Henry VIII: June 1515, 16-30

Pages 162-174

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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June 1515

16 June.
R. O. Rym. XIII. 511.
Notification of the acceptance by Scotland of the treaty made between France and England, 5 April 1515. Amboise, 16 June 1515. Seal.
16 June.
Adv. MS. 438.
"Mandata et articulorum capita Johannis Ducis Albaniæ, etc., Regis Scotorum tutoris, et regni Scotiæ Protectoris et Gubernatoris, ad illustrissimum Daciæ, Norvegiæ etc. regem, suo caduceatori et heraldo Norge, sextodecimo Junii, anno decimo quinto supra millesimum et quingentesimum, credita et commissa."
To thank the King for his sympathy with the troubles through which Scotland has passed. To thank the peers and councillors for advising the King to send a remonstrance to the King of England. To show the true reasons for joining the truce for three years with England and France; that it was not, as Christiern writes, in consequence of the tender age of the King. Francis made a treaty with England on 5 April last, naming the Scotch and Danes as confederates. The Scotch were given three months to decide, during which time abstinence of war between England and Scotland was proclaimed. Their late successes in war induced them to refuse; but the absence of the Governor, the admonitions of the Pope's ambassadors, who had stayed a whole year in Scotland, and letters from Christiern, dated 10 April, advising them to defer their revenge for the late King till matters at home were more settled, all combined to make them accept the comprehension.—Is to warn the merchants of Bergen and other Danish ports to desist from molesting the Scotch at sea and elsewhere. The goods of the inhabitants of Könisberg, which were detained at St. Andrew's, have been restored. As to the Orkney Isles (which the King writes should be soon redeemed), acknowledging the Abp. of Drontheim (Mydiosensis, qu. Nidrosiensis ?), and observing the Danish treaties, will attend to it as soon as the country is quiet and factions less violent. Asks him to send ambassadors to France. Antony Darses Lord La Baty is now in Scotland. He has attended to the King of Denmark's interests there and in France, and will be sent by Francis to Denmark. The French King has sent letters confirmed with the Great Seal to show his wish for a renewal of the old treaty between the three kingdoms; and Christiern would do well to entrust full powers to the ambassadors whom he will send to Scotland to confirm it. Edinburgh, 4 June 1515.
Copy, Lat., pp. 3.
16 June.
R. MS. 13 B. II. 261. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 241. Adv. MS. 437.
Has referred to the Council the articles which he sent by Norge herald, and sends answers to each article by him. Being in France when he arrived, ordered him to be detained until he could cross to Scotland. Sends also letters from the King of France, containing a reply to the questions which Christiern commissioned Albany to ask him.
16 June.
Vit B. II. 144*. B.M.
By the brief of the Pope and the letters of the Bp. of Vesprim (episcopi Wisprimiensis) the King will perceive that Hungary is in a very perilous condition without the assistance of Henry and other Christian Prince. Rome, 16 June 1515. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. and endd.
16 June. 591. JOHN WILLIAMS.
To be yeoman of the Crown with 6d. a day. Westm., 16 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 2.
16 June. 592. For SIR JOHN RAYNSFORD, knight of the Body.
Custody of the possessions in Essex and Kent, and elsewhere in England, of Rob. Darcy of Stradford apud le Bowe, Midd., during the minority of Th. Darcy, kinsman and heir of the said Rob.; viz. son of Rog., son of the brother of the said Rob. Westm., 16 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22.
17 June.
Galba, B. III. 315. B. M.
The Lord Vandome ... with ... ambassadors have gone to the Prince. By a letter of the Audiencer, dated Arlem, in Holland, 12th inst., it appears that new difficulties have been started in the matters of Friesland. Gueldres is intractable. The Scotch ship of Dandernesse has arrived. Moray and Albany are good friends, but as the former is not popular in Scotland they wend different ways. It is said the Scotch will not allow the Queen to have any rule except the keeping of her children. They have taken a Flemish ship, saying it belongs to the Irish. Bruges, 17 June. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
17 June.
Galba, B. III. 328*. B.M.
The French have deferred their journey into Italy, as the Swiss [have taken] a stronghold in Savoy, which delays their passage. According to their slanderous manner, [their] "false faithed enemies the Englishmen co ... were passing over the mountains with the pou ... had assembled a host of men, suddenly to ... wherefore they are compelled to revoke [their powers]." Garrisons are posted in different parts of Picardy, so that Tournay is in danger. Has written several times of a prebend void in Tournay. Bruges, 17 June 1515.
Hol., p, 1, mutilated. Add.
17 June.
Vit. B. II. 147*. B.M.
Received his letters dated 3 June, on the 16th, desiring him to send a messenger into Flanders to carry the brief to the Abp. of St. Andrew's. Would have done so, but had it not; and in consequence of the Abp. having stolen away he sent it back to Rome, as Giglis knows. Will write to Ammonius at greater length. Would not refuse to serve Wolsey in the matter, even at the hazard of a voyage into Scotland. Amboise, 17 June 1515. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: T. Archiep. Ebor. Endd.
"Instructions given by Th. Lord of Dacre unto the Master of College of Graystok, to be showed unto my Lords of the King's most honorable Council."
1. Understands by their letter of 18 April that Scotland is included in the peace from 15 May next coming, at the desire of France, notwithstanding the behaviour of its late King; 2. that the comprehension will be hard to be kept, especially (3.) on the East and Middle Marches, which are in great disorder, 4. Offers to take it in hand with a garrison of 60 men: 5. the expense to be 400l. a year, and the 60 soldiers to be sent to Berwick when the danger happens. 6. He that should be lieutenant is to be sheriff of Northumberland. 7. If this is agreed to, will appoint his brother Sir Christopher as his deputy, with no other pension but a wardship or marriage when it shall befal. A clerk to be employed to check the band. 8. That in accordance with the King's letters, dated 6 June 4 Hen. VIII., he has kept espialls in Scotland for three years, the sum of whose extra charge amounts to _ (blank in MS.), but as he owes the King for the farm of Penrith 132l. 7s. 4½d., at the rate of 44l. 2s. 5½d. per ann., will be glad to pay the balance of the account to John Heron. Signed.
Pp. 6.
17 June.
R. O.
Thanks him for expediting his matters of late sent with the Master of his College of Graistok. Is sorry that on account of the state of the Borders he cannot avail himself of the King's permission to come up. Sends his brother Sir Christopher with instructions for the indentures. Has been at Hexham with Mr. Ashton, Wolsey's chancellor. The regality of Hexham has been brought to good obedience. Kirkoswald, 17 June. Signed and sealed.
Add.: [My] Lord Abp. of York.
17 June.
598. DACRE to the COUNCIL.
Wrote lately by his chaplain, the master of Graystok, what he thought requisite for the due preservation of the Marches, and advising that a garrison should be placed in Northumberland. As he cannot come himself, has sent his brother, Sir Christopher, to complete the indentures, which must be drawn from the 16th May. Kirkoswald, 17 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. and endd.
17 June. 599. For TH. WARD, yeoman harbinger.
To be gate keeper of the outer gate of Windsor Castle, with fees settled upon that office, Edw. III. and Ric. II., on surrender of patent 24 Sept. 1 Hen. VIII. granting the office to Gil. Maudesley. Westm., 17 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
18 June.
S. B.
600. For JOHN SAMPY alias SEMPER, merchant tailor of London.
Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Del. Westm., 18 June 7 Hen. VIII.
19 June.
S. B.
Inspeximus and confirmation of an indenture, dated 17 March 6 Hen. VIII., between Queen Katharine of the one part, and Sir John Cutte of the other, whereby the Queen granted to farm the manor and borough of Thaxstede, Essex, with appurtenances, in as ample a manner as she held the same by grant 10 June 1 Hen. VIII., to hold during the Queen's life, at a yearly rent of 57l. 7s. And the said Queen appointed ... and Miles Hegeson, clk., her attorneys. Also further grant, in fee, of the reversion of the farm of the said manor and borough, at the yearly rent of 57l. 10s. No act of resumption to affect the said John, his heirs or assigns. Del. Westm., 19 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
19 June. 602. For TH. ROBERTZ and JOHN PERYENT.
To be auditors of lands in S. Wales, and of the possessions of Jasper late Duke of Bedford in cos. Glamorgan and Morgannok and elsewhere, and of the possessions of William late Earl of Huntingdon in cos. Somers. and Dorset, and of the manors of Uske, Kaerlyon, and Trillek, in the Marches of Wales, parcel of the earldom of March, and of the lordship of Merberth, Pemb., parcel of the said earldom; vice Thos., John, and Wm. Harper, John Gunter and Ric. Lussher, on surrender of patent 12 May 3 Hen. VIII. appointing the said Thos. and John auditors of the possessions of the said Jasper, and of patent 5 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII. appointing Ric. Owen and the said Thos. Robertz auditors of S. Wales, &c. Westm., 19 June.
Vacated on surrender by John Peryent in favor of ... Suthwell.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, ms. 24 and 25.
20 June. 603. For TH. BYRDE of London, leatherseller.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wingfield, Deputy of Calais. Westm., 20 June.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
21 June.
R. MS. 13 B. II. f. 92 b. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 215.
604. ALBANY to LEO X.
Since he was chosen Governor, has often written to the Pope on behalf of the King's privileges. Now there are disputes between the prelates chosen by the King and those nominated by the Pope. Asks, therefore, for briefs of suspension, censure and process. Will hear more fully from the Cardinal St. Mark. Edinburgh, 21 June 1515.
21 June. 605. For HUGH HASLEY, clk.
Presentation to the church of Spilake in Picardy, vice Hugh Park, deceased. Westm., 21 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17.
22 June.
Vit. B. II. 185. B. M.
606. [TH. COLMAN] to WOLSEY.
It is a true saying that the Germans are tipplers, the French unchaste, the Spaniards thieves, the Scots perfidious, the Danes bloodthirsty [tr ... ] The Emperor Maximilian is a good instance of the first, he tipples up wine and he tipples up all the money he can get. His forefathers have done the same, as is shown by instances in English history. History bears the same testimony to the flattery and frauds of the French, of which Francis is a proof in the way he has acted touching the dowry of Mary the French Queen. The King of Arragon makes promises which he never keeps. The Scots are perfidious to the King of England, to whom they owe obedience, and the Abp. of York, who is their patriarch. Bologna, x. kal. Quintiles, 1515. [Sig. burnt off.]
Hol., Lat., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: T. Eboracensi Archiepiscopo.
22 June. 607. For MARGARET, Prioress and the BERNARDINE CONVENT of WHITE NUNS near WORCESTER.
Inspeximus and confirmation of pat. 28 Jan. 2 Hen. VII., confirming another, granting the convent in mortmain an annuity of 10l. out of the issues of co. Worc., Westm., 22 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 1.
22 June. 608. For ROGER BROMFELD.
To be searcher in the port of Yermouth. Westm., 22 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27.
23 June.
Galba, B. III. 244. B.M.
609. PONYNGES and others to [HENRY VIII.]
"[Please it] your grace to [understand] that this one and [twentieth day of this month ... ] De la Nuca, ambassador here for the King of Arragon, did come [to] us, and said that he received letters from his master, w[ho said] he was informed by John Stile of the sending of us your ambassadors into these parts," at which he was much pleased. He assured them that no prince was more desirous of an alliance with England, or more willing to do his pleasure. He says that the French ambassador is most anxious to induce the Emperor to join the peace lately concluded between them and the Prince, and if the league were renewed between England and Arragon the French influence would decline. Two couriers have been despatched to the French King, desiring him to use his influence in England to persuade the King to join with Arragon. "And in this communication he demanded of us whether there were any of o [ur] nation named the White Rose. We answered that there was one that the Frenchmen called so. Then he said that it was spoken amongst the foresaid band and ambassadors that it were better for them to do that should be done in time than to tarry too long. And he saith that he cannot interpret these diffuse words otherwise than that if these men may attain to their purpose, they mind to cause your grace to have business within your own realm." Poynings had written to the King and my Lord of York touching Richard de la Pole, and is anxious to know if the King will have the said enterprise undertaken, for which frequent suit has been made to him, and, if so, how he is to demean himself towards the parties. Vandome, the Bishop of Paris and Mons. de Chenei the French ambassador, arrived on the 18th, and are well entertained. The provost of Louvain, who should have been here some time since, has not yet come from the Emperor. The Hague, 23 June. Signed.
Hol., cr., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
Ib. f. 207. Decipher of the above by Tuke.
Grant of the next vacant prebend in St. Stephen's, Westminster. Westm., 23 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 14.
24 June.
Vit. B. II. 149. B. M.
Thanks him for his letters and his liberality to his messenger, Griffith Don. Greenwich, 24 June 1515. Not signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
24 June.
Galba, B. III. 328. B. M.
Complains of a slander thrown out against the English Commissioners. Told the Provost of Cassell that if the Prince's Commissioners had been sitting in England, the King would not have allowed them to be so ignominiously treated. No one will exercise jurisdiction in Tournay, because they would in effect be banished, as they must have recourse to this country and to France. If Wolsey's title were sufficiently strong to be justified before noble men, would do the best to set it forward. Bruges, 24 June 1515.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Add. and endd.
24 June.
Calig. E. I. II. ? 40. I. 116. B. M.
613. BOY[SY] to [WOLSEY and SUFFOLK].
Has received his message by Messire Wm. Sid[ney]. Would be sorry that any division should happen between the two kingdoms. Begs him to send the names of those merchants who complain, and the nature of their complaints. Will make an example of the offenders. Similar complaints exist in France. He who is accountable for Wolsey's pension must make his excuse; "et sans la quictance la partye eust este roy ... comptes; car il nappert point de l'ordonnance que dictes avoir este [fait par le] Roy Loys." The King knows nothing of these matters. Lyons, 24 Ju ... Signed.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 2.
4 June.
S. B.
614. For TH. LORD DARCY.
Custody of the water of Fosse near York, and the fishery there, lately held by Richard Borowe and richard Newton. Del. Westm., 24 June 7 Hen. VIII.
24 June.
S. B.
615. For JOHN CUNDALLE of London, salter, native of Scotland.
Grant of all his goods and chattels, seized to the King's use, as a native of Scotland, as he was made a denizen by pat. 7 March 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24.
24 June.
S. B.
To be bailiff of the scavage of Calais as Walter Culpepur, deceased, late had; with annuity of 20l.; also all the possessions of William Worseley, which came into the late King's hands, the said William being a bastard and dying without issue. Del. Westm., 24 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 28.
25 June.
S. B.
617. For SIR EDW. BELKNAPP, knight of the Body.
To be constable of Warwick Castle, steward of the borough, with a messuage called "le stewarde's place;"—steward of the lordships of Clerdon, Kington, Lighthorn, Moreton, Bereford, and Berkeswell, Warw., with 2d. a day for each office out of the issues of the manors of Warrewyke, Lyghthorne, Moreton, Berkeswell, Kington, Clardon, and of the manor of Snytterfeld, Warw.;—also surveyor and receiver of the lordship of Henley in Ardern, Warw.; with 2d. a day for each office out of the issues of the manors of Warrewike, Snytterfeld, &c.; master of the hunt in the parks of Wegenoke, Heseley, Grove, Barkeswell, Fulbroke, and Claredon, Warw.;—to have the herbage and pannage with fishery in Wegenoke park, at a yearly rent of 10 marks; to be woodward in the parks of Wegenoke, Haseley, Grove, Berkeswell, Claredon, Sutton, Tonworth, Kington, Henley in Ardern, Warw., with all trees destroyed by tempest, and boughs, &c. cut off the same in the said parks, with 2d. a day for each office out of the issues of the said manors of Warrewyke, Snytterfeld, &c.; keeper and paler of the park of Wegenoke, with appointment of subordinate officers; steward to the lordship of Brayles; and bailiff and provost of the lordships of Lighthorn and Moreton, with 2d. a day for each office out of the issues of the said lordships. Del. Westm., 25 June 7 Hen. VIII.
25 June.
S. B.
Annuity of 200l. out of the tonnage and poundage of London. Del. Westm., 25 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19.
25 June. 619. For ROB. FAYREFAX of the Chapel Royal, and ROB. BYTHESEE.
Aunuity of 9l. 2s. 6d., of which 7l. 18s. 5d. shall be paid out of the farm of Colemere, Hants, by the hands of the Prior of Southe- wyke, the remainder out of the issues of co. Hants. Westm., (25 ?) June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 17.
Grant, in survivorship, of the tribulage in the hundreds of Penrith and Kerr, and in the stannary of Penrith and Kerr, Cornwall. Westm., 25 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
25 June. 621. For JOHN SHARPE and JAS. DRUEL.
To be keepers, in survivorship, of the park of Weston Baldok, Herts, vice Ralph Pudsey; and bailiffs of Weston Baldock, during pleasure;—on surrender of patent 30 April 23 Hen. VII:, granting the same to Sharpe. Westm., 25 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
25 June. 622. For RIC. SMYTH, yeoman of the Wardrobe, and JOHN SHARPE.
To be customers, in survivorship, of the dues for weighing wools and fleeces in Calais on surrender of patent 26 June 1 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Smyth. Westm., 25 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
25 June. 623. For RIC. RYSSCHETON.
Pardon as of Dunkynghalght, of Rhyssheton, of Dunkall Lane, of Stodeley, Warw., or of Warmeby, York, of all matters before 23 Aug. 6 Hen. VIII. Westm., 25 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25.
26 June.
Vit. B. XVIII. 155. B. M.
Wrote last on the ... from Insbrok. On the 14th left by the Emperor's command for this place, where he arrived on the ... after a troublesome journey, in consequence of the "foul ways" owing to the "melting of the snows." In the duchy of ... but a day's journey from Lynce, much damage has been done within a compass of fifty or sixty miles; and a poor husbandman, seeing all his corn and fruit destroyed, hung his five children and attempted to hang his wife; but she escaped, and on her return with assistance found he had hanged himself.—This day the Emperor arrived, and is to be at Vienna on 2 July, where the ambassadors are to go and meet him, which will be a matter of difficulty and expence, as the country is under water. "Where in my said letter of the 11th I advertised your gr[ace of the] things that the Pope had written to the Duke of M ... to pass forthwith their enterprise of Geeny[s] ... "would not enter into the league or deliver hos[tages] ... the news be that where the said Duk[e] ... 1,000 Swissers were ... (here some lines are lost) ... erfore now the said army is passed into ... the passages, and the Pope's army is going thither." Francis is said to be at Lyons with a marvellous army, "and by likelihood in trust that the said French army [may] have passed the mountains with more ease than it seemeth now, the [Ven]etians' army, under the conduct of Bartholomew Dalviane, advanced themselves out of Pado and be at Vyncence, and the Viceroy with the Emperor's army have made such diligence that he is now betwixt them and home, so that by the next post we shall not fail to hear of a battle, or else the Venetians must remove right craftily; and if so be they strike battle and be vanquished, the hope they have had of France is like enough to lead them to such other rewards as have been given to the Kings of Scots and Navarre, which is the peculiar reward of France to all such as be abused by them."—There is no more news. Lynce in Lontupterence in Awstryk, 26 June 1515.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add. Endd.
Devon.—H. Bp. of Exeter, Hen. Earl of Wiltshire, Rob. Willoughhy Lord Broke, John Bouchier Lord Fitzwaren, Ric. Eliott, Lewis Pollard, Sir Peter Egecombe, Sir Edw. Pomery, Sir John Basset, Sir John Kyrkehem, Sir Th. Denys, Sir John. Shilston, Wm. Courteney, Wm. Carewe, Roger Greynfeld, Jas. Chudleygh, John Rowe, Rob. Yoo, John Gilbert, Th. Stukeley, Wm. Wadham, Ric. Reigne, John Crokker, And. Hillarsedon, John Caileway, Ric. Coffyn, Edm. Larder and John Asshe. Westm., 26 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
26 June.
S. B.
626. For ROB. KNOLLIS, gentleman usher of the Chamber.
Annuity of 24l. Del. Westm., 26 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1,m. 26.
26 June. 627. For SIR HEN. DAUBENEY.
Pardon for having acquired without licence the manor of Bromyshyll, Hants, from Sir Leonard Grey and Elizabeth his wife. Westm., 26 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22.
26 June. 628. For WM. STAVERTON alias STAFFERTON, grocer, London.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wingfield, Deputy of Calais. Westm., 26 June.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
26 June.
Er. Ep. VIII. 41.
Fancying that Coclites had left, sent Erasmus, by a friend going to Brussels, three verses, a copy of a letter he had written before and sent by Pace, and one of the Pope's briefs. The breve sent by Leo. X. to Henry VIII., in favor of Erasmus, Ammonius keeps against his return. Wishes to hear from him the news of the German wars. All are anxious for him. Larch, who is omnipotent with the Abp. of York (Wolsey), sends him a small present. Westm., 6 kal. Quintiles, "odi enim Julianum nomen," 1515.
27 June.
S. B.
To be steward of the manors of Snytterfeld, Budbroke, Hampton. super-Montem, Haseley, and Hatton, Warw., and of all possessions in cos. Warw., Glouc., Worc., and Oxon., formerly held by Thomas Higford, now in the King's hands as parcel of the possesions of Ric. de Beauchamp Earl of Warwick, with an annuity of 6l. 13s. 4d., as held by Edward Rawlegh. Del. Westm., 27 June 7 Hen. VIII.
27 June.
S. B.
631. For TH. LYVETT.
Wardship of James, son and heir of Edm. Bury. Del. Westm., 27 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18.
27 June.
632. For TH. BEVERLEY.
Wardship of Katherine, a daughter and heir of William Lawrence of Myton. Del. Westm., 27 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18.
27 June.
Commission to imprison murderers and other offenders. Del. Westm., 27 June 7 Hen. VIII.
28 June.
Has seen what his Majesty has written to him in commendation of Bernard Boerius, son of John Baptista, and likewise what he has written concerning the Abp. of York. Will do his best. Will obey his commands in the cause of Bp. of Murray. Has written more fully to Wolsey and the Bp. of Worcester. Rome, 28 June 1515. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
28 June.
Vit. B. II. 149b. B.M.
Is glad to find the King is satisfied with what he has done touching the revocation of the legateship of St Andrew's. Will promote the cause of John Baptista Boerius, the physician. What trouble he has taken in attempting to reconcile Cardinal St. Chrysogon and the Bp. of Worcester touching the collectorship, thinks Wolsey will know from his previous letters. Rome, 28 June 1515. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Th. Archiep. Ebor.
28 June.
636. To RICHARD BP. OF WINCHESTER, keeper of the Privy Seal.
To make letters patent assenting to the election of Wm. Brown, as prior of the Augustinian Convent of St Peter and Paul, Ipswich, vacant by the death of Th. Goodwyn. Greenwich, 24 June 7 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June Signed: T. Ebor.
ii. Petition of the canons for the same. 18 June 1515. Signed: T. Godsalve.
28 June.
637. To JOHN YONG, Master of the Rolls.
To cancel five recognizances amounting to 200l.; four made by George Trevilion of Netilcome (Somers.) clk., John Colyns and William Whitington of London, mercers, Robert Ardern of Holme (Notts.), and William Butteler of the King's household, serjeant-at-arms, 21 October 24 Hen. VII., to that King; the fifth by John Dewe of Helston (Cornw.), bound 18 Nov. 24 Hen. VIII., to that King, instead of William Whittington, who had died. Greenwich, 28 June 7 Hen. VIII.
28 June. 638. For GILES DAWES.
To be keeper of the place called "le Prynce wardrobe," in the city of London, also pardon of all fines, &c. Westm., 28 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19.
28 June. 639. For WM. HARVY.
Pardon for killing Wm. Watson of Ingoldesby, Linc., in selfdefence. Westm., 28 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14.
County of the City of York.—Th. Drawsword, mayor, Brian Palmes, serjeant-at-law, Sir Brian Stapleton, Sir Th. Fairefax, Wm. Nelson, alderman, and Bartram Dawson, alderman. Westm., 28 June.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8d.
29 June.
Vit. B. XVIII. 156. B.M.
Wrote last on the [26th]. On the night of ... [Bartholome Dalviane] left Vincence with his company quietly and encountered a company of ... at a passage "where was taken and slain to the n[umber] ... and the captain of his pioneers, and it was the next ... morning or the Viceroy was advertised of the said a ... howbeit incontinent he sent all his great artillery ... and followed with his army, intending to pursue the ... that it is thought the said Bartholome shall ... without more damage, and whether he do or not the [ .. inten]dyth to brenne round about Pado and all the con ... and Vyncence." News has arrived from Rome; "howbeit I have not [the means] to know all things as I was wont, for it seemeth tha[t] ... here hath me for suspect because the French preach [that] your Grace setteth more by their amity than of [other] Christian princes," nevertheless Wingfield has perceived that the "[league] betwixt the Pope, the Emperor, and the King of Arragon [is in] marvellous good point, insomuch that the Pope hath [invited] the ambassadors to lodge within the palace, and is vitin ... to join with them, not only for the defence of Italy ... France with them, if there be none other remedy a ... the Emperor to take upon him to be captain of the l[eague in] person offering great things unto him and he ..." The Swiss are determined to enter France. Written in haste ... June 1515.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
30 June.
S. B.
Licence to impark lands in Westonehouse and Cremele, Devon, and Cuthele, Cornw., and to inclose and fortify his manor of Estonehouse, Devon. Del. Westm., 30 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22.
30 June.
Annuity of 40 marks for services to Mary Queen of the French, the King's sister. Del. Westm., 30 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17.
30 June.
644. For JOHN CAVALLARI, merchant of Lucca.
Licence to retain the customs and subsidies on his merchandise to the amount of 3,000l., for 8 years, on the obligations of the said John, Nicholas and Anthony Bonvixi, and others. Del. Westm., 30 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
30 June.
Annuity of 10l. out of the issues of Kent. Del. Westm., 30 June 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 17.
Er. Ep. VII. 6. 646. AMMONIUS to WM. MONTJOY.
Is grateful to Montjoy for the favors received from him during his residence in this island. Dedicates to him these trifles. (fn. 1)
Vit. B. II. 150.
The Pope has commanded him to write a letter in common to Wolsey and Fox. He is endeavoring to see how, salva fide, he can create Wolsey a cardinal by himself or otherwise. Is anxious to know the state of matters between France and England, and the terms of peace between the two kingdoms. The French threaten the Duke of Milan and the King of Arragon, and proclaiming the marriage between the Prince of Castile and the sister of the French Queen, call him King of Castile and offer to assist him to gain instant possession. Not long since, the Duke of Savoy told the Pope that the same lady was offered to him, and he had been requested to renounce his claim to her and to all rights in Britanny, with the offer of Milan; to which the Pope answered that, as the French asserted the present Queen would die in childbed, many thought that poison was prepared for her. The King of Portugal has written to the Pope, requesting his aid to obtain Henry's sister Mary for his eldest son, and begs Wolsey will submit the matter to the King. Discredits the asseveration of the French that she is married already to Suffolk, as he has heard nothing of it from Wolsey. Wishes also to know whether the interview will take place between Henry and Francis, and thinks it unadvisable that the Prince of Castile should be inducted into his kingdom by the French. Begs Henry will nominate one of his ambassadors now at Rome, in whom the Pope may confide. Has written to Wolsey of the Pope's conversation of sending him a small present of 1,000 crowns on the part of the Duke of Milan. Had not received the money from the Pope: told him of it, when the Pope wished he had said nothing about it, as the Duke had not paid the money and they had heard no more. The Duke is grown very arrogant since the death of Lewis XII. The Pope has seen certain letters of Polydore Vergil of the 10th Feb. to Cardinal Hadrian, very abusive of Wolsey.
Lat., pp. 4.
Vit. B. II. 152.
*** "..for my preferment, but afore God it is not so; but [from a sense of my] duty, and for the great love that I bear to his holiness an[d that I] would have the King fast to him." The King has always been a friend to the Pope and his alliance ought not to be lightly thrown away. Writes by the King's express commandment. He is to mark the Pope's determination, and send word of it immediately "and plainly to advertise me." The King will be greatly displeased if his desires are not regarded, as he is a better friend to the Church than all other Princes. Has shown many things to Mr. And[reas Ammonius] to be disclosed to the Pope. "From my place beside Westminster, &c."
Draft in Wolsey's hand, p. 1, mutilated.
Galba, B.III. 246.
"... briefness of time ... yet we could not a ... for a letter to be sent to the King ..." They will execute the sentence upon the merchants at the expiration of the time limited. If the King command his merchants to abstain from their ports they will soon be brought to reason. Yesterday, when the Venetian ambassador late in England congratulated the Prince on the assumption of his lands, desiring the continuance of the peace between Burgundy and Venice, he was anwered that the Prince marvelled how he dared enter his country without a passport, and they must be reconciled to the Emperor before they had amity with him. Date lost. Signed.
Pp. 2, badly mutilated.
Otho, C.IX. 21b. B. M.
They have conferred the preceptory of Schelebec ... on Clement [West] for his service in the East. Have written to Thomas [Docwray], their Prior, to give him possession, which he has hitherto deferred to do. Rhodes, ... June 1515.
Hol., Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.


  • 1. Apparently the proposed dedication to the poems of Ammonius of which Montjoy disapproved. See p. 136.