Henry VIII: June 1538, 11-20

Pages 435-455

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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June 1538, 11-20

11 June. 1167. Archbp. of York to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for having made a concord of the unnatural variance between lady Whetell of Calais and her eldest son Robt. Whetell. Asks him to move them to pay the marriage money of her daughter, the writer's kinswoman, wife of the bearer, his servant. Cawodde, 11 June 1538. Signed.
P. 1. Add: Privy Seal. Endd.
11 June. 1168. Kenilworth Park.
Add. MS.
9,835 f. 20.
B. M.
Warrant of Chas. duke of Suffolk, warden and chief justice in eyre of the forests, &c., on this side Trent, to the keeper of the King's park at Kyllyngworth, to deliver a fee buck to Win, Reskymer. Eltham, 11 June 30 Hen. VIII.
11 June. 1169. Ric. Brandisby to his Brother Peter.
R.O. Asks whether he has received the letters he lately sent to my lord of Durham, Mr. Hylherd, Mr. Morison, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Day, Mr. Wad, and Mr. Nevill, and which he desires him to get delivered. You should have had yours sooner if I could have certified my Lord of his book which Mr. Layton left with me. I thank you for speaking to John Somer, Edw. Bradby, and Thos. Wylkes (or Wykkes) for me. I told Wylkes lately on Whitsun eve (fn. n1) what you wrote, that if he would "take" me here 12 cr. you would see him paid in London. He said he and his company had bestowed all they could spare, and had only enough for his journey. He is coming shortly to London. So I have received nothing from him, nor from Edward, nor John Somer. I beg you therefore to send to one of them if they are in Roan. I doubt not that the letters I sent to Mr. Wad will speed. If you have been among our friends, write in your next letter how they do. The letters I sent you lately were directed to Mr. Barker's at the Legg in Chepe, and conveyed by one Story, servant to my lord of Winchester. I sent lately letters to the same place for you, my mother, and lady Tunstall. Have these inclosed to Mr. Day when you can. He tarries altogether in the Court now. I had letters from him lately. If you think best, you may get Mr. Marbery to write to Edward. "Let your letters be directed at the Fontayne to Vascosamis, or else to Bayn, in Mignion college." Mr. Barker's brother Anthony, who was here, can get your letters surely and well sent hither. Mr. Stokes, my lord of Bath's nephew, returns not hither. Paris, 11 June.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Mr. Peter Brandisby within Mr. George Robinson's in Aldermary's churchyard at London.
11 June. 1170. Ric Brandisby to Anthony Barker.
R. O. Thanks him for his kindness. Asks him to let his servant deliver the accompanying letters to John Sharpe in Chepe, who forwards letters to the writer's brother. Paris, 11 June.
Desires to be commended to Mr. Doctor Raynoldes.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
12 June. 1171. Cranmer to Cromwell.
R. O.
C.'s Letters,
While at Croydon, on his way to the King a twelvemonth ago, his chaplains found that the names of the bps. of Rome were not put out of the books in the church there. Sent for the books and the priests and showed them the places, and discharged the parish priest of his service. During these holidays (fn. n2) the dean of Arches said mass with a book belonging to one of the chantry priests of the same church, and found it was not amended. Does not know whether this is a maintenance of the bp of Rome's authority. Has taken surety for his appearance. Wishes for an answer by the bearer. Croydon, 12 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 June. 1172. Thomas Legh, LL.D., and John Freman to Cromwell.
R. O. According to the commission and indenture, we have dissolved the monastery of Halesowen. The surrender, sealed with the convent seal, we send by the bearer, to be inrolled. Today we set forth towards Thurgaton. The late monastery of Halesowen, 12 June.
Pray remember the bill concerning the abp. of York's "suffringham," of whom the country have great need. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 June. 1173. William Berners to Wriothesley.
R. O. According to your desires, Mr. Cowper and I have surveyed the lands, parcel of the late monastery of Beaulieu, contained in the book delivered us by Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentations for an exchange to be made between the King and you. We enclose our certificate and a letter of our proceedings, which we beg you to convey to Mr. Chancellor. Beaulieu, 12 June.
The lands in Crowton valued in your book at 26s. 8d. a year are not within my rooms, and you must inquire thereof as shall seem good.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Right worshipful, &c., Mr. Thomas Wriothesley, esq. Endd.
12 June. 1174. O'Carroll.
Lamb. 603,
f. 82.
Indenture, 12 June 30 Hen. VIII., between the King and Fergananym O'Karoll, principal captain of the country of Ely O'Karrell, as to the terms on which he shall aid the Deputy, (See fuller abstract in Carew Calendar)
Copy, Lat., pp. 2.
12 June.Galba B. x.
B. M.
1175. Fra Hieronimo Dazambuta to Gregory de Lima, a Portuguese Dominican at Zerichsee. (?)
About certain books and other necessaries he left at Bordeaux. Louvain, 12 . . nho (Junho ?) 1538.
Portuguese. Hol., p.1. Mutilated. Add.
13 June. 1176. Cranmer to Cromwell.
R. O.
C.'s Letters,
Will meet him at London tomorrow, as it is the King's pleasure. Has no manner of stuff nor provision at Lambeth, and desires him to appoint some other place to meet the ambassadors tomorrow. Croydon, 13 June. Signed.
P. 1. Endd.: The bp. of Canterbury to my L. P. S.
13 June. 1177. Latimer to Cromwell.
R. O.
L.'s Remains,
p. 393.
Not being able to attain to the use of his park at Allchurch, intended to have sued to Cromwell for some good piece of the demesne of Borslay for his money. No man having the name of so many things, has the use of so few as he. Is handled like a ward. But hearing that the bearer, Mr. Evance, had already begun the same suit, gives up his intention, and wishes him success. He is witty and politic, active and expert in things to be done, and prompt to serve Cromwell. Asks him also to remember the suit of his nurse. Master Nevell, (fn. n3) making himself sure of his suit, has got the widow.
Trusts he will bestow our great Sibyll (fn. n4) to some good purpose, ut pereat memoria cum sonitu. She hath been the devil's instrument to bring many, I fear, to eternal fire; now she herself, with her old sister of Walsingham, her young sister of Ipswich, with their other two sisters of Dongcaster and Penryesse, would make a jolly muster in Smithfield. They would not be all day in burning. 13 June, at Hartlebury.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1178. Latimer to Cromwell.
R. O.
L.'s Remains,
p. 390.
The bearer, Mr. Buttlere, of Dorttwych, one of the Commissioners, can tell Cromwell of the misbehaviour of a certain priest in the commotion time. Speaks in Buttlere's favour, who can tell Cromwell also of an unpriestly priest whose damsel was brought to bed alate, and of another who hath defiled a young girl of 13, "and burnt her almost to death." "O unholy and also unchaste chastity, which is preferred in a Christian realm to chaste and holy matrimony!" Is lightheaded for lack of sleep. Reminds him of his nurse and Nevell.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1179. Latimer to Cromwell.
R. O.
L.'s Remains,
p. 417.
Has to thank him for many things. Cromwell has begun right graciously with the school of Gloucester. If he would make an end, his perseverance would not be unrewarded. If the King sells lands belonging to monasteries, lady Cooke, foundress of the school, would give 20 years' purchase for a parcel near the town lately belonging to Llanthony. Encloses a bill of the value. Sends the bearer, Mr. Garrett, his chaplain, to speak with lady Cook and Cromwell.
Will say no more about his nurse, but if Cromwell will remember her friendly, she will remember him again accordingly.
Hol., pp. 2. Add .: Lord Privy Seal, Endd.
2. "A remembrance for my lady Coke, of Gloucester."
R. O. She desires to purchase from the King the farm of Poddysmede, once belonging to Lanthony priory, near Gloucester, for the free school in Gloucester, according to her late husband's will. The rent is taxed at 40s. in money and 11l. 13s. 4d. in corn.
P. 1.
13 June. 1180. John, Bishop of Sodor, to Cromwell.
R. O. I received the King's command under the seal your Lordship uses in causes ecclesiastical the Tuesday in the Rogation week, and perceive his Grace is informed I have given orders to persons not able in learning to receive the same. I have never given orders but to those I thought sufficiently learned, and who "had letters dimissaries" from the bp. of their diocese. What restraint is made by the King and his Council with the consent of the Bishops was and is unknown to me; but now that I have the King's command I shall minister only to able persons within my own diocese. I beg to be excused from appearing in person; I am fourscore years of age, have been sick and cannot labour so far. Please remember your favour to me when I was prior of the Black Friars in London. Ormyskyrke, Lancashire, 13 June, Signed: Joh'es Sodorensis.
P. 1. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: John Soderones letter.
13 June. 1181. Anne Rouaud (Madame de Bours) to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have been long without news of you. I was hoping we should have had peace, and that I could have gone to see you, as I had promised you and your daughter. If I had my wish I would be often with her. I send three dozen boxes of glass (?) (boites de voire) to put your comfits in. I can get you more if you like them. They are not made near this, and I have been long in getting them. I thank you for the fur you were good enough to send me. If you had written how much it cost I would have sent you the money. Please let me know by the bearer. Gamaches, 13 June. Signed.
My son Montmorensy recommends himself to my Lord and you.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: a Calles.
13 June. 1182. Michael Villanovanus (fn. n5) to Martin Victorianus.
R. O. Expressions of friendship and commendation of the bearer. Exhorts him to fulfil his name and be victorious over vice. Louvain, Id. Jun.
Lat. Hol., p. 1. Add: Candido ac studioso domino, Magistro Martino Victoriano, Luteciae.
14 June. 1183. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. The matter movod between the lord Daubeney's counsel and the lord Beauchamp, earl of Hertford, is so sure that your Ladyship may set your heart at rest. Lord Daubeney may make offers, but no man will deal with him unless he be out of his wits. I cannot yet speak with him that hath the travers, but I think he will be here after these holidays. I sent you the inventory of Soberton; Mr. Bonham desires more respite. The matter is now at my Lord's disposal and yours. I hope my lord Privy Seal will be induced to despatch my Lord's licence. London, 14 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd: "Hawnton, Sir T. Arondell. My cosin Coffin hath yeres. Travess iiij. li. by the nixt sure (?). Thanks for the paynes in the matter [of] lord Daubeney." And in another place: Thomas Arondell.
14 June. 1184. Thurgarton Priory.
R. O.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender of the house and all its possessions in cos. Notts., Linc, and Derb., and elsewhere in England and Wales and the marches thereof, 14 June 1538, 30 Hen. VIII. Signed by John Berwick, prior, Wm. Chane, sub-prior, and seven others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. ii. 45.]
Seal injured. Counter sealed.
Enrolled [Cl. Roll, p. 1, No. 14] as acknowledged same day before Thos. Legh, LL.D.
14 June.
R. O.
1185. The Council of the Admiral at Dieppe to the Deputy of Calais.
We are sending letters to Mons. dc Beures, admiral of Flanders, about some captures made by the Flemings on this coast in violation of the truce between our King and the Emperor. We request you to forward them. Dieppe, 14 June.
Fr. Hol., p. 1. Add.
14 June. 1186. John Bekynsaw to Antony Barkar.
R. O. Thanks him for sending money. The trouble in sending over Barkar's stuff was because so many things were mailed in canvas that they said it was merchandise and not scholar's stuff. There was trouble about it again at Rouen, and had they not sent some one with it, either Mr. Welden or the writer must have gone. Sends his corporis case by Thos. Gressam. Paris, 14 June 1638.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At the Hangyng Legge yn Chepesyde.
14 June. 1187. Myguel Villanueva (fn. n6) to Hernando Villanueva.
R. O. Particulars ahout letters received and sent last year and the present. After his master's death 8 August last, went to Louvain in the beginning of September with 40 ducats, which some gentlemen in two cities collected for him, and six given him by the marchioness de Zenete. There is as good study (estudio) here as at Paris and many Spanish students, among them a nephew of Miguel de lo Silla. You might send letters to me by Jaime Lopez, who has a relative here named Geronimo Lopez, to whom I sent last Lent a St. Jerome cut with scissors. I am as well as you or I could wish. I study theology and Hebrew, but it is expensive. This country is very healthy, although one only drinks barley water (aqua cozida con cenada y trigo y otras hiervas). I wish much to have a letter from Pedro, whom God guide into His service. I should like also to hear of Lamberta and how things are in Barcelona, and what the gentleman's name is and whence he comes. I have written frequently to my brothers. I beg my sister also to inform me about the capture of Señor Xuarez. Moralises upon the death of some friends.
Gives an account of a miracle which he witnessed performed by the Virgin on a bewitched child on May 3, at which Catholics have rejoiced, and the heretics (who are from Germany) been confounded. Louvain, 14 June 1538.
Hol. Spanish, defaced, pp. 3. Add: A mi Señor Hernando Villanueva en casa dela biuda del Rio Cabo San Gil.
GalbaB.x.76. 2. Duplicate of the preceding.
B. M. Hol., pp. 3. Add.
14 June. 1188. Scotch Augustinians.
Vatican MS. Note that in the Consistory, 14 June 1538, the Pope appointed Patrick Neptunus, prior of the metropolitan church of St. Andrew's, to the church of "Maionensis" (priory of the Isle of May?) in Scotland, void by the death of Alex. Staureth; and commended the monastery of St. Michael of Scotland of the order of Austin Canons, St. Andrew's dioc., void by death of the said Alexander, to the said Patrick.
Latin. From a modern transcript in R. O.
15 June. 1189. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Herewith you will receive a letter from Mr. Yowe of the Temple, who, I assure you, is an honest man, and will not suffer you or Mr. Basset to sustain wrong. As to lord Daubeney, I think when he has consulted his counsel, he will have little mind to attempt anything further, unless he meet with such a one as himself. Your Ladyship has good friends. London, 15 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: M. Calais. Endd.: Ulston park, Buck.
15 June. 1190. John Kyngysmylle to Wriothesley.
R. O. Professions of obligation, especially for preferring him to the lord Privy Seal, whom he finds, as Wriothesley said, most liberal to his friends. Hears the King intends "to suppress all wrong bearers" and trusts the lord Privy Seal will undertake that labour. There is a prebend of the house of Worwell, "the prebendary lieth at Bathe and is called Bathe prebendary," worth 7l. or 8l. a year. The vicar of Worwelle, the prebendary, died at Worwelle on Thursday last. The next nomination is in the lord Privy Seal's hands: if his Lordship and Wriothesley esteem it too small for them, he would like it for a friend of his sister abbess or himself. At his late coming from Wriothesley, before coming to his own house he was at Mr. Upton's, and there saw Mr. William Pownde's evidence, which, the other side not seen, seems good. Went then to Mr. Nicholas Tychborne at Tychborne, and his son young Mr. Nicholas, who gave thanks for Wriothesley's favour: young Mr. Tychborne, the son and heir, will wait on Wriothesley next term and commit the cause to him. All the honest gentlemen of the country rejoice that Wriothesley purposes "to inhabit." Cannot be at London before Midsummer even. Wycchurche, 15 June.
Recommend my wife and me to Mrs. Wryslye.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Right worshipful Mr. Wryslye. Endd.
15 June. 1191. Ric. [Whiting] Abbot of Glastonbury to the Duke of Norfolk.
R. O. This day I received your letters of 27 May in favour of my friend Sir Edward Gorges for the grant of some farms "belonging to my house (as by [the mo]uth of his servant I am informed, who doth know none to b[e free that] I may grant nor I myself know none." Glastonbury, 15 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
15 June. 1192. John Hull to Cromwell.
R. O. I spake with James Cortney, as I rode homewards, about his coming up. He will confess to you all about himself, Davylles, Thomas Gybbys, and others, besides Andrew Hylsedon and others that have committed extortions for saving of thieves and murderers. There is a great retayenor in our country which causes much mischief and must be redressed. I pray you remember the expedition of my bill, for there shall be much sinister labour made to the King on behalf of Ant. Harvy, surveyor to the marquis of Exeter. One lady Martyn in my country, an aunt of mine, over 88 years of age, who may dispend 200 marks a year and is of great substance, for she got all my uncle's lands, after his decease, which should have come to my father. She desired me to be her friend and manage her affairs, which I did at my great cost; in consideration whereof she promised to come and live with me and leave me the profit of her lands, and also delivered me her will, sealed, in which I was named her sole executor, before witnesses. Now when I was last at London, Sir Hugh Pawlett, kt., and a man and woman, her servants, craftily converted her mind from me to be governed by Sir Hugh and his assignees. This, for which I had given no cause, is to my great hindrance and especially to my rebuke. I trust you will send letters in my favour to the said Sir Hugh and to lady Martyn, and will "acquite" your Lordship with such a pleasure as ye shall be pleased. You will hear more of my mind by the bearer, Mr. Boddy. Exeter, 15 June.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.: Letters post medium Junii.
15 June. 1193. W. Welden to Ric. Jones, Chief Master of St.. Paul's School.
R. O. Mr. Peplewell, lying sick in bed, sent him Jones' letters of 2nd inst. Went to see him, but was strangely received by his servant in the shop, who said he was in his chamber with the physician. Has sought this morning for his (Jones's) wife, but finds very few "tablettes rownde," the fashion being exolete. The biggest exceed not the compass of a rial, without full of emale of divers colours, most commonly, and openeth with a vice, that there may be put within it musce or sweet powders. Such may be had for 30s., with the fashion for which they ask a noble or a crown. Has not yet found the stones he wants. He does not say in what stone he wants Pegasus graven, as he does Janus in a cornelian, or any other good stone. Does not expect to find them ready made. Does not wish to take charge of children any more, for he is able to live and does not wish to hinder his study. If he sends money, asks him to send single or double ducats or crowns of the sun, no other money being current but with loss. The College of Cambray, 15 June 1538.
Hol., p. 1. Add.. London.
15 June. 1194. Martin de Çornoça to Charles V.
Add. MS.
8,590, f. 181.
B. M.
The bearer of this is Sigismund Harvel, who goes on the part of the Signor Reginald Pole to explain to your Majesty all that passed in the business of which I have formerly written by the licenciate Leguiçamon. The cause of this gentleman's long delay in leaving here was the uncertainty of finding your Majesty in Barcelona; and he left immediately upon the news of your glorious departure. The said Sigismund, both for his embassy, which I hope will be grateful to your Majesty, and for the affection he has always shown for you, deserves thanks. Venice, 15 June 1538.
Spanish, pp. 2. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar V., ii., No. 207.]
16 June. 1195. Thomas Legh, LL.D., to Wriothesley.
R. O. I have received your letter, at Thurgarton, concerning Mr. Cooper, and accomplished the effect thereof. I have also received a letter from my Lord in answer to such things as my friends moved me to speak of, the resignation of Whitby and the election at St. Oswald's, which be bot in my commission: some back friend has hindered me to my "dishonesty," and disprofit, as to the fees. I pray you, for the office of amity betwixt us, to let me know who made the false suggestion and obtained the letter, for I know not the hand. From the late priory of Turga[rton], 16 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
16 June. 1196. John Mille to Wriothesley.
R. O. You showed me, at my late being with you, that you would have part of the lands of Beaulieu for grazing for your house. You should take the whole close of Beaulieu. We have begun your courts. At the last courts the tenants came not all in; wherefore we intend at these courts to perfect the court book and confer it with the old rentals. The bearer, my fellow, Mr. Rithe, whom we can ill spare, can declare our intents, and also what repairs are necessary in your tenements in Tichefield. The court house should be repaired and a pillory and cucking stool made, "which is to be had within every libertie for the punishment of offenders." Where you required me to have this next term the 100l. payable at Michaelmas next; our ships are arrived in Southampton Water, three with "malseys" and two with "sekks" and other merchandise, whereof I have part and must pay freight and customs, so that I can ill spare the 100l. till Michaelmas; yet rather than have an ill look from you I would provide it. Ticchefeld, 16 June.
Hol., pp.2. Add.: Esquire. Endd.
16 June. 1197. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks for the expedition of my causes, as I perceive by my surveyor. You note negligence in my Chancellor for not taking heed to the King's injunctions. I am sorry, but have been so busied here in setting order and quietness in these parts, that I could not attend to it. I have sent for my said Chancellor. I thought he had consulted with his friend Dr. Gwent, dean of the Arches, how to have used himself in my visitation at this time. I desire you to accept my good will. My surveyor is always ready to do his part as becometh him.
In his own hand: Upon my certificate to you touching Gloucestershire, I sustain great displeasure, behind my back, from Mr. Breges. The castle in the Poyle (Welshpool), 16 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
17 June. 1198. Chapuys and Mendoza to Charles V.
Calendar V.
ii., No. 225.
The Emperor will see from their letter of the 8 June how little hope there is of a good result from their negociations. Had nothing but the Emperor's letter to show in confirmation of what he said to Wyatt, who seems anxious to penetrate his Majesty's intentions, probably to communicate them to the ambassadors of Saxony and the Landgrave, or at least to that of Francis, who was well received by the King while we were conferring with Cromwell and the Council. Cromwell has shown them the Emperor's letter of the 4th, but has declined to give them particulars of Wyatt's charge because they had objected to the Emperor's letter about it being read to the Council. The King, in a draft answer shown to us, declines to send the powers desired by the Emperor until the conditions of the offensive and defensive league are more fully specified. He also objects to the conditions about Milan as prejudicial to the rights of the Duchess and the crown of Denmark. The ambassadors took all in good part, but showed that the reasons for suspending negociations were flimsy—especially the alleged inability of the bp. of Winchester and the postponement of other matters to the two marriages—the King's and that of Mary, about which it might be thought he was not anxious while the Germans were making him other offers. In fact the King at that time sent a painter to Germany to take the portraits of the personages. Have not yet ascertained what alliances the Germans propose; some say the son of the duke of Cleves for the Princess and a kinswoman of his for the King. London, 17 June 1538.
Fr. From a MS. at Vienna.
17 June. 1199. Ric Bp. of Chichester to his Commissary.
R. O. Has received his letters, with an information against Sir Thomas Coveley, (fn. n7) vicar of Tysherst, who seems to be a very fool, for he has the King's book to learn what he should teach the people, which the Bp. wrote to his Chancellor to charge all the curates in the diocese to set forth. The man not only disobeys this commandment but does the contrary in contempt of the King and all the clergy of England. You must charge him to return to the places where he has so lewdly preached and acknowledge his fault before the people. I would he should do this three days. If he refuse, suspend him. London, 17 June.
Copy, p. 1.
ii. A note is added by the copyist on the same page that the penance was enjoined because the vicar had added divers similitudes and examples in reading the King's book, whereas the book itself was sufficient, as appears by the information sent to the Bp. by two justices.
iii. On the back of the preceding is a copy of the vicar's confession and submission to his diocesan, with a certificate appended, stating that it was proclaimed by the vicar in the pulpit of Tyseherst Church on Sunday before St. Peter and Paul's Day, St. Peter's Day, and the Sunday following. Witnesses:—Mr. Lyvet, B.D., Wm. Houll, and 12 others.
R. O. 2. Articles against Sir Thos. Cowley, vicar of Ticehurst.
He disobeyed the King's injunctions by setting forth images and miracles openly in the pulpit, and rebuking those that followed the Testament or had one. He quoted the case of a sick person healed by St. Martin, who complained of the miracle wrought on him because henceforth he would have to work for his meat. "But I trust," he said, "our sovereign lord the King shall be that Martin and take away that disease from you, which is the Testament. You botchers, bunglers, and cobblers which have the Testament in their keeping, ye shall deliver it to us gentlemen which have studied therefor." He said the people would not dare to spit upon the King's face on a groat, but would spit upon an image, which was spitting upon God. In four years all would be as it was before, therefore they should do as they have done, offer up a candle to St. Lowye for their horses, and to St. Antony for their cattle. He would never turn except it were more for fear than for anything else.
On Candlemas Day he came to the chancel door between matins and mass and declared a ballad of Our Lady, and said to the people, "Law, law, Masters, I said we should have the old fashion again, ye may see it comes a little and a little." Another time he said in the pulpit "I wot never what I shall say unto you, for ye will not fast Lent, ye will eat white meat, yea, and it were not for shame, ye would eat a piece of bacon instead of a red herring. I daresay there be a hundred thousand worse people now than there was this time twelvemonth within England." Those who had the New Testament were of the new trick. "It is but trick and go. Lightly it came and lightly it will be gone again." Furthermore he said, "An thou wilt, I can help thee to a room that is worth 20 nobles a year, but thou mayest not be of the new trick then, for I will warrant thee it will not last a year." To another who came to him to be confessed he said, "I will warrant it will not last two year."
P. 1. Endd.
1200. Ric. Bp. of Chichester to Richard Cromwell.
R. O. Yesterday, at the desire of yourself and other friends, I was content that "the young man" (fn. n8) should come into the church of Chichester on a Sunday, and with a low voice, to the priest that shall sing mass, say, I knowledge myself to have offended Almighty God and the world, and I desire mercy of God; and then distribute, personally or by deputy, two bushels of wheat in halfpenny loaves to poor people. The young man has been with me this morning and scornfully refused this penance. I pray you weigh the matter, as it touches the honesty of your friend, and if there be any business I shall inform the King, and doubt not my lord Privy Seal will assist me. At Martyn, Thursday morning.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. Sealed.
17 June. 1201. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I send you a letter from Mr. Yewe, touching lord Daubeney's pretence, which I believe to be without doubt or danger, for no wise man will deal with him unless he has something better to show for himself. The damask will be ready next week and I will send or bring it with me. I spoke again to my lord Privy Seal for my Lord's licence, telling him that I could no longer tarry. His Lordship bade me wait, and said I should not go without it. I have had so many promises that I have little confidence till I get the bill signed in my hands. London, 17 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: in Calais. The names Mr. Yeo, John Davie, John Lutr (?) jotted down in another hand underneath the text of the letter.
17 June. 1202. Latimer to Cromwell.
L.'s Remains,
p. 396.
By this bill enclosed Cromwell can perceive how the world doth wag with Warrwycke College. Told Mr. Wattwude at London to hasten home home for sparing expense, and refer the suit to Cromwell's remembrance; but he delights to lie at London at the college cost, and caring neither for statutes nor injunctions. Asks Cromwell to be good lord to the poor college,—so poor, that he took not his customable procurations at his visitation. Is fain to reward himself the readers of the Scripture lecture, which he enjoined; "verum id curat populus, scilicet, Mr. Watwude careth greatly for it." The treasure house should have three keys, but he takes upon him altogether as pleases himself. As the King has the chief jewel that they had, his Highness should remember them with some piece of some broken abbey, or they will grow shortly to nought. The vicars and other ministers sing and say unwaged. Reminds him of Mrs. Statham's suit. 17 June. "At Hartlebury, shortwinded."
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R.O. 2. Memorandum that John Carvanell, dean, John Fisher and David Vaughan, canons [of Warwick], have agreed in the chapter house that Fisher and John Rey, under-treasurer, shall ride to their ordinary [the bp. of Worcester] and show him the injuries and wrongs done by Mr. Wetwood, one of their brethren. 13 June 30 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Endd.: Warwyc.
17 June. 1203. Stephen, Abbot of Hales, to Cromwell.
R.O. Gives him immortal thanks for his goodness to the monastery. Has received Cromwell's letters by Mr. John Nayshe in his favour for the farm of Pynnok, which the monastery holds in fee farm of the King. This would compel him to restrict his hospitality, and he hopes Nayshe himself is satisfied. Heyles, 17 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
17 June. 1204. [Sir] John Lamplugh to Cromwell.
R.O. I and other, the King's Commissioners of peace within the liberties of Furness, have lately kept the sessions and gaol delivery according to his Grace's commission to us directed. We had many prisoners before us, three of whom were executed for felony. Give further credence to my son, the bearer. The King's manor place of Furness, 17 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.: John Lamplugh
17 June. 1205. Edw. Bp. of Meath to Ant. St. Leger.
Lamb. 602,
f. 131.
St. P. iii. 29.
Has yet received no writing from him. Wrote by John Plunkett much of his trouble by the bishop of Dublin, who has gained over Mr. Treasurer and the Master of the Rolls, and boasts himself to rule all the clergy, so that honest men are weary and reckon that pride has made him forget himself. He has joined with him one Silvester, who, men say, abhors the mass. My lord Privy Seal should make some secret inquisition of their truth. Means should be appointed that such bishops as had their bulls from Rome may have them cancelled and receive something of like effect from the King. Since, in the Irishry it is said that the supremacy is maintained by force and not by reason, safe conducts should be given to the Irish clerks to come and dispute about it at liberty, and proclamations to that effect made at Dundalk and Kilkenny. Remember the instructions I wrote by your command about this country, especially to have our master recognised king of Ireland, and then all Ireland shall soon be sworn to due obedience. In my late "scean" this Whitsuntide I set forth my master's cause more boldly than has ever been done in Ireland, brought books to prove the usurped power of the bishop of Rome, and offered to answer who would dispute in it. But as my disease of stranguillion gets worse, I desire licence to ride on a pillion, if I am to attend parliaments and the like as I have done. Commend me to Mr. Moyle, and if you can both save "the poor soul" from the bishop of Dublin's purgatory I will give you each a "Meas peny." Alas, poor soul! In haste, 17 June.
Credence for Mr. Stephens as to the triumphing of the bishop of Dublin. "I assure you we lack no p. nor p." Signed.
Add.: Mr. St. Leger, and, in his absence, to Mr. Moyle.
At the head is written, "A letter unto me, St. Leger, concerning spiritual business."
18 June. 1206. Bell Metal.
See Grants in June, No. 27.
18 June. 1207. Axholm Priory.
Rymer xiv.,
Surrender of the house and all its possessions in cos. Linc., Warw., Leic., Ntht., Staff., York, Notts. and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof, 18 June 1538, 30 Hen. VIII. Signed by Mich. Mekenes, prior, and eight others, [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. ii. 8.]
Seal mutilated.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 1, No. 13.] as acknowledged same day before Thos. Legh, LL.D.
[18 June.] 1208. Thomas Pope to Wriothesley.
R.O. I have this day received letters from Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentations, requiring me, as the monastery of Bissam is like to be dissolved, to sue to my lord Privy Seal that when he shall compound with the abbot he (Mr. Chancellor) may have the demesnes of Byssam in farm which the abbot promised him when first moved to surrender. As one lately died in my house of the plague I dare not repair to my Lord, but desire you, as you are Mr. Chancellor's assured friend (as he has often told me), to help herein and Mr. Chancellor will deserve both my Lord's pains and yours. I beg you declare to my Lord why I cannot come to him, and write how you speed that I may inform Mr. Chancellor, who is now in Essex. London, Tuesday.
Hol., P. 1. Add. Endd.: 19 June. (fn. n9)
18 June. 1209. Charles Duke of Suffolk to Cromwell.
R.O. "And where I am credibly informed by Sir Thomas Russhe, of whose soul Jesu have mercy, and my steward this bearer, who hath commoned with Dr London, your late visitor for the abbey of Reisby, in Lincolnshire, which is in great ruin and decay." The father of the house is a good fatherly man, but no husband, and I was moved by Sir Thomas Russhe and my said servant to write in favour of the cellarer there, a kinsman to the said Sir Thomas, who is thought by Dr. London an able man for the same. Westhroppe, 18 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
18 June, 1210.——— de la Torre (?) to Domingo Lopez de la Calleja.
R.O. A letter about the purchase of a book of hours and some letters to be sent to Louvain and to a friar who is not named. Enversa (?) (Antwerp?), 18 June 1538.
Sp., Hol. Add.: Paris.
18 June. 1211. The Ten Years' Truce.
Leonard ii.
Truce for 10 years between Charles V. and Francis I. concluded at Nice. 18 June 1538.
Fr. Copy, pp. 5. Endd.
2. A modern copy will be found in Egerton MS. 990, f. 381, B.M.
18 June. 1212. The Duke of Gueldres.
Vit. B.xx.
Copy of the article touching Gueldres in the truce, as in Leonard ii. 410. (fn. n10) Convent of St. Francis, Nice, 18 June 1538.
Mutilated, p. 1.
1213. G. Lov[eday] to Lord Lisle.
Calig. E. iv.,
[mo]st triumphantly aparaylled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and there salutid the quene wt a gre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his trumpetts and shaulmys blowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . answerid agayn wt a goodly shoote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Nece dyd the like. And so Andre Do[ria] . . . . . . . . . . . . and all his galeis apon the right hand went on wt her into the havin of Villef[ranca]. . . . . . . . . . . town and there beganne a newe sh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ought of all the galeis and towne at . . . . . . . . . . . . . and bregandynes and foystes ridinge the . . . . . . . . . . . . the sounde of trumpetts and shagbuttes w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Quenes galey tourned the pooup . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the noonys a stonys caste from the . . . . . . . . . . . . dyscendyd where themperor acompenied . . . . . . . . . . . Savoye the duke of Lorayne, and the Marq[uis] . . . . . . . . . . . . duke of Mantuo,
the markeis of Saluste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Spayne whoes namis I have not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . after he had right lovingly embrasid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . he welcomyd the Constable, the Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Mr. Brian very gentilly, and by re . . . . . . . . . . . . preysse there the bridge brake (fn. n11) and t[he] . . . . . . . . . . . and also the French king's daughter fell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the shoes, and so aftir went arme in . . . . . . . . . . . . chamber where the ladies dauncid and . . . . . . . . . . . . and abought vj of the clock at night she dep[arted] . . . . . . Villa Nova wt all hir galeis. And the xiijth [day of the] monthe two gentlemen of Italy being the . . . . . . . . . . servantes fought a campe on foote in theire hos . . . . . . . with a sleve of mayle on the lifte arme and . . . . . and in the right hand a glove of maylle and every of th[em] . . . . . and a dager, and so after longe fight the oon g . . . . . . . after he had given his felow a soore foyne and with the s . . . . . overthrewe and the other coming very hastily apon hym * * * and his son and heir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Navernis. Here is as yet very sm[all likelihood] of peace betwixt the Imperialls and the Fren[ch king. The] busshop of Rome wt his Cardynalls do trave[ll to bring abou]ght the same, and surely to lytill purpose as I byl [eve. The] Frenche bragis very muche theeye have in redynes . . . . . . thowsande launce knights wt the countie Gillams bande [tha]t lies here, wch I take to be a iijm and acomptid for vm [al]so the Kinge hath a m1 light horse of Italions. There is a great nowmber preparid to goo against the [Tur]ke in the ayde of the Venetians, who have sent wourde that onles theese princes do make peace they wooll [turn] to the Turke rather than to be overcomyn by the same; [of whi]che armeye be bearrers th'Emperour, the kinge of [Por]tingalle the Venicians and the Idoll of Roorae. The Turk has sent his son [and] Barbarossa by sea with 250 galleys, and comes him[self] by land with above 200,000 horse. Spanish ships have returned from Peru so laden that the Emperor's part amounts to 2,000,000 ducats, as Mr. Mason tells me. The Emperor has borrowed the whole from the owners. I think the King our master shall marry in France: God send him much issue. And thus, having no other news and very small time, I make an end. * * * my father, maister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Mr. Blunte hath him recommended unto y[our Lordship and my] Lady, and thanks my Lady for her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G. Lou[eday].
"My Lord, sinst the makinge hereof the [peace is concluded] for x yeris by se and londe, every man . . . . . . . . . . . . as in tyme of peace, and every man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and all allies comprised in the same, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the dwke of Savoye woll rendre h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the Frenche kinge, or he goo, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idoll of Rome departs tomorrow."
Hol., pp. 3. Right edges much injured. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
1214. The Interview at Nice.
Harl. MS.,
3553, f. 449.
B. M.
"Relatione del clarissimo M. Nicolo Tiepolo, ritornato ambasciatore dal convento di Nizza, dove fu fatto l'abbocamento della Sta di Papa Paolo Terzo con Carlo Quinto Imperatore et col Re Francesco I. di Francia, dove fu conclusa la triegua per 10 anni."
Describing to the Doge and Signory of Venice the course of the mission upon which they had sent him and Marc Antonio Cornaro. Describes first the Pope's negociations with the Emperor and French king to bring them to a peace, and secondly, their own negociations for assistance against the Turk.
Ital., pp. 106.
19 June. 1215. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 61. [London], 19 June:—Now that the king your brother is, as he says, quite certain that you will not have peace with the Emperor, although a truce is spoken of, and he knows the Pope will do nothing to displease the Emperor, and that the matter of the Council and the third contrahent is passed, he wishes to commence other negociations with you, and has written to Brian to declare them. As he has spoken of it to me very fully—perhaps more so than he has written—I think I ought to advertise you of it. It is:— That if you will declare against the Emperor, who is your enemy, not his (indeed he was never so sought after by the Emperor as at present), you must also leave the Pope, who is his, and perhaps yours, whatever he pretend. I answered that when you and he first made alliance, you thought only of bodies and goods, and left your souls in the hands of our Lord. "Let us not touch the soul, I beg," said C., "but talk only of bodies and goods." He replied upon this "soul" so many things contrary to the opinions of you two (de vous deu.v) that I was silent. "But," said he, "if the king my brother takes that ground, there must be reciprocity between us. Let him send no money to the Pope. Money and the soul have nothing to do with each other, and the greatest war one can make on the Pope is with his own money, and I know something about it." "How?" said I, "would you put us in confusion, so that we should never have peaceful benefices in France?" He said, "Let a patriarch be made in France. Pardieu! if I am a kinsman and ally of the cardinal of Lorraine I shall beg the king my brother to do it. Does he think that the Pope, his children, and all the Cardinals will ever consent to his entering the duchy of Milan? Would it not be necessary to restore Parma, Plaisance, and the county of Noarre? He deceives himself ever to trust to it; besides, the other potentates do not want so great a personage near them. Let him guard well what he has beyond the Mountains for a time, and if we agree together, which lies with him alone, there are other means to hurt our enemies much more. And then I shall be perhaps 'de la partie comme lui,' but pray do not write to him so openly yet. I converse privately with you, as you know I have always taken pleasure in doing. Let us speak first of seeing ourselves such sure friends that we can do some good thing together."
He shows great discontent with the Emperor for his union with the Pope. And because the Emperor has never spoken frankly nor put forward, as promised, that at this interview he (Henry) should be third contrahent, he feels the ingratitude of the said Emperor, and I promise you I keep him in that mind. Sometimes he is so piqued that both he and the lord Privy Seal have let fall that if he and you were united you might recover not only the sovereignty of Flanders, but the possession of it, and Artois as well. He himself would have Zealand and part of Holland, and remove the fairs of Antwerp to France, in some convenient place for the English, as upon the Somme, and then the Germans would come through Guise to seek the merchandise. I have thought that they made these proposals in fear of something being concluded against him at this interview, but now they see the interview broken, as it seems to them (for they know something of the Emperor's intention), they speak or it more than ever. I see better than ever that he is altogether inclined to you, but if you would entertain him you must to Bryant make more than usual demonstration of your amity for the King your brother, without, however, letting him know you have heard so much, for there is nothing, even to a look, he does not write to the King his master. You know in how many ways suspicious men judge of others.
He spoke also of the truce, saying you wished it for a long time and the Emperor for three years. He advises three years or less, and when you have debated your designs, if you do not conclude, you can always prolong it. His goodwill is marvellous if real and the things are so important that it is worth while trying him. I will, if you approve, beg that one of his people and I may go to you "afin qu'on ne parle point plus bas qu'on m'a parlé," when you are nearer Paris. With the aid of certain Germans by land and the kings of Scotland and Denmark by sea, and his intelligence elsewhere, he says a great effort could be made. He has some foolish trust in me, and I am astonished that he thinks I conceal anything from you; but I let him go on. If you do the same I shall draw more from him. He conjures me and makes me take the finest oaths in the world; but I have none except to God and you. He says he could disavow what he has said to me, for it has been, as it were, a confession, and because he found me so desirous of the amity between you.
As to the letter you wrote me of the 9th inst., he repeats that as the occasions are past, both as regards the Pope and the Emperor (for he knows the Pope won Id be sorry to have a Council assembled, and the Emperor will treat nothing with yo u) there is no need for you to insist upon the terms (que vous teniez les propoz) that he asked; but he thanks you for your willingness to have made them upon condition of the aid you asked of him. Now you are upon other terms, as he has shown you by Bryant and me, and if you approve those Bryant puts forward you will find him reciprocal.
Hoyet returns to the Emperor. I think his dispatch is cold and meagre, although he gives always fine words until more certain of you.
19 June. 1216. The Same to the Same.
Kaulek, 63. [London] 19 June:—Received, on the 16th, his letters of the 9th, and spoke as instructed. The king of England's reply, &c. (last two paragraphs of the preceding letter.)
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript of this and the preceding letter together and a duplicate transcript of the latter, are in R.O. The second is headed as to be delivered instead of the first if the Constable think fit.
19 June. 1217. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 64. [London], 19 June:—As he knows not on what terms they are with the Pope and Emperor, writes two letters to the King. For in one he puts so many things, that without Montmorency's advice, for fear of breaking any conclusion they may be at, Castillon would not that it should be read to him (Francis?). The other answers those of the 9th. Begs that the advertisement may be kept secret. Wants money more than ever as he is so much visited.
If you wish to entertain this King urge always the marriages; for he only waits for them to be presented, and the pictures must be seat immediately. He has heard that Mons. de Guyse has a daughter still more beautiful than the second. I hear she is in a religious order, but not professed (qu'elle est en une religion, mais elle n'est pas religieuse). You can say something of it to Mr. Bryant; for he expects to be asked and to have several offered him. C'est un merveilleux sire, comme vous vovez.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
19 June. 1218. Bustlesham, or Bisham Abbey.
R. O.
Rymer xi.
Surrender (by John Cordrey, abbot, &c.) of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Berks., Wilts., Bucks., Suff., Plants., Soms., Devon, Denbigh, and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof, 19 June 30 Hen. VIII. Signed: Per me (fn. n12) Cordrey, abbatem de Bysham, and by Wm. Walter, prior, and 14 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. ii. 13].
Seal good.
Enrolled [Close Roll., p. 1, No. 16] as acknowledged same day before Ric. Layton, clk., and Edw. Carne, doctors of law.
19 June. 1219. Adam Damplip.
Royal MS.
7 C. xvi. f.
B. M.
Order made by the Council of Calais, 19 June 30 Hen. VIII., present, viscount Lisle, Sir Ric. Granfeld, marshal, Sir Thos. Palmer, porter, Robt. Fouler, vice-treasurer, Wm. Sympson, under marshal, and John Rokwoode, baillie of Mark. Setting forth that whereas certain chapters have been read at the White Friars by Adam Damlip, priest, who has set forth matters touching the Sacrament of the altar which have aroused controversy, to the prejudice of the King's retinue and the town, the lord Deputy sent for the Commissary of the abp. of Canterbury, who had licensed Damlip to preach, and warned him that tomorrow, Corpus Christi Day, if Damplip shall preach otherwise than may stand with the King's pleasure, I will charge you, Mr. Commissary, with the same, because it is you that have licensed him to read and preach: "and therefore I discharge me and charge you, Mr. Commissary, with the same." Extracted from the register and certified by Thos. Rogers. Signed: Ryc. Graynffeld—Thomas Palmer—Robert Fouler—Willm. Sympson—John Rockewood.
Pp. 2. Endd.: Copy of a decree.
[19 June.] 1220. Lord James Butler to Ormond.
Titus B. xi.
B. M.
St. P. iii. 31.
Has received a letter from Sir George Care, who certifies that the King is well and intends this summer to Calais to meet the French king and duchess of Milau, who is likely to be our mistress. Has sent Mr. Cowley's letter to Mr. Treasurer, trusting it may overtake Walter Cowley in Dublin. There is no more news in it than in Ormond's own letter. Heard today from Carys, Ormond's servant, that the lord Deputy's servants besiege Byrre Castle and intend to deliver it to Fergannanym, who has said, before O'Mulmoy, that he trusts to receive both Roscree and the Nenagh, from the lord Deputy, before Lady Day. Callowghe O'Carroll's priest reports today that Fergannanym and the Deputy's servants intend to take away their prey that is in the quarter of Thorles. Asks how to prevent this. Encloses Ric. Nugent's letter and asks to have it returned, with Ormond's answer, with speed. Callan, this Wednesday. Signed.
Add.: Father.
19 June. 1221. Sir Francis Bryan to Lord Lisle.
R. O. "These Courts been so full as all the world were gathered upon a plump. The Emperor's Court is great, the bishop of Rome's less, and the French Court three times so big as the most of them." All the towns and villages within four or five leagues of them are so full that one can hardly get a lodging. "And in the French Court I never saw so many women; I would I had so many sheep to find my house whilst I live. And great triumphs in all these Courts have been made, and many meetings of all parts but of the Emperor and the French king, for they yet meet not; nevertheless yet have they concluded a truce for ten years and thus been departed, the Emperor determining towards Spain, the French king homeward, and the bishop of Rome towards Rome," Hopes to see him soon. Antibo, 19 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
20 June. 1222. Welbeck Abbey.
R. O.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Notts., Leic, Derb., York, Linc, or Ntht., or elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof. 20 June 30 Hen. VIII. Signed by Richard the abbot, Wm. Hatfeld, subprior, and 16 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. II. 47.]
Top of seal lost
Enrolled [Cl. Roll., p. 2, No. 40] as acknowledged same day before Wm. Peter, one of the clerks of Chancery.
20 June. 1223. Richard Morysine.
"Apomaxis calumniarum convitiorumque quibus Joannes Coclaeus, homo theologus, exiguus artium professor, scurra procax, Henrici Octavi Serenissimi Regis Angliae famam impetere, nomen obscurare, rerum gestarum gloriam foedare, nuper edita, non tam ad Regem quam in Regis invidiam, epistola studuit. Authore Ricardo Morysino, Anglo."
Epistle dedicatory to Cromwell "Angliae regi, cum a secretis turn a consiliis, &c.," dated London, "1538, 12 calendas Julii."
Latin. A small quarto volume of 101 leaves, printed by Berthelet and dated at the end 1537. The copy in the British Museum has corrections in Morysine's own hand.
*** This work was written in answer to Cochlaeus' de Matrimonio Regis Anglioe Henrici Octavi congratulatio disputatoria, published at Leipsic in 1535. It relates the history of Katharine's two marriages, insists that the death of her children was evidence of the Divine displeasure at her unlawful union with Henry, discusses the origin of papal authority, reviles More and Fisher, whom the author taunts with concealing the revelations of Eliz. Barton, and whose execution he palliates on the ground that both were ill and unlikely to live long. Their imprisonment, moreover, was not rigorous. The Pope (Paul III.) is spoken of as a deserter from the Order of St. Francis, and Cochlaeus is accused of having received a prebend at Mersburg on condition of not writing more against Luther. Complaint is also made of the Pope's having lately (fn. n13) sent a sword to the King of Scots with the title Defensor Fidei, that he might promote civil discord in England. Towards the end of the volume the princess Mary's reconciliation to her father is spoken of.
R. O. 2. Imperfect draft of the preceding in Morysine's own hand. Pp. 96. Very much corrected, whole pages being cancelled.
R. O. 3. Another draft also in Morysine's hand, even more corrected than the preceding.
Pp. 86, according to a modern pagination, but 21 of these pages are blank.
20 June. 1224. Lord James Butler to Rob. Cowley.
Tit. B. xi. 406.
B. M.
St. P. iii. 32.
Ellis, 2d. S.
II. 48.
Has received his letters, and is glad the false reports of my lord Privy Seal in this land have been brought to light, which the writer had been so anxious to prove. "My lord Deputy is the earl of Kildare newly born again, not only in destroying of those that alway have served the King's Majesty, but also in maintaining the whole sect, band, and alliance of the said Earl after so vehement and so cruel a sort as the like hath not been seen to be bydden by." O'Connor is his right hand, who has always been the scourge of the English Pale, and has married Kildare's daughter. O'Karroll, now called Fargananym, who has married his other daughter, and was always the conductor of the traitor Thomas Fitzgerald to the Irishry, is now in favour with him, no man like, next O'Connor; insomuch that he lately sent his household servants and his own company with Fargananym to besiege Byrr Castle, my lord my father's inheritance, as Kildare did at the beginning of his rebellion. My said lord Deputy has promised to give the said Fargananym Rossocree and the Nenagh, which had been 160 years in Irishmen's possession, till my father recovered them by the King's grant. I would he endeavoured to recover Englishmen's possessions out of Irish- men's hands, rather. O'Neile, Kildare's kinsman "and chief band," who, oth when Norfolk was lieutenant and in Skeffington's time, was the scourge that the said Earl had on the borders of Meath and Uriel when the Earl would procure him to stir, is now much made of by my lord Deputy, who promises to bring him to Dublin to bear the sword before him, as he did before Kildare. Kedaghe Roo and his brethren, the late O'More's sons, who assaulted me and murdered my brother Thomas, have lately "prayd" the lordship of Owghter Inn, 20 miles within the English Pale, with only eight horsemen and part of my lord Deputy's servants, who commanded the gentlemen of co. Kildare to suffer them to pass when they would have rescued the prey; whereof my lord Deputy had 20 kine, Stephen Appare 10, and Edmund Archebold, one of their guides, 2. The said Kedaghe and his brethren were Thos. Fitzgerald's minions in robbing the English Pale.
Of late my lord my father, taking with him O'More that now is to Dublin by virtue of my lord Deputy's letters, having been chosen by my said lord Deputy, the King's Commissioners and the Council, chief captain of Leys, and took lands of the King accordingly, was taken and most cruelly treated by my lord Deputy; which put him to such rebuke that regardless of his age and debility he could scarcely be stayed from going to the King to complain. There is no injustice that the Deputy will not approve for the favour he bears to the Geraldines.
To be plain, will do like count Duruse, who, when the peace was concluded between the Emperor and the French king by Mons. Du Bure, the Emperor's lieutenant, against his master's honour, as he considered, vowed he would not put harness on his back under the said lieutenant till he had seen the Emperor. Unless commanded by the Council, who cannot rule my lord Deputy in this matter, will not put harness on his own back under him till he sees the King or knows his pleasure by my lord Privy Seal, to whom he is ashamed to write, not having his money ready at this time, but will make shift to send it in all possible haste. Does not complain without too good cause, for his servants are daily quarrelled with by those of my lord Deputy, who call him and his father traitors. Alas, that the Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls, or you are not here for the space of four days. Our governor threatens every man in such a tyrannous tone that no man dare speak against his appetite more than I or any other man durst speak against the bp. of Rome's usurped authority if we were there, for he is chief of his sect in this land.
My Lord my father is not yet returned from Dublin. Your son Walter, I hear, has gone over with letters from him and others of the Council to my lord Privy Seal.
To conclude, if all Ireland desired to enfeeble the Englishry they could not do it better than my lord Deputy does. Through comfort of him O'Neil calls for his black rent in Mith and Uriell, McMorrow in cos. Kilkenny and Wexford, and this new O'Karroll in Tipperary most of all, because my lord Deputy put down the last O'Karroll's sons that served the King in the rebellion. He has trodden them under foot to strengthen Fargananym, for O'Karroll's sons were a yoke in his neck, whereby he could not stir out of his country; and my Lord and I seeing how he (Fargananym) is supported by the Deputy, dare scarcely resist him in the destroying of Ormond. Kilkenny, 20 June.
If the book which is put in by six Cardinals in Rome against the abuse of the Church or Congregation of Rome be put in print there, pray send me one. Commend me to my lord of Worcester.
Add.: Robert [Cow]ley at London. Endd.: My lord Butler to Mr. Wrioth, 25 Junii.
20 June. 1225. Abp. Browne to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 35.
As he spreads the Gospel a report has arisen that he intends to pluck down our Lady of Trym, the Holy Cross, and the like places of pilgrimages. Never attempted it, though he would willingly oppress such idols. The Gospel is not in the hearts of some who outwardly maintain it, "as appeareth very well by a letter of late sent to the bishop of Meath, that I pray God dissimulation may once be rooted out." Irish outbreaks daily. Hints that the defect is in the Deputy, who is now gone to maintain O'Carrall What O'Carrall is the Master of the Rolls knows. Talaugh, 20 June, Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
20 June. 1226. The Earl of Desmond to Henry VIII.
Add. MS.
19,865, f. 12d.
B. M.
In as humble manner as any subject can, recommends himself to the King whose letters, dated Westra., 10 Feb., he received, 12 March, by Edm, Sexten, the King's servant. These letters and Sexten's instructions declare Henry's goodwill to the poor land of Ireland, in the reformation of which Desmond will be found both willing and flexible. The land is utterly decayed, and is bound to pruy to the Holy Trinity to maintain Henry in his good purpose towards it. The writer, the King's "true subject and daily orator, James of Desmond FitzJohn," begs to be reinstated in the lands of his predecessors. Rathcana, 20 June.
Modern copy, pp. 2. Headed: The earl of Desmond's submission to the King, by Edm. Sexten.
Add. MS.
19,865 f. 13d.
B. M.
2. Bond by James FitzJohn of Desmond to perform all things in which his friend Edm. Sexten shall speak to the King and Council in England, as follows:—
To bring to the King's coffers all the chief rent that O'Brien and McO'Brien Arra have upon the county of Limerick; also all the abbey lands and goods in Munster, and he and his friends will take them in farm. That all the lords and gentlemen, English and Irish, shall pay chief rent to the King.
Modern copy, p. 1. Headed: The earl of Desmond's promise to Edmond Sexten.
20 June. 1227. The Admiral's Officers at Vère to Lord Lisle.
R. O. We have received your letters addressed to the Admiral our master, which, in consequence of his absence at Court with the Vice-admiral, we have presented to Madame our mistress, but she declines to open them, and has forwarded them to the Admiral. La Vere, this day of Holy Sacrament, 20 June 1538.
Hol. Fr.p. 1. Add.


  • n1. Whitsun eve was June 8 in 1538.
  • n2. Whitsunday fell on the 9 June in 1538.
  • n3. Robert Nevill, a servant of Latimer's.
  • n4. The imago of Our Lady at Worcester. See Vol. XII., Pt. ii., No. 587.
  • n5. This apparently is Servetus. The handwriting bears a. strong resemblance to the facsimile in Dr. Willis's "Life of Servetus," and the Editor is confirmed in this opinion by the Rev. Alexander Gordon, of Manchester, who has devoted considerable attention to Servetus' life.
  • n6. See note to No. 1182.
  • n7. He is called Thomas Rochester alias Cowle in the Valor Eccl. i. 343.
  • n8. This does not appear to be the vicar of Ticehurst mentioned in the preceding letter but as it is impossible to date the letter precisely it is placed conveniently here.
  • n9. This must be the date of delivery.
  • n10. The French signatories, whose names do not appear in Léonard, are the cardinal of Lorraine and the Constable (Montmorency).
  • n11. See Vandanesse's Itinerary at the end of Bradford's Charles V., p. 508.
  • n12. Sic.
  • n13. It was early in 1537. See Vol. XII., Pt. i., Nos. 166, 414, 443, &c.