
Pages 1561-1586

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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A.D. 1519.
17 March. Calig. E. I. 6. B. M.
Has received his letters. Understands by his ambassador Wolsey's friendship. Is delighted at the good entertainment given by Henry to the gentlemen of his chamber. As Wolsey has consulted him with regard to the forthcoming interview, wishes it to be, if possible, before the end of August. Would be glad to hear the King's determination. [St.] Germain en Laye, 17 ... Signed.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 2.
19 March.
Calig. D. VII. 182. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 139.
Wrote last on the 14th. Yesterday afternoon the Great Master came from St. Germain's, where the King lieth. Visited him on his arrival at his lodging, where he found also the Chancellor, the bishop of Paris, Robertet and Villeroi. The Great Master told him he had spoken with the King about the interview, and that full answer should be made to every article of Boleyn's instructions. The King thinks the best time will be the middle of July, as Henry proposes,—the place a neutral one, which has been viewed by Worcester and the captain of Boulogne;—though the Great Master thinks Henry might be lodged at Guisnes, and Francis at Ardres, or some convenient place near Calais. The King is satisfied that they should meet on horseback without descending, but does not agree to repair straight to Calais. He thinks they might lodge in pavilions, as it will be summer time. Boleyn urged Calais as more convenient, and especially as the King his master would have to cross the sea; but to this the French are not inclined, calling Calais a dove-house, with many other excuses. It is further urged that, if the meeting be at Calais or Boulogne, with both retinues, consisting of 6,000 persons, some fray might take place, such as happened at Cambray. Moreover, July is the hottest time of the year, when people drink most. The Grand Master says that, if the two Kings can but once meet, they will meet often by their own accord. They propose that whenever the King is in the French dominions, Henry shall have the precedence, and take the right hand; and vice versâ. They have a copy of the roll comprising the number of persons to be present, and will follow the same example. They also agree to the article touching apparel; but the princes of the blood royal will not consent to any order of this kind, but array themselves at their pleasure. The King desires that if the Queen here have a son, it would please Henry to stand godfather, and let him be named Harry; and if a daughter, it should be named after the Queen, Katharine. The Queen is at Sain[t Germain], "and is merry for a woman being in her case, so near her [time], and looketh every day to be delivered before the end of this [month] of March." Has written to Wolsey respecting the merchants. Paris, [19] (fn. 1) March. Signature burnt off.
Pp. 4, mutilated.
R. O.
Wages of the officers of the ordnance for a half year, from 19 July 10 Hen. VIII. to Easter 11 Hen. VIII.
Sir Wm. Skevington, master of the ordnance, 2s. a day. Wm. Huxley, clerk, 8d.; and others. Total, 248l. 2s. 10d.
Pp. 7. Each payment is signed by the recipient.
12 July.
Vesp. F. XIII. 91. B. M.
As Wolsey refused to receive from him the letter sent to the King's Attorney by the undersheriff of Leicestershire, because it was received in the night before the Attorney's departure, sends for his own discharge a copy, that Wolsey may take measures for the administration of justice and the peace of that country. (fn. 2) London, 12 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
7 Nov.
R. O.
7 Nov. ao ximo. Thos. Roos, of London, surgeon, is bound over in 100l. not to molest Baltazar de Guercuis, or pursue an information late put into the King's Exchequer, till he prove that surgery is an handicraft.
Attempts to prove this first by authority, instancing Chiron, at the siege of Troy, A.M. 3775, mentioned by Lanfrank and St. Ysoder of Spaygan. Defines chirurgia as manua operatio, from chir, the Greek for hand, and gios (sic), operatio. It rests principally in manual application of medicines, as "in stanchying of blod, serchyng of wounds with irons and with other instruments, in cuttyng of the sculle in due proporcyon to the pellicules of the brayne with instruments of iron, cowchyng of catharacts, takyng owt bonys, sowyng of the flesshe, launchyng of bocchis, cuttyng of apostumes, burnyng of cankers and other lyke, settyng in of joynts and byndyng of them with ligatures, lettyng of blod, drawyng of tethe, with other suche lyke, which restyth onely in manuall operation, princypally with the hands of the werkman." Surgery bears the same relation to physic as carpentry to geometry. The philosopher considers the causes of heat, cold, &c., the matter and form of all the "naturals" in the world, and temperate diet, which must be taught by those who know the region, age, complexion, custom, strength, sickness, and the times of the man that shall use it, and can be taught by no stranger without long experience; "and where the naturalls doth leve or put oute, forsake, or be hurted accidentally, than ther begynneth the lechecrafte or medicynar, teste Aristotyle. Quotes also Avicenna, and refers to Gerard archbishop of York, Theodoric a bishop of Italy, Gilberte of England, Guydo of France, Avycenne king of Arabie, Almansor king of Almansoris, and St. Jerome, presbiter cardinalis. "These authors be authorised by our mother, Holy Church, in whom as yet I have more beleve, for theyr trowth and theyr longe contynewance, and in the olde and auncyent probable custumes aboveseid, then yn eny newe auctors, as alyens or straungers, denyyng the auctours abovesaid, and foresakyng the trowth and the doctours of their owne facultie, entendyng in this realme of England custumably to contynewe and dwell withoute lycense, lawe or contradiccyon, ayenst right and the due order of justice. Ideo melius est judicare secundum leges et litteras, quam ex propria sententia. Politicorum, 2.
A paper roll. Endd.
Vesp. C. XIII.
323. B. M.
Ordinances of the king of Spain for the redemption of certain taxes and tributes.
Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
A.D. 1520.
22 June. R. O.
Credence for the bishop of Helna, his ambassador, and for Hesdin, the bearer. Brussels, Friday, 22 June. Signed. Countersigned: L'Alemand.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le card. d'York, legat et primat d'Angleterre.
6 Aug.
Galba, B. VI. 190. B. M.
Wrote from Bruges on July 30. The Emperor has since come to Gaunte. The protonotary Carachsolo, the Pope's orator, has arrived, and yesterday had audience, declaring the Pope's good mind toward the Emperor, and his hope that he will be inclined to peace in Christendom, and to the enterprise against the Infidels. Does not think he has any secret charge, for he has been long on the way, and Raphael de Medicis has had several letters from the cardinal De Medicis, who has the administration of affairs there. The Chancellor says the Pope desires a conclusion, in what manner Spinelly does not know. The ambassadors of Wormmys, Spera and Strasebroke have also come hither to offer all their power for the conservation of the imperial dignity.
Henry Percon, clerk of the Master of the Posts, has returned from the electors of Mayence, Saxony and Brandenburg, with answer that they will be at Acon "within the ten days of October." The Emperor is determined to follow the advice of the elector of Saxony before all others; whose opinion is, that after the coronation at Acon, where a month will be spent, the Emperor should go to Augsburg, to compose certain differences between the princes and the cities, and to put the country in order; for he thinks that, if this is done before the general assembly of the Estates meets at Nuremberg, they will be the better minded to assist the Emperor. This is now agreed upon, as the governor of Bressa says. The voyage to Rome must be deferred till after this, which, as he is told, will take four or five months, and he must also visit Theroll and Ostriche, and obtain a good aid from them. The count Palatine says the imperial journey will be next Lent, and that he doubts not the Emperor will obtain his desires from the love that every one bears to him; "wherefore it may be thought the Emperor his further progress to the other crowns cannot be so soon as it hath been spoken of, and that the distance of the time may bring with him difficulties," which will not allow any probable conjecture to be made. The Count complains that the vice-royalty of Naples was promised to him for his services at the Emperor's promotion, but that he is delayed from day to day, and the Marquis (d'Arschot) has received a large sum of money for the confirmation of the office to the present possessor. He and others in like case bear it patiently, knowing that the Emperor is well disposed to them, and thinking they will be better regarded in Almain than here. Hears that the Marquis knows of this, and sets but little by it. Hopes his business will succeed in Almayne as well as in Spain. Every one says that the customs of the country are very different, and that the Almains "will have, but none give." However, if the Lords perform half their sayings, the Emperor's affairs will prosper. They are displeased only with the Marquis. The dukes of Pomene, Mekelborough, and "the other of Branswyke," are arrived at Colyn, on their way to the Emperor; they are called the party adverse to the elector of Brandenborough.
The duke of Vertimberge, with about 1,000 men, mostly Swiss adventurers, attacked Mountarler Castle, in Burgundy, near the Swiss border, but was forced to retire to a village, with the loss of some of his men; and the captains of the Swiss near, immediately ordered him to leave the country, or they would attack him, in accordance with their defensive treaty with the House of Ostriche; so that he departed, and his men separated. For this and other practices of the French in Switzerland, their commissioners, who had offered to take 12,000 men, and pay their wages for four months, have been ordered to leave, as the cantons of Surryke, Basyll, and others on this side, told those on the French side that they would keep peace with the Emperor, and that the French tried to put division amongst them.
The bishop of Ealne and De la Roche left yesterday for England; the Bishop as resident, and De la Roche to conclude about the intercourse, and to declare the Emperor's intention to preserve friendship with the King. Has not asked further, for the reason assigned in his first and second letters after his return to the court. The provost of Owtryke has returned to France. Said to the Marquis that a wiser man, and one better inclined to the English alliance, should have been sent; to which he answered, that Wolsey knew of it, and he should be shortly revoked, if necessary. The bishop of Toye says the Provost did his best not to go.
Two posts have come from Spain. The cardinal of Turtowsa asks for power to pardon the rebels, which is granted. The Emperor has also granted that each city and town shall answer for the rents they paid to the farmers, and that they shall be no more farmed. At Salamanca a chest has been made to keep all the Emperor's money till he comes to Spain, and they refuse to pay it to any treasurer or receiver, but the Cardinal thinks he will bring them to do as the Emperor wishes. The 212,000 ducats for the revenues of the three magistrates and chamber of the Indya is paid, and the Estates agree to its continuance, but they will send it to the Emperor by exchange, and not in ready money. Notwithstanding the insurrections, when the Estates heard that the French were going to invade Navarre, they sent to the duke of Nagery, viceroy there, to offer assistance. Granett and Andolosea continue obedient to the crown. Those of Tholedo say that the Cardinal shall have the revenues of the archbishopric whenever he goes to reside there. The Estates of this country have granted all the Emperor desired. The court removes tomorrow towards Brussels.
In his own hand.—Has been to the court, and found the brother of the duke of Vyertemberg well cherished by the Emperor, who has given him a county in Vyertemberg. The governor of Bressa told him, "in grett consayll," that a letter from the count Palatine in Spain to the Duke, persuading him to recover his duchy, has been brought to the Emperor, but he is minded to forgive him, on account of his good service at the election. Gant, 6 Aug. 1520. Signed.
Pp. 6. Add.
17 Aug.
Galba, B. VI. 198. B. M.
"And amongst other conditions between the realm of Cecile and the said island," it is agreed that the subjects of both shall pass to and fro with merchandise, as they please; and it is to be hoped that by such communications the Moors may be converted, and hereafter christened. The tribute is to be only 6,000 gold dobles. The army will remain about Cecile, and two months' wages are sent them. They number only 7,000 foot, for the horses are sent back to Spain. 36 horses have come here from Naples, but all young, and none of them, as he hears, like the three that the Emperor sent to the King. The cousin of the marquis of Mantua has come to reside at the court, and has brought certain coursers from the Marquis for the Emperor. Sion, as De Taxis says, is on his way hither. Sevenbarge writes that the duchy of Vertymbarge is in good order, and that the Duke is at Lucerna, but is not likely to attempt anything. The marquis of Arescote is gone to Evera, where the Emperor, Don Fernando and my Lady will be next Sunday, for the wedding of the earl of Porcen to the daughter and heir of the prince of Semay. The court is going to Loven. Brussels, 17 Aug. 1520. Signed.
P. 1. The last leaf of a letter.
18 Aug.
Calig. E. III. 51. B. M.
* * * "to the King his (fn. 3) maist[er] ... [in]struction of the King's said ambassador there ... fortifying of Arde, and that the French king should [forbear to proceed] any further in the advancement of the same fortific[ation for such] considerations as be expressed in the said article. T ... on the behalf of his said master, the French king, ha ... King's highness that the fortifying of Arde is so exped[ient for the] honour and surety of his said master that it can in no ..." because the French king's vassals on [the frontiers of] Picardy, at Dorneham and other places, refuse to do homage, and are likely to rebel; and he desired the King not to be discontented with it. To this "strange overture" the King answered that, as no fortification had been attempted there since it was razed, either in the time of his father, or since the beginning of his own reign, it was right strange that, under color of this interview, they should attempt to do what might annoy the [King's] subjects, and put them in suspicion of living in trouble rather than in quietness; "whereas, by mean of the said ente[rview] * * * [me]eting, but the fortifying of ... [kin]dle the spark of distrust and diffidence [between both their sub]gietts, it may be thought to outward princes tha[t] ... is lost and spent in vain; and whereas it is surmised ... furthe the said fortifications for the defence of their fro[ntiers, the King's] grace showed unto the said Bailly that like color they made [when they f]urst began the said fortification, saying that they did it only for the surety and safeguard of the French king's person against the enterprises of such garrisons as they then pretended to lie at Sa[int Om]er's," though none were there; and now to pretend that his vassals are likely to rebel "is a very exquisite drift, far discrepant from the [effect] of the said fortification, which is only to annoy the King's pal[e, and for] none other purpose."
As to the position of Arde, it is not suited for the defence of Picardy against an attack by the king of the Romans; but the King's assistance would be more useful than many such fortifications. If Francis were to ask for such aid, the King's subjects would be faintly encouraged to take his part, as they have continually murmured at the renewal of these fortifications; "and over this, remembering the manifold challeng[es and] requests that were made, as well at the King's being there as * * * pleasure, he will not desist fr[om] ... never do him good, but rather empeche the f[riendship] ... and alliance that is commenced betwixt them b ... spoken in Flanders to the King's reproach that the g[ood which the] King's highness hath gotten by this meeting is peaceably to [suffer the] French king to fortify Arde, to the abridging of ... of his subjects, where as neither in time of peace ... ever be done heretofore." The King said also that he thought that these fortifications did not proceed from the French king, but from Chatil[lon and others] who daily busy themselves to make discord between the princes. The King has proceeded thus far upon the f ... made by the bailly of Caen; but he will not make a resolute answer to the French king till he hears Wolsey's advice, which he desires to have speedily, as the Bailly wishes to be despatched. He leaves to Wolsey whether the answer should be given to the Bailly by word of mouth, or whether Jerningham should be instructed to make it. Litlecote, 18 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my Lord Legate's grace.
23 Aug.
R. O.
The "Domprevost du Trech" has arrived as ambassador of the King Catholic with the French king, and made several proposals to the King, which Francis has fully declared to Jerningham. Bonnivet has also disclosed to Francis all that the Prevost told him, that the king of England may hear it. Will not conceal any news we hear. Leaves the rest for Jerningham to relate. St. Germain en Laye, 23 August. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Le card. d'Yort, legat, &c.
R. O.
Wolsey's award between the mayor and corporation of Norwich and the prior and convent of Christchurch. (fn. 4)
Signed by Wolsey, Norfolk, Ruthal, marquis of Dorset, Fox, John abbot of Westminster, T. Docwra, lord Berners, Sir T. Lovell, Sir H. Marny, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Robt. Brudenell, John More, Ric. Broke, Ric. Pace, Humfrey Conyngsby, Ric. Elyot, Sir Edw. Belknap, Sir Ric. Weyston, Sir John Huse, Sir Nic. Vaux.
Any doubts or ambiguities are to be decided by the lord Chancellor, the Treasurer and the two Chief Justices for the time being.
A paper roll, 30 sheets, of which the first two are lost.
6 Sept.
Galba, B. VI. 201. B. M.
Wrote last on the 29th Aug. Several posts have since come from Spain, the last leaving Valladolid on the 25th. The insurrection increases daily, and they seek all means to increase their power. At Medina del Campo they have taken a good band of ordnance in the castle, and defeated Fonseca, who was sent by the Council with 400 spears, some light horse and 4,000 foot to recover it, though he set fire to the other end of the town. After losing 100 horse he withdrew to Arrovall, eight leagues off, where the chief streets are burnt, with great loss, for the merchants keep much goods there on account of the yearly marts. When this was known, Valladolid, Burgos, Toro and other towns sent men to Medina, and it is thought Toledo and the others will do the same. The report was they intended to besiege Fonseca in Arrovall; and considering that they have absolutely the power, it is thought they will do worse and worse, and put in danger every man worth anything, and that they will not be reduced without the King's presence and great effusion of blood. Andalusia and Granada have made no commotion; but they have sent deputies to Avilla, and will not pay the King's revenues to his officers, but say they will keep them till he comes.
When the Council heard of Fonseca's defeat the bishop of Burgos, the treasurer Bargas, and others departed secretly, none of the Council staying with the Cardinal, except the licenciate Sapate and the secretary Quintana. The bishop of Zamora is appointed president of the estates of Castille at Avilla. He is a hardy, busy and subtle man, and was not pleased at our leaving Spain with the lord Marquis; it is thought, therefore, that he will rather increase the troubles than appease them. At the first meeting, commissioners were sent by all the realm to inquire into the bribes given for benefices and offices since the death of Ferdinand, and a book has been made of what they found. Deputies were sent to the Queen to tell her that all they did was for the good of herself, her son and the realm, and to ask her to appoint wise men as her council to hear how her subjects had been treated since her father's death; whereupon she named three, who have been long dead, and gave them her blessing, which is more than those who know her will believe.
The intention of the Estates is not easy to conjecture, "seeing the government in artificers and men of low degree that proceedeth in their affairs by a voluntary mind and not reason." Two principal knights in Valladolid were put to death for dissuading the people from their proceedings, and at Medina a kinsman of Fonseca's was hanged. At Burgos, the Constable having assembled the Reggydors, and called the captain of the people, who is a cutler, advised them with loving words to silence their dissensions, promising that justice should be done according to the accustomed manner, and that he would procure pardon for all who had offended the King. Next spoke Don Pedro Salvient, his kinsman, a rich knight, and one of the Reggydors; but the cutler would not allow him to proceed, and went to ask the opinion of his fellows. On his return he told the Constable he must no more move such matters, insisted on the banishment of Don Pedro, the confiscation of his goods, and the destruction of his house, for the good of the city, which the Constable could not prevent. It is thought that the insurrection was caused by the secret subornation of some great men, but they will shortly repent, for their subjects begin to join the others, and so "those as supposed to win shall lose." The King cannot look for any money from Castile, and the dowry of the Archduchess is in danger, especially the portion from Old Castile, because all the crown revenues there are spent by the towns in paying the men of war in their service.
Has not heard that the King has done anything for remedy, except to write and require the Lords to join together, and not allow the troubles to increase, promising to be there himself shortly. There are two opinions here. One is, that the King should by all means get money, and, after being crowned at Acon, go to Almain, appease the differences between the lords and the cities imperial, keep the journey of Nuremberg, and then pass into Italy, for his good success there would prosper him in the rest of his dominions; that he must on no account leave the affairs of the empire as they now are, or he will put everything in danger, lest he disappoint the hope the Almains had of him when they favored his promotion; in which case he would lose his credit, and they would be compelled to elect a "ministrator." The other is, that, the longer he delays his return to Spain, the worse it will be, for his subjects are daily taking more courage, considering "how sweet is the liberty, and to live upon other men's costs;" et quod nervus belli est pecunia, which he will not have without Spain; and therefore that after his coronation he should make a vicary in the Empire, and return hither to prepare an army for next March, for which he might have 12,000 Almains, who, with the Asturyans, Biscayns and Lopousquayns, will be sufficient to put the country in safety. This done, he might go to Rome. Hears that the Marquis (d'Arschot) is in great perplexity, the more so on account of the murmur against him. Thinks he does not know whether to go or tarry, "considering that Spain for him is lost for ever."
Pp. 4, imperfect. Marginal note: "Spinelli."
12 Sept.
Galba, B. VI. 220. B. M.
Wrote last on the 6th. Hears from the Chancellor that they have written again as before to the ambassador with the Pope, concerning the investiture of Naples and the defensive confederation. A copy was given to the Pope's orator, who said he thought he should have had a final resolution. The king of the Romans and his council insist on the nomination to the spiritual benefices, which the Cardinals will not grant. Sion left this afternoon for Antwerp, where he will wait for the King. He left the Swiss well disposed, and promised that his coming hither should be to their profit, but now in ten days after his arrival he can get no resolute answer; at which he is displeased. A gentleman has arrived who left Valdolytte on the 25th Aug.: he confirms the repulse of Fonseca at Medina del Campo, though he burnt the church of St. Francis and several of the principal streets; Valdolytte had sent 2,000 foot to aid the town, and as he passed Burgus they were making similar preparations, and it is thought all Old Castile will do the same; the treasurer Vergas, with several receivers and commissioners of the cruciata and indulgences, had fled to Portyllys Castle, belonging to the count of Benevent.
It is now determined here that the constable of Castile and the Admiral shall join the cardinal of Turtosa in the government, as they will be able to bring many men against the commons, if necessary, and they will be more regarded than the Cardinal, who is a stranger. "The King hath quieted the last benevolence and gift, by constraint, as they say, granted at his coming away;" he has promised to observe the ancient statutes and ordinances of the realm, and that the crown revenues shall be farmed to the subjects who pay them, and not to the Marrayns. Patents under the great seal have been sent to Spain for all these matters today, the 11th Sept. Alba, the vice-chancellor of Arragon, and others, do not believe this will pacify them, and think that if he cannot go thither, nothing better can be done than to marry the princess of Portugal. No one thinks the King will go without extreme necessity. Is of the same opinion, at least as long as the present councillors rule.
The preparations for the journey into Almain "be made very sober;" which is much complained of, as not suitable to the King's fame and authority, especially as his liberality is small, and his promises not the best kept. Thinks this is against the Marquis's will, and that they are not well provided with money; but it is said that he and others who have brought great riches from Spain should help their master with their own purses; "signifying unto your grace that the King's highness' great power, magnanimity, good council and order in all affairs at this day is preferred and esteemed above all other, and the better known by the daily experience the wise men hath of the conduct of the other princes." Though the king of the Romans has many realms, all the expenses of the voyago rest upon these countries; for he can get nothing from Spain, "and less from Arragon, Catalonia and Valencia, being the donatives all spent." As to Naples and Sicily the revenues and aids scarcely suffice for the troops he has there, for the army that conquered Algerbes is continued. He will get little from Almain, owing to the state in which his grandfather left it, and the expenses of the war against Wirtemberg. The benevolence which they offer of 400,000 or 500,000 gildones is for the coronation at Rome, or to recover places pledged by his grandfather. Does not think they can sell the succession of the queen of Naples after the resistance made by the place given to the master of the Horse.
Does not know what to say "of the success to come," except that, unless the King's highness keep the French king within limits, he might put the dominions of the king of the Romans in great confusion. The French have as yet sent no ambassador. The provost of Utrecht writes that the journey to Italy is in suspense. The secretary Maximilian tells him that the elector of Saxony is so displeased at the disappointment of the marriage between his nephew and the King's sister, which should have taken place at St. Martin's next, that he will not come to Acon, though an express message with many great offers has been sent to him and the count of Maunsfelde.
Dined this morning with lord Berges, and has since spoken with the Admiral his son-in-law, who, by reason of his lordship of Camfere, knows a great deal about the Scotch, and assures him that Albany's party have sent to France to require his presence, or else another governor will be chosen, and the French king lose all his friends; and that two galleons, with lord Dubeny (d'Aubigni) and a quantity of ordnance, are going from France to Scotland. Finds the Admiral well inclined to the King, and advises the King to send him a letter of thanks. An ambassador from the duke of Loren has come today, the 12th. On Saturday the King will enter Meklyns and Antwerp, and go thence to Acon. Brussels, 12 Sept. 1520. Signed.
Pp. 6, slightly mutilated.
24 Sept.
R. O.
On the 16th received Wolsey's letters of the 1 Aug., giving directions for payments to be made out of the King's treasure, much to his satisfaction. Does not write news, as my lord Lieutenant and the Council have done so. 18 persons of the 220 which formed the royal guard sent hither with my lord Lieutenant are dead, and 117 have received licence to return home, leaving only 95. My lord Lieutenant, who is more expert in war than any of the Council, thinks that Northern men with spears would be better than archers on foot, and desires to discharge an equal number of the guard; but Sir John Bulmer arrived on the 20th with 100 horse, of which not 30 are spearmen, of whom many more must be discharged, considering the rate of their wages. Great complaint is made that good men are sent home, and slender men in smaller numbers come in their rooms.
The journey proposed by my lord Lieutenant, on the 25th of this month, to make peace between the earls of Desmond and Ormond, is most necessary for the weal of the land. All the captains of the wild Irish are now at peace with the King, and should be kept so. "Of a surety, and it please your grace, the people of this land be variable, subtle and crafty, naturally; in whom is little confidence or trust to be taken, otherwise than for their proper advantages; and be people of fair promises and words, and marvellous vainglorious and covetous." My lord Lieutenant ought to have few Irishmen of the Council. For himself, Kite has little experience of war, but gives daily attendance on the lord Lieutenant, and thinks all others of the Council ought to do the same.
Had informed the King and Wolsey, by the letters he sent by Sir John Wallop, that payment should be and was made on 13th Sept., of all monies delivered to him for the King's retinue, except those who are to be paid six months' wages on the 26th Oct. The next day of payment will be the 12th Oct. Does not know how to meet it, unless money come from England. The King's revenues here cannot be collected, except at this Michaelmas time, Hallowtide and Christmas. No money can be borrowed. My lord Lieutenant must take much of the ordnance with him in this journey. Has received no instructions about the payments made to Sir John Bulmer and his 100 horsemen. Hopes the revenues will improve after next term.
Requests that his [pension] may be continued for his faithful service, especially considering the danger he incurs by the universal sickness now reigning. My lord Lieutenant, my Lady his wife and their children remain in Dublin for the King's service, notwithstanding the great plague. Has received no information touching the King's revenues by Sir Wm. Darcy, who has lately gone home for the marriage between O'Donell and his daughter, which was to take place yesterday. Dublin, 24 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Cardinal, legate de latere.
Galba, B. VI. 203. B. M.
Wrote last on the 12th inst. from Antwerp, by Henege's servant, enclosing the declaration of Avery Rawson as to his goods and money. Has since come to the court here at Brussels. Found here the dukes of Mekelburg, Pommer and "the other of Brawnswyke," three young fair princes about thirty years or under. They have made great offers to the Emperor, and have received great honor from him, being permitted to come at all times into his privy chamber. The precedence is given to "Compalatim," next to the duke of Brawnswyke, then Mekelburg, then Brawnswyke's brother, and fifthly Pommer, who is first in riches and power. Frauncisco Seckyn, who is reckoned the most valiant knight in Almain, and better able to bring a good band of horse than any other, has a pension from the Emperor, and is highly esteemed by him and his council. The Danish ambassador has come, but has no secret charge. The Polish ambassador is still at Antwerp. A secretary of the cardinal of Brandenborough, who has arrived at Mayan[ce], came hither last night.
The Emperor will go to Acon about Michaelmas. Opinions vary as to his further proceeding. Most agree that he shall go thence to Ausburge, or elsewhere, to compound the difference between the towns and the lords, and thence to his paternal dominion. The Marquis (d'Arschot) and governor of Bresse say this, but that it will not be certain till after the coronation at Acon, when they will take the advice of the electors. The bishop of Twee says it has been proposed not to pass Colyn, but to return hither till the beginning of March, so as to be in Lent at Norymbarge for the journey imperial, without which it is thought much cannot be done. The Chancellor tells him that the elector of Saxony persists in his first opinion, and that the cardinal of Brandenburgh thinks the dissensions in Almain must be settled at Nuremberg, so that the voyage to Rome seems further off than many will say.
Though the Emperor and the Marquis are very sober in expenses, and it is evident they will have good help from these countries, Almain and Naples, "it seemeth they can[not?] gather any together," but they will perhaps be more fortunate here than in Spain. Wrote that Naples had granted 200,000 ducats. The sum is 300,000, but ducats of carlynes, 10 per cent. less than ducats of gold. The Emperor may make 500,000 ducats by selling certain places and lordships come to him by the succession of the queen of Naples.
The Compalatim has gone toward Almain, and says he will do the best service he can to the Emperor, though his councillors have given cause to the contrary. The viceroyalty of Naples was promised to him, but the Marquis has sold the confirmation of it and the admiralty to the present Viceroy for 33,000 ducats of gold. The Marquis, seeing him speaking to Spinelly, told the latter that he complained without ground, for when offered to him he would never accept it, and that the Emperor had given him 20,000 ducats in Spain, and intended to recompense him in some other way. The marquis of Brandenburg is also displeased, thinking that he deserved more than the marriage with the queen of Arragon, and blames the marquis d'Arscotte, who will have difficulty in pacifying them, for "these princes of Almain bene lords by themselves, and of harder and higher conditions than the Spaniards." The Marquis will return here after the coronation, if he prefer his own profit to his master's.
Teroll and Ostriche insist on the Emperor's going to them, and say they will not be ruled by the cardinal of Goorse, Fellenger, or Hans Renner. The secretary Maximylion and Baptist de Taxis have just told him that the secretary of the cardinal of Brandenburg has only come to ask the Emperor to do nothing in the business of the Empire at the request of the four dukes just come, and that he will be here in twelve days. Mekelburge and Pommer are brothers-in-law to the Compalatim. The ambassador of Norymbarge says the Emperor must go from Acon to Almayn, or else he will lose his authority and the goodwill of the imperial towns. Two other marquises of Bada have come with a fair company.
An assembly of the Estates is determined upon in Spain, but the place is not decided. Toledo names Avilla as a place indifferent and convenient. Burgos and Valladolid propose themselves. Does not know what conclusion they will take. Half hold with the cardinal of Tortosa, and half with Toledo, so that a good resolution might as well ensue as a bad one. "Nevertheless, when it is disputed upon the King's authority, it goeth not well." The council sent 200 spears to try and appease Segovia; they were attacked by 50 horsemen, five of whom were taken and hanged. The town immediately rose against those inhabitants who held with the Emperor. The Royal Council in Valladolid has sent 800 spears to their rescue, and Toledo has sent 4,000 foot to assist the town. It is supposed the marquis de Villena and the duke of Lynfantasgo are secretly the principal contrivers of the insurrection. When we were in Spain, the wife of the duke of Medina Zydonya, daughter of the archbishop, son of the late king of Arragon, who married her to him though he is an "innocent," was delivered of a son, and news has now come to Dr. Karvayll that the father of the child is the Duke's second brother, to whom the Pope has sent a dispensation to marry her, and a legitimation for the child, and that the Duke is taken and kept in prison. The vicechancellor of Arragon, who told Spinelly this, says the troubles there will never be appeased unless the Emperor go thither. Don John de Lanuze is viceroy of Arragon, and keeps the country in good obedience. Catalonia has done nothing against the Emperor. Valencia has sent ambassadors to his majesty, and will do all he wishes. The army at Algerbes has left 100 men in the castle, and returned to Cecile with certain "obstaggerys" (hostages), who will remain with the Viceroy for the observance of the treaty. Two ambassadors are coming from the Moors to do homage to the Emperor.
Pp.4, imperfect.
19 Sept.
Galba, B.V. 323. B.M.
Wrote last from Brussels on the 15th. Messer Jeronimo Proner, the captain of Brisacke, who was sent by the king of the Romans to persuade the elector of Saxony to come to Acon, writes that he has agreed to come, for the good mind that he bears to his majesty, and for the hope he has that the new promises to him will be better kept, with which the King and Council are much pleased. The elector of Brandenburgh persists in his old excuses.
The Pope's orator hears, by a courier who left Rome on the 7th, that the card. of Ferrara is dead; that the Pope has given the bishopric of Angreem in Hungary, worth 12,000 ducats a year, to the card. De Medicis; and the bishopric of Capua, worth 2,000l., to Friar Nicholas (Schomberg), whom Wolsey knows; and has asked Charles for letters of recommendation to the king of Hungary, and of commandment to the viceroy of Naples. Thinks they will be granted. Nicholas is an Almain born, and in good estimation here. The orator does not believe that the articles sent to Rome by the king of the Romans will be accepted.
A post from Burgus states that the town of Nagger had rebelled from the Duke, and yielded to the crown. Was told by the duke of Alva that he had news, by a servant of his who left Valladolid on the 8th, that John de Padilla, a gentleman of Toledo, one of the beginners of the commotion there, and now captain general of the insurrection, went to the Queen at Tordesillas, and asked if she were pleased with the assembly of the estates at Avilla; to which, they say, she gave her consent, and Padilla had it written down by a scrivener to take to the estates. Wise men set but little by it, considering her indisposition. "The best that I can see of this evil success of Spain, it is that no doubt of the world should be had the French may meddle with such business, or have any intelligence there, for the fast mind of the people against them." Alva says his kinsmen have written to him to ask the King to go thither again, assuring him that everything would be reduced to order; and he says he will go without fail next summer, and the lord Marquis (d'Arschot) will tarry at home.
Sees no certainty of anything till "the success of Almain, preferring to that yours, upon the charges of Mons. de la Roche if they take effect, whereof the King and his council be the most desirous above all other, and looketh shortly for a good answer and resolution in the matter." The audiencer Anyton tells him that my Lady and the Marquis quarrelled in the King's presence, blaming each other for the negligence used in the meeting and other affairs with the King's highness, and that the King said that henceforth he should know what to do in such matters without long consultations.
Hears from Raphael de Medicis that the Pope has granted a cardinalate to the king of the Romans for the bishop of Liege, and to the French king for the bishop of Toulouse, the late bishop of Paris and the bishop of Nantes, at the creation on Christmas next; and that others in Italy will be promoted for money;-among them the prothonotary de Roma, a Milanese, who will pay 30,000 ducats. Raphael is appointed by the Pope administrator of the daughter of the duke of Urbino for her lands in Florence and France, by right of her mother, who was sister-in-law to Albany, to whom he has farmed those in France. His proctor found the Duke in Savoy, where he keeps himself out of the way, as if determined to go to Scotland, and to make believe that such going is against the French king's mind. Duncan Thalmere, the factor of the archbishop of St. Andrew's, resident here in Antwerp, told a friend of Spinelly's that those who came from the council of Scotland to obtain the going of the Duke are not returned, and that the French king says he cannot hinder him if he chooses to go.
Pp.4. In Spinelly's clerk's hand. Marginal note: 1517. Andwarp. Spinello.
6 Oct.
Calig. E. III. 21. B.M.
* * *"[comm]andment of the ... there to discharge clearly ... workmen, so that the building ... should surcease without any further p ... whereupon in his said writing he ... thither unto him for to see that h ... accomplish his master's said cumman [dment according] to his pleasure unto him in that b[ehalf shown]."
On sight of his letter, rode to him, and was told that his master had given orders for the cessation of the fortifications at Arde, and that he was sent to advertise Henry of it. In order to be certain what had been done, on Monday ... inst. caused the secretary of this town, John Cookson, the water bailiff, [and] "John Stubble, one of your grace's spears of your Esche ... * * * of their being there, all ... [M]ons. Rochepott made relation unto ... all manner of workmen ben clear departed, [and the works] surceased." [On Wedn]ysdaye the 3rd instant wa[s with Mr Va]uxe, at Guisnes. It is commonly said there that a new commission for more pioneers is coming, which is not greatly needed, for it can be defended as it is now; "o[f which c]omon noise I dare not advertise your highness as a [thing] certain, but as I do hear say, for yet it is not [put to] proof, and also by similitude is not like to do, for I esteem the French king will not send over unto your highness Mons. Rochepott to signify one thing u[nto your grace] which should afterward prove contrary."
Will take good regard thereto from time to time, and advertise the King of it. Wishes to know whether the repairs and fortifications of this town of Calais are to be begun this next year or not. Has caused Wm. Brisewood, the master mason, to attend on Henry and Wolsey on the subject. Signed.
Pp.2. Add.: To th...
20 Oct.
Galba, B. VI. 218 b. B.M.
Sends another letter with news. Has had no answer from Wolsey as to what he should do, and his tarrying about the Emperor in this manner does the King little good, and himself great shame. Dares not inquire of anything, as he did before, lest any man should think he wished to know more than Wolsey chooses. Desires to preserve his honor, which he has acquired with much pain and labour, by many years in Wolsey's service. Is cordially received by the master of the Rolls, and is daily at his board, but is not so well treated as he was by my lord of Armakan, who used never to go to the court without bim. Wishes, therefore, to know how he is to order himself. Hears from Rome that the bishop of Worcester cannot live long, and that many ask the Pope for the collectory. Begs Wolsey to write in favor of his brother Leonardo, "by some other than your secretary Petre." Promises that his brother shall give a portion to whomever Wolsey will name. Mastreke, 20 Oct. 1520.
A post has been sent tonight with instructions to the Emperor's ambassadors at Rome.
Hol., pp.2. Add.
Vesp. C. XIV. 246. B.M.
Liveries with the King, the Queen, the Princess and whole household at Greenwich, in the month of November 12 Hen. VIII.
One broad sheet.
28 Dec.
Since he went to his cathedral, fourteen days before Michaelmas, to give orders according to Wolsey's ordinance, has been so surrounded with water that he cannot leave, and no one can come to him without great danger, except by boat. The cattle is nearly all lost. Men who had 100l. worth have now scarce 20l. Has had great trouble and expense in keeping the banks, lest all the low country of Marsheland should be drowned. Five hundred men were lately working at the bank at one time; "for the water was risen so high that a man might have swept it over the banks with a feather." A hundred men, and sometimes more, have been watching at night in case the water broke in, that they might stop it, or else ring bells to warn the country, which they have done several times. This has prevented him from doing his duty to Wolsey; "but the honorable renown and great fame of your grace in administration of indifferent justice, and keeping this noble realm in such good order, tranquillity and peace as never was seen within memory of man, specially in punishing misdoers and exalting noble and virtuous men, so spreadeth over all to your great honor, glory and merit, that it is to me specially, your daily bedeman, faithful lover and chaplain, and all other your lovers and faithful servants, a singular great comfort; for I rejoiced so to hear of it that I repute and count all my said charge and pain but as a pastime, and a punishment for my sins and misdeeds." Sends a new year's token. Asks for three or four words from his secretary to assure him of his good health. Somersham, 28 Dec. Signed.
Pp.2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal, legate and chancellor. Endd.
A.D. 1521.
24 Jan.
Vit. B. XX. 196. B.M.
22. SPINELLY to WOLSEY.] In cipher.
"Please iet your grace to underst[and that on the] ... monnethe I wrotte my last letteres[unto the same, containing] amongest other thinges the deceasse of [the archbishop of Toledo]; and bicause the bruit sens more and [more increaseth that] the lord Chievres shulde have the archibushopri[c for a gent]ilman of Spaine that is oone of the reggiters of ... Romme, as the alderman have in England. Wh ... in the name of all his cumpane went to his m[aster and] openli shewed that the first grudge and miscon [tentment] of all the realme beganne of the said Archbishop ... the evil consequence followed thereof, and what g[reat in]convenient shulde at this time ensue if his mag[estie] wole geve it againe to the lord Chievres, saing that not oonneli [his] subjectes shal be ofended, but also God, for the unhabilite and young eage of his other neveu; whereun [to] the Emperor answered he shulde take in the materre suche del[i]beracion as the wele of the coronne and reson do shewe; h[erewith] signifieng unto your grace this besinese can do no go[od], whatsoever the successe be. And bi the lord Fonseca hi[s] oppinion the chapiter of Tolledo shal electe some g[ood] man, the whiche for the disposicion of the affeiris ... the Emperor with no smal difficultie here after wol revo ... can do no lesse for his honnor and conservacion of his ... preminence.
"Bi vertu of the prerogative optained four yer[is ago] of the Pope, he haithe geven the two abey that the ... all hade in Brabant and Henego to hi[s] ... is written for the * * * ... the Emperor with thelectors and other princes ... with moche pompe and coste, thowgh his ... iethe for all the waix and the bodi sent ... nt and buried in the cathedral churche of ...
  "[By the la]st lettres thelectors of Coloine and Trevere ben [arrived], and nowe lakethe but Brandenburg.
"[Tou]ching the progres of the diete, the cardinal of Salseburg, [p]resident of the Emperor his consaill for the affeiris of the Empire, [ass]emblethe ever dai with the lbrd (lord) Sevenberg and divers [o]ther at the corte in a chambre appointed for the same, and aster (after) they beginne with the different of Branswike and Lunenborg. I understand there haithe been done litel or nothing, and that veri soweli (slowly) they procede to the declaracion of the causes that hangeth before them, insomoche that generali it is thowght the Emperor is like to tary hero at the lest all the Lent, and some saithe lenge[r]. The prinsipal materes concerning the Emperi shal not be spoken of but in the Electors' presence, who have sent some the most part of their house holde, and kepethe with them smal cumpane, that is a token of long taring; whereupon the due of Alba, Fonseka and other grete men of Spaine be nothing pleased, considering suche delacion is clere contrari to their desire, and do not forbere incessantli to shewe unto the Emperor the danger of the same for the reduction of his realmes to the accostumed good ordre, obbedience and jus[ti]ce; and over that they be not totali assured that if his [majes]tie hade eni meanes to go into Italy, that he woll ... wghtes hopes and dristes (drifts) grownded ... inion.
(fn. 5) "Nothing shall move him as moche ... regarde of the lord Chievres, whoo in no manerre ... can belive will ritorne into Spa[in] ... lose his master, and whan I allege ... ggi can not be done withoute good proo[f] ... whereof at this time is greate lake and su ... oute breche with the French king his contradic[tory] ... stence, they suppose that the lord Chievres his ambici[on] ... all other reasons and consideracions.
"Bi divers waies it is knowen the Chancell[or is] inclined to suche light entreprises; also [the cardi]nal Sedunensis do his best, and offered with co[n hundred] towsand florins to recowere the duchie of Mil[an], and Salseburg shewe like mind, and, as the gower[nor] of the duc of Bari affermeth, they trie jointeli sa ... the Emperor mai not go into Spaine with his honnor, swert[y] and conservacion of his auctorite excepte [he] do take his journei by Italy, and from thens pa[ss] into Catalony and Arragon, where he shal hav[e] better opportunite and commodite to entre i[nto] Castilla then if he went and landed in Bi[scay] or eni other place of the realme in the which he shal be compelled to putte himself in the [power] and discrecion of those subjectis with ... remonstrances in confirma[cion] ... Almany your grace mai belive that the ... st parte of them is to maintaine teves and robbers ... countrie; whereupon it may be coniected all ... lucre, and that by the same cause they wil furdre [the journe]y into Itali by almeanes to them possible.
"[Likewis]e I advertisse yowr grace that the said gowernor of the [duke of] Bari shewed me his master haithe to them promesed [that in ca]se he be restored to his said duchie of Milaine [it as g]ood as oone underth towsand ducates of yerely rente [fo]r them and their successors and is well answered and putte in good conforte.
"The Pope his orator, as I have written unto your grace, was browght uppe by the cardinal Ascanio, uncle to the said Duc, wherefore consequentli he bereth to him greate affection and lowe, as appirethe by his continwal comunicacion with him, whoo saithe the Pope, for to augumente the powoer and strencte of Italy, wolde gladli see the duc of Bari in his possession, and consente to the Emperor his going thethere, dummodo his holines were oones at a point with his magestic. Neurtheles for mi parte I thinke the wise men of Italy will not desire to have the Emperor there in eni wise or mannerre, and what profit the Pope knowe by the bargain I can not tell.
"[The s]aid gowernor of the duc of Bari considering that the Pope [on the] other side makethe many offres to the French king, pro ... saithe by that and other evidences (fn. 6) he parceivethe the Pope studib ... togethere at wariance and d ... me to the troueth and can not c ... for lake of monnie as for other caus[es] ... the going into Italy by force, and I ... do it otorwise, it must be with the French king h[is] ... grett prejudice of his master, and the p[remises] considered as the Spainniardes sai [it shall be] better, more honnorable and profitable [for his] magestie to go into Spaine and recower ... then to entreprise upon eni other with suche [evident] parill and doubteous ende.
"Divers gentilmen of Milain, Padua, Veron[a and] Vincence that ben bannished oute of their countries ... those of Sena partie advers to the Pope and the Addornes of Jenes and many suche with the chiefes of the house of Colonna and some of the Ursins and Baillions of Pisa laboured with al their witte to sette furtwa[rds] this going into Italy with large promesses as wol ... ever man of suche astat, the whiche ben well ta[ken] of these princes of Almane; and thowgh the cardina[l of] Salseburg shew his self to them favorab[le,] amongest his contreman he is rather repu[ted to be] Frenche then good Borgognion, and the lor[ds] extimed him so, as Sevenberg saithe, [for that] he was cause of the restitucion of Ver[ona] barg * * * les and how parteculerl[y] ...1 the house of Bavierre, and not withstownding [before] Maximilian his decesse he gaveth five tow[sand flor]ins of pension uppon his bushoprike of Salse[burg to] the bishop of Patavia, bruder to the duc William ... nowe the Cardinal didde gette the archibushop[ric] bi violence and craste (craft), and not by the accostom[ed sy]ncera and trwe election of the chapitre; and [by] cause Salseburg is with in Bavierre, it is thowght [on]e of this dais some besines shal ensue thereof.
"The Frenche ambassador sens mi last letteres haithe hade divers audiences of the lord Chievres, upon what materre I (fn. 7) can not tell; butt I suppose if God sende the Emperor into Spain that the Spanniardes shal have better saing in all occurances then they have, and all the besinesse to the desire of the King and your grace shalbe continwed with more constance, and the Frenchemen belived and take[n] no further then the reason do require.
"Ascertaining your grace that oone of the principal articles laied in Spaine against the lord Chievres, it is the tribute and action geveth (given) over to the French king by the treactie of Noyon upon the realme of Naples as a thing conquered by the coronna of Castilla.
"[The] duc of Alba aster (after) his humble recomandacion [unto yo]ur grace desired me to writte unto the sameb ... [honor]able recomandacion (fn. 8) unto the Emperor that he will be please[d] ... of the church in his remembranc[e] ... do if his Majeste do geve it tn ... beseeching also that the master of the ... commission uppon lettres of credence ... materre for to use of it and procede a ... disposicion of the affeires wol suffer ... and not further.
"I have received lettres from Mogsiur (Monsieur) de la Roche [dated at] Miklines the 16th that preparacions ben made f[or Don] Ferdinande his coming hithere, and also ... some provision for the Emperor his going into Spai[n].
"Antoni Belser, marchant of Auxpurg, is here for to p[rest un]to the Emperor oone underth and thirthe towsand florins of gowld; whereof he haithe received in Flandres fowsco[re] towsand, and of the remanent the obligations of the lordes Berges and Montagni paiables at Est[er] nexte; the whiche monnie cometh in good season, for [the] howse holde and all the gentilmenn ben beinde of [their] waggers almost trie quarters; wherupon [hath] growen a gret murmur against the lord Chievres.
"The dai of the exequies of the Cardinal was ... the sermon to the Emperor his gostli fader and c ... it to the knowlegge of the elector of Maian[ce, who] incontinentli to his magestie ... under the correption of his [majesty] ... Saint Dominico well lerned unto ... was geven the charge, but the contentes ... on was to shewe that the Empery is kepte...of eni other not ... all Italy longeth to the same, et presertim [the du]chie of Milain...the simonia and evil living of Roma to the offense [of God] and of al Cristendone; persuading with long circum[st]ances the princes electors to have union and intelli[g]ence togethere in geving good consaill and assistence [t]o the young Emperor, full of good intencion in all his entreprises for the prosperite, exaltacion and augumentation of thempery, and as for the materre for the whiche he was called for, he passed it lightly.
"The Pope's orator saithe he is another Luterus. Advertessing your grace that in divers cittes of Almaine, as I am credibly informed, is preched and written against the Churche of Roma, and oppenli is spoken the annates of the benefices shulde not be gevin to the Pope, wherunto the generalite is moche conmowed, and if God do not remedie it, it is to be doubted of some gret esclandre.
"As to Luterus the spiritual lordes proceded coldeli, and some favoreth him, and meni temporeles. Wher fore it is like litel execution or punision to be done of him. [The] Emperor haithe comanded his bookes to be brinte in the [ci]te of Vienna and the censures apostolikes * * *
" (fn. 9) The duc Willam of Baviere with all h...newe desire have consented to cume ... wolbe here.
"And the lantgrave of Essia of xiiii. Yere ... this townne with five underth horses meni ... and gentilman with him who shal mari the ... duc Gerge of Saxon and his son and heir ... of the lantgrave the whiche of Saxon als ...
"Anthony Belser haithe shewed me to be a [dvertised from] Amsterdama of his factor that they hade there new[s that the] king of Dennemarca hade conquered Swedea...coronnes, and that aster (after) the prise of the principa[l] ... he caused two bushoppes, five knightes and s ... and ten gentilmenn to be hedded as his rebelles.
"Towching the cuming of the kinges of Ungria and Pollone, Rokkendorfe saithe they have no answer yet, and no gret hoppe bi his wordes of the metting with them, wherin shal be spared time and monnei.
"The Cont Palatin wol in eni wise remaine and be vica[ry] of thempery, alleging by the bulla aurea it long[eth to] him, the whiche point is of not smal moment.
"Also he demandethe the confirmacion of a tola to h[im gra]nted [by] the Emperor Maximilian upon al manerre of vittai[les] not oonneli upon the jurisdiction of this citte but I...upon Spira, amonting to xxx. towsand florin[s] ... by the yere, wherunto the pore people clamit ... the Emperor is bownde and sworne to defende their ... and not minished as Maximilian" * * *
Hol., pp.9; cipher, undeciphered; mutilated. Marginal note before the Fire: "1524, 24 Jan., Wormes. Th. Spinella."
15 March.
Several persons have brought writings to carry away corn bought beforehand in this country. This will do the country great hurt, for before Christmas there was not sufficient. Those who made the search reported that in the space of 20 miles there was not more than 412 qrs., besides what the farmers have for their houses and for seed. There will be 4,000 or 5,000 people to be sustained. Fears, if there is any lack, it will cause trouble. Downeley, 15 March. Signed.
P.1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal.
R.O. 24. ARTHUR POLE. (fn. 10)
"Med that Mr. Arthure Poole did send a lettre to the keper of my Lady of Sarum's place besides Dowgate, instauntely desiring hym not to shewe the name of the personne which spake with the said Mr. Pole on Monday last, but in any wise to saye it was a bailif of his, whiche come to pay money unto hym, and to send hym worde wheder any such inquere were made or not.—Bickerton."
Endd.: Arthur Pole.
20 May.
Stuff in charge of Humfrey Andrews at the manor of Redde Roose in London, late the duke of Buckingham's, attained of high treason, and delivered by him to Sir And. Windsor, 20 May 13 Hen. VIII., before Sir Wistan Browne, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, and Sir J. Daunce, commissioners assigned for viewing the same.-Five pieces of tapestry of the story of Moses, each about 9 yds. by 4. Three pieces of the story of king Medow, paned and lined with canvas, each about 7 yds. by 4. Four pieces of verdure with beasts and trees, about 7 yds. by 4. Four verdures of Turkey. A tapett of beasts and trees, and five of imagery. Two pieces of silk verdure of imagery lined with canvas, and three unlined. Six pieces of green say. Two counterpoints of imagery, one with St. George, the other with flowers, beasts and birds, 3¾ yds. by 4½ yds. Three counterpoints of verdur, lined, with beasts and birds. A scarlet counterpoint, lined with fustian.
8 June.
Calig. E. III. 42. B.M.
* * * Has received "[a letter from Anthony] Inge, the copy whereof is here afore written, [whereby ye] shall understand what suspicious and covert d[elays there be in] payment of the King's money, whereof I and ... cannot a little marvel, nor judge for what cause [it is done,] but have in suspicion that it is done rather for [the worst than] for the best; and for my discharge I have sen[t the letter of the] said Anthony Inge unto the King's highness. An[d I have] thought it requisite to advertise you of the said [letter, and] send unto you at this time the said copy thereof, [that] ye may do therein as ye shall think most be[fitting]." At ...,8 June. Signed.
P.1, mutilated. Add.: To Sir Ric. Jerningham, the King's ambassador in France.
20 June.
Sends him some venison, the best he has seen this year. Douneley, 20 June. Signed.
P. l. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
3 July.
"As touching the King's commandment and my lord Cardinal's, for yonder murderers," has laid spies in their usual haunts, and will not miss them if they stir. Most of them have fled to Shropshire, Cheshire and Ireland. They were warned of the coming of the undersheriff of Worcester and young Sir Gilbert Talbot, "and also [came] won (one) affore to Malvern, and there warned three of the [m sitting] in the tavern, and said, 'Here comes many men to tak[e you].' 'Then fill the pot,' said they. And so they drank, and went upon the hill side; and there spake to Sir Gilbert Talbot and to his company, and said, 'Is there no good yeoman that will bring us drink?' And shortly they had drunk, and there they blew their horns, and on the morrow there they had met brought them in the same place." It is said here that the murderers were always warned. If they are not punished, the country is undone. Begs him to remind the King and his council of it. Every one here is afraid of being robbed or beaten, "I take the abbot of Gloucester and the abbot of Cirencester to record." Sends by the bearer writings which will prove everything. If the King were here, there would be a marvellous exclamation; but men dare not stir, for fear of their lives; and the author of these writings thinks he would be slain if they were seen by the savages. If Wolsey would send for Wm. Breges of Longden, and the vicars of Asshelworth and Turley, they would tell him more than they will tell Kingston. They are honest and substantial men, but must be sent for secretly, or they dare not for their lives stir. Will be at the court shortly. 3 July.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. The address and signature have been obliterated with ink.
6 Aug.
Calig. D. VIII. 111. B.M.
"Furthermore, as my Lady the King's mother devised with me, I perceived well she assayed to feel somewhat of me; and I assure your grace I perceived well they fear that the King's highness will be against them. And thus she began, and showed me your grace should go to Ghent, there to speak with the [Emperor]. And after that she said to me under this manner: this King Catholic assayeth all the means he can to have you on his side, and you know he showeth you many things that be not true, and is ever in hand to borrow money of you; and as for us, we show you nothing but the truth, and ye have much money of us, which helps to bear a great part of your charge, and ye know the Emperor hath borrowed money of you; and if we shall keep our days and all promises with you, and ye to help the Emperor with money, I report me to you that were not well done." Asked her if their ambassador had told them of Wolsey's going to Ghent. She said no; and I assured her it was the first word I ever heard of it, but promised to inform you, and that Francis would be shortly advertised thereof. As to the untruthfulness of the Emperor, I could say nothing, but that he always protested his sincerity. Said I knew nothing of the Emperor borrowing money from the King, but as for the money paid to England by Francis, if the French kept the truce, treaties were as much for their advantage as the money to England. Thinks she was sorry she had said so much. She turned it, by saying that the King had lent money to the Emperor when the Swiss came to Milan, of which he had repented. Said he had often heard of the King's lending money to the late Emperor, but knew nothing of his lending to Charles. They then changed the conversation. "And to ascertain your grace plainly I perceive that here they have turned the leaf. For about half a year past, they would by their words have overrun all the world, and cared for nothing, save for our master; and by as much as I can see, they would now have peace with all their hearts. And though the French king and his mother bear a good face, yet I hear divers gentlemen and many right substantial, that some curse Robert de La Marche for beginning, and some curse my Lady the King's mother, and say it was never well in France when ladies governed." The French king does not speak so familiarly to me as he used; "but I take no strangeness upon me, but go ahunting with him." "And as for the Pope, and he be such a liver as they here say he is, as God forbid he were, he is but an easy head of our faith."
Pp.2, cipher, mutilated.
f. 112. 2. Decipher of the above. The commencement in Tuke's hand.
9 Sept.
Le Glay, Négoc. II. 521.
Dined today with the Cardinal. He says the air of the town makes him ill; that all the affairs of England are on his shoulders, and he wishes to finish the business as quickly as possible. Said that was exactly what they wanted. He said Francis was much weaker in men, and if he conquered, his victory would be of little use; that neither the Swiss nor the Venetians were his warm friends. Told him how Mouzon had surrendered; on which he said that such a captain would be made an example of in England. He also mentioned the invasion of Hungary by the Turk, and finally showed Du Prat letters from the King Catholic, asking that his Chancellor might be sent back; to which he had answered that in that case Du Prat and he would both leave, which he thought would bring the Chancellor to a speedy determination. The Venetian ambassador has just showed them letters written by the ambassador "de la serenissime" with the King Catholic, saying that the said King is gone to Louvain, to obtain the rest of Chievres' money from his wife, and that many men and horses and artillery had gone from Flanders, Brabant, and Haynault to attack Tournay. Francis will know by the letters from the captain of Ardres, and by theirs of yesterday, of his late victory. One captain and two standard bearers were killed, and the sieur De Lique, captain of the Infantry, severely wounded. One of their soldiers, who was already on the wall, was killed by an old woman who brings them the captain's letters under pretence of coming to sell eggs. The captain has written for more men and money. Calais, 9 Sept.
2 Nov.
Received his letter this all Souls' Day, in the morning. Is sorry Darcy was not answered after his mind, by his letters concerning "the auditor's bill that he made for the declaration of your farms and fee," which Bolton delivered to Lyster with the letters. There is no fear of Mr. Arthur for any such matter. "I knew he would not disappoint one thing of your pleasure, to get more profit to him than the whole fee is." Wrote what he believed to be the truth about him. May be deceived, but thinks that no honorable man in the realm is so well served. Is glad to see it, because if anything lack, it is not by their negligence. As to the bill of Mr. Burgon, it is not the warrant that the receiver require for his discharge, but Darcy's bill of receipt. No money is yet come. The warrant may be kept for discharge of the farms. Money comes in but slowly, "because men hear that the term adjourneth." The plate shall be all sent closed in a basket, when he can get a sure carrier. If any of his servants are coming to London, they could accompany it home, "which would be a good surety in this dere world." As he wrote before, as soon as he receives the money from Devonshire, will send an account. The "Commyn Place" and King's Bench will be adjourned on the Monday after Allhallow day until Hilary term. The Exchequer continues all this term. The old sheriffs are likely to continue in office until Hilary term. The Cardinal has sent Mr. More and Mr. Fitzwilliam to the King this last week from Calais. His return is doubtful, as he is waiting for the embassies sent from Calais to the Emperor and the French king, viz., my lord of Durham, Mr. Husey, the master of the Rolls, and Mr. Boleyn, to the Emperor, the lord Chamberlain, the bishop of Ely and lord of St. John's to the French king. There is a truce and league taken with the Emperor and French king for all English merchants and fishers in the Narrow Seas and Downs. Has heard no other news. "Here is dead Sir Edw. Poyninges, treasurer, Sir John Raynesford and Mr. Colt. I see small recovery in Sir Wistan Browne for this life." Sir John Peche is said to be in great danger. The sickness continues in the city. It is not much feared, though it is universal in every parish. London, All Souls' Day.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
A.D. 1522.
8 April
[Calig. E. I. 179.] B. M.
Asks him to allow the bearers his friends to pass in safety through his quarter. They are afraid of meeting with soliders. Is sure that "mon frere Mons. de Jan ... maistre" would be displeased if his men were stopped in his country ... Tuesday, 8 April. "Le duc de Suffolk, Rychart."
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. The word "Rychart" only is in De la Pole's hand.
Add.: Au cappitaine de Lengey, ou a son lieutenant.
10 May.
R. O.
On May Day was as high up as the Bass at 3 o'clock in the morning. If the wind had kept favourable, would have been as high as Hensketh without being descried; but it blew so contrary, they were obliged to anchor four miles above the Bass, where they rode that day. Next day manned their boats, and went to shore, to burn a village at the water side above a castle called Mall Tallant (Tantallon), but were prevented from landing by a great body of horse and foot; killed some with their ordnance. It was two days before they could anchor at Hensketh, four good miles from Leith, "and they of Leith shot a good piece of ordnance to welcome us. That day we fetched fresh water on the aylond, and there we found a 40 ship, and refreshed all our ships." Manned the boats in the afternoon to burn the fisher boats at a pier, but the town of Kylkehorne (Kinghorn?) came with ordnance, and drove them off. The firing lasted three hours, but they hurt none of our men, except two of Coke's, while we killed two of theirs. Ventured to assault Leith, though it was a lea shore, and "fare flats." Thinks some of their shot entered the town, "that such another peal was not rung there this twenty year of so few ships." That was the Sunday after May Day. Next brought the ships one by one as near as possible to Kylkehorn, and made each ship fire against the town in succession; "and we gave them a peal to ring Allen to high mass." Horse and cart might have been driven through the tiled houses. If the duke of Albany was in Edinburgh, or twenty miles off, he might have heard our peal to matins and mass. Came along the north side, and shot five pieces into Grett Desser (Dysart).
Describes his attack upon a ship at anchor, which was rescued by the country people, his capture of a ship of Copman Haven (Copenhagen), laden with rye and bound to Osterdam. The one half is Hans Ska's, the other belongs to a widow named Seybrett, who is great with the King of Denmark. Has taken the Frenchmen and Danes that were in her. "The Galleon of Depe, and another ship with her, took the Dane twenty miles from their own place, and sent them to Leith in Scotland to a made their portsall." The Danes say that the King of Denmark has gone to Sweden with 22 sails, and that he will have no Scotch ships in his wages. Will send the ship to Newcastle, with a letter to the customer to unlade it, and sell the rye in all haste, as it is badly wet. His servant will repair the ship, and bring her to Ipswich. Can hear of no Scotch ships, but a bark of Davy Fakenar's and one of Hob à Barton's, which he thinks are still in Leith haven. "There is five topcheps and ten crayers; that is all we can perceive." Has sent Sir John Tremayle and Harper for the Scotch ordnance, and has written to Dacre. If he had two good ships to land 500 men, would have burned half a dozen good villages, "for they stand very well and near the waterside." Were ready to leave the Frith on 5th May but for the wind. "Written under sail coming to Skate Road, tarrying for the Scotch ordnance, the 10th day of May."
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: My lord of Surrey, Great Admiral of England.
13 May.
R. O.
The generals near Cremona have at last paid the infantry their wages, without which they refused to proceed. The Spanish infantry took the castle of Pizleo, granting their lives and property to the defenders. The rest encamped three miles from Cremona, to cut off provisions and assistance. I hear that there are in the town about 200 men-at-arms (cathafractos) and 200 infantry; and news is come tonight that they are thinking of surrendering, as you will hear more certainly from the generals.
I have received your kind letters. (Here occur a few words in cipher.) I have sent Silvestrin de Bonsignoribus, a noble of my house, to meet the viceroy of Naples, with an order to send money to the army as quickly and safely as possible. The increase of the army is unnecessary, now that the enemy are repulsed; but the money will still be useful to keep together the first army, for which I spare no pains. Tomorrow about 6,000 Spanish and Italian foot will leave Pizleo on an expedition to Genoa. Fregosius has not a sufficient garrison there. You should decide how to act with the Swiss, as they disagree with the French, and would easily take your part as the bishop of Veroli, the Papal nuncio, affirms. Milan, 13 May 1522. Signed.
Lat., pp. 3. Add.
24 May
R. O.
35. Meeting of HENRY VIII. and CHARLES V.
Names of those appointed to attend upon my lord Legate at Dover:—Earls of Surrey, Wiltshire and Kent. Bishops of Exeter, Chester, Hereford, and the elect of London. Abbots of Westminster, Bury, Wynchecombe, Gloucester, Saint Austin's, Bermondsey, and Tewkesbury. Lords Herbert, Ferrers and Hastings. Wm. Scott, Henry Guldeford, John Fogg, John Wilshire, Thos. Cokyn, Wm. Brereton, John Norton and Wm. Perpoynt, knights; Geo. Guyldford, Wm. Hawte; and John Marney, Thos. Tilnay (?), Godard Oxenbrige, John Scott and John Gaynsforde, knights; with other gentlemen of Kent, Sussex and Surrey.
Norrey and York are to warn them to attend on the Legate at Canterbury on Saturday, 24 May.
P. 1. In Tuke's hand. Endd.: "Names of Noblemen appointed to attend upon the Legate at the meeting with the Emperor."
R. O.
Sends to him, at his request, Thos. Herte, the King's master gunner, for the fortifying of places on the Borders, for whose entertainment Dacre will make reasonable allowance. Westm., 4 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. The following memorandum is made by Dacre below the signature: "Received at Hexham, the penult day of November anno xiiijto H. viijvi."
R. O. 38. _ to _.
Has spoken to the man you know. Advises him to use nothing but "bele yane frese," and wash his legs once a month with good herbs to bring down the humors. If it does not answer he can send to the writer. Begs to be recommended to the King. Whatever reward he pleases give will be well bestowed. I write so badly you will not be able to read the letter. (fn. 11)
Fr., p. 1.
Thos. Carmynow has complained to the King of the ill behavior of himself and his son, in the arrest of the under-keeper of Restormel Park, and the King has commanded him to send up nine persons to be examined about killing deer and breaking the park gates. Sends the deposition of the said keeper, and the inquisitions made by certain justices of the peace, which prove the reports about him are untrue. Asks Wolsey to be good lord to the men he has sent up, for they have not deserved the King's displeasure, but for many years their crops have been much damaged by the deer, owing to Carmynowe's ill conduct. He has been many times accused of overpressing the pasture with his own beasts, and of killing the deer, and he tries to excuse himself by complaining of poor men. If it were necessary to punish any one, Carmynowe is not fit to do it. As to the complain that Arundel favored the two men who broke out of Restormell Castle, the truth is that Carmynowe had kept them in prison for a month for no reasonable cause, and would not deliver them at Arundel's request, who, with another justice, was determined to deliver them and take sureties of them to appear, because of their small offence, and that they were in danger of their lives from cold and hunger. Meanwhile they escaped, and came to him to demand justice. Sent for the under-keeper, who confessed that he had arrested them for stealing tin out of the castle and for killing deer. Took sureties of them and the keeper to be present at the assizes, when the keeper laid nothing to their charge, and the justices dismissed them. Signed. (fn. 12)
Pp. 4. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
A.D. 1523.
23 March.
R. O.
After a troublesome passage, has arrived here, and told the Emperor Henry's message, to which he sends a reply. Valladolid, 23 March 1523. (fn. 13) Signed.
P. 1. Add.
12 April.
Add. MS. 6113. f. 127. B. M.
"The 12th day of Aprele, in the year of our Lorde 1523, 14 Hen. VIII., was Sir Harry Marney create barron Marney, at the King's place at Richmonde, being ledde by the lorde Roos and the lorde Fytzwater, and the lorde Montjoye bering his robe, havynge 2 barres of lectres, don in ordre as before in other ys more at large declarid, and the offycers which wer there hadd their fees.
"Mr. Garter, king-at-arms, Rychemount and Lancastre heralds, Rudgcrosse and Rudgdragon prsyvaunts."
Copy, temp. Eliz. P. 1.
26 May.
R. O.
42. NEWS from FRANCE.
"The saying of Gillam, mershaunt de Depe, the Tewisday yn Whitsonwyke."
Came from Depe yesterday morning. The French king is at Seynt Jermyns yn Leze, and there is a great army in Pykerdy, reported to be 60,000 strong. It is said they are to keep the coast because the English did so much harm last year. No ships are being prepared at Depe. All the ships and boats were arrested before Easter, but released two or three days ago. Was told that the great ship is afloat, but would not be ready for two years.
P. 1. Add.: To, &c. my lord Cardinal, legate and chancellor.
8 June.
Sloane MS. XXXII. 7. B. M.
Grant by Ph. de Villiers Lisle Adam to Sir Giles Rossel, for his services at the taking of Rhodes, of the commandery of Halston Hospital, on the resignation of Roger Boydel. Messana, 8 June 1523.
Lat., vellum, sealed with lead.
8 July.
Titus B. XI. 416. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 191.
20,000 Irishmen have come within these twelve months into Pembrokeshire, the lordship of Haverford West, and along the sea to St. David's. They are for the most part rascals out of the dominions of the rebel earl of Desmond; very few from the English pale. The town of Tenby is almost all Irish, rulers and commons, who disobey all the King's processes issuing from the exchequer of Pembroke, supposing their charter warrants them to do so. One of them, named Germyn Gruffith, is owner of two great ships, well appointed with ordnance. They will take no English or Welsh into their service. Last year, hearing of a great number of them being landed, the writer made a privy watch, and in two little parishes took above 200, and sent them to sea again. They have since returned with many more, all claiming kindred in the country, but he has ever since expelled them as before. Throughout the circuit there are four Irishmen to one English or Welsh. Order should be given that no man in these parts retain any Irishman in his service, otherwise they will increase more and more. The mayor and town of Tenby have committed great riots, and unlawful assemblies, with divers extortions, as appears by indictments against them in the records of Pembroke. They have also aided and victualled the King's enemies at different times. Caermarthen, 8 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's most noble grace.
R. O.
In Aug. 1523 was at the court at Brussels, when two Cordeliers, sent by the guardian of the convent of Cambray, came thither with a certain writing, which one of them delivered to Madame's confessor. This writing was shown to the council; present, the cardinal of Liege, the counts Buren and Hooghstrate, Jehan lord Berghes, the president of Malines, the treasurer Ruffault, the Audiencer, the Dom prevost d'Utrecht and Barbanson. It contained suggestions for making a peace, truce or neutrality with the Low Countries, which several present thought was a trick to make the people mutiny, and create suspicion among the Emperor's allies. It was decided that the Cardinal should see the Cordeliers, which he did, and reported next day; in consequence of which it was resolved to apprehend them, but they escaped. A day or two after, Barbanson left Brussels for his house at La Bussiere, where two Friars Minors came to him. Talking about the chances of peace, one of them said he had been with the guardian of Cambray, who told him that a peace, or at least a truce or neutrality, would be made for the Low Countries, through the Dom prevost, without the knowledge of the Emperor. Desired him, in the Emperor's name, to go to Cambray and sift the matter, which he did, Barbanson writing to his guardian for leave; but, when he arrived, he found that the guardian had been sent for by Madame. He questioned the vicar, who told him that the guardian of Roye, as well as his guardian, had been sent for, and were lodging at the "Grant Myroir," at Brussels Two horses, two pair of boothose (houseaux), two black cloaks and two black hats were sent to the convent for their use.
He waited three days, till the guardian returned, when he took occasion to ask him if the matter they had before talked of would come to pass. The guardian answered, that there were some troublesome people (espritz cornutz), who prevented it; and bid him speak no more on the subject. On his return to Brussels, Barbanson inquired, by Madame's order, at the "Myroir," and found that the two guardians had staid there, that they came very late, and left very early.
Fr., pp. 4. Endd.: Thaccusation of Don Provost.
29 Oct.
R. O.
On receipt of the commission for providing against the landing of enemies in these parts, wrote to the ports and towns along the coast, and to the persons appointed by the commission; and next day to the warden of Dover, to warn the Cinque Ports, according to custom. Today the undersigned, with Sir Wm. Scote, Sir John Fogge and Sir Wm. Hawte, the commissioners named in the said commission, have written to the said warden to order the ports to send out vessels, by day and night, to descry the enemies' ships, and give warning to the nearest port; then to fire the beacons, and send word to the commissioners. Have appointed Sir Wm. Hawte, who lives near Dover and Sandwich, captain of the coasts between those towns, and of the men in 10 hundreds near.
John Briggs, alderman of Canterbury, and Thos. Hardes, will lead those from Canterbury to Hawte. The Archbishop and prior of Christchurch will send out, when needed, without delay, their servants and tenants to Hawte, reserving a few to defend the church. Sir Wm. Scote, Sir John Foogge and Wm. Kempe are captains of 12 hundreds near Hiethe, Fulston and Lidde; Sir John Norton and Sir Wm. Cromor, of the town and hundred of Feversham, to aid Sir Wm. Scote, &c.; Geo. Guldford and Alex. Culpeper, of the Le seven hundreds and two next to them; Ant. Sentleger, _ Wotton, Jasper Tirel and John Cromor, of the hundreds of Maidstone and three next; lord Cobham, of the city and hundred of Rochester and seven others; Sir Thos. Bullayne, of the hundred of Tunbridge and five others; Sir John Wiltshire, of three hundreds next to his house; and John Crispe of the Isle of Thanet, of four hundreds. The captains shall resort to the hundreds allotted to them, and certify the Archbishop of the number of men within 10 days. If a landing is attempted during this, they shall come with what men they can; every captain and petty captain having his standard, the number of which may deter the enemy from landing. The captains could not keep their retinues at the coast, and the men could not keep themselves, and therefore they adopt the above plan. There is a clerk of posts between them and Wolsey and the coast. Canterbury, 29 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To, &c. my lord cardinal of York, legate de latere.
R. O. 46. NAVY.
Accounts of money and stores received by Wm. Seyntpeir at Dunkirk, at Newport 20 March, at Wosteyende, in Selonde, and at Antwerp, consisting chiefly of boards, hoops, barrels, &c.
2. Seyntpeir's costs in prison at Canfere, and sending two men to the Cardinal and Dr. Knyght to remedy the action against him.
3. Costs for lading two ships from Calais to Portsmouth, &c. Also, costs in going to London and Portsmouth, and to the More and St. Alban's, to see the Cardinal.
4. Account of barrels delivered at Calais by Breswood and Welden for the duke of Suffolk, at London, Berwick and Portsmouth.
5. For recovering John William's ship out of the Admiralty Court. A warrant to arrest the ship, 6s. 1d. For the execution, 16d. The certificate, 12d. The constitution, 12d. For the acts of the court, 7s. For proctors, 17s. 6d. The "conceptione artekelis," 5s. 4d. For the decree to be put in possession, 20s. For the pressing unto three men, 15s. For keeping the ship while she was in suit, 28 weeks at 2s. 4d. To the judge, for arresting the ship, to put in surety for a year and a day to save him harmless, 6s. To the judge, for sitting to take surety, 6s. To his two servants, 12d. To his clerk, 4s. For making obligations for the surety to save the judge harmless, 2s. 3d. To Blake, the sergeant, 4s.—9l. 14s. 10d.
Total payments and demands of Wm. Seyntpeir, 1,074l. 6s. 6d.
Pp. 27. The money is in Flemish coinage, except when mentioned as sterling.
29 May. R. O.
Statutes of the Garter agreed to at a chapter of the order holden at Windsor 29 May 11 Hen. VIII.


  • 1. The day of the month is lost by the mutilation of the MS., and there is no authority for Ellis's date of the 16th, while Boleyn's letter to Wolsey, the same day, proves the 19th to be the true date.
  • 2. Probably this letter refers to the occurrences mentioned in no. 309.
  • 3. The bailly of Caen is the person to whom the preceding part of this letter must have referred.
  • 4. Probably in Aug. 1520. See nos. 951 and 1113.
  • 5. f. 197.
  • 6. f. 198
  • 7. The symbol for "he" is used here evidently by mistake.
  • 8. f.199.
  • 9. f.200.
  • 10. See 29 March 1521, no. 1204.
  • 11. See no. 565.
  • 12. The date of this document is uncertain.
  • 13. Although dated 23 March 1523, which would be by ordinary computation 1523—4, this doucment undoubtedly belongs to the year in which it is now placed. See no. 2909.