Henry VIII: February 1519

Pages 15-33

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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February 1519

1 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Summons from Anthoine Le Viste, knt., sieur de Fresnes, and Jean Hurault, sieur de Vybraye, councillors and masters of requests of the (French) King's household, to the first usher of the King's great council, ordering him, at the request of Richard Chamblay (Chamberlain), knt., "cappitaine du Chasteau de Londres," Robert Goudwin and Jehan Quoquesal, merchants in England, John Abinton and Robert Wardel, captains of vessels, to command Guillaume de la Fontaine, otherwise called "Le Moyne de Bayonne," to answer the allegations of the said complainants, whose vessels he had spoiled and plundered in September and October last. Paris, 1 Feb. 1518. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
2 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
On Sunday last my lord of [Ely, Sir Richard] Weston and Master Fitzwilliam, left for England. The same day the French king went ahunting to Mons. Montmorency's, and will not be back till tomorrow or Friday. The English merchants who sued for restitution are gone to Roan, except John Eston's factor and those that were spoiled in September and October last at Bayonne and Bordeaux by La Fontaine. None have been able to prove their complaints except Robert Goodwin of Ipswich, who has but one witness. On Boleyn's remonstrating with the Grand Master "in his chamber in the court, where he lieth sick of the gout," the Chancellor and Mons. de Fresne, one of the commissioners, against the delay of payment and the difficulty of proof, the merchants only bringing bills of complaint or showing letters of testimonial from Hull and Newcastle, he was answered that letters of testimonial are only hearsay evidence, and by the treaty they must have witnesses. To save the expense, and expedite matters, they have agreed to send at their own cost a [commissioner to] England to examine such witnesses as the English merchants can produce, or refer it to two judges in England, who shall return the depositions to the commissioners here. Desires Wolsey's resolution. The merchants object to sending forth the adjournment to Rochelle and Bordeaux, and to this examination of witnesses.
The Chancellor ascertained him, as a great secret, of the death of the Emperor, and that certain of the Electors had expressed their willingness to do Francis pleasure, but he had refused to take any part before he had sent information of the matter to England. "... Tournay was, that my lord Chamberlain was at Tournay, and sent to Peronne to Mons. le Marchall de Chatyllon to come to Tournay, for all thing was ready." Mons. l'Amiral is sent into Lorraine; Mons. de la Varnade, one of the commissioners for the merchants, into Almaine; De la Guyshe, to my lady of Savoy. On the 17th his hundredth day of pay expires. Sends a week before, as desired. Begs Heron may deliver the money to the bearer. Yesterday received a letter by the French post from his highness to Richmond herald, as Brian Tuke writes. Richmond is at Roan. Paris, Candlemas day. Signed.
Add.: "To mine especial, &c., my Lord Legate Cardinal and Chancellor of England."
Mutilated, pp. 3.
4 Feb.
R. O.
Left Peronne for Tournay on the 27th Jan., to prepare the ordnance for conveyance to Calais by water, and to set the soldiers in order, that they might be ready to depart to the King's honor. On leaving Peronne, "were in hand with" Mons. Chatillon and the general, who was to pay the 50,000 francs, to see if they would do so, as Worcester wished to pay the soldiers before the delivery of the town. Worcester, Docwra and Vaux offered to remain with them as pledges, and enter the town with them; but they said they had no orders to pay the said sum till the delivery. The writers said that should be done as soon as they had heard from the Treasurer of Calais that the six hostages were in his keeping; with which Chatillon was well contented. Arrived at Tournay on the 30th, four days after Belknapp. Wrote to Robert Fowler for money from Calais, by which five or six days' wages will be saved. Garrison and artillery will be ready to depart at the foresaid day, "and sorry we would have been that the Frenchmen should have heard the reckonings that hath been with the said soldiers for their debts."
Enclose a letter from lord Ligney to Jerningham, and another from Hedyng to Worcester. The day they entered Tournay, Ligney delivered Mortaigne to Hedyng, for the king of Castile and lady Margaret, and went to a place of his called Baillewe, in Hainault. Sent him, by Clarencieux and Russell, the King's letters for the deliverance of the castle and town, with "letters patentes of peremptorie summance," in case he should not comply. They have not yet returned. On Candlemas Eve, Hedyng brought Worcester a letter of credence from lady Margaret, to the effect that Ligney would not deliver Mortaigne to her and the King of Castile till she had promised him, under her seal, to persuade Henry to give him some recompence, as Mortaigne is his inheritance by the King's grant, and he had given it to his son. They answered, they had no authority to speak on that matter to any one, except to De Ligney, to whom the King had delivered the castle, and had sent an officer of arms demanding its surrender. Hedyng replied, that his mistress had sent to the King, and she was only bound by her writing to do the best she could to get Ligney recompensed, and when she had Henry's answer she would deliver the town to whom the King pleased. He hoped the King would reimburse Ligney for his expences. Said they could make no promise. Offered to receive the place, and certify the King of it; but he had no such orders.
The same day received Wolsey's letter dated Westminster, 28 Jan., with a copy of the King's letter in French, desired by Mons. de la Batte, the French ambassador. Are "sore troubled and called upon" for Wm. Pawne's debts for works done in the citadel, and stuff for the building of it. They must be paid, to avoid slander and other troubles that might ensue. The only authority they have to pay is Wolsey's letter, dated Westminster, 11 Jan.
The day after their arrival spoke with the governors of the town and those of the chapter, and intend to do so again in Chatillon's presence. They professed gratitude to the King, but evidently are "gladder to return French than to continue English." Have not yet heard from Sandes of the receipt of the sixth hostage. When they do so will deliver the town.
Desire the master of the ordnance, or some other, be appointed to receive the ordnance at Calais of Belknapp, Jerningham and Thos. Herte, or their deputies. Have delivered the King's letters to the deputy, &c. of the garrison. They are all willing to return home. The French king has written to Worcester about the view of the places for the meeting. Wish to know the King's pleasure at their coming to Calais. As no one of better rank than the captain of Boulogne will be sent, one or two of the officers of Calais or Guisnes will be enough for the first view. Tournay, 4 Feb.
Clarencieux and Russell have returned from Ligney. He received them with many good words, but returned them the King's letters. A copy of them both was accordingly given him. Enclose the copy of a letter from him to Worcester. He told Clarencieux that he and his son had delivered Mortaigne to the lady Margaret only for the King, trusting the King would give them some recompence. Are informed by Herte that there is "a pale" remaining here which was in the field at the King's being in these parts. It would cost three times its worth to carry it to Calais. The guns and iron work are shipped; the boards and old wheels are left. They can be sent for any time this half year. Have just received a letter from Sandes, saying that he has received the sixth hostage. Have accordingly written to Chatillon that they are ready to perform the King's promise. Trust he will be here on Monday or Tuesday. Will then return to Calais, and so to the King. Signed.
The stuff that Pawne has to sell will not fetch much unless the French officers buy it. It will not cover his debts. Are afraid the French will not take it, as, though they spoke of it at Paris, they have not done so since they came here.
Pp. 9. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace, legate of England.
Calig. E. I. 83.
B. M.
Offers his services to the king of England. Had been promised when in England that if the King employed any strangers he should be thought of. Has written to Hesdin to speak in his behalf. Weert, 6 Feb. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: "[A Mons.] l'ambassadeur [pour la Maje]ste du Roy [d'Angleterr]e estant pardecha."
6 Feb.
Vesp. C. I. 239.
B. M.
Notifying the death of his grandfather Maximilian. Montserrat, 6 Feb. 1519. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: À très hault, &c., notre bon frère et bel oncle le Roy d'Angleterre.
6 Feb.
Vesp. C. I. 240.
B. M.
In consequence of the death of Maximilian, solicits Wolsey to obtain for him Henry VIII.'s interest towards his election to the empire. Montserrat, 6 Feb. 1519. Signed: Yo el Rey.
Lat., pp. 3. Add.: Rmo, &c. Thomæ cardinali Eboracensi, legato, &c.
7 Feb.
Galba, B. V.
B. M.
Has received his letters of consolation on the death of her father Maximilian. Next to her nephew the King Catholic, has the greatest reliance on the king of England. Malines, 7 Feb. 1518. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
8 Feb.
R. O.
Received his letter on the 1 Feb., dated Westm., 31 Dec., communicating the information that he had been created legate, and summoning the bishops to meet at Westm., the writer among the number, on the day after Ash Wednesday, for the reformation of the Church of England. Montagu, 8 Feb. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
8 Feb.
R. T. 137.
Acknowledgment by the earl of Worcester, Docwra, Vaux and Belknap of the receipt of 50,000 francs from Francis I. Tournay, 8 Feb. 1518.
Lat. The original signed and sealed.
8 Feb.
R. T. 137.
65. JOHN DE LA SAUCH, keeper of the Seal Royal in Tournay.
Vidimus of letters patent of Henry VIII., dated London, 9 Nov. 1518, empowering the earl of Worcester, the prior of St. John's, Sir Nicholas Vaux, captain of Guisnes, and Sir Edward Belknap, to surrender Tournay, the abbey of St. Amand and the castle of Mortaygne, to Francis I. or his deputies. Signed by John le Clement and Anthony Joseph, royal notaries.
Fr. and Lat.
8 Feb.
R. O.
Rym. XIII.
Surrender, by Anthony count Fauquenberghe, baron de Lingne, of Mortaigne, to John de Hesdin, maître d'hôtel of Margaret of Savoy, as, in consequence of his great maladies and other urgent reasons, he cannot deliver it to Henry VIII. in person. 8 Feb. 1518. Signed.
8 Feb.
Galba, B. V.
B. M.
Is advertised by a gentleman at arms that the King is very indignant at his having delivered Mortaigne into the hands of my lady of Savoy, &c. (fn. 1)
9 Feb.
R. T. 137.
Commission to William abbot of St. Amand to make oath of fealty to the king of France. 9 Feb. 1518.
ii. Commission to the same to obtain acquittance from their oath to the king of England. 9 Feb. 1518.
9 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Has received letters by Boulen and by De la Bastye his ambassador. Learns that the King is acquainted with the death of the Emperor. Hopes for the King's good offices, and the Cardinal's, on this interesting occasion. Paris, 9 Feb. Signed.
Add.: "[A] Mons. le legat, Cardinal d'Yort, primat en Angleterre."
Mutilated, p. 1.
9 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Received on the 7th Feb. letters dated 31 Jan., directed to himself and the bishop of Ely, with two others; one to the French king, and the other to his mother. Delivered the same to the King as he came from mass in his chamber. He took Boleyn apart to the window; told him he had heard of Henry's satisfaction at the entertainment of his ambassadors; said that Henry had set him the example;—that he could not do half enough. Boleyn told him that his master, on hearing the death of the Emperor, had sent information of that event, that they might act in perfect unity; because, as in the new Emperor there will really be vested the monarchy of Christendom, it was important they should proceed prudently and harmoniously. "Whereunto he bade me lean out at the window with him, and he would tell me what he had done in it, and his whole mind; what further he intended to do he would speak with my Lady his mother." He told Boleyn several of the Electors, perceiving the wish of Maximilian that the King Catholic should succeed, and that he "was old and sickly, and, by reason of a running," in danger of death, had expressed themselves favorable to Francis; first, because of the greater service he might do against the Infidels, "which he sweareth is most in his mind;" and next, the great good he might do in Christendom betwixt all other princes:—that he has the promise of four of the Electors, under their hands and seals; that he is endeavouring to bring over Cologne and Treves, and hopes to accomplish it by means of the duke of Gueldres, and another duke of Almayn, whose name Boleyn does not remember. He is rejoiced at the aid promised him in the late letters from England, especially as "your grace" does not pretend to it yourself, as his ambassador [informed] him.
Boleyn told him that he had received no notification of this matter, but only to know his opinion. He repeated that he had heard from his ambassador "of your loving and favorable mind towards him," and would send str[aightway to the] Lady his mother, who lay the night before at Villeroye ... [at] the further end of Paris, to be with him within two hours. On Boleyn saying that the letters should have come to his hands sooner, but for the contrary winds, he said, "Contrary winds hindereth [many] matters." The [Queen] mother, on receiving her letters the same afternoon, expressed her delight at the alliance. Paris, 9 Feb. Signature burnt off.
Add.: "To the King my sovereign lord."
Mutilated, pp. 3.
10 Feb.
R. O.
Rym. XIII.
1. Gaspar Colligny to Loys de Proisy, bailly of Tournay.
Empowering him to take possession of Mortaigne, surrendered by the English commissioners. Tournay, 10 Feb. 1518. Signed.
R. O.
Rym. XIII.
2. Surrender, by the earl of Worcester, Thomas Docwra, Nicholas Vaux and Edward Belknapp, of Tournay, into the hands of Châtillon. 10 Feb. 1518.
R. O. 3. Security given by Worcester and the rest to Chastyllon that they will obtain the king of England's ratification of what they have done in absolving the citizens of Tournay from their allegiance to England. 10 Feb. 1518.
Fr., p. 1. Endd.: "Copy of the grant that we have made to the lord Chastyllon."
11 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
72. [WORCESTER and the rest to WOLSEY.]
Tomorrow [they] leave Tournay, having delivered it to marshal Chatillon, the city and castle, St. Amand and all the territories, with the town and castle of Mortaigne, which they have received of lord Lyngnye by the hands of Hedynge, lady Margaret's steward, with no other condition except that the writing under the seal of the said lord Lyngnye shall be delivered with a discharge under the great seal. Hedyng has taken great pains in this matter. Tournay, 11 Feb. Signature burnt off.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
11 Feb.
P. S.
73. For JOHN BLOUNT, squire of the Body.
To be keeper of Clebury Park, Salop, for life, vice John Blount, deceased. Greenwich, 9 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14.
12 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Thursday, 8 Feb., the King's ordnance was dispatched "out of the danger of Tournay." The same day marshal Chatillon lodged within a league of the town with a French general called Hurat, 1,200 horse and 500 foot; and the same day the writer, in company with Robert Fowler, received 50,000 francs in crowns of the sun, i.e. 26,315 and 30 sous "Tournois". Refused to take his acquittance until he was in part possession of Tournay, when "he caused his trumpets to be blown, and displayed both his own banners and the duke of Vandon's, Mons. Pyons, captain of Bayard, and others, with the wivelers' banner for conduct of the footmen, and set forth all his artillery and his company in array like as he should have joined battle." On the writer objecting to this proceeding as suited more to a conquest than a surrender by treaty, Chatillon answered that he knew better how to enter a town than the writer did. However, on reference to the lord Chamberlain and others, the King's ambassadors, Clarencieux was sent forbidding the Marshal to enter in that form. After certain arrangements the Chamberlain delivered his discharge to Sir Richard Jerningham, took the keys of him and delivered them to Chatillon, and entered the town, riding by his side. Afterward he surveyed the walls, and satisfied himself that there was no more ordnance.
On Friday the writer rode to Mortaigne, and received it of Mons. Hedin, and delivered it to Mons. Pressye, who had received authority from France for that purpose. It has been strongly fortified by De Lyny. The King's ordnance has been stopped at a place called Odyner (Oudinard). Proposes going to Antwerp to hire ships for its transport. Begs that somebody may be appointed to receive it at Calais by indenture with Mr. Hert; and that protection may be granted for certain soldiers going to England, to be specified by Jerningham. Tournay, 12 Feb. Signature burnt off.
Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace, legate, &c.
Mutilated, pp. 3.
12 Feb.
R. O.
In favor of Jaques Semel, physician, late of St. Omer's, who has been imprisoned in London at the suit of John Bernnel, for upwards of 14 months, in whose favor the Emperor, the king of Castile and herself, have frequently written. Maître Jehan Jouglet sieur de Maretz, master of requests of the king of Castile, now in England, will give fuller information. Mechlin, 12 Feb. 1518. Signed.
Fr., pp, 2. Add.: A Mons. le card. d'Yorck.
13 Feb.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 S.
I. 193.
When the King heard Pace say that Wolsey was so ill with "the murre" he could not hold up his head, his grace said, "Alas! I am sorry therefor, and I would be glad to see him; which I said should be as soon as your grace might go out of doors." The lord Marquis has sued for letters from the King to the bishop of London for the preferment of his brother to the archdeaconry of Colchester; but the King, hearing it was worth only 100 marks, "said it was more meet for his secretary than for his brother, and that he would write for me therein;" and immediately commanded Mr. More to write in Pace's behalf. Greenwich, 13 Feb.
Hol., pp. 2.
14 Feb.
R. O.
John [Penny] Bishop of Carlisle to Wolsey.
I perceive by your letters your desire to repress the vices and errors which are beginning to spread through Christendom. Though a hard task, it will be to your glory. Desires to be excused coming to the Council which Wolsey has summoned for after Ash Wednesday, as he has scarcely recovered from a severe illness, and is still very weak. Will send Tunis and Park as his proctors. Mylborn, 21 Feb. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Tho. Card. Ebor. legato, &c.
III. 660
2. Wolsey to Archbishop Warham.
Has seen the copy of his monitions directed to the Archbishop's suffragans, commanding them to repair to Lambeth to keep a general council for the reformation of enormities, "forasmuch as it hath pleased the King's grace, like a noble and virtuous prince, to move you thereunto." Wolsey is assured that the King will not have him so little esteemed as Legate "that ye should enterprise the said reformation to the express derogation of the said dignity of the see apostolic, and otherwise than the law will suffer you, without mine advice, consent and knowledge; nor ye had no such commandment of his grace, but expressly to the contrary; and that well appeared where his grace and highness willed you to repair to me at Greenwich sitting in administration of divines in the quire." The Archbishop must appear before the Legate, and explain his reasons for disobeying the King's command. As Wolsey intends to be at Richmond for eight or ten days, which is not far distant from the Archbishop's place at Mortlake, this interview "shall not be much incommodious" to his grace. From my house of York.
III. 661.
3. Wolsey to Booth Bishop of Hereford.
Commanding him to attend a council (concilium) for the reformation of the clergy, to be held on the Monday after Ash Wednesday at St. Peter's, Westminster. Westm., 31 Dec.
ii. The Same to the Same.
Although for the reformation of the clergy he and other bishops met at Wolsey's house on the day after the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, the convocation has been put off until the Monday after Ash Wednesday next, in consequence of the plague raging in the city of London. Meanwhile the Bishop is to put in practice articles already agreed on for the reformation of the clergy, that on his arrival in town he may be able to report what good has come of them. 21 Aug. (?) 1518.
III. 681.
4. The Bishop of Hereford to William Webb, Archdeacon of Hereford, and his Clergy.
Summoning the clergy to attend a synod for the discussion of certain articles lately submitted by Wolsey, as papal legate, to a council of bishops of the provinces of Canterbury and York lately held at Westminster. Hereford, 26 April 1519.
III. 662.
5. Constitutions of Wolsey for the province of York, selected from the canons of his predecessors.
These turn upon the following subjects:—The plain preaching to the people, in the vulgar tongue, of the articles of belief; the administration of sacraments; tithes and offerings; duties of archdeacons and priests; jurisdiction, and cognisance of matrimonial causes; holidays; appeals; the life and honesty of the clergy; nonresidence; monasteries; repairs; immunities; simony; and the like.
R. O. 6. [Thomas Gould] to [Warham] Archbishop of Canterbury.
The great malice of Warham's adversary is abated and discouraged, "for he perceiveth the great love and favor that ye have in the room." Hears from Dr. Sexten that he proposes "secretly to handle you in the præmunire." Some of the council say that if Warham had been called before "this great tyrant" they would not assist him, so that it would be more to his rebuke than Warham's. Spoke lately with my lord of Norwich, who keeps himself firm and stable towards God and his church. Met him at More gate, going secretly to Master Ursewick's with one chaplain and two servants, and he promised that "he would assuredly stick by you, as his hand was in mine at our departing," saying also that the Cardinal laid nothing to his charge as yet, but would have him keep his day next Lent, and that, if the King would not suffer him to have his lawful defence in the case of præmunire, he would forsake him as his liegeman. Departed thence to Fynysberefelde.
Asks his favor in the matter of the benefice, and that he will take his brother's title, as he died intestate, and no man had the ministration of his goods, so that Warham alone has a right to this "wooson." Mr. Olevyr, Gould's parish priest of Bowe, executor of Sir William, his former priest, will go to him about it. Has promised him his good will. London, 14 Feb., "by the hands of your old chaplain, and it shall please your lordship, our Lady of Stanyngs in London, which is in my wooson, and to content Master Olevyr therewith." Signature torn off.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My [lord] of Canterbury's grace.
16 Feb.
R. T. 137.
Promise, by the provosts and community, to pay to Francis I. 6,000 livres of Tours, over and above the 23,000 which they owed to the king of England, and which Francis has undertaken to pay to Henry. 4,000 to be paid every year. 16 Feb. 1518.
16 Feb.
P. S.
79. For SIR THOMAS and JOHN BLOUNT, squire of the Body.
To be stewards, in survivorship, of the manors of Beweley and Clebury Mortymer, masters of the hunt, and parkers of the parks in the forest of Wyre; on surrender of patent of Hen. VII., granting the same to the said Sir Thomas alone. Greenwich, 9 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Feb.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17.
18 Feb.
S. B.
80. For HENRY NORRES, squire of the Body.
Grant, in tail male, of the lordships of Stokebardolf, Shelford, Godlyng, Cropwelbishop, Newton and Carleton, Notts., with appurtenances in the hamlets of the same, and in Elsham, Wraby, Glamfurthbriges, Dodington, Stubton and Westburgh, Linc., Alvaston, Thurlaston and Ambaston, Derb., with advowsons, fairs, markets, &c.; formerly belonging to William late viscount Beamount, and on his death reverting to the crown by attainder of Francis late lord Lovel. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
19 Feb.
Wilkins' Con-
cilia, III. 683.
81. LEO X. to WARHAM.
Determining a doubt when the vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist falls upon Corpus Christi day. Rome, 19 Feb. 1519.
19 Feb.
R. O.
Fowler came over yesterday, about 10 o'clock. Called before him the soldiers, and declared to them the King's pleasure according to his instructions, which they promised to obey. Made Fowler pay them conduct money, according to the distance of their dwelling. 29 of the guard, and 121 others, were despatched; chiefly men of Lancashire, Cheshire and the North, Devonshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Wales. Their most direct way was by London. Incloses the names. As no passage came today from Calais, they "shall be departed out of London" before the remnant come from Calais. Dover, 19 Feb. Signed.
Pp. 1. My lord Card.
19 Feb.
R. O.
Proceedings in a plea of debt, 19 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII., before John Alyn, sheriff of London, between William archbishop of Canterbury, as administrator of Peter Boushons, deceased, merchant of Rouen, and Peter Chorsy and Bartholomew Salvaty, merchants of Florence. Deposed by one Garnisshe, that long before this attachment Thomas Myrfin, now mayor of London, brought an action against the archbishop of Canterbury as administrator of the said Peter Boushons.
Pp. 3.
20 Feb.
Vesp. C. I. 247.
B. M.
Wrote on the 5th from Our Lady of Montserrat concerning the news of the Emperor's death, which arrived on the 2nd. The master of the posts being absent, delivered the letters to the audiencer. The King came on the 7th to "a house of plasence" two leagues hence, and staid till the 13th, when he made an honorable and triumphant entry. Duplicate expeditions were meanwhile sent secretly into Almany and Flanders, "doubting the intercession (intercepting ?) of the posts." On the 17th received Wolsey's letters of the 4th, and those of Henry VIII. to the Catholico, containing amongst other things credence, which, after a careful perusal of the former, he delivered to the King in the presence of the cardinal of Tortosa and Chievres. Charles is much pleased with Wolsey's consolatory message on the decease of the Emperor, and Henry's determination to observe the amity, which Spinelly is convinced he is also firmly resolved to maintain. If anything has gone wrong it is owing to Charles' little experience, rather than lack of good will. Charles is satisfied with the accounts from England of the hostages given by the French, though the French tell him they are but four younger brethen, and there are more English gentlemen in the French court, their equivalent. Spinelly has assured the King that, notwithstanding the treaty of amity between France and England, the ancient love of the latter for Burgundy was so rooted that it could not be shaken; that since the death of the Emperor, Wolsey had induced the King of England to delay interfering in behalf of Francis, notwithstanding his assiduity and his affirming that he was sure of four Electors; had advised secret means to be made with the Pope to advance the interests of the Catholico; that none would suit better for this purpose than the cardinal of Sion; and he had written to that effect to the Pope for the Cardinal, and caused Campegius to do the same. This news has been very acceptable to Charles, who has sent to thank Wolsey, and will do so by deeds as well as words. 2,000 florins of gold have accordingly been sent to the cardinal of Sion. The Pope will probably lean to the side of the Catholico, as neither he nor the Venetians, nor any other states of Italy, wish the French king to obtain the empire. If his Holiness decline the mission of the cardinal of Sion, Charles desires Wolsey to instruct the English ambassador to advance his cause with the Pope.
Disputes the asseveration that Francis has obtained four of the Electors, as he has not had time to negociate, and would not want assistance if he had. Chievres has informed him that, instead of 100,000, as reported, the lady of Angoulême has not laid out 80,000 crowns; and the fellowship of Belzers, dwelling in Lyons, by letters of the 14th, write that a general of France has been negociating for a loan of 200,000 florins without effect. Dining with the Chancellor he was told that Francis had boasted he would spend a whole year's revenue to secure the election for himself or a friend, who is thought to be the duke of Saxony, favored by the elector of Treves. This will not matter if the four Electors keep their promises,—sc. the cardinal of Brandenberg, the archbishops of Mayence and Cologne, the count Palatine, and Joachim marquis of Brandenburg. The late Em- peror had also the voice of the king of Bohemia. According to the latest intelligence they remain firm. By letters since the 8th out of Almain, and specially yesternight, Frederick the count Palatine had written that the Elector his brother should not change his opinion; that Francis had offered him in marriage the lady Rénée and a large pension. Armestorf affirms the same. The cardinal of Brandenburg will answer for the archbishop of Cologne and the marquis Joachim. The lord of Nassau is gone to reside with the Cardinal, to make sure of him; the marquis Cassimirus and the earl of Mansfeld, with the elector Joachim. Cardinal Gurcensis, the Marshal and the chancellor of Tyrol, the lord Zevenbergh, Andreas de Burgo and Felinger will be present at the diet at Frankfort, (fn. 2) with Cardinal Sedunensis and the Lord Mounteyny, to solicit and avaunce the affairs of the Catholico King. And besides the provisions of money mentioned in Spinelly's letters within these four days, the Fulkers have granted a loan of 100,000 golden florins; so that, as Chievres told him, they have after satifying all promises, 200,000 golden florins more than they need; and besides have commissioned the councils of Tyrol and Austria to put everything to pledge, in order to accomplish Charles's desire. If the count Palatine desire the restitution of the lordship of Hagno, for which the Emperor had agreed for 100,000 florins of gold, it shall be restored. The elector of Mayence has convoked the meeting for the Sunday Lætare in Lent (April 3). The archduchess Margaret, immediately on the Emperor's death, made arrangements to prevent the interception of letters. The liga del Bont has raised a band to attack the duke of Viertembergh, who has taken the town of Recling, and has demanded his contingent of the Catholico, as the successor to the Emperor, who was the head of the league. Charles has sent 600 horsemen accordingly. To secure his friends the men of Brandenburgh will muster 1,000 horsemen. The French king has sent the writings for the peace, and taken the oath secretly in his chamber, only before the chancellor of France and Robertet.
This morning, the 20th, the Catholico made the oath interchangeably before the great lords of Spain and the Pope's nuncio. The King has written to lord Berghes "for his coming unto the King's highness" in case the earl of Horne be not departed. Francis wishes the Great Master of France to be present at the meeting. He will not be there before the end of the month. "The cardinal of Tortosa and commonly all the Spaniards be of contrary opinion, and some think for all this bruit yet it shall not succeed. The Chancellor showed me the French ambassador hath"
* * *
The rest of the document is lost. The last two leaves have been carelessly misplaced by the binder.
Holograph, cipher, except a few lines at the commencement, deciphered by Tuke; pp. 16.
20 Feb.
Le Glay,
Négoc. II. 253.
No time must be lost about the election. Qualified persons must be sent to negociate. Advise him to endeavor to secure the election of his brother, if he fail himself. Have sent to Jehan Jouglet the letters for the king of England. M. de Hornes is gone to England, as neither Du Rœux nor the bailiff of Haynau were willing to go, to swear to the treaty lately made between England and France. He will return when his charge is executed; and it would be well to send some one to reside there as soon as possible, as Jouglet does not wish to remain. Malines, 20 Feb.
20 Feb.
P. S.
86. For HENRY NORREYS, squire of the Body.
To be engraver of the King's dies for the gold and silver coinage in the Tower of London and in Calais, for life, vice Sir John Sharp, deceased. Greenwich, 30 Jan. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Feb.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17.
22 Feb.
Vesp. C. I.
B. M.
Thanking him for his letters of condolence on the death of Maximilian, his assurances of friendship conveyed through Spinelly, and for having written to the Pope in favor of his election. Barcelona, 22 Feb. 1519. Signed. Add.: A treshault, &c. notre, &c. bon frere, cousin et bel oncle roy d'Angleterre.
Fr., p. 1.
22 Feb.
Vesp. C. I. 244.
B. M.
Thanking him for his good offices in promoting his election, and interposing with the King in his behalf. It was a wise suggestion to appoint the cardinal of Sion for that purpose. Barcelona, 22 Feb. 1519.
Added in Charles's own hand: He will always be Wolsey's cordial friend for his faithful assistance in this matter. Signed.
Add.: "Rmo, &c. Thomæ, &c., cardinali Ebor. ac sanctæ sedis apostolicæ legato."
Lat., pp. 2.
22 Feb.
Le Glay,
Négoc. II. 265.
Has received her letters of the 8th and 11th, with copies of letters to her from Germany, England, and other places. Gives directions about the progress of the election. Has heard of the king of England's good will from his own letters. He has also written to the Pope in his behalf, and desired Foucker and Villingher to pay cardinal Sion 1,000 fl. g. towards his expenses. Has written a letter of thanks to Henry and Wolsey, and to Jouglet. Wishes Berghes to go to England, as Wolsey has asked for some person to act as deputy in the league, in which Charles is included as principal contrahent. Barcelona, 22 Feb. '19.
22 Feb.
Galba, B. v.
B. M.
Credentials for count Hornes, the bearer, sent by the king of Castile to England, who wishes to be included in the treaty between England and France; with other charges for Jehan Jouglet, now in England. Mechlin, 22 Feb. 1518. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
22 Feb.
Er. Ep. VII. 41.
91. ERASMUS to THOMAS PARCIUS, (fn. 3) secretary of Calais.
Is sending John Smith on business to England. Begs him to further his passage, and let him know how he gets on, "cum Mercuriis istis et quid agat tua nympha." Begs his compliments to the deputy. Antwerp, prid. Cath. Petri, 1518.
22 Feb.
R. O.
After the death of his daughter Louise, had agreed with the King Catholic for a meeting to be held at Montpelier in March next, between Mons. Boisy, grand master of France, and Chievres, to arrange a marriage between the Catholic and his other daughter Charlotte; which Charles has urgently pressed for, especially since the death of his grandfather the Emperor. Desires to know Henry's pleasure by Boulen the English ambassador. Refers him further to De la Bastie, his ambassador "devers vous." Paris, 22 Feb. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
22 Feb.
Calig. E. I. 16.
B. M.
Has written to Henry of the offers made by the King Catholic of his readiness to send Chievres to Montpellier with full powers to treat with the Grand Master for the confirmation of a marriage made long since between his daughter Charlotte and the said King Catholic. Would do nothing till he had devised with Henry on the subject. La Bastie will show him the letters. Paris, 22 Feb. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: "[A] Mons. le Legat," &c.
23 Feb.
Calig. E. I. 6.
B. M.
Credence for the bearer, the sieur de [la Bastie], counsellor and chamberlain. Paris, 23 Feb. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: "[A] Mons. dIort."
24 Feb.
Vesp. C. I.
B. M.
* * *"and another post is arrived from Flanders and Almayn with news of the good perseverance of the four Electors." The Fulkers have offered the King 150,000 florins of gold. Austria is at peace. Nothing is known of the French proceedings. The Chancellor, the Great Commander of Castile, and Dr. Carvagial will go with Chievres into France. The marshal of Navarra has arrived and been delivered to the keeping of the constable of Castile. Restitution of their goods to the rebels of Naples, amounting to 12,000 ducats per annum, is nearly concluded. No satisfaction is yet made to the French for the 100,000 to be paid for Naples. Has heard by a secretary of the cardinal of Gurcen, that the business of the Catholico in Almayn is in very good training. Cannot believe the Electors will sell their liberties to the French for any sum.
Charles has received letters from the cardinal of Sion, who was coming to Awspurgh. Barcelona, 24 Feb. 1518.
Hol., cipher, deciphered by Tuke, pp. 3.
Add.: "[To m]y lord Cardinal's grace."
25 Feb.
Giust. Desp.
II. 251.
Very sumptuous obsequies have been celebrated here for the Emperor. His demise is held in small account. The surrender of Tournay has taken place. Hostages are come hither. Some of the English ambassadors have been detained at Calais by the stormy weather. Those who returned speak of the great honor paid to them, but will not give particulars. The French ambassador has daily audience of Wolsey. He is reserved with Giustinian. Dom. Joan Jaghos (Jouglet) is come as ambassador from the Catholic King. Campeggio says he has special power to approve the treaty between France and England, because his predecessor left on bad terms with this King, not choosing to ratify the league. Wolsey and Durham were very dissatisfied with him. Lambeth, 25 Feb. 1519.
25 Feb.
Galba, B. v.
B. M.
In behalf of count Hornes sent to England by [Charles.] Malines, 25 Feb., anno ... Signed.
Would have been glad to go to England himself, as the King his master wished, but durst not stir in consequence of a pain in one leg.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
26 Feb.
R. O.
Wolsey's officers, Doctor Dolman and others, disquiet the Archbishop in his jurisdiction, especially in his court of audience in causes appertaining to him in the right of his church, "by reason of the legacy granted to the same, through their inhibitions." If this continue, his jurisdiction will be "extincted." This is contrary to the law, as learned men will affirm if they speak indifferently according to their learning. Wolsey has told him several times that he would take away no part of the jurisdiction of his church at Canterbury. Thinks this is attempted without his knowledge, and hopes the Cardinal will command his officers to desist until he can attend on Wolsey, which will be next term. Otford, 26 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the card. of York and legate de latere.
27 Feb.
R. O.
The prisoners that were sent for from Leicester to be examined on the overture of Sir Ed. Alen, priest, arrived yesternight, and are now, by the King's orders, sent to Wolsey with their confessions taken at Leicester, on words spoken, and a letter subscribed "T.M.D." The King commits the whole case to Wolsey, and desires all three may be heard together. Pace thinks the priest a crafty fellow and a spy to Rich. de la Pole; and the King's servants now come from Leicester testify "that he is indicted of the murder, which he denieth." Greenwich, 27 Feb.
Hol., pp. 2. "To my lord Legate's grace."
ii. Examination enclosed.
1. Ric. Eliott deposes that he asked Alen whether he had written anything against him, because he was afraid of four servants of lord Hastings and Sir Ric. Sacheverell, who brought the priest a shoulder of venison in prison. Shortly after Alen wrote two sheets of paper, and delivered them to Rob. Rede, Rob. Hasarde and Ric. Morgan, the King's servants. Says that he never took a letter subscribed "T.M.D."—2. Rob. Crokker denies the same, but heard Alen charge the jailor with a seal of laten which he used as a papal notary. The priest asked him what "T.M.D." meant. Said he did not know; on which the priest said he would study it all night, "and in the morning remembered that my Lord Marquis' name was Thomas, and thereby found out the residue, viz., Thomas marquis Dorset." Then the priest said, "What shall come hereof within this half year?"
In Pace's hand, pp. 2.
28 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Wrote last by the French post on the 22d. On Thursday night letters were received by the King from Mons. de la Basty, his ambassador in England, whereby, as he informed Boleyn next day, he perceived that his ambassador had revealed his purpose touching the empire to Henry, who told him that he declined for his part to advance any claim, though he had been solicited so to do by the cardinal of Sion when he was in England, seeing that it was only "to draw money out of his realm into Almain," and that it might put him to the expense of distant journeys for the affairs of the empire. Francis talked over the matter with Boleyn about an hour, saying he was quite aware that divers of the German princes held it the chief honor of their country that the Emperor had always been an Almain; but as the Emperor is chief of all Christian princes, he should be chosen from the greatest kings in Christendom (and he reckoned Henry and himself the two greatest), instead of from the petty German princes, who could not undertake anything for the weal of Christendom.
"I was so familiar with him that I asked him in earnest, if he were Emperor, whether he would make a voyage against the Infidels in his proper person, as the voice went. He took me hard by the wrist with the one hand, and laid his other hand upon his breast, and sware to me on his faith, if he attain to be Emperor, that within three years after he [would] be in Constantinople, or he would die by the way;" adding that if Boleyn "lived and saw not this proved" he need never trust his word after. He would begin, he said, by an invasion of Greece, leaving his son in France, and trusting to Henry in his absence "that he would never come again into France." His realm was [worth] to him 6,000,000 yearly, and "he would spend 3,000,000 of gold but he would be E[mperor]." He desired but three voices, and "re[cked] not" who had the others, considering the friendship of Henry "the greatest weal that ever [came to] him and his realm." Boleyn perceives he is very much set upon being made Emperor. "A[nd yet though] his desire is great in it, my Lady his mother is much [more]."
By this time the Great Master and others are gone to meet with Chievres, "which go[eth in] five days hence, as he telleth me. I am sure more than... nobles and gentlemen of this court be sent about for this." Dined at court on Saturday with the Great Master [and the] duke of Albany, when the latter received news from Scotland, which he said had come in eight days, of "one Ottyrb[urn, who] he sayeth killed La Bastye, his deputy in Scotland," and "wa[s harbored in] England by the lord Dacres of the North;" which Boleyn denied, because he knew well [that Dacres] "is a good justicer and punisheth sore misdoers, whereby he had displeased some Scotchman on the borders which had written so to him." The young king of Scots was in good health; the Queen not in very good accord with her husband. Albany is very familiar with the King here, comes to his privy chamber when he will, and "goeth much in maskyr with him."
News has come from Rome lately of the death of the cardinal of Arragon. The duke of Urbyn has been sore sick, and is recovered. The Cardinal de Medici, the Pope's brother, is gone to Florence, and the Pope himself will go there in Lent or soon after Easter to see the duchess of Urbino, and christen her expected child.
Sends with this a packet of letters from the Great Master to La Bastye, including one to his grace. Thinks he must send them by his own servant to Calais. The posts here demand a crown at every stage between this and Calais, which would cost nine or ten crowns when the French King does not send. Paris, the last day of February. Signed.
Add.: To myn most especial and singular good lord, my lord Legate, Cardinal and Chancellor of England.
Mutilated, pp. 3.
R. O.
Account of money owing to Robert Stilman, John Tybott and other shipowners at Dover and Calais.
For transporting divers persons [in the company of] the King's grace, after his victorious journey into France in Oct. 5 Hen. VIII., viz. 7 ships of divers portage, for one month from 20 Oct., as showed in a bill signed by Miles Gerrard and John Heron, of the customhouse of London, 53l. 4s. For transporting the duke of Suffolk, bishop of Ely and others into France, 7 Hen. VIII., and for their return in the company [of the French] Queen, as shown in a bill, without date, signed by the said duke and bishop, besides 42l. paid by the duke, 42l. For transporting the earl of Worcester, High Chamberlain, the bishop of Ely, the lord of Saint John's and other ambassadors to France, in Nov. 10 Hen. VIII., viz. in 26 ships from Dover to Calais, as shown by a bill signed by the said ambassadors, 83l. 13s. 4d. For the return of the said ambassadors, 10 ships of Calais 56l. 6s. 8d., 11 ships of Dover 32l. 6s. 8d., as shown in several bills. For transporting Dr. Knight, late ambassador with the earl of Worcester, into the parts beyond sea, in the year 8 Hen. VIII., as appears by a letter sent by Knight to the customer at Dover, 40s. Total, 269l. 10s. 8d.
Pp. 2. Endd.
Feb./GRANTS. 102. GRANTS in FEBRUARY 1519.
1. Wm. Langhton, Ralph Browne, Leonard Morton, Geo. Thomson, Thos. Watson, John Burrell and William Gardner, all of Berwick. Lease of the whole fishery of "the King's waters of Tweed," for 21 years, at the annual rent of 44l., and 8l. 13s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 1 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
2. Peter Johnson. To be bailiff of the manor of Rising, Norf., parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, with 2d. a day, vice Hugh Parker, yeoman usher. Greenwich, 2 November, 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
3. Rob. Sheffeld. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir Robt. Sheffeld and Ellen his wife, deceased, Greenwich, 9 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
3. Sir John Ogan. Wardship of Joan, d. and h. of Henry and Katharine Ogan, and heir of the fourth part of the possessions (in co. Glouc., and cos. Glamorgan and Morgan, Wales,) of David Matthewe and Alice his wife. Greenwich, 29 Jan. 10 Hen. VIII.
Del. Westm., 3 Feb.-P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
4. Florence Lady Gray of Wilton, Sir Simon Hercourte, Reginald Gray, and Wm. Webster, chaplain. Lease of the manors of Wilton, Heref., and Kempley, Glouc., held of Hen. VII. by Sir John Gray of Wilton, deceased, and reverting to the crown on the death of Elizabeth his wife, and of Thomas his grandson and heir; to hold to the use of Richard brother of the said Thomas, at the annual rent of 100 marks. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 34.
5. Anth. Fitzherbert, serjeant-at-law, and Thos. Rawson, clk., executors of Sir Hen. Vernon. Licence to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain, in the church of St. Bartholomew, Tong, Salop, for the souls of the said Sir Henry and Anne his wife, daughter of John late Earl of Shrewsbury; also mortmain licence to alienate thereto lands to the annual value of 8l. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
6. Recognisance cancelled. Made by Sir Gilbert Talbot, senr., and Sir Gilbert Talbot, junr., both of Grafton, Worc. 6 February 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
6. Th. Wyngfeld, comptroller of the port of Sandewhiche. Licence to export 600 quarters of wheat. Greenwich, 24 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Feb.—P.S.
7. Th. Tempest. Wardship of Peter, son and h. of John Frechevile, deceased. Del. Westm., 7 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
7. John Hunt, one of the King's master cooks. To be keeper of the royal household in Westminster Palace, with 6d. a day. Greenwich, 1 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
7. James Worseley, yeoman of the Wardrobe. To be customer in the town of Calais, vice John Sharp, deceased. Greenwich, 31 Jan. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Feb.—P.S.
7. Rob. Reynoldes, of London, alias Rob. ap David. Pardon. Greenwich, 25 Jan. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 25.
8. Th. Roche, merchant tailor, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wingfield, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. S.B.—Fr., m. 5.
8. John Blades, of Grynton, York. Pardon for killing Thos. Wythtondale in self-defence. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 31.
8. Wm. Bell, of Boughton, Kent, "clovyer." Pardon for killing Wm. Beryn, of Boughton, in self-defence. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10.
10. Henry lord Clifford. Inspeximus and exemplification of certain documents touching the liberty of holding markets and fairs attached to the manor of Skipton, formerly belonging to the Earl of Albemarle. Westm., 10 Feb.—Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14.
10. Th. Mountague. Wardship of John, son of John Dodyngton, and Eliz. his wife, formerly wife of Thos. Montague. Del. Westm., 10 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
10. John Philip, groom of the stable. Annuity of 5 marks out of the tolls, markets, &c. of the town of Rayadnour, in the lordship of Milleneth, marches of Wales, vice Edward ap Davyd ap Meredeth. Del. Westm., 10 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 33.
11. John Hudleston. Inspeximus and exemplification of a plea before Hugh de Cressyngham, justice of the peace temp. Edw. I., at Carlisle, relative to the claim of John Hudleston to certain privileges in Milum, Seton, Botte, Kyrkfaman, Bretteby, Seltrest (sic). Westm., 11 Feb.—Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24.
11. Ric. Pulton, of Tewkysbury, Glouc., waterman. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wingfield, deputy of Calais. Greenwich 3 Jan. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb.—P.S. Fr., m. 5.
12. Recognizances cancelled. Made by Wm. Bulstrode, of Bekenesfeld, Bucks, Ric. Peppes, of our Lady Wulmar, London, scrivener, and John Ravenyng, of St. Sepulchre's, London, innholder, to Sir Thos. Lovell, Sir John Cutte, and John Heron. Greenwich, 12 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B., with two others attached, dated 18 Nov. 11 and 12 Hen. VIII.
12. Th. Carvanell and Massy Villyard, grooms of the Privy Chamber. Grant, in survivorship, of two corrodies or annual pensions in the monastery of Abendon, vice Ric. Smyth and John Sharp, dec. Greenwich, 5 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—P.S.
12. Rob. Bailedon, groom of the Privy Chamber. Grant of the corrody in the monastery of Ely, vice John Sharp, dec. Greenwich, 5 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—P.S.
12. Assize, Justices of.—Western Circuit: Th. Elyot with John Erneley and Sir Ric. Elyot. Pat. p. 1, m. 5d.—Midland Circuit: John Jenour and John Felgate with Th. Pygot and Brian Palmes.—Norfolk Circuit: Th. Fitzhugh and Wm. Wyat with Sir Humph. Conyngesby and John Carell. Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12d.
15. Albert Garlond alias Crans, of Calais, alias of London, gold wire drawer alias inn-holder. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 8 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Feb.—P.S. Fr., m. 5.
16. John Fyssher. Lease of a messuage and lands in the lordship of Sutton in Colevyle, Warw., parcel of the earldom of Warwick, lately held by John Dyket and John Ward, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 4l. 13s. 4d. Del. Westm., 16 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
16. Agnes Multon, widow, daughter and heir of Th. Mason. Licence to alienate the manor of Erlham, Norf., to Th. Alen and Margaret his wife, Rob. Norwiche, John Brampton, Wm. Botrye, citizen and mercer of London, John Gilez, and John Shanton, scrivener, and their heirs. Westm., 16 Feb.—Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7.
18. John Treis, yeoman of the jewelhouse. Grant, for life, of the corrody in the monastery of Bermondsey, Surrey, vice Wm. Redde and Alice his wife, dec. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
18. Ric. Cecyll. Lease of lands in Marveek, in the lordship of Burne, Linc., parcel of the lands of the late countess of Richmond, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 3l. 9s. 4d., and 10s. of increase. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
18. Walter Broune. Lease of the mill of Cheriell, parcel of the lands of the late earl of Warwick, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 53s. 4d., and 6s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
20. Hen. Parker, page of the chamber. Grant of a stannary work called a "dole," in each of the following places: Lourchecomb, Hele Brigge, Olde Whittondon alias Olde Witton Downe, Lytill Witton Downe alias Hyer Witton Downe, and Herlys Parke; also 2½ "doles" in the Lower Whittondon alias Lower Whitton Downe, Devon. Greenwich, 29 Jan. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Feb.—P.S.
21. Wm. Riggeley, page of the Wardrobe of Beds. To be bailiff of the manor of Shenston, Staff., and keeper of the park, with 4d. a day; and with the herbage and pannage, at an annual rent of 110s. 4d.; vice Robt. Littell. Greenwich, 16 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
21. Recognizance cancelled, made by Sir John Bothe, of Barton, Lanc., and Sir Ric. Bolde, of Bolde, Lanc., to pay 375l. 11s. 7¾d. to Henry VIII., or the receiver general of the duchy of Cornwall. Greenwich, 21 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
21. Nich. Williams. Lease of the site of the manor of Sherston, Wilts, parcel of the lands of the late earl of Warwick, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 8l., and 10s. of increase. Del. Westm., 21 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
22. Rob. Wyngefeld. Lease of the manor of Brodeton, Wilts, parcel of the lands of the late earl of Warwick, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 10l., and 13s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 22 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
24. Th. Marlar and Ric. Mercer. Grant in survivorship (in consideration of Mercer's service in the late wars) of the corrody in the monastery of Serne, Dors., on surrender thereof by Marlar. Greenwich, 3 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Feb.—P.S.
25. Hen. Knight, of Lekehampton, Glouc. Lease of the manor of Purybarre, Staff., parcel of the lands of the late earl of Warwick, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 20l., and 13s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 25 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
26. Rob. Sewey. Lease, for 21 years, of the manor of Bedon, Berks, lately held by Joan lady Howyth, at the annual rent of 17l. 14s. 4d., and 5s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 26 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
26. Recognizance cancelled, made by Nich. Rydley, of Wyllymonteswyke, Sir Humph. Lysle, of Felton, Northumb., Clement Skelton, of Carlell, and John Denton, of Denton, Cumb., for payment by Rydly in 1507 of 100 marks for the issues of the sheriffwick of Northumberland. Greenwich, 26 Feb. (Year not given.)—S.B.
26. John Speke. Livery of lands as son and heir of Sir John Speke. Del. Westm., 26 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.
26. Th. Beste, of Stonham Earl, Suff. Pardon. Del. Westm., 26 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
26. Sir Wm. Smith. To be chief steward of the lordship of Shenston, Staff. Greenwich, 17 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Feb.—P.S.
28. Edw. Standebank. To be bailiff of Hollesworthy, Devon, with 4d. a day, in the gift of the King by the death of his grandmother. Greenwich, 26 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
28. Th. Bell, chaplain. Presentation to the perpetual vicarage of the church of Lyleshull, Cov. and Lich. dioc. Westm., 28 Feb.—Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17.


  • 1. Inserted by mistake in vol. II. no. 3,930, which see.
  • 2. The pages are here misplaced in MS.
  • 3. Perkins or Parker (?)