Henry VIII: June 1538, 26-30

Pages 464-491

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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June 1538, 26-30

26 June. 1260. Priory of Cardigan.
R. O. Draft commission to Thos. Johns, John ap Philippes, Will. Vaughan, Thos. Walter, Jenkin Lloid, Gregory Rychardson, and Rob. Holmes, to take into the King's hands the priory of Cardigan, a cell of the late monastery of Bysham or Bustlesham, Be.ks, otherwise called the new monastery of Holy Trinity late of our foundation, now surrendered to the King, and to expel John Hore the prior there. 26 June 30 Hen. VIII.
A paper roll.
26 June. 1261. Yorkshire Men in Kent.
R. O. Examination of Wm. Wetberall, of Cheslake, Kent, husbandman, dated Gatisside, 26 June 30 Hen. VIII.
Before harvest, about the feast of St. James last, Henry King, of Massame, Yorks., and Simon Marshall, of the same, came to Cheslake and laboured there in harvest work. And after harvest the same King became servant to Ninian Fogar, servant to Mr. Henry Cripse, of Brichington in the Isle of Thanet, in which service he continued till this deponent's departure from that country, which was on Friday in Whitsun week last. And on the Thursday before, Henry King gave him a bowed groat to deliver to his wife at Massame, which this deponent delivered on Saturday after Corpus Christi Day. Believes King is still in service with the said Ninian at Cheslake.
Simon Marshall, soon after his coming thither, fell sick, and remained so till Easter last, living for the most part on alms at my lord of Canterbury's gates at Ford. After Easter the curate there gave him a testimonial, where he was houseled and shriven, and then departed thence. After that the wife of Thomas Saxton, founder, dwelling in Lothbury, showed this deponent that Marshall's sister, wife to a skinner dwelling in an alley near Budge Row, to which house this deponent can repair, said Simon Marshall was in London, and that she gave him a penny. What became of him afterwards he cannot depose.
P. 1.
26 June. 1262. Katharine Bulkeley, Abbess of Godstowe, to Cromwell.
R. O. I send your Lordship a couple of Banbury cheeses, and pray God reward you for staying the mayor and commonalty of Oxford from entering upon the commons, which I and my tenants have held this 400 years. I trust, at the King's next coming to Woodstock, to see you here. I beg you will stay the commission which the mayor did labour to you for; it would be great hindrance to the poor tenants to attend on the Commissioners during harvest. Defer it till the beginning of next year, if not till your coming. Godystowe, 26 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 June. 1263. William, Earl of Arundel, to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letters desiring me, at the instance of Sir Edm. Walsingham, to manumit a bondman of mine, named Thomas Goodfreye. He is in truth my bondman, as all his progenitors have been, and if I made him free it would be to the prejudice of my inheritance for ever. I should be glad to gratify you otherwise in a better thing. Downley, 26 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
26 June. 1264. H. Earl of Worcester, to Cromwell.
R. O. Received his letter dated Chelseth, 30 May, on June 23. Denies that he has hindered Abbes in his voyage. Marvels that Ric. Abbes did not deliver the letter while he was with the Earl, but sent it after going to Lemster. Keeps from him nothing that was in the ship except one piece of ordnance and two barrels of powder which Sir Thomas Spert gave him.
Has used part of two other barrels of powder, for which he has offered to make recompense. Abbes' long tarrying is his own fault, because he did not take such spring tides as would have served him, Chepstow, 26 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 June. 1265. Parliament of Scotland.
Acts of the Parliaments
of Scotland,
ii. 352.
Holden at Edinburgh, 26 June 1538, by Lords Commissioners, viz.: Alex., abbot of Cambuskenneth, Robt., abbot of Kinlos, Walter, lord of St. John's, Master James Foulis of Colintoun, clerk register, and Master Adam Otterburn of Reidhall, knt.
Prorogued to 24 July.
26 June. 1266. Melanchthon to Vitus Theodorus.
Reform, iii.
* * * 26 June. Myconius, with Franciscus and Beimelbergius is sent into Britain.
27 June 1267. Tunstall to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. v. 128.
Has received Cromwell's letter directing him to come up with diligence after putting good order in affairs here. Will not fail to do so. Will only rest, by the way, one day at York to provide for the Council there. One great comfort will be to see my lord Prince. Will inform the King on coming of the state of Northumberland. Newcastle, 27 June.
Hol. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1268. Henry VIII. to the Council of the North.
R. O.
St. v. 129.
Having lately required the presence of the bp. of Durham, whom he still wishes to remain about his person, appoints the bp. of Llandaff, to supply his place as president of the Council there. Will address a warrant to Tristram Tashe for their diets.
Corrected draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 3. Endd: to the Council in the North.
1269. The Council of the North.
R.O. Instructions to the Bp. of Llandaff and such others as the King has appointed for a Council resident in the North.
1. As the King desires the bp. of Durham to continue with him, he appoints the bp. of Llandaff lord President of the Council in the North, and requires the others to be obedient to him; namely, the earls of Westmore- land and Cumberland, lord Dacres of the North, Sir Wm. Evers, Sir Thos. Tempest, Sir Marmaduke Constable the elder, Sir Ralph Ellerker the younger, Mr. Magnus, Robert Bowes, Wm. Babthorp, Robt. Chaloner, Ric. Bellicis, and John Uvedale, the last named to be secretary to the Council and keep the King's signet. Regulations as to precedence and salaries, and the authority entrusted to the Council.
Draft, pp. 22. Endd. At the beginning are some alterations in Wriothesley's hand to make the same form apply to the Council in the West parts under lord Russell as president.
27 June. 1270. Aylmer and Alen to Cromwell.
R. O. Came hither on the 23rd, and found others who came a month before waiting for wind to pass, and the bearers newly arrived from Ireland, who begged us to commend their suits concerning the city of Dublin which suffered from the siege of Thos. Fitzgerald, and bears more charge in hostings than all the other cities in Ireland. Chester, 27 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 June. 1271. Aylmer and Alen to Sentleger.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 46.
Commendations to Mr. Moyle and friends. Came here on 23rd, but no wind to pass over. No passage in Wales, or would have gone thither. Beg assistance for the bearers, the Recorder of Dublin and Mr. Stephens, who are repairing to Court upon suits concerning the city of Dublin.
The lord Deputy, leaving the revenge of Kelway's death, has gone (an unheard of thing) with a small company, upon trust of OChonour, OKarroll, and other Irish Geraldines, to parley with OBrene and the pretended earl of Desmond. If Irishmen keep no better promise to him than he doth to them, God send him safe home. As for Desmond, whom he proposes to bring to Dublin, marvel at his meddling with him after Sentleger's appoint- ment, for surely he seems ready to become an open rebel. Ormond and his friends are in as open dissension with the Deputy (as we hear) as Kildare and they were. A bruit in Ireland of the suppression of abbeys sets the rulers to make havoc of their property. Chester, 27 June. Signed.
Add.: of the Privy Chamber. Endd.
27 June. 1272. Guillaume le Gras to Lady Lisle.
R. O. When I left Paris eight days ago your son (fn. n1) was very well, and wrote to you a few days before my departure. He will soon speak French better than English, and I think when he goes to see you he will require an interpreter to speak to you. He is very desirous to go and pay his respects to you and my lord Deputy, and when my lord of Winchester shall pass he will bear him company, as my lord Deputy has written to me. I am sorry I could not sooner procure a. safe messenger to send you the crapes for which you wrote for your daughters. I send with the present a little hood, which I have delivered to the bearer, Arnoul, messenger of Calais. I hope it will give satisfaction to you and your daughters. I sent lately to my lord Deputy a pair of mole-skin gloves (gands de toppes). I have still some skins to make another pair. Rouen, 27 June 1538.
Please write to your man in England about the recovery of my debt from Batiste de Cassigny.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
28 June. 1273. Thomas Lord Lawarr to Cromwell.
R. O. Sir Alexander Shawe, vicar of Pagham, has vexed his parishioners and neighbours, under colour of God's laws and the King's, this 20 years. He occupied certain holds contrary to the King's Acts, wherefore one Marmaduke Darell, gentleman, had him in action, and after long suit judgment was given against the vicar for 240l. and more, but by his craft and money he has found means that the law cannot proceed. He said all his copyholds, &c., belonged to a woman he kept in his house, called Alice Holmys, and made this his plea in the Exchequer and before the Escheator. Now it is known that the said Alice, in the absence of the vicar, has assured herself to one Thomas Gorton, wherewithal he was displeased and has kept them this two or three years from marrying, and has taken away the goods he had given her and her own also, so that there is like to be mischief between him and Gorton:—all this because she would not continue her evil life with him, for she has had a child or two by him. No woman has been with him this many year but he has meddled with her. Account of the vicar's keeping two queans, which should seem to be naughty women, one of whom came out of Suffolk to Chichester on Corpus Christi even last, and the other came from the White Hart in St. Giles's in the Fields, near London, at the same time. The vicar also in Whitsun week last sent home a tall man, who says he came from Lincolnshire and dwelt with a knight in Leicestershire called Sir Thos. Hasylrygge. The poor men of Pagham were afraid he would do some mischief, and I commanded him to avoid the country, but the vicar came home shortly after, took the man into his service, and says he will keep him. For this light demeanour of the vicar Mr. Gunter and I bound him in 40l. to appear before you next Monday. We justices of the peace here cannot order him by the King's laws, else we would have been loth to trouble you. At my poor house, 28 June.
In Lawarr's hand: This will be worth the hearing, for it will be proved, and much more. Signed by Lawarr and by John Gounter.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1274. Elys Bradshaw, late Mayor of Chichester, to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends depositions of certain persons touching the lewd words of a priest concerning the alteration of the laws of this realm. Although his accusation dependeth in the mouth of one woman, has committed him to prison till Cromwell's pleasure be known, with the copy of the obligation concerning the vicar of Pagham.
Hol., p.1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
28 June. 1275. Hugh de Burghe.
Lamb. MS.
603, f. 83.
Indenture, 28 June 30 Hen. VIII., between the King and Hugh de Burghe, now captain of the country of Burghe, who agrees to pay the King 40l. a year and aid the Deputy at every general hosting, &c.
Copy, Lat., pp. 2.
1276. Irish Chieftains.
Lansd. MS.
159, f. 71.
B. M.
Notes of the contents of agreements made by lord Leonard Grey, lord Deputy of Ireland, with Irish chieftains. Headed: Enrolled the xxx. years of K. H. 8. They are:—
(1.) With Fergynamyn Row Ybirne, 17 Sept. 1536. [See Vol. XI., No. 468.]
(2.) With Thade Obirne, captain of his natiou, 22 Jan. 1535. [See Vol. X., 156.]
(3.) With Fergonanymy Okarroll, 12 June 30 Hen. VIII. [See No. 1174.]
(4.) With Hugh de Burgho, captain of Burge country, 28 June 30 Hen.VIII. [See No. 1275.]
(5.) With Remond Savage, 31 May 28 Hen. VIII. [See Vol. X., 1001.]
At the end are these notes in the same hand: There cannot be found enrolled, affirmed, the ample peace made by Skeffington with Oneyle, the Reylies, the Macmahons, Macgwier, Neile Connelaghe, Odonell, Alexander Carragh, Phelom Barragh, the Macgwnesseis, Savages, Hanlons, Neile More, Phelom Roe and the galloglasses, with Omore, O'Chonor, Okarvaile, and Orailie. If Sir John Alen have not the copies of them none else have.
"There lack the peaces the lord Leonard made with Mac Brene Ygonagh, with MacBrene Ynarey, with Odure, Odyn, Omulmoy, Omalaghelyn, Okarroll, and Macgoghegan, with the Tholes and Kavenaghes, with Orailey and Macmahons. It is pity they were not inrolled."
Pp. 3. In an Elizabethan hand.
1277. John Hutton to Wriothesley.
The copy of a letter to Cromwell:—The lady Regent and duchess of Milan have returned today from Henigo, where they have been hunting for eight days. A gentleman of the lord of Rochepot, governor of Picardy, came this afternoon with letters to the Regent that truce for three months had been made at the Pope's instance between the French king and the Emperor. Some rejoice; others think it invented by lord Rochepot to gain some advantage, though he is said to have given strict orders to have it observed. Letters from Almayn state that the Turk has retreated, the Sophy having won a battle and invaded his country. The Queen has often asked for news from England. Supposes she wants to hear about the Duchess.
Has sent Wriothesley 12 halberds, and if they have not been delivered he had better send to John Gressam, one of the sheriffs of London this year. Brussels, 28 June.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
29 June. 1278. The King's Robes.
R. O. Drafts of the titles of two copies of a list of the King's robes in the custody of Anthony Denny, now yeoman of the Robes, Tiewed by Sir Wm. Kyngeston and Sir John Daunce, 29 June 30 Hen. VIII.; one copy for the King and the other for Denny.
P. 1.
R. O. 2. Another draft, in the same handwriting, of the view taken as above.
29 June. 1279. Horse Stealing.
R. O. The confession of Rice Tailour concerning a robbery done by him and one Philip Walter, late of Brecknock in South Wales, serving man, Hugh Mores and Lewis Gwyn, in presence of Henry Friar of London, innholder, one Roland, a sanctuary man, Henry Seer, haberdasher, of London, Robert Gibs, and others, 29 June 30 Henry VIII.
That about All Hallow tide 24 Henry VIII., he and the said persons departed from a capper's house in the Old Change in London called the sign of the King's Head, and went to a town called Popler by Limehouse, and so entered a certain pasture called Bromley Hall where they carried off three geldings (described) worth 20l. sterling, which they conveyed to the gate of the Swan at Charing Cross, and called upon the bailiff of Brecknock, who was then lodged there. With him they rode to Knightsbridge, where they delivered the geldings to the bailiff and his company upon the above price, and the bailiff delivered to the said Rice and his company a bay horse in part payment, which Philip Walter sold next Friday in Smithfield for 18 or 20 shillings. After which the same Philip came to Warwick Inn, and lost much of the money, so that his fellows had scant 3s. 4d. apiece for their parts.
P. 1. Endd.
29 June 1280. Woburn Abbey.
R. O. Estimate of the goods of the late abbey of Woborne, Beds, made 29 June 30 Henry VIII.
Plate, money, jewels, church ornaments, household stuff, corn, cattle, and debts owing to the house, vestments, bells, and other things being reserved, 509l. 17s. 4d.
Whereof: wages of monks, servants, and officers, charges of keeping the house from May 5 to 28 June, 133l. 7s.
Remainder, 376l. 10s. 4d.
P. 1. Endd.
R. O. 2. Survey of the late attainted monastery of Woburn, Beds, by John Asshton, one of the King's auditors of attainted lands, June 30 Hen. VIII.
Temporalities, 450l. 14s. 31/8d. Spiritualities—the parsonages of Sulbury, Chesham, Whytechurch, and Byrchemore, with tithes in Woburn, 78l. 14s.
Total rents, &c., 529l. 8s. 3d. and 1/8d.
Sum total, according to the certificate made to the Exchequer for payment of the Tenth, 430l. 13s. 11½d.
Excess of this last survey above the certificate in yearly rent, 98l. 14s. 3½d. and 1/8d.
P. 1. Large paper.
R. O. 3. Parcel of the demesnes of the late monastery of Woborne, Beds.
Grange of Utcote. Issues of 17 pastures, meadows, &c., the names of most being given. Total, 39l. 15s.
The Warren, occupied by Thos. Style, 7l. Tithe of desmesne and warren, 4l.
Signed as examined by John Asht on.
29 June 1281. Gregory Cromwell to Cromwell.
R. O. Chr. Chappman, yeoman of the Guard, sent to search the state of the country where the King has directed the giestes of his progress, came this day to your Lordship's house at Lewes and viewed the lodgings, stating that the King would be here, but how long was uncertain. Feels it right to mention that the plague which lately infected the town is not yet wholly gone, and has given him a certificate of one that died this day in an inn, and of all who have died since Christmas. Lewes, 29 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
29 June 1282. Evil Speaking of the King.
R. O. Depositions of Win. Wodd, of Bransdale, in the parish of Kirkby Moorside, 29 June 30 Hen. VIII.
Came to the chapel called Coken Kirke in the said parish, on Whitsun Monday before matins, and while at prayers heard Sir Robt. Keriby, the parish priest, say to Robt. Lyon, the parish clerk, I had as merry a night yesternight as I had this twelvemonth. The clerk answered, I can tell you other news. The woman's (fn. n2) prayer that was put to death at York hath light of one of them that we were talking upon the last week, for the King is dead. Then the parish priest said that vengeance must needs light upon him because he hath put so many men wrongfully to death. Then the clerk said, If Crumewell were dead also, it were not a halfpenny loss, for ye shall hear much mischief light amongst them therefor. Then the priest said If any of the great men had had a switch at the King'a neck a twelvemonth since, before this business began, he should have had small peril for it.
Spoke to the priest about the words he had spoken and called John Thom- son to witness. The priest threatened him if he left the dale to report the matter, saying, I shall have of thee either a leg or an arm or thou come at them; and said to Robt. Wodd, the deponent's uncle, it were Better that such a vagabond, lately comen from London, should have a mischief, than he for to trouble any neighbour for such words as we have spoken. Has therefore come privily away from them for fear of his life.
Pp. 2. Endd.
29 June. 1283. Stephen ap Harry to Cromwell.
R. O. My Lord my master (i.e., the lord Deputy) assembled the Council in Dublin upon OKarroll's affairs, and to parley with James of Desmond for the variance between him and lord James Butler; and it was appointed that the lord Gormonston, Thos. Nugent, son to the late baron of Delvyn, John Dersye, Wm. Byrmyngham, Gerrad MacGerrad, and my Lord's retinue and that of Mr. Treasurer (numbers given) should accompany my Lord. They assembled, 17 June, in Offale, where OChonourfensted them, and from thence accompanied them. On the 18th they camped by O'Mulmoy's country and took a castle which they delivered to O'Mulmoy. There Kedoo O'More, O'Mulmoy, Mageochagan, and Mychaell Patryk joined them (numbers given). On the 20th, entered O'Karroll's country and tarried there till 23 June, taking two castles, one by surrender the other by assault (described) with loss of one killed and five wounded. It was delivered to the custody of OKarroll, who there made his submission to the King (articles given) and put his son in pledge. On 24 June encamped in OKennedy's country where Dermond OKennedy submitted (articles given) and gave his son in pledge. On 25 June removed into the country of McObrene Are, who did the like (articles given). Removed thence to Dermond OMulreyen's country, who, with Tybott OBurgh and Hulyke OBurgh, also did the like (articles given). To that camp came James of Desmond with a large following (numbers given), whom ray Lord received gently in order of battle. Next day my Lord removed to Limerick, and Desmond accompanied him to within three miles of the city, talking of the King's affairs. It was concluded that on Wednesday next Desmond should come with his whole host to cast down the new castles upon OBrene's bridge, and invade OBrene's and Murrough OBrene's country. This day came Donagh OBrene and promised to put in his pledge on Sunday next; and Edmund Sexton has been with the great OBrene and says no doubt he will submit on Wednesday next. My Lord will not write till the journey is over. The condition of Irishmen is such that they will not come in without conduct from the lord Deputy, and I and OConnor have been conduct and sayers of them all. OCounor has done good service. None is privy to this letter but the writer. I took the constable- ship of Rathangen Castle from the King's Commissioners to enable me to do better service, for I have lost an arm in the wars here, and have much improved the country about it. This day my Lord pledged his chain and jewels for victuals for the army. Praises his energy and capacity. Limerick, 29 June. Signed.
Pp. 5. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. Copy of the above.
30 June. 1284. Thos. Abp. of Canterbury.
Close Roll,
30 Hen. VIII.
p. 1, No. 65.
Indenture of sale made 30 June 30 Hen. VIII., by Thos. abp. of of Canterbury, to the Crown, of the manor and advowson of the church of Estchayham, with all appurtenances in Est Chayham, Ewell, and Maldon, and the parishes of St. George, St. Margaret, and St. Olave, in Southwark, Surr., and elsewhere, yearly value 18l. 6s. 5d. In return the King sells to the Archbishop Chistlet park, Kent, with the lodge, &c., therein, which the King holds by the grant of the convent of St. Augustine's, Canterbury. And whereas by an indenture between the King and the Archbishop and the prior and convent of Christchurch, Canterbury, dated 30 Nov. 29 Hen. VIII., the said Archbishop, prior, and convent sold to the King the advowson of the college and church of St. Mary in Maydeston, Kent, in return for the parsonage and college of St. Burian's, Cornw.; it is now agreed that neither party shall take advantage of anything contained in that indenture, and that the 50l. a year to be paid by the Archbishop to the King upon that indenture is to be paid for Chisley park. Sealed, by the Abp., 30 June, and by the prior and convent of Christchurch in their chapter house, 1 July 30 Hen. VIII.
Memoranda of acknowledgment the same day by the Archbishop in Chancery at Westminster, and by the prior and convent before Chr. Hales, Master of the Rolls, in their chapter house.
Ib., No. 66. 2. Deed of sale (fn. n3) of Est Chayham, &c. as above. Sealed by the Arch- bishop, 28 May 30 Hen. VIII. and by the prior and convent 1 July 30 Hen. VIII., and acknowledged as above.
30 June. 1285. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Has received his letter by Francisco the post, and one to my lord Privy Seal, who, -when he delivered it, said it should be answered in a day or two. Your licence is now at a point, for the King has determined his gests to Dover and Sandwich, when you are to come over. Vie have after great trouble arranged that the pension of 10l. a year of the abbot of Reading shall be 6l. 15s. 8d, after the extent of his benefice, which is 20l. 6s. 11d. Had the abbot paid the costs, 17s. 4d., there had been no remedy but to pay at the rate of 10l.; and so it must have been had it not been well handled. If any bond can be found of Sir Laurence de Banck trusts his executors will discharge Lisle. Cannot write at present respecting the lord Daubeney, who is to be an earl. He meant to put Mr. Basset by all the whole land; but my lord Privy Seal and Mr. Pollard have befriended you in this matter, and the book of the matter has been this day read before the King and he Council by Mr. Pollard. Trusts that the new pretended Earl and his coadjutor will have very little comfort. London, 30 June.
P.S.—Has been for a week too busied in this matter to write; for though the reversion was Mr. Basset's there was no way, in law, to stop the recovery but by suit to the King.
Hol., pp. 2. Sealed. Add.
30 June. 1286. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I received your letter by Fisher, and have delivered to Mr. Yewo both the other letters, viz., one to himself and the other to Mr. Degory. Mr. Yewo and I advertised your Ladyship of lord Daubeney's pretence, and that neither his counsel nor lord Beauchamp could find means to defeat Mr. Basset of the reversion of those lands which the said Lord now has in his possession, but I have not let the matter so pass, for not only Mr. Marvyn and Mr. Knightley have read over the great indenture with Mr. Yeow and Mr. Harris and Mr. Rolles, but Mr. Wm. Conysby and Mr. Bromley have both seen it and declared their opinion at length. Mr. Baker, the King's attorney, also agrees with them, that the right is in Mr. Basset, if lord Daubeney die without issue, as I trust he shall do, and that shortly. By the late statute of Uses, lord Daubeney, being tenant in tail in possession might alienate it for term of another man's life and drive Mr. Basset hereafter to sue a forme downe for the recovery of his right, which were a shrewd matter to do if he should be tangled with any great personages. But when I knew the only remedy to stay the recovery was by petition to the King, I went immediately to my lord Privy Seal, who was very favourable, and said the King was so just, he would not allow any man to be disinherited. I afterwards spoke to Mr. Pollard, who promised to keep my Lord in remembrance, which he has done, for today I was commanded to bring forth the book of the great indenture, which my lord Privy Seal had with him into the King's chamber, where Mr. Pollard read it before his Highness, and it was so taken that I have no doubt lord Daubeney and his coadjutor will be defeated of their purpose, and I trust will suffer shame and rebuke. Lord Daubeney will be an Earl in all haste. Whenever he takes his creation, he will lose his discretion. My lord Privy Seal and Mr. Pollard have deserved thanks; also Mr. Marvyn and Mr. Knyghtley, who will take no money. The new pretended Earl will be here this week, on Wednesday or Thursday. God send him grace to return with shame. Mr. Pollard desires to have your house at Humberley this summer, for six weeks or two months. I think you should offer it him with thanks. Please tell my lady Garnyshe that Mr. Weldon, clerk of the Kitchen, has money for her, which she desired him to pay to a merchant, whom he does not know. The canvassing of this matter has almost spent my wits, for when I found the comfort of the law so small, it struck me to the heart, but I am past fear. London, 30 June.
Commend me to Mr. Basset, and my mistress, his bedfellow. Mr. Smythe, my Lady's auditor, who came from Mrs. Katharine, left her merry three days ago.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
30 June. 1287. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. Of late Thomas Vernon, founder of a friar house in Ludlowe, brought unto this Council two cruets and a pax of silver, two chalices, one patent, and the foot of a monstrall to bear the sacrament upon Corpus Christi Day, which the friars had hidden in a ditch at the back of their said house in an old hose. Mr. Sulyarde and I would bestow it in the re-edification of Montgomery Castle. Mr. Vernou desires your favour that he may have the said friar house, as his ancestors were the founders, and there is such an ill rule kept. The castle of Montgomery, one of the keys of this country, is far out of repair; I have about 100 persons at work on it. Castle of the Welshe Poole, last day of June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
1288. Sir Brian Tuke to Cromwell.
R. O. Please remember the warrant for the Fifteenth, for where I was wont at this time of year to have money enough for this office till All Hallowtide, if the Fifteenth be taken from me I shall lack as much as I was accustomed to receive in a year of the Subsidy. When the Fifteenth is expired some other furniture must be instead. If I am charged with payments and have not wherewith to furnish it, you know what inconveniences ensue. It is not 12,000l. that will furnish me till All Hallowtide, and the cofferer is yet behind 3,000l. of his warrant of 6,000l. odd. I have made great pay- ments to ambassadors and others. The King's great debts are paid or stalled to small yearly payments, and the new debts since I was officer amount to no notable sums. The great debts arose from loans and licences, and I have cut them short, for I have answered and levied, this 10 year that I have been the King's officer, (fn. n4) far above 10,000 mks. a year, which is 100,000 mks. To the Emperor, the French king, the French queen, deceased, my lord of Suffolk, the Staple, my lord of Northumberland, lord Audelay and others, there is above 100,000l. of debts discharged. Many revenues I was wont to receive are gone, some to other Courts, &c.
Hol., p. 2. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal.
1289. Edward Gruffyth to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends Cromwell's annuity due at Pentecost. The friars of Bangor, near his house, have surrendered their lands for poverty. They have only two little orchards, no lead, and little glass and iron. The house is after the old building, and never kept more than two friars at the most. Wishes to have the house for a dwelling house. Will pay what Cromwell thinks con- venient, and will also do him what service lies in his power. At the Penrryn. Signed.
P. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal.
1290. Margaret Lady Bryan to Cromwell.
R. O.
Letters, iii. 68.
Edw. VI.,
i. xxxvii.
I shall accomplish the King's command and yours with such things as here is to do it withal, which is but very bare for such a time. The best coat my lord Prince has is tinsel, and that he shall have on at that time. He hath never a good jewel to set in his cap. But I shall order all for my Lord's honour the best I can, and Master Vice-Chamberlain and Mr. Cofferer will do their best. My lord Prince is in good health and merry. His Grace hath four teeth, three full out and the fourth appearing. From Havering.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1291. [Lord Lisle (fn. n20) to Cromwell.]
R. O. About Easter last I wrote to your Lordship that there were divers persons in this town, both soldiers and commoners, who spoke against the Sacrament of the altar, saying it was not in a knave priest to make God; that the mass was not made by God, but by the invention of man, and that a mouse would as soon eat the body of God as another cake. I sent your Lordship the information taken here before the King's Council. Now of late I sent a letter by Francis the post, declaring that a young English priest who came out of Germany (fn. n21) spoke in his sermon of the Sacrament of the altar in a way much at variance with the King's book, which has caused great offence and made many people not care for the mass, and wish they had never heard mass in all their lives. Because your Lordship can discuss the shyptur (Scripture) better than I can, I send you his opinions plainly opened in the pulpit before all men, that you may know whether they should be maintained or corrected. I assure you both in France and Flanders they repute us but as her[eti]cs, and that we are out of the league with the Emperor and the French king, and they trust to have war with us. I will not say that they are honest men who thus report, or that they know their master's pleasure. But, my lord, for as much as it (?) pertains to my charge, that is the wealth and surety of this the King's town, I beg to know the King's pleasure and yours whether I shall suffer the preacher to preach still or no, and likewise how I shall handle any such slanderous people if I can take them, either of France or Flanders.
Your Lordship has written that papechis dreygys (popish dregs) did remain here with us of Calais. I will say the King has not in his realm any people that favour less the dradycions of papys (tradition of popes?) thau the King's subjects here, from the highest to the lowest, and although I and others have not the very knowledge and setting forward of shyptur (Scripture) as it ought to be, but may be by blind guides brought out of the way, I beg that we know the King's pleasure and yours, which shall be obeyed to the last drop of my blood. Nothing since I was born ever went so near my heart as this until I know the King's pleasure and yours, for I have written you three letters concerning it and have never got an answer. Calais.
In Palmer's handy pp. 2.
1292. Ric. Poulet to Mr. Hyll, Sergeant of the King's Cellar.
R. O. Orders him, in the name of the King's Commissioners, to cease to deface any of the buildings of the late priory of Wyntney, besides those which my Lord's letter will testify that the King has given him, which is only the cloister and the dortour. If he can show them some sufficient discharge, they will be content to obey. Heryarde, Friday. Signed
P. 1. Add. Endd.
1293. Jacques Robert to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I have been with your servant to all the silk merchants of this town, but we have only found two pieces in two houses, of which I send you the better, 7 ells at 8s. 4d.q. the ell. Speaks of the differences between it and yours, which the merchant sold at Calais. Sends a present of beaus, the earliest this year. St. Omer.
Hol., Fr. p. 1. Add.: A Calex.
1294. Jacques Robert to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Since receiving your letter, I have not been able to send you such fine cherries as I sent you last year. They are all spoiled by the high winds, as the merchants say; but as you want them for conserves, I send a great pannier weighing 104 livres, of the finest that have come during these eight days.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: A Calex.
1295. Richard Bp. of Chichester, to Cromwell.
R.O. You write to me to receive the ambassadors of Germany to dinner tomorrow at my house at Poules. I have there neither ale nor beer nor wine, nor any other thing that should be in a house. If you will, I will do it where I am lodged: it is not 10 hours' work to put a house in order. I know not how yet to enter any conference with them, so I intend to be with you tomorrow morning to know more. If it please you my lord of London at his palace, and there he is much more ready than I am. Order it as you please, so that I be required to a thing possible. My poor lodging by the Strand, between 9 and 10 p.m.
Hol., p. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1296. Richard Moryson to Cromwell.
R.O. All my letters should be givers of thanks to your Lordship, and I dare boldly say non vive hoggi all' mondo, chi vi paga meglio gli suoi debbiti, che pago io; yet I am forced by a lovely lady called friendship, cui nihil negare neque velim si possem neque possum si velim maxime. Sends Mr. Harwel's letters, whom I would to God you knew as I do. Knows by his own grief that Harwel's must be great. The Signory of Venice took him to be an agent for the King there. He shall scase put out his head, if it come not to pass. Is grieved that he (Moryson) was named of the Privy Chamber, and that he had, from divers friends, letters congratulatory for it. Every man took it for a season to be so. Blushes to be at the Court, and marvels little if Mr. Harwel is ashamed of his fall. Has lost that he never desired to find. Harwel goeth besides what he most desired. A good heart taketh too sore a blow at such a fall. Cocleus (fn. n5) had been abroad or now if Moryson had never been named of the Pr. Ch. His suit is that Harwel may not be shamed.
Has showed the bp. of London in what expectation the King is; which saith that he can do nothing except he have leave to be absent from Lambeth. My lord of Canterbury would in nowise it were so, albeit he saith they might do much better if he were away: men would talk, or at the least, think evil if he should be taken from their assembly.
I beg your Lordship to sign this letter to Master Daye (fn. n6) and the fellows of King's College, Cambridge. Mr. Soulymont will convey the letter again unto me.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1297. Richard Moryson to Cromwell.
R. O. Was half afraid his last letters, wherein love would give no place to duty, would displease Cromwell, but found it much otherwise. Should thank Cromwell for signing his letter to Mr. Daie. Has not talked with Daie yet in the matter. Cromwell's benefits do not increase so fast as Moryson's love. These benefits lie lodged in the best corner of his heart, but Cromwell's zeal for the truth of the Gospel moves him most. The ambassadors were reminded of Cromwell's favour by the warrants sent them. Could not get them forth to the pleasure of hunting, but conveyed part of the bucks to them and part are promised when they shall think best to have venery. They shall return to Germany witnesses of Cromwell's love for religion; they grant Christum tibi multum debere, etiamsi tu Illi omnia debeas, and say idolatry would continue still were it not for his Lordship. Sends a letter of Mr. Harwell's, all wet by the way, and with the label lost. Was loth any of Harwell's diligence should be lost, trusting reward will one day follow honest heart. His own prayer is to bind his friends to Cromwell. Dislikes fickleness in friendship, which should be like marrying, for better, for worse. Cromwell may rejoice in being the only man in his place who has never forgotten his old friends. His Lordship should try true from false friends.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1298. The Friars' Houses, Chester.
R. O. "The Graye Friars of Chester delivered to Master Phoke Dutton, mayor there, and to Master Raffe Ragerson, alderman, and Thomas Marten."
The Choir:—On the altar a fair table alabaster. Two altar cloths with a frontlet and a stained cloth before the altar. Two candlesticks laten. An old table alabaster. Lamp basin, pair of organs, holy water stoup, "a sort of books for the choir of friars' use," sacring bells, two pillows on the altar, &c. The Vestry:—15 chesabulls for the priest, 16 tenacles, albs, amys copes, &c., and an old censer. The Kitchen:—A great lead to steep 20 bushels malt, a great brass pot, three brass pots and a posnet, two pans and a skelet, two brocbys, &c. The Brewhouse:—A great furnace and a mashing comb. A yele fat (ale-vat) and stone trowe, an almery, an hayer to dry on malt, two ale barrels, two stands, a cupboard, a pipe to lay in bread, two pipes of lead. The Bulting house:—Kneading turnells, bultyng pipe, &c.
The visitor has a little chalice, maser, and six spoons for the King. Delivered with this inventory a bill of debts, as the warden saith, 12l. 8s. 11d. and three leases. Signatures in same hand as text: Fowke Dutton, mayor —Raffe Rogarson, Thomas Marten, aldermen.
Pp. 3. Endd. in the bp. of Dover's hand: Non led nor rentts but yr gerdens.
R. O. 2. Indenture of the stuff of the Black Friars, Chester, received, by my lord visitor under the lord Privy Seal, for the King, and delivered to the keeping of Mr. Fowke Dutton, mayor there, and to Robert Aldersey and William Bexwycke, aldermen.
The Sextry:—11 copes, 3 scarlet copes, one crimson, one blue with maidens' heads, one of popinjay colour, one of chequer work, one black of requiem, one white of Our Lady, and two yellow for children; 11 vestments, one of them red of Jesu, one with barells in the midst, one with dornecke collar, one with eagles' feet, and one blue with a yellow cross; amices, stoles, &c.
The Choir:—Altar cloths, &c., a print mass book of our use, books necessary for the choir, a pair of organs, 8 haircloths for the altar, a pair of iron bolts before Saint Peter, a hearse, &c. The Dorter:—In the pricr's chamber, a feather bed, covering and bolster. Kitchen:—2 small pots, a little pan, a broche, 2 cupboards, 2 plates, a saucer, a pattynger, 2 crocks and a tornell, 3 trene chargers and 8 trene dishes. Also the buttery, the old buttery, the subprior's chamber, the chamber on the church door, and the new chamber.
The visitor has a chalice delivered with this inventory, 10 sealed evidences, 3 unsealed, 2 in paper, 2 patents, 5 leases and a bill of debts of 15l. 16s. 4d. Signatures (in same hand as text) of Dutton, Aldersey and Bexwycke.
Pp. 3. Endd. by the bp. of Dover; Led halfe ye quire ij panys of ye cloeyster; rents, 5l. 6s. 8d. by zer
R. O. 3. Indenture of the stuff of the White Friars, Chester, delivered to Fulk Dutton, mayor there, and to Harry Gee and Ralph Goodmen, aldermen.
The Sextry:—3 red copes of scarlet branched: copes, vestments, &c., a purse of relics, pillar for the pascall, a cloth for the rood, a cloth for the sepulchre, a pix for the sacrament puresse with in and a lande with tassells, 3 mass books and pystolea books, &c.
The Choir:—A pair of organs in the quire, a grate of iron branched about the justes tomb, &c., &c., a legend with a martylege and a great pair of organs over the choir door.
The Chancel:—4 altars, &c.; in the steeple 3 bells. Kitchen:—3 pots, 2 pans, 4 pewter dishes, &c. The chamber within the place:—"A cell with certain lyne in," a store house and salt house.
The visitor has a little chalice. Delivered with this 30 old evidences sealed, 6 unsealed, 4 leases unsealed, a bill of debts as the prior saith 8l. 9s. Signatures (in same hand as text) of Dutton, Gee and Goodman.
Pp. 2. Endd. by the bp. of Dover: They deyd (died) ther I coude noht cum to ye knoleche of yt house but it is lytyll.
1299. [Sir Thomas Wyatt] (fn. n7) to his Son.
Egerton MS.
2711 f. 71.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
Thinks that as he is come to some years of understanding he may profit by some good advice for his future conduct. Above all things he is to seek honesty. Defines what he means by the word. Think always that you are in presence of some honest man that you know, as Sir John Russell, your father-in-law, (fn. n8) your uncle Parson, or some other such; and ye shall, if at any time you find a pleasure in naughty touches, remember what shame it were afore these men to do naughtily. Those who knew your grandfather (fn. n9) noted in him a great reverence of God and that none was more pitiful, more true of his word, faster to his friend, more diligent and circumspect, as both Kings his masters noted. The grace of God preserved him, in prison, from the hands of the tyrant (fn. n10) that could find in his heart to see him racked, from two years' imprisonment in Scotland in irons and stocks, from the danger of sudden changes and commotions, until, beloved of many, hated of none, in his fair age and good reputation he went to Him that loved him. I myself may be an example to you of folly and unthriftiness, which has brought me into dangers, enmities, imprisonments, and despites from which I impute my escape to nothing but the prayers of my good father. Ye, therefore, if ye venture by my example upon unthriftiness, I dare lay ten to one ye shall perish in the adventure; for, trust me, my desire to God for you stall not stand you in such stead as my father's did me. Admonishes him to agree with his wife and honour his father-in-law and to read this letter often.
Later copy, headed: From him out of Spain to his son, then xv (fn. n11) years old.
1300. Sir Thos. Wyatt to his Son.
Ib., f. 72b.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
Advised him in his former letters to read them often; but cannot forbear to remind him again that honesty is what a man ought to aim at. He should study moral philosophers, such as Seneca, and let Epictetus, because it is little, be ever in his bosom.
Later copy, headed: Again unto his son out of Spain about the same time.
1301. Suppressed Monasteries.
R. O. Monasteries gotten to the King's use since Christmas.
The monastery of Warden, vc. li. St. Andrew's Northampton, 3. Robertsbridge, Sussex, 2. Abbey of Abingdon, 2 m. li. Boxley, 3. Kingswood, 2. Priory of Lantony, 8. Abbey of Stratford Langthorn, 56. Abbey of the Holme Cultram, 5. Priory of Lenton 4. Abbey of Killingworth, 6. House of Oxham, in the Isle of Oxham, 2. Abbey of Bewley, 4. Priory of Southwyk, 3. Priory of Charterhouse, in London, 6.
P. 1. In Cromwell's hand. Endd.
1302. Augmentations.
R. O. List of over 70 names of parties to recognizances for leases, &c, apparently under the Chancellor of the Augmentation, extracted from various books and bundles. One section is headed, "In libro Cur.——Trin. xxxo."
Pp. 2.
1303. Aylmer and Alen's accusation of Lord Leonard Grey.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 36.
"Articles of the enormities and abuses of the lord Leonard Gray, the King's deputy of Ireland: to the most part whereof the King's late Commissioners there be privy."
Whereas the King, in appointing him, willed him to take advice of the Privy Council in Ireland, especially of Brabazon, Aylmer and Alen, he has elected to himself a private council of the Geraldine sect. Secret confederation between him and George Poulet, one of the Commissioners. In the journey against O'Chonor, in Offaly, the Lord Chancellor, viscount Gormanstown, the lord of Delvyn, the treasurer of the wars and King's attorney, were to accompany and advise the Deputy; but he followed the appetites of Stephen Apparrie and Gerald McGerald (one of the most arrant traitors in Ireland) whom he made marshals of the host, and of George Grenelef, Henry Hoke, Parson Tute, and other Geraldines. When any enterprise was to be made, he set Hoke or Grenelef and such inexpert fellows to command it, and ordered the lords, Ossory's son and other captains, to obey them; putting them in danger to be cast away, as Hoke and Parson Tute were, by their negligence. In the same journey, he being well horsed, swam over a river, returning again on foot for eschewing of danger of drowning, and because the baron of Delvyn and others, fearing to be drowned, did not follow, he called them traitors, and took away their horses and harness, leaving the Baron, "being an old man and an ancient captain, viscount Gormanston, and others unarmed in the midst of the enemy's country. If refusing to cross was an offence they should have been punished at their return, and not left to travel home on foot through bogs and mires whereunto lords and gentlemen had not been accustomed. The worst was that he gave their horses to their Irish enemies in their presence. This caused the baron of Delvyn's death. He departed home suddenly, leaving the host and ordnance in the enemy's country. Though the Commissioners and Council ordered these horses, &c., to be restored, many were not, and for others bribes had to be given to Apparrie and MacGerald, the marshals. These marshals frightened Cahir Roo O'Chonour, who served the King against his own brother, into making peace with him, through O'Mulmoy, in presence of Matth. Kyng and Thos. Albanagh, late messenger to the earl of Kildare (an arrant traitor in my Lord's trust) by my said Lord's assent, as O'Mulmoy avouched by several letters; and thus O'Chonor recovered his country. The Deputy's meditated treachery upon O'Chonor and his brother Cahir at their parley with the Chancellor, lord Butler, Treasurer of the Wars, and Chief Justice. Stephen Apparrie's taking O'More when upon safe-conduct. Partiality in the matter of O'More and the late O'More's sons. He suffered his nephew, young Gerot, son of the late earl of Kildare, to depart to the King's enemies, where he now is with James and John Delahide, Parson Walshe, and a rabble of traitors.
O'Brene, a principal maintainer of Thomas Fitzgerald, detained the said Thomas' treasure, and the King wrote to the Deputy to attack him, and so a hosting was proclaimed; but though it was known that James FitzJohn, the pretended earl of Desmond, was confederated with O'Brene, the Deputy took money, victuals, and the like from divers towns and lords for licences to remain at home. If he say he hired others it is not true, but an excuse to get money. He caused Nele More, leaving Dublin upon safe-conduct, to be wounded and imprisoned by Patrick Gernon of Gernonston. Raid, without advice of the Council, on Remonde McRory (being at peace) in Ferney, when many men were slain and Garnon of Garnonston and others taken, for ransom of whom the booty had to be returned. Another raid by Stephen Apparrie and Garnon. Raid upon Tirrelagh O'Railly, in which the Deputy escaped hardly and lost many horses and men. Prey made by Wm. Bremyncham, at the Deputy's order, upon Tirlagh Boy O'Reilly (being at peace), in which Tirrell, captain of Tirrell's country and others, were slain, and not only the cattle of Tirlagh, but those of the King's lands of Dervere, taken. Bremyncham, when examined, showed the Deputy's letters for his discharge, saying also he had most of the spoil. O'Byrne spoiled after he had submitted and paid his fine, a wrong so detestable that when O'Byrne complained to the Council, for conserving of their truths and honesties, and partly to redubbe they wrong, they must have released the said O'Byrne of the residue of the said fine then unpaid. Spoil of the rymors by the mountain side who supplied the army with victuals. Spoil of Breen McMahon, commonly called Breen Nemoghorey. Spoil and death of Cahir Modder, brother of O'Railie, for which O'Railie demands 1,000 mks. of the Kind's poor subjects. Cahir McArte Kavanagh allowed to escape after he had been captured by Wm. Seintloo; also Tibbot FitzPiers, a bastard Geraldine, whom the lord of Kilcullyn had put in Dublin Castle to be justified. Provisions taken and not paid for, ill rule of the army, money levied for the intended hosting upon O'Nele kept by the Deputy. Signed: Gerald Aylmer, Justice: John Alen, Master of the Rolles.
R. O. 2. Duplicate of the above. Signed.
Pp. 8.
1304. Cromwell to [the Bp. of———].
Cleop. E. iv
B. M.
A circular, referring to the King's efforts both in his late visitation and by injunctions to bring the truth of God's word before the people. But as these have been very remissly observed, and the people remain in their old ignorance, the bp. is to punish such negligence by his archdeacons, &c., and to cause the Bible in English to be laid forth openly in your own houses and in every parish church at the costs of the parsons and vicars, that every man may understand the better the preacher's exposition of it and be able to instruct his wife and children.
Pp. 3.
Cleop. E. v.
B. M.
2. Form of address to be made by curates of churches announcing to their parishioners that the King has ordered a copy of the Bible in the mother tongue to be openly laid forth in every parish church, and reminding them that it is the very word of God, to the teaching of which they should conform their lives und encourage their wives, children, and servants to do the same. They are not to reason about doubtful passages of the book in taverns and alehouses, but to resort to such learned men as are authorised to preach and declare the same. And God save the King.
Pp. 3.
1305. Speech of the German Ambassadors.
R. O. Are come from John Frederic duke of Saxony, archimarshal and elector of the Empire, landgrave of Turinge. marquis of Misnie, and Burgrave of Magdeburgh, and Philip landgrave of Hesse, earl of Cattors, Dien-Zigenham and Nide, in their names and that of Ernest duke of Brunswick and Lunenburgh, with letters of credence to your most Royal Majesty
Of the zeal of the Princes for the Gospel Henry will have heard by Chr. Mont, who was lately with them at Brunswick. They will never again subject themselves to the tyranny of Rome. Could not send the ample legation they wrote of because when the bp. of Rome again indicted a Council at Vincentia they thought they would have need of their learned men. Not that they would treat with the said Council, for they will never go from their recusation put forth last year and again protested at this last assembly at Brunswick, and, in spite of the bp. of Rome and Emperor, will not swerve from the confession of Augsburg. Christiern, king of Denmark and Norway, at the assembly at Brunswick, con vented to abolish Papal power in his realm, and would send an embassy to Henry if he knew that it would be agreeable, and this has partly stayed the other legation. In answer to Henry's question whether their league bound them simply to self-defence or to invade others if cause should so require ; although subjects of the Emperor the efforts of the Popish party to extinguish the Gospel have induced them to form a league to defend themselves but not to offend any man. The Princes think that as Henry has cast off the cruel yoke of Rome, a Christian league between him and them would be very desirable. At this assembly at Brunswick they made a decree with a view to preserving pure doctrine in their dominions for ever, which decree the ambassadors were ordered to translate from German into Latin, and show to Henry. Touching the Council at Vincentia, by his letters dated Greenwich, 2 Jan., Henry promised that he would send an ambassador to show them his mind upon religion, and afterwards sent Chr. Mont, but they could not perceive by him Henry's advice, and so thought best to send this first legation to desire:—
1. Excuse that the other legation is not sent. 2. That Henry will abolish in his realm all the wicked ceremonies of Rome. 3. To know whether the king of Denmark shall send his ambassadors with the next legation. 4. That when they have agreed upon the points of religion, Henry will join their league as protector of the whole confederacy. 5. To know Henry's full mind touching the General Council.
In Sadler's hand, pp. 14. Endd.: Oratio Germanorum.
This paper is clearly a translation of No. 650, with a slight modification in one place to adapt it to the time of the ambassadors' arrival in England.
1306. German Theology.
Harl. MS.
6148, f. 127.
B. M.
Articuli de dogmatibus quae nostras ecclesiae docent, ex Apologia P. M. [Ph. Melancthonis].
113 articles, the first being that they maintain the decree of the Nicene Council concerning the Trinity. Ends: Haec docemus; in doctrina perseverare est decretum usque ad generales (sic) consilii cognitionem; nihil dubitantes nos posse hos articulos tueri sacra scriptura contra omnes adversarios, etiam in generali consilio.
Latin, pp. 10.
This paper and that in Vol. X., No. 585, were probably drawn up with a view to the conferences which took place between the English and German divines in 1538. The latter document is to a great extent identical in language with the treatise which follows.
1307. German and English Theology.
(Parker Soc.)
App. 472.
A theological treatise setting forth the view taken [by the German divines] of 13 principal articles of the Christian faith, viz., the Trinity, Original Sin, the two Natures of Christ, Justification, the Church, Baptism, the Eucharist, penance, the use of the Sacraments, the ministers of the Church, rites and ceremonies, civil authority, and the Resurrection and last Judgment.
Lat., pp. 34, and a small separate slip belonging to the article De Ecclesia.
R. O. 2. Another draft in the same hand, with some slight variations, omitting the three articles after that about rites and ceremonies.
Lat., pp. 11. Begins (differently from § 1): Ecclesiae maguo consensu apud nos docent.
Cleop. E. v. 1.
B. M.
Eccl. Mem. I.
ii., No. 112.
3. Draft of part of the preceding treatise (fn. n12) containing definitions of the Church, of Justification, the Eucharist, &c., with the following headings in Tunstall's hand prefixed to the different sections, viz.: De Ecclesia, De Justificatione, De Eucharistia, De Baptismo.
Lat., pp. 4. The definition of the Church is corrected by the King in the margin, and will he found printed separately in Pocock's Burnet, IV. 408, with the King's corrections in footnotes.
R. O. 4. Another copy of the article De Justificatione.
Lat., pp. 2.
Cleop. E. v.
B. M.
5. Another copy of the same article, with slight alterations. Pp. 2. A blank leaf apparently belonging to this treatise and endorsed De Justificatione is at f. 100.
Ib. f. 4. 6. Another copy of the definition of justification a little more condensed in the language.
Lat., p. 1.
R. O. 7. Another copy of the article de Ecclesia incorporating the King's corrections.
Lat., pp. 2.
R. O. 8. Another copy of the article de Paenitentia with corrections in Cranmer's hand.
Lat., pp. 6.
Cleop. E. v.
B. M.
9. A continuation (apparently) of § 3 in the same hand, but without Tunstall's headings, containing articles De Penitentia and De Confessione (see Strype, pp. 445–6 down to the words Delicta quis intelligit?).
Lat., pp. 2.
Ib. f. 119. ii. Another article, De Poenitentia, (fn. n13) in the same hand, beginning Poenitentiam esse docemus ex animo non sine gravi dolore peccatum odio habere, and ending Est tamen fagienda omnis negligentia in his quoe animoe medicinam respiciunt.
Lat. pp. 2.
Ib. f. 120. 10. Another article, De Poenitentia, in a different hand, printed by Strype as part of the same treatise, pp. 446–9, beginning Clementissimus ac summe misericors Deus.
Lat., pp. 4.
Ib. f. 115. 11. Another article, De Poenitentia, beginning Summam et ineffabilem suam erga peccatores clementiam.
Lat., pp. G. With corrections, some of which are in Cranmer's hand.
Ib. f. 122 b. 12. The article, De Sacramentorum usu, as in Strype (pp. 449, 450).
Lat. p. 1. Endd.
R. O. 13. Another copy of the article De Ritibus Ecclesiaticis, with some differences.
Lat., pp. 2.
R. O. 14. Another copy of the article de Rebus Civilibus, headed by Cranmer: "de Civilibus Magistratibus."
Lat., pp. 6. Endd.
R. O. 15. Another copy of the article, de Corporum Resurrectione et Judicio Extremo, with slight differences.
Lat., p. 1.
R. O. 16. An article, de Missa Privata, with corrections and marginal notes in Cramer's hand (printed in Cranmer's Misc. Writings, 480).
Lat. pp. 9. Endd.: Articuli de utraque specie et de missa. privata.
R. O. 17. Two articles, de Veneratione Sanctorum and de Imayinibus, the text in the same hand (fn. n14) as the preceding (printed in Cranmer's Misc. Writings, 482).
Lat., pp. 15. Endd.: De Veneratione Sanctorum et de Imaginibus.
R. O. 18. Another copy of the same two articles, omitting most of the first paragraph and beginning Cum non ignoramus.
Pp. 16. Endd.
R. O. 19. An article on the orders of priests and bishops. Printed in Cranmer's Misc. Writings, (fn. n15) 484.
Cleop. E. v.
B. M.
20. An article De utraque specie, in favour of communion in both kinds.
Incip.: Pro certo et iudubitato habemus quod dominus et servator noster Jesus Christus in suprema ilia caena sua primitus instituerit ut sicuti corporis ita snnguinis sui sacramentum.
Expl.: sed omnibus sumere volentibus et valentibus in Domino concedatur.
Lat., pp. 7. Endd.
Cleop. E. v
B. M.
21. Paper on the Eucharist, defending Transubstantiation by arguments founded on passages from Ambrose, Augustine, Beda, Theo. and Cyril, with marginal notes by Hen. VIII.
Incip. : Sub alia tamen specie carnem et sanguinem suum tradidit Christus et deinceps sumendum instituit, ut fides haberet meritum quae de hiis est quae non videntur.
Lat., pp. 4. Endd.
Cleop. E v
162 b.
B. M.
22. Quotations from the Gospels, from Cyprian, Augustine, Ambrose, and Jerome, and reference to historical facts in support of the right of the laity to receive the communion in both kinds.
Incip.: Mathei, 26 capite. Expl.. Oliin in Eremo sancti patres in multis annis non ulla sacramenti specie communicarunt.
Lat., pp. 7.
Cleop. E. v.
23. Quotations from SS. Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, Anselm, and Dionisius Carthusianus referring to the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Lat., p. 1.
1308. The German Protestants.
Three papers in justification of their position, i. De Potestate et Primatu Papae. Giving arguments against it from the Bible and Church history, and showing that the Pope is anti-Christ and promotes false doctrines,
R O, ii. De Potestate et jurisdictione Episcoporum. Referring to the Confession [of Augsburg] and Apologia, in which we have discussed generally the subject of ecclesiastical power, and maintaining that the authority of bishops is common with that of priests who preside over churches.
iii. Articulus ex responso Caesareae Majestatis oratori et vicecancellario, Doctori Matthiae Held dato de Concilio indicto, in Latinum translatus propter Legatum Pontificis- ibidem praesentem. Dated in oppido Smalkallen, die Matthias 1537, [See Vol. XIL, Pt. i., No. 564.]
Lat., pp. 13. Endd. in a hand perhaps slightly later :1537.
R. O, 2. Nine articles of a Protestant character on certain points of theology, numbered as follows:—
4. "Docendum quod homines non suis mentis ant operibus solum, sed Dei gratia et virtute Passionis Christi, per fidem integram, sinceram atque efficacem redimuntur ac salvantur."
7. On the Church.
12. "De poenitentia," by which sinners have forgiveness quocumque tempore convertantur et poeniteant, and which consists of two parts, contrition and faith.
14. "De ordinae ecclesiastico."
15. "De ritibus ecclesiasticis,"
16. "De rebus civilibus."
18. "De libero arbitrio."
19. "De causa peccati."
20. "De bonis operibus".
Lat pp. 4.
1309. Grants in June 1538.
1. Anth. Barwys. To be feodary of crown lands in Cumberland; with authority to take into the King's hands the persons of heirs under age and deliver them to Sir Wm. Paulett, keeper or master of such heirs. Westm., 1 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII. , p. 2, m. 22.
2. Sir Hen. Clifford, lord Clifford. To be chief steward of the possessions in co. York which came to the King by the attainder of Sir Stephen Hamerton; with fees of 3l. a year and the appointment of an under steward. Del. Westm., 1 June 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 8, m. 15.
3. Sir John Seyntloo. Grant, in tail male, of the reversions and rents reserved upon the following leases, viz.:—
(1.) To Edw. Fetyplace, of Donyngton, Berks., 4 Oct. 28 Hen. VIII., of the house and site of the dissolved priory of Worspryng, Somers., with lands thereto belonging; and meadows called Elmam Mede and Worle Mede in Worle, Somers; which belonged to the said late priory; with reservations; for 21 years; at rents of 11l. 7s. 10d. for the said site, &c., and 31s. 8d. for the meadows.
(2.) To Thos. Horner, 20 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII., of the manor of Lokkyng, Somers., parcel of the said late priory ; with reservations; for 21 years; at 24l. 18s. 11d. rent.
To hold the house, &c., in as full manner as Rog. Turmenton, the late prior, held them in right of his priory, by the annual rent of 26s. as tenth. Del. Westm., 1 June 30 Hen. VIII.— S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 29.
4. Anne George, alias Anne Parrott, of London, spinster. Pardon for having on the 2 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII. at London, in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East, in Tower Ward, broken and entered the dwelling- house of Ric. Rede, mariner, and stolen certain articles of apparel, &c. Westm., 1 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII. , p. 8, m. 5.
5. City of York:—Commission to John North, the mayor, Sir Nich. Fayrefax, Sir Wm. Fayrefax, and Win. Thwaytes, of Marston; to hold inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of John Stillyngton. Westm., 1 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII, p. 5, m. 29d.
6. Cheshire:—Commission of Sewers to Sir Wm. Stanley, Sir Wm. Norres, Sir John Downe, Hugh Calveley, Wm. Snede, Robt. Chauntrell, John Hocknell, Ric. Bumbury, Robt. Aldersley, Hugh Aldersley, John Thornton, and Robt. Calcote; for the district from Bangorbrigge unto the Redebanke within the Ryver of Dee, Cheshire. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII. , p. 1, m. 21d.
7. Thos. Gifforde, one of the gentlemen ushers, of the King's Chamber. To be steward of the lordship and manor of Shenston, Staff., vice Walt. Walshe, deceased ; with fees of 4l. a year; in as full manner as the said Walter or Sir Wm. Smyth, deceased, held the office. Greenwich, 28 May 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 29.
8. Sir John Russell, comptroller of the Household, and Anne his wife. Grant, in tail male, of the manors or lordships of Castell Bitham and Parva Bytham, Line, parcel of the lands of John lord Hussey, attainted. To hold as of the manor of Colyweston, Northt. Del. 3 June 30 Hen. VIII—P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 15.
9. Hen. Parker, one of the pages of the King's Chamber. Lease of the rectory of Rachdalc with the chapels of Sadilworth and Butterworth and all other chapels annexed to the said rectory, &c., parcel of the lands lately belonging to the monastery of Whalley, Lanc., and in the King's hands by the attainder of John, the late abbot; for 21 years; at 102l. 7d. rent. Del. Westm., 3 June 30 Hen. VIII.-S.B. b. Pat p. 8, m. 3.
10. Lewis Fortsscue and John Rugeway. Commission as feodaries of the crown lands in cos. Devon and Cornwall, to take into the King's hands the persons of all heirs under age and deliver them to Sir Wm. Paulett, keeper or master of such heirs. Westm., 3 June, Pat. 30 Hen. VIII, p. 3, m. 6.
11. Commission of the peace. Liberty of the dean and chapter of St. Peter's, York.—Sir Thos. Audley, C, Thos. Crumwell, lord Crumwell, Privy Seal, Chris. Jennye, serjeant-at-law, John Hynde, ser- jeant-at-law, Brian Hygdon, elk., dean of York Cathedral, Sir Ric. Page, Thos. Fayrfax, serjeant-at-law, Wm. Babthorp, Robt. Chaloner, Wm. Harryngton, John Polleyn, Leonard Beckwyth, Miles Newton, Wm. Maunsell, Robt. Wallis, elk. 3 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII, p. 1, m. 14d.
12. Geo. earl of Shrewsbury. Grant in fee of the site, ground, &c., of the dissolved priory of Flannesford, Heref., the chapel of Flannesford, the manor or house of Flannesford, the manor of Pauneswyke, Glouc., and all lands, &c., in Flannesford, walford, Wytchurch, and Goodriche, Heref., and in Pauneswyke, Ludbroke, and Maunselthope, Glouc, parcel of the said late priory or chapel, in as full manner as Robt. Foster, the late prior, held them in right of the said priory and chapel. Annual value, 14l. 11s. 4d., as certified into the Exchequer at Westminster; rent 29s. l ¾ d. Also licence to found a chantry on the site of the late priory, of one chaplain to pray for the good estate of the King and the said earl; to be called the chantry of George earl of Shrewsbury at Flannesford; and mortmain licence to endow the same with the above possessions in frank almoigne. The earl and his heirs to be released from payment of the above rent as soon as the chantry is founded. Del Westm., 4 June 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
13. Ric. Hill and Kliz. his wife. Grant, in tail male, of the house and site of the dissolved priory of Wynteney, Hants.; the church, steeple, and churchyard of the same; the manor of Herteley Wynteney and the rectory and advowson of Herteley Wynteney, Hants.; and all lands, &c., in Herteley, Sutton, Wynteney and in WinChester, Hants., belonging to the said mauor and rectory. Annual value, 26l. 14s. 9d.; rent, 53s. 6d. Palace of Greenwiche, 31 May 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 June. —P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
14. Edm. Copyndale. .Annuity of 5l. 2s. 4d. , issuing from the lands, of Robt. Wilson, dec., in co. York; with the wardship and marriage of Anth. Wilson, s. and h. of the said Robt. Hampton Court, 28 June 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 June 30 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 5.
15. Thos. Holcroft. Annuity of 20l. issuing out of the possessions of Thos. Shirborne, dec, in Lancashire; with the wardship and marriage of Ric. Shirborne, s. and h. of the said Thos. Westm., 31 May 30 Hen. VIII Del. 4 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
16. John Purden. Lease of the site of the late priory of Walingford, Berks., and divers lands there, now in the tenure of the said John, in certain fields specified ; the orchard and other lands within the circuit of the late monastery; and a close in Walingford aforesaid called Bodycroft with two small pightels thereto adjoining; all which belonged to the suppressed priory of Walingford, and are in the King's hands by the attainder of Thomas, late cardinal, abp. of York; with reservations; for 21 years; at rents of 10l. for the site and lands now in the tenure of the said John, 13s. 4d. for the close called Body ford, and 10s. of increase. Del. Westm., 4 June 30 Hen. VIII—S.B. b. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
17. Edw. Harrys. Lease of 12 acres of land culled Pencarreg and Byblyns in the lordship of Uske, six acres called Enes Grove in the lordship of Tregrek, six acres in Uske lying between the meadow of Kdw. ap Jankyn, the road to Llaubadok, and the lands of John Thomas, and three acres in Gorlode Howeil Bady in the parish of Llanbadok; paieel of the earldom of March; with reservations ; for 21 years; at rents for the first three parcels of 23s. 10d. and 20d. increase, and for the last of 2s. 6d. and 12d. increase. The premises were leased 4 May 11 Hen. VIII. to Win. Jones, who, 12 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII., sold the lease to Watkyn Harrys, yeoman of the Chamber, by whom it is now surrendered in order to be granted to the said Edw. Harrys. Del. YVestm., 5 June.—S.B.
18. Wm. Goddard. Pardon for having acquired without licence, from Christopher Morgan and Joan his wife, a third part of the manor of Bury Blondesdon, and certain messages, lands, &c., in Bury Blondesdon, Wilts.; and also to Alex. Haydok'for having acquired the same to himself and his heirs from the said William. Westm., 5 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII. , p. 6, m. 5.
19. Ric. Grenwaye, one of the Ring's gentlemen ushers. Reversion on the death of the Queen Consort (fn. n16) Jane, of the office of bailiff of the lordship or manor of Wendover, which he now holds by letters patent of the said Queen (who holds the said lordship for life) dated 14 April 28 Hen. VIII.; which letters patent of the said Queen are hereby confirmed. Westm., 23 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Del G June 30 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Enrolled with date: the sixte day of June and xxix year of oure reigne. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII. , p. 3, m. 9.
20. Edw. Northe. Release of the annual rent of 33l. 6s. 8d. issuing from the manor or lordship of Kerselyng, alias Kyrtelyng, Camb., with appurtenances in Kertelyng and Long Staunton, Camb.; which premises v ere granted by patent 12 May 6 Hen. VIII. to Sir John Sharpe in fee simple, after which Wm. Sulyard, Ralph Waren, citizen and alderman of London, Nich. Ruckwood, Wm. Wylkynson, John Judde, and Andrew Judde, were seised of the said manor. And the rent was granted to the said Edw. Northe by patent 7 June 27 Hen. VIII. And the manor and rent and all things specified in the said patents were granted and comirmed to the said Edw. in parliament, 28 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm 6 June 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B. pat.p.6, m.l8.
21. Sir Ralph Ellerker. To be chief steward of the possessions in cos. Line, and York which came to the King by the attainder of Sir Robt. Constable; with fees of 5l. a year and the appointment of an under steward. Greenwich,6 June 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 3,m. 9.
22. Sir Wm. Evarg. To be chief steward of the possessions in cos. Line, and York which came to the King by the attainder of Adam Sedbar, late abbot of Jarvaux, Yorks.; with fees of 5l. a year, and the appointment of an under steward. Westm. Palace, 7 .May 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 9,
23. Thos. Jeynes, of the parish of Goldeclyff, marches of Wales, grazier, alias Thos. Jones, alias Thos. Walssheman,of Beaulieu, Hants., yeoman. Pardon for the death of Wm. David Phillippe, alias Phillippes, of the parish of Christechurche, in the lordship of Llabenncth, grazier, slain by him at the lordship of Llabenneth. Del. Westm., 12 June 30 Hen. VIII—S.B. Pat .p. 3, m. 14.
24. Essex:—Commission of peace to Sir Thos. Audeley, C, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Chas. duke of Suffolk, Thos. Crumwell, lord Crumwell, Privy Seal, John earl of Oxford, Hen. earl of Essex, Thos. earl of Rutland, Thos. earl of Sussex, Wm. earl of Southampton, Hen. lord Fitzwater, Hen. lord Morley, Wm. bp. of Colchester, Robt. abbot of Waltham Holy Cross, John abbot of St. Osith's, Sir John Spelman, John Baker the Attorney-General, Sir Brian Tuke, Sir Ric. Riche, Sir Giles Capell, Sir Roger Went worth, Sir Wm. Pyrton, Sir Thos. Darcy, Sir Humph. Wyngfeld, Sir John Seyntclere, Sir John Tyrell, Humph. Drown ,King's serjeant-at-law, Sir Rog. Cholmeley, servant at- law, John Smyth, Eustace Sulyerd, John poyntz, of Huckynton, Edw. Tyrell, Anthony Darcy, Edw. Grene, John Gatis, John Broune, John Jenour, Hen. Mackwilliam, John Berners, John Lucas John Hasylwood, sen., Robt. Mordaunt, Ric. Higham, John Pylborough, Barth. Prousc, John Edmundrs, Thos. Teye, Guy Crayford, John Blake. Westm., 12 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII. , p. 1, m. 5d.
25. Wm. earl of Southampton and Mabel his wife. Licence to alienate the manor of Yoxhall and certain messuages, cottages, &c., in Yoxhall, and the advowson of Yoxhall church, to [Sir] Wm. Hollys and Eliz. his wife, in survivorship; with remainder to Francis Hollys, son of the said Win. Hollys, knt., and the heirs of his body; with contingent remainder to Wm. Hollys, son of the said Sir Wm, Hollys, and the heirs of his body; with contingent remainder to Joan Wyddon, daughter of Anne Wyddon, daughter of the said Sir Wm. and Eliz.; with contingent remainder to the right heirs of the said Sir Wm. Westm., 14 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII, p. 2, m. 50.
26. Robt. Acton and Chas. Acton, son of the said Robt. Grant, in fee, of the manor of Crouche, near le Wyche, Wore, and all tithes grooving thereon ; the chapel of St. James, in Crouche, the manor of Co Ideas ton, alias Litell Aston, Gloue.; and all tithes of corn and hay in the parish of Nethergethyn, Glouc.; 4 messuages and 4 cornelia of land in Holyn, Worc, which Wm. Burreston, John Burreston, Thos. Combre, and Ric. Afterleye, hold by copy of court roll; 2 messuages and lands in Stildon, Wore, which Ric. Rufford holds; 2 messuages and lands in Stildon, which John Bynte holds ; and all lands in the vill of Glassampton, in the parish of Asteley, Wore, now in the tenure of Walter Mount, and all manors, lands, &c, in the vills, fields, &c, of Crouche, Stildon, Holyn, and Glassanton, alias Glassampton, Wore, and Coldeaston, alias Litell Aston, Gloue., belonging to the dissolved monastery of Westwood. To hold the premises (all which belonged to the said late monastery) in as full manner as Jocosa Acton, the lute prioress, enjoyed them. Del. Westm., 18 June 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
27. William Clyftoune, merchant tailor, of London. Licence to buy and export 120,000 lbs. of bell metal during four years, and during that time to import any merchandise that shall stand with the laws of the realm. Westm., 18 June. French Boll, 30 Hen. VIII. , m. 1.
28. Liberty of the abbot of St. Alban's. Commission of the peace and of oyer and terminer to Sir Thos. Audeley, C, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Thos. Crumwell, lord Crumwell, Privy Seal, Ric. abbot of St. Alban's, Sir John Baldwyn, Sir John Russell, sen., Sir Ric. Riche, Sir Fras. Brian, Sir Hen. Parker, Sir Rog. Cholmeley, serjeant-at-law, Ric. Crumwell, Edm. Knyghtley, serjeant-at-law, John Conyngesby, John Italics, Ralph Rowlett, Thos. Knyghton, John Peryent, sen., Wm. Heydon, Edw. Brokett, Ralph Lane, jun., Thos. Bromeley, John Ncwdigatc, Robt. Drury, John Cok, John Sewster, Hen. Heydon, Thos. Hemmyng, Ric. Harvy. Westm., 18 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII. , p. 1, m. 13d.
29. John Fletewood. To be usher of the change and money in the Tower of London, with the houses there called the Martin Tower, near the said Tower of London; with fees as enjoyed by John Greneacres, Ralph Jenet, and John Pate; on surrender of patent 28 Hen. VIII. granting the 6ame to David Vincent, keeper of the Wardrobe at Greenwich. Westm., 20 June. Pat 30 Hen. VIII. , p. 2, m. 1.
30. Sir Fras. Bryan, knight of the Royal Body. To be steward of the manors of Newnam Courteney and Ewelme, Oxon., bailiff of Newnam Courteney, and master of Ihe deer of Ewelme park, as Hen. Norres enjoyed the same Westm., 22 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII, p. 2, m. 2.
31. Barth. Butler, alias Rougecrosse, pursuivant-at-arms. To be York Herald with 20 mks. a year from the feast of Annunciation last, with rights, &c, as enjoyed by Alan Dagonet, dec. Greenwich, 14 June 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 June 30 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
32. Thos. Wylson, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Thursthorp, Line dioe, vice Robt. Hansart, dee, at the King's disposal by the minority of John, s. and h. of Maurice Berkley, dec, and also by the minority of Edw., s. and h. of Bulleyn, late wife of Sir Edw. Bulleyn, likewise deceased. Del. Westm., 24 June 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2,m. 7 .
33. George ap Matthew Gogh, of Pool (Pola), in the lordship of Powes, labourer. Pardon as accessory to the murder of Roger Lloid at Pool by David Vachan ap Matthew Gough of Pcol, yeoman, 7 Jan. 24 Hen. VIII.; the said George having been present aiding and abetting with Peter ap David, husbandman, John ap Jevan ap Tuder, Matthew Say, Roger Wydd, John William, David ap John Edwardes, labourers, John 2p Ll'n, mercer, and Gruff ap D'd ap Owen, labourer; all of Pool. Del. Westm., 24 June 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
34. Wm. Bradbury, jun. To be clerk of the Crown in co. Essex, vice Ric. Lyndesell, deceased. Greenwich, 16 June 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 June—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 5.
35. Anth. Toto, painter, a native of Florence in the Emperor's dominions. Denization. Westm., 4 June 30 Hen. V III. Del. Westm., 26 June—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 17. Rymer XIV., p. 595.
36. Thos. Colepcper, (fn. n17) one of the gentlemen of the Privy Chamber. To be keeper of the Armoury for the King's Body and of other habiliments of war in the long galleries of the tilt yard at Grenewiche, Kent; with fees, &c, as George Lovekyn, dee, or Sir John Dudley had ; with an annuity of 100 marks. Del. Westm., 27 June 30 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 8, m. 2.
37. Edm. Harmon, one of the grooms of the King's Chamber. To be steward of the lordships or manors of Laugley Marrays, alias Laugley Marishe, and Wirardysbury, and keeper of the park of Langley Marreys, Bucks., in as full manner as Sir Edw. Baynton and Hen. Seymour held the same; with the herbage and pannage of. the said parks. Westm., 27 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII, p. 8, m. 4.
38. Joan Brigman, widow. Annuity of 5 mks. out of the manor of Chesthunt, Herts., in consideration of her services to Henry duke of Richmond, dec, in his childhood; to date from Lady Day 27 Hen. VIII. Westm. Palace, 23 May 30 Hen. VIII. Del. 27 June.—P.S.
39. Wm. Pen, of Westminster, late commonachus of Wm. abbot of St. Peter's, Westminster, and Anth. Pen, of Westminster, yeoman. Pardon for all felonies committed by them within the church of St. Peter, Westminster, or the precincts of the sanctuary and monastery of St. Peter aforesaid. Greenwich, 16 June 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm.—P.S. Pat. p. 8, m. 17.
40. Thos. Megges. Grant, in fee, of the manor of Thyrlyng, Camb. and Norf., and all lands, &c., in Thyrlyng and Upwell, which belonged to the late priory of Ixworth, in as full manner as Wm. Blome, the late prior, enjoyed them. Annual value, 109s. 10d.; rent, 11s. Westm., l June 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
41. Commissions of gaol delivery: —
Cambridge Castle: Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Ric. Lyster, Thos. FitzHugh, and Ric. Mylward; to meet at Newmarket.
The same for Huntingdon gaol, Ipswich gaol, Norwich Castle, Bedford Castle, Bury St. Edmund's gaol, and Aylesbury gaol.
Oxford Castle and Berks. ("Gaolam Regis Castri Oxon. et Berk.") :—Sir John Porte, Edward Mountague, King's serjeant- at-law, John Porte, jun., and Thos. Sutton.
The same for Gloucester Castle, Worcester Castle, Hereford Castle, Shrewsbury Castle, and Stafford gaol.
Derby gaol: Sir Walter Luke, Humph. Broun, King's serjeant-at-law, Jonn Jenour, and Ric. Jenour.
The same for Coventry City gaol, Notting- ham gaol, Warwick gaol, Leicester gaol, Northampton Castle, Okeham gaol, Notting- ham Town gaoly Lincoln Castle, and Lincoln City gaol.
Newcastle-upon- Tyne Castle : Sir Chris. Jenney, John Hynde, King's serjeant-at- law, and Fras. Trobyser.
The same for Newcastle gaol, Carlisle Castle, York Castle, York City gaol, and Appulby Castle.
Guildford Castle: Sir John Spelman, John Baker, attorney-general, Ant. Broun, and John By II.
The same for Lewys Castle, Canterbury Castle, Colchester Castle, and Hertford Castle.
Winchester Castle : Sir John FitzJames, Sir Thos. Willoughby, Nich. Rokewood, and John Dyer.
The same for Fyssherton Anger gaol, Dorchester gaol, Yevelchester gaol, Exeter Castle, and Launceston Castle.
Westm., 28 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII., p. 1 ,m. 1d.
42. Sir Wm. Poulett. Pardon for having acquired to himself and his heirs, of Margaret countess of Salisbury and Sir Henry Pole lord Mountague by fine levied Mich. 29 Hen. VIII., 30/. 13a. 2c?. rent in Basyngstoke, and 12/. rent in Andever, ! Hants. Westm., 29 June. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII., p. 3, m. 8.
43. Sir Chr. Jenny, King's serjeant-at- law. To bo a justice of the Common Pleas. Del Westm., 30 June 30 Hen. VIII.--S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
44. Sir Ric. Long. Grant of the reversions and the rents reserved upon the following leases, viz.:—
(1.) To Robt. Long, 20 July 29 Hen. V11L, of the house and site of the dissolved priory of Kyngton, Wilts., with reservations; for 21 years, at 100s. rent.
(2.) To the same, 20 June 29 Hen. VIII, of the rectory of the parish church of Kyngton, Wilts., belonging to the said late priory (with reservation of the vicarage) ; for 21 years ; 6/. 13s. 4c?. rent.
Also grant, as above, of the manors of Kyngton and Somerford, Wilts.; pensions of 13s. Ad. from the vicarage of Twyverton, Somers., and 6s. 8c/. from the vicarage of Ktourpayne, Dorset; tithes in Ufcote, Cad-denham, and Calne, Wilts.; and all manors, messuages, &c, in the vills, fields, &c, of Kyngton, Malmesburie, Westporte, Parva Sheraton, Leghe Dalamer, SSomerford, Boy-ton, Uscote, Caddenham, and Calne, Wilts., Bradley, Hants., Camme and Dodington, Glouc, the town of Bristol, Twyverton, Somers., Stourepayiie, Dorset, and elsewhere in said cos. belonging to the said late priory ; in as full manner as Mary Denys, the late prioress, held them in right of her priory. Annual value, 39/.; rent, 78s. Del. Westm., 30 June 30 Hen.VIII—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 27.
1310. Henry Polsted to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends an .abstract of a bargain to be made between Cromwell and Sir John Dudley, and will wait upon him at Court tomorrow to know his pleasure therein. Never heard from Dudley since he came first, when Cromwell was at Mortlake, and knows he must make shift for money. Would be loth that Cromwell should set him at large for Halden, unless his Lordship stood in more assurance of Westynghanger. Was wrong in saying that the manors in Gloucestershire are charged with the marriage money of the late lady Lesley's daughters. The 1,000l. that should be levied after the death of lord Lisle and his now wife goes to the payment of lord Lysle's debts, or otherwise as he will dispose by will.
Thanks him for writing in his favour to the abbot of Reading. The Rolls, Friday morning.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My Lord my master. Endd.
1311. Lancaster Herald.
R. O. "Articles against Thomas Myller otherwise called Lancaster Herald of Arms." (fn. n22)
(1.) That, 20th October 28 Hen. VIII, he encouraged the rebels at Pomfret by kneeling before Robert Ask. (2.) That, about the 26th of the same month, he promised the rebels that they should have the lord Privy Seal delivered to them and have their other demands granted. (3.) That he came to Doncaster and discouraged the King's army by exaggerating the force of the rebels, saying 10,000 of them had horses worth 20 angels apiece. (4.) That he showed the King's counsels to the rebels. (5.) The false and detestable lies and rumours against the lord Privy Seal were mostly due to his lies. (6.) That in October in this present year, 29 Hen. VIII, at Hampton Court, Midd., in the chapel— (fn. n18) Smythewyke asked him how the Northern men could be brought together, seeing they had but two flags and no trumpets, drumslades, tabors, or other instruments. He answered it was marvel, but such was God; implying that God had helped the rebels.
Pp. 2. Endd.
1312. Lancaster Herald.
R. O. "The procurement of Somerset herald to Bluemantle pursuivant against Lancaster."
The said Somerset lying in bed at Greenwich on New Year's even last with the said Bluemantle and Berwick being in another bed in the same chamber, Somerset commanded Bluemantle in the name of the King and Council, as he was Commissioner with Garter and Clarencieux, to examine the whole office concerning Lancaster, what he heard say among the commons at Hull of the said Lancaster. Bluemantle answered, Have you any such commandment? Somerset said Yes. Bluemantle theu said he never heard any evil report of Lancaster except from them two, Somerset and Berwick. Somerset then asked what he heard of them; Bluemantle said You know best yourselves, for you told it me. Somerset said, You shall tell another tale than thus or it shall cost you your life. Then said Bluemantle to Berwick, Ye know what ye said to me at Stepney at the burial of the bp. of Carlisle? Berwick answered, What said I there to you? Bluemantle said If I be examined afore them that hath given Somerset this commission I shall show it to them. Signed: Per me Blewemantyll porsewand.
In Uvedale's hand, p. 1. Add.. To, &c. my lord of the Privy Seal.
1313. Lancaster Herald to Cromwell, Lord Privy Seal.
E. I. 224.
B. M.
"Please it your good Lordship of your charitable goodness to be advertised of the old malice that Clarencieux hath borne unto your poor beadsman Lancaster," and of the malice of Somerset by procurement of the said Clarencieux, and this known and my articles answered I trust to have your favour. In record of the same I will be judged by all my company.
(1.) First Clarencieux bears a grudge against him for the record he bore to Mr. Garter for the untrue report that Clarencieux, then being Carlisle, made of your Lordship, saying that Garter, then being Richmond, had given your Lordship" a great reward to be made Norrey, which Garter brought me to record with him that I heard him say and I report it to your Lordship between your place of Stepney and London. For this he has never been able to obtain Clarencieux's favour, although he has sued often for it. All the old officers of arms know it to be true. (2.) Where Cromwell gave out bills to them all to publish the King's pardon in the North and Clarcncicux's bill was to York, Mydlam, Richmond, Barnecastell, Doresme, and Newe Castell, the King's Council there, as my lord of Norfolk, my lord Steward, and my lord Admiral, sent Clarencieux to the West and gave Lancaster the circuit originally intended for Clarencieux, because it was the most dangerous. Then Clarencieux, supposing that Lancaster had sued him from the said circuit (which circuits were written in Norfolk's own hand) was grieved, saying that if he lived he would surely quit me, insomuch that I have desired him to leave his fury and malice in showing him that it was nother my will nor my deed, it was the Council's. But all would not serve, and he has got Somerset and Berwick falsely to accuse the writer. (3.) On the bishop of Carlisle's death, Sir Wm, Kingston and Sir John Dauncy being executors, Mr. Garter sent petitioner to Mr. Kingston to know whether he would have any officers of arms at the Bishop's burial. Mr. Kingston told him to come again next day. Did so and found there Berwick, sent by Clarencieux, who said Garter had no authority. Replied that the Bishop was a lord of the Parliament and therefore Garter ought to have the burial, as he had the seats in the Parliament House and the gowns of creation of temporal lords. Clarencieux showed his patent to Mr. Dauncy, but it contained no title for Clarencieux's demands. Mr. Kingston said that unless Garter and Clarencieux would agree there would be none at all; so they agreed to send one, but Clarencieux nevertheless took great displeasure that petitioner was Garter's messenger in this, and said a day would come when he would quit him (petitioner). Trusts Cromwell will not now suffer him to be thus unjustly cast away. (4.) There is a debate between Garter and Clarencieux about their offices; and petitioner, being Garter's marshal of his office, is blamed by Clarencieux as being the author of it. Clarencieux said as much to Garter at Hampton Court at the Queen's burial. Garter and others have tried to reconcile Clarencieux to him, but all in vain. Trusts Cromwell will have remorse and pity to sec him thus handled.
Complains also at some length of the malice of Somerset, by the maintenance of some of his kinsmen, and trusts that his living and conversation will bear favourable comparison with that of Somerset. Trusts Cromwell will take pains in the indifferent trial of this matter and that the falsehood shall be known and how I have spent my time amongst the commons (?) and the fruit thereof also. Clarencieux also doth envy and malice the said Lancaster, because Lancaster chanced to come into a painter's house in Chepe Side, called John Childe, and there spied a patent of arms granted by Clarencieux, at Berwick's procurement, to a stranger, one Hanse Barne, of the Steelyard (descended, as Hammes has since proved, of a vile stock), contrary to the statutes of his office; for a stranger was never ennobled before except upon the King's special command to Garter. Moreover Clarencieax sware the said painter to keep the patent secret. Petitioner took a trick of the said arms und showed it to Garter, who thereupon reasoned with Clarencieux, who could not deny them,
ii. This is to certify your Lordship of the demeanour and living of Clarencieux and Somerset, the accusers of your poor orator, Lancaster Herald.
At the Queen's interment at Windsor, Clarencieux was so distempered that in coming out of Mr. Treasurer's chamber the day after the Queen's burial he fell down the stairs and petitioner being behind catched at him, but missed him, and if he had not stayed on Mr. Garter and Chester he had broken his neck. Afterwards Clarencieux and Somerset went to their lodging together and kept such rule that Clarencieux fell out with his servant, a naughty fellow as ever was, who brake Clarencieux's head with a pewter pot very sore, being his master, and the constable took the said naughty fellow to ward. The same night Somerset would have ravished the maid of the house, and in struggling with her wrang her throat so that for a great space she could not get her breath. This was confessed to Mr. Garter by the maid and by the goodman and mistress of the he use in presence of Chester, Richmond, Lancaster, Harames and Blanchelyon. Hammes lay in the same house with Clarencieux and Somerset and saw all. Also for the common, hassardey hath been ever the chief delight of the said Clarencieux, and favours those that be of that sort; which vices are clean contrary to their oath. Somerset has three wives all living, and there is great exclamation of his unreasonable spending of their goods and misordering of them. All his life he has used dicing and naughty company, and he has riotously spent all the land his father gave him and is in such debt that he dare not come in London openly. Eight days before Michaelmas last Somerset was at St. Oswald's Abbey, Yorks., and because the prior did not receive him like a great man he called the prior naughty fellow, and said if he had not brought him his pardon he should have been hanged, &c., and would not stay in the house, but in the town. Meanwhile Lancaster, on his way from Sir Henry Savell's to the lord Steward, came thither, and the prior told him of the above and said the herald was in the town at an alehouse. Went, to speak with him, but found he had gone to Doncaster. Refers to Carlisle herald for Somerset's demeanour at Doncaster.
On New Year's Day was twelvemonth when your Lordship's style was proclaimed by Master Garter in the King's hall, the said Somerset rebelling at the same, said it was more than your Lordship should or ought to have, as Garter can witness.
Pp. 9. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
1314. [Queen Mary of Hungary.]
Lanz, ii. 682. Instruction for the count of Phalaix sent to the Emperor
1. To show the need of the Emperor sending men and money to defend the country in case of attack. 2. That in treating of the marriage between the king of England and the duchess of Milan care must be taken that the two kingdoms (fn. n19) do not unite. 2. The young duke of Cleves is sworn throughout the towns of Gucldres, and Nassau and De Praet have given up their charges. On which the Emperor replies that he has declared his mind to the duke of Arschot, &c.


  • n1. James Basset.
  • n2. Doubtless Mabel Brigge. See Nos. 487, 705.
  • n3. The commencement and conclusion of this are printed in Rymer, xiv., p. 606.
  • n4. Tuke was appointed Treasurer of the Chamber on the 13 April 1528. See Vol. IV., No, 4170.
  • n5. Meaning, no doubt, his own reply to Cochloeus. See No. 1223.
  • n6. George Day, S.T.P., who was elected master of King's College, 5 June 1538.
  • n7. The MS. is a volume containing the original text of Wyatt's poems, with his own autograph in some places; but the handwriting of this letter seems to be Elizabethan.
  • n8. Sir William Hawte.
  • n9. Sir Henry Wyatt.
  • n10. Richard III.
  • n11. "The figure has been altered by the writer, who apparently had written xiii. meaning perhaps to have added a final j, but afterwards wrote a v across."
  • n12. What Strvpe prints as if it were one treatise (although the words Aliter et prolixins de Poenitentia on p. 446 are an indication to the contrary ) is really composed of this paper and § 9 i., § 10, and § 12 put together.
  • n13. Probably this is really the beginning of the article of which Strype has only printed the latter part. If the leaves were folded the other way it would appear so."
  • n14. The statement of the editor of Cranmer's Misc. Writings that the titles of these two articles are in Cramner's hand is more than doubtful,
  • n15. The title at the head. De Ordine et Ministerio saeerdotum et Episcoporum, is not in the MS., but has been prefixed by the editor.
  • n16. This is worded throughout as if queen Jane were living, though even the first date on the privy seal is three months after her death. The enrolment looks as if it had been purposely antedated, to give the document a seeming validity.
  • n17. Colepeter on the roll, but Colepeper on the S.B.
  • n18. Blank.
  • n19. England and Denmark.
  • n20. Apparently a letter drawn up by Sir Thomas Palmer for Lisle to write to Cromwell.
  • n21. Undoubtedly Adam Damplip. See No. 1219 (which perhaps this letter should have preceded). Compare Foxe, V. 498.
  • n22. This paper is printed in S.P. i. 487, in a footnote, all except the last article which is on the second page.