Henry VIII: July 1520, 16- 31

Pages 331-345

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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July 1520

16 July.
R. O.
Expenses of the King and Queen and their household at Calais and Guysnes, while the Emperor, the French King and Queen, the Cardinal and other noblemen were there, from Thursday 31 May to Monday 16 July 12 Hen. VIII.
Money received.—From Wolsey, by Thos. Rawlyns, for a wey of bay salt, 13s. 4d. From the bp. of Durham, for 27,000 billet, 6l. 8s. 4d.; 4 tuns beer, 4l. From the lord Steward, for 2 tuns wine, 8l.; 10 qrs. wheat, 66s. 8d.; 4 oxen, 6l.; 20 sheep, 66l. 8d. From lord Mongey, for 500 talwood, 20s. From Edw. Ap John, for a mill horse, 38s. 4d. From John Guillett, John Parkar, Wm. Blacknall, Wm. Fulgeham, Wm. Brokesley, Ric. Walys, Robt. Colley, and John Wybarne, of Guysnes, for beer, &c. From John Newton, for poultry sold at the King's departure from Calais, 20l. 13s. 8d. From John Bryan, brewer of Calais, for 247 qrs. 2 bushels of malt, at 6s. 8d. a qr. From Thos. Cooke, for beer sold to the abbot of St. Austin's, Canterbury, and to my lord Admiral. Total, 229l. 8s. 11d.
From John Burr, of Barkyng, for 428 oxhides, at 4s. 2d. Wm. Buckland, of London, for 213 sheep's fells used at Canterbury, at 9½d., and 1975 at 12d., used at Calais and Guysnes. Thos. Serevyn, for 132 wey, 7 stone tallow from the oxen and sheep above, 10s. 8d. a wey. Of Wm. Hamyng, for hides and tallow of 5 oxen and 19 sheep, dead in murrain, 53s. 4d. Allowed in the creditors at Canterbury, Calais and Guisnes, for 441 stone of white, used for bakemeats, at 6d. a stone. Total, 280l. 11s. 10d.
Received from the King, by Heron and Wm. Bryswood, of Calais, 10,500l.
Payments.—Pistrinum.—To Stephen Cope, serjeant of the poultry, Thos. Tailor, John Raymonde, of Calais, Wm. Colff, of Cawce, John Smith, Adrian Sprete, Edw. Skele, John Case, of Pepelyng, Hen. Braybrooke, of Calais, John Goughe and Thos. Hungerford, the King's purveyors of wheat, Hugh Townley, constable of Guysnes castle, Ric. Wenebank, of Guysnes, and Valentine Harrison, serjeant of the bakehouse, for wheat, from 6s. 8d. to 11s. 11d. the qr. For carriage to Jane Whitefield, from Calais to Medelham, 2d. a load. From Mr. Mykelowe's house to the waterside at London, 2d. To John Case, Jas. Marland and Ric. Aveteryk, carriage of bread from Calais to Guisnes, 2s. 8d. a day each. To Joyce Philip, carriage of bread from the bakehouse to the Cheker at Calais, 2½d. a load. To Thos. Hungerford, for going from London to Calais, to St. Omer's and to the lady Margaret, for wheat, from 11 April to 2 May, with a man to speak the language, 45s. Costs of John Christopher and another soldier riding with Hungerford, to speak the language, 8s. 14 April to 19 July, to Wm. Courtney, Robt. Kyrbye, Ric. Jakson, Thos. Gardner, and Elys Davye, bakers, at 8d. and 7d. a day. Valentine Harrison, 12d. Thos. Sutton, 6d. To Hungerford, for riding from Calais to Chichester, Henley and Reading, for wheat, 28s. 4d. To Wm. Clerk, John Heth, John Sterland, Ric. Guye, John Stokwith, Wm. Canon, Robt. Mathewe, Ric. Reynold, Thos. Garlyk, Thos. Jurdanson, Lewes ap Rice, Thos. Forman, Thos. Aston and Roger Beton, bakers, 4d. to 8d. a day. To 5 "conducts bakers," from 18 June to 19 July, 4d. a day. To John Ambrose, Roger Okeham, Robt. Shalford, hired for 14 days, at 6d. To Wm. Hall, of Calais, 115 ells of canvas at 5d., for the pastry and for 3 bread carts; 4 bareshovells 8d.; 12 peels, 3s.; 4 cowls, 5s. 4d.; 2 pieces of fine reynes, 8s.; 3 pieces of coarse boulters, 15s.; 100 half-qr. sacks, 70s. 10d.; bringing the sacks from Queenhithe to Mr. Myklowe's place, 4d. To the clerk of the market, for making a measure for wheat, 12d. To the servant of the waterbailiff of Calais, riding from Calais to Morguyson, 8d.; 1½ hundred paving stones, 2s. 10d. To a bricklayer and his men for laying them, 8d. A lock and key, 6d. To Thos. Guynes, for measuring 80 qrs. of wheat at Calais, 20d. To Thos. Tayllor, cream for the King's cakes, 20s. 10d. To Cornelius Baker and Mary Thomas, for their house, hired for a bakehouse at Calais, 26s. 8d. Total:—Wheat, 811 qrs. 2 b., 381l. 6s. 7d.; flour, 2 b., 4s.; carriage, 9l. 5s. 3½d.; wages, 40l. 7s. 2d.; Necessaries, 11l. 7s. 11d.=442l. 10s. 11½d.
Panetria.—To John Fenne, for 2 doz. bread at Guisnes, 2s. To John Rogers, for 200 pippins, 5s. To John Busshe, serjeant of the pantry, for strawberries and junkets at Guisnes, 25s. Wages of John Nicolls, breadbearer, June and July, 20s. Hire of a wool house from Mr. Yerforde, for the pantry, 10s. Total, 3l. 18s. 11d.
Buttilleria.—To Allen King, for 2 butts Malvesey, at 4l. To Jas. Spence, 1 butt Romeneye, 53s. 4d.; 3 butts Muscadel, at 100s.; 2 butts Camplett, at 53s. 4d.; 15 fats of Rhenish wine, at 6l. 8s. To Ric. Prowe, Ric. Harton, Robt. Colyns, Edw. Burlacy, Wm. Courtman and Ric. Gittons, for Gascon wine, from 4l. to 4l. 13s. 4d. a tun; French wine, at 72s. 7½d. and 100s. a tun. To Thos. Knight, John Plesauns, Eliz. Harte and Robt. Flaxton, for ale, at 39s. 3d. a tun. To John Swete of Melton, for 1 tun of beer of the King's drinking, 32s. To Adrian Bereman, of London, and Wm. Antony, for beer at 20s. a tun. To Wm. Skerne, carriage of 100 tuns empty foists to the ship at London, 23s. 8d. To Davy Miller, freight of 87 tons, empty foists and 2 loads of hoops from London to Calais, 8l. To John Mace, Thos. Lancastre, Edw. ap John, Adrian Hole and Thos. Cooke, for empty hogsheads at 6d. each, and carriage of foists from Calais and St. Peter's to Medelweye and other places. To Roger Moore, Edm. Pekham and John Bryan, malt at 6s. 8d. the qr. To John King and Wm. Coterell, oats for the brewhouse at Medlewey, 3s. 6d. a qr. To Wm. Antony and Edw. ap John, for beer hops at 9s. the hundred. To Hen. Wright and Wm. Ruge, ashen cups at 3s. 8d. the 100. To Edw. Skele, for pint and quart earthen cruses, pottlers and galloners. To Wm. Bull and Alard Braban, for carriage. To Wm. Nitryngton, for leather pots and "gyspyns." John Guillett Cooper, 2 loads of hoops at 16s. To Roger Towker, for lading and shipping wine, at 6d. a load. To Roger Dell, for carriage of wine at wine at Wulkey and Botall wharf, at 2d. a tun. 5 fats Rhenish wine from Bruges to Calais, 40s. 8d. To Philip Lewis, wine drawer, his costs from London to Calais and back, 10 days, 26s. 8d. To Hen. Face and other coopers, for lading and unlading wine at Calais and Guisnes, 9l. 18s. To Adrian Buffle, carrying wine from Guisnes to the camp, 5 days at 2s. 8d. To John Bingham, John Cobyngham, and Henry Mewes, of Guisnes, for carriage of wine from Guisnes to Calais and to the camp, 2s. 8d. the load, or 2s. the day. To And. Bleke, for carrying 4 loads of Rhenish wine presented to the King by the Emperor, 4l. 7s. 8d. To the constable of Guisnes Castle, for carriage of wine from Guisnes to Calais. To Wm. Cross, for carriage from the Chekker to the Emperor's and other strangers' lodgings. To Hen. Face, for "coyning" wine, 12s. 10d. To Wm. Cotton, hire of the brewhouse at Medlewe, 13 weeks, 40s. Rent of other cellars, &c. from Humfrey Lytefote, Edw. Plankney and Mr. Lacy. To Roger Norrys, for 20 scop maunds for the brewhouse, at 10d. each. To Wm. Andrewe, for 3 mill horses, 10l. 15s. 6d. To John Van Hulke, carriage of the Pitcher House stuff from Guisnes to the camp, 2s. Wages of men lading malt, &c., 3 qt. measures, with rollers for malt, 25s. Grinding 145 qrs. wheat and oats at 3d. a qr. To Edw. ap John, chief overseer of the brewhouse, 8d. a day. Wm. Andrew, under overseer, 6d. a day; Wm. Donkerman, chief brewer, 10d.; Selas Johnson, under brewer, 8d.; other brewers, 6d. To Edw. Portalen, for his reward for making Ipocras in the cellar, 20s. To Alen King, sent from London to Calais and Guisnes, and from Calais to Canterbury, with Rhenish wine, 64s. 8d. To Ric. Annesley and others, carrying beer from Calais to Guisnes, at 20d. a wagon. To John Charles, freight of beer from London to Calais, at 3s. 4d. a tun. Totals:—Sweet wine, 8 butts, 31l. Rhenish wine, 15 fatts, 96l. Gascon wine, 98 tuns, 406l. 3s. 4d. Ale, 48 tuns, 94l. 4s. Beer, 20 tuns, 20l. 12s. Empty foists, 34l. 6s. 1d. Malt, 162 qr. 4 b. with freight, 315l. 16s. 2½d. Oats, 100 qrs., with freight, 17l. 10s. Beer hops, 3,771 lb., 19l. 2s. Ashen cups, 8l. 5s. Earthen cruses, 7l. 18s. 8d. Leather pots, 70s. 4d. Hoops, 32s. Carriage of wine, 66l. 17s. 1d. House hired, 4l. 3s. 4d. Necessaries and labor, 24l. 12s. 4d. Wages out of court, 62l. 3s. 6d. Carriage of beer, 46l. 7s. 3d. French wine, 77 tuns 1 hogs., 307l. 18s. 10¼d. Total amount, 1,568l. 1s. 11¾d.
Garderoba.—To John Thompson, Thos. Lane, Ric. Nashe, Wm. Hall, Ric. Moriff, Edw. Billing, Thos. Dercye, Alex. Nashe, Wm. Rogers and Stephen Ward, for white wax at 12d. and 14d. a lb. Polen wax provided by Belknapp and Thos. Knight at 4l. the 100; torchstaves, 16d. a doz.; wick, 2d. a lb.; links, 2d. a lb. To Windsor Herald, for "soteilties of divers sorts," 14d. a lb. To Ric. Gressham and Ric. Blagrave, for Holland cloth at 20d. an ell. To Ric. Harton, camerik at 4s. an ell; diaper at 4s. 8d. and 1s. 6d. a yd. To John Mace, for diaper of damask work, 7s. 6d. a yard; 8 barrels of white lights, each containing 12 doz., 6l. To Thos. Longe, carriage of 2 hogsheads and 3 barrels of wax from London to Calais, 3s. 4d. To John Carter, carriage of Mr. Myklowe's and Mr. Byrk's stuff from St. Antony's to the ship, 8d. To John Smith and his fellows, carriage of wood, rushes and salt from Calais to Guisnes, from 5 June to 15 July, 25l. 1s. 4d. To Laurence Chaundler, carriage of wheat meal, &c. from the haven to the bakehouse at Bolen Gate, 20s. To Thos. Rutton, carriage of 16 loads torches from the chaundry to the storehouse in Watergate, 10d. To Wm. Bitler, carriage of 8 loads of jewelhouse stuff from the chapel without Watergate to the Cheker, at 3d. a load. To Antony Carleton, carriage of 2 loads of the Queen's wardrobe from Guisnes to Calais, 5s. 4d. To Jas. Cope, 4 loads of the same from Guisnes to the camp, 8s. To John Pate, carriage of the King's Wardrobe of Beds, with 8 carts, from Guisnes to the camp, 16s. To Dr. Rawson, carriage of the King's closet stuff from Dover Castle to the ship, and from Calais Haven to St. Nicholas' Church, 3s. 8d. To John Fenne, for the carriage of the Emperor's stuff from Calais to Gravelines, 18l. 12s. 2d. To Thos. Betberd, carriage of 52 loads of the King's wardrobe from Calais to the ship, 13s. To Mr. Dosson, for a lock and key for the spicery door, 12d. To Robt. Lee, for a "gardevyan," 7s. 6d.; a casket for wafers, 2s.; 2 pr. of wafer irons, 12s.; 2 doz. "treen" spoons, 2d.; 3 casting boxes, 3s. 4d. To Windsor herald, 39 boxes for subtilties, 4s. 2,200 treen platters for the torches at the banquet, 13l. 15s. To Pase Mewe. cooper, a great tankard for the Ewery, 12d. To John a Wray, for hemming diapers, 9s. 8d. To Thos. Morres, of the Laundry, for carriage and house hire, 34s. 6d. To Thos. Lane, the hire of 100 moulds of wax, 6 May, 6l. 13s. 4d. To Thos. Vaux and Robt. Walsingham, for writing of the creditors of Canterbury and Calais, 40s. To Nic. Mychell, W. Rice and Wm. Mumbre, for their house, hired for Mr. Cofferer, Mr. Myklowe, and the countinghouse at Guisnes. Rent of houses used for the Controlment, the Spicery, the Chaundry and the Wafry at Calais and Guisnes. To Thos. Hungerford and John Wulbaston, for pippins, cherries, strawberries and pears. Wages out of court to Thos. Byrks, Nic. Hurlton, Nic. Godebody and Thos. Sankyll, wax chandlers. To Thos. Warde, John Stanbank and Wm. Cresswell, "for making of herbigage;" John Hamlett, yeoman "carttaker;" John Williams, groom "carttaker;" Wm. Halder, wayfarer of London, 16d. a day; Sir Rauf Elderkar, Mr. Myklowe, John Shirley and others. Totals:—White wax, 4,702 lb. 1½ qr., 301l. 11s. 3d. Yellow wax, 7,914 lb., 317l. 13s. 8½d. Spice and "soteilties," 344l. 6s. 4¼d. Diaper and linen, 162l. 4s. 2d. White lights, 17l. 3s. 10¼d. Carriage and freight, 157l. 11s. 2½d. Necessaries, 47l. 11s. House hire, 62s. Fruit, 24l. 10s. 9½d. Wages out of court, 108l. 12s. 4d. Torch staves, wicks and links, 30l. 8s. Total amount, 1,514l. 14s. 8d.
Coquina.—To John James, of Antwerp, for 2 fresh sturgeons, 78s. 8d. 31 May to 16 July, to Wm. Wolverston, the King's sea fisher, for five dories, 8s. 8d. 48 mullets, 31s. 8d.; 21 basses, 26s. 8d.; 30 turbots, 66s. 4d.; 9,100 plaice, 36l. 11s. 8d.; 7,836 whiting, 7l. 12s.; 6 halibuts, 20s. 4d.; 700 conger, 49l. 12s.; 288 cod, 4l. 4s. 8d.; 5,554 soles, 28l. 0s. 8d.; 1 dolphin, 40s.; 300 breams, 102s. 8d.; 1,890 mackerel, 66s. 7d.; 3 porpoises, 4l.; 11 haddocks, 3s.; 3 crabs and 1 lobster, 16d.; 4 trout, 10s.; 2,800 doz. (?) crayfish, 35s. 4d.; 1 fresh sturgeon, 4l. 13s. 4d.; 3 fresh salmon, 13s.; carriage, 53s, 4d. To John Rycroft, wages of cooks and pastlers, at 20d. a day. Laborers in the Larder, privy kitchen, scalding house, hall kitchen, and boiling house, at 4d. a day. Wages out of court to Robt. Constantine, groom of the kitchen, John Alumbye, groom of the boiling house, Peter Gold, Geo. Nelson and others, 6d. a day. Board wages of the henchmen, chapel and guard. House hired for the scalding house, 3 weeks, 3s. 4d. Woolhouses hired for the dry and wheat larders, &c. To the mayor of Dover, for carriage of venison from parks in England, 116s. 6d. Freight of 2 bucks powdered from Dover to Calais, 2s.; 17 bucks from Essex to Guisnes, 52s. Costs of Edm. Sampson, sent from Calais to Sussex to my lord Arundel for venison, 40s. Carriage of bucks from Walden Park in Essex, Hithe, Bowghton Park, Arundel, Eltham, Ledys, Donemowe and Bradfield. Carriage of 3 doz. venison pasties from Dover to Calais, 12d. To my Lady Tachett, for carriage of venison from Calais to Guisnes, 12d. To John Boylinger, carriage of 2 great leads from Calais to Guisnes, 5s. 2d.; 1 lb. blue bice, 5s.; 1½ lb. vermillion, 20d.; sponge, 8d.; 16 doz. thin paper, 13s. 4d.; 2 lb. "sorres," 8d.; ½ lb. "flerrey," 2s.; 3 lb. "grene arabik," 16d.; 4 lb. glue, 10d.; 4 lb. "vergresse," 2s. 8d.; 3 lb. "orpenett," 3s.; 2 lb. red lead, 4d.; 2 lb. "ossedey," 2s. 2d.; 1 lb. white lead, 2d.; 14 sticks of sugar candy, 9s. 1d.; 1 lb. yellow ochre, 1d.; ½ lb. sanguis draconis, 5s. 4d. To John Alumbye, for mending two wagons, and for a laborer who helped the leads up into the cart which broke between Calais and Guisnes, 2s. To Robt. Whitelok, for soldering the boiling leads, 6s. 8d. To Wm. Company, for 3 flesh axes, 5s.; 6 dressing knives, 10s.;3 mincing knives, 5s.; 10 lashing knives, 3s. 4d. To John Ricrofte, a George, 10s.; 4,000 wafers for "soteilties," 16s. 8d.; 16 "conyssances" upon glasses for the King's arms, 10s. 8d.; 41 score "fanys" of the King's and others' arms, 6d. a score; 60 moulds, 6l.; 24 lamps, 2s. 8d.; 2 doz. glasses, 9s.; 1 lb. "ancomyn," 6d.; ½ bundle brown paper, 6d.; 2 panes of copper tinned for ovens, 8s. To John Van Standley, a house hired at Guisnes for the clerk of the kitchen, 2s. 8d. To Wm. Pawne, for victuals spent at Staple Inn while the Emperor was there, 6l. 2s. 8d. Recompense for poultry dead in murrain, house hire, &c., 18l. 2s. 8d. Totals.—Sea fish, 208l. 9s. 5½d. Wages of cooks, pastlers, &c., 164l. 17s. 2d. Wages out of court, 11l. 2s. 1d. Board wages, 63l. 6s. 8½d. House hire, 28s. 4d. Carriage and freight of venison, 35l. 7s. 10d. Necessaries and freight, 49l. 7s. 2d. Fresh acates, 6l. 2s. 8d. Carriage of kitchen stuff, 19s. 7d. Total amount, 541l. 0s. 8d.
Emptoria.—To Wm. Honyng. 373 oxen, at 29s. 10½d. a-piece; 4 were sold to the lord Steward. 2,014 muttons, at 3s. 7d.; 20 sold to the lord Steward. 86 veals, from 2s. 4d. to 3s. 8d. a-piece. To Wm. Stafford and Thos. Raven, for 756 veals, from 31 May to 17 July; 18 hogs of grease, at divers prices. Lambs, bacon, &c. from Christopher Jackson, John Plomme and Stafford. Fish from Wm. Honyng and John Fenne: 2 trouts, 4s. 4d.; 1 fresh salmon, and 3 great trouts, 13s. 4d. To Hen. Berd, for 111 carp, 11l. 17s. 8d.; 223 tench, 116s. 4d.; 316 perch, 28s. 8d.; 36 bream, 37s.; 218 pike, 6l. 16s. 2d.; 3,300 roach, 66s.; 250 shallows, 23s. 8d.; 160 crabs, 6s. 4d.; 1 basse, 16d.; 600 flounders, 12s.; 1 trout, 5s. 4d. To Thos. Tylley, for 40 bream, 4l. 18s. 4d.; 6 trout, 10s. 8d.; 494 tench, 11l. 13s. 6d.; 276 pike, 11l. 12s. 4½d.; 450 perch, 73s.; 2,900 roach, 73s. 10d.; 2,600 flounders, 45s. 10d.; 217 carp, 15l. 18s. 8d.; 22 roasting eels, 16s. 2d.; 200 "pimple," 4s.; mussels, 2d.; 380 crabs and lobsters, 12s. 8d.; 116 shallows, 15s. 4d. To Wm. Honyng, freight of sheep from Hithe to Calais, 4d. a-piece; oxen, 2s. To Margett Goldsmith, for a butchery at Guisnes, 3 weeks, 13s. 4d. To Mychell Bynde, hire of a house at Newnam Bridge, for a butchery, 6 wks., 10s. To Mr. Whetell, John Cokson and Mr. Peche, for pasture hire. To Wm. Rawson and others, carrying bay-salt, 1d. a load. To Thos. Judd, waiting upon the offal, between Guisnes and Calais, 6d. a day. To Edmund Langthorn, for 140 "flaill bones," bought at Guisnes for a banquet, 26s. 8d.; carriage of 200 lings from Canterbury to Calais, 9s. 8d. To Robt. Lark and Geo. Mawkes, carrying 600 ling from the ship to the Garner. To John Alen, carriage of 9 qrs. 4 lb. bay-salt from Calais to Guisnes, in 3 wagons, 20d. a wagon. To Margett Goldsmith, carriage of 84 loads of flesh from the butchery in Guisnes to the larder, 4d. a load. Adrian Sprete, carriage of offal from Guisnes to Calais, 2s. 8d. a day. 17 July, to Wm. Honnyng, 8 muttons, 24s.; 1 qr. beef, 7s.; half a veal, 2s.; 3 lambs, 5s.
Totals: 373 oxen, 557l. 3s. 4½d. 2,014 sheep, 360l. 16s. 10d. 842 veals, 156l. 13s. 5d. 18 hogs of grease, 15l. 6s. 8d. 51 pigs, 33s. 8d. 16 lambs, 22s. 101 flitches of bacon, 117s. 10d. 880 ling, 43l. 5s. 2,306 "modefishe," 36l. 4s. 8d. 19 sturgeon, 67l. 6s. 400 stone white, 13l. 10 qu. white salt, 53s. 4d. 28 wey baysalt, 21l. 3s. 4d. Fresh water fish, 98l. 9s. 8½d. Freight of beef and mutton, 70l. 9s. 4d. Pasture and house hire, 60l. 6s. 9d. Wages, 58s. 8d. Necessaries, 8s. 6d. Fugations (drovers' wages), 28l. 4s. 2d. Carriage of store flesh, &c., 11l. 11s. 10d. Fresh acates, 38s. Total amount, 1,553l. 13s. 1d.
Pulletria.—To John Newton, for 30 doz. capons of grease, 2s. 4d.; 75 doz. and 1 capons "K," at 12d.; 6 doz. and 10 pheasants, at 2s.; 203 doz. and 9 quails, at 4s. a doz.; 42 doz. and 2 geese, at 7d.; 2 peacocks, 5s. 4d.; 16 doz. and 7 gulls, at 16d.; 7 doz. and 8 cygnets, at 5s.; 30 doz. and 9 pigeons, at 10d. a doz.; 11 doz. and 7 mews, at 10d.; 26 doz. and 1 herons, at 2s.; 5 doz. and 5 shovellers, at 2s.; 6 doz. and 4 storks, at 3s.; 7 doz. and 2 bitterns, at 2s.; 4 doz. brewes, at 20d.; 11 egrets, at 20d.; 30,700 eggs, at 12d. a 100; 214 lbs. butter, at 2d. a 1b.; 1,000 pepins, 3s. 4d.; 2 qrs. oatmeal, 40s.; 36 gal. oil, 36s.; 12 prs. paniers, 40s.; from 31 May to 17 July. To John Byrling, of St. Omers, for 13 doz. and 4 quails, at 2s. a doz. To John Rogers, hemp seed, at 10d. a bushel. To Jas. Anderpoden, 5 doz. and 5 brewes, at 11s. 8d. the doz. To Stephen Cope, 7 partridges, 12d.; 17 plovers, 12d.; 7 lapwings, 4d.; 21 doz. pigeons, 18s. 10d.; 41 doz. hens, 6l. 16s. 10d.; 27 doz. and 3 pullets, 62s. 2½d.; 67,350 eggs, 24l. 9s. 8d.; onions, 18d.; gooseberries, 2d. To Julyan Palyard, for 46 doz. 6 quails, at 2s. 2d. a doz., and 2s. 2d. for a cage for them. To John White, 195 dishes butter, 30s. To Edw. Brysley, 33 doz. and 7 rabbits, 6l. 14s. 4d.; 12 kids, 12s.; 1 carp, 10s.; 5,500 oranges, 4l. 10s.; 8,300 pippins, 8l. 2s.; 200 lemons, 2s. 8d.; 2 g. olives, 2s.; 16 lb. capers, 5s.; 2 bush. peson, 20d.; 21 mawnds, 31s.; carriage of poultry from Brydges to Calais, 12l. 14s. 8d.; toll at Gravelines, 40s.; his wages, 16d. a day. To John Rogers, 432½ gal. cream, 14l. 8s. 4d.; 946 gal. "crudd," 14l. 2s. 7d.; 562 gal. milk, 7l. 0s. 7½d.; 4 gal. gooseberries, 2s. 2d.; 6 bunches onions, 12d.; 12 cheeses, 8s. 1d. To Basteau Albright, 26 doz. and 7 herons, 26l. 11s. 8d. To Thos. Wudroffe, 13 swans, 30s. 4d. To John Copland, for 9 dozen and 10 conies, 39s. 4d. To John Forde, 137 doz. rabbits, at 2s. 6d. the doz. To John Leyland, for 1365 lambs at 19d. To Julyan Loder, carriage of a load of poultry from the Haven to the Poultry in Calais, 3d. To Adrian Johnson, carriage of poultry stuff from Calais to Guisnes, 23 days, at 2s. 8d. a day. Carriage of 715 lambs from Newman Bridge to Guisnes, 44s. Wages of John Williams, Thos. Vaux, John Welche, Jas. Sutton and Thos. Bone, 6d. a day; Stephen Cope, 12d.; John Pellam, John Repyngton, Thos Sawer, Thos. Clydrowe, John Hunt and Wm. Antony, cutters of meat for the poultry. 6d. a day; Wm. Barton, Wm. Farnett, Roger Barowe, Alexander Story, and other feeders, 4d. a day; Jane Boneford and Adrian Story, 12d. a week; Agnes Alonbon, 2 weeks, 20d. Reward to the Emperor's clerk of the kitchen, who brought some fowls as a present to the King, 4l. 6s. 8d. To Stephen Cope, going to Chichester to provide wheat and wood there, 6l. 13s. 4d. To John Copeland, riding into Flanders for poultry, and into the Vale for rabbits, 11s. 6d. To a joiner at Calais, for a cage with joined work, 2s. 2d. To Stephen Cope, carriage of 40 doz. quails from Antwerp to Calais, 4s. To the carrier of St. Omer's, for a quarter of hempseed, 6s. To Margery Bennett, for fanning and washing 4 qr. hempseed, 14d. To Robt. Constantin, for line and cord to hang the quails' cages, 14d.; 40 ells canvas for the poultry, 5d. the ell. To Guilbert Fawkner, 18 boges of water for the poultry, 3s. To Robt. Wilkinson, carriage of water from Medelwey to the poultry at Calais, 11d. a day. Totals: Poultry, 1,258l. 15s. 10d. Carriage and freight, 17s. 2s. 3d. Wages and rewards, 46l. 7s. Necessaries and meat, 50l. 0s. 3d. House hire, 2l. 0s. 6d. Total amount, 1,374l. 5s. 10d.
Scuttilleria.—To Thos. Ustwayte and Laurence Ascleyn, pewterers, for 10,654 lb. pewter vessels, at 46s. 8d. the cwt. To John Harrison, for 3 loads of quenche, with the carriage, 8s. 4d. To Wm. Ruttor, for 16 glasses for "soteilties," at 3½d. To John Greenwood, for a brazen mortar weighing 56 lbs., at 3d. a lb. To Roger Norrys, for 2 great coalbaskets, 8d.; 12 white baskets, 3s.; 11 doz. and 6 great flaskets, 57s. 6d. To Nic. Pynson, for 8 skimmers, 13s. 4d.; 5 laten ladles, 8s. 4d. To Philip Fewacre for 6 treen peels, 2s.; 2½ doz. great bowls, 20s.; 2 doz. ipocras bowls, 10s.; 5 doz. trays, 25s.; 3 doz. great treen pestles, 60s.; 18 cowlestaves, 3s.; 6 coal shovels, 18d.; 12 drinking bowls, 9d.; 2 great bread graters, 4s. 8d. To Robt. Thosen, for 18 cowls, 21s.; 2 close cowls, 3s. 4d.; 13 stowpes, 3s. 3d.; 12 small padlocks, 18d.; 3 jaging irons, 12d.; a pair of water bowges, 33s. 4d.; empty pipes for powdering tubs, 14s. 8d.; 6 stock locks with keys, for woolhouses, at 8d. To Sampson Bradsha, carriage of 9 loads of coals from the coalpits to Guisnes, at 7d. a load; and 12 loads quenche from one wood to the other, at 12d. To Jas. Wading, hire of a great kettle to boil beef in, for 6 weeks, 10s.; hire of pots, pans, spits, &c., from London cooks, 17l. 7s. 8d.; Wm. Lowyn, Thos. Allen, and other "brenners," colliers, and hewers, 6d. a day. To John Ap Rice, sent from Calais to London, for pewter vessels for the banquet, 10s. 8d. To John Carter, carriage of 6 barrels 1 kild. of pewter vessels from St. Anthony's to the Tower Wharf, 8d.; carriage of 7 loads of quenche, from St. Peter's to the Forest beyond Guisnes, at 2s. a load; 49 loads of water from Bolengate to the Cheker, 1½d. a load. Totals: Pewter vessels, 248l. 9s. 2d. Necessaries, 56l. 14s. 6½d. Wages, 56l. 3s. Carriage of stuff, 16l. 4s. 3½d. Total amount, 377l. 11s.
Salsaria.—To Thos. Seryven, for a hogshead of white vinegar, 23s. 4d.; 3 hhds. red vinegar, 50s.; a pipe of verjuice, 20s.; 4 bush. mustard seed, 10s. Wages of Wm. Richardson, Wm. Worall, Ric. Pittor and Jenyn Conykle. A mustard querne, 7s. 3d. Pears, apples and cherries for the Emperor, 6s. 1d. Wages of Ric. Williams, and 5 others, in the Salsery, at 4d. a day. Totals: Sauce, 12l. 7s. 9d. 7 qrs. 5½ bush. flour, 4l. 6s. 2d. Herbs, 6s. 8d. Wages, 10s. Necessaries, 53s. Carriage, 10s. 8d. Labor hired, 40s. Total amount, 22l. 14s. 3d.
Aula et Camera.—To Edw. Philips, of Tendredyn, 566,000 tallwood, and billets at 4s. 9d. the 1,000 with freight. To Mr. Belknapp, 109,750 billets, at 4s. 9d. the 1,000; rushes at 16d. a doz. To Matthew Page, 450 doz. sent from London to Calais, 23l. 6s. 8d.; for mowing and gathering rushes, 14 days, 6s. 8d. Wages of workmen piling billet, 4d. a day; carpenters, 8d. and 7d. To Wm. Chace, for carriage of wood to the Lord Steward, Treasurer and Comptroller in Calais, 13s. 8d. To Ric. Wales, 4 loads straw, 2s. 8d. a load. Totals: 691,400 tallwood and billet, 178l. 9s. 5¾d. Rushes, 52l. 3s. Wages, 12l. 6s. 2d. Carriage, 105s. 10½d. Necessaries and house hire, 4l. 12s. 9d. Total amount, 252l. 17s. 3¼d.
Stabulum.—To Wm. Cotton, 2 loads hay, at 5s. To Cornelius Williams, freight of hay from London to Calais, at 7s. 6d. a load, over and above 40s. paid by Edw. Weldon. To Laurence Townley, 1 load, 16s. 5d. To Wm. Cottill and John Candisshe, freight of oats from Greenwich to Calais, 8d. a qr. To John King, of Aldren, in Essex, 82 qrs. oats, 3s. 6d. a quarter with freight. To Thos. Harrison, 300 garbage, at 4s. a 100; 20,000 garbage, at divers prices. Wages of Rauffe Davenport, at 12d. a day. Wm. Corff, Lewes Leytton and Thos. Harrison, 6d. a day. To John Shirley, cofferer, board wages of the Stable, June and July, 40l. Totals: 258 loads hay, 204l. 11s. 1d. 1092 qrs. oats, 194l. 7s. 6d. Garbage, 51l. 11s. 2½d. Litter, 11l. 19s. 3d. Wages, 39l. 6s. 2d. Necessaries and house hire, 33l. 18s. 6d. Board wages, 40l. Total amount, 575l. 13s. 8½d.
To Mr. Carter, for the diets of the Lord Cardinal from 26 May to 17 July, at 12l. a day, 612l.
Remaining at Calais.—Sir Edw. Guylford, 12 loads hay, 4l.; 33 qrs. oats, at 2s. 8d. Sir Wm. Sandes, 16 loads hay, 106s. 8d.; 33 qrs. oats, 4l. 8s.
Total: 8,839l. 2s. 4d.
Pp. 100.
R.O. 2. An estimate for the diets of the King and Queen, with other nobles, at Calais and Guisnes, for one month, in June and July 12 Hen. VIII.
700 qrs. of wine, at 12s. a quarter. 150 tuns French and Gascon wine, at 110s. the tun. 6 butts sweet wine, 27l. 560 tuns of beer, at 20s. 340 beeves, at 40s. 2,200 muttons, at 5s. 800 veals, at 5s. 80 hogs of grease, at 8s. Salt and fresh fish, 300l. Spices, 440l. Diaper and linen cloth, 300l. 4,000 lb. wax, 200l. White lights, 26l. 13s. 4d. For the Poultry, 1,300l. Pewter vessels, 300l. Brazen pans, spits, &c., 200l. 5,600 qrs. coal, 280l. Tallwood and billet, 200l. The stable, 200l. Costs of purveyors, 140l. Hoys and crayers for conveyance of victuals, 73l. 6s. 8d. 4 pipes Ipocras, 80l. Rushes, 40l. 20 cooks and 12 pastelers, at 20d. a day. 40 laborers, at 6d. 12 brewers and 12 bakers, at 8d. Carriage of victuals from Calais to Guysnes, 130l. Total, 7,633l. Rebate for hides, fells and tallow, 223l. 6s. 8d., leaving 7,409l. 13s. 4d.
Paper roll. Endd.
15 July.
Galba, B. VI.
Thanks for the presents of the King and Wolsey. Begs they will consider the trouble he has had to recover Mortaigne from De Ligny, which he kept for 28 days, but placed it in the hands of Belknap. Regrets to give so much trouble; it is the last time he will write. Gravelines, 15 July 1520. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
17 July.
On my arrival, gave the Emperor your answers to what I had said to you in his name. Found him well disposed to commute the bishopric of Badajos for an annual pension borne by the see, and he promises another pension from the first wealthy see that is vacant, instead of the pension promised by the marquis of Arschot. No one in the court here will accept the said see with a greater burden than 3,000 ducats, and I wish to know whether you will take the see, which is worth 5,000 ducats, or the said sum.
The journey to Italy which we spoke of, will end in either a war, or else great loss of money and honor to both princes. Your advice in this matter ought to be acted on; and the lord to whom I spoke at your wish, thinks the same. The Emperor will write to Don John Emmanuel to the same effect as you have determined to write to the ambassador at Rome, about the matters treated at the meeting of the kings at Calais, to gain the Pope's favor for their realms, and keep him informed of the occurrences there. What you said about the legateship will be done. Hears from a friend that Campeggio was slow in obtaining the protectorship of Germany. The Emperor will consider about the petition I presented on his behalf from you. St. Omer, 17 July 1520.
Have not mentioned the pension of 2,000 ducats from the see of Palencia. It is reserved, and the matter is quite safe.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Ill. [et Rmo] D. D. ca[rdinali Ebora]cen. s'ctæ sedis [ap'licæ] legato de later[e], in regno et dominiis ser. regis Angliæ, &c. Endd.
19 July.
Lettere di
Principi, I. 78.
922. BISHOP OF BAYEUX to the CARD. S. MARIA in Porticu.
* * * Madame told him that she had heard from Montmorency, who was present at the late interview, that Chievres and the Chancellor tried to persuade the king of England to treat with her nephew against France, and that the King said he was much surprised that those who owe so much to their master could be so ungrateful as to lead him into evil by teaching him to break his faith at such a tender age; for they well knew the treaties that they had with France. For his part he was ready to declare against any one who would do France an injury, and he had said the same to her nephew, showing all favor to Montmorency in his presence, and telling him that he had not only a good understanding with France, but most cordial love for Francis, whom he praised most highly, adding that they were not only alike in mind and will, but in person, and showed a doublet and a cloak (? ciamarra) that he had on given him by the French King, and said so much of this friendship that the Spaniards departed ill pleased. England is now desirous that if the French be sought in friendship by the Spaniards, nothing may be done without his privity. Thinks a promise will be given to this effect. The Pope is not without suspicion that at this last interview there was some treating for a new friendship between this King and Spain. This distrust has created some dissatisfaction here, where the friendship of his Holiness is more valued than ever, and they hope to kiss his feet once more. The sending of Morette [to Rome] is deferred till the close of the interview. * * * Poissy, 19 July 1520.
19 July.
Calig. D. VII.
Yesterday, on hearing of Rochepott's arrival from England, went to St. Germain's at 8 o'clock in the evening. Found Francis newly risen from bed, for he had been "all the day, which was marvellously hot, at the chace." Francis informed him of the "high declaration" made by Henry to the king Catholic of the amity with France, and of the familiar entertainment of the said Rochepott, which have given him "all the pleasure, joy, and comfort that human creature may receive;" telling him that Henry had showed himself his perfect friend, and that he should think the time long till he had an opportunity to requite his friendship. He then went to supper. Rochepott arrived soon after, and made a similar communication to him; and after supper to my Lady the King's mother, who was no less joyous of the news than the King her son. Hopes to bring over some "clokkes" for the King. The duke of Alençon has promised to send over his servant who plays the clavichords. Poissy, 19 July. Signature burnt off.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
23 July.
Lamb. MS.
St. P. II. 35.
The archbishop of Dublin and others returned from Waterford on the 10th, and have taken a truce between the earls of Desmond and Ormond. Has laid waste the country of Connyll O'More. Has taken the oath of O'Kerroyll, the most esteemed captain of the land. Gives an account of his conversation with him, and a letter he had received from the earl of Kildare. Has his son and brother in pledge. The country is now in peace, except O'Nele. In talking with O'Downyl, the latter said, "If ever the King send the earl of Kildare hither in authority again, let the King make him an assurance by indenture of this land to him and his heirs for ever." Has been constantly employed in war, and thinks the Irish will not be brought to good order except by compulsion; and that will require much men, money and time. Sickness prevails in the English pale, and the yeomen of the King's guard are anxious to return to England to take care of their farms. Desires to raise a troop of horse. Dublin, 23 July.
27 July.
Galba, B. VI.
Arrived at Bruges on Saturday last. Went to the Emperor, who is four leagues hence. He said he should never forget his reception in England and at Calais, and was sorry he could not return your kindness at a better place than Gravelines. He will enter this night with great triumph, and a great assembly of nobles of the country, ambassadors and other Almains, who have come since our being at Calais; amongst whom is duke Henry of Brunswick, with 60 horses, counts Wm. and Hans of Nassau, the counts of Sorna, Verdenberg, Fostenberg and Salma; the least of them with 20 horses. Has not yet heard of any French ambassador, but the lady of Vendôme came two days ago, with her son the Cardinal and divers French gentlemen. Does not know their object, but is sure they will have but a small audience to their overtures. It is said the Emperor will go to the coronation at Aken, after Michaelmas. There is no answer yet from the Electors, but "it may not tarry nor be contrary to his Majesty's desire." The ceremony will be at Hallantydde, and take but few days. The Emperor will then go to Nuremberg, where by ancient custom the estates will meet to order the affairs of the country, and the journey to Rome.
Asked the ambassador of Augsburg, who seems to be a wise man, what he thinks of the said journey, and what assistance the Emperor will have. He said that, considering the decline of the authority of the empire, all wished for his full coronation; and if he execute good justice in Almany, he will have 40,000 foot and 10,000 horse paid for a year. I suggested that, according to a proverb in my country, the exaltation of the lord is the oppression of the subject; that the Princes of Almain might be jealous "for their excessive liberties;" and that justice could not be administered without giving great offence to the said princes, "whoose ben the keppers and fydders of all robbers." He answered, that both lords and commons have a good "imprension" of those of the blood of Osteriche, especially of this young Emperor; and that he would no more use tyranny than his predecessors; that the lords further the journey to Rome, as they hope to share the lands which would be reduced to the Emperor's obedience; and that there are more who want justice than not. He thinks the French king cannot refuse a passage through the duchy of Milan, and if he do, he will be the breaker of the peace, and not the Emperor, who, by the prerogatives of the empire, must go with the power requisite for his surety.
Divers merchants from Nuremberg and Ulmo say the Emperor will have an aid of 400,000 guildens a month, for a year, and that the imperial towns will gladly pay it, if justice be reformed, and the robbers punished "and not accepted by the marquises of Brandenburg and certain other barons." Lately, a gentleman of the marquis Casimirus, with 100 horse, attacked the earl of Hettyng and the Chancellor of the elector of Mayence, to rob them. After fighting some time, both were sore hurt, the Earl so badly that he died in two days, and all their goods were taken. Many complaints have been made about it to the Emperor, but he answers that he can do nothing till he comes to Almain. The Pope gives fair words and promises to the Emperor "by the hands of Raphael de Medicis and conduytte of the cardinal de Medicis." The prothonotary Karaccolo, a Neapolitan, brought up by the cardinal Askanyo, has come to be resident here. He is considered a good imperial, as he showed when in Almain, at the election. Sending such a man seems to show a good mind, and that whatever the Pope says to the French king, his intention is not so clear as he makes believe; or else both will be entertained with words till he can join the stronger; but, owing to his lack of money, his assistance will be of little value. A kiusman "of his" says his Holiness "has no money, but great debts, none resolution or execution in his affairs, and that many of his conditions may be compared unto some that the Emperor Maximilian had." Was secretly told that he had put to death lord John Paulo Ballyon because he had practised in Italy in the French king's favor, so that his resistance to the coronation would be of little effect. Heard from divers deputies of Brabant, Flanders and Zealand that they will continue the great aid for three years. It will begin in six months, and amount to 600,000 fl. a year. They will also give him 500,000 ducats of gold, or their value, for his coronation. The joint answer of the estates, however, is not yet made, but will be, at Ghent. Fellyngher and Bandysius tell me that those in Ostreche, Tyroll and "other paternal succession in Almany," have agreed to a tax by which the Emperor will have 600,000 guildens clear; and he will have 200,000 ducats from Naples.
Spanish affairs are in the state you know. No lord has made any open demonstration against the commons. They say they will obey the Emperor in everything, except in allowing money to go out of the kingdom, and strangers to have offices, so that the Emperor can only reckon on the revenues of the three magistracies, which are farmed for three years at 212,000 ducats of gold a year; the farmers to answer every three months at such place as the Emperor shall be in. Other rents they will distribute for the Queen, for men-of-arms, for keeping Navarre and the towns of Barbary, and paying the pensioners there resident. 100,000 ducats are lacking of the sum appointed at our departure for the Emperor's service; which is to be taken out of the extraordinary aid. The subjects that the queen of Arragon had in Castile, in recompence of her dowry "contrachanged in Naples" by her husband's will, to prevent her marrying a Frenchman, have rebelled, and yielded themselves to the crown. Does not know what satisfaction will be made her. The duke of Alva thinks the insurrection will be with difficulty appeased, in the Emperor's absence; and as to Toledo, both spiritual and temporal insist that if the Cardinal intend to enjoy his revenues and collations by virtue of the apostolic indultu, he must reside there. The Marquis, his uncle, has diminished the great charges and household appointed for his entertaining, which seems as if he had little hope of soon reducing his see to obedience.
The said Marquis has sold to the duke of Beagger his office of contador mayor, some say for 30,000 ducats. I am told that they intend to sell certain towns and lands in Naples, "of the succession of the queens of Naples deceased," amounting to 10,000 ducats a year, and to 200,000 in vendition. The count of Benevent offers 120,000 ducats for a lordship in Castile, so that I cannot see the Emperor has any lack of money for his voyage.
I have divers times visited your ambassadors and commissioners, giving Sir John Hose and Dr. Knight the precedence when we meet. This letter was commenced on the 22nd. On the 23rd the Emperor made his entry, and on Monday next he will remove to Gant, to have the answer from the General Estates. This morning, the 27th, the Marquis had at dinner with him the cardinal of Bourbon. Bruges, 27 July 1520.
P.S.—A post has come from Almain that the Chancellor of the elector of Mayence is dead; that the duke of Vyertenberg has had money from France, and begun to make men enter his duchy, where Sevenberg was gone to defend the country; in which the said Elector and others of the league of Swevya will assist. The Elector wrote to the Emperor that he intended to revenge the death of his Chancellor, and that, as to the Duke, the remedy must be sought against the French king, and they must give him cause not to meddle with Almain. This morning, the 28th, the Marquis has desired me to bring to dinner with him Hose and his colleague.
Hol., pp. 11. Add.: To [my lord] Cardinal's grace.
27 July.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Raphael de Medici says, you told the Pope's ambassador you had heard from me that he had many practises with the Emperor on behalf of the cardinal de Medici. He has also complained, in other places, of my speaking about it. I have told him I mentioned it to you only to show his great influence with the Pope and the Cardinal, and in order to induce you to confer with him rather than with the Pope's ambassador at Calais. The Pope's nephew who spoke with you at Guisnes is here, and is in favor with the lord Marquis. I shall learn from him of the business of Rome, but everything must be kept secret. Letters have been brought from the lord Leonard to lord Fiennes. My man, Echyngham, a discreet young fellow, who was present at their delivery, says, the lord Leonard demanded a declaration upon certain words laid to his charge; to which Fiennes replied, that he had never heard of any such, and for his kinsman's sake would send a gentleman to the King to justify himself. The lord Marquis says, that, true or false, he regretted the scandal, and thought the best remedy was to know nothing about it; for one day, which it was reported to the late King of Arragon that certain Castilians had spoken against him, he said, laughing, that he had a covenant with them that they might say what they pleased, if they did afterwards what he pleased.
Cowke and his brother, who were in great favor with the duke of Suffolk, are here, about to enter the Emperor's service, and, I am told, talk more than they should do. Such men ought rather to be provided for in England. I have told the lord Marquis it would be advisable not to receive any man without first knowing the King's mind. A young man named Acceby is come, whom the Emperor promised to receive at the duke of Suffolk's instance, and with him divers tall fellows, who cannot hold their tongues from speaking against France. I delivered your letters to the lord Marquis, saying he might be sure you would prefer their friendship to any other. He has great confidence in you. La Roche also received your letters, and will do his best in the matter of your bishopric and pension, the bulls of which have arrived. Wm. de Barre and others are anxious to have the commissions to convey them to you; but I have insisted that they be delivered to me as you direct. I enclose a letter from La Roche, showing that he has complied. My lord Marquis told me of the coming of the Master of the Rolls, of which you had informed him. If I am to continue with the Emperor, I trust my honor will be better regarded after my 12 years' service than it was at the arrival of your ambassadors in Spain. Henceforth, I shall write news of your private affairs in a letter apart. Eight bundles of cloths and some worsteds, belonging to Rauson, have been arrested at Barrow, having been sent out of England under a strange name. We have obtained letters for their delivery to Hennage's servant, and will arrange to lay good watch for Rauson. Bruges, 27 July 1520.
Hol., pp. 5.
Congé d'élire vice Thos. Worcester, last abbot, deceased. Westm., 28 July.
Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 23.
29 July.
R. O.
Indenture, dated 29 July 12 Hen. VIII., witnessing that Tunstal, Master of the Rolls, has delivered to Sir John Cutte, under-treasurer, the following writings:—
Confirmations of a treaty of marriage between my lady Princess and the Dauphin, dated 21 Dec. 1518; a treaty of peace between the King and Francis; a treaty for restoring Tournay; an article comprising the Scots, and a treaty of depredations; all of the same date. Obligations of Francis, for payment of 600,000 cr. on the delivery of Tournay; for payment of 23,000 l. Tournoises, the residue of the debt of Tournay, for the King's pension of 1,000,000 cr., and one made at Arde for payment of 100,000 francs yearly; and confirmations, for an interview between the two Kings, of a treaty for payment of 1,000 fr. yearly, and of the first peace. Signed by Tunstal.
R. O. 2. By similar indenture of same date:—
A commission under the great seal of king Lewis of France, dated 13 July 1478. A writing made by Chas. bishop of Elnen, dated London, 15 Feb. 1478. A letter of prorogation of an annual cense to 100 years, dated 14 Feb. 1478, and sealed by the said Bishop. An acceptation of the comprehension of the Venetians under lead, dated 15 April 1519. Signed by Tunstal.
R. O. 3. Ditto.
The confirmations of the treaties of amity and intercourse between the King and the prince of Castile, dated 13 Feb. 1515. A commission under the Prince's great seal, dated 16 April 1516, to conclude an amity. The amity, concluded 19 April 1516, with three seals. Treaty of intercourse between England and Flanders, 11 April 1520, with four seals. Treaty of interview with the king of the Romans, 11 April 1520, with four seals. His commission to conclude the said interview and intercourse, 25 Feb. 1520. An instrument of an oath by the prince of Castile, 23 April 1516, and the oath signed by him. A treaty on paper between the King and the king of Romans, signed by the latter, and dated Calais, 14 July 1520, with his oath and confirmation dated 15 July 1520. A treaty of amity between Henry and Ferdinand king of Arragon, dated 11 Dec. 1515, with Ferdinand's oath and a notarial instrument. Signed by Tunstal.
4. Cutte's acknowledgment of the receipt of the documents mentioned in § 2. Not signed.
31 July.
Er. Ep. XII. 15.
Inveighs against Lee. (fn. 1) His chief support is stupid abbot and one Standish, first a minorite, then a theologian, afterwards a bishop. Gives an account of a ridiculous sermon preached by Standish before the lord mayor and corporation at Paul's Cross, in which he inveighed bitterly against the new edition of the New Testament by Erasmus, and the translation, "In principio erat Sermo." The same day Standish dined at the palace, when the conversation turned upon the sermon, and Standish was taken to task by two courtiers. Shortly after, in the presence of Henry and his Queen, Standish took occasion to abuse the writings of Erasmus, and raising his hands and eyes to Heaven, in a theatrical attitude, implored his Majesty to succour the Spouse of Christ, if no one else would come to the rescue. One of the courtiers, mimicking Standish's voice and manner, begged him to point out the dangerous heresies of which he complained. Describes the ridiculous controversy which ensued, betraying the gross ignorance of Standish. Louvain, pridie kal. Aug. 1520.
Er. Ep. XIII.
Received his billet as Pace was mounting his horse; wished much to speak with him, and congratulate him on his new dignity. Complains that Lee's attacks are scarcely creditable to England. Antwerp, 1520.
31 July.
R. O.
931. The MAGLORY.
Cost of new rigging and caulking the "Maglorie," from 30 April 12 Hen. VIII. to 31 July, paid by John Hopton, clerk comptroller of the ships.
Wages of 20 men, from 2d. to 6d. a day, 56s. 11½d. To Thos. Jameson, merchant of York, for victualling them for 127½ days, at 18d. a week. To Wm. Loppam, boatswain of the said ship, and 6 men, rigging the ship from 30 April to 7 May, for their board, 15d. each. To Jameson, victualling 11 mariners at 16d. a week or 2½ a day; 4 cwt. of ball flax, 10s. a cwt.; 7 lb. of thromes, for mappes, 2d. a lb. Conveying a mast from Erith to Deptford Strond, 4s. 6d. Wages of a boy for 3 weeks, 12d.; and a mariner for 2 weeks, 16d. Total of the new rigging of the "Mary Glorye," 13l. 18s. 8½d.
Pp. 3.
R. O.
... supper and horse meat at Lisle, 19s. 4d. Tuesday, dinner, when Mons. Crossell dined with you, 15s. Suppers at Tournay, 4s. and 2s. A bit there, 7s. 6d. Beans and barley for the great horse at Lisle, 12d. A mane comb, with a sponge and a horse comb, 22d. Fire and washing at Lisle, 11s. 8d. Hire of 3 hackneys at Lisle, 2s. 3d.; for painting the pattern of a bit, 8d.; for 4 bits, 6s. 8d.; 3 doz. and 2 red headstalls with reins to them, at Lisle ... Shoeing of horse, 12d. 2 pipes and 3 hogsheads, and striking up of them, "and nails to put in of the King's stuff," at Brussels, 7s. 6d. The cutler's servant, for packing the "stuff," 3s. John Porter's cost at Bruges, 2s. 6d. Carriage of the said stuff from Brussels to Antwerp, 26s. 8d. Customs at Antwerp, 2s. 4d. Carriage by water to Calais, 9s. 4d. Crimson velvet, 28s. a stick. 4½ oz. silk fringe, 5s. 11d. 1 quire paper, and for money laid out by Charles from Brussels to Antwerp, 15d.
"Money laid out by Robert [Elvisshe], for the said Sir Edw. Guldeford, at his going into Holand."
Baiting at Barowe ... Given to my lord of Barowe's servant ... Shipping from Odenbusse to Rotterdam ... 2 waggons from Rotterdam to Delft, ij .. A boat from D[elft] to the Haghe, 8d. Dinner for Hen. Woodford, the page, and Elvisshe, at Delft ... 2 new collars at Haghe, 2s. Crimson velvet for 2 headstalls for the two hobbies given to the king of Castile and my Lady, and for making, 18s. 8d. Dinner and supper of 8 persons, 2 July, 5s. 4d. To Richmont, for a letter made by the king of Castile's clerk, 4s. 8d. Given that night to Mr. Ponyngs' cook, 4s. 8d.; for your lodging at Haighe, and all your servants', 16s. 4d.; for 2 couple conies, 16d.; "for my costs from Lisle into Holland," 11s.; do. from Antwerp into Holland another time, 14s.; for a hammer, 2 butters, 2 pr. of princers, 2 rapiers, 3 calking irons, 9s. 4d.
"Money laid out by John Caf ... for the said Sir Edw. Guldeford."
For 3 waggons from the Haighe to Rotterdam, 10s. 2 ship shired, from Rotterdam to Oldenbusse, 15s. For supper and breakfast at Oldenbusse, 13s. Supper, breakfast, and horse meat at Stekyn, 27s. 2d. The same at Ecklow, 25s. 6d. Friday, July 20: Payments for bread, beer, turbot, and several sorts of fish (quantities not given). Sunday: 4 chickens, 11d.; 2 ribs beef, 22d.; 2 geese, 22d.; a heronshaw, 18d., &c. Total, Sunday and Monday, 103s. 6d. Dinner at Odenborow, 8s 9d. At New[por]te, supper, breakfast and horse meat, 16s. 6d. At Dunkirk, dinner and horse meat, 12s. 2d. At Gravelines, supper, breakfast, and horse meat, 14s. 10d.
"Money laid out by Raff Broke coming after with the King's great horse to Calais."
At Odenborow, for 93 men and horses, 36s. At Newport, the same, 41s. 6d. At Dunkirk, the same, 38s. 6d. At Gravelines, the same, 38s. 4d. Toll for the waggon that carried the horses' gear, 16d.; toll of all the great horses bought in F[lan]de[rs], 6l. 7 rasours oats, 2s. the rasour. 6 cwt. straw, 13½d. the cwt. 5 loads hay, 11s. 9d. Hire of 4 hoys to carry the horses from Antwerp to Calais ... A ship for you, your servants and horses to Dover, 3l. 6s. 8d. Lodging at Sandwich, 3s. st.=4s. 2¼d. Fl. Carrying the stuff from Sandwich to Canterbury on horseback, 3s. st.=4s. 2¼d. Fl. Horse meat at the Cheker, the Lion, and the Swan, Canterbury, 24s. st.=33s. 7d. Fl. Medicine for one of the horses=6d. st. 7¼d. Fl. A pair of hosen and shoes for the boy, 2s. st.= 2s. 7¼d. Fl. At the George at Richmond, for hay and oats, 20s. st.=28s. Fl. By the King's commandment, to Walter, lord Istelton's servant, who came with the horses, 6l. 13s. 4d. st.=9l. 6s. 8d. Fl. Cleaning the 746 Almain rivets, brought to Calais and now in the armoury house at Southwark, 12d. apiece.
Pp. 16, badly mutilated and defaced. The amounts, where only one currency is mentioned, are all in Flemish coinage.
July/GRANTS. 933. GRANTS in JULY 1520.
7. Hen. Vaughan. To be serjeant-at-arms, with 12d. a day. Calais, 3 July 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Calais, 7 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 18.
8. John Lavelle, of Rouen, merchant. Licence to import 300 tuns of Gascon wine. Calais, 4 July 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Calais, 8 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
11. Justices of Assize.—Western Circuit: Th. Elyot with Sir Ric. Elyot and John Broke. Guysnes, 11 July. Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d.—Home Circuit: Simon Fitz with Sir John Fyneux and Sir John More.—Oxford Circuit: Rob. Brudenell, jun., and John Weste, with Sir Lewis [Pollard] and John Fitzjames. Guysnes, 11 July.—Pat. p. 2, m. 6d.
11. John Pageot, of Heybryge, Essex. Reversal of outlawry; sued for debt in the Common Pleas, by John Twedy, and having surrendered to the Flete Prison. Westm., 11 July.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7.
14. Wm. West, groom of the Privy Chamber. Grant of the quitrent of tenements called "le Croune," in Westchepe, parish of Saint Mary Colchurch, London, forfeited by Sir Ric. Charleton, attainted; and of the keepership of the castle or manor and of the park of Clipston alias Clepston, in Shirwoode forest, Notts, of Clipston Park, and the pond called "Clipston Damme." Eltham, 25 March 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 July 12 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
14. Sir John Talbot and Margaret his wife. Licence to impark land and wood at their manor of Albrighton, Salop. Del. Calais, 14 July 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
17. Th. and Rob. Palmer. Grant of the next presentation to either of the two royal chantries called "Mortemer's Chauntries," in Chichester Cathedral. Calais, 10 July, 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Calais, 17 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
19. Henry Redman. To be master mason of the King's works at Wyndesore Castle, vice Rob. Legate, with 6d. a day. Del. Calais, 19 July 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
27. Roger Cholmeley, usher of the Chamber. To be walking and riding forester of Galtras, York, during pleasure, with 4d. a day; also release of all sums received by him for exercising the office from 19 Aug. 1 Hen. VIII. under an invalid patent. Del. Westm., 27 July 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
29. Wm. Fuller, of Stanyng, alias of Horsham, Sussex. Pardon. Del. Westm., 29 July 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
30. Th. Alford and John Catcote, yeomen of the guard. To be keepers of the common gaols of Ilchester and Dorchester, in survivorship. Greenwich, 23 July 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
30. Boston. Assent to the election of Sir Rob. Dymmok as mayor, and Roger Meres and Rob. Tomlynson as constables, of the staple of wools, hides, fleeces and lead at Boston. Westm., 30 July.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 23.


  • 1. For other letters on this subject, see XII. 12–14.