Henry VIII: February 1538, 1-5

Pages 67-76

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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February 1538, 1-5

1 Feb.
195. Walter Hendle to Cromwell.
Tanner MS.
343, f. 38.
Has been by the King's command at Otford, Knolle and Maidstone, where he has declared the excharge between the King and the abp. of Canterbury. (fn. n1) The tenants attourned and did fealty with right good will. Never were so many tenants seen at the courts. Then, according to a letter sent by Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentation, came on Thursday last to Boxley to survey the possessions of the late monastery and examine the inventory of the goods. Mr. Aisheton, Mr. Chamber, and the writer have begun to make a book of survey of both. Desire to know to whom they shall lease the house, goods, and lands, and whether the monks should repair to Cromwell for some sustentation, how long they shall remain in the house, and what goods the late abbot and monks shall have delivered to them. As it is costly to lie here, has despatched Mr. Fane to know Cromwell's pleasure. Boxley, 1 Jan. (fn. n2)
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
1 Feb. 196. Convent of St. Albans to Norfolk.
R. O. Have compromised the election of their pastoral father to the lord Privy Seal. Beg him to move the King that they may have the abbot of Wyndham, a man of learning and virtue and professed in their monastery. St. Albans, 1 Feb. Signed by Thomas Kyngsbere, archdeacon, Thos. Newham, subprior, John Salter, cellarer, Ralph Bury, coquinarius, Geoff. Starky, camerarius, Wm. Asshwell, elemosinarius, Thos. Yslam, justarius (?), John Wendover, magister novoe ordinationis, Wm. Estryge, hostilarius, Edw. Hyll, custos feretri Sancti Albania, Thos. Marchant, cancellarius, and 12 others, three of whom sign themselves as students at Oxford, after which are the words "with many other mo if we had leisure."
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
1 Feb. 197. Thomas Lord Lawarr to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letter, dated 29 January, in favour of lord Dacres of the South touching his grandfather's will. At my last being in London at the burial of the Queen's Grace, lord Dacre and his counsel and I, with Mr. Bellengham, Thos. Polstyd, and Wm. Threle, concluded upon all requests my Lord could then desire. We were content that he should have such lands as we have by his grandfather's will, lie to have the profits and we the rent till the will be performed. Threle to be receiver of these lands to the performance of the will, and Dacre to take all other profits to his own use. We thought this conclusion final. At my poor house, 1 Feb.
I beg you, remember me to the King. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1 Feb. 198. Thomas Lord Lawarr to Lord Dacre of the South.
R. O. I have received my lord Privy Seal's letter, desiring that there may be some reasonable way taken touching my Lord your grandfather's will. When I was last at London, we, your grandfather's executors, were at an agreement, and I trust none of us shall vary from our promise. At my poor house, 1 Feb.
If we had not taken a way with you already, you might have been sure we should have done what we could, for my lord Privy Seal's sake. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
1 Feb. 199. Kingswood Abbey, Wilts.
R. O. Surrender of the monastery, with all its possessions in Wilts or elsewhere in England, Wales, and the Marches thereof. 1 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by Wm. Beudeley, abbot, Thos. Redinge, prior, and 12 others, the last signature being "+ Thomas Saymaure, converse." [See Eighth Report of Dep. Keeper, App. ii. 25.] Seal injured.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 3, no. 27] as acknowledged, same day, before John Tregunwell, by virtue of the King's commission.
2. The same dated 4 March 29 Hen. VIII., also enrolled [Close Roll, p. 2, no. 13], but cancelled as enrolled elsewhere.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
3. "Here ensueth such stipends as is thought necessary and expedient by us, John Tregonwell, Nicolas Poyntz, knt., John Poyntz, esq., John Freman, and Edward Gostwike, commissioners appointed for the dissolvement of the late monastery of Kingswod in Wilts, for the abbot and monks there, unto every of them appointed what they shall have by year during their lives."
Wm. Bewdlaie, late abbot, 50l. Thos. Redinge, prior, 6l. 13s. 4d. John Westbury, John Gethin, curate of the parish, Win. Wotton, granator, and Nic. Acton, cellarer, 4l. 6s. 8d. each. Wm. Hewghes, John Sodbury, Nicolas Hampton, subprior, Wm. Pakker, Edw. Ernyngham, sexton, and Thos. Orchard, 4l. each. John Stonley, "being no priest," 40s. Signed by the Commissioners.
Pp. 2.
1 Feb. 200. Busbeus (fn. n3) to Wriothesley.
R. O. Offers of service. Concerning the royal mandate for our future quiet which you promised, at our departure, to send; if you send it we shall accept it gratefully. If not we shall be equally content. Ex Aula nostia Cantabrigiae, Kal. Feb.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Master Wrislye. Endd.: Vusbye.
201. President and Company of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to Cromwell.
R. O. Desire him to consider the quietness and condition of their poor house and the importunity of Humphrey Busbye, who took oath to observe their statutes, on his admission to a fellowship, binding him to take priest's orders within a year, yet, contrary to his oath and the laudable custom of the Church of England, having been made deacon within 12 weeks after his election, he went as a layman, and has done so ever since. Three years have passed since his election, and he has been urged to conform to the statutes, but obstinately refuses, and therefore the hall, in consideration of his violating the will of the founders, declared his fellowship to be void, but offered him re-election if he would confess his faults. He has obtained Cromwell's letters for admission to a civil fellowship. Trust that when Cromwell is better informed, and has heard the truth from one of their fellows, he will withdraw his support.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord of the Privy Seal and Chancellor of Cambridge. Sealed.
1 Feb. 202. Guillaume le Gras to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have not written for a long time to you or my Lady, having been away from Paris. Your son James is studying hard at the College of Navarre, and I think you will soon see his letters in Latin, which he is going to write to show you his proficiency. He has been visited by some friends passing through Paris. If you would prefer any other place let me know. I wrote you lately about a debtor of mine, who had gone to London, and I sent a proxy to one of your gentlemen to sue him. Hugh Giles has since written to me that I had better send another proxy in Latin, which I forward to George Risdalle to send to any person to whom you please to commit it. Paris, 1 Feb. 1537.
Asks him to send some sprats for Mr. James, because there is little fish to eat.
Hol. Fr., p. 1. Add.
203. Peter M[ewtas].
R.O. "Instructions given to Peter M. one of the gent., &c."
St. P. viii. 10. First, taking with him this instruction, he shall repair at once to France to where Madame de L. (Longueville) lies, make commendations from me, the lord Privy Seal, and thank her for her kindness, "partly at my contemplation," to him the said Peter. He is then to say he is sent by the lord Privy Seal to intimate that albeit at his late being with her she said she was free from all contract of marriage, and thereupon the lord Privy Seal proposed to have made some overture for her marriage with the King, yet as the king of Scots has since urged his suit therein, and her own father has come down for the conclusion of the same, and the king of Scots intends secretly to repair thither for the solemnisation of the same, I (the lord Privy Seal) am perplexed how to proceed, and have sent the said M. to know whether to break the matter to the King according to her former words. If she is still free from any consent of marriage, and seems to have any inclination to this, he shall say that if her father or any of her friends would make any indifferent overture to the King, and so show their good wills, it would give me sufficient ground so to work as I trust should be to her honour and comfort. If Mons. de Guise, her father, be near at hand, and she advise the said Peter to move him therein, he shall use with the said Mons. de Guise "such an attemperance as he seem not to seek much more than himself will seem to offer or easily agree unto." Finally, if he perceive any towardness in the said Madame de L., he shall, if possible, get and bring with him "her picture truly made and like unto her."
Minute in Wriothesley's hand, endorsed "1537, (fn. n4) Mr. Mewtes instructions."
2 Feb. 204. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 20. [London], 2 Feb.:—Received last night the letters of 21 and 23 Jan., and at the same hour the king of England received those of the bp. of Winchester by a courier coming from his ambassador with the Emperor, who had passed through France. Today I went to see the King, who told me of your conversation with Winchester, and says that evidently you wish to take advantage of everything; for, as to your pleasure at being free to reply as you liked about the Council, it is true he wrote to his ambassador, and also said to me that, seeing the offers which you said were made to you when your deputies and the Emperor's were together, he would have been very sorry if you had refused them on his account, and so lost so much. But now that he knows well, as he knew before, that there was no likelihood of your agreeing, he is surprised that, with regard to this Council, you do not care to trouble yourself about it on his account. The Emperor [he said], has not acted thus, for from the beginning he said he would conclude nothing with you in which he (the king of England) was not a principal contrahent. And as to the Council, he will never be found where anything is treated cither to his disadvantage or about the authority of the bp. of Rome.
Replied, as nearly as lie could, according to Francis' letter. Let Henry look that he be not deceived. The Pope and he were two incompatible things, but it was evident the Pope and the Emperor were one and understood each other, or the Emperor would not have suffered the negociations to be remitted to Rome with the intention of passing in person into Italy, &c, &c. (as Francis spoke to Winchester. See No. 132).
He replied that I was trying to frighten him. He knew well the affair was not remitted to Rome. He would not be caught in that way. He had the Emperor's assurance, and, moreover, he would not be left alone, for he would have the king of Denmark, the dukes find lords of Germany and part of Switzerland, Prussia, and Ireland with him, who would not acknowledge the Council, so that it would not be general. I answered that he named many people, but I saw only one purse; for if anything had to be done it would be at his expense: I had heard often that the Germans take willingly; but give, never. He answered, "They will, they will; the thing touches them as well as me. The Easterlings wished to make me their chief in all these things, and as to your saying that I did not act like a friend to the King my brother; did I not do him a pleasure in his great need? Would his children have been out of prison without me? Besides, it was not my fault that I did not contribute last year; but he wanted more than I ever promised. Again, did I not do much for him in letting him make his enterprises without my stirring further? I am allied with the Emperor as well as with him, and must look that in pleasing the one I do not displease the other. I am given great occasion to think of it. I have done what I could to ally myself more in France than elsewhere, both by marriage and otherwise. But as to the marriage I will find one elsewhere." I replied, first as to the imprisonment of your children, I begged he would not put it forward so often. It was true he had done you a service, but he had sold it well. For the rest he evidently wished to be one of those who can neither be called friend nor enemy.
To conclude, he is very ill pleased, and says this state of affairs between you cannot last, but he is still determined to be your friend and will await M. Briant's return. When he has heard him he will provide for himself. He says also the Emperor has sent him news that he sees no appearance of a settlement, and that you want possession of Milan, but he is not such a fool as to trust your promises until he sees them fulfilled; also that when you are asked to surrender Savoy, you speak of Navarre, and as to the interchange of ambassadors that is only for appearance sake at your request.
The King has sent again to Madame de Longueville the gentleman Meotis.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
2 Feb. 205. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 22. [London] 2 Feb.:—The King and his Council are very much set against Francis, and if Brian reports things as bitterly as Winchester has written them a new alliance with the Emperor is to be feared. Already they communicate with his ambassadors more than usual. The King is not in a position to make war; for there is danger from some remnant of malcontents, among whom the Irish would be the first to rise; however, he is displeased enough to wish to stir up some new business, and Castillon fears he has greater intelligence with the Emperor than the French think,
Castillon must have money or he will be ruined and put to shame
In cipher:—A report spreads in this town where the King is that the peace is put into the hands of the Pope, which already stirs the new Christians, as they call them, and the secret Papists who would like to restore things to their first state; and it appears that if the Pops were to send interdicts and excommunications throughout the countries owning his obedience and to the sailors to have no commerce with the English as schismatics, the people of England would rise and compel their King to return to the Church, and do other things which would hamper him. The King does his best to reconcile himself with the Emperor and to prevent the Council, which they fear much, whatever they pretend.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
2 Feb. 206. The Mayor and two others of Rye to Sir Thomas Cheyney.
R. O. We have received your letter of 1 Feb., and accordingly send the two men who remain here in ward by these bringers. Mr. Fleccher is ready to depart as soon as wind and weather will let him. Mr. Wyndam is taken at Hethe by Sir Wm. Pycaryng and Sir Thos. Ponynges, which do depart from Westynghanger to the Court with them this day. "We have stayed one French suspect ship, which is not he, but we will not let him depart until we know your Lordship's pleasure." Rye, 2 Feb. Signed by John Swan, mayor—with the signatures of William Oxenbryge and John Fleccher added in the same hand.
Hol. 1, p. 1. Add.: Lord Warden of the Five Ports. Endd.
2 Feb. 207. Charles V. to Chapuys and Mendoça.
V. ii. No. 212.
The English ambassador has been daily soliciting an answer to the three points submitted by him in the absence of Covos and Grantvelle, viz., the peace, the General Council, and the marriage of the Princess to the Infant of Portugal. He has expressed Henry's gratification at the Emperor's words to his vice-admiral (Dudley) on the birth of his son, and his comprehension in the peace with France; on which he had sent full powers to his ambassador to treat and sign papers in Henry's name by the Emperor's advice. At a second interview the ambassador said his master would be glad of a renewal of the assurance that whether peace was made with France or not the Emperor would keep his treaties with England. This we have neither granted nor refused, believing Henry's object was to make sure of the Pope, the Council and other matters; but told him that there was still hope of a peace, as a prorogation of the truce till the 1 June had been agreed upon; that a proposal made through de Velly's cousin had been rejected and a counter proposal made which the Emperor hoped would be accepted. Further conversations with the ambassador about the causes why peace had not been already made. The ambassador always declares that his master will not attend a council convoked by the Pope, but that if the Emperor would call it by his own authority England would join; and he handed in a paper he had written on the subject. To this answer has been made, that although in old times emperors have made and unmade popes and convoked councils, Charles had no mind to innovate on the conduct of his immediate predecessors, especially as the Augsburg and Regensburg diets had resolved that the Pope should indict the Council. On this subject our ministers repeated to the English ambassador the very same words which had been lately said to the King and the Vice-Admiral, as we wrote to you on the 9th Nov. last, viz., that we would do our be3t to make the King the Pope's friend on the terms specified in former letters; which conditions, however, the ambassador has always rejected as Inconsistent with his master's honour. Yet considering the advantages to be derived from the marriages, he wished the Emperor to write to Chapuys and Mendoza on the subject; and the Emperor will be glad if they can do any good that way.
Postponed his answer as to the marriages till he heard the resolution of the king of Portugal and Dom Luys, which a confidential ambassador has now brought, accepting the marriage with Dom Luys if the dower be suitable, without regard either to the birth of the Prince or the probability of Henry having more male children. The king of Portugal, however, declines to give the Infanta to Henry. As to the match suggested for him by Cromwell and the Queen of Hungary, viz., with the duchess of Milan, Charles has already written that he would be glad to treat of it, and if Henry agreed to it many things could be done for the good of Christendom whether peace was made with France or not. But he could not remain long undecided.
Reasons why the King should rely on the Emperor's friendship. Advantages of a league between the Pope, the Emperor, England and Venice. Propositions to be made to Henry. The English ambassador the other day showed great satisfaction at the overtures made by the Emperor's ministers. Barcelona, 2 Feb. 1538.
From a MS. at Vienna.
3 Feb. 208. John Thompson, master of the Maison Dieu at Dover, to Cromwell.
R. O. Certified in his last letters, dated 29 (30th ?) January, that the west pier named the King's bulwark, of Mr. Candysshe's device, was sore in ruin. Since then the weather has been so outrageous that the surge has ruined it beyond recovery. Thinks the timber should be reserved for some other purpose and the bulwark not re-edified: for if the "bulwark once fail the violency of the water shall little or nothing be noyful unto the said harbour," as he is ready to prove. Desires to know Cromwell's pleasure, Dover, 3 February. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 Feb. 209. Richard Whalley to his son Hew Whalley.
R. O. "With my daily blessing I recommend me unto you and to my son Thomas," For his house in Dunston Bassett, he who gathers the rents of the late lands of Canwall pays to the King yearly 4s., though it is worth 40s. Also Mr. Harvy occupies a water mill, paying 10s., though it is worth in fine 6l. 13s. 4d. I have discharged the priest, farmer of Rakedale: he is content to leave this fallow, but said he would write to you that he might remain. I trust you will not promise him, for unless I go to Rakedale I am disappointed, since I dare not go to Thorpe for the plague, and cannot stay here after Lady Day. The church of Rakedale was appropriate to Canwall, which should find the parish priest, like others in Leicestershire such as Prestwolde besides Lughborow. "The old men of Rakedale affirm that there hath been neither parson nor vicar by the space of 9 score years now last past." The parsonage is taxed for the tenth, 16s.: the priest showed me his acquittance for the payment, and it is 1½d. more. Shepished, 3 Feb.
Hol., P. 1. Add.: servant to my lord Privy Seal.
3 Feb. 210. Abp. Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. Where you require me to take no grief that Sir William Jenyns, my late surveyor of Churchden, is come to your service without informing me; I am very glad he has done so, and glad that I have any fit to serve you. Cawod, 3 Feb. 1537. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 Feb. 211. Herry Tournay to Cromwell.
R. O. There has been controversy here by Robt. Whetthill and others concerning the inventing of new laws and customs in parcel of the King's lauds in Marke and Oye contained in a patent of the Exchequer of this town; and contrary verdicts have been procured in the matter. Sends therefore two ancient customs, in opposition to which these patents have been procured by sinister means; but the owners of the patents, in case their years expire or their patents are not forthcoming, intend to claim the benefit of the latter custom. Calais, 3 Feb. 1537, 29 [Hen. VIII.].
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
ii. Customs of the Lordship of Marke and Oye.
R. O. If any land fall into the King's hands by fault of payment, felony, or crime, then the said lands shall be proclaimed in every parish church within the lordship. And he that offereth most money for it, shall have it, to the King's advantage, and to be entered into the King's books as the King's tenant. And the receiver shall have 12d., Calais money, for his entering.
When any person, being the King's subject born, is admitted to be the King's tenant, as is above specified, then the fame tenant, his heirs or assigns, shall never thereafter be amoved or expulsed from the said tenure, except for lack of payment of the King's rent, or for some heinous crime deserving death.
In Tournay's hand, p. 1.
3 Feb.
R. O.
212. Anthoine Brusset to Lord Lisle.
I have received your letter and thank you for your offer to assist in making provision for the young gentleman for whom I wrote, but as you cannot take any foreigners in your service without leave of the King, he will forbear for a month or six weeks, addressing himself to some good lord in England. I thank you also for your good news and beg you will always let me know anything important touching the Emperor. As to the Flemings who carry horses out of the Emperor's countries to sell to the French, I beg you if you can to stop them in your country. I am glad that you have half the horses they brought. Nevertheless, I am informed that there are some Englishmen who continually got horses out of Flanders and sell them to the French,—among others one Martin de Voeuguelaire, John Luc, and the son of Ricke Semet's widow,—which is quite illegal. I beg you to confiscate the horses and punish the delinquents. Gravelines, 3 Feb. 1537. Signed.
I beg for an answer by the bearer.
Fr. pp. 2. Add.
3 Feb. 213. Anthoine Brusset to Captain Thibault Paroche.
R. O. Has received his letter, and one from the Deputy of Calais about certain horses. Advises him to write to England. If any profit comes from the arrest of horses, will give him half. Has granted to the Deputy half the horses arrested in the English Pale. Gravelings, 3 Feb. Ao 37. Signed.
Fr. P. 1. Add.: Capitaine Thibault Paroche, estant des ordonnnnces du Roy d'Engleterre a Callais.
3 Feb. 214. Charles V. to Aguilar.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 71.
B. M.
Sends an account of what passed with Card. Jacobacis, the legate, at his arrival here. Hopes the league is now concluded and ready for signature. The Venetian ambassadors press for protection against Barbarossa and that prince Doria should go immediately to Messina. Assured them the Emperor would do his part in the League, but until there was peace with France he could not well proceed against the Turk; the Pope's legate had written to the legate in France to move the French King to peace, and the Emperor intended to cross to Italy to meet him, and prince Doria could not go to Messina till after that: this year it seemed impossible to make the offensive enterprise against the Turk, but every provision would be made by laying in arms and taking up ships.
The legate has urged the necessity of the early celebration of the Council because of the imminent danger in which the Catholics of Germany stand from the heretics (desviados), who labour to draw to their errors their neighbours and the king of England, and will very likely take arms against the Catholics, as the king of the Romans has written to the Pope. The Emperor's answer, in which he blames the king of France and concludes that some provision of money will be necessary to enable the Catholics to resist the attempts of the heretics—not such a provision as his Holiness sent to England with cardinal Pole, but the thing must be done solidly (confundamento) and according to the advice of the king of the Romans. Will speak to the Nuncio about the marriage.
Spanish, pp. 12. Docketed: To the marquis of Aguilar, from Barcelona, 3 Feb. 1538, by the Venetian courier who went through France to Genoa. Modern copy from the Archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, V. ii., No. 180.]
3 Feb. 215. Charles V. to Don Lope de Soria.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 77.
B. M.
Has been unable to answer letters on account of his going to see the Empress. Encloses a relation of his conversation with the Legate. The League. The king of England and the League (as in No. 110). The enterprise against the Turk. Negociations to get Barbarossa to quit the service of the Turk, commenced last year by prince Doria at Corfu.
Spanish, pp. 6. Headed: A Don Lope de Soria, de Barcelona, a 3 de hebrero de 1538. Modern copy from the Archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, V. ii., No. 181.]
4 Feb. 216. Bigod's Lands.
R. O. In the Council Chamber at Westminster before the King's Surveyor- General, upon the inrolment of a certain charter of Richard Cervyngton.
Md. that Ric. Cervyngton took oath (before Thomas C rum well, knight, lord Crumwell, and keeper of the Privy Seal, John Baker, Attorney-General, Sir John Daunce, King's Councillor, John Hales, baron of the Exchequer, and Ric. Pollard, King's Remembrancer and Surveyor-General), 4 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII., that the said charter of an annuity of 4l. made to him by Sir Francis Bigod, and the "said" charter of an annuity of 4 marks made by Sir Francis to the "aforesaid" Elizabeth Bygod, daughter of Ralph Bigod, were well and truly made and have been paid out of the manor of Westowe beside Kirkeham, until Martinmas 28 Hen. VIII.
It was therefore ordered that the said Richard and Elizabeth should receive the said annuity by half-yearly instalments of 66s. 8d. from the receiver-general of the lands late of Sir Francis Bigod.
Latin, P. 1. Extract from a register, attested by John Mynne.
4 Feb. 217. Sir Thomas Cheyne to Cromwell.
R. O. On Wednesday last, the 30th ult., about 8 a.m., I received yours of the day before, and on Saturday night, the 1st inst., (fn. n5) I received another from your Lordship dated "the same 29th day," at night; but I have neither seen nor heard from Sir Win. Pykeryng nor Sir Thomas Ponynges. Yet I hear they have been at Hythe, within mine office, and taken Thomas Wyndam. This was very unkind to me, especially as your Lordship wrote to me to advise them. I trust I have done my duty for the said ship in case she come near the coast within the liberties of the ports. I have sent word to Fletcher of Rye to make some errand to Boulogne and inquire secretly about her. I enclose a letter received this day from Rye which will be delivered by my servants and two of Wyndam's. Sharlacd, 4 Feb.
But for this business I should have been with the King. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
4 Feb. 218. Sir Will. Brereton to Cromwell.
R. O. On Dr. Legh, your commissary, coming hither, the abbot of Chester resigned as aged and impotent, of which our whole shire is very glad. I beg you will prefer Thos. Clerk, the prior there, to his office. Chester, 4 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
4 Feb. 219. Richard Whytte to Cromwell.
R. O. Repeats a former petition to come before Cromwell to declare what he can prove against Stephen à Pary. Because he found fault with the said Stephen in a journey, for deceiving the King by receiving money for more men than he had, he accused the writer (after failing to get him murdered) of speaking unseemly words of Cromwell, and he has been ir Dublin Castle in irons a quarter of a year. Trusted to nave been better favoured here, being the King's sworn servant. Dublin, 4 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 Feb. 220. Cromwell's Chaplain.
R. O. Draft patent, by Thomas lord Cromwell of Wymbalton, Surr., K.G., lord Privy Seal, &c., appointing John Buttery, rector of the parish church of Oldstoke, Hants, as "our" domestic chaplain. At our house in London, "nonis Februarii, anno regni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
Lat., P. 1. Endd.: "Letters signed with the King's hand."
5 Feb. 221. Coggeshall Abbey.
R. O. Surrender (by Henry the abbot or perpetual commendatory and the convent) of the monastery, with all its possessions in cos. Essex, Suff., and the city of London and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the Marches thereof. 5 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII. No signatures.
[See Eighth Report of Deputy Keeper, App. II., 16.] Seal broken.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 3, no. 24] as acknowledged before Sir Giles Capell and John Wentworth, commissioned thereto by the King's writ.
R. O. 2. "Debts and bargains of the house of Coxalle to be discharged by Sir Thos. Seymour," viz.:—
To the King for unpaid firstfruits, Seymour to re-deliver to the abbot of Tower Hill all remaining obligations, 166l. To the countess of Kent for money borrowed, 189l. To my lord of Essex for arrears of his fee, 4l. 10s. To Anth. Knyvett, Pygot of the Chapel, and Samfort, for arrears of their pensions. To Saunder for stuff for the house. To Highgate, for sheep remaining on the ground, and to Love, Cowper of Naylond, and Pecocke, &c. Seymour is to pay the abbot 340l. in compensation of charges sustained by him for the house of Coxalle before and since the suppression, and for debts for which the monastery of Tower Hill stands bound. The abbot of Tower Hill shall also have a yearly pension of 100 mks. for life out of the land of Coxalle and Sir Thomas shall pay this annuity for the half-year past, 33l, 6s. 8d,
P. I. Endd
5 Feb. 222. Bp. Roland Lee to Henry VIII.
R. O. I have received the lord Privy Seal's letters declaring your Grace's goodness in granting the benefice of Hanbury mensœ episcopali Coven, et Lich. My counsel mistook my bill for the appropriation of the same, being directed to the lord Chancellor. I beseech your Highness to sign my bill to the Chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, so that yonr Grace's gift may take effect. Your subjects in Wales be in such order that, since Christmas, I hear of neither stealing, riots, murders, nor manslaughters. Bridgenorthe, 5 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
5 Feb. 223. Bp. Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. I have always had your Lordship's favour for myself, my friends, and this Council; also your comfortable words, as I perceive by my cousin the bearer. I desire your Lordship to help my suit for the appropriation of the benefice of Hanbury, for the device made is not well taken of my counsel. I send this letter of thanks to the King, to be delivered as your Lordship shall please. Would God I had given my house at the Stronde to your Lordship, and not to him that will never do me good. I intend to be at Gloucester at the next assizes, "where I shall not be looked for." Brudgenorth, 5 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 Feb. 224. The City of Chester to Cromwell.
R.O. As the abbot of St. Werburg's, on Dr. Lee's coming here as Cromwell's commissary, being impotent and aged, has resigned, to the satisfaction of the whole country, requests that the King will prefer Thos. Clerke, the prior, to his place. Chester, 5 Feb. Signed: "The mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, and citizens of the city of Chester."
Hol., P. 1. Add: Privy Seal.


  • n1. This exchange bore date 30 Nov. 29 Hen. VIII. See Deeds of Purchase and Exchange, A. 21 among the Augmentation records in the Public Record Office.
  • n2. Apparently an error of the writer for February, as Boxley only surrendered on the 29th January.
  • n3. Doubtless Humphrey Busby, fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, who proceeded LL.B. 1535, was created LL.D. 1543, and was afterwards professor of evil law. See Cooper's Athen. Cant. i. 424.
  • n4. The figure "7" has been altered into "8" by a modern hand.
  • n5. The 1st was Friday in 1538. It was a Saturday in 1539, when "the 30th ult." would have been a Thursday, not a Wednesday. But apparently 1538 in the right year. See the letter from Rye referred to (No. 206) when Swan was mayor, which ho was oven in end of 1597. (Vol. XII., ii., 505.)