Henry VIII: April 1522, 1-15

Pages 918-928

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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April 1522

1 April.
R. O.
You will be informed of "the common affairs" by my joint letters with Mr. Secretary. This is only to remind you of my diets and want of money, in which I am far behind, owing to the negligence of my factor, who does not sue to you for it at convenient times. My expenses are very great, and cannot be reduced with honor to you and the King. You have hitherto "pondered my wealth" better than I could imagine, and I feel sure you have not yet forsaken me. Rome, 1 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
1 April.
R. O.
I wrote to you a few days ago concerning the Pope's letter to the College, and the consequent decision about the sending of the Legates, but the letters are still in the hands of your ambassadors, as the courier left without them. I write now, as I hear that this herald (Richmond) is leaving, though matters are nearly in the same state as before. The armies are before Milan ready to fight, and a battle seems certain. You will hear this more fully from the letters of the ambassadors. Rome, 1 April 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: R. D., &c. Carli Ebor. Angliæ primati et ap~licæ sedis legato.
1 April.
Galba, B. VII. 275. B. M.
Wrote last from Brussels on the 27th. On the 29th received your letters of the 25th, with a copy of the King's letter to the Emperor, which letter we received the same time, and presented to his Majesty that day. He took the pains to read it himself, and we urged him to send the Scots out of his dominions, actual war having been begun between the King and them, especially as he was expressly bound to do so by the treaty of Bruges. He answered right quickly that he would not fail to observe that treaty, but as for the article concerning the Scots the King was as much bound to remove the French out of England; nevertheless he would consult about the King's letters with his council, and give us answer.
Last night De la Roche came to my lodging, and said on the Emperor's behalf that he was content, for the reasons contained in the King's letter, to defer his coming to Calais from the 10th to the 26th of this month. But as to the Scots, more than two months ago, Spinelly, being then sole ambassador, had urged the Emperor to suspend intercourse with them, and was answered that the Emperor was willing to do so in the way that became a prince; that there was an old treaty that intercourse should be kept up for 100 years, of which many were still to come, but that he was willing to send a herald to Scotland, who should pass through England, and be instructed how he might best declare the occasion why the Emperor should suspend intercourse; but that no answer had been received to this proposal; and though the Emperor does not hold himself bound to this by the treaty of Bruges, he is willing, on his meeting with the King in England, to send an officer of arms, instructed by the King, to Scotland, to do as both shall think necessary. He said also, that the Emperor had been informed by his ambassadors that Wolsey had told them the King would have by the 26th sufficient ships of war in the Channel with 1,400 men, for the defence of the Emperor on his passage. This the council here wonder at, as the number of men fixed by the treaty of Bruges was 3,000; but the Emperor himself has full confidence in the King, and leaves it entirely to you, and will be right glad if money be spared, his person not being put in peril. The Emperor had delayed his answer, intending to send by this post to his ambassadors a roll of the names of those who are to accompany him to England, with the number of horses. We said we thought the King would marvel much at the answer made touching the Scots, especially at the delay in sending the herald, and that though we would report the exact terms of the Emperor's answer, we would still solicit that the officer might be despatched at once.
No more news from Italy; and what news has come from France is not likely to be true; otherwise the Emperor would have heard them; but it is certain Francis was at Barre in Lorraine, where the Duke met him on Thursday last, so that by this time he may be at Lyons. It would be expedient to invade France now, and divert the force which they are sending into Italy. Letters of Francis and Robertet to the signory of Venice, Lautrec, and to Mark Antony Colonna, lately slain, have been recently intercepted, in which he thanks the Signory for a loan of 25,000 ducats, and desires 25,000 more, which he promises to repay before the end of March, and says he will make all haste into Italy according to their advice. The Emperor has news from Rome that Francis had sent a sum of money to the late duke of Urbino and to the Ursyns, and that the Bentivogli began to move, and the duke of Ferrara was likely to stir. Brussels, 1 April 1522. Signed.
P.S.—The posts have just come from Italy, and by letters of the 20th from Pavia the Duke was there with a great army; all the nobles of the country coming to him. The French were at Bynaske, in great want of victuals, 200 carts of which had been intercepted, and 160 men-at-arms and light horse taken. The Emperor has letters of the 21st, the particulars of which he will probably send to his ambassador.
In Wingfield's hand, pp. 6.
1 April. 2150. For the UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD.
Grant of liberties. Westm., 1 April.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, ms. 23 and 24.
R. O. 2. Modern copy of a part of the preceding grant.
1 April.
P. S.
2151. For RIC. SAMPSON, LL.D.
To have a canonry in the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, vice Chr. Urswike, clk., deceased; in the King's gift by the vacancy of the see of London. Newhall, 28 March 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 1 April.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 23.
1 April.
Galba, B. VII. 15. B. M.
2152. CHARLES V.
Letters patent of protection by the Emperor to the count de Gaure sieur de Fiennes, de Leaune. Brussels, 1 April 1521, avant Pasques.
Copy, collated with the original by Guillaume le Marchand Bailly and Estienne Folque, receiver of Fiennes, 6 June 1522.
Fr., p. 1.
2 April.
Vit. B. V. 53. B. M.
2153. PACE and CLERK to WOLSEY.
* * * "all is like to quail if ... he shall make himself lord of all Ita[ly] ... we assure your grace, the rest hangeth ... very feeble pine, for the French king once being in [that terri]tory shall have many mo accessories and well w[illers], and the contrary partes hath nother men ne money to resist in comparison." The Emperor's army in Milan is larger and better than the French, and while the latter lie in the plain field almost famished, the imperialists lie in Pavia and Milan, where they lack nothing but money. Those powers in Italy that-wish to see the French lords of all, expect good news daily, and have prepared to make further invasions, while those in the contrary interest are in great fear. If the French king be once lord of Italy, he will gather an infinite treasure by force or by loan. He reckons on having a million or two of gold from the Florentines alone, "if he can find there so much without their bodies; which treasure, these men say, the Frenchmen will not stick to employ as their proud and ambitious mind will serve them, in following their victory ... mennis no small displeasure. And we do sup[pose] that Florentines and such other whom it standeth in stead that the French affairs should not so highly increase, will make all their force to help to the maintenance of the said Emperor's army; but we cannot see that their help can suffice, they shall have so much ado to defend themselves at home. We think verily, that a million of gold shall not recover the duchy of Milan again from the Frenchmen if they obtain now this victory. When the King's grace should be disposed that way, we thought it appertaining unto our duty to show these things more at large unto your grace, not doubting but the King will take such ways in these common affairs as may best stand with his surety and honor and prosperity of his realm, as he hath hitherto done through your grace's wise and prudent counsel."
The King's estimation here increases daily; no other prince is esteemed like him. The rumor that he will declare himself against France has been of great service to the Emperor here. If it be true, all think the French undone. "By cause your grace as yet hath sent us no commandme[nt to the contrary, we] suppose verily that it is your pleasu[re that we shall] tarry here the Pope's coming, and so we be [deter]mined not to depart till we know your further pleasure." Rome, 2 April 1522. Signed.
Pp. 3. All in cipher in Clerk's hand, with marginal decipher, mutilated. Add.
2 April.
Vit. B. v. 52. B. M.
2154. PACE to [WOLSEY].
Having no need of a herald to remain with him in these parts, has despatched Richmond, whose diligence he knows by experience, with letters in cipher from himself and Mr. Dean, to inform Wolsey of some strange attempts lately begun here. If good princes do not resist these infamous projects, the Church is undone. Don John Manuel has published here that the Pope has left Victoria for "Barzelona in confinibus Italiæ," so that he is daily looked for. Wishes to know if he shall remain here, go elsewhere, or return. Rome, 2 April.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2.
2 April.
R. O.
On behalf of a Spanish ship arrested by Mr. Lister and the customer of Hampton, on the charge of fraud in the port of Artamua (Yarmouth, Isle of Wight ?). Writes also to his ambassador, bishop of Badayoz and Heuna, for whom he desires credence. Brussels, 2 April 1522. Signed: Yo el Rey. Countersigned: Villenger.
Spanish, p. 1. Add.
2 April.
R. O.
We hear that the Emperor has written to the King by the bearer about a Spanish ship arrested at Hampton. Anthony, usher of the Emperor's chamber, has asked us also to write in behalf of the owner, his kinsman, that quick justice may be done. Brussels, 2 April 1522. Signed.
In Wingfield's hand, p. 1. Add.: To the lord Legate's most reverend grace.
3 April.
R. O.
Desires credence for the bearer, Richmond Herald, who has matters to be communicated from the writer. Will always study, as in gratitude he is bound to do, Wolsey's honor and interest; for this is a virtue he will always endeavor to retain, though misfortune and the death of the Pope have deprived him of all things else. Florence, 3 April 1522. Signed: Ju. Vicecancell.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Rmo, &c. Th. carli Eboracen., &c.
3 April.
R. O.
Last night, at Beaume, Maubuisson brought the King word that La Rochpott, with 4,000 Swiss, 2,000 adventurers and 200 men-at-arms, had taken by assault Novare, which was defended by 2,500 men-of-war and the townspeople. The captain, count Ph. Tournier, son to count Malfrey Tournier, was the only one saved. He was taken prisoner, and is in great danger, as he was brought up in France from the age of twelve, and left without the French king's leave. The marquis of Mantua, hearing of this enterprise, sallied out of Pavia with 6,000 foot and 300 men-at-arms, and attacked La Rochepott, but retreated after losing 300 men. As far as I can tell, the French king is continuing his journey to Milan. Shalon, 3 April. Signed.
P. 1. The sentence in cipher deciphered by Tuke. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
4 April.
Vesp. C. I. 299*. B. M.
Commission to Sir Adrian Fortescue, knt., to be at Canterbury the 27 April to make preparations for the King to receive the Emperor and his train. "Given under our signet at our manor of New Hall, the 4th of April."
Added in Fortescue's own hand: "Memorandum, after the preparation herefor I was commandyd to go to the see wnder my lord Admyrall, wher we wer and on lond xxj. wekis." And endorsed by him: "For preparation to meet the Emperor, ao xiiijto."
Add.: To our trusty, &c. Sir Adrian Fortescue, knight.
5 April.
R. O.
2160. M[ICHAEL] SANDERUS, Dean of Breslau, to WOLSEY.
My patron the cardinal of Sion has again desired me to visit your grace to ask relief for his poverty; but as I know you intended last year that he should receive the King's bounty from the lady Margaret, I write to ask what you have resolved upon in this matter. Brussels, 5 April 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Illmo principi et R.D.D. Th. cardinali Eboracensi, Angliæ legato, dño observañ.
7 April.
Calig. D. VIII. 234. B. M.
On Saturday last the [King] came to this town. Last night I was told that an ambassador is coming from the Pope in post.
"Please it your grace, because I would know the truth, I went this day to the French king, and told him what I heard; and he told me that one was come to demand a safeconduct for one that should come fro the Pope, which safeconduct he hath granted, by [his] saying; and, moreover, he told me that he had word from Milan, how the Spaniards were determined to issue out and to give his men battle, of the which tidings he makes himself to be very glad. Please it your grace, notwithstanding his saying is to me, if the Spaniards be so minded it is not for lack of victuals, for I hear say fresh victuals come to them every day, for it is surely told me that the town of Milan is not half besieged; and moreover, it is told me that all his men-of-war, save only the Swiss, are behind of their wages for eighteen months; and as for the Swiss, methinks by him that he is in no great surety of them, this month once at an end. Further it may please your grace that one Bukall had his thigh broken with a gun at the winning of Noware, whereof I knew nothing when I wrote your grace my last letter; and divers mo be slain and hurt, but who or how many they be I cannot ascertain your grace as yet, for everything makes for them. Well is he that can bring me first word there[of], and when they have any overthrow it is kept so secret that I can know nothing."
The French king told me he had sent sacres to the King. He says there are no better in France for the heron.
"Please it your grace that it is almost two months agone since he told me first that he would [send] hawks to the King's highness, wherefore I marvel greatly why he hath kept them so long, and to bring them so far, and to send them now."
He told me Memorancie was one of the hostages who should go in post and present them to the King, "because he can good skill [in] hawks."
It is said the Emperor intends laying siege to the castle of Jhamais, belonging to Rob. de la Marche. Florange, his son, is gone thither to defend it. Lyons, 7...
Pp. 2, mutilated.
8 April.
R. MS. 13 B. II. 312. B. M.
Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 333. Has received by his herald Thomas, the bearer, his letters dated Copenhagen, 8th May, last year. Thanks him for his admonition. The defence of the young King belongs in the first place to Christiern. Appeals to him to take James's part against Gawin bishop of Dunkeld, who is endeavoring, by means of their enemies, the Emperor and the king of England, to procure from Rome the archbishopric of St. Andrew's and monastery of Dunfermline. Requests that Christiern will write to his ambassadors at Rome upon the subject. Edinburgh, 8th April 1522.
8 April.
R. O.
On 5th April 1522, before masters John Dowman and Richard Woleman, and in presence of me, Andrew Smyth, notary, master Bellond, S.T.P., prior of the house of Augustinian Friars, London, exhibited—(1) a private writing in his own hand, containing the sum of his receipts for confessionals while he was provincial of the order, 397l. 15s. 10d., whereof 59l. 14s. have been placed in the Pope's coffers. (2.) Another writing concerning his receipts for "similar letters" since he ceased to be provincial, 41l. 17s., whereof 6l. 18d. were placed in the coffers. (3.) An account for 1517 of moneys received in the coffers throughout England, and the places subject to it, whereof the order's part (one half) is 494l. 12s. 5d. (4.) Same in 1518, 215l. 3s. 4½d. (5.) In 1519, 173l. 2s. 6d. (6.) In 1520, 132l. 11s. 11d. (7.) In 1521, 129l. 4s. 7d. "Et ego Frater Edmundus Bellond hœc omnia assero et affirmo vera."
On 8th April, in Saint Paul's Cathedral, before the same commissaries, Raphael Maruffus, merchant of Genoa, exhibited a writing of his receipts from the coffers, for the part of the Pope and the Apostolic Chamber, from 1517 to 1520. Similar sums to those mentioned above (3–7.) "Ego Rafael Maruffus, trezaurarius indulgentiœ Sancti Petri pro parte S. D. n. Papœ, recepi in quinque annis in diversis copsis, sicut constat per notarios coram Roberti Crasse notarii (sic), 1,144l. 13s. 11d. sterl., quas missi Romœ justa commissionem data michi." Italics in Maruffo's hand.
Lat., p. 1. Endd.
10 April.
R. O.
According to the King's commission to myself and others my fellows in Derbyshire, we have had many of the King's subjects before us, whom we find ready to do his pleasure. Will send a perfect account by the end of Easter week, for we have appointed them all to meet at my house. I beg to be excused for not attending upon the King on St. George's Day, and desire credence for Rauf Leche, the bearer, in the above matters, and also touching a commission to be sent to me from the King to retain the men with whom I am appointed to attend on him in his journey over the sea this summer. Wynfelde, 10 April. Signed.
P.1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
10 April.
R. O.
2165. ENNIUS BISHOP OF VEROLI, Apostolic Nuncio, to WOLSEY.
On leaving Zurich, by the advice of the Emperor's ambassadors to the Swiss, I was unable to visit R. D. Gulielmus (fn. 1), the English ambassador, to express my devotion to the King and yourself, but wrote to him instead, enclosing my opinions of Swiss matters, to be sent to you. The Holy See, the duke of Milan, and the whole of Italy place their hope in the King and yourself, as I hope Pace, your ambassador now returning from Rome, will show you. Constance, 10 April 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: R. &c. card. Ebor. regni Angliæ legato.
10 April.
P. S.
Eleven warrants to the under-mentioned persons to pay certain sums to John Micklowe, treasurer of the Chamber, or else to appear before the surveyors of Crown lands in the Prince's Council Chamber, Westminster, in the "moise" of Easter next, on penalty of certain fines:—Lord Willoughby, 103l. 15s.; lord Ric. Grey, 30s.; Th. Fynes lord Dacre, 23l. 3s. 4d.; Sir Wm. Smythe, 18l. 4s.; Sir Hen. Willoughby, 92l. 16s.; Sir John Carre, 8l. 9s. 7d.; Sir Christ. Willoughby, 4l. 8s.; Sir Ric. Wenteworth, 24l. 6s. 8d.; Sir John Seymour, 33l. 14s.; Wm. Courteney, 55l.; ..., 34l. 15s. All dated at Richmond, 10 April. (fn. 2)
On the dorse of the warrant to Wentworth is a note to the effect that on 3d June 14 Hen. VIII. he was ordered, through Wm. Talmage, his attorney, to make payment before the octaves of St. John.
10 April.
S. B.
Grant, in tail male, of the manor of Navesby, Northt., forfeited by Buckingham. Del. Hampton Court, 10 April 13 Hen. VIII.
Pat 13 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 1.
11 April.
R. O.
Bill, made 11 April 13 Hen. VI[II]. The King having commanded the customers of Dover and Sandwich to allow Sir Ro[bert] Wingfield and Mr. Wm. Knight to pass and repass between Dover and Calais, the costs being paid from the customs; I, Wm. Knight, returning in ambassade from the Swiss, acknowledge that I have been transported by John Stuard, master of The Christopher of Calais.
P. 1, mutilated.
Calig. E. III. 44. B. M.
2169. BERNERS to [WOLSEY].
* * * all Picardy be gyn ... [g]rett nombre, the wych nombre ... your grase for they porpos nott to assemble ... please, wherfor it is hard to know ... ys seyd they ar lyke to be a bowe ... [wh]at they woll do as zett ys not know[n] ... vi. c. cartys of ordenance and artelerey [provi]dyd with roppes ar com to Muttrell to w[hat end God] knowith, and as I can have knowlege, your [grace shall be a]dvertesyde."
"I had on that off la[te came on]tt off Bretaynge," who says there are 20,000 men ready to go to sea, and it is said they are intended to go to Scotland, westwards. There were [ship]pes in readiness at every haven, as far as he could learn, to do some feat in Ing[land] if there be war between Ing[land] and [F]rance. It is reported that the [Em]peror will be here at Calais in Easter w[eek]. Hopes the King will send orders for his reception * * * [Calais], ... April.
"[Please it] your grase, I her say her how the Kyn[g has given a]way serten off the duke of Bokyngham['s lands to divers] persons." Begs Wolsey to remember him, for there is no one who is of be[tter min]de to serve the King and him.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
12 April.
Galba, B. VII. 19. B. M.
Since receiving Henry's letters of the 23rd March, has made all diligence to get ready the artillery for his army by sea. After despatching his last letters, stating that he was content not to visit Calais till the 26th April, news arrived about affairs in Italy and the departure of the Pope on his way thither. Hears also of the great preparation of the Turk to invade Naples and Sicily, which is of the highest importance to our common affairs. Wishes to provide for these things and the departure of his brother the Archduke, the lieutenant general of the Empire, and for the immediate despatch of the viceroy of Naples. Considering that these thing cannot be despatched shortly, and that Easter is at hand, cannot be at Calais on the day he had written, but will be there by May 12th, without fail. Brussels, 12 April 1521. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
12 April.
R. O.
Desires credence for his ambassadors, to whom he is writing the new of his affairs. Thanks him for his good will. Brussels, 12 April 1521 Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le cardinal d'York, legat, primat et lieutenant general d'Angleterre.
12 April.
Galba, B. VII. 284. B. M.
Wrote last from Brussels on the 9th. As a post is to be despatched tonight for England, write, although they have little to communicate, for this is the second post that has been sent since their last. Believe he has heard of the taking of Novare by the French. The Emperor's affairs in Milan are in such raw condition that he has deferred his descent to Calais eight days beyond the 26th. Brussels, 12 April 1522. Signed.
In Wingfield's hand, p. 1.
12 April.
Galba, B. VII. 283. B. M.
By a joint letter from himself and Wingfield, the Cardinal will learn that the Emperor's coming is deferred for eight days, mainly for want of a sum of ready money to be paid by the town of Antwerp. With advertisement of the news from Italy, his grace will find annexed a memorial from the Chancellor, stating his fear of the result of affairs there, owing to lack of money. This will promote the success and pride of the French. A secretary of the king of Denmark affirms that his master has hanged and burnt the Archbishop, from some displeasure. "The duc of Branswyk haythe wrytten that the person of a good town to him subyect marryed aster (after) he hade song the hygh masse a mayda, and how he as one of the parsecuteurs of the Luterryans comanded theym both to be putte to deate, and so yoyntely they were drownde in the revere." The governor of Bresse has returned from Burgundy with the count of Fustenberg, who had gone to the French king, and yesterday demanded pardon of the Emperor. My Lady is much pleased with the good reports of Wolsey made by Mr. Wm. de Barre. Brussels, 12 April 1522.
Hol., one sentence in cr., pp. 2.
Calig. E. III.
11. B. M.
* * * "for the alteration of the sun ... war and to take a du[e regard to the] defence and conservation of the said duchy, and [for other] urgent considerations yet to me unknown, whereof themperor's ambassadors inten ... tomorrow hath signified that they wol advertise me at length, themperor [is content to] put over his coming to Calais till the 12th day of May, [as by their] letters and themperor's also to your grace addressed, ye shall more amply perceive ... Wherefore, sir, since your letters be passed to all your nobles for giving their [attendance] upon you, the 26th day of this month, at Cauntyr[bery, it is thought] expedient, for the more speed and easing of ... to direct my letters unto the schryvis of every shire, with a [bill] of the names of such persons to whom your said letters were directed, [signifying] unto them and every of them, for relieving of their pains and cha[rges] to forbear their coming [hither] till the 16th day of May; all which letters I [purpose] to speed and send forth, and as well for the withdrawing of your provi[sion and setting] forth of your officers, as also for thordering of all other things to[uching this matter]. I purpose on Saturday to be at Richmond, there to take such direction as the alteration [aforesaid] doth require. And, sir, this delay of themperor's coming proceeding of hy[mself] doth [much] like me, as well for that by this respite of time the army of Spain m[ay the] more commodiously join with yours, and themperor also shall have h[ability] and time to prepare such number of men with victuals, as [well] for the privy enterprise against the navy of France, as also for [sure] knowledge to be had how the French king shall be inclined to the tre[ux], and percase themperor not being ready to pass into Spain by all the month of May, must of necessity for the calms be enforced to defer his voyage till September, whereby your declaration against France shall be delayed, and in the meantime ye shall see how the world goeth; and though so be that the sending of your navy now to the sea might have been respited (this alteration known), yet in things of such uncertainty, some expense must be suffered and taken in good part, and yet percase' some * * *
In Ruthal's hand, mutilated, p. 1.
12 April.
R. O.
The French king has sent the hawks I mentioned in my letter of the 26th Feb. from St. Germain's. He says there are none better for the heron in France. "Memorance will go after in post, and show them flying to your highness, because he can good skill of hawks." There is no other news but what Henry will hear from the Cardinal's letters. Wishes to know what he is to do, so far from friends, and his money almost spent. Lyons, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
12 April.
Calig. D. VIII. 236. B. M.
"Please it your grace that Bukal is dead, for w[hom] is much moan made here; and Hannybaud, Mownty, John Villet and divers gentlemen mo sore hurt, and many Frenchmen slain out of hand. Further, it may please your grace, that the duke of Barr is entered into the town of Milan with 6,000 or 7,000 lanzknechts; whereof the French king is marvellous angry, and says that all his men there be no thing worth; in so much that he is surely determined to go himself, which is against the minds of all his council. Wherefore the Admiral and divers other of them advised him to the contrary, alleging divers inconvenients that mought ensue. Notwithstanding he commanded them that they should not once be so hardy as to speak any more against his going; whereupon he hath sent for his 200 gentlemen, 500 pensioners, 300 men-of-arms and his guard, and for 12,000 adventurers, which adventurers should have gone into Picardy. These men once come, he intendeth to set forth immediately, who be sent for in all the haste possible. Further it may please your grace, that a gentleman told me there is for the Emperor [to] victual, the town of Milan, above 50,000 footmen well armed, besides horsemen, whereof the French king hath sure word, as I hear say. Nevertheless, he is surely minded to assault the said town, if it continue in this case till his coming thither; which, by likelihood, will cost many men's lives or it be won after that manner." Moreover, the French army have left Milan, and besieged Pavia; but whether the marquis of Mantua be in that town they do not know. The King goes every day in masquerade. My money is almost spent. Lyons, 12 April.
Mutilated, pp. 2. Cipher, with mutilated decipher in margin.
12 April.
Vit. B. v. 55. B. M.
2177. PACE to WOLSEY.
Hopes that Richmond will have arrived before the receipt of this letter, and told Wolsey the reasons why he received, with Pace's assent, part of the King's money at Florence, as Wolsey was informed by Ant. Vivalde. This money is [not] spent, except Pace's daily charges here, but remains in his hands. Was sent out of England in such haste that he could not provide for himself; and the 100l. given him by Wolsey was spent in posts by the way, with something more besides. On his arrival here, had to order himself in apparel and otherwise as well as he could, and was compelled to use the King's money, to be accounted for hereafter, the King being charged only with his diets, as agreed with Wolsey at his departure. Requests him therefore to pay Antony as much money as he had received, and set it down to his account. For if Antony should revoke the commission to his agents, it would be thought Pace had offended. Begs to know as soon as possible if he is to remain. Rome, 12 April.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
12 April.
P. S. b.
Significavit by John Bell, LL.D., vicar general of Julius de Medici, commendator of the see of Worcester, that he has admitted John Blake, the new abbot of St. Mary's, Cirencester, whose election he confirmed on the 8th instant. Worcester, 8 April 1522. Del. Hampton Court, 12 April.
Endd.: "Glouc., Wilts, Somers. and Dors., Oxf. and Berks, Northt., London, Bucks, villa Bristoll."
2. Restitution of temporalities in the above counties. Hampton Court, 12 April.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 22.
14 April.
Galba, B. VII. 285. B. M.
Wrote last on the 12th. Today, at 11 a.m., Richmond herald came hither, so hurt by a fall from his horse that he cannot exert himself with safety. Forward his despatch received from Rome. As he passed by Mantua, a command was issued by the Marquis that prayers should be put up for his success. He thinks they have fought with the French by this time. There are such numbers of thieves in Rome and Italy that posts and messengers can hardly escape. Two of the Emperor's posts were lately taken. Yesterday morning a post came from the Emperor's ambassadors with the King, since which the Emperor has been deep in Council early and late. They dine late, sup late, and go to bed late. Think the Emperor has received by that post a form of truce that the French will consent to, and that they were talking of sending Nassau to the King. At Florence, Richmond spoke with the cardinal De Medici, who has letters of credence to the Emperor and the King to say that, if the Emperor meet with a reverse, he will be compelled to fly, as the Florentines already begin to mutiny. Jenyn de Medici, a kinsman of his, whom he sent with 2,000 foot and certain horse to the duke of Milan, has "changed his copy, and joined the French." We hear the project of sending Nassau is given up. News of the 3rd has come from Pavia that the duke of Milan and the marquis of Mantua had set forward to join the army of Milan, and being met would encounter the French at Marignano before the Venetians and Swiss could come to the rescue, the former being at Bynaske, and the latter at Cassyn. Brussels, 14 April 1522. Signed.
In Wingfield's hand, pp. 2.
15 April.
Galba, B. VIII. 32. B. M.
Must write to him of the perplexity which he finds in consequence of the delay in devising some means of truce. The affair has been remitted to Wolsey; and since by Wolsey's counsel he made the treaty of Bruges, which he is determined to maintain, and in consequence of which he has supported alone the charge of the war, in which the King was bound to aid him, he will think his interests ill cared for if some honorable appointment be not shortly made. Cannot believe that Wolsey will give his enemies the advantage of him, and enable them to do what they like with Italy and the Popedom. Prays that he will bring this long negotiation promptly to an end, or declare himself for the Emperor, and at all events furnish a good sum of money to succor Milan; for there is no time to be lost. Has written to his ambassadors about these three means; and that you may know how much this affair concerns me, I put this mark [symbol], of which you know the meaning. I am writing to the King, and have referred him to you and my ambassadors. I beg an answer by the bearer. Brussels, 15 April.
Hol., Fr., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: A mons. le cardinal [de] Jorck, mon bon amy, legat et primat de Engleterre.


  • 1. Knight.
  • 2. Year not given.