Henry VIII: January 1522, 21-31

Pages 848-866

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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January 1522

21 Jan.
R. O.
Albany has taken Temptallon castle, belonging to the earl of Angus, and is now lying at Dunbar, a place of his own, not eighteen miles from Berwick. Thinks he has only 4,000 men, besides the noblemen and their households. The earls of Huntley, Argyle, Arrayne, Lenhowse and three others are with him, besides barons. Angus has lately gone over to him, contrary to his oath sworn on the Evangelists to Dacre. As Albany was so near, took into wages 250 men; but discharged 150 six days after, on hearing that he was going to return to Edinburgh, retaining the rest for one day longer. Dunbar is only five hours' march from Berwick, and it would be impossible to send into Northumberland for men if he came suddenly, as he can lie on either side of the town, and prevent any English entering it. Wishes to know how the said men are to be paid, for the country is very poor; and if they want money, they want courage. For the safety of the town, it would be well to keep a crew of 200 men till the Duke's mind is further known. There are fifty gunners whose wages have for a long time been paid to Geo. Lawson, the receiver, by the late abbot of St. Mary's; but the present abbot says he cannot continue the payment without a warrant from the King. Thinks Wolsey must have forgotten his frequent mention of the necessity of repairing the fortifications. A master of works is much needed. Four bulwarks are fallen down, and the fifth is in decay. Berwick, 21 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
21 Jan.
Bradford, 33.
Anxious as he was that Pace should have arrived at Rome in due time to forward Wolsey's election, is thankful that the choice has fallen upon Adrian, cardinal of Tortosa, whose elevation, next to the Cardinal's, will be most for the good of Christendom. Brussels, 21 Jan. 1522.
22 Jan.
Galba. B. VII. 227. B. M.
Wrote last on the 18th of the news from Trent, and of the election of the cardinal of Tortosa as Pope, of which the Emperor has had no further certainty. The cardinal of Liege believed it because he had heard, before the entering into conclave, that Tortosa would be named to exclude De Medicis. I have had divers communications with the Emperor and my Lady. In answer to the King's thanks for signifying to you the malicious inventions of the French for the hindrance of the amity, the Emperor says such ceremony is superfluous. He told me the new practices set forth by the princess of Orange mentioned in my last; the original letters relating to which he has sent to his ambassadors to show you. The Emperor is much pleased with your resolution to take his ambassadors daily into council, and will do the same towards the King's; for which reason, the rent-master of Zealand was called to my presence, and showed me a book of all victuals prepared for the army at sea. As to ships, the Emperor has received letters from Spain, dated the 5th, informing him of the coming of sixty-six of the best in Biscay; some laden with merchandise, others expressly sent by the council. A good number of men-of-war will come from Spain, and 4,000 Almains will go hence, though the Constable and others desire 5,000. I am informed of this, both by the Emperor and by Alva and Fonseca, who are very urgent in their letters that the voyage should be hastened, and promise that Castile will set forth against France, besides the navy, 30,000 foot and 10,000 horse. They have found 15,000 horse within the realm, and arranged the way by which they shall enter France.
According to your command, I have told the Emperor and my Lady that Hannart must be compelled to plain declaration, insisting on the dangers that may arise if the fault go unpunished. Was answered that the matter was not so serious; the letters written to the ambassador of Hungary, and shown by him, not being of such contents as was supposed. I said the ambassador's answer, seen by credible persons, proved the contrary; and if it were as the Emperor said, Hannart must have re-written them with the ambassador's consent. The Emperor asked my authority for saying the answer would condemn Hannart. It was the Chancellor; but as Wingfield and I promised him to keep it secret, I said if it were not found so the witness should be produced. Hannart being absent, it was deferred till his return, "but by my Lady's opinion, I look for no great exploit." By her advice, I desired the Emperor at least not to let Hannart know of the common affairs; which he promised. Considering how he was brought up by Chievres, it is no wonder the Emperor is not yet fully awake, especially as he has so many of the old sect about him; but, with his excellent wit and good disposition, he will ultimately set all things right.
As La Shault is affected towards France, Berghes and my Lady have persuaded the Emperor to send him to the Queen of Portugal to be her Chamberlain, and conduct her to Castile along with other lords.
Cannot express the satisfaction given by the King's letters to the Swiss, and the sending of his ambassadors. My fellow, York, was despatched on the 17th to the Emperor's ambassadors, accompanied by a servant of the master of the Posts. The Emperor hears from Switzerland, that the great master of France, La Palice, the bishop of Senlis, Lamet and the general of Languedoc, with 500 horse, had arrived there, and asked for 16,000 men; and although Zurich and other cantons remained firm to the Emperor, the rest were able to raise that number. The Emperor is therefore advised by some Swiss friends to send 6,000 more lanceknights to Italy, "affirming that nothing shall keep them at home, as to know they shall find resistance in the duchy of Milan of lyke theyr pyckes, saying also the (they) love the French crowns, and not to die for them;" but I see no way to do this for lack of money. The King should look to it, and prevent the Venetians meddling by offering to mediate between them and the Emperor.
I have several times spoken to the Emperor and council of the demeanor of Albany, and urged the banishment of the Scots. The Chancellor says, it cannot be done till the King's declaration, for reasons I have already written. I said, if the Emperor would not do more than he was bound to in the treaty, he should not expect more of the King. Berghes says, he and the lord Admiral, his son-in-law, would be great losers if the Scots were banished from their marts, but for his own part he was content. Still, no resolution was come to, except to send a herald to Scotland, threatening to exclude them from the marts if they do not abandon Albany; which I have urged them to do at once, but the Chancellor refuses.
Thanked the Emperor for writing to Rome in Wolsey's favor, who said he would always be ready to promote his exaltation. The reputation of England for wealth is a great cause of the esteem in which it is held; and if the King do not lend the Emperor some money, it will not be well taken. This evening, the 21st, at 8 o'clock, a letter of the 10th came from Rome, from don John Manuell, announcing that the cardinal Detursensis was elected on the 9th, by the name of Hadrianus Trayectensis, and cardinals Colonna and Cæsarinus will take the news to him in Spain. The Emperor and court are much pleased. Mass will be celebrated in the cathedral tomorrow, and fires and triumphs made at night. Can learn no particulars, except that Medicis, perceiving he was excluded by the opposition of Colonna, in order that no other Italian might be elected, voted with all his friends, to the number of 16, in favor of Detursensis, and was immediately followed by Colonna with other 8, when the rest also followed in succession. The Turks continually harass Hungary, which the Emperor will be compelled to assist with a great part of the aid granted by the estates of Germany. Hears from Berghes that Hochstrat has obtained the government of Holland by resignation of Nassau, who will be recompensed in Spain through my Lady's influence. Hochstrat does many things to the Emperor's prejudice. The King must provide some remedy when the Emperor comes to England. The exequies of the king of Portugal have been performed. Sends a letter from my Lady for Wolsey. The cardinal of Liege is here, daily attending the council. Brussels, 22 Jan., in the morning.
Hol.; part cipher, deciphered; mutilated; pp. 12. Add.: T[o my lord] Legate's good [grace.]
22 Jan.
R. O.
As I heard that the courier with my letters was taken near Sienna by the duke of Urbino, and the letters destroyed, I send another copy. There is no fresh news. Although I then wrote of going to the Pope, by desire of the College I have given up all thoughts of it. Rome, 22 Jan. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: R. &c. carli Eboracen., Angliæ primati et sedis ap'licæ legato.
22 Jan.
Vit. B. V. 23. B. M.
1980. PACE to [WOLSEY].
In his last letters, dated the 16th, informed Wolsey of his sending Richmond to the gover[nors] of Sienna and the old duke of Urbino, when Richmond had been absent four days. (fn. 1) Next day he returned, bringing answer from the governors that Pace would require no passport from them, as he would be received with all possible honor for the King's sake. On his way from them to the Duke he was taken by 30 of the Duke's horsemen, and robbed of all he had, even his coat of arms, on the pretext that he bore the arms of Florence, in which there are a fleur de lis and a lion. He was released by an honest gentleman of Mantua, with whom he had communication, carrying Pace's credentials to the Duke, who apologised for the herald's treatment, saying his men were without wages, and restored to him at his own cost what was taken from him. The Duke granted the safeconduct in the fullest manner, "saying, that he did know me for his [frien]de for Pope July's sake." This visit to the Duke's army was of great importance for the safeguard of Sienna and Florence, for they never could ascertain the number of their enemies, nor "the [or]dre of the said field;" but Richmond made such a report of the feebleness of the Duke's army and scarcity of victuals, that in two days they drove him from the field far off towards Perugia. Thus Pace's being here has done some good. When he saw the Florentines vacillating, confirmed their good minds to De Medici. Richmond found with the Duke two French captains, S Juliane and the chevalier De la Grue, who had been without wages 18 months. Florence, 22 Jan.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4.
23 Jan.
Vit. B. V. 26. B. M.
1981. PACE to [WOLSEY].
P.S.—The card. De Medicis arrived late last night, and sent to Pace the bishop of Capua, "otherwise named [Fra] Nicolas," to welcome him to Florence, and desire an interview in the morning. Went to him today, and was received with great honor, all the governors of the city being about him, when the Cardinal took him into a secret chamber, and told him he knew how much he was bound to the King and Wolsey by the letters he had received by Pace's servant, Thos. Clerke, and the relation thereupon made by the English ambassador. On hearing the King's good mind more fully from Pace, he said he would send his chief and most trusty secretary to thank them, and declare that he would live and die the faithful servant of the King and the Emperor. He said the French had made him great offers since the late Pope's death, but he had rejected them all. In every scrutiny in the conclave, he said he gave his voice for Wolsey, and caused 17 or 18 of his friends to do the same; but as he could not prevail over the rest, he thought it best to obtain the papacy for a friend to the King and the Emperor, as he doubts not the new elected will be. He is a sure friend of Wolsey in all his private causes. He thinks it expedient that the Pope should be at Rome for the conservation of the lands of the Church, and the contentation of all. Has written five letters to Rome to Mr. Dean (Clerk), but has had no answer. Fears that his letters are intercepted by the old duke of Urbino. Intends, now the Duke has withdrawn, to visit Rome, and stay there till he hears from Wolsey. Florence, 23 Jan.
Jo. Matthæus is the person the Cardinal intends to send to Wolsey, a very honest man, and much trusted.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4.
23 Jan.
Calig. E. I. 85, B. M.
Has received his letter touching the suit of Will. Penyson sieur de Courteselles, against the heirs of Anthoine Turquoys. Has given orders to the vice-chancellor of Milan to see justice done without delay. Milan, 23 Jan. Signature mutilated.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
23 Jan.
P. S.
To be surveyor of all the possessions appointed for the payment of the captain, officers and soldiers of Berwick; viz., the lordships of Middilham and Richemonde, Barnardeskastell, Shirefhutton, Cothingam, Wakefelde, Sandall, Doncastre, Hatefeld, Connesburghe, Chesterfelde, Hutton, [and] Pannell, and the revenues of the town of Berwick, vice Sir Ric. Cholmeley, deceased. Greenwich, 3 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Jan.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
24 Jan.
R. O.
1984. PACE to WOLSEY.
The bearer is the secretary to the cardinal De Medici, whose coming I mentioned in my letter of yesterday. He has entertained Pace honorably, for the King's sake and Wolsey's. On leaving him today, he showed Pace letters from Lyons, saying that the French king will be there shortly on his way to recover the duchy of Milan, and that he had sent 150,000 crowns to the Swiss. Florence, 24 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
24 Jan.
Vit. B. V. 25*. B. M.
1985. JULIUS [CARD. DE MEDICIS], Vice-chancellor, to [WOLSEY].
Owes to Wolsey every benefit he receives from the King, and especially the favor shown him by Wolsey's letters and the words of Pace. Desires credence for Jo. Matt. Giberti, whom he sends to England upon the business that was to have been transacted with the late Pope. Florence, 24 Jan. 1522.
Hol., Lat., mutilated, p. 1.
24 Jan.
Calig. B. VI. 451. B. M.
Has received his letter dated Westminster, 10 Jan. Perceives thereby, and by the sending of Clarencieux, that the King does not intend to prolong the truce. He proposes, for defence of the Borders, according to the commission he has received of the wardenship for himself and his brother, (1.) to place 200 men in the castle of Wark as their captain; (2.) that letters be sent to lord Conyers for 80 archers from Mydlam and Bernacastell, to lord Scrope of Bolton for 20, to lord Mountagle for 24, to lord Lumley for 22, to lord Westmoreland for 24; 120 more to be raised by gentlemen; 30 men to be in wages with Tho. Strodre at Newton, 10 with Ralph Reveley in Langton tower, belonging to lord Ross, 10 with William Selby in Brankston tower, 10 with John Wallace in Akeld tower, 20 with John Collingwood in Etell castle, belonging to lord Ross, 20 with John Heron the Bastard in Ford castle, 10 with Gilbert Swynney in Corn[hill], 10 with Hector Grey in Woller tower. On the Middle Marches, 20 men with Rob. Collingwood at Eslyngton, 16 with John Herseld in Skranwood, 10 with the laird of Bitlesden in the tower there, 20 with John Barrowe in Barrowe; "which, besides these, will make 100 men of my lord Tailboos' tenants, 20 with Ralph Fenwik in Tersetthaull. In Carlisle and the West, 60 men, under Sir Christopher Dacre, to lie in Roukcliff, the uttermost house of England. Exploits to be done accordingly, that the King's money be not spent in vain. Himself will lie "where most mistre is. And the wages of 22 men in the fulfilling the number of 500 men to be expended upon eleven posts to lie betwixt Morpeth and London, which shall have double wage; and so the King shall have knowledge to and fro in eight days in winter, and six days in summer and moonlight, seeing that every post shall not have above twenty-two mile." The earl of Angus regrets going over to the duke of Albany, says he did it to save his friends, and has written within two days to the bishop of Dunkeld. The Homes stick to their promise. They are the whole strength of the March. Norham Castle, 24 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinall his grace.
24 Jan.
P. S. b.
Petition for assent to the election of John Essex, B.D., whom they present to the King by their fellows, Robt. Dover and Wm. Holyngborne, vice Thomas, deceased abbot. 24 Jan. 1521.
25 Jan.
R. O.
Requests him to give credence to his son Arthur and Lawrence Holyngworth. Money is short with him, "specially now betwixt mealles, which is my ferm days." Wishes Lister to give Laurence the rents, &c. which are due, and the account books. The keeper of the new park is killing deer and felling and selling wood unreasonably, under pretext of Lister's orders; "tamen quære." 25 Jan.
P.S.—Desires him to help the poor purchaser with 20l. aforehand, or else to levy this term as much as possible of the arrears of Kent. Darcy is content to lend him 20l. in parcel of this year's 100 marks.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To Mr. Lyster, the King's solicitor.
R. O. 1989. [LORD MONTEAGLE'S GOODS.] (fn. 2)
"In this book is contained all the stuff at Hornby, that is not in the King's inven[tory] made by the Commissioners."
In a coffer in my lord's chamber.—"Two curtains for an altar, of green single sarcenet raioyd (?) white and red, with fringes of same, and large front for an altar, lined with green buckram." Tester and sillor for trussing bed, of red sarcenet, lined with blue buckram;—white, green, and red fringe. Curtains of red sarcenet. Purse of crimson velvet. Ribbon points of red and green. Thirty knots of red clarycorde wire. Box containing "a black dial of jeat, wanting the needle and stone." Comb of ivory, and one of box. "Fringe of gold and red silk, that was for a pilion of my lady's." Shreds of purple and tawny tinsel, purple velvet and cloth of silver. Woollen "swoddilbande." "Red girdle for a woman that travaileth of child." Two sword girdles, one covered with cloth-of-gold of damask, the other with crimson velvet. Pieces of cambric and fine linen. "Smock of fine cambric with wide sleeves, that is not made out with ... gores of fine linen." Two crosses of crimson satin embroidered with SS. of gold, with roses embroidered on crimson velvet. Seven arming points of gold, and white silk with agletts of silver and gilt. Twelve arming points, gold and red and blue silk. Corporax with case, covered with green damask. Superaltare in case of old diaper. Vestment of blue damask, with cross and orpheraies of green velvet. "A stole and a fanon of blue bawdkin with three parases, and two ametts of the same for an albo, with a gridell for a vestment of white thread." Two linen altar cloths, one embroidered with black crosses on the corners, the other with white crosses of silk. A linen front for an altar, painted like damask work, with fringes of red and green "cades" and white thread. Stole, fanon, and three parases of tawny damask lined with black buckram. Similar articles of purple velvet and crimson satin. Bonnets of black velvet and black satin, and purse of black satin, that were for my lord's wearing. Divers letters of Venice gold for embroidering. A patlet and a codpiece of tawny velvet furred with miniver, the edges powdered with ermines. Shreds of tinsel and crimson velvet. A gown of black sarcenet, lined with white fustian, with fore-sleeves, made for my lord that dead is. Six old fine shirts. Linen sheets of different breadths. Linen pillow biers and towels. A napkin with birds wrought upon it.
In a spruce chest in my lord's chamber.—Divers coffers and caskets, containing hand-kerchiefs and mufflers of linen. A mass book written in parchment, covered with crimson velvet; another bound with leather with two clasps of silver, and a small one covered with blue velvet with clasps of silver and gilt. A large primer, covered with black velvet, and lined with red leather, with two silver gilt clasps, and blue enamelled, with tassels of black silk and knoppes of gold. A less primer, covered with black velvet, lined with red tawny damask, with a silver gilt clasp, knoppes of blue silk and buttons of gold. A primer covered with black damask, lined with red leather, and a clasp of silver. A great French book printed, called_ (fn. 3). A French book given by lord Darcy, called_†. A French book written on paper, called_†. A little square casket. A French book written on parchment, called_†. A parchment book in English, called Gower. A parchment book in English, called Boccas.
In a basket in my lord's chamber.—Divers linen sheets, handkerchiefs, &c. Two linen spitting cloths. A linen tablecloth, 3½ yards long. A standard of my lord's arms, of beat sarcenet. Two "gittons" of my lord's arms, of beat sarcenet. "An old standard, of white corsynet, with a great lilortes (qu. libortes, i.e. leopard's ?) face and eagle."
In another basket.—Sheets, &c, of linen. Three aprons. Four linen "byggyngs." A patlet of black camelot lined with sarcenet. "A doublet, in manner of petticoat, of black satin of Bruges, furred with miniver, open on the back."
In the gilt chamber.—A pair of claricords.
In the nursery.—A pair of virginals.
In my lady's chamber.—"Chain of gold of freer knots, that will go six times about my young lord's neck, with a Salutation of Our Lady at it." A small gold ring with diamond point. Divers gowns, sleeves, borders, and cuffs of cloth of gold. An ell of russet sarcenet. Two pair of black velvet slippers that were my lady's.
Cattle.—Two kye in the keeping of Thos. Dowbyggynge. A horse, called Baerd Copelande, in Hornby Park. A bay sumpter horse, claimed by Gilbert Erys as of my lord's gift. A bay hobby, claimed by R. Copland. A mare and a stag claimed by Edmund Parker, &c. A peacock and three peahens. A tame gelded hart.
Corn in the garners.
Breadth of corn sown at Tateham.
Farms held by my lord, viz., at Bradgarth, of the King; at Catlow, in Bowland, of the abbot of Chrystall; Hornby Park; the demesne at Tateham, closes at Ferledon; Bowkes Meadow, of my lord Dacre; Blackside of Hodder, of the King; the benefice of Mellynge, of the abbot of Crofton, and the benefice of Bolton, of the archdeacon of Richmond.
Pp. 8.
26 Jan.
Vit. B. V. 28. B. M.
1990. PACE to [WOLSEY].
Advertised him in his last of his departure from Rome. After he had taken leave of De Medici, the Cardinal sent to Richmond a gown of the finest damask that could be found in Florence. When Pace arrived at Sienna, the Cardinal there, being advertised of his coming, fetched Pace from his hostelry to his own house, and kept him all night in as honorable manner as could be devised for the King's sake, "whose name in these parts now is of greater e[stima]tion than ever was the name of any [of his] predecessors." Pace's arrival has staid many things tending to the annoyance of the King and the Emperor. Sienna told him that Wolsey, in the late conclave, had divers voices by means of De Medici, himself among the number, but was opposed by the majority, who alleged that Wolsey would never come to Rome if he were elected Pope, "and that ye were nimis potens." Had Pace been there in time he could have removed those objections. Begs a loving letter may be sent to the cardinal of Sienna. There is much to do for the Pope's coming. Some fear he will be kept in Spain by the Spaniards, and some that he will pass by England, and be long away. Should he go there, Wolsey "shall have a marvellous great and good occasion to come to Rome." If not, thinks a person should be sent to meet him at the sea side "in these parts, at his landing." Will be willing to undertake that office himself. Palpa, 26 Jan.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4.
Calig. D. VIII. 201. B. M. 1991. HENRY VIII. and FRANCIS I.
Instructions given by the king to Sir Thos. Chay[ney] to declare to the French king.
(1.) That though the King has been rejoiced to hear from time to time of his good estate by Fitzwilliam, yet he could not be satisfied without sending him a special ambassador, considering Fitzwilliam's urgent desire to be recalled after his long abode there. (2.) As no conclusion could be taken by Wolsey at Calais for pacifying the differences between Francis and the Emperor, it was agreed that ambassadors should be sent to the King ... "tendering the good of peace as well * * * bishop of Elve and mons. de Cas[tres] ... [amb]assadors sufficiently authorized with ample commission further [to] treat." The King therefore hopes Francis will likewise send ambassadors. Here Cheyne shall [try of] himself to cause the French king to send his ambassador, and mark what answer he makes. (3.) The King is informed that the duke of Albany has arrived in Scotland; and though he cares little for his being there, he marvels at this sudden alteration, considering the oath of the French king, and the danger to the young king of Scots being under the custody of the Duke, who is next heir apparent to the crown, as well as the injuries done by Albany to the King in abusing his sister and procuring divorces in the court of Rome, for his own wife in France, and for the Queen and Angus, with a view to marrying her. If the Duke has gone against the French king's mind, it is incumbent upon Francis to show that it was so, and, seeing that Albany is his subject, with so great lands in his dominions to punish him. Cheyne shall therefore urge him to declare expressly to the nobles of Scotland that the Duke departed without his consent, and exhort them not to favor him. (4.) Cheyne shall make inquiry of [the Deputy] at Calais whether he has been informed of the time when the French king's officers are to be there for payment of the King's money. "[And if] no certainty be yet known thereof, then the said Sir Thomas ... King's said deputy on the King's behalf, to advertise him at ... any advertisement shall be thereof given to h[im] ... toward the French king, and to put the French king in [mind that] the days of payment be expired and gone long time past, and that the [King] marvelleth of this delay in payment more now than heretofore; marking substantially [such] answer as he shall make thereunto, as also the towar[dness] ... in sending his officers to Calais with the day ... he shall prefix for contentation and payment therewith, whereunto he [is bound] under the censures of the Church, which to break were dangerous." (5.) He shall show the King's desire for the continuance of amity, which he has preserved, although required by virtue of the treaties passed at London, both by the late Pope and the Emperor, to give assistance against him. (6.) If asked by the French king or council [why] the King equips ships, he may say that while the Electors have solicited the Emperor to proceed to Italy for the imperial crown, the King has always advised him rather to cross to Spain; and though the King has always endeavored to establish peace, he has been requested by the Emperor to assist him, not to invade France, but to conduct him over the sea in surety. (7.) As Francis, at the mediation of Worcester and the bishop of Ely, expressed himself willing to allow the neutrality of the county of Burgundy to my lady Margaret, Cheyne shall urge him to adhere to his promise. Lady Margaret has well deserved to stand neutral by her efforts for peace, and if anything were attempted against her said county, she might desire aid of the King by the treaty of London. (8.) The ambassador is to note all communications, make good espial for news. and send information to the King by ciphers; for which purpose, Fitzwilliam will leave his clerk with Cheyne, and Cheyne will acquaint Fitzwilliam with his charge, and be present at the overture thereof to the French king.
Draft, in Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp. 5. Endd.
26 Jan.
Calig. D. VIII. 210. B. M.
1992. CHEYNE to [WOLSEY].
Arrived at Rouen on Thursday, Jan. 22. The French king, who had been to see the New Haven and ships, arrived the same night. Met Fitzwilliam, and showed him my instructions. Next day we sent to Francis to know when I should come to him. He desired us to put it of till next day, as he had appointed those of the town to be with him that day, and he was anxious to see the Queen, who had been delivered of a son, whom they call the count of Angewellame. We came to his presence on the 25th. He heard my charge as favorably as possible, and said,—(1.) That he was sorry Fitzwilliam was to leave, but since he must return, was glad I had come in his place. (2.) That he had sent his ambassadors with as large authority as he had promised. (3.) That he took God to record he had done all in his power to keep Albany in France, for which purpose he had offered to make him captain of the Swiss, but he declined, and had afterwards told him that he could not do him so great a displeasure as to go to Scotland; With great difficulty he had exacted a promise from him that he should not go, and for the more surety had sent him to my Lady, desiring her to manage him so that he should not go, but she saw there was no trusting him, and Francis sent to all the ports to forbid him to pass, but he had gone before the order came. For the King's sake he would discharge Albany of his men-at-arms in France, and all other offices he had confiscate his lands and goods, and his wife's also, and declare to the nobles of Scotland that he is much displeased at his going. But he trusted the King would not require him to declare himself against the states of Scotland, his old allies. (4.) He said the money should not fail to be sent straight. (5.) He said he knew the King had been desired by the Pope and the Emperor to do him displeasure, but his trust in him was not shaken. (6.) No question was put to me about the ships. (7.) He said it was true he had promised my lord Chamberlain that my lady of Savoy's lands should be neutral, but the Emperor had changed his purpose on such points as my said Lord showed him, and they of the county made incursions daily into his duchy of Burgundy, sometimes to the number of 500 horse; but, for the King's sake, he was willing, if they make no incursions into his countries, to make none into her lands. He said they of the county had sent to the Swiss desiring them to be neutral, on which the Swiss sent to him, and he asked them what surety they would find that they of the county would not invade him; to which he has not yet received an answer. I think he may be entreated in these matters, for Fitzwilliam says he was wont to be more obstinate. I have not yet delivered your letter to my Lady, because she is at St. Germain's, where the French queen is lying in. Tomorrow the King goes thither, and Fitzwilliam and I with him. I have notified the King that I have written the effect of my charges to you. Beg to be excused that my wit and experience have not enabled me to do it so well as Fitzwilliam, in whose praise the gentlemen of the court speak highly. Rouen, 26 Jan. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 4.
Calig. D. VIII. 178. B. M. 1993. LOUISE OF SAVOY to WOLSEY.
Fitzwilliam will tell you what the King has done for the love of his good brother. All the princes of Christendom together could not have brought him to it. God knows what I myself have done for the love of the two princes, and to prevent the shedding of blood.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: [A] mons. le Cardinal, mon fils et bon amy.
Jan. Calig. D. VIII. 180. B. M. 1994. [FRANCIS I.] to LA BATIE and POILLOT.
I have received your first and second letters, relating the conversations you have had with the king of England and the cardinal of York. The whole question is whether my good brother intends to maintain his fraternal love and alliance. As to the suspicions which he says have arisen, I have done nothing openly or covertly against the amity between us. The going of the duke of Albany into Scotland was much more against my will than his; but he found means to escape when I was much occupied by the war. I am sending a gentleman into Scotland to command him to return. The taking of some English ships by my subjects was against my will. If I had those who did it, I would punish them. Englishmen frequently rob my subjects, which I suppose is not agreeable to him.
I trust that the suspicions mentioned in your instructions, which I might have against him, are unfounded; yet I think it very strange that this treaty of Bruges was concealed from me, and also the powder and balls which are going to Antwerp;—that his subjects go and take the Emperor's pay;—that the English scholars at Paris have returned home, and also the daughter of Mr. Boullan, while ships were being made at Dover, and musters taken in England, the rumor being that it was to make war on France. Nevertheless, if Henry desire it, I will do what I can to withdraw the duke of Albany, and we will renew our treaties by chapters and oaths; and if he desire to add an article for offensive war upon just quarrel, according to the power shown by the Cardinal to my Chancellor at Calais, I will agree, either with a general reservation of allies, or specifically against his enemies and mine.
I do not know if he find it difficult to maintain the friendship of myself and the Emperor elect, considering the enmity between us; but he must choose between neutrality and a declaration for one or the other. As to neutrality, I should not be dissatisfied; but if he were to declare against me, I should consider it a great wrong, after all the familiarities, oaths and treaties between us. I am willing to do everything to satisfy him in the things which he has demanded of me. If he had been in my case, I should have helped him personally, and with all I had. If he will consider well, he will see that the war made upon me by the Emperor elect is against God, justice and honor, as shown by the articles delivered to you. And if he will compare the friendship of myself and the Emperor, he will find the difference, both in surety, in persons and in power; but if he should declare against me, I hope to provide for it. I content myself with my own, which the Emperor does not do; and my good brother should consider what is likely to happen, if the Emperor retain his purpose, now that a Pope has been made entirely at his devotion. The Emperor's ambassadors, at the last diet at Zurich, held on Saturday after the feast of Kings, offered the lords of the Leagues to make a league against France, and assured them that England would join, and give them plenty of pay. The Emperor pretends to put the duke of Barri in possession of Milan, in order that the Swiss and Italians may not be jealous of his greatness; but if my army were out of Italy, the first thing he would do would be to occupy the duchy, and consequently the whole of Italy, including even the patrimony of the Church, which the Pope, being his creature, would not deny. He has told the lords of the Leagues that I have broken the five years' truce, and that he was thus prevented from going to war against the Infidels, although it is notorious who is the real cause of war. Nevertheless, the lords of the Leagues have refused his demand, and declared their resolution to adhere to their alliance with France; for which cause, on Friday next, 20,000 men will leave the cantons, with the principal captains of those countries, and the banners they have been accustomed to carry in their own wars. They will be led by my uncle the Grand; Master and the marshal De Chabannes, and will meet with little opposition in the duchy, where my gens d'armerie have already driven out the enemy, except the banished men.
I send, for my good brother's satisfaction, the instructions delivered to my Chancellor when he went to Calais, with his power to treat with the ambassadors of the Emperor. The whole consists of three points: (1.) the maintenance of treaties; (2.) the surety of the same for the future; and, (3.) recompense for the injuries done to me. If you find they have recourse to dissimulation, as they had at Calais, break off at once entirely. I was sorry my Chancellor showed so much patience with them at Calais, their dissimulations were so transparent. As to Henry's complaint, that I have attempted to treat with the Emperor by other means than through him, it is not true. All that I have done has been at his intercession, and I never gave any charge to Mouhye, as La Batie knows. As to what he says, that Robertet was to meet a secretary of the Emperor to arrange a treaty, it is truce that an Italian named Abbatis, who was with the Chancellor of Flanders at Calais, came to me at Paris, to say that if I would send Robertet to Cambray, the Emperor would send Hannart his secretary, which I would not consent to. He then asked me for a safeconduct for the secretary of the dowager of Savoy, to be sent by her to my mother; which I granted; but I know not whether he came or not. I think not. As to the pilgrimage of my mother, she never thought of it. The King and Wolsey ought to know by this time the fictions which proceed from that house.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 10.
28 Jan.
Vit. B. V. 30. B. M.
1995. PACE to WOLSEY.
Arrived in Rome yesterday. Hears that Mr. Dean has certified him of the late election. Needs not, therefore, touch that subject. The Cardinals dare not move one foot out of their houses, "for fear of the people, which hourly crieth out against them, to their great rebuke and shame, by reason of the said election." They now see the necessity of a Pope of some reputation and substance to help the Church in its extreme decay, occasioned by the wars of Leo X. It is a shame to see the verses made here against them. Campeggio praises the Dean's diligence in advancing Wolsey's cause. Cardinal Sion has done the same, "whom with the cardinal S. Quatuor I shall visit tomorrow, because they sit all this day in the council." Has seen letters from Switzerland, stating that the bastard of Savoy and the count Galeas have obtained aid from six cantons, to recover the duchy of Milan, and that they have sent to the Venetians to keep their amity with the French. Rome, [28] (fn. 4) Jan.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: To my lord legate.
29 Jan.
Vit. B. V. 31*. B. M.
1996. PACE to WOLSEY.
Spoke this day with don John Emanuel, "who is a singular wise man." He told Pace it would be convenient for the King and the Emperor to convey the Pope into England, and all three to speak together there; that done, to send the Pope into Italy, accompanied by the Emperor, and the King's grace to undertake the protection of his territory during his absence. He thinks by these means the Emperor will have Italy at his pleasure, settle it to the profit of his friends, be crowned at Rome, return to Spain by Naples, and all things be concluded comme il faut. Rome, 29 Jan.
Hol., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate.
29 Jan.
R. O.
Late last night received letters from the Emperor, with matters of importance to be communicated to Wolsey. Requests as early an audience as possible. London, 29 Jan. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
29 Jan.
Calig. E. I. 23. B. M.
His master sends Mons. de Neuf[ville], one of his maîtres d'hôtel, into England. Begs he may have liberty to go to Albany in Scotland. The bearer will tell his own tale. St. Germain, 29 Jan. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: [Au] Roy.
29 Jan.
R. O.
The King his master is sending mons. De Neufuy, the bearer, one of his maîtres d'hôtel, to the king of England, after which he will proceed to Scotland. Has just returned to the court. Desires credence for the bearer. St. Germain-en-Laye, 29 Jan. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le cardinal dYort, legat et chancelier en Angleterre.
29 Jan.
Calig. D. VIII. 212. B. M.
I have received your letter by the sieur De Cheyne, who, as you say, has come [to be ambassador] about the King's person, in place of Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam. The latter has behaved so well that I hope he will be rewarded. Cheyne's arrival is most satisfactory, as we know him to be a man of sense, and well inclined to amity, which I hope you will continue to promote, as you have always done. St. Germain-en-Laye, 29 Jan. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. mutilated. Add.: A mons. le Cardinal, mon filz et bon amy.
29 Jan.
Galba, B. VIII. 10. B. M.
Wrote his last on the 26th. The Emperor wonders at the long tarrying of Dr. Knight, and the absence of news, especially considering the urgency of the French with the Swiss. If they join the French against Milan to the number demanded, the Emperor's affairs will be ruined. Lady Margaret does not agree well with the Chancellor, and considers his device for the Emperor's going to Rome very prejudicial. Her reasons are generally approved. He had been informed by the dean of Neuell, an acquaintance of Wingfield's, that John Hannart was in communication with a French secretary at Cambray. This news was communicated to the Dean, the Bishop's vicar there, by the sieur De Pottelles, brother to the bishop of Palermo, who has long dwelt with the lady of Vandom, and is said to be "as good French as the best born in Paris." Spinelly mentioned it to the Emperor, and obtained leave to send one of his own servants after Hannart, by whom he found that there was no truth in the report. Thinks it necessary to mention this, "because the lord Nassow beareth to .. favor."
The Emperor must obtain assistance or make truce without delay; difficult things both. Brussels, 29 Jan. 1522.
At Florence, on the 16th, the cardinal De Medicis was hourly expected, having left Rome on the 13th with two galleys. He was coming to preserve the Florentine republic for the Emperor against Francyscus Marya (Sforza), who was before Sena with a good number of men. "Mr. Secretary" (Pace) was at Florence, and "my fellow Richamont" not returned from Franciscus Maria.
Hol., the cipher deciphered by Tuke, pp. 4, mutilated.
29 Jan. 2002. For the MONASTERY OF ST. MARY, YORK.
Assent to the election of Edm. Whalley as abbot, vice Dan Edm. Thorneton, deceased. Westm., 29 Jan.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12.
P. S. b. 2. Petition of the Subprior and Convent for the above. 20 Jan. 1521.
30 Jan.
R. O.
Yesterday arrived Lupus Furtadus, on his way to Spain from the Emperor, to congratulate the new Pope. He has been ordered to visit the King and Wolsey, and learn whether you wish to give him any orders. As his mission requires haste, we have determined to bring him to you tomorrow, at 9 o'clock. London, 30 Jan. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: III. & r. cardinali Eboracen., sanctæ sedis apostolicæ in Anglia a latere legato, &c.
30 Jan.
R. O.
Recommends Joannes Matheus de Gibertis, secretary of the cardinal De Medici, now on his way to England. His virtues and talents procured him favor from pope Leo, and have endeared him to his master. Rome, 30 Jan. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: R., &c. carll Ebor., Angliæ primati, ac sed. ap'licæ legato.
30 Jan.
Vit. B. V. 32. B. M.
In behalf of William Aston, B. D., confessor and penitentiary for the English language in the church of St. Peter at Rome, who had been deprived of the priory, which he had held for three years, by a very powerful adversary, but has now been legally restored. He is going to England to be reinstated. Rome, 30 Jan. 152[2]. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: "Cardinali," &c.
31 Jan.
Faust. C. VII. 193. B. M.
Wilkins' Concilia, III. 697. Returning thanks to the King for his munificence and his favorable consideration, which the King had the year before given them to expect when they appeared before him at Woodstock. Oxford, ii. cal. Feb.
Lat. Add.
31 Jan.
R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. I. 298.
Is so dolorous and full of annoy he dare not venture into Wolsey's presence. Implores his compassion; "albeyt I grant I haif deservyt punycioun, and am under the Kyngis mercy and zouris, not for ony falt or demeritt of my aune, but by raisoun of thair untreuth that causit me labor for the wele of thair prince and thair securite, quhilk now has wrocht thair aune confusioun and perpetuall schayme, and has servit me as your gracie may considdyr, that sollistit the Kingis hyenes and zoure grace to wrytt and doo for thame so oftyn tymez and so largely." Is more deceived himself than anyone else, and is weary of his life. Promises to God and Wolsey that he will never take part with Albany or the unworthy earl of Angus without Wolsey's orders, or return to Scotland while "this wicked Duke" is there.
Hopes his brother will take his counsel, though "zon zoung wytles fwyll has runnyn apoun his aune myscheyf." Doubtless he has been shown feigned letters, and threatened "that the lord Hwme and utheris wald pas in, and lefe him allane;" that the Bishop would be detained in England, and that Albany's secretary, Galter, had appointed with the King for his destruction, and the marriage of his master to the Queen.
The letters which Wolsey caused the Bishop to send from Hampton Court on St. Thomas's Day did not reach his brother till the 14th Jan., so that he remained comfortless, and the others effected their purpose. "Wald God I had send ane servand of my aune with tha writingis, or past my self with thame in cais I had lyin vij. zeris eftir in preson!" Diligence might have done good, though nothing can excuse his breach of promise to the King, for which he prays God he may see him punished. Hopes Wolsey, nevertheless, will remember the welfare of the King his master, who is entirely innocent. This was the chief object of his coming to England, though he would have sought his own and his friends' welfare also. Begs to know what he shall do to serve his young King. "At the inn of Carlisle," 31 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
31. Jan.
R. O.
On Tuesday 28 Jan. I arrived at St. Germain's, where Fitzwilliam and I met the Admiral. We gave him your grace's recommendations, and I told him I had declared my charge to the King, of which he said the King had told him. We then went to my Lady, and told her I had declared my instructions to her son. She said he had told her so, and gave me the same answer as the King and the Admiral did. She asked why all this preparation was made in England fro the Emperor. I answered her according to my instructions, with which she was satisfied, and said she could not believe the King had any but a good intent. I said you did not do it to invade any of her son's dominions, or displease him or his. "I cannot perceive, but by their sayings, your grace shall rule everything here as ye woll yourself." I do not send the news, or a long account of our conversation, as Fitzwilliam can tell you by mouth. My Lady and the Admiral both seemed sorry for his departure. St. Germain's, 31 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
31 Jan.
R. O.
2009. The SAME to WOLSEY.
To the same effect, and in nearly the same words. St. Germain's, 31 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
31 Jan.
R. O.
Order to them to pay 4 mks. to John Stuard, of Calais, for their passage, according to letters from the King lately delivered. Calais, 31 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
Galba, B. VII. 207*. B. M.
Since you left Bruges I have not written to you, knowing that you were kept well informed by the Emperor and Madame. The Emperor has desired the present bearer to go to the King his master on matters which, as you will see, require haste. You will remember that when I spoke to you at Bruges in the garden, you promised on your return to England to endeavor to secure some compensation to Madame de Savoy for her lands detained by the king of France, which had been forgotten in the treaty between England and France. Ghent,—Jan. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons. le card. d'York, legat et primat d'Angleterre.
A memorial of things to be put in execution "for defence, invasion or o[therwise, as the] case shall require."
The King's letters to be sent to noblemen and gentlemen of England, to put themselves and [their servants] in readiness and make certificate by a day, according to the device in the said letters, whereupon a book may be made, and persons chosen to serve at the King's pleasure. After the master of the ordnance, who has now gone to Valenciennes to prepare the King's artillery in the Low Countries, Sir Robt. Wingfield must be sent to the lady Margaret to know what aid may be had from those parts. The King's army should be 16,000 English foot, 2,000 English mounted archers, 4,000 foreign foot and 3,000 foreign horse. The following officers must be appointed: a lieutenant, if the King does not go in person; captains of the van, middle and rear wards; a chief marshal with an under marshal in every ward; a treasurer; chief masters of the ordnance, the victuals and the carriages, with an under-master in each ward. A book has been made of the proper proportion of ordnance. Ships must be appointed with an army of 3,000 men, to guard the seas for the transport of victuals and men, and to prevent the enemy from annoying the realm. Expert purveyors of victuals must be appointed, as Welden, Brisewode and others, joined to some person "that is langaged." As Albany remains in Scotland only to annoy this realm, a nobleman must be deputed as lieutenant of the north parts by Midsummer, and must ascertain the number of men who can be contributed by the shires "aliable" in case of need. In the meantime, he may cause raids to be made by the garrisons already established and by the Borderers, and must order Candishe to oversee the mounting of the ordnance at Berwick. Victuallers must be appointed, rates made, and staples and places assigned for the provision and carriage of victuals northwards, for which George Lawson and Atteclif are thought meet. Ships must be appointed to guard the North Seas. If the King pass the sea in person, some one should be appointed to govern the realm in his absence with a substantial council, to provide for money, &c. for the army, and to administer justice. Ships and hoys must be provided in the five ports and in Flanders, for transporting the army. Commissioners must be appointed to conduct the ships, to view their portage and allot them, as well as for taking musters near the sea side, when the army shall pass.
Pp. 4, mutilated. Endd.: A memorial of things necessary for an army royal.
R.MS. 7 F. XIV. no. 10. B. M. 2013. ARMY.
"A draught concerning an army to be made this year, if the case shall so require, by the King's highness and the Emperor."
English horse at the King's charges, 3,000; foot, 15,500; horse at the Emperor's charge, 3,000; Almain foot, 3,000; in all, 24,500.
Estimate of the King's charges for a month of 28 days:—2,000 lances, 9d. a day each; 1,000 archers on horseback, 8d. a day; 15,500 footmen at 6d.; 185 captains, 4s.; 185 petty captains, 2s. Ordnance:—8 double curtowes; 12 single curtowes; 24 culverins; 1,000 lymoners at 8d. a day; 1,000 carriages at 2s. 8d. a day each. Total of the King's charges, 20,104l., beside the wages of the lieutenant, the marshal, the master of the ordnance and others.
It is thought that if the King be provided with lymoners ... and carriages in England, "this commodity and profit should ensue." (1.) The money paid for them would remain in the realm. (2.) Whereas the King would be at the charge of hiring them monthly, and the expense for six months would be 25,800l., if 1,000 carriages at 10l. each, and 1,000 lymoners at 40s. apiece were provided in England, and 2,200 carters employed at 6d. a day, the King would save 5,200l., and all the lymoners and carriages be his own; beside which he "should have 2,200 tall men, Englishmen, which should be as meet to labour in the stead of pioneers, or fight, if need should be, as other soldiers."
Substantial and expert persons to be chosen for the chief posts, sc. lieutenant, captains of the van, middle and rearwards, &c.
If it please the King, all the noblemen and gentlemen appointed to serve on horseback shall furnish themselves, if they are able, and bring with them as many horses as they can. "The residue of their companies, being footmen, to be led and ordered by their petty captains to be by them appointed."
Estimate of the wages of 20,000 foot, with captains and petty captains for a month:—200 captains 4s. a day, 200 petty captains 2s., and 20,000 foot 6d., 15,680l.
Mem., that the master of the ordnance do make a book of the artillery and munitions requisite for the army, with powder and shot for eight days' battery. Commissioners to be appointed for provision of lymoners and carriages in England, and to view and search how they may be had.
Pp. 3. Endd.
R.MS. 14 B. XXX. B. M. 2. An estimate of the charges of an army of 20,400 men, to be sent from divers counties; viz.—
Yorkshire to furnish 10,200; Lancashire, 6,300; Cheshire, 1,500; Notts, 500; Derbysh., 500; Staffordsh., 900; Salop, 500.
Total expenses in coats (3s. 4d. each), conduct money, and wages for 14 days, 18,135l. 15s. 4d.
A paper roll. Endd.
Otho, E. IX. 83b. B. M. 2014. NAVY.
"Ships for summer season:"—The Great B[ark], (burden and number of men lost by mutilation). The Less Bark, (burden lost;) [soldiers,] 105; [mariners,] 112; [gunners,] 23. The Sweepstake, 300 tons; soldiers, 100; mariners, 109; gunners, 21. The Hart, 300 tons; m. 180; g. 20. The Antelope, 300 t.; m. 180; g. 20. The Swallow, 240 t.; m. 142; g. 18. The New Bark, 200 t.; m. 124; g. 16. The Greyhound, 200 t.; m. 124; g. 16. The Flower de Luce, 50 t.; m. 56; g. 4. The Double Rose, 50 t.; m. 56; g. 4. Total of tonnage, 2,540; men, 1,730. Wages for 28 days of the soldiers, 5s. each; mariners and gunners, 8s., including deadshares and rewards. Victuals for 28 days, 8s. 4d. a man. Total, 1,361l. 1s. 8d.
ii. "Ships for winter season."—The Pauncey, 4 ... tons; [soldiers, 138; mariners, 142; gunners, 20]; total, 300. The Murryan, 500 t.; [s.] 138; m. 142; g. 20. The Mary Hamboro, 400 t.; s. 108; m. 120; g. 18. The Jennet, 180 t.; m. 104; g. 16. The Dragon, 140 t.; m. 104; g. 16. The Lion, 140 t.; m. 104; g. 16. The Phaucon, 80 t.; m. 62; g. 8. The Hind, 80 t.; m. 54; g. 6. The Phœnix, 40 t.; m. 44; g. 6. The Ma[ry] Willoby, 140 t.; s. 36; m. 80; g. 14. Tonnage, 2,150; men, 1,516. Wages and victuals for one month as above, 1,175l. 7s. 4d.
Pp. 2.
Harl. MS. 442. f. 33. B. M. 2015. CORN.
Proclamation for provision of corn for the city of London, published by special commissions in cos. Essex, Herts, Camb., Hunts, Norf., Suff., Beds, Bucks, Northt., Warw., Leic., Notts, Derby, Oxf., Berks, Linc., Surrey and Sussex, "about the beginning of Hilary term, ao 13 H. VIII." All persons in these counties are allowed henceforth to convey wheat, malt, rye and other grain freely to London, either by land or water, the customers at the different ports taking bonds of the owners that such grain shall be conveyed to London and no other place.
Pp. 2. Modern copy.
Jan./GRANTS. 2016. GRANTS in JANUARY 1522.
3. James Harington. Grant, in tail male, of the manors of Farleton-in-Lonnesdale, Lanc., Farleton-in-Kendale, Westmor., and Briarley, York, and all other possessions lately belonging to Sir James Harington, which on his attainder were granted to Edw. Standeley, now lord Mountegle, by pat. 8 March 4 Hen. VII.; except the moiety of the manors of Hemmesworth, York, and Horneby, Lanc., and other possessions in Hemesworth, Shaston, Benteham and Gristingill, York, and Horneby, also granted to Mountegle. Also reversion of the lands here excepted, on the death of the said Edward without heirs male. James Harington is son of Nicholas, son of William, son of Nicholas, son of William, son of Richard, son of James, son of Nicholas, father of William, father of Thomas, father of the said Sir James Harington. Greenwich, 3 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S. Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 22 (undated).
5. John Stowe, page of the Hall. To be bailiff of the lordship of Chapell-Brampton, Northt., vice Rob. Bodington, deceased, with 2d. a day. Greenwich, 21 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 16.
7. Anth. Browne. Annuity of 50 marks. Greenwich, 31 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
7. John Carell, alias Caroo, the King's footman, alias servant of the Household. Pardon for the murder of Th. Alderden, of Maidenhith, Berks, hostler. Richmond, 7 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 20.
8. Edw. Bayneton. Annuity of 50 marks. Richmond, 24 Nov. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
8. Sir Ralph Elle[r]kar, jun. To be bailiff, escheator and coroner in Holdernes, York, and keeper of the north park of Bristwike, late of the duke of Buckingham. Richmond, 24 Nov. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
8. Rob. Mooreton, chaplain. To have the chantry in the manor of Clipston, with the chapel of St. Edwin in Shirewood Forest, vice Ric. Scoley, chaplain, deceased; with 100s. a year in aid of livine service, out of the issues of cos. Notts and Derby, as allowed in the Great Roll in the Exchequer of 29 Edw. III. to Walter de Mountegomerey, sheriff of those counties, for Rob. Rentour, chaplain of the chantry, and as allowed in the Great Roll of 6 Ric. II. to John Leeke, sheriff, for John Davy, of Collewik, chaplain of the chantry. Richmond, 16 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 14.
8. James Worsley, yeoman of the Robes. To be chief steward of the lordship of Petresfylde, Hants, late of the duke of Buckingham, with the making of the bailiff there, and 5l. a year. Del. Westm., 8 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
9. Ric. Stokesley, chaplain. Presentation to the church of Northluffenham, Linc. dioc., in the King's gift by tl attainder of the duke of Buckingham. Del. Westm., 9 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 1.
12. Roger Chaloner. To be gauger of the port of Bristoll, vice John Sharpe, deceased. Richmond, 25 Nov. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 14.
12. Ric. Forster, yeoman of the Queen's chamber. Grant, for 40 years, of three fisheries in the river of Twyd, near Barwik, Northumb., vacant, and yielding no profit to the King; the first lying between "le Belles" and "le Bounde Roode" for two nets, each containing 22 "sheets" and "le bosom;" the second between Wyndeford and South Yarowford, for another net containing 18 "sheetes" and "le bosom;" and the third between "le Masendewe" and Byllyng Donfott, reaching on the north to Carpoynt, for two other nets, each containing 22 "sheets" and "le bosom." Del. Westm., 12 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
12. John ap Morgan, gentleman usher of the Chamber. To be constable and doorward of Newpoorte Castle, S. Wales, with 6l. 7s. 4d. a year. "Exr per T. Magnus." Del. Westm., 12 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 14.
12. Sir Wm. Morgan. To be (in consideration of his services to the late and present Kings) chief steward of the lordship (sic) of Newport, Wentlloyke and Mazen, marches of S. Wales, with 20 marks a year; in the King's hands by attainder of the duke of Buckingham. Del. Westm., 12 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 14.
12. Wm. Morgan, sewer of the Chamber. To be "emprower" of the lordship of Newport, in the marches of S. Wales, in the King's hands by the attainder of Buckingham; with 2d. a day. "Exr per T. Magnus." Del. Westm., 12 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
12. Th. ap Robertes, gentleman usher of the Chamber. To be receiver of the lordship (sic) of Newport, Wenlloyke and Mazen, in the marches of S. Wales, with 5 marks a year; in the King's hands by attainder of the duke of Buckingham. Del. Westm., 12 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.
16. Sir Ralph Ellarcare, jun. To be chief steward of the lordships of Cotingham and Rise, York, vice Sir Ric. Cholmeley, deceased. Greenwich, 3 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
16. Edw. Peyton, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Reversion of the office of customer at the Lanternegate, Calais, now held by John Cowpildyke, gentleman usher of the Chamber, to whom and John Bynghame, now deceased, the said office was granted, in survivorship, by patent 5 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. Windsor Castle, 18 July 13 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S. Westm., 16 Jan. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
17. Th. Hennage, late collector of the petty custom in the port of London. Pardon of all matters connected with his office before 5 July 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 14.
17. Hen. Lyeke. Denization, being a native of the duchy of Cleves. Richmond, 20 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22; enrolled as 18 Jan.
17. John Lyndesay, yeoman porter at the King's gates. Grant of the corrody in the monastery of Lylfill, Staff., vice Humphrey Cottis, deceased. Greenwich, 3 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan.—Marginal note: "Transcriptum inde Abbati et Conventui Monasterii nostri de L. in comitatu nostro Staff."—P.S.
17. John Lyndessey, yeoman porter. Grant of the corrody in the monastery of Lilleshull, Salop, vice Humph. Cootes, deceased. Greenwich, 11 March (fn. 5) 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan.—P.S.
17. Sir Hen. Wyatt, the King's councillor, treasurer or keeper of the Jewels to the late and present Kings. Pardon and release. Greenwich, 29 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
18. Wm. Gysnam, clerk of the Great Wardrobe. To have, on first vacancy, the fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day. Westm., 18 Jan.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
18. John Kyttley, clk. Presentation to the church of Kynwarton, Worc. dioc. Addressed to Julius de Medicis, cardinal priest of St. Lawrence in Damaso, and commendatory of Worcester. Westm., 18 Jan.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 19.
18. Ralph Lowe. Licence to appoint deputies in his office of customer of Kingeston-on-Hull, notwithstanding the stat. of 4 Hen. IV., his personal attendance being required as clerk in the office of the Remembrancer of the Exchequer. Windsor Castle, 18 Nov. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
18. Ric. Page. To be comptroller of the customs in the port of London, during good behaviour, in consideration of his services to the King and cardinal Wolsey; as held by John Whytyng, gent. usher of the Chamber, or Sir John Heron. Del. Westm., 18 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
18. Th. Warde, gentleman harbinger. To be bailiff and woodward of the lordship of Agmoundesham, Bucks, with 2d. a day; in the King's gift by the attainder of Buckingham. Greenwich, 26 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 21.
20. Edw. Vaux, yeoman purveyor of the King's wines. To be chief steward of the lordship of Raskell, York, vice Sir Ric. Cholmeley, deceased. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
21. Sir John Gray. Wardship of John, s. and h. of Ric. Barnarde, with custody of the lordship of Hogshawe, Kent. Richmond, 7 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 2.
21. Rob. Hog, yeoman of the Crown. To be bailiff of the lordship of Rice, York, with 2d. a day, vice Sir Ric. Cholmeley, deceased. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
21. Sir John Nevile. To be receiver and surveyor of all the possessions in Holdernes, York, in the King's hands by the attainder of the duke of Buckingham. Greenwich, 5 Jan. [13 Hen. VIII.] Del. Westm., 21 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
22. Walter Abercromy, native of Scotland. Denization. Westm., 22 Jan.—Pat. p. 3, m. 19.
22. John Gooderik, of London, draper, vintner and grocer, alias of Fowye, Cornw. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 9 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Jan.—P.S. Fr. m. 6.
22. Edw. Litilton, gent. usher of the Chamber. To be constable and doorward of Stafforde castle, parker of Stafford park, and bailiff of the lordship of Forbrigge, part of Buckingham's lands; with 8l. 20d. a year. Greenwich, 5 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
23. John Bisson, clk., of the parish of the Holy Trinity, Gersey, Coutances dioc. Pardon for the death of Nicholas le Majere, of the parish of St. Maurice in Normandy. He had pleaded benefit of clergy, but the dean of Adrian, cardinal bishop of Coutances, sentenced him to perpetual imprisonment. After he had remained in prison two years, the bishop released him in consideration of his penitence. Greenwich, 9 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 24.
23. Th. Butler, of London, blacksmith. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 16 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Jan.—P.S. Fr. m. 10.
24. John Flemyng. Commission to Sir John Louther, Jas. Laborne and Ric. Bewley, to make inquisition in co. Westmor., concerning the lands and heir of John Flemyng. Westm., 24 Jan.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d.
24. Sir Wm. Kyngeston and Sir Rob. Constable. Wardship of Wm. s. and h. of John Saintquyntyne. Del. Westm., 24 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
24. John Tailer, barber of London. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Del. Westm., 24 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
27. Wm. Hewis, of the lordship of Thlandilo, S. Wales. Pardon. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
27. Th., son of John Malory, deceased. Grant, in consideration of the services of the said John, of the manor of Lechebarowe, Northt., and all the lands, &c. called Farthings, Sewelles, and Blakesley; lands in Woodende alias Woodblakesley, parish of Blakesley, and "Ringstones lande" in Stowe Parva, Northt.; which lately belonged to the said John, and came to the hands of Hen. VII. by his attainder, 3 Hen. VII. Windsor Castle, 23 July 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 24.
27. Wm. Slythurst. Lease of possessions in Watlyngton, parcel of the honor of Walyngford, Oxon., for 21 years; rent 53s. 4d., and 13s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 2.
28. Edw. Huddeswell. To be bailiff of the lordship of Raskell, York, and keeper of Raskell park, vice Ric. Cholmeley, deceased. Greenwich, 21 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Jan.—P.S.
28. Stephen Laugher, of Strete Kenwyn, constable. Pardon for killing Wm. Hoskyn in selfdefence. Westm., 28 Jan.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21.
28. Sir Edw. Nevile. Reversion, in tail male, of the keepership of the park of Southfrith, Kent, with appointment of subordinates, and herbage and pannage; and of the office of bailiff of the lordship: on death of Katharine, queen consort. Greenwich, 16 Feb. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 28 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 15.
28. Sir Lewis Pollard, justice of the Common Pleas. Wardship of John, s and h. of John Crokker, squire for the Body. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
28. Sir Ric. Rokeby and Ric. Crake, both of Beverley, York. Lease of the lordship of Ryse, York, for 21 years; rent 50l. 16s. 11d., and 4l. 3s. 1d. of increase. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 2.
28. Edw. Vaux, yeoman purveyor of wines to the King. To be steward of the lordship of Langton-on-the-Wold, York, vice Sir Ric. Cholmeley, deceased. Greenwich, 16 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
28. John Wellys, yeoman of the Guard. To be bow-bearer and collector of "le tachement mony" in Gawtres Forest, York, with 4d. a day and 40s. a year; on surrender of patent 9 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
28. John Westgate, of St. Lawrence's in Le Jurie, London, merchant adventurer. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. Reynold Whiteacres, yeoman of the Guard. To be keeper of Madeley Park, Staff., late of Buckingham. Greenwich, 20 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
28. Th. Wode, John Pakyngton, John Baker and Humph. Collys. Pardon for having acquired a messuage in Renham, to themselves and heirs, from Sir Geo. s. and h. of James Seyntleger. Westm., 28 Jan.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24.
29. John Fissher, clk. Presentation to the prebend, canonry or portion in the collegiate church of Pountesbury, Heref. dioc., vice Wm. Toste, a minister of the Chapel Royal, resigned; in the King's gift by the minority of Edward lord Powes. Greenwich, 26 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Jan.—P.S.
29. Sir Wm. Kyngston, knight for the Body. To be steward and bailiff of the manor of Bedmyster, Somers., and of all possessions late of the duke of Buckingham, in co. Glouc., constable of Thornbery Castle, master of all the hunts in co. Glouc., and parker of Harysfyld Park, Glouc. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. "Exr per T. Magnus."—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
29. Wm. Kyrkeby. Wardship of Eliz. d. and h. of Th. Lovell of Enfeld, and Eleanor his wife, d. and h. of Geoff. Radclif. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
29. James Vaughan, gent, usher of the Chamber. Grant of all the demesne lands of the town and lordship of Wentefordton, marches of Wales, vice James Meryk, deceased. Greenwich, 28 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
30. Geo. Halyday, chaplain. Presentation to the church of Grymolby, Linc. dioc. Westm., 30 Jan.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1 m. 17.
30. John Symon of Stowe, Cornw., chaplain. Pardon for killing John Worthevale, of Worthevale, "frankleyn," in self-defence. Westm., 30 Jan.—Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14.
31. Hen. Skylman and John Roote, Yeoman of the Crown. To be keepers of Eltham Park, of the King's houses in the manor of Eltham, Kent, and of the new park of Horn, alias of Eltham, in survivorship; on surrender of patent 3 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII. granting the same to Skylman and Sir John Peche, now deceased. Greenwich, 31 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 21 (undated).


  • 1. So here; three days in the letter of the 16th.
  • 2. This document properly belongs to the year 1523, but has been placed here for convenience.
  • 3. Blank in original.
  • 4. Supplied from marginal note.
  • 5. Qu. a mistake for January?