Henry VIII: May 1541, 11-20

Pages 395-404

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 16, 1540-1541. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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May 1541, 11–20

11 May. 818. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Waltham, 11 May. Present: Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Durham, Treasurer, Mr. of Horse, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business:— Letter written to Sir Geo. Lauson for the payment of wages to eight bowyers and 13 fletchers sent into the North to repair the King's bows and arrows there, at the rate of 12d. a day to the master bowyer and fletcher, and 8d. a day to the rest, from the 9th inst.
11 May. 819. The Bible.
Foxe, v. 413. Writ to Edmund bp. of London to cause a printed decree, (fn. 1) hereto attached, to be read in all churches and set upon every church door. Westm., 7 May 33 Hen. VIII.
Ib., 414. 2. The Bishop's writ for the execution of the preceding requiring that the Bishop be certified thereof before Ascension Day. 11 May 1541, 2nd year of translation.
Burnet, iv.
iii. 863.
3. The Bishop's admonition to readers of this Bible, to read with humility and reverence and not to congregate in multitudes or disturb services or sermons.
From Bonner's Register.
11 May. 820. Marillac to Francis I.
R. O.
Kaulek, 301.
The English continue to hold the gracious language he has reported; and effects seem to confirm words, for, where nothing but war was talked of, now, since the lord Privy Seal and other ministers went over sea eight days ago, there is no mention but of wishing to live at peace. Whereas the great companies sent over for the fortification of Guisnes made men think and talk ill, now, when only a few workmen go, little notice is taken, and it is inferred that only the fortification of Guisnes is intended. Can see no appearance that they are about to innovate anything, but rather think to secure themselves and obviate the seditions, of which some sign has been seen in the North. Although the plot was discovered and broken, and there is no more talk of the Scots making sallies, that is a bridle upon them. If they have some hidden intention, there is appearance that they will show it when the fruits are ripe, and especially in the contentious places about the bridge of the Cauchoide, where they say some French subjects have sown fields which belong to them, but they show no sign of being displeased at it.
All bruit of war having died away, they are in terms to make new orders and edicts touching religion, in which they change purpose so often that Marillac cannot think how it will end. Last year [when] they put to death those whom they had used as instruments to oust the monks and seize their revenues, (fn. 2) they made several edicts about the bibles in the vulgar tongue, which are kept in all the churches, so that the people dared no more read therein; now, eight days ago, they made a contrary edict upon the permission to read in the said bibles, which a few days before they had wished entirely taken away, with an express command to bishops and their commissaries to preach purely and simply the text of the Bible without admitting any doctors' opinion. It is not known whether this is in order to discover those who hold any opinion contrary to what has been prescribed, or whether it is to enter further than ever in the new doctrines of the Germans.
The English and Flemings continue in opposition touching shipping. Means are invented to draw money from craftsmen strangers, who are unwilling to leave England. Frequent couriers come from Germany, and although Marillac cannot learn what news they bring he is assured it is not agreeable; nor is that of the duke of Cleves' coming to make alliance with Francis by marriage with a lady of his blood. This King left yesterday to see, ten miles from this town, the young prince of Wales, his son, who is handsome and well-nourished and wonderfully big for his age.
French. Two modern transcripts, pp. 3 and pp. 4. Headed: London, 11 May 1541.
11 May. 821. Marillac to Montmorency.
R. O.
Kaulek, 302.
Has no argument for a long letter, as nothing new has happened since he last wrote, but the departure for Guisnes of the lords (fn. 3) he mentioned. Since all bruit of war with France or Scotland is extinct, there is no talk but of making new edicts touching religion and inventing means to draw money from craftsmen strangers who are unwilling to leave England. Refers to his letter to the King and begs that his cousin may be sent back.
French. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed: London, 11 May 1541.
11 May. 822. John Osborn to Henry VIII.
R. O. Arrived here 9 May and have seen the copper to be sold, which is all in the Fokars' hands. Drove the price as low as possible, and bought 100,000 lbs. of two sorts, one at 42s. Flemish, i.e., 31s. 6d. st., the hundred, and the other at 44s. Flemish, i.e., 33s. st. Also bought 200 pairs of harness called demylances for horsemen, at 41s. Flemish each, to be delivered here before Midsummer. Though authorised to buy 200,000 lbs. has only bought 100,000 lbs. The Fokars have still 18,000l. Fl. worth, and have given him a week's respite for further instructions. Agents of the king of Portugal and the French king are here buying copper. This day past Wm. Watzon, the King's servant, left for Daunske, with orders to bestow all the King's money he has in copper, except that to be expended in wainscot and ores. The copper in Daunske also belongs to the Fokars' company. Cannot export harness hence without a licence. Will execute the rest of his orders in Brussels, and will ship the copper in several ships, as it is a great risk to send it all in one. When he hears whether or not to buy more copper, he will send the King's founder, John Owen, home. Andwarpe, 11 May 33 Hen. VIII.
P.S.—Has just learnt that he cannot send away the copper without licence. Signed.
1. Add.: Endd.
11 May. 823. Lord William Howard to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., viii.
On the 10th inst. I received your letters of 27 April, not by Norfolk, (fn. 4) but by a servant of Mr. Speyke's to whom they were delivered at Paris by a stranger. Norfolk is run away with the money you were sending for my diets, as my lord my brother can show; to whom I have written, enclosing two letters from Norfolk to me and to Mr. Speyke.
The duke of Cleves arrived on the 6th. Mons. de Navers met him ten miles off and brought him to Court very honourably. The King makes much of him. The following Sunday there was a great triumph made, with the assaulting of a “bastillion.” Mons. de Navers, Mons. Dammoll, le Conte de Roussie, Mons. de Tays, and some 50 lords and gentlemen undertook to keep it, while on the other side were the Dolphyn and Mons. d'Orleans with 100 horse and 200 foot. Describes how the defenders were driven into their bastillion, how scaling ladders were brought to the walls by poor unarmed countrymen who knew not what the matter meant, but who, when they got their heads broken, left the ladders in the ditch and ran away apace, and how finally the bastillion was taken. The King and Queen and duke of Cleves, and all the ladies stood upon scaffolds, and afterwards supped at Howard's lodging. The King spoke to him. The duke of Cleves embraced him and asked how Henry did, but asked no question of his sister, and afterwards fell to dancing the Almain dance with Madame de Temps. There is some doubt whether he will marry the Queen of Navarre's daughter or the King's. Ambois, 11th of this month. Signed.
3. Add. Endd.: 11 May 1541.
11 May. 824. Lord Wm. Howard to the duke of Norfolk.
R. O. Received on the 10th inst. the King's letters of 27 April, not by Norfolk, (fn. 4) but by a servant of Mr. Speyke. Perceives by my lord Privy Seal's letter and the Duke's that the King had delivered three months' advance [of diets] to Norfolk for the writer. Had himself written to his wife by Nicholas, the post, to give “the said Nicholas” 100l. of his own to bring him. At Paris he wrote letters (enclosed) to Howard and to Mr. Speyke, and delayed the delivery of the King's letters to gain time to escape beyond pursuit. He writes that he has paid the 100l. to Nicholas, the post, but it is unlikely as he sold two broches of Howard's, worth 20l. Begs him to show the King this. Cannot follow the Court until he has money. Where Norfolk writes to him to shape his gown according to his cloth; his train is not too great, but the resort of gentlemen to his house so great. All this time at Ambois he has lain half a mile from the town, and yet they come.
The duke of Cleves arrived on the 6th. On the 8th was a great triumph (described as in the preceding letter). Afterwards all the lords supped in Howard's lodging, but at the Dolphyn's cost. Sat at the board with the King, the Dolphin, Mons. d'Orleans, the duke of Cleves, the Cardinals of Lorraine, and Farrayre, and all the ladies. The night before Mons. de Navers and Mons. Dommall (d'Aumale) sent word that they would dine with Howard, and arm themselves at his lodging; which they did, and brought their whole band with them. Imagine the expense. Cannot live here upon the King's wages, and wishes he were not so esteemed here. Begs him to show this letter to the Council that they may inform the King. “Besides this I have no secretary to help me, nor never had since he went. You put this man to me. I pray you find the means to send me some secretary, I cannot do all alone.” Ambois, 11th inst. Signed.
4. Add.: brother. Sealed. Endd.: 11 May 1541.
11 May. 825. [Paul III.] to his Nuncio in France.
R. O. Of England, the Nuncio shall with great discretion point out to the King what was the mind of his Holiness lately when there was fear of war on those frontiers, as the King might have learned by Dandino, (fn. 5) or by Mons. de Rodes here, who had it from the Pope's own mouth. He shall recount the methods the King should use, and show every desire to assist the enterprise, describing the conference had with Card. Pole and the other things discussed.
Italian. Modern extract from a Vatican MS. headed “Instruttione a Monsr Capo di Ferro, nuntio in Francia, alli xj di Maggio 1541.”
12 May. 826. Durham Cathedral.
See Grants in May, Nos. 25, 33.
[12 May.] 827. Durham Cathedral.
R. O. Pensions assigned to monks of Durham monastery who “at the day of the erection of the said house be despatched,” viz.:—
John Lyghton, John Smyth, and Roger Wright, 6l. 13s. 4d. each; Wm. Watson and Ric. Trotter, 6l. each. Signed: Walterum Hendle: Ric. Layton: Willm. Blithman: Jacobum Rokeby.
P. 1.
12 May. 828. King's Capel, Herefordshire.
Add. MS.
11,055, f. 115.
B. M.
Deed of enfeoffment by John Maret, vicar of Sellecke, granting to Wm. ap Gwatking and others named a meadow called Goose Acre and “plecke” in the parish of King's Caple, in the hundred of Wormelow and fee of Wilton, to the maintenance of services (described) in the parish church of Caple. King's Caple, 12 May 33 Hen. VIII.
Latin and English.
ii. Note of a bequest of land by Wm. Morgan for services in Caple church.
Pp. 2.
12 May. 829. Queen Margaret of Scotland to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., v. 188.
Thanks for his writing. Here has been great displeasure for the death of the Prince and his brother, both with the King and Queen; and the writer is ever with them to comfort them, so that she has no leisure to write of her own matters. Asks him not to write about her matters to the King her son without her advice. Apologises for her oft writing and evil hand, and begs that what she writes be kept secret or it may do her great hurt. Stirling, 12 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: “The Queen Dowager of Scotland, xijo Maii, 1541.”
13 May. 830. Aguilar to Charles V.
Add. 28,593,
f. 1.
B. M.
Hears that the Pope has had lately more familiar conferences with the Venetian ambassador—probably from fear of the Emperor's coming to Italy and of the Diet; also that since the news of the English having crossed to Calais the Pope had offered the French ambassador, (fn. 6) in case Henry made war on the king of France, to assist against him with all his power. The ambassador wished his Holiness to send a letter containing this offer to a secretary of the French king, (fn. 7) who resides with him, but the Pope said there was no need. And meanwhile a courier arrived from France with news that the king of England had replied to a gentleman (fn. 8) sent by Francis that his men had not gone thither to give trouble or disturb the amity. The Pope is sending Hier. Capo di Ferro, who was lately appointed Datary, to France. Letter of the Legate (fn. 9) read in Consistory lately, saying that if the Diet was protracted the Emperor would leave for Italy, leaving the king of the Romans in his place, &c. Rome, 13 May 1541.
Spanish. Modern copy from Simancas, pp. 3. See Spanish Calendar, VI. i., No. 160.
14 May. 831. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Notes that on 12 May the Council did not sit because the King removed from Waltham to Greenwich; and that 13 and 14 May the Council was absent from Greenwich about the hearing, at Westminster, of matters between the merchant clothiers and clothworkers.
14 May. 832. Sir Thomas Wharton to Henry VIII.
Add. MS.
32,646, f. 162.
B. M.
No. 68.
As commanded by the Council, at Greenwich, repaired to Carlisle, writing to the earl of Cumberland to let him know where to send him news, and speaking, by the way, with lords Scrope and Clifford and the gentlemen of Westmoreland to be ready for service. Arrived at Carlisle on the 10th, and found the Marches quiet. Refrained from giving warning near the Borders, to give no excuse for attemptates, but has practised with the chief rulers of Cumberland and is sure the King shall be well served there. At Carlisle, advised the laird of Drumlanrygke, James Duglasse, to repair to York. Found he desired to be commanded back to Scotland and so save his forfeiture, as his offence was slight; but he dare not live there, knowing the King's displeasure against him as a Duglasse. He would not be within England, because their last Parliament enacted that Scots who spoke with Angus or George Duglasse should be guilty of their treason. Hears his exile was the king of Scots' device in order that he should slay Angus in England. He has sent a secret message to Angus in this matter. He much desires to be in France. Exhorted Mr. Sempyll to depart into Scotland; at which he seemed troubled, saying that although he had his pardon, the “party,” who is supported by the earl of Glenkerne, is not agreed with for the murder, and proclamation has been since made in Scotland against his return until that is done. He said he had been long in England and received great benefits of the King, as letters to the king of Scots for him into France and rewards, and had never offended the laws. Proceeded with both as the Council commanded, and gave them four days to depart in. Both are wise and tall gentlemen having friends in the court of Scotland.
The death of both the king of Scots' sons, the Prince and the other, lately born, called the duke of Albany, perplexes all there. Poison is suspected, and the Queen is “very sickly and full of heaviness.” The King did not come to his Borders as he said he would; but, at Jedworth, a justice in eyre is kept (by the persons whose names are enclosed) for his profit. Lord Maxwell is there to excuse them of Leddysdayll. When the king of Scots heard that Sir Wm. Musgrave, John Heron, and Wharton were sent to for certain Borderers, he said it was for war with France, and purposed going to his North Isles, to be out of the way if the French sent for aid, but “the Queen's time letted.” He will not make war, but lives in fear to defend his own, for he is covetous, suspicious of his nobles, and jealous of the Queen. Has sent three espials into Scotland, one to Stirling, where the Queen lies, and Edinburgh, one to Jedworth, and one to Galloway, and has appointed to meet Maxwell on 24 May. Cokermouthe Castle, 14 May. Signed.
3. Add. Endd.: 1541.
Add. MS.
32,646, f. 164.
B. M.
No. 68.
2. Names of justices in eyre at present sitting in Gedworth:—The earl of Argyle, chief justice of eyre by inheritance, lord Flemyng, the laird of Grayng, treasurer of Scotland, David Wodd, controller, Mr. Hen. Beneses, Mr. Thos. Ballantyn.
Small slip in the hand of Wharton's clerk, p. 1.
May. 833. Wallop to the Lord Privy Seal and Lord Admiral.
R. O. The enclosed letter came today from Ant. Brusset. The assembly he writes of between Monstrell and Abbeville must be that that was made upon the bruit of your coming hither; but I will send a spy to see. The Treasurer of this town heard this morning that the Dolphyn and the Duke of Cleves are coming to Boulogne. If this be so, as I said upon the previous report of the Dolphyn's coming, my lord William will write of it because such a thing cannot be done secretly. If they come shall I return the water into the castle dikes, which you know are mostly dry? I can take labourers into the castle every night to keep it, but will not do so without a perfect advertisement. The rest of the labourers and the “Northen” horsemen could keep the town. Mons. du Beez has not answered my letter yet. No doubt he waits for his musters tomorrow. I am constrained to remain here until today “by reason of my leg,” but have despatched my spy towards Monstrell. Calais — (blank) May. Signed.
Tomorrow I will be at Guisnes.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
2. Ant. Brusset to Wallop.
R. O. My good neighbour, I am glad to hear you are at Guisnes, and hope to come some day to see you. The French are making great musters between Montreul and Abeville and intend to approach Ardre and Guisnes. If so you had better keep good watch, for the French are crafty. Send me your news by bearer. Gravelinghes, 14 May 1541.
Commendations to Madame your wife, which my wife also sends. Signed.
French, p.
1. Add.: Captain of Gynes.
15 May. 834. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Greenwich, 15 May. Present: Chancellor, Norfolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Wriothesley, Sadler, Chanc. of Augm., Chanc. of Tenths. No business recorded.
17 May. 835. Chapuys to Charles V.
Calendar, VI.
i., No. 161.
The chief cause of the King's determination to send the lord Privy Seal to Guisnes to prevent broils was that the King's ambassador in France had written that French courtiers had been saying quarrels might break out between the garrisons of Guisnes and Ardres that would lead to a war with England, a thing the French greatly desired, feeling that they would be fighting infidels worse than Turks. Soon after Chapuys's last despatch the lord Privy Seal left for Guisnes accompanied by the earl of Surrey and by the Admiral of England, but they all came back six days ago. None of them seems to have gone beyond Guisnes. Some gentlemen of their suite, indeed, among them the brother of the earl of Hertford, disguised as civilians, went as far as Ardres and were entertained by the governor, but the governor of Boulogne, while willing to receive a visit from them, would not let them pass on to Calais (sic?).
The King and Queen went a week ago to visit the Prince at the request of the Princess, but chiefly at the intercession of the Queen herself. The King has granted the Princess full permission to reside at Court, to which the Queen also is agreeable. A month ago Joachim Goderfinguer (Gundelfinger?) of Nuremberg, agent of duke Philip the Palatine, arrived here, but has been unable to obtain an answer till now. As he says, these people do not like to play at cards without seeing their opponents' hands, and have delayed their answer till they see that the affairs of Germany turn out well for the Emperor. Hears that the answer given him has not been unfavourable, and that there is some chance of duke Philip being recalled. Four days ago came news of the prohibition in Spain to lade in foreign ships and especially English; at which the English merchants who have ships in Spain have been greatly mortified, saying they could afford to lose part of their fortune or have their ships burned or wrecked better than to quit this country. Suspects that unless they be allowed to lade in the Emperor's dominions there will soon not be in this kingdom one tenth of the ships they now have, but the Emperor's ships and seamen will greatly increase and be a source of much profit. London, 17 May 1541.
Original at Vienna, partly in cipher.
17 May. 836. Chapuys to the Queen of Hungary.
Calendar, VI.
i., No. 162.
Has nothing to add to what is in his letter to the Emperor, except that some of the mutineers in the North have been executed and that the King has bestowed the Garter on four noblemen, the earl of Surrey, son of Norfolk, the earl of Hertford, the controller of the Household, and the captain of the Royal Bodyguard. London, 17 May 1541.
Original at Vienna.
17 May. 837. Card, Pole to Card. Contarini.
Poli Epp.,
iii., 25.
On receiving Contarini's letters of 3 May, regretted that he had left Rome, but immediately despatched Priolus thither in his stead, who will write of everything. Rejoices that the theologians of both parties have agreed about faith, works and justification, the foundation of Christian doctrine. Will, as commanded, keep this secret, but is grieved that the times should so require. Commendations to the master of the Sacred Palace. “Dat. in loco Caprarum” (fn. 10) (for so Petrarch calls it in one of his letters, where be speaks of the pleasantness of the place), 17 May 1541.
18 May. 838. Mary Queen of Hungary to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., viii.
Has received his letters of the 5th complaining that his subjects are harassed by the edict published 1 Dec. last, and, as the Emperor had referred the matter to her, asking her to rectify this (for the edicts made in England were only repetitions of former edicts, &c.), and requesting that the process of Thos. Facham before the Emperor's privy council should be finished. English subjects here have been privileged more than any other nation in the hope that the Emperor's subjects in England would have reciprocal treatment; but, on the contrary, they make daily complaints, as Henry must know from the frequent remonstrances of the Emperor's ambassadors. The statute prohibiting the lading of goods in England in any but English ships or those of “la Hanze Thyoise” (fn. 11) compels the ships of the Emperor's subjects to return empty at great loss, and therefore the Emperor's ambassador solicited that it should be repealed. He was told by the Council that the King could make what statutes he pleased, and that the like might be done here; and so the Emperor has done. As to the statute being a renewal of former statutes, if the Emperor chose to renew former statutes made here about English woollen cloth, he might prejudice the English and benefit his own subjects. Has referred the affair to the Emperor, who referred it to her before, only that she might advise, not determine, what should be done. Expected that Henry would revoke his said statute, but, on the contrary, he has published other statutes 16 Feb. last, which practically prohibit Flemish merchants from dealing with England, preventing them from taking out goods without licence by letters patent. Will, however, do her best to arrange matters. The process of Thos. Facham has been concluded. Brussels, 18 May 1541. Signed and countersigned.
French, pp.
3. Add. Endd.: The Regent of Flanders.
19 May. 839. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Note that at Greenwich, 16 May, the Council did not sit because the King removed thence to Westm., nor did it sit on the 17th or 18th. On the 18th Ric. Stanfeld and others who were bound on 17th March for the forthcoming of Wm. Emlar, brought him to Mr. Comptroller and Mr. Treasurer, who commanded them to attend next day.
Meeting at Westm., 19 May. Present: Chancellor, Norfolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Wriothesley, Chanc. “of th.” Business:—Upon a contention between the King's borough of Southwark and the city of London about the franchises of the city within the town of Southwark, and the keeping of a fair there, and the keeping of markets and selling of leather, grants of the King's progenitors were shown on either part, and the matter seemed to require further deliberation, but, to avoid inconvenience in the meanwhile, it was decreed that — (breaks off abruptly). Wm. Elmar, Ric. Stanfeld and three others bound by recognisance.
19 May. 840. James V. to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., v. 188.
Received his letters of 29 April by Harry Ray, his officer of arms, and perceives he is not satisfied with the answer James has divers times made touching the delivery of kirkmen, as the treaty of peace makes no difference between kirkmen and others. Reminds him of the innovations made since the treaty. If he might of conscience have handled or delivered the said kirkmen and priests he would gladly have done so. His own kirkmen have not attempted anything to his hurt, as Henry is informed, but seek no jurisdiction they have not used since the first institution of the Kirk of Scotland, which, for the Faith of God and Halikirk, he may not alter. Doubts no inconvenience from them, and promises to keep his “part and kindness” towards his dearest uncle as proximity of blood and the treaty of peace require, although he perceives (especially by Sir John Campbel, who was lately there) that Henry is sinisterly informed to the contrary. Falkland, 19 May 28 James V. Signed.
Broadsheet, p.
1. Add. Endd.: 1541.
Royal MS.
18 B. vi., 118.
B. M.
2. Contemporary copy of the preceding.
Pp. 2.
19 May. 841. Lord William Howard to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., viii.
Upon sight of Henry's letters, as soon as he was able to ride, i.e., 18 May, he went to the King at Gynyflee (Genillé) 14 miles from Amboise, and found him dining under a tree in the forest. Told him why the Lord Privy Seal and Lord Admiral were sent to Calais and Guisnes. He replied that he had word of their coming and thought them very fit men for the purpose; he had sent for Mons. de Vandome from Ardys lest it should be thought he lay there for any purpose. Said then, touching Cowbridge and the Cowswade, that the discourse presented by the French ambassador had been read; and asked for an interview to declare Henry's answer, which would put the matter so plainly that he would no doubt press for no further trial of titles, but suffer Henry peaceably to enjoy his right thereto. He said he could show Henry had no such right. Said if he would read the treaty of King John, he would see the truth, and that until recently there was no bridge, but a ferry in the hands of Englishmen. He said the ferry was his, and he had toll for it. Answered, Nay, the toll was for the turnpike beyond the bridge. He would appoint no time for declaration of the matter until he came to Shattillerow. After he had gone a hunting, Howard advised the Constable to move him in the matter lest this little thing should breed unkindness between the Kings. The King will go from Shattillerow to Molyns, and whither from thence the Constable knows not.
The Diet in Almain is ended, and the Emperor going to Italy, and therefore the King comes to this quarter. Finds the Constable most ready to promote English affairs; but his authority is much diminished. The Duke of Cleves sends commendations. The King has imprisoned a gentleman called Mons. de Trangis, but wherefor is not known. Amboise, 19 May. Signed.
3. Add. Endd.: 1541.
20 May 842. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Westm., 20 May. Present: Chancellor, Norfolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Sadler, Chanc. of Augm., Chanc. of Tenths. Business:—Letters under Stamp to the earls of Westmoreland and Cumberland “to put in a secret arredynes” the men appointed by Norfolk when there, also requiring Cumberland to repair to his house (fn. 12) in Craven. Letter under Stamp to Lionel Gray, porter of Berwick, to repair hither. The kersey makers of Berkshire were before the Council with certain Merchants Adventurers, who reported their trial, made by the Council's order, of the difference in length and breadth of the said kerseys when wet, and when dry; and the mitigation of the Act was referred to the King's pleasure. The matter of the merchants clothiers and clothworkers was likewise so referred.
20 May. 843. Henry VIII. to the Earls of Westmoreland and Cumberland.
Add. MS. 32,
646, f. 165,
Papers, No. 69.
Letters from the deputy warden of the Middle Marches report that certain Armstrongs, Crosiers, and Elwodds have taken and robbed Sir John Withrington's castle of Houghton. The Council of Scotland, to whom the Deputy Warden wrote for redress, answered pretending great displeasure at it; but seeing their preparations of artillery, munition, money, scaling ladders, &c., and that they depend wholly on France, desires them to repair into … (lost by mutilation) and be ready, with lord Scrope and others appointed by the duke of Norfolk, at their desire, to repel any enterprise, against Carlisle or otherwise.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 3. Endd.: Minute of the letter to my lords of Westmoreland and Cumberland of the xxth of May ao 1541.
20 May. 844. Victualling of Calais.
Harl. MS. 442,
f. 171.
Proclamation licensing the King's subjects to export victuals to Calais, Guisnes and Hammes, notwithstanding the proclamation of 16 Feb. 32 Hen. VIII. to the contrary; under certain conditions (detailed). Westm., 20 May 33 Hen. VIII.
Later copy, pp. 4, with a memorandum of the heading prefixed to the document as printed by Berthelet in 1541.
20 May. 845. T. [lord] Wentworth to the Bp. of Westminster.
R. O. In the matter before the Bishop and the King's Council, between George Haydon and Walter Ralegh, for Wentworth's tenement called Clyst Barnefyld, Devon; will justify his grant to Haydon from Mich. 31 Hen. VIII. to Mich. last, 32 Hen. VIII. Made his patent to Humph. Collys, his surveyor, at the last Parliament and not before. Friday, 20 May. Signed.
1. Add.
20 May. 846. Francis I. to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 302.
The day before yesterday, lord William, the English ambassador, came to Francis at the assembly at Genilly, and began to speak what Marillac has written touching the Cauchoide. After speaking indiscreetly enough, he alleged the treaty of king John, and ended by praying Francis to give up the right he pretended to the said bridge, which was a very little thing. Answered that in matters touching the limits of their territories princes were not accustomed to use liberality towards each other. As to the treaty of king John, Francis alleged two or three made since to the contrary, and other reasons contained in the procès verbal of the French commissioners which was sent to Marillac; to which the ambassador could not reply. Reminds Marillac that he does not wish this affair pressed, and that he is not to speak of it unless spoken to, and then as modestly as possible. He is to thank the king of England for the honest language he has held, and assure him that he will find Francis his best brother and perpetual ally. Countersigned: Bochetel.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 2. Headed: 20 May 1541.
20 May. 847. Francis I. to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 303.
(The whole
Has already instructed his cousin to advertise him to address his letters touching affairs to Francis alone, and let no other person participate them. Warns him not to fail in this. Countersigned: Bochetel.
French. Modern transcript, p. 1. Headed: 20 May 1541.


  • 1. See No. 803.
  • 2. Meaning Cromwell, Barnes, Jerome, and Garrard.
  • 3. Southampton and Russell.
  • 4. Meaning Norfolk herald.
  • 5. See No. 368.
  • 6. The Bishop of Rhodez. See No. 825.
  • 7. The Prothonotary Montluc.
  • 8. Jean de Taix.
  • 9. Contarini.
  • 10. Capranica. Petrarch calls it Caprarum mons. See Fracassetti's edition of Petrarch's Letters, lib. ii., ep. xii. Cf. Vita di Petrarca by Clemente da Ponte, 42. We are indebted for these references to Dr. Garnett.
  • 11. The Teutonic Hanse or merchants of the Steelyard.
  • 12. Skipton.