Henry VIII: October 1541, 1-10

Pages 577-584

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 16, 1540-1541. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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October 1541, 1–10

1 Oct. 1227. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Hull, 1 Oct. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—John Johnson, who had the day before been chosen mayor of Hull, showed reasons why he should not be mayor that year; whereupon, although the day of charter was past, it was decreed that this election should be void, and they assembled anew in the common house and chose one Mr. Eylonde, knight. Letters came from Wharton containing lord Maxwell's excuse of a raid lately made. A privy seal to be sent for Sir Nic. Poyntz at the complaint of lady Barcley.
1 Oct. 1228. Lord William Howard to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., viii.
The day after Howard wrote last, the King and Queen came to Lyons, tarried there 3 days, and departed towards Burgh in Brasse, in Savoy, where the King has not been since it came to his possession. Mons. de Roodis, French ambassador with the bp. of Rome, and Mons. de Moullyn, who, as Howard wrote, was sent to the Emperor, and the bp. of Rome himself, have failed to obtain restitution of Rancon and Signor Fragoso. The Emperor's answer is that he cannot find what is become of them, but will restore them if found. Many suppose they are dead. The last ambassador (fn. 1) here for the bp. of Rome has come in post and spoken with the King; another is looked for daily from the Emperor. The Emperor is departed towards Africa; so that the King will shortly go towards Paris, mustering his men at Dygeon. No further news of Ferdinand's defeat by the Turk. Gives details of the account before received. The bishop of Rome and Emperor spoke together alone sundry times without concluding anything. Granvela remains to conclude matters, and will afterwards go to Milan. Ascanio Colonna's son to marry the bp. of Rome's niece Signora Victoria. Describes the bishop of Rome's entry into Lukes, 8 Sept., from a house of Bonvise's near there. The traitor Cardinal Pole was not there. The Emperor entered Luke, 12 Sept. The bp. of Rome brought 600,000 crs. to give the Emperor, for Sienna for Sir Octavio. The Dolphyn fell suddenly sick the day the King left Lyons, but is now amended. Lyons, 1 Oct.
P.S.—The gentleman (fn. 2) expected from the Emperor has come. Signed.
4. Add. Endd.: 1541.
2 Oct. 1229. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting [at Hull], 2 Oct. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—The mayor and aldermen of Hull declared the causes of the decay of the town and desired redress. Sir John (sic) Lawson brought in his accounts for Berwick. Letter stamped to lady Barclay about Sir Nic. Poyntz.
3 Oct. 1230. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting [at Hull], 3 Oct. Present: Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—Men of Scarborough who sued for certain wood to repair their haven and pier had answer that one should be sent to view both haven and woods. A privy seal sent out for Sir Nic. Poyntz.
4 Oct. 1231. The Staple of Bristol.
See Grants in October, No. 6.
4 Oct. 1232. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Hull, 4 Oct. Present: Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business.—Sir John Elond, mayor, Sir Wm. Knowlis, Laur. Fawbury and — appointed overseers of the King's works at Hull. The King's grants to certain requests of the town were declared, viz., an incorporation for mariners with licence to purchase 10l. by year, allowance of 10l. wont to be paid to the sheriff, &c. (detailed with certain promises in return).
R. O. 2. “Things to be done by th'inhabitants of Hull and Hullshire.”
1. Cleanse the town ditch and make the “rampares.” 2. Renew the sluices. 3. Furnish “portcluses” to the gates that shall be left open and strengthen them. 4. Provide iron pieces, but no brass pieces, for defence of the town. 5. Touching the bridge out of Holderness, the King is content, provided they bear the charge of its repair hereafter, and also, with Holderness, contribute money and labour towards making it. [Md. the ground on Holderness side to be within the liberties of Hull.] (fn. 4) “Item, to have a regard to th'avoiding of Scots and vagabonds from time to time.”
P. 1. The last two sentences in Wriothesley's hand. Endd.: Remembrances for Hull.
R. O. 3. Conclusions taken for the fortification of Hull, viz.:—A bulwark to be made at the Watergate as the King shall devise. The little round brick tower on Holderness side to be “enlarged to bear the chain and to beat the haven,” and a guard to be established in it. The brick gate at Northend “to be mured up and made platform to beat the flank of the town” and haven according to the King's device. The Corner tower to be made “larger out,” to answer to the brick gate and the “gate where Constable hangeth,” which is to have a barbican to defend it. Milgate to be left open because lying propicely for the ferry of Hasil and resort of the townsfolk to their pastures. The town ditches to be scoured, and the water to serve the town brought through the King's house. The sluices to be viewed and new made so as to “drown about the town” if required. The King's house to be made a citadel as the King shall devise. The “rampare of the town to be made, in all places convenient, with the soil of the town.” Seeing that it is a merchant town, the gates that remain should ever be kept open. All other gates but those before appointed to be left open to be mured up. (fn. 3)
ii. “The petitions of the town.”
For the 10l. yearly allowed to the sheriff out of the Exchequer. For a bridge out of Holderness. For 3d. of every ton, towards sustentation of alms-houses for mariners, and licence to purchase 10l. land for that. “For the townsmen's goods to be employed, when they die, after the custom of London.”
Pp. 5.
R. O. 4. Things which the King has granted to the town of Hull.
1. Incorporation for their mariners, and licence to purchase 10l. a year for it. 2. The 10l. odd which was paid to the sheriff. 3. “That their charter for forayn bought and forayn sold shalbe proclaimed, with proviso that it touch not victual.” 4. If they will send to London to solicit their matter of Danske, they shall have the King's letters or other convenient order taken. 5. If they cause a charter to be made for orphans' goods to remain in the chamber of the town as in London, the King will grant it “with this clause, that the whole bench and every of them shall stand charged with it”; and widows to lose their freedom if they dwell out of the town. [Md. for the butlerage.] (fn. 4)
In Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Endd.: “Hull: a note of things appointed to be done there. The petitions of the townsmen. The King's Majesty's grant of their petitions.”
4 Oct. 1233. Henry VIII.
Foxe, v.
Circular to the Bishops for the destruction of shrines. See No. 1262.
Cranmer, i.
*** The copy of the same letter addressed to Bonner is also printed in Day's edition of Foxe (1563) at p. 684, just before bp. Bonner's letter in pursuance of it to Richard Clony (see No. 1258).
5 Oct. 1234. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Hull, 5 Oct. Present: Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—Order taken with Sir Chr. Morres for ordnance for Hull. The King went by sea from Hull to Barrow, and thence to Thornton.
5 Oct. 1235. Carne and Vaughan to [Henry VIII.]
R O.
St. P., viii.
On the 9th ult. received the King's letters of the 5th by Nicolas, the bearer. Mons. de Praet had, eight days before, gone to a lordship of his called Praet, in Flanders, so that they could not see him till he came to Lysle, which he did on the 25th. Describe the performance of their mission to him, whose answer was that since he was ambassador in England, 17 years ago, he had continually attended the Emperor in Spain, Italy, and other countries, and, being occupied with other matters, had lost count of the affairs of the Low Countries, but was sure the Queen had made the edict (of which he had not before heard) for good reasons, or else would see it reformed, and that he himself would gladly do what he could. The same day, 26 Sept., the Queen came to Lysle. Describe how they sent to Dr. Score for their answer, but were put off from day to day till the 7th day after, when they received it in writing from the duke of Arskott, the president of the Council, Mons. de Praet, Mons. de Molenbois, and another, who explained that the Queen was “accrased.” Found that the answer overlept one of the speciallest points of their charge; so they went next day to the President and told him that the answer omitted to state whether the Emperor would stand to the intercourse or not. They wished also the Queen would reply to what they had pointed out before she left Brussels, viz.: that the treaty of Cambray showed that the intercourse and amity were indissolubly knit together. The President promised to refer to the Queen, and next day came, with the Chancellor of the Order, to say that the Queen was still sick and could not reply in person, but desired to say that she thought the answer sufficient, and if the King was not satisfied she would write to the Emperor's ambassador in England. Cannot tell what Mons. de Praet has done in this. Describe a solemn procession made about Lisle, 2 Oct., because of the invasion of Hungary by the Turks. Osbourn's servant has written that he has already laden much of the stuff at Antwerp. It is rumoured that the Turk has taken Buda and destroyed Ferdinand's army. Lysle, 5 Oct. Signed.
6. Begins: Pleaseth your Majesty.
R. O.
St. P., viii.
2. Answer of the Queen of Hungary to the declaration made by the English ambassadors. Giving in parallel columns the declaration and the Queen's answers to the five points contained in it, proving the statute made in England to be an innovation upon the treaty of Cambray of 1529, and the privileges granted by King Edward in 1296, and to be tantamount to imposing additional customs upon the Flemings, and maintaining the treaties of intercourse and amity to be distinct, &c.
Pp 8. French. Endd.: The Queen's answer.
R. O. 3. Another copy of § 2.
French, pp. 7.
R. O. 4. “The sum of such articles as a late the King's Majesty's ambassadors have declared to the queen of Hungary, &c. Being a brief summary of the ambassadors' declaration, with the translation of the Queen's answer to each article.
In Mason's hand, pp. 6. Endd: The queen of Hungaries answers to certain articles.
6 Oct. 1236. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Thornton, 6 Oct. Present: Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business:—Read letters from Calais and Guisnes, from the lord Deputy touching the master of Salingfelde, from Wallop for more soldiers for defence of a bulwark that could not this winter be finished, and from Mr. Wotton for money. Petition of certain men whose cattle were grazing on the land of one — Longford, and were distrained by the escheator for Longford's debt to the King. The town clerk of Hull asked and obtained a copy of “my lord Admiral's replication.”
7 Oct. 1237. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Thornton, 7 Oct. Present: Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—A joiner of Lowth, accused of having refused, with contemptuous words, to come to the King's works, denied them and was dismissed. Whereas at Hull the town presented a claim to certain jurisdiction of the Admiralty which the lord Admiral denied; after sundry allegations, rejoinders, and replications on both sides, the Council decreed that the town should send an authorised person to them next term for a final determination, and meanwhile both sides should observe the decree made between them and the earl of Southampton, now lord Privy Seal, then lord Admiral. Letter sent to the bp. of Carlisle to send to Sir Wm. Knowles, of Hull, for 1,000l.
*** Some notes in a different hand occur in the record at this date, mentioning Robt. Cheney, of Chessam Boys; Sir Ric. Engest, principal of Magdalen Hall in Oxford; “the communication was the viijth of March”; Ireland, Calais, treasons, &c.; Nic. Cawnton.
7 Oct. 1238. Francis I. to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 345.
(Almost the
whole text.)
Has received his letters by his cousin touching his dealing with Norfolk. For the affection Norfolk shows, thinks it better to await his return than let this matter pass by other hands. It will then have to be enquired whether lady Mary will be declared eldest legitimate daughter, and whether she shall succeed in default of heirs male before all other daughters born and to be born, and also what dot she shall have, besides the extinction of all quarrels and pensions and acquittance of all arrears. If they desire to reserve some of the arrears to increase the dot, it could be granted provided the treaty states that in no case could it be liable to return. As to the successions spoken of, they are, in the course of nature, very distant; but if it did happen that both kingdoms fell into one hand it would be great tranquillity for the subjects and augment their wealth and power; and nothing could be more advantageous for both realms than the present parti made with such sincerity that no quarrel remained.
Has given Marillac the office of master of requests ordinary of his household, [void] by the death of Hurault; to encourage him to continue, as he has been diligent in Francis's service, and to send frequent notice of events. He has conducted his negociation wisely. After things are understood, ample power and instructions shall be sent, and a personage of authority to conclude but, until then, it is rather necessary to proceed coldly, since the English “sont coustumiers de eulx reffroidir quant on les fait eschauffer.” Marillac must know (but it is for himself alone) that Francis has a reciprocal treaty (fn. 5) with the Emperor by which neither may treat with the king of England without the other's consent; so that he cannot treat publicly or send power without first being very sure of their intention. Marillac may point out that in all marriages the dot, the quality of the lady, and the conditions must be known, and therefore it is not strange if he enquires about them before proceeding further. Countersigned: Bayard.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 3. Headed: Cuzery, (fn. 6) 7 Oct. 1541.
2. Copy of the first paragraph of the preceding.
See Spanish Calendar, VI. i., 189, where it is entered as of the date 7 Sept.
8 Oct. 1239. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Thornton, 8 Oct. Present: Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—Decree that Sir Ralph Longford should before Allhallow tide recompense the poor men whose cattle were distrained upon ground called Calwydge, Staff., for his lack of payment of the rent.
8 Oct. 1240. James V. to Henry VIII.
Royal MS.
18 B. vi.
B. M.
Directs towards him Wm. bp. of Abirdene, Robt. elect of Orknay, commendator of Kinloss, Sir John Campbel, of Lundy, Mr. Thos. Bellenden, of Auchnowle, director of the Chancellary, as ambassadors, with 50 persons or under, and begs him to grant due passport for any three, two, or one of them to come in to England, by sea or land, with horses, &c., so that they may not be detained at Berwick or elsewhere. Safeconduct to last for one year. Falkland, 8 Oct. 29 James V.
Copy, p. 1.
8 Oct. 1241. The Queen of Navarre to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 347.
(The whole
In his letter of the 25th ult. he excuses himself for not writing to her for so long; but that needs no excuse, for she knows the strait command which caused it, and thinks he knows that the occasion of that command, which was general to all ambassadors, was only particular to one person. (fn. 7) It has not deprived her of the knowledge of his letters, for the King has shown her them as soon as received, and he is so pleased with Marillac's services that he needs no mediator. From Cazery. (fn. 6)
French. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed: 8 Oct. 1541.
9 Oct. 1242. Chapuys to Charles V.
Calendar, VI.
i., No. 195.
Nothing important since his last. The illness of his man whom he employs to deal with the person from whom he learns French intrigues has kept him silent. Found out only yesterday what they were about, and sends by a messenger of the Queen. Sends a summary, though doubtless the Queen herself has forwarded it in cipher; for, not having communicated his cipher key (carefully locked up) to any subordinate, he would have been obliged to put it in cipher with his own hand. The confidential person above referred to will send him in two days four cipher alphabets used by king Francis or his ministers. Awaits his man's complete recovery to obtain important original letters in the possession of this French ambassador. As the Emperor will have no time to read them and note the malignity and impudence of the writers, will send them to Granvelle to report on them. Commends the gentleman attached to the French embassy from whom he procured them. He is a good Latin and Greek scholar, &c. London, 9 Oct. 1541.
Original at Vienna (in cipher).
9 Oct. 1243. Chapuys to the Queen of Hungary.
Calendar, VI.
i., No. 196.
Received the day before yesterday her letter of the 1st inst., with copy of the articles proposed by the English ambassadors, and the answer made to each article by her deputies. Yesterday, while replying to her letter of the 1st, received that of the 5th, and was glad to find that what he was going to have written agreed with the answers given to the ambassadors. Hopes the Queen will keep firm, and await his answer to the communications he is sure to receive from this King's Privy Councillors. Further suggestions—especially in case of the ambassadors returning without coming to any conclusion, as seems probable. So far, there is no appearance of their being in close communication, even with France. It seems all dissimulation on their part—and on the French side likewise—about the offers for the Princess's marriage with Orleans. For neither would Francis like his son to succeed to the crown of England—for fear of war breaking out—nor would Henry like so powerful a son-in-law for a neighbour; especially as he is not loved by his subjects, and if he came to die his son might inherit their hatred, and be easily dethroned. Besides, each of these Kings remembers what happened when Nassau in passing through France (fn. 8) proposed this very marriage in the Emperor's name. The King is expected back in seven or eight days. He has not gone beyond York, where he waited some time for the king of Scotland, but the cardinal of Scotland and others were averse to the interview. The French ambassador left York before him and arrived in town ten days ago. Shortly before his arrival a cousin of his left post haste for France—no doubt for the reasons described in the enclosed letters, which were only put into Chapuys's hands yesterday evening. Begs her to have them ciphered and forwarded to the Emperor.
Is expecting from the same man four more ciphered alphabets used by the French. Wants money. The bp. of Winchester left the day before yesterday in quest of the King, who is coming to London. Would have obtained information about their mien on hearing of the Hungarian disaster, but that his secretary fell ill some days ago. London, 9 Oct. 1541.
Original at Vienna (partly in cipher).
9 Oct. 1244. Deputy of Ireland and Others to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., iii.
Describe how they have invaded Oneils country and been 22 days burning and destroying in it. Oneil and most of his men and their cattle kept in great woods and fastnesses and could not be found. Odonell, Nele Connelach, Orayly, Maguenessa, Brian Omaghor, Felome Roo, Savage, Ohanlon, and other Irish captains joined them in Oneil's country, and have subscribed a solemn instrument binding them to make no peace with him. A raid into the Pale by Oneil's son Con was defeated by the lord of Louth, Sir Jas. Gernon, Sir Jas. Doudall, and others with great slaughter. From the borders of Ferney, 9 Oct. 33 Hen. VIII.
P.S.—Have received his letters dated York, 23 Sept., but as Ormond departed with his band they could not answer without consulting the rest of the Council. Signed: Antony Sentleger, James Ormd et Oss.; Jenico vicunt of G.; P. Barnewall, lord of T.; Thomas Ewstas, vic.; Bernabe McGilpatrick; Will'm Brabazon; Gerald Aylmer, justice; John Travers.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.: “The Deputy, &c., of Ireland, ixo Octob. 1541.”
10 Oct. 1245. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Note that, at Kettleby, 9 Oct., the Council were all with the King, but sat not.
Meeting at Kettleby, 10 Oct. Present: Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Comptroller, Mr. of House, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—Warrant sent to Sir Martin Bowys, master of the Mint, to deliver 2,000l. in harp groats for Ireland. Letters despatched to Calais, to Guisnes, and to the lord Chancellor.
10 Oct. 1246. The Council with the King to the Council in London.
R. O.
St. P., i.
Have informed the King of their letters of the 7th, who approves the proceedings of “you my lord of Hertford,” but marvels that the examinations are not sent, and that the thieves are committed to common prisons and not to the Tower, as if robbing the King were the same as robbing a subject. The King hears that Elles, one of the principals, is executed. Cannot believe this. Desire copies of the examinations; and that those apprehended be removed from Newgate, the King's Bench, and the Marshalsea to the Tower. The Council is “to try out the makers of their tools and instruments prepared for this purpose, and from whence this conventicle and determination had his beginning.”
Direct them to send money to Calais for wages, &c. (specified), viz., to Ant. Rous, Ric. Lee, and Sir Edw. Wotton, in all 4,140l. For this, they are to call all the tellers of the Receipt, and also Mr. North and Mr. Gostwike, learn what money they have, make up the sum, or as much of it as possible, among them, and send it by sure men to Calais. They shall draw warrants to such as shall provide the money, and send them hither to be signed, and shall forward the five letters herewith, viz., to the Commissioners at Calais, the lord Deputy, the Treasurer, Mr. Wallop, and Ant. Rous, and the Surveyor.
Draft, pp. 3. Endd.: Minute to the Council at London, 10 Oct. 1541.
10 Oct. 1247. The Council with the King to Lord Chancellor Audeley.
R. O.
St. P., iii.
Have received his several letters, the first sent with Cowley, who fell sick at Lincoln. Appointed his servant that brought the letter to look to Cowley till the King's coming to Colyweston. The second sent by post with the Acts of Ireland, which are according to the King's pleasure, save that the word “Justice” must be substituted for “Deputy” in the act providing for the choice of a justice in the event of the Deputy's death. The clause that no man shall have in farm above 100 mks. sterling requires the addition, unless by the King's special grant. For as that point is meant only to induce Desmond, Odonell, and such as have abbeys in their countries to suppress them, such suspicious persons might think that, the Act being expressly to the contrary, a dispensation would but serve at will. Remit the acts to be thus amended and passed, that they may be there by the commencement of Parliament.
Send also the warrant for Sir Martin Bowes.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 3. Endd.: “Minute to my l. Chancellor, xo Octob. 1541.”
R. O. 2. Modern copy of the preceding.
Pp. 2.
10 Oct. 1248. Prior of St. Mary Overey.
R. O. Receipt given 10 Oct. 33 Hen. VIII., by Barth. Foule, late prior of St. Mary Overey in Southwark, to Edw. Northe, treasurer of Augmentations, for 25l., due for his quarter's pension at Michaelmas last. Signed.
Small paper, p.


  • 1. Girolamo Dandino.
  • 2. Don Francisco Manrique. See No. 1252.
  • 3. This sentence in Wriothesley's hand.
  • 4. Cancelled.
  • 5. The treaty of Toledo of 12 Jan. 1539. See Vol. XIV., Part i., No. 62.
  • 6. Kaulek identifies “Cuzery,” from which Francis dates, or “Cazery,” as in the Queen of Navarre's letter, with Cazaril in the Department of Haute Garonne. But during September Francis had been journeying eastward from Moulins through Mâcon to Lans, now written Lent, near Bourg-en-Bresse; and his subsequent dates are Villeneuve (in the Department of the Yonne), 14 Nov., and Fontainebleau, 23rd. On his return northwards from Bresse he would naturally have passed through Cuisery (Saône et Loire) which is no doubt the place intended.
  • 7. The Constable.
  • 8. In 1534. See Vol. VII., Nos. 1060, 1369, 1425, 1437, &c.