
Pages 454-475

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 21 Part 2, September 1546-January 1547. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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Maps and Drawings.
The maps described in the following list are chiefly in the Cottonian collection in the British Museum, and the dates are mostly vague. But some may be referred to particular years with tolerable certainty, and others within limits. The list includes all that may possibly be of Henry VIII.'s time, and one which is probably earlier, arranged in a rough chronological order, according to the presumed date of each.
we 1. The Dutch Coast.
Aug. i., ii. 29. A very rough map of part of Holland, with names of places inscribed as follows:—Holland, Yegmontt (Egmont), Howsdovn, Tassell (Texel), Reland (off which, in the sea apparently, is "the Floy"). These are on the lower side of the plan, as most of the inscriptions are read. But above near the right hand corner is "Hosterdam" (r., Amsterdam?), this name being one of three which are read by reversing the paper, and which are here indicated by the letter r in parentheses. Along the top from left to right are Swalle (Zwolle), Camper and Harderwek. In the middle (on a tongue of land projecting from "Hosterdam") are Weryng and Anguson (r) and by itself, apparently in the sea is Howrk.
Paper, 1 ft. 4½ inches by 1 ft. ½ inch in height. Seems early in Henry VIII.'s reign, if not in that of Henry VII.
[1512?] 2. King's College Chapel, Cambridge.
Aug. i., i. 2. A coloured elevation of the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge, drawn apparently in the time of Henry VIII., and probably for his use. (Madden, i., 192.)
On paper, mounted, 4 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 2 in.
Aug. i., i. 3. 2. A colored drawing, being most probably the original design, of the tower, with four spires, intended for the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge, but never built. (fn. n1) Drawn temp. Hen. VIII. (Madden, i., 194.)
On paper, mounted, 4 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 4½ in.
[1514.] 3. Kentish Coast.
Cott. Chart.
xiii. 12.
A large pictorial coloured chart (fn. n2) of the north coast of Kent from Margate to Faversham, showing in the higher part the East Swale and Faversham Creek. At the end near Margate the chart has been mutilated. Above this "Recolfor", "Herrn" and "Hamton Hyl" are pictorially delineated, and other places all the way up. Opposite the Kentish coast there seem to have been sand banks in the river; between which and what is called "Landes Ende" is "the Hewe Chanell." The land here looks like an extension of the Isle of Sheppey, and we come upon a pictorial representation of "Leysdon," between which and the Kentish coast is this inscription on the water: "A goode rode for a C. sayle of goode Shepys, and at the lest fowre fadom depe and a hallfe at the lowoyst of the wather." Inscriptions also indicate where there is a sandy beach.
A long paper roll mounted, 25 ft. 2 in. by 1 ft. 3 in.
[1514?] 4. Cornwall.
Aug. i., i. 34. A coloured pictorial map of Penzance, St. Michael's Mount and the sea coast adjoining. There is a square dock with four ships in it on the land side of the Mount, and measurements are given from the Island on which the Mount stands by lines to places across the sea on either side. One of these is "myle half" to "Cuddan" on the East (St. Perin's church, inland, is not far off). On the West there are three lines drawn across the sea, viz., one to Penzance "ij. myle"; one to Penley "iij. myle"; and one to Mulseholl "iiij. myle half."
On paper, mounted, 2 ft. 7 in. by 1 ft. 10½ in. high. The inscription on "St. Michaells Mount" is later than Henry VIII's time, but other inscriptions seem to be of that date, and probably early in the reign.
5. South Western Coast.
Aug. i., i. 35,
36, 38, 39.
A great pictorial map of the whole coast from Exmouth on the East to the Scilly Isles on the West. Opposite Start Point is written "From Rame Hedde to Sterte a kenyng." And on the East side of the Point:—" From Stertt to Hole Sande no londyng. Hole Sande a quarter of a myle, a goode roode and goode landyng. Base sand a myle long, a good roode, and good landyng. The long Sande ij myles and demy and Slapton bryge in the myddes, good landyng, and good entryng at both endes. Blacke Powle a quarter of a myle long and good landyng and fayr waye to Dartmouth but ———— (blank) myles thence." Slapton bridge is pictured as a great arch under which are steps descending to "the Long Sand of Slapton." Exeter with its Cathedral, Dartmouth, Totnes, Plymouth, Tavistock, Fowey and other towns are vividly depicted. A castle at the entrance of Fowey haven is marked "decayed." Off Dudman Point is written: "From Lyzaid to Dudman a kenyng"; and off the Lizard: "From Longshyppys to Lyzard a kenyng." At the entry of Helford haven is a Tower inscribed "not made." At Penzance and Penlee also are fortifications marked "not made." Near St. Michael's Mount is marked "the Eggas where the Frenshemen londyd"; which is on a creek opposite "Marras Jowe" (Marazion).
On paper, mounted, 9 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. in height.
[1514.] 6. Brighton.
Aug. i., i. 18. "A coloured chart of Brighthelmstone and the country round it, with several French galleys in the road, from which troops are landed." The town is in flames. Dated "July 1545" by an inscription which though early seems not to be quite contemporary; for the evidence is very strong that this chart represents the burning of Brighton by the French in the spring of 1514. See Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 3d. Ser., Vol. I., p. 19.
On vellum, 3 ft. by 2 ft. ¾ in.
[1514.?] 7. Suffolk.
Aug. i., i. 58. "A chart of the coast of Suffolk, etc." with many inscriptions both on the land and on the sea, and pictorial representations of places. Among these are Gorleston, Corton and Leystofte, with a fort beside the first of these places, and another between it and Gorton; Dunwich, Orford Castle, Ipswich and Harwich. A clump of trees is drawn beside Orford Castle. Among inscriptions are the following:—
1. Between Gorlestone and Corton (much worn):—Md "that not withstanding the Blockhouse made by Leystofte Rode, yet th'enymies may come in at the North end of the said Rode [by] Seynt Nicolas Gate without danger of the said Blockhouse [at their pleasure] and may land thre myles in [lenk]ethe on lesse the[y] be [stopped by a] Blockhouse [to] be made so agenst [Corton] as [here] is made in the plat."
2. On the Sea:—" From the Stamparde to Seynt Nicholas Gate there is harborowe for fyve hunderide schippis, and they may ride at a lowe water at eight fadome, and may come to lande at all tymes and owers, what wynde so ever blowethe, and lyethe fyve myles in lenkethe." Further out is indicated the place which is "the comyng in of Seynt Nicolas Gate," the depth of water being five fathoms at high tide. And there are other similar inscriptions.
A contemporary title on the map is "The Sea Coast from Orwell Haven to Yarmouth."
Date looks early.
On parchment mounted on cloth, 5 ft. 10 inches by 1 ft. 2¼ inches in height.
8. Great Yarmouth.
Aug. i., i. 74. A coloured plan of Great Yarmouth. The town walls and gates are vividly depicted. Ships in the harbour, cattle in the fields. Artillery laid in places, and two guns firing from the walls. A large church is shown on the right, with market place. Westward, beyond the harbour is a square castle surrounded by a wall. Outside the South gate is (apparently) a windlass with a rope attached to it.
A very striking picture, but some large objects are rather unintelligible. They look like blocks with square holes at the top.
Vellum. On two sheets, the right hand sheet 2 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 10 in. in height: the left 1 ft. 7 in. broad.
9. The Yorkshire Coast.
Royal MS.
18 D III., 62.
A pictorial coloured map of the East Coast of Yorkshire from the Humber to Scarborough, with places depicted inland, beacons on the coast and ships and boats at sea, with soundings all along the coast and up the Humber. There is a rough pictorial representation of the town of Hull with the Charterhouse near it. There is also a table at the side with some general observations, containing among other things, the depth of Hull water at the bridge at neap and spring tides, &c. Off the ports are written directions how to enter then. There are also remarks like the following which refers to the coast a little North of Ravenspurn:—" In calm weather ships of good burden may ride and land here to do annoyance to the country."
On paper, 2 ft. each way.
[1514?] 10. The Severn.
Aug. i., i. 8. "A coloured chart of the coast of England on the Severn about Bridgewater and Minehead; with sundry [intended?] forts erected thereon." There are pictorial representations of places, e.g. Porlocke and Porlocke Bay, Mynyad (Minehead) and Mynyad Key, Wachatte (near which is a "Were" which seems to be a half circular building of some kind in the sea affording protection to vessels), Brygewater, Uphyll, &c.
On two sheets of paper, 6 ft. long by 1 ft. I¾ inches. Bearing title in a somewhat later hand on left side, "The Coste of England uppon Severn."
11. The River Trent.
Aug. i., i. 65 Pictorial map of the Trent with the names of places from Newark to Nottingham, and places on .several tributaries of that river, including Wolstrop, Bramston, Eton and Knipton.
On parchment mounted, 3 ft. 6½ in.
[1520.] 12. Calais.
Aug. i. Supp. 7. "The plat of Theschaker at Calais," a large ground plan of the Exchequer there as prepared for the reception of the King and Queen.
Vellum, 4 ft. 6 in., by 4 ft. 3 in.
13. A Tent. (fn. n3)
Aug. i., ii, 76. "A drawing of a magnificent tent," or set of tents joined together, the dimensions of which are given. At the end to the right nearest the spectator is one highly ornamented tent with three banners over it, "in length xl. fote and in bredith xx." From this proceeds what is apparently a long covered way with like external ornaments, first of all for a distance "xxx fote lenght and yn bredyth xviii," to another ornamental tent laid across it; after which it proceeds further till it terminates in a round pavilion "xx fote" in diameter. But a little before it reaches this it is crossed by another like covered way terminated at either end by a round pavilion like that just mentioned, each "xviii. Fote" in diameter.
On paper, 11¾ inches byinches.
14. Ireland.
Aug. i. ii. 21. "A map of Ireland, rudely drawn," and coloured. Seemingly of the time of Henry VIII. Dublin is represented by a rude drawing [of St. Patrick's Cathedral?]. The whole course of the Liffey is laid down, and within the curve of its course is written "The Kynges land." A castle, apparently Maynooth, is marked "Erll of Kyldair." Within the co. of Dublin "Swerdes" is depicted and over it is written "The Archbyshope of Dublin." Many other castles and places are rudely represented, and the names of the chiefs who owned them, or possessed particular districts are given. Names of Counties are also given, but no demarcations.
A paper roll, 2 ft. 3 inches by 1 ft. 6½ inches.
[1529.] 15. Ipswich.
Aug. i., ii. 48. A ground plan of "lord Cursson's house at Gipswich," (fn. n4) showing a projecting entrance inscribed "The way out of the streate in to the howse." It seems to be a large corner house facing two thoroughfares, and having a garden, a yard and an orchard adjoining. The plan is very neatly drawn on the scale of 16 ft. to an inch, and the different rooms and staircases are indicated.
Paper roll, mounted, 2 ft. 8 inches by 1 ft. 10½ inches.
[1531?] 16. The King's Gallery.
Aug, i., i. 4. "A coloured drawing of a gallery [intended to be built by Henry VIII], ornamented with standards bearing the portcullis, double rose, 'RR.,' lilies," &c.
On paper, 1 ft. 3¼ inches by 10¾ inches high.
Date perhaps about the end of 1531 or later when the King first designed some important works at Westminster.
[1533.] 17. The Orwell.
Aug. i., 56. A chart of "Orwell Haven," or rather Harwich Road. Coloured, showing the open fields and trees and Harwich town pictorially represented, and bearing the inscription "This plott made by Mr. Lee, Ano 25 Hen. 8vi," Ships are seen at sea (well drawn) and plans of two forts are given commanding the entrance to the haven on either side, one between Harwich and Hamford Water, the other on "Langer Poynt" (Landguard Point).
On parchment, mounted on cloth, 3 ft. by 2ft. 7 in. A scale is given, divided with compartments of nearly 2½ inches each, and compartments half that size at one end. The former probably represents a mile.
Aug., i. i. 57. 2. A pictorial chart of the district of the Stour and the Orwell, showing the coast and a considerable part of the country inland, both in Suffolk and Essex from some way ii. of "Bawdsey Havyn" to "the Nayse." Names of places are written in. "Gipswich" is seen at the top edge of the map, and "Dedam" at the extreme left. "Ardley " and "Walton" are near the Southern limit. Between the Stour and Brantham is "Mr. Wyngfelde howse." Between Trimley and the Orwell is "Mr. Caundish howse." At "Handforth Haven" is the note: "A fawdome and a halfe at lowe water."
A scale of miles is attached, giving nearly two inches to the mile [Date probably 25 Hen. VIII., like § 1.]
On parchment, mounted on cloth, 2 ft. 2 in. by 2ft. 1 in. in height.
18. Harwich.
Aug. i., i. 61. Ground plan of [a fortification?] formed externally like a square with a rectangular addition to each of two opposite sides, with inner walls of a like form but a little curved. In one corner of the drawing is written in a hand of Henry VIII.'s time "Harwych."
On paper, 1 ft. 5½ in. by 1ft. 4¼ in.
[1533?] 19. The Channel.
Aug. i., i. 53. A chart of "the King his Channel," viz., the mouth of the Thames with the coast of Essex as far as Harwich and a little way beyond into Suffolk, with the inscription: "Rycherd Candishe made this Carde." The names of places are put down, and pictorial representations of the different towns and villages, e.g. Feversham, Reculver, Colchester, Ipswich, etc., besides multitudes of minor places. Off the mainland are shown a number of sand banks, of which the furthest removed pointing out to sea is called "the Kentishe Knoke."
On parchment, 3 ft. by 2 ft. 2½ in.
20. Dover.
Aug. i., ii. 10. "A grounde platt for Dovore" showing partly the same features as §2; but evidently this is of an earlier date. The castle is pictorially drawn at the top, with fortified walls enclosing a good space below it to the verge of the cliffs. The gate of access to it with footpath from the town is shown. The town is also enclosed with a high wall. Immediately under it is a large basin of water in which rowboats are seen to the right and ships to the left. This is enclosed between two jetties (not, apparently, so strongly made as in §2), the one from the cliffs under the castle having a martello tower (fn. n5) at the end. The other, which does not seem to proceed from the town but from a considerable distance left of the town is laid on a mass of rocks and has an inward and an outward martello tower at the end. Beyond this the shore is embanked with bays and further martello towers at different points. There seem to be two openings out to the Channel and something that should be an island between them. Within the harbour in various places are inscriptions, e.g., "Softe grounde"— "Duff and good grounde"—"Sondy grounde"—"Marlyon or softe stone and sonde."
Paper roll, 4 ft. 1 inch by 1 ft. 6½ inches in height. On the back are some rough drawings of another walled seaport with a large church, ships, windmills, &c.
Aug. i., ii. 9. 2. Pictorial coloured plan of Dover castle, town and harbour. The outer walls of the castle abutt on the precipice above the sea. To the left of the castle is the town and "the Gulff that servith the Slewces." This "Gulff" is a long, deep, pool of water in the upper part of which rowboats are plying. This part is terminated by a broad embankment, underneath which apparently the water passes under archways through sluices, and across it is written "The Slewces three hundreth foot brode." Below this embankment ships are seen as well as boats. Between the "gulff" and the beach is a jetty with a long "stone wall of harde stone" terminated by a martello tower where it reaches the sea. Opposite this on the other side of the "gulff" is another martello tower at the end of another jetty, and the two towers are connected by a chain, underneath which is written "The mouth of the Havon betwene the two jetties." The approach to the first named jetty is from the rocks underneath the castle; that from the other is from the town. This latter has a similar wall of hard stone. It seems to be "the South West Jetty." These jetties only seem to confine the "Gulff," the sea barely touching the martello towers. At the bottom in the left corner of the drawing is "the Bulwark of Arcliff"; and near the left hand martello tower is the inscription "The Beche betwene Arcliff and the South West Jetty contayneth in length lx. rodes." Above this, and referring apparently to the jetties is an autograph inscription (not in the same hand as the other inscriptions:—" Mad and set fourte by the handes of John Luckas." A circle showing the points of the compass is drawn on the map. The sea is seen in the foreground, with ships.
Vellum roll, 3 feet 11 inches by 2 feet 4½ inches at the right hand side, where it includes the castle, but only 1 ft. 4 or 5 inches on the left. Later than § 1 (9, 1534?].
Aug. i., ii. 83. 3. A coloured drawing of "The bulwerck in the Cryff." (fn. n6) The sea, with ships, is seen below, and some hills above. [1539?]
On paper, 1 ft. 6 inches broad, by 1 ft. ½ inch high.
Aug. i., ii. 84. 4. A coloured drawing of "The Bulwerck under the Castelldyke," (fn. n6) * evidently by the same hand as the preceding. The sea and ships are seen here also. [1539?]
On paper, 1 ft. 5½ inches broad by 1 ft. ¾ inch high.
1539. 21. Deal.
Aug. i.,i. 20, 21. "Two coloured bird's-eye views, the one of a 'Castle in the Downes,' (fn. n7) the other, 'A Castle for the Downes'; the second apparently an improvement of the first: they are circular, with circular bastions," and each measures 1 ft. 10 in. by 1 ft. 7 in. (Madden, I. 98.)
Aug. i., i. 67. 2. Ground plan of a fortress (evidently the same as the preceding) with measurements. Interior circular "lxxxij fote" with six semicircular bastions round it (28 ft. diameter) and round them at a distance six outer bastions of 52 ft. diameter with fascines.
Each on vellum, measuring 1 ft. 8½ in. each way.
22. Dorsetshire Coast.
Aug. i.,i. 31, 33. A coloured map in two sheets (now joined together) of the coast of Dorsetshire or east end of Hampshire from opposite the Needles to Lyme. Beacons on the coast are flaming everywhere. Between the Needles and the mainland is marked "Chalke Roke." The places along or near the coast are indicated by inscriptions "Crechwiche" (Christchurch), Bowrnemouthe "wer ys feyer landyng," Pooll, "Brymbesey Yle," Northe Havyn Poynt, "Sowthe Havyn Poynte," "Corffe Castell" "Sandlandbaye," "Studlande," "Swandewyche," "Peverell Poynt wher ys feyer landyng," Corlande, "Seint Aldamys, whiche ys xiiij mylles from Portland," "The Creke of Lulworthe ys vj myllys from Portland," "Sutton Poynt vij myllys from Portlande, Sutton, "Melcum," "Weymothe," "The Blake Roke iiij myllys from Portland," "Lyme Howsse, wher passage ys to Portlande," "Smalmoythe," "Weke churche," "Portlande," "Abbottysburye iiij myllys from Swyre," "Swyre ij myllys from Burton," "Burton ij mylles from Byrporte," "Byrporte ij mylles from Chedeoke," "Chedeoke manor," "Chedeoke iij myllys from Charmothe," "Charmothe ij myllys from Lyme," "Lyme," "The Cobbe of Lyme."
Large crosses mark the coast in various places between Sutton and "Smalmoyth."
Inland are marked "Canforde" and "Wymbourne" (top of minster shown) near the left hand bottom corner; and at sea are the following inscriptions "From Crechurche to Bowrnemoythe ys vij mylys and feyer landynge within a quarter of a myull of the lande, and drawythe iiij fedom water "—" The Rasce of Portland, wyche ys in lengythe v mylles."
Vessels are seen at sea among which is one with oars, masts, and a high forecastle (?)
On paper, mounted, 4 ft. 11 in. by 1 ft. 9 in.
[1539?] 23. England and the Rhine.
Aug. i., ii. 64. A rough drawn coloured map representing (but without the least attempt at accuracy) the East coast of England from the Channel to Tynemouth, the Straits of Dover, the North Sea, Calais and the Low Countries, with miniature drawings of places and their names, viz.: on the English side, London, Dover and the North Foreland, Horwell (Orwell), Ipswich, Orford, Yermouthe, "the Shelde" (i.e. the Norfolk coast East of Cromer) Cromer, "Sent Edmond" [beside Hunstanton], Boston, Grimsby, Hull, Byrlyngton, Scarborow, and so forth. Sandbanks with names are indicated off the coast. Across the Channel are shown Bolen, Cales, Rysbanke, Gravilen, Donkerk, Newport, Austen (Ostend), Bryges, Andwarpe, Dordryt, Brell (Brille), Egmond, "Anserdam," and other places on the coast as far as the island of Flelande (Vlieland) and the towns of Swall (Zwoll) and Campar (Kampen). The towns between Zwoll and Amsterdam seem to be wrongly placed. Ships (very well drawn) are seen upon the sea.
On paper, 2 ft. 1½ inch by 1 ft. 6½ inches high. [This map may have been drawn up in 1539 with a view to the crossing of Anne of Cleves.]
24. Holland and the Rhine.
Aug. i., ii. 63.
Map of Holland, Friesland, the Duchies of Gueldres and of Cleves, Brabant, Flanders, &c. The spectator looks up the course of the Rhine to Cologne, which is at the top of the map rather to the left. A dotted line indicates the course of a journey from Calais through Antwerp and Maestricht to Juliers, Hambach and Aaken. In the right hand corner at the top the draughtsman has written: "Unumquodque quadratum continet miliaria Anglicana P.M. decem. R. W."
Paper roll, 2 ft. 7½ inches by 1 ft. 9 inches in height.
25. Bamborough Castle.
Aug. i., ii. 2. Ground plan of Bamborough castle on a scale of 20 ft. to an inch. Apparently, temp. Hen. VIII.
On paper, 3 ft. 10 in. by 1 ft. 5½ in.
26. Haschenberg.
Aug. i., i. 69. Plan of a fortress drawn by S. de Haschenberg and subscribed: "Sic visu apparet per regionem Per me Stephanum de Hassenperg etc." It consists of a square tower flanked by two round towers of greater breadth and connected with them by a high wall which also runs on further on either side. In front are two ditches, the inner marked "Fossa 40 pedum lata et 20 profunda erit, jam medium et plus parata." Between it and the outer ditch is "Agger 50 pedum latus et tante altitudinis ut propugnacula turrium erga regionem cooperit, neque causa illius fossa interior potest ab inimicis adimplere." The outer ditch is marked "Fossa exterior . . . . lati[tudine] profundior."
On paper, 1 ft. 9¾ in. by 1 ft. 4¼ in. in height.
Aug. i., ii. 16. 2."An elevation of a piece of a wall for Berwick." This, which is the description in the Cottonian Catalogue, is probably correct; but the name of Berwick does not appear anywhere in it. It is a coloured drawing of a high buttressed wall; and some measurements are given.
Signed at the top: S. Haschenpergk.
Paper roll, mounted on linen, 2 ft. 3½ inches by 11¾ inches in height.
27. Carlisle. (fn. n8)
Aug. i. Supp.
8, 9.
First of two plans of the fortifications of Carlisle, the one showing the East and the other the West side. The former is signed by Stephen de Haschenperg and contains rough sketches of the Grey Friars, "Spryngal Towr," and "Rykard Gate"; also the following :— "Hec duo (sic) partes muri Civilis, qui inter Arcem e[t] Arcem includunt totum oppidum, continent quinque milia pedes geometricos exept . . . . qui suam habent mensuram. Sed omn . . . . utriusque non per mensuram solummodo . . . . parentem, partemque regionis c . . . . causa fluminum demonstra . . . .
"Cita pens . . . .
"Careo tempus alias meliu[s] et . . . . fecissem, sed habeo pre ma[nibus] . . . . quam geometraliter describam un[am e] regionibus circa jacentibus . . . . Cosmographica Deo dante."
On paper, 2 ft. by 11½ in.
2. In this second plan on the West side are shown the Market Place, the Black Friars, the "Abbe" and "Kalde gat."
On paper, 2 ft. 10 in. by 1 ft.
28. Carlisle.
Aug. i., i. 13. Map of "the Citie of Carlesle," (fn. n9) showing the streets and buildings and a drawing of the Cathedral, town walls, etc.
Scale, 100 ft. to the inch.
On paper, 1 ft. 6½ inches by 2 ft. 2½ inches in height.
Aug. i., i. 11. 2. A plan of the Castle of Carlisle on a scale of 20 ft. to the inch.
On paper, 3 ft. 1½ in. by 1 ft. 7 in. Seems to be supplementary to §1. on a larger scale.
29. Calais.
Aug. i., ii. 69. A survey of the marshes about Calais, showing the canals and watercourses, and dividing the whole land into rectangular compartments inscribed with the number of acres in each. Calais itself is not shown; but "Arde Plas," "Ballinggam Plas," "Clayshoyl Plas," Wettfold Plas," "Melbo Plas," "Gynes Plsass" (sic), and "Hames Plas" are indicated. The directions of lines according to the compass are also laid down.
On paper, 1 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. Endd.: The merche of Callys.
30. Calais.
Aug. i., ii. 70. A coloured drawing of Calais with its harbour protected by the fort of Rysbank. Some way to the left is a large round fort upon a cliff, and further still is a smaller one. Inland "Mark" "is pictured and the villages of Wael, Waeldaem, the Red Chamber; beyond which in the left hand corner are "Ow chirch" and "Ow Caestyll." Ships are seen in the offing.
Paper roll of 2 sheets joined together, 4 ft. 7 in. by 2 ft. high. The part of this which contains the town and harbour of Calais is engraved in Nichols's Chronicle of Calais (Camden Soc.), after p. xxvi. of prefatory matter.
31. Calais.
Aug. i., ii. 71. Large map of Calais and the country about it from Gravelines on the West to Sandgate on the East, and extending into the interior as far as Fines Castle. Coloured, with drawings of houses, woods, &c. Engraved on a reduced scale in Nichols's Chronicle of Calais, after p. xxviii. of prefatory matter.
A paper roll, 4 ft. 4½ inches by 2 ft. 8¾ inches.
Aug. i., ii. 57b. 2. A beautifully finished and coloured drawing of the harbour of Calais showing the castle of Risebank and the jetties and landing stages, which are the same (on a much larger scale) as those shown in Aug. I. ii. 57 (Vol. XX. App. No. 36). Six ships in minutely detailed drawing are shown.
32. Guisnes.
Aug. i., ii. 52. A large coloured plan of Guisnes castle, with drawings of the fortifications and drawbridge over the moat, and of the houses adjoining. There is a later inscription, "The plot of Guins"; but the only contemporary inscription is inside a quadrangular enclosure opposite the drawbridge and beyond the moat: "a hundred fote betwixt the Dove and the travers wall."
Paper roll, mounted, 3 ft. 7½ inches by 2 ft. 7 inches. What would seem to be "Guisnes Plash" is seen to the right.
Aug. i. Supp. 2. 2. "A plan of the castle of Guisnes, with proposed additional fortifications; drawn temp. Henry VIII. 5 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in."
This is Sir F. Madden's description and is probably correct; but the name of the castle does not appear upon the plan.
33. Guisnes and Ardres.
Aug. i., ii. 23 A pictorial coloured plan of Guisnes, apparently of Henry VIII.'s time, inscribed in a later (Italian) hand "The Towne and Castle of Guynes." There are inscriptions, very difficult to make out, in an English hand but in a strange language, half Spanish half French, chiefly at the different gates, viz. "Porte [m]e para que d[ev]e starre serrade pour que et le logo plus debil de la ville." Then at a corner: A quy non se posse fairre belouverke de terre per que et le plus halte de la ville et parfonde de la parte de horre et pour tanto et mas fortiresse et leiu allirro de la parte de dentro les casses mates (?) par de hors." At another gate: Queste porte et le cemin de Ardre et me sanble qui serra bonne levarre [?] vie. At another: La porte del servisse del quastelle serrade et passado la ville.
Engraved on a reduced scale in "A Commentary of the Services of Lord Grey of Wilton," published by the Camden Society, at the end of the Introduction. But the readings, and even the facsimiles given of some of the inscriptions are questionable.
Paper, 1 ft. 10 in. by 1 ft. 4½ in.
Aug. i., ii. 74. 2. A coloured ground plan of a fortified place, according to an Elizabethan inscription in the same Italian hand as the title of § 1, "the Castle of Ardes." On a piece of paper let into the map is an ornamental drawing with the inscription in two lines:—IOVAN ROS | SET: ITALIA.
On seven pieces of paper, mounted on cloth, 1 ft. 6½ inches by 2 ft. 2 inches. Endd. in a hand of Henry VIII's time: Guyes.
34. [Hurst Castle?]
Aug. i., i. 80. Drawing of a martello tower [Hurst Castle?] with fascines round the basement. Five holes for ordnance visible to the spectator, with loopholes for archers on a higher and also a lower storey.
On parchment, 2 ft. 1½ in. by 1 ft. 11½ in. in height. (Probably t. Hen. VIII.)
35. Hull.
Aug. i., i. 84. Ground plan of a large building with six internal staircases and one external.
On paper, 1 ft. 9 in. by 1 ft. ¾ inch.
Endd. by an official hand: "A new plat made by the same Rogers of the King his Highnes mannor of Hulle, the xxvth of June."
Aug. i., ii. 11. 2. Another ground plan of the same in outline, with some differences.
On paper, 1 ft, 4½ in. by 10 in.
Aug. i. Supp. 1. 3. Another ground plan on a larger scale, differing from these, but perhaps for the same intended building.
On paper, mounted, nearly 4 feet each way.
Aug. i., ii. 13. 4. Bird's eye view of the completed building and grounds.
On paper, mounted, 2 ft. 7 in. each way.
Aug. i., i. 83. 5. Bird's eye view (coloured) of the town of Hull showing the appearance of all the principal churches and buildings, "the Charterhouse" standing by itself outside the walls to the North of the town. The town is walled in on all sides except towards the haven, or river Hull on the East; beyond which are seen a church and a few country houses. None of the fortifications shown in the maps noticed below appear here.
On paper mounted on cloth, 2 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 10 in. This map is engraved in a reduced scale as a frontispiece to Frost's Notices relative to the early History of the Town and Port of Hull (1827) and is described at pp. 79-88 of that work.
Aug. i. Supp. 4. 6. Map of the haven of Hull river showing some projected fortifications on the Drypool side. At the South end close by the Humber is a bulwark, with a line of wall from it to a castle, inscribed: "The length between the Bulwark next the Humber and the castle is 1,066 foot." Beyond the castle the wall is continued for a length marked as 700 feet where there is a bend or corner, and from this again it is continued to "the North Bulwark," another 700 feet. The whole length of the work is given as 2,894 feet. There is a bridge over the haven leading to a thoroughfare a little South of the North gate of the town; and across the river some distance below is written "The breadth of haven at the full sea mark is 246 foot."
Aug. i., ii. 49. 7. Plan of similar fortifications probably the original sketch for them.
On paper (mutilated), mounted on cloth, 4 ft. 8 in. by 1 ft. 3 in.
Aug. i., i. 86. 8. A plan of the town and harbour of Hull, the mouth of the Humber, with Grimsby opposite and the country on both sides. The fortifications beyond the harbour of Hull are shown. "Ravens Spurn" is indicated, and, close by but further out to sea, is a bank called "Stone b[ank?] . . . myles l[ong]." To the West is "Kelsey." In the sea to the S.W. of Ravenspurn is "the Bull, iij. Myles in length," and between it and the mainland is the inscription "The depe canell iij. myles in brede between the Spurne and the Bulle." South of the Bull again is "An other Canele," South of which on the Lincolnshire shore (as part of the land) is a broad tract marked "a Sande." Ships are seen in the Humber. Across the sea from Hull is written in an Italian hand: "larg mia iii" (largitudine milia trial?).
On paper, 3 ft. by 2 ft. 2 inches. A later endorsement is visible, in which the writing, being reversed, seems to have been transferred from some other paper.
Cott., Aug. i,
Supp. 20
9. A large map of Hull and the neighbouring country, with a scale of. miles (nearly 5 inches to a mile). Names of places and roads are given. Unfortunately the map is decayed along a line right through the centre, and a pictorial plan of Hull itself is almost gone, though the circuit of the walls is seen on one side and the Charterhouse on the other (to the North of the town). The Bulwark by the Humber is given on the East side of the Hull, and the line of wall from it is visible, but the end of it is lost by the mutilation. The line of the Lincolnshire coast is also given, with names of a few places, viz. Barton, Barrow and "Skylter Mylnes."
On paper, mounted on cloth, 4 ft. 3½ in. by 3 ft. 3 in.
Aug. i.
Supp. 3.
10. "A rough plan of some works proposed on the Drypool side of Hull: drawn temp. Hen. VIII." (Description taken from Madden I. 123.)
On paper, mounted on cloth, 8 ft. 9 inches by 1 ft. 9½ inches.
[1542–7.] 36. Jersey.
Royal MS.
18 III., f. 119.
A coloured map of the harbour of St. Helier's, Jersey, with inscriptions. The town of "Saintt Hillyers" is depicted at the left top corner, with a high steeple in the centre of it, by the side of the bay. Above it is "the hill of Saint Hillyers" with precipitous rocks. To the right is "The Haven." Between this and the other side of the bay are "The Islet" and a smaller islet called "Saint Albones," with a fortress (fn. n10) upon it. In the sea are marked these distances:—"From the Hill to the Islet half a myle" —" From the Islet to Saint Albons a myle and qa." By the shore are shown "The bullewerkes uppon the Sandes."
Folded as 2 leaves of the MS. and endorsed: "The Haven of Jersey." Paper, 1 ft. 3¼ in. by 1 ft. 9 in. broad.
The handwriting of the endorsement is lale in Henry VIII.'s reign.
[1542.] 37. Salces.
Aug. i., ii. 79. A coloured drawing of the castle of Salces and the country about it, with Perpignan ("Parpignam") in the foreground, and "Nerbonne" in the far distance. On the left is "le Pays de Puissardam." Locate is shown to the left of Salces, nearer the spectator.
The castle of Salces, a quadrangular fortress with towers at each corner, and an entrance tower on the South side, is depicted as it was before the siege, and also, on a flap, as it stood after the siege with a great breach in the walls. Behind the castle is a large mound with the inscription: "le viel Saulces."
On paper, 1 ft. 11 inches by 1 ft. 4½ in.
[3 Sept.] (fn. n11) 38. Perpignan.
Aug. i., ii. 47. A plan of Perpignan roughly drawn. The South side of the drawing is the top, as most of the inscriptions are read, and at the bottom is the castle or town of "Saulces," almost the only name that requires the paper to be reversed to read it. At the top and along the right hand side are very roughly indicated the Pyrenees and Spain; and among the Pyrenees at the top we read "The Pertuse": At the foot of the mountains are these inscriptions "Brisake-Gascons"; "Mount Pesack-horsemen." Below is Perpignan itself, a walled and fortified town of oblong shape, with "the gate to France" at the lower end, and "the gate to Spayn" at the upper end, or N.E. side, rather towards the E. At the N.W. corner is a ground plan of "the Great Castell," while in the E, or left hand side is the citadel and "Little Castle" within the town with a "Salew" through the walls to the "Abbey" outside. "A great bulwark" is outside the walls at the N.E. corner. Between the town and Salces is a stream, inscribed "The ryver runneth by the towne"; over which is "the brigge by the Gate" (i.e. the Gate to France). The sea is indicated to the left of the plan. Along the right hand margin is the inscription: "The Arme of the montaynes that cumeth from the Peryneis"; and at a point below this range towards the N. end of the town: "Here about they made their waye through the Montayn." Between the Great Castle and the Pyrenees on the S. is written "Ordenance —Sor John Paulo."
Paper, 1 ft. 11 inches by 1 ft. 4½ inches. Endd.: Perpynyan.
39. John Rotz's Hydrography.
Royal MS.
20 E. IX.
"John Rotz, his book of Hydrography, so called; being an account of the compass, elevation of the pole, latitude, sea coasts, etc., finely painted; anno 1542"—Casley's Catalogue, p. 306.
A magnificent volume in very large folio, fully described by Madden I. 23.
[1543.] 40. Dover.
Aug. i., i. 22,
These two Nos. form one map showing Dover Castle and town, cliffs and harbour. The sea is strangely coloured pink. The harbor is protected by a jetty on the one side and another on the other. At the end of the first jetty is a light or cresset; at the end of the second a martello tower with "blockhouse" attached. This second is called the E.N.E. Jetty as appears by an inscription:—"Also ther is belded of the est northest jette ij. hundreth and iiij. foot." There is also a third jetty south of them called the South East Jetty (820 ft. long according to an inscription) terminated by another tower with cannon. Here the works seem to be imperfect, and at the end on the left hand side is an inscription: "The length of the groyne stondyng Southe from the long or South Est Jette is lx foot." Near this is marked (in the water) "the foote of the prebull." Inside the harbour are two inner harbours, hornshaped, with ships floating in each as well as in the lower harbour. The furthest from the sea bears the inscription: "And this parte of the harbour is both clensed and deped vij. foot." The second bears the inscription "This herbour is enlarged and deped."
Over the shingle beyond the first jetty we read "Here is caryd by force of the sees iij. hundreth foot and more."
On paper, mounted, 2 ft. 6½ in. by 6ft. 8½ in.
Aug. i., i. 26. 2. This map seems to assist in the explanation of §1. Two jetties from N. to S. were to embrace an outer harbour capable of being locked by chains between the end towers of the two jetties. The S.E. jetty had two horns outward towards the sea and another on the opposite side leading to a fortification which commanded the inner harbour.
This map is signed: "Richard Caundisshe. (fn. n12)
John Bartlett.
John a Borowgh.
Anthony Auchar."
There is a scale at the corner of the map showing blocks of 20, 100 and 160 [feet?].
On parchment, 3 ft. by 2½ ft. high.
41. Landrecy.
Aug. i., i. 49. A coloured plan or bird's eye view of the town of Landrecy, with representations of the English, Spanish and French camps, and numerous inscriptions. The town itself is depicted with its walls, gates and battlements. Within the walls is a piece of "voyde grounde yn maner of a base court lyeng betwene the bricke walle and the towne," which "was percell of the towne when the French Kinge wanne it." At the bottom is "the utter gate." On the right side of the void ground is a mill, near which the walls are broken down and we read "This water Avas let out at the wynnyng of the utter gate." To the left is represented "Thabbey of Maroll where the French Kinge lay sixe wekes while the towne was in fortyfyeng." Below on a little stream is "a newe bridge," where it is noted "Here lye two ancynes of the Almaynes." To the right of this new bridge, at no great distance from the walls of the town, is a cannon with inscription below "Here lay the pece of ordynance that was taken away." There are other inscriptions also referring to special incidents of the siege.
On paper, 2 ft. 8 in. by 1 ft. 10 in.
Aug. i., i. 50.
Engraved in
Nott's Surrey
and Wyatt,
i., p. lvi.
2. Picture map of the siege of Landrecy. At the top are drawn the tents of the Emperor's Camp, with the inscription in capitals LONPERADORE. On the left are ISPANGI.VOLI., and lower down on the opposite side of a brook the borders of which are marked PADVL (marsh), are other tents with the inscription LE GENTE DIKLEVE. Further down in the lower corner are other tents marked BORGOIONI. To the right of the "Gente di Kleve" are "ALLAMANNI," another detachment of whom are on the right hand side of the picture under a hill. From both these detachments and also from that of Cleves cannon are firing at the town. At the bottom are the English tents (INGILESI), and they also have cannon some of which are firing at the town, another detachment of Englishmen being further up on the right. Then beyond, and above the brook are ITALIANI, drawn up in battle array and advancing against the town. Many of the different positions are marked by Arabic numbers to which there is no index. The title of the whole map written at the top is LANDVRSHE.
On paper, 1 ft. 8 in. by 1 ft. 2½ in.
[1544.] 42. [Portsmouth.]
Aug. i., i. 81. Ground plan of the fortifications of the town on a scale of 100 feet to the inch. Drawn apparently in Henry VIII.'s time.
On paper, mounted, 2 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft.
Aug. i., ii. 15. 2. Coloured plan of the town and part of the harbour with fortifications (a little different from the above) on a scale of 200 feet to the inch.
On paper, mounted, 2 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 10 inches.
*** Besides these two plans there is an Elizabethan map of the town in Aug. I. ii. 117.
43. Edinburgh.
Aug. i., ii. 56. A coloured drawing of the town of Edinburgh (taken from what is now the Calton Hill) with Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Craigs. Over the town is written "Edenborth" in a contemporary hand, and over Holyrood "The Kyng of Scotes palas." Another inscription "Edenborugh Castell" is in a later hand; beyond which, to the right, in the same hand, is written "South," though it is rather West of the town and castle. The Canon Gate is distinctly visible on the main thoroughfare. Bodies of soldiers are indicated on the Calton Hill, and on the lower ground near Holyrood. Some of these have red crosses on their banners, some black crosses. The drawing has unfortunately been cut, the lower side at least having been clearly cut off, in which it is only possible now to read " . . . ies into the . . . ," which was probably "[The entry of the Arm]ies into the [town]."
On paper, 1 ft. 5¼ inches by 9¾ inches in height.
44. Corbie. (fn. n13)
Aug. i., ii. 81.
Pictorial map (coloured) of a fortified town (easily identified as Corbie) situated on a river (the Somme) of which some tributaries flow through it and round about it, with a large tract of country to the left. A moat, also communicating with the river, surrounds the walls. Along the river side from left to right are marked "Porte L'image," "La tour Moutton," "tour St. Jehan," "la tour du Roye." On the walls on the right hand side are towers called "la porte Dancre" and "la tour St. Martin." Along the further side are "le (fn. n14) tour mal fonde," "la posterne de Burlc (?)," "le Burde," "le tour de Vorett," "le tour des Jardins d'arbalestiers." On the left hand, not far from "Porte L'Image" is a place outside the town called "Barbe a quesne" (i.e. Barbican). A road from Porte L'Image across the river and three of its branches, with drawbridges on the river itself and on the first branch, conducts to Fouillay (not named in the map) which has a church of its own.
Far to the left beyond the river (that is, on the North side, the same side as the town) the nature of the country is indicated by the inscription "Marres," but several marshes seem to be laid down much nearer the town on that side. A footpath from Fouillay is shown in the lower part of the map (i.e. on the South side the river), which seems to skirt a hill and at a considerable distance to cross a ferry in the river, passing through a village with a castle in front of it (the castle is to the right of the footpath) called "Dours." The path is then continued onwards with a bend to the right to the very top of the map a few inches from the left hand corner. It is indicated in this part of its course as "le Chemyn d'Amyens."
A paper roll, 6 ft. long by 2 ft. 2 inches in height.
45. Montreuil.
Aug. i.
Supp 11.
A plan of the fortifications of Montreuil, drawn temp. Hen. VIII. The name "Montrell" is inscribed in the centre.
On vellum, 4 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 4 in. Endd.: Muttrell.
[1545.] 46. Tynemouth.
Aug. i., ii. 7. Plan of Tynemouth Castle and Tynemouth Abbey with a portion of the bpric. of Durham on the South side of the Tyne, including Jarrow Abbey, which, as well as Tynemouth Abbey is pictorially drawn. Fortifications surround the whole of Tynemouth Castle and the landward side of Tynemouth Abbey, and measurements are given in Italian. There are inscriptions in English in Roman letters, but there are others in Italian and in an Italian hand, as at Jarrow, which is described as "el vilazo del gintilomo Porcha (of the gentleman Porter ?)."
On parchment, mounted, 1 ft. 6 inches by 2 ft. 2 inches in height.
Aug. i., ii. 6. 2. Plan on a scale of 160 ft. to the inch (a smaller scale than that of the preceding) of Tynemouth town with the fortifications about the abbey and castle (though neither of these is named, but "the Closter" is indicated, and "the Pryours Haven" between the sites of the town and abbey).
On paper, 1 ft. 6¼ inches by 11 inches in height.
Aug. i., ii. 4. 3. Bird's eye view of Newcastle on Tyne and [Gateshead] with bridge between.
On paper, 1 ft. 9¾ inches by 1 ft. 1½ inch.
[1545?] 47. [Berwick.]
R. O. Plan of the fortifications with bridge over [the Tweed]. There are no names inscribed.
Large paper, about 22 by 30 inches.
48. Boulogne.
Aug. i. Supp. 5. A large plan of Boulogne and the adjacent country, especially that on the other side of the river; showing the fortifications.
At the top are "Highe Bollen" with "Basse Bollen" below it. To the left of Basse Bollen on the river is "the Yownge Man," and further on, on the Cliffs, "The Olde Man." On the opposite side of the river is the village of "Oultre Ewe." A little lower is the French fortress, pentagonal in form, with five bulwarks at the corners. The three of these nearest to Boulogne have inscriptions. On that towards the left is read: "The circuit of every bulwark is ccxlviij. passes, and this is more fortifyd than all the rest." On the middle one, right opposite Boulogne "They worke now uppon this to fortyfy this as stronge as the outher." On the third, to the right: "These outher thre boulwerkes be not yet so forward, nor yet so fortyfied as thouther." From the fortress on the left is laid down "The highway from the Portell to the see syde"; to the South of which, under the fortress, is "The Campe of Allmens and Picardes and divers outher nascions." From the South of the fortress is laid down "the highway [to] Mostrewll." To the South East of it is "The Campe of the Piemontois and Gascons." Further down, to the left of the highway to Montreuil, a church is drawn within a square enclosure, with the inscription: "Mons. du Bies is camped within this Churchyard callyd Oultre Ewe, and is well hallf a myle from the Allemans Campe"; which Camp is shown at the very bottom on the right: "The gret Campe of Allemens." On the left at the bottom: "The Campe of horsmen is well a gret Inggles mylle from anny outher Compeny and from the fortres." In the right bottom corner is a castle with inscription "The campe of the gentillmen, and is well a gret myle from th' Allmens, and from the Gascons well tou mylle."
On paper, 5 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in.
49. Boulogne.
Aug. i., ii. 67. Large chart showing the ground plan of the fortifications of Boulogne, both high and low (l'Alta Bologna" and "la Basa Bologna"), the Old Man (La tore) and the Young Man (Jovene), with a large fort on the opposite side of the river, the heights of the different walls of which are given. One boulevard is only 3 ft. high, others 9, 10 and 12 feet. The dimensions of parts of the fort are also given. A "cavalier" with cannon is indicated a little to the left of it. Under this fort are, on the river side, "Porta de Mina" and "vila bruyada." To the left (also on the opposite side from Boulogne) and within the line of what seems to be a long fortified wall from the riverside to the fort are drawings of tents with inscription "vali grandisima per looja 500(?) (fn. n15) a mile persone coverti dal forte soto el Cava[lie]r." The dimensions of this "cavalier" are given on a paper pasted to the right of the tents. On the line of wall is written "predar (?) el Campo in forte." Outside a hill is indicated with the inscription "Monte dove stava lancichinec." A mole projects into the mouth of the river near "la Tore" inscribed "molo di sasi." Along the top of the map a way is indicated with the words "Strada d'Ardelo che vieni dal Campo."
Paper roll, mutilated, 3 ft. 6 inches by 2 ft. 11 in. high.
50. Boulogne.
Calig. E. ii.,
(formerly Calig.
E. i., 56. See
Madden's Maps,
ii. 465).
A bird's eye sketch in pen and ink of the lower town of Boulogne, showing also on the opposite side of the river an irregular pentagonal fort, inscribed "vera effigies et proportio castelh quod Gallus prope Bononiam extruxit." The artist himself, apparently, has criticised his own drawing with the words: "Situs nec civitas uti jacet est bene depicta, sed tantum pro forma." A doorway marked beside one of the five bastions of the fort has the inscription attached: "Hic posticus est occultus et ante mensem factus." Inside the fort is written "Habet aliquot domos et latibula militum." A well is marked "bonus puteus," and along the inside of one wall is written "Habet intra murum valla per totum circuitum cespitibus cratibusque terre plenis erecta latitudine 20 pedum." There are other inscriptions also, even on the fort, one of them showing that a particular bulwark has collapsed three times and is very feeble.
Between one bulwark of the fort and the river is drawn a trench with guns and the inscription:—"Cum ex castello naves ingrediuntes nisi casu ledi possint, ex hac parte nituntur ducere fossam, quam Galli, Itali et Hispani trencheam vocant, ex qua aliquantum illesi a tormentis e civitate emissis, student naves ingrediuntes seu exeuntes infestare."
Further down is a hill with a castle on the top, with this inscription (mutilated): "Hic monticulus ita jacet ex opposito ut ce . . . . . . expertorum capitaneorum ac militum luditio nullibi commodius potest hoc castellum . . . colle turris terreus erigatur, quern Germani cattum Hispani et Itali ca . . . sed hec oppugnatio ita intelligitur si pro conservatione adsi[t exe]rcitus."
On the right hand side of the drawing at the top are some tents of the besiegers. And below these we read "[G]allus ex hac parte statuit hoc anno rursus Boloniam obsidere, ac in omnem eventum et hic aliud castellum erigere ac extruere; quod judicio expertorum ducum ni impediatur vix posse sequenti anno Bononiam sustinere affirmant ac Aldermannum hoc anno periclitari." (This is written on the North side of the stream, i.e. the same side as Boulogne, though the paper has been burnt down the middle between them.)
Below this, on the right side of the paper, and opposite the fort is the tower marked "Ardelot."
51. [Boulogne.]
R. O. "The platt of the Frenche forte."
A plan, about 16 inches square, showing the position of the well (in the centre) and the various offices, with a note of the armament of each of the six bastions.
A small plan in pencil of a somewhat similar triangular fort is in a corner of the same paper.
Large paper, p. 1. Endd. as above.
Aug. i. Supp. 6. 2. A plan apparently of the French fortifications opposite Boulogne "after two hondreth foote to the ynche." Here a line of wall, or it may be a trench, is laid down from the pentagonal fort to another near the sea.
Vellum, 2 ft. 2 in. by 1 ft. 7 in.
[Dec.] 52. England and France.
Aug. i., ii.
65, 66.
Map of the whole South Coast of England from Dover to the Scilly Islands, and of the opposite coast of France (Britanny, Normandy and Picardy) with representations, well drawn, of hills, woods, &c. A line is drawn from Pourbail to Bayeux and thence straight to the sea. (fn. n16)
Between Dover and Calais the strait is named "The Passe of Calles," and Dungeness is called "The Nesse," so that the draughtsman was probably not a Frenchman, as Madden thinks, though the neatness of the work does suggest a foreigner. A stout boy's face is drawn in England blowing southwards across the Channel, and a death's head in France blowing Northwards.
Paper roll consisting of two sheets now joined together, 2 ft 11½ inches by 1 ft. 5¼ inches in height.
53. The South-East Coast.
Royal MS.
18 D. III.
f. 9.
Coloured map of the coast from Dartmouth to "Roddy Pole" (Radipole) to show the advantage of making two jetties at "Ottermouth," Exmouth haven being now barred with sand and Teignmouth utterly decayed and "grown to a flatte." Ships well drawn sail the sea. Portland Isle is magnified so as to make the sea between it and Dartmouth appear a deeply enclosed bay from a point in which direction lines are drawn to all points of the compass. Beside Weymouth is marked "Wyke" in a later hand with note that the way between that and the mainland is 18 ft. broad. The advantages of the jetties at Ottermouth are set forth in the left hand margin in a hand of Henry VIII.'s reign. Beside Tor Bay is "The Abbey."
Vellum, 1 ft. 6¾- in. by 11 inches.
Aug. i., i. 29. 2. Coloured plan of a round fort carrying three tiers of guns situated at the end of a curved promontory in the sea. The guns of the fort are firing on six French ships one of which has its mast broken. An English ship is riding at anchor inside the harbour. The words "For the Wiche" written above the fort in an Elizabethan (?) hand.
54. The Channel Islands.
Aug. i., ii. 60. "A chart or bird's eye view of Chasteau Cornet and other islets between Sark and Guernsey; drawn temp. Hen. VIII.: 1 ft. 7 in. by 1 ft. 3½ in." (Madden).
[If this is of Henry VIII.'s time it must be at the end of the reign].
55. Carrickfergus.
Aug. i., ii. 54. Drawing of a castle on cliffs overlooking the sea (apparently Carrickfergus) (fn. n17). Some scattered houses adjoining, with a cross inside an open space among them. The entrance to the castle is shown on the left towards the houses. It has two round towers, one on each side the gate, and two inner towers are seen beyond. The walls have ten external towers, some square and some round, besides the entrance tower. The space within them is divided into three compartments by two internal walls which also have towers. The first enclosure is inscribed "Wallys grren" (sic); the second "Wallys." A tower at a corner in the background to the right is called "Walys towrre." Further to the right, but nearer the spectator is "the Whyt towre." Mountains are seen at the back of the landscape.
On paper, mounted, 1 ft. 10 inches by 1 ft. 2 inches in height.
56. [The Medway?].
Aug. i., i. 66. A rough drawing described in the Cottonian Catalogue as "A sketch of some harbour," and by Madden as "the mouth of the river Medway," though there seems really nothing to show what it is.
A small chapel seems to be indicated near the sands on the coast, but the drawing is very rough.
On paper, mounted, 1 ft. 10½ in. by 1 ft. 4½ in.
The date is quite as uncertain as the subject.
57. Scarborough.
Royal MS.
18 D iii. 64.
Pictorial coloured map of Scarborough, the town shown as placed on a bay in a neck of land, beyond which, on a round promontory, is the castle, with a chapel further on near the cliffs overhanging the sea. The bay to the right of the town forms a harbour nearly shut in by two banks of shingle, one on either side to serve for piers. Ships are drawn both inside the harbour and without. Perhaps Henry VIII.'s time though the sole inscription "Scarburoghe Castell" seems to be Elizabethan.
On paper, 1 ft. 9 in. broad by 1 ft. 4 in. high.
Aug. i., ii. l. 2. Another pictorial (bird's eye) view of Scarborough town and castle with the harbour. The only inscriptions, "Scarborow Toune" and "Scarborow Castle," are later than Henry VIII. and probably Elizabethan.
58. Shrewsbury.
Royal MS.
18 D iii. (89).
Map of the town, showing the walls, the castle, and two fortified bridges over the Severn. There are four churches within the town, two of them with high steeples; also the top of a church beyond the Severn is seen on the Eastern side. The different sides are marked in Roman letters outside the Map, "Occidens," "Oriens," "Meridies" and " Septentrio." The Western side is the top of the map. On the river are depicted swans and men rowing in boats; also a barge with one mast, towed by four men on shore. Just beyond the bridge on the West side "the Welsh gate" is written in lord Burleigh's hand.
On paper, I ft. 4¼ in. by 1 ft. 10 in. broad. Perhaps an Elizabethan map done at the same time as an uncoloured map of Shropshire at f. 75a of the same MS.
59. Tintagel.
Aug. i., ii. 43. A very curious coloured map of Tintagel Castle. The breach between the mainland and what is called "the Island" is shown with the inscription "The plase whar the drawe bridge was." Into this gap descending from the left is shown "The path over the Clefe to the ille." This path begins below and keeps alongside the Castle walls, first along the "upper kepe standing one a highe roke," then doubles round "the first courte to pase to the drawe bridge," which first court ends with the precipice where the drawbridge was, just as it does at this day On the "Island" is shown "the Castell," "the Chapell," "a garden walled," and "a fayer spryng of water"; and below on the bay is drawn "the walle of the Iron gate" with two bulwarks, from each of which two cannons are firing. Inscription "Theas ij bwolwarkes are to be aded." On the sea underneath is written "The roakc to lande men oute of shepes."
In the bay also we read :—This baye is all fayer sandy grounde good to anchor in and thear is never lesse then five fatham of water at the loeste ebbe; shepes may ryed here all wyndes except the Northwest." In the pathway to the bay is a stream described as "a lake of water roning to the see." Houses of the town of "Dondagell" are drawn to show the situation, and the church is drawn upon the hill. On the Northside of the "Island" an original inscription has been unfortunately mutilated by cutting; but it seems to be reproduced in an Elizabethan hand. Referring to two places marked on the "Island," A, B, it says "A, B, 2 rampirs to defend the landmen." An Elizabethan inscription near it marks "a place to land."
On paper, 1 ft. 7½ inches by 1 ft. 3¼ inches. Apparently later than Henry VIII.
60. The Tyne.
Aug. i., ii. 5. "A coloured chart of the course of the Tyne, from Newcastle to Tynemouth; drawn temp. Hen. VIII., on a scale of 2 inches to a mile: on vellum, 1 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 2 in." [Madden i. 125.]
[The work seems to be later than Henry VIII.'s time, probably Elizabethan.]
61. A Castle.
Aug. i., i, 76. Plan of a nameless castle (probably t. Hen. 8). It is apparently situated upon a rock, the cliffs descending on three sides immediately below the walls. It is in form an imperfect square 100 [ft.] each way, the line of rocks on one side compelling a sort of rounding off by two straight lines of wall at obtuse angles. Apparently there is water below the rocks, and at the one rectangular corner is a round tower. Two quadrangular buildings are at the entrance to the court, the larger being 40 ft. by 30 ft. with a circular staircase in one corner. (The figures are given in Arabic numbers without the word "feet.")
On paper, mounted, 1 ft. 11¼ in. by 1 ft. 9¾ in.
62. A Fort.
Aug. i., i. 73. Ground Plan of a fortified place. A large hollow square building with a tower (?) in the centre. The sides of the square are stated to measure 186 ft outside; the diameters of four corner towers are each 43 ft. The whole surrounded by a mote 20 ft. wide. Round these towers are nine holes for ordnance, and along each wall of the square are twelve, except on the one side in the centre of which is the entrance, by a bridge protected by five such embrasures, the wall of the quadrangular gateway having on one side of it four on the other five. The central tower has four semicircular bastions each with five embrasures for cannon and there is one besides on the wall between them.
Paper, 2 ft. 1½ in. broad each way.
(Apparently temp. Henr. 8.)
63. A Town with a Castle Razed.
Aug. i., i. 72. Plan (on the scale of 100 [yards probably] to the inch) of a walled and fortified town with a large enclosure. The town is washed on two sides by a river which turns round at something like a right angle, apparently under rocks on which the walls are built. Two churches are indicated, a market cross, and another public building; also a covered way leading on to a bridge over the river where there is a small island; and on it is drawn "The Castell raside." This castle had water all round it from tributary streams.
On paper 2 ft. 1½ in. by 1 ft. 6¼ in.


  • n1. The date of this project is not clear; but much was undertaken in connection with this chapel in the years 1512 and 1513 as well as later. See Malden's "Account of King's College Chapel, 1769."
  • n2. Probably made in 1514 when there was a danger of invasion.
  • n3. Perhaps for the Field of the Cloth of Gold?
  • n4. See Vol. IV. Nos. 5505; 5590.
  • n5. It may seem inaccurate to speak of a "martello tower" at a date long before Napoleon Bonaparte; but the construction of the buildings noticed here and later on is just that of modern martello towers, except that the guns were not intended to be placed on a platform above them; for there are embrasures or loopholes for them in the walls.
  • n6. At Dover. See Vol. XV., No. 323.
  • n7. Undoubtedly at Deal, where it seems to have been begun early in 1539 from designs of Stephen von Haschenberg. See Vol. XIV. Part i. Nos. 755, 937, 1103: XV. 323: XVI. 372, 456. Madden's suggestion of Sandown Castle is quite erroneous.
  • n8. Comp. Vol. XVI., Nos. 958, 1118, 1360.
  • n9. This map has no connection with the map of Carlisle, Aug. I. i. 12 showing a breach in the river "necessary to be repaired," the date of which seems to be 1549. See a letter of Lord Dacre to the Protector Somerset, 8 Oct, 1549, in History and Antiquities of Carlisle, p. 98.
  • n10. We are informed by Col. Mills that the order for building "la tour de S. Aubin" is among the "Actes des Etats" of Jersey, dated 19 Oct., 1542.
  • n11. See Vol. xvii., p. 417.
  • n12. Cavendish first appears as Controller of the works at Dover in the end of 1542. He was employed at Boulogne in Sept. 1544.
  • n13. The date of this map is probably 1544. See Vol. xix., Part i., No. 700.
  • n14. We are informed that le is still used very much for la in the patois of Picardy.
  • n15. A symbol like a letter e seems here to represent 500, or some number. It is also used inside the fort and about the "cavalier."
  • n16. See Nos. 533, 608, of this Part.
  • n17. Comp. two other maps of Carrickfergus, Aug. i., ii., 41, 42. Map 41 is dated 1612; Map 42 seems to be a little earlier, for it has "the Freres" with church and steeple, whereas Map 41 has the buildings without the steeple "late a friars' house, now the storehouse for victuals." But this map, No. 54, is certainly much earlier than either, and might well be of Henry VIII.'s time to judge by the handwriting of the inscriptions.