Index: F

Pages 642-650

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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Faber, John, bp. of Vienna, 732, 797.

-, -, disquisition by, 732.

Fabian, Ed., 14 (p. 6).

-, Martha, p. 547.

Faenza, bp. of. See Carpi, card. of.

Fail, in Scotland, House of Friars of, 992–3.

Fairehed or Fayerhed, John, 359 (1, 2):—p. 551.

Fairfax (Fayrefax), Jane, p. 554.

-, Sir Nic., g. 612 (14), 942 (41b).

-, (Fayrefax), Ralph, prior of Kyme, p. 545.

-, (Fayerfax), Thos., serjeant-at-law, of the Council of the North, 131, 174, 197, 361:—g. 282 (21), 612 (12, 14), 942 (41b).

-, -, letter from, 197.

-, -, signature of, 131, 361.

-, Sir Wm., g. 612 (14), 831 (33).

Fairford, Glouc., g. 282 (109).

Fairlight (Farely, Farly), Suss., 218, 598 ii.:—g. 942 (17).

Fairstone (i.e. Falstone). See Robson of F.

Fairweather (Fayreweder), Jas., p. 544.

Faith, the. See Pope.

Falckner, — 1025.

Falclyff, near Stamford, g. 612 (15).

Falconer (Fawconer), John, g. 1027 (38).

-, (Fawkenor), Paul, 749 (2).

-, (Fawkenor), Wm., letter from, 31.

Falcons. See Hawks.

Falkland (Faklandia), in Scotland, letters dated at, 575, 952, 992–3, 1009–10.

Falkland herald, of Scotland, 9.

Faklandia. See Falkland.

Fallersdon. See Fallston.

Fallesley. See Fawsley.

Falleston. See Fallston.

Falley. See Fawley.

Fallston (Fallersdon, Falleston), Wilts, 498 iii., c. 71.

Falmouth, Cornw., 426, 502 (2).

Falstone (Fawll Stan, Fawstone), in Tynedale, 57, 85.

Falstone (Fawstayn). See Robson of F.

Fan, Thos., 398.

Fane. See Vane.

Farar, Don Francisco de. See Este, F. d'.

Farbur, John, p. 542.

Fareby. See Ferriby.

Fareclyff, Ric., p. 562.

Farel, Wm., the Reformer, letter from, 534.

-, -, letters to, 421, 694.

Fareley. See Fairlight.

Farely. See Fairlight.

Fargus. See Oliver, W.

Faringdon, Berks, g. 436 (76).

Faringdon. See Farringdon.

Farleigh Priory. See Monkton Farley.

Farleigh or Farleigh Hungerford, Soms., 498 (59).

-, letter dated at, 353.

Farley, Joan, g. 436 (90).

Farlington, Hants, g. 831 (87).

Farly. See Fairlight.

Farmer. See Fermour.

Farmington, alias Thormerton, Glouc., g. 733 (65).

Farnam. See Farnham.

Farnborough (Fernburgh), Berks, g. 733 (9).

Farnese (Frenuse), Alexander, Cardinal, son of Pier Luigi, legate sent to the meeting of Charles V. and Francis I. (returned to Rome in May 1540), 38 (p. 17), 40, 103, 115, 130, 178–9, 304, 315, 320, 332, 337, 356, 368, 401, 418, 462, 508 (p. 227), 583, 591, 622, 665, 669, 673, 712, 762, 807, 888, 911, 981:—App. 5.

-, -, letters from, 40, 103, 178–9, 304, 911.

-, -, letters to, 807, 888, 981.

Farnese, Octavio, prefect of Rome, grandson (nephew) of Pope Paul III., son of Pier Luigi, 104, 276, 304, 356, 448 (p. 184), 508 (p. 227), 656, 670 (2), 742, 820, 842, 889, 932.

Farnese, Pier Luigi, duke of Castro (Castres), son of Pope Paul III., 356, 591, 762, 842, 1020n.

Farnese, Vittoria, daughter of Pier Luigi, niece or granddaughter of Pope Paul III., 890 (p. 444), 932, 961, 1002, 1020, 1022, 1024.

-, -, her brother, 1020.

-, -, proposed marriage with Claude de Lorraine, 890 (p. 444), 905–6, 961, 1002, 1020, 1022, 1024,

-, -, -, with Charles V., 932.

Farney (Ferney), co. Monaghan, 12, 830 (p. 400).

-, captain of. See McMahon.

Farnham, Essex, 20 (3).

Farnham, Surr., 1016.

Farnham (Fernam), Eliz., p. 553.

-, (Farnam), John, p. 545.

Farnhurst, Suss., 498 (37).

Farnihirst. See Kerr, of Fernyhirst.

Farnihirste. See Fernyhirst.

Farningham, Mr., 320.

Farnyhalgh, Ric., g. 733 (18).

Farr (Pharr), Thos., p. 551.

Farre (Pharre), Walter, g. 611 (35), 831 (25, 80–2).

Farrendon. See Farringdon.

Farringdon (Faringdon), —. abbot of Reading, 614n.

-, (Farrendon), Joan, p. 543.

Fasqueselle, Pacquier, 1030 (4).

Fasterne pasture, Wilts, g. 144 (p. 52).

Fat Collope. See Ainsley, H.

Fattyngmore, near Ivington, Heref., g. 282 (63).

Faukes, John, 729.

Faune, Gregory, 609 (p. 276).

Faunte, Edw., 609 (p. 275).

Fauntelaroy, Bridget, p. 543.

Faux. See Vaux.

Fauxe (Fawxe), Eliz., 840.

-, Nic., g. 436 (75).

Favell, John, p. 545.

Faversham (Pheversam, Feversham), Kent, 61, 1030 (32):—g. 282 (13), 436 (45), 831 (17).

-, letter dated at, 1030 (54).

-, Abbey (supp.) of, p. 556:—g. 436 (44–5), 831 (17), 942 (36).

-, places named in, g. 831 (17).

Faversham, Thos., 452.

Fawcet Forest, Westmld., p. 556.

Fawconer. See Falconer.

Fawell, John, p. 545.

Fawkenor. See Falconer.

Fawley (Falley), Hants, g. 942 (14).

Fawll Stan. See Falstone.

Fawsley (Fallesley), Ntht., letter dated at, 586.

Fawstayn, the. See Falstone, Nthld.

Fawstone. See Falstone.

Fawxe. See Faux.

Fayerfax. See Fairfax.

Fayerhed. See Fairehed.

Fayrefax. See Fairfax.

Featherstone (Fedderston, Fetherston), Yorks., p. 566:—g. 282 (32).

Febrege. See Freebridge.

Fécamp (Fescamp), in Normandy, letter dated at, 1030 (16).

Fechett, Ric., p. 549.

Feckenham (Fekenham), Worc., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

-, forest of, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Feckenham, John, 118:—p. 550.

Fedderston. See Featherston.

Fedell, Alice, p. 546.

Feehewe. See Fitzhugh.

Feelde. See Field.

Feldom, Yorks., 554.

Feldyng. See Fielding.

Felgham. See Felpham.

Felix, Mr., 1029 (9).

Fell, Austin, p. 655.

Felley, Notts, g. 1027 (28).

-, priory (supp.) of, 1029 (8).

Felowe, Steph., p. 545.

Felpham (Feltham, Felgham), Suss., 498 (37).

Felsham, Suff., g. 436 (31).

Felstead or Felsted, Essex, g. 144 (16), 831 (41), 942 (87).

Feltham, Midd., 498 (36).

Feltham, Suss. See Felpham.

Felyng. See Filing.

Fena. See Finae.

Fenaa. See Finae.

Fencing, g. 942 (95).

Fenne, Robt., p. 546.

-, Thos., p. 546.

Fennyng, Edm., p. 546.

Fenrother, Ant., 324.

-, Wm., letter from, 324.

Fentregan, Cornw., 498 (84).

Fenwick (Fenwyke), Ant., p. 541.

-, (Fenwyke), Geo., 465 ii.

Fenymer, Ric., 111 (2):—p. 551.

Ferar, dukedom of (qu. Wirtemberg?), 889.

Ferar, Don. F. de. See Este, F. d'.

Fercallagh. See Fircal.

Ferclough, Robt., g. 611 (11).

Ferdinand, King of the Romans and of Hungary, archduke of Austria, brother of the Emperor Charles V., 40, 100, 179, 203, 222–3, 243, 258, 264–5, 290, 302, 304, 315, 320, 332, 334, 337 (pp. 135–6), 356–7, 388–9, 418, 448, 457 (p. 189), 462, 480, 482–3, 508 (p. 227), 519, 530, 537 (p. 240), 543 (p. 245), 581–3, 589, 591, 696–7, 643, 665 (pp. 314–15), 666 (p. 316), 669, 673, 676, 707 ii., 742, 780 (1, 2), 790, 797–8, 807, 814, 842, 870, 911, 916, 923, 932.

-, -, a daughter of, 315, 483, 508 (p. 227).

-, -, his master of horse, 356.

-, -, his vice-chancellor, 596.

-, -, nuncio with. See Modena, bp. of.

-, -, a son of, 742.

-, -, his eldest son, 457 (p. 189), 480, 597, 676.

-, -, envoys from (“the Hungarians”), 537 (p. 240), 643.

Ferdinand, king of Arragon (1479 to 1516), 938.

Fereby. See Ferriby.

Fereby, Thos., g. 436 (44).

Fermail. See Fermour.

Ferme, John, 609 (p. 275).

Fermour (Fermer), John, 650 (3):—p. 543.

-, (Farmour, Farmer, Fermail, Fermer), Ric., of Easton (attainted in 1540), 498 (p. 217), 598, 615, 650, 697 (p. 326), 730, 939 (p. 465), 1004–5, 1021.

-, -, attainder of, 650.

-, -, his chaplain, 697 (p. 326).

-, -, inventories of his goods, 650 (2, 3).

-, -, his wife and children, 650 (2, 3).

-, (Fermer), Robt., g. 942 (81).

-, (Farmer), Thos., 650 (2).

-, (Fermor), Wm., 339, 1021, 1029 49):—p. 540:—g. 282 (7), 831 (57).

-, -, letter from, 339.

Fernam. See Farnham.

Fernburgh. See Farnborough.

Ferneest (i.e., Fernyhirst). See Kerr, of F.

Ferneley, John, g. 733 (66).

Ferney. See Farney.

Fernyhirst (Farnihurst), co. Roxb., 94 (2).

Fernyhirst (Farnihirste). See Kerr, of F.

Ferrara, cardinal of. See Este, I. d'.

Frerara, Hercules d' Este, duke of Ferrara (Ferrare), and of Modena and Reggio, 315, 412, 838, 877–8, 887, 889 (p. 443), 901 (p. 447).

Ferrer, Robt., prior of St. Oswald's, p. 547.

Ferrers (Ferys, Ferreys, Ferres), Walter Devereux lord, 14 (p. 5), 196, 391 (4), 427, 560 (1, 3), 707 i., ii., 730:—p. 559:—g. 282 (7, 34–5), 733 (63), 942 (39, 10), 1027 (10).

Ferrers, young, 14 (p. 6).

-, (Ferreis), Sir Humph., 14 (p. 6).

Ferres. See Ferrers.

Ferreys. See Ferrers.

Ferriby, Linc., g. 733 (26).

Ferriby (Fareby, Fereby) or North Ferriby, Yorks., priory (supp.) of, 1029 (9):—g. 831 (33).

Ferris Wood, in Moor End, Ntht., g. 733 (49).

Ferrys, John, p. 544.

Fersfield, Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Ferys, lord. See Ferrers.

Fescamp. See Fécamp.

Fether, Edw., g. 282 (71), 613 (42).

-, Robt., g. 282 (71).

Fetherston. See Featherstone.

Fetherston, Ric., clk., late schoolmaster to the Princess Mary (attainted in 1540), 498 (i. 57, ii. c. 49), 598, 615, 747 (p. 354), 981.

Fetiplace, Edm. (died 1 April 1540), 14 (p. 6), 444.

-, -, valor of his lands, 444 (2).

-, -, his brothers, 444 (2).

-, -, his wife Margaret, 444 (2).

-, Edw., g. 733 (9).

-, (Feteplace), Eleanor, 840.

-, (Phetyplace), Eliz., p. 549.

-, (Phetyplace), Ellen, p. 548.

-, John, dec., 444 (2).

-, -, Dorothy his widow, wife of Sir A. Hungerford, 444 (2).

-, John, 444 (2).

-, (Feteplace), Ursula, 840:—p. 548.

Feversham. See Faversham.

Feversham, Wm., alias Sheperd, q. c.

Fewcot (Fewcotts), Oxon, g. 436 (29 p. 170).

Fews (Fuys), in Ulster, 199.

Field (Felde), Alice, 1029 (62).

-, (Fylde), John, 859.

-, (Feld), Ric., notary, 1029 (62).

-, (Fylde), Ric., letter to, 281 (2).

-, (Fylde), Thos., p. 548.

-, (Feelde, Felde), Wm., 21:—p. 549.

Fielding (Fylding, Feldyng), Sir Wm., 14 (p. 6):—g. 282 (4).

Fiennes (Fynes), near Calais, in France, bailly of, 34.

Fiennes, Thos. See Dacre, of the South.

Fife, in Scotland, 634.

Figheldean (Fikelton), Wilts, 498 (59).

Fikelton. See Figheldean.

Filberd, —, physician, 37.

Filcockys, Hugh, 1031 (3).

Filcok, Hugh, 1014.

Filing (Felyng), Yorks., pp. 566–7.

Fillingham, Linc., g. 942 (118).

Filoll, Jasper, g. 436 (44).

-, Kath., dec., 498 iii. c. 78.

-, Sir Wm., dec., 498 iii. c. 78.

Filpott. See Philpott.

Finae (Fena, Fenaa), co. Westmeath, 849 (p. 420), 912.

Fincham, Joan, p. 547.

-, John, g. 942 (18).

Finche, Vincent, of Calais, 608 (3, 4 iii.), 609 (p. 276).

-, Sir Wm., p. 558:—g. 1027 (37).

Finchettes, Randolph, p. 552.

Finchingfield, Essex, g. 942 (43).

Finden or Findon, Suss., g. 282 (58), 733 (55).

Fines, Act for, 615, 690.

-, exposition of the Statute (Act), 498 (43).

Fineshade (Fynneshed) priory (supp.), Ntht., pp. 557, 564.

Fingall, Yorks., 554.

Finmere (Fymner), Oxon, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Finster, Robt., p. 555.

Fircal or Fercall (Fercallagh), in Ireland, chief of. See O'Mulloy.

Firle (Fyrles), West-, Suss., g. 282 (58).

First Fruits and Tenths, Court of, 498 (39).

-, -, establishment of (Act), 498 (39).

Firth, Robt., g. 282 (71).

Fischear, John, a Scot, 9.

Fish, 419, 650 (3).
-, herrings, 215–16.
-, habberden, 650 (3).
-, ling, 650 (3).
-, mullets, g. 611 (12).
-, mussels, 839.
-, sea urchin or hedgehog, 648.

Fishbourne or Ficheburne, Suss., 498 (37 bis).

Fishbourne, New-, Suss., 498 (37).

Fishbourn, Old-, Hants, 20 (2).

Fishbourne, Old-, Suss., 498 (37).

Fissheburne, Ralph, g. 942 (118).

-, Ric., g. 942 (118).

Fisher, John, bp. of Rochester, cardinal (executed in 1535), 622, 721.

-, -, a brother of, 622.

Fisher (Fyssher), Ellen, p. 551.

-, (Fyssher), Sir Mich., g. 282 (6).

-, Robt., p. 544.

-, (Fyssher), Thos., p. 550.

-, (Fyssher), Wm., 453:—p. 554.

-, -, declaration by, 453 (2).

Fisherton Anger gaol, in Salisbury, g. 144 (20).

Fishwick (Fyssheweke), Ric., 111 (2):—p. 551.

Fitleworthe. See Fittleworth.

Fittleton (Fitulton), Wilts, parson of. See Bird.

Fittleworth, Suss., 498 (37 bis).

Fitton, Sir Edw., 1028:—g. 282 (34), 733 (63).

-, -, his children, 1028.

-, Helen, g. 733 (18).

-, Nic., g. 942 (39).

Fitulton. See Fittleton.

Fitz, Simon, g. 282 (6).

Fitzgarett. See Fitzgerald.

Fitzgarratt. See Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald, Eleanor, daughter of the eighth and sister of the ninth carl of Kildare, aunt of Young Gerald, wife of Donough McCarthy Reagh and of Manus O'Donell, 830 (p. 398).

Fitzgerald (Fitzgarratt, FitzGarrard Garrat, Garard), Gerald, younger son of the ninth earl of Kildare, nephew of lord Leonard Grey, called “young Gerald,” a fugitive and “traitor,” 82, 355, 426n, 438, 498 (58), 543 (pp. 245–6), 704, 739n, 741, 793–4, 803, 811, 816–17, 830 passim, 848 (p. 419):—g. 436 (28).

-, -, his followers, 543 (p. 246), 739.

Fitzgerald, James, son of John (James FitzJohn), the “pretended earl” of Desmond, 82, 142, 328, 387, 426, 455, 594, 620, 672, 684, 830 (pp. 398–9, 400), 858, 915:—g. 942 (79).

-, -, letter from, 858.

-, -, his sister. See Fitzgerald, Eleanor.

Fitzgerald, James, son of Maurice (James Fitzmaurice), claimant of the earldom of Desmond, recognised by the Government (murdered 16 or 19 March 1540), 199, 387, 455.

Fitzgerald (Fylzgarethe), lord Thomas, rightfully tenth earl of Kildare, eldest son of the ninth earl (executed in Feb. 1537), 704, 804 (p. 378n), 830 (pp. 398, 400), 978.

-, -, his brother. See Fitzgerald, Gerald.

-, -, his jewels, 830 (p. 398).

-, -, his uncles, 830 (p. 398).

Fitzgerald, Ellen, sister of James FitzJohn, wife of OBrien, 830 (p. 398).

-, Frances lady (“lady Garrard”), widow of lord Thomas, daughter of Sir Adrian Fortescue, and sister of lady Wentworth (died 2 March 1540), 225, 286.

-, Sir Gerald, 355, 692.

-, Sir James (executed Feb. 1537), 804 (p. 378n).

-, John. See White Knight.

-, John, FitzJohn Desmond, alias Shane FitzJohn, g. 942 (79).

-, Sir John (executed Feb. 1537), 804 (p. 378n).

-, Maurice, FitzJohn, brother of James FitzJohn of Desmond, 387, 455:—g. 942 (79).

-, (Fitzgaret), Marg., p. 543.

-, Oliver (executed Feb. 1537), 804 (p. 378n).

-, Ric. (executed Feb. 1537), 804 (p. 378n).

-, Shane FitzJohn. See above, John.

-, Theobald, son of Peter (Tibbot FitzPiers), 830 (p. 401).

-, Walter (executed Feb. 1537), 804 (p. 378n).

Fitzherbert (Feharbart), Mrs., 135.

-, Bridget, 840:—p. 548.

-, Jocosa, p. 546.

-, Thos., g. 942 (40).

Fitzhugh (Feehewe), lord, heirs of, 555.

FitzHugh or Fitzhewe, Thos., p. 144 (20), 942 (86).

-, Will., g. 831 (16).

FitzJames, Sir John, lord Chief Justice (died Jan. 1539), 353 (2).

Fitzjames, Aldred, g. 942 (13).

-, Alfred, g. 282 (9).

-, Nic., 391:—g. 282 (9), 942 (13).

-, -, letter to, 391.

FitzJohn of Desmond. See Fitzgerald, J.

FitzJohn, Maurice. See Fitzgerald, M.

Fitzlewes, Dorothy, p. 547.

FitzMaurice. See Fitzgerald.

FitzMaurice, James. See Fitzgerald, J.

FitzPiers, Tibbot. See Fitzgerald, T.

Fitzwalter (Fitzwater), Sir Henry Ratcliff lord, son of the earl of Sussex, g. 282 (20).

Fitzwaren, lord. See Bath, earl of

Fitzwaren, Eliz. de, dec., g. 831 (66).

Fitzwilliam, Sir Wm., 14 (p. 6).

Fitzwilliams, John, 609 (p. 275).

Fivehead (Fyffee), Soms., 498 iii. c. 78.

Flamborough (Flamburgh), Yorks., g. 733 (38).

Flamesham. See Flansham.

Flammock (Flamoke), Andrew, 14 (p. 5), 386.

-, -, his son, 386.

Flamoke. See Flammock.

Flanders (Flandes) and the Low Countries, 38 (pp. 15, 17), 39, 53, 98, 103, 134, 136 (p. 45), 145, 171, 179, 184 (2), 187, 202, 207, 222, 233, 237–8, 248 (p. 91), 285, 289 (p. 120), 332, 334, 365–6, 401, 418 i, ii., 426, 432, 457, 479–80, 485–7, 507 (2), 511, 543 (pp. 245–6), 573–4, 597, 626, 634, 676–7, 679 (“Belgium”), 697, 779, 837 (p. 414), 838, 870 (p. 436), 901 (p. 447), 916 (p. 454), 929, 938, 947, 956, 962, 1014, 1029 (58).
-, admiral of. See Beures, Sieur de.
-, ambassadors in:—
-,-, English. See Vaughan, S.
-,-, French. See Hellin, Ant. de.
-, Council of (“the Emperor's Council”), 389.
-, county of, 480, 543 (pp. 214–5), 651, 674.
-, Englishmen imprisoned in, 864.
-, Grand Master. See Roeulx, sieur de.
-, mart in, 432.
-, Regent of. See Mary, Queen of Hungary.

Flanders chair, a, 852 (pp. 424–5).

Flanders Geke, a, 1029 (21).

Flanells, Beds, g. 436 (9).

Flansham (Flamesham), Suss., 498 (37).

Flaunders. See Flanders.

Flaxton, Alice, 210.

Flecher, Kath., p. 553.

Fleechamstede. See Flitchamstead.

Flegg, East-, Norf., 600 (p. 270).

Flegg, West-, Norf., 600 (p. 270).

Flembye. See Flimby.

Fleming (Flemmynge), Ant., p. 547.

-, Gerald, 551.

-, Thos., searcher of Dover, letter from, 1030 (32).

Flemings, individual, 507 (p. 225).

-, -, executed as Sacramentaries, 651.

-, -, burnt at Bilbao, 787.

-, -, in England, 901 (p. 447).

Flemmynge. See Fleming.

Fleshmonger, Wm., dean of Chichester, 861.

Fletcher, Hen., p. 555.

-, Joan, p. 551.

-, Ric., 139 iii.

-, Robt., p. 555.

-, Thos., p. 543.

-, Wm., 609 (p. 275), 1031 (3):—p. 556.

Flete, Kent, near Folkestone, p. 560.

Fletes Mouth, beside Faversham, 61.

Fletewood, Edm., p. 545.

Flette. See Flitton.

Fletwyk. See Flitwick.

Flewellyn, Kath., p. 549.

Flexmer, Thos., g. 282 (123).

Flimby (Flembye), Cumb., p. 560.

Flint, in the Welsh Marches, g. 613 (29).

Flintham, Notts, g. 282 (10).

Flitchampstead (Fleechamstede), Warw., p. 557.

Flitton (Flette), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Flitwick (Fletwyke), Beds, p. 565:—g. 631 (1).

Flixton, Suff., priory (supp.) of, p. 564.

Flodd, Edw. See Floyd.

Flomyng, Ursula, p. 545.

Flordon (Floredon), Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Florence, city and dominion, 104, 315, 356, 418 (p. 184), 581–2, 670 (2), 712, 742, 762, 778, 879, 887, 1030 (18):—App. 2:—g. 942 (114).

-, fuorusciti (Foruscites) of, 581.

Florence, duke of. See Medici, C. de.

Florence, duchess of. See Margaret of Austria.

Florence, — (qu. Olisleger's nephew? q. v.), 970.

Florence, Wm., 633.

Florentines, individual, 356,

Flower, Thos., p. 561.

Flower, Wm., Guisnes pursuivant, 608 (3, 4), 728.

Floyd (Flodd), Edw., 686 bis.

Flushing, in Zealand, 61.

Fobbing, Essex, g. 733 (37).

Foderynga. See Fotheringhay.

Fodringhey. See Fotheringhay.

Foffounte. See Fovant.

Fog, Kath., p. 545.

Foggyclose in Whenby, Yorks., p. 557.

Fogo, Robt., a Scottish pirate, 774, 819, 947.

Fokhringane. See Fotheringham.

Folefeld, John, App. 3.

Folembray (Foullambray), in Picardy, letter dated at, 98.

Folkestone (Folston, Folkeston), Kent, 642 (1, 2):—p. 560.

-, castle of. See Sandgate.

-, priory (supp.) of, p. 560.

Folksworth (Folkysworthe), Hunts, g. 144 (22).

Folkysworth. See Folksworth.

Folston. See Folkestone.

Fontainebleau, in France, 418 (p. 161), 563, 572, 677, 720, 778, 816.

-, letters dated at, 773, 785–6, 788.

Fontmell (Funtmell), Dors., g. 831 (25, 81).

Fonttaynes. See Fountains.

Foo, Geo., p. 549.

Foorde. See Ford.

Foosfownte. See Fovant.

Foquesolles (Foulquesolles), Mons. de, 435.

Ford, Salop, g. 144 (2).

Ford, Suss., 498 (37).

Ford abbey (supp.), Devon, near Winsham, Soms., pp. 545 bis, 559, 561, 565:—g. 831 (68).

-, abbot. See Charde, T.

-, pension list, p. 545.

Ford, Old-, Midd. See Old Ford.

Ford palace, in Hoath parish, Kent, letter dated at, 338.

Forde, George, his wife, 1029 (53).

-, (Foorde), John, 609 (pp. 274–5), 1014.

-, Oliver, 609 (p. 276).

-, Ric., g. 831 (14).

-, Robt., g. 942 (49).

Fordham, Camb., g. 942 (19).

-, Bigging priory (supp.) in, p. 555:—g. 942 (19).

-, -, pension list, p. 555.

-, -, prior. See Baynton, W.

Fordwich (Fordewyche), Kent, p. 567:—g. 942 (61).

Foreman, Thos., 21.

Forest, the (of Rockingham?), 1016.

Forest, John, 11:—p. 549.

-, Miles, g. 144 (22).

Forest Hill (Forstyll), Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Forests, Justices of (Act), 498 (42).

Forgette, Joan, p. 543.

Forley, John, 609.

Forman, Thos., g. 942 (37).

-, Wm., g. 831 (79).

Forncett (Forneset), Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Forneham. See Fornham.

Forneset. See Forncett.

Fornham All Saints. Suff., g. 436 (74).

Fornham (Forneham) St. Genevieve, Suff., g. 436 (57, 74, 90).

Fornham (Forneham) St. Martin, Suff., p. 562:—g. 436 (57, 74, 90).

Forsewylle. See Vorcifall.

Forsse, Philip, 1030 (18 pp. 528–9).

Forster. See Foster.

Forstyll. See Forest Hill.

Forte, Ric., p. 542.

Fortescue, Sir Adrian (executed July 1539), 286n, 809 (p. 383).

-, Anne, widow, g. 1027 (45).

-, Barth., g. 282 (5, 33), 942 (75).

-, Lewis, 292:—g. 282 (33), 942 (75).

-, -, signature of, 292.

-, Philippa, p. 544.

Forthampton, Glouc., 49.

Forthbury, in Damerham, Wilts, g. 282 (54).

Forthewe, John, g. 436 (25).

Forton, Staff., 72.

Fortresses. See Blockhouses.

Fortune, Walter, 609 (p. 275).

Forvour or Furvour, Wm., clk., 353 (2, 3).

Forwode, Wm., 859.

Foryate, near Stafford, g. 942 (42).

Fosse priory (supp.), in Torksey parish, Linc., p. 554.

-, pension list, p. 554.

-, prioress. See Mar, A.

Fosse, Edm., g. 942 (42).

-, Wm., p. 545.

Fosse Water, at York, 1029 (18).

Foster or Forster, Adrian, 61.

-, Alice, p. 547.

-, Chr., 61.

-, Eliz., p. 550.

-, John, 69 (2), 579, 884:—pp. 546, 553, 555:—g. 733 (17).

-, Sir Humph., 14 (p. 5 bis):—g. 282 (7), 733 (6, 30).

-, Ric., p. 552.

-, Robt., 125:—g. 611 (1, 3), 733 (24).

-, (Fostre), Thos., 465 ii.

Fostre. See Foster.

Fotheringham (Fokhringane), Thos., of Leith, 1009.

Fotheringhay (Fodringhey), Ntht., g. 144 (2).

Fotheringhay (Foderynga) Castle, Ntht., 196.

Fouler. See Fowler.

Foulis, in Scotland, vicar of. See Oliphant, A.

Foullambray. See Folembray.

Foulquesolles. See Foquesolles.

Fountains (Fonttaynes), Yorks., abbey (supp.) of, 340:—p. 552:—g. 613 (16), 831 (53), 942 (27–8).

-, -, abbot. See Bradley, M.

-, -, pension list, p. 552.

Foure, Fowre, Fower, or Fore, co. Westmeath, 849 (p. 420).

Fovant (Foosfownte, Foffounte), Wilts, 20 (2):—p. 543.

Fowbery (Fowlbery), Laur., 376–7.

-, Ric., 465 ii.

Fowell, Eliz., abbess of Canons Leigh, p. 544:—g. 436 (32), 733 (50).

-, Sibilla, p. 544.

Fower. See Foure.

Fowey, Cornw., 426, 498 (34), 502 (2).

-, letter dated at, 426.

Fowlbery. See Fowbery.

Fowldon, John, p. 546.

Fowle, Barth., prior of St. Mary Overey's, in Southwark, p. 548:—g. 942 (49).

-, Edw., 609 (p. 276).

-, Wm., g. 942 (49).

Fowler, John, g. 733 (41), 942 (68).

-, (Fouler), Robert, vice-treasurer of Calais (“Mr. Treasurer”), 268, 270, 470, 600 (p. 270), 608, 642 (1, 2), 687, 728, 738, 749, 853, 984, 1029 (58):—g. 942 (103).

-, -, signature of, 268, 600 (p. 270).

-, Thos., brother of Robert, receiver of Marke and Oye, 608 (3), 609 (p. 276), 610, 687, 852, 853 (p. 427), 984, 1016, 1018, 1021.

-, Thos., g. 733 (5).

Fowre (Fower), co. Westmeath, 815, 912.

Foxe or Fox, Edw., 21.

-, Eliz., p. 547.

-, Jas., g. 942 (41b).

-, Thos., p. 557:—g. 611 (26).

-, Wm., letter from, 1029 (24).

Foxer, John, p. 565.

Foxewifte. See Foxwyfte.

Foxham, Wilts, g. 942 (85).

Foxholes, Yorks., p. 566.

Foxley, Ralph, letter from, 1030 (33).

Foxton, Camb., g. 613 (1).

Foxwyfte, Joan, 93 (2):—p. 551.

Foxyll, Devon, 498 iii. c. 79.

Fradson, Marg., 93 (2):—p. 551.

Framery, Robt., 34, 184 (2).

Framingham (Frammyngham), Norf., 442:—g. 942 (43).

Framland (Framlonde) hundred, Leic., g. 144 (2).

Framlingham (Framyngham), Suff., 1008, 1012.

Frammyngham. See Framingham.

Frampton, Robt., alias Selwyn, abbot of Malmesbury, 139 ii.:—p. 551.

Framyngham. See Framlingham.

France and the French (country), 23, 35, 58 (p. 22), 76, 101, 114 (p. 27), 123, 133–4, 136 (p. 45), 217, 248 (p. 91), 271, 315, 320, 334, 344, 355, 358, 438, 457 (p. 189), 480, 507 (2), 508 (p. 227), 534, 539, 581, 583, 604, 634, 710, 712, 734, 737, 749 (1, 3), 751, 762, 764, 768, 777, 781 (1, 2), 785, 792, 795, 837–8, 879, 902, 910, 965, 981.

-, delays of justice in, 902 (p. 448).

-, English hatred of, 134.

-, muster of soldiers in, 472.

France and the French (Government), French king, Francis I., &c., 34, 38 (p. 16), 39–40, 46, 82, 100, 130, 134, 136 (p. 45), 142, 145, 155, 178, 184 (2), 187–8, 222, 224, 235, 238–40, 248 (p. 91), 251, 271, 285, 289–90, 311, 315, 320, 329, 332, 334, 337, 344, 356–7, 368, 384, 388–9, 401, 418, 426, 429, 448–9, 456–7, 459, 462–3, 472, 487, 489–90, 508, 511, 522, 530, 543, 548, 563, 567, 573–4, 581–3, 597, 621–2, 651–2, 665, 666–7, 673, 676, 697 (p. 326), 704, 709, 720, 742, 762, 781 (1, 2), 787, 792–3, 797, 800, 803, 814, 816–17, 822, 825, 837–8, 870, 879 (p. 440), 880, 888–9, 904, 918, 926, 932, 938, 960, 968, 1014, 1030 (19):—App. 2:—g. 282 (50), 611 (24).
-, Ambassadors in, 870:—
-,-, of Cleves, 242 (p. 86), 264, 828, 842, 870, 890 (pp. 443–4), 904–6, 914, 930. See Crucerus, H.
-,-, English, 172, 186, 209, 737, 949, 968. See Bonner, Edm.; Wallop, Sir J.; Carne, Sir E.
-,-, of King Ferdinand, 356–7, 480.
-,-, of Gueldres. See above, Cleves.
-,-, Imperial, 388. See Bonvalot, F.
-,-, Imperial envoy, 240, 334, 356–7.
-,-, Papal envoy, 870 (pp. 435–6).
-,-, Papal legate. See Farnese, Cardinal.
-,-, Papal nuncio. See Ivrea, bp. of.
-,-, Portuguese, 792, 801, 842.
-,-, of Saxony, 949.
-,-, Scotch envoy, 736–7.
-,-, Venetian (sent in Jan. 1540), 46, 115, 778, 949, 968.
-, Admiral of, 740. See Brion, Sieur de.
-, Chancellor of. See Poyet, Guillaume.
-, Constable of. See Montmorency.
-, Council of, 115, 145 (p. 55), 171, 177, 233, 543 (p. 244), 574, 949.
-, Court of, 29, 58, 100, 124, 126, 130, 145, 155, 179, 222, 334, 370, 429, 448 (p. 184), 449, 462, 472, 478 (pp. 198, 200), 480, 543 (pp. 244, 246), 544, 574, 673, 701, 704, 720, 737, 762, 778, 847, 870, 890 (p. 444), 905, 1020, 1024, 1030 (49).
-, Gentlemen of the Body Guard, 179.
-, Grand Council of, 902 (p. 448), 905.
-, High Chamberlain. See Lorraine, John of.
-, King of. See Francis I.
-, Lieutenant of the Civil Law, 905.
-, Marble Table, the, 902 (p. 448).
-, Marshals of. See Annebault, C.; and Aubigny, R. sieur d'.
-, Princes of, 788.
-, Queen. See Eleanor.
-, Religious persecutions, 534, 694.
-, Scots Guard, 248.
-, -, captain of. See D'Aubigny, sieur.
-, -, lieutenant of. See Borthwick, Capt.
-, Treaties with, 938, 976, 995, 1000–1.

Frances, lady, daughter of Charles duke of Suffolk and Mary the French queen, marchioness of Dorset, niece of Henry VIII., 18.

Francfort. See Frankfort.

Franche Comté (Franchecountie), province of France, 574.

Francis I., King of France, personal notices (others under France), 38, 40, 58, 98, 100, 103, 115, 121–2, 126, 130, 145, 155, 177–9, 208–9, 222–4, 228, 233, 235, 239–40, 248 (p. 90), 253, 258, 271, 285, 304 (p. 123), 315, 332, 334, 373, 388, 418, 421, 426, 429, 449, 456, 459, 462, 472, 480, 508 (p. 227), 543, 563, 652, 670, 697 (p. 326), 707 ii., 720, 737, 739, 750 iii., 762, 773, 778, 786, 788–9, 792, 801, 817, 842, 870, 881, 886, 890, 902, 904–5, 908n, 910, 914, 930, 954–5, 961, 968, 990, 1001–2, 1020, 1030 (18 p. 530).

-, -, letters from, 98, 121, 151, 168, 257, 572, 625, 674, 773, 785, 816, 841, 871, 955, 975, 1000.

-, -, letters to, 22, 76, 123, 154, 208, 289, 485, 566, 651, 736, 766, 803, 847, 856, 901, 953:—App. 4.

-, -, his children, 573.

Francis (Frauncys) or Francisco, the Courier (Francis Pitcher, Picher, or Pyscher), a Piedmontese, 115, 239, 253, 418, 448, 462 (p. 192), 507 (pp. 225–6), 508 (pp. 226–7), 876:—g. 831 (90).

Francis (Fraunces), John, 609 (p. 275).

-, (Fraunces), Margery, p. 545.

-, (Fraunceis), Walter, 859.

-, (Fraunces), Wm., of Balliol College, letter from, 443.

Franke, Chr., mayor of Cambridge, g. 831 (29).

Frankerberge, —, of Cleves, 80.

Frankevile. See Newtown.

Frankfort-on-the-Main (Francfort), 272–3, 390, 666 (pp. 315–16), 734, 797, 1025.

-, letters dated at, 390, 419.

-, fair of, 1025.

-, Diet of (Feb. to April 1539), 310, 337.

-, “recess” or convention of [the Diet of], 304, 589, 666 (p. 316), 797.

Frankfort-on-the-Oder, university of, 679–80.

Franklin (Frankelyn), Oliver, 157:—g. 436 (36).

-, (Frankleyn, Frankeleyn), Wm., dean of Windsor, archd. of Durham, registrar of the Order of the Garter, 422, 657, 664, 707, 861, 1016.

-, -, letters from, 422, 664.

-, -, signature of, 861 bis.

-, -, account by, 707.

Frankysshe, Beatrix, p. 547.

Fraunces. See Francis.

Fraunchis, —, envoy from the Turk to Venice, 315 (p. 128).

Fraunte, John, p. 548.

Frear, —, g. 831 (84).

Frederic, Duke. See Palatine of the Rhine, count.

Freebridge (Febrege), Norf., 600 (pp. 269–70).

Freefolk (Frefolke), Hants, g. 436 (39).

Freemantle (Fremantill) Park, Hants, g. 733 (6, 30).

Freeston, Peter, p. 550.

Frefolke. See Freefolk.

Freke, Edm., 393 (2):—p. 554.

Frelonde, Alice, p. 545.

Freman, John, goldsmith, receiver of Augmentations in Lincolnshire, 998, 1029 (23).

-, -, letter from, 1029 (23).

Freman, Ric., p. 549.

-, Steph., 749 (2).

Fremantill. See Freemantle.

Fremingham, Ric., 14 (p. 5).

French beans, beads called, 853.

French crowns, 366.

French dress, 179.

French language, 222, 248 (p. 89), 704, 750–1, 804 (p. 378).

Frenchmen, individual, 357, 750–1, 796, 910, 919, 977, 1016, 1025, 1029 (29).

-, -, a gentleman of, 994.

French merchants in England, 123–4, 151–2, 171–2. 976, 995 (2).

French pension, the, 145 (pp. 54–5), 233 (p. 83), 239, 253.

French Queen, the. See Mary.

French salt money, 233 (p. 83).

Frenche, Wm., abbot of Kingswood, g. 282 (57).

Frenshe, John, 806.

Frenuse. See Farnese.

Freston, John, 153 bis:—pp. 548–9.

-, Ric., 14 (p. 5).

Fretchewell, Peter, g. 613 (27).

Freton. See Fritton.

Fretynden. See Frittenden.

Freys, Valentine, a heretic, and his wife, 362.

Frevell, John, 452.

Frie. See Frye.

Friesland (Frise, Friselonde), 720, 932, 962.

-, governor of. See Skink, G.

-, soldiers assembled in, 720.

Friesland, East-. See Emden.

Fringford, Oxon, 1029 (60):—g. 282 (99).

Frior, Matilda, p. 545.

Frise. See Friesland.

Friskeney, Thos., p. 549.

Friselonde. See Friesland.

Friskney (Fryskenney), John, g. 282 (19).

Friswith, Mrs., 21.

Frittenden (Fretynden, Frythenden), Kent, g. 831 (44), 942 (120).

Fritton (Freton), Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

-, Thos., 21.

Frobisher (Furbyssher), Agnes, p. 554.

-, (Frobiser, Frobsher), Fras., g. 144, (20), 282 (21), 612 (14).

Frobsher. See Frobisher.

Frodsham, Chesh., p. 567.

Frodsome, John, 609.

Froemount, Hans de, g. 1027 (14).

Frogenhall, Kent, 498 iii. c. 77.

Frogmerton. See Throckmorton.

Frome, Roger, 51:—p. 548.

Froschover, Chr., the bookseller, 259, 269, 458.

Froste, Malen, 1030 (34, 55).

-, -, letter from, 1030 (34).

-, Wm., p. 551.

Froster, Robt., p. 551.

-, Thos., p. 551.

Froston, John, 806.

-, -, Margaret, his wife, 806.

Frowde, John, 391 (6).

Frowick, Hen., 609 (p. 275).

Frye, Joan, p. 550.

-, John, g. 942 (95).

-, Marg., p. 543.

-, (Frie), Robt., p. 543.

Fryez, Thos., g. 282 (2).

Frynde, Robt., 1031 (3).

Fryskenney. See Friskney.

Fryth, Staff. (near Leek?), p. 562.

Frythenden, See Frittenden.

Fulbeck (Fulbek), Linc., g. 282 (10), 733 (54).

Fulbourne, beside Canterbury. See Fulbroke.

Fulbroke alias Fulbourne, beside Canterbury, g. 942 (61).

Fulbrook (Fulbroke), Oxon, near Burford, p. 567.

Fulford, Sir John, 14 (p. 6):—g. 282 (5, 33), 942 (75).

Fulkeholme, Yorks., g. 831 (64).

Fuller, Hugh, auditor of Augmentations, 431.

-, John, 936 (2).

-, Robt., abbot of Waltham Holy Cross, 1, 393 (1, 2):—g. 831 (20).

-, Wm., 609 (p. 275).

Fullwode, John, g. 733 (66).

Fulmer, Bucks, g. 831 (86).

Fulmodeston, Norf., g. 144 (2).

Funen (Fionia), in Denmark, 377.

Funtmell. See Fontmell.

Fur, 1029 (7).
-, (ermine, armyn), 853 (p. 426).
-, (loup cervier), 192.
-, (marten or marterne), 550.
-, (miniver), 853 (p. 426), 967.
-, (pampilyon), 853 (p. 426).
-, (sable), 850 (7), 1029 (8).

Furber, Wm., clk., 185.

Furbyssher. See Frobisher.

Furness, Lanc., abbey (supp.) of, 498 (37):—pp. 560, 566.

Furnys, Ellis, 609 (p. 275).

Furstemberg (Furstenburch, Furstenberg), Count William a (“Count William,” “Count Guilliam” or Guillaume), a German captain of mercenaries, 195, 235, 250–1, 258, 271, 290, 390, 463, 581, 589, 666, 797, 842, 889:—App. 6:—g. 282 (94).

-, -, letter to, 251.

-, -, his lieutenant. See Vogelsperger.

-, -, his servant in England, 195, 235, 251.

Furvour. See Forvour.

Fuys. See Fews.

Fyer, Wm., 609 (p. 276).

Fyffee. See Fivehead.

Fyfield, Essex, g. 144 (16).

Fylde. See Field.

Fylding. See Fielding.

Fylzgarethe. See Fitzgerald.

Fymer, Wm., 61.

Fymner. See Finmere.

Fynchett, Randall, 87 (2).

Fyndern, Geo., g. 613 (27).

Fynes. See Fiennes.

Fynes, Mary, p. 554.

Fynford Meadow, near Coventry, Warw., p. 557.

Fynneshed. See Fineshade.

Fyrschyll or Forsehill, West-, Dors., g. 1027 (23 p. 508).