Henry VIII: November 1521, 1-10

Pages 725-740

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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November 1521

Vit. B. IV. 151.
B. M.
1726. [CLERK to WOLSEY.]
Wrote last of the Pope's resolution to have nothing to do with the Swiss, as he thought they were bribed by the French. He has since resolved to employ 12,000 of them. He hears that card. Sion is setting forward with only a small number. The Pope thinks his troops have failed for want of a head. They have crossed the Po towards Milan. He has sent for card. de Medici, who is there, and was in great danger of being taken, as the French are still at Parma. The Pope expects a battle with the French, and thinks his troops as good as theirs. It is thought his army will approach the Swiss as near as they can to form a junction with them if they come, either with Sion or the duke of Bari. The sentence of deprivation has been passed on the duke of Ferrara. A body of men has been raised to defend Modena, Reggio, &c. (fn. 1) The Pope's army has passed Cremona, followed by the French from Parma. Wolsey will understand their motions by the "platte" which he encloses.
In a clerk's hand, pp. 3, mutilated.
1 Nov.
Calig. D. VIII. 163. B. M.
Forgot to mention in their last the answer made by the French king to their request, that he would empower the King to prorogue the truce if peace were not made. He said that after the conclusion of the truce, the King should desire nothing of him that he would not grant. Will endeavor, however, to get him to consent to it, the Emperor doing the same. Had no time to send news. On Wednesday, before our coming to the French king, he crossed the river Asquoye, that runs towards Tournay, within a league and a half of Bowghsh ... where he made two bridges within three leagues of Valenciennes. The count de Nassau advanced with 12,000 or 14,000 foot and 4,000 horse, intending, as Francis says, to attack his vanguard before it had crossed; but delayed too long; for the King had crossed with the whole vanguard and great part of the battle before they came, and Nassau was fain to withdraw, partly out of order. He lost none of his foot, but there were slain the bastard Emery and three gentlemen with a piece of artillery, and the duke of Alva's nephew and others were taken prisoners. On Sunday last, after we had despatched the post, while waiting on Francis, in removing to Marquet, he showed us his army, which we assure you is uncommonly good, having in the vanguard 10,000 Swiss, as he says, but we think 8,000 and 6,000 adventurers with Mons. St. Pol, but now reduced to 4,000 by sickness and desertion. The rear contained 6,000 Picards, tall men, under Vendome. Did not see Bourbon's band, which the King says is 10,000. He says he has 2,000 spears, but we did not see so many. While talking with him, noticed great fires in the villages, and begged him to forbear burning the country. He replied that he would this year burn up the corn in Hainault and Artois, and next year they would cry for mercy. Pressed him further, and the same night proclamation was made by sound of trumpet, that no man should burn any more, on pain of hanging, or else be thrown into the same fire. Nevertheless, on the Apostles' day, we saw more fires. Francis had promised us that he would besiegne no town "as we w[rote already to your] grace," but that he would victual Tournay ... "he would go by none of the three passages accustomed, b[ut] go by Douay."
Hear from the man who conveys secret intelligence to Fitzwilliam that the Pope's army has withdrawn into the marquis of Mantua's countries, and the cardinal of Syo and duke of Barri have come to Italy with 2,000 Swiss of Zurich, and 4,000 lanzknechts, and are marching towards the Pope's army, and that Lautrec has sent signor Frederick de Baugre with 4,000 Italians and 3,000 Swiss to give them battle. If they join, they will be far too strong for Lautrec. On the 30th, the King removed from Marquet, and in spite of his proclamations burned as sore as he had done before. We could see no tow[n] but it was fired. Had a long journey that day on horseback, from 8 in the morning till past 5 at night, without meat or drink. On the way we desired leave of the King to go forward to our lodgings, but he said they were not made, and would not tell us which way he was going, which is always kept a great secret. Came that night to the village of Sandemoone in Cambresis, passing a straight passage called le Slewsse, which a few good men might have kept, "for it is a narrow calsey, one side all water, and the other side a great marsh." Suppose the King is going through Artois to burn the country and return home, as we see his ordnance is going towards St. Quentin's; but perhaps he will suddenly turn towards Arras, cross the river by bridges of boats, and victual Tournay. Hope to receive knowledge of your mind touching the conclusion of the truce before this letter comes to hand. The sooner you can do it, "the more your grace shall have merit of Almighty God, for here is the most piteous destruction of towns, and spoiling of so fair a country, as never have been seen among Christian men." As soon as we hear your pleasure, we will return to you.
This day, 31st Oct. [received] a letter from my lord of St. John's and [his fellows with Emperor], ascertaining his resolute mind. Will endeavor to get the French king to consent to all those points, though we do not hope to succeed. On Thursday 31 Oct., the King sat all day in council with his lords and captains, La Batie being with them; when we asked the King what news La Batie had brought, he said he had sent for him long before. Suppose, however, that the discussion was upon some news conveyed by him which they are keeping secret. Sandemoone, 1 Nov., between 6 and 7 a.m. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 5.
Vit. B. XX.
241. B. M.
1728. [WOLSEY to WORCESTER and others.]
"Finally, yesterday, I received from you a le[tter by Sir William] Fitzwilliam's servant, wherein ye not only declare in what sta[te] ... your charge there stand, with the painful passages and other ... [ye] daylie sustayne in this tyme of hostilitie, by folowing the Frens[h king] from place to place, but also the lamentable spectacles that ye have seeyn there, by brennyng, [spoiling and] depopulation of fayre countrayes, for which and other causes ye be moch [desirous] (fn. 2)... My lords, though I have not been personally present with you in this your tediouse jo[urney, I have] had as moch compassion inwardly thereof as though I had been participant of your ... And [I have] been here, for my part, as sore tempestyd in mynd by the on[towardness] of the chauncelers and oratours on every side, putting so many diffi[culties and] obstacles to condescend to any reasonable conditions of treux and abstinence of war[re, that] nyght nor day I cowd have no quietnesse ne rest, (fn. 3) which hath been the cause that I made no rather answer unto [you], the matters standyng always in ambiguities without any certayntie as they yet rec[kon], onlesse by your dexteritie there, and the policie of the King's ambassadors with the Emperor thys bo[ke] by me dyvised and sent to you and thaym may be agreed, which is the schote an[chor]; wherein ye may folow the purport of this my letter, either for your abode there, or [your] return."
In Ruthal's hand. Draft, mutilated, p. 1.
Mon. Habs.
The time to be 18 months, and the truce to be for merchandise and intercourse. The Pope's consent is necessary. Everything to remain as on the day of publication, except that Francis must restore Fontarabia or other towns taken in Spain or Navarre, and the Emperor must restore any towns he has taken in France. On the expiration of the truce, the Emperor shall remain with all his old rights and claims. Neither party shall send troops through the territory of the other without leave. Before the truce the messengers and couriers of each party shall pass though the territory of the other as before the war. All couriers, gentlemen, &c. of the Emperor who have been taken prisoner shall be released. The king of England and the Legate shall be conservators of the truce, and within a month from the publication shall engage to declare against the party who breaks it, without requisition. Each party must answer for the observance of the truce by their allies. Charles names for comprehension the kings of Hungary, Denmark, Portugal and Poland, the electors and princes of the Empire, the dukes of Savoy, Cleves and Juliers, the lands of the Empire, the cardinals of Liege and Syon, the church and territory of Liege, the bishop, church and territory of Utrecht, the cantons of the Leagues, the Florentines, the Lucchese, the Siennese, the dukes Henry and Erik of Brunswick, and others whom he may name within a month from the publication. The Pope and French king can name those they wish comprehended, but the latter must not name the rebels of the Emperor. Charles does not mean to make any stipulation about his voyage to Italy; but the conservators can arrange that neither party shall go or send troops thither, except the ordinary garrisons.
Fr., draft.
1 Nov.
R. O.
1730. The CHARTERHOUSE, London.
Acknowledgment by Sir John Heth, chantry priest of Sir Robert Reed, in the Charterhouse near London, of the receipt from the Prior and Convent of the Charterhouse of 40s., as his salary for a quarter of a year. Feast of All Saints, 13 Hen. VIII. Signed.
1 Nov.
R. O.
1731. CALAIS.
Indenture, dated 1 Nov. 13 Hen. VIII., of the receipt by Sir Wm Sandys, treasurer of Calais, of 4,616 crowns of the sun, at 4s. 4d., from Wolsey, to be employed according to his warrant.
On the dorse: Mr. Hennaige, 486l. 10s.; Mr. Treasurer, 344l. 15s. 10d.; yet unpaid, 466l. 6s. 8d. Total, 1,297l. 12s. 6d.
2 Nov.
Mon. Habs. 429.
The Cardinal told them this morning that he had said to the French ambassadors that the truce would not be passed without the restoration of Fontarabia, to which they said their master would never agree, by virtue of a truce, for Charles would not have given up Masieres or Tournay if he had taken them. The Chancellor said he had always striven for peace, but would never advise his master to give up the town; for if he did, Francis would consider him a traitor or a fool. Wolsey then wished him to write to Francis that Charles would have no truce without this restitution, and Wolsey advised him to make it. The Chancellor promised to do it, but said it was of no use. He then of himself proposed that Francis should put it into Henry's hands, on promise to restore it at the expiration of the truce, if a peace were not made; but the ambassadors refused this, as also his offer to persuade Charles to restore Mortaigne, St. Amand, the resort or the pension of Naples. He has received letters from Henry, saying that his return is necessary; and, besides, he thinks if he remain much longer he will be grievously ill. He will therefore communicate to them the additions and difficulties made by the French, draw up articles, and send them to Charles by Spinelly, and to the Chamberlain and Ely for Francis. He intends to return if the truce be not concluded in six days after Spinelly's departure. He presses on the truce for the reasons Charles has written, but says Charles need not publish it in Spain till twenty days after its conclusion, and if Fontarabia is not recovered by that time, it will not be recoverable before Charles goes to Spain.
The King will not declare himself unless Charles goes to England; and if he does go, the declaration can do nothing but harm, as it will give the French king occasion to damage one or both of them. Henry is not bound to make war by land till next summer, and cannot be ready earlier, owing to the long absence of the Cardinal. Before the summer Charles cannot go to Spain, settle matters there, and raise money for an army to invade France. He must take what Spinelly says as being the latest opinion, even if contrary to their letters. The French chancellor has told the Cardinal that the Admiral writes that Fontarabia is the strongest place there; that he should never have besieged it, had he known how strong it was; that he was closing up the walls again, and having provisioned it was returning to Navarre to besiege Maya. Calais, 2 Nov.
2 Nov.
Galba, B. VII. 140. B. M.
Wrote on the 30th Oct., and in the afternoon sent Richmond to the lords of Worcester and Ely. He returned today, and tells us that the French king yesterday abandoned the road to Tournay, "drawing along the legier of Artois towards Arras and Hesdyne," intending, it is supposed, to destroy as much as he can, reinforce his garrison and withdraw. The Emperor was informed of this dislodgement by Richmond in our presence, and also had news of it from Nassau, Fiennes, and Issilstein. Think he will press the siege of Tournay, now that they will be in despair of succors; already 20,000 have gone thither from these countries to recover it. Richmond believed the French artillery was conveyed with boats and bridges to St. Quentin's. The Emperor hopes from these circumstances that France will be easily brought to the conditions mentioned in our last, and says Francis need hardly have gone with his army only to burn a few villages, which might have been done by his lieutenant; but since he has given him such occasion, he trusted shortly to make as many fires in his countries. He had received news of the 19th from Italy, stating as we have already told you that the Pope's army and his would in a few days join the Swiss. We send with this the letter of Worcester and Ely in answer to ours sent by Richmond. Owdenarde, 2 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
2 Nov.
R. O.
1734. PACE to WOLSEY.
The King sends the enclosed bill of complaint by two of his subjects against the viceadmiral of France, who took their ship and goods at the time mentioned. The King desires that they should have redress if their complaint is true. Windsor, 2 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my lord Legate's grace."
Vit. B. XX.
240. B.M.
"And to be playne unto you, thowz my disease ... veray paynfull and dangerous, yet I assure you this ... and displeasaunt unto me, fearyng that in cas the ... obstinat dealing and frustatory delays shall tract the tyme ... in this onholesom eyre, it shall put me in da[nger] ... pleasid themperor at my beyng with his majesty not only to put hys ... but also to be agreable to folow my advise as oon of hys [own] counsaylors, who have and shall as much studye for thadvancement [of his] suertie as of the King my master's, considering that they being thus unite to[gether, the honor and] surety of the one shall redound to weale and commodity of thother. And now to see his Chan[cellor thus] leane to his awne opinions that he woll not be avisid by my counsayle ... grauntyng tharticles for the fyschers, or in treating uppon the abstinence of warre [doth grieve] me not a little. And surely if the said abstinence had be takyn byfore the re[moving of] the siege from Mesirys, as I myndyd and persuaded, the same schuld have ben more to themper[our's profit] than now; nevertheles the said Emperour being this far advanced towards the French ki[ng's] ... joined with his other army he may honourably condescend to a truce, specially seeing [h]is enemies right agreeable thereunto, and remembering the state of the Pope's ar[my], and the affairs in Italy, which rather go backward than forward," a good truce will be more beneficial for him than continuance of war. Regard also being had to the approach of winter, the d[isturbances] in Spain, "right expedient to be pacified," the conservation of Navarre, the preparations to be made for the Emperor's peaceable transpor[t] thither next summer, the arrangements for keeping the Low Countries in quietness during his absence, "and makyng further preparatio[n on] hys cummyng to Spayn for the accomplishment of such conventions and enterprises as be conclu[ded be]twixt the King's highness and him," Wolsey thinks the abstinence of such importance that it must not be forborne. It is absurd to say that the French king w[ill join] battle, or lay siege to any of the Emperor's towns, fortified as they are, especially at this time of year:—it would be mere waste of l[ife] and money. Wingfield is, therefore, to [urge] the Emperor, on Wolsey's [behalf, not only] "to ponder subst[antially] ... advise, taking regard to my master's honour and my long travayle in these ... but also forthwith to auctorise and instruct hys Chaunc[eler] * * * o residue, inasmuch as he wold have forthwith departed if I by goode .... persuasions had not induced him to abide. To declare unto you ... have prolongyd and differryd the overture of the treux tyll now of ... forasmuch as the same be well knowyn to themperor, and specially to you ... Wherefore, sens the tyme is now cummyn being covenable and propice ... cies ye shall desire themperor forthwith to instruct his Chaunceler in such ample [form tha]t no farther consultations by rennyng of postes be used therein." If the Emperor command his Chancellor to be somewhat ordered by Wolsey's advice, the matter will take good effect. Will never enjoy perfect health while he stays here. Wingfield must desire the Emperor to have compassion on him, so that by his good inclination and towardness Wolsey may soon return to his master, without the dishonor which must arise if this convention be fruitless.
Draft, in Ruthal's hand, mutilated; pp. 2.
Mon. Habs. 432.
Knows they will remember why he sent Worcester and West to the French king, and then to the Emperor,—that it was at the request of the Emperor's ambassadors here; because his army was diminished by disease after the departure of the Almains with him, and the French king was ready to attack him with a great force, which the Emperor was not ready to resist. Heard from Worcester and West that the French king would not consent to a truce on reasonable conditions, but Wolsey has so managed the Chancellor and his colleagues that they have urged him to consent, which he will do only for the sake of Henry and Wolsey. He will be content to leave the resort in abeyance, if Tournay can be peaceably revictualled; to allow a provision to be made for the rebels of Milan by a general clause, if they be not expressly comprised; and to abandon the assurance to be given by the Emperor of not going to Italy during the truce, on the faith of Wolsey's promise. Was right glad of this resolution, considering the perplexity of the Emperor's affairs, and sent for the Imperial Chancellor to tell him, but found him obstinate, and rather inclined to continue the war, which put Wolsey out of patience. While discussing the matter, a messenger arrived with letters from the Emperor that no truce should be agreed to unless Francis would restore Fontarabia. This news discomforted Wolsey more than all the diseases and incommodities he has sustained; seeing that, if the Emperor persisted in that opinion, not only would "this our voyage" be frustrated, to the King's dishonor and Wolsey's reproach, but the affairs of the Emperor would be in great danger; for Wolsey himself proposed the restoration of Fontarabia to the chancellor of France, who told him his master would sooner put himself and great part of his kingdom in jeopardy; that it would be time enough to demand this when all other variances have been decided; and that they were sure, if the Emperor had Tournay or some other French town as strong as Fontarabia in his hands, he would not give it up but on the conclusion of peace. Wolsey asked, as if of himself, if the French king would exchange Fontarabia for Mortaigne, St. Amand "and the resort," which he refused, saying they were not equal.
Regrets to see the Emperor so weakly advised, and expects the following evils to ensue:—(1.) The Emperor's passage to Spain will be hindered by his continued expenses for the war. (2.) If he goes to Spain in the summer, he must provide for the defence of his Low Countries in his absence, for he cannot suppose that his captains will do more for their defence in his absence than while he was there. (3.) If Francis invade the Low Countries in his absence, they cannot be protected without a powerful army; and as his treasure will be exhausted by keeping up his garrisons, it is difficult to know how he will get money either for his journey to Spain or for his army. (4.) He cannot go to Spain in war time without plenty of armed ships, which require large sums of money. The voyage would also be dangerous to his person. (5.) He must observe the promises he made to Henry for keeping up the war with France, which will require an infinity of money, a thing difficult to get in Spain before the divisions there are appeased, and which will take a long time even then. If, therefore, after the King has made his declaration the Emperor cannot aid him, the whole weight of the war will fall upon Henry. (6.) If the Emperor will not take a truce without the restitution of Fontarabia, would like to know what he can do to recover it. Nothing can be done in the winter; in the summer a large army will be required, at great expense, and while engaged there he may leave his Low Countries in danger. (7.) If, without a truce being taken, the King should declare against Francis within a month after Charles's arrival in England, and the Pope and Charles were not prepared to prosecute the war immediately, Francis could do irremediable damage both in Italy and the Low Countries. He should, therefore, consent to a truce, to give them time to prepare, so that when the declaration is made they may promptly attack Francis when he is unprovided.
For these reasons Wolsey advises the Emperor to take a truce, and defer the recovery of Fontarabia till he and the King can join in making war on Francis, whom they will compel to restore all his acquisitions; and, besides, during the truce means may be found, by mediation, for their restitution, and preparations may be made for new enterprises. Hopes the Emperor will have sufficient regard to the King's honor, and the labor he himself has gone through, not to allow the convention to be dissolved without effect. Has labored and reasoned with both Princes, by letter and by ambassadors, but has found most opposition on the side of the Emperor, of whom he felt the most certain. In order not to prolong his stay here to no purpose, has done all he could to discover the final intention of the French king, and has caused articles to be devised, which he encloses. Would have procured them more to the Emperor's advantage if he could. Does not yet know if the French king will accept the articles as they now stand, but has sent a copy to Worcester and West, with orders to inform the ambassadors with the Emperor of the King's intention, and the latter will likewise inform them of Charles's mind. If neither will agree to them, "you, my lord of St. John's, Boleyn and Wingfield" must return immediately, and Worcester and West will do the like. The latter are in great suspicion and danger, owing to the changeableness of the Emperor's councillors. The Emperor and his council ought not to make objections to the general articles for leaving in statu quo what is occupied by the contrahents at the publication of the truce, or at the general comprehension, if they consider that Henry is judge, conservator and interpreter of the truce, with power to declare against Francis if he do anything contrary to the truce, as regards the resort, or by garrisoning Tournay or fortifying Fontarabia; for they may be sure that Henry will watch him closely, and no prejudice can happen to the Empero.
P.S.—Has received their letters of the 2nd instant, stating that the French king had retreated, and given up his attempts to succor Tournay, which Charles intended to besiege, thinking it must surrender for want of food. Wishes it could be taken, but thinks it would be very difficult if it is victualled, which is most likely, as Francis retreated to Artois after being so close to the town. Has ordered that the truce shall not take effect till its publication at the end of November, by which time Charles will be able to see what chance he has of taking it. They must be diligent in finding out the determination of the Emperor and his council upon the enclosed articles, that they may be immediately concluded, which will not interfere with the siege of Tournay. Before the publication, Charles can revenge all the annoyances caused by the French, and after that time the season will be too far advanced to admit of any exploit being done, and it would be unwise to maintain such a great army when it could do no damage to the enemy.
Fr., copy.
Vit. B. XX
. 238. B. M.
2. Part of the original English draft of the preceding.
In Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp. 2.
4 Nov.
R. O.
My ambassadors will tell you the state of my affairs, on which I desire always to have your advice. I wish also for news of the King and yourself. Odenarde, 4 Nov. 1521. Signed. Countersigned: Lalemande. Sealed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le card. d'York, legat, primat et lieutenant general d'Angleterre, mon bon amy.
3 Nov.
Mon. Habs. 431.
The English ambassadors with Francis wrote on Friday to the Cardinal that they had asked the King for a power to continue the truce for longer than 18 months, if the king of England pleased, relying on a similar power from Charles. Have heard nothing as yet of such an overture. They write also that Francis will not listen to the means of which Docwra and Boleyn inform them; and he threatens to cause a famine in Artois and Hainault, so that they shall be at his mercy the next summer. They cannot learn what he intends to do, and it is never known where he will spend the night till they arrive at the place. They think he is making a feint of going towards Arras, intending to succor Tournay by the bridge at Waudain. As to Italy, they write that Frederick de Bosna, with 3,000 Swiss, 4,000 Italian foot, and some horse, is sent to prevent Syon from joining the papal and imperial army, which, it is said, would put Lautrec in danger. These ambassadors procured from Francis a prohibition against burning the country; which was kept for two days, and then they burnt wherever they passed. The master of the Rolls has brought Gattinara the articles drawn up by Wolsey after seeing the corrections of the French. Have neither accepted nor refused them. Spinelly will take them to Charles. Calais, 3 Nov.
4 Nov.
Titus B. I. 292. B. M. St. P. I. 82.
1739. PACE to WOLSEY.
The King has received his letters of the 29th, with two extracts from the dean of the Chapel, (fn. 4) and a copy of his oration made in the consistory at Rome, &c. The King is sorry to see the Emperor's perplexity, and thinks it is of no use for him to put his army in garrison, as Wolsey advises, if his towns be not well victualled. He is sorry to hear of the death of the bastard Emery, but is rejoiced to find from the Dean's letters "the Pope's singular contentation of his book against Luther, and how honourably and lovingly it was accepted by his Holiness, and how it shall be confirmed by the authority of the see apostolic." He is much dissatisfied with his sister's (fn. 5) suit at the court of Rome for a divorce. The King approves Wolsey's counsel to the lord Admiral touching the castle of Monasterover. He has given the reversion of such lands as Sir John Peachy "had, and hath if he be not dead," to my lord of Devon. Windsor, 4 Nov.
Hol. Add.
4 Nov.
Rym. XIII. 758.
1740. LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Has received from Clerk, dean of the Chapel, in consistory, the King's work against Luther. Gives the King infinite thanks, "O fidei defensor!" Has conferred this title upon him, as he will learn by his letters sub plumbo, for his services to the holy see. Rome, 4 Nov. 1521, pont 9. Signed: Sadoletus.
Add.: Henrico, &c., Fidei Defensori.
Close Roll, 14 Hen. VIII. m. 1d.
Vit. B. IV. 196.
B. M.
2. Modern copy of the above.
4 Nov.
Otho, C. IX. 36. B. M.
On the 10th Sept. last, the Turk took Belgrade, exercised great cruelty, and plundered the provinces of Hungary without opposition. Are afraid that he will direct the war against them. Rhodes, 4 Nov. 1521. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: R'mo, &c. Th. cardinali Eboracensi.
5 Nov.
R. O.
On the 5th inst. the King left Lewsheis for Dourlens. After dinner, before he went, he sent for us to the castle, and asked us if we had any news. We said we had not heard from you since our departure; at which he and his council marvelled, for he has received two or three posts from Calais within the last four days; and he says that some of his council there have written to La Battye, saying that you have sent us a copy of the articles of the truce which was concluded. La Battye showed us this letter, and we told him we had received none, and supposed either that the post was taken on the way, or else that, before you sent him off, the Emperor's ambassadors fell into some new device, which caused you to stop sending the said articles. The King said he was sure the post had not been taken on his ground; and as to the other, that the Imperial Chancellor was full of new devises, which were only to gain time to abuse and mock both Kings, and to see what the Emperor's army could do in Italy in the meantime. As to that, he said he had made sure of two things: first, he had ordained that the cardinal of Syoo should not join the Pope's army; "and if percase by any mean they so did," the Swiss in the Pope's army would not enter into any lands of his, and that those in his service would not enter the Pope's ground. He said also that if the Chancellor's new devices were to comprise the restitution of Fountrabye in the truce, he would rather put all France in jeopardy than consent to it, but would agree to its being spoken of in the treaty. He will not consent to the comprehension of the rebels of Milan; and thinks you should not urge him to it, as he holds it contrary to his honor; for he said if he were to make a truce or peace with the King, you would not think it reasonable or honorable to the King's highness that he should comprehend his said brother's rebels. He says he will send a post to his Chancellor tonight, to show him his determination for the truce, which is this: first, out of love for the King he will conclude a simple truce without conditions for 18 months, so that he may victual Tournay, but not put in more men; 2. that every man may comprehend his own friends, not mentioning the rebels of Milan, for he will not consent to that, but he will promise not to pursue them when out of the duchy and his dominions. The restitution of Fountrabye, the pension of Naples, the realm of Navarre, the resort of Flanders and Artoys, and other matters, can be spoken of in the treaty. If the Emperor's ambassadors will not take this, he will order his Chancellor to come home in two or three days, for his absence hinders the course of justice.
He said, moreover, that if the ambassadors would not take this truce, "he had in his hands that should cause them right sore to repent it," for the duke of Guelders has 8,000 men ready to invade Brabant, and his own army would attack elsewhere. He named no place, but we suppose it would be at Headyng and Dorneham, in which direction his ordnance and the army have gone. This done, he said he would station his army in garrisons on the frontier, "and make the Emperor such garre garriable as hath not heretofore been seen." If the Burgundians commence burning again, he intends "to make them such a fire as they never saw the like." He says he has left off burning, at our desire, and has hanged 10 or 12 for it within the last two days; "and verily, Sir, sith he came into Artoys, he hath not burned greatly."
We then asked him not to determine so stedfastly about the truce, but that we might move him in some point as the case might require; but he answered that upon his honor he would never be moved further than he had said, and it was but loss of time to seek any further advantage of him. We think, therefore, that a longer stay would neither be honorable nor advantageous to the truce, and we intend to take leave in three or four days, and return to you at Calais, leaving Fitzwilliam here, unless we hear first from you.
The King says that, after staying here awhile, and putting his army into garrisons, which he will see done himself, he will return to my Lady to provide money and make preparations for attacking the Emperor next summer, when he intends to be first in the field, and be no more thus prevented. He intends also to put an army on the sea, so that if this truce be not taken, the Emperor will not be able to pass into Spain, "but should play him in these countries, and by that mean destroy himself, for the Almains should eat him up." He told us that Francisco (Sickengen) six days since had written, offering his service if Francis would pay him what the Emperor owes him and his band; but he declined. Dourlens, 5 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
5 Nov.
Le Glay. II. 578.
Her letters have consoled him for his long absence from court by showing that his services are approved. The conference is endeavoring to conclude (est apres pour conclure) a truce for 18 months. The obstacle is the refusal of Francis to comprehend the exiles of Milan, which Wolsey insists on, and tries to make them believe that Francis has already conceded to the bishop of Ely and the Chamberlain. They will agree to the victualling of Tournay, but not to its reinforcement, as Francis requires. They wish to pass several other points, about which the King has not written, and have drawn up the articles in captious and ambiguous words, refusing the minutes drawn up by the ambassadors. Have not only those of Flanders to deal with, but "M. le Mediateur," also, whom they cannot bend either by gentleness or remonstrance. The opposite party could not have done more if they had had the victory instead of the French. Advises the King, if his affairs will admit of it, to make no truce, but during the winter to dispose his garrisons, raise money for artillery and infantry, and make "guerre guerroyable." This would force his enemies to make an assured peace, which would be better than truces, which only produce greater wars. The 18 months will be passed before affairs are well put in order, and it will be more difficult to make a peace then than now. Calais, 5 Nov. 1521.
6 Nov.
R. O.
1744. PACE to WOLSEY.
Today John Hopton has informed the King, that the weather is so stormy that, unless he puts into harbor, the King's barks are like to be lost. The King has ordered him to do so, until he hears of your return, and to tell you where he intends to lie. Brygandyne has sent word, that his ship the Kateryne Fortileza has been "stricken down at Deptford by tempest, and is thereby sore decayed; and thus we have in the sea great tempest, and in the land great pestilence." Windsor, 6 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
6 Nov.
Mon. Habs. 443.
The Cardinal has told them that yesterday the Venetian ambassador informed him that the Swiss had endeavored to pass through the Venetian territory on their way to join the imperial and papal armies, but had been defeated; many were killed, the rest were returning home. He has heard also that Hesdin has been taken by the French without resistance; that La Fayette, captain of Boulogne, has taken the castle of Moutoire, and done much damage in the land of Bredenarde; that Vendosme has written to La Fayette not to move from Ardre, for he means to join him in four days with 8,000 men. The Duke has 13 guns, each of which takes 10 horses. Wolsey thinks they will attack Gravelinghes and Dunkirk; he is surprised that, with so great an army, Charles provides so little for his frontier, and advises him to send a good number of horse and foot, or the whole quarter of St. Omer will be plundered and burnt. Before making the league, he wishes to know how Charles's affairs are, and has ordered their ambassadors to be with him tomorrow at two. He says he has sent the articles of the truce to the English ambassadors with Charles, and that he stated in them that the truce is not to be published till the end of the present month. Calais, 6 Nov.
6 Nov.
Le Glay, II. 579.
Have received his letters of the 2nd, consenting to the truce for 18 months, excluding the Milanese exiles and rebels, unless the duke of Ferrara, Francisque Marie, [duke of Urbino,] "les Vennitolles" (Bentivogli ?), and the Spaniards, Neapolitans, and Almains, who have served him, are comprised, with full enjoyment of their property during the truce, and stipulating that Tournay may be reinforced and victualled. Declared these conditions to the Cardinal, who said they could not be complied with, as the Pope would never allow such a truce unless those rebels who declared for him were comprehended; and Wolsey does not mean to include those who were banished before this last war began. It was finally determined to send the master of the Rolls with the articles Wolsey had given them, and those drawn up by the ambassadors, that things might be arranged as nearly as possible according to the mind of Francis. He came yesterday, and they corrected the articles according to their opinion, adding at the top the objections to them. Wolsey intends to send these articles both to Francis and to the Emperor; and if they cannot agree, he will return. Think he manages matters in a circuitous way. He complained of their conduct in the matter, and that they had reported that he had used threats. Said they had written nothing but what ambassadors ought to write. Are surprised at the delays and dissimulations. It is reported that the Emperor intends to give battle on Sunday; that he is stronger than Francis, and has 5,000 foot and 6,000 or 7,000 horse. Wolsey says, moreover, that Francis cannot victual Tournay without a truce, and will lose it, which will recompense his enemies for the loss of Fontarabia. Calais, 6 Nov.
Articles for the truce, drawn up by the French ambassadors.
1. The duration to be 18 months from the time of publication. 2. Liberty of intercourse and commerce. 3. Restitution, during the truce, of goods confiscated from those who have served against the contrahents, the subjects of the state of Milan excepted; 4. who, however, shall not be molested in person or lands so long as they do not conspire against the prince in whose kingdom their goods are. 5. The holders of benefices which have been seized on account of the war shall be allowed to enjoy them. 6. Any of their subjects who had safeconducts, and who have been arrested, shall be liberated, and their goods restored. 7. Liberty to fortify and victual all towns and forts, with free access to them through the lands of the other contrahents. 8. All places held at the time of the ratification to be held during the truce. 9. After the truce, matters to return to their former state. 10. The contrahents are to name those whom they wish to be comprehended before the ratification, and the latter must signify their adhesion within a month. 11. The Pope must ratify in ten days, the King and Emperor in six. The truce shall be published in the camps of the two latter in four days from the ratification, in Aquitaine and Spain in eight days, and in Italy in six. If the Pope refuses to ratify, the others will observe it. 12. The king of England to be conservator.
6 Nov. 1747. For the PRIOR and CONVENT OF ST. MARY, HUNTYNGDON, Linc. dioc.
Congé d'élire on death of Robert Broughton, late prior, [which took place on 20 Sept. last.] The priory is in the King's patronage by the attainder of Edward duke of Buckingham. Westm., 6 Nov.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11.
P. S. b. 2. Petition for the above. 22 Sept. 1521.
8 Nov.
Mon. Habs. 445.
Have received his letters of the 3rd, and the articles, and shown them to the Cardinal, who says Charles is misinformed about the retreat of the French army to Peronne and the discontent of the Swiss, who are a good band determined to serve, and are following Bourbon to do some exploit on Charles's territory. Enclose a copy of the letters of the Chamberlain and the bp. of Ely. Wolsey would be very glad of the capture of Tournay, and would give half of his blood to have it taken; but he fears that the scarcity there is exaggerated. It will be taken in fifteen days, if at all; and he has therefore put in the articles that the truce shall commence from the day of publication, which must be before the end of the month. He thinks, however, that Charles should not forego the truce in hope of capturing Tournay, which is very uncertain, and allow the French to take St. Omer, Grevelinghe, and Bourbourg, and destroy Hesdin and the west quarter. This should be attended to without delay, for the captain of Boulogne, with a few peasants, gets a booty when he pleases. He thinks a truce is necessary for Charles; for, without one, he cannot go to Spain, and a continuation of the war would ruin him. Charles is much mistaken if he thinks he can get rid of war by dragging the king of England into it by virtue of the declaration; for no provision has been made to pass the sea next summer, and it would be only waste of money for Henry to make war on France unless Charles had provided a good army. He thinks this would take a year, which would be well employed in putting Spain into order.
The more they see him, the more they see that he is wise and experienced, and Charles's true friend. He says he has not determined to comply with Charles's request to keep discussion on foot for 15 days more, for he has stayed longer than is good for his master's affairs, and the Emperor's; for the execution of justice is delayed, the ships are not provided for the Emperor's voyage, and parliament cannot be held. He cannot stop 15 days for an uncertain issue, and still less can the Chamberlain and the bishop of Ely, who are old and infirm, remain longer in the French court; and he has ordered them to return. He will, however, stay eight or ten days, if possible, if Charles will send him word in five days that he consents to the articles Wolsey has sent him. The French king has ordered his Chancellor to return if the truce is not concluded within three or four days. He has done all he can to procure restitution of Fontarabia by the truce, but does not intend to speak of it again, for it would only be a waste of time, but he will add a few words about the rebels of Milan. As to the league with the Pope, he pretends that an article has been added by which all treaties between Charles and Henry remain in full force, to which the Nuncio objects. Think he suspects practices between the Pope and French king, and therefore wishes to delay the league till after the truce. At the Cardinal's request sent him this letter, to which he has asked them to add that he is afraid that after the league is signed by him and by them, the Pope will discover it to Francis. Charles must also remember that Francis means to keep his army in the frontier all the winter, so as to be the first ready to invade in the spring. Calais, 8 Nov.
10 Nov.
Calig. D. VIII. 166. B. M.
Delivered your articles to the French king on Friday at Dorlens, showing him that they were much according to his own mind, as before told to us. He said he would have them translated into French, and discussed with his council, but if there was any article to comprehend the rebels of Milan, directly or indirectly, he would never consent. On Saturday Francis left Dorlens for Amiens. Did not speak with him that day, because my lord of Ely was ill of a fever. On Sunday, after dinner, were brought to his presence by La Batie, and desired to know his pleasure upon your articles. He said he could not agree to them; some were captious, some too general, and some under color comprehended his rebels, as would be seen by the apostils headed in the margin, which Robertet would show us. Begged that he would allow his Chancellor to remain at Calais for a certain time, until the Emperor's answer was obtained. He said he would write to his Chancellor to remain three or four days, as Wolsey had desired. We said you had commanded us to remain with him in the meanwhile. He said we might do so, but he would never consent to the articles, unless reformed according to the apostils. We said we hoped better from him, and would [ask] aid of my Lady his mother, to whom Fitzwilliam will go by post. He said it would be lost labor, for he had written to her every word, and knew her mind entirely. Desired to see his apostils; and he withdrew into a chamber, and called his council to him, and after a while Dorval, the marshal of Chabannes, Chatillon and Robertet came and brought us the copy of your articles, with apostils made by the Chancellor. When we attempted to discuss the subject, they said they had no authority to reason with us, but left that to the Chancellor and the others at Calais. Chabannes told us the King's final answer was that he would never consent to your articles, unless reformed according to the apostils; and that if the Emperor would not consent to this, that a simple truce-merchant should be concluded for eighteen months, with a clause allowing him to victual Tournay without [bringing] in men-of-war or artillery. We said we would write to you, and wait an answer. They said we might wait, but need not expect any other, for this was the last we should have.
Perceive they would have us gone, so we think we should not stay longer. Mean to take leave of the King at his departure hence, which we think will be in three days, and if any good resolution come we may ride to him. If men may trust men, they will concede no more. Francis says he will write to the King, and send one of his chamber to him with this answer. He will also write to you in answer to your last sent to him. He says you have written to him in such a fashion that he must needs be content with you. When we asked him to write to his Chancellor to make out letters of neutrality, he showed himself more hard than he was at first, but at last consented for the King's sake. Send the articles with the apostils. The town of Hédin is burned, and t[he castle] taken. Another castle by that is taken also. The King is breaking up his army, and will put them in garrisons. All the Swiss have left for their country, except 3,000 or 4,000, whom he will keep during the winter. All his artillery has come to Amiens. Amiens, [10] (fn. 6) Nov. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 4.
10 Nov.
R. O.
I have not left my lodging since Monday on account of sickness. I cannot overcome it by abstinence, good diet, or "counsel of physic," and am getting too weak to do the King's business. If I do not mend in a day or two, I shall take leave of the Emperor, and come towards your grace, fearing otherwise I might be brought too low to pass the sea. Wolsey will hear from the lord of St. John's and Boleyn the Emperor's answer to his former writings, at Ate, and to his last writings since the Emperor returned to Oudenarde. Thanks him for the money sent by Tuke. Owdenarde, 10 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
Calig. E. II.
(28). B. M.
1751. [WOLSEY to DOCWRA, BOLEYN, &c.]
* * * Has done his utmost to learn the French king's mind as to the convention between him and the Emperor. Encloses articles which he has drawn up. If he could have procured them more favorable to the Emperor, would have done so. Has sent a copy of them to my lord Chamberlain and Ely to show to Francis. If he refuse them, will advertise them thereof, as they must notify the Emperor's mind. Will not tarry longer where he is. Docwra and Boleyn will forthwith return. Worcester and Ely will not longer remain in the French court. The mutability of the Emperor's counsels has caused him much pain and mistrust. The French army will abandon the succoring of Tournay.
Draft, in Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp.
Vit. B. XX.
243 b. B. M.
In his last letters instructed Wingfield how [to move the] Emperor and his council to desist from making further difficulties to this truce, and sent him certain articles for the said truce [secr]etly, conceived and devised by himself. Hopes that the Emperor will agree to them, both out of regard to the King's honor, and the trouble Wolsey has taken to bring it to pass; and for the sure conduct of his own affairs, forwards a letter sent to him signed by the earl of Worcester, the bishop of Ely, and Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, from the French court, [the substance] of which is to be declared to the Emperor. If he cannot by this be induced to accept the truce, it will be useless for Wingfield to reside there any longer, or for Wolsey to remain on this side the sea. As the French king is agreeable to a simple truce, and contented that all points in dispute should be left over "until some new communication may be had for a treaty of peace," no difficulty remains but the comprehension of the rebels of Milan, for whose indemnity Francis is willing to make such promise as is contained in the said letter enclosed. Thinks that after declaring the premises, with the further reasons contained in his former letters, Wingfield should take his leave, and [come] hither. [In] case the Emperor should accept the truce he can authorise the Chancellor and his other ambassadors here to conclude it, "shewing expressly that after your * * * the city of Tournay, ye may say unto him, if it be thought that the said [city] ... may be rendered and given up before the end of this mon[th that the said truce] cannot be prejudicial unto him for that purpose, considering th[at it can be of] none effect till the publication thereof, w[hich shall not be] before the end of this instant month, so that in the mean ty[me he may accomplish] his enterprise against Tournay, the conclusion of the said treux notwithst[anding. But if] he and his council, nothing regarding the other urgent considerations, shall defer the taking thereof any longer, [I cannot] induce the French king to condescend thereunto. And therefore I am clearly [determined], upon knowledge of the Emperor's resolute mind in the premises, without further d[elay to transport] myself into England."
Draft, in Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp. 2.


  • 1. Goes on to f. 154.
  • 2. The passage is corrected in the draft, and stood originally, "being desirous for this and oth[er causes]."
  • 3. Here stood originally in the draft, "so that almost mine appetite and sleep and ...[are] sequestrate from me."
  • 4. Clerk.
  • 5. Margaret.
  • 6. This date appears in pencil in a hand before the fire.