Henry VIII: December 1519

Pages 183-199

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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December 1519

Calig. D. VII. 161. B. M. 530. BOLEYN to WOLSEY.
Wrote his last on the 22d Nov. Received on the 27th a letter from Wolsey, another in French for the King, and a certificate signed by the Cardinal of the losses sustained by the English merchants in the affair of La Fontaine. It has been referred by the King to the Admiral. Boleyn has pressed the latter to send the money at once, but is answered the Treasurer is out of the way. Yesterday, was assured that the money should be sent shortly; that the Admiral does not know "whether Marynyx, which came yesterday, shall carry yt with hym whan he goyth into England, or that he shall cawse marchaunts, being there, to pay yt; for he and the treasourers be styll abowt the same to depeche yt." He then retired with him and Robertet into a secret chamber, and told Boleyn that, on his departing from England, he promised to inform the King of anything he heard detrimental to the alliance of the two crowns; that when he went from Paris to Almayne to secure the election of his master, La Bastye had been told that England had promised all the aid it could to the cause of Francis; but when Master Pace went as ambassador to Almayn, "he was with the marques of Brandingborow in the town of Mayance, in the said Marques lodg[ing] ayenst the great chirch of Our Lady, where he was behind a tapett; [and] there he sayth he hard Master Pace, in his oracion that he made [unto] the said Marquis, desire that noone might be accepted to the digni[tee] imperiall that was [not] of the nacion or tong Germanique, but rath[er] to be preferred oon of their own princes of Almayn, and finally he hard hym speke for the advancement of the King Catholic, which he thought straunge; and further said that, forasmuch as he made [this] request, which he hard, to the marques of Brandingborow, he is [sure] that he made semblable to all other of the Electors." Mar[ynyx] will state more of this when he comes to England. Robertet finds great fault with Bouton's being allowed to stay there. The King still expresses great anxiety for the meeting. The cardinal of Bourges is dead. The King's confessor will have his bishopric, and the legate of France the abbey of Fécamp. Seynt Marsault is lately come from the Pope, and the talk is that the King will go to Lyons; the King himself says to Coygnac, before Christmas. The four eldest hostagers in England are to be replaced by four others. Signature burnt off.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
Calig. D. VII. 125. B. M. 531. WOLSEY to BOLEYN.
Instructions from cardinal Wolsey to Sir Thomas Boleyn: (1) for a sharp remonstrance with the Great Master and others of the French king's council for delays in making restitution to the English merchants; (2) for explaining certain points in the treaty; and (3) arranging a meeting between the two Kings.
Draft, corrected by Ruthal, much mutilated, pp. 30.
1 Dec.
Rym. XIII. 732.
The friends and relatives of the hostages in England have requested that, conformably with the contents of the treaty, they may be exchanged for others. As they are highly connected, and offers of marriage have been made them, their interests will suffer by their absence. Has selected four other names, as De la Bastie will show the King. Hopes the exchange may take place as soon as possible, and similarly of the "petit Grimault," who, for reasons which the ambassador will explain, would occasion inestimable loss to his house if he do not at once return. Blois, 1 Dec. Signed.
4 Dec.
Vit. B. IV. 32. B. M.
Has not written since his last from Blois. Has had very bad weather; much rain. Reached Bologna on the xx ... Oct., and stayed there to recruit till the 14th Nov. Started for Rome on the 26th, with no better weather. Entered the city incognito. Next day, the 28th, was received by all ranks at the city gates, and conducted from Santa Maria ad ... to the palace; saluted the Pope and cardinals. Afterwards, the consistory being dismissed, had with the bp. of Worcester an audience of the Pope. Expressed to him the King's friendship for the Holy See, his desire for the peace of Christendom, and presented his letters, which he returned to Campeggio to read; then he presented those relating to the treaty; thirdly, those referring to his own return; fourthly, those containing his promised promotion to the see of Salisbury. Thanked the Pope for his favors, which had been productive of so much benefit to him. Then offered the Pope the truce, of which he had sent him before an exact copy, and explained to him the commission he had received, in conjunction with Worcester, for the ratification of the five years' truce. Then asked the Pope for a confessional for the King and the Queen, for the princess Mary, for their sons, daughters and descendants; which was granted. Then presented Wolsey's letters, on which Campeggio offered a running comment in Wolsey's praise, which was favorably received. Begged the legateship might be prolonged "ad Sanctitatis ejusdem placitum;" declaring that Wolsey's petition had no regard whatever to his own interests, but the more authoritative reformation of the monks and clergy. The Pope would not give any answer then. He then proceeded to talk of the dismes. Campeggio expressed Wolsey's regret that he could not bring the matter about as the Pope wished. Explained the difficulty, and was efficaciously supported by Worcester. On returning to the subject next day the Pope said, "Domine Campegie, nos cuperemus [ut majes]tas illa serenissima et reverendissimus Eboracensis diligentiores essent promissorum suorum observatores ... de decima noluimus heri aliquid disputare, utrum aut quomodo fuerit nobis promissa; certe quod nobis totiens promiserunt, et intercessionibus nostris respon[sione] confirmarunt de domino Wigorniensi, nihil unquam effecerunt; quod nos valde nec sine [causa] mirati sumus; quum nec promissorum suorum, nec nostri, nec viri de ipsis profecto [optime] meriti, rationem aliquam habuisse videantur, ac nostram et illius spem et expecta [tionem] elusisse, cujus officia et studiosissima obsequia ac servitutem in eorum gloriam [am]plissime testari possumus," &c. Begs that Worcester's services may have some acknowledgment. Campeggio promised he would report to England the Pope's wishes. He is satisfied at present in the matter of the tithes, and hopes it will be brought to effect by Easter.
A consistory was held on the 2d, in which the Pope announced the return of Campeggio from England, commended the King, and ordered his letters to be read. This was done by dom. Cornarus, the "diaconorum decanus," with a loud voice. The rules of the consistory did not allow Campeggio to make an oration, but he seconded the Pope's eulogium by buzzing about the King's praises "seorsum et levi susurro." has been visiting the Bishop of Worcester, who has kindly received him as a sharer in his negotiations. Commends his dexterity and clearness. The Pope is in some grief at the loss of his sister Magdalena, mother of card. Cibo, and intends to retire for eight days to Ostia, after which he will reply to the King's letters. He and Worcester have paid a visit of condolence to the Pope, who talked over with him the prorogation of the legateship. He has agreed to it for two years longer. The fleet that was said to be at Sicily is going to Naples; but Worcester will write more fully. Rome, 4 Dec. 15[19]. Kept till the 9th. Signature burnt off.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 7. T. card. Ebor. Angl. primati ac S.D.N. legato de latere. Endd.
5 Dec.
[Calig. E. I. II. ?] IV. 252. B. M.
Has received his letter by Richmond herald, and the complaint of an English merchant, who states that he has been plundered by the French. There shall be no fault on their side. Boleyn, the English ambassador, will write upon the subject. Blois, 5 Dec. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add. Endd.
5 Dec.
[Calig. E. I. II. ?] I. 148. B. M.
Remits all things to Mons. de la Bastye for the present. He will be superseded in a few days by La Bastye, who will explain the King's perfect confidence in the Cardinal. Has written to the duke of Suffolk. Will inform him of anything that may happen. Blois, 5 Dec.
P.S.—On the arrival of Richmond, had despatched the affair touching the English merchants according to the letter of the king of England. There is a person named the earl of Kildare in Ireland who has much communication with French merchants. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Endd.: "The admiral of France's letters."
5 Dec.
Calig. E. I. 154. B.M.
536. A DU PRAT "f. g." to WOLSEY.
Congratulates him on the peace established, through his means, between the two crowns. Paris, 5 Dec.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: [Rmo in] Christo patri [cardinali] Romanæ Ecclesiæ Eb[oracensi].
8 Dec.
Add. MS. 15,387. f. 82. B. M.
537. HENRY VIII. to LEO X.
The Pope will have understood from his letters and Wolsey's his objections to ratifying the five years' truce, which he thought should be by a universal league, as it would otherwise seem to derogate from the perpetual alliance he has with all Christian princes. At the request, however, of Wolsey and Campeggio, and not to afford a pretext for refusal to other princes, has at length consented, not only to ratify himself, but to endeavour to persuade the French king, with whom he has just (fn. 1) formed an alliance, to ratify them also; with the proviso, however, that they in nowise derogate from previous alliances. Greenwich, 8 Dec. MDXVIII. (qu. MDXVIIII ?). (fn. 2)
Lat., copy, pp. 7.
8 Dec.
Vit. B. IV. 35*. B. M.
In behalf of Ralph Bryerton, accused of casual homicide, whose pardon the King had promised Campeggio. Rome, 8 Dec. 1519. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
9 Dec.
R. O.
Is informed by the bearer that Wolsey has pleased to accept his excuse for delay in coming to him, by reason of his disease. Thanks him for doing so. Will come as soon as his health is restored. London, 9 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.: From Master Pace, the 9th day of September (sic).
9 Dec.
Calig. E. I. 147. B. M.
Will do all he can to promote the interview. Will not trouble him with his bad handwriting. The friendship of the two Kings is what he desires most. "A ma pl[ace] de Hampton Court le ixme jour de Decembre." Not Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: "A la bonne grace du Roy Tres Chretien."
9 Dec.
Vit. B. III. 261. B. M.
541. _ to _
Has received his letters and money. Has been assiduous for five or six years in advancing his causes (procez). If his correspondent have no pity on him, he will [become] a beggar (chetif). Has waited two years in vain, [on the promise of a] great provision. His correspondent's affairs are in good train. The opposite party is making desperate efforts to defeat him. Within little time many great personages have died, as the bishops of Nevers and Limoges, and the card. of Bourges, brother of the general of Normandy, who was abbot of Fécamp, and Olivier, the president of Paris, who [went] to Germany with the admiral. The bastard of Savoy is made Grand Master. The Admiral is omnipotent. The card. of Boissy, his brother, [is bp. ? of] Coustancez in Normandy, abbot of Bec, with a pension of 10,000 crowns, and legate in France. The King and Queen and the court are at Bloys, making good cheer. An ambassador is expected from Spain to treat for peace. [Some lines greatly mutilated.] In spite of the alliance, France is more afraid of England than of all the other powers put together. The French king intended to have sent card. Bourges to manage the Pope, and intimidate him by the pragmatic sanction, as if the concordat were not popular in France in consequence of the money it took out of the kingdom. He has despatched thither Mons. de Lescut, and sent to Basse Allemagne for 12,000 lanzknechts. The French ambassador in Switzerland has not succeeded in gaining any but the vilains. The King Catholic has sent to the Swiss to protest against their joining with any sovereign. Understands that the King has paid them a large sum, to little or no purpose. He still pays his pension to the duke of Gueldres. He has prepared the most sumptuous lists for the coming of the Spanish ambassador. He is going to marry Madame Renée to the king of [Navarre]. (fn. 3) Lautrec is unpopular with the Milanese, [who] wish for Bourbon, but he is unwilling to undertake the charge. Amboise, Friday, 9 Dec.
P.S.—Begs speedy assistance.
Fr., pp. 3.
9 Dec.
P. S. b.
542. The PRIOR and CONVENT of ST. MARY AND ST. JOHN, TALLEY, St. David's dioc.
Petition for a congé d'élire vice David ap Jevan, abbot, who died 11 Nov. 9 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII.
10 Dec.
R. O.
Credence for the sieur de Marigny, councillor and bailly of Senlys, who is to reside in England in place of lord de la Bastie, returning to France on account of his wife's ill health. Bloys, 10 Dec. Signed. Countersigned: Robertet.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A. mons. le Legat, mon bon amy, cardinal et chancellier en Angleterre.
10 Dec.
R. O.
Sends money (l'argent tauxe) to be distributed, according to Wolsey's directions, to the English merchants robbed by Jean de la Fontaine of Bayonne. Some, whose names are enclosed, have been paid by his commissioners. Bloys, 10 Dec. Signed. Countersigned: Robertet.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. de la Bastie, mon ambassadeur en Angleterre.
10 Dec.
R. O.
The King is sending Mons. de Marigny, the bearer, to reside in England in place of Mons. de la Bastye, who is obliged to return. Marigny will tell him of the King's good will to him and of other matters. Bloys, 10 Dec. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A. mons. mons. le cardinal York, legat et chancelier en Angleterre. Endd.
10 Dec.
Calig. E. I. 11. B. M.
546. FRANCIS I. to [WOLSEY.]
Has written to the King, requesting his consent, in compliance with the terms of the treaty, to accept the substitutes for hostages now in England, whose relatives are very anxious for their return. La Bastie is to treat with Wolsey to have this exchange effected as soon as possible. So great is his authority and prudence, &c. ..., 10 Dec. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
10 Dec.
Calig. D. VII. 163. B. M.
Names of the hostages to be sent over to England; sc. the eldest son of M. d'Assigny, baron de Bretaigne, the son of M. de Champdenier, seneschal of Thoulouse, St. Simon, le jeune Brosse, le jeune Tournon, the eldest son of M. de Jarnac, the eldest son of La Ferte. Blois, 10 Dec. 1519. Signed by Francis.
11 Dec.
R. O.
Wrote last on the 4th. (fn. 4) Came to court on the 6th, where he learned that the King had received letters from the bishop of Helna, and was much pleased to be assured of the good will of England. They are sending thither John de la Sauche, to show that they intend to meet with Wolsey in England, if compelled to land, or else in Flanders; if the wind be very favorable they cannot afford to lose it. Was told yesterday by the ambassador of Portugal, that he had pressed for a better answer touching the alliance with his master's daughter, instead of being remitted into Flanders, and they had answered they would take the advice of England as their principal ally. He had therefore written to his master to send thither, and solicit Wolsey's favor. Chievres lately charged Spinelly with having written some things to England, asking who was his informant. Told him it was the Chancellor; who on this asked him to dinner, and spoke with him on the subject. Spinelly said he thought he had given him information to send to England. The French king is coming to Cognac, 14 leagues from Bordeaux; some say, that he may be nearer to intrigue; others, to begin business in Navarre, where good provision is made against him. Chievres says the secretary is instructed to inform the King and Wolsey how they stand with France, whom they mean to entertain with fair words, and England with good deeds. They intend to be in Galicia "by all April" at the furthest, when the whole army will be ready. The final answer has not come from the Pope, but they are in good hopes. Some say the Count Palatine will have the government of Castile; others, the cardinal of Tortosa. The Austrian ambassador says they will not allow Fellinger to have the control of the revenues. The bearer, John de la Sauche, has made the best possible report of the King and Wolsey. Molyn de Rey, 11 Dec. 1519.
Hol., cipher, pp. 4.
Vesp. C.I. 292. B. M. R. O. 2. Decipher of the above, in Tuke's hand, on the cover of the letter. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
3. Modern decipher.
11 Dec.
Calig. D. VII. 164. B. M.
Wrote his last on the 5th. Marynix has been dispatched this day for England, with an account of Pace's oration; scilt., that as the empire was won by Almains they should choose one of their own nation; if none such could be found, one of that lineage; and if it came to a question, Charles in preference to Francis. If the Cardinal wishes it, Marynix shall be recalled from England in two or three months, and La Basty sent in his place. Mons. de Seint Blancy, the chief of finance, has ordered John Cavalcant to England to pay the Cardinal by La Bastye 14,006 crowns and 18 so[us] Tournois, for the English merchants. The Queen mother is desirous that the interview should take place in April or May next, as the Queen expects to be delivered at the end of July. The Admiral has given Marynix a list of hostages in exchange. The King and the court had gone to Cognac. They will keep their Christmas at Lochys or Chastellarault. Blois, 11 Dec. Signature burnt off.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
12 Dec.
Vit. B. IV. 36. B. M.
In commendation of Gioan Andrea da Camino, descended from the lords of La Marcha Trivisana, who desires to enter the service of England. Mantua, 12 Dec. 1519.
Hol., Lat., mutilated, p. 1.
12 Dec.
Mon. Habs. Abth. 2. Bd. I. 208.
Instructions to the bishop of Elna and to Jehan de la Sauch, his secretary.
After presenting their letters of credence to the king of England, and thanking him for the last overtures made to Charles's ambassadors and secretary, they shall say that although Charles has already made answer to Henry's invitation to pass by his kingdom, he sends back La Sauch, who has heard the matter debated in council, to explain more fully his sentiments for the conservation of the alliance, and upon the four points in Wolsey's overtures. Approves of Wolsey's proposal for a meeting in order to perpetuate the amity. Cannot promise to pass through England, for the reasons mentioned in his letter to the bishop of Elna, but will be glad to do so if the opportunity occur; should the weather prove unfavorable, is determined to meet him as soon as possible after his arrival in the Low Countries, when they can deliberate on all that will be to their mutual benefit, and consider the means "pour assembler le tiers." Are to assure the King and Cardinal that there is no truth in the report that Charles was treating secretly, without their advice, for a marriage with lady Renée of France, for which purpose my lady Regent of France was to meet with the marquis d'Arschot, and that if the said marriage did not take effect Don Fernando was to marry her on condition of Charles renouncing to him the kingdom of Naples. Although the match was suggested to him by the Pope, he made no reply. A false rumor had reached Francis that Charles was treating at Rome for the renunciation of Naples in favor of Don Fernando; and he complained of it as contrary to the treaty of Noyon, declaring that if broken in this point he would hold it broken in all. On Charles answering that there was no truth in the rumor, Francis declared to him that he intended to preserve the alliance, and proposed to his ambassador that D'Arschot should come to France to arrange matters for the common good. D'Arshot writes in answer to the ambassador, giving him good words, but no encouragement to the proposal.
To show his confidence in the King and Wolsey, means to communicate to them all his great affairs. The Pope showed himself very glad of Charles's election, as appears by his brief, of which the Secretary shall exhibit a copy. In other matters, agrees very well with his Holiness. The Venetians are holding a diet with Charles for the observance of the treaties made with the late Emperor. They desire an entire peace, to which Charles is also inclined, so far as may consist with his honor, but has remitted the affair until he shall have information from his German dominions, or can be there. Has put off till after his coronation in Germany, those who have sent embassies to do homage to the empire, such as the dukes of Savoy, Ferrara, the marquises of Mantua and Montferrat, the sieur De la Mirandola, and other potentates of Italy. The duke Frederick Palatine has lately come hither, and brought him the decree of the election. He is charged to accompany Charles into Germany. Has already dispatched his escuyerie by land, and will leave in two or three days, going by Castile to see the Queen, his mother, and arrange about the government. Intends to embark by the beginning of April at the latest. Has sent the bishop of Burgos before him to prepare the army and vessels for his voyage. His aunt Margaret has transmitted to him the letters of Mons. de Sevenberg about the Swiss. Trusts they will assist to defend the empire, if invaded. They have shown their good will lately by refusing the duke of Wirtemberg assistance, when driven a second time from his duchy by the league of Swabia, of which Charles is chief, on his taking refuge among them. This has caused him to submit. Charles has committed him to his commissaries in Germany until his arrival, as also the duke of Lunembourg, who had begun war on the dukes of Brunswick, and has written to submit his dispute to Charles. The marquis of Brandenburg and the city of Nuremburg have also referred their differences to him. Requests the advice of the King and Wolsey on all these affairs. Has heard news of the death of the king of Scotland, which he hopes is not true, as the last letters do not mention it, and the French ambassadors were in England (par de la) going to Scotland to prolong the truce. Thinks they might, on the part of their master, cause the truce with Scotland to be observed, as Francis causes that of Gueldres to be, so that both Henry and Charles might have some settlement. They may mention, if an opportunity occur, that Charles is treating with his brother-in-law of Denmark to satisfy him as to his right. They are to visit the Queen, the Cardinal and others, to whom Charles has written, and present their letters of credence with suitable words. Molin del Rey, 12 Dec. '19. Signed.
12 Dec.
Tit. B. I. 226. B. M.
Sends John de la Sauch to England about matters which he and the bishop of Elna will explain to her. Molin de Rey, 12 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "[A] madame ma [bo]nne tante la [r]eyne d'Engleter[re]."
12 Dec.
Tit. B. I. 225. B. M.
Thanks him for the overtures made to his secretary John de la Sauch. Will send him back with an answer. Molin de Rey, 12 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
13 Dec.
Er. Ep. XVII. 2.
Hears from a friend, who is not unfavorable to Lee, that a rumor is in circulation that Erasmus had written a threatening letter to Lee. Wonders who can have had the impudence to make such a statement. Gives an account of a meeting he had with Lee, and the arrangements set on foot for printing Lee's criticisms, to which Geoffry Lee was a witness. After a long tirade against Lee, declares he is half inclined, when he has completed his Paraphase on the Psalms, to take leave of literature.
Louvain, natali S. Luciæ, 1519.
13 Dec.
R. O.
Although the Emperor wrote to the King and Wolsey, after his interview with John de Salice, his secretary, he has since heard from the Bishop of Elna, his ambassador, of conferences he had with them, and thinks it necessary for his secretary to return to England, to explain his mind more thoroughly. Expresses his zeal to serve them, and desires credence for De Salice and the Bishop. Ex Molendino Regio, 13 Dec. 1519. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
17 Dec.
R. O.
Credence for Denis Poullot, whom the King's mother is sending to England. Bloys, 17 Dec. Signed. Countersigned: Robertet.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
19 Dec.
R. O.
Hearing that the bearer was going to Lyons, sends this letter, as he was unwilling to miss the opportunity, though he has already sent him an account of occurrences since his arrival. Will send the briefs in answer to Henry and Wolsey, with the bulls for the prorogation of the legateship and for granting indulgences. The Emperor and the Pope are coming to an agreement. Respects to the King. Rome, 19 Dec. 1519. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
20 Dec.
R. O.
Expense of making the Kateryn Plesaunce for transporting the King to Calais, 22 May 10 Hen. VIII.
John Tanner, of Walderswike, 17 chalder of coal, at 6s., 19 March. Thos. Matoke and Champneys, Thames St., iron, 4l. 10s. a ton. Wm. Lovekynge, of Woolwich, 6 loads of stores, at 18d. To Robard Pope, for the master of the college of Lygfild, and Henry Comfort, for John Basset, of Chelsam, timber from 12d. to 18d. a load. 20 May 1519, to Ric. Wyncham, of Lewsem, for carriage of one load from Chelsam to Depfford, 13 miles, 2s. 11 June 1519, 1,200 trenails, 11d. a 100. 10 March 1519, Nich. Foord, fishmonger, dwelling at St. Magnus' corner, Peter Swynbanke, of Petywalis, beer-brewer, and others, for haberden, 26s. 8d. the 100; herring, 5s. 8d. to 9s. the barrel; pease for porridge, 12d. and 15d. the bushel; beer, 6s. 8d. the pipe. Chr. Horton, baker, Deptfordstrond, 5 score doz. bread and vantage, 5l., &c. &c.
Payments by Thos. Perse.—April 1519, for timber from my lord Marquis, from lord Borgeyny's common called Hadfyld, and Wooddam Park, at 12d. a load. His own labor for 30 days, 20s. Carriage of 8 loads of knees from Danbery Common, belonging to the prior of St. Mary Spytell, to Clement Green, 10s.; from Clement Green to Deptford by water, 13s. 4d. Carpenters' wages, 6d. a day. Loading Cox's great hoye at Clement Green, 5s. 2d. To the parker's wife, for keeping open the gate of Hadfield, 6d. Loading Jas. Clark's hoye, 7s. 8d. Peter Cotiar, carriage of 14 loads timber for trenails, from Bendflyt to Deptford, 14s. 2 hoyes from Battle Bridge to Deptford, 46s. To John Cox, fellmonger, 20 April 1519, 36 loads dry timber, at 5s. 8d. 8 loads trenail wood, at 2s. Freight of 10 loads green timber from Clement Green, Essex, to Deptford Strond, 12d. a load. Lord Borgayny, 20 loads of timber from Andfyld Common, at 20d. Carriage of timber from Tadisfeld and Chelsam, to Deptford Strond, by land, 13 miles. at 2d. a mile. To John and Wm. Hobard, for carrying 2 carts of strackeshids and timber to the sawpits, 2 days, 4s. To Herry Kynge, of Becknam, carrying timber from Chelsam, 2s. a load; from Bromley parish, 16d. a load. One piece of the keel from Wekam, requiring 2 carts, 2s. 8d. The other part and the stem piece, 4s. 2 great crooked pieces, being 2 loads, 4s.; 2 loads from Westwood, 2s. 4d.; and half a load bought from him, 12d.
Wages of 8 men for making a shed for a smith's forge, and for "dowbing" and tiling it and the kitchen, from 3d. to 7d. a day. To Thomas, Mr. Strangwisshe's servant, 1,000 bricks, 4s. 6d. To Edgose, of Lymost, 2 loads lime, 2s. Ric. Tewsyn, 3 loads loam, 18d. John Hopton, 1,000 tiles, 5s. 800 lath, 6d. a 100. 5,000 "sprigge and roffe" (nails), at 6d. a 1,000. 6 rod pale for closing the ship, and timber board, 36s. Digging holes for the posts, 2 days, 10d. Hanging hooks for the gate, 15lb., at 1½d. A pair of garnets, 6d. 2 bolts, 6d. 700 fourpenny nails, 2s. 4d. 2 hasps and 2 staples, 3d.
Wages of 11 carpenters hewing timber in Thondersey Park and the ground of the prior of St. Mary Spytyll's, paid by Wm. Cotyll at 4d. and 6d. a day, 33s. 9d. Carriage to Benysflett, 31 carts, at 4d. each.
Wages of 15 carpenters working on the ship, from 22 Feb. 1518 to 19 March, paid by John Hopton, 2d. to 8d. a day. Wm. Harper, of Hadwich, 18 long oars, at 18d. To John Austen, for the prior of Farley, 14 loads of timber, at 16d. Wm. Causten, for a piece that was a forefoot, and another piece for a stem piece, 80½ ft. by 5 ft., at 16d. the load.
Carpenters working at Bexeley Park, Kent, paid by John Hopton, April 1519, from 8d. to 2d. a day. Sawing planks, 12d. a 100. 89 carpenters working on the ship, 21 March to 16 April 1519, at 1½d. to 8d. a day. Smiths' wages, 2d. to 6d. a day. To John Riall, for making room to lay the keel, 3 days at 5d. To Ric. Hatham, carriage of 2 loads to the Great Nicholas dock, 3s. 4d. To Thos. Weder, of Herethe, 16 Sept. 1519, 750 overlope board, at 4s. the 100. 200 quarter board, at 2s. 8d. John Whitlocke, 2 masts to make the thowbeam, laying of the postywyches to row at, 57s. 4d. 80 tons of ballast, 24s. To my lord of Rochester, for 10 loads of timber from Bromley Park, 2s. a load. 500 ft. carvell plank, 5s. the 100. 42 carpenters working on the ship, from 10 May 1519 to 11 June, at from 1½d. to 8d. a day. From 27 June to 10 August, 54 men, from 1½d. to 8d. a day. To Wm. Jonson, turner, Eastcheap, 2 doz. platters, 20d. 1 doz. drinking bowls, 6d. 2 two-gallon tankards, 2s. 2 gallon tankards, 16d. 4 pails, 12d. 2 doz. saucers, 4d. 4 doz. dishes, 12d. 3 pottle tankards, 12d. 2 ladles, 1d. Smiths' wages, 6d. a day, and 16d. a week. Edw. Jonson, North Craye, 1 Oct. 1519, 71 loads of timber from Bexley Park, at 2s. 6d. John Webster, Peckham Rie, 2,000 tiles, 10s. 2d. 3 loads lime, 3s. 3 loads sand, 15d. 500 lath, 2s. 6d. 2,000 lath nail and pins, 16d. These were used for the stable that was broken to make way for the launching of the ship. 117 lb. of spikes, at 1½d. the lb. 1,000 tenpenny nails, at 10d. For the Barbara and the John Baptist, 300 lead nails, at 3d. the 100. 10 Aug. 1519 to 21 Sept., 15 carpenters and caulkers, 2d. to 8d. a day. To Wm. Cardmaker, 24 st. oakum, at 6d. 240lb. tallow, at 9s. the cwt. 17 bushels salt, at 6d. To Wm. Bowerman, making a great cathook for the Henry Grace a Dicu, 4s. A bolt for the cathook, weighing 10lb., 15d. A match for a gun weighing 80 lb., at 1d. a lb. 23 Sept. to 12 Oct. 1519, 7 carpenters. To Wm. Moptid and his company, helping the masts into the storehouse at Erith, 20 Nov., 3s. 10d. Ric. Painter, Barking Creek, for butter and mustard, from Easter to Aug. 1519, 10s. To the goodwife Bingley, for lodging 6 carpenters in two beds, for 14 weeks, 3d. a week for each bed. To John Baker, the younger, 20 Dec. 1519, lodging 15 carpenters in 5 beds, for 3 weeks, 3s. 9d. 11 March 11 Hen. VIII., 120 st. of hemp weighing 1,500lb., at 6s. 1d. the cwt. Goats' hair for the boat, 10d. 14lb. thromes, 2d. a lb. 4 cwt. rosin, at 4s. 51 st. oakum, at 4d. 1 cwt. flax, 10s. 3 cwt. tallow, at 8s. To John Hopton, for Spanish nails, 13s. 4d. To John Twill, for butter and oatmeal for porridge for the workmen, 19s. 20 oxen, 21l. 10s. Totals: wages, 125l. 9s. 11d.; victuals, 84l. 11s. 9d.; lodging, 52s.; emptions, 111l. 0s. 1d. Sum total, 323l. 13s. 9d.
Pp. 34.
22 Dec.
P. S.
559. For ANTHONY CHABO, the King's surgeon.
Annuity of 20l. Lambeth, 23 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Dec.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26.
23 Dec.
R. O.
Wrote last on the 13th by John de la Saulche. Has since then seen Chievres and the Chancellor, who are well disposed to his grace and England, and to make no new treaty with France; by whose good wishes the French practices may be considered totally extinct. The French press for the payment of the rest of the money due for Naples; to which answer was given that, as the French king professes so much good will towards the king of the Romans, he should not press for so small a matter. Is of opinion that when Charles arrives in Flanders this and other matters will be more easily settled, and, considering his fast alliance with England, the French king will keep quiet. The resolution has not yet arrived from Rome. The Pope proposes to send the crown into Almain, or that Charles should go to Italy with a small company. The King will not bind himself to anything against his honor and ancient customs. The Count Palatine is in great favor with him. Otho Henry, his nephew, is gone into Andalusia, Portugal and St. James, with 40 horses. The King is at Molinde Rey, waiting "to order the justice after the comons of Catalonia their desire; whereto the nobles contradict, alleging certain privileges to one untrue interpretation, and totale [contrary] to the said justice; the which, for the benefict of the said subjects, and of all those that ul be content with their own, the King is determined to reform, and shal doithe with his moche honor and prise." The duke of Cardona, accused of a murder committed by his steward in Barcelona, and resisting the law, is made a prisoner, by the King's commandment, with the Duchess, for an example to all others. This has made the King popular. Chievres tells him they will take shipping at the beginning of May. The bishoprick of Gain is given to the bishop of Luke. "The lady Margaret wol in no manere condeshende to cume to the governance of Castila." La Tore de Galdes, 23 Dec.
Hol., cipher, pp. 4.
Vesp. C. XIII. 247. B.M. 2. Decipher of the above in Tuke's hand.
24 Dec.
Calig. E. II. 166. B.M.
Has received [his letters] and news by Montmorency, who also informed the King his master of the perfect affection of his good brother. Refers him for further information to Marigny. Montmorency has explained to the King the proposal made by the ambassador of Mons. de Savoy "pardela," requesting your advice upon the marriage of his master with the Portuguese princess, and how he is to conduct himself to the King Catholic, whose subject he is, and whether he ought to prefer his amity to that of the French king his relative. Francis is of opinion that the Duke ought not to contract such a marriage without consulting himself and his mother. (fn. 5) If Wolsey will insist upon the amity of the two Kings, he may stop the Duke's intention, who has no cause of complaint, as, notwithstanding all his errors, he has been highly favored by Francis. Cautions him against trusting the ambassador of Savoy. Maleherbes, 24 ... Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 4. Endd.: "[Bo]nyvett's letters unto Montmorancy."
25 Dec.
R. O.
562. LOANS.
Loans money received by Thos. Stokes, one of the tellers of the receipt to the King, according to letter missives directed before the Feast of the Nativity 11 Hen. VIII.
Bishop of Chichester, 100 mks. Bishop of Hereford, 100 mks. Abbot of Battel, 15l. Abbot of Hyde, 40 mks. Abbot of Walden, ... Abbot of Ramsey, c [mks.] * * *
Abbot of St. John's, Colchester, 20l. Prior of Ely, 40l. Prior of Norwich, 50l. Mr. Wm. Pykenham, clerk, 50l. Nic. Goldway, clk., 100 mks. Sir Wm. Boleyn, 20l. Thos. Thorysby, 40l. Sir Thos. Bourgoyne (?) 100 mks. Total, 3,412l. 6s. 8d. * * *
Paid to the kitchen upon the exhibition of the knygh[t] ... 10 weeks, at 20s. To John Shaa, of London, gold[smith] ... To Sir Thos. Lovell ...
27 Dec.
R. O.
Complaint of Wm. Astell, of Nuneaton, Warw., gent., and Ric. Harrys, of London, haberdasher, against Roger Milward, of London, goldsmith, servant of Thos. cardinal of York and lord Chancellor, for detaining 200l. of their money which ought to have been paid on the Feast of St. John the Apostle, 1519.
Copy, Lat., p. 1. Endd.: "Rogerus Milwarde, serviens R. D. card. Ebor."
28 Dec.
R. O.
Sends by the bearer a bowl with a cover, as a New Year's gift to Wolsey, which he asks Heneage to present for him. Wishes him to send back by the bearer Wolsey's orders concerning Harry Ledar. Calais, 28 Dec.
Sends him 20s. for his fee, and a brooch as a remembrance. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my [cousin Henedge], with my [lord Cardinal's] grace.
R. O.
Sends, "in token of this good New Year, my true and loving heart, which I humbly beseech your grace principally to regard, and secondary this poor present that this bearer shall deliver." Wishes him many good New Years, with health both in body and soul. Owing to Wolsey's advice, has had good health since he left him. However, one of his legs is broken out again, so that he can neither ride nor go any time. Fears it will engender much corruption inwardly for lack of exercise, and so shorten his days. Asks him to send him a mule. If he had one, would ride in the fields for exercise more than he does at present, and would try to make himself strong enough to visit him next summer. Downeham, besides Elye, _ (fn. 6) Dec. Signed.
P.1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
Criticisms upon his edition of the New Testament. Dined a little time since with card. Sion at Antwerp. The preachers are unfavorable to him. Excitement occasioned by them. There are two universities in England, at which Greek is taught;—in Cambridge, without molestation, as Fisher is chancellor there; but in Oxford, where there is a young Greek professor, an ignorant preacher declaimed against Greek, and was silenced by the King through the instrumentality of More and Pace. Gives an account of a sermon at court, in which the preacher had inveighed against the study of Greek; and of the discussion in which the King, More, and Pace had taken part. Louvain, 1519.
Jortin's Erasmus, III. 365. 567. MORE to _ (a monk).
Has received his letter expressing his apprehensions lest More should be corrupted, and the salvation of his soul endangered, by his intimacy with Erasmus. Would be very ungrateful if he did not thank his correspondent for his excessive zeal, who dashes over rocks and precipices, at the imminent hazard of his neck, to save More from stumbling, who is leisurely walking in perfect security on level ground. Replies to the calumnies thrown out against Erasmus; believes that Lee is ashamed of his attack. The orthodoxy of Erasmus is proved by his intimacy with Colet, Fisher, Grocin, and others. Brings a variety of instances in which the later Church had departed from the dogmas of the Fathers. Defends the study of Greek, and purity of style. Objects to the Vulgate,—its inaccuracies, &c., its violation of grammatical propriety. Defends the change of verbum into sermo. Mentions Colet, Fisher, and especially John Longland, dean of Salisbury, "alter ut ejus laudes uno verbo complectar Coletus, seu concionantem audias, seu vitæ spectes puritatem," who admitted that more information was to be gained from the labours of Erasmus on the New Testament than from all other commentaries besides. Objects to the senseless iteration of Scriptural terms, and illustrates it by a story of a buffoon who amused a crowd by an obscene tale, mimicking the dress, countenance, and gesticulation of a preaching friar, and expressing himself in words culled exclusively from Scripture. The jealousies and factions of rival religious orders; their arrogance and superstition.
Gives an account of his paying a visit to his sister at Coventry, and of the preaching of a Franciscan there, who had asserted that whoever repeated daily the psalter of the Virgin would escape eternal damnation. The parish priest, who had warned his parishoners from the pulpit against this, was abused and traduced as an enemy to the Virgin, and branded for impiety. More, on his arrival, found it the sole topic of discussion. Repeats the conversation which arose at table about it, and his own comments upon it.
Proceeds to a very glowing description of the virtues and labors of Erasmus, and concludes his letter by warning his correspondent not to trust too much to the peculiar sanctity or ceremonies of his order. "You can," says More, "fast of yourself, watch of yourself, and pray of yourself;—nay, you may pray ex Diabolo. But true Christian faith, by which Christ Jesus is truly so called in the Spirit,—true Christian hope, by which a man, despairing of his own merits, is led to trust exclusively in the mercy of God,—true Christian charity, which is not puffed up, is not provoked, seeketh not its own,—these are gifts which fall to no man's lot except by the mere grace and gratuitous favor of God."
How to provide bullion from Almaigne for this realm with the greatest profit. In Almaigne, a mark of Snebery fine silver is sold at the receipt of the silver for 28s. 4d. st. 21 of them make only 20, Troy weight, which is a loss of 5 per cent., or 7l. 1s. 8d. on the 100 marks (sic). In every mark Troy weight, 2½ dwt., or 5½d. in money, is lost at the Tower; so that the marks cost, after this reckoning, 30s. 5½d., and it is not possible to have bullion or fine silver in this realm, seeing they only give 28s. 4d., whereby the coinage and Mint is wasted, many light clipped groats and "pence of twopence" are current, and there is no other money.
The best remedy for the evils that will arise from this is, to pay beforehand 2,666l. 13s. 4d. st. for every 2,000 marks weight of fine Snebery silver, which would give a saving of 20d. a mark. It should be received at every Frankfort mart, that is, half-yearly. When they are paid beforehand, they can afford to sell it cheaper, and find surety for its true deliverance. In this way it will be delivered at the Tower at 28s. 4d. st. a mark. If Wolsey will appoint a person to receive the money, will engage to deliver 2,000 or 4,000 marks' weight yearly at this price; but it must be secretly, as, if the purveyor were discovered, he would be in great danger, and the Princes would not suffer any silver to depart, because of their own mints.
Hol., pp. 2. Headed, 1519. Endd.: "Harman Ryug, for provision of bullion."
Sadoleti Epist. Pont. XCIV. 569. LEO X. to WOLSEY.
Recommends to his favor the Friars Observants. They are very ready to submit to Wolsey's visitation; of which the Pope has now given him the faculty, that he should punish the disorderly and such as have lapsed into Lutheranism. Rome.
C. p. 39.
Thanks for the Cardinal's liberality. The lectures he has founded there have been of the greatest service, especially the theological, of which Thomas Brynknell is the professor. They will attend to the advice contained in his last letter (fn. 7) about the stagnant marshes and watercourses.
R. O. 571. The STAR CHAMBER.
The following councillors, my lord of Westminster, the dean of St. Paul's, my lord of St. John's, Sir Thos. Nevyle, Sir Andrew Windesore, Sir Ric. Weston, Dr. Clerc, and Mr. Rooper, have been appointed by Wolsey and the Council to hear the causes of poor men depending in the Sterred Chambre, and will sit in the White Hall in Westminster, where the said suitors shall resort.
P. 1.
C. VII. 187. B.M. Wilkins' Concilia, III. 659.
Thanking him for having established peace among them, and appointed a president, (fn. 8) through whose influence they hope no similar occasion of dissension will arise. He is at liberty to use their quarries, "ad opus pientissimum, viz., hoc sacrosanctum musarum asylum."
Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Thomæ archiep. Ebor., S.R.E. presb. cardinali apostolicæ sedis et a latere legato, &c. Endd.
Calig. B.I.
125. B.M.
573. The BORDERS.
"Rewardes yoven unto divers men of Northumberlond by the handes of my lorde lieutenant for the casting down of Blakatur and other fortresses in Scotland, as it appeareth by a bill signed by my said lord lieutenant."
To the soldiers of Berwick, 6l. 13s. 4d. To lord Ogill, 13l. 6s. 8d. To Sir Wm. Heron, 10l. To Sir Edward Graye, knt., 10l. To Sir Wm. Percy, knt., 13l. 6s. 8d. To Sir Ph. Dacre, knt., 5l. To Sir Ralph à Fenwick, 10l. To Sir Wm. Lysle, 5l. To Sir Roger Gray, 4l. To Robert à Collyngwood, 4l. To the gunners, 5l. To Claveryng, 53s. 4d. To Sir John Delavale, 53s. 4d. To John Swinburne, 40s. To John Heron, of Crawley, 40s. To John Heron, of Chipchace, 4l. To Sir Wm. Hilton, 10l. To Sir Wm. Ellerker, 5l. To Cuthbert Ratclif, 4l. To Sir Nicholas Ridley, 40s. To certain guides, 40s. Total, 122l. 13s. 4d.
ii. "Rewardes yoven by the King's commandment" to men of the bishopric of Durham and of Northumberland and Cumberland, for the casting down of Cessford and other fortresses in Scotland, paid by warrants of the lord lieutenant.—(1.) In the bishopric of Durham. To my lord of Westmoreland and his retinue, for seven days, 80l. Bartholomew Harwood and his retinue, 20l. 4s. To lord Lomeley and his retinue, 81l. 4s. Sir Wm. Bulmer, for the retinue of the prior of Durham, the Chancellor of the same, Mr. Gretam, the master of the hospital of Sherborne, 280l. Robert Boys "and Boys" (sic), for their retinue, 20l. 8s. To Sir Wm. Hilton, 49l. 8s.—(2.) Northumberland and Cumberland. To lord Ogill, for his retinue for the same period, 13l. 6s. 8d. To John Clavering and his retinue, 3l. To Edward Gallon and his retinue, 40s. To Sir Wm. Lysle and his company, 100s. To Robt. Collyngwood and his retinue, 100s. To Wm. Swynbourne and his retinue, 4l. To Nicholas Thorneton and his retinue, 3l. 6s. 8d. To Sir John Delavale and his retinue, 53s. ... jd. To Sir John Heron, knt., and his retinue, 4l. To Sir Edward Ratcliff, knt., and his retinue, 3l. 6s. 8d. To Sir Ralph à Fenwick and his retinue, 10l. To John Whitefield and his retinue, 40s. To Sir Thos. Elderton, knt., and his retinue, 6l. 13s. 4d. To Sir Wm. Percy and his retinue, 26l. 13s. 4d. To Sir Wm. Heron and his retinue, 10l. To Sir Nich. Ridley and his retinue, 40s. To Thos. Carnabe, esq., and his retinue, 40s. To Sir Wm. Ellerker, knt., and his retinue, 100s. To Thos. lord Dacre, warden of the West Marches, and his retinue, 76l. 7s.
Endorsed: "[Rewards to] certain person in Northumb ... for the casting down of certain towns in Scotland in anno 11 R. viij." (sic.)
Pp. 3.
The King is much defrauded in the profits of the duchy of Cornwall, and in his coinage held there twice a year. Remits further particulars till he has an opportunity of seeing him.
Hol., p. 1.
"My lord Card. legate a latere," &c. Endd.
"Here ensueth the demands of allowance of the statute of 500l. which Christopher Coo, at this present day, stonde bound unto Richard Reynolds, mercer; and also such losses sustained by the same Christopher Coo."
Concerning certain debts of Coo to Reynolds, which he went down to Lynn (fn. 9) in Norfolk to pay, a new bargain made by John Devereux about goods to be delivered to Coo at Bordeaux, the non-delivery of an anchor belonging to Coo's ship the John Baptist, and a ship freighted by Coo, called the Christopher Hussey, for Bordeaux, which was stopped by order at Blackwall on account of the war.
Pp. 4. Endd.
Titus, B. I.
180. B.M.
"A remembrance of such things as the King's grace woll have to be done, and hath goven in commandment to his Cardinal to put the same in effectual execution, as hereafter ensueth."
(1) 10,000l. a year for the King's extraordinary expences. (2) 6,000l. a year for his buildings of Bridewell, Newhall, &c. (3) Rewards of ambassadors, to be paid by Sir John Heron. (4) Views to be made and books kept; (5) of the plate and jewels in the keeping of Sir Henry Wyat, by the bishop of Armagh, Magnus and Sir William Kingston; (6) of the wardrobe in the Tower, by Sir Nicholas Vaux, Sir William Fitzwilliam and Sir Richard Jerningham; (7) of his ordnance, by Sir Edward Belknap, Sir Richard Wyngfield and Sir John Cutte; (8) of the ships, by Sir Wistan Browne and Sir Richard Wyngfield; (9) of his armory and stables, by Sir John Pechye, Sir Richard Sacheverell and Sir Andrew Wyndesore; (10) of Robert Amadas and Richard Gibson's accounts, by Sir Thomas Boleyne, Sir Robert Dymoke and Sir Henry Gilforde. (11) Sir John Heron to make monthly reports of his receipts and payments. (12) William Compton to do the same, and furnish a counterpart to the King. (13) The surveyor of lands to make a yearly declaration; (14) and of such sums as are spent in building;—the Master of the Savoy, William Pawne, Miles Gerard and Brisewood of Calais to view the same. (15) The Chancellor and the judges to make quarterly reports to the King in person; (16) also the duchy of Lancaster. (17) The Exchequer to report from the beginning of the reign to Michaelmas last, and thenceforth yearly. (18) Sir Edward Belknap, John FitzJamys the King's attorney, "and Roper the learned man," to assist the master of the wards in making quarterly reports. (19) The lord Cardinal, the duke of Norfolk, the lord Privy Seal, the lord Chamberlain and Sir Henry Marney to arrange the household. (20 and 21) Arrangements for certain sums.
ii. Points which the King will debate with his Council.
(1) For the administration of justice. (2) Reform of the Exchequer. (3) Ireland. (4) Employment of idle people. (5) Maintenance of the frontiers.
iii. "Privy remembrances."
(1) For surety of the King's person. (2) Occupation of the King's ships. (3) Appointing annuities.
Pp. 8.
The lord Steward. The King's and Queen's lord Chamberlains. The Treasurer. The Comptroller. Mr. Marney. Mr. Secretary. The henchmen. The Queen's ... The King's watch. Mr. Cofferer. The lady Princess. The French queen. The lord Cardinal. The duke of Suffolk. The Marquis. The lord Treasurer. Earl of Devonshire. Lord Hastings. Lord Ferys. Mr. More and Stokisley. Knights for the Body. Mr. Wyotte, treasurer of the Chamber. The Master of the Horse. Mr. Norys. Mr. Bryanne. Mr. Carey. The young minstrels. Lady Willoughby. Lady Lucy. Lady Parre. The Queen's watch. None under the degree of a baron to have any breakfast ordinarily in the King's house. Total, 32.
P. 1, mutilated at commencement.
Lists of members of the Royal Household sworn to the King by the carl of Worcester, lord Chamberlain; arranged according to the counties from which they came, and distinguishing, under separate heads, knights, squires, carvers, cupbearers, sewers and gentlemen ushers.
At the end is a list of "Grooms of the King's chamber sworn sithens the crownenacion."
Pp. numbered 299–443. The writing is so faded as to be in many places illegible.
"Money to be had of Maister Sidnour for Maister Coferer for store delyvered to my lady Princes, anno xi. R. H. VIII."
53 qrs. 5 bush. 1 pk. of wheat, at 6s. 8d. a qr.; 9 tuns of wine, at 4l. 13s. 4d. a tun; 3 cwt. of "poleyn wex," at 4l. 2s. a cwt.; 22 beefes, at 24s. 8d. the piece; 179 sheep, at 2s. 7½d. the piece; 121 coddes, at 3d. the piece; 7 cwt. of tallwood, at 4s. a cwt.; 450 fagots, at 2s. 8d. the 100. Total, 126l. 16s. 2¾d.
R. O. 580. 2. STUFF to be provided for the PRINCESS'S WARDROBE.
"A cloth of estate with 2 cushions of cloth of gold and red velvet panyd with valans of red silk and gold." 2 spervers of right satin paled with curtains and valance of the same sarcenet, a counterpoint of satin paled of 6 breadths, and 6 yds. long, lined with fustian. A travers of sarcenet, 10 breadths, and 5 yds. long. A cloth of gold and a velvet chair. 30 pieces of tapestry, 3½ yds. deep. A scarlet counterpoint, 1½ breadth and 4 yds. long. 6 feather beds of 10 qrs. Brussels. 3 pair fustians, of 5 breadths and 4½ yds. long. 3 pair woollen blankets, 2 yds. by 3½ yds., at 3s. 4d. the yd. 10 pair sheets, at 2s. the ell, 3 breadths and 4½ yds. long. 24 pair of sheets, at 1s. the ell, for the wardrobe, 2 breadths by 3½ yds. 10 pieces of green saye of the middle assize, to be "lyryd." 8 down pillows, an ell long by 1½ breadth, covered with "holmys fustian." 16 pillow beres, at 16d. the ell. 5 verdur counter- points. 2 pieces of buckram for necessaries. 1 chafer of Myllen brass. 3 round pewter basins for the Princess. 6 brushes for her gowns. 3 bare "hyeds." 2 cart canvasses. 4 trussing canvasses. 4 pallet cases. 2 "cloth saxsys of leather, with girths." 5,000 hooks. 2,000 crochets. 2 hammers. 200-fathom trussing line. 24 lb. round "lyes" of red and blue. 2 leather water jugs. 2 coal-baskets lined with leather. 3 plates for the chamber. 6 round stools. 6lbs. white and black thread. 6 lbs. packthread. 20d. worth of needles. 6 carpets for cupboards and windows, and 2 foot carpets.
P. 1.
Dec./GRANTS. 581. GRANTS in DECEMBER 1519.
1. John Skydamore and Th. Baskervile. Wardship of Thos. s. of Urras Delahaye, s. of Blanche Delahaye alias Hopkyn, widow of Jevan Ap Guilliam Hopkyn, of Urrishaye, Heref. Lambeth, 26 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
4. Peter Larke. Lease, for 10 years, of various lands in Leweny, late of David Ap Jor', Th. Llannergh, Rees Ap Jor', Matilda daughter of Henry Cay, Adam Hynde, Henry Semeston, Nich. Hynde and John Motlowe; lately held to farm by Jevan Ap Llewellin Vaughan by patent under seal of the earldom of March. Also part of the town of Serior; 16 acres in Foreyn Angl', late of Madd' Ap Gr', in Dehengron; and other lands there late of Jevan Ap Madd', David Ap Gign', Madd' Ap Meredith, Jevan Ap Grono, Tuder Ap Jevan, Meredith Ap Hoell, Grono Ap David, Jevan Ap Grono, Jor' Ap Meredith, and Rees Ap Ithell; land "in villa Liberorum," and in Brynfanyng; land late of David Ap Jevan; which lands David Ap Gign' lately held to farm. The premises are part of the lordship of Denbygh. Rent, 69s. 2½d., and 26s. 8d. of increase. Del. Hampton Court, 4 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
12. Baldwin Heth. To be surveyor of the King's "stalandes" and "studdes" in cos. Warw. and Worc., with appointment of 3 servants to attend them and break in their foals, and of a smith to administer medicines; with 4d. a day, 2d. each for the servants, and 40s. a year for the smith, out of the issues of Warwick's and Spencer's lands; and with certain pastures. To be keeper of the stables in the manor of Upton, Worc., and of the lodge and colthouse in Budbroke, Warw. To have 100s. for mowing; 23s. 4d. for forage, collars, shoeing, &c. for each of three "stalandes"; and the same for every foal broken in. Richmond, 1 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
14. Th. Carvannell, groom of the chamber. To be keeper of the manor, orchard, warren and wardrobe of Newhall, Essex, and bailiff of Newhall, Boreham, Walkeford, and Powers, Essex, with 16d. a day, and 60 loads of wood a year for the wardrobe. Richmond, 5 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
17. Hugh Pole. Grant of the free chapel of Saint Blaise, in the manor of Sutton in Colfeld, Warw. Richmond, 8 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 17 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
20. Town of Kingesthorp, Northt. Inspeximus and confirmation of patent 23 Oct. 5 Hen. VII., inspecting patent 1 June 15 Edw. IV., confirming letters patent of Henry VI. granting the town to the tenants for 40 years from the death of Joan queen of England, at the annual rent of 50l. instead of 60l. on account of their poverty. Edward IV. granted the town to the inhabitants for 40 years, having previously granted to queen Elizabeth, his consort, by letters patent 7 July 7 Edw. IV., 40l. a year out of the farm of the town. Also grant of the farm of their town for the same term from Mich. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
20. John Ap Day, clk. Presentation to the church of St. Blaise, near Gwynes, in the marches of Calais, Terouenne dioc., vice William Nelson, resigned. Hampton Court, 20 Dec.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
23. Sir Rob. Constable. To be steward of the lordship of Hothom, York, with annuity of 20 marks. Westm., 23 Dec.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28.
23. Eliz. and Th. Hall. Release, as widow and son and administrators of Th. Hall, late customer at Ipswich, and administrator of Rob. Hall, of Ipswich, merchant. Also release to them, and John Flegge, of Nedeham Merkate, Suff., John Worsopp, of St. Pancras's, London, and James Lopham, of Gipping, Suff. Del. Westm., 23 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.


  • 1. dudum.
  • 2. One I is inserted in pencil in the transcript with a query. The document is headed "Ann. 1519" by the transcriber.
  • 3. Supplied from margin.
  • 4. "24th" in Tuke's decipher.
  • 5. f. 170.
  • 6. Blank in MS.
  • 7. 21 March 1518.
  • 8. John Hygden, appointed 17 Dec. 1516.
  • 9. See vol. II. no. 4, 31s.
  • 10. Supplied from modern endorsement.