Henry VIII: June 1520

Pages 299-319

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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June 1520

"A remembrance for my lord concerning 100 men to be conveyed to Guisnes."
Captain, petty captain, chaplain, fifer, drum, archers, bills (named). Conduct money from Motesfount to London, 70 miles at 12 miles a day; for 5 days at 2s. 6d. a man. Prest money while at London, from 29 May to 2 June, and for 4 days more between London and Dover, 6d. a day. 4 yds. cloth for each man's coat, at 16d. a yard. Prest money for the captain from Mottesfount to London, and wages going to Dover, 4s. a day; for the petty captain, 2s. Total, 63l. 1s. 4d.
Pp. 8.
3 June.
Vit. B. IV.
B. M.
856. LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Has stated in his previous letters that the army of the Turks had crossed the Bosphorus. Now hears that a great fleet is collecting in the neighbourhood of Rhodes. Urges him to take measures for the safety of Christendom. Rome, 3 June 1520.
Lat., much mutilated. Add.
4 June.
Vit. B. IV.
B. M.
Had written in his last the Turkish news to Wolsey. When they had given up all apprehension for this year of danger to Christendom, the old rumor suddenly springs up of great preparations being made by the Turks, and fasces to fill up the ditches,—no doubt against Rhodes. The knights have sent urgent requests for assistance; 2 large galleys are in the port of Leghorn, with 700 foot on board. In compliance with the promises made to Campeggio, begs that the King will send 1,000 foot for 4 months, and a sum of money by some of the English knights at Rhodes to raise and ship them thither. The Pope does not want to touch them. The bearer will tell him more. The King is in great reputation in Christendom. Has heard no more news of the storming of Gerbe by the Spanish fleet, of which he had spoken to Wolsey. News has just come of the arrival of the Emperor in those parts, which given great satisfaction. Rome, 4 June 1520. Signature burnt off.
Lat., pp. 3. Add.
4 June.
Vit. B. IV.
B. M.
After their last letter about the preparations of the Turks, a unanimous report had come from Constantinople, Venice, &c., that a fleet of 300 galleys had left the Hellespont, to attack Rhodes, as was generally supposed. The Pope has sent letters to require assistance;—presses Wolsey. If the Rhodians are defeated, repentance will be too late. The Pope has hired certain galleys at the port of Leghorn, and a large galleon. Jo. Paul Balioni, who attacked the churches of Perugia, suffered for his crimes in St. Angelo, on the 2 June. Rome, 4 June 1520. Signed.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2. Add.
R. T. 137.
Teulet, I. 17.
Memorandum of what Francis is to say for Scotland at his interview with Henry VIII.
Before going, it would be well to find out what England will do for Scotland, telling them that Albany has authority to treat, if they think fit. If they agree to that, to propose an alliance for mutual defence between the three kingdoms, without in any way infringing the previous treaties between France and Scotland. If they do not wish Albany to return to Scotland, alleging that the King would be in danger, and that the Queen would be probably illtreated, is to reply that she would be more glad than any one else to have him back; that the King is in Edinburgh Castle with a guard, and that no one can enter without leave but the Queen, who can go when she likes. Three great personages appointed by the estates, have the custody of his person, and are changed every four months. If the King chooses, he might send a body (guet) of his Scotch guard to satisfy the English, with an homme de bien to conduct them to the captain of the Edinburgh Castle. The Pope, France, England and Denmark should send resident ambassadors to Scotland, to watch over the safety of the King and preserve the friendship between their states. The captain of the guard set over the King by the council to take the keys of the castle every night. If the Queen will deliver Stirling Castle to Albany, the King shall be removed thither, or to some other place as seems best. If it is necessary to remove him, from sickness or other cause, it shall be done by advice of the ambassadors and of those who have charge of his person, in presence of the Queen, if she be in Scotland. Albany shall not interfere with the King's personal matters. The ambassadors to be allowed a company of six persons each, and to see the King as often as they think fit. The Queen's property to be restored to her according to the conjunct feoffment. The English not to prevent the governor's passing and repassing to Scotland. If the English do not agree to this, they can prolong the truce with the same articles as that made by the governor and ratified by the three estates when he was in Scotland. If it come to a discussion, it may be noted that the English have often broken the truce, and were the cause of the murder of La Bastye, the capture of Poillot, and the death of the prior of Coldingham, at which 40 or 50 Englishmen were present. Likewise there was a great number at the rout of the warden of the Marches, where one was killed. They have also taken our (Scotch) ships and goods. Are informed by Albany that at the Tournelles at Paris, the English ambassadors said that Henry was satisfied with the Governor's conduct; on which Francis turned to Albany, and bid him remember that, as it was to his advantage, if Henry refuse these overtures, it will be evident that he does not wish to treat France as a friend. Francis will remember that since the death of the late king of Scotland, no peace or truce has been made with Eng- land without his advice, and now he ought not to forsake them. It is impossible to preserve the kingdom, unless the Governor return hither immediately, as the English wish to see them divided and fighting with each other.
Fr., pp. 5.
R. O.
St. P. II. 31.
Understands, by their joint and several letters, the time when they arrived in Ireland, the rebellious state in which they found the country, their measures taken to put down the insurgents, and their lack of horse, victuals and assistance from subjects within the Pale; on which account they wish to have 80 horsemen from the North of England and Wales, and to be allowed to discharge as many footmen of the guard as may pay their wages, seeing that many of them, being wealthy householders, would be content with 2d. or 1d. a day to return to England, if they were assured of 4d. a day after the war is over. Hopes the difficulties they have encountered at first will be overcome. As the Irish are assembled in so many distant places in woods and other strongholds, has authorized Sir Wm Bulmer to get ready 100 light horse of the north parts to be at Chester on 10 August, under the leading of his son Sir John, who is well known to "you our lieutenant." Has also written to Sir Rice Ap Thomas to get 50 Welsh horsemen in readiness to take passage on the same day. Has advanced money for their coats and conduct, and a month's wages beforehand at 9d. a day each man; the captain 2s. 6d., and the petty captain 18d. They are at liberty to discharge footmen of the guard as they propose. As the horse cannot live upon their wages they may take coyne and livery until the land be reduced to obedience. The investigation touching the conspiracy of the earl of Kildare is committed to the Chancellor, the cardinal of York, who has not had leisure hitherto to examine it on account of the interviews with the king of the Romans and the French king. The Earl, however, continually attends upon the said Chancellor, and will be tried according to law. Thanks them for sending the archbishop of Dublin to Waterford to arrange the dispute between the earl of Desmond and Sir Piers Butler. Hopes they will be reconciled, and assist in suppressing the rebellion. Desires them to practise with the leaders, both of the Englishry and of the Irishry, to come to them as obedient subjects. If the King can do any good by writing to them himself, will do so; "for now, at the beginning, politic practices may do more good than exploits of war, till the strength of the Irish enemies shall be enfeebled." Are to sow divisions amongst them to prevent their confederating. If, by such means, they attain any "towardly comfort" this year, next year the King will increase their power. The French king has offered, unasked, to send thither any number of horse or foot Henry may wish. Informs them that after the king of Castile had visited the King at Canterbury, he repaired to his dominions, and the King crossed to Guisnes for the interview with the French king.
Draft, corrected by Ruthal, pp. 7.
6 June.
R. O.
Rym. XIII.
Ratification of the treaty made on the Field of the Cloth of Gold with Henry VIII., touching the marriage of Mary with the Dauphin, the sums of money to be paid to England, and an arrangement with Scotland to be settled between the duchess d'Angoulême and Wolsey. Arde, 6 June 1520.
Rym. XIII.
2. Similar ratification by Henry VIII. Guysnes, 6 June 1520.
Latin. Fr. 12 Hen. VIII. m. 6.
S. B.
Rym. ib.
3. Second ratification of the above by Henry VIII. Guysnes, 13 June 1520.
Latin. Fr. 12 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
7 June.
R. O.
Sends the seigneur de Fletres, the bearer, to show the King and Wolsey the arrangements he has made for the meeting. Ghent, 7 June. Signed and sealed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A monsr. le card. d'Iorck, legat et primat d'Angleterre.
8 June.
R. O.
Will write to the bishop of Helna in answer to what the King has stated, relative to Wolsey's communications with the king of France and the lady of Angoulême, on the points touched upon at the meeting at Canterbury. Ghent, 8 June. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
8 June.
R. O.
Has written to his ambassador, the bishop of Helna, on the matters which have been signified to him touching Wolsey's communication with the king of France and the lady of Angoulesme his mother. He is to credit him entirely in all matters touching the meeting at Canterbury. Ghent, 8 June. Signed and sealed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons. le cardinal d'York, legat et primat d'Angleterre.
8 June.
R. O.
Desires credence for Thomas Pynelle (Spinelly), the bearer, who is going to England (par dela). Gand, 8 June. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le card. d'York.
8 June.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 4th. On the 6th the Emperor made his entry into Ghent with great triumph. The court will remove on Monday or Tuesday next to Brussels, where the estates are convoked for the 15th, and will shortly after return to Flanders to be near the King. Was told by the lord Marquis (fn. 1) that the provision for the renunciation of the bishopric of Badajoz, and for the pension of 2,000 ducats upon Palencia, had been sent to Rome, and a copy despatched to the bishop of Elna. Has notified the bishop of Worcester, that as the Pope had given the bishopric of Palencia to the bishop of Badajoz, Wolsey should enjoy a pension from the day his predecessor gave it up. The lord Marquis, in his master's presence, promised me that a better should be provided, and that if an opportunity came they would do still more for Wolsey's exaltation. The Emperor is informed that Wolsey has been twice in communication with the French king, and looks anxiously for his success. Mons. de Fletres has orders to cause victuals to be brought, and do all service to the King. Hears that the bishop of Elna received when in England 10,000 ducats, and the pro- mise of the bishopric of Yayn, worth 8,000 ducats, at the next vacancy, the present Bishop being 90 years old. The viscount of Lombek, the Emperor's chief secretary, wedded to the fair lady of Lykerke, desires that the King will commission Spinelly to christen in his name a child he is expecting at the end of the month. The governor of Bresse sends his recommendations. He is the minion of the lord Marquis, and holds the second place after him with the Emperor. No news from Almain, but old letters from Sicily mention the arrival of the Emperor's army at Algerbys, and that the bridge between the island and the mainland had been won, so that news is expected of a complete victory. Ghent, 8 June 1520.
The bishop of Palencia says Badajos is worth more than 5,000 ducats.
Hol., pp. 4, mutilated.
10 June.
Vit. B. IV.
B. M.
As the nuncio sent by his holiness had taken his leave for Hungary, news was brought of the death of the bishop of Vesprin. Thought right to send intelligence which he obtained from the bearer of the Bishop's letters; sc., that in Croatia and Sclavonia, the bishop having attacked a small body of Turkish horse and foot, whilst pursuing them, fell in with the Turkish line of battle, and his saddle turning he fell to the ground, and so fought on foot, but was slain by the multitude of his enemies. His head and one hand were cut off, but recovered by the Hungarians. This is the reason why Dom. Martinus will not leave till tomorrow. Rome, 10 June 1520.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
10 June.
S. B.
Rym. XIII.
Commission to Will. Knight, LL.D., John Husee, Thomas More, and John Hewster, governor of the company of English merchants, to settle the disputes between England and the Teutonic Hanse. Calais, 10 June 12 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 12 Hen. VIII. m. 2.
11 June.
B. M.
"La description et ordre du camp, festins et joustes."
A news letter.—To fulfil the duty imposed on him by his correspondent, the writer must give some account of the order of the interview in these past days; which he has seen in part, and in part learned from others.
To prevent confusion it had been arranged that each King should bring a limited number of men, "et dont je vous envoye le nombre de ceulx de la bande du roy d'Angleterre, ainsi que je l'ay recouvert par escript d'aucun d'entre eulx," amounting to 3,000 men and horses, not including the train of the Queen, duchess of Suffolk and ladies. Francis made proclamation on his side, when at Montereul, that none should follow his train nearer than two leagues, on pain of the halter, except those enrolled; and the like proclamation was made at Calais and Guynes. There returned, in consequence, more than 10,000 persons who had no business at the camp. The King then came to Ardre, an old town long ago destroyed, of which he had caused the fosses and castle to be repaired with diligence; and the king of England and his company came to Guynes, a little old town, the castle of which is strong and has been newly repaired. The two Kings, being about two leagues apart, sent ambassadors to each other to announce their arrival. The king of England sent the cardinal of York, accompanied by a number of princes and nobles. Before him went fifty gentlemen of his household, bareheaded and bonnet in hand, mounted on good horses and clothed in crimson velvet, each with a great gold chain worn "en escharpe," their horses richly caparisoned, at the least with crimson velvet;—then fifty gentlemen, his ushers, bareheaded, and bearing gold maces as large as a man's bead at one end. After them, also bareheaded, the bearer of his double cross of fine gold, with a beautiful crucifix of precious stones, clothed in a long robe of crimson velvet; on his shoulders a fine hood with a short cornet of crimson velvet lined below with fine embroidery and goldsmith's work. Then four lacqueys, with bonnet in hand, adorned with great plumes, their doublets of cloth of gold. Then two "staphiez" or guards of the Legate, on each side of his mule's head, and two tall young men, bareheaded, and clothed in paletots of velvet, bearing before and behind the device of the Legate embroidered on their paletots, each with a long gold baton in his hand like a poleaxe. Then the Legate, in a robe of velvet upon crimson velvet figured (velours sur velours cramoisy figureé), the rochet of fine linen over all, and a red hat upon his head, with large hanging tassels; mounted on a barded mule with headstall, studs, buckles and stirrups of fine gold, and the trappings of crimson velvet. After him, five or six bishops with the grand prior of Jerusalem, &c. Then 100 archers of the King's guard, well mounted, with their bows bent and their quivers at their sides. (fn. 3)
Next day the archbishop of Sens, the Admiral, La Trimouille and others, dressed in cloth of gold and well accoutred, accompanied by the Admiral's archers and others with hocquetons of goldsmith's work, went to Guynes, conducted by "my lord" deputy of Calais, and were met by the admiral of England, the grand master Talbot, and a great number of gentlemen and archers well arrayed, who conducted them to the king of England at Guynes castle. The King received them very honorably, amid great noise of artillery and music. The lords of England feasted the French lords in their tents marvellously, from the greatest to the least, "et jusques a deschirer leurs robbes quant il ny vouloient entrer, pour les festier." After the conference the French lords returned, conducted by a great company. On their delivering their answer the King was very joyful, and I believe the day for the Kings to see each other was then fixed; which was next day. On Thursday, the day of Fête Dieu, at the hour fixed, artillery sounded on each side, to let the Kings know of each other's departure. First marched the prévot de l'hôtel with his archers and the trumpet, who, being arrived at the camp, made proclamation that every one should avoid on pain of the halter. Afterwards marched Messrs. Gabriel de la Chartre, Pontdormy and other captains, all in cloth of gold, with gold chains about their necks, and accompanied by the archers with their hocquetons of goldsmith's work, and horses barded with the same. Then the marshals of France; then the Grand Master with the King's steward and officers; all in cloth of gold. Then the Grand Seneschal, mons. de Saint Vallier, who conducted the 200 gentlemen, some in cloth of gold, some in crimson and others in coloured velvet. Then the princes de Tallemont, La Roche sur Yon, and others, in cloth of gold, who led the King's pensioners. Then the Swiss on foot, their captains on horseback; all in new liveries, with rich plumes and plenty of drums and flutes. Then the trumpets, hautbois, clarions, sackbuts, &c. Then the King's gentlemen and chamberlains, all in cloth of gold and silver, eschiquetez et escarlatez. Then the Constable in cloth of gold frise, set with jewels, and his horse barded with the same, bearing the naked sword before the King. Then the King, upon a beautiful horse covered with goldsmith's work, accompanied by the princes of the blood and his great council. He wore a cassock (saye) of cloth of gold friese with a mantle of cloth of gold "trait en escharpe," both richly jewelled. After him marched a great number of gentlemen, captains and archers of the guard, well accoutred. Thus accompanied, the King arrived at the camp, which is on the bounds of France and England, between two little eminences, where stood the pavilion in which they were to confer, very rich and covered with cloth of gold.
The same time the king of England had left Guynes with his company and the archbishop of York legate, all most richly accoutred and better mounted than I can express. The two kings stopped at about two casts of a bowl (getz de boulle) from each other, where they could see each other, when silence was made on both sides. Suddenly the trumpets and other instruments sounded, so that never was heard such joy. After it was over, the King spurred their horses fiercely (de grant roydeur), and embraced each other two or three times on horseback, bonnet in hand; then dismounting embraced again. No one entered the pavilion but the Kings, the legate of England and the admiral of France, who have managed the whole affair. The constables of France and England remained at the entrance with their swords naked as they had borne them before the Kings. The grand esquire of France and the admiral of England were a little behind, and after the Kings had talked together made a sign to the lords to approach and salute them. The King gave a very gracious reception to Suffolk and the English, and embraced them, the king of England doing the like to the French lords. Both hosts were well supplied with barrels of good wine, and drank together, repeating several times the toast "Good friends, French and English."
After the conference I understand it was arranged that on Sunday the French king should visit the queen of England at Guynes, and the King of England visit the French queen, whom he called his sister, and my Lady at Ardre.
Friday and Saturday the camp was visited by the lords of both sides, who made each other great cheer.
Sunday, 10 June, the King left Ardre, to dine at Guynes. The king of England went by a different route, accompanied by the Constable, the Admiral, and other lords sent to conduct him. Artillery sounded on both sides to let each know of the other's departure. As he was not there, cannot describe the King's reception by the queen of England; but understands he was received in the most courteous manner possible by that Queen and the duchess of Suffolk. In one place within Guynes were two great gilded "cuves," and in the middle of each was a large fountain, with several flowrets, which continually spouted white wine and claret, the best that could be found, with large silver cups for any one to drink, "qui estoit une chose singulière." The king of England going to Ardre was attired in a double mantle of cloth of gold made like a cloak (cappe), embroidered with jewels and goldsmith's work, a "seion" of cloth of gold frieze also embroidered with jewels, a beautiful head-dress of fine gold cloth (toille d'or), a beautiful collar en escharpe made of jewels, three of which were very conspicuous. On arriving at the Queen's lodging, he met her ladies, the most beautiful that could be, dressed in cloth of gold. The said King "alloit tout a son aise pour les veoir a son plaisir." The King's mother received him at the entrance to the King's lodging, and conducted him along the alley where the ladies were, to the entrance of the salle where the Queen waited for him. She was dressed in a robe of cloth of gold frieze, embroidered "dung grant demy pied de pierrerie fine," the kirtle of cloth of gold battu, the wrist sleeves (mancherons) covered with diamonds and embroidered with fine jewels, wearing on her breast a fine diamond called "la poincte de Bretaigne," and the ornaments round her head very rich, set with diamonds, rubies and emeralds. The King's mother and the Duchess were dressed so richly as it would be impossible to express. The King, on entering, made reverence to the Queen, who rose from her chair of state to meet him. He then kissed her, with one knee on the ground and bonnet in hand, and afterwards kissed Madame, the Duchess, and all the other princesses and ladies of the company. This done, he returned to the Queen, who took him by the hand and made him sit beside her. At the dinner the Grand Master held his gold baton upon his neck, and the other maîtres d'hôtel held their batons low near the ground. The écuiers were all in gowns (chamarres) of cloth of gold. All sorts of instruments sounded at the dishes and courses most melodiously. The great lords were about the table where the said King and Queen dined, and all the great lords and ladies of England were entertained. Cannot describe the number of viands, plates, vessels, &c. The king of England is a very handsome prince, "honnette, hault et droit," in manner gentle and gracious, rather fat, and with a red beard, large enough and very becoming. The tables being removed, the Queen and my Lady led the King into a high room richly adorned with tapestry of cloth of gold, and carpeted (pavée) with crimson velvet, where they talked at leisure. This done, he took leave, and on mounting his horse gave it the spur, and made it bound and curvet as valiantly as a man could do. At his leaving the artillery sounded, as also did that of Guynes on the departure of Francis, which was at the same instant. They met each other on the way, and embraced, asking each other "What cheer ?"
These festivities over, it was thought right that the French queen should visit Guynes, and the queen of England Ardres.
Cannot write of the jousts, as they are not yet over. The lists were made with counter-lists in the French fashion, but at the request of the king of England the counter-lists were taken away. The plan is that the two Kings shall hold against all comers, and shall have for aids, viz., for Francis, the Constable, Alençon, and 18 gentlemen; for Henry, Suffolk, the Admiral, and 18 others. The two shields of the Kings have been set up by the heralds with great solemnity. Has seen the two triumphal arches, which are very rich. Round the lists are fine galleries for the lords and ladies. Today the jousts have begun, and the two Queens have seen each other on the scaffolds.
The King's camp was outside Ardre, near a little river upon a meadow, where were several fountains. In it were 300 or 400 tents that it was goodly to see; among others a great pavilion of the King, as high as the highest tower, and three of a middle size, as high as the walls of a town, of wonderful breadth, covered with cloth of gold outside, and inside cloth of gold frieze. The great one was covered at the top with cloth of gold frieze, and below with velvet cramoisy violet, powdered with gold fleurs de lis. On the top was an image of St. Michael gilt with fine gold, as large as a man, having a mantle en escharpe, painted with fine azure, and powdered with fleurs de lis, and holding a dart in his right hand, and in the left a shield with the arms of France very brilliant. On the other tents were numerous vanes with the arms of France. The tents of the English were hardly fewer in number, and in fine order. Could not express half the triumph if he wrote for a fortnight. At the camp by Ardre, Monday, 11 June.
June. 870. THE FIELD OF THE CLOTH OF GOLD. (fn. 4)
"L'Ordonnance et ordre du tournoy, joustes et combat, a pied et a cheval. Le tresdesire et plusque triumphant rencontre, entreveue, assemblee et visitation, des treshaultz et tresexcellens princes, les roys de France et de Angleterre. Les festins et l'ordre qui y a este observe. Les noms de ceulx qui ont jouste et combatu, et de ceulx qui ont le mieulx fait. Les ditz et deviz des roys et aultres personnages mis et apposez au dessus des portes du festin fait a Calaiz, a lentreveue du Roy Catholicque et du Roy d'Angleterre, et aultres choses singulieres."
As God has given the cherished treasure of peace to France and England, to prevent idleness and sedition, seeing that "le chevalereux Mars a délaissé moiens exquiz," sixteen gentlemen of name and blood, viz., eight French and eight English, for the honor of God and the love of their ladies, intend to maintain these articles (to which is prefixed a ballad "Enfans de Mars, heritiers de noblesse"), viz.:—1. In consequence of the numerous accidents to noblemen, sharp steel not to be used as in times past, but only arms for strength, agility and pastime. 2. The challenge to commence 11 June, and continue for a month, or so long as the two Kings shall be together, when the said gentlemen will answer all comers with blunt lances in harness, with pieces d'avantage cramponées ou non cramponées, without any fastening to the saddle that might prevent mounting or dismounting with ease. Each challenger to have eight courses, with middlesized lances, or greater, if any of the comers prefer it, between one hour after dinner and 6 p.m. 3. The said gentlemen shall ride each one course in the open field with all comers, as many strokes to be given as the comers demand; great lances to be used and single-handed sharp swords, with blunt points, closing not allowed unless the comer desire it. 4. The said gentlemen shall give one encounter to all comers with blunt casting lances, and four strokes with blunted single-handed swords. With the double-handed swords, as many strokes shall be given as the judges think fit, but no closing allowed. 5. Harness with pieces d'advantage, means with no head-piece but an armet; neither helm, demi-helm nor bassinet allowed. 6. The challengers shall send round heralds to declare the rules of the combat. 7. On the 6th June, a tree shall be chosen, bearing the noble thorn entwined with raspberry, and on it shall be hung the shields of the challengers, and below them three escutcheons, black and grey, gold and tawny, and the last silver. Tablets, guarded by heralds, shall be hung below these for the names of the comers.
Première Emprinse. Those who wish to run in the lists must touch the black and grey shield, and deliver their shield of arms to the herald, who shall write down their names, and how many courses they desire to run, and whether with great lances or middle sized. Seconde Emprinse. Those who desire to enter for the courses in the field must touch the second shield. Troisième Emprinse. Those who wish to fight at the barrier must touch the third. Quatrième Emprinse. Those who desire more than one combat must enter their names in each tablet accordingly. If the judges decide that the challenger is worsted in any combat, he must give a gold token to the lady in whose service the comer fights, and vice versâ. Each gentleman shall fight in the order in which his name has been entered. Any one disarmed so that he cannot complete his courses must be content with what he has done for that day. If any of the challengers are ill or absent by order of their princes, the remainder shall choose a substitute. If the horse of a comer bolts from the lists (fn. 5), and yet runs the course, it shall be counted as a course. Also, if it happen that the horse bolts, it is but fair that the comer shall have a fresh start. If a challenger strikes or kills the horse of his opponent he shall not run again that day, without the ladies' leave. Any who have been once answered what they demanded, shall not make a second demand. Whoever strikes against the saddle of his opponent shall be disallowed two broken lances. All Sundays and feasts of the French and English churches shall be observed, by abstinence from running.
Prologue of the interview of the two Kings.
Contrasts the interview with the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, which ended in discord, while friendship is the object of the former.
Enlarges upon the beauty of the pavilions, exceeding the pyramids of Egypt, and the angelic visages of the "Heroydes princesses." The eloquence of the Muses would be insufficient, and Apollo himself would remain abashed if he were to attempt it.
The order of the interview. The French king, Queen and Madame spent Whitsuntide at Monthereul, where the cardinal d'Albret and the ladies of Navarre met them. The king of England was meanwhile at Canterbury with the King Catholic, who arrived at Dover on the 26th of May. After his departure the King and Queen embarked for Calais, and then proceeded to Guisnes, to meet the French king and queen, who were waiting for them at Ardre. This town being old and in decay, the fosses and ramparts were repaired by the French king, and a brick house was built for this meeting, but not perfectly completed. The tents and pavilions, numbering 300 or 400, made of cloth of gold and silver, and velvet, emblazoned with the arms of their owners, were pitched near a small river outside the town. The King had three middle-sized and one large pavilion. At the top of the large one was a figure of St. Michael, gilt, with a blue mantle powdered with gold fleur de lis, holding in his right hand a dart, in his left a shield with the French arms. They were covered with cloth of gold, inside and out. The pavilions of the Queen, Madame, Mons. d'Alençon, the Constable, Messieurs de Lorraine, de Vendosme, de Guise, St. Pol and others were all very fine. The large pavilion of the King was afterwards blown down and the mast broken. The princes and gentlemen lodged in their tents, and in the castles and villages around. There was good order everywhere, and abundance of provisions at reasonable prices. The king of England, on his arrival at Calais with his Queen and all their train, sent an embassy to the French king, consisting of the cardinal of York and others, as follows:—First, before the Legate, 100 archers of the Guard, in doublets of crimson velvet, with cloaks (chamarres) of fine scarlet; then 50 gentlemen of the Household, their bonnets in their hands, with cloaks of crimson velvet, and great chains of gold. They rode with their lances on their thighs, but went no further than the gates of Ardre. Next came the gentlemen and servants of the Legate, with their bonnets in their hands, all in crimson velvet, mostly wearing gold chains scarfwise, and their horses trapped in crimson velvet. Next, the Legate's crossbearer, in a scarlet robe, and a crimson velvet hood, with a short cornette. He carried two crosses till he was past the territory of Guisnes, where he left one. Next, round the Legate were four lackeys, in paletots of crimson velvet, with his device in goldsmith's work, bearing gilt bâtons and poleaxes (bees de faulcon). Then came the Legate, on a richly caparisoned mule, with gold frontstall, studs, buckles and stirrups, the footcloth of velvet figured on crimson velvet, the rochet of fine linen over all, and a red hat with large hanging tassels. After him, five or six bishops, the grand prior of Jerusalem, and several prothonotaries, in crimson and black velvet, and wearing great gold chains. Last, were 50 archers of the King's guard well mounted, their bows bent, and their quivers at their side, in red cloth jackets, with a gold rose before and behind.
The French king sent to meet him La Tremouille and Chastillon, with a great number of gentlemen, and 50 archers of the Guard. They met the Legate at two bowshots from Ardre, and joined the procession, marching behind the Legate and before the bishops. The King met him, riding on his mule, at the gates, where he arrived about two hours after dinner. The princes, gentlemen, archers and Swiss were arranged on both sides of the street, from the gate to the King's house; the trumpets, fifes and other instruments played most melodiously, and the artillery made such a noise you could not hear. At the King's lodging, the Legate dismounted, and the King embraced him, with great signs of affection, bonnet in hand; then led him to his lodging, where they talked together for a long time with the other princes and lords, all magnificently dressed. Meanwhile good cheer was made to all the Legate's company. That done, the Legate returned to Calais. (fn. 6)
The Saturday following, 2 June, the Legate revisited the King with a small company, at Ardre, and remained about 7 hours. Friday and Saturday, the Archbishop of Sens, the Admiral and other French lords visited the king of England at Calais. After supper on Saturday the king of France went to Marquise, between Ardre and Boulogne, where the ladies were, returning on Monday evening. Tuesday, 5 June, the king and queen of England, with their train, went to Guisnes. On their arrival, artillery was fired both there and at Ardre. Their tents were pitched near the castle, and those of the train in the field near the town. All necessaries were brought by sea from England. The King built a banqueting house, the most sumptuous that has long been seen. The foundations are of stone, the walls brick, and the rest wood; surrounded by cloth painted like brick; the covering painted à l'antique. Inside was tapestry of cloth of gold and silver, interlaced with white and green silk, the colors of the king of England. It contained four great corps de maison, eight saloons, chambers and wardrobes. The chapel was painted blue and gold, with hangings of gold and silver, and rich cupboards of plate. The gates were like those of a great castle, guarded by armed men above. At one door were two gilt pillars, bearing statues of Cupid and Bacchus, from which flowed streams of malmsey and claret into silver cups, for any to drink who wished. Between one of the gates and the castle of Guisnes was a winding alley, covered with verdure, like the house of Dædalus or the garden of Morganna la Fée, of the days of the knights errant.
Wednesday, 6 June, the archbishop of Sens, La Trimouille, the Admiral and other great lords, went to Guisnes, and were conducted by the Deputy (Milort de bittes) of Calais. The king of England sent Tallebot, his steward, to conduct them to the castle of Guisnes, with the sound of artillery and music. They were received and feasted by the English as if they were their brothers.
Thursday, 7 June, la feste Dieu, the Kings met in the Val Doré, a little valley between Ardre and Guisnes, in English ground, about vespers. The French king left Ardre, accompanied by the Constable, who carried the naked sword before him, and the Grand Escuyer, with the royal sword, powdered with gold fleurs de lis. After them came the king of Navarre, the dukes of Alençon, Lorraine and Vendome, the counts and lords of Guise, Laval, Lautraic, Dorval, La Tremouille and St. Pol, the marshals and lords of Chabannes, Chastillon, Lescun, Desperrault, Grand Master, the princes de la Roche Suryon, Tallemont, &c., in cloth of gold, wearing their order about their necks, and richly mounted. Then followed the archers of the Guard, with jackets of goldsmith's work; the gentlemen of the Household were on the left, without harness, according to their articles. The King was mounted on a beautiful charger, and clothed with a cassock of cloth of gold frieze, a mantle of cloth of gold, richly jewelled, the front and sleeves set with diamonds, rubies, emeralds and large pearls, hanging loose; his barette and bonnet of velvet, set with plumes, and resplendent with jewelry. Before him marched the Swiss, in his livery, with white feathers, led by Floranges, gorgeously arrayed, with fifes and all kinds of musical instruments. The trumpets and heralds marched near the King with banners displayed. Mountjoye, Bretaigne and Normandie heralds, went next him. The cardinals de Boissi, Legate in France, de Bourbon, d'Albret, de Lorraine and several bishops, with the ambassadors of the Pope, the King Catholic and others, marched in the King's company to near the Val Doré, where bounds were set which none but the Kings should pass. On the other side the king of England, accompanied by the dukes of Rotingan (Buckingham) and Suffolk, the marquis Dorset, the earls Northumberland, Talbot, Salisbury, the Grand Chamberlain, "les contes Dancher (Devonshire ?) et Kynt," with numerous gentlemen and archers, wearing gilded hocquetons of white and green velvet, and a number of gentlemen not armed. The king of England was dressed in cloth of silver, richly jewelled, with white plumes. When the two companies approached, the Kings descended the valley, gently, with their constables bearing naked swords. On coming near, they gave their horses the spur like two combatants about to engage, but instead of putting their hands to their swords, each put his hand to his bonnet. They then embraced bareheaded, dismounted and embraced again, and took each other by the arm to a fine pavilion all like cloth of gold, which the king of England had prepared. After a dispute which should go last, the two Kings entered together. The Admiral and Wolsey entered before them. After some conversation within the pavilion, each king embraced the lords of the other's company, whilst the trumpets and other instruments sounded on each side, so that it seemed a paradise. At night they toook leave of each other.
Saturday, the 9th, the two kings came to the lists. The camp was on high ground, about half-way between Ardres and Guisnes, surrounded with fosses like a town, the houses and galleries on each side long and spacious, and well hung with tapestry; and there was a chamber, well hung and glazed, for the Queens. At each entry to the park and lists was a guard of 12 French and 12 English archers, but they did not refuse entry to any person honorably apparelled. The Kings caused their shields to be attached by the kings-of-arms to the perron and tree of noblesse planted at the foot of the lists with the triumphal arch; the foot of which tree was covered with cloth of gold, and the carrure with green damask, and the leaves were of green silk. There was a dispute among the heralds which shield ought to be hung first and to the right. The Constable and others on the part of Francis, and the Marquis and others for the king of England, were appointed judges; but, finally, the king of England caused the French king's arms to be placed on the right, and his own on the left, equally high. After several feats that day, the Kings took leave of each other.
Sunday, the 10th, the French king and several of his gentlemen went to dine at Guisnes with the queen of England, and the king of England dined with the Queen at Ardre, accompanied by several English princes. The French king's mother went before him to the entry of the great court of the house, dressed as a widow, and did him reverence. They walked together to the room where they dined, which was well hung with cloth of gold from top to bottom. On the table the dishes were only set on one side. The king of England sat down first, the Queen next him, then Madame, the duchess of Alençon, her daughter and Madame de Vendome. Each had a service apart in vessels of gold. Among the entremets were salamanders, leopards and ermines, bearing the arms of the French king and queen, "qui estoit une chose triumphante." At the third service, largesse was cried by the heralds, who had a great golden goblet. And there was cried by Mountjoy, in the name of the king of England, "Largesse to the high, mighty, and most excellent prince Henry, &c., largesse, largesse!" Then the heralds came to the salle haute, where were the duke d'Alençon and other lords entertaining the princes of England, and Bretaigne cried largesse, and then to the pavilion, &c. After much music, dances, songs, &c., the king of England took leave at 5 p.m., and returned to Guisnes. The reception given by the queen of England to the French king was not inferior.
Monday, the 11th, the jousts commenced. The kings of England and France, Vendosme, Suffolk, Dorset, Saint Pol and others held the lists, and were assailed by d'Alençon, the Admiral and others. This day the wind was so strong as to prevent the lances being couched. The Queens, who had not met before, were both present with their ladies, richly dressed in jewels, and with many chariots, litters and hackneys covered with cloth of gold and silver, and emblazoned with their arms. They sat together in a glazed gallery, hung with tapestry, and talked together about the tourney. Many persons present could not understand each other, and were obliged to have interpreters.
Wednesday, the 13th, the Kings and many of the ladies came to the camp, where were dancing, wrestling and other pastimes, but no jousting, on account of the high wind. Thursday, the 14th, the Kings and their aids tilted with the bands of Trimouille and Lescun, 25 men in all. The king of England and Suffolk did marvels. All returned home about 7. Friday, the 15th, the Kings did not run, but the other challengers received the bands of Vendosme and the marquis of Sallusses. The Marquis, out of 8 courses, broke 6 lances, de droict fil. Sunday, the 17th, the king of France and his mother dined with the queen of England in the palace which the King had built. Francis hearing that the King, who intended to dine with the Queen at Ardre, was still at Guisnes, went to see him, with only 4 companions, and finding him at breakfast, ran and embraced him. This action removed all suspicion from the minds of the English. The King, as was mentioned, dined with the queen of England, and after dinner there were masks and damoiselles encornetées, disguised as mummers. The king of England and his sister Mary dined at Ardre. The King dined apart, and sent for the Constable and others to dine with him. The Queen and the queen Mary dined together. After dinner there were dances, and the King retired to the Admiral's tent, where he and 30 gentlemen disguised themselves in the costumes of lanzknechts, Albanians, &c. On the following Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the jousts continued. Jerningham was nearly unhorsed by one of Tremouille's band.
Friday and Saturday, the 22nd and 23rd, the combats at the barriers were performed on foot, with thrusting and casting lances, and short and two-handed swords. Sunday, the 24th, the Kings closed the lists with the Constable and his band. Saturday, the 23rd, a platform was built in the camp, and near it a chapel, a fathom and a half high, on pillars. It contained an altar and reliquaries, and at the side were two canopies of cloth of gold, with chairs for the legates of England and France, and the cardinals of France, and seats below for the French bishops. On another side were seats for the ambassadors of the Pope, the king of Spain, the Venetians and others. Between the chapel and the platforms for the Kings and Queens were the chanters of the Kings, each with his popistre; and above the platform, two oratories, one for the Kings, the other for the Queens, and other chambers; from one of which the Legates and Cardinals started at 10 o'clock to go to the chapel, all in red camlet, and seated themselves under the canopies; while the archbishop of Sens, and the bishops of Verdun, Lizieux, Angoulesme and others, sat below the canopy near the altar, and De Boysy under another. The English bishops were round the altar, to act as deacons and subdeacons, except the archbishop of Canterbury, who sat apart, near the French bishops. The English chanters began by saying tierce, which done, the English legate and the deacons, &c. changed their dress, and put on very rich vestments. The two Kings mounted the platform, and kneeled at the oratory, Francis on the right, and Henry on the left. The Queens did the like. There were with the French king, Alençon, Bourbon, the Constable, the king of Navarre, St. Pol, the King's confessor and the Grand Almoner. With the English king there were only two chaplains, who said mass at an altar at the oratory. About noon the English legate commenced the high mass De Trinitate. The first introit was sung by the English chanters, the second by the French. They had arranged that when the French organist played, the French chanters should sing, and vice versâ. Pierre Mouton played the Kyrie, then the English the Gloria in Excelsis; the Patrem was sung by the French, with the King's band of cors de sabuttes and fifes, the Sanctus by the English, and the Agnus Dei by the French, who concluded with several motetts. The cardinal de Bourbon, who brought the Gospel to the Kings to kiss, presented it first to Francis. He desired Henry to kiss it first, but he refused the honor. While the preface was being said, a great artificial salamander or dragon, four fathoms long, and full of fire, appeared in the air, from Ardre. Many were frightened, thinking it a comet, or some monster, as they could see nothing to which it was attached. It passed right over the chapel to Guisnes, as fast as a footman can go, and as high as a bolt shot from a crossbow. "And when God was shown at the said mass, which was with great honor, reverence and devotion," at the Agnus Dei, the Pax was presented to cardinal Bourbon to take to the Kings, who observed the same ceremony as before; then to the two Queens, who also declined to kiss it first, and, after many mutual respects, kissed each other instead. The benediction was given by the English legate, and one of the English secretaries made a Latin oration at the bottom (fons) of the chapel, turning to the royal personages, enlarging on the blessings of peace, and stating that those who assisted at the mass should have plenary remission; a privilege granted by the Pope to the English legate whenever he celebrated mass in pontificalibus. The platforms and galleries, which contained great numbers of people, were so well arranged that everyone could see. After mass the Kings dined together in a chamber on the high galleries. They sat on one side under a canopy of cloth of gold, the king of France at the top. The Queens dined in another chamber, and with them the queen Mary. The French queen was in the middle, under the canopy, and the duchess of Alençon at the end. The Kings and Queens always dined at home before coming to the banquets, and only conversed while admiring the service and the meats. The legates, cardinals and prelates dined in another room, and drank and ate sans fiction. The princes, princesses, lords and ladies dined in other chambers. After dinner the combats on foot were finished. Then the Kings and Queens returned home, the trumpets sounded, and in the evening bonfires were made in the lists, and at Guisnes, Ardre and Calais guns were fired for it was the vigil of St. John.
Sunday, the 24th, the King went, masked, to Guisnes, to dine with the queen of England, and the king of England went to dine with the French queen. The Kings met in the lists, and bade each other farewell; and they seemed to leave each other with regret. The Constable, Lorraine Vendosme, the Admiral and others gave great banquets to the English princes and noblemen. The Kings, Princes and Princesses interchanged presents, as horses, litters, necklaces, &c. The Kings determined to build a chapel in the Val Doré, where they first met, for the daily performance of one mass, to be called "La Chapelle de nostre Dame de la Paix." The English king returned some French hostages who had been given for the affair of Tournay. "Dieu par sa grace permette la paix estre durable. Amen."
Two ballads, the first commencing "Au parlement de Volunte Divine," the other "Par fille et filz de illustre geniture."
LISTS of those who ran each day set out in form as follows:—
11 June.
Tenans. Venans.
Le roy de France. M. d'Alençon et sa bande.
Le roy d'Angleterre. Regne de Silly seigneur de Vaulx.
Mons. de Vendosme. Graville.
Le duc de Suffort. Le Poullain.
Le conte de Sainct Pol. Charles s. de la Brethonyere.
Mons. le marquis Dorset. Regnault de Silly.
Rochepot. Jeh. Tercellin s. de la chevalerie.
Mons. Guillaume Kingeston. Monterollier.
Brion. Loys de Silly seigneur de la Roche.
Monsieur Richart Jarningham. J. Tercellin s. de la ro. du Maine.
Tonaues. La bande de Mons. l'Admiral.
Sire Gilles Cappel. Monsieur Daguylly.
Boucal. Messire Gilbert du Croc.
Nicolas Carreau. Claude seigneur Dulfes.
Montafillant. Françoys de Bourdalles.
Knebec (Knyvet ?). Georges Foudras.
Les venans ont couru en desordre. Jaques de Harlay.
Françoys de Montagu.
Mons. de Concursault.
Mons. de Gammache.
Françoys de la Barre.
Names of those who have deserved prizes ("qui ont merité avoir le pris"):—
Holders. The kings of France and England, Suffolk, St. Pol, Dorset, Rochepot, Brion.—Aids: The marquis of Salluces, Sir Ralph Ellercar. de Guyse, Francis Brian.
Comers. 1. Of Guise's band: la Vernade. 2. Of Tremouille's: La Chapelle and Beaujeu. 3. Of Lescun's: Hannebault, La Guyche, le conte Gayas. 4. Of Vendome's: Rob. Joyeulx alias Grant Pré, Guillaume de Bours, Hugh de Riencourt. 5. Of the marquis de Salluces': the marquis, le grant Tournon, La Villecte. 6. Of the "conte de Monshiere" (Devonshire's): the Earl, Ant. Browe (Brown), Memorency, Arthur Poolle, Mompesat, Sir Will. Cary, Sir Jo. Neville. 7. Of Mons. Emond Albarde (Edmund Howard's): Mons. Emond, Raphael Ellerquair, Raif Brolra (Broke ?), Ric. Jarnyngham, Jo. Anlaby, Randille Nymsculle. 8. Of Fleurenges: Mons. Jamays, the bailiff of Vitri, Renty, Jehan d'Aspremont, Rayre. 9. Of Bonneval's: La Tour d'Anjou, La Loue, Grossonne. 10. Of Bourbon's: Estarges, Jaques seigneur d'Argouges, le seigneur Beaulmont, Alof de l'Hospital seigneur de Choisy, le Pollain de la Bastisse, Sembrysse, François de Pellon s. de Gourd't (?), Hugh de Villelume, seigneur de Monbardon.
Judges for France: Dorval, governor of Champagne, Marshal de la Pallice and Daubigny. For England: The earls of Northumberland and Worcester, the Lord Chamberlain (Oxford), Lord Sainct Jesus (St. John's) and Ponynges. The heralds were Mont S. Michel and Garter kings-of-arms.
The devices and mottoes of the Kings placed at the gates of the banqueting house at Calais at the visit of the King Catholic:—
"Moy Artus roy, chef de la table ronde, &c."
The names of noblemen with the King Catholic: Dukes of Alba and Bavaria, marquis of Brandenburg, princes of Orange, Debezemano, marquis Arscot, Chievres, and count Porcean his son, Fiennes, count de Montasgu, Dort Servande Danderdo Admiral, the Commendador, son of Alva, the archbishop of Palermo, bishop of Courbue, the Chaplain Major, bishop of Palentia, Grand Almoner, bishop of Ebva (Elna), ambassador.
Add. MS.
4620, f. 260.
B. M.
The view taken by the King's commissioners assigned to survey the charges of the French king's train lately lodged in Calais and the marches during the French king's abode there.
The ward of Griffith Aphendereth,—Thos. Melody, officer. Bills of parcels of John Kele, Raymond Cuttures, Harry Banester and others, for wine.
Similar particulars for Johnson's and other wards and officers; for the water bailiff's bailiwick, without the Lantern Gate; alderman Plankney's ward, and others of the West and East country without Calais. The above bills appear to have been mostly, if not entirely, for wine, except that under "the East country" is included a bill of those who had supplied forage to the French king's train in Marke and Oye, 14l. 8s.; hay, oats and litter, paid by John Palmer, 98l. 16s. 9d. To Palmer, for making racks and mangers in woolhouses, changing the doors, "and repairing with reed and other necessaries," 4l. 1s. 1d.; oats, at 8d. the quarter, 6l. 2s. 7d.; 3 loads of hay, 11s.; and for binding it in bottles, 6d.; 5 tuns 1 hhd. Gascon wine, bought of John Walters, vintner, "at 6l. gret the tun, which maketh sterling money 3l. 14s." = 19l. 7s. 8d.
Total, 943l. 0s. 9½d.
Modern copy, pp. 22.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
This morning I sent to Robertet to ask him to come to my lodging, my leg being in very ill temper after these three days travel. As I could not go to my Lady to deliver your message, I desired Robertet to declare it to her. He has done so, and returned to me this hour, telling me that as you have promised in a few days to tell her some things which no one else must communicate, she shows herself like a woman, very anxious to speak with you, and begs that while the Kings are together at the camp you will visit her this afternoon, or, if not today, tomorrow.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated.
13 June.
Vesp. F. XIII.
B. M.
Ellis, 1 Ser.
I. 174.
Besides the joyful event of the Emperor's visit to England, have had knowledge of Henry's prosperous passage and arrival at Calais, and of his honorable meeting with the French king, for which they and all his subjects give thanks to God. On Saturday last were at Richmond with the Princess, "who, lauded be Almighty God, is right merry, and in prosperous health and state, daily exercising herself in virtuous pastimes." The realm is in good peace. Have had some causes referred to their decision, both from far and near. Westminster, 13 June.
Signed: T. Norfolk, Ri. Wynton, W. Lincoln, J. abbot of Westminster, John Berners, Jo. Fyneux, Thomas Lovell, Robt. Brudenell, John Cutte, T. Wyndam, T. Magnus, John Fitz James.
Pp. 2.
13 June.
S. B.
Ratification of a treaty concluded, 12 March last, between Henry and Francis, by the mediation of Wolsey, for marriage of the Dauphin with the princess Mary. Guisnes, 13 June 1520, 12 Hen. VIII.
Fr., m. 3.
14 June.
R. O.
Is daily informed by the bishop of Elna of the King's health and disposition, his good cheer and joyous pastimes at the meeting. Longs to return and join the King, and inform him of some good things which have happened since the writer's departure. Has been in good health, and occupied in visiting his subjects, hunting and hawking. As I take great pleasure in hearing news from you, will not fail to send you my news, hoping you will do the like. Brussels, 14 June. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
14 June.
R. O.
To the same effect. Brussels, 14 June. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le Cardinal d'York.
15 June.
Calig. E. II.
B. M.
877. JOHN PECCHE and others to [WOLSEY].
Complaining of the answer they had received from Mons. de Fayette, seneschal of the Bolonoys and captain of Boulogne, on their application for the evacuation of Conneswade, granted in farm to certain gentlemen at arms on the late suit of Sir Richard Wyngfelde. Calais, 15 June.
Signed: John Pecche, Edward [Benstede], Rychard Care[w], Nicholas Carew, Robert Wotton, H. Bannaster.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
16 June.
Budæi Ep.
Regrets that in his straitened lodgings he had no materials for writing, when he never had a more fertile subject. The meeting of the two Kings and their retinues has grown up into intimate association. Never was such magnificence. The house of the king of England, run up in a few months for temporary use, and ornamented with incredible skill, might occupy the eyes and attention, for some days, of the least excitable man accustomed to such spectacles. The tent of the French king, erected at an unusual expence, astonished every one with its cloth of gold and other precious textures, and was never surpassed. Recommends to him the care of his children. Ardes, 16 kal. Junii (Julii ?).
19 June.
Galba, B.VI.
B. M.
The Emperor entered Brussels three days after leaving Gand, and is now gone hunting with the lord marquis at Ewra, and with him the cardinal of Toledo's nephew, "a lusty youung prelato, moche lyke in the effyge to his uncle." Had many communications, in which the Emperor and the said Lord expressed their great satisfaction at their late reception in England, and their determination to keep the treaty. Herman Ryng, Wolf, his brother and a doctor have arrived here from Cologne to congratulate the Emperor; others are expected from Norymbergh, Holme, and Auspurg. The cardinals of Mayence and Cologne will come themselves; the cardinal of Sion is expected. The Chancellor has seen the treaty between his master and the Swiss, wherein they bind themselves "to the defence of his dominions of Almayne with the conte of Burgoyne," and will not give aid against any of the Emperor's dominion. This is all that the Chancellor desired. Had he known as much before, he would not have made such great suits to them. The duke of Wyertenberg has received 6,000 g. guilders on his treaty with Zevenberg, and surety for 4,000. He will submit to the Emperor. The Emperor is delighted to hear of the great honor that Henry and his subjects have obtained in tilting with the French, as reported by the bishop of Helna, who also speaks highly of the prudent policy of England. Thinks their confidence in England will not waver.
The young lady of Lykerke, wife of the viscount of Lombek, is this morning delivered of a son. The Viscount hopes the child may receive the honor of the King's name. The duke of Alba, the queen of Arragon and the lady of Nassow will christen the child, as the Emperor and the Archduchess did a former one. The general estates assemble on the 20th. The cardinal of Toledo follows the Emperor. The lords of Almayn murmur against the French king for wearing at the jousts a crown imperial upon his shield. Brussels, 19 June 1520.
Hol., the cr. deciphered by Tuke, pp. 5, mutilated.
22 June.
Vit. B. IV.
B. M.
On the 18th the duke of Albany, who has been here for some time, paid homage to the Pope in public consistory, in the name of Scotland. There is great hope of peace. Wolsey is much looked up to. Has heard from Thos. Spinelly that the bishopric of Badajos had been bestowed upon Wolsey, with a pension of 2,000 ducats on [the bishopric] of Palencia. The report is not confirmed by the Spanish ambassador at Rome. The Pope has delayed for a time the creation of new Cardinals. The credentials of Albany were dated May 1517. Letters have come from Constantinople, of the 27 May, stating that the great fleet of the Turks had not yet sailed. Rome, 22 June 1520. Signature burnt off.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
25 June.
Er. Ep.
XIII. 35.
On his quarrel with More, and expressing the great esteem he has for More's learning and character. "I have not seen many of your writings; of More's I have read several, and been on terms of intimacy with him. I think of More as all men, who know him, think;—as a man of incomparable genius, a most happy memory, a most ready eloquence. When a boy the learned Latin, when a young man, Greek, under the ablest teachers, especially Linacre and Grocin. In divinity he has made so much progress that he is not to be despised even by eminent theologians. The liberal arts he has touched not infelicitously. In philosophy he is beyond mediocrity; to say nothing of the profession of the law, in which he yields to no one. His prudence is rare and unheard-of; and for these reasons his sovereign never rested until he had brought More to be one of his council." As to the ostentatious contempt in which Brixius professes to hold More, the world will laugh at it. Antwerp, 7 kal. Julias 1520.
27 June.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Credence for the bearer, his audiencer, who will deliver his message in conjunction with the bishop of Badajoz. Brussels, 27 June.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. "A mons. le cardinal d'Iorck, primat et [l]egat Dengleterre."
27 June.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 22d of the coming of Hesym, who is hourly expected. Arrangements are making for the meeting with the King's highness. This can take place at Bruges. The Emperor will receive them at Gravelines. Many Almains are in the Court since the coming of the am- bassadors of the archbishop of Treverys, and those of Cleves and Juliers. The archbishop of Cologne arrived upon St. John's day, with 100 horse; was met two leagues off by the count Palatine, the marquis of Brandenburg, and the lord Nassau, who would "not suffre th'emperor go to the yattys by reason [of] the houre extraordinary" (nine at night). Yesterday, at five in the afternoon, he was brought to the Emperor by the duke of Alba and the marquis of Bada; was received at the palace gates by Don Ferdinando, the bishop of Luke, and the marquis of Vylla franca, "whoose conveyd hym to the star of the grett alla, where was th'emperor with all the lordys and astates. And after an humble reverence don to the grownde, th'emperor with the bonett in his hand tuke him to his rect syde, and the broder Ferdynando to the left, goyng in the said alla under the clooth of astat that stand at one of the bowtts, where th'emperor sytte in a chaere, and the Elector with the remanent stowdde on theyr fyghts. Who with a new reverence madde an orasyon in Laten, reyoyssyng of his prospere cumyng, and gevyng for the same grett thanks to God, persuadyng the sayd magestye to the short parformance of all thyngs belongyng to his promocyon and electyon." The rest were of the same opinion. The Elector is a man of fair presence and good countenance, about 40 years old. He is well inclined to England. The bishop of Utrecht arrived this morning, with 120 horse and many gentlemen, all in one livery; the cardinal of Toledo in the afternoon, and divers earls, among whom is Robert de la Mark. A rumor is spread of a commotion in Spain. By letters from Valladolid on the 14th, the cardinal of Tortosa advises that at the return home of the deputies of Segovia from Le Grownnya the commons "insurrexed" against them, crying "Viva el Rey et mora el mal conseyo!"—accusing them of granting money unto the King without securing the articles to be demanded of him. One they took without further question, "hanghed by the fyghts, and coutted in pessys." Those of Burgos fled, but their houses were destroyed by the mob, who, on receiving some "prudds and vyllen words" from a Frenchman named Yoffroy (Geoffroi), and notwithstanding the French ambassador mons. De la Lansak was lodged in the same house, they took the good man of the house, "and couutted his harmys, hands, and legghys in the streyctys and placces prynsypalls." Zamora and Madrid have followed the same example. In the latter the treasurer of Castile, called the lycensyato Barghas, is in great danger. He is accused of accumulating money, and being instrumental in sending all the gold out of the realm. The discontent is confined to the commons, but the Marquis de Vylle[na], "who is a wyse man allyed to all the lordys of Castylla, and kallyd by nature craft (crafty) and inquyete," is supposed to be concerned. He is discontented at not receiving the marquisate of Vyllena. The archbishop of Granada has written to the Emperor to remove all causes of disquietude. The 17 cities and towns of Castile require,—(1) that the alcanalla, the principal rent of the Crown, should be given in farm to the cities that pay it, as queen Elizabeth (Isabella) provided, and not to the Marrans, who are very extortionate; they have increased the revenues more than 100,000 ducats yearly: (2) that benefices be not given to strangers: (3) that gold and silver be not sent out of the realm: (4) that processes be not deferred. Just and reasonable as these demands are, the Emperor would not consent, not to be inferior to his predecessors.
The Chancellor and the governor of Bresse tell him that the French king's mother informed their ambassador that it was not requisite that any one should meddle in the business between her son and the Emperor. (fn. 7) Has received information this morning of Hesdin's arrival, and that the King is not inclined to come to Bruges. They had proposed Bruges as more com- modious; Gravelines is not sufficient for the company. The duke of Alba and Dr. Karvayall anticipate advantage for the French if England does not show some reciprocal affection. Brussels, 27 June 15[20].
Hol., pp. 9.
28 June.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Wrote his last yesterday. The Marquis cannot depart till tomorrow. He will be with Wolsey on Tuesday, with the Chancellor. This morning lord Fynes has gone to Gant, and will accompany the marquis to Calais. The Emperor, the Archduchess, and don Ferdinand start on Monday next. La Roche left this afternoon for St. Omer's to join the Great Master. The Emperor and his council are sincere in their intentions. Spinelly warns Wolsey, "more syght sleeping than I awatthyng," that the concord between the Emperor and the French remains firm; though this be not advantageous for England remaining arbiter between them both. Brussels, 28 June 1520.
The elector of Cologne will not come with the Emperor.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: "[To my] lord Cardinal's grace."
28 June.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Wrote yesterday. A servant of the bishop of Elna arrived immediately after by posts; on which the Privy Council was assembled. This morning asked the lord Marquis what he should write about the Emperor's going to Gravelines. He said their ambassador had warned his Majesty to hasten it, and they would make all haste possible. Dined since with the Chancellor, who said Wolsey had told the ambassador the King could not delay his going over longer than Monday next, but that a second post had arrived stating that Wolsey had persuaded him, for the Emperor's sake, to remain all Wednesday. The Marquis and Chancellor will therefore leave tomorrow for Calais, and the Emperor with the Archduchess on Monday. Many chariots are ready with stuff. The Chancellor suggests that while the Emperor is on the way, the t[wo] might commune with Wolsey. They blame the Bishop for not informing him of the reasons for the King's hasty return to England. They have delayed their provisions hitherto, in order to keep secret the meeting with Wolsey. They hope Wolsey will have regard to their honor, seeing they do all they can "for the anticipation of the day appointed by the last treaty and sworn of both parties," "desiring me to go to the lord Marquis again, and make me unknown of all the premises." Has spoken with him accordingly, "who yet hath remitted me at 8 of the clock, and not absolutely affirmed his coming." Brussels, 28 June 1520.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
29 June.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Desires his assistance in matters of which Guillaume Des Barres will speak to him. Even if all should be lost, will follow the King and Wolsey's counsel. Mons, 29 June.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. "A mons. le legat mon bon filz."
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
If he has not written till now, it is for the "façons de faire," of which Wolsey knows. Cannot doubt Wolsey's good intentions, nor cease to wish him well and trust him. Hopes he will still use his efforts to preserve and augment friendship between Henry and Charles, according to the letter he now writes to the King, and the writing he has given to the English ambassadors.
Hol., Fr., p. 1, Add.: Monsr. le Cardinal mon bon amy, le legat et primat d'Angleterre.
30 June.
Vesp. F. III.
B. M.
The desire he has to see Henry and Wolsey causes him to set out earlier than his affairs render necessary. Sends the marquis d'Arscot and the Chancellor to await his coming, which will be soon. Desires credence for them. Brussels, 30 June.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons. le cardinal d'Angleterre, mon bon amy. Endd.
Item, to show my lord Cardinal that I [Surrey] have long ago told him that it is impossible for me to sign the indenture he has sent, binding me to serve the King with 50 archers and demi-lances on horseback, 50 footmen, all English, 100 Irish horsemen and 300 kerne. Cannot furnish more than the above number of English, 50 Irish horse and 150 kerne, which, with my other charges, will cost me more than I receive from the King and all the revenues of my lands in England. If war continue, it will be impossible to maintain that number. The Marquis in Spain, and Sir Edw. Ponynges at Tournay, had twenty nobles a day, and all their men in wages. I would his grace would give me a reasonable sum for my expenses, and put my men in wages, and let the Under-treasurer employ the rest that I now have from the King on such Irish soldiers as I and others of the council may appoint _ Item, to ask Wolsey to find some way of paying the carriage of victuals. It is impossible to pay it out of the price of the victual, as Wolsey suggests, because ale and bread are so dear that the soldiers could not live if they were dearer. Does not see how the footmen can be kept here any longer on their present wages of 4d. a day. Has hitherto paid the carriage himself, but can do so no longer.
P. 1. Hol., in Surrey's hand. Endd.: Information to be showed to my Lord's grace by estimation from my lord of Surrey. Ireland.
June./GRANTS. 890. GRANTS in JUNE 1520.
20. Agnes Heth, of Luton, Beds., "synglewoman." Pardon for having drowned her male child on the day of its birth, 25 Dec. Del. Guisnes, 20 June 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
20. Geo. Lawson. To be master mason of the town and castle of Berwick, with 8d. a day out of the revenues set apart for the payment of the officers, &c. of the town, on surrender of patent, 12 May 7 Hen. VIII. Del. Calais, 20 June 12 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 14, 21.
A note is added at the foot of the S. B., concerning the wages; signed, John Daunce.
25. Inspeximus of a deed 5 Ric. II., conveying certain lands in the parish of Twynem, Sussex, from Ric. Heghe to John Brentfeld and Th. Thorndenne, and of an indenture of same date by which those lands were regranted to Ric. Heghe, and Rob. his son. Guisnes, 25 June.—Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7.
26. Ric. Persall, of Chekley, Chesh. Pardon. Del. Westm., 26 June 12 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Endd.: "My lord steward."
28. Wm. Couper, groom for the royal mouth in the Pantry, and Th. Sparcheforde, groom for the royal mouth in the Ewery. To be bow-bearers and palers of the parks of Maiwode and Wolleys, in the lordship of Barnardes Castell, bow-bearers of Busshoppesdale and Coverdale, palers of the parks of Cottestough and the west park of Middelham in the lordship of Middilham, and keepers of the woods of Aykesgarth, in the said lordship, during pleasure. Greenwich, 14 May 12 Hen. VIII. Del. Guisnes, 28 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.


  • 1. Chievres.
  • 2. Black letter pamphlet, printed "cum privilegio pour huyt jours." The English account of the meeting will be found in Hall's Chronicle, p. 604, and was evidently taken from the journal of an eyewitness.
  • 3. Here follows a description of Wolsey's visit to the French king, which is the same as in no. 2.
  • 4. Printed in black letter "cum privilegio," by Jehan Lescaille, the privilege to last for a year from 31 July 1520.
  • 5. Fouyst la lice.
  • 6. To Guines, in "La Description et Ordre du Camp."
  • 7. This paragraph in cr.