Henry VIII: September 1541, 1-10

Pages 537-547

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 16, 1540-1541. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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September 1541, 1–10

1 Sept. 1136. Ireland.
Irish Pat.
Roll, 33, 34,
37 Hen. VIII.,
m. 5.
Commission to St. Leger, Alen, Aylmer, and Brabazon to sell Friars' houses in Ireland. Westw., 1 Sept. 33 Hen. VIII.
See Morrin's Calendar, p. 90.
1 Sept. 1137. Carne and Vaughan to Henry VIII.
R. O. Received on the 27th ult. the King's letters of the 22nd, with a schedule containing a charge they lately made to the Queen. Sent next day to Seigneur Score to ask audience with the Queen, which was promised the day after at 4 p.m. At that hour a gentleman came to accompany them to the Court, where they declared their charge to the Queen, in presence of Seigneur Score, Mons. de Praet, Mons. Sant Pye, the chancellor of the Order, and Skipperus, and delivered “the transumpt of the said schedule.” She prayed them to stand aside till she spoke with her Council, which done, she called them and said she would gladly make answer to the contents of the schedule, but begged them (as next morning she was to depart for Artois and Flanders, and would not be in one place more than a day till she came to Lyle, about the 24th inst., where she would stay a fortnight, and where her Council, who would meanwhile be scattered, were appointed to meet her) to have patience till she came to Lyle. Were loth to wait so long, but said that, as she could not answer sooner, they would wait upon her there. Prayed her to satisfy the King in the things brought here by Osborn. She promised the licence before she departed if they would deliver the list to Seigneur Score; which they did, and next morning received the licence signed and sealed (copy enclosed), and delivered it to Osborn's servant. The messenger whom Vaughan sent from Antwerp into Fryselond is not yet returned. Bruxelles, 1 Sept. Signed.
3. Add. Endd.: 1541.
1 Sept. 1138. Nuncio in France to [Card. Farnese].
R. O. Of England, the French say that, if not their friend, he is not their enemy, and is not on good terms with the Emperor. On the other hand the English and Imperial ambassadors here communicate all their masters letters to each other, and the card. of Scotland has told me that the practice for the marriage of the king of England's daughter with the Emperor is not excluded. He thinks England is not unwilling to make the match, but desires to have the Emperor sue for it (as in honour he must do) and to show that he himself makes it for love and not for fear, that is, of the return to the obedience of the Holy See which would result, because as matters stand he is sure of a revolution in his kingdom after his death, and at any moment may lose both his kingdom and his life. Moreover, with his natural hatred of France, and as creditor for the pensions which the French paid him, he will sooner join the Emperor than this King. Although the Emperor has in hand both the match and the return to obedience, the card. of Scotland thinks he will not fail to make merchandise of the latter with the Pope as of the former with England. The Cardinal seemed well informed, and spoke rather as a cardinal and member of the Holy See than as a partisan of Scotland and France. He will not be so soon at Rome [as was expected?], and it would be well if “” sent him a loving brief.
P.S.—The king of England, as the card, of Scotland told me today, with a good number of men, has lain upon the frontier of Scotland; he makes great instance for an interview with the king of Scotland, and would even go into Scotland for it; otherwise the Cardinal fears he will make war. Evidently the French are deceived in thinking him more their friend than the Emperor's.
Italian. Modern extract from a Vatican MS., pp. 2, headed: “Il nuntio di Francia, del primo di Settembre 1541.”
1 Sept. 1139. Card. Pole to Card. Contarini.
Poli Epp.,
iii. 30.
Writes on behalf of one (fn. 1) with whom he is connected by race, cause, and love, who a few months ago (and formerly in Spain) was the king of England's ambassador with the Emperor. Fleeing the tyrant's cruelty, and following the cause of Christ, he came hither to the Pope, by whom, on the death of Card. Ghinucci, he has been elected bp. of Worcester. He desires Contarini to make his salutations to the Emperor, on whose account he believes that the Pope has so promptly succoured him. Charles wiil report other things. Would like his Abbot returned to him. Capranica, Cal. Sept. 1541.
1 Sept. 1140. Bucer to Myconius.
xxxix. 271.
* * * “De Vilichio nos nihil. Sed de Schoto (fn. 2) quodam quem nobis Philippus (fn. 3) magnopere commendavit, quique noster totus est, omnium dogmatum et formarum loquendi consensione, eum nos in locum Calvini destinavimus. Si jam Calvinus ad nos reverti posset illum possemus dare vobis. Deinde Latomus adhuc forsan ducentis ad vos et tolerabili matrimonio perduci queat. Is quidem lætioris est vitæ, sed verus, constans et certe doctus atque eloquens.” * * * Cal. Septembris 1541.
2 Sept. 1141. The Council in London to the Council with the King.
R. O.
St. P., i.
Have no matter of importance, but write in order to induce them to write again of the health of the King and Queen, and the news there, which they would rather learn by letters than by rumor, viz., of the King's longer abode there, and of the king of Scots' repair to York. Despatched 4,600l. to Calais, and paid 4,000l. here to the mayor of the Staple of Calais, to make up the 5,000l. lent by them. The 4,600l. was paid as directed in the warrant to Mr. Gostwike. Have, according to their letters, despatched 300 labourers to Calais, and, by advice of Mr. Marten, comptroller of works, advanced 40l. for their transport. As to the complaint of the Frenchman, Martin Vydall, exhibited by the French ambassador, have restored his goods on his giving surety to pay the subsidy. Enclose a letter from the bp. of Exeter, of the unkind treatment of English merchants by the captain of Brest.
Can learn nothing more from the Spaniards apprehended by the bp. of Sarum. The one named Peter continues to impugn the King's supremacy, like an arrant traitor, and is committed to the Tower. The other is very simple and unlearned, and remains in ward of the abp. of Canterbury. Westm., 2 Sept. Signed by Cranmer, Audeley, Hertford, and Sadleyr.
Pp. 3. (Not in Sadler's hand, as stated in St. P.) Add. Endd.: 1541.
2 Sept. 1142. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meetings at Pomfret, 1 and 2 Sept. Present (1 Sept.): Norfolk, Suffolk, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. On the 2nd the same, and the lord Privy Seal and Chancellor of Augmentations. No business recorded.
2 Sept. 1143. Sir Thos. Wharton to the Council.
Add. MS.
32,646, f. 220.
B. M.
No. 85.
According to their letters dated Hatfield, 23 Aug., sent an espial to learn if the king of Scots minded to come to the King. The espial says the King and Queen were, on Wednesday, 31 Aug., at Fawkland, repaired forth of the Northland; and there was no likelihood of his coming to England, for he promised the Cardinal, at his passage into France, not to go into England until he had answer from France to the Cardinal's message; as Wharton wrote in his last letters, as told him by lord Maxwell. No news had come from the Cardinal, … had been in England with letters “delayingly devised,” and there were arguments in the Council about this affair. Oliver and — (blank) Synkler, brethren, and the laird of Crage, usher of the Chamber, think, with the Cardinal and bishops, that the King should not come in England. The laird of Graynge, treasurer, Mr. Thos. Bellynden, and Mr. Hen. Banese, a man of law, and many of the barons much “grayteth” that such appearance should have been made of their King's coming, and so little effect. Bellenden reports nobly of the King. There is such inconstancy in the Scottish Court, and the King's removings are so sudden that nothing certain can be said.
Heard, at his meeting with Maxwell on 21 Aug., that the Armstrongs, Scottishmen, would challenge the Gramys, as he wrote the same day by one of his deputies. Accordingly, devised with the Gramys to challenge the Armstrongs, and sends the writing seat from the Armstrongs, with copy of that sent from the Gramys, to which the Armstrongs have as yet made no answer. Karleill, Friday night, 2 Sept. Signed.
2. Slightly mutilated. Add. Endd.
2 Sept. 1144. James V. to Henry VIII.
Add. MS.
32,646, f. 219.
B. M.
No. 84.
Has received his writings dated Pontfret, 27 Aug. (contents recapitulated). Will, in all goodly haste, take resolution of the specialties mentioned in his (the writer's) other writings, and advance the sending of his Councillors. Henry's diets or purpose need not be altered for their coming, “for they shall not fail to be at you in what part of your realm that over ye be at.” Refers the rest to their coming. Falkland, 2 Sept. 28 James V. Signed.
2. Add. Sealed. Endd.
Royal MS.
18 B. vi., 127.
B. M.
2. Contemporary copy of the preceding.
P. 1.
2 Sept. 1145. James V.
Royal MS.
18 B. vi., 127b.
B. M.
Letters of commendation given by James V. to Chr. Grandmaseaw, his director of machines, who is going into France to obtain things which he requires. Addressed to the machinarius of the French king and other princes and lords, and to all rulers, officers, provosts, and bailiffs. Falkland, 2 Sept. 1541.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.
3 Sept. 1146. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Pomfret, 3 Sept. Present: Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt.Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse. Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business:—Letter written to Sir Thos. Wharton to permit the pensioners at Carlisle to depart home, and delay making redress on the Borders till he heard that the Scots did better justice on the East Marches. As to the challenge by the Armstrongs against the Graymes, it might be performed if the King were first advertised of the circumstances, and it were done before the wardens of both marches.
3 & 4 Sept. 1147. Bishopric of Gloucester.
A book with parchment leaves, containing:—
Cott. Appx.,
ix., f. 2.
B. M.
i. Ingrossed copy of the charter of erection of the cathedral church of Gloucester. 3 Sept 33 Hen. VIII.
Lat., pp. 17. With drawing of the King on his throne inside the initial H.
Ib., f. 11. ii. Ingrossed copy of grant to the dean and canons of the manors of Tuffley, Ablode, Saunthurst, &c. Westm., 4 Sept. 33 H. VIII.
Lat., pp. 32. With drawing of the King on his throne inside the initial H.
Ib. f., 28. iii. Grant to John Wakeman, bp. of Gloucester, of the manors of Maysmore, Brokethorppe, Harescombe, &c. Westm., 4 Sept. 33 Hen. VIII.
Lat., pp. 17.
See Grants in September, Nos. 2, 4, 5.
4 Sept. 1148. Bishopric of Peterborough.
Lansd. MS.
988, f. 120b.
B. M.
Copies of foundation and endowment of Peterborough Cathedral in 33 Hen. VIII. (Grants in September, Nos. 6 and 10.)
4 Sept. 1149. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Cawood, 4 Sept. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. No business recorded.
5 Sept. 1150. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Cawood, 5 Sept. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business:—Warrant to Tuke to deliver to lady Haward, wife to lord William, ambassador in France, 224l. for three months' diet beforehand over and above diets already paid. Letter under stamp to Deputy and Council of Calais that the King's affairs should be treated by them all and that all should sign their letters thereupon, which letters should signify the absence of any member; and if any would not sign because his opinion varied, he should write his reasons in a private letter.
5 Sept. 1151. Henry VIII. to Carne and Vaughan.
R. O. Learns from his servant, John Osburn, that Mons. de Prat now repairs to those parts, who is specially trusted by the Emperor and well disposed to the amity. Orders them to visit him, and say (fn. 4) that the King, considering his credit with his master and late departure from him (whereby he knows more of the Emperor's mind than those of the Low Parts), desires them to show him how unkindly they have been treated, and declare to him all their proceedings “in such sort as he may perceive the dexterity of our doings and the injustice of the things done on that side,” which make the King think that some in authority there are otherwise affected than the Emperor would have them. Praying him to use the office of a good minister therein.
Draft, pp. 2. Headed: By the King. Endd.: Minute to Mr. Carne and Mr. Vaughan, 5 Sept. 1541.
5 Sept. 1152. James V. to Christian, King of Denmark.
Royal MS.
18 B., vi. 127b.
B. M.
In favour of John Wolf, a Danish subject, who has long dwelt here, in his suit to recover his hereditary lands, of which he was unjustly deprived at his coming hither. Falkland, 5 Sept. 1541.
Lat. Copy, pp. 2.
6 Sept. 1153. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Wressel, 6 Sept. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. No business recorded.
6 Sept. 1154. Baron Jeorjus ab Heideck to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., viii.
Henry's ambassadors will have informed him of what passed in the Diet. The Turk, 22 Aug., compelled the Christians to raise the siege of Buda, with loss both of men and artillery. 10,000 more men have been assembled in Upper Germany and are this week despatched, by way of the Danube, to Hungary. The Emperor intends this autumn to attack a town in Africa. Neuburg, 6 Sept. '41. Signed.
Latin, p.
1. Add. Endd.
7 Sept. 1155. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Wressel, 7 Sept. Present: Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business:—The Council at London were advertised of the King's demore longer than at first appointed, and that they might visit the Prince, not passing three at one time, and with small trains, to avoid infection; also that they should induce Sir John Alen to compound with Thos. Barnaby for his debt and restore the lease of a house which Barnaby had given him in caution for it.
7 Sept. 1156. The Council with the King to Lord Chancellor Audeley.
R. O.
St. P., i. 683.
Have received his letters by Adam, the messenger As to his proposal to avoid further danger, upon the death of the late lady Marquis, by going to Terling; the King would not have him, who is head of the Council there, so far from London. He has a house of the King's and another of Mr. Crumwell's thereabouts, and they advise him to resort to one of them. Wresel, 7 Sept.
Draft corrected by Wriothesley. Endd.: Minute to my L. Chancellor, 7 Sept. 1541.
7 Sept. 1157. Francis I. to his Ambassador in England.
Spanish Calendar, VI. i. No. 189. See No. 1238 (2).
8 Sept. 1158. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Leconfield, 8 Sept. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business:—Warrant to Tuke to pay Marten, comptroller of works, 40l., conduct money of 300 labourers lately sent to Calais.
8 Sept. 1159. Henry VIII. to the Deputy and Council of Ireland.
R. O.
St. P., iii.
In answer to their letters of June and July. As the Act for the King's style is not couched in such plain terms touching his title to Ireland as is expedient, has caused it to be amended and put eftsoons under the Great Seal of England. Sends it herewith to be newly passed. This style is then to be used, “Henry the VIIIth., by the Grace of God, king of England, Fraunce, and Irlande, Defendour of the Faith, and in Erthe, immediately undre Christ, supreme Hed of the Churches of England and Irlande.” Returns, under the Great Seal, the act for the clauses of forfeiture to be inserted in patents. In it was a clause of power to the justices of assise touching recognisances, which is a matter for the Deputy only. A like act is to be made for the Deputy and sent hither. Approves their advice to extend clemency to Irishmen who submit, in granting them their lands, although they are the King's inheritance. Encloses minute of a patent for this. Orayle is to have his lands and title of viscount of Cavan, and his country divided so that the gentlemen may hold of the King by patent. The late lord Leonard's debts, which seem equitable, shall be paid out of his lands; the other profits of which are to be levied to the King's use. Enquiry is to be made whether he had other goods than appeared upon his apprehension. Sends the commission for the sale of Friar houses, and the letters of thanks to Orayle and the baron of Slane. Money shall be sent shortly. Grants the Deputy's suit for pardon of his escape, and for making his account by deputy. Has received the enclosed letters and writings from Odonell, and refers the answer to them. Where they wrote in favour of Roche of Kinsel; is content to grant him licence for 250 qr. of wheat, 250 qr. of malt, and 500 qr. of beans for four years, provided be perform his promise touching the fortress.
ii. (fn. 5) List of writings to be sent in this packet, headed, “For Ireland,” viz., the acts, letters, and writings mentioned above as enclosed, and “my (fn. 6) letter to the Deputy.”
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 11. Endd.: “Minute to the Deputy and Council in Ireland, viijo Septemb. 1541.”
8 Sept. 1160. Henry VIII. to the Master of Sandingfeld.
R. O. Summons him to repair at once to the King to give his advice upon certain “good orders” for the commonwealth of that country.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Endd.: Minute to the Mr. of Sandingfeld, 8 Sept. 1541.
8 Sept. 1161. Calais.
R. O. Instructions given by the King to lord Matravers, deputy of Calais, Robert Southwel, master of the Rolls, Sir John Baker, vice-treasurer of England, Thos. Moyle, one of the general surveyors, Sir Edw. Wotton, Sir Edw. Bray, Ant. Rous, and Ric. Lee, as commissioners to survey “certain great and large grounds and wastes called the Maynebroke,” in the marches of Calais and county of Guisnes; which have long lain waste and “surunded,” as a strength to the town of Calais and other the King's fortresses in those parts, but which are not naturally marshes, and cannot by “surunding or other forcement,” be made of any use for defence. They are to plan out the ground into farmholds of from 10l. to 40s., and make a book of the number of acres to be laid to each farm and the price of them, the situation of the houses and cost of building the same; and send a copy to the King. In dividing the lands they shall “consider his Highness' plat lately made of those low parties,” and frame their doings to the advancement of the things which the King intends to do there; and, as the King intends to have the said Maynebroke a parish by itself, they are to appoint a convenient situation for the parish church. Finally, they are to estimate what each farm will let at, “and the parties to have reasonable pennyworth,” if the King be at the charge of building the houses, and what if the parties be at that charge.
Draft, pp. 10. Endd.: Despatched, 8 Sept. 1541, at Leykenfeld.
R. O.
St. P., viii.
2. Instructions given by the King to the lord Matravers, deputy of Calais, Robt. Southwell, Master of the Rolls, Sir John Baker, vice-treasurer of England, Thos. Moyle, one of the General Surveyors, Sir John Wallop, Sir Edw. Braye, Ant. Rous, and Ric. Lee, as commissioners to examine into the estates of all persons pretending title to any ground within the town and marches [of Calais] and county of Guisnes; most of whom will be found to have forfeited their estates by letting the lands to Picards, Flemings, and other strangers, or otherwise infringing the acts and ordinances, the conditions of which appear by a book, sent herewith (made by the lord Privy Seal that now is, the late lord Sandes, and others), the records of the exchequer of Calais and the last Act of Parliament “made for the surety and establishment of the said town and marches of Calays.” They are to examine the occupiers of lands, and call before them such as have offended since the order taken by the lord Privy Seal, lord Sandes, &c., and explain how they have forfeited their estates. If these admit their offences and submit to the King's mercy, the commissioners shall enter it of record; and if any attempt frivolously to defend their misdoings they are to be convicted by such process as shall seem meet, and that also entered of record, to be afterwards considered as shall appertain. Every man is, however, to be suffered for the present to occupy what he now has, using the same as by the order made by the lord Privy Seal and his colleagues was prescribed. In future no man is to enjoy lands there to more value than 10l. yearly or less than 40s., and the commissioners are to divide the whole marches and county into farmholds within these limits, valuing each acre to be laid to the same at such reasonable price that the parties shall hereafter have convenient livings. The commissioners shall make a book of all these farms with the number of acres of every kind of ground assigned to each, and the buildings allotted thereto. They shall also make a book of the extents and tenure of all holdings now within the said marches, and note the number of houses now within the marches, so that those which are superfluous may be taken away to be used in the Maynebroke and elsewhere. [They shall also call before them the master of Sandingfelde and demand how and of whom he holds his house; and, if he does not confess to hold from the King, but avouches the bp. of Rome for his patron, commit him to ward and appoint persons to order his house.] (fn. 7)
In Wriothesley's hand.—As the house of Sandingfelde stands wholly within the Kind's Pale and has much land within the same, the master of which has hitherto claimed to be neuter and an appendent of the bp. of Rome, the King, not to give occasion of pique by his sudden apprehension and punishment, has sent for him hither as if to know his advice. They shall deliver the letter herewith to him, with good words, and if he refuse to come over they shall note the words of his refusal; and if he come they shall in his absence secretly view his lands like the rest.
As the lands divided as aforesaid require Englishmen to inhabit them, and as the King has a great number of Western men and some Northern men now there, the commissioners shall, as soon as they can, assay whether the tallest of the Western men will take the farms and holds the King will make in the Maynbroke, and shall travail with the Northern men for the taking of the farms which shall be made in the high ground, and shall certify the numbers with diligence, so that before the works break up, order may be taken for their continuance there, or, if they will go to their countries for the winter, for their return at a day prefixed.
Draft, corrected and extended by Wriothesley, pp. 19. Endd.: Instructions for the marches, &c., despatched 8 Sept. 1541 at Leykinfeld.
1162. The Mayne Brook, Calais.
R. O. “A book of articles gathered out of the King's Majesty's instructions by the Commissioners concerning th'order of the Mayne Brooke, with such answer unto them as in their opinion seemeth best to be done till they shall be otherwise advertised of the King's most gracious pleasure therein.”
1. After the measuring of the four parcels of the Maynebrooke, according to the common measurage of the East Pale, i.e., by a rod of 14 ft., each foot containing 11 lawful inches, an acre being 1 rod broad and 300 long, whether the acres already dry and those still soaked with water are to be taxed alike?—Answer:—Although the wet ground is “grown full of hassocks and very flaggie,” and is worse than the part already dry, yet, as the latter is only a small portion and it is doubtful how much of it shall be appointed for dikes or highways, and as the whole ground, by the diligence of the farmers, will be brought to like goodness, it should all be taxed of like value at the beginning. 2. Whether every acre shall be valued at the beginning as it shall continue to be let. A.—The whole ground seems in such plight that for the first five years the farmers could scarce make their rent, and, being English men born, and not brought up in the Low Country, might, when they found it both unprofitable and unwholesome, be discouraged. We think they should pay the first year nothing; the 2nd year, 2d. st. the acre; the 3rd year, 4d.; the 4th, 6d.; the 5th, 8d.; and the 6th and subsequent years of the “first termers,” 12d. 3. Before allotting the farms, it must be known what portion is to be assigned for “such as shalbe th'inhabiters of such devices as the King's Highness intendeth to make upon the Mayne Brooke, and for the church, churchyard, and parsonage, and to be cut out for dikes and trenched into such highways as must necessarily serve for course and recourse through the Mayne Brooke.” A.—Of the whole 5,120 acres, 152 lying without the great new dike which the King is now making, towards Arde and the Couswade, to be occupied by those who inhabit the devices; for church, churchyard, and parsonage, 4 acres, with 36 acres about the same which, being strongly diked in, may serve as a refuge for the cattle of the inhabitants; for dykes and highways, 94 acres. 4. It is then to be considered how many farms shall be made, and first, whether there shall be any of 10l. a year; for such would require 200 acres, and the diking, cleansing, and storing with cattle would cost 100l., considering that, for the more strength, the dikes are to be 10 ft. broad and 5 ft. deep, if the quicksands will so suffer. A.—There should be some such farms, the farmers of which, being of more substance than the rest, might direct them, and though it may seem difficult to find tall men born in England who can bring ready money, ware, or cattle sufficient for such capital farms or any of the rest, yet, the King bearing with them in the first years as is comprised in the second article, they will grow able enough. 5. How many farms shall there be, and how shall the church and houses be placed?— setting the same forth in a “plact” to be conferred with the King's “plact” of things intended to be done here. A.—Besides the parsonage, 4 farms at 10l., of 200 acres each, and 72 others, as shown in the “plact” of the Maynbroke to be sent herewith. The parson to have a mansion for his parsonage, with his four offering days, and a penny for every acre in full payment for all tithes, which will give him 20l. 18s. 6d. a year besides offerings. 6. Whether the church, the four common highways, the houses, and the main dikes, viz., the Signe Dyke, Marche Dyke, Mighelmas Dyke, and the May Dyke, shall be made at the King's charge or the farmers'? A.—Considering the draining and severing of the farms and the other “chargeable imploitures” to which the farmers will be put, as setting of quicksets and the like, we think the houses, main dikes, and highways should be made by the King, save that the parsonage should be made at the parson's charge, and the dawbing and walling of the houses at the farmers'. 7. What will be the cost of making the church, highways, houses, and main dikes? A.—The master carpenter and mason and other artificers think that, built after the manner of this country, the 76 houses would cost 1,068l. Upon the survey we have already begun of the East and West Pales, the farms being rated between 10l. and 40s., and the acres reduced to such value as the farmers may have a convenient living, there will be surperfluous houses left in divers parishes, but many of them seem scarce worth removing, the timber being weak, the covering reed and the walls loam and clay. The main dikes and highways will be in all 14,936 rods long, the making, scouring, and cleansing, at 10d. the rod, 622l. 6s. 8d. As for the church, which by the instructions is to be a refuge, we, considering the King's “most excellent knowlege in devising of all kinds of fortifications, have thought not meet t'attempt th'estimation of the charges thereof tofore his Highness shall have devised the plact of the same.” 8. What shall be the value to the King of the whole? A.—Estimated yearly value of the 4,834 acres available from 1d. the first year to 12d. the sixth, which seems as much as the farmers will be able to pay, for, as upon all frontiers, they have not the surety of their houses and goods that inland dwellers have, and they will have to repair and maintain all the dikes under penalty, and there must be the sweetness of some profit to allure fit personages there. After the first term, which should be for three lives at least, viz., father's, wife's, and one child's, the King may advance the rent as the ground shall be bettered by manurance and planting. We omit to estimate the value if the farmers are to build houses and make the main sewers, for we cannot gather from those we have practised with, according to the instructions, that they or any other Englishmen will be found able to do it. 9. Whether any houses shall be sited in that part of the Mayne Brooke which lies towards the Couswade outside the great new dyke the King is now making, and how the inhabitants there may have access to the church over that dike? A.—There need be there only the cottages of such as attend to the ground as ministers of those who inhabit the devices, who should have that ground for their relief and to defend it from the French.
Finally, we have set forth in the “plact” sent to the King, the form of the church, placing of the houses, the highways, and dikes. Signed by the Commissioners, viz., Maltravers, Southwell, Baker, Moyle, Wotton, Bray, Rous, and Lee.
Pp. 13.
R. O. 2. Notes of the chief points contained in the answers to the preceding articles.
In Wriothesley's hand, pp. 2.
8 Sept. 1163. James V. to Henry VIII.
Royal MS.
18 B. vi. 128.
B. M.
Wrote in behalf of Martin Balkesky, his subject, by Mr. Thos. Bellenden, desiring licence for him to buy certain bows for James and grain for himself, and to have expedition of his causes depending before the Council of York and mayor of Newcastle, not knowing at the time that the said Martin was in ward for alleged falsity, in rasing the date of Henry's safeconduct. Expresses abhorrence of so odious a crime; but, for the part of the said Martin, it is shown that the falsity was committed by one Bertonar, to whom he lent the safeconduct. Begs him to set Balkesky at liberty and remit him to James for punishment if he be found culpable. Falkland, 8 Sept. 28 James V.
Copy, pp. 2.
1164. James V. to Henry VIII.
Royal MS.
18 B. vi. 129.
B. M.
Adam Dais, of Leith, owner of a ship called the Gabriel, was passing hence to Were, in Zealand, in March 1535, when, through reckless guiding, his ship came aground in fair weather beside Quhitburnrok within the bp. of Durham's lands, where the baron of Hiltoun and others destroyed and spoiled it. Begs him to cause redress to be made. “Subscrevit wt oure hand and under oure signete at” — (blank).
Copy, p. 1. Begins: Richt excellent, &c.
1165. James V. to the Bishop of [Llandaff].
B. M.
A letter to the same effect as the preceding, beginning “Reverend father in God, we greet you well.”
Copy, pp. 2.
8 Sept. 1166. James V. to Paul III.
Royal MS.
18 B. vi. 130.
B. M.
Begs the appointment of Robert Steward, a youth of noble birth and character, to the see of Caithness, void by death of Andrew, bishop there, with retention of his provostry of Dumberten, providing out of the Bishopric pensions of 500 mks. to James Steward and 200 mks. to George Lesly, clerks, kinsmen of the said Robert, and 40 mks. to John Buseo. Although his age is less than that ecclesiastical prerogative requires, hopes the Pope will dispense with that in consideration of his promising talent. Edinburgh, 6 id. Septembris 1541.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.
8 Sept. 1167. James V. to Cardinal Carpi.
B. M.
Begs his favour in the above suit to the Pope for Robt. Steward, now in his 20th year. Edinburgh, 6 id. Sept. 1541.
Copy, p. 1.
9 Sept. 1168. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Leconfield, 9 Sept. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business:—Letter sent to President and Council at York to write to the mayor of Newcastle to release two Scottish Observant friars and restore their papers; which friars were there restrained, in their return from Mantua, because the king of Scots' letters recommendatory were found upon them undelivered.
9 Sept. 1169. Privy Council to John Hynde and Others.
Harl. MS.
7,041, p. 131.
Understand that, upon their commission to muster Cambridgeshire, they mean to muster the University scholars. They are not to meddle with the scholars, but proceed to the mustering of the shire. Marvel that, as there has been no like question heretofore, “this precedent should now begin.”
Subscribed as sent from the Council to the commissioners, John Hynde, serjeant-at-law, and Thos. Bradin and Simon Trewe, aldermen of Cambridge, 9 Sept. 33 Hen. VIII. Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Standish; proctors, Mr. Byssell and Mr. West.
Modern copy, p. 1.
10 Sept. 1170. Ely Cathedral.
See Grants in September, Nos. 11, 12.
10 Sept. 1171. Idiaquez to Covos.
Add. 28,593,
f. 25.
B. M.
Francis still insists on the release of Fragoso and Rincon, whom they say they can prove to be prisoners in Gasto's hands. Piedmont. The Pope going to meet the Emperor. Expediency of Algiers expedition questioned.
Spanish, p. 1. Modern copy from Simancas. Headed: Memorial de Idiaquez enclusa en su carta a Francesco de los Covos, de Genoa, x. de Septiembre.
See Spanish Calendar, VI. i., No. 191.


  • 1. Richard Pate.
  • 2. Alesius.
  • 3. Melancthon.
  • 4. From this point to the end printed in St. P., viii. 597.
  • 5. Not printed in the State Papers.
  • 6. Wriothesley's.
  • 7. Cancelled.