Henry VIII: December 1520

Pages 398-414

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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December 1520

Nero B. III. 67.
B. M.
In the year 1511 war arose between the king of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the six ports of Sleswig, in which an English ship fell into the hands of our men, who took it as a legitimate prize, and carried it to Stralsund, much to the displeasure of the senate. We ordered the ship to be restored to the masters, Wm. Canneton, Luke Thomas and John Bruen, to whom we gave full liberty of sailing where they pleased, declaring ourselves ready to make ample restitution of the value of the goods taken, as appears by a public instrument, the tenor of which we lately sent to the king of England and the cardinal Legate, his chancellor. Nevertheless, the masters procured from the King and Cardinal the arrest of the German merchants in London, for a whole year, and they are now arrested in compensation of the loss sustained by that ship. Two of the said merchants, Theodoric Schuttenbecker and Ludolf Butinck, have been compelled by oath, under a penalty of 500l., to give security that no merchant of Lubeck, Rostock, Stralsund or Wysmar residing at the court called Staleshoff (Steelyard) should leave England or export goods until compen- sation has been made for the said ship. Thus you will see, most noble prince, what regard the English have for justice.
We request you to give us letters to the King and Cardinal, that he may release the merchants, and that the masters of the said ship may come to us at Stralsund for justice; or if this be refused, we trust to your justice that you will grant us the right of reprisal against the English in your duchy and lands. We sent to England George Sibutus, who, when he arrived, having learned that the King was at Woodstock, went thither, and on bended knees presented your letters to him, beseeching a favorable answer. He was told to go to the Cardinal, to whom the affair was committed, and the Cardinal gave him this answer, in presence of bishops and many princes: "Your reverence has presented to us the letters of an unknown prince. He may be most Christian and powerful, as you say, but he is unknown to us, and we do not wish to have anything to do with him." Our ambassador pressed for an answer to your letters, but the Cardinal said it was not the custom for his king to seek the friendship of an inferior or unknown prince. We therefore beg you will give us new letters to the King and Cardinal by which they may be made to know you, and the German merchants, who have now been detained for nearly two years, may be liberated, and that if this request be not listened to we may redress it ourselves.
Lat., pp. 6.
Writ to the escheator of co. Derby for restitution of temporalities of the monastery of Lylleshull, on the election as abbot, vice James Cokerell, resigned, of Rob. Watson, whose fealty has been ordered to be taken by Rob. Toneys, one of the clerks of the court of Chancery, and Th. Larke, clk. Westm., 2 Dec.
ii. Similar writs for cos. North., Warw., Salop, Staff. and York.
Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24.
3 Dec.
R. O.
1084. KINE.
Account of Wm. Skelton, of my lord's [Darcy's] dairy kine, from Martinmas ao 11 to the feast of St. Ellyn; made 3 Dec. ao12.
According to his last account he had charge of 29 "kye and whies," whereof due to my lord for 9 milch kine occupied by him for the said time, 3s. 4d. a cow. For 8 cows, of which 4 had calves but gave no milk, 10s. For 12 whies, 26s. 8d. For 2 whies from Pikering, which had calves at Martinmas, 4s. 6d. Total, 3l. 11s. 2d.
Same account continued, with wages, &c. to Sir Nicholas, to Wm. Wall, &c.
B. XII. 385.
B. XI. 411.
B. M.
St. P. II. 59.
1085. HENRY VIII. to _
Has received his letters dated Dublin, 5 Dec., urging the King to proceed in the reduction of Ireland with sufficient power, and to act substantially in this matter; in which case "we shall have your service after the best of your power, promising to be content to take all such lands as ye have with other parcels of us by letters patent, with a creation of a name of dignity to you and your heirs males." Assures him that none of the King's progenitors were so resolved to reduce that disordered land to some good and virtuous governance as the King is; and when Surrey was sent to be lieutenant there, the King had no intention to revoke him and substitute the earl of Kildare. The King, trusting that Ireland will follow a milder course, has hitherto forborne to send thither a puissant army. He intends shortly calling a parliament, to take a final resolution in this matter. Wills him in the meantime to assist his lieutenant. Accepts his offer, with a creation of dignity, and has written to Surrey of the same.
Minute, corrected by Ruthal.
5 Dec.
Calig. B. II.
Had written from Linlithgow the 26th Nov. for the prorogation. The ambassadors will leave on the 11th Dec. Glasgow, 5 Dec. Signed.
P.1. To my lord Dacre, warden general of the Borders, &c.
6 Dec.
R. O.
Rym. XIII.
1087. JOHN CAMPBELL, Treasurer, to DACRE.
Thanks him for excusing Campbell's attendance. Presses to have the safeconduct for the numbers named in his previous application. Desires a longer prorogation. Expects the Chancellor to meet the lords on Sunday or Monday next, but he has been sore affrayed with pestilence. De Planis has written to Dacre in English. "My Lord, I trust Scotland desires rather a good way betwixt you and your sovereign by your own way, nor to have it by any French way, notwithstanding thir mone French ambassadors, which ye shall understand afterward." Edinburgh, 6 Dec. Signed.
P.1. Add.
6 Dec.
R. O.
Rym. XIII.
Received his writings at Edinburgh on the 3rd. Has shown them to my lord of Aubinze. Has deferred writing to them their intentions until the convention of the lords. Begs that he will prolong the abstinence. If the wardens of England and Scotland cannot agree, hopes commissioners may be appointed to hear complaints. Edinburgh, 6 Dec. Signed.
In Campbell's hand, p. 1. Add.
6 Dec.
R. O.
Hopes Wolsey will pardon this short letter, as he has nothing to write. Everything here is quiet; but the silence is that in which coming disturbances are looked for. The object of the French king's messenger here is not yet known, and the affair is studiously buried in mystery. Rome, 6 Dec. 1520. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Carli Ebor., &c., legato. Endd.
6 Dec.
R. O.
Begs he will see his warrant dormant for the Observants thankfully served. My lord Cardinal is to have "Talworth Holle, with as well set and bestowed words as your wisdom can devise to his grace's surveyor: Mr. Ashton hath sent to me for speed thereof." Trusts that his farms and fee of the duchy will serve all his purposes and debts, and will release his plate at nursen. (fn. 1) If not, the next quarter of Devon may suffice. Is to make up his accounts and release his plate, and pay the King's first payment. Lister is to send the plate home; "and if it may, after it be loosed, do you, or any friend of mine, good, spare it never to pledge it."
"I beseech you to husband me at some shift, as ye would yourself, of a good peiss of blak velfotte of Geyn, and that it be a speciall silke and culour, and of a good butt of Mawsece," to be delivered to John Burton for Christmas, "and the King's new year's gift, worth 20 nobles—a ring—after Mr. Wyatt or Amadas' advice." 6 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Mr. Lister, of the Middle Temple.
10 Dec.
Calig. B. II.
B. M.
1091. DACRE to WOLSEY.
Received his letter by Clarencieux, whose instructions he has seen. According to Wolsey's command, met the French ambassadors, conveyed them into Scotland, and gave them up to gentlemen of substance, who will re-deliver them to him at their return. Lodged them on their way at Wark Castle, he trusts to their satisfaction; whence, on the 28th, they went to Kelso; thence, next day, to Newbottell, where they remained all St. Andrew's Day; next day to Edinburgh. Part of the lords there, viz., the bishops of St. Andrew's, Dunkeld, Aberdeen and Orkney, the earls of Angus, Arrell (Erroll?), Craufurthe and Morton, the lords Glammis and Lemyn[g] (Fleming), the master of Kylmawers, the lords Borthik and Lyndsey, the abbot of Holyrood and the prior of St. Andrew's, caused them to be received three miles from the town by the earl of Angus, the "province" (provost) of Edinburgh and others. On Saturday they were brought with Clarencieux to the King's presence in Edinburgh Castle, "where every lord and man of worship went in, and but one servant with him, except the ambassadors' servants." There is a breach between the above lords [and] the Chancellor, the earl of Arran, lieutenant, and the earl of Len[nox], concerning the provostship. "The said earl of Arran, lieutenant, was provesse, that it is to say, as mayor; and now the town has chosen Archibald of Douglas to be provesse, uncle to the earl of Angus; and when the said lieutenant would have comen in the town they stopped him, and a great saute was made betwixt them, and divers hurt of both sides." The Chancellor takes part with the lieutenant because he has put away his wife, and married the Chancellor's brother's daughter. In consequence of these feuds, the ambassadors can get no audience of the whole of the lords. Some would be at Edinburgh, some at Stirling, some at St. Johnston's. The Treasurer and others try to make them agree to a place of meeting. Dacre trusts they will meet in six days.
The council, as appears by the Chancellor's last letter, which Dacre sent to Wolsey, are conformable to the objects of Clarencieux's mission. Copies of the letter, and Dacre's answers to the Chancellor and the lords Regents, enclosed. If Albany be endeavoring in a private way, by these ambassadors or otherwise, to obtain a pre-eminence in this twelve months' abstinence, Dacre doubts not such "noysaunce" will be done to them they will be glad to sue for peace. The Regents have made application to him, under the King's seal, for an abstinence till Christmas, which he has granted on a further application from the Chancellor. Will send their letter at Christmas. Encloses the Chancellor's, dated 5 Dec. Has given the queen of Scots his advice how to act. Encloses copy. Has instructed the ambassadors touching her causes, and delivered Clarencieux "the principal book upon which she entered into Scotland, under the great seal," by Albany's consent under his sign manual, bidding him demand its fulfilment in all points. No such outrages as have been complained of to the King are committed by the Scots unredressed, except that Maxwell sent to a place that Dacre was building on the West Border, took sixteen masons and wallers prisoners, carried off four draughts of oxen bearing stones, and slew two of his servants. At next meeting Maxwell freed the prisoners by proclamation, and hopes to do justice for the murder and goods. Harbottle, 10 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
10 Dec.
R. O.
1092. Fragment of INSTRUCTIONS to an AMBASSADOR.
* * *"And inasmuch as the King's grace hath heretofore, as well by the said Sir Richard Jerningham, as by sundry other his servants," informed his said brother of all occurrences, since which time nothing important has taken place, he has no charge to declare anything special. The King is sorry to hear that his brother intends passing the mountains to Milan, as he will be too distant to communicate with him easily, whereby a new personal meeting might be brought about. As the French king's affairs in Italy are well established, Henry trusts he will not go without urgent cause. Would not fail to aid him if his dominions were invaded. Understands that the lord Daubigny, with certain ambassadors of the French king, has arrived in Scotland by sea, instead of passing through England. As the truce with Scotland expired at St. Andrew's day last, the King has commissioned the warden of the Marches to renew it for half a year, during which time an embassy is to be sent from Scotland to treat for peace, which the King hopes is by this time concluded. Is to thank the French king for licensing his subjects to export corn to England in this year of scarcity, and assure him that England will do the like when France is in similar necessity. In spite of the French king's commands, however, English subjects have been prohibited from freighting ships in Normandy and Picardy.
Pp. 2. Draft in Ruthal's hand.
10 Dec.
R. O.
Warrant to Sir John Heron for payment to Wm. Rothewell, serjeant of the vestry, of 16s. 4d. for articles bought at the time of the King's last being at Calais; viz., for cases of leather for images, at 2s. 8d. a piece; for a great [case] of leather for an image of Our Lady, 3s. 4d.; for the new binding of certain books, and carriage of stuff from Westminster to Greenwich and back, 5s. At our manor of ... 10 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII. Signed.
10 Dec.
R. O.
Wolsey mentioned in former letters that he intended giving up the bishopric of Badajos; and the bishop of Helna, the Emperor's ambassador in England, is endeavouring to obtain it with the annual pension of 2,500 ducats. Asks that it may be granted to himself, on account of his poverty and the household he has to support. If so, will manage it entirely according to Wolsey's wishes. When Campeggio obtains the bishopric of Salisbury, Wolsey shall have a pension from the revenues, "prioris temporis pensionibus interea legitime et suis temporibus solutis." Rome, 10 Dec. 1520.
There will be much difficulty in granting possession of the sees to the bishop of Helna, as he belongs to a religious order, and concession of this kind are rarely made to such persons. This will give Wolsey a pretext for passing him over. Will be able to obtain the Emperor's consent by the influence of the King and Wolsey.
Lat., pp. 2. The last paragraph holograph. Add. Endd.
13 Dec.
Grant of the chattels of outlaws, &c. in the hundreds of Babbergh, Cosford, Thynghowe, Thedwardestrete, Blackburn, Lakford, and Risshebrigge, Suff., and elsewhere, on surrender of patent, 12 April 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 13 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17.
14 Dec.
R. O.
Has ordered his son Will. Windsor, now at Enfield with the King, and appointed to go with horses to the French king, to wait on Wolsey at his return. London, 14 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "My lord Card." Endd.
16 Dec.
Lamb. 616,
f. 41.
St. P. II. 61.
Has caused the prior of Kilmainham to write to Wolsey. Has sent an answer by Leonard Musgrave, and "Apliard my servant," to certain articles brought by Sir John Wallop. Sees that Ireland will not be reduced without compulsion; and if the King do not propose to go through with the conquest of it, will be glad to be exempted from any longer wasting the King's treasure. Dublin, 16 Dec. Signed.
17 Dec.
Vit. B. XX.
1098. [TUNSTAL] to WOLSEY.
Received his letters dated at his place beside [Westminster] .. Nov. last, with the ... and two commissions from the King. Has employed himself accordingly. Has written at length to the King in cipher what he h[as done] in the King's business. Refers Wolsey to the letter, in which he endeavored briefly to comprise the effect of [every]thing. Was told by the Chancellor, when he was last with him, how kindly the king of Portugal had behaved, declaring he would take part with the Emperor against the rebels, and advancing him a loan to repress them. He further said that a league defensive having been concluded between the Emperor, Maximilian, and Henry VIII., "de data MDX[VI], which was pro possessis et possidendis, and now his master do[th] succeed to Maximilian also in the Empire, and that league was ma[de pro] heredibus et successoribus; of which thing he said, speaking had [been] at Canterbury at the Emperor's being there;" the renewal and confirmation of that league must now be treated of among other [matters]. [Tunstal] replied that the league having been made between three [princes], one of whom was dead, was expired, and Henry was not bound thereby, but held himself quit of it; that it was unreasonable he should be bound de possidendis, seeing he had all his things in possession, and the Emperor was out of possession of many of his. Never thought the Chancellor was of himself much inclined to France, but has heard, both from him and others, that he is very desirous the Emperor should go to Italy, where he was born, to take his crown imperial; "upon which string ever he harpeth [when] all other men some time have given it over."
The French ambassador is not yet arrived. He has been long in coming, but is said to be on his journey. The Emperor now treats with the league of Suevie, and none of the Electors have come hither, except the cardinal of Mayence. Since he is to stay, begs that his diets may be attended to. The money for his diet is not only spent, but before many days he will have paid of his own above two ... Has here x ... horses and 27 servants. Overshot the mark at the commencement in making his proportion, and cannot diminish his train. Would be glad to apply elsewhere, but "there is not one English merchant to make shift with for a season." Has asked his brother-in-law Wm. Redmayn, and others his servants, to solicit Wolsey for his diet. Worms, 17 De[cember].
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add. as before.
17 Dec.
R. O.
St. P. II. 63.
Sends the bearer (Fynglas), whom he has made chief baron of the King's exchequer in Ireland, with certain articles to be passed in the next Irish parliament. Requests he may have a patent for his office under the Great Seal of England. Dublin, 17 Dec. Signed.
Add. Endd.
20 Dec.
R. O.
I have received by my clerk, Wm. Lelegrave, the money due to me for my diets for 40 days, from 26 Nov. last, by which time you say I must be at home. He gave me also a letter from the French ambassador, who says that you have written to me about the hostages; but I have received no such letter. The Admiral has asked about it, and three or four servants are waiting here for an answer.
In my last letter I mentioned Robt. de la Marche; and since then a gentleman who is "very great" with him, has told me that he intends to make war on the Emperor and the bishop of Liege in his own quarrel. The French king has been all this time at Blayse, because his mother is sick of the gout. If she recover, he will keep his Christmas at Aromantyn, and there run at the tilt. Paris, 20 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace. Endd.
23 Dec.
Vit. B. IV. 73.
Very secret negotiations between him and the count de Carpi and Marciot the French envoy; none but the Pope and De Medici present. The Pope is much pressed, by Don John Emanuel, to declare himself on the part of the Emperor. It is thought the Pope will do no more than attempt to preserve the peace, and lean to none. Had sent letters to the Cardinal by way of Germany, stating that, as Wolsey had declined the bishopric of Badajos with the pension, as he wrote, and the bishop of Helna was negotiating to secure it, Campeggio, considering his own poverty, thought it would do very well for himself, and it might be very proper to tell Wolsey so. Rome, 23 Dec. 1520.
P.S.—Gregory Casalis has empowered Francis Salvagio, a Genoese, to transmit to him the money given him by the King, being ignorant of the law which forbids the transport of coin from the realm. Signature burnt off.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 3. Add. and endd.
27 Dec.
Calig. D. VIII.
Mon. Habs.
Being informed of the diet convoked by the elect King of the Romans at Worms, in case there be any discussion touching Italy, the imperial crowns of Milan and Rome, and the duchy of Milan, I think right to state my case. (1.) If the king of the Romans prefer peace to war, and mean to go to Italy to obtain the imperial crown in the same manner as his ancestor Frederick, we will show him all honor, and believe other princes will do the same; but if he attempt to go there in hostile fashion, we are determined to resist him. (2.) As to Milan, our rights are as follows: Philip Maria, true and undoubted Duke of Milan, gave his daughter Valentina (fn. 2) to Lewis duke of Orleans, our great-great-grandfather, on condition that if his son died without heirs male, she and her descendants should succeed to the duchy. The empire was then vacant, and its authority belonged to the Pope, who confirmed the marriage contract, so as to prevent objections to descent in the female line, to which an imperial fief ought not to fall. When ambassadors were sent by the Emperor on this account to the late king Lewis, it was shown them that by these circumstances the right belonged to that king, and so the ambassadors reported to Maximilian and the Diet. Lewis accordingly obtained the investiture, and deprived the Sforzas, so that there is no ground to question our claim, as we have ordered the lord of Barres, our ambassador with the king of the Romans, to show you. Blois, 27 [Dec.]
Lat., pp. 2. Copy.
29 Dec.
A. 59 (2).
Heralds' Coll.
Finds divers things to his comfort in the Earl's letters received this St. Thomas's Day by the bearer; "first, for the gentleman of the North country that hath been with you, and the cause of his coming, and the likelihood of the good success thereof." Holds as good an opinion as ever of "our old matter," considering the nature of the party, if it be wisely handled. Sees no way but by the man mentioned by his lordship, who must be won by the same means as all his profession. It had better be broken to him by the Earl than by my Lady. Begs him to pardon this letter, "how as ever it is written, for peradventure my mind is not so stable as it hath been, now after my great sickness. I thought myself within this fourteen days as near my death as ever I did sith I had knowledge or remembrance, but by the help of God and good Master Frawnces, I am past all danger." Hackney, St. Thomas's Day. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
31 Dec.
R. O.
Is bound to Wolsey and Heron, for the King's use, in 1,500l. Has paid all but 62l. 17s. 10d., part to John Hopton in cables and cablets, and part in ready money to Heron. Will pay the rest at the delivery of the obligations. Wishes to have royal letters in French to the lady Margaret, for exporting 4,000 qrs. of wheat from Flanders, as she has stopped 2,000 qrs. which he had shipped, and which has already been on the water six weeks, and will soon be spoiled. Corn is very plentiful there, and they could easily spare 30,000 qrs. Master Allford will deliver this to Wolsey. Will send him the 100 qrs. of wheat for his household, as he promised. London, New Year's Eve.
Henege will deliver to Wolsey, to be signed, a license for respite of customs which he promised Gresham at Hampton Court.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace. Endd.
31 Dec.
Er. Ep. XV. 7.
Of the Archbishop's (præsulis) regard for him he is glad to hear, though it is nothing new to him. As to Bedell's complaint that he asks nothing, it is unfounded, "imo jampridem oro, ut ingens aliquod sacerdotium conjiciat in caput meum." Would be glad to have his pension for the coming year in advance, or bonds for it here or in Italy. Proposes to spend the summer at Basle, and then go to Italy, unless this meeting of princes prevent him. St. Paul was stoned but once; Erasmus is pelted every day with abuse from Dominicans and Carmelites. Compliments to the Archbishop and Dr. Welles. Louvain, pridie Circumcisionis 1520.
"Abstract" (decipher?) of letters from the Master of the Rolls to Wolsey.
Writes at length to the King, and refers Wolsey to his letter. The Emperor's council consists of men of contrary minds, each of whom advises him according to their own interest. The Spaniards agree that he should go this summer into Spain, and quell the rebellion; which he has promised to do. The princes and cities of the empire wish him first to restore tranquility in Almayne, which will take no little time. The Chancellor wishes him to go to Italy to take his crown, saying all will be his if he do so; and the duke of Barry and other Italian exiles advise the same course, seeing they cannot be worse off than they are now. The cardinal of Sion desires but two months wages for a Swiss army, to recover Milan and drive the French out of Italy. Many nobles of the empire, being poor men, wish the Emperor to go to Italy, as they expect to get plunder there. Chievres will probably give him the same advice, that he may the longer remain governor about him, and will not counsel him to go to Spain, as it is thought he would not accompany him thither. Chievres' advisers are the cardinal Gurk, Felynger and Segler, who were about Maximilian, and are hated by all in Almayne. Gurk had "but" (put) sedition between duke Guilliam of Bavier and his brother Lewes. They are now agreed, and hate him for it. He dares not tarry at home, and so inclines to the Emperor's journey into Italy.
Hears that the duke of Saxony thinks the journey to Italy "cannot be ready so soon to do it as appertaineth." This will influence the Emperor, as the Duke has great reputation, and the Emperor trusts him because of the intended alliance between his nephew and the Emperor's sister. The Count Palatine, the bishop of Coleyn and the cardinal of Magunce wish the Emperor to go to Italy. Thinks he will do as the Electors and Princes incline.
Pp. 3.
Jortin, III.
1107. ERASMUS and LEE.
Erasmus' defence of himself, giving a detailed account of his quarrel with Lee, and a history of his editions of the New Testament.
Jortin, III.
Mori Op. 319.
1108. MORE to BRIXIUS.
In reply to Anti-Morus. Gives an account of the burning of The Regent, of the sea-fight, the occasion of More's epigram and of the anger of his correspondent. Complains of this attack appearing at a time when France and England were so closely united. Speaks of a book which had lately appeared in Paris, entitled Fasciculus Temporum, in which it was stated that Francis would have undertaken a crusade two years since against the Turk, had he not been withheld by dread of the ill-faith of England. Defends himself from his opponent's insinuation that in praising Henry VIII., and the purity of his reign from avarice, rapine and false informers, More had indirectly scandalized the memory of Henry VII. Admits that Henry VII., in consequence of his ill-health, surrendered himself to bad counsellors, and contrasts his reign with that of his successor. Alludes to the sneer of Brixius, who had insinuated that More's classical studies were hindered by the cares of his family.
Jertin, III.
Mori Op. 301.
ed. 1689.
1109. MORE to ERASMUS.
On the same subject. Lupset is professor of Greek and Latin in Oxford, having succeeded Clement, who has given himself up entirely to the study of medicine. Hopes to see Erasmus at the forthcoming interview of the powers at Calais. (fn. 3)
Article of a treaty between England and Scotland to endure for one year according to the last peace made at Berwick.
Headed: "Articuli Scotorum."
Endd.: Articuli Angl. et articuli Scotiæ confeder.
2. Translation of the above, with same heading.
Article of a treaty, preserving the status quo till further arrangements.
In the hand of Magnus.
Endd.: "Articles with the king of Scots."
R. O. 1112. RICHARD GODRYK, Prior of the Preaching Friars, Lincoln.
Bond to Edith Hosey, by which she is to receive all the benefits of the order, and commemoration after death, as in the case of a brother. In our convent at Lincoln, 1520.
Latin, vellum.
R. O. 1113. NORWICH.
Arrangement of a dispute between the priory of Christchurch and the city of Norwich, respecting their rights to the ground called Tombland; of which an agreement had been effected, temp. Edw. I., but, owing to lack of due interpretation and new controversies, finally settled by Thos. Card. archbp. of York, legate and chancellor, on his journey from Walsingham. Tomland, which is claimed by both parties, is to lay waste, except when used at fairs, &c., when half is to be allotted to the citizens, and the remainder to the convent; also, that in times of synods, and on Sundays, victuals, &c. may be sold outside the priory gates. Determination of their respective jurisdictions and customs; of the rights of the Prior's prison; of the office of coroner within the precincts of the priory, or in Holmestrete or Spittellond. The city bailiffs not to meddle with any person arrested for theft in Holmstrete and Spittellonde, if they ought to be judged in the court of the convent. Tenants of the prior in Rotten Row, and in the Prior's leet, as in Holmstrete and Spitellonde, not to be compelled to be in the King's leet. The Prior, who has 1,000 sheep on a common outside the town, is in future to have only 300. He is also to fill up ditches which he has made on the river side, and which are a great hindrance to the keelmen towing their boats. If the Prior prove before the Exchequer that his tenants at Holmestrete, &c. are not chargeable for subsidies and fifteenths with the citizens, they shall be charged separately. If he do not prove it they are to be charged with the city. These articles are to be read in the convent before the mayor and commonalty every All Saints day, when they come to the monastery according to old custom.
Pp. 27, mutilated.
* It appears from the MS. Extracts of Wharton in the Lambeth Library that Wolsey was twice at Norwich, with a view of arranging this dispute, viz., in 1517 and 1520 (erroneously written 1530).
Monthly wages.
* * *
Geo. Van Amburgh, drumslade ... Jas. Worsley, yeoman of the Robes ... Thos. Appowell, yeoman of Guard, xx ... John Madeson, yeoman of Chamber, xx ... John Kydder, yeoman of Guard, xx ... Wm. Rolte, serjeant-at-arms, 31s. John Lynde, yeoman of the Guard; Robt. Hilton, yeoman usher with the Queen; Roger Dale, yeoman of the Guard; John Parker, yeoman of crossbows; Thos. Appowen, serjeant-at-arms; John Prince, yeoman of the Guard; and John Lennolds, falconer, 20s. 8d., per ann. 12l. 3s. 4d. Thos. Higgis and Wm. a Lee, yeomen of Guard; John a Style, shooter at butts; John Nightingale, shooter; Thos. Walter, groom of Chamber; and Ric. Mered, keeper of the King's stud mares, 10s. 4d., per ann. 6l. 1s. 8d. Chr. Waleston and W. Nicolson, toil setters, 32s. Jeffen Percy, sewer of the Chamber ... Wm. Lambert, yeoman of Chamber with the Princess, 26s. 3d. Peter Faulconer, monthly wages, 60s.; Hugh Faulconer, 70s., per ann. 42l. Matthew Faulconer, 51s. 8d., per ann. 30l. 8s. 4d. Frederick Faulconer and Gerard Brode, falconer, 30s., per ann. 18l. John Broune and Sir Henry Pynnago, ostregers, 31s., per ann. 18l. 5s. Umfrey and Jacob, falconers, and Piers, crossbow maker, 13s. 4d., per ann. 8l. Cornish, children's board wages, 26s. 8d. ... Jacques Shatillion, a Frenchman, 66s. 8d. Jerard Van Hertell, the King's plymmer (?), 22s. 2d., per ann. 13l. ... John Deverux, keeper of "foles," 5s. 2d., per ann. 60s. 10d. The three horsekeepers' board wages, 51s. 8d., per ann. 30l. v. .. The armorers in Southwark, monthly 39l., per annum 468l. Noye de la Sale, minstrel, 33s. 4d., per ann. 20l. Nic. de Bovall, minstrel, 55s. 6d., per ann. 50 mks. Fredrego Gratian, King's voulteger, 33s. 4d., per ann. 20l. Wm. Gawde, a Frenchman, 66s. 8d., per ann. 40l.
Total of monthly wages, 168l. 0s. 4d.; amounting to 2,807l. 3s. 2d. in the year.
Quarter wages, ao xii.
Sir Ric. Cholmeley, [deputy lieutenant of the Tower] (fn. 4), 25l. Lord Curson's fee, 100l. Wm. Norrice, master of the hawks, 10l. Mr. Heron, 25l. Pirro, the French cook, 66s. 8d. Massy Barbor, 100s. John Porthe, 20s. John Trees, yeoman of the "Juelx," 20s. 8d. Ric. Legh, yeoman of the Jewels, 33s. 4d. Robt. Draper, groom of the Jewels, 25s. Vincent Voulp, painter, 100s. John Haywod, a singer, 100s. Stephen Vinekeeper, of Richmond, 33s. 4d. Lovell, gardener at Richmond, 15s. 2d. John Herte, keeper of Greenwich, 15s. 2d. Ric. Rumsey, Ric. Simpson, John Lennolds, Denys Marughwhy and Wm. Armer, children of the Leash, 10s. each. Ant. Trasillon, clock maker, 30s. 5d. Henry Webbe, yeoman of Stirrup, 50s. Ant. Imers, of the Stable, 50s. Cuthbert Blackeden, yeoman apothecary, 22s. 10d. Raignold Golden, serjeant-at-arms, 4l. 11s. 4d. Wm. Lewez, organ maker, 50s. Mr. Lynacre, physician, 12l. 10s. Percivall Herte, sewer of the Chamber, 100s. Elynor Knyvet, for keeping of Sir T. K. children, 22l. 8s. 4d. John Staunton, keeper of wardrobe at Richmond, 10s. John Haryson and Antony Low, yeomen ushers with the Queen, 22s. 10d. each. Beringer Gosse, armourer at Greenwich, 45s. 8d. Wm. Okeley, messenger of the Prince's council chamber, 25s. Margery Parker and Eleanor Hotton, gentlewomen with the Princess, 33s. 4d. each. Marget Cousen, with the Princess, 20s. Alice Baker, another gentlewoman, 50s. Beatrice ap Rice, laundre with Princess, 16s. 8d. Sir Henry Rowte, clerk of closet with the Princess, 45s. 8d. John Jenyns, of the pastry, 30s. 5d. Robt. Webbe, keeper of stables at Greenwich, 30s. 5d. "Thancre at Shene," 33s. 4d. Geo. Lovekein, keeper of the gallery at Greenwich, 16l. 13s. 4d. Henry Selby, Edmond Lyne, John Cocks, John Yerdeley, John Node, yeomen of the buckhounds, 13s. 4d. each. Sir John Baker, 100s. Thos. Butler, late courserman, 30s. 5d. Robt. Gamell, Jas. Jacson, Austen Clerke and Rob. Bawmford, late coursermen, 20s. each. Henry Norrice and Wm. Caree, of the privy chamber, 8l. 6s. 8d. each. Thos. Carvanell, John Wellesbore, John Parker and Wm. West, grooms of the privy chamber, 50s. each. Nicholas Craser, an estronomyer, 100s. Jacob Hardy, late messenger of Tourney, 22s. 10d. Sir John Peche, 27l. 12s. Hilton, the dawkeeper, 15s. 2d. Robt. Bayldon, groom of the chamber, 50s. Fras. de Rege, horsekeeper, 100s. Ambrose de Millain, horsekeeper, 66s. 8d. Hannibal de Modena, horsekeeper, 33s. 4d. Paul Freland, harness gilder, 25s. Thos. Paulmer, late of Tourney, 50s. Thos. Ogle, of the stable, 50s. Griffitz Sadeler, for keeping the butts at Windsor, 15s. 2d. Oliver de Richmond, sewer of chamber, 10l. John Bunting, late of the vestry, 22s. 10d. Roger Beket, half-yearly, 100s. Total quarter's wages, 400l. 12s. 10d.; amounting to 1,602l. 11s. 4d. in the year.
Half year's wages,ao xii.
Sir Ric. Cholmeley, 50l. Lord of Essex, 50l. Firewood for the yeomen in the Tower, 26s. 8d. Ric. Eden, clerk of council, 10l. Davy Frauncez, the King's hosier, 40s. Sir Henry Pynnago, 10l. Dr. Rawson, for divers priests' fees, 60l. Christopher Knyvet, the King's priest at Walsingham, 100s. The King's candle there, 46s. 8d. Mary Reding, 10l. Sir Henry Guldeford, 50l. Thos. Tamworth, auditor, 100s. Thos. Ferror, usher of the Prince's council chamber, 100s. Guyot de Huell, 50l. Fras. Brian, Robt. Knolles, Davy Bastard Emery, 66l. 13s. 4d. Antony Guynes, his steward, 10l. Sir Henry Guldford, 16l. 13s. 4d. John English, 66s. 8d. Sir Ric. Wingfield, 100l. Sir Ric. Weston, 50l., Sir Wm. Kingston, 50l. Sir Ric. Jernegan, 50l. Sir Ric. Weston and Sir Thos. Lovell, for the wards, 50l. each. Antony Broune, 10l. Sir Edward Ponyngs, for crowned key, 40s. Lady Anne Grey, 6l. 13s. 4d. Mr. Croke, reading Greek at Cambridge, 5l. Antony Bergehed, lord of Grenberge, 39l. 10s. 10d. Mr. Garnish, house rent at Greenwich, 100s. George Pole, "squiers de Quere," 10l. Olyver Manners, another of de Quere, 10l. Symond Digby, Wm. Traunder, Wm. Windesor, and Thos. Travilion, the same, 6l. 13s. 4d. each. Wm. Est, keeper, for repairs of Woodstock and Langley, 60s. Dr. Fernando, the Queen's physician, 33l. 6s. 8d. Robt. Hopton, comptroller of the King's ships, 16l. 13s. 4d. John Parker, late of Tournay, 100s. Robynet, of Calais, 50s. Nicol Harvy, 10l. John de Verten, bastard, falconer, 10l. John de Bullemount, 10l. John de Lucy, 13l. 11s. 1d. Thos. Dove, 50s. Wm. Hastings, 50s. Wm. Sympson, 50s. John Russell, 16l. 13s. 4d. John Anlaby, 50s. Philip Denys, 10l. Rosset Moderley, 10l. Ric. Candishe, 100l. Guillam Breton, late groom ferrour, 50s. Total of half year's wages, 1,083l. 15s. 6d.
Wages of the yeomen of the chamber, daily waiters, monthly, on an average, 170l. The wages of the yeoman of the guard, at 4d. a day, paid quarterly, on an average, 400l.
Total of the wages in the whole book, for one year, 9,417l. 5s. 6d.
Pp. 11, commencement lost.
R. O. 1115. The KING'S HORSES.
Expences of Sir Edw. Guldeforde, master of the Armory, and others, for horses and stuff provided for the King's armoury, by John Frognall.
For "your" supper at Arkes, 21 Nov., and horse meat, 10s. 6d. (fn. 5) —22 Nov.: Dinner and horse meat at Lylers, 3s. 6d. Supper at Pont Avendon, 6s. 6d. To Robt. Elvisshe and Sandering, their costs at Ly[sle], 7s. Wm. Simpson, going to see horses at Belle and other places, 10s. To lord Pynnoy's horse keepers, 6s. To the governor of Bitton's, master of the horse and palfreniers, 5s. To Harry Woodford, going to Mons. Novell to see horses, 5s. My master's costs at Bytten, 6 days, 4l. 1s. 6d. Spent at St. Polle, 2s. To Davy Roche, 10s. For a bay horse with cut ears, bought of Ant. de Brausse, and given by the King to Sir Wm. Kingston, 140 cr.=44l. 6s. 8d.—Dinners and suppers at Peron, Condron, St. Quyntynes, 2 Dec.; Mounce, 3 Dec.; Valenciennes, 4 Dec.; Clery, 5 Dec. A bay horse at Clery, by Wm. Simpson, 20l.—4 horses, from 1 to 7 Dec., 21s. 3 bits, a horse-comb and a pair of spurs, 9s. 6d.—7 Dec., at St. Quentin's, bosses, 15s.—8 Dec., at St. Quentin's, costs and 5 horses for 6 days, 30s. Mane combs and ointment, 4s. To the guide, 6d. 6 awnes of broad cloth for horse cloths, 10s. 6d.—9 Dec., at Cambray. To the horsekeepers of the abbot of Cambray, 2s. To Lynney's servants, for showing his horse, x ...—10 Dec., at Arras, costs of Guildford's horses, 8s. Dinner and supper, 11s. To Jacotyn de Bornemacker, riding about the country to seek horses, 18d. a day. Hire of a hackney for him, 12d. a day.—11 Dec., at Byttun, to Gelytynes, for a sorrel horse for the Queen's litter, 13l. 10s. For candles, and given to the servant at Bettyn, on leaving, 5s.—12 Dec., at Are, to my lord of St. Barton's servant, 2s. 6d. 16 Dec., at Robart Elvisshe's house. Supper that night at Bullen. 17 Dec., at Mottrell. 18 Dec., at Abenvyle. To Buckevyle's servant, for bringing word of horses and acting as guide, 5s.—19 Dec., at Amyas, for a great steel saddle, 3l. Supper at Corby, 6s. Given to the lieutenant's servants to see his horse, 3s. 6d. To the captain's servant, to see a horse of his, 4s.—21 Dec., at Dorlance and St. Poule; 22 Dec., at Turwyn and Dornam. For hackneys from 16 to 24 Dec., at Bulleyne, 20s.
Expences of Robert Elvisshe and Sandering, going to see horses:—1 Dec., dinner at Honpount, 21s. (sic, qu. 21d.?) Supper at Shaloynor, 2s. 6d.—2 Dec., dinner at Cousy, 21d., and costs at Nansy, 2s. 9d.—3 Dec. at Sosson and Mounce.—4 Dec., at Companynyen and Sosson.—5 Dec., dinner at Voxus Sollyon, 22½d.—6 Dec., at Nansy and Noyon. For a white horse of Nassoye, 50l. 3s. Shoeing a horse, 12d.—7 Dec., at Hayne, 2 hackneys, at 8d. stg. a day each = 14s. 4d. Fl. A grey horse cloth, 2s. 3d. Elvisshe's costs going to my lord of Rarrowe (sic, qu. Barrowe?), Dyst and other places, 30s. To the bayly of Barrowe, a bay horse with a shorn mane, 120 gold guldyns=28l. Fl. To the burgh master of Barrowe, for a black horse with cut ears, 100 gold guldyns=23l. 6s. 8d. Bringing the horse from Barrowe to Cales, by Andwerp Stekyn, Eklowe, Bruges, Anuwport, Dunkerkyn and Gravelyngs, 21s. Toll of the horse at Gavelings, 6s. 6d. To Elvishee, for his costs going with Mons. Feyotte's brother to Corby for the [horse] he gave the King, 40s.
Sir Edw. Guldeforde's expences, by Deryke the page:—Dinner, &c. at Daverne, Bulleyne Marguyson, Gravelings, Dunkirk, Newport, Owdenbrugh, Dyxmew, Ipar, Bytten, Mynnyng, Rowley Owdenburgh, Newporte and Gravelyng. To Pety John, of Bullen, for seeing Saint Tobyn's horses, and other horses of the Bekes, 6s. 9d. A girth, 3d. 3 bits, 5s. 9½d, For "opening of a torney pyke," 4d. To a smith, for shaving his horse's top, 2d. Half an old sheet for the pied horse hurt. To the Vykawnte at Rowley, for a bay horse, 50l. A hackney for 10 days, 9s. 3d. Ferrying over at Gravelynge, 8d. Shoeing a horse, 3d.
Expences of Wm. Simpson and Sandring:—To the lieutenant's man of Valencinnes that he should not stop Frederick's horse at the gate, 4s. 3d. Costs from Hapre to Bytten with the said horse, and the bay horse of Clery, 6 days, 25s. 3d. Costs when he brought the horse at Cambray, &c., 10s. Costs at Lysle, Lanoye, Turnaye, Blamyn. and Lysle: To the 2 brokers at Lysle, 10s.; for a black pied horse, 12l. 13s. 4d. stg.=17l. 14s. 8d. Fl.; "for the laught they drank," 6s. 9d.; breakfast and horse meat at Lysle, 5s. 3d. Costs at Doway, Valencian and Bytten: to Antony Croham's boys, to go home to Brussels with the horse which he brought 70 miles to be seen upon liking, 15s.; to Vilford to go to Calais for money for Peto Delanoy's horse, 3s.; breakfast with "the captens Shokes," 18d.; a "lawgh" with the said captain, 5s. Costs at Bytten for 16 days, till Christmas after Guldford's departure, 5l. 10s. Going to see a horse at Axkes which captain Folke told him of, and a guide, 15s. To Pero de Lannoye for a grey horse with cut ears given by the King to Sir Griffith Rice, 160 gold guldyns=37l. 6s. 8d. To the Bastard, for his labor for brocage, 10s. A horse cloth, 2s.; a bit, 2s. Seeing Sir John Gaunte's horse at Lisle, 2 days, 10s. To a man, for bringing the black horse from Lisle, 2s. Spent at the tavern with Captain Folkes, 4s. 6d. 100 horse shoes and nails, 16s. 7d. Gloves for the lads, 6d. Costs at Bytten, 21 days after Christmas, 8l. 15s. Costs at Heyre, St. Omer's, Dornam and Guysnes: 2 red horse cloths, 5s. Simpson and Hauskyng going to see Mons. Bever's horse in Selond, 15s. 10d. To the horsekeeper, for "shoyng" the horse, 6s. 8d. A black bald horse bought at the Hayg, given by the King to the duke of Suffolk, 10l. 21 ells red frieze cloth, at 12d. 2 horse combs, 2s. For the horse left at Bruges with a sore [foo]tte, and to the smith that healed him, 8s. At Eklowe, meat for 2 young horses, at 6d. a day each, for 65 days; their toll at Gravelyng, 12s. 8d.
Expences of Sir Edw. Guldeford, riding into Zeland to see Mons. Bevers' and other horses; 12 Hen. VIII.:—Ferry at Gravelyng, 6d.; wine there, 6d. Shoeing a horse, 2d. Supper at Dunkirk, 6s. 6d.; fire there, 6d. Costs at Newport, Bruges, Newhaven, Flushing, Middleburgh, Armewe, Campvere, Antwerp, Brussells, Termond, Gawnt, Bruges, Owdenburgh, and Gravelyngs: to a friar, for saying a mass, 4d. Shoeing a horse at Sluce, 4d. For riding a horse at Dam, 6d. Ferrying over the haven at Sluce, 6d. Bearing the mail from Middlebourg to Armewe, 6d. Supper at Armewe on Ascension Day, 7s. 10d. For a bay pied horse given by the King to Ric. of Cornwall, 13l. 6s. 8d. 2 young bay horses bought of a man of Delf, 131 cr. 3s. 8d.= 41l. 13s. 4d. Saying a mass at Brussells, 4d. Given for God's sake, 2d. For 2 horses to ride to Mons. Barges besides Brussells, 2s. To Hans to ride into the land of Guyllyke, and bring a grey horse to Gawnt, 30s. For the grey horse, 250 cr.=79l. 3s. 4d. Standing of 5 horses, 6 days at Bruges, 15s. 10d. A hackney from Owdenburght to Gravelings, and then to Calais, 4s. 2d. To the nailers at Gawnt, to drink, 4d.
Sandring's expences:—Passage at Gravelyng, going from Calais to Bruges on his master's business on "Shrostewynsdaye," 12d. Wednesday, dinner at Dunkirk, 7½d.; same day, at Newport and Ostend. Dinner at Owdenburg, 7½d. Supper at Bruges, 8¼d. Monday at Lisle, Wednesday at Byttune, Thursday at Hayre, Friday at St. Omer's. A box of white ointment, 22½d. 6½ ells of black velvet for 2 horse harnesses, at 11s. the Flemish ell. 22 buckles and 22 pendants of latten, 11s. 6d.; cleaning them, 21d.; gilding them, 36s. 9d. 2 leather harnesses, 20s. 9d. 18½ oz. of fringe at 16d. st. an oz. 2 horse collars and a girth to "truss the coffyr with harness," 12s. 9d. 2 books of paper, 2s. A pair of shears, 2s. At Lysle, a horse cloth for the rownyd horse, 2s. 3d. 2 surcingles, 6d. To Wm. Symson, 5 phps.=20s. 10d. 100 rasiers of oats, at 22d. 1,000 garbage, at 4s. 4d. the 100. 700 tare sheaves at 6s. 8d. the 100. 300 bean sheaves at 10s. the 100. 150 wheat sheaves, at 13s. 4d. the 100. 10 sticks of black cloth for covering saddles for the King, 52s. 6d. Hire of 2 hoys to carry the horses to England, and for the mariner's abode while the weather was fair and stable, 6l. 27 iron staples to tie the horses to, 9s. 3¾d. Ropes to tie the spars to separate the horses, 12d. 2 new hogsheads for water, 2s. 9 baskets for the horses to eat from in the hoys, 2s. 3d. Carrying water, hay and oats into the hoys, 9d.
Expenses of carrying the horses into England, by Robert Burgent:—On leaving Calais, "supper of us all," 3s. At Sandwich, for the primage, 12d.; the custom, 5s. For setting up the bridge, 2¼d. For the right of the bridge to take the horses out of the ship, 18d. At Canterbury, ointment, 12d. Shoes for Petty John, 14¼d. Costs at Sittingbourne, 10s. st.=14s. Fl., and at Rochester and Dartford. Mending the stable at Greenwich, 9s. 8d. st. = 13s. 6d. Fl.
Sir Edw. Guildford's costs coming to England:—M. Priseley's house, outside the gates of Calais, supper, 11s. 2¼d. Hire of a ship, 26s. 8d. st.=37s. 4d. Fl. Boat hire at Dover, 5s. 7d. Costs in the bayly's house, 2s. 10¾d. 10 horses hired at Canterbury, 14s. To the King's hackneymen at Canterbury, 11d. A boat from Grenewyche to London for the saddler, 4¾d.; toll at Rochester, 16½d. Carriage of the mail and horse hire to Canterbury, thence to Dover. Freight of a ship to Calais, 42s. Boat hire there, 4s. 7¾d.
Costs of Ric. Pellande, Rauffe Brand, Richard Cutler and Hans going to Flanders to provide stuff for the triumph at the meeting of the King and the French king, 12 Hen. VIII.:—9 April, 4 hackneys from Calais to Bruges, 4 cr.=25s. 4d. 10th, at Bruges and Gawnt, for 3 hackney horses at 6 stivers each, 2 days, 6s. 11th, at Termont and Makeleyne, 12th, at Brussels. A pair of shoes for Rauff, armorer, 12d. Hans' costs when he came out of Guyllycke to Guildford, 12s. 8d. 13th, at Malens, 14th and 15th at Antwerp, 16th at Stekyn and Ecklowe. 3 horses from Bruges to Brussels, for 5 days, at 6 stivers a day each. 18th, at Bruges and Newport. Costs at Antwerp, 21st to 24th, 3s. 6d. 25th, at Makelyn. A wagon from Antwerp to Barrowe and back, 2s. A wagon from Antwerpto Malens, 12d. 5 May, a hackney from Malens to Brussells, 12d. Spent for his mule, 4 days, 2s. 13th, at Termont and Pallos; 14th, at Oudenarde and Bruges; 15th, at Owdenburght; 16th, at Newport and Skebellkynne; 18th, at Dunkirk. 2 "rappers" for the saddler to make the King's saddles, at Calais, 4s. 2d. 222 lb. of "hertsheyer," 17s. 6d. To Peter van Harne, for 2 "adds" for the saddler, 20d. 2 mawndes to put the chisels and "puchens" in, 20d.; another for the files, 8d. 2 canvas bags for the buckles, 18d. 4 tuns for the "burres," the "morns" and the counter-rowndels, 4s. 4d. 3 tuns for the vamplets, 3s. 3d. 2 wagons from Brussells to Macklyn, with the stuff. Toll of Brabonde between Vylvorde and Makelyne, 12s. 8d. Wagon toll at Termont, 3s.; at Bruges, 12d. Unlading the gear at Calais, 20d.
Costs of Robt. Mercer and a servant of my lord St. Barton's, riding with letters to my lord of Bevers, that the King should have his horse:—Dinner at Lowshys on Christmas Eve, 12d. Costs at St. Omers, Burburgh, Dunkerke, Ostende, Owdenburgh and Bruges. Boat hire from Bruges to Sluce, 16d.; the same from Sluce to Flushing, 3s. From Flushing to Middleburgh, 6d.; to Derver, 8d. Breakfast on Sunday with my lord of Revers', yeoman of the horse, 11d. Costs at Middleburgh, Flushing, Bruges, Skepylkynne, and Burburgh.
Provision of stuff for the triumphs, by Ric. Pelland:—2,000 mornes of steel glazed, at 18d. 2,000 counter-rowndells, at 10d. 2,000 burres, filed, at 16d. 1,000 vamplets of Isebroke, at 5s. 10d. each for grinding and glazing, and 6d. for garnishing and lining them. 1,000 myllen swords for the tourney, at 4s. 600 two-handed swords, at 7s. 6d. 100 heavy swords for the tourney on horseback, with tangs of massy steel, with two bands, at 10s., including cutting them shorter, new binding and scaling them. Glazing, new binding and scaling 600 two-handed swords, at 12d. each; glazing 400 heavy swords, at 4d. each. To Rauffe Brand, armorer, for riding into Flanders and Almayn to provide for the triumph at Guisnes, 12 Hen. VIII., 28 days at 12d.; a hackney for him at 12d. a day. To Ric. Cutler, for like costs, 56s. For shortening 500 swords with new pommels and crosses, at 10d. each. 6 sticks of russet velvet, at 11s. 6d.; and white and yellow velvet, at the same price. 3 sticks of canvas to pack the velvet in, 12d. 6 fat leather hides, 5l. 3 sommes of rivets containing 1,200 each, at 28s. 2d. a somme. 28lb. of cord for binding the swords, 21s. 6 bussells leather hides, 3l. 1,000 buckles, at 20d. the 100. 600 files, at 8d. 500 chisels and 500 punches, at 3d. 600 feathers with springs, at 2½d. 1,500 vices with worms, 24l. 6s. 6d. 600 fine charnaylls, 10l. 800 filed buckles, every piece filed out of a whole piece, at 3s. 2d. 12 sheffron, at 1 cr. each. 25 axes, at 6s. 8d. 40 velvet scabbards, russet, yellow, and white, quartered, at 12d. 1,000 sheets for glazing and new binding the swords, at 6d. For cutting shorter and new turning 500 swords for the tourney, and putting new pommels and crosses, at 10d. each. Breakfast for the lord of St. Barton's wagemen at St. Omers, 8d. Baiting his 3 mares and my horse. Drink homeward and outward, 3d. Beds at Calais, 2d. a night.
Expences for going into England for stuff for the triumph, by Ric. Pelland:—Going to fetch vamplates, sent from Antwerp to London. Hire of a "cache" to Dover, 20s. st.=28s. Fl. Hackney to Canterbury, 8d. st.=11d. Fl. Canterbury to Rochester, 16¾d. Rochester to Gravesend, 5½d. Gravesend to London, 22¼d. Repairs of a house in Calais where the King's armour lay:—To the tiler, 40s.; 15 rasers lime, at 6d.; 4 roof tiles, 5d.; 10 gutter tiles, 5d.; 4 days' work of a tiler and his man, 5s.; a carpenter, 27 days at 10d.; his servant at 5d.; 2 sawyers, 1 day, 20d.
"Mylne" horses for the King's armory. 2 sorrel horses, 8l. 17s. 7d. A grey ambling gelding, 8l. 8s. A "powesse" horse, 4l. 13s. 4d. A "dunned" horse, 74s. 7¾d. A black horse, 65s. 4d. A white horse, 56s. A "powesse" gelding, bought of John à Morgan at Calais, 65s. 4d.
Repairs of a house at Calais for the said horses:—600 bundles of reeds at 4s. the 100. Roddes and whites, 12d. A thatcher, 3 days, 2s. 2 loads hay, at 6s. 7 rasers oats, 23s. 4d. 300 straw, 12s.
To Wm. Heyward, master joiner, at 12d. a day, 2 May to 6 July. Wardens joiners, at 10d. Joiners, at 8d. 43 doz. calves' skins, at 5s. 4d. a doz. Carriage from London Wall to the Coyntreye (Vintry), 4d.; from the Vyntreye to the ship at Tower Wharf, 5½d. To three men for choosing spear staves in the Tower, at 8d. st. a day each. Two "sysyng" blocks and arming them, 16¾d. Hire of a hoy to carry 1,500 spear staves from the Tower to Calais, 8l. 8s. Two new keys for the workhouse doors there, 2¾d. 20,000 nails to nail the leather on the staves, counter rowndells, and "bawrres," 9l. 6s. 8d. Five men working a whole night at the beginning of the jousts, 4s. 7¾d. 4 lb. of candle for the night watch, 6d. st.
Taking down the mill at Greenwich, and other stuff belonging to the armory: four laborers for four days, at 5d. a day.
Three carpenters for taking down the mill at Greenwich, and setting it up and taking it down at Guisnes, 47 days from 21 March, at 8d. and 7d.
10 loads charcoal, at 12s. 7d. A ship of 44 tons from Greenwich to Calais, at 3s. 4d. st. ton. Carriage of two mill horses from Greenwich to Dover, 14s. Carriage of 54 wagon (loads to the King's armory, 14l. Four laborers at Guysnes, setting up the mill and making four forges, for 34 days, at 5d. a day. Carriage of 38 wagon loads) of armory stuff, from the camp and Guysnes to Calais, 7l. 18s. 8d. Freight of three mill horses from Calais to Sandwich, 16s. 9½d. A grey pied horse with cut ears, 50l. Given by Sir Edw. Guldeford to the King, a black pied horse, which the King gave to Master Carewe, a young bay horse called Byard Hays, and his boy called Jackett. A boy to Sandwich for them, 40s. Spars and staples for their stalls, 15d. Oats and hay, 11d. Their costs standing one day and night at Sandwich, 3s. 3d. Costs at Sittingbourne, Rochester, and Dartford, eight chafferous, of which six were delivered to Geo. Lovekyn, and two to my lord Marquis, 5l. 12s. Rent of a great woolhouse at Calais for an armory, 1 year from Lady Day 12 Hen. VIII., 9l. 6s. 8d. Rent of a house where 3,000 spars were stored for six years, at 40s. st. a year.
Received of Robt. Fowler by Sir Edw. Guldeford, 11 Hen. VIII., 1,300l. st.; of Sir Wm. Sandes, treasurer of Calais, 152l. 6s. 8d. st. Total in Flemish money, at 28s. to the pound, 2,033l. 4s. 8½d.
Pp. 35, mutilated.
* * * In Montgomery: to Chas. earl of Worcester, Sir Ric. Herbert, John Dudley, Thos. Sterky and others, 83l. 1s. 9d. In Elvell: to earl of Worcester, John Wren and others, 24l. 9s. 10d. In Buelth: Sir Rice ap Thomas, &c., 37l. 15s. 8d. In Bromfelde and Yale: Chas. duke of Suffolk and others, 95l. 6s. 8d. In Chirklande: duke of Suffolk. Wm. Edwards, &c., 45l. 8s. Late Sir Wm. Stanley's lands in Cheshire and Flint: Ralph Egerton, 10l. Deffrencloid: earl of Worcester, &c., 115l. 11s. 8d. Total, 673l. 13s. 3d.
Mutilated, pp. 3.
Fees and annuities granted by Henry VII. and VIII. to be audited by Walter Pattesall, 12 Hen. VIII.
To John Josselyn, auditor, John Jacson, bailiff of Stewton, Roger Wygston and James Chaplain, Sir Wm. Turwyt and others.
2. Annuity by late Viscount to Sir Thos. Lovell, from the manor of Wormegaye, Norf.
3. Coparceners' lands. Sir Willm. Compton, steward, Rob. Hennage and others.
R. O. 1118. NOTTS and DERBY.
Fees of the King's officers within the receipt of Wm. Keby, receiver of the lands lately belonging to Jasper duke of Bedford.
Sir Thos. Lovell, Ric. Hopkins, bailiff of Horseley, Wm. Keby and others. Total, 21l. 8s. 4d.
Lat., p. 1. Endd.
Er. Ep. XXIX.
Dedicates to him his Paraphrase on the Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude.
Er. Ep. XVII. 7. 1120. ERASMUS to MORE, Treasurer.
Recommends Conrad Goclenius, professor of Latin in the College of the Three Languages, Louvain. Anderlaci, 1520.
[...] GRANTS. 1121. GRANTS in DECEMBER 1520.
1. Th. Cade, of Geyton, Norf., husbandman. Pardon for killing Th. Stagge, of Geyton, clk., in self defence. Westm., 1 Dec.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18.
1. Christ. More. Wardship of Alice d. and h. of Edw., s. of Wm., s. and h. of John Cobbe. Del. Westm., 1 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
5. Ric. Panell, John Clerke, John Lovekyn and Adam Byston. Mortmain licence to alienate a messuage, 2 workshops (opellæ) and a parcel of land in the parish of St. Olave, Southwark, (bounded by tenements of the prior and convent of Lewes, of Wm. Braunche, of the prior and convent of St. Mary Overey, Southwark, and of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr, Southwark, the King's street from London bridge to the parish church, and a tenement of Th. Thaicher,) to James Denton, clk., rector of the parish church of St. Olave, and his successors, for the cemetery. Greenwich, 27 Nov. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
6. Sir Henry Marney, Sir Wm. Fitz-William and Th. Englefeld. Custody of the manors of Mickelton, Rumbald, Ovyngton, Lurtyngton, Dent-absque-Caldecotes, Sedberughe, Ingylton, Askrigge, Fremyngton, Ravynswath, Estaplegarth, Thorp, Richemond, Dalton, Quassheton, Cleseby, Clowbecke, Barwyke-on-Tese, Cudderston and Estanfeld, York, late of Sir Thomas Parre, during the minority of Wm. Parre, his s. and h., to the use of lady Matilda his widow, at the annual rent of 161l.; also of the manors of Westanfeld, Wath and Carethorp. York, late of the said Sir Thomas or of George lord Fitzhugh, to hold from the death of Katharine lady Fitzbugh, widow of the said George and now wife of Sir Th. Nevyle, and during the said minority; rent, 200l. Del. Hampton Court, 6 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
6. Th. Evans, clk., student in civil law. Presentation to the church of Mountgomerey, Heref. dioc., vice Hugh Pole, resigned. Greenwich, 4 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 6 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
8. John Wogan, gentleman usher, "quarter wayter" of the Chamber. To be bailiff errant of the lordship of Haverford West, during pleasure, vice Sir Th. ap Philip, deceased. Greenwich, 8 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.—P.S. (No date on roll.) Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
8. John Thomas ap Philip, sewer, and John Lloid, page, of the Chamber. To be stewards and receivers of the lordships of Llanstephan and Oisterlowe, S. Wales, during pleasure, with 100s. a year. Sir Th. ap Philip and Maurice Lloyd, their fathers, held the same offices by patent 18 March 7 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 8 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.—P.S. (No date on roll.) Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
9. John Thomas ap Philip, sewer of the Chamber. To be coroner and escheator of co. Pembroke, and the lordship of Harford West, vice Sir Th. Philips, deceased. Greenwich, 9 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.—P.S. (No date on roll.) Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
10. Sir Ric. Weston and Sir Edw. Belknapp. To be surveyors, governors, keepers, and sellers of wards and their possessions, during pleasure, with nomination of feodaries and other officers, power to convoke such of the council as are learned in the law, and with 100l. a year; the same having been granted to Sir Th. Lovell, treasurer of the Household, and the said Richard, but given up by Lovell on account of age and business. Del. Hampton Court, 10 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
10. Th. Yate, alias Yeate, of Bristowe, merchant adventurer. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 8 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Dec.—P.S. Fr., m. 1.
18. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam. Grant of the manor of Purbright, Surrey, with appurtenances in Pyrbright. Del. Hampton Court, 18 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
19. (fn. 6) Ric. Legh, yeoman of the Jewels. To have the free chapel called "le Wekes," in the lordship of Donyngton, in Holland, Linc., on surrender of patent 2 Dec. 3 Hen. VIII., granting the same to John Farding. Greenwich, 8 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII. (Date of delivery not given.)—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 11 (undated).
21. Ambrose Pudsey. To be keeper of Cottescough park, in the lordship of Middleham, on surrender of patent 2 May 1 Hen. VII., granting the same to Hen. Pudsey, his father, Henry VII.'s esquire. Also to be forester of one half of Coverdale forest, York. Greenwich, 13 Nov. 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.


  • 1. Or Mirfen?
  • 2. She was really his sister, and given in marriage to the duke of Orleans, not by her brother, but by her father John Galeazzo, whose title was not an undisputed one.
  • 3. This and the preceding letter evidently belong to the same period as nos. 766 and 767.
  • 4. So called in the account of the quarter's wages due at Easter 12 Hen. VIII. in the King's Book of Payments, with which this account nearly corresponds.
  • 5. All the amounts are in Flemish money, even expences in England, except when otherwise stated.
  • 6. This date is obtained from a subsequent patent, made on surrender of this. See Pat. Roll 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6.