Henry VIII: May 1523, 16-31

Pages 1273-1287

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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May 1523

16 May.
S. B.
To be governor, surveyor and lieutenant of the castle, town and county of Guysnes, in Picardy, from 15 May 15 Hen. VIII., for 20 years, as held by Nicholas lord Vaux, and according to indentures between the King and Fitzwilliam; with power to grant safeconducts, &c. Del. Westm., 16 May 15 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17.
16 May.
R. O.
Bill of assurance by William Moncastre, of London, merchant, on his ship the St. Katharine of Portugalet. London, 16 May 1523.
Draft., pp. 3. Corrected by Cromwell.
17 May.
Vesp. C. II. 125. B. M.
Three rough drafts of commissions to Sampson and Jernyngham to treat with the Emperor respecting the war against France, and to gain over the duke of Bourbon. All dated, 17 May 1523.
Rym. XIII.
ii. Commission to the same purport. Undated; probably the foundation of the complete commission. (fn. 1)
They will see by the letter he has received from the archbishop of Barry how he urges the Emperor to a truce, and that he should send to England a power authorising his ambassadors at Rome to treat of it before the Pope, which might be forwarded to Rome, if the King will send a similar one to his ambassadors there. Beaurain, his second chamberlain, has written to him about Bourbon's proposal to marry one of his sisters, and serve him against France with 500 men-at-arms and 10,000 infantry. Beaurain has communicated this to the English admiral, who has informed the King and Cardinal of it, and they have written to their ambassadors here to persuade the Emperor to agree to it as soon as possible. But he thinks two points were not well understood: (1.) that Bourbon expects his troops to be paid by Charles and Henry, or at least the greater part of them. (2.) The king of England thought this should be done when he and the Emperor were ready to invade France; and by Beaurain's letters it seems that Bourbon thinks that he will be supplied with the said force if we invade France next summer. Has therefore declared to the English ambassadors that to retain Bourbon it seems necessary for them to pay the chief part of his men, for he cannot support them alone, and to make an invasion both from England and on this side. As they were very pressing about the necessity of gaining Bourbon, asked if they had power to conclude anything, and whether the King would contribute to the necessary expenses and invade France. They answered they had no charge, but would write to the King, "et esperoient quil ne tiendroit [à lui]" * *
Copy, Fr., pp. 2. Imperfect. Endd.: From the Emperor, in French.
17 May.
Vesp. C. II. 131. B. M.
This day the Emperor told him, that, notwithstanding expressions in his former letters through France, when Sampson also wrote, viz., 13th April, and his communications with master Treasurer, he has resolved to assist in the war against the common enemy, being informed from Rome that the French king will have no peace without Milan. Thinks he is encouraged in this by the hope that the Turk will be too strong for the Emperor. He desires the King's opinion which of three ways is best, that they may co-operate with diligence. Thinks he is sincere in his intention, having been deluded by some false offer. The Emperor is of opinion, however, that the English ambassador at Rome should have sufficient authority to make peace or truce. The Emperor has obtained from Rome a crusado for Spain and his other dominions, "with the fourth part of all the spiritualities." Mons. de Nassau is to be married to a daughter and heir of the marquis of Senetts, aged 18 years, "a goodly gentlewoman." Her father being dead, she has 30,000 ducats of yearly rents, and 300,000 ducats in money and jewels. Valladolid, 17 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Partly cipher, deciphered by Tuke. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
17 May.
Vesp. C. II. 132*. B. M.
Has several times written to him the advice of De la Roche and John Allmaine, to send proxies for the receipt of his pensions from the bishoprics. Is informed that the Emperor's pension to him are already despatched. Doubts not, when he has the proxies, he will speedily recover the arrears by the aid of the bishop of Helna, as Wolsey advises. Those on the bishopric of Palance will be demanded of the executors of the Bishop just deceased. Wolsey should send both a proxy and a bull for the purpose. Valladolid, 17 May.
Hol., p. 1.
18 May.
Vesp. C. II. 133. B. M.
Though the King will learn the general news by Hannibal, writes to say that the Emperor sends him six Spanish horses, partly broken in to heavy armor, of which he may choose four for himself; the other two to be given to count de Ansi and Noris; also two mules. The Emperor did not allow the animals to be sent from Naples without four large Neapolitan spears and two Spanish ones, which he judged would suit the King. Sends also, by Henry's command, a maker of cannon balls? (conficiendarum pilarum magistrum), reckoned one of the best in Spain. Valladolid, 18 May 1523. Signed.
Lat., pp.2.
R. O. 3034. CANNON.
Report on some material for cannons, stating that it was not so hard, more yielding to the fire and the hammer, and yet not so fragile as that made use of by the Italian princes, and principally by "l'illustrissima signoria;" that there was less material used, and that its transport was easier and less expensive than that of our cannons, for 60-pounders weighed only 6,000 lb., whilst they had formerly weighed 10,000; 36-pounders, now weighing 3,500 lb., formerly weighed 5,500; field pieces throwing 16 lb., of 2,500 lb., formerly weighed 4,000; and "the Bastard" culverines, throwing 8 lb., of 2,000 lb., formerly weighed 3,000. By 1 lb., the writer intended a weight of 16 ounces. The cannons had equally decreased in size; viz., "Bastard Culverines," formerly 14 feet long, were only 8 ft. now; those of 12, now 10; the double cannons of 12, now 10½. The writer then refers to "this King Xmo," who had a German merchant who brought it at his expense to Paris, for 120 francs; that it was brought from Saxony and some mountains called "Islever," and a town close by, called Herfort, near to Nurnberg and "Haspurch;" that less English tin was put in; and that it was hardened at Islever, bearing for the greater part certain marks.
Italian, p. 1. The marks are given.
19 May.
Vesp. C. II. 134. B. M.
Though the Emperor caused him to hasten his letters of the 17th, intending to despatch them straightway, has heard nothing yet of the departure of the post. The Emperor is continually with his council, and they constantly change their plans. By advice of the Great Master, who has always been his friend, Sampson went this day to the Emperor, who, before he spoke, apologised for the delay, and said they should be sent off immediately. He also told Sampson that his purpose was unchanged; that by the crusado he was provided with money, which was the only difficulty; and that the fourth part of the fourth part of the spiritualities would speedily be recovered. Perceives by others besides the Chancellor that the Emperor is bent upon some great exploit against France. Letters have been sent out through Castile and Spain to summon the Cortes within these forty days. The Chancellor is dissatisfied that Francis demands the restitution of Milan. The rest of the council, however, are wearied at the cost of defending it, and bear a grudge at the Chancellor, considering Milan the only obstacle to peace. Valladolid, 19 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Part in cipher, deciphered by Tuke. Add. Endd.
19 May.
Vesp. C. II. 136. B. M.
3036. CHARLES V.
Commission to A.B. and C.D. (fn. 2) as ambassadors to Charles V., to obtain letters under his hand promising not to recede from his obligations of the 29th June 1522, for the payment of 133,305 crowns, by making peace with France. London, 19 May 1523, 15 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 3.
20 May.
Otho, C. IX. 42. B. M.
3037. P. DE VILLERS LYLE ADAM, Master of the Hospital of Jerusalem, to WOLSEY.
(Imperfect at the beginning.) "... ac eisdem perspicuis rerum argumentis immensam Omnipotentis Dei clementiam ... delictorum ultionem fuisse conversam," God has spared them, and not given them over to death. Is grateful this evil should have befallen them in the pontificate of Hadrian VI., from whom he has received an invitation. Has suffered shipwreck near Crete. On the repair of his vessels will go to Rome. Messana, 20 May 1523. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: "Rmo, &c., Sanctæ Ceciliæ presbytero Cardinali in Anglia legato."
20 May.
R. O.
3038. DARCY.
Receipt by Rauf Meddylton, servant to lord Darcy, of 20l. from Ric. Lyster, the King's solicitor, as part of the arrearages of Darcy's annuity from Kent. 20 May 15 Hen. VIII. Signed.
21 May.
Calig. B. II. 147. B. M.
On Monday, the 18th inst., Surrey, the lord Warden, Master Compton, Master Kingston, and all others of the King's garrisons, the earl of Westmoreland, and the gentlemen of the bishopric, with the "poure of the same," about 1,600 men, with lord Dacre and his son, "a right towarde yong man," and 500 of his company of the West Border, and the gentlemen and power of Northumberland, assembled at 2 p.m. at a place called Myll Filde, in Glendale; thence marched to Scotland, and lodged near a fortress called the "Lougth Toure," which was thrown down before sunrise. Thence going towards Sesforde, rased the fortress of Linton, laid his ordnance to Sesforde at 7 a.m., esteemed the strongest place in Scotland, except Dunbar and Fas Castle. Had with him a very good cortowte, one very good colverin, one demi colverin, four lizards and four fawcons. The fortress was "vawmewred with earth of the best sort that I have seen," and had a barbican, with a false barbican within it, to defend the gate of the "dongeon." Divers iron guns of the English battery opened on the "vawmewre," but did little damage, though he directed their chief strength upon the weakest part; for after a few shots the cortowte's axle broke, and on being remounted was with three shots so crased in the axle-tree that "I durst none oftener suffer her to be shot, having no new to bring her home withal." Meanwhile the lord Leonard, Sir Arthur Darcy, Sir Wm. Parr, Harvey and others entered the barbican "right dangerfully" with scaling ladders. Many of the assailants were wounded with stones and ordnance. They applied long scaling ladders to the "dongeon," the ordnance and archers keeping up a sharp fire on the "vawmewre" and loops, but to no purpose. On this the two colverins were removed to the other side of the "dongeon," and fired at an old window about 6 ft. from the ground, which "being mewred" was opened and somewhat enlarged. The gunners, for a promised reward, threw in four barrels of powder with shovels "right herdely," which being perceived, the Scots set fire to the house "where our men had thrown the powder" before they had finished. Three of the gunners were much burnt, and the powder wasted without injuring the fortress. Nevertheless, shortly after the warden of the Scotch Marches, owner of the castle, being within a mile, sent to Surrey, and surrendered the place on being allowed to depart with bag and baggage. If the defence had been continued, does not see how it could have been taken. The wall was 14 ft. thick. On its surrender, treated it as he had done the others. Threw down at the same time another strong tower called Whitton. Before this was done, it was 7 o'clock at night. It had rained all day. It was the coldest weather he had seen at this time of year. The men were tired out, and the horses had been all that day, the night before, and all Monday, without eating. He therefore returned towards England to a waste country for grass; lodged that night within Scotland, and returned in the morning into England "with as weary a sort of men and horses as ever I saw." Thus he had not been able to return by the March, destroying one corner of it, as he had written to Wolsey. The thing is still thought feasible, and he doubts not to do it within 10 days.
The King's subjects are very joyful at the destruction of the fortresses, thinking it better than if Edinburgh and three of the best towns in Scotland had been burnt. If the war continue, he will lay waste great part of the countries without fortresses. as burnt all about the above four. What is left undone of the King's purpose, as the burning of a few towns and villages in the March, shall shortly be done by the lieutenants. Thinks a great part of the garrisons may be discharged before the end of next month, unless it be ascertained that Albany is coming to Scotland. If he were now there, he would find no victuals in Tevidale, and it is believed that he can make no great invasion. Desires Henry to be good lord to my lord Warden, who will be with him before this day seven-night. He has been a noble, valiant and painful man in this journey. Alnwick, 21 May. Signed.
Pp. 7. Add.: "To the King's most noble grace." Endd.
21 May.
R. O.
Has written to the King what has been done this last journey. Surrey had a goodly band of the company of Wolsey's bishopric. Cannot as yet tell the number, but will soon have every man's name and number, and reward them like the others at the rate of 6d. a day. Could not have got any number without promising that their costs in bringing victual for two nights should be considered. Begs an answer to the articles in the King's letter, and whether he shall remain. Has not received any letter from Wolsey of later date than this day fortnight, although Wolsey promised him a speedy answer to his other letters. Great part of the loan money of Yorkshire is paid. Doubts not Wolsey has taken some measures about that of Lancashire. Wolsey will learn the news of the North from my lord Warden, who will be with him on Wednesday or Thursday next. Requests that letters of thanks be sent by the King to the earl of Westmorland, lord Lumley, and the baron of Hilton, called Sir William Hilton; also three letters to the gentlemen of the bishopric, to thank the inhabitants. Alnwick, 21 May. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: My lord Legate. Endd.
21 May.
Vesp. F. XIII. 127. B. M.
Sends copy of a letter from Berwick. Learns from spies in Scotland news to the same effect, and that the Scots and French doubt not they will be able to pass and repass in safety, because the King's fleet keeps so much together; also that they mean, in the absence of the King's army, to disturb other parts of the realm. So great a number of Scots has never been suffered to resort to England. Temple Newsom, 21 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add. and endd.
21 May.
R. O.
Order him to pay to Anne countess of Derby, or the bearer, 100l. from the revenues of the lands lately belonging to Thos. earl of Derby, now in the King's hands on account of the nonage of Edward his son and heir. The Privy Council Chamber at Westminster, 21 May 15 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
23 May.
R. O.
Asks licence to export wheat for the master of the carrack belonging to Diego de Verra, one of his captains, which passed last winter in an English port. The corn is for his troops on the frontier of Biscay and Gypuske, which is mountainous and sterile, and must therefore be victualled by sea. Validoly, 23 May 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
24 May.
R. O.
Orders him to pay 1,000l. by way of prest to John Jenyns. Westm., 24 May 15 Hen. VIII. Signed.
On the dorse is Jenyns' receipt for the above sum.
24 May.
R. O.
3045. For JOHN CONWAY, of Flintshire.
Licence to wear his bonnet at all times and in all places, on account of disease in the head. London, 24 May 15 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy.
24 May.
Calig. E. III. 55. B. M.
* * * "your highness ... may make what instructions shall ... or any other man living, that can say ... to the sea, I have not done as much to keep h ... passing as possibly was to be done, having s[uch winds as I] have had, and not slouthed one hour neither by ... of cause, let not your highness only be my h ... of my head, notwithstanding I cannot make ships [sail without] wind, nor yet anchors and cables to hold in the ... [and in]case my lord Admiral can, I would be right g[lad to learn] in that behalf; for I take God to record, my will to ser[ve your grace is as] good as his or any other man's living. Secondly, whereas my lord Cardinal's grace writeth that [your Highness] had thought that such hoyes as were laden with certain or[dnance for the men] of war to go to Berwick, had been gone or this time ... the same, if it please your grace to call to your rem[embrance] ... Bark and John Hopton's bark were appointed for the ... [and your grace,] when ye commanded me to the sea, willed me to take [the said ordnance] with me, and said that that said ordnance might tarry fo[r a time. And] incon- tinently, upon the receipt of may said lord Cardin[al's letters, I] sent Coo's bark and Davy Myller for the waft[ing of the] ordnance and habiliments, and commanded them on th ... diligence."
As to the King's desire that a ship of 400 a ... should be immediately sent to Sir Ant Poyntz into the West [seas], the John Baptist and the Mary George will shortly return from the Seine head; but he thinks that, before they can go to Portsmouth to be revictualled, and go round the Land's End, Albany will be [set forth], if he intends to go this year; and unless Pointz has orders to revictual his company ... before these ships come about, "he will be forced to g[o into] haven for the same, for I reckon his victuals come up shortly, [by] this fortnight at the farthest. Thirdly, I note greatly one th[ing] in the articles which came from my lord Admiral, and that is this * * * ges, or also these [gr]eate ... what shall be your grace's pleasure ... and in case your highness will have the same ... [W]est seas," orders must be given for victuals, for the ships will be there in six days.
Since writing this letter, has had continual calms till yesterday. Went today to Treyport, which stands on a cliff as high as D[over?], and the haven on the other side, so that the only approach to the town is by a causeway, wide enough only for six men, and at the end of it a wall, with towers and bu[lwarks]. On the shingle, without the town, was a b[ulwark made] of old boats, filled with earth, with spaces to shoot through, and well furnished with artillery and men. Went to see the town, and found it too late to return, and had the ordnance right sharply shot about their ears. Landed, and shot arrows at them, when they left the bulwarks and the ordnance, and took refuge in the town, about a bowshot off. There was ordnance on the causeway, the walls of the town, and on an abbey on the height of the w ... within the town. Attempted to take the town once or twice, but were sharply handled, and finding no way to assault it but by the causeway, "I * * * [ho]wbeit in case they ... ships, by reason of the ebb ty[de] ... have tarried there till the next flood ... country came down so fast that h ... same. And so when they that perceived ... out of one of the said ships as their boo[ts] ... and as they say destroyed all that was ... so as the owners of the same shall have no ..." Has not yet heard of John Care. Willoughby has been here, and is gone again. [The] ... ships in Hampton water are in effect unl[aded]. Will keep them there by policy till he hears ...Frenchmen's preparation, for if he inc ... them, they would cost the King 100l. a month.
Will send in his next the news he hears from ... Has sent out again his bark ..., and trusts they [will meet] some of the Frenchmen. Portsmouth, Whitsunday, ... noon.
P.S.—An Englishman has been brought to him, who was [taken] prisoner when the Admiral burnt Morleyx * * * the same day ... is but a brag, considering ... [pr]isoners that I brought afore your grace ... at time there be men that have been s ... st that they should have known if any f ... been there prepared." The said English [prisoner] said that a great fleet came by St. Pa ..., which they of the town thought was the English fleet, and raised the country round. Supposes it was those who went to Burwage for sal ... whom Fitzwilliam's prisoners [spoke] of as passing last St. George's Day.
The English prisoner said also that he had seen no ships in readiness at Hownflete. Albany's galleons were there, which ... not their sails to the yard, but they had all their ... above the head ready. He had heard in many places that there was peace between the Emperor and the French king, and the latter says he will have peace with the King's highness. He saw also [the great] ship, which had up her forcmast, and no more. Signed.
Pp. 4, mutilated.
24 May.
Archæol. XVI. 153.
I. Ordinances made 24 May 15 Hen. VIII. "by the lord Sir Chr. Wylluby, Sir Edward Dimock, Mr. Godericke, Robert Barret, prior of Bardnay, Mr. Cheston, Mr. Penyngton, and other justices of the peace and commissioners appointed" by the King, respecting swans on the river Witham, Line.; together with an original roll of swan-marks pertaining to the proprietors on the said stream.
Headed: "The true copy of a parchment roll touching the swannery, delivered to me, W. Monson, by Mr. Matthew Nayler, now officer thereof, under Mr. Secretary, this June 1570, 12th Elizabeth."
Ib. 159. II. Ordinance (temp. Hen. VIII. ? (fn. 3) ) for the preservation of the swans, cygnets, fish and fowl, in cos. Line., North., Hunts and Camb.
Headed: "The true copy of an old paper touching the swannery, found among my father's books, and intitled a copy of the ordinances for swans, &c., now written out anew this June."
24 May.
R. O. St. P. II. 99.
Made a journey in the beginning of this May into the North, to punish some Irish rebels for burning part of his lands and robbing some men of West Chester. Learning that there was a Breton ship laden with Gascon wine at Cragvergouse (Carrickfergus), went thither through the countries of his enemies, defended by Hugh McNeile and others, who, besides their own men, had 1,500 Scots in wages. About 20 were slain. The Breton, hearing that he had four or five vessels coming by sea, took flight, leaving some of the wines he had sold, unpaid for. Chased a Scotch vessel which he found lying far out in the haven, with three boats, for about 12 miles, when the vessel ran aground, and the crews were rescued, the country belonging to Hugh McNeile. His servants, however, brought the vessel away. Kildare broke McNeile's castle of Belfast, burned 24 miles of his country, and destroyed two other piles kept by the Scots. Took the mayor and three aldermen of Cragvergouse prisoners for trading with the King's enemies, Scots and Bretons. Sends them now to the King. During that journey the King's deputy burnt the lands of several of Kildare's servants, broke three piles, which were their chief defence against the Irishry, and took two castles or piles, which Kildare had taken from the Irish, and which his servants gave up without mistrust. The one he broke himself; the other he delivered to O'Connor. The Deputy has refused to be ruled by the council ever since it was said the King meant to remove him. He has made new bonds with the Irishry, especially with O'Keroll, by whose aid he means to defend his title to the earldom of Ormond.
Since writing, the Deputy's retinue have taken from Kildare 500 "steide" mares and colts. Has often complained of the Deputy to the Council, who have always urged him to forbearance. Kildare, 24 May. Signed.
P. 1. Broadsheet. Add. Endd.: "A comite de Kyldare, reddit' xvjo Junii."
25 May.
Titus, B. XI. 412. B. M. St. P. II. 101.
Begs him to be good lord to her husband in the matters for which his servant is pursuing. Her husband is as kind to her always "as any man may be to his wife." Thanks him for remembering her "to my Lady my mother, as touching my marriage money, when she was before your grace." Is in constant fear of the Deputy's sore and unfavorable demeanor to her Lord. He is so cruel towards him, because Kildare refused to take part with him against the heirs of the late earl of Ormond, who pretend title to the earldom. For this reason, he maintains the King's Irish rebels against him, and since May last has broken divers castles, and done him other injuries. Kildare has no remedy, except in the King and Wolsey. Maynooth, 25 May.
Hol. Add. and endd.
* * * "Item. All such lands as shew (she) hath ... neer hand [are] destroyed with daily coyne and livery ... [and specia]lly upon a parcel of her lands named Coyle, he hath y[oven] ... v. l. to the King's Irish enemy, called the Great O'Nele, which lands [paid] tribute yet to no man, which is a shrewd precedent, that the King's deputy to grant tributes of the King's subjects to the King's Irish enemies." Her said son-in-law has suffered the lands belonging to the writer's sons, his brethren, and left with him during their nonage, to be seized, since the writer's departing, partly by the wild Irish, and partly by one Dalahide of Moiclare, his steward. These lands were conquered by her husband from the wild Irish with much difficulty. The complainant has the wardship of one Rochford of Kilbride, during his nonage, but his lands are for the most part laid waste with coyne and livery. * * *
P. 1. A fragment.
Titus, B. XI.
432. B. M.
Reminds him that she is his poor kinswoman, married by him to his true subject the earl of Kildare, who has fair issue by his first wife, and made assurance of almost all his lands to his children, long before his marriage with her. The lands not comprised in that assurance are of little value, being among the wild Irish, and are but a poor provision for her children, who are of the blood royal. Begs therefore that he will grant her and her son Gerald Fitzgerald, in farm for 61 years, the manors of Rathwer, Castel Ricard, Rathcoure, &c., in Meath, at the same rent as the King has hitherto received for them. Signed.
P. 1. Headed: The copy of King's letter. Endd.: My lord Leonard Grey.
MS. 611. f. 19.
"Regale servitium Geraldi comitis Kildarensis in com' Kildar."
Wm. Lundres, George de Rupe and Philip Britt, each hold four knights' fees, 24l.
Barony of Naas.—Rents from Cromaliston, Phillippiston, Hitheleston, Teghgaret, Walcheston, Blakehall, Edriston, Wm. Eustace's lands in Cradokiston and Typper. Total, 8l. 15s.
"Baronia de Saltu."—Griffynrath, castle of Kyldragh, Liones, Clonaghlis, Balmascollog, Denmoraghill and Donaghda, 6l.
Barony of Conall.—Old Connall, Ladyton, Ballymany, Ballytagy in Allon, Morstonmomagh and Whilam, 5l.
Barony of Offaly.—Ballysonan, Mylton, Donmorry, Leakagh, Rathmok, Donhene, Henryeston and Ellyeston, 8l. 10s.
Barony of Norragh.—6l.
Barony of Othymy.—Penkiston, Downings, Le Mote de Kilbeg, 6l.
Baronies of Robane, 4l.; Okethy, 5l.; and Kilcullyn, 20s.
Barony of Oghtryn.—Cloncurrey, 4l.
Barony of Carbre.—Dunfetherd, Dergard, John Bermingham, Carrik, Kilmore, Clonken, 6l. 10s.
Barony of Donlost.—Monmehonok, Rowe and Brenmoy, 4l.
Barony of Kilca.—Kilca and Belane, 9l.
The Distchenys for a footman, 5s. Thotay, 5s. Rathgulby, 10s. Rathnedon, 10s. Galyn, 4l. Wilkynlowe, 20s. Loghbregan, 10s. Dongarvan, 40s. Rathgulby, 40s. Simon Flatisby, 10s. Ofythesy, 40s. Stythan, 4l. Clongale, 10s. McKany, 10s. The mill, 13s. 4d. Typpercoghill, 10s. Ballymony, 10s.
Modern copy, pp. 3.
MS. 607. f. 12.
Sureties for the earl of Kildare for his appearance before the King on reasonable warning at any time before he has licence to depart to Ireland.
Lady marquis Dorset the elder, 1,000 mks. Marquis Dorset, 1,000 mks. Lord Fitzwater, lord Mountjoy, bp. of "Sainct Tass" (St. Asaph's), lord Richard, lord John, and lord Leonard Grey, Sir Henry Gylforde, John abbot of Valeryale and Sir John Such, 500 mks. each. Kildare himself to be bound in 3,500 mks.
P. 1. Endd.
Titus, B.XI.
395. B. M.
With the same humility with which the only Son of God said, "Not my will," &c., expresses his gratitude that Henry has commanded him to assist lord James Butler in the prosecution of James [Fitz] Gerald, pretended earl of Desmond, who, following the steps of his ancestors, has rebelled against the King. Is unremitting in his efforts to this effect. Learns, however, by some servants of Kildare, that his brother, the earl of Ormonde, the latchet of whose shoes he is not worthy to unloose, is much disturbed by some of Henry's subjects. Begs that he may be released and sent to Ireland, as he cannot get on without him.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.
28 May.
Vesp. C. II. 138. B. M. St. P. I. 151.
"The effect of the instructions given by the Emperor to Mons. de Beaurain, touching such matters as be to be treated with Mons. de Bourbon."
1st. Nothing to be done with the said Duke unless the King contribute to the support of 500 men-of-arms and 10,000 foot, and agree to support the Duke against all persons. 2nd. If the King agree, Beaurain shall treat with the Duke for his marriage and support, making as small concession as can be on the Emperor's part. 3rd. The Duke shall be bound, ten days after the common army enter France, to declare war against France. 4th. He shall then receive 200,000 crowns of gold, at places and terms to be devised, with further assistance if his forces are detained beyond the time. 5th. The Duke shall receive the allies in his dominions, and the Emperor the Duke in his. 6th. No peace shall be made without the Duke being included. 7th. Beaurain shall treat for the marriage between the Duke and the queen of Portugal, on the understanding that, if she do not consent, it shall be with the Emperor's sister Katharine. 8th. He shall ask the Duke's advice where the armies should enter France, where he can best join them, and by what means the French lords may be won over. 9th. For making capitulations, letters to be sent to the president of Burgundy, "and Mons. Loys Maranyes, one of them feigning to go to St. Claude to go with him, under colour to address him by the country of Burgoyne." Valladolid, 28 May 1523.
St. P. VI. 152. II. "The effect of the instructions to Mons. de Beaurain for such things as he hath to do in England." 1st. To deliver letters of credence concerning Gracien's mission from the duke of Bourbon. 2nd. To explain the determination of the Duke to adhere to the King and the Emperor, and the disaffection which prevails in France. 3rd. As to the meeting of the Cortes against July, the new croysad with the fourth of the benefices, the sale of the goods "of the exceptes," &c. The Emperor has 1,600 men-of-arms, 1,000 light horse, and 3,000 Almains, and has sent for 4,000 more. He exhorts Henry to send an army against France this summer, and he will do the like. 4th. If the King will contribute to the support of half the foot and artillery of the Emperor's army in Italy, so that the appointment with the Venetians take effect, the Emperor will contribute equally, and will advance 100,000 ducats. 5th. The army should be ready to invade France by the 1st of August, it being in Henry's option to send his by Picardy or elsewhere, the Emperor commencing on the Spanish frontier. 6th. If the King invade Picardy, his army shall have provisions out of the Emperor's countries, and be assisted with horsemen of Cleveland, Juliers, &c. 7th. The Emperor now desires that the armies shall act separately. Valladolid, 28 May 1523.
Modern copy, pp. 4.
29 May.
Titus, B. I. 231. B. M.
Since the departure of Boleyn, the English ambassador, has heard news of importance. Sends the sieur de Beaurains, to whom Henry may at once deliver his mind on this important conjuncture, the like of which will perhaps never happen again. Valladolid, 2[9] May.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.: "A letter of the Emperor's hand, 29 May."
30 May.
R. T. 137. R. O. Teulet, 44.
Thanks them for their reception of the sieur de Langhac. Trusts that they will continue in their good will, and that, with the succors granted to their governor, they will obtain reparation of the injuries inflicted by the English. Hopes they will not listen to the deceitful promises made to them to bring them under the yoke. Believes Albany has informed them of the aid he has given them for their defence, much greater than he was bound to furnish by the treaty of Rouen. Hopes it will be enough not only to defend them, but to drive the enemy out of his kingdom. It would have been sent already, but that it seemed necessary to wait till the fruits of the earth were ripe, for the victualling of the army. It will set sail by the feast of St. John at the latest. Already 500 foot have probably arrived in Scotland. Is sorry their Governor was not there to resist the late invasion when the enemy took some castles; but he will be with them soon. Blois, 30 May 1523.
[30] May.
R. T. 137. R. O. Teulet, 43.
Has received his letters of the 11th inst., and those of the months of March and April therein referred to, touching the invasion of Scotland by the English, the trouble he has had to keep the Scotch devoted to France in the absence of the Governor, the promises made to them by England, and the danger he is in by reason of those he has made himself, of the fulfilment of which they see no likelihood. Langeac has acted with great discretion. He must endeavor to keep the Scotch lords still devoted to France, till their Governor arrive with succors. 500 foot have already crossed, and Albany will set sail before St. John's day. He would have left ere this, if he could have been well accompanied. The succors have been delayed till the crops should be ripe, as Francis has written to the council and estaes of Scotland. Langeac may have had news since he left, by Lable (fn. 4), Albany's secretary, whom Francis has sent to Denmark. Has sent the 6,000 livres for the pensions by the Scotch chancellor's man, and despatched a ship a month ago expressly to give him news. Wonders none of them have arrived.
31 May.
Vit. B. V. 188. B. M.
3059. DR. CLERK.
Commission to Clerk to conclude with the Pope and Emperor a truce with the king of France for three years. London, 31 May 1523, 15 Hen. VIII.
Lat.; draft, corrected by Wolsey; pp. 3.
R. O.
Account of ships hired in Flanders to pass to England in April and May 1523, at a rate fixed by Dr. Knight of 2l. 10s. Fl. a month for every 20 tons.
Names of the masters.—Keryn Shypper, Andres Shypper, Mathew Mowynnys, John Gorge of Rotterdam, John Williams of Targosse, Franke Antonys of Antwerp, Chr. Conelysson, Clesse Peterson of Camfere, Adryan Bosse, John Valore, Thos. Perys of Calais, John Mathews of Andwarp, Adryan Johnson, alias Bosse, Meill Fynke of Slewse, Wm. Deryckson of Slewsse, Geo. van Hichyngham of Slewse, John Besser and Pere Danellson of New Havyn, Bownne Adryan of Flosshyng, Conyn Perys of Flosshyng, Ant. Wylbert, Peter Johnson of Tergosse, and Peter Cornelys of Tergosse. Signed by William Sayntpere, and other payments added by Wm. Beynam.
ii. Paid to Bayneham, for freight of ships with empty casks, &c. to England, 249l. 16s. 2d. Note to Mr. Mynne, to ask him to see whether Seyntpere has charged himself with this sum.
Pp. 6. Formerly a roll.
R. O.
Receipt by John Yerdeley, servant to John Jenyns, dated ... May 15 Hen. VIII., of 500l. (?) from Sir John Daunce, by virtue of a warrant dated London, 8 May 15 Hen. VIII., for the payment of 40 mariners who rigged the Gabriel Royal, artificers working on the New Bark, and the rowbarge lately called the Swepestake, &c. Signed.
May./GRANTS. 3062. GRANTS in MAY 1523.
1. The inhabitants of Harwich, Essex. Licence to export 80 quarters of wheat and 120 quarters of rye from the port of Episwiche. London, 1 May 15 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S.
1. George Joynour. Licence to export within four years "four score hundred thousand byllet," to be purveyed in Sussex. Del. Westm., 1 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. In margin: "Ro. Franc'."
1. Thos. Warde, the King's harbinger, Geo. Ducworth, yeoman for the Mouth in the cellar of Queen Katharine, and Rob. Coly, yeoman usher of the King's Hall. Grant, in fee, of all messuages and lands in Agmondesham, Bucks, late of Thos. Barnarde and Jas. Morden, burnt as heretics. Westm., 1 May.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
2. Wm. Browne, of Wellingham, alias of Massingham Parva, Norf., husbandman. Pardon. Richmond, 14 Feb. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 May 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
2. Th. Smythe, of Moche-Wenlok, Salop, tanner. Pardon for the murder of Thomas Woode, late of Shenwoode, Salop, laborer. Bridewell, 29 April 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 May.—P.S.
4. James Ap Jenkyn, captain of the An of the Tower. Protection for John Story, of London, haberdasher, and Ric. Story, of London, fishmonger. T., 4 May 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
4. Arthur Trevilion, alias Silcok, alias John Wilkokes, alias Walker, of London and Cambridge, "browderer." Pardon for having, in the parish of St. Margaret, Lothburye, ward of Bredestrete, London, stolen two men's coats of woollen cloth, of the colors of "dyede tawnye syngle," and "puke sengyll," worth 20s., belonging to Ralph Billop, tailor. Del. Westm., 4 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
4. Roger Whaplod and Margaret his wife, daughter of Ric. Hunne, deceased. Grant to them and their executors, for ever, of all Hunne's lands and tenements, and all leases and deeds relating thereto; also an indenture between the King and John Rastell, 7 Oct. 7 Hen. VIII., and all the goods, chattels and debts therein specified; also the King's right and interest in five separate obligatory deeds by which Rastell and others were bound in various sums to Thomas marquis of Dorset, Sir Edward Belknap, deceased, and Sir John Dauncy. Del. Westm., 4 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
4. Andrew Yong, a minister of the Chapel Royal. Presentation to the prebend in the collegiate church of Warwyk, dioc. Worc., vice Walter Wolmer, deceased. Del. Westm., 4 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
5. Sir Nich. Carewe and Elizabeth his wife. Grant, in tail male, of a messuage and 200 acres in Blecchynglye, Surrey, formerly Hexstalles, part of Buckingham's lands. Del. Westm., 5 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
5. Morgan Jones. Lease of the herbage of Uske park, in the lordship of Uske; of land in the lordship of Tregruke, called Slowarth; and the foundation of a mill there, which is to be rebuilt by the said Morgan; for 21 years; rent 5l. 3s. 4d., and 3s. 8d. of increase, payable to the receiver of Uske and Kaerlyon. Del. Westm., 5 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 4.
6. John Brokesby, of Monkton, isle of Thanet, Kent, laborer. Pardon for having stolen wheat, barley and four "asseres" of wainscot, value 20s., belonging to John Everard, in the parish of St. Nicholas at Wade, in the said isle. In margin: "Per me, Joh'em More." Del. Westm., 6 May 15 Hen. VIII. Endorsed: "A pardon for a poor man of Kent, with your father's hands at it."—S.B.
6. Hugh Clopton, mercer, of London. Licence to export merchandize, and to import 1,500 tuns of French wine, Toulouse woad and hemp (cannabis). (Date illegible.)—S.B. Westm., 6 May. Fr. 15 Hen. VIII. m. 7.
7. John Lynde, yeoman of the Guard. Lease of the Guard. Lease of the herbage of the wood called "Westewode," in the lordship of Lammersshe, Essex, late of the countess of Richmond; for 21 years; rent 5s., and 15s. of increase. Del. Westm., 7 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7.
8. Th. Hall, a minister of the Chapel Royal. Presentation to the prebend of Coton, in the collegiate church of Tomworth, Cov. and Lich. dioc., vice Walter Wolmer, deceased. Del. Westm., 8 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1.
8. Sir John Walshe. Licence to purvey in co. Glouc., and to export from Bristol to Ireland or Spain, 600 quarters of beans. London, 6 May 15 Hen. VIII. T., Westm., 8 May.—P.S.
9. Wm. Buryman, chief cook for the King's mouth. Grant of the corrody in the monastery of Glastonbury, vice John Lloid, deceased. London, 4 May 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 May.—P.S.
10. Barth. Husee. Wardship of Hen. s. and h. of Hen. Bodenham. Del. Westm., 10 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 5.
11. Edw. Eliott, deceased. Commission to Wm. Walrond, Rob. Brett, Chas. Holcombe, John Braben, Walt. Alford and John Cooke to make inquisition p. m. in co. Devon as to his lands and heir. Westm., 11 May.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15d.
12. Wm. Castell, of Pewesey, Wilts, butcher. Pardon for having abetted John Wether in setting fire to the granary of Ric. Hardyng. Del. Westm., 12 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 6.
12. Ralph Madok, of London, laborer. Pardon for having, with three others lately hanged, broken into the close of Wm. Croucheman at Harlow, Essex, wounding and robbing him. Del. Westm., 12 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
12. Hen. Parker, gent. usher of the Chamber. Licence to export 1,000 quarters of wheat, not exceeding 6s. 8d. the quarter. Del. Westm., 12 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Fr. m. 4.
12. James Rokeby. Lease of a parcel of land in the eastern field of the borough of Richmond, York, opposite the mansion of Ric. Colson, and abutting upon the highway from Frenchegatte to Galowbrawghe, parcel of the lordship of Richmond, for 21 years; rent 2s. 10d., and 6d. of increase. [Del. Westm.,] 12 May (year not stated).—S.B. Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18.
12. Edw. Tyndall. Lease of the fishery in the river severn called Rodleywere, in the manor of Erlyngham, Glouc., late of the marquis of Barkeley; for 21 years; rent 66s. 8d., and 3s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 12 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.—Pat. p. 1, m. 7.
13. Th. Alen. Licence to export 300 quarters of wheat and 300 quarters of beans. Del. Westm., 13 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.Fr. m.. 4.
13. Henry, abbot of St. Mary's, Tewkisbury. Lease of the lordship of Muyth alias Muythhoke, in the lordship of Tewkisbury, Glouc., and a meadow called "le Kyngesmede," with a fishery in the rivers Severn and Avon; parcel of Spencer's lands; for 21 years; rent 7l. 9s. 1d., and 30s. of increase. Del. [Westm.,] 13 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
14. Ric. Hewster, clk. Grant of the prcbend in the college of St. Mary Magdalene, in Brigenorth Castle, called Marveld, vice Roger Norton, resigned. Del. Westm., 14 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
14. Nich. Thewytys, captain of the Mary Martyn. Protection for nich. Estchirche, of London, haberdasher. T., 14 May 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
15. John Smyth, of London, baker. Protection; going in the retinue of John Hopton. Del. Westm., 15 May 15 Hen. VIII—P.S. b.
15. Recognizance cancelled: made 5 Hen. VIII. by Humph. Stafford, of Codered, Herts, Sir Ric. Sacheverell, of Stoke, Bucks, and Sir Walter Hungerford, of Haytesbury, Wilts. 15 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
16. Mores Apparry, yeoman for the King's mouth in the Cellar. To be bailiff of the lordship of Staunton Lacy, Salop, forfeited by Humphrey Calfild; with 40s. a year. Bridewell, 7 May 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 May.—P.S.
16. Athelard Hubbard. Lease of four tenements and a lane in Boston, Linc., on the east side of the river of that town, late of the countess of Richmond; for 21 years; rent 4l. 3s. 4d., and 20d. of increase; on surrender of patent 26 May 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1. m. 3.
16. James Ram, merchant of Spain. Licence to export 400 quarters of wheat, not excceding 6s. 8d. a quarter. Bridewell, 15 May 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 May.—P.S.
17. John Coksall, of Ipswich, Suff., merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 17 May 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
18. Th. Geytthen. Protection for Wm. ... [of] ..., alias Pykenham Wade, to serve as a victualler. T., Westm., 18 May 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
19. Edw. Vaux. Lease of the herbage in Cotyngham park, York, for 21 years; rent 6l. 13s. 4d., and 2s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 19 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
20. Roger Banester, of Styrton, and of Grove, Notts, late bailiff of Mannesfeld in Sherewode. Pardon for the murder of Geo. Dene, of Stirton; and release of a recognizance of 40l. entered into by him, John Banester, of Hatefeld, York, and Th. Revell, of Mannesfeld, before the barons of the Exchequer. Del. Westm., 20 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
20. Sir Francis B[ri]an and John Wellesbourne. Grant of the right of presentation to the prebend next vacant in St. Mary's and St. George's, Windsor, or in St. Stephen's, Westminster. Bridewell, 2 May 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May.—P.S.
21. Sir Ric. Jernyngham, knight for the Body, and Anne his wife. Grant, in survivorship, of the lordship of Skeftlyng, in Holdernes, York, late of the duke of Buckingham. Del. Westm., 21 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 1.
22. Walter Abadam and Rob. Trowghton. Licence to export 300 "wayes" of beans and malt from Bristowe and Bridgwater. Del. Westm., 22 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Fr. m.. 2.
22. Michael le Roux and John Luorzowe, merchants of Montezclaxum (Morlaix), Bretagne. Safeconduct; and licence to import, before Christmas, [80 tons] of merchandise, viz., wines, Toulouse and other woads, salt, linen and woollen cloths, and other goods, for payment of their ransom to Sir Richard Wyngfeld, who took them prisoners last year at the capture of the said city; after which they sailed to England with merchandise to pay their ransom, but were robbed by pirates. Del. Westm., 22 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (fn. 5)
23. Roger Hoker, of Walsingham, Norf., butcher. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Westm., 23 May.—Fr. 15 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
23. Ric. Tomson, of London, draper. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Westm., 23 May.—Fr. 15 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
25. Sir Ric. Jernyngham, knight for the Body, and Anne his wife. Grant, in tail male, of the manors of Haverell, Hersham and Helyon Haverell, Suff., late of the duke of Buckingham; on surrender of patent 12 April 13 Hen. VIII. Del. ..., 25 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
26. Henry Courtency, earl of Devon, s. and h. of Katharine countess of Devon, the King's aunt. To be steward of the duchy of Cornwall, of the borough of Bradenynche, Devon, of the manor of Mere, Wilts, and of all lands belonging to the duchy in Cornwall and Devon; keeper of the stannaries in Cornwall and Devon; keeper of Mere park, and rider or master forester of Dartmore forest, Devon, parcels of the duchy; as held by Rob. Willoughby lord Broke, by Robt., his son and heir, deceased, and by Henry lord Marney, deceased; with appointment of subordinates. Del. Westm., 26 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7.
26. Henry Somerset lord Herbert. To be steward of the town and manor, and chancellor of the chancery, of Breknok, Wales, and constable and doorward of Breknok castle, part of Buckingham's lands; with appointment of subordinates. Del. Westm., 26 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
28. Gerard Croftes, clk. Presentation to the parish church in Notingham castle, York dioc. Del. Westm., 28 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
28. Roger Radclif, gent. usher of the Chamber. To be steward of the lordship and constable of the castle of Rysyng, Norf., and master of the hunt or ranger of the chase of Rysyng, with the office of two under-foresters called walkers; with fees payable by the receiver general of the duchy of Cornwall. Del. Westm., 28 May 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
—. Th. Gittyns, of London. Licence to purvey, in Dorset and Devon, 200 quarters of wheat, and to export the same to Spain, for the Emperor's army there. Del. Westm., ... May (?) 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.


  • 1. At the end is written: "Ista commissio non fuit sigillata nec missa."
  • 2. Sampson and Jerningham in the margin.
  • 3. There are references to a statute of 11 Hen. VII.
  • 4. So in Teulet. Qu. I'Abbé (Gautier)?
  • 5. See S.B. of 18 Nov. 1523.