Henry VIII: June 1518, 1-15

Pages 1302-1311

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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June 1518

1 June.
Er. Ep. App. 284.
Reached Basle on Ascension Day. The New Testament is at press. A new plague is raging in Germany; affecting people with a cough, pains in the head and stomach. Erasmus has suffered from it. If his work is sufficiently advanced, hopes to leave in three months. Basle, postrid. Trinitatis.
1 June.
Er. Ep. App. 285.
4204. ERASMUS to MORE.
On the same subject. Has ordered three copies of his New Testament to be taken off on parchment; one for Tunstal. Hopes to return to Flanders in September. Basle, postrid. Trinitatis.
R. O. 4205. _ to [WOLSEY].
P.S.—Afterwards letters were brought from Spain, by which we learn that the French ambassadors who had gone to the Catholic King had earnestly begged for a meeting between him and their master, which is to be held at Perpignan; and though both pretend it is merely for an expedition against the Turks, everybody believes it is for mischief. It has caused much astonishment, considering the fraternal unanimity between the King of England and the King Catholic, that the latter should have given his assent to this proposal without advising with England. The Venetians are afraid that the two Powers propose to divide Italy as they did on the last occasion at Cambray, and are secretly negociating with the Emperor to obtain the protection of the Swiss.
Lat., in Vannes' hand, p. 1.
Wolsey's letters about the French marriage would have hindered it if they had arrived before it was contracted, especially if he had induced the King Catholic to make honorable offers. The Pope would have preferred affinity with Spain; but for many reasons, particularly because he was imposed upon in that quarter, he was obliged to humor his nephew Lorenzo by allowing him to contract the marriage with France. He assures Worcester that, on account of this marriage, he will never do any thing prejudicial to the treaty, or in any way injurious to Henry and Wolsey, who will see his good intentions from his briefs. The marriage will never please those who are in the habit of weighing their interest in the same scale with public tranquillity. Although the Pope speaks with the best intentions, and affirms that he has no mind to satisfy the daily immoderate demands of the French, still, as he is naturally flexible, and inclined to please his nephew, there is danger of his falling into many errors through French practices. Told him plainly that it would be his ruin if he favored the French unduly, and if he made any grant concerning Tournay to England's detriment. Worcester and his friends all think that Henry and the King Catholic should keep their eyes open, and not trust too much to his words, and, before all, gain the Swiss. If this be not done, there will be nothing to hinder the French from making a successful expedition into Italy and to Naples, which are unguarded, and quite overlooked by Chievres. The Spanish ambassador is now urging this on his master. Wise men think it is of the greatest importance that England should take up the matter.
Lat., pp. 3, in Vannes' hand. Apparently a transcript from cipher. Endd.: "Letters in Laten made as well by the Lord Cardinall and other Bishopes to the King's Highnes."
Mon. Habs., Abtheil II. B. I. 58. 4207. CHARLES KING OF CASTILE.
Instructions of Charles of Castile to Philibert Naturelli, Provost of Utrecht, the Abbot of Ayne, and the Sieur de la Chaulx, his ambassadors in France.
Is surprised to hear from the Provost and the Sieur de la Rochebeaucourt, the French ambassador, that Francis has not taken in good part the answer to his letter concerning the execution of matters treated of at Cambray, and the meeting of the two Kings (la veue des deux Rois). Acknowledges that the French King is not obliged to break with the Venetians, to carry out the treaty of Cambray. Will be glad to have a meeting, though not now, as he will have to go to Catalonia and Valencia to assemble their estates. There were three reasons that made Charles wish for the meeting: his desire to see Francis; the necessity of deliberating about the Turk, which is not so pressing as it was, and the execution of the treaty of Cambray. The first reason alone now remains, and therefore the meeting can be postponed to a better opportunity. If mention is made of the Bishop of Liege and the Sieur de Sedan, they are to say that he received them into his service at the request of Madame of Savoy, seeing that Francis had dismissed them from his. If Francis speak of Charles's sending to the Swiss, they will say that by the treaty both Kings should have sent together, and knowing that Francis had sent without informing him, Charles did the same, to know what was being done there. Does not engage the Swiss for any war with Christian princes. If anything is said about the empire, they shall say that Charles has more right to it than any other, being descended from a line of Emperors, and since the present Emperor his grandfather has asked him to stand for it. If the marriage of the Lady Eleanor is spoken of, they shall say that she will marry the King of Portugal. If Tournay be mentioned, Charles has sent to the Emperor and the Kings of France and England, asking them to keep the peace. If the French ask concerning the submission of the English King, they are to say that Henry has replied to the King Catholic that he holds it by just and good title.
As to the 100,000 g. cr. which Charles pays yearly to Francis for Naples, the late King only paid Lewis 50,000, and the kingdom cannot support such a heavy charge. Makes an offer of marriage for the Princess Louise. As to Navarre, and the ambassadors now with the King, they are to say that they are well received, and will be briefly dispatched, as the King approves of a certain overture of marriage which they have made. Word shall be sent of Charles's determination concerning the Marshal of Navarre, on the return of certain persons who have been sent to obtain information on the subject. As to the Neapolitan exiles, has sent commissioners to carry out the arrangements previously devised. They are to use the same terms, and speak with the same "couraige et estomacq," as the French King and his servants.
Mon. Habs., Abtheil II. B. I. 58. 4208. CHARLES KING OF CASTILE.
Instructions of Charles of Castile to the Provost of Utrecht and his ambassadors in France.
Charles is grieved to hear of the force assembling in France for war with England, especially as the cause is only Tournay, a place of so little benefit to either. Is afraid he will be drawn into the quarrel, being bound by treaties to both Kings. Such a war will give the Turk a good opportunity of attacking Christendom. Sends also to the King of England to persuade him to keep the peace. The Emperor or himself will act as mediators, if the quarrel be referred to them; and if peace be continued, an aggressive war against the Turk can be set on foot.
1 June.
R. O.
4209. The BP. OF HELNA to WOLSEY.
After taking leave of him, received a letter from the Catholic King containing the news of his success, and especially of his reception in Arragon, which he desired should be communicated to the King of England; but hearing that Wolsey would soon be in London, thought it better to transmit to him the letter by his secretary. This day received two letters from the Emperor to the King of England, which he sends and begs may be answered, and another from Montigny. The Catholic King wishes Henry to send an ambassador to the Swiss. London, 1 June 1518.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.
1 June.
Galba, B. IX. 69. B. M.
Articles of commercial intercourse between the English merchants and the town of Antwerp; drawn up by John Hewster, governor, Benjamin Digby, John Kyme, Miles Gerard, John Skevyngton, William Marla[r], on the one part, and the officers of the town on the other. 1 June 1518. Signed by Wolsey.
Lat., pp. 22.
Galba, B. VII. 81. B. M. 4211. HENRY VIII. and CHARLES OF CASTILE.
Confirmation of the treaty of 1506, for five years from the date of this document, by Cuthbert Tunstal, William Knight, Sir Thomas Spinelly on the one side, William de Croy and others on the part of Charles Prince of Spain on the other. Signed by Wolsey.
Lat., pp. 7.
1 June.
S. B.
4212. For WM. SERGEANT of Wonersshe or Onershe, Surrey.
Pardon for the murder of Ric. Stanes, of the same place, laborer. Del. Woodstok, 1 June 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1.
6 June.
Giust. Desp. II. 189.
4213. SEB. GIUSTINIAN to the DOGE.
The King and the Cardinal are away. A report has prevailed for some time of the Queen's pregnancy, "an event most earnestly desired by the whole kingdom." It has been confirmed to him by a trustworthy person. Visited the Spanish ambassador, but could learn nothing from him. His colleague, who arrived lately, has been despatched by the King and Cardinal to Flanders, "where he will remain until the arrival of the most illustrious Infant, who is hourly expected." Hears that Henry is much bent on the union of Christendom and opposing the Turk; that the only obstacle is the reconciliation of the Emperor and the Venetians. Lambeth, 6 June 1518.
6 June.
S. B.
4214. For TH. MUSGRAVE of Bowcastell, Cumb.
Pardon of all offences and trespasses in or near the King's chamber, household, or palace. Del. Woodstok, 6 June 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1.
7 June.
Giust. Desp. II. 190.
4215. SEB. GIUSTINIAN to the DOGE.
A courier has arrived from Rome for the Cardinal, who is to be made legate, an honor he much desires. Is going to visit the King at Southampton. Lambeth, 7 June 1518.
7 June.
R. O.
4216. PRICES.
Warrant to Sir John Heron to pay to Nich. Carew 8l. 6s., viz., for 6 loads of hay at 10s. a load, 2 loads of oats at 12s. a load, and 2 loads of tares at 10s. a load, for feeding the game and deer in Greenwich Park; and for certain repairs in the garden and "herber" there. Woodstok, 7 June 10 Hen. VIII.
Receipt for the amount, signed John Legh, 20 June 10 Hen. VIII. Signed.
8 June.
R. O.
4217. DACRE to WOLSEY.
Received on 5 June his letter dated Hampton Court, 29 April, which was five weeks and three days on the road. As David Home had arrested the French ambassador, and detained him until he should obtain the King's safeconduct for both to pass into France, Wolsey thinks it best to induce him to allow the ambassador to depart to France, and to labor for his peace upon promise made by oath or writing to obtain the said pardon; or if he will not consent to this, he must bind himself to return again as prisoner. Home has promised, both to Dacre and Lord Home, that the ambassador shall not go to France nor come within the danger of the Duke of Albany, and Dacre has arranged that he should remain on the Borders to annoy Scotland, but England will be free from responsibility, as he stated in a letter dated Wark upon Twede, 1 Feb. It was thought that the French King would be highly displeased at the taking of his ambassador, especially as the Lord Hamilton, governor in the Duke's absence, and Warden of the East Marches, lies at Wedderburn, but five miles between, and the ambassador's horses and servants go daily to Edinburgh for such novelties as he pleases to have. If the King and Wolsey approve, think it well that Home should have his peace, "that the light men of Scotland may see that he is restored to his house of Wedderburn for his evil deeds, for he would soon be foul again," by reason of meeting and speaking with Lord Home his chief. If he had his house again and was "put at again," he would cast it down as the late Lord Home cast down Home Castle, "for I think it good that some of such evil-disposed persons as draw to the said Lord Home were always taking their remissions," for that will cause any man "in business" to resort to him, expecting help for his evil deeds. Lord Home shall not speak with any Scotchman in England, whereby the English warden will not be charged with the receipt of any fugitives, and Dacre thinks he will never have his pardon, but always be "the fiddling stick to hold Scotland in cumber and business;" for the Scotch lords and great men never keep any promises but what are to their own weal.
The promises made to the Queen at her entry into Scotland, by the King of Scots under his Great Seal, and confirmed by the three estates with the consent of Albany, viz., that she should have her dowry, conjunct feoffment, jewels, &c., have not been kept, but she lies in Edinburgh like a poor suitor, and all she had of the King's gift is consumed. David Home is fully determined not to let the ambassador depart till he shall either have his remission, or the French King uses efforts with the King of England to get a safeconduct for David and his six brothers to come to England during two years. Would be loath to meddle if the King thinks the French King desires to have his ambassador set free, "because the said David should think that I were greatly in his danger." If Wolsey approve of his purpose, requests him to write to the Captain of Berwick that he wishes the ambassador set free. Dacre would then advise the Captain to send a dozen persons to where he is in Scotland and fetch him, if Home and he do not agree in the meantime. Assures Wolsey that the Homes are a great expence to him. These ways stand neither with truth nor honesty (though there is no remedy where no truth is kept). If Wolsey will send a wise yeoman in hermit's weed, will convey him into Scotland, where he will see more waste done by such means than if the King had laid a garrison of 3,000 men there.
Wrote lately of the condition of Wark Castle. By Wolsey's help it is thus far set forward for the protection of the East Marches. The King's money is spent nearly a year ago. It has cost the King no more than 480l. If he had 220l. to make the whole up to 700l. thinks it would be sufficient to finish it. The dungeon is complete, with offices for a constable and forty footmen. The overmost house is made for keeping ordnance. The watchman in his watch house on the top of the dungeon can see Norham Castle and the bounds of Berwick. The dungeon is of four houses height. In every stage there are five great murder holes, shot with great vaults of stone, except one stage which is with timber, so that great bombards can be shot from each of them. There is a well with trapdoors, through every house, for the "heasing" up of ordnance. The dungeon is planned with close gates going from it from the countermore, so that in time of peace it may keep all the castle. The castle is to be of three walls, of which the dungeon is one; the second next the dungeon will have an overthwart wall from one side of the castle to the other, and an iron gate in it and a vault as far as the gate goes, that an armed man may ride in at it; "which shall have another wall set to it for to set an house upon, which house shall be of two stages high; stables to be underneath, and chambers above;" twelve horses in a stable, and six men in a chamber, so that there will be an accommodation for 140 men and their horses. Hall, kitchen, bakehouse, &c. to be within the same ward with a draw well for the garrison, and room to keep a flock of sheep and eight score head of nowlte in the night and in a skirmish time. The third ward has a gatehouse tower, three houses high, nearly finished, and already covered. In the lowest house are two great vaults, the one for the great gate where a load of hay may enter, the other for the porter's lodge and a chamber within it, "and two stages height above the same, and at the end of the said castle next the water of Tweed is a little tower of three stages height." A little tower must be made at the west postern, so that men may come to it from the dungeon upon the counter ward, and receive into the dungeon whom they will for their rescue, "and so that outermost ward shall be for the town and country to set there houses upon the countermore in the time of war, and shall be able to keep 1,000 head of horses and nowlte within the same ward, upon the night or skirmish time." When the castle is finished, means must be taken to make the lands and fishings which lay waste, support it in time of peace, so that the King may have no expence but the wages of four gunners, as it will do more than twice the damage to Scotland than Berwick can, with but a third of the garrison. Thinks the King could not spend his money better.
If Wolsey will have some ordnance sent to Newcastle by the coal ships in the Thames, will cause it to be brought to Holy Eland by water, and thence by land, so that when my Lord Hamilton and the Treasurer of Scotland come down to the borders (as they lie at Ekkels, two miles from Wark), and meet him at Coldstream or Cornhill, they may sometimes hear a noise which they will not like. Harbottle, 8 June. Signed.
Pp. 6. Add.: To my Lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
8 June.
Vesp. C. I. 164.
Wrote last on 25 May. The French ambassador complains that the promise of the meeting has not been kept, and it was answered that the King Catholic is much employed, and that De la Shaw has been sent to France to explain. The ambassador replied that such conduct was not conducive to good amity; and was answered that the King Catholic would preserve the peace with all who did not give them cause to the contrary. This firmness will keep the French King within due limits. The French are very angry at the sending to the Swiss by the Kings of England and Spain. To remove all grudge between himself and Lord Berghes, Chievres proposes to marry his niece to the son of Lord Berghes. The lady was to have been married first to the Pope's nephew, then to the Prince of Bisigen, who had made a prior contract per verba de præsenti with the Earl of Rickasence's daughter, which cannot be dissolved. As the lady is not of the fairest, Berghes may take the Prince of Semay's (Chimay's) daughter. His going to the Emperor hangs upon this.
["By letters dated at Roma, the 22nd day of May, the ambassador Catholico writte the arrival in Swissers of Master Pace, saying the Pope had such news, and how the Frenchmen were not admitted to send to the Diet. A post came yesternight from the Emperor, and the Lord Chievres showed me this morning the letters been not yet deciphered, but tomorrow betimes he wol show me his advertizements."] (fn. 1)
Yesterday the Cardinal and Chievres declared unto Lady Eleanora the capitulation made for her marriage with Portugal. No news yet of the dispensation from Rome. The solemnity is not expected to be splendid, as the King of Portugal will adhere to the statute forbidding the use of gold and silk clothes. The King Catholic will do the same, after the old form and prohibition of the realm, and the patents for every country. The King's officers on the borders are ordered to receive the Pope's legate honorably, but the King will not allow him to use any faculty legatine, and is resolved to make him a short answer, to despatch him the sooner to Portugal. An ambassador from the Marquis of Brandenburg, named Joackyn, is gone into France with the Duke of Lunenborgh, who is more noble than rich. Lord Montany is misinformed when he said the Marquis was in the same company. News is come by a ship at Bilbao that Don Fernando was in the narrow sea with a contrary wind. It is not thought, therefore, that he has "taken the coast of England." The Emperor's ambassador departed from the French King, touching the prorogation of the truce with the Venetians for five years. He will have 5,000 ducats from them if France deal truly. The Duke of Urbin, the Pope's nephew, declares he will be friend to friend and enemy to enemy with the French King. The Catholico was nothing pleased, and has charged Don Loys Carros, his ambassador, to remonstrate with the Pope. The Pope has refused the Duke of Urbino leave to make strict amity with the French.
The Chancellor has fallen "sick of a wot fewre, of the which many been infected and die in this town;" he died yesterday, to the regret of all, being "a man of great prudence and experience plain and true, and that had no fellow like him in all the King's country beyond sea."
The Dean of Besançon, brother to the Bayly Damont, President of the Council in Flanders, on whom the King conferred the archbishopric of Palermo two months ago (an appointment not confirmed because the nomination is claimed by the Pope), will probably succeed. He is an old friend to the writer. Saragossa, 8 June 1518. Sealed.
Hol., partly in cipher, deciphered by Tuke, pp. 5. Add.: [To the Ky]ng's most [noble gr]ace.
8 June.
Vesp. C. I. 166*. B. M.
Wrote last on 25 May. Has had no news of his affairs, though he left England eleven months ago, for which he has received 100l., and in one year before, another 100l. Supposes his service is but little esteemed, and therefore would be glad to know the King's and Wolsey's pleasure therein. Writes all the news to the King. Considering the Chancellor's death, and that the Dean of Besançon succeeds him, thinks it would be well for the King to send him part of the reward which, as the Bp. of Helna writes, he intended to give to the Chancellor. Saragossa, 8 June 1518.
The ambassadors are in good health. He will hear of them from Sir John Style.
Hol., with cipher, deciphered by Tuke, p. 1.
8 June.
R. O.
4220. JU. [DE MEDICIS,] Vice-cancellarius, to HENRY VIII.
The Pope has gladly consented to the nomination of Henry [Standish] to the see of St. Asaph, vacant by the death of the last Bishop. Rome, 8 June 1518. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
9 June.
Adv. MS. 50.
4221. LEO X.
Bull for the conversion of the House of St. Mary, near Montrose, to the use of the Observant Friars there. Rome, 9 June 1518, 6 pont.
Copy, Lat., pp. 7.
9 June.
P. S.
4222. For MISOTTO DE BARDI and JOHN CAVALCANTI, merchants of Florence.
Licence to export 390½ sacks and six "claver" of wool, through and beyond the straits of Marrok, notwithstanding the statutes. Greenwich, 5 June 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 June.
10 June.
Bud. Epist. 17b.
Thinks of his past favor with gratitude; of the book he received from him; and his care in revising his lucubrations. Has sent him some rings (cramp rings), consecrated by the King as a charm against spasms. London, 4 id. Jun.
11 June.
S. B.
4224. For WM. HALL and WM. MASON, wardens of St. Nicholas's Church.
Licence to asks alms for three years, from 23 March 10 Hen. VIII., for repairing the body and steeple of the said church, which are fallen into decay; the steeple having served as a beacon to mariners. Del. Hampton Court, 11 June.
11 June.
S. B.
4225. For SIR RIC. FITZLEWYS and ELIZABETH his wife, and JOHN his son and heir apparent.
Custody of the manors of Wedyngton Vesys aud Lystonhalle in Gosfeld, Essex, which Sir Wm. Fynderne held in right of Agnes, his late wife; with the wardship of Thomas, Sir William's kinsman and heir. Del. Hampton Court, 11 June 10 Hen. VIII. Signed: Thomas Lovell—Richard Weyston.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
12 June.
S. B.
4226. For THOMAS CARDINAL ARCHBISHOP OF YORK, Primate, Legate and Chancellor.
Wardship of Gervase, son and heir of Rob. Clifton. Del. Westm., 12 June 10 Hen. VIII.
13 June.
Vit. B. III. 218*. B. M.
Had stated already the Pope's desire for the universal peace of Christendom. He had, to that end, sent to ascertain the mind of Francis by the Duke of Urbino. Silvester Darius will inform Wolsey of the result. The Pope is very anxious for an answer. Has written already three letters respecting the privation of Cardinal Hadrian. Notwithstanding his indecision, the Pope will in the end compel him to resign the see of Bath. Rome, 13 [June (fn. 2) ] 1518. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
14 June.
Vesp. C. I. 167. B. M.
Wrote last by Sir John Stile on the 13th May. Chievres is surprised to hear from the Provost of Cassell in England, that "Mr. Secretary nor none other in that behalf is gone for the King's grace unto the Swyses," notwithstanding former promises. They answered that Mr. Secretary was sick at London, and all not yet done should be fulfilled. A legate is expected from the Pope, to pass into the realm of Portugal. The Chancellor died this day week. Had he lived, "it had been a clear cause; what now, at yet we cannot tell." "The Flemings die here sore; every day some: and in process they will be all outworn; albeit as yet they have the great stroke, and no men else come much about the King." The Dean of Byzaunce, Abp. of Palermo, is the new Chancellor. The King is expected to remain here two months; he then goes into Catalonia and Valencia. The Emperor's ambassador has left, more for the King Catholic's cause than for his master's. The French practices about the empire are much feared. Lady Eleanor desires to be commended to Henry: she goes shortly into Portugal. The King is now in a country where everything is very dear, "and where he may well command, but they do as they lust." Will write oftener in future. Saragossa, 14 June.
[P.S.]—"We beseech your grace to cause some of the King's hallowed rings to be sent to us; they before desired of us, and we sore ashamed that we have them not." Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: My Lord Cardinal. Endd.
Harl. 295. f. 116b. B. M. 2. Draft of the above, in Kite's hand.
15 June.
Vit. B. III. 220*. B. M.
Excuses himself for addressing the King. Was born of good parents at Exeter. Was taken notice of by the King's mother, and was brought up in her court. She sent him to Ferrara to study, from which, on obtaining his doctorate, he went to the papal court at Rome. Wrote frequently to the King. Thinks his letters were intercepted. Could not omit this occasion of writing again, and sending those treaties between the Pope and other Christian princes for the expedition against the Turks. The papal forces are advancing against the Duke of Camerino, who five years ago married the Pope's niece by his sister Magdalena. As he is said to be impotent, the Pope wishes to marry her to the nephew of the Duke, who is the legitimate heir to the dukedom. He stands on the defensive. A Turkish fleet has been scouring the Adriatic—made a descent upon Piccenum, and pilfered the church of Loretto. Rome, 15 June 1518. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
15 June.
S. B.
Livery of lands as son and heir of Abraham Sibylles, who, at his death, held of Henry VII. Signed: T. Nevyle. Del. Hampton Court, 15 June 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3.


  • 1. In the original cipher, but undeciphered by Tuke.
  • 2. Supplied from the margin.