Henry VIII: July 1519, 1-15

Pages 121-136

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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July 1519

1 July.
R. O.
Wrote last by the French post, 21 ult. Since then the King has been at Melun, 18 leagues hence, hunting. Does not know whether he will return to St. Germain's, or the Queen and my Lady go to him. My Lady looks daily for news from Almayne of the election, and says she heard that the Electors entered the conclave on 17th ult., but "they be not yet of one a[ccor]de." She has good hope for her son, saying that if he do not succeed, she will shew Boleyn letters from certain of the Electors, promising him their votes, and assures him she will send word as soon as she hears. She says that all the ambassadors are commanded to stay 10 or 12 leagues from the Electors at Frankfort, except Pace, who is at Mayence, 5 or 6 leagues thence. Poyssy, 1 July. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: My lord Legate, Cardinal and Chancellor.
1 July.
P. S.
Licence to the Master, Wardens, and Fellowship of Mercers of the city of London to provide all necessaries for the erection of a chapel and hall next to St. Thomas of Acon's Church, in Cheapside. Windsor, 29 June 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 July.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29.
2 July.
S. B.
Annuity of 50l. out of the issues of the town and marches of Calais. Del. Westm., 2 July 11 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 11 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
3 July.
Vit. B. xx.
B. M.
351. [PACE] to WOLSEY.
In his last letters mentioned the late coming of Th[omas] Clerke his servant by the space of three [days], notwithstanding he used great diligence. Certified also the cause why the election was accelerated and finished before his return; viz., the Pope's absolution of the King Catholic. Since the election, has found means that the cardinal of Mayence, the duke of Saxony, and the archbishop of Cologne should declare to the ambassadors of the Emperor elected, how largely the King's letters, Pace's proposition, and other secret practices have advanced their master's cause. Has had of them g[reat] thanks, with large promises "that [the] said Emperor shall be largely in[formed] heroff," and remember. * * *
Is credibly informed by the merchants who have paid for him here, that the Emperor has spent 1,500,000 fl., i. e. 400,000 marks, in ready money, besides giving great promises. The Electors and ambassadors cannot agree upon the articles the Electors have proposed to them, for the latter now deny that they possess the authority they said they had before the election. A copy of the articles cannot be got for any money. Their effect is "to bind the Emperor to divers great things, and to put the [said E]lectors at great liberty," who desire that the late Emperor's cou[ncillors shall] be excluded from the government, by which they are much [dis]appointed, for they have only advanced the king of Castile th[at they] might rule in the old way. Tomorrow the Electors begin to leave this place, for the great sickness daily increases, as the war does, "with grete spoyle and robbary." Intends to depart tomorrow for Cologne, and there to provide for his return home, for there is nothing to do here. If Wolsey will command him any service to the lady Margaret, letters may be sent to him at "And[warpe by] M. Philippe Gualterotte or any off hys felyschyppe." Frankfort, 3 July.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4. Add.: To my Lord Cardinal's grace and legate in England.
4 July.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Ellis, 1 Ser.
I. 154.
Wrote last on the 1st. The King has not yet returned from Melun, where he has been hunting this fortnight. Letters have come to the King Catholic's ambassador, from Frankfort and my lady of Savoy, stating that Charles was elected on the 28th June, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. As they have had no letters from Germany on this matter, my Lady fears that the Admiral is "letted or evil entreated," or else the post has been stopped. She expressed her pleasure at Charles's election, although Boleyn thinks they would have had any other Emperor than the King Catholic. She says it has cost great sums of money,—that the elector of Cologne had 200,000 crowns; whilst her son had not spent in all more than 100,000. Le Bastard and the council say that it is good for the realm that Francis is not emperor; it would have put him to infinite business, and impoverished his subjects. By a new ordinance no posts are allowed, except by an order from Robertet. Poissy, 4 July. Signed.
4 July.
Vit. B. xx.
353. PACE to WOLSEY.
By [Wolsey's letters of] the 28th June perce[ives that] the Pope had promised the King that his legate and ambassador here should procure a prorogation of the election. Wishes deeds and words had corresponded, for they have done the exact contrary, and written to the Electors for the advancement of the King Catholic, in their letters dated 25th ult. Double practices like these are not laudable, and they would have been "dashed," if the King's letters, dated 28 June, to Herman Rynge, had been received before. Has received them today. His promise and bond for the King without the said letters could not be "exceptidde but with few of the Electo[rs, as your gra]ce shall perceive by such letters as the said Mr. Herman sendeth at this time unto the King's grace." Besides the large offers mentioned in his former letters, the cardinal of Mayence is to have the custody of the Great Seal, which all other emperors have kept in their own hands. The yearly profit will be 40,000 or 50,000 fl. The archbp. of Trevers is to have, besides money received, 10,000 fl. a year. Mayence, 4 July.
The 5th or 4th, before [the] election, some of the councillors of the ...moved him to raise an ar[my] against that here raised by the King Catholic; to which he would not consent;—because (1) money could not be prepared in time; (2) such an act would have created perpetual enmity between the two Kings, which would have been more injurious to Henry than the empire would have been profitable.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace and legate in England.
4 July.
Vit. B. xx.
B. M.
Has received his letters, containing far greater thanks than his service merits, especially as he knows he is under great obligations to Henry VII. and Henry VIII. Was most ready to pledge himself, his goods, and all his family for the fulfilment of the King's promises; [as] Henry's ambassador here well knows. Wishes Henry's letters had come sooner, for without them his [bond] was of no avail with the Electors, as he is not so well known to all as to some. While he waited for the letters, many incredible things were allowed; of which the King, he knows, has been informed by his ambassador. Mayence, 4 July. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 2. Add.: "Sacræ Maj. invictissimi regis Angliæ et Franciæ domino suo colendissimo."
5 July.
R. O.
Inquisition taken at Dover, Tuesday, 5 July 11 Hen. VIII., before Sir Edw. Ponynges, constable of Dover Castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, by John Courteney and other jurors, when it was found that John à Shawe found at sea a hogshead of white Rochelle wine, that Simon Scotte assaulted Peter Yonge with a sword, and other cases. Also inquisitions at Kyngsdowne, Margate, St. Peter's, and Dychington.
Lat., mutilated.
5 July.
Titus, B. XI.
B. M.
Ellis, 1 Ser.
I. 195.
Was commanded last night by the King to deliver to Wolsey's servant Forest a complaint sent to him by the men of Waterford against the town of New Ross in Ireland, for disturbing them in the use of a grant of prize wines made to them by the King's progenitors. The King remembers the fidelity of Waterford in the rebellions against his father, and that there is a great grudge against them in Ireland, so that they cannot resort to those parts where the laws are administered, for fear of the wild Irish. He wishes Wolsey to examine the matter in the Star Chamber, or commit it to some justices. When More, on his return, spoke to the King, his grace was very glad that Wolsey retained his health, notwithstanding his continual labour, of which he knew more than those who only saw him at Westminster. "He saith that ye may thank his counsel thereof, by which ye leave the often taking of medicines that ye were wont to use; and while ye so do, he saith, ye shall not fail of health." Oking, 5 July.
Hol. Add.
6 July.
Galba, B. V.
B. M.
S. P. I. 3.
Ellis, 1 Ser.
I. 198.
This Wednesday the ambassador of the king of Castile declared certain news on his master's behalf, and the King desires Wolsey to devise letters of thanks. The ambassador has asked the King's advice to the king of Castile "concerning the matter of the last Diet, in which the great master of France deceased," and for letters of credence to declare the same; but the King thinks it better his advice should be communicated by letter. The King wishes Wolsey to know that he told the ambassador he would persevere in his amity to Charles; but if the latter should do anything contrary to the amity between them and the French king, Henry would "think himself bounden to regard the friendship of none earthly man so highly as his oath given to God." The ambassador rode from court after dinner, and will be with Wolsey shortly. Okyng, 6 July.
6 July.
S. B.
Exemption from being made mayor, sheriff, &c. of the town and marches of Calais, &c. Del. Westm., 6 July 11 Hen. VIII.
7 July.
Vesp. C. I.
B. M.
Notifying his election as king of the Romans on the 28th June. Barcelona, 7 July 1519.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Rmo, &c. cardinali Ebor.
f. 284. 360. ii. The SAME to HENRY VIII.
To the same effect. Barcelona, 7 July 1519.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
7 July.
S. B.
361. For MARGARET BRYAN, widow of Sir Thomas Bryan, and now wife of David Soche.
Annuity of 50l. for services to the King and queen Katharine, and one tun of Gascon wine yearly, out of the wine received for the King's use. Del. Westm., 7 July 11 Hen. VIII.
Memorandum, that whereas this bill was signed by the King to be paid in the Hanaper, the Lord Chancellor, on 5 July 11 Hen. VIII., caused it to be amended, and the annuity to be paid at the King's Exchequer.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
7 July. S. B. 362. For SIR THOMAS LOVELL, Treasurer of the Household, and THOMAS LORD ROSS.
To be constables, &c. of Notyngham Castle, keepers of Shirwode Forest, of the parks of Billowe and Birkelonde, Romwode, Ouselonde and Fulwode, Notts, in survivorship, with annuity of 40 marks, as held by Sir John Biron by grant of Henry VII. Also annual rent of 9l. for wages of nine foresters. Also to be steward of the manors of Maunsfelde, Bolsemer and Horseley. Del. Westm., 7 July 11 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6.
8 July.
Vit. B. XX.
B. M.
363. [RIC. PACE] to WOLSEY.
"The Princes Elector[s and the ambas]sadors of the Emperor elected can[not agree] upon such articles as the said [Electors] hath proposed unto them to be o[bserved] by the King their master." The ambassadors have proposed that the Emperor elect shall shortly send an answer to the said articles. Meanwhile they are about to depart without making any arrangement about the government of the natio[n], to every person's discontent here. War is commenced in divers places. The count of Nassau expects to recover great lands here by this new election "of th[e] King his master." For this cause he stirred the said King [to] labor for the dignity, [pretending a title] to the said lands by some of [h]is ancestors. The lords who now possess refuse to give them up without fighting, and already prepare themselves. It will be difficult to take anything from them, for they have plenty of men, and their castles are by position impregnable. The admiral of France, with other ambassadors of the French king, are unable to leave Confluence, for 600 horsemen lie in wait to take them. Some have taken sanctuary. The Admiral has sent for the archbishop of Trevers "to ha[ve] him, as he shall have if ...lie in his power to help them ... have a very great enemy, the er...liguers (?), to whom great injury hath been [done] by the Frenchmen."
He now means [to] avenge it; to which he is the more induced by the supposition that the Admiral has a large sum with him. Word came today here that the archbishop Ursinus, the Pope's ambassador, had been taken by the "said erle," with all his suite. Cannot say if it be true or not. The bishop of Liege has told him of the robberies now committed between Cologne and Mastryke, and advised [him] not to depart but in hi[s com]pany. He has 100 horses. "And ... the Kyngis grace's sake, nothre hymselfe n[oth]re his horses" will leave Pace till he is quite safe. He has sent word he will be here tomorrow to prepare to go to Flanders as soon as convenient. Cologne, 8 July.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4. Add.: To my lorde Carlis grace and legate in Englande.
Vit. B. XX.
B. M.
St. P. I. 5.
After H[esdin's] return the Spaniards and others made rejoicings for the Emperor's election, but were stopped for fear of a riot, to Hesdin's displeasure. Ill reports are circulated by the French, but Wolsey has taken methods to obviate the consequences, remembering the mischief done on May day twelvemonth. Wolsey proposes, among other things, to have a solemn meeting at St. Paul's on Sunday next to celebrate the election, and to make the French ambassador privy to this design. To prevent these reports reaching the Archduchess, Wolsey has stopped the ports. At the writing of this letter the mayor and aldermen of the city of London were with him and the council to discover and punish the ringleaders.
In Ruthal's hand, pp. 2.
8 July.
R. O.
8 July 11 Hen. VIII. List of "Commissioners appointed to make a general search in London, and the suburbs, and other villages adjoinant, on Sunday at night next coming, being the 10th day of July, and afterwards set over till the 17th of the same month."
City of London:—The mayor and alderman, each alderman for his ward.
St. Martin's:—Sir Rob. Johns, Sir Edw. Ferrers.
Southwark, Bermondsey, St. Olaves, Kentisshe Streat, the Banke, Paris Garden:—"to be searched by such as my lord of Norfolk and my lord Barnes (fn. 1) shall appoint."
Lambeth and Lambeth Marsh:—My lord of Norfolk.
Kennington, Newington, Camberwell, Peckham, and Clapham:—My lord Edmund Hawarde and Sir John Legh.
Wandsworth, Battersea and Wimbledon:—My lord Edmund Hawarde.
St. Katharine's, Tower Hill, East Smithfield and Whitechapel:—"Sir Thos. Lovell, Wales (sic), to search by such ways as he thinketh meet for it."
Stepney, Mile End, Poplar, Ratcliffe, Limehouse:—My lord Darcy and Sir John Nevile.
Hackney, Newington and Kingsland:—Sir John Heyron, Mr. Edon.
Shoreditch and Hoxton:—"also appointed to the said Sir Thos. Lovell, to be ordered in search by his discretion."
Islington, Holloway, St. John's Street, Cowcross, Trille Mylle Street, Charterhouse Lane, &c.:—"to be searched by my lord of St. John's, or such as he shall think meet for it."
Holborn, Kentish Town, St. Giles', Paddington:—Sir Henry Wiatt, Sir John Cutt, and Sir John Dauncye.
Temple Bar to Charing Cross:—Sir Rob. Constable and Sir Ric. Rokeby.
Tottehill Street, King Street, the Sanctuary, the Palace, and St. Stephen's:—Sir Thos. Nevile, Wistan Broun, Sir Andrew Windsor, Sir William Fitzwilliam.
Chauncler Lane:—The Master of the Rolls, Dr. Throkmerton, Will. Redmayn.
Kensington, Hammersmith, Knightsbridge and Chelsea:—Master Mewtes.
The same searches to be made [again] all at one hour, viz., on Wednesday, 22 Oct., at 12 o'clock at night, "and in the meanwhile to be kept very secret, and the parties therein suspiciously taken, as well men as women, to be committed to ward, there to remain till Friday in the morning next coming, and then to be brought in personally before the lords with a certificate of their names."
Pp. 3.
R. O. 2. First draft of the above on two slips of paper. On a blank leaf attached to the second is the following entry:—
"Sexto Julii præsentibus interiori chamera,—D. Cardinali, Dunelmensi, duce Norff., duce Suff., Armach., Joh. Fyneux, Marney, Rotulorum, Lovell, Windesor, Nevile, Dauncy, Wiatte, Cutte, Heyron."
Immediately below is the heading "xixo Julii."
R. O. 3. List of "idle, vagrant and suspicious persons taken by the mayor and aldermen of London in their several wards, at the privy watch and search upon Sunday night last past, by the commandment of the King's most honorable council at 12 o'clock after midnight."
7 were taken in the ward of ... (mutilated,) Thos..., [alderman]; 3 in the ward of Cripplegate, Sir Thos. Exmewe, alderman; 3 in Aldgate, Jo. Milborne, ald.; 2 in Bassishaw, Geo. Monoux, ald.; 2 in Cheap, Sir Will. Butler, ald.; 9 in Langbourn, Jo. Brugge, ald.; 2 in Aldersgate, Ro. Fenrother, ald.; 1 in Vintry, Jo. Aleyn, ald.; 5 in Queenhithe, Jo. Wilkinson, ald.; 3 in Bradstrete, Hen. Warley, ald.; 13 in Billingsgate, Ro. Aldernes, ald.; 3 in Farringdon Without, Tho. Seymer, ald.; 2 in Castle Baynard, Jo. Thurston, ald.
Pp. 2, large paper.
R. O. 4. Certificate made by Sir Henry Wyatt and Sir John Daunce "of such vacabunds and mysdemeanerd persones as they have made search for." Sunday, 17 July 11 Hen. VIII., and attached according to the Cardinal's order.
In Holborne, in the house of Wm. Salcoke, at the sign of the George. One Christopher a Tyllesley lay there two nights passed. Has no master, and is committed to Newgate.
In Seynt Gylys in the Felde, in the house of Ric. Foteman; Geo. Chillyngworth lay there for a week. Has no service. Is committed to the constable's ward, not Newgate, as Foteman is surety for him, and says he is a true man, and is trying to get into service in London.—In the house of Christopher Arundell, one Robert Bayly. Has no master, and is committed to Newgate. Says he is waiting to have attachment sealed out of Chancery at the suit of a kinswoman of his.
In Padyngton, in the house of Thos. Colts, John Clare, tailor, John Thomas, servant to Harrison, farmer of the abbot of Westminster, William, Harrison's son, and Wm. Rede, wheeler, played all night till 4 o'clock at tables, and are committed to the constables' ward, as Robt. Lewes, an honest man, undertakes to bring them tomorrow before the Cardinal.
In Kentysh towne,—.
Pp. 2. Headed: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
R. O. 5. List of those taken in the parishes of St. Margaret and St. George, Southwark, within the liberty of the archbishop of Canterbury, 17 July 11 Hen. VIII., 22 in all, including seven Frenchmen taken in the Spittle at a Frenchman's house called John Drokes; others taken in the street and in the houses of Kechyns the King's servant, Jo. Howell, &c., in Blewemadealy, and in Kentish Street.
ii. Persons taken in the parish of St. Woloff's, within the same liberty, same day, 10; names mostly German.
iii. Persons taken at the stewhouses within the liberty of the bishop of Winchester, same day; 54 men and women, including Jo. Willyams, footman to the King, at the signs of the Castle, the Bull, the Hart, the "Olyfant," the Unicorn, the Bear's Head, and other houses designated by their owners' names.
iv. Persons taken within "Gilde alle" in Southwark, same day, 17; viz., in the street and in the houses of Grene, John Hamond, Hans Gascoigne, Ric. Machyn. In the latter was found Will. Borage, yeoman of the guard, who was commanded by the watch to appear before the King's council on Tuesday next.
v. Persons taken within the liberty of my lord of Barmsey, same day, 6; viz., David Glynne, scholar, the King's servant, and another in Thomas Haw's house; the others at the houses of Wilson, Joan Reynolds, and Katharine Thomas.
R. O. 6. Persons taken in suspicious houses by the constables of St. John's Street, Tirmyl Street, Cow Cross, Charterhouse Lane 11, and Islington 2, on Sunday night, 17 July 11 Hen. VIII.
R. O. 7. Persons taken on Sunday night, 18 July (sic), in Newenton and Hackney, by Sir John Heron, 2.
R. O. 8. Persons taken in Ratcliff, 23 Oct. 11 Hen. VIII., in houses suspected, 3; in Poplar, by Sir Jo. Nevill, 2 women with evil rule.
Endd.: The certificate of my lord Darcie.
R. O. 9. Persons taken at the privy search in the city of London, and the suburbs of the same, on Sunday, 23 Oct. last, 53.
R. O. 10. Persons taken by Sir Andrew Windsor on Sunday, 5 Nov., in Westminster and Tothill Street, 3; viz. Anne Sowthewyk, late dwelling within the bars of Westminster, taken in the Rose tavern at Westminster, where she had been from All-Solen day, "and no other matter can be proved in her;" Eliz. Hammonde, taken at the buckler-maker's house in Tothill Street, who says she was had thither by Jo. Thomas dwelling in Brondwoode, who got her with child; and Davy Ellys, taken in Roger Morgan's house, buckler-maker in Tothill, Street "servant to Anthony Knyvett, as he saith, and has of him his finding by every day, 4d.; and his master lies at Fanchyrche, and he lies at Westminster, which so saying cannot be thought to be of truth."
R. O. 11. "Names of such persons as were taken Sunday at night, by Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, treasurer with my lord Cardinal, in the King's Street at Westminster;" viz., John Apprice, "the King's servant as he saith;" Davy Flowed, "servant to Sir Edw. Gilford, as he sayth," and two men professing to be servants of Sir Will. and Lewis Gryffith, who "lay in Lewis Gryffith's chamber in a bed next to him and to his wife in a poor house; and in another house under that, two women, an old drab and a young wench, upon a sheet cast upon the ground, which young woman was sent to the Gate House with the foresaid three men;" Faux Vyncent, stranger, and Betres Lewys his bedfellow, both to the Gate House; and five others, including Philip Umfrey, "servant to the King, as he saith, taken in a house by himself in a chamber, and a woman in a chamber underneath, without shutting of doors."
R. O. 12. Names of persons taken in Hackney, Stoke Newington and Kingsland; sc., Hugh Lewys and Alice Ball "taken in bed together, not being man and wife; other suspicions we know not;" John à Park, brewer, and Agnes Cotes, taken in like manner; Will. May, "taken because he had no master, nother whe culd not know how he lyvyd."
R. O. 13. "Return of Thos. Fenys, knt., lord Dacre, Sir Edw. Ferys and Rob. Hooganne, upon a billet received from my lord Cardinal's grace for the search of Lambeth and Lambeth Marsh:"—2 persons taken on suspicion and delivered to Morys Goodery, constable of Lambeth Marsh, to be brought today before my lord Cardinal.
R. O. 14. "At Knightsbridge, Kensington and Hammersmith, there was nobody lodged but workmen, laborers, mowers, haymakers, makers of tile and brick, and none lodged in suspicious houses." At Chelsea, John Golde, servant to Leonard Rede, of the Inner Temple; John Blake, sumtymes servant to Sir Thomas Alayne, steward with my lord of Sherusbery and now to Dr. Barrewyk, chaplain unto my lord Cardinal. Both committed to the Gate House, Westminster.
P. 1. Endd.: "John Meawtys."
R. O. 15. "The certificate of Master Meawtes."
At Kensington, four countrymen, at the sign of the Katharine; two young men that brought two oxen for Wolsey, at the White Hart; at the Plough, two carters; at John Hawkyn's house, parish clerk, "two young men that wrought all last summer in the tile house of the West town; and one of them is asked thrice in the church with a maiden of the said parish, and no suspicious persons."
At Knightsbridge, a tailor at Edw. Fyman's house; an old man, at the sign of the Rose; at Williamson's house, four men of the West country, who have a suit in the Whitehall before the dean of the chapel.
At Chelsea, nobody lodged but two servants of my lord Steward sent to clean the place, and in a barn a beggar and his wife.
At Hammersmith, no strangers except carriers.
P. 1. Endd.
R. O. 16. "The certificate of the search made at Stepneth and Radclyff by the lord Fitzwauter."
Victualling houses:—1. Rob. Cowper, constable. 2. Rob. Duckett had lodged in his house two mariners of a ship called The Christ, Wm. Honnyngs, owner. 3. John à Fower lodged a sawyer. 4. Laurence Stychet lodged Thos. Cheno, dwelling at Stansted Abbot. 5. At the sign of the George, three mariners of The Christ, and Ric. Ynge, steward of Master Skevyngton's house. 6. John Hall lodged a priest. Nine other victuallers are named, without any mention of lodgers.
P. 1. Endd.
R. O. 17. "The serge keping:"—A list of 22 names, with the account each gave who was his master.
R. O. 18. A list similar to the last, with names of six persons in the Gatehouse and 17 in the "Chevinghouse."
Endd.: "The Sanctuary in Westminster, Sir T. Nevile."
R. O. 19. Names of those deputed to examine the persons taken in the different districts, viz.:—
In Southwark: Sir Edw. Belknap, Sir Jo. Husy, Sir Wistan Broune and Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, jun.
In London: The mayor and his brethren.
St. Katharine's, East Smithfield and Whitechapel: Sir Jo. Daunce, Sir Jo. Cutte, Sir Ric. Cholmeley.
Holborn, Paddington, &c.: Sir Hen. Wiatte, Sir Jo. Cutte.
St. Martin's, Westminster, and from Charing Cross to Temple Bar: The abbot of Westminster, Sir Rob. Drury, Sir Maurice Berkeley and Sir Rob. Constable.
8 July. 366. For JOHN VEYSEY, dean of the Chapel Royal.
Grant of the custody of the temporalities of the bishopric of Exeter in the King's hand by the death of Hugh, late Bishop. Westm., 8 July.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5.
8 July.
S. B.
367. For ANNE BROKE, widow, and HENRY NORREYS.
Lease of the site of the manor of and lands in Swyncombe, and of lands called Heydon Grounde, parcel of the lordship of Ewelme, Oxon., lately belonging to the earl of Suffolk, at the annual rent of 11l. 13s. 4d. Del. Westm., 8 July 11 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22.
9 July.
Galba, B. v.
St. P. I. 7.
368. MORE to WOLSEY.
The King is satisfied with the order taken about Hesdin, and is glad of the proposal of Chievres for marriage of his niece with the earl of Devonshire. He had distrusted the cardinal of Sion before. Oking, Saturday, July 9.
Asks him to pardon those who have insulted him, as he would be sorry that any English subject should suffer on his account. London, Saturday, 6 o'clock p.m. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A., &c. le cardinal d'Iorcq.
9 July.
Giust. Desp.
II. 281.
370. GIUSTINIAN, &c. to the DOGE.
Wrote last on the 30th by John Gobbo. On the 6th received summaries of Turkish news. Went first to Wolsey. Cannot visit the King, who is sporting forty miles hence. Have visited Campeggio, who returned their compliments, alluding to the devotion of his father (Giovanni Campeggio) to the signory, and to the learning he (had acquired under its shadow. Visited the dukes of Buckingham and Norfolk. London, 9 July 1519.
9 July.
Giust. Desp.
II. 283.
371. GIUSTINIAN, &c. to the DOGE.
Through lady Margaret's ambassador here news has been received of the King Catholic's election. Some hoped the choice might have fallen on a German candidate. The French ambassador has taken the news much to heart, and told Surian it was more necessary than ever to keep the king of England in friendship with France, but that he was not sure of him, because of the hostility of the English towards the French, the Queen's being a Spaniard, and the discord incessantly sown by lady Margaret. He is apprehensive that some movement will be made in Flanders against his king, with aid from England; although the cardinal of York appears to favor France, and dislike this election.
On the evening before last, lady Margaret's envoy, "having made preparation for bonfires, illuminations and other marks of rejoicing for the election of the new emperor, was hindered by the city authorities, which has caused much dissatisfaction." The ambassador complained of this to Wolsey, and publicly to the council, who laid the blame on the mayor and corporation. Certain officials are in the Tower, and it was said they intended "to hang them by the neck as a warning to others." London, 9 July 1519.
9 July.
S. B.
372. For ARTHUR POOLE, squire of the Body.
Annuity of 50 marks. Del. Westm., 9 July 11 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
10 July.
Calig. B. II.
B. M.
"Copy of the lord Dacre letter unto the queen of Scots."
Reminds her that, at her last being with the King her brother, she made urgent request to him and the council for the recovery of her authority, according to the will of her late husband; desiring that endeavors should be made that Albany might be sent to France, for the security of herself and her son, seeing that his father had usurped for a time the crown of Scotland, and had called his elder brother a bastard; and considering the suspicions touching the death of her son the prince, and Albany's inconstant dealing and "brutal oaths and promises made of and for your (Margaret's) causes," both before her coming to England and after her return, that she should be obeyed, and have her conjunct feoffment and jewels. On this account it was provided in the treaty with France that the Duke should not return to Scotland; nevertheless, the King understands she herself has written to the French king for his return. Desires to know if it be true, that he may certify his highness. If she has done so, he will "take less aspect" to her causes, and be less cordial. Hopes she will deny it under her own hand by the bearer, or state why she set her hand and seal to that letter written in French. Nawarde, 10 July.
Copy, by Dacre, pp. 2.
Licence to alienate to the abbess and (Augustinian) convent of St. Saviour and SS. Mary and Bridget of Sion, the manors of Osterley and Wyke, and the advowson of a chantry of two chaplains in the chapel near Braynfordbrigge (Brentford Bridge), and lands in Heston, Istelworth and Norwood, Midd., of the annual value of 15l. 13s. 4d., and held of the said abbess as of her manor of Istelworth, as appears by an inquisition taken before Roger Harlakenden, escheator. This patent is granted in pursuance of charter 24 March 5 Edw. IV., licensing the convent to acquire lands. Westm., 11 July.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10.
Writs to the sheriffs of London to make proclamation that any English merchants despoiled by Guyllam de la Fountain in Sept. and Oct. last must bring their proofs (as to value, &c.) before the lord Cardinal or the Master of the Rolls and Christopher Middilton, deputies of the said Cardinal, before 1 Nov. next; of which proofs certificate will be made to the French king, who has consented to make restitution.
Similar writs for the towns of Bristol, Kyngeston-on-Hull, Southampton, the counties of Beds and Bucks, Cambridge and Hunts, Notts and Derby, Oxon. and Berks, Warwick and Leicester, Somerset and Dorset, Norfolk and Suffolk, Surrey and Sussex, Essex and Herts, Gloucester, Hants, Stafford, Lincoln, Salop, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland, York, Worcester, Hereford, Wilts, Cornwall, Devon, and Northampton, and the Cinque Ports. Westm., 12 July.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9d.
12 July.
R. O.
Thanks him for his services. Is so busy that he cannot leave London. Begs him to request the bishop of Lincoln to let them have the impropriation of the parsonage, and to "suffer the ordination of the vicarage be unlemett, if it be my lord's pleasure," till Nicolas can attend on the Bishop. The Bishop's indemnity of the cathedral church is expressed in these writings. The Archdeacon has always been content with such indemnity as other archdeacons have had. Asks him to send the most fit man for the matter if he cannot help him himself. London, 12 July.
As the dean of Lincoln is favorable to them, wishes him to ask first for the impropriation of the parsonage. The matter of the vicarage can wait. As to the indemnities, hopes "his lordship will not pass for distribution more than 12d. yearly, considering our nowmer of poor scholars." Encloses the impropriation of the benefice, and a copy of the ordination of the vicarage.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Master Henry Golde, St. John's Coll., Cambridge.
12 July.
Galba, B. v.
B. M.
Sent twice yesterday to know if the letters intended for the King and my Lady were ready touching the intended interview with Francis. Wolsey can see the letters Hesdin has written if he likes, as they are not yet closed. He is sending an account of the great triumph and rejoicing made by the King on hearing of the election. London, 12 July 1519. Signed.
Fr., p, 1, mutilated. Add.: Mons, le card. dYorck.
13 July.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
378. _ to _.
* * * (fn. 2) "le Roy seroit empereur ... [pre]mière deffaicte que on debvoit faire ... deffa ... doubt[e] qil nen amenge a lopposite on nous ... trop."
... told the King that the lords of Nassau, Liege and la Marche "long faict [p]rescher en ces Allemaignez de sa vie et gouvernement, et Dieu scait la tristresse que nous en avons." Great fear is entertained of these English, who would do well, as the writer has always said, to retain their alliance with the Flemings and Spaniards, notwithstanding the efforts made to disjoin them.
Thinks "our" fleet must change its destination, although they are victualled and ready to depart. It is necessary to send to Milan, because, if the King be opposed with a little firmness, the whole kingdom is lost to him. (fn. 3) The "gendarmerie" there is not worth a "bouton de haye;" it is all swagger, pillage and blasphemy.
The King will bring the ladies back to Blois to pass their mourning. Thence he will go to Picardy. He is sending everywhere "pour adoucir les gens, mais chacun est tout burle de son affaire, [est]at et gouvernement," [and all think] that he cannot be kind to foreigners, who has destroyed his own people. Has always said that he would never attain the empire. The King is very rash to undertake what no French king has done before, since the empire was transferred to the Germans. He has thus emptied his kingdom of money, and the Emperor or some other will soon have a cheap bargain of the kingdom; for he is more unsteady on his throne than people think. 13 July.
[Three lines here have been scored out with modern ink so as to be quite unintelligible.]
"... ung embassadeur qui demande la duche de Bourgogne ... Je crois qu'il l'aura en la fin bien aisement, ve ... * * * ... [s]y elle ne valait rien."
[Again a passage cancelled in modern ink, quite illegible.]
Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
13 July.
Harl. MS.
36. f. 19.
B. M.
Inspeximus and exemplification, at the request of Rob. Draper and other merchants of London, of certain clauses in a late treaty with the king of the Romans for securing to English merchants the liberty of trading without safeconducts. London, 13 July 11 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, in English, pp. 3.
14 July.
R. O.
Fiddes, C. p. 39.
Highly commend his administration of justice, and his boldness in suffering none to transgress the laws, however exalted their position. Nor is the Cardinal less admirable for his temperance in the midst of those luxuries to which wealth and high rank are exposed. Their students are much profited by the lectures he has founded at their university; and they learn, with great satisfaction, from his chaplain and commissary, that he has procured from Spain a most able reader in rhetoric. (fn. 4) Request him to bear in mind the expediting of their statutes, their privileges, and water obstructions. Oxford, pridie idus Julii 1519.
14 July.
Calig. B. II.
B. M.
Ellis, 2 Ser.
I. 276.
Has received his letter by John Sympson his servant. When she desired the removal of Albany she had trusted the lords would have agreed, and let her enjoy her own in peace, according to their own writings and seals; but she is none the better. Was never so evil answered of her lands as since her last coming to Scotland, as she has often written to the King and Cardinal, but got no remedy. Wrote to Dacre himself, that, without help, she should be obliged to do as the Duke and lords would have her. There was a letter in French, written by desire of the Duke and lords, which she could not withstand, for they said it was for the weal of the King and his realm. "My lord, I pray you remember that and ze var in a nothar rawlme vhare ze schuld lyf your lyfe" he would have to do as he could. Had she refused, it would have been the worse for her. The King in his last letter enjoined her to do nothing that might give the lords cause of complaint. When she last wrote to Dacre, was on the point of pawning her jewels. But for Rob. Barton, she had been shamed, not being able to pay her household expenses, and "I am as sobar as can be." Feels Henry's unkindness more than anything. Perceives she will get nothing but fair words from any quarter. Edinburgh, 14 July.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: "To my lord Dacre."
15 July.
Er. Ep.
382. ERASMUS to LEE.
Complains that from a friend he has suddenly changed to being his enemy;—wrote an unfavorable critique on the first edition of the New Testament when he knew Erasmus was preparing a new one;—dispersed it in monasteries, and among those who were unfavorable to Erasmus;—would never let Erasmus see a copy of it, and communicate his objections. "Had you published your work at once, all men would have admired the prodigious felicity of your genius, you who in a few months have devoured so much Greek and Hebrew that, in your opinion, Erasmus knows no more of Greek than Jerome does of Hebrew. They say that, after you had dabbled in Hebrew three days, you condemned many things in Capnio, and some things in Capito. Possibly the Pope, out of admiration for such a fine genius, will resign the sceptre to you, and make you censor of all the world, that nothing shall come abroad without Lee's imprimatur." Banters Lee on being a young man stimulated by a hunger for renown, anxious for the reputation of a theologian, and a would-be saint (sanctulus haberi). Though some foolish men applaud his proceedings, posterity will condemn him. Threatens Lee with the vengeance of the Germans. "Vides quibus libellis confodiant eos a quibus sunt lacessiti." Louvain, id. Julii 1519.
15 July.
Giust. Desp.
II. 286.
383. GIUSTINIAN, &c. to the DOGE.
Last Saturday, the King being absent, the cardinal of York and the lords invited them to assist next day at the ceremony in the cathedral church, for the election of the new king of the Romans. Were "taken as usual by two leading cavaliers of the royal bedchamber" to the church, where they found Wolsey and Campeggio, the Catholic King's ambassador, and all the chief lords. The French ambassador did not attend, saying he had received no advice from his king. Te Deum was chanted, after which Wolsey gave the benediction. Last of all two heralds proclaimed the unanimous election of the Catholic King. Campeggio assured the writers that the refusal of the French ambassador to assist at the ceremony has offended many. When they were visiting the duke of Buckingham, the ambassador from the King Catholic appeared, and thanked them for their presence on the occasion, of which he had written to his King and lady Margaret. London, 15 July 1519.
15 July.
Giust. Desp.
II. 287.
384. GIUSTINIAN, &c. to the DOGE.
Dined yesterday with Campeggio, who said that the Electors had decided upon thirty clauses to be adhered to by the new Emperor. There of the clauses bind the Emperor to fix his residence in Germany, not to undertake any expedition without the consent of the Electors, and to exclude from his council the ministers of Maximilian. The third clause, Campeggio said, was inserted for the purpose of ousting cardinal Gurk. He alluded to the youth and delicate health of the Catholic King, "owing to which he was fitter to be governed than to govern," and said that the government was in the hands of lord Chievres, who is in the French interests. He thought no expedition would emanate from "his lordship," as the Catholic King was straitened for money, and was new to his Spanish subjects, whose allegiance was not yet established; and he "had expended much on this election, and given heavy security for the money." He said also that the new Emperor would receive no aid from England, as the King and ministry desire peace, and will not infringe the new league with France, strengthened as it is by the betrothal; for "this country had been sated by the war waged of late years with France." On their hinting at the subsidy, which it is rumored will be sent privily to Flanders against France, he declared his opinion that nothing of the sort would be done, the suspicion proceeding from the French ambassador here. London, 15 July 1519.
15 July.
Vesp. C. I. 285.
B. M.
Wrote at length on the 28th ult. and 6th inst. Waits for an answer concerning the alliance with the marquis Dariscote. The Catholico has today, the 14th, received the decree of the election according to the ancient custom, and on Sunday next high mass will be celebrated in the cathedral church by the cardinal of Tortosa. The lady Margaret writes of Hesdin's kind reception by the King and Wolsey, and the great offers made to him for the election of the King Catholic. All here are pleased to hear of it, and of the King's perseverance in preserving the general peace, to which the Catholico has no less mind. The French ambassador came to the court two days after the news of the election, with a sober countenance, saying "he made not his duty" before, as he had no such tidings from his master. When the Catholico's ambassador in France went with the news to the lady of Angoulême, the King being out of Paris, she dissembled, saying that, after her son, she was more pleased to see the Catholico successful than any other prince living; "howbeit, whatsoever they say, they think all the contrary." By the decree of the election the Catholico may not take the name of King of the Romans, nor use any prerogative thereto belonging, before his coronation; so he and all the Flemings will probably return by sea early next summer, and land in England, as the marquis of Mariscote says. The King's council propose to marry the King to the daughter of Portugal "before the going," and leave her regent. The alliance will probably take effect, as the Spaniards will be pleased with it, and it will bring much money into the country; but the Marquis says no resolution will be taken without the advice of the King and Wolsey. "The ambassador of Portingale, saith the said Marquis, is a cold merchant, and that he perceiveth the flesh needeth of a good sauce." "The second mean of the governance is the coming of the lady Margaret." She has no mind to come, but will be content to be ruled. The cardinal of Toledo will also come, as, by reason of his temporalities, he has much power in Castile. Several of the Spanish lords or their heirs will go with the King. Hears from Almain that the Pope has favored the election of the Catholico, with revocation of the previous inhibition made unto the Electors, who thank Henry for the conduct of his ambassadors. Has heard several particulars, but supposes her secretary's relation will be more perfect. Has not discovered the conditions and rewards offered to the Electors, but the Chancellor says the King's sister will not marry the marquis Joachim's son. The cardinal Maguntinensis and Palatinus have served the Catholico more sincerely than the others. The Electors will not grant safeconduct to the French ambassadors without the consent of the Catholico's ambassadors.
Spoke this day, the 15th, with the marquis of Maristote, who says he has heard from their ambassadors in France, that Mons. de la Roche has received the King's writings, with an answer to his overture for the new meeting. The French king has written congratulatory letters "to his master, concerning principally the effect of the words used for the same his mother," and that he believes the Catholico will keep the amity better than his grandfather. They will not write to Hesding to thank Henry for his good will, but will wait the coming of the bishop of Elna. The Marquis told Spinelly, as a secret, that a packet of letters from the French ambassadors in Almayne to the French king had come to their hands, by which they perceived many things, "and how the admiral of France wrote and made answer that he thought none other always, except that promises of the Englishmen for to give men and money to the said French king should come to nought, as they have done; and that, by his opinion, if gold did rain in England, a piece would not be given to them to set upon a bonnet." It was thought in France that Henry's ambassador would advance their affairs, but the Admiral thinks he has done the contrary. It also appears by the said packet that the marquis Joachim has received 50,000 cr. g.; that some of the gentlemen of the bishop of Treves took money without his knowledge, and that the Frenchmen had with them 400,000 cr. He has heard no more, as the Duke of Cardona interrupted his conversation with the Marquis.
The lord Chievres, marquis of Ariscot, has bought a lordship in France from the queen of Arragon for 45,000 crowns of gold, which with 10,000 more he gives to an uncle of the lord of Vendôme, in payment for the barony of Losa in Hainault. The governor of Bresse has leave to go home for three months to his wife and lands. Prospero Colonna has freighted a carrack of Genoa to go to Naples, and will leave in fifteen days. The King has increased his navy to 14,000 men, of which 2,000 are horse, and are almost ready to go to Africa. Lord Fiennes' eyes are little or no better. Count Egmont tomorrow sends the post into Flanders. Barcelona, 15 July 1519.
Hol., principally cipher, pp. 10.
R. O. 2. Decipher of the above by Tuke. Pp. 4.
Vit. B. XX.
B. M.
386. [WOLSEY] to [SPINELLY].
"And whereas ye further write of an overture to you made" by Chievres for the marriage of his niece with the earl of Devonshire, a near kinsman of the King's, Wolsey has communicated it to Henry, who heartily thanks Chievres and the King Catholic, considering it a manifest token of their desire to maintain the amity. Nevertheless, before coming to any conclusion, [Spinelly] is to find out secretly for what reason Chievres makes the proposal; whether he looks to any chance of the Earl's succession to the crown of England; what dote he means to give his niece, and what jointure or dower of lands he [expects] for her, "which cannot be great, remembering the Earl's mother ... knowledge whereof a commission" * * *
Fragment of a draft in Ruthal's hand, half a page, pasted below a similar fragment of different date.
15 July.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
387. [A. DE LIGNE] to WOLSEY.
Has written to him by his maistre [d'hôtel], expressing his willingness to do him service. The King has been displeased with him for his conduct relative to the surrender of Mortaigne. Does not know what account may have been given of it, but if he has done wrong will submit to be punished. Does not regret the loss of the territory, but of the King's [favor]. Begs Wolsey to [intercede for him]. "D[e mon chateau de] Ligna," 15 July 1519.
Add.: [A]tres reverendt pere en Dieu [et mo]us. mons. le cardinal Diorcq.


  • 1. These two names are substituted for "my lord of Suffolk."
  • 2. Some lines lost.
  • 3. car il aura la descharge en effet ce (si) on pousse quelque pen firme contre le Roy tout le royaume est perdu.
  • 4. Lud. Vives.