Pages 1525-1537
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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August 1527
21 Aug. R. O. St. P. VI. 598. |
Went hunting with the French king on Friday, the 16th. Poyton says he is commanded by the King to prepare himself for England. Gives some account of the French mode of hunting the deer. Complains of the hounds. Does not like the manner of hunting. Francis's favorite at this time is a maiden of Madame Vandom's, called Hely, "whose beauty after my mind is not highly to be praised." Has been told that the king of France would like to send his hounds into England, as it is more difficult to kill a deer there than in France, because of the hedges and ditches. Should he do so "he will like his hounds the worse as long as he liveth." Other news the King will learn from the Cardinal. Finds nothing here worth purchasing. Amiens, 21 Aug. Signed. | |
Add. Endd. | |
21 [Aug.] Calig. D. X. 122. B. M. |
3369. J. CROKE to CROMWELL. |
* * * "your w ... of this month, wherein I ... and indifferency towards my friend, Master ... heartily thank you, and for as much as I trus[t] ... at the beginning of this next term, where we ... reasonable communication in that matter, I entend not ... in the mean season for the dissolving of the ... had, heartily praying you eftsoons to show your g[oodness in that] matter, when it shall come to communication ..." Supposes he has perfect knowledge of the meeting [of the French] king and Wolsey without Amyas. On the day of the Assumption my Lord said mass [at the] church in Amyas, but not solemnly, after which he [gave] the Regent, the King's mother, the holy sacrament. [He] then dined with the King, where he was served with many [dishes and] little meat. The Sunday after, the peace and oath [were] concluded with much solemnity in the cathedral church. The French king and Regent in one traves, which was passing [lofty and on the] south side of the high altar, and on the north side a little mount of three steps for Wolsey, [on which] was set a cloth of estate and two chairs without any trav[es] ... [At] which cloth sat my Lord and the French legate lately come from Rome (Salviati), whom they say to be nephew to ... He is one of the worst favored men ever seen, and with the worst countenance. After mass, th[e King] took his solemn oath at the high altar before my Lord, [and then my said Lord] likewise in our King's behalf for observing the said [peace]. "That done, the president of Rone made a proposition in th ... peace, but nothing was opened of any conclusion ... peace, and all this time of showing of this proposition ... half an hour and more long, the legate of ... [slept] like a dormouse in his chair. The ... adorned himself in pontificals and ... clean remission, and then was * * * ... gown or coat any t ... sell but all sad coloured silks and the bes[t clothes that I saw] the French king were (wear) in all this time was a g[own of v]elvet furred with sables. I saw not six garments of ... silk worn sithens I came here; and the French king ... did were that day that he met first with my Lord's gra[ce a gown] of black velvet, which was here and there cut and laid [in with] white sarcenet, and tied together with small aglets of go[ld. On] Monday last the King and his mother, and all the great e[states of] France being here, dined with my Lord, where they had a ... feast and served with four courses besides fruit before and ... and after dinner the French king did remove, and, as they se[y, will] meet with us again at Compiegne, which is 40 English m[iles] hence." | |
Wolsey will go there one day this week, and stay five or six days, and then return to Calais, where they hope to be about Se[pt.] 20. Amyas, 21 [Aug.] | |
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated. Add.: To his loving friend, Mr. Crumwell, dwelling against the Austin Friars at London. | |
22 Aug. R. O. St. P. IV. 474. |
On his arrival from the South repaired to York assizes, where there was little business; thence to Newcastle with my lord of Richmond's council. Sir Will. Lisle and his son have been indicted for treason, and proclaimed throughout Northumberland for breaking prison at Newcastle and releasing rebels, stealing 40 horses at Widerington belonging to Sir Will. Ellercar, and driving them to Scotland, and burning a town belonging to Ellercar. Several of the Duke's council still in the North have appointed to meet with Magnus here tomorrow. Will inform the King of their devices for the ordering of Northumberland, where there is great dearth of corn and poverty. Finds no means so convenient to avoid danger from the Lisles as those he has devised with Sir Thos. Clifford for apprehending them. Because my lord of Cumberland has in his hands one of the headsmen of the Armestrongs, Sir William knows how the whole of Northumberland "is highly charged for his taking," but will have no great doubt of the West Borders, where the practice is proposed to be put in execution. Sir T. Clifford will carry to the King an answer to his letters to the king of Scots and Angus. My Lord expects an answer shortly to his own letters to them, of which a copy will be sent to the King. | |
Was informed by Patrick Sinclair, whom he met at Newcastle, of the confidence James has in the King, and that the Queen his mother lies at Stirling, and goes little to court. A great assembly and council has been kept at Edinburgh, in which the archbishop of St. Andrew's was present; when it was determined that Angus should be Chancellor, and the bishop of Aberdeen should assist him. York, 22 Aug. Signed. | |
Add. | |
22 Aug. R. O. St. P. I. 600. |
On leaving Vienna on 30 July, for Hungary, was, on his approach, received as legitimate King by the Hungarians. Describes the storming of various castles during his advance to Buda. His enemy has fled with about 2,500 followers. Buda, 22 Aug. 1527. Signed. | |
Lat. Add. Endd. | |
23 Aug. R. O. |
3372. FRANCIS I. to WOLSEY. |
Sends the bearer, monsieur de Vance, to do whatever Wolsey thinks proper. He will give him the news of this company. Peronne, 23 Aug. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A monsieur le Legat. | |
[Calig. E. III. 66.] B. M. | 3373. LOUISA OF SAVOY to WOLSEY. |
Sends the bishop of Vance, her chief almoner ([aum]osnyer), to do what Wolsey bids him, "et ne ... de vous envoyer bons les autres que demand ... e le semblable." Has been "malade de lestomac" [since] their departure. Has been obliged to [stay] a day here, but the King will be shortly at Compiegne. | |
Hol., Fr., p. 1. mutilated. Add.: Mons. le Legat [mon] bon filz et pere. | |
23 Aug. Vesp. C. IV. 188. B. M. |
3374. LEE and POYNTZ to WOLSEY. |
Received his letters. Had an audience on the 16th. The Emperor said that there could not be more assurance of the King's, the Queen's and your Grace's joy than he had conceived. He was delighted to find that you and the King put so much trust in him, and that you have made a journey to France for final resolution of the peace. We urged him to send a representative to England to communicate with your Grace apart in all points concerning his interests. He answered he would do what he could to secure peace, and had communicated his mind to don Inigo. We said the peace had not prospered in his hands, and if he would send some one he would find a reason to be contented with Wolsey's intentions to secure his interests. He promised to refer to his Council. To the secret cipher touching my lady Princess he said you might see hereby what trust there is in the French "avowing that the matrimony between the French king and my lady Eleanor is as good and firm as between him and the Imperatrice;" and he hoped, if "the French king would condescend to another marriage, the King's highness would not, and much thanked your Grace for this advertisement, promising to keep it close." We assured him, if he would send some one to you in France with instructions, you would do all to content him. He said, as the league was renewed with France, it ought to be with him. We urged that that was not judicious at present. He then told us, as a secret, that, in consequence of the arrival of the general of the Observants, he had stopped Milue (De Verrie), and sent the General in his room. He is to persuade the Pope to come into Spain. | |
On Saturday the 17th, and so on to the Tuesday, we waited for an answer, which was deferred until the arrival of a promised despatch from France. Were admitted on the 21st, and urged him, instead of sending his messenger to England, to send one of his Council to your Grace in France, with instructions partly open and partly private, alleging that your Grace could not tarry long there, for the great train you have, and the need of your presence in England. He begged us to be patient until he had read his letters just come from France, promising to see us before he left on the 23rd. We sent to Almain to know whether he had any letters. He answered he had none for us, but had received good news; and he told us on the 23rd that the ambassador in France had written to the Emperor how your Grace had shown him that you had labored with the French king, with Madame and Madame d'Alençon, usque ad sanguinem, to obtain satisfactory conditions with the Emperor; and you had brought them to such points as the French king will not pass, though his sons should remain in Spain to the fourth generation. He, therefore, desired us to wait till these offers had arrived. We demurred, as the coming of the courier was uncertain. Sent at once to Lachaulte, notwithstanding, desiring to know the Emperor's pleasure. On being introduced we reminded the Emperor of his promise, who used the same argument as Almain had used. We urged, as he was long since resolved, he should not now hang back upon any offers to come, but send his resolution at once to your Grace. Combated his assertion that it would be somewhat derogatory to his honor to have a matter of this kind discussed in France; but he said at last, that if your Grace desired it, he would send, on condition of receiving a safeconduct. We urged him to give us the name of the person; but he said he had not yet determined it with his Council, and would send a post in three days from Palencia. He promised to send at the same time the offers made him by the French ambassadors. | |
De Tarbes showed us the letters of Francis in which he stated that they might now go to the lady Eleanor without any dissimulation, as you had written to this purpose. In the same letters it was stated that, if the Emperor refused the offers that were now sent, they should join in denouncing war against him. "God forbid it should so follow!" They are not pleased that we denounce their secret practices. Will henceforth dissemble what they see, according to Wolsey's instructions. | |
The Council here is "disperkled" for sickness. The Emperor has been obliged to stay behind for a fever which the young Prince had. Thinks that the Emperor will delay his resolution until after his arrival at Palencia, where they will not be able to follow him, as no preparations are made for him. Wish instructions as to the 40,000 marks, of which 30,000 are for the pension and 10,000 for the French queen. Worcester, on his departure, was afraid he would not arrive so speedily, in consequence of his disease. Valladolid, 23 Aug. 1527. Signed. | |
In Lee's hand, pp. 11. Add. | |
23 Aug. R. O. |
The term of his safeconduct will have expired before the end of next month. Wishes to know if he is to come home. The country is tedious to those who follow the court here when the Emperor removes, especially for those who came in post. Having neither bed or other stuff to carry with them, they find on their arrival nothing but bare walls. Valladolid, 23 Aug. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. | |
23 Aug. Vesp. C. IV. 198. B. M. |
3376. LEE to [HENRY VIII.] |
Sent on the 3rd Aug. letters touching certain rumors here had of the Queen, of which they had also written to Wolsey. I trust I need not repeat it; but if hereafter I hear anything of it, as hitherto I have not but only by your own subjects, I shall order my answer accordingly. The Emperor has delayed giving him an answer in consequence of anticipated letters from France, but, after much solicitation, consented to send a person to my lord Cardinal. De Verrie is stayed, and the general of Observants sent to the Pope in his place. Valladolid, 23 Aug. | |
Hol., pp. 2. | |
23 Aug. Er. Ep. p. 998. |
Is told that a preacher at Paul's Cross had accused him, before the lord Mayor and others, of impiety for innovating on a passage in the 7th chapter of St. John. Defends his conduct, by a reference to the Greek MSS., at great length. Basle, 23 Aug. 1527. | |
Lat. | |
23 Aug. R. O. |
3378. THE PERCIES. |
Expences of lord Henry Percy and Mary his wife, for one year, from Saturday 23 Aug. 18 Hen. VIII. to 23 Aug. next following. | |
Board of lady Percy, 6s. 8d. a week. Board wages of two gentlewomen at 20d. and 16d. a week. Board wages of a yeoman and ... at 18d. and ... a week. "[Boar]d wages of the said lord Percy ... him at such times as he ... said lady his wife by ..." * * * The wardrobe of lady Percy, by estimation, 40l. Wages of two gentlewomen, one at 5 marks and the other at 4 marks a year. 8 yards of cloth f[or the] lyveries of the said two gentlewomen. | |
Wardrobe of lord Percy:—2 gowns, one of velvet furred with budge, the other lined with satin, 19l. 13s. 4d. 2(?) doublets of satin, at [4]3(?)s. 4d. the doublet, with 3s. 4d. for making and lining of each, 4l. 13s. 4d.; 6 bonnets, 2 of velvet at 13s. 4d., and 4 French 4s. 4d. each, 44s.; 10 shirts, 100s.; 12 pair of hose, at 6s. the pair; 4 pair of velvet shoes, at 4s. 4d. the pair; and 8 pair of leather shoes, at 12d. the pair; hats, girdles, ... rs and points, &c., ... | |
Wages and liveries for the Lord's servants ... 8 yards of cloth for 2 long gowns for the said yeoman and groom, at 4s. a yard; 9 yards of cloth for 3 short liveries, 4s. a yard. | |
[T]he hire of 9 horses, at 2d. for each horse, one [and o]ther for the day and night; by the [year], 27l. 7s. 6d. | |
Pp. 5, badly mutilated. | |
Robt. Clerke, baker, 9l. 5s. 8d. John Maye, ale brewer, 6l. 14s. 8d. Robt. Hamon, beer brewer, 22l. 11s. 4d. Nich. Wiff, poulterer, 20l. 6s. 10½d. Edm. Randyshe, butcher, 22l. 6s. 11d. Robt. Reynalde, fishmonger, 10l. 16s. 6d. Ch[am]bers, poulterer, Hichington's wife, and others, for poultry and fish taken of them by Ric. Waltham, ... 9s. 2d. Thos. Jenett, tallow-chandler, 7l. 7s. 10d. ... Geynfelde's wife, for butter, 63s. 5d. John Bage, grocer, 18l. 4s. 9½d. Wm. Baynard, waxchandler, 26s. 8d. Da[vid] ... wife, for washing, 14s. Roger Whitereason, for 20 sacks of charcoal, 6s. 8d. Wm. Jekett, for the keep of the Earl's horses and attendants, 30l. 13s.; half a beef, 14s. 8d.; hire of beds and occupation of the Earl's house, and hire of kitchen stuff, 8l. 3s. 6d. Lord Latymer, money borrowed, 66l. 13s. 4d. Sir Roger Cholmeley, of the North, money borrowed, 40l. Wm. Harington, of York, money borrowed by the Earl's father, 40l. Robt. Trappes, goldsmith, money borrowed, 37l. 10s. ... Pykering, for silks, 72l. 16d. Thos. Hamon, skinner, for an old debt and apparel, 34l. 9¾d. Creker, shoemaker, 13l. 14s. 6d. John Blage, grocer, 16l. 10s. Sir Wm. Farefax, for arrears of the sheriffwick of Northumberland, 4l. Sir George Darcy, 30l. Sir C[uthbert Rad]cliff, for arrears of h[is lieute]nantship of the Marches, 100l.(?) The master of Sempringham, 40l. [John] Skut, the Queen's [tai]lor, 5l. 7s. 4d. Wm. Serle(?), money lent, 7l. Thos. Ashe, poticary, 6l. 5s. 4d. Thos. Henage, upon an obligation, 104l. Laurence Warren, goldsmith, 20l. Nich. Vinacheis, upon an obligation, 143l.; upon another obligation, 280l. 11d.; upon the same obligation, 50l. ... wife, her pension, 500 marks. Harrington, merchant of York, money borrowed, 40l. Kingeston, saddler, 7l. 4s. Sir Thos. Thorneton, parson of Mokton, 32l. Henry Wetherell, costs of a law suit, 46s. 8d. Geo. Hyll, grocer, in right of his wife, executrix of Rudd, 6l. Total, 1,761l. 6s. 1½d. | |
Pp. 5. | |
"This book made at Lecky[ngfelde, the] 19th day of September in the ... [year of our] sovereign lord King Henry VII[I.] ... a short draught and a counterr[oll?] ... of receipts and payments of all Wil[liam Wormes ...] of money; which clear books the said Will[iam gave by] my Lord's commandment to the kep[ing of my] Lord's chaplain." | |
"All the said William's receipts from Mich. 6 to Mich. 7 Hen. VIII."—Revenues of Somerset and Dorset, received of Gilbert Weddell by Sir Will. Stabill and Mr. Sowthwike; of Yorkshire, by Robt. Percy, Ralph Swinborne, John Emerson, Robt. Radcliffe, Robt. Gollias, Ric. Houssome, Sir John Normansfeld (by dame Marg. his wife) and Rob. Harrison; of Northumberland, by Thos. Farfax, Geo. Swinburne, Laur. Densfenby, Jas. Wateson, Will. Sisterson; of Cumberland, by Sir Thos. Curwen, Will. Wilson and Morland. | |
Money borrowed of Gilbert Weddell, Sir Thos. Bele, Sir Thos. Curwen, Brian Palmes, serjean-at-law, and John Hatton, suffragan of York. | |
Receipts from Adam Pennyngton, feodary of Lincolnshire, and (for a relief) from John Radcliffe, of Darwentwater, by Sir John Norton; ... "for my Lord's part of a ... and at Filley, in Yorkshire"; from Sir Ralph Evers, Dame Marg. Ogile (for my Lord's ward, Geo. Harbotill). | |
On Monday, 13 Aug., from Gawin Egilseffelde, in repayment of wrongful charges to which he had put my Lord by indicting 60 of my Lord's tenants in Cumberland, 13l. 6s. 8d. On Wednesday, 13 Feb., from the abbot of Meux, for my Lord's fee of the stewardship of Holderness, at 20l. a year. | |
Total receipts of Will. Wormes this 6th year, 2,614l. 4s. 7¾d., divided into separate headings, the totals of which are for the most part lost by mutilation. | |
ii. Payments "by me, Will[iam Wormes," from] Mich. 6 Hen. VIII. [to Mich.] 7 Hen. VIII. To Rob. Tenant, for costs of John Etton, my Lord's usher, "Will. Blakemantill's costs of Topcliffe," and Gilmyne's costs. To John Anderson, for repairs at Lekingfeld. Costs of Brian Pames, Adam Pennyngton, Ric. Rokeby, of Beverley, Mr. Joslynge and John Pikerynge, Thos. Horword, to buy Rhenish wine at Hull. For the fishers of Arram, (?) 14s. For Thos. Lamplughe, 24s. 2d. For Thos. Bouttray, 6s. 7d. For my Lord's costs at York, Thursday 6 Dec., ... Thos. Horwoude, to buy wine at Hull, 10l. 0s. 9d. Thursday, 14 Dec., for my Lord's costs at the Oyer Determiner at York, 10l. Saturday, 23 Dec., for my Lord's repairs at Leckingfelde, 10l.; "for fish and other disguising stuff," 21l. 7s. 8d. To Rob. Percy and Gilbert Weddell, for household expences. Monday, 1 Jan., for the King's attorney's costs. | |
Thursday, 26 Jan., to Rob. Tenant, for Sir Harry Clifforth, 126l. 13s. 4d. Monday, 20 July, for repairs of the White Friars at York, 8l., and at Lekingfeld and Topcliff, 11l. 7s. 1d. Saturday, 25 July, to lord Ogle, 20l. Friday, 28 Sept., for the King's attorney's costs, &c., 78l. 15s. 5d. | |
Total payments from Mich. 6 to Mich. 7 Hen. VIII., 2,581l. 8s. 3¾d. | |
2. Receipts by Wm. Wormes, from Mich. 7 to Mich. 8 Hen. VIII.—Revenues of Petworth: received by John Ederton, of Petworth; of Somerset and Dorsetshire, by Gilbert Weddell, at London, in Feb., March, and May; from the tenants in Foston, Leicestershire, by George Hodgeson. Revenues of Yorkshire: on Friday, 1 Sept., received of George Swinburne, by his brother Ralph, and on Monday, 15 Sept., by Sir Wm. Johnsone, his priest; on Saturday, 4 Oct., of John Heron, in repayment of loan to lord Ogle. Wood sales of Leckingfield and of Bowrwell in Lincolnshire; the latter received by John Jaxson. | |
Total receipts for the seventh year, 2,378l. 12s. 5½d. | |
ii. Payments, 7 to 8 Hen. VIII.—For repairs, &c.: on Friday, 7 Dec., Our Lady's even, for my Lord's costs at his house in Craven, 16l. On Sunday, 9 Dec., for Ric. Middleton's costs, and for hanseman's (henchman's) stuff, 10l. For payment of carriages and repairs. On Friday, 18 Jan., for my Lord's gift, and my lord Percy's, at the christening of Master Harry Clifford, 20l. On Friday, 21 ... delivered to Robt. Tennant, of the revenues of Ponynges, 66l. 13s. 4d.; and of the Briane's lands, lately the earl of Ormond's, 30l. For my Lord's expences at London, from 31 May to 3 Aug., 100l. On Monday, 25 Aug., for my Lord's cost at Petworth and homewards, 30l. Thursday, 11 Sept., for a horse for Master Ponynges, and for other causes, 10l. To Sir Harry Clifford, for his marriage money, 100l. For my Lord's creditors at London, 120l. | |
Total payments, 2,419l. 1s. 9d. ½q. | |
3. Receipts of Wm. Wormes, Mich. 8 to Mich. 9 Hen. VIII. Of Robt. Radcliff, receiver of Yorkshire, 668l. 6s. 8d. Arrears of same by Radcliff's servants, John Hounter, John Reyme and William Hill. Revenues of Northumberland, Cumberland, &c. Money borrowed of Radcliff, George Swinburne, the prior of Durham, lord Dacre of the North, and John à Laumpligh, my lord's lieutenant at Cockermouth. Received of Ric. Littlebury, feodary of Lincolnshire, 10l. | |
Total receipts, 3,050l. 3s. 8¾d. | |
ii. Payments from Mich. 8 to Mich. 9 Hen. VIII. 19 Nov., of the subsidy of my Lord's lands in Yorkshire, and for his household servants, 21l. Monday, 8 Dec., for the King's payment to Cavilcant, the Lombard, 300l. For apparel of my Lord's hansemen, &c., 39l. 15s. 5¼d. Saturday, 13 Dec., for the King's payment to Kevylecaunt, Lombard, 200l. | |
Total payments, 3,014l. 8s. 0¾d. | |
4. Receipts of William Wormes, from Mich. 9 to Mich. 10 Hen. VIII.—Monday, 8 May, the revenues of Devonshire, received of Gilbert Weddell, by Robt. Uddall, his deputy, and delivered to Geoffrey Lancaster, on Friday, 10 April, of divers tenants of Slapton and Torbrian, in part payment of their fines of 350l. 19s. 11d. 18 Nov., for wood sale of Bourvell, in Lincolnshire. Thursday, 17 Dec. received of my lords commissioners of Yorkshire, by Sir Thomas Bell, of Gressomes, 54l. 6s. 8d. Of Lamplughe, by Laites and Harrison, his servant, part payment of goods forfeited by Jack Newcome. Wednesday, 7 April, of Thos. Horseley, by John Wateson, hermit, part payment of 13l. 6s. 8d., for the wardship of John Carr. Wednesday, 29 Sept., of Lamplughe, for fines made in Cumberland, 116l. 5s. 6d. | |
Total receipts, 2,621l. 6s. 9½d. | |
ii. Payments from Mich. 9 to Mich. 10 Hen. VIII.—Wednesday, 11 Nov., to Robert North, for Master Clifford's payment and my Lord's costs at Wressiell, 80l. Tuesday, 28 Sept., for Master Clifford's payment at Whitsunday, 66l. 13s. 4d. Money received of the King's attorney in payment of the fines in Devonshire, 20l. Delivered to Geoffrey Lancaster, for my Lord's learned causes, at Easter term, 10l. | |
Total payments, 2,628l. 2s. 5½d. | |
5. Receipts from Mich. 10 to Mich. 11 Hen. VIII.—Revenues of Petworth and Ponynges, in Sussex; of Somerset and Dorsetshire, Wales, Yorkshire, &c. 27 June, at Wressell, and Friday 19 Aug. at Wressell, of George Swinburne, by his servant Cuthbert Shaftowe. Tuesday, 3 Oct. 11 Hen. VIII., at Lekingfield, of George Swinburne, 48l. Money borrowed of lord Dacre by John Woudborne, and of Sir Edward Ratcliff, John Lamplugh, the earl of Worcester, and Sir Thomas Lovell. 1 Dec., received of Master Southwike and Walter Walrand, by Sir Thomas Bell, for fines of Yorkshire, 24l. 15s. 9½d. Wednesday, 29 Sept., remaining in my Lord's coffers, 39l. 10s. 1½d. | |
Total receipts, 3,180l. 6s. 6½d. | |
ii. Payments from Mich. 10 to Mich. 11 Hen. VIII.—15 and 20 Oct., at Lekingfield, Friday, 27 (? 29) Oct., at Wressell. Sunday 21, at Lekingfield. 4, 12, and 25 Nov., at Lekingfield; also 5, 15, 21, 23, and 27 Dec.; also Saturday 1, Tuesday 4, Thursday [6], Monday 10 Jan., at Lekingfield. Tuesday 11, Thursday 13, Saturday 15, Sunday 23 Jan., Thursday 3 Feb. Thursday 10 Feb., and Thursday 10 March, at Wressell. Friday 20 and Tuesday 31 May, at London. Wednesday 1 and Wednesday 8 June, and Tuesday 6 July, at London; Saturday 20 Aug. and Wednesday 1 Sept., at Wressell. Friday 30 Sept., at Lekingfield and Wressell. | |
Total payments, 3,218l. 16s. 8d. | |
6. Receipts from [Mich.] 11 [to Mich. 12 Hen. VIII.]—Wednesday 12 March and 1 Aug. at Wressell. Yorkshire revenues received of Sir William Stabill's clerk and John Stabill, his brother. Borrowed, towards my Lord's journey to Guisnes, Thursday 18 April, at Wressell, of William Elson, 20l. Thursday 28 April, at Wressell, of the abbot of Meux, 20l.; and Saturday 5 May, at Wressell, of lord Dacre of the North, 20l. Thursday ... of ... John FitzJames, the King's [attor]ney, and another (name and amounts mutilated). John Gorrynge, of Sussex, 40l.; and John Skewes, "prentis-at-law," 20l. Tuesday, 29 May 12 Hen. VIII., received of Thos. Semarr, alderman of London, "in warsse (wares) the vallor of 1,000l., which was made in redy money," 677l.; and of William Bouttrey, mercer, as a loan in ready money and goods, 338l. 10s. 9d.; and of Nich. Vannachien, Florentine, "as in the price of 11½ yards of cloth gold of tissue, raised after 7l. a yard," 80l. 10s. Tuesday 24 April, at Wressell, received for wood sales of Bourwell, Lincolnshire, made by Lutton and Emerson, 41l. | |
Total receipts, 3,725l. 5s. 5d. | |
ii. Payments from Mich. 11 to Mich. 12 Hen. VIII.—On Sunday 23 Oct., to John Hobeson, Bachelor of Divinity, 178l.; and further sums in Nov., Dec., March, and February. | |
Total payments, 3,738l. 8s. 10d. | |
7. Receipts from Mich. 12 to Mich. 13 Hen. VIII.—Casualties of Somerset and Dorsetshire. Wednesday, 26 March, from the tenants of Stoke Hersey, Wike and Radeway, and in April from the tenants of Cheddon Fitz Paine and other places, for fines. Casualties of Devonshire and Gloucestershire, &c. Revenues of Cumberland, received on Thursday, 23 Nov., at Lekingfield, and 19 May, at Wressell, by Christopher Fox and John Wood. Money borrowed from Sir Thos. Lovell and Mr. Palmes; and on Wednesday, 3 July, from T. Kidsone, mercer, "upon a shift of certain jewels." Sunday, 28 July, in the feodaries' office at Yorkshire, from Leonard Beckwith, for his reliefs. Casualties of the North, received by Sir Nich. Farfax, Ralph Bridkirke, Ralph Fenvike, "for his creation money;" Gilbert Persson, for 53 swans, at 2s. each. Thos. Tatame, stable servant, for 6l. 13s. 4d., lent to him, and 6l. for 2 antisiners (antiphoners ?), sold by him, and of Suttle, my Lord's attorney, in part payment of Mr. Widder's money. 17 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII. received of Mr. Stanley, priest, receiver of the duke of Buckingham, for my Lord's fee for the stewardship of Holdernesse for one year, 20l. | |
Total receipts, 3,500l. 2s. 8d. | |
ii. Payments from Mich. 12 to Mich. 13 Hen. VIII.—Thursday, 31 Oct. 12 Hen. VIII. to Sir Thos. Petfield, 32l. 19s. 4d.; and numerous other payments in Nov., Dec., and Jan., and from March to May. For my lords commissioners' costs, westward, and other causes, 72l. 7s. 4d. | |
Total payments, 3,395l. 0s. 3½d. | |
8. Receipts from Mich. 13 to Mich. 14 Hen. VIII.—Tuesday, 25 March, of Wm. Erneley, by Anthony Johnson, of Petworth, 66l. 13s. 4d. Saturday, 1 Feb., at London, of Ric. Heddon, by William Brughe, for Christmas quarter, of the revenues of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire, 50l. Thursday, 15 May 14 Hen. VIII., at London, from Robt. Wolmerton, 50l. 1 Aug. 14 Hen. VIII., from lands lately fallen by the death of Sir Edward Ponynges, 159l. 4s. 4¼d. Among the receipts, sums borrowed of lord Dacres of the North, of Docwra lord of St. John's, Sir Henry Clifford (for my Lord's costs to Canterbury, 66l. 13s. 4d.), Sir Thomas Lovell, and others. | |
Total receipts, 4,299l. 7s. 10¾d. | |
ii. Payments from Mich. 13 to Mich. 14 Hen. VIII.—Among others, to Mr. Hennage, gentleman usher to Cardinal Wolsey. To Mr. Paige, chamber- lain to the same. To Garter King-at-arms. To my Lord's scholars. To six trumpets, 12l. To Mr. Bransby, my Lord's scholar at Cambridge, for six months, 40s. To Dr. Bird, provincial of the White Friars, for his annuity, 6l. 13s. 4d. To Dr. Hugh Done, prior of the Black Friars, London, 66s. 8d. To Mr. Lee, clerk of the Star Chamber. To Mr. Roper, the King's _, 6l. 13s. 4d. To my Lord's five chantry priests at Beverley; wine and wax for the same, at 1 lb. of wax per week, and 1½d. for wine. To John Tansfeld, of the Austin Friars, York. To John Carter, prior of the White Friars, York, annuity of 40s. | |
Total payments, 4,084l. 15s. 2¾d. | |
9. Receipts from 14 Hen. VIII. for the year following, of which the specialities are given, 3,443l. 6s. 11d. | |
ii. Payments.—Among others, on 9 Aug. and 11 Oct., to my Lord's five chantry priests at Beverley, in all, 25l. For wine and wax for the said priests, 55s. 4d. To John Tanfield, prior of Austin Friars, York, for my Lord's lodging there for one year, 4l. 6s. 8d. To friar John Cartier, prior of the White Friars, York, 40s. To Robert Harrison, one of my Lord's beadmen at Beverley, 23s. 4d. To Robt. Halle, ditto, 33s. 4d. To the paleser of Spofforth, 30s. 4d. To master Paige, chamberlain to my lord Cardinal, half year's fee, 50s. To Mr. Lister, for a whole year, 66s. 8d. To Ropper, the King's attorney, for ditto, 4l. 13s. 4d. To Jenkyn Llude, my Lord's counsel in Wales, 20s. To John Ichyngton, master of the Barge, half year, 20s. For Mistress Maude Egremounte, half year's fee, 20s. Dr. Howden, for his fee, 16l. 13s. 4d. To Master Norriche, my Lord's counsel, 20s. | |
Total payments, 3,489l. 18s. 5¾d. | |
10. Receipts from Mich. 15 Hen. VIII. to Mich. 16 Hen. VIII.—Among which the sum of 100s., received on 26 Oct. by the hands of the Friars Observant, of Newcastle, at my Lord's going northwards, and 3rd Dec. of lord Clifford, by the hands of Esperraunces, 100l., and 20l. on plate of 12 saucers; of Master Sempre, alderman, 66l. 13s. 4d.; also on 2 July, of Master Amyes, for the King's subsidy, 100l. Sum total of borrowed money, 846l. 13s. 4d. | |
Sum total of receipts, 4,047l. 11s. 4¾d. | |
ii. Payments during the same year.—For my Lord's costs northwards in October, 212l. 2s. 5d. For foreign expences, &c., 124l. 2s. 1d. For ditto, 526l. 6s. 2d. "Betwixt the breaking up of the parliament and my Lord's coming up to London at after Easter," various, 301l. 19s. 7¼d. For foreign expences, 339l. 13s. 5d. For a loan for the King, paid to Sir Harry Wyatt, 100l. Payment as usual of fees to ushers, beadmen, criers, stewards, bow-bearers, chantry priests, &c.; to Garter King-at-arms, for the year, 66s. 7d.; to Master Hennege, for ditto, 100s. To my Lord's six trumpets, 12l. To Mistress Maude Egremounte, for half year, 20s. To Richard Lee, clerk of the Star Chamber, 40s. To _ Howden, now bishop of Man, 10l. 3s. 4d. To George Whitewaine, master of the King's Hall, yearly fee, 53s. 4d. | |
Sum total, 4,135l. 3s. 7¾d. | |
11. Receipts from Mich. 16 to Mich. 17 Hen. VIII. Sum total, 3,674l. 13s. 2½d. | |
ii. Payments for the same year.—Among others, to Anthony Walker, one of the chantry priests at Beverley, for various expences, 60s. 0½d. To William Houdson, chantry priest of Topcliffe, fee for the year, 100s. To lord Fitzwater, steward of my Lord's lands in Cambridgeshire, year's fee, 66s. 8d. To Master Haistings, my Lord's scholar at Oxford, 33s. 4d. To Garter King-at-arms, a year's fee, 66s. 8d. Mr. More, chancellor of the duchy, his yearly fee, 21l. | |
Sum total, 3,677l. 15s. 3d. | |
12. Receipts from Mich. 17 to Mich. 18 Hen. VIII.—Of which borrowed of Ric. Gresham, mercer of London, 333l. 6s. 8d. On pledge of 12 silver saucers, 20l. Of Sir Thomas Docwra, lord of St. John's, 50l. &c. | |
Total, 4,163l. 18s. 3d. | |
Pp. 253, mutilated. Apparently imperfect. | |
24 Aug. R. O. St. P. I. 264. |
Though the King will be informed by the bishop of Bath of what has been done and sped at Rome concerning the secret affair, and of Wolsey's opinion in answer to Knight's letter of the 19th, thinks it right to advertise the King of the final terms to be made between Francis and the Emperor. Gives an account of his proceedings therein, which he thinks will serve the King's purpose. With his leave the French would be glad to go to war, and not offer the Emperor conditions too favorable. They will be grateful if, through the King's mediation, the Emperor's demands are reduced. | |
News has come from Lautrec of the injuries done by Mouret and Doria to the Emperor's galleys. Before the news came it was agreed that nothing should be said of the renunciation of Milan, the exclusion of the Venetians from the peace, the abandonment of Gueldres, and other topics. Efforts will be made to discover whether the Emperor is inclined to confer the duchy of Milan on the duke of Richmond, as reported, as a dote for the Portuguese princess. Amiens, 24 Aug. Signed. | |
Add. Endd. | |
R. O. St. P. I. 267. | 3382. WOLSEY to HENRY VIII. |
Thinks every day a year before he sees the King. Sends the bishop of Bath to discuss with him what shall be devised in reference to the King's secret matter with the Pope. | |
Hol. Add. | |
24 Aug. R. O. |
After Sir Will. and Humph. Lisle had broken the prison "at your town and castle of Newcastle-upon-Tyne," they fled to Scotland, and joined a band of thieves called the Armestrongs, with whom and the Charletons, Nyksons, Dodds, and others, to the number of seven score, they entered Northumberland, and burned Holmeshaugh, a town of Sir Will. Ellerkar's. They and their accomplices were indicted at the last assize at Newcastle before Sir Anthony Fitzherbert and Master Lyster, the attorney general, as justices of assize, and us, and have been proclaimed rebels. Send copy of the proclamation. (fn. 1) Are not sure if the indictment is legal, which they refer to the judges, though the case is aggravated. The proclamation is ordered to be made both in Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, and on days of true on the Borders. Send copies of letters* written on the subject by my lord of Richmond to the king of Scots and Angus. Northumberland, especially the wild parts, was in very good rule at the time of the Lisles' escape. Have caused watches and espialls to be laid throughout the county, and charged all the most expert men to be ready to resist the Lisles. Since his escape, Sir William has spread reports that the King was never privy to his committing to ward. As to this, about a twelvemonth ago Sir William and his son were grievously complained upon before my lord Legate and others in the Star Chamber, both for seditious words and for riots in Northumberland; on which we had orders from Wolsey to commit them to ward, and proceed to their punishment. Will inform the King when they have answer out of Scotland to my lord of Richmond's letters. York, 24 Aug. | |
Signed: T. Magnus—Wyll'm Parre—W. Bulmer—Godfrey Foljambe—T. Tempest—Wiliam Taite—Robert Bowys. | |
Countersigned: Jo. Uvedale. | |
24 Aug. Er. Ep. p. 1007. |
3384. ERASMUS to WARHAM. |
Has received his letters. His wishes are those of Warham, but he cannot leave his present place. The same enemy is the author of all these disturbances at Paris and in Spain. Has not yet received his pension. Basle, 24 Aug. 1527. | |
Lat. | |
24 Aug. Er. Ep. p. 1008. |
Will endeavor, by the help of Linacre's Syntax, just received, to become a good grammarian. Do you from the Chrysostom, which I send in return, endeavor to become a good preacher. Basle, 24 Aug. 1527. | |
Lat. | |
25 Aug. R. O. |
3386. FRANCIS I. to WOLSEY. |
Sends the sieur de Brosses (fn. 2) to give him some news. A la Fere, 25 Aug. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons. Legat. | |
27 Aug. R. O. |
3387. CHARLES V. |
The Nuncio with the Emperor to the Nuncio in France. Granada, 27 Aug. | |
A nobleman from the king of England has just arrived. The ambassadors of France, Venice, Milan, and the Nuncio have determined to allow him to speak first, as the King is more a mediator than a participator in this business. He has done so, and the Nuncio has presented the brief. Today they all went to the Emperor, and begged him to enter the treaty. He refused, saying it was made to his prejudice; but if the Princes would confirm a universal peace, none would be more eager for it, that the Turks and heretics might be resisted. He complained of and made excuses for several charges made against him by the Pope, saying that if the Pope would show himself a good father, he would be a good son, and show the world that he does not want more extended dominions, but only the peace of Christendom. The French ambassador writes of matters relating to his master. The English ambassador, who was not present, is waiting for an answer to a proposition made in the King's name; if this is granted they will return to the Emperor. If not, thinks the English and all the other ambassadors will intimate whatever is ordered. | |
P. 1, copy, Lat. | |
27 Aug. R. O. |
Was requested by Mr. George Lawson to deliver this writing to your mastership myself; but Master Moore's kinsman is ill of a fever, "nam in alimentis lunatico more solet diflectere," but it is almost gone now. Would have been delighted to have come to London if he knew that Cromwell wished it. One of our masters is accused of homicide, another of heresy, a third of theft, "nempe magister ille Stookes junior." Cambridge, 27 Aug. 1527. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Unto the right worshipful Master Cromwell. Endd. | |
27 Aug. | 3389. ST. MARY'S, COVENTRY. |
Assent to the election of Thomas Wyford as prior. Calais, 27 Aug. Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27. | |
28 Aug. P. S. |
Grant to the Dean and Chapter, of the priory of Farwall and all its possessions. 2 Aug. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Aug. | |
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. | |
Bib. Impér. Paris. | 3391. CARDINAL WOLSEY to FRANCIS I. |
I have at this moment received letters from Spain, dated at Valladolid, the 23rd, by which I am informed that the bishop of Worcester will be with me in three days, by whom your Majesty shall be informed of all that is doing there. The ambassadors of the King my master write to me that the Emperor is not less desirous of peace than yourself, and that he will do every thing that shall tend thereto. Amiens, Aug. 30. | |
30 Aug. Masters' MS. f. 116. |
3392. CLERK to WOLSEY. |
"At the Cardinal's going over to France, the bishop of Bath returned into England to relate unto his Majesty—(1) the proceeding of the Cardinal with the French king in the treaties; (2) to show unto him certain devices concerning his Highness's own and secret matter. He willed me to show him what your Grace (i.e. the Cardinal) thought therein. I showed his Highness, &c." 30 Aug. 1527. | |
Abstract, headed: "Out of an original letter of [the] bishop of Bath to Wolsey." | |
31 Aug. R. O. |
3393. CHARLES V. to WOLSEY. |
Nicholas Perrenot has written to him of the proposals made by Wolsey, which show the continuance of his friendship, of which the Emperor has been long assured. Desires credence for his said ambassador in reply. Palencia, 31 Aug. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Le cardinal d'Yorck, legat, primat, et grand chancellier d'Angleterre. Endd. | |
31 Aug. Masters' MS. (between ff. 272–273.) |
"Imploring his aid against the earl of Angus, who would keep the King in his power and subjection, and suffers no justice to be done, &c. The like letters she writes to the Cardinal." 31 Aug. | |
Abstract. | |
31 Aug. R. O. |
Money and jewels of the King's have come to his hand, which he has not delivered. Wishes Guildford and his other executors to pay to the King, as a recompence, a legacy of 1,000 mks., beside the bequest in the will. Wishes this, and the bill sent to his (Compton's) servants Umpton and Leson, to be inserted in the will. 31 Aug. | |
P. 1. Headed: The copy of a letter, &c. Add. | |
He and John Canot, factors to John Chesholme, who had a safe-conduct from the king of England under his great seal, were robbed of their horses at Berwick, on their way from France to Scotland, by Will. Lile and Edw. Bell, servants to the captain of Berwick. They ought to have been safe, even without a safe-conduct, by virtue of the truce. | |
P. 1. Endd. | |
Er. Ep. p. 1051. | 3397. ERASMUS to WARHAM. |
Complains of his persecution by the monks, and insists on his services to theology. If princes do not use efforts to restrain the disorders of the times, they will not be able to do so when they would. Will learn more from the letters of Erasmus to Bedell, his Grace's secretary. Basle, 1527. (fn. 3) | |
Lat. | |
Aug./GRANTS. | 3398. GRANTS in AUGUST 1527. |
14. Stephen Buntyng, of Lide, Kent. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Beaulieu, 10 Aug. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Calais, 14 Aug.—P.S. | |
14. Wm. Wynter, clk. Presentation to the church of St. Mary and St. Kenedrie, of Cantre, St. David's dioc., in the King's gift by the attainder of Edw. duke of Buckingham. Beaulieu, 4 Aug. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Calais, 14 Aug.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 1. | |
16. John Ford, feodary in co. Devon. Wardship of Katharine, Emily, and Alice, ds. and coheirs of Wm. Crewce. Del. Westm., 16 Aug. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
18. Wm. Pykeman and Wm. Bustede. To be bowmaker, surveyor of the bowmakers and keeper of the bows in the Tower of London and the Tower of Ireland, and provide bowstrings, in survivorship; with fees of 6d. a day, and a mansion with garden in the Tower, and a livery suit of the yeomen of the Chamber; on surrender of patent 19 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Henry Pykeman, now deceased, and Will. his son. Del. Westm., 18 Aug. 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9. | |
20. Th. Horden, clk. of the Accatry (Emptoriæ). Annuity for life, of 10 marks, out of the subsidy of the ulnage of cloths in co. Kent. Del. Westm., 20 Aug. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 17. | |
20. Wm. Royse, of Chichester. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Beaulieu, 10 Aug. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Aug.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 22. |