Henry VIII: July 1527, 1-10

Pages 1465-1477

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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July 1527

1 July.
R. O.
3214. [WOLSEY to FRANCIS I.]
Cannot express how much he was delighted by the letters he has received from Francis, written with his own hand. He may rely upon his devotion henceforward for ever. Calais, 1 July.
(fn. 1) Cannot thank him sufficiently for taking the trouble to write with his own hand, and reposing so much confidence in him.
In Gardiner's hand. Endd.: Mynute of a lettre in Frensh.
Calig. D. X. 49.
B. M.
3215. [CLERK, &c. to WOLSEY.]
* * * "his day at the ... my Lady and declared unto her h ... concerning your setting forwards." She [asked] if Wolsey then knew of her son's sickness. Said they thought that if Wolsey put himself to pain for the advancement of his affairs, he would sooner do so for the conse[rvation of] his health; and they thought that although Wolsey knew of his sickness, he would the sooner set forward, to put the King to as little pain as possible. She said she had devised about this with her son, who thanks Wolsey that he will wit[saffe to put] himself to such pains. Sh[e] * * * "[tr]usteth that th ... [Kin]g her son, (if there come no worse ... than now is feared) shall not fail to [meet] your Grace there," although he postponed important business in Paris.
She said some notable thing for both realms and all [Christen]dom would be concluded at the meeting, the execution of which would be too much r[emyt]tyd, if Wolsey had so far to go to speak with the King, and that her son would not fail to be at Amyas at the end of th[is] month, if he was no worse. "She showed us that u[pon] ... sday was his sick day, when he h * * *... he should escape tha[t] ... physicians did put no more do[ubt] ... your Grace should not pass Amyas ... the King her son should not fail to [meet your] Grace by the latter end of the month," before which he could not, and she therefore asked Wolsey to prorogue his journey. The news from [Italy] conform to the letters of the proth[onotary] Casalis. Expect Sir G[regory] Casale tonight or tomorrow. Lautrec ta[kes] leave of the King today, and to[morrow goes] from Paris, as my Lady showed them.
Pp. 3, mutilated.
Calig. D. X.
103. B. M.
* * * "grace. [L'ambassa]deur du Pape." Earl of Derby. Bishop of London. Lord Privy Seal. Lord Sandys, chamberlain. Sir H. Guldeford. Sir Thos. More, chancellor of the duchy. Bishop of Elffen. Lord Monteagle. Lord Harrowden. Sir John Dudley. Mr. Ratcliff. Mr. Willoughby. Mr. Parker. Mr. Stourton. Sir Fr. Bryan. Sir Edw. Semar. Sir Robt. Jernegan. Sir Thos. Palmer. Dr. Stephens (Gardiner). Peter Vannoys. Mr. Pexall * * * ... grave. Mons. Ellys. Sir Thos. Deonys, chamberlain. Mr. Sentclier, vice-chamberlain. Messrs. Wentworth, Hansard, Pomery, Constable, Warren, gentlemen ushers. Mr. Cade, maître d'hotel. Sir Wm. Gascoign, treasurer. Mr. Gostwick, comptroller. Mr. Borough, master of the stable. Drs. Alen and Bennet, audiencers. Dr. Ducke, dean of the chapel. Dr. Capon, almoner. The archdeacon of Canterbury.* * * Messrs. Luterel, Wyndam, Broughton, Bigot, Cutt, Reskemer, Fayrefax, Throgmorton, Deonys, Boulkley, Tempest, Redeman, Daunce, Ligh, Haselwode, Wentworth, Catesby, Medleton, Luterel junior. * * * Pexsal, Croke, Husey, Judde.
Total number of the Legate's train, 900 horse. Signed by Wolsey.
Fr., pp. 4, mutilated.
1 July.
R. O. St. P. I. 194.
Is not a little troubled at the message sent from the King by Master Wolman, as if Wolsey questioned the King's secret matter. There is nothing he is so desirous to advance, "not doubting for anything that I have heard so[ever] this overture hath come to the Queen's knowledge ... than I have done before; and, as I said unto Master Sampson, if your brother had never known her, by reason whereof there was no affinity contracted, yet in that she was married in facie Ecclesiæ;, and contracted per verba de præsenti, there did arise impedimentum publica honestatis, which is no less impedimentum ad dirimendum matrimonium than affinity, whereof the bull maketh no express mention." These are the words Wolsey uttered to Sampson when he said that the Queen was very obstinate, "affirming that your brother did never know her carnally," and that she desired to have counsel as well of strangers as of English,—a device which never could have come into her head except it had been suggested; and therefore Wolsey suggested that the King should handle her gently, until it was shown what the Pope and Francis would do. Norfolk and Suffolk were present on the occasion. Begs the King will believe that in all things concerning the King's honor Wolsey will be constant, even if all others should fail. Begs credence for Wolman. Westminster, 1 July. Signed.
In Gardiner's hand. Add.
Love Letters, IV.
3218. HENRY VIII. to ANNE BOLEYN. (fn. 2)
I have been in great agony about the contents of your letters, not knowing whether to construe them to my disadvantage "comme en des aucunes autres," or to my advantage. I beg to know expressly your intention touching the love between us. Necessity compels me to obtain this answer, having been more than a year wounded by the dart of love, and not yet sure whether I shall fail or find a place in your affection. This has prevented me naming you my mistress; for if you love me with no more than ordinary love, the name is not appropriate to you, for it denotes a singularity far from the common. But if it please you to do the office of a true, loyal mistress, and give yourself, body and heart, to me, who have been and mean to be your loyal servant, I promise you not only the name, but that I shall make you my sole mistress, remove all others from my affection, and serve you only. Give me a full answer on which I can rely; and if you do not like to answer by letter, appoint some place where I can have it by word of mouth.
Love Letters, VIII. 3219. HENRY VIII. to ANNE BOLEYN.
Though it is not for a gentleman to take his lady in the place of a servant, nevertheless, according to your desire, I shall willingly grant it if thereby I may find you less ungrateful in the place chosen by yourself than you have been in the place given you by me; thanking you most heartily that you are pleased still to have some remembrance of me. (fn. 3)
Love Letters,
Although, my mistress, you have not been pleased to remember your promise when I was last with you, to let me hear news of you and have an answer to my last, I think it the part of a true servant to inquire after his mistress's health and send you this, desiring to hear of your prosperity. I also send by the bearer a buck killed by me late last night, hoping when you eat of it you will think of the hunter. Written by the hand of your servant, who often wishes you in the place of your brother.
Love Letters,
I and my heart put ourselves in your hands. Let not absence lessen your affection; for it causes us more pain than I should ever have thought, reminding us of a point of astronomy that the longer the days are, the further off is the sun, and yet the heat is all the greater. So it is with our love, which keeps its fervour in absence, at least on our side. Prolonged absence would be intolerable, but for my firm hope in your indissoluble affection. As I cannot be with you in person, I send you my picture set in bracelets.
Hol., Fr.
1 July.
R. O.
Perceives by his letters that Thos. Wodd cannot provide wine for him at Sandwich; that the feoffees of young Moreley's lands are seised to the use of his last will; and that Sakfeld intends to be with him about St. Thomas's Day. As the indentures for the jointure cannot be made without first seeing the deed, intends shortly either to have them in his keeping, or elsewhere where Horwod can see them. Desires him to ask the Archdeacon, and inform Warham by Tuesday night, if my lord Cardinal alters his intention of coming to the Knight's place on Wednesday next. Unless he hears to the contrary, will be there by 4 or 5 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. Otford, 1 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my chapellayne, Maister Henry Goldd.
1 July.
R. O.
A book of reformed statutes for Cardinal's College, Oxford. Given at Wolsey's house at Westminster, 1 July 1527. Signed by Wolsey.
Lat., pp. 63, on vellum.
Petition for restitution of temporalities for the monastery of St. Mary the Virgin, Winc. dioc., on the election of Eliz. Schelley as abbess, vice Joan Legh. Marwell, 27 June 1527, 1 July 19 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
2 July.
Strype's Mem. I. Pt. ii., xiv.
Received your letter of the 27th ult. on the 21st June, and rode to the court at St. Denis. Sent your letter to the King by Robartet. Could not see the King, but spoke with my Lady after dinner. She desires you should not pass beyond Amiens, where her son will meet you, as he is now out of all danger from the fever. She thanks you heartily for the trouble you have taken. You will scarcely arrive at Amiens before the end of July.
She likes the overture to be made by the English and French ambassadors to the Emperor, for redress of the outrages done to the Pope. If it be refused there will be just cause for war. We showed Robartet the instructions written to the ambassadors in Spain. My Lady said, that Christian princes ought not to suffer Christ's vicar to remain in captivity, and ought to withdraw their obedience from a Pope who is a prisoner.
He assents to our demand touching confirmation of the last treaty concluded by the bishop of Tarbe. Lotrect has left well furnished for action. The chancellor of Spain has passed through Piedmont on his journey to Rome. Paris, 2 July. Signed.
Begs him, as he is better versed in accounts than herself, to look over those shown her by her brother-in-law, Mr. Rede, whom she sends to him, and the other books in her casket, which is in Gold's keeping. 3l. per cent. of the rentals are lacking to her jointure, as covenanted between her and her son-in-law, Leonard Rede. Desires him to ask Mr. Montegue and Horwod how she shall be discharged of Hen. Hawtry's 5 marks, and 3l. of Hugh Morgan, which her said son should discharge. The lands at Walingford are decayed, and not worth the value in the rentals. Wishes to know her counsel's determination about the meadow ground in Okeley. Cannot tell what to do about her jointure, her son's lands are so tied by formal statutes. Otford, 3 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Master Henry Golde, chaplain to my lord of Canterbury.
3 July.
R. O.
Mr. Donyngton and Mr. Bentley have made a rental of the lands belonging to Tynmouth, and an inventory of what was left by Dan. John Stonywell, late prior. Will bring them when he comes with the rents of Tynmouth, or send them before, if Wolsey prefers it. They have also made a book of the "decays" within the castle walls of the priory, which are numerous and expensive. Sends a bill of the necessary repairs for this year, especially the glass windows and leads of the church, and barns and garners for the corn. Wishes to know what he shall do in the matter. Has talked with Mylles Foreste about buying the offices in Auckland which he holds of Wolsey, which are of small profit to him by reason of the distance. Wishes to buy them, as his inheritance adjoins Auckland, and asks for letters patent for them. Tynmouth, 3 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.
3 July.
Vit. B. Ix. 135. B. M.
Is not able to come to Wolsey to tell him of the present disaster, and therefore writes to implore his help. They are led in triumph, and deprived of everything,—their country, their dignity, their honors. Wishes they had adhered to Wolsey's advice. He remains free, and, being old and infirm, begs Wolsey to protect them. Those on whom hitherto everything depended are prevented by their guards from writing. The Court, Rome, Italy, the whole world, look to Wolsey, and in this the King will help him. Begs him to use his influence with the Emperor. Praises Gregory Casale, who is returning to England. Venice, 3 July 1527. Signature mutilated.
Lat., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
Cal. D. x. 159.
B. M.
3229. [ _ to HENRY VIII.]
* * * "accensus cum antea maxim ... insignibus pietatis tuæ exemplis, tum v[ero] ... [litera]s tuas in candem rationem accuratissime scrip[tas] ... concitasti sarciendæ cladis expectationem, ut ... [vi] dear felicissimum illum diem cum Francia et Britannia ... et Francia sociis armis victrices hæc Christianissimi appe ... fidei assertionem sicut titulis ac studiis auspicatissi[mis] ... novo aliquo facinore, immo vero nobilissimo omnium offic[io] ... Christi ecclesia, restituto pontifice, testatissimas ad poster[os] ... misisse glorientur. Memorare hoc loco possem inaud[ita cru]delissimæ immanitatis exempla longe etiam quam hacten[us cur]rente fama acceperis graviora, sed mærore impedi[or] ... in arce ipsa Christianæ reipublicæ, et quod maximum est, et m ... nostrarum omnium miseriarum, ab his ipsis qui semel Christ[um pro]fessi sunt, non sexui, non ætati, non ordini, non aris, non sa[cris] parcitum esse considero. Sed hæc coram explicabit Greg[orius] Casalius Majestatis tuæ apud Romanum Pontificem tunc orator, quem eq ... judicarem in hunc usum providente Altissimo ex tam imman[i clade] superstitem fuisse nisi tu antea, vix audito casus indig ... excitatus, nihil ex te desiderari passus esses ... erurum necessitudine quicquam esse allaturum a * * * ... cæteris hujus ordinis a ... endæ reipublicæ formulam convenire. Et si ... urus eram nunc maxime interveniente et ... ei authentice commissurus non sum ut desim. Tuæ vero ... [P]etri cimbam tot procellis ... agitatam vel verius peni ... opera, consilio, gratia, authoritate, tuo more adjuv[are] ... humillime commendo." Paris, from the Court ... July 1527.
4 July.
R. O.
Hears from my lord of Richmond's council that after divers thieves of Scotland and traitors of Tynedale had been taken and committed to ward at Newcastle by Sir Will. Evres, sheriff of Northumb., Sir Will. Lisle and Humphrey his son broke out of prison there, set at liberty the English thieves, and went with them into Scotland. The Scotch thieves were sons to the headsmen of the Armstrongs, and have done most hurt of any in Hexhamshire and the bishopric of Durham. Fears that these two ungracious men will procure the thieves of both countries to do much hurt in Hexhamshire. Thinks the King's letters should be addressed to the king of Scots for their apprehension. Sir William is unfortunate, as Wolsey of late "was content he should be put at large upon good sureties," and sureties to the extent of 500l. were given for him. The forfeitures had better be applied to defraying the King's charges in those parts, and Lisle's lands given to those who will remain there. St. James's beside Westminster, Thursday, 4 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: [My] lord legate. Endd.
5 July.
R. O. St. P. I. 196.
Advertises the King of what occurred since taking his journey from Westminster on Wednesday last. Was everywhere well received by the people of London. Hears also from the archbishop of Canterbury and Sir Edward Gildeford, who resorted unto him, that the realm was never in better quiet, in spite of all reports to the contrary. Lodged on the first night of his journey at Sir John Wilteshere's, and was met by the Archbishop, with whom he communicated on the King's secret matter;—what had been done in it;—how displeasantly the Queen takes it;—what the King has done to pacify her,—declaring that hitherto nothing had been intended by the King, except to discover the truth, on occasion moved by the bishop of Tarbe. Watched his countenance, and observed his astonishment how the Queen should come to the knowledge of it. Thinks he is not much turned from his first fashion, as he asserts that, however displeasant it may be to the Queen, truth and the law must prevail. I have instructed him how he is to act if the Queen should ask his counsel, and he has promised to comply. Spoke to him of the present calamities of the Church, the captivity of the Pope, and your resolutions for redress of the same, for which purpose I was sent to France.
Proceeded next to Rochester, where I arrived on Thursday, and was received by Sir Edward and Sir Henry Gildeford, and entertained by the Bishop, to whom I talked of the lamentable state of the Church, and the prayers and fastings ordered by you for redress of the same. On my asking whether any one had been sent to him from the Queen, he paused awhile, and in conclusion said that he had received a message from the Queen by word of mouth, without any particulars, stating that certain matters had happened between her and you, in which she desired his counsel; that he had replied that in such matters he would do nothing without the King's commandment. On my asking him to be plain and frank with me, and tell me if he had formed any conjecture what the matter could be, he answered that he knew nothing certain, but conjectured it was for a divorce, and he was induced so to think by a tale brought by his brother from London, who had heard in certain company things sounded to such a purpose. This is all he says. I then told him that the King had never intended to disclose this matter, except to very few; yet now, seeing that his good intentions had been misrepresented, I had special commission to inform him of it, taking from him an oath of secresy. I then told him the whole matter of the proposed marriage between Francis and the princess Mary, and the objection made by the bishop of Tarbe, and the investigations to which it had given rise, as to the dispensing powers of the Pope, &c., for which I was sent into France;—thus declaring the whole matter unto him as was devised with you at York Place. I added that some inkling of the matter had come to the Queen's knowledge, who, casting further doubts than was intended, had "broken with your Grace thereof after a very displeasant manner, saying, that by my procurement and setting forth a divorce was purposed between her and your Highness," and your anxiety to discover who was her informant. The Bishop greatly blamed the conduct of the Queen, and thought if he might speak with her he might bring her to submission. I have, however, so persuaded him that he shall not speak or do anything in this matter, except according to your pleasure. After this I had some conversation with him, urging the impediments of the marriage, in which he mainly agreed.
Between Sitenborne and Faversham I encountered the ambassador (Jerome à Lasco) from the Vayvoda, calling himself king of Hungary, imploring your aid against the Turk. He protested that his master was not seeking an alliance with the Turk, and that he had been promised assistance from the French king. The King may well refuse aid, and avoid the displeasure of Ferdinand, on the ground that he must look to the Church. The ambassador had thought of proposing an alliance with Madame Rénée, but on seeing her had devised for a marriage with Madame Eleanor. Urged the dishonor of adhering to the Turk. He told me there was much disorder in the French king's council, who was destitute of good captains and money, and is in a perplexing and melancholy plight. Feversham, 5 July. Signed.
In Gardiner's hand. Add.
R. O. 3232. [BISHOP FISHER] to PAUL _.
Paul says he has heard two things from Dancaster, at which he marvels not a little: 1, that Wakefeld has found something in Hebrew which makes for the King's argument; and 2, that the bishops who at first dissented have all come over to the King's opinion; which, if true, he thinks a great disgrace. Thanks him for this candid expression of opinion. The matter concerns not only the honor but the soul's health of the writer, if he were to recant what he had once said truly. Trusts he will never depart from the truth, though open to conviction. Has taken great pains in this matter to know what the truth is, and has no doubt of his conclusion. Gives his reasons for holding, in opposition to Wakefeld, that marriage with a deceased brother's wife was not prohibited by the Mosaic law. Believes the King means to do nothing against the law of God, but he will be quite justified in submitting his difficulties to the Pope; especially as kings, from the fulness of their power, are apt to think that right which suits their pleasure. But it is not true that all the bishops think such a marriage invalid.
Lat., pp. 4.
App. No. 8.
Sent a letter to the King yesterday, and a book written by the counsel of Master Wakfeld. Answers the objection of some of the King's counsel, that Leviticus is annulled by Deuteronomy. Wakfeld desires to know whether the King is willing to hear the truth in this great matter. He offers to "show unto your Highness such things as no man within your realm can attain unto or show the like, and as well for you as against you." But he does not meddle in this matter without your licence. Peace commends him for his excellent learning and wonderful knowledge. Sends a Hebrew alphabet, desiring it may be delivered to Master Fox with order to get it by heart; by so doing he shall in one month be able to judge of the correctness of the Vulgate and the LXX., and to show the King the truth. Sion, Friday.
Knight, ibid.
No. 9.
Offers to defend the King's cause in all the universities of Christendom. Begs the King will keep it secret from man or woman until he hears from Pace. "If the people should know that I, which began to defend the Queen's cause, not knowing that she was carnally known of prince Arthur your brother, should now write against it, surely I should be stoned of them to death, or else have such a slander and obloquy raised upon me, that I had rather to die a thousand times or suffer it. I have and will in such manner answer to the bishop of Rochester's book that I trust he shall be ashamed to wade or meddle any further in the matter." Has shown part of his book to Pace. Syon.
R. O. 3235. RIC. PACE to JOHN PACE.
"Whatsoever is spoken here of my lord Cardinal's evil mind against me, it is untrue, for he hath nothing done against me but that is to my high contentation, and rather advancement than hindrance. And thus I heartily pray you and command you to show to all my friends, and to publish the same abroad. I wrote to his Grace this day to admit you to his service. Let me have knowledge what he will say thereunto." From Sion, this Friday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my loving brother Jhon Pace."
R. O. 3236. PACE to [his brother JOHN PACE]
"Sir,—I command you, immediately upon the sight hereof, to repair to me hither, with all my servants, as many [as] will come; and bring with you also your wife and children, one maid to wait upon her, leaving the other to keep your house. And do you set written upon [the] door 'God save the King. Amen.' I know the King's mind. Do you as I command you, whatsoever any other man shall say."
Hol., p. 1.
Nero, B. VI. 24.
B. M.
3237. HUNGARY.
"Minuta de una lettera della Mta del Re al Re Giovanni" [John Zapolski, of Hungary.]
Has heard frequently by Gregory Casale of the good condition of his kingdom of Hungary. Andrea Corsino, the king of Hungary's secretary, has informed the writer fully of his master's affairs, and delivered his message. Cannot refuse the desired protection, and has written to the most Christian king in his favor. Begs credence for the secretary.
Copy, Italian, p. 1.
6 July.
Vesp. F. I. 76.
B. M.
Thanks him for his letters, and the credence of Antony Rincon, his ambassador, who arrived on the 25th of June. The late defeat, in which the King was killed, shall be redressed, with God's help, and the aid which Francis promises. Has informed the said ambassador about the state of his affairs, and the attempt of Ferdinand king of Bohemia upon the throne. Asks him to remember his promises. Haste is necessary above all things. Would send ambassadors, but every road is blocked up by the common enemy. Will, however, do so as soon as possible. Sends to the Venetians as he advised, and also to the Pope. As he cannot send to the king of England, asks Francis to write or send to him and his other allies on his behalf. Buda, 6 July 1527. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd. in an English hand: Ex Buda, Hungariæ, 6 Julii 1527, ad Francorum Regem.
Vesp. F. I. 59.
B. M.
3239. HUNGARY.
"De præsenti statu serenissimi principis domini Joannis regis Hungariæ, etc., et de his qui sunt ei nunc obedientes et qui non."
All Hungary, with that part of Dalmatia and Croatia which his predecessors possessed, Slavonia, Transilvania, Walachia Major or Moldavia, Walachia Minor or Transalpina, are completely in his power, and obedient to him, with all the barons and prelates;—except Stephen de Bathori, formerly the Palatine, and now proscribed in a general diet; Thomas de Zalahaza, elect bishop of Wesprim; Alexis Thwrzo, of Bethlenffalwa, of the Company of the Fucars, who was made a baron two or three years ago by the favor of a bishop whose daughter he married; and certain young men, servants of the Queen, who are not barons. The Bishop and Thwrzo were deputed to guard the Queen when king Lewis set out, and they alone were present at Ferdinand's election. John count of Corbavia is said to have received a pension from Ferdinand, but would not be present at the election, and has not yet offered obedience to him as king of Hungary. Others who were with Ferdinand, Francis Batthyany, Stephen Broderich, bishop of Sirmisch, king Lewis' chancellor, John Thahy, governor of the priory of Wrana (Auranea), returned when they saw that the whole kingdom, except the three mentioned, chose the present king. A few days ago, three young men, Despotus Rascie, Ladislaus More, and Valentinus Turcus, went over to Ferdinand. A robber, named Niger, of the Rascian family, was corrupted by Ferdinand, but his army was destroyed by the bishop of Waradin. It is thought the three young men will return when they hear this. No other counts or nobles have revolted from the King. Presbourg and Oldenburg have been given up by Bathor to Ferdinand, except the castle of Presbourg, which is held by John Bornemyza. There are other forts and towns belonging to the Queen, which the King could have occupied, but he has acted throughout from a wish to preserve peace.
Although in the late disaster, king Lewis, the brother of the present king, and a great number of prelates, barons, &c., were killed, the kingdom will soon be in its former condition. Two thirds of the kingdom are untouched, and the people of the part wasted are safe. Slavonia, Transilvania, and both Walachias are unhurt. To the French king's question, whether men or money are most needed, the most salutary thing for Christendom and for Hungary would be for Francis to turn all his forces against the enemy of Christendom, as he offered to the bishop of Sirmisch, king Lewis's ambassador; but if he cannot do that, money would be of the greatest use, as guns and arms were lost in great quantities in the battle. The king of Poland is devoted to the king of Hungary, as Francis will hear from his ambassador, who is returning. The Bohemians and Slesians have repented a thousand times accepting Ferdinand, and will not assist him against Hungary. The Moravians will give him 2,000 foot, for which the King will shortly punish them. The dukes of Bavaria and other princes of the Empire are allies of the King. Sends letters intercepted from Ferdinand to Mahmethbegh, governor of Nandoralba, or Belgrade, to excite the Turks against the King. Valentinus Thurcus has returned, and Ladislaus More has promised not to bear arms against the King.
Lat., pp. 5. Endd.: De statu Regis & Regni Unghariæ.
7 July.
R. O.
Petition of Michael and Peter Erdara, merchants of Navarre, against Martin de Gynea, merchant of Spain, who had sold wares for them in London, but would not come to a settlement. Request that the matter be investigated by a commission of merchants, viz., Anthony Vyvalde, Lucas de Lucar, Peter Francis de Bardye, John de Ratya, Paul Wythipoll, and Will. Roche.
ii. Form of the desired commission subjoined. Dated Canterbury, 7 July 19 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 2. Duplicate of the above petition.
R. O. 3. Writ to the above commissioners to proceed. Headed: Breve expediendum. Lat., p. 1.
R. O. 4. A declaration [to Wolsey ?] (R. D. v.) relative to the above case. Lat., p. 1.
8 July.
Vit. B. IX.
B. M.
Is ready to carry out the good will he expressed in his late letters, and will be more able to do so, as the Pope has recently created him cardinal, wishing to have one in the College who will act according to his wishes. Knows that it was done at Wolsey's instance. Gregory Casale will testify to his good will. Mantua, 8 July 1527. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
8 July.
Otho, C. IX. 55.
B. M.
"... de May dernier passe ... y de plus en plus entendu le bon vouloir ... necessite plus que jamays de favorer et aider a la ... on de ceste religion vostre, de quoy humblement vous remerc[ions] ... despuis le partement de l'homme qui a este envoye en len ... [pour acce]lerer l'affaire duquel par ledit commandeur ay adverty le R[oy] ... Monsr. navons heu de luy aucunes nouvelles. Le retour de ... s de jour en jour a grand desir incontinent quil sera avene ... [j'enver]ray adviz audit seigneur et a vous par homme exprez de l'estat ... sinon en quoy il ara trouve les affaires de pardella, pour y pr ... temps laccompaignera avecques le bon adviz, conseil, et aide dudit ... ene et votre."
Hears from the English prior, by the commander Dinteville, that Wolsey wishes to take the commandry of Sampford for his new college, in exchange for [some place] of equal value. It cannot be done without the authority of the Pope and of a general chapter, [with the presence] of all the English knights. Intends to hold a chapter shortly, and will propose it. It shall be done if possible. Arles, 8 July. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: Monseigneur le Cardinal d'Angleterre.
8 July.
R. O.
St. P. I. 205.
Has arrived at Canterbury. Has been entertained by the abbot of St. Austin's, and others. Finds all things quiet, and nothing said about repaying the loan. Sends letters to be signed by the King for summoning cardinals to meet Wolsey in France, with whom he may consult for the good of the Church, in the event of the Emperor refusing to set the Pope at liberty, as he has desired Wolman to inform the King. Sends also an answer to the letters from Hungary, which must be addressed according to the title claimed by the Vayvoda. This is according to precedent. This man will also be a bogge (bogie) against Ferdinand. Canterbury, 8 July. Signed.
In Gardiner's hand. Add. Endd.
8 July.
R. O.
St. P. I. 206.
Sends letters he has received from the bishop of Bath and Sir Anthony Browne. Francis is rid of his fever, and will meet Wolsey at Amiens. Is glad that the declaration of the Pope's obedience has been made to the English ambassadors in France. Sends news from Gregory Casale, translated from Italian into Latin, stating that the Pope refuses to give up Parma and Placentia, and that the Germans and Swiss in Rome are suffering from pestilence. It is thought that the duke of Ferrara will join the League, and the Florentines will do the same. Is told by the Pope's ambassador that the Cardinals will be induced to come to France. Hopes the Pope will soon be delivered, and God will "send unto your Highness your most noble and virtuous desires." Canterbury, this Monday, 8 July.
P.S.—Has received with the bishop of Bath's letters duplicates from the ambassadors in Spain of the 28th and 31st May, also from Worcester and Lee of the 15th June. The bishop of Tarbes had not then arrived at Bayonne. Has been advertised by his chancellor of Durham of the heinous attempts of Sir John [William] Lisle and his son, who have broken prison at Newcastle. Lisle has thus forfeited his bond and his lands. Recommends that Sir William Parr have the lands, and that the king of Scots be written to not to give him shelter. Signed.
In Gardiner's hand. Add.
9 July.
R. O.
St. P. I. 210.
In deciphering the duplicates mentioned in his letters of yesterday has found certain additions, showing the Emperor's intention to delay the peace with France, and use every effort to obtain Italy, under the King's sanction. The refusal of the duke of Bourbon to ratify the truce between the Pope and the Viceroy was done by the Emperor's consent. I hope you will be "merry at my poor house of the More." Canterbury, 9 July. Signed.
In Gardiner's hand. Add.
9 July.
B. M.
St. P. I. 209.
The King received your first letter on the 7th, and your second today, with your overtures to my lords of Canterbury and Rochester, and their opinions on the same. He is very thankful; and is very glad at the good reports you make, and begs you to write often. He also sends you a red deer slain with his own hands. This day he leaves Windsor for the More, intending to be at Enfield on Friday, and on Saturday to give audience to the Hungarian ambassador. Windsor, 9 July.
Hol. Add. Endd.
Harl. MS.
283. f. 66.
B. M.
Arrived here, at Canterbury, on Saturday last, on his way to the French king. Will proceed tomorrow to Dover, and cross on Wednesday, if the wind serves, to Calais, where he will have to wait seven or eight days for the transport of his train, which numbers 1,000 horses. Will then go towards Amiens, where, as they write from Paris on the 2nd inst., the French king intends to meet him. Proposes to be there on the 26th inst. Desires them to congratulate the King on his recovery, and to thank him for coming to Amiens to shorten Wolsey's journey. Would be content to travel farther rather than he should suffer in his body or hinder his affairs. Is very glad of the overture made by the King's mother for a meeting of the Cardinals who are at liberty, to consult about the ordering of the Church during the Pope's captivity, and of her saying that Christian princes could not with honor allow the Head of the Church to be kept in servitude; and that there could be no cause for any prince to put the Pope to ransom, or hold him in durance, but all Christian princes ought to decline from his jurisdiction till he is at liberty, so that every man may have access to him. If she had not made this overture, the King and he would undoubtedly have done so. Desires them to tell her his approval of it, and to ask her to cause her son to summon French and Italian cardinals to meet at some place in France, near the King and himself, that they and the Regent may confer with them concerning the government of the Church during the Pope's captivity, and consider what is to be done if the Emperor will not condescend to reasonable conditions of peace. They must insist that the Cardinals should meet at some place as near as possible, that Wolsey may not have to go to the other end of France, and to save time.
The papal ambassador, who is with Wolsey, writes about this to the Legate de Salviatis and the absent Cardinals; and the King and Wolsey will do the same, according to the enclosed minute, which is to be shown to Francis and his council.
They must suggest to the King that as Wolsey's journey has come to lady Margaret's ears, certain passages between Amiens and Calais should be protected by the garrisons on the frontiers, lest any enterprise be attempted against him from Flanders. They must also ask the King to send persons to Calais to tell him where his train shall be lodged. The bp. of Bath can then come to him with all speed, leaving Browne behind. Would like to meet him at Montreuil, or at furthest Abbeville. Will send to Browne from Calais the number of his train to be shown to the French king, whom they must desire to take order for forwarding the King's letters to Spain, Italy, and other parts.
Pp. 2, modern copy.
Calig. D. X.
B. M.
2. Another modern copy of the above.
Pp. 4, mutilated.
9 July.
R. O.
In favor of Wm. Anderson, merchant of Edinburgh, who sold to Thos. Turnbull, fishmonger of London, certain lasts of salmon to the value of 70l. st. in time of peace. 30l. is still unpaid; and Turnbull alleges that the salmon was taken from him by the King's officers as his escheat. Edinburgh, 9 July 14 Jas. V. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
9 July.
R. O.
3249. JAMES V. to WOLSEY.
Asks him to second his letter to the King on behalf of the "said Williame, our s[ervitor, for payment] of the said soum, according to the said Thomas obligation and to justice." Edinburgh, 9 July 14 Jas. V. Signed.
Mutilated. Add.
9 July.
R. O.
Mortgage by Sir John Hussey to Tho. Cromwell of certain parcels of plate for 100l. Dated 9 July 19 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2. Draft. Corrections in Cromwell's hand.
10 July.
R. O.
St. P. I. 212.
Is extremely grateful to the King for a fat hart sent by Basing. Will do what he can to advance the King's "virtuous desires." Proposes to embark for Calais tomorrow. Dover, 10 July. Signed.
10 July.
R. O.
St. P. I. 210.
I have received your letters dated Canterbury, the 8th, and delivered the one intended for the King. As the King had labored that day from Windsor to the More, he deferred hearing the other letters of my lord of Worcester and Gregory Casselis till next day. He desires you to request the French king to command Lautrec to advance, and revenge the Pope. Three days before the King left Windsor he sent letters to the king of Scots for the apprehension of Sir William Lisle, his son Humphrey, and others. He has also written to the earl of Angus.
The King is informed that William Steward, a servant of the French king, has lately arrived in Scotland with letters to the Scotch king, to whom he brings horses, and swords from Albany, and he has hired masons to repair the castle of Dunbar. The King is exceedingly sorry to hear of Tuke's grievous sickness. At the More, 10 July.
Hol. Add.
10 July.
R. O.
Vit. Pont. III.
di Principi,
II. 74 b.
No one can receive the news of the disaster at Rome without grief and indignation. What could be more nefarious among Christians than to conspire the destruction of that city, and to treat with contumely the Vicar of Christ. They have not even spared holy places, but have imprisoned the Pope, and committed all kinds of sacrilege. As a champion of the Faith, is determined to resist this storm, and leave nothing undone to restore the Pope to liberty, and vindicate the dignity of the Church. Has no doubt the Cardinal, and those of his brethren who have been spared this degrading bondage, burn with the same zeal. Has accordingly despatched the cardinal of York to the French king, to consult upon this matter. Hopes Cibo will meet him, and take measures for the Pope's liberation. "Ex Regia [nostra Windsor]," (fn. 4) 10 July 1527.
Theiner, p. 558. 2. Similar letter to cardinal Rudolfi. Windsor, 10 July 1527.


  • 1. This appears to be an alternative draft of the same letter.
  • 2. These letters are taken from the edition of [Mr. Gunn], published in the Pamphleteer, vol. 21, under the following title :—"The Love Letters of Henry VIII. to Anna Boleyn, now first correctly printed from the autographs in the Library of the Vatican Palace, with an historical introduction, illustrated by letters of distinguished contemporaries, notes and fac-similes. By the Editor of the Historia Brittonum." Other copies have been published by Hearne and in the Harleian Miscellany.
  • 3. The copy in the Harleian Miscellany here adds these symbols, 6. N. R. 1. De R. O. M. V. C. Z.
  • 4. In "Lettere di Principi" this letter is dated "dalla Regia nostra Mindosse,"—evidently a mistake for Windsor.