Henry VIII: January 1546, 21-25

Pages 45-52

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 21 Part 1, January-August 1546. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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January 1546, 21-25

21 Jan. 100. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 318.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 21 Jan. Present: Great Master, Privy Seal, Great Chamberlain, Admiral, Durham, Gage, [Browne, Wingfield, Paget, Petre]. Business:—Letters to Deputy and Council at Calais to pay the horsemen of that town according to old precedents; to treasurer of Calais to pay freight of ordnance and munition upon bills of Mr. Browne, master of the Ordnance there; to Mr. Candishe and Mr. Coltehurst, auditors, to proceed to Boulogne as auditors there; "and likewise Sir Leonard Bekwith was sent for to be treated with to accept the office of comptroller of Boloyne." Warrant to Treasurer of Augmentations to deliver to Robert Legge, treasurer, etc., 214l. for Paulo de Maryne "ut supra." To Mr. Sadler and Mr. Ryche for the immediate paying of a warrant of 1,000l. for marine causes. To the —— (blank) of London and Southampton for the stay of mariners strangers when requested by Maryne de Paulo and Francisco de Maryne; with postscript in the letter to Hampton for stay of the Venetian ship now lying there and her crew. To Deputy and Council of Calays to release and banish the Spaniard named Medelyne. To Gresham and Wingfield at Dover to unload all the pitch and dried fish from the Flemish vessels, if sure that it would have been carried into France, pay the skippers for its freight and let them depart with their lead and ships. An Italian captain sent by Angelo Maryano touching the offer of Marquis Ludowike Gonsaga to serve the King was this day answered that the King, being advertised of that offer by the Lord Privy Seal and Secretary Paget, thanked the said Marquis and would shortly send a gentleman or two to conclude with him.
21 Jan. 101. Richard Taverner to Dr. Parker.
Add. MS.
19.400, f. 23.
On Tuesday last Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentations sent twice for me, and at my arrival declared the King's commission addressed to you concerning the survey of the colleges in Cambridge, willing me, as your friend, to write to you to come up in person with the report to the King. Hampton Court. 21 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: vice-chancellor of Cambridge.
22 Jan. 102. Henry Man, S.T.P., Bishop of Man.
See Grants in January, Nos. 25-27.
22 Jan. 103. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 320.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 22 Jan. Present: Great Master, Privy Seal, [Great Chamberlain, Admiral, Durham, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Paget, Petre], Business:—Passport for the Egyptians under Philip Cazar, their governor, to embark at London according to my lord Admiral's order. Letter to Mr. Gresham and Mr. Wingfield that the latter might repair hither for 12 days on private business. John Hontrye of Rye had warrant to Sir Ant. Rous for 37l. 3s. 6d. for 9 weeks' service with his ship over seas.
22 Jan. 104. Rafe Holford.
Harl. MS.
2,067, f. 54b.
B. M.
His will. Dated 22 Jan. 38 Henry VIII.
Modern copy, p. 1.
22 Jan. 105. Vaughan to Wriothesley.
R. O. Has received of Bartilmew Compaigne's factor, in part payment of the 6,000l. Fl., promised to be paid here, 4,980l. Fl., and is to receive the remainder to-day, allowing 5 per cent, for six months' interest and ¾ per cent. for brokerage and provision, which is 345l. Fl. Because the King's merchants laded yesterday wagons for Calles with merchandise, Vaughan had a chest made of boards like a case of velvets and packed the 4,980l. Fl. in it, all in crowns; and this morning the wagon is gone towards Callays. Wrote to Sir Edw. Wotton, treasurer of Callays, to receive it. Will send the remaining 675l. Fl. as soon as he can find another wagon. The factor has much ado to get crowns, and Vaughan desires no other money, as crowns go at Calles for 5s.,—a gain of 5 per cent, to the King. Since I last wrote to your Lordship I have again met John Carolo, who is so charged with payments for spicery as to be unprovided with money; but, if he could utter to the King the diamond I wrote of, he would disburse therewith 100,000 cr. I have yet the Welsars to assay, and will not meddle with jewels if possible. Until Jasper Dowche comes home, I will assay all the merchants here.
By Francis I wrote to you (fn. n1) how I was driven (being perpetually absent on the King's affairs, leaving my children without oversight and my things to decay) to marry. There is a widow in London whose person and honesty I like well enough, late wife of Henry Brynklow; but her substance is not above 300l. or 400l. I humbly beg my lord Chancellor and you for advice, remembering "my declining now towards age and that riches is the gift of God, but an honest woman that feareth God is above all riches." Andwerp, 22 Jan.
"England is full of widows and the King's Majesty is my gracious good lord. How can I lack a good wife having the help of my lord Chancellor and you?"
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
22 Jan 106. Vaughan to Paget.
R. O. Since coming hither, has received of Bartilmew Compaigne's factor (who promised in England to emprunt the King 6,000l. Fl. for 6 months) 4,980l., which he yesterday packed in a chest with velvets, and sends by wagon, with Englishmen's merchandise, towards Calles, writing to Sir Edw. Wotton to receive it. Took crowns because they go in Calles at 5s. st.—a gain of 5 per cent, towards the interest. The factor showed the copy of an obligation of the lords Chancellor, Hertford, Privy Seal, Chamberlain and others, for repayment of the said sum in Andwerp and allowance of provision, factorage and interest. Agreed to deduct 5 per cent. for six months' interest at ¾ per cent. for brokerage and provision, in all 345l. Fl., and today receives the remaining 675l. Fl., to be sent by the first wagons that shall go. Has again met John Carolo, and finds him so charged with payments to the factor of Portugal for spicery that he will not emprunt unless the King takes a diamond which he holds at 40,000 cr. or 50,000 cr. Will not meddle with jewels, but, till Jasper Dowche returns, assay the Welsars and other "money men."
I have long had much hope in your lordship's (fn. n2) favour, and knowing your wisdom, desire your counsel for a wife. By my continued going from my house and the scarcity of friends, my children lack oversight, and my things run in decay; and this drives me to take counsel of your Lordship and Sir William Paget, secretary, about "a widow lately fallen in London, who was wife to one Henry Brynklow, a mercer. She hath but little. I know she is not worth above 300 or thereabouts. The woman's person liketh me, and I do take her age and conditions to be meet for me." It may please your lordship to let me know your counsel. Andwerp, 22 Jan. 1545.
Hol., pp. 9. Add. Endd.
22 Jan. 107. Chamberlain to Paget.
R. O. On Wednesday last, (fn. n3) was present with Riffenbergh and the rest before the Vicechancellor of the Empire and Mons. de Ecke, to whom the Emperor committed the hearing of the matter. After the writer's "querelles and particulers" had been read to them, with the complaints of the Bishop of Liege and other gentlemen, and their demands read to him, copies were exchanged for each party to answer in writing before the said deputies. Doubts not to be able to charge them with more than they can answer; and trusts that justice will make them an example "to all that nation."
While waiting for the rest, Mons. de Ecke walked communing with the writer almost half an hour, declaring that, now the amity between the King and Emperor was so sure, he wished that, after being so often deceived by the Almains, the King should not lightly credit them, who "had now no truth nor faith in them," and by whom the Emperor also had been ill handled and "eaten to the hard bones, as the French phrase doth sound." If the King would this summer use 2,000 or 3,000 footmen and 200 or 300 horsemen, we shall, quoth he, wish him such captains as shall without bruit levy and convey them to Callais, and for whose conduct the Emperor will be responsible;—and so said that the Bastard of Weede and one Corte Pennyncke were now in England to offer service, of whom the Bastard, although an honest gentleman, "was too hot to take charge, and too much given to that this nation most useth," and Cortepennynke was a traitor whom the Emperor would hang if he might take him. Finally he recommended Mons. de Yvesom, a gentleman of Fryseland, worth 5,000 fl. or 6,000 fl. yearly, hardy, wise and experienced, who could levy 200 or 300 good horsemen, William Wikus who served last year under the Count de Bueren and, thirdly, the engineer who made the strange mortars (fn. n4) that were shot at Landersey, who, he says, "hath not his fellow in Christendom for all kind of munition and artificial ordnance and conveying of waters or to fortify sudden, and to win a fortress by 'enginie'." He added that they would appoint other honest captains; and both his affection to the King and his advice seemed to Chamberlain to be very good.
Having had experience among these strangers, thinks it better to take such as Mons. Deke will answer for, rather than adventurers. Found in this last journey that so great a charge should never be given to one man that horse and foot should not be under the same man, and that the bargain with a coronel should be to levy men to be paid by the commissaries, and no coronel should have charge of more than five or six ensigns. Had it been so this last voyage, even though the enemy had corrupted the captains, the commons would have obeyed the commissaries; but Riffenbergh, receiving a gross sum monthly, bargained with the men for less and was to them coronel, treasurer and commissary; and, although the King willed "us to be generals, the commons had no regard but to him which paid them." Doubtless "ye will foresee to avoid the like inconveniences, and of Cortepennyncke specially to beware, of whose behaviour I assure you the bruit in this Court is very evil."
Begs to be remembered to the King that he may farm or buy some college, to have a certain living and escape the debt into which this journey has brought him. Wishes Paget and my lady health and honor. Utrecht, 22 Jan. 1545,
Hol., pp. 7. Add. Endd: 1545.
23 Jan. 108. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 321.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 23 Jan. Present: Great Master, Privy Seal, [Great Chamberlain, Admiral, Durham, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Paget, Petre]. Business:—Wm. Watson, having disbursed 713l. 8s. 4d. for cables and other ships' stores, as appears by bill of the Admiralty, had warrant to the Exchequer for satisfaction thereof. Letters to Sir Roger Cholmeley, Chief Baron, to proceed to levy 200 men in Middlesex notwithstanding the absence of some of his fellow commissioners. To customers, &c., of London that Steph. Mawbyre, goldsmith, the King's servant, is licensed to import 100 tuns of French and Gascon wine; to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, for justice to bearer, Jacobe Deryke of Middelburgh, touching a ship of his taken at sea and sold in Ireland.
23 Jan. 109. Cranmer to Henry VIII.
R. O.
Works, 414.
v. 353.
Could not stay in London because he had appointed the day after he left the King to be at Rochester, to meet the commissioners of Kent at Sittingbourn. The same night that he returned from Hampton Court to Lambeth, sent for the Bishop of Worcester and declared to him the King's pleasure. He promised to take the King the names of those in times past appointed to make laws ecclesiastical, and also the book which they made.
As to the ringing on All Hallow day at night, covering of images in Lent, and creeping the cross, he thought it necessary for the King to send a letter to the two archbishops, [and they to send to the other bishops]. Encloses a minute.
Thinks some doctrine should be set forward to declare the cause of the alteration, for if the honouring of the cross is taken away, it will seem to many who are ignorant that the honour of Christ is taken away, unless some good teaching is set forth to instruct them. If the King commands the bishops of Worcester and Chichester and other of his chaplains to do this, the people will obey willingly; otherwise they would murmur. Also it shall be a satisfaction to other nations to know that the King is guided by God's word and aims at His honor. Bekisbourne, 23 (fn. n5) Jan.
P.S.—The cathedral of Canterbury is alienating lands daily, it is said by the King's command. Is sure that other men have gotten their best land and not the King. Asks that when the King wishes to have any of their lands, they may have some letter from him, without which they are sworn to make no alienation; and that the alienation be not made at other men's pleasures, but only to the King's use.
Now every one who wants their lands, makes suit to get it into the King's hands, not that he should keep it, but by sale or gift from the King to translate it from the church to themselves. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.: 23 Jan. 1545.
110. Henry VIII. to Cranmer.
R. O.
Works, 414.
Burnet, v. 355.
Collier, v. 139.
Forasmuch as Cranmer, with the bishops of Worcester and Chichester, and others whom the King had appointed to peruse certain books of service, moved him that the vigil and ringing of bells upon All Hallow Day at night, and the covering of images in Lent, with the lifting up of the veil that covers the cross on Palm Sunday, with kneeling to the cross, might be abolished. All other vigils have been virtually for years abolished throughout Christendom, the name alone remaining in the Calendar, except All Hallows day at night. And forasmuch as this vigil is abused as others were, the King's pleasure is, as you request, that it also should be abolished, and that there be no more watching and ringing except as on other holidays at night. (fn. n6) Is contented also that the images in churches shall not be covered, nor no veil upon the cross, nor kneeling to it on Palm Sunday or any other time. Cranmer makes no mention of creeping to the cross, which is a greater abuse than any other, "for there you say, Crucem tuam adoramus Domine, and the ordinal saith Procedant clerici ad crucem adorandum nudis pedibus, and after followeth in the same ordinal, Ponatur crux ante aliquod altare ubi a populo adoretur, which by your book called 'A Necessary Doctrine' is against the second commandment." Desires therefore this creeping to the cross to be abolished. Commands him to signify this to the bishops of his province.
"Postscript" (heading only).
Copy, pp. 2.
R. O. 2. Copy of the above, headed "The minute of the Kinges mates l'res to be addressed to th'archbishop of Cant."
ii. Undated draft, on the same paper, of No. 109, without the postscript, headed "The copy of the l're to the Kinges Matv."
Pp. 4.
23 Jan. 111. Privy Council of Scotland.
Regist., 20. Meeting at Edinburgh, 23 Jan. Present: Governor, Cardinal, bp. of Galloway, earls of Huntly, Erroll and Bothwell, abbots of Paisley and Culross, lord of St. John's, Secretary, Clerk Register. Business:—Order taken between Patrick earl Bothwell and George Meldrum of Fyve touching the wardship of the lands and heir of the late Wm. lord Saltoun.
23 Jan. 112. Conrad Pennynck.
R. O. Notification of Henry VIII.'s appointment of Conrat Pennynck to serve him with 3,000 lansknechts, upon conditions which have been settled with Secretary Paget. Dated 23 Jan. 1545, 37 Henry VIII. Signed by Lucas Fringer.
German. Parchment. Endd.: 1545: Conrade Pennynke.
R. O. 2. Contract made by Conraet Pennynck (or Cortpennynck) captain of lansknechts, to serve King Henry VIII., against all men except the king of Denmark, duke of Lunenburgh and city of Amborgh, and to bring 4,000 (sic) lansknechts to Calais by land or water upon conditions specified. Hampton Court, 22 Jan. 1546. Signed: Conrat Pennyck. Seal lost.
German, pp. 4.
24 Jan. 113. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 321.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 24 Jan. Present: Great Master, Privy Seal, [Great Chamberlain, Admiral, Durham, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Paget, Petre]. Business:—Letter to Lord Wharton signifying the King's licence for his repair hither; to Deputy and Council of Calais to prepare to receive 500 Clevoys coming out of the North by way of London and Dover, and 1,500 footmen, Spaniards, embarked at Newcastle with one month's victual and coal for ballast; to President and Chapter of Paules to proceed in their election of Dr. Maye, the King's chaplain, as dean there without delaying on pretence that the Great Seal was lacking to the King's letters in that behalf, or scruple because these letters were in parchment, not paper. John Hontrye alias John Frencheman, of Rye, had warrant to the Treasurer of the Tenth for 40l. in loan, to be repaid at Midsummer. Letter to Mr. Grimston, acting captain of Portsmouth, to charge four of the inhabitants to watch with the soldiers, permit the mayor to order the market, receive no inhabitant as a soldier unless, having previously been a soldier, he has married the widow of an inhabitant, and to forbear calling any of the "gildable" to watch without the town. It being declared by the Great Master that certain Portingals discharging wares at Portesmouth and Fareham were interrupted by Thos. Pace, searcher of Hampton, letters were written to Pace to let them sell their wares. John Killegrewe had letters to Sir Thos. Seymour for one last of serpentine powder for the castles of St. Maures and Pendennys by Famouth, and warrant to the Treasurer of the Tenths for 4 mks. to hire two wains to Hampton, 20s. to pay freight from thence, and 13s. 4d. for his charges. Sir John Williams had warrant to repay Sir Edw. North l,000l. sent hither to be issued upon letters addressed to John Dawes, deputy treasurer of the Chamber.
24 Jan. 114. James McConel to the Deputy and Council of Ireland.
R. O.
St. P., iii. 548.
Arnamurchan, 24 Jan. 1546:—We James McConaill of Dunnewaik and the Glinnis, and apparent heir of the Isles, have seen your lordships' letters to our kinsmen to aid our cousin Matthew earl of Lenox, and we pray you, my lord Deputy, with the Council of Duplyn, to show the King that we are ready, with Alan McKlayn of Gyga, Clanronald,Clanchamrown, Claneayn and our own surname, both North and South, to take part with the earl or any other appointed by the King, the King sending a power to us with him to the isle of Sanday beside Kintyir about St. Patrick's Day next, and giving us his reward and bond like that made to ourself and Donald lord Yllis, who died in the King's service. We require two or three ships to be sent with this bearer, Hector Donaldsone, being a pilot to the place, 20 days before the army comes. Signed. Seal gone.
P. 1.
24 Jan. 115. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
R. O. Wrote on the 17th. There has been a controversy at Trent because the bp. of Fesolo, Florentine, "at the time of their solemn ceremonies in publishing the Council, said Placet in omnibus preter quam in titulo qui est mancus, nam adjungendum est Sancta Sinodus Tridentina in Spiritu Sancto congregata universalem Ecclesiam representans, which is thought to signify quod Pontifex subjiciatur Concilio quod illo majus est." They of Trent stayed proceedings and sent to Rome for the Bishop's opinion. The Legates at Trent have invited the Protestants to the Council, but the answer is expected to be little pleasant to the prelates; to whom the Diet of Frankfort is "much fearful" as the league is said to increase by new confederates and to provide money against the prelates. The Turk's going to Andrinopoli seems to be for hunting. In Piemont both parties have doubled their garrisons. Venice, 24 Jan. 1545.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
25 Jan. 116. The Privy Council.
A.P.C., 323.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 25 Jan. Present: Great Master, Privy Seal, [Great Chamberlain, Admiral, Durham, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Paget, Petre]. Business:—Letter to Lord Chancellor, returning the bills he sent, and signifying that the King took in good part his doings therein; requiring him to proceed in those matters and, touching the letter of one Hastinges, now in the Counter, to my lord William, cause the persons to be questioned and inform the King "of that he should say." Warrants to the Exchequer for 300l., the Treasurer of Augmentations for 500l. and the Treasurer of the Tenths for 200l., to be delivered to Robt. Legge, for affairs of the Admiralty. Letter to Legge, who has already received 1,000l. of my lord Admiral "for the more speed of the affair wherefor the money aforementioned was meant," to give receipts for the above particular sums and receive back his receipt for the said 1,000l. Warrant to the Exchequer to pay John Dawes, deputy to Sir Ant. Rows, 150l. for charges of posts and rewards. Letter to Daws to give a bill of receipt for that 150l., and at his next repair to Court he should have the money, or else a warrant for his discharge. Letter to Surrey to place Thos. Moys in some honest place at Boulogne. Warrant to Williams to repay Sir Edw. North 1,000l. sent hither to John Dawes "for things occurrent." Letter to Wharton to let Ric. Greme take advantage of such of his prisoners, Scots, as may be conveniently ransomed, travail for the ransom of the lord of Fentre, "delivered in" upon Anguish's credit, and make an end with John Thompson for a Scot sold to Thos. Dacre.
25 Jan. 117. Conrad Penninck.
See Grants in January, No. 31.
25 Jan. 118. Sir William Petre.
See Grants in January, No. 32.
25 Jan. 119. Vander Delft to Charles V.
viii., No. 188.
Sent on the 20th to the Council at Hampton Court, where the King has been since Christmas, saying that he had received a reply from the Emperor and would be glad to have the prisoner examined in his presence, either there or in London. They replied that there were several charges against the prisoner, both on the Emperor's behalf and the King's, and they had placed him in greater security (in the Tower) but deferred his examination until the King's return to London this week. The Emperor's letters of the 17th in reply to his of the 9th direct him to insist on full restitution by Renegat; and he will do so, but writes to Granvelle the scruples encountered in the matter. Nothing fresh has happened in religion. Conrad Penninck is engaged to bring ten standards of infantry provided that they are not High Germans nor infected with the Anabaptist or Sacramentarian sect. It is said that they will be drawn from about Bremen, Hamburg and Lubeck, and that many of them are already assembled. Here are great preparations to supply Boulogne, because France is raising a large body of Germans with (as the English say) the aid of the Protestants. War ships are being put in order, and the Admiral leaves Court shortly to assemble the fleet. London, 25 Jan. 1546.
25 Jan. 120. Vander Delft to Granvelle.
viii., No. 189
The difficulty of Renegat's matter lies in the Emperor's instructions dated Worms, 16 July last, to press for release of Spanish property embargoed here and restitution of that captured by Renegat, and then the Emperor would raise the embargo in Spain. Did so, and the King and Council raised the embargo here and promised the restitution. They have since frequently complained that the embargo in Spain is not raised; and, now that Renegat offers to account for what he has taken and hand over to the writer all that pertains to the Emperor, that complaint will be repeated. Forbears, therefore, to press too urgently, especially as Renegat says that the Emperor's portion is of little value, "which I doubt." Suspects a wish to put him off with what Renegat chooses to surrender. London, 25 Jan. 1546.


  • n1. From this point Vaughan is concluding his letter to Paget (No. 106). in which the real continuation of this letter is found.
  • n2. From this point to the end Vaughan is concluding his letter to Wriothesley.
  • n3. Jan. 20th.
  • n4. See Vol. XVIII., Pt. ii., No. 310.
  • n5. Misread "24th" both in Burnet and Cranmer's Works.
  • n6. Here § 2 adds "saving that, before Dirige be begun, one peal shall be rung to give every man warning to pray for all Christian souls departed;" but this is struck out.