arms of England and France, surrounded by garters, and branches of the red rose and fleur-de-lys tied together by a gold band, which is held by Concordia in the dress of the time. "Collation faicte a l'original par moy Greffier de l'Ordre Mons. St. George, R. Sampson."
11 Nov.
Le Grand, III.
Has received their letters of the 25th ult. notifying the departure of lord Lisle, the Grand Esquire and the Master of the Rolls, to convey to him the Order of the king of England, and receive that of Francis. Has come to Paris in order to receive them as honorably as possible (le plus privéement et honorablement qu'il me sera possible), and has deferred his intention to go and hunt in Brie, and see the building he has begun there. Has given orders for their escort from Boulogne, where he has just heard that they will be on Wednesday night, to Paris, where they may arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday following. Is hourly expecting the return of Villandry, whose despatch, he trusts, owing to Wolsey, will be for the good of Christendom and the deliverance of his children; so that upon it, with the Cardinal's advice, we may make our common despatch into Spain, and await a final resolution, preparing meanwhile to obtain by force, if necessary, what we have not been able to obtain by reason.
Sends news which has come this evening by Castillon, whom Francis had despatched towards Lautrec;—to be communicated to Wolsey for the King, who, he has no doubt, will rejoice at his success in Italy. Has provided everything that Lautrec requires, and trusts he will soon achieve the Pope's liberation. Paris, 11 Nov.
Add.: A mon cousin le Grand Maistre et Messieurs de Bayonne, president de Rouen et de Dumyeres, mes conseillers et ambassadeurs en Angleterre.
11 Nov.
des Traités de
Paix, II.
p. 314.
Instructions of Francis I. to the bishop of Tarbes.
If the Emperor insists on the observance of the treaty of Madrid, or seems unlikely to listen to a universal peace, the restitution of the Princes, and the payment of his debts to the king of England, in that case the herald accompanying the Bishop, who must not till then tell him for what he is wanted, must take his coat of arms and defy the Emperor, according to the form subjoined. Paris, 11 Nov. 1527.
11 Nov.
R. O.
The Deputy has written both to my lord Chamberlain and to Mr. Treasurer of Calais to show the King the great necessity the town stands in for lack of wheat, malt, and oats, caused by the great consumption when Wolsey was in these parts, and by a number of French fishers who have been continually coming and going since before Michaelmas. The victuallers at Calais are stopped at the ports of England, and not allowed to depart with their corn and victuals. Although Wingfield has written to the officers of divers ports, his writing has had no effect, except at Sandwich, from which they have got some malt. My lord Chamberlain's officers at Guisnes will not allow any rent corn to be brought to Calais till the land-owners there have paid a year's rent due last Michaelmas. Much of the rent corn of Guisnes belongs to inhabitants of Calais. No corn can be got from France or Flanders except by special licence; and the King's coins and French crowns in our hands go so high that nothing can be bought except with great loss. Has discussed the matter with the other two jurisdictions, viz., the mayor and his brethren and the constable of the Staple; and they think to avoid the great peril, the best way is to open the county of Guisnes in such form as it hath been accustomed, and to petition the King and Wolsey to open the ports of England. Malt can only be had from England. Calais, 11 Nov. 1527. Signed: Wyngffeld, R. Sir—Hary Planknay, mayor—Crystofer Garneys—Sir W. Husey—Wylliam Denham, conysteble.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.: William Ingerger. William Howse, to Norf'. Olyver Raymes. Will. Hartson.
12 Nov.
R. O.
Has received letters from the cardinal of Trane, by Bernardin Tempestin, the bearer of these, requesting to know what Francis means to do about the Pope and the Cardinals who are at liberty. Being unwilling to make any answer without consulting Wolsey, has requested the bearer to go to him and declare his charge. Will follow Wolsey's advice entirely, as it is by Wolsey that the whole business ought to be conducted. Paris, 12 Nov. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: "A Mons. le Cardinal dYorc, legat en Angleterre, mon bon et parfait amy." Endd.
12 Nov.
R. O.
St. P. VII. 15.
Signor Gregoire arrived yesterday from the duke of Ferrara, and is again returned. He bade him assure Wolsey that within three or four days at the most we shall recover the said duke of Ferrara, notwithstanding "the importance of his former demands," of which Jerningham sent a copy in his last. This done, Lautrec intends immediately to set out for Rome. He presses Jerningham daily to write for money. Begs to know Wolsey's mind on the subject. Parma, 12 Nov.
P.S.—Hears that the Pope is not yet agreed with the Emperor. Signed.
P.1. Add. Endd.: "Sir Robert Jernegan, 12 Novembris 1527."
12 Nov.
Harl. MS. 442.
f. 86.
B. M.
Proclamation to be published by the sheriff of Kent, forbidding regrating, forestalling and engrossing of wheat and other grain. Commissioners are appointed to the several shires to enforce the order. The purveyors of the city of London are allowed to buy corn as heretofore. The statute of Winchester, and other statutes concerning vagabonds, unlawful games, and alehouses, are to be enforced. Westm., 12 Nov. 19 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 6.
13 Nov.
R. O.
3573. ITALY.
"Nova ex Roma, die xiij. Novembris ex Castro data."
There seems to be great difficulty about the agreement between the Pope and the Imperialists, partly on account of tumults among the Germans and Spaniards, partly for want of ready money. When the Spanish troops were leaving Rome to go to the defence of Brasciano, towards Naples, a tumult arose, which John of Urbino, Alarcon, and the marquis Guasto endeavored to appease; but their efforts were ineffectual, and they themselves barely escaped with safety to the citadel. The Spaniards returned, crying out for pay, and threatening to kill the Marquis, but about 500 went into Naples, and laid waste a town of Ascanio Colonna. The infantry cannot remain here long for lack of provisions, especially if the light horse return. Lautrec should come at once, and take them unprepared. A captain has just come from Germany, urging the Germans to leave Rome and come to Lombardy. The Imperialists have determined to send the infantry to Picenum, which is not far from the Neapolitan frontier.
ii. Proclamation of the duke of Ferrara, made by his trumpeter, of his entry into the league with the Pope, France, England, Venice, Milan and the Florentines.
Lat., pp. 3. In Vannes' hand.
13 Nov.
Calig. D. IX.
B. M.
3574. TAYLER to [WOLSEY].
"My lord Lysley and College can plainlier declare unto your Grace than I" the costly cheer and entertainment at the court. Thanks to God and St. George, all the ceremonies "were done with d[ue] solemnities and honourable expedition of both parties, a[ll] thing as like as could be devised as they were receiv[ed] and had at Greenwich." The King, under a cloth of estate, had on one side three cardinals, ambassadors, bishops, and lords without number. "With great pain I was brought into the chamber by a bish[op], long before the King's coming, and made mine oration with great pain; but I had rather have lost my leg than to have been absent that day. The bishop of Burges in Berri answered me." The garter, the robe, and the collar became the King well; and as he took his horse, Madame "looked out at a window to see the King and my lord Lysley in his abbett. The sight pleased her so well quod commovit ei lachrymas." She is very thankful to Wolsey, and said that "now that she s[aw] both the Kings under one clothing she trusteth th[at] they shall continue in one mind and heart." In the delivery of the garter, my lord Lysley and Mr. Carew have demeaned themselves according to their duty, and entreated me lovingly in this voyage. Have not received the letters mentioned in his instructions. Paris, 13 Nov. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
[Calig. E. I.
II ?]
I. 194.
B. M.
Is pleased at the conferring of the order of the Garter on her son. He will do his best to observe the statutes. Desires credence for Lisle and the Grand Escuyer, the bearers.
"Mons. le Legat, mon bon filz et pere, je nay peu encore entierement [ent]endre de Mons. le Vichancellier Tailler tout ce quil a me [dire] de vostre part au moyen de la ... de sa jambe, mais [jes]pere que de brief sa sante [p]ourra porter de me communicquer le tout [et] apres je vous feray ample responce."
Hol., Fr., p. 1, faint and mutilated. Add.: Mons. le Legat.
13 Nov.
R. O.
Thinks that the Princess's attorney or solicitor should attend at the debating of causes before the Bishop and the other commissioners, as matters often appear for the King's interest. The learned men would give better attendance if they lodged within her court. The Secretary can show him that his directions about the custody of the signet, &c. are executed. Encloses a letter from a young scholar in praise of Wolsey's college. Would be glad "to know a nomber of ... the law remembered yn the same by your Grace, and likewise that the bydells may have some porcion, whereby poer scolers yn their culat and proceedyng exonorat may have the more cause [to] pray for your Grace." Tewkesbury, 13 Nov.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
14 Nov.
R. O.
Has commissioned Mons. de Bayonne, the bearer, who is returning to Wolsey, to thank him for the good treatment the writer has received from him hitherto. He has also a further message, for which Wolsey will give him credence. Kanturberij, 14 Nov. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons, le Cardinal, archevesque dYorc, legat et chancellier dAngleterre. Endd.
14 Nov.
Vit. B. IX. 170.
B. M.
Treaty between Alfonzo duke of Ferrara and cardinal Cibo, Joachim, lord de Vaux, Sir Gregory Casale, Gasparo Contarini, Maximilian Stampa, ambassador of the duke of Milan, and Antonio Francesco de' Albici, the Florentine ambassador, by which the duke of Ferrara joins the league against the Emperor. Ferrara, 14 Nov. 1527.
Lat., pp. 23. Endd.: Dupplo de la capitulatione celebrata tra li Signori colligati et S. Duca F. de Ferrara. In an English hand: Capitula celebrata pro colligatione ducis Ferrariæ in liga Italica.
14 Nov.
R. O.
Order for a commission to issue to the prior of Holland and J. prior of Burscough, Lanc., to hear and determine a cause between Geo. Blundell and Edw. Molyneux, according to a decree of the Star Chamber, 14 Nov. 19 Hen. VIII.
15 Nov.
Calig. E. 70 b.
B. M.
Had promised to write on his departure. The vessel on which he embarked at Dovor carried him over in three hours to Boulogne in perfect health. Thanks him for the use of such an excellent boat. Will start for the King tomorrow, and send him news. Boulogne, 15 Nov. Signed.
P.S.—The bearer has rendered him such services as Wolsey desired.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.


  • 1. Some of the parishes mentioned above are not now included in North-Clay div.