Henry VIII: April 1523, 16-30

Pages 1250-1265

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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April 1523

16 April.
R. O.
Desires credence for his ambassador resident in England, who will communicate to Henry news which the Emperor has received since he last wrote. Wishes for Henry's advice upon it. Valladoly, 16 April 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
16 April.
R. O.
2962. The SAME to WOLSEY.
A similar letter. Valladoly, 16 April 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
16 April.
Calig. B. III. 255. B. M.
The queen of Scotland has written to him and to the King's lieutenant to spare a poor religious house of nuns at Coldstream, the prioress of whom is very good and kind to her. She is also one of the best spies for England. Lately heard from her that the Queen is gone to Stirling, and has taken with her all the Frenchmen that were about her son. Monday after Palm Sunday the lord Lieutenant was with Dacre at Morpeth. The latter has undertaken that the Riddisdale men shall make redress for all the robberies committed by them since lord Rosse's departure, by the 1st of May. Ralph Fenwick has done the same for the Tynedale men, and brought in half a score of them as sureties. My lord Lieutenant and himself have made proclamations for injured persons to bring in their bills to them. Since his coming hither, strange to say, there have been no offences on either side. Seldom has there been peace so long. Alnwick, 16 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To the King's most noble grace. Endd.
17 April.
R. O.
Arrived on Wednesday last. Went yesterday to see the ships. The Crist and Sir Robt. Jones's ship will be ready to go to sea on Thursday. In place of the Mawdelyn, of Alborough, has appointed a galleon of 40 tons, which was taken by Gonson's little boat, and has put the said boat in wages, for they row well, and it will not cost more than the first appointment. Recommends John Clogg as master and captain of the galleon, and a man of Gonson's, who took the galleon, as captain of the boat. Will not allow Gonson to go to sea, for he is almost lame of a sciatica. Will send John Care in his stead for this month. The galley will not be ready before that time, for Brigandine intends to break her up and make her carvel, "so as she now shall be made in every point as your grace devised." The Lesse Barke, the Rowe Barge, and the French prize will be at sea in 10 days, or sooner, if he can get men. Is obliged to send into the West country for them. Everything will be fulfilled, except setting forth the galley, "wherein your highness must have patience, for undoubtedly there is no remedy, for she was the dangeroust ship under water that ever man sailed in."
Last night, while writing, Henry Huttoft came to him from Hampton, and told him there was a ship of 400 in Hampton water, laden with alum and wax for France, which had been taken by a Spanish ship laden with English merchandize, so that the prize partly belongs to the Spanish owners and partly to the English merchants. The latter, fearing the Spaniards would take the prize to Flanders, asked the mayor to arrest it. He could not do this, but arrested the master and those of his company ashore. The master wrote to those in the ship not to regard him, but to do as they had been ordered. Wishes to know the King's pleasure, for it is evident they want to take her away, which would be a great loss to the merchants and to Henry, because of the custom. More goods have been recovered from the ship lost here, of which my lord of Chichester wrote to the Cardinal. Has no authority to interfere, but has charged every one not to embezzle them, and has sent John Flemyng to make a book of what has been found. The bearer, Christopher Gonner, can give him any information about his gailey. Portsmouth, Friday, 17 April. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.: From Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, viceadmiral, 17 April.
17 April.
S. B.
2965. For BRIAN TUKE, the King's French Secretary.
To be clerk of the Parliament, with 40l. a year; on surrender by Mr. John Taillour in his favour. Del. Westm., 17 (fn. 1) April 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27.
18 April.
Galba, B. VIII. 30. B. M.
A Spaniard named Francis de Victorie, a Dominican friar and doctor of theology, arrived at Bruges, eight days ago, from Paris, and on the pretext of illness wrote to me by one of his brethren that he had been charged by the bishop of Barry, the Pope's nuncio in France, to come to me and say that his Holiness had commissioned the Nuncio and others to procure peace among Christian princes. He offered, if I would write to the Emperor and Legate, to send the letters as far as Paris. Not knowing whether the Emperor and the King intend to continue the war, I did not choose to write either to the Legate or to the Doctor; but being solicited by his brother, and wishing to let the Emperor know the state of his affairs here, and the terms on which he stands with Christian princes and the Pope, I saw no other way than to pretend to wish for peace. I sent one of my men to the Doctor to learn further about his charge;—whether he was a man capable of managing great affairs, and whether the French king knew of his coming here, or if he was come to act as a spy. My man has reported that he finds him a man of the right sort, that the French king was cognisant of his charge, and would be glad to have a truce of eight or nine years with the Emperor and England, answering for his allies of Scotland and Gueldres, except in Italy. My man said it was not likely the King and the Emperor would listen to a half treaty. The other answered that some expedient might be found, even about Milan. Finding him so favorable, my man went beyond his charge, and entered into terms, upon which I should be inclined to treat, and urge the Emperor and the King to listen to. The other said such affairs were not so easily managed by letters as by a skilful negotiator, and that if he could obtain a safeconduct from the king of France for some person agreeable to the Emperor, I could send to him and to the King and you, and he felt sure the matter could be arranged without difficulty. For this purpose he has returned to France. Understand that if the safeconduct comes, and I send to the Emperor as above, it is to let him know the state of affairs here. Malines, 18 April '23. Signed.
Fr., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
18 April.
Galba, B. VIII. 34. B. M.
Before my arrival a secretary of Albany's entering this country without safeconduct was taken and committed to the castle of Villefort, although he had special letters to the lady Margaret and to you. My Lady, taking the opportunity to learn what they have determined in France, has sent a person to the Legate now in France, on pretence of learning whether the Scotch secretary was sent for the matter mentioned in my Lady's letter, or not. He returned yesterday. My Lady said he passed with great difficulty, and found that the secretary really was sent for the cause mentioned in his letters; that the Duke of Albany is at his own place in France, and no preparations are made for sending him to Scotland; that the Legate was privy to the sending of this secretary, affirming that the Pope had inclined Albany to peace; and that the Duke desired her to get him conveyed surely into England.
I see that the motions for peace proceed principally from two persons in this court. An Austrian friar, D. D., lately made overture to me to this effect, merely to see if there were any disposition to peace in the King or you. My Lady says that by the last letters the Emperor was making great preparations for war, but she understood from Italy that he was very desirous of peace. She will send Marnix to you in three days, who will tell you what these countries will do this summer, according to the answers made by the townships to the requests at the last diet. I have lately received the confirmation of the treaty concluded at Calais in January. My Lady desires me to keep it till I know your pleasure about one thing, which she considers to be an error. A piece of gold, the least of three valued by us, is esteemed at 2s. 6d. sterling and 16 mites Flemish. They say the 16 mites should be 24 according to the rate of the other two pieces of gold, i.e. one third of the value of the greatest piece. Mechlin, 18 April 1523.
P. S.—My Lady will send you Albany's secretary next week.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add. and Endd.
Petition of lord Monteagle to the King for grant to him and his son of the sheriffwick of Lancashire and several other offices.
In form of a roll; beginning lost.
2. Inventory of the goods of the late lord Mountegle, made at Horneby by Sir Hen. Kighley and others, by virtue of the King's commission of 20 April 14 Hen. VIII.
Plate.—6 bowls of silver, parcel gilt, 96½ oz. at 3s. 3d. Shaving basin, silver parcel gilt, 80½ oz. A pair of parcel gilt flagons, 161 oz. A ewer, parcel gilt, 14¾ oz. A piggen with a cover, parcel gilt, 22¾ oz. Two round cups, one to cover the other, parcel gilt, 14¾ oz. A goblet with a cover, parcel gilt, 14¾ oz. A flat bowl with a cover and 2 rings in the top, 32¼ oz. 2 square salts with an eagle on the covers, 31 oz. 2½ q. A standing cup with a cover, graven with flowers and portcullises, and a rose on the top, 23¼ oz.; another, graven with traffells, 22 oz. 2½ q.; another, with "cokbotes" graven on it, 22 oz. at 3s. 8d. A "godderd," with a cover and 3 legs of Man on the top, 17 oz. A great bowl, with a cover and pounced with arms, 58¼ oz. A basin and ewer, with a cover, with arms at the top and bottom, 83¾ oz. 2 plain goblets, with covers and arms in the top, 96 oz. 4 candlesticks like troughs, each with a broche and 2 noses, 100½ oz. A salt and a goblet "viced" together, 9 oz. 3 spoons gilt with strawberry knoppes, 6 oz. 2½ q.; another with a "writhen knoppe," 1¾ oz.; another, with a knop like a daisy, 1½ oz.; another "with a dragon upon the stert," 1 oz. 3½ q. 6 apostle spoons, 8½ oz. A pair of cruets, 10¼ oz. 2 silver gilt Paxes, 2¼ oz. and 12 oz. A broken chalice with a "patent," 6½ oz. 2 chalices with patens gilt, 25 oz. and 17 oz. 2 pots like cruses with covers, gilt and chased, given by the King as a new year's gift to my Lord, ao 13, 22 oz. A standing cup with a cover, a new year's gift, ao 14, 21 oz. A fork for green ginger, 1 oz. 1½ q. 5 gilt spoons with plain ends, 6¾ oz. 2 candlesticks for altars, parcel gilt, 31 oz. A pair of basins for altars, 31¼ oz. A crucifix with Mary and John, gilt, with a foot and 4 Evangelists, 26¼ oz. A chalice with a paten, daily used in the chapel, and other articles. Of this plate 285¾ oz. were given to lord Darcy, in exchange for 20½ oz. at 3s. 3d., and 20l. 15s. 10d., according to an indenture dated Templehirst, 8 Jan. 15 Hen. VIII. The items thus given are marked in the margin, and others are marked as delivered to Sir John Hussy, and as sold by Ric. Banks in London.
Jewels.—A gold girdle of Paris work, 23 oz. A gold collar of drops, 12 oz. A gold collar of white and red roses with blue panises. A red tinsel purse, and in it a lace with 5 single ducats and a worn piece of gold like a 40-pence of silver and gilt, a little gold aglett enamelled white, and a "corse" of damask for a girdle. A girdle of blue riband with a dymysyn of crown gold, having a red rose on it. A broken gold chain of 48 links, of Paris work. 4 gold pipes for a bonnet. A round gold cross, with a heart in it, enamelled like stones. 7 gold aglets, three-square and enamelled. A new device of gold enamelled with red and white roses. 2 emeralds set in gold. A white sapphire. 2 unburred pearls. A silver gilt clasp, enamelled with the legs of Man. A silver gilt bolt like a register for a book. A little silver box with a penny in it. A cross of diamonds with a great pearl at it. A St. John's head set in gold. A pomander with stones and pearls. A brooch of Paris work like a gold lozenge. A gold ring that has been enamelled. A gold ring with "a roke ruby" in it, enamelled with red hearts; another with a table diamond enamelled with red drops. A gold cross with 4 rubies, 5 diamonds and 5 pearls. 2 gold aglets of Paris work for a girdle. A plain square gold cross with a pearl in it. A gold floure de lice with 5 diamonds. A gold double rose. 2 gold buttons. blue enamelled. 3 strings of pearls, one containing 141 great pearls, another 62 small pearls, the third 58 small pearls and 23 gold beads. 4 bone spoons with silver joints. 3 garters with gold buckles and pendants. A gold chain with a George that my Lord wore daily. A pair of jet beads, with "gaudes" and 2 gold beads on either side of them. A pair of beads of "ancellalence," with "gaudes" of gold and 2 pearls. A pair of beads of ten wrought with the needle. A pair of beads of almer, with "gaudies" of gold; another with "gaudies" of coral. A pair of coral beads with a gold ring and a ruby. 4 gold buttons, five-square. A silver gilt crucifix with Mary and John. A pair of pardon beads of fire, wrought with the needle. A gold ring, cracked in the side, with a turkes. 2 gold serjeant rings. A silver gilt fetter lock. A silver gilt "chape" and "lawpe" for a dagger. 14 gold aglets like acorns. A silver flewe for a bottle. A gold rose red, enamelled with a great table diamond and a pearl at it, chosen by the King for the diamond my Lord bequeathed to him. A flcur de lice of diamonds with 3 pearls. A gold image of St. Antony. 86 old halfpence in a bladder. A round brooch of "camahewe" set in gold. A pair of gold books. A little gold heart, of Paris work. A pair of beads of white "almer." A gold flower, red and green, enamelled, with a pearl at it. 9 gold pipes of Paris work. A black velvet bonnet worn by my Lord, with 6 gold aglets and a round gold brocch. A bell of gold that was made for warming my Lord's drink. Of these, sold to Robt. Amadas, the value of 25l. 12s. 7d., and other items are marked as disposed of.
Coin.—In groats, 50l. In gold, 23l. 6s. 8d.
Jachets.—Cloth of gold, sleeveless, furred with ermines powdered; cloth of gold, sleeved, lined with black frieze; crimson velvet, sleeveless, lined with black sarsnet; black satin, sleeved, furred with ermines powdered; black velvet, sleeved, lined with black frieze, with 4 buttons of gold enamelled, and 6 oletts of gold like roses; a black damask placard, furred with black coney, made for a jacket; a strait sleeveless jacket made like a patlett, of black satin, furred with martens; a sleeved jacket of purple tinsel of 6 threads, lined with black sarcenet, with oletts underneath, round about the waist; a little short sleeveless jacket of green velvet lined with black sarcenet.
Doublets.—Cloth of gold; crimson satin, guarded with black tinsel; and black satin. The last delivered to my young Lord to wear.
Hose.—Scarlet, stocked with tawny velvet; scarlet, with guards of black velvet about the thighs; tawny; black, furred; and white.
Gowns.—Cloth of gold, furred with "liberts;" tawny tinsel of 6 threads furred with "martrons;" crimson velvet, lined with black damask; black velvet, furred with black "bugge;" a fur for a gown of "foynes;" a gown of crimson velvet lined with white sarcenet, with a hood for the garter; a blue velvet mantle, with a garter on the left shoulder, lined with white sarcenet, for the chapel at Windsor.
Kirtles.—Black velvet, with a band of crimson about the skirts; a little white damask petticoat with "cufts" of black velvet.
My Lady's gowns.—Black velvet, with white sleeves, bordered at the nether edge with ermines powdered, and the sleeves furred with the same; crimson satin, without sleeves or lining, bordered at the nether edge with cloth of gold, wanting part at the foreskirts; black tinsel with strait sleeves and a deep crimson velvet border, and lined with black buckram; 2 little gowns, black tinsel and black damask, for a child; a fur of lettes for a gown, bordered with ermines powdered; fur of ermines powdered for a pair of wide sleeves and 2 pair of cuffs.
4 bonnets of ermines powdered, a black satin partlet furred with lettes, a green satin frontlet with a gold caul, 2 green velvet frontlets, a spruce chest containing vestments of purple velvet and tawny damask, with remnants of cloth of gold, velvet satin and sarsnet.
In a chest in my Lady's chamber: 8 diaper table cloths, 4 diaper surnappes, 13 diaper towels. In another chest: 3 pair of fustians and one odd, 8 pair of sheets, 2 Irish smocks.
Sheep.—115 wethers, in Bowland at Bradgarth. 48 two-year olds at Tateham. 25 tups. 102 ewes. 226 hogs.
Cattle.—4 bulls. 28 draught oxen. 8 draught steers. 25 kine. 7 fat oxen. 21 "twynt nowte." 74 "styrks" of a year old.
Horses.—A bay hobby called "Jak." A bay nag. A dun stag, 3 years old. 3 stags, called "yeryngs." 9 mares. 2 two year old fillies.
Given by my Lord, as appears in his will.—2 horses, for the horse litter given to lord Darcy. A gray gelding given to Sir John Hussey. A bay gelding, called "Lyard Rutter," given to Adam Hulton.
Bequests.—2 rings of gold set with diamonds, one for the King, the other for the Cardinal. A collar of the Garter, with a George and two garters, to my lord Darcy. A gold salt to Sir John Hussey. A black satin jerkin to Thos. Langton, esq.
In the Armoury.—A complete harness. A pair of gilt curatts. 5 salets. 8 pair of Almain rivets. 4 pair of splints. 3 whole and 3 broken stocks for carving knives. 2 swords, a dagger, a gilt bill, a battle axe, a cross-bow, 2 cross-bow racks. A pair of mail gussets, and a mail skirt.
In the Chapel at Hornby Castle.—3 altar cloths of auresse (arras) and fine tapestry. 2 fine tapestry hangings. A wainscot folding table with leaves.
In the Wardrobe.—A sperver of changeable and green sarsnet. Beds of counterfeit cloth of bawdekyn, red stamyn, verdors, and coarse lawn. 16 hangings of coarse tapestry 2 of fine tapestry, and 6 of verdors. Coverings of red stammyn and verdors, lined with canvas. A black buckram curtain. Cushions: 15 of carpet, 7 of green verdors, 5 of yellow verdors, and 3 with peacocks. 3 long and 4 short carpets. A feather bed, 2 bolsters, 3 coverlets, a blanket, a seler and a tester of verdors. 2 old silk pillows, 4 white quilts, a white and green silk quilt. 3 pieces of buckram, red, blue and green. A piece of Irish flegge. 72 elm bows, 26 sheaves of arrow heads, 4 leaden malles, a horsecloth and saddle, a tick for a bolster, a Kendal coat, a piece of canvas, an iron bar for a window, a blanket of Irish flegge. "A chest and 17 privy coats of plate, covered with black fustian, and 15 codpieces of plate covered with black fustian, and 15 pair of sleeves of plate in it;" another chest, 4 yards of tawny worsted, and 1¼yard of red satin of Bruges.
In the Chamber next the Wardrobe.—Hangings of verdours and green say, lined with canvas; a counterpane of verdours; two feather beds and two bolsters, a pair of blankets, four coverlets, a tester and ceiler of tawny velvet and black damask, embroidered with letters of gold, and four curtains of popinjay sarcenet.
In the Corner Chamber.—100 stone of wool.
First Chamber in the Middle Ward.—A mattrass, cushions, blankets, coverlets, a ceiler of red say, a chest and a cupboard.
Second Chamber under the Chapel, called the Storehouse.—2 pieces of lead, 30 pieces of iron.
Fourth and fifth Chambers under the Chapel and Wardrobe.—Feather beds, mattrasses, blankets, bolsters, cushions, coverlets; a tester, a ceiler, and curtains; hangings, 2 chests "with stuff of Mr. Edward and John Powell in them."
Wine Cellar.—Red wine, claret, white wine, old claret for vinegar, verjuice, pirry, Malvesey, Muscadell, vinegar.
Second (fn. 2) Chamber over the Wine Cellar, called my Lord's Chamber.—Feather beds, &c., coffers, a counter with folding leaves, yew bows, 3 recorder pipes, a table of wainscot with 2 trestles, great and small looking-glasses, drinking-glasses, a standish of Cyprus, 2 leaden malles, a pair of tongs, 2 little andirons.
Wardrobe in the Tower.—Chests, a coffer bound with iron, 2 cloth sacks, leaden malles, 2 privy coats of plaites, 2 pair of brigandines, "2 privy coats from the middle upwards, with a cod piece of plaites," 3 pair of arming spurs, 2 windlasses for cross-bows, a pair of stirrups, a broken cross-bow with a tillour, a box of arrowheads, an old sallett with an umbrell, a riding pillow for a gentlewoman, a bill, 6 round glasses set in lead with garters around them.
Steward's Chamber.—Feather bed, &c.
Nursery.—Feather bed, &c.; 2 images, one of Jesus, and the other of St. John's head.
Closet Chapel.—Table of the Salutation of Our Lady, all gilt, a chest, 2 trunks, 3 baskets full of old writings.
Ewery.—Feather bed, &c., 29 candlesticks, 2 chauffers of latten, 2 shaving basons of pewter, a bason and ewer of pewter, an old latten bason, 3 new torches, a bill, 4 tablecloths of diaper, 6 towels and 14 napkins of diaper, 14 tablecloths of plain linen, 4 cupboard cloths, 5 towels.
Gilt Chamber.—Feather beds, &c.; an altar cloth; an image of Our Lady and Saint Anne, all gilt; coffers; a looking glass; a little table with an image of Mary Magdalene; a printed book, called Bartilmewe de Proprietatibus Rerum; another book, called The Chronicles; a holy water stock of latten, 12 glasses "for waters to stand in," 2 drinking glasses with covers, 2 glasses with leathern cases, a pewter bason, 2 little tin bottles, 2 bottles covered with twigs, a cupboard, chair, pair of tongs, fire-shovel, fire-fork, a round chimney of iron, 2 iron toasting forks, a great blowing-horn covered with leather, "flewed with silver and gilt, girdled with a black silk riband; a covering for a horse-litter, of green sarcenet, guarded with red tinsel satin; a little table of Saint George, gilt; an old trussing bed, a "chose chair," a yew bow, a latten candlestick for an altar.
Chamber at the end of the Buttry; the Ground Chamber in the "new warke;" the "Cowper chamber;" the Porter's ward; the Bakehouse; the "Constable chamber;" the Brewhouse; the Stable; the Oxen house; the Dairy; the wrights' and the masons' chambers.—Each contain feather beds, mattrasses, &c.
The Smithy.—Mattrass, &c., 3 bills, 5 pair of iron tongs, 2 great hammers, 4 small hammers, a "stydy" and two pair of bellows.
Gallery over the Hall window.—" 8 barrels of gunpowder, 2½firkins;" a serpentine of iron; a falcon of brass set in a stock, with 2 chambers; a pot gun of iron, with a chamber; 3 chambers of iron for great guns "that have no cases for the same"; a hagbush of brass, set in a stock; 4 hagbushes of brass, and 8 of iron.
The Kitchen.—A furnace pot, pots and pans, 3 standarts, 2 square and 3 round "broches," 4 garnish of vessel with 2 "voiders," 2 dressing knives and a chafing dish.
Pp. 41.
R. O. 3. Copy of the above, in two hands.
Pp. 33, mutilated. Endorsed by Ric. Banks.
R. O. 4. "Valor of my Lord's goods and debts by estimation."
Goods: The inventory at Hornby, 800l.; at the Whitewell, 40s.; at Parlent (?) 20l. Money at Whalley, 360l.=1,182l.
Debts [to my Lord] in the hands of Sir Ric. Tempest, John Powell, and the abbots of Vale Riall and Fornes, 830l. Total, 2,012l.
My Lord's debts to the King, 111l. My lord's marriage, 800l. Suit of his causes, 400l. For my Lord Darcy, 200l. For Mr. Hussy, 200l. For Mr. Radclif, 40l. In Mr. Starky's hands, 60l. My lord's debts claimed, 300l. Performance of his foundation, 280l. Bequests not paid, 66l. 13s. 4d. Total, 2,757l. 13s. 4d.
Deficit, 745l. 13s. 4d.
P. 1.
5. Plate sent to Sir John Hussy by Oliver Thomson, delivered by Ric. Bank at Hornby, 21 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.
R. O. Gilt plate.—A crucifix with Mary and John, 26 1 qr. A standing cup, with a cover with "cokbotes" graven on it, 23 oz. A "godderd, with a cover chased with 3 "legges of Man" on the top, 18 oz. A pair of pots with covers, 102½ oz. A low standing cup with a cover with trasells on it, 12½ oz. A standing cup like a nut, with a cover, 22½ oz. A plain standing cup with a cover, 39½ oz. 2 square salts with a cover, 40 oz. 2 salts with a cover chased, 18¼ oz. A square salt with a cover, 18 oz. Total, 280½ oz. at 3s. 10d.= 61l. 8s. 8d.
Parcel gilt.—Candlesticks for altars, basins, cruets, a shaving basin, a "pegen with a cover," 4 candlesticks like troughs, with 4 broches and 8 noses, spoons with wrethen knops, apostle spoons, &c., 758½ oz. at 3s. 6d.= 157l. 4s. 9d.
White plate.—3 goblets without covers, 16 oz. at 3s. 4d., 53s. 4d.
Total, 1,035 oz.= 221l. 6s. 8d.
P. 1.
Yesterday the escheator's inquest passed in every point, "as we would devise." My young Lord and all his friends are bound to you. Danby, counsel for the free chapel, and Ric. Beamonde, for Shaftoe, "laid in sore claim." One Danby, my lord of Northumberland's attorney, came to arrest me, "but I avoided it well enough." I have sent you your indenture. The bearer will ride to Mr. Magnus with such writings as you "will make him." Wakefield, Saturday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
To be chief justice of the Common Pleas during pleasure.
22 April.
R. O.
2971. PAUL VAM VELDE to M. BARTHOLOMÆUS VAN DER LINDEN, and HENNING KULEMEYER, merchants of the Steelyard, London.
What complexion our war with king Christiern has assumed, you will learn from my master's letters. He has probably fled, for fear of his subjects and our elected King, to Scotland, intending to assist the king of Scots against England, and come back with Scotch and French auxiliaries. Hopes they will make friends in the interval. The English need not fear his fleet; he has no sailors, and hardly 600 soldiers. His sailors are taken from fishing boats, and no more fit to take care of a large ship than men who never saw the sea. Lubeck, 22 April '23. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. in Low German. Endd.: Recepti anno Domini 1523, die Lunæ xj. Maii.
23 April.
R. O.
Had promised to send certain jewels, plate, and stuff to Darcy, but Mr. Radclif objected to the directions taken at Templehirst, and especially to the delivery of any goods, "except ye were all agreed; and so he was sure Mr. Hussy said to him." Darcy writes that he has received only 98 wethers. Sent six score. Will bring the said stuff with him. Will overtake Darcy a day or two before he reaches London. The debtors to my Lord will not pay. The farms are in arrear. Bastard Tunstall has driven a herdman and 160 sheep of my Lord's off a pasture ground, and refuses to pay the free rent of 109s. 10d. at Tunstall; "and thus he over hobbys us and all the country." Divers gentlemen, who are surety for 400l. to be paid to the King, are anxious to be insured. Will bring the two inventories. Hears that he will be commanded to make a declaration of all his Lord's goods, and that a surveyor will be appointed over him; which has been procured by Mr. Starkey and others calling themselves friends to the young Lord. Hornby Castle, 23 April.
Hol., p. 2. Add.
23 April.
Calig. E. III. 43. B. M.
* * * ester and in the halydayes ... on Passion Sonday ther aryvyd her[e] ... namyng hymselff to be a jentylman off th ... fro Rome in 14 dayes; he cam thowrow F[rance to] the French court in 9 dayes, the French kyng [being at St. G]ermeyns, and there he taryed two dayes, and hedyr to ... e desyryth to have schort passage. He seyth he hath [letters to the King's]rase and to your grase, and by cause he cam thowrow F[rance, he] brought letters to the French kyng; therfor I ad[vertise you of] hys comyng. He makyth grett hast. I cannot felle by hym [any] tydynges off the Roddes; I pray to God all be well." The French in these parts are assembling, for the purpose, it is said, of revictualling Therouenne, and they bruit that they will do s[omething in] passing or repassing at St. Omer's, Guisnes, or ... Thinks "they will bring no such company with them, but and th[ey come to Gu]ynes, that the town shall be well resisted, without they lay [an army r]eyall, which I think they will not do in this time of th ..." Does not see how they make make sufficient provision for a siege. Wishes to know whether he shall send any more into France to the gentleman, "that I h[ave wr]ytyn to your grase off or thys." He expects to be retained, but Berners can do nothing till he knows the King's pleasure, Calais, 23 ...
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: [To] my lord [Ca]rdinall's grace.
23 April.
Calig. B. II. 151. B. M.
On Friday last rode to Berwick to ascertain what assistance he could have thence in ordnance and carriage. Intended on Monday next to have assembled the power of Northumberland, with 700 or 800 men of the bishopric and the garrisons, to throw down some fortresses in Scotland. In going to Berwick spoke with Philip Dacre, sheriff of the shire, who told him "cattle was so poor," twelve oxen could not draw one pipe of beer ten miles a day; which their appearance confirmed. At Berwick found the ordnance nothing ready: the timber they should be stocked with came into the haven but on Sunday last. Must, therefore, delay his project. Will send to Yorkswold to hire ninety draught horses, and proceed on the expedition as soon as possible; but the ground is so wet with rain that no great ordnance can be carried till better weather. Dacre and his company of the West Border invaded Scotland on Monday last, burnt a market town called Annand, and some villages, and in their return the towns of Tronok and Dordof.
Hears from Scotland that the Danish ambassador is very ill treated by the Frenchmen, who say they will make him leave the kingdom, and that, in reply, he said he hoped to see them driven out. Surrey has helped his remonstrances against them by a letter to the queen of Scots, a copy of which, with her answer, he transmits. Is told much speaking is against them. The ambassador as yet has no answer; for the Lords will not meet till the end of this week, when it will be known what answer he will have. Hears the Queen is not content with the Frenchmen, and the commons universally cry out against them and the Duke. Has caused Magnus to deliver to Robt. Draper and Davy Miller, in way of prest, one month's wages and victual, "after the rate they have delivered unto me, the copy whereof your grace shall receive with this." It should be delivered to John Jenyns, that he may order the payments accordingly. Has heard nothing of Christopher Coo, nor of two ships of war which were to have come from Portsmouth. Newcastle, 23 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
24 April.
S. B. Rym. XIII. 788.
Lease (by the advice of Sir John Daunce and John Hales, general surveyors of Crown lands, and of Th. Magnus, clk., general receiver of the lands of minors,) of the manors of Epworth, Bolton, Haxhay, Ouston and Wrootte, in the island of Axiholme, Linc., during the minority of Edward Stanley, son and heir of Thomas earl of Derby; annual rent, 150l. Del. Westm., 24 April 15 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17.
24 April.
S. B.
2976. For HEN. NORRES, squire for the Body.
To be engraver of the iron dies for the gold and silver coinage in the Tower of London, in England, and in Calais, vice Sir John Sharp, deceased; with 20l. a year out of the issues of co. York. Del. Westm., 24 April 15 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1 and 2.
24 April.
P. S. (fn. 3) Rym. XIII. 788.
Restitution of temporalities to Richard Rawlyns, promoted to that see by papal bull enclosed, vice Edward [Vaughan], deceased. London, 16 April 14 Hen. VIII. Del. 24 April 15 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
ii. Bull of Adrian VI. for the same. Rome, v. id. Mart. 1522.
Confirmation to Rob. Watson, abbot, and the convent, of charters of 1 John, 21 Hen. VI., and 20 (fn. 4) Edw. IV., the last being a quitclaim of the King's right to the priory or hospital of St. John the Baptist, Bruggenorth, Salop. Westm., 25 April.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10, 11.
25 April.
S. B.
Grant, in tail male of Elizabeth his wife, sister and heir of John Grey viscount Lysle, of the title of viscount Lysle, with 20 marks a year for its support out of the issues of cos. Warw. and Leic.; on surrender of patent 15 May 5 Hen. VIII., by Charles Brandon, K. G., now duke of Suffolk. Del. Westm., 25 April 15 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1.
26 April.
P. S.
2980. For RIC. PACE, the King's Chief Secretary.
Presentation to the parish church of Bangor, Cov. and Lich. dioc., vice James Straitebarell, deceased; at the King's disposal by minority of the heir of Th. earl of Derby. Bridewell, 26 April 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 April.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
27 April.
Erasm. Ep. App. 325.
Thanks him for the kindness received from him. Begs he will let Erasmus know that he has no leisure at present. The paraphrase on John reached prince Ferdinand two days ago, without letter or notice of any kind. Had not Lupset known the hand of the writer, he could not have believed that it would have been offered in such an inelegant manner. Æniponte, è lecto, 27 April 1523.
28 April.
R. O.
Has received Darcy's last letter by Thos. Strey, and will send all the money he can by him, or some other sure messenger. Knows that his expenses have been very heavy, and doubts not that the King will consider it. Mr. Harry Savyle is in London, and is sorry that "he had not ordered him to your lordship, at his late being with you, as his duty was;" and he has asked Lyster to write and say that he wished to have Darcy for his good lord. He had appointed four or five of his own tenants within the honor to serve the King in his wars, at my lord Cardinal's command; and if he is allowed to have them, "he, and all he can make, shall be at your command, next the King and my lord his master." Mr. Husey is doing all he can in the matter of the [wardship] of Lord Mounteagle's son. The King has kept the ward in his own hand, but will favor Darcy and Husey, although it is said that he intends to give the issues to his own servant. Will be glad to get something toward the hospital and chapel as soon as he knows what is necessary. In parliament, Sir Arthur Plantagenet has been created viscount Lisle. Sir Thos. Boleyn, Sir Will. Sandys, Sir Morres Barkeley, and Sir Nic. Vaux have been made barons, and summoned by writ of the parliament. No Acts have yet passed the Lords or the Commons. The sum of 6,000l. is demanded for the war in France. London, Tuesday after St. George's day.
Hol. Add.
On the dorse: Mace, 10s.; cloves, 6s.; sugar, 4s. 5d.
28 April.
R. O.
2983. LORD DARCY'S pension to WOLSEY.
Receipt by Thos. Arundell, servant of Wolsey, for 5l. from Ric. Lyster, for the half year's fee due at Lady Day, granted to Wolsey by lord Darcy. 28 April 15 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
30 April.
R. O. Rym. XIII. 790.
2984. ADRIAN VI.
Bull for a truce of three years among all Christian princes, with a view to a crusade against the Turks, who have in the past year taken Belgrade, the key of Hungary, and lately Rhodes, and are threatening Rome itself, consecrated by the blood of the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and other martyrs. Rome, 1523, prid. kal. Maii, pont. 1.
Lat., vellum, sub plumbo.
30 April.
R. O.
Has received his letter ordering him to buy 500 qrs. of malt, to be shipped for Calais and Guisnes, by the advice of the lord Chamberlain. Has provided it with great trouble, for there is none to be had in Hampshire to the King's profit. Has paid for it, although there had not been received at the custom-house since Michaelmas ready money enough to pay for 100 qrs. The Chamberlain has told him to asks Wolsey's orders about shipping it. Southampton, 30 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
30 April.
S. B. Rym. XIII. 789.
Restitution of the temporalities of the see of Durham, which the Pope has given in commendam to Thomas cardinal of York, on the King's recommendation. Bridewell, 26 April 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 April.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
ii. The Pope's bull. Rome, 1523, 7 kal. April., pont. 1.
30 April.
S. B.
2987. For ROB. TONEYS, clerk of the Hanaper of Chancery.
Grant of the prebend in the collegiate chapel in Westminster Palace, vacant by translation of Ric. Rawlyns, D.D., to the see of St. David's. Del. Westm., 30 April 15 Hen. VIII.
13 B.II. 315. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 339.
2988. JAMES V. to ADRIAN VI.
In behalf of David Betoun, Papal prothonotary, to whom James archbishop of St. Andrew's intends to resign the Benedictine monastery of St. Thomas, Aberbrothock. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy.
13 B. II. 316. B. M.
To the same effect.
Lat., copy.
13 B. II. 317. B. M.
Requests his influence with the Pope in the same cause, and desires credence for the bearer his servant.
Lat., copy.
Nero, B. VI.
29. B. M.
"Lo que el magro Pedro de Burgos ha de desir al Sr Infante por parte de illmo Sor duque de Borbon."
1. The castle of Milan surrendered on the 25th ult., on which day the duke Francesco Sforza went to the camp of the Pope and Venetians, where he remained two days and two nights, but not having succeeded in gaining Como, which he thought would have surrendered, he retired to Lodi.
2. "El alohamoi donde estan puestos los enemygos unde seguode de tenersse lo que mas pudieren par afamar csta ciubdad y exercito y estracar nes de dinsoa(?)."
3. They have practised with the Grisons and with a captain named Lheguene, who has bargained to bring over 1,000 out of 4,000 foot for whom money has been sent to Como.
4. To request his highness to send as many Germans as he can to succor that army, because the Swiss may determine to take part against them; in which case the Grisons might revoke the infantry of Capt. Leguene.
5. If more than 4,000 Germans can be sent, they had better go by Mantua, and not by the Grisons, because the Marquis is a faithful vassal of the Emperor.
6. Pedro de Burgos will be able to inform the Infant of the condition of the passes, because he will not pass himself without being made sure of them by Bartholomew de Mazii and a gentleman of Bourbon's in Como.
Sp., p. 1.
April./GRANTS. 2992. GRANTS in APRIL 1523, 14 HEN. VIII.
1. Geo. Lawson. To be bowbearer and collector of "le tachement money" in the forest of Gawtres, York, with 4d. a day for the former, and 40s. a year for the latter office, out of the lordship of Sherefhoton; on surrender of patent 28 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. by John Wellys. Del. Hampton Court, 1 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
1. Margaret, wife of John Roye, silkwoman. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 1 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Fr. 14 and 15 Hen. VIII. m. 1.
3. Sir Francis Bryan. Grant, in tail male, of a marsh called Barnemarshe, in Essex, part of Buckingham's lands. Del. Westm., 3 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
3. John Cissell. Pardon for the murder of John Griffithe. Richmond, 17 March 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 3 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
3. Henry Courtney earl of Devon. To be steward of the honor of Wynkelegh, called Gloucester Fee or Wynkeley Fee, and of the lordships of Southtawton and Seele, Devon; also chief steward and surveyor of the lands. belonging to the duchies of Exeter and Somerset, and master of the hunts in the same, which descended to the King on the death of Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby; as held by Henry earl of Wiltshire, deceased. Del. Hampton Court, 3 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
3. Rob. Griffith, yeoman of the Guard. To be receiver in the lordship of Ruthin alias Differencloid, as held by Wm. ap John ap Meredith. Del. Westm., 3 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
3. John Hartelay. To be gunner in the Tower of London, with 6d. a day, vice Nich. Ringe, deceased. Greenwich, 5 Feb. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 3 April.—P.S.
3. Dericke Henrie ..., gunner. To be gunner in the Tower, with 6d. a day, vice Nich. Ryng, deceased. Hampton Court, 3 April.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
3. Christ. Morres, gunner. To be gunner in the Tower, with 6d. a day, vice Nich. Ryng. Hampton Court, 3 April.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
3. John Suckley, of Oye, in the lordships of Mark and Oye. Pardon for the murder of one Gheryn, native of High Brabant (Barban'). Richmond, 16 March 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 3 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
6. John ap James, of Blechvache, in Melleneth, marches of Wales. Pardon for stealing three black cows and two bullocks, one of "a pied colour," the property of John Davys, of Lyngen, in Wigmoresland. Richmond, 3 April 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 6 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
8. Ric. Fetherston, clk. Presentation to the archdeaconry of Breknok, St. David's dioc. Del. Hampton Court, 8 April [14] Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
10. Hen. Perpoint, of London, hat merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. [Del.] Westm., 10 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
10. Rob. Webbe and Th. Brightman. To be ushers and proclaimers of the King's Bench; on surrender of patent 17 May 14 Hen. VIII. granting the same to Wm. Burdit and the said Robert. Del. Hampton Court, 10 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
11. John God. Fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day, on the next vacancy. Richmond, 10 March 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 11 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
12. John Amyas, and Thomas his son. Office of a serjeant-at-arms, in survivorship, with 12d. a day out of the issues of the manor of Wigmore, alias Wigmoreslande, marches of Wales, late of the earl of March; on surrender of patent 16 Feb. 14 Hen. VIII. by the said John. Richmond, 29 March 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 12 Apr.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
12. Alex. Frankelen, of Downton, Wilts. Pardon for the murder of Wm. Potew, alias Portar, of Downton, fuller. Richmond, 7 April 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 12 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
13. Edw. Almer, clk. Presentation to the canonry of the church of Llangwullo, belonging to the collegiate church of Abergweli, St. David's dioc., vice John Rychard, deceased. Del. Westm., 13 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
14. John Coweslade, of Basingstoke, Hants, a native belonging to the manor of Bradenyche, Devon. Manumission to him and his issue. Del. Westm., 14 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.
15. Morgan Herberte. Wardship of Laurence, s. and h. of John ap Rired. Del. Westm., 15 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
16. John Brown, captain. Protection for Wm. Knyght, of London, tailor, alias of Castelbromyger, Warw., and John Bound, of the "parish of St. Oluff's next unto the Croched Freeres," London, woolman. Signed by Brown. Del. Westm., 16 April 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
17. Sir Ric. Cornwayle. Grant, in tail male, of the manor of Wodemancote, and the advowsons of the churches of Northecerney and Rendecombe, Glouc., lately belonging to Edward duke of Buckingham. Del. Westm., 17 April 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
21. Rob. Briganden, of Smalhed, Kent, alias of Portesmouth. Release, as clerk of the King's ships to Henry VII. and Henry VIII., and purveyor of stuffs and timber for the same. Portsmouth, 22 March 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
Commission of the Peace. Middlesex.—Th. card. of York, W. abp. of Canterbury, Chas. earl of Worcester, John abbot of St. Peter's, Westm., Th. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Hen. Marney, Sir John More, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Th. Nevell, Sir Andrew Wyndesore, Sir Wm. Fitzwillyam, sen., Sir Hen. Wiatt, Sir John Daunce, Sir Th. More, Sir Ric. Rokeby, Sir Th. Denys, Sir Th. Exmewe, Sir John Brugge, John Neudegate, Wm. Elys, Wm. Shelley, John Spilman, Th. Hennege, John Kyrkton, Roger Cholmeley, junr., and Robt. Wrothe. Westm., _,—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
Roger Badger. Lease of land called Constable Furlonge, and meadows called Westmore and Shiremede, in the manor of Haneley, Worc., late of the earl of Warwick; rent 61s. 6d., and 11s. 10d. of increase.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
Christ. Barker, alias Suffolk. To be Richmond herald, with 20 marks a year.—S.B.
Wm. Cary, of the Privy Chamber. Annuity of 50 marks. Signed by Wolsey—S.B.
Ric. Coryton and Alice his wife, and John Carewe and Margery his wife. Livery of the lands of Edith, late wife of Humph. Calwoodlegh, deceased; the said Alice and Margery being her kinswomen and heirs, viz., ds. of Wm. Kelly, s. of Joan, mother of Th. Kelly, Edith's father.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
John Dalton, of London, merchant tailor, alias of Westminster, draper. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais.—P.S.b.
Ric. Dodicote, prior, and the convent of St. Wulfan's, Stone, Staff. Lease, in consideration of a fine of 15l., of a messuage in Hartewell, lordship of Barlaston, part of Buckingham's lands; for 21 years; rent 4l.—S.B.
John Hopton. Protection for John Forde, of London, draper, alias brewer, alias innholder, going to serve in the wars in his retinue. Signed and sealed by Hopton. Del. Westm.,_ (fn. 5) 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
Gerard Hewys, of London, goldsmith. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais.—P.S. b.
Wm. Huxley, clerk of the Ordnance. To be serjeant-at-arms, with 12d. a day, in reversion, now held by Rob. Marleton by patent 8 Nov. 1 Hen. VII.—S.B.
Ric. Kele, of London, vintner. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais.—P.S.b.
Wm. Middleton, of Stafford. Lease (on payment of a fine of 40s. to Th. Magnus, receiver general of Buckingham's lands,) of a pasture called "le Greate Hallgh," a house lately burnt, and a garden in "le Forestrete," Stafford, part of Buckingham's lands; for 21 years; rent 4l. 10s.—S.B.
Sir Edw. Nevile. Grant of the manor of Bayhall, Kent, part of Buckingham's lands.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5.
Th. Nott, of London, grocer. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais.—S.B.
Th. Palmer. Grant of the manor of Policote, Bucks, part of Buckingham's lands.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
John Plompsted. Lease of the herbage, pannage, &c. of Wormegay park, Norf., parcel of Beamounte's lands, for 21 years; rent 13s. 4d., and 6s. 8d. of increase.—S.B.
Agnes Silkby. Grant of property in Coventry, lately belonging to Rob. Silkby, her husband, burnt for his "dampnable opinions."—S.B.
Ric. Smyth. Lease of the site of the manor of Wynterborne-Earl's, Wilts, late of the earl of Warwick, for 21 years; rent 10l., and 40s. of increase.—S.B. Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17.
Christ. Villers. To be keeper of Knesehale park, Notts, forfeited by Buckingham, with 2d. a day. Westm.,_,—.Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6.
Walden, Essex. Licence to the treasurer and chamberlains of the guild of Holy Trinity, in the parish church of Walden, Essex, (in consideration of the intention of Joan Bradbury, of London, widow, to found a boys' school at Chepyng Walden,) to acquire lands to the yearly value of 10l., for support of a chaplain as schoolmaster, and for divine services for the King, Queen, the cardinal of York, Ric. Nyx, bp. of Norwich, the said Joan, Ric. Broke and Anne his wife, Nich. Rutland and Clemantia his wife, and Hen. Fyncham, and for the souls of John Leche, clk., late vicar of the said church, Kath. Semar, Th. Bradbury, Th., John and Jas. Bodley, and others.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 21.
Margaret Warde, of Tellyngton, Staff., and Ric. Warde, her son. Lease (on payment of a fine to Th. Magnus, receiver-general of Buckingham's lands,) of the manor of Tellyngton, for 21 years; rent 21l. 16s. 8d.—S.B.
Rob. Whittegrave, of Burton, Staff. Lease (on payment of a fine to Magnus) of a pasture called Gretehidefelde, extending in length from the field of Rowlo to Horseley, and [in breadth] from the field of Humphrey de Stafford, of Hewgh, to Burtons Mere; and two fields extending in length from the small park of Stafford to "le Hide Park," and in breadth from "A Maners Grove" to Calyngwoodles; belonging to the manor of Stafford, forfeited by Buckingham; rent 4l. 13s. 4d.—S.B.
April./GRANTS. 2994. GRANTS in April 1523, 15 HEN. VIII.
23. Roger Hoker, of Walsingham, Norf., butcher. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 23 April 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
23. Wm. Hukkinge, merchant of London, alias grocer, alias of Norwich. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. London, 14 April 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 April 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
24. John Mason, clk. Presentation to Bedehampton church, Winchester dioc., vice Rob. Wytyngton, clk. Westm., 24 April.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1.
24. Rob. Wytyngton, clk. Presentation to the church of Drayton Passlowe, Linc. dioc., vice John Mason, clk. Westm., 24 April.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1.
25. Alice Carter, of Agmoundesham, Bucks, widow, and Ric. Hill, of Dorney, Bucks. Lease of the site of the manor of Agmoundesham, part of Buckingham's lands, for 21 years, as held by John Carter; rent, 17l. Del. Westm., 25 April 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 6.
25. Edm. Wyke, yeoman of the Guard. Grant of the crown fee of 6d. a day; on surrender of patent, 25 Oct. 1 Hen. VII., by John Forde. London, 23 April 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
26. Wm. Carye, the King's servant. To be chief steward, receiver, and bailiff of the manor of Writtell, and keeper of Writtell park, Essex, part of Buckingham's lands, with various fees and herbage and pannage. Richmond, 29 [March ?] 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 April 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
26. Philip Champbernon, squire for the Body. Lease of the manor of Corymalett, Somers., parcel of the duchy of Cornwall, for 21 years; rent 39l., part payable to the receiver general of the duchy, and part to the receiver of Huntyngton's lands and Gurney's lands. The Crown undertakes to repair the lodge called the Gatehouse, and grants timber for repairing the palace of the park there. Del. Westm., 26 April 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
27. Christ. Boterell, of London, barber, alias "sherman" (who owes 12l., and whose creditors have constrained him "to keep him in sanctuary and in his house alonely"). Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 27 April 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Fr., m. 4.
27. John Darche, of Willyschombe, Somers. Pardon for having escaped from Ylchester gaol, Somers., where he was imprisoned by the bailiff of Katharine countess of Devon. Richmond, 12 April 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 April 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
27. Wm. Tate, LL.D. Grant of the canonry in the collegiate church of St. Mary and St. George, Windsor Castle, vacant by the dimission of Ric. Rawlyns. Del. Westm., 27 April 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. David de la Roche, captain of the Mawdlen of Powle. Protection for John Bryan, of St. Olay's, Suthwerk, Surrey, fruiterer, alias "costerdmonger." "T.," 28 April (year not stated). P.S.b.
28. Anth. Sanders, of Southwik, Hants, alias of London, yeoman of the Guard. Pardon for the murder of Edw. Floode, of Portismouth, Hants, gunner, at Southwik. London, 24 April 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
29. Th. Halke, of Netherhedes, Kent, husbandman. Pardon for having killed Nich. Hamon, near Harmansole, in selfdefence. Westm., 29 April.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
30. Burgesses of Neuburgh, Anglesea. Confirmation, through other patents, of a charter of Edward prince of Wales, dated 3 May 31 Edw. I. granting the liberties of a free borough to the said town. Westm., 30 April.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3.


  • 1. 7th on Patent Roll.
  • 2. "Third" in the duplicate (no. 3).
  • 3. Found among the records of the Treasury of the Exchequer.
  • 4. Mistake for 11 Edw. IV.
  • 5. Blank in orig.