Index: E

Pages 1643-1647

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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Ealdyng (Yalding), Kent, 2214.

Ealing (Yellyng), Midd., 2485.

East. See also under Est.

Eastbedfounte, Midd., 2485.

East Dereham, 1030, 2737.

Eastell, John, gr. 529.

Easterlings, the, 1775, 2558, 2559, 2622, 2782, 2833, 2856, 2919, 3108.

East Greenwich. See Greenwich.

Easthampstead, 1437, 2482.
-, -, letters, &c. dated, 2385, 2391, 2393, 3264, 3270, 3340.

Estnamsteyd Cheyney, Bucks, 3677.

East Hatley, Camb., p. 1119.

Easton, 2524 (2).

East Wickham, Kent, 2644.

Ebden, Wm., p. 1118.

Ebgrave, _, 852.

Eccles (Akles), in Scotland, 3097, 3098, 3481, 3508, 3512, 3531, 3601.
-, -, prioress of, 3403, 3405.

Echelford, Midd., 779.

Echyngham or Ichyngham, Sir Edw., 1351, p. 1365, sig. gr. 2749.
-, -, Osborne, servant of Spinelly, 399, 926, 1464, 3288, p. 1537.

Eddolfe, John, p. 1362.

Edelmeton. See Edmonton.

Eden or Edon, Ric., clk. of the council, 365, 1114, 2483 (2), 2583, 3476, p. 1535.

Edgar, king, 395.

Edgecombe. See Egecombe.

Edgeware, Midd., p. 503, 2485.

Edgose, _, of Limehouse, 558.

Edinburgh, 110, 396, 480, 482, 859, 964, 1091, 1171, 1190 (v.), 1811, 1886, 1997 (iii.), 1949 (ii. iii.), 1976, 2051, 2054, 2063, 2084, 2101, 2183, 2502, 2523, 2536, 2544, 2609, 2645, 2695, 2950, 3039, 3134, 3147, 3169, 3179, 3272, 3277, 3299, 3300, 3305, 3313, 3325, 3330, 3336, 3339, 3340, 3344, 3349, 3354, 3365, 3368, 3403, 3409, 3412, 3416, 3417, 3418, 3421, 3424, 3431, 3434, 3435, 3441, 3445, 3446, 3451, 3456, 3466, 3515, 3538, 3555, 3567, 3570, 3573, 3576, 3601, 3643, 3665, App. 33.
-, -, letters. &c. dated, 4, 143, 166, 245, 268, 269, 270, 322, 341, 381, 558, 1022, 1060, 1064, 1068, 1069, 1071, 1087, 1088, 1126, 1138, 1175, 1217, 1832, 1833, 1846, 1847, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1872, 1874, 1898, 1910, 1929, 1937, 1938, 1949 (iv.), 2022, 2025, 2038, 2039, 2095, 2096, 2113, 2141, 2162, 2184, 2244, 2310, 2470, 2474, 2476 (i. iv.), 2477, 2501, 2564, 2563 (v.), 2571, 2572, 2603, 2618, 2619, 2723, 2788, 2886, 2988, 3115, 3268, 3303, 3327, 3350, 3404 (ii.), 3423, 3426, 3556, 3557, 3674, 3675, 3676.
-, -, provost of, 1091.

Edlingham, 3135.

Edmey, Tho., 3585.

Edmunds, Dr., 2483.

Edmonson, Wm, 3585.

Edmonton (Edelmeton), Midd., 278, 1379, 1773.

Ednam, 3097, 3098, 3130, 3134.

Edon. See Eden.

Edrington, Wm. See Hatherington.

Edriston, in Ireland, 3052.

Edward the Confessor, 395, 503.

Edward I., king of England, 395, 1053, 1059, 1113, 1377, 1452, gr. 102, 154, 278, 779, 1081, 2994, 3146.

Edward prince of Wales, temp. Edw. I., 2994.

Edward II., 395, 503, 674, 1032, 1182, 1408, gr. 154, 278.

Edward III., 521, 657, 1059, 2021, 2261, 3019, gr. 154, 278, 492, 529, 779, 1081, 1324, 1451, 2016, 2145, 3146.

Edward IV., 105, 374, 395, 604, 657, 1182, 1286 (vii.), 1452, 2978, gr. 55, 442, 581, p. 273 note, 1036, 1186, 1324, 1379, 2145, 2807, 3586.

Edwards, Hugh, p. 1366, gr. 779, 1036, 2074.
-, - or Edward, John, p. 1116, p. 1366, 3695, gr. 3146.
-, -, Rog., 627.
-, -, Tho., p. 1529.
-, -, Wm., 1116, gr. 278, 3146.

Edway, Anth., gr. 854.

Edyngworth, Somers., 209.

Effard, John, 3112.

Egecombe or Eggecombe, Peter, 1320, p. 1364.
-, -, Sir Peter, 703, p. 241, p. 243, 906, 1391, 1927, 2020, 3054, p. 1543, gr. 347, 529, 1081, 1379, 2415.

Egerley, John, p. 1362.

Egerton or Egyrton, John, 703.
-, -, Ralph, 1116, gr. 2415.
-, -, Sir Ralph, 702 (3), p. 243, 906, 1000, 2288 (2), 2305, p. 1363, p. 1556, 3583, gr. 1451, 2145, 2415, 2694, 2749, 3495.
-, -, als. Wodehouse, Ric., 1390.

Eggemoundon, Salop, 1621.

Eglesfeld or Eglisfeld, Laur., p. 1535, p. 1542, p. 1544, gr. 154, 779, 1262.

Egleston, 2524 (2).

Eglinton, Hugh earl of, 1856.

Egmont, count of, 36, 385, 2288 (4), 2305, 2560, 2632, 2638.
-, -, Nich. of, 965.

Egoke, John, gr. 405.

Egra, Nicholyn de, gr. 442.

Egypt, Sultan of, 1376.

Egyptians, p. 499.

Ekenney, Bucks, 1036.

Eckford (Ekfurth), 1871, 1897 (iii.)

Eland, shire of, 2031, 3110, 3381.

Elandale, 1897 (ii.)

Elcombe, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Elder, Alan, 1920.

Eldercarre. See Ellerker.

Elderton, _, 152, 2442.
-, -, Sir Tho., 573.

Eleanor, queen dowager of Portugal, sister of Chas. V., 2450, 2479. See Portugal.

Eleson, _, 1669.
-, - (Elson), Wm, 1042, 2020, gr. 1151, 1451.
-, -, (Elyson), _, 3510.

Eliot or Elyot, _,2577, 2711.
-, -, Edw., gr. 3062.
-, - (Eliottes), Hen., gr. 1215.
-, -, Hugh, 1963.
-, -, John, p. 1366, 3504.
-, -, Peter, 2711.
-, -, Ric., 99 (ii. 1), App. 12, gr. 1451.
-, -, Sir Ric., p. 493, gr. 102, 278, 347, 405, 529, 644, 933, 1081, 1186, 1262, 1379, 2074.
-, -, Tho., p. 1361, 3585, gr. 102, 405, 644, 933, 1081, 1186, 1262, 1451, 1379, 2074, 2415, 2862.

Eliston, Tho., gr. 2297.

Elizabeth, queen of Denmark. See Denmark.
-, -, queen of Edw. IV., gr. 581.
-, - (Isabella), queen of Ferdinand I. of Spain, 1044, 1556.

Ellenger, Wm., gr. 55.

Ellercar of Ellerker, _, 3240.
-, -, Ralph, p. 313.
-, -, Sir Ralph, 703, p. 244, p. 313, p. 334, 2186, 2328, 2955 (ii), 2960, 3135, pp. 1367, 1528, 1545–6, 1557.
-, -, -, jun., 999, 2613, 2876, 3240, gr. 347, 2016, 2482.
-, -, Rob., 1330, 3410 (ii.)
-, -, Tho., 2836, 3071, 3493.
-, -, Wm., 1225, 2020, 2183, 2536, 2613, 2876, p. 1546.
-, -, Sir Wm., 573, 3097, 3135, 3385, 3510, 3635, p. 1528.
-, -, -, letter from, 3669.
-, -, -, letters to, 3636, 3673.

Ellerton, 2524 (2).

Ellesmere, marches of Wales, 854, 2685 (iv.) 2749, 2821.

Elleworth, Camb., 206.

Ellham Ford, 3460.

Ellington, 3510.

Ellis, Ellys or Elys:
-, -, _, serj. at law, p. 1049.
-, -, _, servant of lord Darcy, 3164.
-, -, Davy, 365 (10).
-, -, Hugh, gr. 529, 2482.
-, -, Joan, gr. 529.
-, -, John, p. 1543.
-, -, Mrs., p. 499.
-, -, Nich., 1330, 3192.
-, -, Ric., gr. 529.
-, -, Sir Ric., p. 245.
-, -, Tho., sig., 594, gr. 492.
-, -, Wm., 907, p. 1366, gr. 1081, 2993, 3495.

Ellisden, 3181.

Ellisdon, Ralph, p. 1361.

Ellyeston, in Ireland, 3052.

Ellyke, John of, 3510.

Ellyng, Hunts, 801.

Ellys. See Ellis.

Elmeley, Worc., 854, 1081, 1324.

Elmeley Lovett, Worc., 3214.

Elmeston, Tho., 2712.

Elmyngton, York, 779.

Elna, bp. of. See Helna.

Elphin, Tho. Halsey, bp. of, 1499, 2838.

Elryngton, Rob., p. 1361.

Elsham, Linc., 80.

Elson, Wm. See Eleson.

Elstanewik, 2587.

Eltham, 152, 483, 700, p. 334, 970, 2016, 2587, 2750, 2753 (2), 2795, 2807, 3586, pp. 1535, 1538, 1539, 1541, 1542, 1543, 1544.
-, -, letter dated, 1916.

Elthropp, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Eltysley, Camb., p. 1119.

Elveden, Nich., gr. 1379.

Elvell, 716, 1116.

Elvisshe or Elvys, Rob., 286, 819, 907, 932, 1115, 2446, 2490.

Ely, Isle of, p. 1365, 3504.
-, -, monastery of, 102, 779.
-, -, prior of, 562, 2483.

Ely, Nich. West bp. of, 22, 57, 70, 101, 212, p. 243, 906, 1426, 1429, 1555, 1568, 1612, 1624, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1698, 1702, 1704, 1706, 1710, 1714, 1715, 1717, 1720, 1732, 1733, 1743, 1748, 1749, 1751, 1752, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1768, 1777, 1789, 1797, 1816, 1817, 1991, 2263, 2288 (2), 2483 (2), 2483 (2), 3288, 3504, p. 1535, App. 31, gr. 1036, 1081.
-, -, -, letters from, 9, 74, 565, 599, 1030, 1238, 1623, 2615, 3476, App. 21.
-, -, -, letters to, 24, 41, 1705.
-, -, -, sig., 2640.

Ely, Jos. Van. 2622, 2851.

Elyot. See Eliot.

Elys. See Ellis.

Elyson. See Eleson.

Emanuel, King of Portugal, 36, 130, 1045 (i.), 1098, 1162, 1905, 1933, 1978.

Emanuel, Don John. See Manuel.

Embers, Anth., gr. 612.

Emberton, Bucks, 1036.

Emerichurt, Hen. de, 2679.

Emery, David Bastard, lord Howterroshe, p. 327, p. 409, 1727, 1739, p. 1538.
-, -, Louis sieur d', 1044, 1168, 1303, 1315, 1323, 3167.
-, -, -, letter from, 2715.

Emery, John, 627.

Emond, Mons., p. 313.

Emondes (Emyns), John, gr. 529, 1324.

Empson, Sir Ric., gr. 442, 612, 1151.
-, -, Tho., 703, pp. 1116, 1118, 1528, gr. 3677.

Emyns. See Emondes.

Enckwort (Engyfort or Enkuiort), Wm., datary, afterwards cardinal of Tortosa, 2506, 2771 (here called "John"), 2891, 3547.

Enderby, 309 (2).
-, -, Wm., p. 493.

Enfield (Endvylde), 492, 1096, 1516, 2016, p. 1543.

Engeham, Rob., p. 1363.

England, year of scarcity in, 1157.
-, -, crown of, 1284.
-, -, collector of, 2206.
-, -, treasurer and admiral of. See Surrey, Thos. earl of: Norfolk, Thos. duke of.

Englefield. See Inglefeld.

Englesham, Wilts, 3585.

Engylswodde, 995 (ii.)

English merchants, 21, 56, 57, 126, 129, 212, 232, 320, 375, 379, 416, 530, 531, 534, 535, 544, 549, 868.
-, -, -, company of, at Antwerp, gr. 154.

English or Englisshe, John, 1114.
-, -, Mich., 2777.
-, -, Tho., 42.

Engyfort. See Enckwort.

Enkuoirt. See Enckwort.

Ennan, Tho., gr. 1262.

Enryques, don Federico, admiral of Spain, 2202.

Ensam. See Eynesham.

Eon (Gon), Bartram, gr. 2214, 3586.

Epping, Essex, 2862.

Epwell, 1550.

Entwysell, Tho., p. 1364.

Epworth, Linc., 2975.

Erasmus, the scholar, 242, 567, 2714, 2981, 3390.
-, -, letters from, 91, 155, 226, 227, 228, 243, 244, 251, 260, 262, 263, 303, 333, 344, 382, 394, 408, 420, 470 to 474, 476, 477, 478, 554, 566, 613, 628, 639, 640, 682, 766, 783, 793, 810, 816, 829, 881, 929, 930, 944, 959, 965, 968, 977, 1051, 1105, 1107, 1119, 1120, 1343, 1378, 1392, 1499, 1500, 1505, 1527, 2090, 2731.
-, -, letters to, 305, 707, 782, 838, 1109, 1131, 3073.

Erdebury, prior of, 2483.

Erdynton canonry, 154.

Eresby. See Willoughby.

Eyrby, Anth., gr. 2587.

Eresland, John, gr. 1379.

Eresy, Jas, 500, gr. 2214. See also Heresy.

Erington or Eryngton, _, 1079.
-, -, John, 3598 (2).
-, -, Rog., 3296.
-, -, Tho., of Langlee, 3510.

Erith (Herethe), Kent, 219, 558, 931, 1009, 1128, 2357 (ii), 2746, 3439.

Eriveat, 854.

Erlescrombe, Worc., 1081.

Erleslane, Heref., 1215.

Erlham, Norf., 102.

Erlyngham, Glouc, 3062.

Erneley, _, 2483 (2).

Ernele, John, 2020, p. 1361, gr. 1081.
-, -, -, afterwards Sir John, chief justice of the Common Pleas, 47, p. 1538, gr. 102, 278, 347, 405, 644.
-, -, John, King's attorney, 1009.

Ernwood, Salop, 2074.

Erakine, lord, 2186, 2428, 2645, 3305, 3325, 3551, 3556.

d'Escars. See Cares.

Escheators, 3692.

Escott, Wilts, 3585.

Escowton, York, 1725.

Escun, lord de l'. See Lescun.

Esgate, Wm., p. 497.

Esher, 414, 2585 (ii.), p. 1537.

Esing Spitel, hospital of Our Lady, prior of, 2483.

Eslyngton, 1986.

Esparres, Mons. de. See Foix, And. de.

Esperance, pursuivant, 3475.

Esquetin, castle of the earl of Desmond, 3118.

Essex, 123 (ii.), 500, 627, 703, p. 241, p. 243, 753 (ii.), 1000, 1042, 1081, 1286 (ii. iv.), 1287, 1451, 1843, 2015, 2020, 2297, 2407, 2415, 2438 (vi.), 2667, 2741, 2892, 3214, p. 1367, 3293, 3504, 3583, 3586, 3683, 3695, p. 1537.
-, -, Hen. earl of, 702 (3), 703, p. 240, p. 243, 906, 1114, 1474, 1870, 2288, 2333 (6), 2700, 3113, 3504, pp 1529, 1535, 1540, 1541, 1542; gr. 278, 529, 1081, 1379, 2074, 2145, 3586.

Essex, Edm., 2030.
-, -, John, 1987, 3685.

Essex, Sir Wm., 703, p. 240, p. 243, 906, 2667, p. 1364, 3288, 3504, 3583, 3687, gr. 1379, 2415.

Esshelingham, letter dated, 2732.

Est or Este, Wm., 1114, pp. 1538, 1542, gr. 612.

Estampes, count of, 702 (4). See also Day Stamp.

Estanfeld, York, 1121.

Estaplegarth, York, 1121.

Estaples, p. 357 note.
-, -, letter dated, 340.

Estarges, _, p. 313.

Estchirche, Nich., gr. 3062.

Estcott, Sir John, 1320 (2, 3).

Estcourt, Walt., 3585.

d'Este, Alfonso. See Ferrars, duke of.

d'Este, cardinal. See Flisco.

Esterford (?), Essex, 2712.

Esterfyld, Scolastica, gr. 1215.

Estgynge, Berks, 1379.

Estkennett, Wilts., 3585.

Estlillyng in Sherefhoton, York, 55.

Estlyngton, Northumb., 2862.

Est Nesebet, 3098.

Estodillo, Alvero de, 2486.

Eston, John, 57, 3694, p. 1534, gr. 2356.
-, -, Tho., gr. 2923.

Estone, Worc., 1379.

Estpekham, Kent, 2712.

Estropp, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Estrye, Kent, 3687.

Estryge, Wilts, 3585.

Est Shifford, Wm. Symson, rector of, 1722.

Est Tokenham, Wilts, 3585.

Estuard (Stuart), Rob. See Aubigny.

Estwitton, 2524 (2).

Estwode, Glouc., 3695.

Estykke, Wm., gr. 1215.

Estyngdon ch., Worc. dioc., 1531.

Esyngton, Bucks, 2145.

Esyngwold, Gawtress forest, 1928.

Etall or Etell, 1986, 2068, 2476 (v.), 2955, 3130, 3147, 3360, 3446, 3635.

Etewell, Wm., 2411.

Etherede, Wm., p. 1529.

Ethyngdaill, lord, 2186.

Etlan, sieur de, 2770.

Eton, coll. ch., Bucks, 337, p. 501, 2483.
-, -, Geo., p. 1365.
-, -, Tho., gr. 206.
-, -, Wm., p. 499, p. 504, 1911, p, 1366.
-, - See Eyton.

Ettrick forest, 166, 1024, 1897 (ii.), 3362 (2), 3365.

Etton ch., York dioc., 779.

Eugubinus, Hieronymus, card, 3547.

Eure. See Evers.

Eustace, Wm., 3052.

Evangelista, _, 1939. See also Passar.
-, -, -, sig., 2669.
-, -, John, of Ragusa, 650, gr. 55.

Evans, Tho., p. 1533, gr. 1121, 3214.

Evell, Jas, 3076 (2).

Ever, Oliver ap, gr. 2587.

Everard, _, 389.
-, -, Hen., p. 1365.
-, -, John, p. 1365, gr. 3062.
-, -, Ralph, p. 1365.
-, -, Tho., 627, 2483 (2).
-, -, Wm., 2583, 2712, p. 1362, p. 1529.

Everart, Ant., jun., gr. 2214.

Evercryche, Soms., 1036.

Everdon, 523.

Everingham, John, p. 1367.
-, -, Sir John, 3432.

Evers, count d', 907.
-, - (Eure), John, 2531.
-, -, Hen, 1330.
-, -, -, letter to, 654.
-, -, Sir Ralph, 703, p. 1366, gr. 612.
-, - (Eure), Sir Wm., 703, 2182, 2183, 2328, 2531, 2546, 2613, 2875 (viii.), 2876, 2960, 3135, 3364, 3381, 3387, 3447, 3482, 3544, 3545, 3598, 3638, 3665.
-, -, -, sig, 3286, 3410 (i.)
-, -, -, letters from, 2902, 3441.
-, -, -, letters to, 2877, 3637.
-, - (Yvre), Sir Wm., 3638.

Eversden, Magna and Parva, Camb., p. 1119.

Everton, Hunts, 206.

Everton, Rob., gr. 1215.

Evil May Day, 278, 403.

Evington, Heref., 3146.

Ewelme, Oxon, 51, 154, 367, 610, 2074, 2145, 2214.

Ewen, Nich., gr. 2862.

Ewerd, John, 1871.

Ewestas, John, 2693.

Ewstace, Walt., 1576.

Ewestas and Ewstace. See Eustace.

Ewyas Harold and Ewyas Lacy, 1291.

Exchange, Keepers of, 1073.

Exchequer, court of, 576 (ii.), 3563, 3692, App. 31.
-, -, barons of, 1409, 2034, 2415, 2590, 2862, p. 1363.
-, -, chamberlains of the receipt of, 1148, 2145, 2189, 3062.
-, -, remembrancer of, 2016.
-, -, treasurer of the, 2700, 2959.
-, -, expenses of, 389.

Exeter, 278, 426, 854, 1000, 1151, 2207, 2297, 2415, 2483, 2807, p. 1362, 3503, 3504, 3677.
-, -, bp. of, 366, 444, 702 (3), p. 243, 737, 906, 1070, 1390, 1391, 2288 (2), 2333 (6), 2355, 2483 (2), 2956, 3504, pp. 1533, 1543, gr. 529, 1081, 1379, 2415, App. 35.

Exeter, bp. of, letter from, 63.
-, -, bpric. of, 366, 443, 494, 495, 506 (2).
-, -, canon of, 2483.
-, -, cathedral church, 2483.
-, -, St. Nich., prior of, 2483.

Exeter, duchy of, 2992.

Exham. See Hexham.

Exmewe, Sir Tho., 265 (3), p. 1361, gr. 402, 1081, 2415, 2993, 3495.

Exmoor forest, 834.

Exquevell, Ferd, de, gr. 2074.

Exton, Ric., p. 1362.

Eyhorne, Kent, 3687.

Eylonde, John, p. 1367.

Eymer, Vincent, gr. 3289.

Eynesham, mon. of, 2648.
-, - (Ensam), abbot of, 1550, 2483 (2).

Eynon, Tho., gr. 1081.

Eyre, Edw., gr. 3146.
-, -, Tho., gr. 405, 1081.

Eyridge, 1291.

Eysy, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Eyton, John, p. 246.
-, -, Rob., gr. 3214.
-, -, Tho., gr. 206.

Eyton Molens, Wilts, 3585.