Henry VIII: August 1523, 11-20

Pages 1343-1352

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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August 1523

11 Aug.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 53 b. B. M.
3233. DACRE to SURREY.
On receiving his letters, forwarded those for the Queen, with two of his own, of which he sends copies, one to be shown to some discreet lord, for the taking forth of her son. Sends a letter from his servant with news, but of no importance. Hopes for more news the morning after Lady Day. Naward, 11 Aug. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copy, &c.
12 Aug.
R. O.
Has perused the King's writing directed to my young Lord, with a schedule from my lord Treasurer for a certificate, and also Banke's writing. Wonders that "lord Darcy, well knowing that my young lord Mountegle is in the King's custody, and hath no rule, for he himself is under rule, did not answer so when he received the King's said writing." Darcy knows that the King has authorized Master Chancellor to be steward "of all my said Lord's lands and inheritances, during the minority of my said young Lord." By the King's desire, Chancellor has appointed Master Thos. Boteler to have the leading of the said tenants when they are called to serve the King in his wars. Told Banke, yesterday, that he had written, and sent a servant of his, to my lord Treasurer (Surrey), to know his pleasure concerning the assizes beginning at Lancaster on Monday next, where many of the gentlemen of this shire will be. Master Butler will then see the King's writing. Doubts not that he will get ready all my Lord's tenants in this shire, and make a certificate of their number. They are but few. The late Lord had many tenants in Yorkshire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Cheshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, who cannot be had to this business. He had also divers stewardships of the King and others, as Bewland, Lonnesdale, Amondernes, Yngleton, Bentham, Halton, Horton in Ribblesdale, Yewcrosse wapentake, the tenants of the abbots of Fornes, Kirkestall and Cokersand, those of the abbot of Leicester in Cokerham, and lord Derby's tenants from Preston northwards, who are nearly 1,000 in number, and are all gone from my young Lord. Banke may send this letter to Darcy, that he may see that the late Lord's rule is gone, and nothing is left but the tenants. When Mr. Butler comes. will give him the King's writing, and is sure he will make a true certificate of those he is charged with. Wishes lord Darcy would cause the escheator of Yorkshire to put off the day assigned at Leeds, till six days after, as the court will not "arryse" at Lancaster till St. Bartholomew's Eve. Lancaster, Wednesday, 12 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
12 Aug.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 6.
3235. FRANCIS I.
Instrument appointing Louise of Savoy regent during his absence in the wars, with a specific account of the various privileges belonging to the appointment. Gien sur Loire, 12 Aug. 1523. Signed. Seal cut off.
Fr., on vellum.
12 Aug.
Vesp. C. II. 166. B. M.
The bearer is going to his agent on the affairs of his master, the king of Portugal. His letters have been stopped, lest they should contain anything French; but, on their proving to be Portuguese, he has been allowed to pass. The Emperor is in good health. Thinks she has received the despatch of the 22nd June, and that of the 6th July by Martin Nynes. Are waiting for news from Beaurain, who has written to the Emperor from Genoa, 22nd July. The Emperor will start on the 20th Aug. for Bourghes; thence to Groigne to take the command of his army, of which the Constable is now captain general. The courts have agreed to a large contribution. The French have appeared on the coast of Catalonia. Don Hugo de Moncada has been despatched against them. The marquis of Pescara was at Sardinia on the 22nd July, to make a descent on Provence. The Pope has signed the league, and will pay 80,000 ducats a month. Are awaiting news from Venice. The ambassadors of the imperial cities have arrived. Valladolid, 12 Aug.
Fr., copy, pp. 2.
13 Aug.
R. O.
Since he wrote last, one of his ships took a hoy belonging to Vincent, a Piedmontese, who has a safeconduct from the King and Emperor. Set them free, but examined them as to what they had seen at Boulogne. They said they were taken on board a Scotch ship, of which John of Barton was captain, who beat them, and took away their money and clothes, and asked them why the King's fleet lay there; which they said they could not tell. Barton answered, "A foul evil take them! I have lost two ships in the coming into this haven, whereof my part was worth 2,000 cr.; but it forseth not, for the king of Scots shall be king of England shortly." The crew were then taken to his lodgings, with their bonnets over their eyes, that they might see nothing. Of the twelve sail which left Dieppe, two have been lost at Dieppe, and two at Boulogne; and Fitzwilliam drove seven into Boulogne harbor, as he wrote in his last letter. Called master Bryan, John Hopton, Thos. Spert, and Symond and Christopher, gunners, to consult how to destroy the Scotch ships in the harbor. Sent to Dover and Calais for necessaries, which arrived yesterday morning. Intended to carry out the plan at 12 at night; but the wind "cam at west soo straynably" that they were obliged to go towards the English coast, to save their ships from danger. If the weather is reasonable, trusts that the French ambassador will need to provide himself with new ships to go to Scotland. Met seven Spanish ships today in the narrow sea. Heard from them that the Emperor is assembling, by land and sea, as great an army as has ever been seen in Spain. The Constable is gone to St. Sebastian's, and the artillery from Flanders is gone to Pampeluna.
P.S.—Has received his letter by George, his servant, who could not come before, as Fitzwilliam was on the further coast. Will leave enough ships to guard the passage, and keep the aforesaid ships in Boulogne harbor, and then proceed on the enterprises he has mentioned in former letters, but he will attack Boulogne harbor on his way; "for I would be glad to do the Scots some displeasure, for their cracks and high words." Prays God for an easterly or a southerly wind. At sea, Friday, (fn. 1) 13 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
13 Aug.
Galba, B. VIII. 45. B. M.
Credence for Hesdin, maître d'hôtel of Madame, whom she is sending to England. Brussels, 13 Aug. 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
14 Aug.
Wilkins' Concilia, III. 699.
This convocation was held at St. Paul's, from the 20th April 1523 till the 14th August. Grant to the King of a subsidy "extendens ad medietatem sive mediam partem valoris omnium fructuum," &c.; to be levied within five years. As Wolsey held the abbey of St. Alban, which had previously fallen into debt, so that it could not pay its contribution, the convocation left it to Wolsey to decide whether it should contribute a third, fourth or a fifth moiety. The convocation was summoned by Wolsey in June to sit at Westminster, and was joined by the province of York.
14 Aug.
R. O.
Received a letter from Wolsey yesterday morning by Rob. Colingwode, by which he finds that an answer to his instructions sent by the said Robert will be despatched to him by post, and that it is the King's pleasure that an invasion shall be made to burn Gedworth, and throw down the holds thereabouts. Wolsey wrote long since that twenty iron pieces of ordnance, eight lasts of gunpowder, some iron shot and 120 carts should be sent to him by sea. Hears they are still at London. If he had ever so great a power, could do nothing without ordnance. Has been four days at York with the justices, hearing infinite complaints of the poor people, which could not have been fully redressed in a whole month. Found the greatest dissensions here among the gentlemen, who would have fought together if they had met. By advice of the judges, sent for all the parties, and got them to promise to continue friends. These factions were, Sir Rob. Constable and friends against young Sir Ralph Ellerker and Sir John Constable of Holderness; Sir Ric. Tempest against young Hen. Savell, Wolsey's servant; Sir Ralph Ellerker, the elder, against Edw. Gower. Eight thieves were executed at the same time.
From York the judges came to Durham, where only one man, an Irishman, was hanged. The judges then came to Newcastle, where Surrey sat with them. Four arrant thieves had escaped from Alnwick Castle before the sessions, and eight from Newcastle. Eleven others were had at the bar, but neither Surrey nor the judges could get any man to give evidence against them. Thinks this was owing to two causes:—1st, that there are so few of the gentlemen of Northumberland who have not thieves belonging to them; 2nd, that the whole country thinks the talk of administering justice here is only intended to frighten them, as no man is appointed to continue among them to see justice administered; for they are as confident Surrey will return before Allhallowtide as he is himself. The judges think it is ten times more necessary to have a council here than in the marches of Wales. Newcastle, 14 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add. Endd.
15 Aug.
Calig. B. II. 153. B. M.
3241. SURREY to [WOLSEY].
* * * "come not, shall either bring the King's intended purpose to pass to cause the Scots relinquish the Duke, or else to drive them to hunger by destroying their corn, but the total ruin of their Borders shall ensue." Never intended to burn green corn, as my lord of Winchester objected, but when it was stacked. No use hastening to Gedworth till the ammunition arrives, now in the Thames in four hoys, as he learns by Edward Welden. Will send to Chr. Coo to despatch two ships to Orwell to bring the hoys. Sends a list of the gentlemen of Yorkshire ready to serve at a day's warning. Wishes that a letter should be sent them from the King, that he may be well served. A delay of sixteen or twenty days will be of no service to the enemy.
Have done as much as they can to persuade the Queen "to cause the Lords to take out the King," and adhere to the King's party. Thinks Edward Welden and Chr. Gonner are better where they are. If Albany do not invade, they need no more gunners; if he do, Surrey will desire 100 more. "Touching the deferring of extreme justice for a season, with the which the King's highness and your grace is content, I trust at length ye shall be content with my demeanour therein." Apologises for the length of this and other letters. Desires to hear as frequently from Wolsey. Newcastle, 15 Aug.
P.S. (in Surrey's own hand).—Sends news from Scotland. Will write to the queen of Scots. Hearing of ships coming from France with the elect of Glasgow, has changed his purpose of sending two ships to Orwell to conduct the four hoys, as he has but five ships to keep all the North seas, which are few enough to intercept the French ships. Has, therefore, written to three places to Chr. Coo, asking him to convoy the said hoys, and sends a copy of his letter. Singed.
Imperfect, pp. 3.
15 Aug.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 59. B. M.
3242. SURREY to DACRE.
In answer to Robert a Colingwode's charge, hears that their device of sending the 2,000 men is not to be followed. The journey to Jedworth "is sore called upon," and 2,000 men shall be sent from Yorkshire for it. The powder and shot, the carts and the 20 guns, that Wolsey wrote had been sent, are still in the Thames, so they cannot do anything for 16 or 20 days, till they arrive. Suffolk will be at Calais with a great army on the 25th, and the Emperor will send an army into Languedoc, the best country of France. "Ye can with moch difficultie conject the gode newes that be come fro beyond see off late, wich I dare not wright, asseuryng yow that my lord off Suff. doth not go over but upon a gode grownde." Wishes him to come on Monday or Tuesday week to consult about the invasion of Jedworth. Will then tell him all. Wishes the bearer to return to Norham. Will allow his costs. 15 Aug. at night.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
15 Aug.
Vesp. F. III. 74. B. M.
Credence for Melchior German, his secretary, whom he sends to England. Brussels, 15 Aug. 1523. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
15 Aug.
Vesp. C. II. 169. B. M.
Has already mentioned that, on the death of the bishop of Badajoz, late ambassador in England, he had requested the Emperor to secure payment of two years' arrears of Wolsey's pension, by placing his goods in the hands of the Pope's nuncio. Has since understood that the Emperor when in England acknowledged himself bound for the payment of it; the Bishop having previously made an agreement with Wolsey. When it shall be paid, God knows. Has not yet received the 2,000 ducats, though he could not have sued more urgently, even for his father's life. The Emperor is going to Barcelona, where everything is double price; and Sampson will have to pay 40 or 50 ducats a month for his house. Desires a loan of 1,000 ducats. The archbishop of Toledo tells him Wolsey's pension of Pacense is now assigned on his bishopric; that of Palencia still remains chargeable. Though he has spoken to the Emperor and the archbishop of Toledo for the whole assignment on Toledo, the latter defers the matter, and seems unwilling to bear the charge of Palencia, though he pays the Bishop 1,000 ducats recompence, from which he trusts, as the Bishop is old, to be soon freed. Requests by next post transcripts of both assignments, with a proxy to John Allmain. Valladolid, 15 Aug.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: "My lord Legate's grace." Endd.
16 Aug.
Vesp. C. II. 171. B. M.
On Jerningham's arrival he received Wolsey's letters, with the proxy to receive his pension of Palencia, either there or on Toledo, at the Emperor's pleasure. Requested the Emperor to write his pleasure to Rome, when the Lord Chancellor replied that he had done so already. Has written to my lord of Bath, as Wolsey's proctor at Rome, advising him to send the bulls in duplicate to Wolsey and to Spain. Though the Emperor has twice promised that his pension shall be paid, the bulls will be necessary to conquer the resistance of the Bishop's brother. Is in great need of money; his year's diets expire at the end of this month;—had but 300l. when he was despatched on this mission, and was besides in debt. When the army returns from France, he will have to go into Arragon, and thence to barcelona, where a lodging will be cheap at 100 marks a year. Valladolid, 16 Aug.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: "My lord Legate's grace." Endd.
17 Aug.
Vesp. C. II. 173. B. M.
On the 19th July received Henry's letter to the Emperor, and their instructions, in accordance with which they told him of the king of Denmark's reception in England, with his wife, the Emperor's sister, though the King owed him little kindness, except on the Emperor's account. The Emperor expressed himself gratified, and replied that, on the arrival of a herald from the king of Denmark, he would give further answer. He thanked the King for allowing him to retain on the coast of Spain the 3,000 men "by the seas." Have written to the Cardinal touching De la Mote, who is trusted with the secret of the Duke, and, in England, obtained the confidence of Bewreyne. On the 6th August the Emperor informed them, through the lord Chancellor, that Bewrayne had concluded with him for this year, giving reasons for doing so, without the English ambassador; that the Emperor would go to Burgos on the 20th, thence to La Groyne, on the frontier of Navarre, from which there was a choice of attacking the enemy by Languedoc, Fontarabia or Guienne, by Saint John Petre Port; that the Venetians cannot be trusted, and that the French king will lead an army in person across the mountains, with certain aid from the Swiss. The Chancellor evidently cares more for Milan than for a great part of Christendom. The day for the invasion cannot possibly be the 20th, as intended; it must be some days after the beginning of September. It will be late in August before the Emperor comes to La Groyne, and the army will not have set out before him. The artillery from Burgos cannot pass in less than ten or twelve days.
The Nuncio lately presented to the Emperor a bull for a three years' truce. Have sent his answer to my lord Cardinal. An embassy is here from Portugal, for the Emperor's sister, "Madam Caterina, the mayde that remayneth with the Quene, the which is namyd a goodly young woman;" also four ambassadors from the Imperial cities, who have passed through France with safeconduct. The Constable of Spain is very privily at St. Sebastian's, probably planning some great enterprise. Have had no further answer touching the king of Denmark, though the herald is here. Valladolid, 17 Aug. Signed.
In Sampson's hand., pp. 5.
17 Aug.
Vesp. C. II. 177. B. M.
Received letters, 19th July, from the King to the Emperor; for themselves, from Wolsey, with instructions about Denmark; also copies of the bishop of Bath's and Mr. Secretary's, with instructions for Knight, to Bewrayne. Explained to the Emperor on the 20th the reception of the king of Denmark in England. The Emperor is grateful to Henry and Wolsey for aiding the restoration of the said King. Did not urge strongly an expedition into France for this year, but for the next, and then to be on both sides. The Emperor is satisfied with the King's arrangement for the 4,000 men and the ships. Delaroche visited them on the 26th touching De la Mote, who complains of being ill paid. On his complaining to the Duke of Bourbon, (fn. 2) he told him that other noblemen had suffered like him. More of Bourbon he knows not. The Emperor accused him of a fondness in seeking new masters. He has disclosed the whole affair, and how Bourbon's servant was taken at Tirwan. He is now entertained by the Emperor. La Roche fears, though the Pope is not an Italian, he will lean to Italian counsels, and is indifferent to peace among the Ultramontanes.
On 6th Aug., heard that the Emperor had concluded with the Duke, who will have a great army in France this month. On the 20th the Emperor leaves for Burgos, thence to La Groyne, which will distract the enemy. The Emperor will command in person. "But, Sir, these words were spoken by the lord Chancellor, under such his accustomable laughing manner, that he put us in great doubt whether we should well believe him in all his sayings or not." The Chancellor told them, on their observing the lateness of the enterprise, that there was a secret expedition in hand, but what he would not disclose. The Emperor will be glad to injure the French, and the Chancellor to secure Milan. The latter complained that the Venetians are subtle and uncertain. Francis intends in his own person to cross the mountains. The Duke was not at Burgos when the appointment was made. The Emperor has assured him of his money from the king of England.
Had sent to Bilboa. Find the army cannot move before Sept. On the 12th complained of this slackness to the Grand Master, living half a mile out of town for his health, who assured them of the enterprise. The constable of Spain is at St. Sebastian's, and only three or four with him, The poverty of the country is very great, and there is no chance of amendment. The Emperor's master of the zabars is in fault for the tardy arrival of their late letters. The people and the nobles are not favorable to the Emperor. Can get no clear promises from the Emperor.
On the 15th the Emperor told them of Beaurain's return, and his dealings with the Duke, who will take the Emperor's part with a great army in France. The Duke's letters of credence were left by Beaurain at Jeanys. The writers think he might just as well have brought them from Jeanys to Barcelona, as carry them through France, where, the Emperor says, he was in such dread of being taken "that he had the same letters in his hand to eat and swallow them." On his urging them to press the King to proceed with diligence, they answered, they were more likely to have succeeded had the occasion been substantially handled; that the Emperor had desired them not to write before, and their letters had been delayed by the zabres. He wished the King to invade Normandy. They replied the year was too far advanced. But what the Emperor most solicits is 100,000 crowns for the payment of the said Duke. "And because we should not be oblivious on this behalf it was thrice repeated." He says that Beaurain has written to the King of the Duke's affair. Enclose a copy of a papal bull. Divers great personages of Almaine are to send ambassadors, demanding the restoration of the king of Denmark. The Portuguese ambassador has arrived for the Emperor's sister, Madame Catharina. Valladolid, 17 Aug. Signed.
In Sampson's hand, pp. 16; part cipher, deciphered by Tuke.
17 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 119.
Sends good news received from the bishop of Bath at Rome. The Pope has agreed to the treaty with the Emperor, England and the Archduke. Though a principal contrahent, the King is not bound to any charge, but only to give authority to the treaty. Sends the correspondence. For the important news from Venice, Wolsey has taken order with the mayor of London and the different ambassadors for demonstrations of joy to be made this night, and bonfires in London. Sends letters from Fitzwilliam, containing such enterprise as he intends at Boulogne Haven. Has devised instructions for lord Morley and his colleagues sent to the Archduke with the Garter. As Wolsey has no experience in these matters, but has devised them after his own conceit, begs the King will take the pains to over-read them. Will send the commission to be signed tomorrow. The Iceland and Zealand fleet, and amongst them the Mary James, the richest, have returned safely. Has ordered an officer of arms to go to the duke of Ferrara, and learn "whether he will accept your order or not." Westminster, 17 Aug. Signed.
17 Aug.
R. O.
Thanks him for his various letters. "And whereas I accordingly have not in likewise remembered and rescribed, it hath been for that I have not had anything to write of to your advancement; whom I assure you, if it were in my little power, I could be well contented to prefer, as far as any one man living." "Supposing ye desire to know the news current in these parts, for it is said that news refresheth the spirit of life; wherefore ye shall understand that by long time I, amongst other, have indured a parliament, which continued by the space of 17 whole weeks, where we communed of war, peace, strife, contention, debate, murmur, grudge, riches, poverty, penury, truth, falsehood, justice, equity, deceit, oppression, magnanimity, activity, force, attempraunce, treason, murder, felony, consylu., and also how (fn. 3) a commonwealth might be edified and a[lso] continued within our realm. Howbeit, in conclusion, we have do[ne] as our predecessors have been wont to do, that is to say, as well as we might, and left where we began. Ye shall also understand the duke of Suffolk, furnished with a great army, goeth over in all goodly haste, [whit]her I know not; when I know I shall advertise you. We have in our parliament granted unto the King's highness a right large subsidy, the like whereof was never granted in this realm.
All your friends to my knowledge be in good health, and specially they that ye wot of; ye know what I mean. I think it best to write in parables, because I am in doubt. Master Vawhan fareth well, and so doth Master Munkcaster. Master Woodall is merry without a wife, and commendeth him to you; and so is also Nicholas Longmede, which hath paid William Wilforde." London, 17 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his [sp]ecial and entirely beloved friend John Creke be this yovyn. Bylbowe in Biscaye.
18 Aug.
R. O.
Desires credence for his audiencer and secretary, Messire Jehan Hannart, knight of St. Jaques de Spata and viscount of Lombeke, about the restitution of the king of Denmark. Hannart will visit Henry on his way to Almayne. Valladolid, 18 Aug. 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
18 Aug.
R. O.
Credence for Jehan Hannart. He has a charge for the King about the restoration of the king of Denmark. Wishes Henry to send an ambas- sador to treat of it, as he promised to do, and to lend him assistance if necessary. Valladolid, 18 Aug. 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
18 Aug.
Vesp. C. II. 186. B. M.
Since receiving the King's letter by Jarningem, has not replied in his own hand, waiting the return of Beaurain, whom he had instructed to pass by England. Beaurain has brought his answer from the personage whom Henry knows. Thinks that Henry will now be able to make good his pretensions to France. Will not fail him, body or goods. This personage must have money. Valladolid, 18 Aug.
Hol., Fr., pp. 2.
18 Aug.
Vesp. C. II. 187. B. M.
On the same subject. Valladolid, 18 Aug.
P.S.—"Affin que vous congnoisses que jay ceste affaire fort a ceur, je vous mes ce singne que saves dentre vous et moy [symbol]."
Hol., Fr., pp. 2. Add.: A mons. le Legat, mon bon amy, primat et cardinal d'Engleterre.
19 Aug.
Vesp. C. II. 165. B. M.
3254. JACQUES DU CHASTEL to DE PRAET, the Emperor's ambassador in England.
Since parting with him, Madame sent him with another gentleman into Bresse, where they arrived on Sunday the 16th. Those whom they hoped to meet had gone to Molins to give news of the Germans to Bourbon, but have met with one who conducts the affair, named Laliere, who told them that they could not without danger pass to the duke of Bourbon, but that he would convey their message, which they have accordingly entrusted to him. He promises an answer within five days.
He also reported as follows: The French king will be in five days at Lyons with 2,000 men of arms, 26,000 foot and a large force of artillery, which he conducts beyond the mountains; the artillery is already at Lyons; much of their ammunition has already passed. The King awaits only the answer of the Swiss and Venetians, to whom he has sent. The Archduke is levying Germans; some say to send beyond the mountains, others to besiege Dijon, and others "pour prendre les places [de] mess. Robert, qui sont demourees par de la." Francis has three companies of horse, besides those with him, which will do him more harm than good, as Bourbon has an understanding with them. Laliere says Francis shows himself more kind towards Bourbon than formerly, and has no mistrust. By his admiral he made him excellent offers at Montbrison if he would pass the mountains with him, or attend to the government with the Regent in his absence. Bourbon excused himself, pretending to be ill, and was carried in a litter to Molins, where Francis will be tomorrow. He wishes Francis were passed on his enterprise. It is to be feared, if he hear of the English invasion, he will change his purpose and withdraw his men. Has heard no news from his master (Beaurain) since the 22nd July, which makes him hope he has gone. Bourg en Bresse, 19 Aug.
Copy, French, pp. 2.
19 Aug.
S. B.
Grant, in survivorship, of the clerkship of the Council in Calais, as held by Brian Tuke or Roger Latheburye, deceased; on surrender of patent 29 Jan. 12 Hen. VIII. by Nanfan. Del. Westm., 19 Aug. 15 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24.
20 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 121.
The King will perceive by the letters of Fitzwilliam that from the contrarious weather he has not been able to keep his enterprise against Boulogne, and, as the victuals expire on the 28th, he wishes to know whether he shall lay up his ships at Portsmouth or not. Wolsey thinks the Vice-admiral has done as much as he could, and according to the King's pleasure, signified to him by Sir Edward Guyldford, has sent him word to despatch one ship of 400 tons, and another of 200, to join Sir Anthony Poynes westward, to intercept Albany. If the Duke does not arrive in Scotland by the last of this month, the Scotch will abandon him; and if he does, it will be too late for him to make an invasion, raise an army, prepare victuals, &c. Has consequently ordered the army to be revictualled, and keep the seas for a fortnight; and then for some to keep the passage under John Hopton, and prevent French fishery. As the Venetians have declared against France, thinks Francis will desist from his enterprise on Italy; and therefore the army under Suffolk must be reinforced. His measures accordingly. Sends Suffolk's instructions, letters to Iselsteyn and other captains coming with the Burgundians, and letters to lords Sandes and Berkeley. Westminster, 20 Aug. Signed.
20 Aug.
Galba, B. VIII. 46. B. M.
When past Odonborough on his way to England, on the 14th, received Wolsey's letter, desiring him to remain with my lady Margaret, and inform her of the secrets of his late journey to the high parts. Arrived at court on the 16th, and was with her next day. She twitted him with having concealed from her the cause of his going, and not having remained till her return to Mechlin, as she desired. Said he had been ordered to be ready on receipt of the next letter to depart towards Basle, without any cause being specified; and in a second letter, specifying his charge, to be at that place in six days, which he could not have done if he had returned to her at Holtstrat. She asked him if he did not think it very dangerous for the Duke (Bourbon) to declare himself immediately on Mr. Russell's requisition, in the hope that the King's army would be in France by the 25th inst. Replied that the King would assuredly perform his promises.
On the 19th Bartholomew Tate arrived. Brought him to my Lady, when he delivered Wolsey's letters. On account of her late illness she desired Berghes, Hochstrate, and the treasurers Rouffort and Marnix, to talk with us upon his charges. It was thought everything could be got ready within the time, except the wagons, the harvest not being yet in, but as many will be got as possible. John de Lucy and the comptroller of the artillery are at Namur, from which place Wolsey requires 500 pioneers. My Lady and Berghes have written to De Lucy to do everything that Tate requires them. Knight's voyage to Basle has exhausted all his money. Brussels, 20 Aug.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: [To my] lord Legate. Endd.


  • 1. It should be Thursday.
  • 2. These words are in cipher throughout.
  • 3. The words "to devise" struck out here.