Henry VIII: February 1522, 16-28

Pages 883-892

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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February 1522

16 Feb.
R. O.
Owing to the great expense of my journeys with the Emperor, especially in these wars, I have fallen in debt, and have been forced to charge Tuke, by money taken in exchange, with as much as my half year's diets at next Lady Day. I beseech you to command Mykelowe to advance it to him. Remembering your desire for hangings, I have seen the merchant who showed you two pieces, and he has shown me "all the remnant of such history, according to a bill enclosed, which is esteemed the fairest that ever was made. The price mentioned is 4l. Flemish the ell, but being in necessity he will abate it. If you wish to have it, means might be found to pay for it out of the money due to you here for your pensions. Brussels, 16 Feb. 1521.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
17 Feb.
S. B. Rym. XIII. 763.
2057. For CUTHBERT TUNSTALL, Master of the Rolls, Bishop elect of London.
Grant of the temporalities now in the hands of the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, London, who pay an annual rent of 1,000l., during the vacancy of the see. Del. Westm., 17 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14.
18 Feb.
R. O.
Trusted he would have been informed by Sir Anthony Ughtred, captain of Berwick, of the malicious intentions of the duke of Albany. The circuit of Berwick is about two miles, including the castle. The King knows the number of the soldiers; and as to the inhabitants, the town cannot raise 200 men, who, with the soldiers, will make fifty (fn. 1) hundred men, which is not more than a fourth of the necessary strength in case of an assault. The ordnance is sufficient, but a master of the ordnance is wanted, the King having given that place to Wm. Pawne. Berwick. 18 Feb.
P. 1, mutilated. Add.
18 Feb.
Calig. D. VIII. 215. B. M.
It was 4 o'clock p.m. this day before Bainbrig had his despatch; and though my Lady has written her mind to you by him, she desired me to say she would send a servant of her own immediately, who would satisfy you in everything mentioned in the last article of her letter sent by Bainbrig. She thanks you heartily for your efforts to promote peace between the Emperor and her son, which is the thing she most desires after the amity with England, and said you would soon see that her son trusted the King and you above all princes. I think they really mean to give the ordering of everything to the King and you. "And, moreover, she said that, rather than this good amity should break, she had liever never to see the King her son whiles she liveth; which word she spake with a sorrowful countenance, for I ensure your grace that the waters stood in her eyes." She trusted it would not be hindered by me. I said I could not greatly hinder or further it, but I should be sorry to hinder it, and should deserve no thanks of either party for doing so. My Lady told me there was an ambassador sent out of England into Switzerland. I said I knew of none, and if there were any there, I was sure it was not to do anything against Francis. She said the Admiral would write to you about it, "praying me that I would not be a knowen as yet." On Saturday, Francis sat in the parliament house, among the com[mons] of Paris, for the declaration of the confiscation of the county of F[landers], and in the afternoon with his privy council, where he was told by a man of great esteem that the marriage was made between the Emperor and my lady Princess. Who the informant was, I was not told. No one has spoken to me of the matter yet.
The [court] remain here, it is said, only till the arrival of the ambassadors from the Swiss to christen the count of Angoulême, after which the King, Queen, and my Lady go to Amboise to see his children, and from that he goes to Lyons. Was told by the duke of Guise that 100 horse and 500 foot of the Burgundians intended to have stolen a little town and castle of his, called Guise, but the [warden] of the castle, hearing of it, sent 60 horse and 100 foot, who attacked the Burgundians and slew viij... out of hand, and took 60 prisoners, [without losing] more than 12 men, who were taken prisoners or quartered by the Burgundians. There is nothing favorable to them but they tell it me at once; anything adverse they keep secret. I hear that marshal Chatillon has gone into High Burgundy to [punish] 3,000 adventurers who rob and spoil the country. Alençon is going to Normandy to see the towns fortified and victualled, as the duke of Vendome, Mons. de ... and St. Pol have done in Picardy. They say the duke of Urbino has recovered all his duchy, and won the town of Seynes. I have written a short letter to the King. St. Germain's, 18 Feb. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Cardinal.
18 Feb. 2060. For the MONASTERY OF BARNEWELL, Ely dioc.
Congé d'élire on death of Wm. Camebridge, late prior. Westm., 18 Feb.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12.
P.S.b. 2. Petition of Warren Asshe, president, and the convent, for the above. The late prior died on the 11th, and was buried on the 12th inst. Brothers Andrew Ralingham and John Porter are the bearers. 15 Feb. 1521. In margin: "T.R. apud Westm., 18 Feb."
19 Feb.
Calig. B. I. 149. B. M.
Had written to advertise him, by John Raye, messenger of Berwick, of the need of 200 soldiers. Albany has brought 24 pieces of artillery, as Clarencieux can inform him, within 18 miles. Begs a letter may be sent to Darcy, that he (Ughtred) may have 200 archers out of the forest of Kna[resborough]h. The rest, making a total of 500, he will obtain from Yorkshire. Desires money. Provisions are scarce. Berwick, 19 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinall.
21 Feb.
R. O.
2062. RI. REGINALDUS, [Monk of Syon,] to HENRY GOOLDE.
I was delighted with your letters, from which I perceived your unchanged love to me, and your desire to improve in learning. I will do all I can to assist you, but there is no need for me to write to J. Watson, as you wish, to ask him to teach you Greek, as he will be here before long, and we can then speak of the matter. Syon, 9 kal. Mart. "Sanctam Caterinam venerare."
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.
21 Feb.
R. MS. 13 B. II. 309.
B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 328.
2063. JAMES V.
Ratification under the great seal of Scotland of a decree of the lords of the Council and three estates, before John duke of Albany, dated Edinburgh, 21 Feb. 1521, denouncing Gawin [Douglas], bp. of Dunkeld, as a traitor, for having entered England contrary to the command of the governor, intending to reside there, and ordering the fruits of the bpric. to be sequestrated; also that letters be written to the Pope by the three estates and governor, desiring that the archbpric. of St. Andrew's and monastery of Dunfermling should not be conferred upon him.
22 Feb.
Vit. B. V. 43. B. M.
2064. PACE to [WOLSEY].
Of the five messengers sent to the Pope, three that went by land are said to have been detained in France; the one by sea was driven back into Civita Vecchia, said ten days, went to sea, was in danger of the Moors, "and so beaten with them" came to Italy, and was at last driven into Nice, which he dared not leave on account of the French, who keep all these quarters with much diligence. Nothing has been heard of the fifth, and no news to or from the Pope. It is supposed he will go by England, as that is the safest way. The merchants from Lyons write that he is dead. If he die before his election, the next election "shall not be in loco quo [mortuus est], sed hic Romœ, seeing the court is not otherwise tran[sferable]; which thing was determined by a special provision made per Clementem Papam Quintum." The imperial ambassador here has stated that the Emperor has written to the Pope to come hither; so he is shortly expected. The legates are not yet ready to leave. The French report that 20,000 Swiss are on their road to Milan. It will be hard for the French to conduct them, as they have promised to meet them with 600 spears, and other conditions not easily kept. Arrangements at Milan for defence. The arrival of the King's servant among the Swiss has been of great service. Rome, 22 Feb. 1522. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated. The last sentence in cipher.
23 Feb.
Harl. MS. 442. f. 34. B. M.
2065. CASKS.
Proclamation commanding all the King's subjects and strangers, under a penalty of 100s., to set out in the streets, before their houses, all such foists and wine vessels as they may possess, that the King's purveyor may have them at a reasonable price. Greenwich, 23 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Modern copy, with a memorandum: "This proclamation was published in London, 10 Martii anno 13 H. 8."
23 Feb.
R. O. Rym. XIII. 764.
2066. FRANCIS I.
Requires Henry VIII. to declare war against the Emperor for sending aid to his rebels in Italy, who have invaded Milan, for the taking of Mouzon, the siege of Mazières, the firing and taking of Tournay, and violation of the treaty of London. S. Germain en Laye, 23 Feb. 1521, 8 Fr. I. Signed and sealed.
Lat., vellum.
24 Feb.
Galba, B. VII. 10. B. M.
Wrote last from Brussels on the 22nd. Having no news from England by the post this day, have no good pretext for making inquiries. Were told by the Chancellor today at dinner, that the Emperor had received news from Trent of a band of lanceknights having passed through the Grisons towards Milan, and that on the 16th the duke of Milan left Trent with 10,000 more lanceknights, hoping to arrive at Milan before them. The Milanese are determined to resist. They have 14,000 men of war in wages, and have sent the Swiss word of the cruelties and extortions perpetrated by the French, hoping for their protection. Judge from the Chancellor's words, and otherwise, that the French fail [not] to practise for a treaty with the Emperor, although they pretend the contrary. The abbot of St. Anthony de Vienne in Dauphiny, who is not only a Frenchman born and beneficed there, but also is governor of Lorraine, is come hither as the Duke's ambassador. He is supposed to be a spy, or to have some privy practice, and is very familiar with the provost of Utrecht. Yesterday the Emperor and his brother, with a party of twenty, all arrayed in cloth without any manner of silk or cloth of gold, played at the "jeu des cannes," in which the Emperor "showed himself to be by himself, of that company on horseback." Today he went to church to receive the pardon appropriate to the day of his nativity, heard high mass and a sermon, and rode to Malines to appoint artillery for the ships and for the frontiers. Brussels, 24 Feb. 1521. Signed.
In Wingfield's hand, pp. 2, mutilated.
26 Feb.
Calig. B. I. 7. B. M.
2068. DACRE to WOLSEY.
Received his letter on the 25th, dated from Westminster, 15 Feb., desiring that the garrison of 500 should remain together. The King promises rewards at Dacre's discretion to such gentlemen on the Marches as are ready to serve; and that the bp. of Carlisle shall be sent down with money for that purpose. The only place for the garrison is on the East Marches, which will follow no counsel for helping themselves. Proposes to place them in Wark, which is unfurnished with beds; at Wowller and at Duddington. Sir Will. Bulmer to lie, at Ford and Etell. Begs to decline apportioning the rewards. Wishes the bp. of Carlisle to come straight to Alnwick, where Dacre will meet him. Expects that Albany will come shortly into the Marches, for the destruction of the Homes. They are content that of their houses within four miles of the Marches, the strong be kept, and the weak pulled down;—are willing to put Englishmen in them. They will surrender Coldingham, always a great nuisance to Berwick, and a cell to the abbey of Durham. Dacre proposes to destroy every stone of it. The Homes require the King's letters as their security. Would lie twenty days fast bound in irons, both foot and hand, to have the bp. of Carlisle and the garrisons here now. Albany has prorogued the parliament till the 11th April, and intends to remove the King to Stirling. The lords of Scotland will have no war. "In the Firthe ther is 2 sheps redye in deking, and the Duke maiking hollis law by the watter, lying great peace of ordinance in them." Has a merchant of London lying at Leith with a safeconduct from the Duke. Norham Castle, 26 Feb. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal's grace."
26 Feb.
Galba, B. VII. 249. B. M.
Wrote last on the 24th from Brussels. Last night were sent for by my Lady, who told us, in presence of the bishop of Valencia and Hoowstrate, that the Emperor, learning at his departure to Malines that a post had come from England, had ordered us to be spoken with. She then asked if we had received any charge by that post, and, being told that we had no letters, ordered her Chancellor to tell us that the Emperor was informed by his ambassadors that the King had granted half his request; that his majesty would take this thankfully, although it was very necessary for the common purpose that the whole should be provided for; that the Emperor's letters patent of requirement were presented to the King, and that you then protested you did not intend the King to be bound further than is expressed in the treaty of Bruges, but he doubted not you would see, upon reconsideration, that the matter was so clear in both treaties that the last could not invalidate the first. He also showed the good hope entertained by the King and you of making a truce between the Emperor and the French, which was delayed for want of a sufficient number of personages on the French side, in consequence of the death of Bastie, and by the insufficiency, on the other hand, of the Emperor's commission, made in pope Leo's time. A new commission and personages had been sent for to France; and, for the Emperor's part, the commission was drawn up already, and would be despatched with diligence. The Chancellor added that the Emperor would be much pleased on learning that the King had offered to send ambassadors to Spain to induce the Emperor's subjects to be obedient, and to wait his coming, which may be delayed by causes touching his honor. He then gave us the enclosed news, and said the Emperor had desired to know our advice "as being incorporate of his council."
Wingfield then stood up, and in the name of himself and colleague thanked the Emperor for his confidence. Hoped the Emperor would remember the expense the King incurred whenever he went to war, having to defend every corner of his realm against his enemies, while other princes had some corners free. That as to the second point, though we were privy to the treaty of Bruges, we were not privy to the former treaty, and could not but think your protest well founded. That we were glad to know the truce was in good train, and were sure the King and Wolsey regretted that it had not been framed sooner, and that the Emperor might be sure the King would be glad to gratify him by sending ambassadors to Spain. Being asked our advice upon the news from Italy, we said they appeared to have more need of prompt help than of our counsel, being much inexpert. Alemand, the Emperor's secretary, told Spinelly today that the abbot of Vienne, in Dauphiny, who is now here as ambassador from the duke of Lorraine, came principally to negotiate a peace with France, but they merely beat the wind. Brussels, 26 Feb. 1521. Signed.
Pp. 4.
26 Feb.
Calig. D. VIII. 217. B. M.
Today, the 25th, the ambassador of Ferar and I went to the court together. He told me that the sons of the signor John Paul Baglyone entered Perosse by force, and repulsed the Florentines who were sent against them; that Laurence de Syre, Camille Ursin, the sons of Baglyone and the duke of Urbino had entered the French king's service; that the cardinal De Medici and the signory of Florence were also treating with Francis, and that he expected every day to hear of the recovery of the duchy of Milan, near which the Swiss were by this time. When I came to the French king I told him I heard he had more servants in Italy than he was wont to have, and related the news without naming my informant. He said it was all true, and that all the lords of Italy to the kingdom of Naples were for him, except Prosper Colonna and the marquis of Mantua; and as for Prosper Colonna, he had his nephew, Mark Antony, whom he reckoned the best of the Colonnas; that the bridge made by the Spaniards over the Po was broken and brought to Cremona by the French, who had slain 400 or 500 of the marquis of Mantua's band, and there was not a Spaniard in Milan at this hour. I said you would be glad to hear he had recovered his duchy. He said not yet, for the Spaniards were not out of the duchy, but had retreated to Pavia and Placentia. Robert de la Marche and his wife are here. I cannot tell what they have come for. This is the sixth letter I have written to you, but have no word whether they have reached your hands, which makes me anxious as to what has become of your letters, and of two of mine, sent by post. The ambassadors of the Swiss are [come] to christen the count of Angouleme tomorrow. Am told the French king intends to send you hawks, both for the kite and for the hay[ron]. St. Germain's, 26 Feb.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
26 Feb.
Calig. D. VIII. 218. B. M.
To the same effect as the preceding. This is the seventh letter he has written to Wolsey. St. Germain's, x[xvi.] Feb.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
28 Feb.
Lamb. MS. 607. f. 18. St. Pap. II. 92.
Thanking him for the care he takes of Ireland. Beg that five or six ships may be sent to keep the sea betwixt them and the Scots, as they are afraid that, in consequence of the departure of the earl of Surrey and the King's army, the Irish rebels will receive help from Scotland, and prove too strong. Dublin, last of Feb. Signed: P. Ormound, H. Midens., J. Rawson prior, W. vic. of G., R. baron of Delvyn, J. P. of Kyllene, Sr J. lord of Trymleteston, Walter prior of Connall, Pat. Bermyngeham judge, P. Fynglas c. baron of the Exchequer.
28 Feb.
R. MS. 7 F. XIV. f. 76. B. M.
2073. NAVY.
Estimate, by Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, of things necessary for the King's ships at Portsmouth, 28 Feb.—The wages of shipwrights, &c. will probably amount to 450l. Pitch, oakum, tallow, iron, coal, timber, &c., 100l. Masts and yards, 50l. Cables and ropes, 1,000l. Nails, 8l. Anchors, 100l.
Money owing.—For repairing the storehouses at Portsmouth, 8l. 10s. Timber, iron and workmanship for the stocking of guns and mending gun chambers, 50l. Kettles for the ships, 20l. For making the chains to be drawn over Portsmouth Haven, 40l. Hire of boats bearing the chains, from 12 June to 31 Jan., at 8d. the ton a month, 21l. 9s. Wages of 60 gunners at Portsmouth, from 26 Nov. to 17 Feb., at 43l. 5s. 8d. the month. 200 shipkeepers, from 20 Jan., 225l. 13s. 4d. 12 men working at the walls and ditches, from 28 Jan., 8l. 0s. 4d. Carriage of the King's ropes and anchors from the Thames to Portsmouth, 30l. To Robt. Brygandyne, for money spent, 80l. Total, 2,418l. 12s. 8d.
P. 1. Endd.
Feb./GRANTS. 2074. GRANTS in FEBRUARY 1522.
1. John Flowre, of York, alias of Staunforth-Brigges, Yorksh., tailor, alias corn merchant. Pardon for the murder of Christ. Kid, servant of John Norman, alderman of York. Greenwich, 11 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
3. Justices of Assize.
Norfolk Circuit.—Th. Fitzhugh, with Sir Rob. Brudenell and Sir Ric. Broke. Westm., 3 Feb.
Midland Circuit.—John Jenour, with Sir Humph. Conyngesby and John Carell. Westm., 3 Feb.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21d.
3. Th. Hardisfeld, of Stanford, Essex, carver. Pardon for having killed Hubbert Johnson, of Rochester, hardwareman, in selfdefence. Westm., 3 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 23.
3. Sir John Nevell. To be lieutenant of Walteham forest, Essex, with the toll and all profits, vice Sir John Raynesforde, deceased. Windsor Castle, 1 Nov. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m.6.
3. Sir John Nevell. To be keeper of Cottescouth park, in the lordship of Middelham, York, and forester of half of Coverdale forest, York, vice Ambrose Pudsey, deceased. Greenwich, 28 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
3. Walter Walsshe. Annuity of 4l. issuing, with an annual rent of a couple of running dogs, out of the manor of Delahorewoode, Staff., and from lands in Horewoode, Halowey alias Halhowse in Compton, in the lordship of Kinsare, Staff., formerly belonging to Wm. lord Lovell and Holande; in the King's gift by reason of the attainder of Francis lord l Lovell: on surrender of pat. 4 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII., granted at the request of Ric. Blounte, now deceased. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
4. Commissions of Gaol Delivery.
Home Circuit.—Sir John Fyneux, Sir John More and Simon Fitz. Westm., 4 Feb.
Midland Circuit.—Sir Humph. Conyngesby, John Carell, and John Jenour. Westm., 4 Feb.
Norfolk Circuit.—Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke and Thos. Fitzhugh. Westm., 4 Feb.
Oxford Circuit.—John Fitzjames, Sir Lewis Pollard and Rob, Brudenell, junr. Westm., 4 Feb.
Western Circuit.—Sir Ric. Eliott, John Broke, Th. Eliott, and Ric. Mathewe. Westm., 4 Feb.
York Castle and City.—Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, John Porte and Th. Strey. Westm., 4 Feb.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22d.
4. John Pace. Licence to exercise by deputy the office of customer held by him in the port of Lynne by pat. 30 Sept. 13 Hen. VIII.; and to keep, buy and sell ships, and negociate as to the freightage of ships. Greenwich, 21 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. [Westm.,] 4 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 21.
5. Wm. Care. To be keeper of the manor, &c. of Newhall, Essex, and of the King's wardrobe there; also to be bailiff of the manors of Newhall, Boreham, Walkeforde Hall and Powers, Essex, with 60 cartloads of firewood annually for the wardrobe, and power to let the premises to farm, and to engage laborers to work in the King's garden and orchard. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
5. Ric. Cecile. Reversion of the offices of constable of Maxey Castle, Northt., with 3d. a day; bailiff of the lordship of Maxey, and keeper of Bourne Park, Linc., in the King's hands by death of Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby; and keeper of the swans in cos. Northt. and Linc.; on vacation by John Sharp, page, and Hugh Edwardis, sewer, of the Chamber, who hold the same by patent 11 June 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 15.
5. Armigillus Griffith, native of Britanny. Denization. Westm., 5 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 19.
5. Guthlao Overton, auditor of the duchy of Cornwall, and gent. usher of the Chamber. Lease of the demesne lands and all the barton of the manor of Mere, Wilts, parcel of the said duchy, for 21 years; rent, 30l. 10s., and 10s. of increase. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
5. Francis Philippo, native of Spain, sewer to Katharine queen consort. Denization. Greenwich, 9 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 14.
5. Wm. Purde and Wm. his son. To be rangers in Melchuyt Forest, Wilts, in survivorship; on surrender of patent 19 Feb. 13 Hen. VII. by Wm. Purde, sen. Windsor Castle, 10 July 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Feb.—P.S.
5. John Russell. Reversion of the petty custom of the town and port of Pole, the toll of the said town, and "le Wolhouse" there, and all lands, &c. in Upton, Dorset, in the King's hands by death of Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby; on vacation by John Hunte, chief cook of the King's kitchen, who holds the same by patent 23 Sept. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 1.
5. Christr. Villers. To be keeper of Knesehall Park, Notts, part of Buckingham's lands, with 2d. a day. Greenwich, 31 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Feb.—P.S.
6. Francis Bryan. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. "Md that this patent was sealed and left in the Hanaper, and whether it (sic) Mr. Bryan fet it or not, I know it not." Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 4.
6. John FitzJames. To be a justice of the King's Bench, during pleasure. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
6. Ric. Harecourte, of Chirch Eton, Staff. Lease of the site of the manor of Chirch Eton, part of Buckingham's lands, for 21 years; rent, 6l. 13s. 4d.; in consideration of a fine of 3l. 6s. 8d. paid to Th. Magnus, receiver-general of the said lands. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
6. Joan wife of Edward Legette, of Hingham, Norf., spinster, alias "tipuler." Pardon for the intoxication and murder of Plesance Fitling, of Hengham. Greenwich, 3 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
6. Rob. Payton and Frances his wife. Livery of the lands of Francis Hasylden and Elizabeth his wife, parents of the said Frances. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, mm. 7 & 8.
6. John Skegge, yeoman of the Crown. To be keeper of the manor of Wrytell, Essex, and of the old and new warren there, part of Buckingham's lands. Greenwich, 31 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Feb.—P.S.
6. Recognizance cancelled; made 25 Feb. 8 Hen. VIII. by Sir Gilbert Talbot, sen., and Sir Gilbert Talbot, jun., both of Grafton. Greenwich, 6 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
7. James Baralon, clk., foreigner. Denization. Greenwich, 22 March 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m.2.
7. John Mydleton of Belsowe, deceased. Commission to John lord Lomley, Rob. lord Ogle, Sir William Hilton, Cuthbert ..., Th. Ridall, mayor of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Christ. Mitford, Ric. Barowes and Geoff. Lancastre, respecting the lands and heir of Mydleton. Westm., 7 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17d.
7. Recognizance cancelled, of 1,100l. made 7 Hen. VIII. by Hen. Patmer, "of the parish of Saint Peter in Cornwell in London," draper, Wm. Poynz, of Northekondon, Essex, and Rob. Hawkyns, of Stretham, Surrey, to Sir Thos. Lovell and John Heron, late treasurer of the Chamber, for the payment of 1,000l. in the feast of the Purification, 1521. Greenwich, 7 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
8. John Anlaby, the King's sewer. Reversion of the offices of upper bailiff of the county of Guysnes, in the marches of Picardy, and receiver of quit-rents in the town of Calais, on vacation by Wm. Pawne, who holds by patents 18 June 1 Hen. VIII. and 4 Oct. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Fr. m. 10.
8. Th. Hennage. Reversion in fee of certain lands, &c. in Welton, Riland near Dunham, Ireby, Barton (or Burton) near Lincoln, Rothewell, Kyrnyngton, Rysom and Little Barton, Linc., formerly of Sir Henry Retsford (or Retfford), deceased; on vacation by Sir John Tymelby (or Thymelby), who holds the custody thereof for 10 years by patent 5 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII., at the annual rent of 9l., and 12d. of increase. Also grant of the said rent till the end of the term of 10 years. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—In margin: "Valor exatr per me Tho. More, militem, subthesaurarium Angliæ, et concordat cum recordo, vz. ixli xiid."—S.B.
8. Hen. Stempe, of Bishop Sparkeford alias Prior Sparkeford, Hants. Pardon for the murder of Hen. Petyr. Greenwich, 5 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb.—P.S.
8. Ralph Werberton, yeoman of the Crown. To be coroner of the lordship of Holdernes, York, part of Buckingham's lands, with 2d. a day. Greenwich, 30 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 (fn. 2) Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 23.
8. Yorkshire.—Writ of attachment to Ric. Welles, deputy sheriff, against ... Baty and Mary his wife, Lancelot Asshe and Dorothy his wife, Charles Traunffed and Alice his wife, and Marmaduke Wybell and Agnes his wife. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17d.
9. Herts.—Writ of attachment, delivered to Ric. Welles, deputy sheriff, against ... of Northmymmes, Herts, at the suit Th. Waren, vicar of ..., Middx., one of the clerks of Chancery; also against ... Smyth and another, of Northmymmes. Westm., 9 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17d.
9. Davy Dutton, yeoman of the Guard. To be bailiff of the lordship of Litle Brykhill, Bucks, part of Buckingham's lands, with 26s. 8d. a year. Greenwich, 6 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 Feb.—P.S.
10. Sir John Nevell. Constat and exemplification of pat. 3 Hen. VIII., being a grant to him of the manor of Hellowes in Crowley, Bucks, forfeited by Jas. Morley. Westm., 10 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6; and p. 3, m. 4 and m. 11.
11. Justices of Assize.
Home Circuit.—Simon Fitz, with Sir John Fyneux and Sir John More. Westm., 11 Feb.
Oxford Circuit.—Rob. Brudenell, jun., and John Weste, with John Fitzjames and Sir Lewis Pollerd. Westm., 11 Feb.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d.
11. Sir Rob. Constable. To be steward of the manor of Holdernes, York, part of Buckingham's lands, with 20l. a year. Greenwich, 5 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
12. Justices of Assize. Western Circuit:—Th. Elyot and Ric. ... with Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21d.
12. Sir Geoff. Gate. Livery of two of three parts of the manor of Sutton, Essex, and all other possessions of his mother Mirabella, and of her former husband, Edw. Suliarde. Greenwich, 6 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
12. Edw. Payton, gent. usher of the Chamber. To be bailiff of the town and lordship of Desenyng, Suff., and keeper of the parks of Sowewode and Comby, part of Buckingham's lands, with 4d. a day. Greenwich, 27 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
12. John Turner, yeoman of the Guard. Lease of lands, &c. in Orleton, Heref., parcel of the lands of the late earl of March; rent 7l. 17s. 2d. Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19.
12. Wm. Wyggeston, of Leicester, jun. merchant of the staple of Calais, Th. Wyggeston, clk., Roger Wyggeston and Wm. Fissher. Licence (in pursuance of patent of 5 Hen. VIII., licensing them to found a hospital of two chaplains and twelve poor persons in the town of Leicester,) to grant certain lands to the hospital in various places (named) in cos. Linc. and Leic. Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21.
13. John Burrell, serjeant-at-arms. To be keeper of Hatfelde Park, Essex, part of Buckingham's lands, with 2d. a day and an annual fee of 40s. Greenwich, 7 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 23.
13. Sir Wm. Skevington. Wardship of Anthony, s. and h. of John Coly, deceased. Westm., 13 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
14. Commission of the Peace.
Herts.—Th. card. of York, Hen. earl of Essex, Th. prior of St. John of Jerusalem, Wm. Blount lord Mountjoy, Sir John Fyneux, Sir John-More, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Wm. Say, Hen. Frowyk, Th. Clifford, Hen. Barle, Th. Peryent, sen., Th. Leventhorp, John Broket, sen., Geo. Dalison, Rob. Turbervyle, Humph. Fitzherbert, Ric. Druell, Th. Knyghton, Geo. Chaworth, Wm. Purdewe, Philip Butteler, John Bassyngbourne, and John Bolles. Westm., 14 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
14. Edw. Blount, of Kynlett, Salop. Lease of the meadows of Lymeputtisfeld and Severne Mede, in the lordship of Ernwood, Salop, part of the lands of the earl of March, for 21 years; rent 50s., and 6s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 14 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 14.
14. Henry Norreys, squire for the Body. To be receiver and surveyor of the lordship of Ewelme, Oxf., vice Th. Broke, serjeant-at-arms, deceased; with 100s. a year for the former, and 10 marks a year for the latter office. Del. Westm., 14 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
15. Wm. Cholmeley. Annuity of 6l. 13s. 4d. out of the manor of Stafford, Staff., part of Buckingham's lands. Del. Westm., 15 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 22.
16. Th. Johnson, alias Johnslen, of Tevirton, Devon, merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 6 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Feb.—P.S.
16. Sir Henry Wyatt and John Melton. To be bailiffs and stewards of the lordship of Conysborowe, keepers of the park and "launde" of Conysborowe, and palers there, and constables and doorwards of Conysborow castle, in survivorship; on surrender of patent 6 Dec. 3 Hen. VIII., invalidated by the act of resumption 6 Hen. VIII. Also grant of the herbage and pannage of the said park, at the annual rent of 5l. on surrender of another patent. Greenwich, 16 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 23. (undated.)
17. Th. Slade, receiver general and surveyor of "Warrewykeslandes." Lease of all the demesne lands of the manor of Hanneslap, otherwise called the demesne lands in Castelthorp, Bucks, part of Warwick's lands, with other lands in Tutteland and Michelholme, for 21 years; rent 26l. 8s., and 40s. of increase. Del. Westm., 17 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
18. Edm. Bewpre. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Margaret, late wife of Nich. Beawpre. Signed: T. Nevyle. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
18. Ferdinand de Exquevell, native of Spain. Licence, at the request of the governors of Spain, to export 300 quarters of beans within one year. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
18. Edward Fenys. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Ric. Fenys lord Say and Elizabeth his wife, widow of Wm. West, and as heir of Henry Fenys lord Say and Joan his wife, widow of John Harvy; he being son of Richard, son of Henry, son of the said Henry and Joan his wife; also of the lands of the said John Harvy, and of those which Joan George, widow, holds of the inheritance of the said Edward. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9 and 10.
18. Sir John Zouch. Livery of lands as heir of Sir Henry Grey, of Cotnore, and Katharine his wife. Signed: T. Nevyle. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 6.
19. Christ. Appilby, chaplain. To have the perpetual chantry of St. Mary and all the Apostles and Evangelists in the chapel of St. Margaret in Barnardes Castell, vice Th. Appilby, chaplain, resigned. Del. Westm., 19 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 27.
19. Geo. Throgmerton. Wardship of Ric. s. and h. of John Archer. Signed: R. Weyston. Del. Westm., 19 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
20. Sir Wm. Fyloll. Licence to alienate the manor of Langton Walshe, in the isle of Purbeke, Dorset, to Sir Th. Trencherd, Sir Th. de la Lynde, John Kaylewey, Hen. Trencherd, John Morton and Wm. Honychurche, and their heirs. Westm., 20 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21.
20. Th. Jaksonne, yeoman usher of the Chamber. To be bailiff of the lordship of Navesby, Northt., part of Buckingham's lands. Greenwich, 14 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Feb.—P.S.
20. Edw. Knyvet and Anne his wife, executrix of Rob. le Straunge. Wardship of Hugh, s. and h. of Sir Geo. Hastynges. Westm., 20 Feb.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18.
20. Wm. Swayne, of Chesterton, Cambr. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Del. Westm., 20 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
21. Giles Alington. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir Giles Alington. Greenwich, 17 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
21. Th. Cave and Eliz. his wife. Licence of entry on all the possessions of the said Elizabeth, as one of the four sisters of John, s. and h. of John Danvers, and as one of the three sisters and hs. of Mary Danvers; and on all the possessions which Anne lady Danvers, widow of Sir Wm. Danvers, and which Th. Danvers and Wm. Danvers, uncles of the said Eliz., hold, in survivorship, of her inheritance. Greenwich, 17 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 13 and 14.
24. Ralph Broke, lancer of Calais. Reversion of the office of water-bailiff of Calais, and collector of the anchorage, lastage, "hedesylver," and other customs in that port, and in a port near it, called "le Newe Haven;" on vacation by John Cokeson, who holds by patent 21 May 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 27.
25. Geo. lord Hastinges and Sir Wm. Compton. Next presentation to the rectory of Whitchurche, Oxf., Linc. dioc. Del. Hampton Court, 25 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 22.
25. John Scotte, of Camerwell, Surrey. Grant, in fee (a fine of 100 marks having been paid for the King's use to Th. Magnus), of the lordship of Camerwell and Pekham, part of Buckingham's lands, of whom Scotte held the same to farm, at the annual rent of 7l.; to hold at the same rent. Del. Hampton Court, 25 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. "Exr per nos, T. Magnus, J. Daunce."—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 24.
26. Sir Wm. Thomas. Wardship of John s. and h. of Th. Herle. Del. Westm., 26 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
28. Sir Arthur Plantagenet and Eliz. his wife, kinswoman and h. of Elizabeth late countess of Devon and viscountess Lysle, alias daughter of Edw. Grey late viscount Lysle, father of John Grey late viscount Lysle, alias sister and h. of John Grey late viscount Lysle. Pardon of all entries into and alienations of the possessions of the said Countess, Edward and John. Also grant of the issues of the said possessions. Del. Hampton Court, 28 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 25.


  • 1. Sic. Query, five.
  • 2. 11 on Pat. Roll.