Henry VIII: November 1540, 21-25

Pages 120-123

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 16, 1540-1541. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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November 1540, 21–25

21 Nov. 284. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Windsor, 21 Nov. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Gt. Admiral, Durham, Lord Chamb., Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—Two warrants to Tuke to pay 26l. 13s. 4d. to a gentleman of the county of Buces who brought hawks, 7l. to Dethyek, the post who came from Wallop, and 51l. 2s. to the Lord Chamberlain for transport to Guisnes and back of a crew of — (blank) men. The merchants of the Staple answered in writing to the matter proponed to them at Ampthill, that they cannot covenant to pay a certain sum for their shippings of wool, that they desire to pay only for what they ship, and remit the licensing of strangers to the King's pleasure. Thos. Pery declared his injuries sustained from the fathers of Cyvill for defending the King's proceedings against the bp. of Rome; and was commanded to put it in Spanish or French, and attend the duke of Norfolk to the Emperor's ambassador.
21 Nov. 285. Helaine de Betencour to the Queen [of Scotland].
Balcarres MS.
iv. 87.
Adv. Lib.,
Reports the good health of her son. (fn. 1) He is as well as could be wished, “et croit fort en beaute et toute honnette; cet (c'est) bien le plus grassieux enfant que je connus oncques et le plus ese a servir.” Is encouraged by her letters and those of Mademoiselle to devote herself to her service. Jainville, 21 Nov.
P.S.—Her old man sends his humble commendations.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: A la R'une.
22 Nov. 286. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii. 87.
Meeting at Windsor, 22 Nov. Present: Norfolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Durham, Lord Chamb., Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley. Business:—Deputy and Council of Calais advertised that Rous and Brandling were charged to provide victuals and sea coal (to receive which preparations, described, should be made), and ordered to gather in corn in the Marches. Arbitration (described) between Sir John Done and Thos. Holcroft. The matter between David Vincent and Ric. Cecyll, with evidence of Robt. Browne and Miles Forest therein, being heard, Cecyll was admonished for his fault and the two exhorted to be friends. The bp. of Carlisle who, having charge of the treasure for the fortifications at Carlisle, having come hither rather to linger at Eton than for any just cause, was commanded to return to his diocese “for the feeding of the people both with his preaching and good hospitality.” Thos. Wyndham who, since his return from Ireland, spoke of treasons committed by Ormond, signed his depositions as written “by me, clerk of the Council;” and Norfolk took them to London to examine lord Leonard thereupon. Order taken that the bp. of Rochester and Dr. Curwen, being the King's almoners, should satisfy certain poor folks who at the King's coming hither were commanded to avoid because their houses were infected.
22 Nov. 287. Sir Anth. Browne to [the Chancellor of Augmentations].
R. O. Names of officers of the Stable discharged upon pension:—
Yeomen:—Ric. Jekill and John Rombolde, 6l. each. Grooms:—John Payne, Jas. Rawson, Thos. Courtney, Harry Hogans, And. Dewberies, Ric. Cordell, John Hull, Wm. Webstarr, Walt. Prowde, Thos. Hynde, Wm. Bereman, and Wm. Bartlott 4l. each; and Robt. Coottes, for eight months, who died 1 Sept., 53s. 4d.
Warrant, subjoined:— Mr. Chancellor, the King's pleasure is, as you know, that you should pay the above pensions quarterly, accounting from 1 Jan. last, 31 Hen. VIII., until his Grace otherwise determine. Windsor 22 Nov. 32 Hen. VIII. Signed.
1. Endd.
R. O. 2. Another copy signed by Browne subscribed “per Cursson.”
P. 1.
R. O. 3. A remembrance of certain of the Stable put to their pensions.
Thos. Myles, Thos. Wallys, Walter Prowde, Wm. Bereman, Wm. Webster, Thos. Hynde, appointed to have pensions of 6l. 13s. 4d. from the College of Osnaye, but they are not yet admitted.
Thos. Courtney, Wm. Bartlet, Thos. Angulem, Wm. Bowland, appointed to have the same sum from the College of Peterborough, but cannot be admitted.
Thos. Myles and Thos. Wallys were appointed to pensions of 6l., but they are unpaid for 1¼ year ended last Christmas. Thos. Angulen and Wm. Bowland were appointed to pensions of 4l., and are likewise unpaid. Geo. Forman, late sumpterman of the pantry, was put out of wages last Michaelmas for leprosy, to be appointed to a pension.
P. 1. Endd.: Pensioners of the Stable.
24 Nov. 288. Sir Edward Wotton, Treasurer of Calais.
See Grants in November, No. 46.
24 Nov. 289. Francis I. to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 245.
Fontainebleau, 24 Nov.:—Has received his of the 16th, and is pleased that he writes so fully of the despatch of Knyvet and Winchester. Is glad the English are satisfied with his offer to settle the difference about the bridge between Ardres and Calais. In pursuance of what he said to the English ambassador, has decided to send, as his deputies, a knight of his Order and a master of requests of his Household to settle with the English deputies not only as regards the bridge, which will undoubtedly be found to belong to France, but also as regards the river which passes between Calais and Ardres. Desires him to inform the English of this, that their deputies may be sent. As to the other points (recapitulated) of Marillac's letters, makes no comment.
By last news from Constantinople, of the 8th ultimo, peace was concluded with the signory of Venice under certain conditions (detailed), viz., the surrender of Naples de Rommanie and Malveysie, and payment of 300,000 ducats to the Turk. The Turk would have had it that if his Armada went on any enterprise that of Venice should keep within the gulf of Corfou, but finally agreed that the Venetian might go where it would, provided it lent no aid to the enemy. The Venetians are to trade freely at Alexandria, Constantinople, Modon, and Lespanthe in the Morea. The Turk refused to restore Nadyn and Loizane (Lorzane in § 2), on the coast of Zara in Dalmatia. As to Hungary, especially the part held by the late king John, the King of the Romans is likely to find his enterprise the more difficult, as the Turk is inclined to maintain king John's son there.
Francis's own affairs go well, and his health and that of his children could not be better. Brought by Ferrant.
French. Modern transcript, pp.
R. O. 2. Contemporary extracts from the preceding of the news from Constantinople, and the matter of the Cowbridge, headed: “Extraict daulcuns articles des lettres du Roy trescrestien escriptes a son ambassadeur, de Fontaine bleau le xxiiijme Novembre.”
French, pp. 2. Endd.: Advertisements from the French Ambassador.
24 Nov. 290. Luis Sarmiento to Covos.
Add. MS.
28, 592, f. 233.
B. M.
The Portuguese fleet sailed, 25 days ago, for Malagueta, and met with a storm, in which one ship foundered, etc.
Spanish. Modern copy from Simancas, pp. 7. Headed: “Copia de la carta que Luis Sarmiento scrivio al Comendador Mayor de Leon en xxiiij de Nove 1540.” See Spanish Calendar, VI. i., No. 142.
25 Nov. 291. Montmorency to Marillac.
R. O.
Kaulek, 216.
Fontainebleau, 25 Nov.:—Has received his letter of the 16th and the three others. Refers, for answer, to the King's letter. A knight of the Order and master of Requests will shortly be despatched to deal with the English deputies touching the bridge “de la Cauchoire autrement dit des Vaches.” The works at Ardres are pushed forward, and it will soon be out of danger of surprise. Marillac's man, who was to present his book for his extraordinaires, has not appeared and is said to be ill. Has taken order that Marillace may have the abbey the King granted him as soon as it shall be vacant. The King and Dauphin are well, and there is no talk of leaving this yet. If a better abbey falls vacant, will get it for him. Desires to be warned when the English deputies leave for Calais.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 2.
25 Nov. 292. The Diet at Worms.
R. O. Address, (fn. 2) in the name of the Emperor, to the German diet, headed: “Oratio illustrissimi et generosi D. Nicolai Perrenoti, D. de Granvella, Caroli V. Imperatoris semperaug'ti locumtenentis, in Wormacien. Colloquio habita in publico et Catholicorum et Protestantium consessu, vij Kal. Decem. 1540.”
Need not make a long speech, since the doings of the late Diet (conventum) at Haguenoa, and the letters by which the Emperor convoked them, explain the cause of their meeting and that their conclusions are to be submitted to the Imperial Council (comitia) which the Emperor, by other letters, has indicted at Ratisbon. Implores them to settle the discords in Germany.
Latin, pp. 3. Endd.: “An oration made by Grandeveles deputy at the Counsell of Wormes.”
R. O 2. Another copy, without heading.
Latin, pp. 6. Endd.: “Mons. de Grandvela oration in the beginning of the Diet at Wormes.”


  • 1. The duke of Longueville.
  • 2. Printed in Corpus Reformatorum, iii. 1164.