Henry VIII: June 1527, 1-15

Pages 1431-1446

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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June 1527

MS. 1044. f. 43.
3143. SPAIN.
Instructions to Sir Francis Poyntz, sent to the Emperor "ensuing the tenor of certain treaties" made with the French king, to be communicated to the French ambassadors, with whom he is to act for deliverance of the French king's children, &c.
1. It has been agreed between Henry and Francis, that the latter shall use all efforts to bring the Emperor to peace, and the liberation of the children on reasonable conditions; that failing, to make war against him in the Low Countries. Passing by the court of France, Poyntz is to make the King's most cordial recommendations to Francis and his mother, communicate his instructions to the bishop of Bath, and proceed on his journey accordingly. As Francis will despatch his ambassador at the same time; Poyntz is to join him, and on his arrival communicate his charge with the bishop of Worcester and Lee, who shall confer upon it with the French ambassadors. The arrival of Poyntz is to be notified to the Emperor by Lee and Worcester, and they are to declare their charge in conjunction with the French ambassadors, requesting a speedy andience, exhorting him out of love to the King, the quiet of Christendom, &c., to give them a friendly hearing. At the audience Poyntz shall deliver him the letters from the King and Wolsey, after they have determined among themselves who shall speak for the French king, and who for the king of England, taking care to agree in their argument, enlarging upon the malice of the Turks, the extirpation of heresy, &c.
2. After pointing out that the great cause of all these evils is the present hostility between Francis and the Emperor and the captivity of the children, they shall say that Francis is now ready to make honorable offers, to which he has been induced by Henry's intercession, larger than have ever yet been heard of in such a case.
3. They shall say they are jointly sent for satisfaction of the sums due to the King, the terms of which are long since past; and that, without entering into particulars, Francis is willing to pay 2,000,000 cr. for the redemption, one moiety in hand, and the rest in three years, with certain sureties and conditions; that Francis will exchange Hesding for Tournay; that the duke of Bourbon shall have his duchy of Bourbon and his rights; that Francis Sforza shall enjoy Milan, paying the Emperor a pension. As for Henry's part, seeing that the Emperor is to receive a million of money, he trusts the Emperor will pay his debts to the King;—that as Tournay was delivered by Henry to the French king on certain conditions, the capture of it by the Emperor cannot prejudice the King's rights. If, therefore, he intends to keep it he must make the King a convenient recompense. That although the King has other claims on the Emperor, if the Emperor will accept the French offers, and satisfy the debts, he is content to remit them; otherwise he shall claim them in full.
If the ambassadors find that the offers will be accepted, but the payment of the debt and the recompense for Tournay are objected to, rather than that the peace should not ensue, they shall offer to take a moiety of the debts, of the first million, and the other half of the first instalment, and they shall require Charles to send a commission to his ambassador to conclude the same in England. If he refuses, they may conclude it there, taking precautions that there be no delay, and that the articles on all sides be put in writing; information of the same to be sent to the Pope, the Viceroy, the duke of Bourbon, and hostilities to cease. If the Emperor make any other demands, they shall say they have no commission, and they think no further demand will be accepted, but they are willing to write. If the Emperor refuse audience, or to answer after audience within twenty days, the heralds, whom they shall keep secret with them, shall give intimation of war in the terms here sent. This declaration to take effect after forty days; on which the ambassadors shall ask for a safe-conduct, and take their leave. Signed by the King, top and bottom.
Pp. 19. In Tuke's hand.
MS. 1044. f. 55.
3144. SPAIN.
Secret instructions for Sir Francis Poyntz, sent to the Emperor. As he has no experience in these matters, he shall show his secret and open instructions to the bishop of Bath, and go with him to the King and my Lady. The ambassadors shall say that the King thinks the articles touching the money are reasonable, and beg Francis to strain a point. If he cannot pay the 2,000,000 at once, they shall offer reasonable qualifications for the second million; insisting, however, on the full sum, and the redemption of both children at once. He shall also communicate his charge to the English ambassadors in Spain, for whom certain secret articles are reserved, by which they will perceive that it is the King's great desire to decline hostility with the Emperor, if possible; avoiding, at the same time, any suspicion on the part of the French. They shall moderate, as far as they can, the tendency of the French king's ambassadors to exasperate the Emperor; and, as he may not be induced to comply at first, to persuade him, little by little, reasoning with him and his Council, without provoking the suspicion of the French, and begging them to remember the perils of the time, and the unreasonableness of requiring Francis to return to captivity. The arguments urged by the Emperor in this behalf are sophistical, and if adversity should befal him he will find none to assist him. They are to urge him to leave wilful counsels.
In the article touching Bourbon they must represent that the best has been done that could be,—that Christendom must not be kept in perpetual war on his account,—and if the provision is not sufficient the Emperor had better provide some other recompense for him. They shall also insist upon the charges incurred by the continuance of the war, and the difficulty the French king will have to pay a suitable ransom. All these things will tend to inculcate moderation. The ambassadors shall know that two commissions have been issued by the King and delivered to Poyntz,—one conformable to the effect of the Emperor's commission sent to Don Inigo. If that be objected to, Poyntz has another in more ample form. Touching the article of Tournay, they shall insist upon the costs incurred by the King in its conquest, but for the Emperor's sake he is content to take a competent sum to be paid after certain rates, and for his debts they shall name 20,000l., or as much under or over as they can get. Touching Milan they shall persuade Francis not to stick much on a pension to be granted to him out of that duchy. If he will not comply, Poyntz shall propose 50,000 ducats to be paid to the Emperor, and 50,000 to the French king. If the Emperor insists that he has sent a sufficient commission to Don Inigo in England, according to his communication by Bluemantle lately sent, and that till he knows what is done here he cannot proceed further, they shall say that though Inigo on his audience affirmed he had such a commission, he objected to that of the French king, which is only looked upon by the French as a mere excuse for delay, and therefore they have commandment to proceed, notwithstanding Inigo's commission. If they find the Emperor obstinate, they shall take all the means they can to make known to the nobles of Spain the King's loving proceedings in this matter, and how reluctantly he is compelled to declare war against the Emperor, as by their persuasion he may possible be moved to moderation.
Pp. 17. Partly in Tuke's hand.
MS. 1044. f. 64.
3145. WOLSEY to _
Although in instruction given to Poyntz "concerning such conditions as by the bishop of Worcester the King's almoner and him, jointly with the bishop of Tarbes" and other ambassadors resident with the Emperor, mention is made that they shall require the Emperor, if he accepts the peace, to send a commission here for that purpose, or that the ambassadors shall conclude it there, &c., as it is thought by the French king that any cessation of arms will prejudice his affairs in Italy, and benefit the Emperor, and no peace in reality ensue, the king of England desired the bishop of Worcester and Sir Francis Poyntz to have the articles reduced to writing at once, and sent to England to be engrossed. They are not to vary from this instruction, nor are they to accept any cessation of arms until the treaties of peace are fully finished, without the consent of the French king. If the Emperor will not consent to send a commission here, the ambassadors shall proceed according to their instructions. The bishop of Tarbes has shown on the part of the French king that he will find means that commissions shall be there for the Venetians, and whatever else is necessary. Signed.
In Tuke's hand, pp. 9.
1 June.
R. O.
Rejoices that he is in my Lord's favor, as appears by his learning and diligent service. "I doubt not but ye may attain unto all such foreign offices as your grandsire [or] your father had afore you, and mo too," and thereby do his Grace better service. Wishes Bygod had, by patent of the lord Percy, the stewardship of his lands in the East Riding, also the earl of Cumberland's. Advises him to get from Sir Edward Nevile a joint patent along with the writer, in the stewardship of Great Driffield and the steward ship of the lord of Craystock's lands in the East Riding, the stewardship of Scamston of the lord Latimer, and of Sledmer and other lands. Wishes him to get from my Lord a placard of all his own offices "for me, as old and crooked as I am," that the inhabitants may be accepted of my Lord's retinue, to the intent that one of Constable's children may wait upon Bygod whenever commanded by Wolsey. From my poor house of Carethorpe, 1 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my right worshipful nephew, Francis Bygod, esquire and ser[vant] unto my lord Cardinal's grace."
2 June.
.R. O. St. P. I. 189.
Sends letters from France and Italy in confirmation of the cruel spoils and murders committed by the Imperialists at Rome, who spared neither age, sex, nor religion, and the danger of the Pope and Cardinals, who fled into the castle of St. Angelo, unless they be shortly succoured by the army of the League. This must stir the hearts of all Christian princes. If the Pope be slain or taken it will hinder the King's affairs not a little, which have been going on hitherto so well. Sends letters of my lord of Rochester, showing his opinion on the matter, though it may be thought "that having some conjecture his said opinion proceedeth rather of affection that of sincerity of his learning or scripture," especially his strained interpretation of Illud quodcumque solveris erit solutum, which would enable the Pope to dissolve all ties (tollere omnia).
Encloses letters from Sir John Wallop, stating that the king of Bohemia will not let him pass to the Waywode. Supposes that Henry will make no sticking if the things in his letter be true. Hopes the news of the death of the Great Turk and his elder son is true, though the cruelty of Christian princes is worse than that of the Turks. Westminster, 2 June. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
Fiddes' Coll. P. 185.
On consulting those dumb masters, such authorities as he had at hand, finds that they differ greatly among themselves, some declaring that the thing is prohibited by divine law, others that it is lawful. On mature consideration, thinks he sees an easy answer to the arguments of those who deny its lawfulness, but not to those of the other side. Cannot see any sound reason to show that it is prohibited by divine law for a brother to marry the wife of a brother who has died without children; and, considering the fulness of authority given by our Lord to the Pope, who can deny that the latter may give a dispensation to that effect, for any serious cause ? But, even admitting the arguments to be balanced on either side, Fisher would be decided by this—that it belongs to the Pope to clear ambiguous passages of Scripture, after hearing the opinions of the best divines; otherwise it is in vain that Christ has said, Quicquid solveris in terra erit solutum in cœlis, &c. As the Pope, therefore, has more than once by his act declared that it is lawful to dispense in this case, Fisher thinks this alone should determine the question. Has, accordingly, no hesitation in declaring that the dispensation is within the Pope's power. Rochester.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.: R. D. Legato. Endd.
R. O. 2. Four modern copies of the above.
4 June.
R. O.
The dispute between my neighbour Edmond Horsley and Mr. Kecchewik is at an end. Your sending to the former made him more pliant than either I or Sir Giles Capell could get him to be. As he shows so much confidence in you, I beg you will get him a farm. Bradwell, 4 June. Signed: John Veer, Sir.
P. 1. Add.: To his right loving friend, master Cromwell.
4 June.
R. O.
3150. THE MINT.
Assays of silver and gold, made in the Star Chamber, 4 June 19 Hen. VIII., in presence of cardinal Wolsey, Thos. duke of Norfolk, the bishops of London and Ely, marquis of Dorset, and earl of Oxford, Sir Jo. Fitz James, chief justice of the King's Bench, Sir Rob. Brudenell, chief justice of the Common Pleas, and Sir Ric. Broke, chief baron of the Exchequer.
5 June.
Vesp. C. IV. 142. B. M.
3151. LEE to HENRY VIII.
Wrote on the 24th May that he had sent one to Bayonne with a safeconduct for Poynes and the bishop of Tarbes, but can hear nothing of them. Has heard of the league of Italy, and the determination of the King to send 10,000 men against the Emperor, and that the Cardinal should go over to arrange a marriage between the Princess and the French king or the Dauphin;—that you are sending to the Emperor security for 2,000,000 and the restitution of Sforza. Refers him to his letter to the Cardinal. The Emperor is much abashed, and Inigo condemned for being so scrupulous. I have said I do not believe it, and that you would not break with the Emperor except with great cause. The Emperor is sorry for Bourbon's enterprise against Rome.
This day the Prince was baptised with much pomp. His name is Philip. His godfather are the Constable and the duke of Alva; his godmother the queen of Portugal. The Emperor told the Nuncio that Bourbon had no commission to act as he had done. Though it may be expedient to have a General Council, it is not expedient to have it at Spires by order of Pompey Colonna. Valladolid, 5 June.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
5 June.
Vesp. C. IV. 126. B. M.
3152. LEE to [WOLSEY].
Visited J. Almain on the 24th May, who, upon my denying that I had received any news, drew from his bosom a folded paper, written in Italian, stating that a new league between France and England had been published in England on the 5th May, containing also certain terms for sending an army to Italy, and that the King intended to have an interview with Francis. It is said also that both Princes are sending here Poynes and the bishop of Tarbes, offering 2,000,000 for the liberation of the children; also demanding that the queen of Portugal be sent into France, Francis Sforza restored, the King's debts paid, and to denounce war in event of the Emperor refusing. He told me that the French ambassadors had left England, 9 May. I answered that I could not believe that the King would send 10,000 men into Italy, and if the King broke with him it would be Inigo's fault, "that converteth the Emperor's mind so much" from the King and Wolsey.
Describes his interview with Almain, asserting that Inigo might have made fuller demonstration of the Emperor's intentions. Almain said in excuse that Bluemantle had arrived the day after the league was published, and that afterwards Wolsey would not hear Don Inigo, but told him they would send articles to the Emperor; which, Lee said, was incredible. "Doubtless I found him much abashed; and so, I think, they be all." Asked if they were going to cast away the King, and thus let the French steal their best friend ? "What would you we should do ? saith he. Would you that we should take laws of the Frenchmen, although we were constrained to dance after their pipe maulgré our heads ?" Lee said that was not necessary; that even now they might send to Mons. de Harbrach, who had left for England, and write to the King and Wolsey their full mind; and that they ought not to lose the King for mountains of gold. Almain said it was good counsel, but what if England meanwhile sent them a defiance, which it seemed by the herald that she intended ? "I said nay, we come not to defiance afore parole. We shall first propose, and then hear what you will say; this is the common order;" adding that if even now they condescended to the King's mind, pretending that it had been their own mind always, they would not find the King stone or iron. At length he said he would speak to the Emperor about sending after Habarch; "but I doubt of these Spaniards' heads," he added, "when they shall hear these things."
Hope, if he has been indiscreet, the King will impute it to his simpleness, and partly sorrow and abashment that things should have come to such a pass. Suggests reasons against the King's going to war with the Emperor:—1, that it was at Henry's request the Emperor delivered Francis on such easy terms, which is considered the sole cause of war now; 2, the old amity of England, Burgundy and Castile; 3, the injury that will be done to trade; 4, and to the whole of Christendom; 5, that the Emperor has shown so much consideration for the King, in renouncing the article of Burgundy, which France alone could never have brought him to, and his willingness that the peace should be treated in England. He sticks at nothing now but (1) that he will admit no delays of payment, so as to prevent occasion of new war, which seems a reasonable objection; and (2) the restitution of francis Sforza. 6. Amity with the Emperor will be a great stay to the King's affairs, and make the French afraid to break with him. 7. If a breach do occur, these countries may be gladder to join with France than with us, especially if the marriage with the queen of Portugal take effect.
When Almain asked him to write to Wolsey, Lee reminded him he had formerly made him write things "that followed not so," as when he stated that the secret instructions had been sent by Echingham. Almain said he had excused Lee in letters to Brian Tuke. This was Friday the_ (fn. 1) May. On the Sunday (fn. 2) Almain came to his house, which he never did before, and told him that the Emperor was anxious above all things to maintain the amity with England, and that they had now given by Bluemantle full authority to Don Inigo to conclude. "I pray God, said I, you may better do than you have done in times past, lest you make the thing in worse case than it is yet." Almain said with this clause he thought the Emperor would put all in the King's hands. Lee said he was afraid such respect to the Emperor's honor could not be had now as might have been.
On Wednesday, [29] (fn. 3) May, he came again, and showed him a minute in Spanish from the Emperor to Don Inigo, stating that he had received his letter by Bluemantle, and letters from the King by his ambassadors, "the tenor whereof he expressed, and the form of passport granted upon the same, &c.;" that he understood such and such articles (viz. those shown him by John Almain in the paper written in Italian); that he wondered if such a report were true, as he loved the King above all princes, as shown by his willingness to have this treaty negociated in England. Some words were added, which he told Almain had better be out; that he marvelled if the King would pass over to see Francis, and feared the latter would allure him to the continuance of war. He commanded Don Inigo to agree to everything the King and Wolsey desired; adding, however, "as he shall think convenient,"—which words, Lee told Almain, "might be a starting hole," adding that he saw no words of undoubting confidence, "viz. that you put all your whole affairs in their hands." Almain promised to make a note of it, and speak to the Emperor, but said a request must be added that the King and Wolsey have respect to the Emperor's honor. Told him he might be sure they would without such addition. He sent word the same night that the Emperor was contented with the clause; but I desired that he would not have the letters signed till I had seen him.
Visited him on the morrow, being Ascension day, and saw the minute to Inigo, commanding him to agree to everything that he thought "convenient" to the treaty. 2. That he should declare, on the Emperor's behalf, that he is willing the King and Wolsey should take his affairs into their hands, trusting they would have respect to his honor. Neither he nor Worcester was satisfied with these terms. I told him, therefore, that unless the King had absolute and irrevocable power in this matter, you would not desire Francis to send ambassadors to England. De Pratt was present, showing himself a sorrowful man, and expressing his great goodwill to England, and both avowed that the French king had proposed to the Emperor to make a joint attack upon Calais, and he would never consent to have the peace concluded in England. Pressed Almain that the clause should be drawn expressing absolute contidence in the King and Wolsey, and letter be sent to that effect. Combated Almain's assertion that they would seem to do it for fear, and there was no need to include it in letters to the King and Cardinal. Declined to send the Emperor's letters by one of his servants, but consented, if there was good grounds given for settling a peace, to ask the bp. of Worcester.
At evening in the monastery of St. Francis, Almain and De Pratt met us, when the latter said that the Emperor not a little marvelled at the treaty between France and England, considering that the alliance of his house with England is ancient out of mind, and that he was resolved to write to the King on that subject, rehearsing the words as they appear in Almain's minute, and not as they are thought necessary; and he asked us to convey his letters to England. We refused unless we might see the letters. They urged what they had written was equivalent to what we wished, but they would not con- descend to the words we proposed. My lord of Worcester and I declined to send any one except we might see "undoubtful matter to conclude peace." (fn. 4)
A merchant, named Thos Travesse of Bilboa, complains that they have been much troubled of late by a commission sent to Biscay. They are called to account for their merchandize 20 years past, on suspicion of exporting gold. Has desired the Emperor's letters that the merchants may not be troubled. Worcester is a man of greater practice in all these matters than he. Valladolid, 5 June 1527.
Hol., pp. 16.
Vesp. C. IV.
133. B. M.
2. Duplicate of the preceding, abridged, with slight alterations of order, &c., and the following additions:—
Have heard no word of the Ambassadors' coming, or where they be. His servant still awaits them at Bayonne with the safe-conduct. A post has come through France from Flanders, but can tell nothing of them. "I perceive that of late John Almain conveyed letters for the Emperor to the Captain of Bayonne and Robert Tette." News of the siege of St. Angelo and death of Bourbon. The Emperor, they say, is very sorry for the siege. Will follow Wolsey's directions, and use his own cipher.
"Now, because these orators tarry so long, the saying is here grounded upon letters coming out of France, the date of 24th of May, that the said orators bring all good news with them, and the Emperor shall be well content. We do all that we can to to put them [in] that mind that never other was meant."
The said letters state that the Pope is dead, and Andrew Doria taken, and that Bourbon has made composition with the Florentines. There is circulated here an indiction of a council by Pompey Colonna, at which, it is said, the Emperor is dissatisfied. He will go into Arragon after the Queen's purification, where he shall receive, according to ancient custom, 500,000 ducats. Valladolid, 5 June 1527.
Hol., pp. 10. Some passage in cipher undeciphered. Add.
5 June.
Vesp. C. IV. 141. B. M. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 93.
3153. LEE to [WOLSEY].
Answers the objection that Wolsey loses on the money paid by the prior of St. Mary's. By no other way is it so economical. The export of gold is forbidden here, and conveyance is very expensive. The last payment that Lee received himself was in double ducats, single ducats, crowns, royals of Spain, stufers, and black money. John Almain has given no help, because of the rumor of war. Found the authority sent by Wolsey for frightening the bp. of Palence of no use, as it had neither witness nor notary's signature. The bp. of Toledo now owes a great sum. Valladolid, 5 June 1527.
Hol., pp. 2.
5 June.
R. O.
5 June.1527. Wolsey has committed his matter to Messrs. Roche, Wythypoll, and Nic. Warryn, who will, no doubt, reckon truly between them; but if Wm. Clay makes untrue reckoning, the arbitrators cannot go further than the books; and as Wolsey favors Clay, Ap Howell will have no remedy. Dares not go abroad, for Bottry and Statham have got a writ against him, and hears that Clay has a privy seal for him also. Asks for Cromwell's advice. Thanks him for delivering the two bales of camlet to his wife, and that his cousin and Edmond Gyfford have entered themselves as his sureties in the actions against him.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell.
R. O. 2. Money laid out for Master Gylles Cuvert.
A topnet of figs, 17d.; a quartron of raisins, 20d.; a sugar-loaf, 7 lbs. at 5d.; 12 ells linen cloth, at 11d. For writs against Baynham, and one to be executed at Calais, 15s. 6d.; reward to Croke for obtaining the said writ, 3s. 4d.; for counsel in the Chancery to speak upon the return of the writ from Calais, 3s. 4d.; making the return of a writ returned by John Aphowell against Mr. Bottler, 2s. "For my pains at sundry times," 13s. 4d. For a gold button, 3s. 4d. For bread, drink, apples and other acates, when Mr. Everard was here, 1s. 8d., &c. Total, 4l. 6s. 10d.
Two copies, in Cromwell's early hand.
ii. Commencement of a petition to Wolsey from Maffeo Bernardo, merchant of Venice, about the "warauntyse" of goods belonging to Alvero de Pynt and Ferdenando Merchaunt, merchants of Portugal.
Draft, on the back of one of the preceding copies. In Cromwell's later hand.
6 June.
Vit. B. IX. 111* B. M.
Sir Casale, who has been present on all occasions, will explain the misfortunes under which the Pope labors, which he cannot explain himself. In his great grief and sorrow, finds his only consolation in Wolsey and his influence with the King. Begs him to have regard to the affictions of the Church. St. Angelo, 6 June 1527. Signed: "J."
Hol., Lat., p. 1.
6 June.
Vit. B. IX. 111** B. M.
Writes by Casale. In their present great calamity, and the nefarious crimes committed against God, the Church, and Italy, they look to Wolsey. There is no service which will meet a more divine reward than his help on the present occasion. Will not cease to pray to God for Wolsey's safety; and in regard to the Pope and the Consistory, will use his efforts to advance whatever can tend to the perpetual renown and happiness of the King Castle of St. Angelo, 6 June 1527.
Hol., Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
6 June.
Vit. B. IX. 113. B. M.
To the same effect. St. Angelo, 6 June 1527. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
6 June.
R. O.
Wrote last on the 3rd, desiring him to show my lord Legate certain things for his discharge. Sends a letter to Wolsey from the council of Calais, about their determination where they think he had best lodge in the town. Is sorry the little house Wingfield has begun to build here will not be ready before Michaelmas. There is little ink in his pen; but Tuke will see, when he comes, that "they which avauncyd the fassiun" of his house remembered little what was meet for my Lord's person. Understands from Mrs. Baynham that Tuke will lodge with her bedfellow. Calais, 6 June 1527.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Brian Tuke, the King's councillor, secretary, and master of his posts.
Cal. D. X. 156. B. M.
* * * "faict avecques le ... sieur le cardinal dYork, mon [bon ami, et M. le v]isconte de Rochefort, et Monsieur de ... ste ... disner sont venus devers moy am ... Et pour leur premiere arrivee m'ont seullem[ent delivres les] lettres de mondit bon frere et Cardinal mon c[ousin, et m'ont] amplement faict entendre la bonne volonte [quil porte à la paix] et au bien de mes affaires, et en particulier la[mour] ... que mondit bon frere me porte, de quoy jay es[te bien content.]
"Samedi ilz retourneront et en public me expos[eront les instructions] que mondit bon frere leur a baillee, et Dimenche [sera faite la] solemnite du serment et [tr]adition des ratiffic[ations des] traictez comme il est requis et que faict a este en [Angleterre,] lesquelles choses j'ay bien voulu vous advertir af[in que vous] entendez l'estat et disposition on sont les mat[ieres qui sont] si bien que mieulx elles ne pourroyent estre.
"Au surplus, j'ay depeche ledit evesque de Terbe pour a[ller en] Espagne suyvant la conclusion prinse en Augle[terre pour] la sommation accordee estre faicte a l'Emper[eur par Mons.] de Poyns et ledit Evesque ensemblement ... estre capitule; a quoy et a toutes choses qui ont [este] promises et jurees, je ne viens aulcunement ...
"Au demourant, pour ce que vous avez au devant en[tendu ce qui est] advenu a Rome et l'estat en quoy le ... nnoyent, et pour n'avoir encores riens ... Salusses, je ne vous en escripray pour ces[te fois] ... t ce que m'en viendra ** ... nne a este et es ... crudelitez que les ennemys y on[t] ... es et si enormes que pareilles ne sembla[bles n'ont jamais este] faictes, ne tant vituperables et honteuses ... l'Eglise et Siege Apostolique quelles ont ... st plus que tres requis donner ordre et provis[ion] ... faict de la Chrestiente est en danger de tumber ... [mani]feste ruyne. Et a Dieu, Mons. de Vaulx ... en sa saincte garde." Paris, v..June.
Mutilated and defaced.
7 June.
Vit. B. IX. 115*. B. M.
Writes by Casale, who had been with them at the siege of St. Angelo a month complete, and has rendered good service. Campeggio has been plundered of all he had, and is compelled to redeem his life with a large sum of money. Wishes his collector in England to gather his rents, and transmit them as soon as possible. St. Angelo, 7 June 1527. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
7 June.
Vit. B. IX. 114. B. M.
To the same effect. St. Angelo, 7 June 1527. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
7 June.
Vit. B.IX. 114* B. M.
To the same effect. St. Angelo, 7 June 1527.
Hol., Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
7 June.
Ib. f. 115.
To the same effect. St. Angelo, 7 June 1527.
7 June.
Vit. B.IX. 112. B. M.
3164. [CARD._ to WOLSEY.]
Imploring his aid in present necessities. St. Angelo, 7 June 1527.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
8 June.
R. O.
The danger of the Pope and the Holy See must now be known to Wolsey through Casalis, who has been conspicuous in behalf of the afflicted cardinals. They trust to Wolsey for relief, who shares their dignity. Rome, 8 June 1527. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd. in a contemporary hand.
Also endorsed in a modern hand: "Letters from Pope and Cardinals to King H. 8. and Card. Wolsey. Scr. 22 April 1614."
8 June.
Vit. B. IX. 116. B. M.
Wolsey will be fully aware of their sad condition. God has bestowed so many blessings on the King that he might be better able to assist others who are in misfortune. Has himself been totally deprived of all his fortune by the siege. Rome, 8 June 1527. Signed.
Lat., pp. 3, mutilated. Add. and endd.
8 June.
R. O.
3167. RECORDS.
1. Indenture, dated 8 June 19 Hen. VIII., certifying that Stevyn Gardiner has delivered to Sir Wm. Compton, under-treasurer, thirteen boxes and one little coffer, containing writings concerning England, France, the Emperor, and Scotland, and a basket of the King's household books, according to schedules in the boxes, &c., subscribed by Gardiner. Signed by Gardiner.
R. O. 2. Mem. that Ric. Warner, deputy of Sir H. Guildford, chamberlain of the King's receipt at Westminster, delivered to Dr. Stephens, in the Legate's name, a box containing eleven pieces of evidence about the matrimony of Spain, and Tractatus perpetuæ pacis between Henry and Francis.
To Mr. Edwards, the Legate's chaplain, two pieces, called Tractatus arctioris conjunctionis, and Tractatus belli offensive, between Henry and Francis.
To Brian Tuke, at Hampton Court, a treaty of truce with the Scots, dated 12 Feb. 1525, and a letter of attorney, dated 7 March, same year.
Dr. Stephens delivered to me certain boxes, and a coffer of evidences, on 8 June 19 Hen. VIII., as appears by an indenture. The coffer and one box have been returned.
P. 1.
9 June.
R. O.
3168. ITALY.
Extracts of letters from the Prothonotary Casale, 9 June.
Letters have come from the army, of the 2nd inst., stating that they have determined to go to Viterbo on account of their want of victuals, and it was understood that the Pope was treating for a most disgraceful concord. Owing to the fault of the forces of the League, the Pope is compelled to give himself up at the discretion of the enemy, to his own destruction. The Imperialists demand 400,000 ducats, and the Pope and all the Cardinals are in their power. Some are of opinion that the Viceroy will treat the Pope badly. Thinks, himself, that he will dissemble till he has extored all the money. Wishes the allied forces had not promised to come to the Pope's assistance, for then we should not have suffered so many ills, nor would the Pope have been removed from Rome. As his Holiness's expectations are quite destroyed, the Imperialists will be able to go where they like. Hopes they will first go to the duchy of Urbino, and punish the Duke as he deserves for having destroyed the Pope and Italy. He allowed, besides, the nephew of Vitelli and Pietri Maria Rosso to leave the camp, and go over to the Imperialists with a large company, in consequence of his ill-treatment, and his refusing to allow D. Guicciardini to share his counsels, and he acts as an open enemy to the Pope.
The duke of Ferrara went to Modena, but the city refused to change.
Unless the French king undertakes all that necessity, expediency, and honor compel him to perform, everything will go wrong.
"These men" are so unjust, that they tax even the secretaries and agents of the Emperor.
The Viceroy went to Rome, and had an interview with the Pope in the castle, but what was done is not known. The prince of Orange was very ill from a gunshot wound.
Letters have been sent from Sienna to Ferrara, saying that the Pope has agreed to certain conditions, especially to pay 300,000 ducats, and is going to Naples with his court. The report is not believed, however.
Pp. 3. Lat. In Vannes' hand.
10 June
Cal. D. x. 121. B. M.
3169. [CLERK, &c. to HENRY VIII.]
"[Please it your H]ighness to understand th[at] ... on to the French king's presence into his pry ... e addressed to my lord Legate, your Highness shall be advertised [of all that is] worthy to be written, chanced sithens our coming to the ... it appertaining unto my duty particularly to advertise your H[ighness] of the charge committed unto me by your Highness. At [our interview] here had with the French king, after such communications and deba[tes] ... as at large been contained in my said lord Legate's letter, by the ad[vice of my lord of] Bath and my lord of Rochford, who thought it then [convenient], seeing the French king in good mode and at leisure, to deliver the [letters] from your Highness unto him, the which also, for that that my ... advertised me of the fervent desire that the French king hath to ... [the] phisonamye of my lady Princess, I thought not convenient a ... [to] defer the delivery thereof, and so in the best manner that I could I [delivered the] same, declaring and unciphering unto him the devices of your Highness on both sides thereof," leaving nothing unspoken that was contained in his instructions, or of what Henry and Wolsey had showed him. He [liked] the devices singularly well, and at the first sight of the King's "phisonamye" took off his bonnet, saying he knew well that face, and further, "Je prie Dieu que il luy done bone vie et longue." He then looked at the Princess's, standing in contemplation and beholding thereof a great while, and gave much co[mmendation] and laud unto the same. He kept it for some time, without showing it to any creature, and then sent it by the Grand Master to his mother. He thanked Henry, saying he could not have sent anything which could more show his affection, "than the [same, bidding me] to write unto your Highness of all the good words ... all his nobles sayen by your Highness for the d ... king. I cannot so well declare hit * * * ... g our entertaining between ... y honorable personages, and the great cheer and feas[ting bet] wene the said place made unto us could to my juge[ment] ... ended, the which was done at the costs of the captain ... [t]he countie Bryen, Mons. de Pyennes, and in especial of the ... Amyens, insomuch except once we never dined nor supped [at our own] charges." The King thanks Henry for the two geldings; he has trimmed and seared them like Turkey horses, and says he never saw such. Par[is], 10 June.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
10 June
Cal. D. x. 194. B. M.
3170. [CLERK] to WOLSEY.
* * *... that your s ... so as well as ye can ... honorable a house as any ... one thereof now within these m ... hath also granted them a g ... here within three miles of the ... resort at their pleasure as well ... plague, when any (which God fo[rbid)] ... I send your Grace my simple oration ... manner, beseeching your Grace to par[don my shortcomings], specially that so small mention of y[our Grace is in] the same, into whose lauds and most ... [if] I should once have entered, I should n[ever have come ad] exitum. Your Grace of your goodness hath [rewarded my] doings far above their deserts, and ... is that ye will do this." Paris, ...
"I have moved the French king a ... ment for my lord Chamberlain and ... is contented at your Grace's requ[est] ... were given unto * * *
Hol. Add.: To my lord Leg[ate's grace.]
Endd.: The 10th of June.
On Monday, 27 May 19 Hen. VIII., we came out of Calais. Were met by De Byze (Bies), capt. of Bologne, within three leagues of Bologne, with all his company of horsemen. He gave us a great dinner in the castle, and escorted us to Abbeville, where we were met, first by the count De Bryane, cousin to VendÔme, Mons. de Kyrby, Mons. de Rambeurs, and many others, and, half a mile from the town, by the mayor and 24 of the best citizens, who made us a proposition in French, and sent 20 great pots of wine to our lodging. Were feasted by the Count as long as we remained at Abbeville. On Ascension even (fn. 5) the bp. of Amyas came to us, who had been ordered by the King to conduct us to court. On Friday Mons. de Pienes came to us at Flyscourte with a like charge, and at St. Denis I was met on Thursday by my lord of Bath, and after dinner by the archbishop of Burgeus (Bourges), Mons. de Guys de Gié, and the Grand Escuyer, who conducted us to our lodgings at Paris. Next Thursday the bishop of Amiens, viscount Turayn, and Mons. de Pienes, conducted us to court. At the stair's foot of the King's chamber we were met by Mons. de Guyse, Mons. de Vauldemont, brothers of the Duke of Lorraine, and Francis Mons. de Nevers, who brought us to the King's presence. Afterwards visited my Lady. With the King were the king of Navarre, the cardinal of Lorraine, De Guys, and De Vauldemont, his two brothers, the duke of VendÔme, and Mons. St. Pol, his brother, the master, and the admiral, Lautrec, &c. With my Lady were the queen of Navarre, her daughter, Madame Rénée, the king of Navarre's sister, the duchess of VendÔ, and her daughter, with old Mons. Montmorency.
Had one public audience on Saturday, Whitsun eve. (fn. 6) The great hall of the place was hung with fleurs de lis; the King, in his cloth of estate, in a gown of purple velvet furred with sables, his hose and doublet white, sat in a chair of three stairs high, below which, at each corner, kneeled a gentleman usher all the time of the oration. The king of Navarre sat on the King's right in a little chair. More than two yards from him, on a form at the side, sat Messrs. de VendÔ, de St. Pol, de Guys, and de Lorraine, and beneath that form the three heralds in their coats of arms. On the King's left, a little further removed than the king of Navarre, sat the Legate, the Pope's cousin; and "just on his nedyr hand," in another chair, the cardinal of Lorraine; and a good yard from him, in another chair, sat the chancellor of France in his rochet as a bishop, with hood of black satin. About a yard from him, upon a form, sat the ambassadors,—first the Pope's, then the king of Bohemia's, next the Venetians', and last the duke of Milan's. The last, though they were on the side, were nearer to the King than we three in height, who sat in the midst, and opposite to him, about 18 or 20 paces from him, on a long form covered with purple velvet. My lord of London sat in the middle, I on his right, and Mr. Browne on his left. About and behind the King were all the great lords temporal, some leaning on the pommels of his chair. Lautrec and the Great Master stood on either side; the Admiral and others behind, within a space of two yards between the wall and the back of the King's chair. The archbishops and bishops were seated on forms and stools behind us, none so high as we sat by four yards. Behind the bishops were bars, and also behind the ambassadors and great lords. My lord of Bath's oration lasted almost half an hour, and was answered by the Chancellor, sitting in his chair, and his cap on his head, "never putting it off for naming of the King his master, nor of any other prince, till he had done; and then he rose out of his chair and made us a little reverence, saying Dixi." After this the King talked with us half an hour, and bade us bon soir and bonne nuit.
Next day, Whitsunday, when it was arranged the King should take his oath, we were conducted to his chamber by the abp. of Bourges and others, and were entertained by the cardinal of Lorraine, the king of Navarre, the Legate, and VendÔ, until he came out of his privy chamber; on doing which he bade us good morrow, and went straight to take his mule to ride to Notre Dame. Describes the order in riding. In the choir of the great church the King had a little altar dressed for him, to the right of the high altar, about two yards lower. Beneath that was a long form covered with purple velvet, embroidered with fleurs de lis of gold. The cloth was so large it covered both the form, and all the ground within the King's travers, or large cloth of estate, "which was open both afore and behind, and the side to the queenward, and close at the wall, and it was all of the same purple velvet, embroidered with flower de lysys of gold." Within the form and under the travers, hard to the wall, was set a chair, in which the King sometimes sat, covered with the same embroidered cloth. Outside the travers sat the king of Navarre, in a chair of crimson velvet, and at his foot was a long form, right against the King's little altar, covered with purple velvet; on this we sat. About seven or eight paces behind us sat the Chancellor in a chair of black leather; and on the other side of the high altar, in two chairs of crimson velvet, sat the Legate and cardinal of Lorraine, right against us. Mass ended, the Legate gave his blessing standing, with his back to the high altar, "and then, afore the high altar, afore the King, stood a learned man of Florence, and made an oration in Latin very well, in lauding the peace and the amity of the these two Kings." The King then came to the high altar, made his oath upon the mass book, and kissed it, and desired two notaries to make an instrument thereupon. On this trumpets and sackbuts played, and the choir sang the Te Deum. We then went on foot with the King, in the same order we came in, to one of the canons' houses, where, in a large parlor, was made a "hawt pase" for the King to dine in. His board was covered when we came in, and the King sat in the midst of the board in a large cloth of estate. Describes the order of the banquet. "When the King drank, he was served always with three persons. The first brought alonely his cup; the second brought a leyer with water; and the third, which was of the cellar, brought a flagon. And after the assay taken, the cupbearer holdeth afore him his cup covered in the one hand, and the cup of assay in the other, or setteth it on the board till the King drinketh. And when either the king of Navarre, the Legate or the Cardinal did drink, a gentleman brought them a cup or a glass uncovered." After dinner the King talked with us and other ambassadors till evensong, when we took leave.
Describes minutely a "festyn" which took place on Thursday night in the same hall where "our oration" was made at the palace, the roof and sides of which were covered with rich hangings and "rolls of green box with garlands of the same; and in the garlands were either the arms of England and France, or else visages of antyks." When the King and we were come to the high dais, the young lords and gentlemen began to dance till night came. "And then the Kyng weshyd alone, and satt down; and the qween of Navarre weshyd togedyr." (fn. 7) The viscount of Toreyn carved before the King; M. de Guise, of Lorraine, before the king of Navarre and my lady Rénée; and M. de Guise de Gee, before the queen of Navarre. Each of them had a gentleman to bring them drink. After supper they began to dance again, and the King went in maskyr with Mr. Brown and many of the young lords, and danced. There were four kinds of masks: two with long gowns and hoods, and great plumes on the the head of divers colors; and one of coats of white satin with laces and cuts. Two were after the Turkish fashion. "And then was a play of shepherds which brought in the Ruin of Rome. After was a proper device of two angels brought in half skochyns, with a joiner's plane in each of their hands, which in French is called vng peeffe, and ever planed those half skochyns, so that they made them one whole skochyn, which awhole [was (fn. 8) ] half white, half red. And besides that, the one of those angels had a long branch of a rose in his hand; and written in his breast, in great letters, Angleterre, and the other France. And so lovingly holding, they both this hoole skochyn joining made their reverence and departed." The maskers then danced again till two in the morning. I then took my leave of the King and my Lady, and of the queen of Navarre, and returned to my lodging.
Pp. 12. In Lisle's hand.
11 June
Cal. D. x. 157. B. M.
* * * "courir la poste jusques a ... me viendroit quelque chose dimp ... mais il ne m'est riens venu oultre ... la pillerye et grandes crudelites qui s[ont faites à] Romme, et combien qu'on ayt presse par p ... et Cardynaulx qui sont dedens le chasteau ... rachapter et composer pour leur vye et l[iberté];" but according to letters of the 28th ult. and 1st inst. from Venice, the Pope is still in the Castle, [waiting for] succours which are being prepared on all sides. According to the advice of the King and Wolsey, has appointed the seigneur d[e Lautrec] his lieutenant in Italy, and in addition to the forces of the marquis of Sallusses has sent a reinforcement (renf ... ) and ordered 10,000 Swiss to be levied, x ... French and Italians, "et continue en ... chevaulx legiers qui est force ba ... aura la se[ig]neu[rie] * * *... vous l'entendez assez. Da[utrepart la seigneurie de Ve]nise a faict nouvellement 8,000 hommes ... capitayne general de mer, avecques quar ... a tout se faict continuelle, et la plus grand ... quil est possible, car ainsy l'affayre le req[uiert]."
f.158. Yesterday in the great church here, the oath and delivery of the ratification was solemnly performed. Will entertain the ambassadors tomorrow, and they will return on Wednesday or Thursday. Has not been here since his return from Spain, and finds many things which require his presence. Cannot yet go to Picardy, but will do so when he has put his affairs in order. * * * "desire ... ulx, de toutes choses ... [le]dit sieur Cardynal, et continuerez a m[advertir] de leurs bonnes nouvelles et ce q[ue] ... et vous me ferez plaisir et service." Paris, 11 Ju ...
Fr., pp. 3, mutilated.
Cal. D.
x. 51. B. M.
3173. [CLERK, &c. to WOLSEY.]
* * *"the benediction the ... laude of this amity with an exho[rtation touching the] imminent danger of Italy and ... which oration was very excellent ... Italy, being it is one of the matters ... After the oration the King was ... the ... and th..the Chancellor before ... ha ... oath in his hond that the King ... very evill (?), and that it should be troubleso[me] ... to read the said oath himself, and that he w[ould read] it, and that the King should swear to observe ... the King laid his bare ho[nd upon] a mass book touching the Gospel of that [day, and] the Chancellor with as loud a voice as trea ... as intelligible as he could, read the oath ... unto the King, and at the end the King ... even so as the Chancellor had read it ... swear it, and delivered it unto two no[taries who] were there present, desyryng ... * * * ... table at the which ... next unto him the cardinal of [Lorraine ?] ... that board's end the king of Navarre ... betwixt them both the Legate. We sat on his ... hand at the other end of the table. He was [very] merry all dinner time, and had much communi[cation both] with the Legate, with us, and with divers other lords ... which stood about him; some leaning on his ch[air, and] some upon his table, all much more familiarly [than] is agreeable to our English manners. After dinner ij. [or three] hours he never departed open presence, but [for] the most part ever with us was in merry communication [about] hunting and other desports, till at the last call ... for drink, and so, without any retiring himself ... to change himself or otherwise, went to the cath[edral] church again to evensong, where we left him. [We] made also the same day instance to know his [purpose] concerning his journeys to Abbeville. He remytty[d his answer until] the next day, when he said we should * * * ... wherein the said ... prompt and ready answer and w ... behaved himself very well." Asked him yesterday how he would order his voyage for his going ... He said he had business in hand with the Parliament, and also for the despatch of Lautrec with ... the gensdarmerie into Italy, so that he cannot [go] out of this town for fourteen days, and he expects to be ten days going to Ab[beville], as my Lady and her train will accompany him. He wishes Wolsey to arrange accordingly. Mons. de Tarba dep[arted] this day for Spain. From Rome there is no news of particulars. The news of the court is too horrible to be ... "Pope's ambassador saith that the la ... ken * * * ... under the con ... e saving that they will not have ... y into Spain, but they will have him ... [C]ardinals unto Gayetta, which is a strong ... in Naples, there to tarry the Emperor's pleasure, n ... dyng by [con]sent out of the castle, it appeared ... the Pope thought himself strong enough and ... well enough till the 11th of this month, at w[hich] time, if no succour should come, there should be no [way] but to give up. The French army and also the [Veneti]ans were then lodged v..miles on this side Rome [at a] place called Isula. They ... 18,000 fo[temen], which wise men think a small number in comp[arison] of the enemy which ... ly as mo[che] ... as the Colonyses, and by as much as the realm ... Naples is able to make them, besides that ... many fallen unto the part without wages, for 1 ... [t]he spoil, wherein they now have had good la ... ose it and to send it into the realm of ... shall think" * * *
Pp. 4, mutilated and defaced.
12 June
Leland's Coll. II. ii. p. 679.
Licence for Dr. [Humfrey] Lloyd to wear his bonnet in the King's presence.
Given under our signet, at our castle of Windsor, the 12th day of June, the 19th year of our reign.
14 June
R. O.
Did not arrive at Peterborough before 13 June, having been much troubled with sciatica and a cough, which took away his stomach. Delivered Wolsey's letters to the abbot of Peterborough, and used what persuasions he could to induce him to further Wolsey's pleasure; but he declares he will keep his office, that he is as able as ever for it, and that he will ride to Wolsey to prove it. The truth is, he is very impotent, and the Bishop has commanded him to remain in his monastery for fear of injuring himself. Perceives that he intends to make friends, so as to get the King and Wolsey's favor. Thinks two coadjutors should be appointed to him, else the monastery will not prosper, for temporal men have more access to him than his brethren, and none know the state of the house. Will handle him more straitly this afternoon. Wishes to know what to do with him if he will not listen to reason. Will stay at Peterborough and Spalding till he hear from Wolsey. Peterborough, 14 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate.
14 June
Vit. B. IX. 117*. B. M. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 86.
Received his letter, dated Lambeth, 26 May, informing the writer that the Archbishop had lately got into his hands "all the books of the New Testament translated into English, and printed beyond the sea, as well those with the glosses joined unto them as th'other without the glosses," for 66l. 9s. 4d. Thinks he has done a gracious and a blessed deed. As the Archbishop has written that other bishops in the province ought to contribute to the expense, and notify their contributions to Will. Potkyn, the writer is content to advance 10 marks. Thinks that this is sufficient for his quota. If not, will be glad to conform himself, in this or any other matter concerning the Church, to the Archbishop's wishes. Hoxne in Suffolk, 14 June 1527.
Would be glad to visit the Archbishop, but cannot do so at present. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
15 June
R. O.
Has received letters from court by the King's messenger, by which Francis gives assurance that the rumor of the Pope's surrender of himself to the enemy is false. Forwards a copy with all speed. Wolsey will be glad to see that his Holiness remains determined to defend the castle, and trusts that Christian princes will uphold him at this crisis. London, 15 June 1527. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.


  • 1. Blank in MS.
  • 2. 26 May according to duplicate, f. 134 b.
  • 3. Blank in this despatch, but supplied in the duplicate.
  • 4. In the duplicate despatch Lee says that he himself "for his simpleness" had yielded to the Emperor's request, for fear of being thought uncourtcous; but that my lord of Worcester, "like a man of further cast and experience," saw many objections to this, which he would doubtless report.
  • 5. 29 May.
  • 6. 8 June.
  • 7. Sic.
  • 8. Indistinct.