Henry VIII: May 1522, 16-30

Pages 959-974

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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May 1522

16 May.
R. O.
Has been requested by Thomas Hannibal, in the King's name, to make certain concessions appertaining to Wolsey's honor and interest; but as these are not usually granted without the consent of the Cardinals, begs to be excused, until he reaches Rome. Allows him, however, to receive the emoluments of the said (sic) monastery [of St. Alban's] from the day of its vacancy, as if it had been already granted to him in commendam by the Pope. Saragossa, 16 May 1522, 1 pont. Signed: T. Hezius.
Lat., on parchment. Add.
17 May.
P. S.
2261. For JOHN JOYNER, alias RICHMOND.
Appointment as Norrey king-of-arms and principal herald of the North, with 20l. a year, and a livery from the Great Wardrobe, as worn by kings-of-arms in Edw. III.'s time. Richmond, 16 May 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 May.
18 May.
R. O.
Thanks him for the news of the Emperor's determination to repair to England, and of the King's gests for meeting the Emperor at Canterbury and conducting him to Winchester. "My lord, I am very much bound to your good grace for the manifold tokens of great favours and kindness, which I find daily more and more increase in your grace towards me." Is sorry he cannot be at Canterbury with Wolsey, in consequence of a disease, of which he is not yet recovered; but trusts that, when he has done his duty to the King "at my poor house at Otford, I shall be able forthwith to journey to Canterbury speedily, there to receive the King's grace and the Emperor in my cathedral church." Otford, 18 May. Signed.
P.1. Add.: Card. of York and legate de latere, &c.
19 May.
P. S. b.
Significavit by Nicholas bishop of Ely that he has confirmed the election of Thomas Rawlyns, canon, as prior, vice Wm. Cambrigge, deceased, and praying for restitution of the temporalities. Holbourne, 19 May 14 Hen. VIII.
20 May.
R. O.
Recommending Roger Basin, employed by Tunstal in expediting his promotion to the bishopric of London. In the palace of Alyaferia, Saragossa, 20 May 1522, 1 pont.
Lat., on parchment. Add.
20 May.
R. O.
St. P. VI. 68. (fn. 1)
Wrote on the 17th. The Emperor is advertised, by letters from the marquis of Mantua of the 9th, that the distress of the Frenchmen at Lodi was greater than they thought; six companies of men-at-arms had been slain or drowned in the river Ade, "insomuch that such overthrow largely exceeded their damage of the former conflict." The Emperor's army has crossed the river and taken Pischegytton. The French have gone towards Cremona, where were the lord Lescu, Bonnavalle, Jh. Tryulce and John De Medici, with the relicts of the French army. Lootrycke is said to have gone to Venice. The Imperial ambassadors have desired the Venetians not to admit or succor the French. They answered, they wished the French were at the devil, and that they would assist the Emperor. Bruges, 20 May. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To the lord Legate, &c.
20 May. 2266. RICHARD late BISHOP OF LONDON and others.
Memorandum of the delivery, on 20 May 14 Hen. VIII., of a writ dated 6 March 13 Hen. VIII., to Ric. Welles, deputy sheriff of Lincolnshire, in favor of Sir Andr. Windsore and John Yonge, clk., master of the hospital of St. Thomas of Acon, London, to seize the goods and part of the lands of Sir Edw. Gulford and Sir John Husee, of the King's household, for satisfaction of a debt, by recognizance, to Ric. bishop of London, now deceased, and the said Sir Andrew and John Yonge.
Pat. 12 (sic) Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20d.
21 May.
Fiddes, Col.
p. 121.
Recommends for proctors Thos. Starke and Lawrence Barbar. My house at Westminster, 21 May.
21 May.
R. O.
Has scoured the sea from Dover to Weght, without seeing or hearing of any man-of-war. Has met with merchant vessels, French, Flemish and Scotch; and where the French lacked victual, has given them some. They say they have heard of no men-of-war, except the great ship of Scotland at Brest, with four other ships newly rigged, "set where the hold failed, ready to go to the sea when they shall be commanded." There is a ship in Normandy of 500 [tons], as one told him that came from Dieppe. Has sent a ketche, which he hired, to Newhaven, and a wise fellow in her, with money to buy wine and wheat, and mark what ships are there, and in what readiness. If he was asked his business, he was to say he was a victualler of Calais. Intends to keep between Dover and Calais, for fear if he went further the wind might shut him up, and he should not be there when the King's train passes. In Dover Road, 21 May.
Hol., p.1. Sealed. Add. Endd.
21 May.
R. O.
2269. The SAME to WOLSEY.
To the same effect. Written open off Dover, 21 May.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add.
21 May.
R. O.
Wrote to him yesterday. "This morning the Emperor sent for us, showing unto us that, God willing, he would be at Calais on Sunday next." As he is informed that calms are most to be doubted this season of the year, he is constrained to make large provision of victuals. The arrival, therefore, of his navy at Hampton may be retarded three or four days; nevertheless, that his enterprise may be put into execution at the time appointed by the King, he has ordered 3,000 Almains under Rokendorff to be at Hampton, with convenient ships for receiving 1,000 soldiers. He is informed that the navy of Spain is at Bylbao; and by the latter end of this month they will be in the west of England. He will order them to come to Hampton, and appoint some great personage to be their chief, who shall accompany my lord Admiral with Rokendorff, for whatever purpose shall be deemed expedient. Burges, 21 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Legate.
22 May.
R. O.
Received today letters from Dacre, dated 20th inst., stating what he had done in the East Marches and Berwick for the last ten days. He sees no likelihood of Albany's invading England, though the captain of Berwick wrote to Wolsey that by this time he would have besieged that town. On Sunday last the captain again wrote in great haste to Dacre that the Duke would be in England, but there has been no such entry. However, on the Monday night Philip Dacre, Sir Wm. Percy, lord Ocle and the four knights, with men from Berwick and elsewhere, to the number of 2,000, of whom he encloses the names, slew Lanse Carr, one of the worst borderers in Scotland, and forty persons with him, and brought his son and heir and a great prey in safety to England, losing but one man. Asks for letters of thanks for them, and when they "slack" they must have money. If Wolsey will send no letters of thanks, the Bishop must give them money. What he has will soon be wasted. Has already spent 2,200l. of the King's money, with all his care. This untrue news has been sent by the captain of Berwick only for money, for he has had none by the Bishop's orders, because he demanded, first, money for crews taken into Berwick before the Bishop's coming, about which he has written several times to Wolsey and received no answer; and, secondly, for the crew of fifty gunners besides his retinue, which, when the Bishop was in Berwick, neither he nor any one else could see. Has written several times to Richard Candishe to view and examine the said gunners, offering to pay them without delay on receipt of his certificate, but he cannot get it by any means. The four knights have received wages for three months, the last month commencing on the 15th of May. The soldiers receive 8d., and "the last," 6d. The wages of the whole, including petty captains and twenty-five for the posts, amount but to 500.
The King's ships in the Frith have lost their chief enterprise. They took a French ship laden with rye, and, though desired, would not make their port sale at Berwick, but three of them took the prize to Newcastle, while two went to Berwick Haven to receive the Scotch artillery sent for. Meantime three great French ships came to Scotland, to the great comfort of the Duke and his friends. Does not know what they brought with them. It is thought he would have left if they had not come. This month he has kept his chamber, and none came to him but the Chamberlain, the Chancellor and a few of the secret council. Thinks "it is time to look to them, albeit they have yet shrewd rest upon the Borders, and by yende of all our three marches." If the King would write to lord Clifford and others who have land in Cumberland, Westmorland and Northumberland, to lie upon their lands for defence, it would promote quiet and be a safeguard against sudden invasion. Some good captains should be sent down to the Middle and East Marches, for neither lord Dacre nor Sir Christopher are beloved. Dacre has good wit and good fortune, as Wolsey may see by the management of this last raid, "but for all that we would have him at Carlisle." Carlisle, 22 May. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
22 May.
R. O.
2272. CHARLES V.
Obligation, by which he proffers, as security for 50,000 g.c. of the sums lent him by Henry VIII. to prosecute the war in Italy, Francis Sforza duke of Milan, and, in the event of the Duke and duchy failing, to repay the same sum himself within one year from the present date. Bruges, 22 May 1522.
Lat., copy, pp. 3. Endd.
22 May.
R. O.
There is laid against lord Mounteagle's executors, that he became outlaw two years before his death, which matter Mr. Husy will answer, and send word to Darcy concerning it and his suit to the King. Cannot get any of the fee of the duchy before Whitsunday. Has sent by Mr. Middleton, the bearer, 20l. of the old arrears of Kent, and will send the rest next term, but cannot obtain the Devonshire rent. Has paid Mr. Arthur 20l. for his Easter fee, and 20l. lent him by Darcy for his purchase. Will pay him all at Martinmas. Has paid Mr. Thomas 8s. for this Whitsunday, and hopes he will attend well on my lord of Canterbury. But little money will come from the Devonshire and Talworth wood sales as yet. As for his process in the Exchequer, the issues lost will not all be saved. 22 May.
Hol. Add.
23 May.
R. O.
Commission (signed by stamp) to Sir Richard Warre, Hen. Thornton, serjeant-at-arms, and Sir Wm. Esquier, clk., to inquire into the complaint of John Byrde, of Hilbisshoppis, Somerset, mason, against the prior of Taunton. Greenwich, 23 May. Signed: Rich. Sampson.
2. The depositions of the Prior upon the said commission, 2 July 14 Hen. VIII.
23 May.
Vit. B. v. 65. B. M.
Informed him on the 15th of the departure of the marquis of Pescara for Genoa, and of the capitulation made for Cremona with El Scut (Lescun). Prospero could not leave either on the 16th or 17th, after the marquis of Pescara, as agreed, because the lanzknechts would not move till they got their wages, and the cloth and silk owing to them, and declared that the agreement had not been kept with them that was made at Bicocca. They insisted on full payment, in advance, up to the 5th of June. ... fled to Milan to solicit the Duke and Geronimo Moro to send the cloth and silk required, and upwards of 9,000 d. (ducats) for the half pay that was to be in money, and for 15,850 ducats sent by don John Manuel. By promising them the cloth at Piciguiton, Prospero drew them thither, but they refused to go further, for a day and a half, until they had their whole pay. At length, on the 21st, Prospero left Piciguiton, with all his men, and came 22 miles to Beljoyoso. 300 lanzknechts obtained leave at Piciguiton to return home, which was readily granted, as they were the cause of the mutiny. That day word came from the marquis of Pescara and Geronimo Adorno that they would be on the 22nd before the walls of Genoa, and that in the meantime they would leave the artillery, in order to repair a road broken by the Fregosi. On the 22nd, Antoniotto Adorno left Beljoyoso, and crossed the Po, two miles thence on the way to Genoa, with 6,000 lanzknechts, at which time the Spaniards were on the other side of the Po. Prospero, with all his men, and a band of more than 2,600 lanzknechts, came to Pavia, seven miles from Beljoyoso, whither the Duke came from Milan, and took counsel with him, when it was agreed that they should go to Genoa, and bring the army and rearguard into the plain, at the foot of the mountain, sending the lanzknechts that came with Antoniotto Adorno by the other side of the Po, and that Antonio de Leyva should go with the vanguard of the gens d'armes, with the 2,600 lanzknechts that came to Pavia, and six sacres, to take Novara, where it is said there are not more than 500 adventures, who will not wait to be sought out. The castle, however, will not be so easily taken. When this territory is conquered, he will go to take Arona, on the Lago Maggiore. In order to capture these two places, it will be necessary to pass through the Grisons, and make a considerable detour. They are throwing a bridge over the Po, near Basignana, in order that if the succors come which the French expect, the imperial forces may all join together. The succors expected are the admiral of France, with 12,000 foot, 8,000 Swiss and 500 lances, but there is no certainty about it as yet. Perhaps all this spring the king of France has been making a great army. Hopes the Emperor, therefore, will see to it. On Sunday, the 18th, news came that the enemy had abandoned Aste, and gone to Genoa. The city [of Milan] still holds out for the duke of Milan, and one of his captains has put himself in the way that leads to Geona, with some horse, so that the enemy will have to withdraw. On the 19th the Duke had a letter from Vercelli, in the duchy of Savoy, stating that the Great Master, the Grand Escuyer, Peter of Navarre and 100 horse, had passed by Vercelli, and taken the road to France, to come back, as it was said, with the succors. Today, the 23d, Ant. de Leyva left for Novara. Prospero departed after him, to place himself twelve miles hence. The duke of Milan leaves tomorrow to join Prospero, and I go with him, as he requires me to write to your majesty and others. Today letters have come from Florence of the 21st, stating that the galleys of Naples and of the Pope had come by command of don John Manuel to Leghorn (Lyorna), and had orders to go to Genoa. Pavia, 23 May 1522.
Hol., Sp., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
Ib. f. 67. 2276. The SAME to the VICEROY OF NAPLES.
To the same effect. Pavia, 23 May 1522. Signed.
Sp., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
23 May.
Vit. B. v. 63. B. M.
Came to this enterprise of Genoa after the arrangement respecting Cremona. Gives an account of the way in which Prospero Colonna has advanced upon Genoa. Speaks of the difficulty he has had to encounter in consequence of the disaffection of the Germans, who mutinied for want of pay. They are laboring in France to send succors to Italy. De la Certosa Cabo, Genoa, 23 May 1522. Signed.
Sp., pp. 2, mutilated. Add.
23 May.
Vit. B. v. 64. B. M.
After all his trouble with these lanzknechts, occasioned by their brutalities, some arrangement has been made at last, but with great difficulty. 6,000 of them have been sent round about Genoa (la volta de Genoa), to act with the Spaniards and Italians, who have been sent forward with the artillery. Will go himself to help. Another band of lanzknechts and the vanguard of the gens d'armes are gone with Ant. de Leyva to Novara. Hopes all difficulties are over. Has not failed to write to don Juan. Begs the Emperor to send money, for everything is in the greatest peril if the troops be not paid. On the 20th, the galleys had joined at Leghorn, and if don Juan's commission be sent immediately, that they should take the road to Genoa, thinks everything is safe. Pavia, 23 May 1522.
Hol., Ital., pp. 2, mutilated.
23 May.
R. O.
Commends the bearer, a servant of the bishop of London, if he shall have anything to do in the Queen's court. Arrived at Saragoza on 2 May, and great honor was done him all through Spain. "As to our departing from hence to Rome, the Pope himself cannot tell. Daily he looketh for his navy that is to come from Sicilia and Naples. And as touching the preparament at Barsalona is no thing; and if it were, the Pope dare not come there, for they die of sickness and of hunger." The three cardinals have not yet come, "nor intendeth not to come." Begs to be remembered to Sir Thomas and lady Tyrel. Saragoza, 23 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "My singular good lord, my lord Muntyoe, high chamberlain to the Queen's grace, London."
24 May.
Vit. B. V. 69. B. M.
This morning has posted the artillery at the port with a view to injure the galleys. The Germans are coming to the number of 5,000 or 6,000, and will soon be on the other side of Genoa. Arrangements of Prospero for sending them and the gens d'armes to Novara. About 6,000 ducats have been sent to Genoa, and 2,000 men are promised. The manœuvres of the galleys. Genoa, 24 May 1522. Signed.
Sp., pp. 2. Add. ƒ. 75* b. and endd.
24 May.
R. O.
This bearer is the bishop that the Pope sendeth at this time to the King, and to you as nuncio for a season. He is a man of good qualities, anxious to be faithful to the King and Wolsey to the best of his service, or the Pope would not have sent him to England. Has heard nothing of the bill for a thousand ducats, for which Wolsey spoke to Anthony Vivalde, and has been compelled to borrow 700 of my lord of London's factor. "This journey is the most costly journey that any man may imagine; no man may thynkyde but he that is in it. I am in as costly court and country as any in the world. On my faith, I spend as much in one day here as should serve me in London in a whole week. It is no small charge to follow a court or to be in a city where such a prince is." 1,000 ducats for an ambassador is little regarded here. 800 crowns in France or Flanders are better than 2,000 in Spain. Saragoza, 24 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
25 May.
Vit. B. v. 70. B. M.
Has had nothing to write about since he left, except how the city is provided. It has been necessary to bring much artillery, which has been done with great difficulty. Tomorrow it will be arranged to assault, if necessary, as they do not expect that the enterprise will be carried without force. Doubts not in any case they will gain the territory, which might perhaps have been done by this time but for the lanzknechts. The band of them which was to come to the enterprise will not arrive till tomorrow, but one way or other the city is sure to be reduced. If the galleys which passed five days ago to Leghorn had come, the thing would have been much easier. They could not have been employed in better service. From the camp before Genoa, 25 May 1522. Signed.
Spanish, pp. 2. Add. at f. 74*b.
25 May.
Harl. 442. f. 37. B. M.
2283. COIN.
Write to the mayor and sheriffs of London to make proclamation that the following gold and silver monies, not being clipped, shall be received as current: large ducats of gold at 4s. 6d. stg.; crowns of the sun, 4s. 4d.; crowns of gold not soleil, 4s. None of the King's groats, half groats, or pence to be refused, even though much cracked, if not "fully broken," on pain of imprisonment at the King's pleasure. Canterbury, 25 May 14 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 2.
26 May.
S. B.
To be one of the justices of the Common Pleas in Ireland during pleasure, vice Rob. Dowdale. He was formerly appointed to the same office during the pleasure of the King and Thomas earl of Surrey, late lieutenant of Ireland; with 40l. Irish a year out of the fee farm of Dublin and the issues of cos. Meath, Dublin and Louth. Westm., 26 May 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10.
26 May.
S. B.
To be secondary justice of the King's Bench (capitalis placeæ nostræ), Ireland, during pleasure; formerly appointed (as above); with forty marks Irish a year out of the profits of the seal of the King's Bench, and the fines therein, and from the receiver general of Ireland. Del. Westm., 26 May 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11.
26 May.
S. B.
To be secondary justice of the Common Pleas, Ireland, during pleasure; formerly appointed (as above); with 20l. Irish a year out of the fee farm and great and petty customs of Drogheda. Del. Westm., 26 May 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11.
26 May.
S. B.
To be secondary baron of the Exchequer in Ireland; formerly appointed (as above); with twenty marks Irish a year out of the issues of Ireland. Del. Westm., 26 May 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11.
1. Remembrances touching the meeting and reception of the Emperor at his entry into the King's pale on this side the water of Graveling, and conducting him to Calais, Dover, Canterbury and other places; also for the execution of the treaty concluded between him and the King at Bridges, and the defence of the realm against France, Scotland and other foreign powers.
As the Emperor has determined to visit Calais, and cross thence to England on his way to Spain, it is ordered that at his entry into the King's pale on this side the water of Gravelyng, the earl of Surrey, the bp. of Chichester (fn. 2) and lord Delaware, with the treasurer, marshal, lieutenant and all other officers of Calais, except the deputy and porter, shall salute him, the Bishop making an oration, and the officers delivering him the keys of the town and castle; and if offers be made unto him for deliverance of such prisoners as shall be thought convenient to be released, it should the more redound to the King's honor.
The council of Calais must provide wine, flour, beef, &c., for the Emperor's entertainment at his own expense.
The mayors of the town and staple are to meet the Emperor at his entering within the Park before Milk Gate, at which place the clergy are to be ranged on the right hand of the street, with crosses, copes, &c. "furnishing their number with all the parsons, curates, priests, copes, crosses and reliques as may be gotten within the Pale."
The mayors of the town and staple shall prepare an honorable present of wine, victuals, &c. for the Emperor.
The Marshal, with the Council, must prepare the lodgings.
The King must cause "passengers" to be prepared for the conveyance of the Emperor and his train to the hoyes.
At the Emperor's arrival at Dover, the Cardinal and the following noblemen shall meet him: My lord Marquis (substituted for the duke of Suffolk, whose name is struck out); earls of Devonshire and Wiltshire; bps. of Chester and Exeter (substituted for Ely, Carlisle, Chichester and Rochester); abbots of Westminster, Glastonbury (struck out), Bury, St. Austin's and Bermondsey; Master of the Rolls; lords Dacre of the South, Herbert, Rosse, Ferrers and Hastings; Sir Wm. Scott, Sir John Fogge, Sir John Wiltshire, Sir Roger Wentworthe, Sir Wm. Waldegrave, Sir John Norton, Sir John Grene, Geo. Guyleforde, Sir John Vere, Wm. Hawte, Sir John Marney, Sir Giles Capell, Sir Thos. Taye, Sir Robt. Drury, Sir Matthew Browne, Sir Godard Oxenbridge, Sir John Gainsford, and others of Kent, Sussex and "Sotherey."
The castle must be furnished for his lodging, and the comptroller of the Household and other officers shall superintend the preparations.
Dover must be provided with victuals, and carriages must be ready to convey the Emperor's stuff to Canterbury. Sir John Scott, Sir John Fogge, Geo. Guyldeforde and Wm. Hawte are to attend to this, with the aid of the mayor and other officers.
After the Emperor has paused at Dover for a convenient time, the Cardinal will conduct him to Canterbury, between which place and Dover, on the Downs, the King will meet him with the following persons:—Dukes of Norfolk and of Suffolk; bp. of Durham; earls of Arundel, Shrewsbury, Northumberland, Worcester, Kent, Oxford and Westmoreland; bps. of Ely and Lincoln; lords Matravers, Souche, St. John's, Mountjoye, Dawbenay, Burgevenny (struck out), Fitzwater, Morlaye, the Marquis's brothers, Montague, Stirton and Cobham; Sir Rice Ap Thomas, Sir Henry Marney, with the guard and the rest of the knights of Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincoln, Hertford, Huntingdon, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Somerset, Dorset, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Hampshire, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire.
After this meeting the Emperor will proceed to Canterbury, before which city the mayor and burgesses will salute him "with a convenient proposition by some discreet and eloquent personage to be made."
The clergy are to stand on both sides of the streets as far as Christchurch, where he will be received by the archbp. of Canterbury and the bishops of Rochester, Bangor, "Hartford," Saint Asaph and Llandaff, with their suffragans, the King's chaplains and others.
The Emperor's and nobles' lodging is appointed at Christchurch, in the Archbishop's palace, and the King will lodge at St. Augustine's.
The next stage will be to Sittingbourne, and lodging for the King and Emperor must be prepared at gentlemen's houses near.
He will then proceed to Rochester, and thence to Gravesend. The Treasure and Comptroller will superintend the provision of lodgings.
The barges of the King and noblemen must be ready at Gravesend to take the King and Emperor to Greenwich. All ships in the Thames are to be laid between Greenwich and Gravesend, adorned with streamers and with ordnance ready to fire as the Emperor passes. The following persons are appointed to provide victuals: at Canterbury, the Mayor, Wodde, Colman, Boothe, Hailes; at Feversham, Ospring and Sittingbourne, Sir John Norton, John Cheney of Sittingbourne, Crowmer, Robt. Sandes; at Rochester, Gravesend and Dartford, Sir John Wiltshire, the mayor of Rochester, Moyle.
As the Emperor, after his arrival at Canterbury, will lodge where the King is, and accordingly himself and familiar servants will be at the King's cost, the officers of the household must have the charge of providing for them.
From Greenwich to London the Emperor will be conducted by the King and the other foresaid lords.
The ships between Greenwich and Blackwall are to be ordered by the Admiral. The order of the barges at Gravesend is committed to Sir Edm. Walsingham, Sir Robt. Johns and Kebye.
Pp. 5. Endd.: "A remembrance concerning the meeting and interview of the King's highness and the Emperor at Graveling."
With one or two corrections in Ruthal's hand.
R. O.
Rym. XIII. 768.
2. The names of the lords appointed to attend upon the King at Canterbury, 27 May.
The archbp. of Canterbury. Duke of Suffolk. Bp. of Durham. Earls of Northumberland, Shrewsbury, Essex, Devon and Worcester. Bishops of Ely, Lincoln and Rochester.
Barons.—Lords of Saint John's, Fitzwarren, Dacres of the Southe, Cobham, Mountague, the Marquis's brothers, Matravers and Talbot.
Knights of the Order.—Sir Henry Marney, Sir Rece ap Thomas.
Knights.—Sirs Thos. Boleyne, Wm. Kingeston, Ric. Weston, Wm. Compton, Wm. Tiler, Ric. Sacheverel, David Owen, Rob. Drury, Thos. West, Wm. Fitzwilliam, Thos. More, Andrew Windissor, John Semer, Giles Strangwishe. Arthur Hopton, John Heydon, John Heynyngham, Antony Wingfelde, John Shelton, John Raglande, Arthur Plantagenet, John Husy, Wm. Ascue, Christopher Willoughby, Edw. Ferres, John Willoughby, Edw. Gryvile, Thos. Lucy, Randull Brereton, Ranulf Egerton, Henry Wyat, Thos. and Edw. Nevell, Griffith Don, Geo. Forster, John Mordant, Wm. Gascoyne, John Lysle, Roger Wentworthe, Wm. Walgrave, John Veer.
The remainder who have been warned, and are not appointed to attend on the Legate, are to attend on the Queen at Greenwich, and, at the arrival of the King and Emperor, to stand along the wharf.
Norrey and York, with the King's trumpets, are to attend on the Legate at Dover.
Garter and his officers are to warn the said nobles to attend.
Pp 3. In Tuke's hand. Endd.: Names of noblemen appointed to attend on the King at the meeting with the Emperor.
R. O.
Rym. XIII. 767.
3. "The names of them that be appointed to attend upon my lord Legate at Dover."
The earls of Surrey, Wiltshire, Kent. The bishops of Exeter, Chester, Hereford, the elect of London. The abbots of Westminster, Berry, Winchcombe, Gloucester, Saint Austin's, Bermondsey, Tewksbury. The lords Herbert, Ferres, Hastings; with 15 knights (named), and other gentlemen of Kent, Sussex and Surrey. Norrey and York are to give warning to the above to attend the Legate at Canterbury on Saturday, May 24.
In Tuke's hand. Endd.
R. O. 4. The train which the Emperor intends to bring to England.
"Grande Chapelle."—Bishop of Cordova (fn. 3), grand chaplain; 10 horses, 15 person. M. Ant. de Berghes, "premier chapellain;" 2 persons, 2 horses. 16 chanters. Master of the children, 8 children, 3 priests of the high mass, 6 person. The organist, 1 person. Organ blower, 2 clerks of the chapel and a harbinger.
"Petite Chapelle." * * * 2 chaplains of low mass. 2 "sommeliers d'oratoire," one clerk; in all, 26 persons and 12 horses.
Chamberlains, &c.—The count of Nassau, grand chamberlain; 26 persons, 20 horses. Count of Hoochstrate, second chamberlain; 18 persons, 16 horses. Sieur du Reux, grand maitre d'hotel and grand mareschal de l'ost; 18 persons, 16 horses. The Grand Chancellor; 18 persons, 16 horses. [The marshal of Burgundy; 18 persons, . . horses]. * * *
Princes and Grand Masters.—The duke of Alva. The count of Genesve. The marquis of Brandebourg. The prince of Orange. Duke of Cleves. Marquis d'Aghillart with his falconers. Marquis of Villa franca. Count d'Aghillart. The Comendador Major d'Alcantre. Don Anthonio de Fonseca, contador major de Castille. Don Loys Carros, viceroy of Majorqua. Marquis of Arschot. 232 persons, 179 horses.
Other chamberlains.—Sieur de Beau Rains. Count of Egmond. Count of Varras. Sieur de Waelham. Don Geo. de Portugal. Sieur de Praet. Don Joan de Cuniga. Don Pietre de Ghevara. 64 persons, 40 horses.
Council of Castile.—Don Garcia de Padilla, Clavero de Calatrave. Dr. Caravajal. Alcalde Ronguillo. The fiscal Prado. Secretaries Covos. Villyas and Liceraco.
Council of Arragon.—Vice-chancellor of Arragon. Count de Cariate. The Treasurer of Arragon. Messire Gisismond. Messire Ph. Ferrera. Messire Gualbes. Messire Jacobo de Bologna. Messire May. Secretaries Urias, Pero Garcia, Soria and Gaspar.
Council of Flanders.—Sieur de la Roche. Messire Claude de Chassey. Maistre Loys Vaca. Messire Bertholomez de Gatinaire. Messire Jehan Hannart, visconte de Lombeke, chief secretary and audiencer. Maistre Jehan Lalemand. Maistre Maximilian de Transilvano. Anthoine Teste and John de Vandenesse, ushers. The chaplain. 81 persons, 70 horses.
Maistres d'hotel.—Sieurs de Moustron, De Rolle, &c.; 20 persons, 12 horses.
"Gentilshommes servans la bouche."—80 persons (names given), and 48 horses.
Esquires of the Stable.—24 persons (names given), 12 horses.
Gentlemen of the Household.—276 persons (names given), and 138 horses.
Other Spanish noblemen.—Don Pedro de Cordua, Don Alvaro de Cordua, Don Enrique de Rojas, Don Diego Sarmiento and others; 54 persons (names given), and 18 horses.
Spanish ecclesiastics.—Don Ynigo de Mendoça, the archdeacon of Moya, Don Pedro Sarmiento, Maistre Luys Coronel, Don Joan de Beaumont, the archdeacon of Segovia, the licenciate Castillo, Don Luys de Cardona. and Ferrer. 44 persons, 29 horses.
Spanish chaplains.—30 persons (names given), and 15 horses.
"Varlets Servans."—25 persons (names given), and 25 horses.
Officers of the Pantry.—Jehan Hannart, "sommelier." Guillaume le Grain and Hubrect Dalsinghe, "gardelinges." Jehan Machon, usher of the Hall. 2 bakers. Jehan Michault, waferer (oblieur). 11 persons, 3 horses.
"Eschansonnerie."—6 persons (names given), and 2 horses.
The Emperor's kitchen.—Maistre Reux, Josse de Veert and 2 other aids. 1 pastler, 1 "buissier," 1 "potaigier," 1 squire of the Kitchen, 1 porter. 12 persons, 4 horses.
Common kitchen.—3 cooks, 1 "gardemengier." The cooks of the Grand Chamberlain and Grand Master. 6 persons.
Saucery.—6 persons (names given), and 2 horses.
Fruitery.—9 persons (names given), and 3 horses.
Stable.—Hanybal and Loys, equerries, 8 trumpets, harbinger, farrier (mareschal) and messenger. Total, 18 persons, 14 horses.
Fourriere.—Sieur de Bissy, "marechal de logis." Maistres Liberal, Baptiste Baldiron and Narcissus, physicians. Geo. bastard of Austria, Jean de Vignacourt, provost of Mons, and other squires of the Chamber. Henry Stercke, master of the "Chambre aux deniers." Jehan Dadurca, master of the Wardrobe (Argentier). Loys de Veert, keeper of the Jewels. Baptiste de Taxis, master of the posts. Pierre Boisot, comptroller. 4 aides de Chambre, 8 ushers of the Chamber, 5 surgeons, 3 "machiers," 7 harbingers, 1 "espissier," 2 heralds, &c. 151 persons, 70 horses.
Pensioners.—Richart Gillefort. Thos. Asby. Coka. Soymore. Loys de Gonsago. Raphael de Medecis. 86 persons (named), and 36 horses.
Spanish officers.—Licentiate Frias. Dr. Davilla. Licenciate Trigueras. Dr. Poblacion. 12 persons, 4 horses.
Solicitors of the constable and others.—46 persons (named), and 23 horses.
100 archers, sieur de Habarcq, captain, &c. 100 halberdiers, sieur de Wassenaere, captain; 268 persons, 110 horses.
Grand total, 2,044 persons, 1,126 horses.
The Emperor having seen the contents of this book, intends to take no more than 1,000 horses and 2,000 persons to England. The rest will embark in Zealand with the army. The trains of the officers have been necessarily reduced as much as possible.
Fr., pp. 51. Endd.: "A boke of the Emperor's trayne when he was in Englande." Part of the first leaf torn off.
R. O. 5. The train which the Emperor intends to bring to England. (Revised list.)
"La Grande Chappelle" will remain with the fleet in Zealand.
"La Petite Chappelle."—Bp. of Palencia, confessor, chief sacristan, 2 under almoners, 2 chaplains "de basses messes," and one "sommelier d'oratiore."
The remainder is mostly the same as the preceding.
Pp. 20. Fr.
C. C. C.
Camb. 298.
6. Description of the pageants made in the city of London at the receiving of Chas. V. and Hen. VIII.
Galba, B. VI. 158. B. M.
Has told the King of the arrangements made last night between Wolsey and the Emperor. The King is much pleased at the Emperor's abiding there, as the baggage belonging to himself and his nobles has not yet arrived. Henry will be with the Emperor tonight, bringing with him the lords Steward, Chamberlain and others. Wolsey is to cause other noblemen, both of his own and the King's train, to dislodge for such as the King shall bring with him. His coming is not to be known, that it may appear to be entirely "of his own mind and affection towards the Emperor." Canterbury, 9 o'clock. Signed.
P. 1, in Sampson's hand. Add. at ƒ. 159*: "To my lord Legate's grace."
28 May.
R. O.
On Thursday last Clarencieux arrived, and delivered him the King's credentials, by which he perceived that they were to conform themselves to such instructions as they should receive from Sir Richard Wingfield. These were brought by Clarencieux, and proffered to the French king, who refused to accept them. On this Cheyne took his leave, and Clarencieux made the King's declaration. Has promised that the French ambassador shall be exchanged for himself, and he will not be allowed to leave the realm until the former is at Calais. But for this he could have sent no notice of what he had done. Lyons, 28 May. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
28 May.
Calig. D. VIII. 224. B. M.
2291. SAME to WOLSEY.
Nearly verbally the same as above.
29 May.
Calig. D. VIII. 220a. B. M.
The King has been frequently required by the Emperor to declare himself enemy to Francis in accordance with the treaty of London, on account of the invasion of Navarre, and the attempts of Rob. de la Marche, but wished rather to bring the Emperor and him to concord, and for that reason sent the cardinal of York to Calais. Although Francis was proved to be the invader, by his letters to the count de Cariat (Carpi) and other things, the King wished the Cardinal to forbear the declaration, and to continue the diet, that some means might be found to pacify their variances; and after his return, he continued to apply to Francis' mother for the furtherance of peace, and it was promised that persons should be sent to bring matters to a conclusion. The affair, however, was always delayed; and meanwhile Albany has been sent to Scotland, in contempt of the King who is supreme lord [thereof], to the danger of the young King and the dishonor of his mother, whom Albany has endeavored to separate from her husband, "and damnably to contract matrimony with her." The payment of the King's money has been refused, and Ric. de la Pole, his rebellious subject, entertained, contrary to Francis' oath. Francis has also allowed his subjects to rob the King's lieges at sea, and refused redress; he retains strangers not being his subjects in wages; he has caused the garrison of Tournay to make excursions against Flanders, and has acted more like an enemy than a friend to England. The King has therefore instructed Clarencieux to intimate to Francis that he will take part with the Emperor against him.
In Ruthal's hand, pp. 2, mutilated.
R. O. 2. The message of the herald of England to the king of France.
On the 29th May, the French king gave audience to the English herald at Lyons. He said that his master bade the French king beware of him, as he was his mortal enemy, on account of his infraction of the treaty of Ardre,—(1.) by making war on the Emperor, and assisting Mons. de Sedan; (2.) by employing foreigners; (3.) by allowing Albany to go to Scotland; (4.) by invading Navarre; (5.) by discontinuing his pensions to the king of England, and causing the French to pillage his ships._The French king, without waiting to deliberate, replied as follows:—(1.) That he never assisted the sieur de Sedan, but offered to assist the Emperor against him, if he wished it. (2.) He was obliged to hire the Swiss, because the Emperor invaded Champagne, and took Moson under pretence of making war on Sedan; and before he engaged them, the king of England had an ambassador there, who gave them 50,000 angelots not to enter the service of France. (3.) The duke of Albany left without his knowledge, and he has tried without success to make him return. (4.) There was nothing about Navarre in the treaty of Ardre, but the king of England promised to put the said kingdom into his hands in three months, which he has not done. (5.) As to the pension, he has felt assured for two years that the King is his mortal enemy, and he will not pay him money to be used against himself. In proof of this assertion he offers to show articles, signed by Henry, and sent by him to the late Pope. Finally, he said he would give the lie to any man who said he had not kept the promise he made at Ardres; if this was Henry's only complaint, it was a bad one, and whenever he chose to come into the field he would be beforehand with him. "Imprimé à Lyon. Cum privilegio."
Fr., pp. 3. Endd.: "Copya de verbo ad verbum d'aultres semblables imprymes en Franche."
30 May.
Add. Chr. 12,469. B. M.
2293. FRANCIS I.
Warrant for the redemption of the seigneurie of Chateau Regnard, in the duchy of Orleans, mortgaged by Lewis XII. when he was invaded by the English, for 6,000 livres Tournois; and remortgaging the same to marshal Chatillon, of whom the King last year borrowed 10,000 livres (which he was to have repaid this year, but cannot in consequence of his expenses in defending the kingdom against the English and the Emperor elect) for 16,000 livres, so as to cover the debt, and repay the redemption money. Lyons, 30 May 1522, 8 Francis I. Signed.
Fr., parchment.
Calig. B. III.
18. B.M.
He is to deliver by indenture to Dacre such of the King's money as is now in his hands, as it appears by his letter to Wolsey of the 28th May, that, for many considerations, he cannot reside out of his diocese on the Borders. Has written to Dacre to this effect, and that Lord will be sent to him as a clerk.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, p. 1.
2295. ii. [WOLSEY to DACRE.]
In consideration of his honorable services, Wolsey has moved the King's highness to act as stated above.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, p. 1.
The ordering of the King's ships taken by the lord Admiral and other the King's councillors here.
1. When they set forth, no ship shall try to go before, except the one my lord hath appointed, viz., the Vice-admiral's. 2. No ship to [c]om behind, except John Hopton's. 3. No ships, except those appointed, to give chase either to windward or leeward, on pain of death. 4. No ship, at setting forth, to try "to take the wind one from another coming, nor any danger, wheresoever it be." 5. Every master to keep his lead, and sound at any danger, according to the old custom. 6. Every master and his company to attend on the Admiral, and no one to go to harbor or road without orders. 7. Every master to keep safe the tokens given him, that each ship may know the others if separated by the weather. 8. Before sunset, every ship to come under the lee of the Admiral to know what course he will keep. 9. To every boat there must be a quartermaster and boatswain. When they land soldiers, the crew and gunners appointed to defend the boat must not leave it on pain of death. Signed: T. Surrey.
P. 1. Endd.: The ordering of the ships sailing, ao xiiio.
R. O. 2. Ships appointed to keep the seas from Camber to the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, giving the names of the captains and master, and the number of soldiers, mariners and gunners.
The Katherine Galley, John Carie, captain, John Kempe, master, and 90 men. The Lesse Barke, Bawdewyn Willoughby, captain, John Browne, of Hampton, master, and 160 men. The Frenche Prise,_ Foster, captain, Robt. Langmede, master, and 70 men. The Swallow, _ Weders, captain, Hen. Norman, master, and 60 men.
Ships appointed to keep the seas between the islands of Jersey and Guernsey and the Tweed.
The Crist, Wm. Gonson, captain, Piers Yong, master, and 120 men. The George of Fowey, Gilbert Malyvery captain, Philip Tyce, master, and 90 men. The Mawdelyn of Aldborough, Edw. Waters, captain, John Hylley, master, and 40 men.
Ships appointed to keep the passage between Calais and Dover, and so from the mouth of the Thames to the Camber.
The Swopestake, John Maryner, captain, Adrian Dogan, master, 80 men. John Hopton's Galley, John Johnson, the Queen's servant, [captain], Giles George, master, 60 men. The Anne of the Tower, James ap Jenkin, captain, Barth. Worall, master, and 70 men. The Bark of Sandwich, _ Hotton, captain, _ master, and 50 men.
Paper roll. Endd.: "Shippes appoynted for the gardyrg of the sees from the Camber to the islands of Jarsey and Garnsey."
May./GRANTS. 2297. GRANTS in MAY 1522.
1. Th. Notte, of Assheburnham, Sussex. Pardon. Del. Westm., 1 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
2. Rob. Blackenall, of the parish of Aldermary, London, merchant tailor. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Richmond, 10 April 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 May 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
2. Ric. Kynnardysley, clk., of the New College, Oxford. Pardon for murder of Th. Eliston, clk., of the same college. Del. Bishop's Waltham, 2 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
2. Wm. Richardes, of Bristol, merchant, alias of Antwerp, merchant adventurer. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Richmond, 28 April 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 May.—P.S.
6. Geo. Fraunces, gent. usher of the Queen's Chamber. To be feodary and bailiff of the honor of Richmond, in cos. Camb., Herts., Suff. and Essex, for 30 years from Mich. 12 Hen. VIII.; rent 20l. 10s., and 12d. of increase. Del. Westm., 6 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 1.
6. Th. Morres and Th. Boreton. Grant of the occupation and pasturage of pastures called Digeley, in the parish of St. Peter, near Worcester, lately belonging to Rob. Foliat, deceased. Westm., 6 May.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9.
7. Sir Th. Denys. Reversion of the authority granted by pat. 28 July 10 Hen. VIII., to Sir John Cutte, now deceased, and Sir Hen. Wiatt, to grant licences to export tin from Cornw. and Devon. Also similar authority to grant licences to export lead. To receive 4d. for every 100 lb. of tin exported, and the same for every fother of lead. Del. Westm., 7 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
7. Rob. Shorton, clk. Presentation to the church of Stackpolle, St. David's dioc., in the hands of the King by the minority of Ric. Vernon. Westm., 7 May.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21.
7. Hen. Stoke, grocer, and porter of the "Weye house," London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 7 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
8. John Boller and John Hales, of Princes Risborough, Bucks. Writ to appear before the surveyors of Crown lands, and others of the council, at Westminster, in the Prince's Council Chamber, on the morrow of the Ascension, to answer to such articles as shall be objected against them. Richmond, 8 May (year not given). Endd.: Comparuit, et habet diem usque octabis Johannis proximis, sub pœna in brevi contenta.—P.S.
8. Th. Soulby, of Mukkyngford, Essex, alias of London. Protection; about to serve in the wars in the retinue of Jasper Pen, captain of The Harry Tothill. Signed and sealed by Pen. "Teste," 8 May.—P.S.b.
8. Th. Webbury, merchant of Exeter. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 8 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
12. Wm. Byngey, of Chelmysford, Essex, cordwainer. Licence to ask alms for two years, having had his house, corn and goods burned. All vicars and curates are desired to publish this grant in their churches. Richmond, 22 April 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
12. Wm. Care and Wm. West, page of the Chamber. Wardship of Th. Sharpe of Canterbury, an idiot, and custody of his lands. Windsor, 12 July 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
12. John Crakenthorp, of Bungey, Suff., dyer, alias of Feversham, Kent. Protection; going in the retinue of Ric. Thirkyll, captain of The Bon Espoeyr. Signed and sealed by Thirkyll. "Teste," 12 May.—P.S.b.
12. Th. Garton, page of the Wardrobe of Beds. Reversion of the office of bailiff of the lordship of Horseley, Derby, now held by Rob. Hopkyns, by patent 22 July 7 Hen. VIII. Richmond, 10 April 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
12. Godfrey Horne, a native of Brabant. Denization. Greenwich, 17 March 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
12. Hen. Sayvell, Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir John Sayvell. Greenwich, 13 March 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
12. Wm. Slade, of Hanley Castell, Worc. Pardon for murder of John Pauncefote, justice of the peace in co. Glouc. Del. Westm., 12 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 4.
12. Ric. Trehawke, alias Cornyshman, of Ipylpen, Devon, husbandman. Pardon for having killed John Ford in self-defence. Westm., 12 May.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1.
13. Humph. Owen. Lease of certain parcels of land in Lluenny and Segroit parks, and in the manor of Shepons, in the lordship of Denbigh, lately held by Th. Mathewe, Rob. Bannour, Will. Marten and Peter Lloitt, at various rents. Del. Westm., 13 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
14. Rob. Stoner, yeoman of the Crown. To be bailiff and "wardestaff" of the hundreds of Onger and Harlowe, Essex, late of Buckingham. Richmond, 16 April 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 May 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 14.
15. Th. Asshehurste, of Bristol, merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Richmond, 30 April 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 May.—P.S. Fr. m. 12.
16. Nich. Harvy. Grant of the manor of Bakenhoo, with appurtenances, in co. Beds., forfeited by Edward duke of Buckingham. Del. Westm., 16 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
16. Wm. Pole, clk. Presentation to the perpetual chantry of Chipnaham, Salisb. dioc., void by death, and in the King's gift by the minority of Walter, s. and h. of Sir Edw. Hungreford. Richmond, 13 May 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.
16. Sir Hen. Sharnebourn. To be comptroller of customs and subsidies in the port of Drogheda, Ireland, during pleasure. Richmond, 10 April 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 May 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
16. John Wogan, of Boliston, and Wm. Wogan, of Melton, co. Pembroke. Lease of the islands commonly called Stokeholme, Middleholme, and Skalmey, in the county or lordship of Haverford, in South Wales, and of a watermill called Camros Mill; for 21 years; rent 4l. 6s. 8d., and 4d. of increase; on surrender of pat. 31 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
17. Wm. Burdit and Rob. Webbe, the King's servants. Office of usher and crier in the Common Pleas, vice John Williams.—S.B. (undated). Westm., 17 May. Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
18. Th. Greneway. Lease of the lordships of Synglesburgh and Agmondesham Wooderew, the demesne lands of Bucklond, and 1¾ virgate, called Dycons, Bucks, parcel of Warwick's lands, for 21 years; rent 25l. 19s. 0½d., and 10s. of increase. Del. Westm., 18 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
18. Edm. Horseley, yeoman of the Guard. To be keeper of Newhall park, Essex, with 3d. a day out of the lordship of Boreham, Essex. Del. Westm., 18 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
18. Agnes Vz Meredidd ap Grono, widow, Marvered Vz Meredidd ap Grono, widow, Th. ap David ap Gruff, and David ap Thomas ap Llewellin. Lease of all the escheated lands in the town of Kegedog, within the commote of Istulas; rent 26s. 8d., and 40d. of increase. Del. Westm., 18 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
20. Th. Jonys, of Whitley, Surrey. Lease of the tenement called Beryland, with 80 acres and 2 "granis" adjoining, in the parish of Thurley, and a tenement with land in Stotenham, Surrey; for 21 years; rent 3l. 13s. 4d., and 20d. of increase. Del. Westm., 20 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
21. Charles Knyvet, of Ligh, Kent, and of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 21 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Fr. m. 12.
21. David Williams, merchant of Haverford West, S. Wales, als. of London als. of Swaynsay, in the lordship of Gower, S. Wales, Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. 21 May 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
24. To ... (fn. 4) Writ to pay up arrears to Hugh Mervyn, receiver of the lordship of Breknok, to the King's use, or else to appear before the general surveyors of Crown lands at Westminster, in the utas of St. John Baptist next; not failing, on pain of 100l. Greenwich, 24 May (year not given).—P.S.
Vit. B. V.
(208). B. M.
2298. [ADRIAN VI.] to WOLSEY.
Desires a peace between the King and other Christian princes. When at Rome, will send apostolic letters for the legateship for five years, with the privileges conferred on him by Leo, and for the abbacy of St. Alban's. Saragossa, ...
Lat., vellum, mutilated. Add.: Dilecto filio ... in regno Angliæ ... latere. Endd.


  • 1. Where this document has been assigned to a wrong date.
  • 2. The names of Surrey and the bp. of Chichester are substituted for the marquis of Dorset, the earl of Essex and the Bp. of Exeter.
  • 3. This name is inserted in the Emperor's own hand.
  • 4. Name torn off.